.1 w IT' s. : a,i i f f L 7 3 ' 1 er oe naa rJJ ef f d of the vear. , I " i X? No tubscpto will be received for a less t mt oaetaaulei, paid for in advanced ' te4ttrtil l arrearages tre paid, j - i I - : faun a v , , . . i . .-- latinff Bonn agamsl . J i , jjPaiwtED AKDirat.fanrti!. 2 ... -v; t ! v. 5 -fWl m W- Mi l-'t . P-n 'V:-t--'A'Mbit -.5.'r. 1 rf. - l-'ti- i it f. c i 2oa oo ';: iiUL rn lK JJiL. r -L A iiujuoDernw flae$.notMqmrKiao muenpawer Jveepa clack S I H(JLW.rox.y IMJIJMK -XPH - jveflKthal til by the fasj of English, , -rh bondholders; e fWo ' soils, "hf 0fec Wibueals; one sgsinst a nor noftr- s ft ! con lM ! 1 e tr f i jr ; e i tizenp M?T i& siiiT'-Ji iUtVrWtidns, emanating from Mt tetnPi " '; :-- rlllZfn 0 JP . IT" - -vs. I. te,&ftai State andtbelbondhoiders. M&l iotivfoaaliy, on; evpry bond te mm m;mnmm ma enough, "Hf lf liWis'feiwcTps; FeblO. 184S. ; .tfidaebirs feporli: bafiojj gone ; forth- Li9M of Oonjtess as lei the slate of ! of !ib Goftfoment, anil the condf- I J,V iotere8te(i in ibe following statement iJ . . , - a: "r.In. fwrpiTpd from the Secretarv uti.&h(im receipts.! i 100.000 $0433.838 56 jai,wilt, t84f 2,840.041 yjbs finditorei for tbj year 18S43 are bsi &tti$til$ ferinff ; tb'ear, how,- iktBlTreasort note - Issued onder the Act emable in the coarse of. A2.420.S904s sfaoaId these notes be ijee&i4ef0;wurt it ecienc of 3,01.ti- :4nroT&dllhe estimates are tpb.robritted, mm 1 -y- V r - J - - tichl irs Botibe pic and there yitiioit at ibt 5veipe!n4tare3 f will is no ex beiy mach m f 20,000,000, or Warly ibree milliont dn-- iha e$fmate8vj If lie festiroates sall be an rariaulfthe sarptas in the Treaso? in Jab i.i13i4the! Secretary ?sayswi A ioe nearly j pe!rriasqry i&erefyroy thoogb ii6 in t ve-j iotiklWI sacb bolter. ihaalia k4;rejiie'ttfed.;; k J TC . ' '-j' vSti Waal ;cretary ;rtj.acmmonication to the CWirmjiofiibel ICbmmittee 7o(y AVajs and MejM, .recommends a 4aty of SO percent on tea ttlpfmiMli'-. ' f !'f' ;S.'"4.t.;;,ri ' ! u.. . ', .-. . i . t irtHpto itateroent ia Itbo' Tuscaloosa Flay o iba Union. ;ih at the liabilities of the State bf Ifwioaiditid bonds for capital .wk-oilreil batj'kt! $11,078,111 38 J 8408 76 -669.08722 1,099,847-83 5.468,200 00 acwjfii nfno vepoatiesju l i s .... C.ti J i. if i LL:'.:i'L; iSorplos rsfenae instates ook oepo?ue ;accouni Ijiiscticauoa-Qlih' $18,996,655 19 .Ampanecessryjjo be -raised jthe present jeaf, by tttatioin ot otherwise, to pay interest on aeiray state expenses. jj, HitijjfatWi ilOOO oonds kue, $4- FlaW temirts We offer nolcomment Wfthbi wry'iciurefV;itb 3t6 tnlt half Noredeemed cii'colatjon. j the State Marlwo and a half1 millions of corrent ex- n?.apa;5ebT,io;p4yjn les than two years le la "Ulffc ars' lka rri. nte '- f r. lL..lin. ' Imal ' 4 M?&iodiationv ? I God forbid 1'! Ri beef grren to itbe public. , After recapit- r's uq,ucii iq tegara to tne caseane ouri Jurtbei jjfind ihat the: condocti of WiMCr MeKehlte had been kind to the crew v& Wtl. iSraila:it a J Jt berr comfortsf .that -XfatW4 promote their kowtedgof , -r.ivf,,,)!!! 4k lU IIUUISIIIUIII WVIO S ? y akKenxie; Lieutenant Gansevoort, Tlbiotjh wKichjihey passed; llecied, Jjffrf ltd jtttirjed the confidence ie t!!-ah.bf opinton-l ' Altrl. W.y.lSt bail bfenorganizsd c board t;A"J'wse.stri ofUe fatijf. r CmwelVtartd Seaman (Klisha ?iy!!l,ai, P3. 