. . -IS S t f! - ft. i-H'i -V - Sal ? ''Stfaiis. s saiiMiyfjii ell t Vtini: y -fi rtf the fir . r.4j it... -v- 'i . - " - w ub iu i i Warn r r. .w : i - 1 1 i rjL vi-w I i til ; " 1 1 i i i i i 1 1 l if i i ; i . . i in i ; . i 1 1 i- -ii t, it ivy .ill it i ii Vf . vs . i vv. ys., j 4 " - I 1 - " 1 1 .i-i i in - - ......... r. , , ..f htiTii-U15! f 1 i f .iv.x "Sit thai iht Uovtrtmientdotswl acquire ipo much pouer. " Keep a check 1 o VULUiUE XI - ?S ' 1 "4;l-f -y 3i and simpta gisvev' EL.i. rintoatf grass wave . roc y- -.-. fi I ' li d , . ' . . 1 1 I T 1 1- ed id toor ntper. i poor B. t totnMe tioDt she ibowt ib coa 'r gUrilrw to de onlesi the ptrtie beknowo to t" r. r that iMf ttiev naa oeuer seiue fifffel aaipires -Be bt it ifll tfTlxr pWnmnda ri bill leLe:jtnd mari'mony. Ldy Lcrara t Ji mere t J tro-so rar ti we car. ii o jjroprteii tna necetf nj oi me met itireii.tftrVji ieraisJtM It 1 otj jinjicf; icki M fin ii ii can st ilone wit b' o' I ortiif conience tbiyt'oiay not (cs pecially jibe bllf td wheat, which i solUei lo injury by wet feather,) ostain p$a In .bpckjifndIWe crt.iii in fite)Uf ita bfl beneficial to the Block ; but ''; boiji; put 'oa siobble- fields i in whiclx f rass :aefedawere' aown last fall, win tei dr J aripg Ijoiberlatockowe te, nJ bo; lorneU bn! jibijrs r1t is ftootibff that wooldj lf ptejitial. i . . 7A3 J,tTije-wljoIiamp,; from- Ibefoid -froa'Ullay.brifle. op to the lane leVdinw tolbe;jn.$f barttljIsWto jbe'got into the'beft se'ds .nl$bjjo7w ihe'fartheslfefjib middle of Sentiinntie SThe lnwt and wet. Yet the former le8l pi,i thereof, la to be aown with timothy ' ul 11 aeea Mont mbm swamp on tbe other aide t J...- e.: . i ui ui3 iioreainj taoe touw in corn ana oaisi tyxd-ixm!itkn Hfi0ir rAMaWI ia (o b ifcept iiiiltiis best. possible order. ihat flu R irpw fittciurooiwlthatafedinff i iJo tbe latter r V ,He mise St...' !l i: f '!,, ukV 1 B.'. ' " I" riea , and ontil fjbe.whbedeJit err 0 it will, require your constant .and close atteo- i j8tbihe4ptrat the farm you oTerloqk. are, ! presoajf, all cut ; in thai ciaej JelAlj tbeLScythes, and mdlea. and rakes which you bate recmeoVbe dlireredTeXtOiihe' mansion house ; oritt you choose to keep them asinst )?xjj haiTest. yoa must bo re ajkinsibl effort be m. yourself. r -b, I T hej i pestimpuoji; iHso ;rJf,tbat tbV-flai ia$ ere- itos... pulled ; lelli it i be well j fseca red, fand at a proper . aeavon atiipped of it feed and spread loror. -- Da fine this operatinn; let It 'be often turned and Piamined, that lit be not 'pvrrdqo'e, or .receive injoryjn any other "reapeel by lying out too fong ;r ;;t:;.; r,, .