i w .'Jf fR-r-!U:iSra-i S--.."vM 1 -u. I 43 5.1 ViH''' t .: j W -1.1. . - . - ' . i . . . - w.' ' fl ( '4 1 f .IRyorl on Gen. Jadscn't Fine. :i - .Tba Wahtnlon corrMponden't of tha Ner' i Yotk iVraerican his the followloi iiotlceof then f ' report maJe in tha Hoosa of: RerreaentatltM on i ifii Wfk nprk r ij W 7 : Hi 111 II:!!! 1 1 I i X-Jif ' !" 1 rr rp -1 : tnmi' f SI2hfer'8 Tavern,) ;m he i!.n j y vii"-' r -r 1 .:f,-.B Sfer, SbmlTa ancf CoMtable.f 1 good ipa paraoq p?"? mt ; .t iMArir (TnnH 111 -iiiti fciv . v in hfl Mate. . f orqeis u nu uw -T I w.-r .r "jfeSirTw v Tttr u i ft niS& IcfeSltEiTT i'ATs :-v..i -tils :i. -i - -7-. :r- -Tt -" ! ' -. ' K..- i '! - : ' -VCWIS. -Cotton Yarn. 90 ailslrfttGa':? Bacon 4yl;::l4"a!l peach) 40 a 50 ; ritil 13 I Cttt5f 5 a20 :rmL mm bfe h fiu;! & .r ra t 1 .tf'tohicleaq 5i: a-D Sngar,:ibK5 i - , t 6 a 10 V - 15 a 18 5 : .! Tlpwgl Tbbaccoi 8 a 20 'fMf..si-a:.aio Tow-Linen, 12 a '16 Wheat; bush 1 Whiskey,; 2 a' 30 '4 INTolasseS ' i25 1 fefiiJij Sflr a:$0 :JNAiIs,cut, j67ajuJ Sdjar brown, a 10 Ilurap, . j - r;14 'lloaL-'iwr- 15 a 18 Silt. ; 0 50 a 60 'IV : w : :f -'-: a- r ; .i i i !Vnrpoleaf . i 2 a 3 0!dt ton bag 20 BatO tV m.HT I Wheat new BO a85J Whikkcy 30 a 85 1r ,4 15 a 20 I": -' f " ri. .i' ' l-f -H--Bi Aiw 5''!:n i 13 1 L f 84l ''. "',-"1- ,5 J4 ill 1 15 I Oats bushel 36 a, 37 p ri 1 f ? 4 a 25 Oil gal i: y 7$ a 1 f fW'tS 120. i mil If. lamp - -11 25 Corii 14 a 01 U ce lOOJbs i 4 5 a12 mi k.J..L.: --11 I 4 14! . . . 51Q0 oieei Amcr. iu a uu i KEngliabgi-M l.Gerojiaiijf 12 a 14 r' jreaimpe.8t:J37 X l:t1.:;i:i!K'IN. i; j..,"; T , .'," ne -a .1 ' .it 1 I-Jfc. -...11..: T .'j-- V- : - T - CiS -mrnm Sfe olMto Ff didder band, ELI; pTnfinis Joioi'flickets, Executions. t; u 4 PwTiV?rn -L:j:ii Jnfcbe hesiono'ber home;- : --.--. .4 . -,i fpS?!? IP flu; ''fe SHEttAl'$CAMPip Bathi;.bTee-.thi8 lasldjeb.l UOnyWmBmm M1?- Ew??8i Gfl mtldiaielryief B rrToos oif-sicki Head- She Itofeild awhile ta tkei pfit 4 v yffrrfltsyf(vd.cU iPitart fetbe Hearti Lowne)bf SpirJ; hBlarewirfr! :( B WHjyiRW ft cft?.,f -rn UalJuesp6n:e4i a Ntf moreber heart wilt break -1 '? MntSf&'f P fcyfj itiK :aefepf.i8fiigtf i. ChstDiarrtcea.-vLas- iCinabTsyberi-and,-pleUuie 4Mne-.H l8Bli-Cnlt :sitdiorlapsebtJatigoei . I iX memor-ofi:waV;nm-.;; feecoiiohl altadi) Ck StVft Bonds.; Gaari aMlj ah Fpot where na.ore erects a;sknpe fiS ft Overy con4 k3: Comt )eliear the seamaVaf y f .$&iherirI'Dee4f(yw Jnlbmmensenmberofa larfttnd, ifat:jt;H-. t ; iSlfjS haipkd;thy have never been , : i- f; 4 .. ifaBJpvJpdraUistrate filler f "jfill4' :J 1 VrW- tAUHaogers I woold hiave.i wj I .ibo Bund9;peribr?nd; 'l?qfi.;i"rffli' SlAerm J2ciora Bolmartel AoiJhy-brida did.wepp;, -:: t::'.;r.";:L'i.li', . J J- iP-;.vrv,-V t V pennies, like hers were brik-o : 1 4 ." lh PrUiUh&!'tfermtm ? f V " Diartiuea Wlors4ness of 'hes bowels, so com J .j Bot is nav. we arenow ontliebododless deep aPAITOir TOP :WjOaifi:r.'mr:rt raayttfowiibe entirf 17 preyemeoy ai s '.ii i.'.. J L':'r" r. - !'. i:'lt I r - fffJi f.Wn(isf Thev' are prepared express.. V;': i -; 1 r f nit fehot test nnt ceraodsoov v surpassea. roy i.'j evTa ":n - . tK ' h -t. rr. .