- . 1 : lvvfj - f " " is . v J 1 t 1 '.JIM;. II . r . A. I b--v iK-fc-;-. VLyT -j';i-f r , U- -i.c ' '; jkv :- il --v : r4,v,- 1- j . ; fc x r i-1 . i 4 4. ; .- i 1 ! 1 i 4 contsauci cl t;3 cciirs, ar J net endef . r 9. Toccr.i a trt torechirttr the Da!:'- . 4. IcrCaps Feaf,:rsca ia 1855. TCbarcea VX'-.le ftocXholdets fmcj Ih3 1st Mcncv v va V V . : ' .-" 1 ! . t ! ' III iil II I c. II I II I I ft 1.1 ! I'M "... V ri." Al i M I ' . r ri- i I. . I I ! I .i 1 i I ; It ; I : I I fjOhJi ,1 t . 1 s K A-. T-rfemflnl will be-continued oniil fflini charged for accordmglj, onlew ordr rVfter9 .'idrpd 'to ibe.Edilor ra$t ' 1 . li -f - L4 : l- 11 1 ,i. ." I Wt- tut 1 1 v- ?1 rhsiBdcniDEn: if 4VING pirohsed llat wHI knmyn and '( esiaWishedpblic House; (tnoww K Salisbury, Inform,; his Frkfnd. 'f..!. PnkJJr.irBnerall?. that the same is now 'Jlr be potion pf allers & Boarder, o1 ffira ad'itt wiil: be supplied with it (bell e market aidsurroaDdinoniry af- - iS wSlh rain arid provender, of all kinds. aU Will falihful anKueniif e OsllefsUl Ctodf rwed pledgres himselffhat: no; 01) y " i.u nart shall ! be wantmff to ffire gen 'HTi-i 'JA.MESil-.COWAN'.r A&.VAS (BIKSI r- Tb CLERKS, 'SJfMFSSOOWTAt i PtWm Office mpfctfolly informs the riirb. sbpriff's and Constables of the sorroondi Di Coonjies; ihat l.ei has; and "will continue 10 kelp on hand, a folj supply cfjBLANKS neatly rritd ori good &anerj and not surpassed by any woik hns ir$ Jhe fctafe.f f All brders from a dis- Sttneriar Ci'm Bnds, Ca a Bbods, Sobpo2pas, Vendi- Hon! Exponas; Jorortf Tickets E?c50Uonsy7 , i ftumw; Cowr( -Jarot's Tickets, Executions, '&fffT fndfiettuents," Indictments ys Perseeri ;of Road9rfVeodh Eipooas, jVViinesiiTicketSi : MirelUntdus- Constables' Warrants, f with Ptsnnilons attached.! Uaba's & Bonds.. Uaar- iJiiiBoodi, JApprenticesV Indentores, iMarriagM ! Lirinse. App? rancd Bonds, Deeds bf Trust, I . Sri : ?-- liv t Ti .. i. !. 1 iloD5B6ftdsiSirerior Inbt Co jCoort.: - .;.;fl 4L.t.-i)- ' ; i ". ,' " H.-r-. ' 4 saucy ?ob wonn I LI las $nbrleit;novice abd ootvsdrpassed by. r lit Hid i i ii 'T ' '"j 1 i il r ' 8ob$cfisr ? has just rece i f ed a large! and. vt freib !.ioleiiet irOi3 iVHEELEIt. Agent. O:- ii.- VlIBLEii'UlVERSAL Sili&BuiylK a pct.ti842 tf 1 4 near SalisburT.whicb I wit sdl'OQ good terms, if application be made I il M ihUj ' f-; L LYERLY. : i OOTEKT AT SAtisabHy.rFeb. 11 i 1 ! dotton Yarn. , h: 90 5IoIasses, I 35 a 40 1 peach. 40 a 501 Nails, ! f '6 a 7 15 a 20 t V i' S3 Sugar, bf. Salt, sack, rS'a 10 9 a lilt 15 a 18 m -7 ,-r--.'S. 'I J Ik! . realtor: r20i2S Tallow, - f v 'pari, li: a 4tf TobaccoL 8 a 20 50 a)52 Tdw-LinenlZa 1G irkyrllrl: if I a Wbeat;bu?h T 7 liskey, 25 a 30 9Q f 25 111 Trl1-4$vlolasses . Kails, cut, ii' 6 a G4 pyrVtft 4' i i tJ i"5a'5 St a -X Sugar btown, 6 a 10 14 ... r 1;- mi ib Lbaf, Salt; . L -1- T- t: . W 50 a 60 14 n IS 40 V5( lpatco lpaf ;'2 a 3 Cbt'loiW. baMr-l 20 15 a 1,7 Bale ropei 8 a 10 Wheat new 80 a 85 !.taskejraao-a.$ is ij: f 1 1 4U24i'!S4 ..:4fi L ' Iwrduglii'i'iV.lS' Oats bushel p0 a 37 Si'lS -i ."OA - ( Oil iral 4,73 alftl m!2Qs HtlUamp MI25 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOIGs ir5 i G RiclOOlbs! 4a 5 SMjrirlh V8il2j vorn inf-i. itiA l Sia 4i &t,eei Amcr. 10 a 00 English -L'R 12 a 14 iiTf: ii i uu ti.u ;iin i i i :i. infill ? r Canrl LiVitaess-Tickets. VVri ts. ; uonf, ShetffPf Deedif, fVendi. Expo ) Appeal MilVt Commissions ka; fake DepHHinR, .Con i itbW Bdn. Ad mi fl ist,Va ioh Bonds Prosecu- PILLS T,ti--.v .'f i: : wcrraanriz a 14 t .w :'..