iMipfcS vHu--;, - U -r.( .Jii; --i :: " -: hin li-i.t i f--v -"is- 1 ' 1 ; ft rr, j . . 1 .Itie 'Qtritrnn tlf; I Cpsl.lrn nwsfJtn t!:a teited- field FaiTO and, rer .n tcrkon -liio forward; to tJt i DMcf llccd, where vt r -tjn VfaoreTa Will tlatr around his yctit! I brovr. 5 O tir and ehis 'rons t mtb, a 01. ooMe and feif le& i r J besringiaraieMKe tuife cf ,battle, extor?s Pre even from the motitha cf iirur er" :S ? ie? v ' 9 1 "o ? go' brays 'touU f nd "w i i J 1 ?r Jrff . p "ms that will H hti& i l ,onfnin Inhere the" InSt.tJtU-nf rsinl "H'rO. V' --arhg shall Jiavrt rrii' t if imii f"d4 1 M' lily : VT Tm a iS ' I i lf-r, ;-An'-v -f & kAwa iiicj ;. " -v i -r--i. I ; i , ... 4 K;. i It: .. ..-it.-,, -- .Sit.-' ?TB SUBSCniBER. II lli ikab! shed! Poblic Hoiwe. anowii K&i M SlghtirTMern') ! in the iXinlfiiansbbrT. K4Chformibi Friendf nl,l Public senerallfi thil lhe 8aroe ;w now rUL ind- Ua will ba Applied wi.h ? r ' i !. WI1 h wimni'mtr in hivmirmnS t'.t-r lbm n.y.k f mE FflOPRfkWRy the " Waichmaii f fl iSif Offlce'T;eJectfoIly Ihforms'th cib SMriflTa and .Consiables of the urroan(L i 109 Copnites. that b! hst and wilt continoe to tiniri faq.iSpjlycf BLANKS oeatli I Brioted-orflffood paperJ aod ;iio(tofpaSsM bj tot udci for aiit of the following Blanks proaipMj rSuptohfCottrf rtaWscketai Writ.; M CipttB3&dt Ca Sal flood, Sabpcea, Verjdif , Boor Kxpona Jororan icfeia, MecouoDS. . ( I; 'Countyl Court Jqrbr's fTicketi, Exeaiioqs; Affair Indict mflot9t Indicimeots ? a.i Qrtrseert - -t-- - rtAU-l tar;.--i'!ltf.r. J Etpbpaa, Witness Ticketa. lieeQaneoulC6DCtabTe8, Warraotsi f with iEiecaUons auacriedi)! Ca SaV& Bonds Gaarr 1 dim Bonds, r Apprentices Indenture, Marriage Ddiot Uootejanw;jUe!ferf . lioodt, lojanc tkMherjffi' Pe?ds,Vndi Expo), Appeal Buodt Codimisaloosiittt uks DpbsiUonsl Coni itibfptf Bons,1 Admrr.isfratdrs Bonds jPosecof Vli trjlFFErtfeN 0OLURHJ done s VJ' b VHorteat notice, and not sarbassed br r lifibn ri, no? .I,.lai3. fo!ciber has; jtraV tccwired a larr and trab wppty, of pi ftloffa tt's i Mdicioef, Call & RTAB LEI UNI VERS AL 1 PIIAS : ? ' fcr sl'at ibjs OlScef . t- f Karmipl s sJlionfc nut. 1 liavp. 1 yfiiaWiyTrtclotrilAM-V Saliskryi wbielr lirl8ell n gbod '.ierms,1li application V-made n. I t!1tf-fet 1 f r LYBRLY. h.-'t' v , - .' 1 i .V1.-.-W.-t!i?.i,S 1 CeMts.5 Cotton Yarn 90 ii.1 1 ; - Art Molasses 35 a 40 ,'40 a 50 Kails,. ;.0a7 15 a 20 S. iS'f- 25 Pork, ' : 1 I 4 . M - J. 1-5 S3 Cou5n, - if I.S clean 0a 11 loaf, US a IB Satri.ack,j;;;$3i vrpbacco, i f w a Jlauctd, 50 a 55 ;QSdOilpr;- ;':'T 11' nA'iiicV- !l pwLiineu i n to Wlicat. biiah v 75 ?V;rjiskeyv(2aBQ .(clean) 25 j. : 1 FATijtTBtiiiJi. - Jan. ISLi f 3; . . 4' I M olasses', !'r" a SO al JtV aiiscoi.p; Siitgar brown, 6 a 04 Bes 54 a 61 6 a 10 Lorop, :f.-'..; .--14 Loaf, 1 15 a 18 it 5 !tRVt-i60"a 60 Tnaccoleaf ! 2 s 1. ' H40 a60; tillUfj iF.F;t5air .Cotton bag ' 20 ill? Bale rope, ; 8 a 10 'me--. :i-::.Li:-vr iVVhcat i nco 83 4Vhiske 13(a5 Wonli t 15 a 20 '; " 3f a f4 i; KaiTs cot assorvT 8 : e'Uj wrotrglrk IQ a 18 tPtw : J i.!, r. r- . Hyarl'Jl 'vwiatirp- Lt :SI lroTMt.fur"f a s I-1 s-Lr- - J'- i. 4 t w " " I ' nscpu l iu a lxo I t mm e-a (5 Stctl Amrr. 10 a 00 Utf(t j. i.V Gctmari 12 14 -A1W :W5'1tl-i.-rlli illvuus'nf: court wnn ; 1. .prTjjv-w' - - -;--taie at 4 t t i i r t. s . 3-1, - ::rl W: '-til; ';iv TTTT 1 mi r i 1 - .'j.. r ..J 1 . 1 ".-. ' r rfnE Sobsernjerrespeclfallf informaT fcls old JiH Friends and the Poolie crenArallr.that he a room directly oppfite West's. brick bottdfnviri'lhe oose of Dr., BarnsV foftnprJj uvrntu uj; no..paaTer ana jqsi oeiow a. . 