-it (y,10f Qi ihe cleanett and best, wheat 1 for sfeil, and tnat which is freest, frofn onions i;wou Id. h a t e a boni one t h ti d of i m ? wliol e crdo sown rith the corn moo wheat -'o'riVl third with Ihfi White ; aod the other third tioff wowell dooeaodaletlybyfeefroeaVfbr CIMVU AtiW''XtiktfriW ,whea ao oTerseet'a back ij tafoidttha moat' of I jT T 5 4 X them wiljaliabttbfir work. or beidlealto'etber. fo which case correction cannoi tetrleTa eUber, oai onto piuuuce eTii9 waicn, are worse man this to pra'trent thietinj arid other disotders; cohseqanca f6pportjwnitfi? Villi wilt tecolleet that yoar titas U paid for by me. and if I am de prived of it it is worraihan tLdrobWnjmf pars. i becaose ;s iso omi, irost which any f pHE SabscrMVlaPafattj hotst q.artposbtftoHd moa lFrieDda and iKelPobliclerkany Jlbat ha F -Y. wXlU v fHi! opened a shop in ?iabury1d Kiel at'e bast- ful to my pari of be agreement iwbicb was made . i3iyJ'c-ti. w, h yoo; wbllstyotiare ,aatiw oioor part; building.ln ihe boose bfi Br. iBlrnVIt bat it .s.o be remembered thabrtacT, onone oytoeda0o.I.Sbafefaiidio4-ioW!Jl ftirraerly w j,. & w. t .ritant I tnai narl rot atreadv sawn with ar appH . r j .nrit iolfih thin lh rt 1 1 nr in Inn irtrinii ji trinmiinooa chill i1i. Rut lAVC ivBUl JV.':T j i j I ". ""f-:.""! " BF ""'"'" v (I ' : - I I . . AO radf add ress 'lis white ; infit r hainlii Loie Urimfy fli,jpnt idoe io ?oeK-?JibH eyeai; . J. It hitn ojosion aod deflea 41. tats. ,'No Dsgoe ran lo get ion or 5 ! pains are ,o be spared at the swamp from Msnleys 1b iti extcrtor, biaoa aa wtieq i r Mm,nn hkr diadem- fiat &ojUstZancf uu&otl -t - rl in ' the in the can be bridge, op So-the meadow- aboasand ithe two enclosures in the mill swamp, btgheit irderj (prlgrifsUtpbeQfin time tnd manner,; above mentioned that no pore tiiayibe attempted than executed well, proceed in the folhwins or det wjltbj themjlacdrd may bapen to ie.lfbr this racst be consulted, as dr' weatherf will answer to work in t lie low parts besV, wbilat the higher grounds may t e worked atjany time. f.r r'y : isi.-Bein ffcitn thef swamp- from Man- leyfc bridge opwah& and geVall that is not .i. j'jri- fsr, fill yr i!r . , i r , -u.-.r . . po; grasi, wen . pieparea tor it, and therefor In additTo' fi' ihe abi " Vhtf kuttl wfll absenlln? yoorsetf (torn hfariapeople .rry 6vi hSiker;sUuYBusi ihe wiihoat just cause I sbkll hold yseirflio more VarJeties f common in. coQnuytoWnsy each! as bound to pay the wage,; han ywildo to attend m.binw S.n,.- Sis 1 v kitrtUL wwi, s..i n .! - r rr.v One dollar wr ,niU rmV. :1 tweaty-IlaeeinuiacfS J!1!?1 thargtd 25 per ci;M2 vi iuau tun auup raies. - . f. . jl . . a aeaaction cf r n Tn cedt will be madM ib(e who advent the year. J " - N5d and cbsf-d i or ordlrgN, Mlest,dl ' pd t6r a ceriaia namUfcof time? T " tCLeiieraddjESsed lo the EdHbV must -i. rf www c Ti. . ,rw f t . : t atrictly io the charge which is entrusted io yoa f Ware" I lftt M A f 1 k AM A i-t imaAi t Al4k 'La' I -m beware! iMat EtiUti fifes are alomberina tbare intf ibo02B sti moaesiy -woai men r .. It will Dot trooK me scons oi men; Lo? a Jiktf ,to raose alooe ba t oh ! lrtptor by iu chiaettBeauUi f8ited andy-top4bewarei 1 '- Ra t od lotrode utioniba falf! i ! if ibflDfhtfesilf br Jova, you'll find Theo2ei4ce M afrmale mfodih VLwtwwt is tote.--can Laura say ? . C & describe ita cosent away f . If aeiiher Icttowjor feel ha force Of itsdomniort beat, or aoarce, WiPBce til )ts- finet feelinga spring U Let ironitmue i ne puiy si rg; OIiQW indeed I A ibirk of that immorta WrthlDietasbsred: by! JiUa tfiveu. 