-r ft-jti-s i'j ...-f i ,i : . r; i: wor?iifi,fnij persons suo eci 10 a derange 1.: ySsciU - ihaifel :fett6d ,'a T large and frVsh I Ch nnrnn iv'sl ftatliaVtidlLdZri SPGS f -flt-J-'T?? .t C-- ' sn4 iele fesHabartVer dsedr ;Jilirtrjs! m totsurb love nr)he:Penplef Jhe afti trEGOTA! per$pnjsltWoeren! roedicoe is reared,! pes;rlf o: jet some family grudge; sorn f-fot)feM)Ui r,Mllh18?lb4,l peceaaitiosb uiesfebieest.e, .shhr WWT'R19$ Mftflffi4 -n&" your'vi.sageioardaer r aa.ighie'. a i un i; in ... . u . . r t t : i man pinn . nei -cleanse iud qiuujib oiivi wnCi5, i ii vuu iuu iivi ii'ic ivui n... 17k l'f fttriti e; ' -T' lioo r P'ngfnff . i . ptt-y cesse lo-p reach ;ben ficence on -a. I?rgu hliallijtriafeVef Itr-hd jiearJSalisbory, which hill oVIrobd5 tmn if aw)licaiione jna.de lkf " :- -i. ' 'i : : 1 ' c 1111 "''".1 'r.V .' .r'- ' ' 1,1 ' "" - - 1 ! !-' -1 :. '. . " ' I. 1 . . ' , -I. " ' , T A Ji . " L, Tin, u, ,t. ' r j - I- ';.f-'! 1 'I "i!.1"1 - '"'L-'-:-?- imd'MMVm tern f gin RiSuSscriberrcspectfoltj ifnloimi!:W ti M (lie sbote Ihe sobscn&fir iu. 1 15- 1 X os ;ywwji"l'"vi., V - j I Tigbtness ol tne i.ongs.ui Cbest: frc. 1 . , A. 1IUI wm u wM MM W iu rr.i LiiJ.Li.. ''.u.tt t.irin Si'ii.: 1 ftiWfRTO! 1wa?A.!in8!Uor own docrr with y oiir next j neighbor, Td.iaijtbe i3.ao yM-mat Di og SV6 by m 8 SU IF? " : - if-s!OJB;lWHEEiRB,AgenYt-if :fre?.-to;;,bessl Gie r hinvu:hf as -you ' X . A't- -.SalisWy..:C;U!' hivfX.Hoyf t rP 'tklfB::,b4.Vr ,:"sSet:SllSHly6H happier ifefTlUs is"the quest ipn.l Ifa dol. - ' i-l- iJ' u 1 --i-il--Jv cf.l lar wtlltdo it,; gi voj the -dollar, -iffadvice. h U lr 1 JtiAtiriti U'Cj'ril ; i-oii; givV rhastismenf. f ai lock, a fmile; S'ff'ir't.il "O OSSESS; qnalitfes of the rnostj.milc ' JllriitjBdatiatdiia. bTfiey arecftaYpos mild-and be-J i cum posed cf dr- iiclestb inipdiint9kifewn aionlv:criatn anii for tJres lef'vfry eM4- W!pfooeedl"iS rbad systemi iWhen! rstakeninibt Kesnmiacb; ihej2immediaelyldiiTbse thVmselles liap Wiut'fl Inimati ibe whole tnan r-- i -- . - :y-lihbi'j:Jlra'tns have also'been ;bseil will me most nappji pcues u,t mi.kus ?, a..u fair; swampyjaparcaaip sjiuauocs, or poinu i rrirrh prtuosophy and nirrc ircrain? bean- miasmi,iwneipeft loduguaii-v'" r1, .". 1 muiiy: expressed in; tlicfe Jew wortis, as ohcabses,be3 kni-hi tko iimirmmofrertoreand lrtvitrorateui y..- inrofigriieveryippi?, piuuucinj vics wr rvp" oeiier ne win jii a:i5neri 'e, worm delil-bffi.1. ialptarj amHtlmnridlWitii m'mnTrTe ffoofmon I$f? dotteV brdi'femin .arc ie nest kMf ped- r l cines are found to give a tone t$ the nerves, ex- " r v. ,i . , r ' r , - tniiitis .ti- ;iJt elirti. in;nri IKa w whole hanpmrarf oar, Iiyesand those ni main Aire qhiumk n'oi ' i v w " j i pepip.jaisB3ii,iwMp"- o'i.u.o or naaiy periorpie', pro?nore or neerrnv rnai Coojprnniiea and iBflama." peiro arid peffecr satisfaction Pf mind in -fSin wch tfubapriness cfmsists.ZcfeeK . - SahsbarvOcl!'22 18421 vlS -t f'l-V. t uh. n j- :. ', - f - . i wJucwoiiuti ana iie Jiirrf i. -1 ne western InTjPS AfOTpply of the above Invaloable ME- papers tell the following v'nectfbte '!;'-:! ifVt f -p-DldltfESara formal 'at jamesCross Roads,. X4.v "i1 ! "' --Mvr l: 4 iredtnjcoWbi i . v ymm &Uffyfflf&m I! f iirf AhCclNTOSHAenf. 