-.'. '7- u,' y " -:.-. i. cai"nir,ji 5iorixAiiuiti;.'----r'rs. a-' f. it siaieq in ine LOriSHao Aovocaie - T"" -'-n i t 1 - 1 - . .'"iii.S -L : "' ,k'i ..iL'-'AflSk.f ttrt,. . -i.' -J . a . a..i-.o-- i tfYMr w COURT WRim'- lvVrmi.A - : 4: llrl' It -tP rT3v4; -:iSatrSoy7t'i8r24 fil : 'V:' ' 1lf- V;1 -" ifit-f -!t;f v." -Vu I 4.?i 1Li';1fejda:VJ.' '.'.S'". vt ' -: ' ' ; ' - ' ... . . i r n II - ' - ' " " ' 1 " till : .. . . - . ; ! - - r i . I ! i r 7 ! i f 7WW W if : ; r?vv arm ra ' f ffltJE Subscriber respectroJIy informs.h is old ! J. "Friends and ithe Poblic Wnerally , ihat he ..-1 J i . u ' is i:i .Jil: - v. lni.: e,i rti'a ! rcotn dieclly ' opposite' WesOs brick, uilJjnff, in i tbe lidose of Dr." Borosl formerly, catrytoo "ihe Si7rer Smith Business in , all tbe Tarieiies commoaiin counirj iown j buuh rrinkmgL Spoons; l&e.,,, aodrepainng one U ; 114 begs' toaisnfllie pbbllc' th a f i f . pi net da I, ItanlUhl-tMfiiii.ta mn'A cJll flit Wnr!r Wt II Ftl VI1IVII IU VUqlUCpl BUU 3 llll" w-. iiiio itiui HJ iiiiionay c iuu uiiui WJitaiA'gii iHB r?-"-''--''. 'i- iil- . 'i' k ' " I - EEIKO Ihej cheapest and rnost pleasant. The Medical Facnltv warmly approve ihem. Dr. Sherman is a skilful and experienced Ph v- siciaaJand; a inember. of tbe MedicalSociety o -t - f,tl , 1 i, : i-4 ill IL Are ine safest, s oicstabd most effectual remedy for4Mglis(Qol(s, Consumption; AVfjqoping Cboghl Asthniat iTigUiness or the Lyings; or siit:it3IAN9 WORTH I.OZENGES Are Ithe only linfalllble worm destroying raedi- bfer ,l,jlOO,OO0. cases and oeter known to tan. pjjTtlf mydiaie Teiief in nefVous ori sick itfcad-' acbe'lbfcfi)lUti&nif:tfce1Heaft its, UeinaeDcy I? ami wg, oppression i or a sense of hStnkingoi 4he Cnpst, Diarrbcea, tas- IsUodeiloir; si seMeibrfatigoei.; 4' Are itiii paosi :enaja. reaiRo y iur.ini uiaiirRiu complaint, eferotif red to tbe American puoMc I d tw? immense number of leases" i n-.w'hicli. t hey have been used, ihey'have net er beeii known to l 'SActtnart? fltstoralivt Lpztngts. flJiarrnal qr4iopcnes m me- wwtis, o cuui- mon and irooblesome durin? the summer months may ndw Vie entirery ; prevented by, a proper ose 01 -l.nfSeflpeweK;. urj ic pirpajcust-AJ'icoai , ly far; that jporffij-a'ndT ber f ect con fidence. Persons sbbjeef to d era nge" men tof the bowels should neVer be without them They afford immfdiatereiiei, irora aif the attend anvgtipings; faintiiess. depression f'p. maiifs ICathartic Lbzen cres Are easant and easily taken as the common neDPerrbinis iffsand .are'-an i active and jerBcreni medfeioe. They cleanse the siomach and bowels, and iii line' bestlipaiharilcleVer.'dsed-Tfor bilious i hey j.axe, not of ly t be best, hot the safest that ca n be admiqistefed; h 'y 0$ 4 HIS. i !.w iitsrtnau ciiOjUiruiuiiia is rruu:it;u. Tlie beat of atJ pllsierf! for flbeomatif mv Lnrp Piln lor; Weakness io ipe iacK, ioins. Side I The ixj?e medicuie M for. ; sale;" -whnfrsale r Ml ! 1 1131 retail ft Salisbnrv Mpdirsl Drnof! Stori' b - m ii d 01 W H E EL E K : A ?fln t t :iillf;TgSalisburyNi'C;: JIcdichic9 v11 .-).;..