0; ,ele,.. ih in ibe fjSJtiMkMi beet, ci Hi 1 Jv'ntbatore bt the 'crew, tod the proper r - ifl a ab n . rm m jm m b a - k rmm m m. mtWvmtW Qharabtei vf 'P.K4 &T3 f t'tchtnto and b-okeq ,i m , ; 4 7 ' : r- : , , . - r ; : r ' : i ficere and Iht laral of ihA rrACv: fn nrrfpr i .5 ii its v.ucbcj a a - r-i'iia rii ina r t a pnn nw 'i v - roIfieWniltrihBVforro.'of triatitartdl Jhat i rje immediate xepotion of the pruoners was de qar(jd by doijf apl jostined bf necessitj t i; 4; iThB Coarf-ae fiirlber of ooinfon- that thrnnoh. pit jail) (lies? rwiofiit oceonences. so welt eifrola - ted oiaiorb tbe jadgment and try th energy of I He;fi!t nt;;iiiiij litMitt VHeoioffiee'rr. the edndpjci'of Comnaander McKenzie and. bis offi cers hraja' ptaimtT Icalnr and firm, abd , that he T j , " noqHWT. prnorinea meir oqij to 'tne 8riee)and: tbllHconnrry'J -?T---;t,f; l41-.: (Signed) - UHARI.ES STEWART. 1 111! -W ; iiljllj f i President of theCoarU (SM) 1 Jf i DGpEN" HOFFMAN;- 111 Ir !1l'tM,-'':l;'"-.0ffe Adfccate. ' I ifi.l.,tM Tottaot come agratn friend " Bjipjf Mocilehas again made his appear- iH anceiiol ferse ?f He his improTed kHtt.e lince jj"?' bia fasti efTort ; boi we: do not yet diacover an? tban Eyronuinn (it poetryr In fact we begin ii. toNieiro b:i4'i:dpei-o6'tir1 that way. wbrl iibar eirf ii!eni BVro old ladync A once 1-jdjj ;Sd whowiis ery - fond of goinjsf into the witHi i Wbehllie edod woman fband it! oat. thja lel fbrtbrifiimiphis tnse i Mjrpfo, yap iihdld nptjejro toto the water'dn joi toow hoto Iwtni'fttOo yoa take" B. ? : 'f f ' '! pe reteediig1x;sorri for B, for be ap. pekr lo bo per fecily .'brolipo-hearted about the kithLitt9i gate b!im the week before fast. Ve think he would bare done better to pat ibe fol- low ig i$es Qji)e place of hit f F4fewttl: (dear jirl, farei last stacza ; ; re well, prooell,' I ner sba!l Jove another; peace and en nj for I may yod dwell, tfnd I'teW home to mother" for, evidentiy.itis: n mother aom know lie s out P'lpaid Ml pottage Ibis time, and we have good ourj premise to give bim puffi FAuEVTEbL TO MISS V Ten ihouaand times bleat would 1 B'e Oflriery the oeL blown rose to tne j-.- ! flAdd o'er toe. her, me hover. vouia i enjoy inose lovei v eyes, i jVSThich injtbal rose do shine; 'Y fapp'r than all 'below the skies, If 1 1 coold call them mine. nfl .1 M II .m.inll m.a. j i . iuiicij , raiu UJB9I rove r 1 jOr bills; arwJ rocks, andidales, iiooui trie jqyt oij Laura's love, are well 5Jip fL a long farewell, i: nope yoa ii noo another : : or; 1, poor B I f alone will d welli l& woken ibeatted Jover. Bi H-THiS CHINESE TRADE. f Frori the Boston Evening Journal, llteie Part tmeneil tn Ttrifieh f!nmmM.i The Liverpool Mercorv cuntaina th fnllnnrJi ing g6fpjton f Mhe foor Chinese porta which are lioi thrown open, to British commerce. It is ia,en mainly irnra UotziarT t narratives of ibe voyigeiof be ArniersUn I832J . A -. l AirioT; t he first cit v , named in the treat vL'ut sitoited in the fproirince ofFokieo, which lies imnjediltely , ncfilibf he Canion nniirineer It pofMf aa eicej enl harbor,, whicjh has made tf 'Ke imtDemorial, tine of t be grea tett eraporiams of tlie empire, anl one of the -most lmP! 'nfWt';of .Atit. iVessels can sail op close loathe bbusf s and load tod onload with the greajesyacilitjr; thellered, from all winds a Tbe xos'e cintairiiog at least 200.000 inhaitaitsv who snbsist entirely oy commeroei otooding Cdontry beingr mountainous and tterSi jybey j known ill over tbe eastin cbmtw);wiift the other inhabitantt of Fokieo, as the yankeet China-bold, (enterprising sail ors.! indefeatrfjleM tracers, hatdy emigrants. Whereyer theygo vre tteHHioW hey are larehr foqnd in a sate of abject poverty ;! 0n ihel cbomryrtbel r bftefi wealthy, and command the trade of the) whole Islands jand provinces, aa well by itheir'capiUI asby their soperior euler prise; and: industry, jby which jlliey have jnadr tbeje barren territory one of the ricbtst n4Chi nf If00, 00 f bP greatest commercial empri mHn worrdVj Amoy;,M Gttzltfftarti it!iDoebtetjrljonel bf ibe !best harbtirsfpr EarelmercirifHe eriterpriselboth . tot Mi tit attilllt wlfbfind.jih'e stores.'