5 : ICJ? A tfJfUKG.lMANi who hashadonJ '.i .ilk- f i --- v. . . - ..- slderiabte expeiieDee asI Frinter; jsiisbea a ait aanun as roremtwi uriiwrirueviiKH. c.autiaciorv reierenees can oej!ca: rvi 'iucuirBaaaress the 1 Watchman Office," Salisbury post Farnnyil84Skmt. ' " . 1 .i iij-"J.S ir'SLi-'p! It --t '-: - ..s ' i-' -' - "' j ; """-i-v &fb 11 S3 Cl? il JorTesil sd directlf ppposha the! Rowan! isfer,: Ji!ai l645ll4f " - Salisi TUon. has rr ?lipprcbance ofihe boonpjess deep '..-tit'!- .:.U?1'.l: "i:r-,;-ii'- i. iir-f- ; I- Tbiiia iiiIkr!trA(M;ihoV ?Wfi $iiall; reach oor.iumeiJife. T.lf Nor- the VfajiSrs of 'h sea i s-jrtf'tl Be, ine-saroa that woo!i yeariv forjtot Bnl my'feirelold and jraf 'tDlher lpdp9 5. v Indaibinybn chorch yard jjijflf ; , And jwben an: a2rlaei weep, i f I Should no, Ipars der a duvghttr's eye ? "I ig roe my mother doth yet remain; -iiiMl roiu is.ine uctn ihji wuoiu nut uuir 1 When pa rtJiJz from scenes tike ihe; .When a last fare, well it would paose lolake, , . &te n speeds ainwart tne sts. h t farewell jsVsp.kenf i tTO DQ GOOD, f 'i,r oiiaintwlriterr'vrho 'lakes ioUfmself fhe rin oni o n I of ? Charles Qvilllths slwi iapje.a syJnethod-oTdomg: g npjf f h ffb; .wU!jb4lfooo!:'A- aVo)ihj.:e adopted re ifsfwh no good so j do good! so" far pjf I- This is a ruljns ermr. r I i . - t . m. J mmw in I- . t m n .!. or wst rn irrptiiii of itin " fisnrt. .inri - vi -jukz.:. ... W j -t:i i J . JT- " i . . , - 0. t ' . . Jl 'Vf jj'T prt lo f at Fme, riprirb.iaib- mom e nt i'1 '-r-.Tbei b'ia as sojod w;tlli presfnt JhcmslvestioAv uch 50f'farijh hewill 'feel- himiHf, Imw jmncb ' ' ..La. j : a !1 ccnflecieaw.untosepeiii!rsseii!ra.T op- nn tbeirperfpfnMnceTbey sbow the iroe i iruiuei ur wr vririve. ami, ; n inc im gooa I few; years sinee exhibinrjl hisrpoiitie af gag ' .B. M m wr to . as wi .,m . M m. 1 ... Ii A It, Im m j j.i.1; . .,: (" stfairisiio1rii3nsH rive ;.)n.pdmibjj )hatr;lrljj( fsfrTraf Vi. cpbper;.f afirst rate cooper,; at glprious cooper a perfect smasber of a cooper; and citiz- ne, be imade one barrel 1 (pbinting iro x-.i in woici) ne lorgot to put a gooa'neatf," ftvvir .;Hi.r-;.:i .vLi l .LJ itof KebrcarT.,dieg.ta.thefeportebdeti&J is $11.73 11317 CO! - v - j ' : 1 ' BvmanT a DMih from vnn summer moon. .v,. - i . .i . i : i heinerrciiiiva cr vim - fir n or (ir j - p iddresttpglbaMsjiTttb an;badhide' b'arfelf fbff the'nil Tom V i a r eril y i nd olce rj. i n . th e. fol j o wi ne 'CMliw'tfkeftt the !ald!Ari!nua,Melinz -of inti AmericanAOionization C3 icieiy, oas oeen prepared for:-pubiiMtite it thei reducsl of the; fr tends l ine late; JlrKt ;a Jrt iiteepbrV jsr ieiwi;itiiaj(ii ths Soi4 j ;- Li' jiiijj . .tin-iii.-. 