1 Tajift from eatib! our low desire. DerotfoB wafts 1 be imifld above.i Bar ffeavf n "itself descends in love : I 1 feejpg f wm the; Godhead ca og h t, $Vi Tap frtla aalf ; eacb sordid thooepi ; 1 m of Jim; wbolfbrmed ihe wbole : ' 3 rwry circling rouita iac uiu , i " Mil! I JlGRIQUXlrURAIi LETTER FROM ! GfeNEUALiWASMlNPTONi I .';-r-H---.-v.::iE-- -.ri---..'f.--,. -j -- -1 :i I lance, i v Wi aie indebted to loei lltindness . of an j be imade o!3 frieotiJ folfthe (olldWinff ? aluable docu- moolh I seot; falablanp bolyi because; of :the r ways beffoul-linucb crasa hh in.ibemi and eimd ioarle from wblCh it emanates, but i mah'ailh. ltrnkeii in cnttinir whali taken powse hi auorua many excellent r lessonsi otr. i .nw imim ,0Ifl ? f "mm P"6!!"1. rl1 00 1 4th The? ironjij cqaracteristic oi inei American ne- soWii wI lia ses Dere ins rex aire indeeo ibwoi: . Isl.That1 pa'rtof tbW ilow meadow on tde aill run. which lies between the; old bed of it and ihe race, and within the fences .3d 1 1 After this, is done, Uke that part of enclosure above (which was in corn last year) Ijin between the ditch and fence of iSToi 1 uoand do w n to' cross fences. , ;4th. al fire iH f afteralipal aa!tiStptrunft cross fnce to toe ptner. anu continue to lo thia as ;ong as: the season will be good, or tne seeu can oe sown wtui oronneir and Abe only! way tri get ihrs 'I conceive that groundsia good ofrder and; with expeditibn. il tp give them one good ploughing an then to tear; them to pieces with heavy harrows. W h ejb ey 1 1 1 ;be j n e cessajy to cu4 downand take of the weed previous to tbee work ihirs can be decided better by experiments on Ibejffpqt thkn by rjeasoning on it at a dis- iibcrJ,ft'My''idlellrtw tbarthesground shall ipetieciiy ciean, anu .iaia aown witbout! which meadowa; will al bnckwheat which has been raanuTB tight to be ploughed io M! ,!?9bIe Id sk4ela ilVarxrtjiid VeVoffiititne rotbef: ieiotiom to;)rdf r aiidf discipline, which so JJ8y 1 8f I jjf llg f WhsWering the pur- 5J"?mtir,l5 0fgi0o Mwill become an exhaust "h,0it00fcNP4one tf j read tbia letter cr IIiireasS.if'ltbe'ploegbs belong wSout ieei)g at opcethat th? riterwae JA uilfnm unable Co turn it in lime. looiiitridasJ aOundi1 vraciical farmer. ,k..Lf n..-r,in itAS. r?WiW?.W fcrmvfmist uoijqtorio oia npvesieem na most be -repild by tie farm tyhtch receivea, the iata fitiiJsTp( agHculjure onwortby hi benVfiaa'aobay kbe worV is accomplished Hailbrobably acrprise the reader io find" :: :m y&$& A $?ixti To. ,. ai ' U V 1 t. ' k i . l bemessoreujn t.if proportions were auoneo, ioiS letter dirirtAil n his 'Overseers, is 1 " r ; r (i r. . i . ..r . .. (dm r,l. H 7 ?i. " J tw.iv. : and pot into !haiirDasnaitan,a nnea whh ??'C C0P? $ s.n4'F "toJ extremely well mixed H0Tintd. DOW annPBPc iri nnnt forlha first ----T.J . ... ' ; ri - i . J . : ii'tf s-' f -r""' iF- seit yvhtcn wjm awwer twojoou purposes SIM: " '.pf,'j?kVii j4V;i' tizlUli tofprei fbt theft fir aeedaVtrrbs Ti P lei vaaiil4 ?fo:;yelllod '4d!y;-tbei IttilK nt!lo man beibg actimedjo . aow. a" bushel -of 5w taii;. afmnfil Ka iinrab Oeraob at 1 whea ttf the-BCf fljfrould be at no' loss to m tbrljuib' Whom tban com. Sf?l''fl8 m F"y.lh."aT !e.jeg- . v v'hii orqera jwno will aeo i re eemed; j or,' jf riot obe "'wia oe wby; they are not ) a; the weekly renortt and iransoii ta?iaoby andpajc it ; and in I and, ' ido ieebtingl.dit leas than sown on eacn.8cre. bter' wbicbsyou jobk " f ; ': .1 : . -i c,miw,' ur, Howell, Liews, woo is given io nir. fjwts, irum wnicn mo-cou f? s-'if- fiflifi aittVaatfJiorthaJtii; sjjilsl 'int bfeajchjfi4idmay be known. - And it ? MsS''4'maisgf s eataoliahed re-; -S vij express direction that ever? watch" l p yivqc uiailClV.r OU Will, inClV' !UU;iuy ucai nvwiiv iuw uo vivcil iu ocd t aaiijii2' tij . "sw t: -1 ' . - ..! - I .t.v,t.iLi.-:u-li.!kJiiik' "i:.-iir:T.. ' inai nra. quantity actually is put io : ior i have strong susoiciona (but this oaghtj not to be jbinted totbem) that the seedsmen helb iheiiselves ii k pretty Urw iolL if t s PjMoa ,egfdto .ucb directions is considering iromedHtely from myself. U T IVIH ifcitl ;" VBxpecx irom yoo. i shall con- KZ.'a WWitW View tkhirh I h.. f ih- ji"Wjb your barge) aa rit fcjfp? &eind sdirtct yon trif sovern Lf'1 ?7if i li flat Duranaded nbthlnb ij v : TLweftwitD win be ordered by ?vt fc,'iihbutautbority; fromj mo to it isj almost needless to Te - fcprnvifPao4 at the farm you Vw&P t0 :nk PV&tir dean toiil! ledyet J because not Only wlthhe yetlciar 6e (withOayyal he!knVa ,'ihe state i oflliis own . mm vend tne quality or the. wheat which grows upon mat meet an4 deuide among, themselves whether it would be bel to have some of escb of these sorts on ve ry farm orjn orcier more ef!ctuaUyt to pretent mixtnre, fo" haVenr srt brj'y on a ffrmInJtbe-laWeV 'which fifiens firsthand so onmustlbeic4 com pi ,ishe'd by Jibe fotceof all 'the'fairos instead of racli doinij-ita own wnrk. f if the seed on one farm I was to be sowri on sn other, especially if feed ' which grew on i light soil was to be s'jiWVnn that which grew on al stiff one 'ao'wn on .a Hfht groundi advantages would' urquestion ablyewlt.tm'it.jr .. j S 11 th. , The potatoes at the mansion house musibe worked by :tha ploughs fro'di' Union farm, and when this is required, it would be best;:! conceive, to accomplish the wo k io ''day,' H ;fT:;' I"; ' .. ' V 12lh. It if expected that the fences will be Asde. secure, and no, damage permitted within themi bv creatures -of; anv ktnd, oi belong to any body-mme any mote than others. Hf,. :.-. : t,,.n 1 Sth. The- greatest attention is to She paid to storks of; all kinds ton. the farms, and the most that can be made of their manure and hiier. ; Tbey are t be cointe.i regular If, tnat.no lalse,rpoit? mav; be made : and niissmg.ones, if any hunted for until found or the manner of their going can be account edjfor satisfartoriiy.