!" tl'Cbitese: exri'a ilpj!ople,i is scarcely necessary to sayiijre:ibostaaxqus to trade, but a tariff set tled ; ? hi lie t h-li riar of 1 1 e B rit h a rms U fresh in tbille?t&i-.)f; tb Celvttia) autbori:irs wiirjbetarxMcbeqkVo f tbe I 'tiffin1! Fovsfioo, 'tbe; next tiort open to br '1 iPf'fAH sine province; of Fokien and liesiaillttle bflrlb of ArooyV In ihetcsniro d oeeofl themoti extensive tea districte f Ii is sltdaibdlptk't broad, ted iejarger naaujinivrrpiwp mwiio -m T iores 01 masts, and Mandjrtns, the Amherst dove a brik and auc cessfel traide.rf iritis port! u ffkelvl'to become r- Tf,Kfi'ira iquitjuues oQ all the surrounding bilisi! mil ! I.I ; . i ! H It U ,! ' ' '''-VJ.HnTiT ,1 iTi - vW ,,uef - war oaye- Satl niyrtlliof Kuh Chow fnr.. nn.l itcro l 3 b m : A; . - li...' - r: J 1 1 Iheisiind vf Cblisaji.; -hit sttuaied in the midst ' '"f l'llo counfry, nd t descr b M'lf rpef bft Fobow-Ix, witlfrxmre ship prngifand as sqrpasng any thing he exptr'dition had Sfein! ;Cbni; iB lie tegular-ny and mag nificehceiofitheibuildinos is well U i ninciceotitbf cial ijncej j! l LL i :l lrn'lL J . t . " - ! ..-1 ti .T .. a oe s oops are oescttbed as el ejanfjand ee,diA Jihote ttCantoo, jand as d:splan Eoi)pan ajong with .phioeja man-' oiaciqrps.' . nlbm ror'ogaese trsdexf here in the sixieejrarv cfntafyj pa tounu t ready matket for Eiurepeja prWoctt ontii they were driven away bflha ixtadtiojos H he "Mandarin v Ningpo is imrnrtknt if lh tMitltt' !niwnn4 Jo us at Jthe rRr-nt ir.ni t" it moutjti Uj ibe giett Yan-tse-keang river ne If! li f r esl Tof Atj whtth drams the! streeifj lined! with jshot nchly supplied with of thfi city showed a very commercial spirit, and notwiitisiandirtr the .utmost ttT.ria ( ili tnoat ferule pt6vioce9 ofi the Chinese empire, tbe oldest seata of wealth and i civiliiaiion' It 'ia the pvr? if j the fcoas cityof NankiniUhe an- J cient capital, and, by the great canal -it-irta ters the, anlse.keaog,f n .t far from It;- and connects lbrV river ; wit (the equally ? large and, imponant Yeltdw river, ifr coxnmands the whole internal navigation uf China and a great part of the commerce eft Pekin. L An f immense trade is earned 00 here, r the consomptioa of foreign artr cle among tbe millions jof Easier o aindi Central Asia being pop great roeasare lhrouab this port The exports consist.f graw tilk tilk s oris, and te&s besides teanofactareswbich are extensively carried on toil bet Keabf Son pro vince; lh imports, bou even greatlf exceed the expoiis. ;v Here, ana indeed wherever tbe-Am ' berst touched, thei people - were friendly, and willing to Jrade, if tbey had not been prevented by JUie Jeaimisy of tbe aaibor'nies. ' The princi- demafid was; bovrevei, far upiomji Dt the uni erpal se:of which K- amoog,-all elasses. from the eir t thej, thruoe. wh 'la -reported to have died Oom the excessHve.asw of the drug, dowo to the lowest sailor,! w find abnodaot testimony in the accountaop'-aU travftllers ttt-a&vsiif-' ' 1 IWcAaH l NGlON 'S. PltvTYs I The 'raemory' bf W tshinstoh is .lie ar to every 'Americiru.fle more jus character is studied, and rhis prjhciples tod f cnot:ves pf action dnder?ioqd, the more j! will that character be ;found worthy : of . admiration tnd imitation, r; Washington religion was troly a practical religion ;-'toiJ tbere; have been Terv few if bnyf-pobiie! 