1-4j t.:r--i f. j flTl D88 ?inaiani:.u ty ijrflni 411 iwo 11s irtrarrniui ffseetmeH promn:si uio anxious 1 - 4 1 .1" v--t'i.1-'.!ir-!! f. -i i-a-L-i - . SDtepi Mrin ,aoaDenecieniJuniiinnce m aigjfiedrjchfceaved;i8brtatfli But, alas liiatteli isitcani shd6SihaU be'oo mor een 10 fiisnaen, to nengni, ann io- mstruct uWOur?friend,Niho flriecid end lof tnao.' hat 1bfen,iqdd' hlr lakpnifroiil theJe scenes nf ,t f f Bipoiaff j tnteiVsi lo;(hb$lpf(iiernal !:ppff tett boi the light of-biaJpure zniplb and loe fniits of his . active ftrioos nfe, ah oi; iid twilllcome BlIefiHiiier.iiiifieiB to a If 01 :tzinurners in (imnwipg 10 iqs tcmn an "thai wa?i mortal of Francis Scott Key. Fol! of iij(0riridJn?e. Hnd:ciiitnKlShe4Jileft ths riiy on ji bftf f visiii!ryuhs:famy iirt Baltic more j-tre to inJerchancp the .senl'.o offi t ces;of; kindred sffecf ion iiin tending to re tarn ogam io.ob . present (ms : eveoinff 8 tour Soiietv's- annit ersarv meiftin9.and to uiFCiiargw 1 ue uigu lurcnsicqnugauon? awni- . I J- L L tJj f'' - V .Jl' ' L-t.-lL'll !' '1 ting mm: in .a jornro wnere 11:9 genius an( learningvbad been often iliMMraied. Ujli wi on the day; precedjngihis last fatal attack that t bad -the fortune to meet him cm" hip arrivkl(snd to hear fipcibi lips a warm expresion m nis aniainsuavnment 10 mis t ?lfc7 0 fl 3 - W jnfl voice wot, c im nigW. ence had otherwise ordained.1 fin ' wasrl i'?f VJ3- ' ?tim' "aJ av'3 -Tr.T.VP'ri'A yrftV?. -SJ"""-? "JT inflt -IPrmmilAn Inn pitaar ni this ificilni K ,?7tWW,lhS HfWiof ?His distln-&b0,e the fortress 3f aiUcaid ibeo the shedm .n in the sixtv.foorlri t ear ;cf his&,ii,i c ; I,Ti u-v iti . . .iJ .YJiTtjL bii' i . - f, ' '"ron oijiispoasl or the invade Slhareiepnlninff that fabolt es, S6d cheered fhyj,be hopes of im.pg WooM be strock ltHebess of its S-r "V- i "uM"V?Te ne;?l battle and the darknjssof Ibeltiht, he tebdeilyi Irtyed on carihnd to have hism.!ched with thrnhfitnir hPi&A ,;siraT,,,eV ""-in''i - " V " . -.i?hcu:imcuu3. j wm -wr 1 -..r - J ft f :e7 'ffW. - y.00?" "'pThodawn brcko alaat, and thrbogh the "7 H""-"f-." . ....... ma ajunnue ana cionis we cingbt lp jirst olincc toiml-lK orrfo,; t-f ;. M, fnia ll.ePi ,.8 jtl onoorqierea ens.n:p tip pWilM!'.r Jllmlot. Bia llhfjtmmqtiqiri,,, , ,h and bf.Sf-tliii bii.hi of hatevfr waseneVofeiniiand sf?ol. i Ale4 X marriage, A pap? fit the mosi hrjinorablejhd honored fantillies ofj'.'Maryy; h'p'A'f and placed by; his !e;njts ftndj virfnrV rnjjtrm best-soriely and ?ociatin3 ho sp pard earlyt shd pfdminfhtljf or stage ''.f, tiff, and rose rapidlylo cltstinction in his prcvfession. h, . . . tr. g::l J,1'. ;! ' Among the man'y; git iphUanlhropists and intellecto! merilwirjwhofp he 1 acted. no one exhibited moe zeal,! or ihas left he- hind d;f! brighter, record of? gond w oiks lh a n r dprted friend. jTlte, poof sn l the op. Ol pressed j were ' the hnstni; :0$jcis ol his Isonsi anH leir rfliisbL:.oie)bche with !sntticl.;iepre . hi? fioflit :rf nsrc flrts. lf pmight the nusrrsb-e bilt'tp relieve them, and insirncted tbe ignnratiandiviiious t!it h4gld rr fprrn and elevjiiyhqni. j jit wab his i invariaide habit IhrnugliiT.i Ufp tblrfejrote everv Sa'ihatiijo the otlicrsf letigtnn; arid he could bejffri Ynihe morn ir Sunday school With gfoup of hide bdys-gaihered aronriif hikneessnd recciv in from him the lessons of !l)ivine instruc tion.; Ye?, sk, ie;iorarilte!; jurist, and the1 Scholar laddVd tO: Jribmblpr, but rorei Iovc-ly4 title of SaHIMlk tthbol teacher; anJd tbelieve ibe last Soipday: jhe sppnt in this city' wRsdevoled to this unobtrusive and hallowed task. , -; ;;: Wbat a lesson should sdeh; a life teach toithif gfeat and powerful end bow does it say fb ajl, v0o;.