- - - '.i- ; i.s 14th. A weekly report, ss usual, rs 4o he handed to Mr Le wis. ' n tbis teport, that I may may $ now batter how the wmk jgoes on, mention when yon begin lo plough, hoe. or otherwise work in a field, and when that field is .finished The increase, decressi and cbsnges are to be noted as heretofore and let me'ask - " ' .'"'t!- ; ,ri 15!h -Why' are ihe corn harrows r)rbwn asieorjao tittle jised ih(I rarelyof late ever fee or ear of I their being at work f I iave been rin lo very considerable expanse in providing these , and other implements for my farmsi and to rov great mortification and injury, find generally speaking, I hat wberev er iheyr werelast used they remainj if :not stolen; till teiquired agin ; by which means they aweli as the carts, receive sq much injury from the wet wf-sttier and the hct of the sun as ,to oe unfit tor ,use to tepair r supply tbe place of whiehj'wlth rew "nnf. my carpenters (who otiht to he i other wise emplqye))lre comi j obs.- H arro wa? afli erf the1 grou nld isx wel I broken, would certainly weed and beep the corn clean w iih more ease than ploubs. I hope, therefore; they .will - be used 'And isi roy: express 'order 'ibat the (greatest care- be taken of the tools of every ktnd. carta and. plantation "implements Id fulure i-fpr Vvn L'inb longer submit .to.'ibel iosaes I am con ii no any sustaining ny neglect. ; 'l6h,'There is nothing I moie'ardently desire nor indeed' is! ibeya ay more f agential toniy per maneat interest, than tbn raismpr of Utb fence3 on proper ditches or bank; yet nothfiKr has ever beerl, i n a v n e ra I; w a j? more shamefalty.! neef ee ied'or rais:nb3ged; for instead of preparing the giuund propetiv forihe reception of. the feed'and weeding and kpepingi ibe plants clean after tbey come op th seeds ;a r e ; h a r d I y if ic fatcbed in t o the goood and are salfered io ?bemothred by the weeds arid grass if ibey":do cornebp jS by which meaas'tbe expense 1 have been at tn pur ebasiagr aod aendina the seeds, (generally irjm PhiladelphiaO together with the labor, such' as it is. ibat has been iocorred, is not only Inst, hot (and which is of ffioltely more impoitance to me) season ifier aeason passes away and I am as tar from tbe accomplishment .-or my object as ever; " I mention the matter tbos folly 'to show bow aoxloo8 t am tbat'all ih'e seeds wbich have bees 8own6r planted oif-lfie banks iol Ibdftefie should be propei ly attended to ; and tbe deficient spots made rood, if you have Of can obtain tbe nana fit, ninff , ' .'!-. ., -" " - i f ' ' r . . I7ib Theres one ibiog I most caoioa iyou against (witbout knowing whether the're because to.charge yoo"; with it! or norland that, i. not, to retain any of my negroes whoaie .abla and fit to wotk in the crop, in or aboot yoor own boose, fur y out o wn por poses. This I do not allow any overseer to do, A small boy or girl for the poi pose of fetching woo or water, lendiog a child, Or some socbthiog 1 da not object td; bat so soon aa they are able to work oat, 1 expecttto reap the beoefit of tbetr labor myself, 1 P j J 18ih. Tbwgh'last tneniioned, ii isnotof the least importance, becaose the peace and good gov ernment or the negroe depend pon it a.nd not reputaiinn.S