'irien in whose official Wt9, piery Wat so uniformly and constantly exemplified. The! age in which he lived jwts .byni! means a pejfer.t age, nor was 1 1 free from'! lho,e teu5 Paiions and seductive influences, which fiow draw so large t majority of oor pohlie-men into the torteicof i religion and infidelitf. Wash ington was not: even exempted from th baneful tpirjt of ! party. '. It was amirint the same unhallowed influences, with , which our public, men ere oowi called 40 contend, that Vash ing ton's pie:y . efinoe out in. all bit official and private conduct ; and it was by trials tnd tetts of 1 virtue; more - severe than fall to the common lot of man, that the character 'was formed hi ch will.be an undying example to.ibose who rujje thedec tinies of nations. ( - W!! !ct f v caljcpj tier the influence, which, an imitation of this exam ple by our public men, would oow have, in controlling the great-interests' of this country, jThe-folio wifg order, issued by Washington; in 1788 j relative to the ob servance, of iheJS0batbJ hss eer (landed to us bf j t descendant of an. nfBcer ! in the army, froal whbse orderly booklt'j H was copied.- - J -1- : 14 Tbej commander 10 Chief directs that divine service e pel formed eviy Sundv, at 11 o'clock, in those brigades to which there sre rnaplanis, and those whe hye. none to attend the place of worship' jhVareet to them." It 's 'zcted that officers of all ranks w(ll, by tbp'r- attendant-set! 'good exa mples to thir men j-W hilejwe are Zttaloosly ! performing the duiiea' of i citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought npt . to be inattentive' to the'higher: duties of ; religion. To the 'distinguished character of pa tiiots, itihonld bVour hrghestgloryii to add the more distingnislied character of Chris tians. The signal instanres of providential goodness whicjhj we'haye ei which liive' now 'almost' crowned oorjabors with complete succesf defTiand fro'i tif, in a particular manner;1 the warmest returns of gratitude and pietv to the Supreme Author of aii gobd."r ' ; ; ' .... ; The fpllowirTg order irT reference to pro fane swearing, is from" the' same source : ' Julif, 11770. Many and pointed orders have been irsoed against that unmeaniog and- abominable ciuiom of, swearing, not, ivilhstanding which, with' m G ne r a1 lob s er ve s, I bat' it pr p v ail t j f D0531-. ble more man ever.. II if ,f'ltgs are. con tinually wounded. by .the oath and impre cations f the ; soldiers wbene yfrr hejs jo bearing of .'hcrn.'t ' The nsmo oj thai jpetng; ft dm whose bountiful gootfoees we stopper-, milted to exist anjd to erg?y thej jcomfprts of lifeis 'cbosiaQUv r1mpHcated aod jprofaiie in a manner, as wanton' a ii is;sh:kie. i i' or the saKff 01 religion, occency anoonier, the General hopes and4 trusts, that, officers ' - "Ti? l": ' 'Til1'. "'i't . rtpM 'l;ri :"l ot eyery , rans wjji use tne inuuncnnu HUtfirt'riijT to'chelk a vice1 whii-.h' is as'', up.. profiVihle aVii is shameful. fuf the officers wouiu maKe 11 ; an invioiaoie rute repn. mand,' apd' ii Inat does not do, 10 poniph," toI.Veis !for-tffences of this kiudj it could not fail of having ts desired eflfeci. ' -I, i.,. ... .. T,:i 2-f a- t ti... ': : . t 1 i r. . i i no manv masses, soieiuiry iiktro a . dinal ttf the' Roiiau Church, one -dayr of bib Chaplain M Howjnapy masses will it take to pray a soul 'out of purgatory ? i $ 'Ibe Chaplain :ra mote -" with astonishment & thameat his inability to answer so great and profound a question, u In vain he called lu bis mind hi fairiijjjrtty wttb the, wiiUnsvor the ar.cieot fathers! in vain he rubbed his jforehead, placing5 the thumb and secoyo finger.oflis hand on either exirrraity, indr gradually ' ; approxima ting therri towards 'the 'centre of the forehead, in order to squeeze out the 'ponderous secrei from ita faccied iHcwptable. But Tain, vain, alas ! Were all hts efforts! IJb was chltjed, in otter despair, lo confess l h truth -r a thing unheard 'b uf .before in Ronieihai be dM not krowl.,. Hi c A mercifully Zroqiiuig lhc poor Chap!ajUs Who, with' "vidtly cxtendeil mouth, ervcted ears, efes readr, as"it urr: tu Start IrooV their i sockets' sat ibelverv?imaiTof a oar boi led purgatorian : I will tell you.'