$'artd do likewise f' -For. aniid 'lull, the 'aScinat(ona iwtiieii jgeriips and eloquence throw arpnnd ;tltejr; posiFe5sor, wikb the honors and applausbthbjwoild to MssfZe and elate himheyetWvcr fnr go that he was a .CAmf lribr suffered bis, beait'an'f: hopes to J be withdrawn from ibljt fith wbeh was jtis .cmfp'r( : tifeaotj jr pnw Ms exceeding great reward" -i jjlowf'ver verwbelmrticgybepgrnssinj cares an'l hiiien of his profess inn, he still found 8!waj3tme to reiirp jfrnm the din and bc!e of the arena pp, JictlVe Ifle,. to thej foet ;cf tbrar Cross lwitcj jbyr day and nihi,thtid beein his pi"r .jbi;'il0U,l apd of firVCt.f whicb; be InnkVd andi byjjwbich be cboqoered. flow, I repeat, thep, sir,slmiild suqh life snd such adeath liypyr Key's arrest khe mind and jniqh ih pearl of the araibuibnV votaries; of j power j arid worldly hoor?, s howtng to tbem ilibernptiopss i.f alt human renowntabaV'thelaiknes?, the peep darknes?, which mUit.ripseripon; the i,aisro'abM onless I (e Siar oiBethheim shone over tbeir paths and.th Bty;nirntte irjwy;; .Xheciyic .wreaih..vand,-th0trutDpbal car ire-t as'jn ,pt h f n g to J h eTg lor y,;! b a t i n p i rcles iKeTpatribt C"UanVbroiarssKieli we cbbfideotly. believe is now i tbe reward of '.r'.-M: i .L"';ri.l; iix:LJLL'--i"Li...S.i Hi.. nim: woosnTiriucs luujiocin o4i fjuaiiiF v well deserved it.- ,1; --SAi ff r te-it "f"? superiors. The fervor and richness of bis . , 7', ." .72 1 " inirrpui spirit With Wbirli he:dftfen1ed lea nWwrnn and -T -w p.miune99 and r Kindness .ol Ins padner. sarfounded him tribtinat hra: later, nrnfftTnnftl !f .1 - V (iJ ; 'T-v' Vr," va- -r? TU,cnt "unrpsea ana mu?i ions fherish ih bv rlipnti. who lnve.1 tT4 i-l---- .i l ; "V Jl 1 arvr .'V" HtfHMoBrttKrrf apart he , Sapreme Cjifti,io, which amt h, .;,!- .i r.J. k--,i.:- tiyeiiest rerniiecuoni oi his f Ivo;-ienco and !' learning: Ue ms bot o,s ud arebrate i.'. tnjhft preparatioi) and; ail'im4nt of c-mpn. It may be said f Jiint with' fViniv thai if he ver erred, his gpnprpos heail Uered jhe fu ! I es 1 a t n n e m p n ti .Si m : n vt lieu in his hat it qohfi.lna and for gmn in h is If mperr nriwniarvith ins mesns in doing , $ood, and' t$ fmm 9Vtf,si,Vss and taingtory head, kndeclj, hp? very few. m None irnew him bnt tn Jave hirn. . ' ' vNone named tktun bul.i praise;". ' : J t5ot-.muauoraear.. I hist;9owety-needs no eulogy to esiabifsh hi? tinef ftsW enhance itsbereavementXhe; waajta fe.arliet: ami most :sen-sacn(isingtrfhd;;iaidetl in iu inunnauon, ana wsipie ;s '"win with a father Jove.- Jits fvoiee (tho. 