'fin addition to the abo? er the subscriber" wilj carryjon j the Silver $milh" Business' in - all, the Tane;ies i curnmuo in couniry -lownt ; sucn. as mkioj iSpoonsl-i" &c.', - and - repairing - Silfe Ware.' A 'VjU 'y;A .:Lv - -U ; f Hctbegs to anre the pnblie that jf ponctoal slVention JoTbiisipjPSSand skiljful Trqrk'jvilj eo tiile him to'paitroinaoeand aepport, he villmer- l . i : ! -'Mi It- ' - " ! - ' ' -if ' . . frAARON WOOLVVORTH.l yaluablc! prbpjerty for sale in If '-.f ' ' T-w .'-- i - i rinrt E ISobScriber is desirWs'jo eelJ.prlfaiely, ii that well known fansiness stand in Lexmo- tobvN. C.,ai3oated a short distance norikof tfae Coprtbocse, formerly ocropied , by La IdcJeogh, Dusenbery, & 5oJ; anid at present occupied by Brevard and1 Adams, The boose is of brick, br? anj .commcslloos; containing an excellent more room a nm aweuing aparimcms mi oncer the same roof.1: Attached to ihe premises art all necessary oot-bLildiojLS. 'hose ibingio por cliase or to examfrie ttfe atove property, will re- ceife aUenljonJfapplcatfon be made to -r . i ' .. . i v nn ciir r 1 1 in i b'iiii-i i w3rie fJie bestMEVJCW&S inMi nor a, 'TOEING the cheapest aod mosll PanlfT JIJ'i:he Medical Fsenhy warcnlj approTeihem Dr. Sftenrum js ai ski Mol and experienced mj Bician, and a Member of the Medicil Society, o Sic rmdnir. Cough Jsozettges, Are the Mfesysqrest.'and mosi erTectoal rernedy for Ccbghs,! Dotds Consnmption,W hooping Are ihVonly llfallible' worm destroy jngDedi cih ejer digeaVered- " They" hie jeeh dedlio or 400)60 rases and ntcf kn6tbUl Gits jinniedfafd V?lierio nefVous o sick Ieaj rche, palpitation of the Heart, Lovneas of Sptr its'J pesnondeocyJ'Fainiing.f.OpprewioB I or . a" 8erise0f-fiDkiri2O' the Chest. Diarrhoea. Las" s t; or a sense oi laugne jSiltm4nj Fever and u te te rnosl certain remod? jfor, th s distressing complaint, 'trer offered to ihe American pobfie.r lr the immense number of cases in which : ibef hsre been Med; they have nerer been koown to ran. ,1 : 1 l-i IS A I WW? ' . . L' f r "nb r.fc ; I urrnan'S h . i.t k r ; . j - ii I h I perrec;r ennaeneef rersons sopjecitp s orangj . mcQui ne viwei inuoia neer wnnoai uiem. I ThefiflbrdJmmUterfr 8r PSSI0ne8S.pres8ton,fr .-" i i w ; t ' " I SlrnirinfslCathaptictt 4-j..;. . si, i.j i ( s? iU-t i--i 4i-v- t Are as pleasant and easily taken aslhe coromno 1 raedir: Trjejy cleanse the, etbmach and fewelK auo niwjDPai aiaaiuo eicpurru -i perJODS. Where an sctife mndicineia they sre ooionly tbe bestjbat tbe'aafest that can be jedmifiiatered;fc The best of bisa CK 'fi?108? '"llii'Jr Side xr'Bresstr 4 -' i'.-i The above medicirie h fori Bale retail, at ihq ya.bory Medieai Urng Siorek by; tl I J II C4B.-WH EEJ.GR, Agrnt A, T,r'f7,...,i IT : " ' -:'w: 'H 1-"-- ,... 44 Kuril Sj'lSllrfitK-K.J W. ' . '.! . ; i .. ''li"! 'imcdlciiicsl 1 "n OBSESS -ralities of the roust mild and beH If l -MficiaiiiBiore.-Thev arelcomnoscd f rU tieies the mblt aWi-patrecWi conibined with inwrerffpnis ihown as the . onlv Ipertatn 8niid(4e ion leifors oscrrj vr.tciijuuu. u irn i n ease Is prods fed either' from ' cold , obstroot ion , naa atr, awampy ana aamp snuanons, or put no throwgMeveHr pofe, prodocingl effects at j once delishtfol, salutary, and permanent. Whea the spark lM'tWgiD to-grow dimthe'circojatrott langntdand the 'fcUtes paratized.ibese bedi- cines are fooad to gWe a -tone to the nerves, ex- bileraie ibe animal spirits, invigorate the body, tCPCall j at Csta ftr Boot:', JSgefJt: : rr. a LLli.Lr .1.. .wJrn,.fM -itt? D1CINES ara for eiHai UameV CrbsslloTid; fiedtll cotjatr. bt'-M U&?t;'X$ ' rsi'M! i- I if.?