? And-wbilt'tbe priesr. with uci uctltered expression of couotecacce, ttill gazed upon himbe4 tdded, - ft wtft Uteas fnaoy masset to Relieve a soblfrom purgatory. as ii will t4ke inbwballt -to 'heatStari oven "I-Sr PnsA$)?ppmpl i 13. 1 1 4; i CIom I Ptot. ck 76. Brownlter Letter plZiSiv h v;: -- 'Correspondohcje 0 the Baltimore Sun. ,n, :U ; Jj4jiia eb; ;i 1 184&:--, . TERRIBLE REVENGE. 1 SEDCTIONBDUCTIftlua - T-.V-j ,! : ; f -, If S.;!.!' ; ' ;" Gitlemcn: j A' deplorable event has occurred in this city, a brief notice of which will be found iir the Public Ledger of this morrtieg. It is one wblcti bas produced tbe utaibtt excitement in oui ctty, more so than any which has occurred for many veareis' Tbe citcumstances! tirt a seduction. I an elopement and murder of the seducer by the brother or tbe youogi lady tbdcted from her Uthers house. The parties ire all of tespectable and wealthy fmjliej. The oung gtl is thu daughter of Thomas M ercrlijreUr'ejd f merchant to $oothtrk, a manv of fcontidersble wealth: Her ame is Saraband she ; is the yonbgest of hree daughters', tnd, a bptutifut and lovely, thpugb eak-mioded gtrl; of abont 16 years ofltge. Ht-r seducer, the person murdered byl her brother, trii named Mahlon Hutchinson He benon, son of the Itte Dri ! Heberton, t vcung man tbout 2&. .. Of coarse tn event of this kind, bsppeoiog in sucb society, is calculated to raise an unusutl excitement ; and a thousand rumors respecting the I cir comsinnrea of ibel affair are jo circulation. Miss Mercer, it 19 tid beet be first trqutint el with M. Hotcbinsoo Heberton onf last Cbrisfoiaa day, arid the introduction 1 was accidental. . Ho bore the character pf I a rote, tnd boasted of bis success with tbe women. Whether this fact Was known to the parents or not, t iin nbtl informed, but thev .discouraged jtheir intercourse, ard it was afterwards conducted i clandestinely. A friend of the ftmilv, bearing thit $hg M was sibout to etjpe with Hebertontp prised the parents jot the ftct but it was ton late, the young girl that day bad left her father1 residence jand could no where be found:!, A search was mat. tilled by her friends, a reward of $50 was offered for in formation respecting her, but ttf no tFtil, no tidings could be beard j: of her.. The familyiwere plunged into the deepest (lis tre?t add excitement, which was gretlly in creased, by ioformatioQ that the deluded gtrl avs duelling 10 a; ouse of jiloubtful repu jiation in Pir.e street. Her friends instant ly hurrjed there aod conducted the unfor Vunate jirl home Tins happened on VVed nesday; and she bad been guoe two lays hd n'ghta from ber parent's house, arid it was believed, and prftty well establif hed toil Heberton had take.11 her off and plced jher at the house where she was fband. Tbe friends immediately had Heberton arretted 'md taken before an atderujan of tbe cjty, on a charge of tbduetion. . !j The proof in tbeir possession was not sufficient to Jvar thuI the magistrate in binding him overhand the object of the Irienda was baffled. The brother: Singleton i Mercer, aged 20, deter mined to be ravened for the injury done his eistei's fame, offered a .challenge to J H., which the latter declined. Ue then threat ened that he would shoot H. whenever- he 'met bim, tnd from that time dogged his steps very, closely, j Heberton, to t void comiDg in contact with this person, made arrage ments for leavine the city !wiih bis Ifgil friend, ! Mr. C F. Vandyke.' On Friay evening he entered a close carriage wiftl his friend, and after driving about the ity, reached the wharf about dark and lookjjlhe last