'rb-eaif Africa.:- Yes, sir, thstlbannrrt of thefree, which bis genius and. patriotism has embal, med in tindjing verse, Inow: waves over her soil, and er redeemedt sonl, whenever their eyes- shall be .jraisd; to jta gtarv wiU fiather inspirations of eraiitudd andvnatrint. ism from the fighC fthq mepiof oKey wtll live so leng as Dsn hs tbespint to be free or tbe virtue to be jut- j j i it- r it wn8 -florins' tbe laid m mnrtk i . " " '1" " ' - v ww wi British 0et by fceneiratecf to the lw. Cspitol of our countr, apwbile ipi - t. - . - jti Lui.. Jl-ir " salft? "'"-o board intiM :. fblW, t Hie iil.4ht elose i(po the mn- . . . . w ti i, 1. . ,. . .e 5 " T V r" V 'y lai ano Ibe nrst approach of lighfl 4is fears an dl ,opes alike agitating and opprerin bim - w ' folds unbroken by the itbrm ef itlp, and jtlirtexilnguishableitu rw?fl. it was, sir, si mis moment of rap- are th jt thepatriotV overflowing eart gave-i utterance ions gusnir.g jy m a song Jiich has become the brightest gemfbfidurrlitera- ura and the watchword of victory! If notb Ing else remaned o tescud his! rnemort S-- .' - -i ! I i 'i itom oDiivion. mis, rit-3 aione, snail preserve I.i: 'i.-j i " . ' i JL' ! . i H ii -vry iuu ouu on i oery sea, wner- pver Ameri03n aris 5P0 Amerirm nrms shall i:-t.. I l.li..i . !: .4 ' rarr Mut auu uiH-rriy nu" CljUZ4tI0n. " ' I W'ilh this brief pjnd imporfert tribute depaited wnrfh, Mr. Lee concluded hj f ai.ing, ie onereu ine rrgojotifyn wlnrii re nhdiiticd as a tribu e l43 memory of the fieiceased. i From the Iitftigh Rtglslet4. : A fcEC ON D D A Nji JEt. ' The last Sfandai d " piblisliea aSpee5b, delivered by Mr. IIeVterI' If ;Granvflle. (Loco-Fuco.) dnripj the lite Session, from which we tke ihe following pissage: 'y JffJSir. nothing is bone fof the:relief of 1 he people, when we return we shall' fiod a disappointed - people ; and, Slr, I fear an eunige.d communiij'. I hope 5ir,howev crjn tbi? l msi h& disippnintld ; (uc qnes iion Sir, will bo sskeJ us - on : returning hocbe o our cons ituens, wht , have jo don? fnr nnr reliel i Shall we answer nnlh trig !? I hope notj AYiV1 Rtit Sir, lt is tet to be donei What Mr. Spcpker, Inay up expect to-be the answer I III will ibe this .Sir did you not wo relrs ao plejlge the o relieve ll-roid Com. faith of the State, paniPSft.fiad, could yoii'not with rq-iaKpropn- cty. 'bave pledged! the fajib of the State tn relieve os, the Pepplc l Tho peopje. Sir. wilt i rrmember these things! arid JPir we will soon have to render nn atCounK f slewsfd-ahip, and j fe3r, Si, tvhen wpbed in the balance of pub'ic senlimepl, v ihcibcf und waktifg j -r WrlK lhi.effislafnre bs ajnnfpejl with rofdiit g any thro j for Ibe relief of tl e peo. pie, and of course according jto Mr: Ibs fEas pred-ction, 1 ho'UepresKofaiLvep will ei weighed r in lie ba'ancef and :Mf j found a"niib:- Whtu a Loco , jfPo 40 ember thus acknowledges, in adyancef, that: bjs pir ly deserves the a pier oCjthei cstenls, en nriot see : wit what ; f acb any of them can daiboo ask a y?e lection i their bands. ThAJ aoiUtbemselvesI incompetent aad fa i th lessi and ' of; Con r sf , - thK peo pip w 1 1 deem it folly to entrust them with power again - - II- lid I X s i- a I Prtfitabtew-Tht Bostoo Advertiser states that tbe Commonwealth Vf Missachasstts has -'".jf - - - i ' ' m f i reeeied the past year from the Municipal jCoort ; uf Bost6nbotiVthrehoasandyII exacted for violation of the ?oxpay la's. l:- I- It . 