- " i-'uVJr'Wirkct v s-J-iV--. mtasmt, whether I maunantH ens epfdemtpf by V'por riyessii hy wtsdpm and ,J ay word tber caosesthsp tnedieineaare certain rnlthetr 1 rested fTtrid boa source of I? apd goodj- ti operalioosjp0ectsl,faeysre! posf essedl pe- 'Thoe.splrit ofrny spirit; snd my Mrl'j ';;('; cs iarnaUtiesf which sot only expel all disease; Thy Ijgbr, ve, jatjeir rhMpleratude ayiteyif W6en first takel ink thV 'stomachy bide t wejarl t iher immedHteltl Idifitiss' thkmsetves Hke vanor 1 The garmeniaf eternal day, andlwingii MN i 'Xhe LfefediCines have also been tjsed with ttvl ? thes alone my lowly tbcughts can ebaftj the mnisi harpy access tn JNervvO and Dye- - as seek thy presence -uetng awe a Uod 1 peptlw 1 diseases. Consnrapticn,! Asthma, User 'Midt .thy vast iWorks,sdmireibey, idorej j u Complatrti, IJheoraatiso, chrdoicnd inCama. L Andwfcen ttid tongiie is'elrqaebt o mnre irrT H riSU- K- U 1 - .f,i--'" 2Xe soul aAafl socdk us'f tors of rraditttUc. ' t The dior of the Dalti more ' Mnrnino' Chrnn icle, In jmbIjhiojT the ftdlowing soblrrae Ode' to the Supreme C-injT-remarks, Ihic h know riot the tDthor. 4 hsre (he pleisnre ' to'. inform him, that it Is from the Rntshti Anihohrrj, and was written by 'tha IcVebrated; DeizbaTirr, a sketch of whose life "was som time since ,pob fished in.le;Sia:esman.KB1'Jig poem i7nid to base been translated into Japaneaeitf order' vt he JKmperor.jBod is hong ap; embroidered In gold, in the temple of Jeddo. It has also been franslaif d injo the Chinese iiid Tadir largntg w, written fn a nieco ofj ricb silbiand suspend ed fn tha imperial pilaee at fekio j , Ifis a mble composMinn,;worthy of all these hoooars. A'cw York Statesman.' ' "x; ' : '1 ' 1 -: O thoo E'ernal One f whos presence brieht ! i nnvpsov uninwropyr-aii motions guide; Unchang'd ihrough Timeairdsttiing flight I Thooioaly Gid I T'here js no Cwljeside; A" Being sbove sll beings f Xligbfj.pnVl f 4f. Whon nne can comprehend nona exnlorn rf existence uith nyself alone. " , l .Embracing all -Doprttrtiog ruling or ' ", Being whom wc coll Godand twots no niore ! fn its sobliroe research. Phi'fwauhv. 3 May tneasareoBt the ocean deep mar codnf The sand, or the son's rafsbui, God! -for V Thee -i - ; ;: n . ! 1 nere is no weight nor measure J ooce can lf-vtt'oont'-j" V f! t' ''MH .1 ' , Up te ihj mirseMea.f Reason's brigCesV sparky rThoogh kindled sy Thy Ifghi; in raio -s-ooW i v;: lt Mi . If' - - ) - To trace thf roontefs, infinite and dVtk : . . fno thought is. lost ert J thought can moot to Eser Jike past moment la eternity i , Thoo from pfieeval nothingnes didsi call ! j.. Fjrsttch!M)9 ; then etlstnce Zrtfoa Tnee! Eternity had il$ foundation ? all 1 t Sprotg forth from Theeuof Iightj! joy,' harr j iinooyyUrf j- , -," t'-' ti' Sole origin ai L all btamy, Thine. 1 1 - i - ? Thy "word ereated all, and.dotb creS'e : -Thfplendor fills all space with rajs diine. . I' .'Tbwi t ViA mari 'mnA (lt ".la!.. I gfestfl H:r' J, Life-jrifing, life sostaining Potentate ! . eftaafff tv unmeasured Universe titrrovnds t ; Upheld byj'hee, . by T Thee - Inspired with vbreatbf; . 