I joia n opon by, out w ho has every diipoaitiento be' x or irienu anc servaoMfci i f ..i i Su ko Washingtoii. t: "t- LOOk OUT FOft Af SWINDLER. A' 'few,: d aya since a iiaoeeaiiag-himself at a tavern in Law. mornios be nor pairintt aHe begs to assure the poblic that if iponctoal atlention to business, and skill for work; willeo- tUIehtm to patronage abd sappoit, be will mer- . " ., u. . . U: '411 - - ! ; AAttON AYOOtVVQRTH. Nov. 13 tf 1 6 A BA.'Bra;ddoek,stO' re nee vi I le for the night. Dr. Sherman's 1 chasf oSa jhorae fromjvhi jlandlofdvf Ing In part with a fifty dollar bill purporting be on the the best MEDICINES W VirWoM, Commercial Bank of Colombia, SlO : also made Iwolr, ii 'Ml v'M-il? passed off a 1 iTb p. t;A.t i?nntirmil fmhwik;m twenty doar bill, on iamebabfe; f&poo after he Dr. Sherman isa akilMl nd eipijien Phy- leit towni it was ascertained tbat the bills were I siclan. and a member of the Aledfcal Society e - 7 - ,i - - :! .? f i .,. 4 . -. . ' ..... I WvT T- Vi I not geno ne ; od two men started io pursuit of I wew I 0,K V III mm. nen overtaken, ne proteased not to know anertnnn'Jf nougitiMfOvugv9, that the bills were cpanierfeitli;he.bad but Are inb safest, airestnd mostedectaillrenjed ' t'Lr-K?? WM Coogba, Colds;-Consampto. Whooping wdling tobaniover a ratter Currency - and Coogh, Asthma, Tightness afitbe lLangs or take up the spurious. sin exahiintnt? his monev. pu!. JS - -i it was discovered thai he bad ia large amonnti of tne a lores nns; and on an intimation that he S HERMAN S WORM I.Og;CNOES A most go back I o town and eive an! aeponnt nf Are the onl? infallible Iworm . deatroving.'roedl- l:..w lilt j. .' . . : . 1 - j- .-.hwit.-i-l.-Ti L-i'i l.J j j muistu.-ue arew oat nis pistol and made a hasty icineeveT oiscuvereu. ney nave oeep qsea in reireai, sou oeing prettv switl on foot, be ela- over4.auu.uuu casea ana never Kpown ia iair. ded his porsaera.andbokl refogej in a swamp. SHERMAN'S CAHlPIlOB ioZlBlf fi 1 ed whh mirrnr Give immediate relief nfervr brsickl!- hffi tii?ii; J ' I ! b r8a,K ?e ache, palpitation of thH4art,!Ltiwness 4fSpir. L?i5?5iT ' - TnU'TPe Despondency, Fainting. Oppression l or . feW dla K.T0'1 y c,??rd' a ense of linking It the Crieft, Marrbteal Las- Sl W'W?" aitodcorAsenwoffaiigoM St i j; dry aniclfs of silk aad shawN,. and jbght affairs , S J i 1 t U tw -wi HUH : Bliail B 1 ! ., ? : which he had no doubt purchased on! ihia room m jSAerman's Fever and JlsUe Lozensres get off his bills. The bills were handsomely en- Are the raWcertaibmedV graveu.oiii -uoiumbia,- joined ,tpj have been eomplalnt, ever offered td tie A'mlrleanapltc. inserted alter the pnaravmtr hrhp! trit mrm. . . . .-i iJ tI.ij e - - . - i oi- in i na immancn ri ninnnr n r-awMv en iv ninii n a v m nfl It -i 11 I S It L'-j 4.- i i - 4 ' TIimsVBSCJtlBEIl AVING tarabaed tlai we'll f pVrt ard I lqn? estabttsbeU Public Ilim 'iknunn ' ne mimei ot laojhier's Tavern,) in n of balisUirv. N C infarmo k; vjx aodnhe PflWicgeTallfr that the sff.e i.now j I pperrfbr the rep(ionjof;Travl,rgiq3(I,rder; 1 j S ne nest tbe marker and snrrocoainff coontr sf I ords,-:- .