-" .... T0S$EiSS Abilities of: the'mostmird and be Jtll neficial jaatdrcfilTbey are cogiposed. of ? r' ucies tne moeiLann-pniresceni.'cumoioeo wn ingredients khbw asr the Tony certain ant id ote for fevers of vsty descriptibb, Wbns thesis v easels ;pf odbbed either Jrom; i cold i btsl roct ion , bad Tat r, Sw;amJy find damp situatiuna, or-pot i id mlasriijlwjietberi.ma.iigo other caoses. these medicines are certain, in ibeir operaUoos or fflebts T They 'arW possessed re cunar quatiues, wuicnnoi ooij.ejii'cjr k ui?ciif is, but at the same timo restore and jrfrigbriielhe sy stejn Wlijeo 'first taken 1 1 nio T j he r stomach ; they immediaielyi diffuse: tbemselfes' like ivaiHir deligbtfoli salbiary,- aod permanent TW hen ibe 873 rk bf j Tfe bfgi ns rto grow dimttVe circulation langutdand'ttie' faculties paralized, these'inetli cibes arej fooajiorgei tone ibt nerves ex bilerale ibe animal spirits invigorate the body; and re animatbihe whole mao'HTr:i1 -TiT j fl'b X4ff0edim$ bate alo been osediwith ih mtj bippnscee Pptte idisearRxs; Gbnunmption Astima- Live.r Complaint j liheuriiaiism, fchroow land jnfliima tonl brobsteslj&fn.1-:1 j . l-StHtK'': ' CF?Call jaiCFgs & RocEVscniJ, : 41 bVa$y ry.iOet 4842-ly 13-. 34 ' s CtTp Ai YOUNG MAN, whb has had con- siderabli experience as a Prister wUheb a sit . - - Pmmu ' MWHMMnllt 'S4lllf.lAff. oauou; as -F oin.w fi fv." "tyr'r,."v. ;-'?,,,v"i j. references eari foe uifenS Fut! particulars address ibe VWatcbmalo Office.'! Salisbury, N; Ct boa! pat,- ! j'HvM'TUi- :f ,t jannarys IHlr 't Vvuru VJ vllUi, taOiiilici 1UU JUIl:UCtU v Mi'unh ik'Ii H't "-V-- a i-t 'iw'v'' ,; An addition to the aboVej, (he - sobscflbefwiu DIClNES vel:fbrle at James; Cross Heads, Jredell countylby & ivj:J t , icnnniv sir I. .j 1. 1 i .in. I, i SABBATH EVENING i , : r. T T CBOBGB D. PRU5TICE.- v flow calmly 'sinks: the parting .sunV? f -!yet twilight rin,gerssiW, . -''tf- 'S, 1 And beautiful s dreams of-Heafjeoi ' Tirriomoers on tne mil. - K j -!., Earih sleeps wiib. all ibeir "glorious- th ings, l Beneath rba flolyiSpiiitVwingsi' Kr"-U Seems resting ici a trance of late. c- 'ft ; i'i Kojaod fonder C'kbfl forest trcea. .x, . v."'- Ho shadows groups leclineVA-: , iVi'i:- t Llke'nqns at evening bed irt praterr-1 Around ihe holy shrine. 'Ss j. ! ' f -And thrqjheir leaves lhe nisbl-wins blow. So calm and "still their mosio r-t- j- orriiiuiw mjsirnuH3 voire oil prater." 1 , oyii rcuutru uti iq evening aitf I Ahid frnm ihir i3(tiriA . " tA:4 s4.'f. ' m Returning to 'the if hemes' abbeTl;-; f "Tl 't'v- ur-i t.iJi'L .v. : ij1 ill KIT I nrghtrcbrprjaiiobigb,; J And mingle wilhj the'stalr-light "J? TO': T.tlra iKo enlfl lindt'nf n-itoJ staVvai- ";'tfiTi- The spirit: of tbe holy eye ' - ; . ' " - i - : t - 1 J vuiiics ftifuuu ,fie tsiiBiii air, 1 4: iA gosh nl mosrcthere . f-''.M.:t And th far depths of ether beam i - Sq passing fair, we ialmosi dream ' J hat we can rise and wander i,hroo2b 1 be open paths pf trackless blue. Each soul is filled ' with glorions'd reams, I ! Each pul-e isadng wild; j 1 Abd thooglit is scaring io the shrine j f .Of glor? ondefijed. And holt aspirations start Like Messed Angela from the heart. 1 A ifd bind for Earth's dark tieji are rven , Obr spirits to the gafes of Heavep. !. j ' WHAT DOES THAT YOUNG MAN DO i: :1Vo.ri'A.uviNG:-;: ; " What does ibat 'youngr mab do'fnf a living ?' is the cc romon inquiry, s some- foppish, wejl dreswd iridt vidua! passe by 1 ' ');. " Jothtng nothino: at . all.;' f ihe freqnent repl. B' whal -f nppir!'h!mtn b? ex'rav 3g8nfe?4NH.eeaVF let bnt we brng a Yar tcee, ibave the priwlpgp of bisi,nw That yon n-i- in v n i w !! r(pssp jin .H'e ' ornaoeinn, i;jriirs a enel and is so bxf'frnlv polity lohis arq'iain ances epef nil v the ld?esvfiN Ihe.sn bf mar p ropdp ra t e ei re'bnsta neeSw ho j fi bds .i fl bHffieu 1 1 to sustain hfmsH with a modpraifi income. His Son b ihe s to bea; gentlemii n": a ed.