4 . Thoo the beginning with the end jisst bound, K And htaulx full v mingled life and death r - As prfc moont op ward frum the fief blaze, f -oowDf arcjijora, o wonas sprug: tort a trom And ss the t nan sirs in the sonny rivs - , isnm roona ttie surer snow, the pSMntrir 0 HeaTens p bright army .glkterf in Thy trio .: pss44wr A millinMi Kkt.'J U Tt. I J Wander dri wearied fhfooh the! hinm ahvss: iHiey owijf thy ptiwer,' ?cfnrjplih jy booiroand; i Allgsy wjtb life, all eloqoenl With bliss.. What shall we call them? Pilek'of crystal' light? L.aosps o; cfeml ttber horning btigtjt ?, I Sons : lightning systems whhwiheir" systems with 'their joyoes beams'? BV3boa to these srt ts the noon; tn night. 1 p :esf sea t ' m II drnh ftf orator !r water in the sea, j , i4 -All this ma'aniScence to Theeii l.kir i iiao wpai anl ttten HeiTcn'a nnnnraberM TKnnsh jRnl inlwtl rv mvtta n;Jr.r i ...auL! l - J '- y v'w fjy vfrww ft f " . onhoU-s pUlyfljr; i ' r.ifff ( Cnw a rd I h v mnM ? for iri 'IIim 1 Jte, and breathe, and dwell : aicpirlpc bish, f am, 'QiioM and surely TBotr jitrsT eI4 MIA i'ti ... . K Direet;jmyiinderHSndji:g " .Control my pit, gairfe my wfeilnnjrj heart ; hTnocsH;bbt;fi aioo 'midst imrsenaitT, i , Hrii Ilk Jf , On lhe last Verof mortal being Itand, ' "C!?SB 'otherealms; where iogals! have; their " Just on' the imitHosmtand f " The chain ofbftg is cornp!te In ma j " In meislmiier's last gTadatiftn Ut AndHje.jaekt sjtp is spirit Deity K'jfrf f ii l ean conmstd the; lightning, and am dost ? A nwnarcp, sn-u slave; a wmm; s iiod IX IrT " ncer came I here, and hon 7 eu aarvel- lloiisly.'il-'- '.; ' - j.. l-'-.'"' : " 'i'' . I Constructed tand -conceiyed f oatnosn ? iTfiis In cwd Laves surelt ihrcuzk tame higher eiterzv For from himself alone it could hot be. I Is heay'tlyflightond this litila spberef I P " Ef CO io its sou fee to Tliee its author there. f.:.-'lt-: .f' -iVI -i; P thought icefiable 1 0 fis'on blest yrf ! '? "Tho Worthless oor ccnceptioes all of T ee, 1? 1 aeiaaaji ihysfiadoWd Jrnage, nil our Dreast,r i.. ..' b ffects as the product of his taboH nine I ? t Wrtfa tbooght - his fxrf djtbr j entitled to all his atrqouitioos since hp be-r ':-.itL '.; H I - - : :'i-'- rl il"'"" cate iQyolved 1 f I- I L - a ' -i i ;su 5 K " f t 1' " IrpSome.mooaJricfret ,awain, io ; Mocks T!I!? ,Pef Pf ha; following, . and ' seat il down to usffr j pabtteatiouB. t ,We da' aoi know who he a wfco sinW tlins' eJcqaenllf iri i praiss tf Laoia ; hot he crlaio!y ipessesaes censj (;e'iiBi Ma j EBatipuiPg to exsrciso pis poetry Bumjf 'M will yet -throw Byron, Moore, uarDi,ct.o., toio iar snaae. tio it; white yon're fooitj'"!!.! ! and wtrii gUi yoor SafraaioDa a. f MocrsnLLE 125, 1843 J i Mr-Pendleton Daar'Sir if too 'thiok the f,J- lo wing lines worth? please iai eart them joff oaf paper -JSi. i ? i t J . j ( Liaia.iu LAUIU .... t . , Tea thnostttd times blest.4 is Iha Wr ; : Thafs.blesfjwlth Lanra's ,'oyp.' 'U' 4Zf3 - A .i i .t' List '" ' t i iu 9t uiiu fiii a-inousano iuejs Dover ! If of herlorebimsill for.tfay prove. I And who would notendeaver ;N4 To pTease with all his heart so fiae a pair, Ami ur uies, who oer fove;rorvsr, 4 , .kt And cherish iraweetls forever "there. ' . L O thtt f could clam the b.nof , - To please ber who I most adore , ' ; , I'd strive with all mj heart to please JjiitSi And in bliss enJoy herIove everaiore'; "'" " Fnf the i beaoiiful aa the morn, : h As lovely, and innocent as the dovo - 1 - Blosbingly roodeai aa thciew blown rose, . x And the vary: girl iny earttpald lovaJ ; 4 . . MocksVille. . . ; v.. l fiW i Somebodrfa $b. A horse. ran 1 awiya few i days ago, with a wagon (says ibe New. Haven Herald.) io which a boy was seated. An acci dent occurred darinjj this scene which a corres pondent requests os to notice, for the honor of the ics, and the jpoawatment nli tha feelings id a rooiher'a- heart. While the horse was dsshing throogfr Chapel street,; and all eyes were looking anziooaly for the fate of the tlda lady and her daoghter .