ferry boarjto Camden, Ni!J , where he intended to conceal himself for the present. But, Mercer bad apprised .himself of H 's intention, and, provided with a revolving six barrelled pistol, placed himself aboard the same boat, and, cohcetled behind t coal wagon; remained quiet until'the boat reach ed the New Jersey shpre.' ' Toe friend of U. opened the carnage door, i and jumped out to Quioi the horses J who. had been star tiedby thciju of ihe bbat against the wharf. At that iroomtnt ftlercer steppeu from nis place of concealment, thrust bis pistol into the carriage where ileberton was, and fired six abfiis in successionione of wbtch-took effect to side, and lodged in his heart ; le hcrton uttered bat one groan tnd sank back in the carriage ' Before they reached the tavern, a tew yards distant, he was a corpse. Mercer ( nnmediattly eionfesaed . the deed, and coronet's inquest waa held at Camden, with a verdict rendered i tbtt ihe deceased died by; tbe band of Mercer. ; The tbot which Mercer fired wet a blind one; be knew lost 11. wts 10 tbe ctrnige, but not his exaci situation. The body of tbe de ceased wse given to bis friends. Mercer, who remained in a topor Mter the deed, was conveyed to the Wondburv jail, the of fence being within the jurisdiction of New Jersey. ; Mercer fays not t word of ibe oc currence admits or denies 'nothing. He has beenf visited by hi coupsel, F. W. Hob bell, of tills city. The father ol the young man bears up firmly tgaitut the double stroke but tbemother and the unfortunate girl, mere delicate in conatitotion, bive yielded to tbe blow, and both are little less ibab in t stste of mentalj tlieatibn. The grief of the widowvfwbose sou has been ibut insitntly cut off; is aso excesve. What a lesson is thtsto parents; in the prop er education of ibeu children and their cte of their daughters, tnd what a lessen to tbe seuueet Y ours, 1 1 v. a CLOCri AND rfjlHE Sobscriber respect fatly? intorms his old v iL.Frieods and ho Public generally. thai he baa opened a shop in Salisbury in Lbo above busi oeis,in room! directly opposite jWest's brick building, in the faoase of Druros formerly owned by Joo. I.Sbaver tnd jasi below J. & W.: Murphy.- , - . - . ( . , Hi ; ,t In addition to the bove the isubscriber wl carry on the Silver Smith Bukiiess in til the varieties common inf country towns: each ta htnaKinsr booons. fide., and hMirin. siir WareT- ! . f 7'wf fT ' H' He begs to assure the public that if panctoal attention to businessand skillful work will en title him to patronage and sopriorO be willmer It It. l ! -t T 11, ' . -i-f-i! AARON WOQLVVORTH. Nor. 13 tf!6 11 1 J9r. Sffcrkiaii's -Jre Me oesf MElilChvk$ i Ifiie fTorW; 1TE1NG tbe cheapest and most ! pleasant. JLF 1 he Medical b acalty warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman is a skilful and! experienced Phy sician, and a member of the Medical Society b new ioik-. ' - j ( j :! j Siaiman's Cough Zozcngcs, Are the safest, sorest! sod most "ectoal remedy forCooghs, Colds. Consumption, ! Whooping Coogh, Asthma, TigbioesS of tbe Lungs or Ubett, 4-c ' .. I r' 8nCRHABIS WORSI X.OZB57GES Are the onlv infallible worm ; destroying medi cine ever discovered. They have been usedjn over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. ; snERBIAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES " i - . J j I . ;l i j i Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head ache, palpitation of the Heart, Ilowneas of Spir its, Despondency, Fainting', Oppression or a seoseof Sinking ot trie Chest, Otarrbma, Las situde, or a sense of fatiguei j f ) i . ' ' ', 1 t : 1 Sherman's Fever and wSgite Lozenges Are tbe most certain remedy for lh is distressing complaint, ever offered to the