-'inj3 live w1.b ont tabor. ! iThe,faiher in his j tyMyvrffoj if, pui him in a tra, o send him- o work on farroj hopino;:tliaf8brn"eih?bg'v may ibrbj bp, by and by, when bosibess will be belter for his son 'b obi&in a good living without yrrr.iT He'I'tf bow obliged to tirsppnse with lha loxnries of ifip IJernapq Boo jnr its CoailOr'S fO.r ihs- mih ip keep np arinearancen.' and ?o jntogwud eorittTi -as ihat'kind of comnanv is termed, where Young men have', nnthipg'tn do hot dre?s( according to the lifest fasMnn;,k 1 Je is quiie jlod'episbdeot ; and uses langoab lolbij; fepniors ihat might In conidf ted " onconrtfon rn a king, i He jfaces all riassee, and conditions wiihnnl n b!bhj. and dares-lo-lpr ik w i i h con t e m pi on b e bon et a eii'bntl ri whosj gerierrwis soul w"mM oiiweiqfi a thyiisanfl ftWlfo'hl a his nwn'jfThewmpanibn-h clibje 7VejliiiP himself piiflkdfop;Tvith vanity, weMtngj (ih mfrtae.:ajif whnfn.ak'e, i; jpr'enee dtjjnglsrmeihincr 'thy bcasibnallrTvikiting ai law-j ffir'e bffick to red abb br two in"tilackstone.f i ne end oi sorh a youth needs ro.p'fpnetic vi sion to see iSf Itis aa -blaihras ihefwyfjq mar s tnrb bbt:a4oTw't',4r$nl8ed;and miserable tool. f h;-L iir.i.5 ' ! i r;usis ine pr one n i ia r y , w u . onog uiui . "perh the jraUowS.t; BpU will 'be ioTba ng liketan tncnbns Von 1 1 hnse of 1 friends who for pjtyV sake have not the heart to SMfl him Bhara I s aa ' .-r -i. -,! . Si.v,,,f ' vnung rarrv Tw hd--itiay ibe sndallr in ror streets. -r . ' : . i- You meet them at every corner, In bll ppblw re- wrtsajf all paftieajof V" talking, langhir?; ii.kff' eteroilly :' apparently wjtb money enonghrooreH -less BafT hbwTllheyl conlnye'tW- and soJbt tWei hewithoa ti worfe al wa vs. perfd-. ng arid bf yef 'eirMTV'H-0?8-! a mysiery o b. 'AVhen aiprojecl nf pleasure M talked cf tbpxnensps are latMhooghi m ano; !nf'life;iwithnVt'g fees of 'cdmforJ ahdwVaUhVPTd be prnsnerous a fch no Id r; not"',r;errnTi j t bTr?, e reMi,tnMet I y' boys t Jhangioq iheml fat Sorwtl'P-n-1,-r' aoie.ioi tanoranq wneo ;iowoi 1,i,t',"M'v jKeiflieaftK and msjke theeffiii: and jiapi pf. Ybb dblam if iriigbry ;wrcbg, while jou dandleTihem in Mlyfabd n art aire ib-tft'faxtja vjiffancev andj tell Ifipahbwfm Mrhen youL. tnow -yto $ most Knowrejoe;e- rioos censrqaebres.'i Jfiyor great JyS brill oot wo"ik. y on should i not support them ;l 3iivethem awayy it will W forbeir good sad jobrjjlpry in lie end;tet' tb'ena j see that jtbey .astjdepfad bron IJiemRelves.'Sa 'vbir dboe. before. f - It; 19 bornirg shame for agedareiat toVbf :borthened tvlib be sunnort of stootrroffsred bbysmen ia size, !btr'pigmfeih knowledge, -sense, and man tiers at that time of life rhenV tlr? 1 cbiUrerr jhbnld lakajlhem'orider their, protection and care, and pfdvidelor their heilih , pomfbxt,;abd;bappi- iMleltijist SI -fclSJjStf Id- OMo:-z The nVmie'r of :Saabatb' abboVfVitbir) the Ohio Cnnfe rence; IO 09 U UI' 1 T! " . 