(apparently;! from the .country) were standing near,; SaonWers corner, and took a deep interest in f the .affair, The; old lady became highly 'agitated, and when! the horse tofoed into Sute atreel oat of sight, she; started to go after htm. j I v -1- ?:--: f '- Mothet.viaotbeT,? exclaimed the daagHter,' where are "y 00 going f Dost get into the crowdyoo can't do bim anj-gnod.' J Seeing hWr agitation, a genial sympathy per vaded the breast of another lady who happened to be passing at the moment, who kind I j inquir ed, Is beiyoar son ?"- 4:T , ';;- j . O, no replied the goudo1(l matron, " but he is somebody's son." -:;:Iriv. -1 i-k t'! Is it not a beauttfal iostaotie of pare beneyo Isnce ? j ' .;!..: ;i-&h - ;J T '! ! RPRRfiH .OJWr. Dbummill, of l&avidionl on the -.' Resolutions m relation to the Bank of , the Stale. . 4 h . . .MrSrpKER:! ljrlaj.wt.tioch. relpc-. tancti, to make a few rernarki 00 the rejc lutioas now under eonsideratron. My re Juctance proceeds from a Iconsciouaness or my injabiiityjto do justice o thta important soct ; hoij , 9ir whfnjl"- recollect that I represent, tijpon this floor, pfteea thousand freemen, whin have a detep'and vital lnierest m this; maUer, 1 cannot and will not sit here a:n(lgtyeja aient' fpte. pfl ( . T wjreKno"t to raise my voice against ibta .destructive mens ure, I 'would; be iinworlby'rif the cor fide nee reposed iri'me by my constituents. , Before 1. pfoceedl ajiy . tarth,- let jaa iipay myire spectsj toll he gentleaiao Jtai- Alarlin ( Mr. Bifgs.) who9in this debate baa been pleas ed to de'riomtnatethe Whig Members of the Legislature Bf n"? Attorneys, Bank - prstnrs, and Bank1 Sens, r I know opt hdw it is with JL - the gentleman snd his j party they . may have arrfs in' iheir rsnks who bow the pliant, koee to, and, do the hiddino 1 ofl' their lords and masters. The Whts know no such distinctiolta. h Tbe word serf or latrV is not found Tin !the Whig vochulaty. t- What ?! a .Wbif 'jt erf No air, -tio;''RteftbBp;)Ms' a serf h'd-be dog and bay ; the moon. Rather than be a , serf, he'd ibe a toad and feed upon the poisonrMta vapors of . - 3 ; " - . f:i s ' ft a 1 " . a dongeno. .Knoner man ,ne'o oe s serr.i Iie'u water inoiartn; wnajnis noari s oesi ','Lj t -1 1 ! .1 . ... 1 t a w a . a . s 1 T Mr7Saker,itbefDersHepsr!y:bate1 wsged a merciless and uncompromising w'ari ututions of the! rotten? ""as the ImsnufacConea ; oft rogoes, thieves, sod swtridlcrs.,,l!The Democratic Presses. fesve bee onspsrthglrt their denuti rtstion and ! sbuse of the!Boks. Tbejy have teri beldlup tolbelci)aatry sa hostile o thej liberty of e peofdi L.fThe Biofey fegaiost tbe people? has been stereotypeu in urge ;aoa ciarincjrwsrBcere, in smur rw or raltc .newspapwar .iurRuwui u-wiintiy. j What air?, bas beeobe .effect of thta wnstactj war sgsthsV lbe vBabktrjg intituiions pf-this feute ? f I is effect Jbss; -jfcWp; toj impair le; Confidence of the! 