American poblic. t' - . " u' U: til r i. to me immense numoer 01 caseatia; wnicu mey have been used, they have never been! known to fail. ' I ! !' ' Sherman's Res lor a iveLozetiges. Diarrhoea or looseness of Ihe wes, so com- mon and troublesome during the summer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use (if these Lozenges I hey tre prepared express ly tor that purpose, tnd can! be' relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange ment of the bowels should never be without tbem. They afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripings, fain tnessj, depression, 4c.j j j Sherman's Catharticjtozendes ! - 1 j ; f.l ' 0 ' Are as pleasant and easily taken as the: common peppermints; and ardan active and! erficieot medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic javerjuted for bi lions persons. Where an active medicine is required, ihey are not. only tbe best, but the safestubat can be administered. Sherman's Strengthening PLASTER, ' The best of all plasters for liheomatiem, Lum- baso. Pain or Weakness in ibe I Back,! Loins, hide or Ureast. The above medicine is for safe, wholesale or Medical Drug Store, by retail, at the Salisbury C. B WHEELER, Agerit, ; paiisoury, I. Sept 8, !S42-ly6 Or. fllofTaVH ircgctablc JLife Medicines l.i j ' I POSSESS qualities of themoat mild, and be neficial nature. They are Composed of ar ticles tbe most antf-pbtreacent, Wnbiaed with inrrpifiAnt9 known as the bnlv certain ahtidote J fo? fevers of every desriptioo. (Wbenitbedis ease is produced either I from cold , qbstroeiion , bad airtwamny and, dmp siluatons or ipotrid miffsmi, wbetber.ioaligoanl : .jorpidmiei or by other causes, these medicines are ireriain in iheir opefations or effects. They a re pbsselsed -of pe cu'er qaalities, which rjot only expel all disease, butatthesame time restore and ijivigbrite the system WhenHirst Ukert intofthef stomach, they immediately diffu4e themsfcve9 like va not tbreiiab every pore, producing ati once delbiful. salutary, andiperrnanertt. Vben ibe s;vfk of life begins to glow dim, iheeircujlaiion languid, and the faculties paralized, these oedi nines are found to give a! lone to tbt nerves, ex hilerate the animal spirits, in vigoratu the body, anul re animateJbe whole man, s i -n The Life Medicines have also been used with ih mnSt innnv success In NtrvJis and Dt s- peptic diseases, Contnmption, Asthma, i-iver Complaint, Rheumatism (chronic j and jiijfUma tory D fopstes, &c ! Mi Li jCJfJan at UKEsa st uooia i, cf Saiisbary, Oct 23, l4S-iy 13 1 . I . .! "Jivj 1 ICP A soppty or :ue above mvajof. .1 DICINES are for sale at James! Cioss ladi, Iredell county, by fr ? - li I 4 ' A. C JUpLVTOSiJ. Agerti. To Pu&teltcr j j gC3 A VOUNG MAN. who1 as hjadicon siderabU ennerinee a lmTKEwihh 4 u uatKQ as Foreman r Jonnmman .Satifa4iory references can be aien. hyi pariich.rsjddrf ibe " Waichniao Uiace. q alisbuyJN. C post 'llanoarySt. 1843. JF. S. Joh arroRSET aso cocks?li.or at i.4,r IR flTAV be fonnd tlwata St ibe Qfficel 4 H- JTJL-C. Jones, Esq difeclly o Iosit ite - ibe Roan hotel t l : Saliatmry, Jan. 7, 18434124 ia '. r wc,"je ceo is lor ti nikItu..;. j . . x ; Vji Cour t nW. m "ce-; :f fl A drductioo of 3ti .JmU v J - All ad verttseicDta wi!t k i.V. j 1 f rMi 1 v - V. - v oe. con 11 need oatil forbid and charged for accordint. JJ. f eiir a wrrarn nombef of timeV ' F " T iw i.Fiii da ure aiiemioni wam!Mtfo1l. TTAVlNp parcjhased that wHI known, aad -: jwrWMf l-,.,J., same la bow kyhe?P'H f Traveller & Boarderr Jilt I'tBLkiani Baa.uml i. Lw-i:!.V the beat Ibe inirket and aurroaodinecuantry tf tores, j ' I 1; r rHr V"--''- - J ,L JAtCSp!acioos.