1 - ; i .5. ,. j. il.WWM.MIvrw U'llllHtll il'tt.U il I II. If I villi I I'lia IDi I i was early, raised, in tihalfof 'kfreri?co!o 4 j V, -V -'J J ' nizaiion. His hand) first plantndwith t'th-. 27i jVw?- V,lJ,' Cr.T : I ersf. the banner of freedom onlthe ahnres f.Vsjwn'df!rC',ljhHiirtphi" United ' Sfai v nave-tSX rennrtrd i'i?Tim in'ittA.-tntVtn'iinn "T ; given tojhera soma:iim iiacaVby resotoiin, .f'' iBqalreJoto all tc: farjaiin tbe.dse cf'ihe fina infl!edon general Jaefcsontby JodSe:iillai' New Orleans witVriwer tV 6eVdArnrPPT?rp f j " and papers, nd to iepnTt both iba, facis and tt . l4 , la to". tW Ijlnttwrtie prmting pf Jhe; repr?r has beta' or Jere4 ;n4 lbe'e i fa av csci Uni3 J v"! ovarTTorlanOO exira enmpai r f.havenot vtpt en ': K bnl ijbse .jtvb have lead u; sjieak Mt inXhiv! bishest lerms ;as; a, perfect an A able paper." "Mr'JamesA.' Pearre;tf Mafvlatid, ts tle aal ,1 arjjairru lor Htm? of Ibewhole loose, and f i - ; - ' .''1--- tTe tbe. lioeppieo teembers of the Jadieiari A L fx L As.ll'j 'T.-.j - im .f U f T - ' T . - : , 4 - "T . ! E -ii- : ,.r-v iv. -u it li b pntb ntitjiant anH pnwrrfol. .It makes' ionl a . complete-, cnmrotnditioniff H i.i JarksfMtS condoptln everv partlcnlaririi abowi.i-H ,1 4 ibal he knw ill tv ne'nrvnerssarvJbenanse tia t i was at the.iim iritormed of ibft'enelnfcioii t pea CP.4 1 1t proves Ihj all iei(i Iriv btn'ao'in- ! ! . ' j nnreni inan.i ijnaiiafls jai?imi tbroaghnnt inn snows ui'niy rpqirpivnirn io qn wnaLl- j he did. rt.aWoonviots (spnacktena'nf palps 4 ojemissiaieTiipnisi meyin.ni4: reeeni eommd- v ocauon.on hisi-jeet.f . I I wrt send yon a riftpf it j-pTn1e4,L ir1 I il is, mpoitanl tfiat jbtK -.narrative -and irr' mpnt shonWjbe kid before, the- enpjitnetl;' f, ale'v and eittpnaitrlv.J H t -a t mnr imnt.nniv 1 - l jtintan kit . tley bittyy r.nf thfW!nti3r J! and ij j- the dMrminaHn"ol thefaiarhay depVndioorr 'f. , Onz-itigiVrilthe.fullnwingjkeTch of a speech' l .v. i-i-l.'i it n.r: v .1? tJi:i i . the lcbeqjff,i mi .which b;Hfed,smnf pretiv. brid sho's iritntbe T.ocos. relative lliuirbhssU . ! ;ed-brrfaa f ffJe Wif if' T5-' i'-iip brisk ana most' effect) w.. fire infv the 'cofo " Vbenibeviif M4f aln'eritbQit itKivs wriih?rnf----H.A lllag eflvc ftM eaaw?Vhtnftf4Hn inAnlfieiUs '" Hvl tion Mtia rfjma'kajwf IrKJfflif jm replvrit )ti" f j tbrtA0--jfe.eb1t - weil S1 l, and sfo fO;ire"opV on:.i tald them hey ifiare't not matt ait v sorb aronai; they dared, ijpi pot tbe nxt PiefWeniial lecj tion.to te'peopTe nnon any soch ;isne.J Hafd jnnney. Indeed jf No pfp?f no expanVhm flfi wonia pin a o'lpsnon ninm, sno r wuhrd .. t " r'K.f -Vf' J'. v';vftH i he rjeppr ter!, ihe Press, an"d1J-w ho) connirvJ ta.bpte be rpiy-Uteii me, said he, cpifpnienj any;of ywo opnn jhis 4-inr.' addressing. .Mrasetfjil H ibe rjicosi-tfli e; if yon cnwhe;her Jhera! il.tv nr nriA fliklflir nfflifttfl mAhrni.t Ini ts " i-. . torn flonse at, N.e'w York, under the npniion'of y nnr sob treasof tJard money sy ftient? j SVr4 there one dilhr 3f o: No reply! t AW demb ?f Tell tn4)r forever hereafiei JigM jrnrirl pahetl aboot 'yoprisub lrfasory mskliig d atid silver the carrncy if JtW conntryi Not ne ppaksi4.. not; one of fyoaj ;Ko;' yon knnw very well