'eopla in them ; it has csused the booc?t yeoaaoi -jiifof jthe; ewintt;t to lock JDpbrt theoiirith .di strost and susP cion ;! iflbas discredited hb character of tb -Rtnfrs at home and Abroad, t .i ,S I t Wbatj bas eeple;cbti: ihfalcHistbre'fbiwar ibis State ? Has it been atich as sound pol icy and a patriotte regard for the welfare of a auffWinf country would dictate?' Nr ooiie llhe reverae.iitBill upoii' tilt; and res Blj3llisi , (uc i iM9vmitifi 1 !. ' Ik 'llIiAlrin. nalil country ! Demagogues and stump 1 orators. nPT"fcT-V from tiMounnto iliel Xtl.nt.c. hayej" TOTft raiaed a Jioia Vcr, . Banks " $1 1 ?? . r u ' 7 ' ;t . . .', fi!I add another try the Tnnndred land one H 7 i r,H . - r- 1 i2 .2 i r i . s, ::;. i !- 2! '. s---- '2.2-;':f- r-2H - a :... !.h( Hte'- M'rr;4 S-VtH I u.-iJl' 7 "- JJ declares; tUt if:any Biakin(r!W.;;.n. thw Sute shall at any.tiris hereafter;, cVn-1 iiruo inr ins Pfnoo oMnmy jtfs la ny ona year, whether lh&rpehod .coBaista of consecuti ve Ta)a tfi relpirtM ? K pri Itlyen: it ahtUj he inthl auppcsB thatt ajlaw, aocr) aa Jthat cccllmC, platedy.tbtsjtll, hatl oiiateliVdurihrItl.e anapacsion bf Snecin pit criestby the B4nks pf thU Stataxhatlnf imaginaUori "rannoi--pirtaro lilatielf J'tha dreadful reaoltajtthatttp The Baolvtpgelher'with a firga portinn of lbe, pepp!ef srouia ! bavelbeenl iroJt U hi rairt A ceneril crh woold hive' taken place, em a blow wnoldlb aval eertllnflic ed C0 th0:coanf r? . frorii which rt cnbtdt nt bavef ecovcred halffa Icehturyif h;e Bsnka of flhWlSti hpQidl onence, to eospend Specie payments. ;Tbe Banks, from one extreirty pf jbe" TJoifn to the othpihadj OTspeodeThiis wis cVeat. ed a great and jjiD08oai iJe!nridfifbr pfe which everywhere coramiirdeBabDreixir- oca; and stag whg1tftclwiih thagrwteat aviuuy. ? ma not- thef Uapk3 oPthia Slite a oapenrledallbetrj oloteVirtein !niirculsl Uon, would htv !1ee$ Presented "atjibVir counters for pa vraent.--AU the ? apVcie' n their vaults, wocld have j been drained o'ut, and a Jatoe amoont'rof'tKftif! n'ni I nrL deemed, would Ibave1 fsljen IntoT the! bands of the bonestard-sdirngipeoplel tountiy,' worthless' as rags, arid e" would at this time, be Wr.hout a etrctilUng taediuaV cxcept'.tbat wbislTight flow froa 'other States -; k ,m M Mmm 111 "i' . . - Sir, idea ithatiotib CaNinil dneW the noblest States of thta confederacrl with a population of more th$n . aevaa ' bohdrtd. thousand, and with all her vast resoorcei. ehoald be depeidihildrj South Clroliria aitd Virginia for a currency is has hf si been avnweoi in.inis.oeoateQ is In me lraly butniU fie! witri tatlngMir. Spfeakeritbe bers of the Lesislatnriai -li each other jn endeatorian to impose I uurtuvuT, rt-sirictiona aoq; penalties' on rtne banking institajtiiiaV of f thej?JS(ftetOTbe Bars eeeiog tedseJye leycry hand, he;beomei;ilarm tbeoi c eondt tional aorrendeiloiTitaljcharl iWjiD ibe last twenty four fiourapthas kstnl tjotaor ed thai the Bank oC Ca pe Fei r wtirfolw L. I L.r i ' if- Ji.- v j ! . in the footatepa of the Bank of the IState This Legislaturja is called, upon to decide 4 iquestirtoi of great mbmcrifcnn of j vast re--soonsib'ifity, viz. SUM me Banks of Norih Carolina, iq t rjeae limes of unparallelled pecuniary dislrfss j arid jernharrassjotnt. be permitted to wirid up thejr ffMr, w iihdraw their notes froor irtrcQtSubnT'iodWaV people wubout a circulating medium Sir, tho heart of the; patriot sckeos at the'eoo tcmplaton of the ruin and desolation that would follow such an eront. rH i l l "v Mr. Speaker, I ask in he name of.a suf fering people, wby istbis ulbless, me eileis, pvty wstfere waged jagi iinat khe; !$inkidg tnstitHtiohs of Ihtsl State !Tisr!8range 'tis PnrsjraD mansbip of our 'own ban rls, created by tbe sssembled -wtsdiD'j pifJprtb Carptiba, for die common gor d ofallj pifTusing blesstngf -and - benefita tojoverv j pottionf iine,3tatev to the. poor minV :eottaji's jweJ';W;bV rich ma'na;palae.'