1 F II -i i - - - . t -i . , , . iciir linn i nnriinn m ins ifff.i i i i mani had -.1 I : i- i . i Ana ynmrer Wfsiern Itiroog ol woods, V' ! t--k i 1 -.'r-tr lt.vvfI,17'.,' Beiiring fr,m,tbkf V5raroeJV Si calmly maejs3e "ftlyrBldw. -& i- Itlfv rfThe town of M ier(hdi been capt bred by $00 MThey seemiojfifTVeTe men hb seceded froai ibece-Zmainrmy ?.r,V frMtWtol'Pj:Sr3 bidthe-cdmiiabd "UlmMmA jjnp uwer iim gaze upon ineineaveni,' ; ..J.ing.wlih:.Rig-ofl-d I In Aflrlh snrl frb lla rrl.rias loan V " i u -: " ' . u H9 "'Uvo wire; i,--.. -i .4 , - ibe lastfonstdered i730iifine;fbiPg we .iare-pfr?; jiaib, tKale'lifelraiiyfvere pao-: peris t.fC:fs:lmjsibteor people jib liyA jng: in idlenesal" pniovinb th. loxnries and. blessings a people, each mtislTdo hts part anieasi ua soi jsiebfilabitrliagaiti 1 fv ftParfM8areeVr!Win . KlMPOUTANT rROM TEXAS. ; . - ;jCipUi Uollihs, ,of1ike jSteamiPackei NepT fnnw '-ih'rr-l Brritt ttftJ r.1J.'S. i.lStti -n.t' 'it'" -,.' l ." ( Oi-. 4. -l 1. .. " iIjiaio, las foiouhed ussajs the New Orleans B ytleiini) &xh- tfeiii :!papers la Vbf 14tHnst both' from" Gl veiiari and Hgostoq-b r ti r"-r-C As josaal lhe ecbvt.;s-aboat 'tfia atm since the tkinVof La;edo,are Vefjconfliciin so wuvh I ,tuuB icgr wqeiocr . we ereditUhe one orjhe other. .V By faiibe straight- Mwjiuu uau.u. vU ClUtft UU HVO , UlUllllU(r !Mr!Needham arrived at thafpTac'etrom Bex at, (SonvAntooio.) ataied bat 'General Somer- I ' I i 1 p w . vmw mb tv pivuci : nnvannnir ha nrnnt wc uri men Huesi iu0; tueucaa armT arrivea letook the towb afte? Hard irVlrnsantl toot ih pnsoDs....oeven- el Olxfcairaf- iWBiB-rrapipceiD.jjwgine, engage- mentllt is reported, 400. Mexicans, but bnlv four frwm 1 wo i men who escapedKooe of wliim rebor- tej ibat ibe Mexicans wefe comccande d by Gen. A.mpitdta and -Canatfaithd lbatihwhdJ Hext HtHi&W Uiat afW Lireyoiwal!iakir1e1o earnilArBM in 1 1 1-. n . !! A t - vu iicr was j . juu or auuijr r.; ir ojiicuuciru n nao VTItIUUIi B gUU Delug fired-! GenSomei telle, liowever.fclieyinilhat hm totce was too weak to. proceed farther, gave orders for the army to retna to Bexar; i This gave d.'ssaiiaaciionj and in cooseqaence the devU Bjdn- il)der ,GoiFisperrefojng' io obey orders left. iWe ciimmand, a? before mentioned, and weal down. the river to fapiurebe small towns! above .Jaiamoras,! ' j.' I' r ! ITbff portion of ihei army bonder Geo Semer- v el le,i returned in Safely, and brought in with them a large number of fine i horses and moles Col. Wm GjCcokei'Co). Jamej Cobke1tCtaptain Havs,Genv.Hunt, Jfudge .Hemphill j CoV Owen, no nosi oi .ine piner regaiiy. appointed omcers, jretorrled ; with Gen. omeivelle. ! Flaccb. 4he Lipaa cniei,Teiurnea wun ,ne army. :.( j -.j 'K Jppanjndiao ad;come into tlit Western s?tte htents from thb Rio jtrrande, and reported jtliat O Texiansjwere kiUe !m Ibel battle and that aierwards the jbwnltmargo W'aW cap tured. This! is probably untroe. V ji " ! - - Eattrdctcf a lelttt ftclth, f Texas, I dqUd 1U V -r JiKr;iaxil5, 1342. 4- There can be no it . but that Col. Fish ored. We 'are all in ers division has heeo' confusion here doubl bangs on the minds of ail as tu future eients. s.The prudent and business jjoriiops of out community bejieve that we shall be invaded bo h by lino? abb jsea in a short: lime, Tb fall of Vueatan will the a' signal for 'tbi? event; v u . '. ; ; 1 i q '.Yon have all tlie-piperf)iyibl boat, and-ean form your owh opinions. AVe are ri a bad way and am surryio ipicla1m1;ii, ristios per vades: all elapses of odr 'cbma.bnityVTJ3usioess ... 4-- ' ' i ? ' j iff (- r j l - i. is saspended.i .We have rioj money in trade none ir te. National reiSnjry.f iffo'-'breitjra-b(Tad4 and it is trery.;.imsbte4r;asto.jDbtain any relief :aoy jwhTere inj ciaswe te invaded by aipbverfol iorj5e.TRifany yyileontnjBe io. rroove. to lb ej Uciled'S'atts, as befelofore ". but a" large majority wilKrematn an. prove viciorioos or die iti. defence ei.' ht 'enn.ieTnd!botns;;' j Texiao Prisoners, bhatnds of the Alexi- .."it jV Ai.jk I..'