ihktl t nni Mer yotbTisteittnb.trosory plan that pljTrf hich'rlqaiicij a dops payafils to ihe gnveVrf ient Whs! paid ir sr!d and slfVwr. snd in no nlhi. which ment to he er. wiy;g(ff1in silver wefHarpVid, bnl eheVi: i;j marked pajrabj j specie! '' U'hjt drdibdfi j fef'fr.ja:pV'ti(k' Rita "payi-We Tn sppc'e ? OiM 1 ' that Uej, werj signed andpayaWy redi.vtaa 'fosjesd. fJ's$i?PraT. hntik; . Tber weei drawp opnn Ban!c and. dephedf io Bfnks, -jprir-ibat afier allithel bank berame accnoritablerr!- the nioneyto-jihe) goverrmeni. This wavl ,opraiior"irf'ybnf.8ab tfeairy'.:riebeme;:If wis? a perfect: hnmriu'Ti It pretended to dowbat it! if iii jpniaan. j prpp?rpn, ari.V Ore mswereif Idopyl averting that. som"hard mt (j nnr was received py tbA'Cidfeetor-iri New Yorlc rl to jbave &aMiwht was fbe IHet, fhal Mr f IVtrf 1 nl in iliimj'.inlft tt cinl the money as (astasia erbejn.in'rfjq carry Jft Bakk ia f'e': -49710111 .rer . urrienct jtl b 1 bmttgfii, he , very sensibly gare op ibe' humbMgs, an4 tef fifed lHe c&fck of merchants orhrbrik. as soar, ana 1 nr;cr to enme as near complfsnre 1 tiReqMreniets.onbe.ib:tresnrv-sbi'ni0 w lib tite ieqirments 01 ibe ub t re)ny sebf me as pwMble,; hfjbidjlbe cbcks marked v prvyable in poe?"j Thi was Hh opfiabm if jrbat crownirjg gf:jry of Mr Van HqVadmiinis Iraiiort the ilirice-iMusirHsii, sublime, ymmilfi cent, never-tabe(oo-m'jch adrnifed Sob T ria sorf schemewhich fhe pep!e, wjib ibe tnr.it onfeelinw indirTr,riic nmi want 1 f repect; with an enikenabiliy Jo appreciate ihe bleaiinjrs ibat are hidden 1 here in. and not havirjj the rear of Gen Jack-w. Mr Van Bwreq, Thomas Benton and the G'obe bf fore their eyes, did, in IS40, re podiate, casl.crT, renounce, denounce, and qon dems, and wbrse ghost, if (fie grtve shoold ever rT"' t3 -nroos and marble jsws 1 c"sr 11 rip agfin," : vr he qnifklyi3df where Jfs " CSflftnixed bones H i; will iceveiufcain 1buri thif-eeremenls., I K w;IJ jceverLCftraln iburi thif-eeremells., 1 f fcave seldotti &n Mr Pi.Si mora effective, and iublf)rae tofhuse whom he atiacked.tban he was: to day. j - .--vj Cast of the Capture In adjosnng tbe awk ward Monterey flair, the following agreeraents were entered ioto between the big It contracting parties ; 6th Sr. Thomas Ap C." Jones will deliver five btndred complete sniia of ehjbes,f woolen, (tn- ibe infntryi,to replacs aboot'One half of what was spoiled of the Mexiean-divisinn by tbeir forced march ip continued rains to leciver the port which be ipvaded. . 7ihSr.TriornisfAD C. Jones will nr in this Treasury of t ha nation fifteen ttoosand dit wnien wsrp eipenopa in-iae gcnrrii inns occasioned lin the department of ihV Califernias J iHieniru i itf o )wi w vm 1 s w y wren aa for a eomoTeie Imiliurv baad of mosical by his ipvaionf ibe port of : Mooterey , aa Well iostrameo ta reodee4 ; useless ,by the ume cause. M-li i r 1 1 4. 1. r, 14 -i'-"i ; t ' v.iiii I i 1 r .1- i r- i. I : - if :.1 1 .; m i - -;. i " :k"- ' I: f --' i ! 5i .1 :! -r.i . f." 4 1 -'il Mi 1:f.i-1: r " 1; , ' I1 IV'- rt- i ; i-i i i l!iiW'!-T":-K - i(."fc ' - - v .' -Li - I.." V. - ' -fit'' - 't- r--f..r-;.f ;,r H't :? ": -