.pur1Vanka rft.iiponja firm snd so'id ;;bssisj'r; 'They Tare) pr tfectjy solrenr and are ably 1 rvd ;Jono5l lyjrn. 0gdt the sssertmn of .jthe gentleman from Cain hetlnd,(Mf McRse, tp tbe sofitrirf pot? withstanding. .4 That eentleraari trrad. the un bl ush ingv e ffrOnter lo j dec : f are J Jh ere, ortf tnis noorvinr ma pre e ore. pi tnts sseroniy, and tnthe fsce of a large "audienrlej, who crowded the johbv and sgiHy ofiy s. 0 ail, that the Bankt of tr?isati fyr?!$ti folillcdrrtlpto ir. It,! isj one tbtpg to makda charge of thi kind, btjtjqette Tf" "r..r ijv ,i i r another 10 snjriain-ii. i i inere ccaueneji.tne j . ..j f ut i -.. L' 1 htm toatao the charge hy proof,' more shh- irw-iri iKi:iji 11 iri ipb ipsj uid iiiuuiumi 1X11 iJiniii OTC? UB I i . r1' "r:r,'?7,v '"kf rtfiile ctl um nips on t he Boksofjhi s Stste. The gentleman lfromtGumberandihas jpfe ferrert another fur found" charge .agaeal iiis-Bank.t flia jhssr-represpnteCif ije Jpl and the lisnka jss two great sntsgonisucai powerat war, aeh1coDejding foi the mas tery. ThequeUoailti?s tb whether the Banks orthe pP shall fisve tba ei;precy K Sir! t df ny tb charge,an: again cJI Sn hlfb farMhf p n'vauch rontes! between! Hhe pmp! and the Banks: It exifts WrJio thb gentleman's diHembeted irasginattonij It is jtroethe Dcmcratic- party Have! asomeif ' hostile attitude towards the Bapifan hfvti wigf"d a moat ielriot?s and shameful war "against! miifined eielnsiisele in the Dens' ; Suv let me-entreat the leaden of! i be Dem ocratic party, asfembTed rwithjn jhe wslls o ihismsgnificierjrCamtbtilfoceawib'tilU g9sint tbe Btka I Lf i irae imn'ore! them to wsiLOO longer o; the ispplneiei snd pros- - ''.t.- 1" i-' il' .2 'Jill!'' I? -.. . ,...,:Mln ;, 1-. alrf fSpeikeri Jrmake nenrHpi; i loathe; dominant f narly; in 1Kis IIoi..l. 2 Wiilejdressfii'upi'i a fittlo biitf inlhoutV, lounging tto ; 4 heir naKimied rmabngsrly cbiirs ioftbi'splendtd.XUsH,' fqrgeu their constttifrnt, whpVrVboed down- and; firnaninf? heneatfi" haaTv.Vanl: grievous burdens, and ;whafreloiliug and;, -'.' Ubonng;stA?releiye!, themselves iffrr -the pressntatmposM oQthedrbytoMijeal f inras antt reejriess; exrnmerersItyiH ihej go to. the rejtei4.( scffefingedplr or will.tha Conji n.:o to Jieapttnrdentipori burden, nnt)lj they; are crosbed to jhe yriy earth h:x I tpm opon a aobcr scctmd thneght; they w Jllj ; retrice.their t steps an-llilv; to thej rescue of their eedieff Irooatrt Xtto i tuiis yt iuiw list? a oana 01, oroi iters nn ana prompjini lft u sf jt.bfydr.abeadedfst spirit, antjtsajerafiee; iUpqTtbeltir.oi out Cjountryjl oodand as thOf'k'l-th y ict j m ah irascenjju p tq h )g II ei yer), iA n4 at rtr1 MaTl I .mil I mr(l.m. L 1.t J.2.1 and then'iihe bleisins of Henren; -andtour coosuiurqis mm resi.npon otr -nin?, .;,i i .jThaN.;0 Balleiiayibs 12vhf4U.says;IJy hours from Oal yestfn, arrived yet rdaytwebave dates to the 8th -inat, .The comnaercia I treaty cfadedjMa'iiBUty-w L. .'. i..L .i v. . - i : bis oaen rxiiueo DTTine tezas senate, ang ts; - ; : so far aa the Republic la 1 xnrncernedthe? lawpef ihe landl fThiaiJ anikntlaaflueajy fTei- 1: as,-tnd -promises good to tbe merchants and $bip ji rjers of tMCeity; Lit allows (as we statd y 4; cral weekgtihetroda 'Hi tlnn Into ilie:'Tijiteil StafeaT; freeloNoty:jAye i4. shall theralWeTahrp argeriion-bf 01 1 exas. auaf urniaq, iispiauiers soonuanuvT f i -t - - tr'. 