-tHrinit -- ."i i' HisStiblcs snacions.- and ftonniifnitv jplied, with grain atjd Provender, of all kieds at. "lftW.foqWeotife Qsilers. . r Jhenderatgned pledges himself tbaW no ex ertloo on his parish a M be wanting tn give gHj eralsatisfaci'u WallWhu may favor him vajub . H JAMRS L COWAN;. SaUshury, $epf. 1, 1840: tf7 sr7 sS t 'r;.? ; oesM 'riocM bave been used, tbey bays BeJerioeen todwn 4 hand. MijKwart,.Cahter,V and dated 1840 and fAji j, . , -..".i-i f-' M j - '-'""-SSri ' ; ; - Shcf, kM - t. Stffti It isweltknown lhat jthe planet Diarrhoea or looseness of tne bowels,so!Mm Venus can now be seen with the naked eve. Ii mnn and imiiMpsomedorinff tbiiVtimmerlmontha. waiped by the IVleritesaffew -I Bays since, may now be entirely prevented a) proper 'ose who,rwe ondersisnd; assembled with;spy g'asse 1 ,f these L-izenes They are prepared expTesa- TO CLERKS. jSHPRIFFSY. C OJVJVI- THE PttOPRIElrOR of th tWatchmb Printing iiOffleej1! respecifullv ir.f.ruis the yiriK?, cHieru, ana tuonstaoies r-ijne Htrrouno ing Coontiesi that; he ihaa ; and will can't in kn keep on hand; a fall supply i f BLANKini Jitly prinietr on saua nsner. and not eumtiSieu hv anv work done irt the States. All orders frotn f di tabce for any; of tbe flowing Blank protnptly attended ioxL;';JU;: - .-,..' Superior Court -Witaess Tickets.tUrriis.j Capiat Bands Caf Sa? Bfnd, tobpeeifss, Verii- Honi Kxponas,' JoorsfTickeis..Executitjn8t j Si i !: S ; 1 1 : . ' S; s: 1 i:i County Covet-f Juror's Tickets, Execution?.' Affray Indietments, Kmtictmenis vr Ov-rsir8" of Roads, Veodi.i Eiponas, WttDessrtckeisi IWrita. &.C. . . it-S'i -1 ;S .- -i-lll ,, . ., , .. . , , , JTis'rUinfJMSCatfik Warrants. rllb : Execotiotfa attacbed, Q 8a's fit Bonds GaaVSSnl dian Bonds. Appientices,'l Iqdsnlures, Marriage License, j A ppairancej Bonds, Deed if Irost, Deeds of Conveyance- Delivery Bonds, lojui.f-S tionsSh'erln7s! D4eds.l fVenUi.tExiMj V AWeal Bondst Commislems jrj taks .Depositions. -Cdn-i ':(, ;St stables' Bone'sAdmifiistrafura Bonds, Pri'Seeai J tioo Bonds, Oipenor and Co Uoort. ? JPrinfiiijf Pr inking it to see. if thev could discover other stars in tbe Heavens Ooe old lady in looking ihroogh ihe glass, ranted it a little too roach, and - gapnino wnn amapmen exclaimed what tfitf I see? as true aI am 5 a living souljSJ.-U P. Baker, in large letters printed Tin ! the skies! "Truly ha is a sraat man 1"" The glass had oeen oroafDt Sfi low, that jtfcejzea loos old lady bad been readffig an ex tended sign in the street Porltaud Tribune. ii ly tor that purpose, and cao be Relied on ij with perfect confidence. Person saobject to a derange ment of the bowels should never be wttboot them They afford immediate relief frorri all bealtend aot gnptngis, laintnes8fcdepressioi,4-c. i ! A Caleb Qwlem.