- ;tndloantiflW 1 up and provender, of all kiodtv at tended by faithful aod altemive Oatlers. j n The anderslnell pledges himself tbtlltot tx ertko 00 liitl part shall be wanting to' mvegen- ' eral saiiafactiao toall wh9 may favor him Vmo t cau.t: -x I :.4 -:, , ttr j.-,; . 11!. Hi JAMES L. COWANS wwoTO peps. 11, 1540: tf7 . 1V MI. Aprils j : -isjysjl : TO CLEK$t SHERIFES;TcOmTJl- BLES, mHrPROPRiETORof the U'.I.Lm.. Ja Printing OrHce. tesncifalw i nfnrma I ho , w .ltnwll - j Clerks, Sheriff's abd Constables of the surroond log Coonlies, ibat he has and will continue to keep on haod, a full supply of BLANKSieatly printed on good paper, tod not surpassed by'any work done in the State. All orders from ad ia taijce r any of the followiog Blanka piomptly attended to : : ' ! ' . . 'Superior crr-Vittest Tickets,! Writs. Capis Bonds! CajSa Bonds, Suhpcciias, Vendi tioni Exponas, Jbrprs' Tickets; Executions? p Coujily Cowrffl Juror's llekeisExecutjoos, Affray Indictment!, ladictments' vs. Ovrrseet,8 of Roads, Veodf. lExponaa, Witnrts Tickett, Writs, &c. fwccaneou5 Constables' Warrants, fwith :!.:: i i - - Execotions attached,) Ca Sa a & Bonds, Guar dian Bonds, Apprentices' Indentures, Marriage License, A ppeira see ! Boods.vDeeds of Tiost, Deeds of Cunveyaoce, Delivery Bonds,' fnjanc tioos. Sheriff's Deeds, . (Vendi. Expo.) Appeal Bonds. Commissions 10 take Depositions, Coo- stables' Bonfs, Administrators' Bondsv Presecu tioo Bonds. Superior and Co' Coart. V ') ; j , 1 Printing, ! Printing JJ FAZ707 JOB WOZIZT DIKFERBNT COLORS, done si be shortest notice, tod not -surpassed by any in the State, t - , , ! , Salisbory, tyof 19. 1842. r TO THE kFtLICTEb.---rtlic aabscriber has jast received a large and frrh supply of Dr Moffakl'a Life Medicine. Call St obtain relief. L i O B WHEELER. Agent., Salisbory, Dec 10 1!20 " H Dr MSrandctWs ' 1 !WTEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS v for saleal (hiss Office. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 1842 tf 14 Farmer's Look out. I liavo a ValoableTracioflLand near Salisbury, which I will sell on good terms, if application be made Booa. 1 I. LVEKLY. Salisbory, Dec 10 t " lf20 pniOES OTJHIIEI7T AT . S.iii8BGY,Fe0. 25. Gcul. Cents. Bacon, 5 t pi Cotton Yarn. 00 Brandy, an. 34 a 35 Molasses, 35 a 40 peach,. 46j a j55 Butter. 1 10 t M Nails, Oats, G a7 15a2Q 3 a 10 I5a13 8 a 20 Beeswax, 27 a 28 j Pork, i Cotton, clean 51 a 6 Sugar, br. Coffee, 4 a 1 1 I loaf, Corn Feathers, 25 Salt, sack; Tallow, 1 Tobacco, 20t Flour, ! 3;a Flaxseed, 501 a 5 Tow-Linen, 12 a 16 Wheat, bush t -i75 Wbiskey,7 25 a 30 Wool, (clean) 25 Iron, pet lb. i 3 ai4 Linseed Oil, pf. ! ( gal. 90 1 F V KTTKV t L LC Feb 15; : fl randy, peach 45 l''Mofastet, ' 25 ), Apple 3o;a 5s I alls, cut, t t ot Soar brown , i A Yd' Lamp .-' ; ' It ' 1 Loaff , IM J ft-ii. 50 tea Uacon, Of a it 8eswax, 2Za 5 Coffee. 10 42 Cotton, H - d Cotton Yarn. 14 a I?. Sack, ..j Blrrtti?ccftleaf 40 I r',wf!M. F.F. I$ 17 Cotton D3g "son ; Kfaxseed Flour" Feathers 80 n il lt,f-rone. ' 8 a 10 -' $4 t4f 0 iai 25 5 a 51 Wheat eew 80s SSp Whitcv r SO a 15 15 a 20 CtiERItw.jJan 31. 1842 Beef ;3i;;t Racon 5 aj ,5 Rniir 12! a 15 US 7 vf - Jr Nails cut assor 7s ' wrbtighf' '1 0ari8l 4 Ontn bushel 30 a 37: . .1 a 25 I Oil cal . 1 75 a $l i r.. .J 9rta 22 I lamp r o .r BapeH, 10s ii linseed l0l LVX l mi Pork lOOIhs 5i a Cj " 61 Rice lOOlbs 4a 5 Cornish JSfliSP Fiourb.1 S4 f 1 j Salt ck 8 a 12 $100 ; v 10 a 00 , Feathers iron lOOlbs m WiT'f 1 " f I Lard fnla-ses 3o i 7 English 01 Germaft 14 12 U 81 137 Tallow t Teaiinpe -r COUS;N pUTVBITS- ibis Office P 8 -ft :4: l Ml ; -15 : k4 . 1 ' r' 'A -l. ! A :1- 1..1.1. ; I. V ! Ir hmYMU I .. W w.-i'L ' " - " - 11 Him ii w I " 1 in Jr 1 f'i 1 1 ill r t - jf': Si i -1 r .

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