1 - K -i r f 1 & wjtn inr ora;nary iarm sappiifs, f cw Wm BryanJ Ejq baa beep confirmed. byvtjbai 4- Senate asTexlao Consort at Jhia nort- .l'exss' EtcbMa'er Qilla'larai dailyrtitibgsln;' aluti'!a: t-- ibey are cpm'ng iu 'very fast at the different cos V:- jipp Jjionsea land lad'.eiat':MrfBo cotleetor at Gflvesidn,; carried tto WashlngtonLj 'M F ;lateIirjJ52odofiseo fHI i SsjataaiaWlte 0.V'irfrIttte Coeral for jf. the Repabsic, baawritien pot a Joog and lucid - ' nnionnbn the";Tafiniy"of ibeUherokee Landri t tiller, no roncniucs oai jonB oi.iup uuiiuus IUIU9 U Wll IUS UV1 VWiuntM iri l5;vI!lvrB Indiana anhseone.nt In the date of the ffusrsnteo mde'bVti'iceaaattttoa lo'i'i'e'lndiaaa ia 1835, " J are yalid and legal; and consequently lbat none 11 ivf made s'nea that dta are lerrajly extmnl . from survey -an sale uvder iba act of Coogress of :tfeh'ruaryg1840.-''i l.a jt. i Much douH atill exists in relatio to the local ton- of theasal of Government. , It may be re- yarded, as certain, however, 1 hat ihe Government , J i will not retarn to Aastia daring the present year ir "2. i f :L;t -Lli-iLl 2-1 itoe general opinion among me peppio wwi 10 . be, that kf will be teted temporarily ehher at j Washingifih, San felipe or aome point between ; thftlR" places, lll ".":::- Geri:SomeTville: Wiih an af my of , 800, mart M captured he Mencan town of Loredo onthe 81 h ; of Decambelr sThf few Meaieaa troops who oc- Cupied tbe-place,' made a hasty retreat wittoot 1 nnng a gfl. 4 ueing noiiaeo oiinja, ins aria seat a messenger toj the Alcade to make rrqoaj- li'orvs for-pce-aies, which were promptly for j ahhedAeVtaiiai thej towaa ewof;the iroVps eronsd the ft'ioiGraadef-aiid piloted the i baaner of the Single Sar 6n ihe West .bank b Iris farther atatijd ihat about COO of the trocps erosseil tbe river en tlial9m7 IineOL raarcn iur uuerreraswro iy umi mw. Laredo, ins oaiancs. iiw, fe'onifij pwiow.,. 3 tFm thVaerfer ifls. press med beywil. pWeed rapidly on arXandJaks; Mtr, pmarg nd Itbtnosa; "i: B ffw bte tiorie it , is to be tdpsdj ) r Ihat-sttmetet, jaiffarf emeo's ;wim .'join .tneratTui sncourace a decent ion latamorss. ii i 2 fj:il is repotted thajt the Apache ladjana are eomf . milling irpBryfMt"w-j v . , " i irthonghtfthat nearly all the Mexican ' Vp ! under Wotlfcrs 'cieaa ordwed therejlo dnifa. jfaem backl VU i roanoTed that Texas has a'ce u - r-, !-:'. -- " -. t. 2:: .-2 -'-!' isret ;ygentj 1 aroongj ! theses isoians'-10 nuij their operajfotrs, ao the - object of ibe-vartnoi tribes now gatbered together at me waro vii-, lie is to! Inter Intol treaties wjth the Govern mentdefenve and offensive agatast Mexlcor; , If this prove true, the army wjl bate to tneoaa trr little ppositln n( eapsri all tls towna a ad- ; VUfasea between Lredaid Maitamoraf.if they j march with prpcr fpred. . 2a J Tf Great niotbeta efaawatfoes fiim aafkansas aod liooisianaiuVe escaped itMhei ideijog' States ofjMiro end Kth icvadiog Jerf yf tis kiad srlM be tevered.V ere tie t a coosiderasJe furo, thereby be maraoaiieai jamthewieef HjV It is ra'4 hjsftifdeet will rsjotxj. inend 10 dtiegress -Ibe sasaags af a bill providing,," jfaMbe aall of all the twlaof Var; ana (tfj 'ibirlsVprttn,,l jfbe Natf. ( : yi iifTba Teiss Timev;saysr: ;Wfth3t;e'i strati be tejoetaatly comnf Jietf to vyw. mors-of ht ob-op-rattoti with yffti 'fii 4 .s 2t 4". 4! - ' i .1- SMI'-- ;1-J 2il- -2. ':;,: :1;;fi"-''nt ?12 t ffiiii'l. pi 2: ' i 4 i ' m t : : i-2 1 :i -r-- . i-"" hr -11 : - 2St:"..i :f-;Si2-..?'- ts.-- IvH'-t 1 8 -1: .1 - i

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