-1 IMIMn.' - IV Kit' a!"', t A '.t AikAM.Axf An n veringlyesierday with ul'.dll Neiil lately reS- ident ai Gaudatoope j Texasv wbu, among sever a othrs was taken pmoner by lbs Mexicans at San Jn ton io,r bile the Codr4for that jxlis iricl was.cn ses&ioa.i"he PriscrtersV amounting 10 bambfr toabout fifty-nine, were made to mirch boderla'strprf goardWne'vray tblihe' citylof iVlexico ckangTniliV' numbers abot cliaractef xf the guard as they catae td thisvand tbe bthet military post. -TV ben , wiihinisfifteen leagues uf Mexico, the route was cbinged, and the pnshners" J de verged into the reobia . ioad on tbeir way to l,eiOi n:c tssi( ui wiiicn.SkHJUi "ail a ujur from "iW to wn jibey are bw confined! 2 Op t he eventog of -HherI4ib Decernberl Cot.Neill bade bis'eaplain "fafewell? (tblyery lit tip e re omi: -tO J. -' -.. - VJ':,.. V V'-l! " . ny. anaon me oe Walked furlT-fiva next morning a 8 ociix-k, he had ve"mied1a of Ibf cy of lexteorHavl to la8t!"bira the Or at Jajiof el demanded a- private rrxjm--r4cived op com pa ny,' arid attended io lelieyfng nnseji '!of bip fa tifl'oe and curing bis ieeytb'ertfHe?n sorb. . . :.. . . . ..-i .a! - .r. r 3- J i .Ai ,J'i.. friolfayor tfo''l;iWa11j lilb afreet abd1r Vet orbed f tolbl quarters i ir searcliedihe next eight for -the number in that f Perptellwftbfb'f fifle 'aHefJ klmoiit,! uf tbV prob ersin tRe-ea5e.'q.rierere nearq or ns ntp . '! '.'a -'ii--..Srjli."-.w i J!Vi ! J rsn. ana eai.tmsiT w imii hiB MVtlieH;ft'f e -r.M.w wa-CPncealed on board one veisel w. ! I S 1 i i j ; : ;, ,;f.-;- - o i- xnuwrr ill mn nniPTPr l-r xHseant of .aTexJnii Prisoner The Ne w, O. , i v j Ralletto of the 1 2i h ultimo, gi ves! ibe follow ing b i accouiit of a rbos: forturlaie eBcaDe bf one of' the v3wtf,-4:;.:-,r !ortb;ite sabstancejpf the i.rfeuc"e ; hrfor-;,. Ms'-rr:; what4murul ccQBiiiej, ac'a ibe otcesWri C qT f o P'i-sBdaiioq-a ceedn ar breakfast; anJ hobe lb do so fiM. ing. , .A med urq sixeil sweet poiatoe was pared and.tbe3wb.le?n,tbf raw. state, Itced.cThese sliee;were ibeqcrcss wise;; Sx., hat vWo gradually vaporaied.fnd in about th time that "-viM.-v4 j- a im - luuiai u- as : ui iiih ih ii lima a coDeewAaidbeprerredoriihemill.tboTwtairwIcfjinlerestye -Tf-r 1 1 i ajb4titate fas ready f'or the aamb process;iThe H 5ppplmenl fc toanAet, pasted . bv1 r u 1 7r--"r v,. v.. rasfiyana;peuecuy;anii i run with ffreater easMfeA Th1 fwxt,,- fetfit as sfong -and Tdark1naprrance as abyoneWfe othej, and only lifferS io iasta from 1 1 1201 ? I SectioiiMtb. i.rEntcti thit whea itha ddcjas by reaann of a alight resemblance i to coeoa.5' it l takes very jiulescgarabdia isobsliantial, cheap.: breakfastiog boose or aTrritifeS atid e would ' baf lionl.riv rinrnwirf tl iKilf! j - '! P.A enni,.r.' k..i, .1. .mLu- mf. 'r . . 1 irLtJ. S. Steamer Uuion.U-The Unioriffot ondei arfijomlw NavajllosiitaJ on. Tuesday morning, and went up to the Navy Yard to hantisbmet style! f Tbrei;cbersl wera given as she spectators performances - - i f wwu.w .mw -.iwu, -eacv fr . ' .j, i . i" . j','! '.V- j,' "' i' t,1.' 1 . "? .'W-1 .; " i kyStale ojiCnitJ:eniebec Jobrf nal says that be country !b very macb io the ji.t r ji .iAs. i;ii ,' Jeorf condition of a , drunkard after a-i fi t , of delirum tion, . Under j ibrsekaftxeiimeoWf ' blowfd it outistraight. and we are now goli.g through the process ' ofj bankruptcy and- severe cortailment of the currency dqwb . to the specie standard.?? V .rJj - CAtirctes. Tb e to wo of W inchesier , . Virgi n ia, contaioing.a popolatibK jof j4000 souls; has,li churches 2;MlhbdjLatheran:.ll47ermad Reformed , & Prpsby lejrranl 1 Episcopal, 3 Ba pit ust, k r rienos,'iioman-iaraoiei;fV;;i i.- 4 i-Nj SsTil' Latin a living Lanztiaste -lUisistated.that Latin is spoken ,io Hongary, and ihe debaiesvM the Legislature bf that cdojniry areMfliducied in mat language. A.Ar'' , Captions of $ljfncs Passed'1 by ifcej tata a; eft1"'- J ; i i - - ! . ,.. k itsi ; j. . To extepoj heh(in t (cf 'registering grants mesne eonveyarlcsj: bowfrs of aftor4 rj 6 y , bi 1 1 of alle a nded bit giflV Alto xri I two years troo tne passage o(i tnejiri;,bo provides '-tii'at .e' wail.rlio4- jeztend toi mortgages and to i eonvey!ane es ibttrusl ; lnd( fchall not be sol construe ts tofiireanyoeri eon power to rejpord or ha Ve! reg 1st ef e"d g ra n te frorrilbe Sute pwsm the PiestdfnfsirecW F..nJby',cii836f'7;v;:j:; ; . I ,2 4Denf ernng'elepjpnirrtorftsv .; Di yecta that w jieo vacancies exist in Ibe ber-j IfJUiiy, corbocsrosyjh)ioljBlfction after 8ny election beld by a sberifT such eher ff shall 'die, bis snccessorif iiny appointed n time, shall faakcj be etufe fand jt no sberifT tbeb the coroner, sball perfo'ro that. 4i, Apppiniiog . f iSM anp pasicrs .com! missiotiers,: Jo4jtake 1 tiepjosjtilqnsi. f Joestai them wilb all tbe powers-oi effier'jeotonns-: Cbncernig.thes:ibd 6f itlip, public Hbeprijici tbe .ri DirPjetin0lih refprinrn "hf anifni the bonds of ahefilriml bbr prides that w lei a j.s stlj ;tjebt ought npon fn jf . bpnB pf aberffj priJiebSic of : Sr eir, Itbociiujt oi syl op vroOtVoa wfeith er pariy, at any ) fimeiduring tb pepdeney- of laid so it, re fer betaa mejibt t (ieejcponi to M taken, n 'ihji-aojeHtteiiiiei "ainj I voff c ibe same roles inil regolatipns, iaslare bow. proiTded for . IhaJ rtlefenjr Tbf itf PnTbnpds bf execntryadp intstrah J SO lExtending lite; time iiperjeiliing tf f- lles to Jandsbejretofore entered. All per ons who have, fntf red yJeant Untiajiflcethe jfiiJiblfy4f39,'aH fst jnoary18i5. fo perfCt; fates.' i!P'V T'f.' To amenld iiici Sfibt prese iorV extending ih lime Jlor peyiiiijtles to lands heretofore entereit. Provides t La t i all loose avoo nave paiu Mie purcnue mon -- . J..ii:' i.i j. i . in ! tend lb the swampisnds. o Ti a meod an. act i i . -J , . L-t A .korizes the bank to nn notes of the cc. - . T . it . i4- S sioners to iafcerlueisitiOBS cobrt'if i-qoif. andei j hliiij io f bch fees 4 the $fa ri lol wbiScb" rtlitf 4eb6stn'dnt are ictnrnable niay allow 1 out setting fdttu.a UU 01 ct tcold of nr.. . It-iO f tyrb lhe nameicf Catawba.': a new coon i-,-- onend;a,hair rhiles of Lihcolnton. i 1 MV'Toertahlisb'a roontf -by tbentme of : MrDoarelLUrida 001 ofWu of Batkf! -fi ' an RutberfoVd ' .V " s ' in i -, r. 'f 4 w . . e,ri om Jta. 1 1843 : buVrtq'nrea, pir : ;-. u preaeni uenerai Aloemolf entitled r:i m h A womrutia uor. lbat there.shall be no Coroner m anv'Couri. jytnAbla.Sfatfiihall be the duly of my ' T, T r - ndQiiirter Seistonvof aid county. JiTbe Loroner.so fiDDOintinrr to 010 RonTi 1 lablisbicgt PbJiCyjLsndfngsand - piacet of i spccjpfa J anil egolaUonvof losrwrooi; Renrtls yp much of the fiOinvJlst, 5SjiU: tfuwuiii,iiuu,ljl IOO fOOVer ACIf 88 It the nathol oi Union AfThisJ c6tfhlv;lf. is esisoijsneo - oi parts ; o tue cooaiics J ot o 3Ieckleiintirg aid ToojTli 7 18. Jr amenVjn-Act pissedatjbe; last J SfS$ionf, aaHifo auibbHte the making of aTernKti: pikeiRold ;loni Gatesvillei to tba CbbsHa t inaipuirpose,r,, -1 0.ojo ametid an ? AcJ, entitled arAclTi cpoccrningnemocojoriMioosing oat ore s jnd Representatives in tbe CongretSL Qf;t(i9 Oniled StaJey. Retisfd i SiatuteschaUtti; 72 . ' rriis Art idivtdea'tbeVStiie jnto 'nmiPi Congressional . tissrjcts;1 according to thol pri'V siooa oCjih late TAaoftreaejz;-f: Hay wood, Bcncombe, - IJpnderson, Riber? U fntrf . 'Clevelanrl.isnd V.alAtvell ,;s ' 1; Second; DntniCT. MeirkJeDborg, Lin- V vviui w'.i,, A'YivivnH .v.vviiuji ir V JjiaR6!'pisTnc Surry,;. SiokeanRoiinatxt, aa'd Caswell,. t; a- crto jDiltBiict; Richmond, iMpnU ! , -gorperj f jlAnspOk jStialfDat idsoo; Gtti!itrdv , aodRaofio)ph ll!': - .-:;' V.& .T V Fifth DisTBicT.VVae, CbatbamtCum- berlaoil, Moore, tJobnttoo'j sod Waynei , SZTttDisTBjcT;-r Robeson, Colorobus, f Bladen, Br una wtck, NTew" Utanover, Samp- ! soUvXfop"i nir, yostoir, ana. pus. j rVEi7:ii VDi?fniCT."-branget Pefson, f Granville, Franklin, Warren, in4.llahf.ix ' Eighth; DistBiCT, JS asb, Edgcombe, Pitt, Greene, Besufprl. Washington, Tyrrell, t HvderCratenf ahiTtCarleretr ' 1-4 I riM'WT .aiinl: T aMmVnn . ' M a 1 1 i n Rail 4k I1rt!at t fordNoiihipptLni Gates,1Caaiep, and Currhuci lx. -". 20. To directinyesinient of a portipa of f the titerajry'Fyp faith JtnpJi creDn of jibe Stale fr?m being 'uknUbelby; ) ber endbraementfof i he Bond nof. tbe 7iU mrngtpo sn,d!Raljgbi Rail Roaof Compsri. rDirocta the Literarv Board to ihtest S50.-1 f 000 in thp redernption of ibat ampont of ;i BondV issued byf abt-jrail road Companyv V bncoadittnihatj.;ihe ovompapy consent, to :? a full a'nd free . ipvesligatibalof its afTairs, by.such. Ageni.a's the present Gcptral Aslj bembly. shall appQin. pV- ylVotpreferffll the' natural benVfifafrpf j PamticVSpund tp the Qtiizeria cf tliiStatev Preventsjsh bpt 'e'itiiwflf tbif VStte frornicatcbmTrapirt iiidSbood J j 123Tnieo4 J libe 21 j sclibVoT Up ; Revised Stifotes,ffilating tp GuardiarV and WardY ; AoibbVite's Guardians rending etl ! i of Ibe Slate, to call upon arty person, having J fn ills picswsion mbney or other property belonging to tbeit Watda, aod obtsio tne tVo'v'ss thisywooldiheeotilieJ to''-dvif;lif I ! V fog i the State. j "1 ! ' & x- ' i : JJ- tpk i23 To apportion . the ,rMeroberaf the fjV 1 House of ICommons, among, the Ts ersral Cbopfieato the aje. xriicteafter tiidcPla j f "and Orange7 are to eteet 4 Members irrj the tj-Kh Common- ICtiatainrG'aBtilie, Guilfrd, : lredeldle);liiU?n$iifg. Stnkef.Sairy - and I Wateeach 3tMempera ; Apson. .BMjibrt i Bertie, Boncombe,Buikev Cabrro,"Caswell, j Craven, dumber ijiwi. Da iW,vPorlin EJgecombj 'Ftlf pv Halifaz, Juhosion, dolpbl Robeson;.Tlpcktnghsrn,Roan, Roth- I erford, Samperw j w arrea . t ir ayne iu Wilkest each ?ollobe f and every pffier County! in the taila i each 1 11 ember,, 0 ; tnrial Diatric ta.,i HPriivtdeaUor the election o of Fitly S3batorailia bf Lincoln and Catawba the 4in Uis- IV; .1, ft;V;- 4HVT t" --'.; . ' 4 ft ' . t s 3 . -f-r IV if: : ;f . V i -"r V A 4 - ViiV; S-V- i i 41 I i - . If h I V I. - - t - S - - III i i TaTTx ; H - 1 - - . a ' t r-i!.. : f : i:V lot Pi-' . ,1.;tj j ij- ;;; ill F l - ! V A ,4.- ! - i; - : i ;! ! -, ' t m 1 :. . ' h r.. ' M 11:- :' - : L-j : -v !--?.;mr-:: i: -.ir--i - i j l t o 4y;s-Vr;rS afi

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