& rf'giolafi scheming- shrewd, :hard-Mrnrkino monef making Yankee utit VVest :: a chao who irei?ilees in! the various ficenpations of doctor, !gansmitb,r lawver, tooth exractor,; dry goods' merchant, i justice of the oac, and schoitTmaster. has reconily, by adver tisement, Sadded the following to bis list of pur uis and ijoalitie? : j : S ' ) - - -I ...N. B-i-Auctioneerlrg-of lBdestkind. Inter-wnvn-Swih. entriltatn i&t&h use of the g'otws. The advertiser! wooldT also have no ob jection tOjjtf aching a singing school, evenings, and misKt possiblv find art .hour to spne each morning breaking colts i in, harness, or carrying on, a smal .ardenjon;. balves.flS. j ". . ' S ft is a fnrroos astrondroical fact, that there is nonew moon in the month of lebroarvJ 1843. but there ; are two new" moonsi in the month '"of March following. Ji is new moon on the 30th of Jannaiy., again on the 1st ot March, and also on.the'SOlb of March;-..; -It f 1 A V hoover is honest, genetdusLjNftcocs, hon : t-tl-.L,Li - - s -.i. '.il"lL'' t I urauir, ino canoia. !uc gcuiipiu-n, nueiuei icarnea or oniearneo, rrcnior poor. ; The rncoroe of the Lord: Mayor of London a- moucts to bet weeo 7,000 aod C8,000 per an- le'ari imprj a ir nith the iyotiibfuf mtndS nff!F' A straw will make an imprcssfoh a: s'now'i lei it remain! bat arknMt on .ihevir-r tfme. and a horses hour can hardlv penetrate It. So it is 7ibiAs soon jas? yoo ; have done sowing andHeobeforelijtiti pleot1k:bb iire l jset heartily; about thresb- log brtreadicg4l the wheatiSinds it is got 6itt,lothayideliveredi eisew beref a!ccjf Itog toji'direclion. The Ibrige-jlhist businU' Isy-i be more wasia land embezl:! eroent! will there be of the croptj j Trie ''wtieiijitis :tb!beSWeIleaoed ; inn ensu ano ncnt wneat ire to oe proprriy . !n , ..m .:B,:.;ii i: i Ufe ,n taken ban of for the horses or pthf fvstOeaX torf br anavoidiibtal-lmsf aest.ntr 10 aMend"l)ivine and be rrawj iiacked ;bnd secbred MhUvrship)LaT vvkui iro asaiaai jWcaiur iuu vtuci ii- nucu iug, iaucich nu viuct mo ui get Ei EiI JL WORTIBI I HOG SI ! finHEjSnbscriberTiaai jostadded jtb his stock 1L bfierJraftfreia pair of KenUieorth tlo$ Lnnnrled! I f .m Knalind in thl hit of 1841. bv Mrj AtB Allen. 4f New Vork and are now -boot .1.8 bfcirths ld i lbe; -.Btitt !s;4 vry sopts rior animalL diep, thick aad iexcellent in all his points: tne oow verj uq( 's.' lugs, which, Cr beaftty and form, can f hardly be sornassedl Those who may ;ish a fuller de sert pi ion of these fine animals are j referred to Mr; Al eu S letter peoiisoeo in ine iwncwor. ihe sobscrtberinas arso a xomsmre ooio. par cbased of ;MrCAilea, front a liWw imported by him from England ; and some Thin rind Scute; and thosl iwishiog- to plrchasf cao hive the im'm If -nil or t b. oir S Berkshirel or crosses of keniiworib'and . Yoreehij' Tnirii4f and Berkf shire. :Hia!atock .off BeibsbIrefBva pnrchased of' Mr. cllf. BementjOf INeW IJrlci, aod is not sorpassedW any in the United States. Those wishiog if (improve ; thehj stock of Hogs, have now a better opnortooity of doing so, tban has am been offered South ! the Potomac. Orders for any of ktie,' above wiIi;:be pjromptf ait-oJei ptear ajoeKSVHie. uaviecu., ;-:Ja-oaryi4,!845.;,;r-"'-; ir25 Job Printing nedtly-aonc here. Sherman's Cathartic Lozdfiffes i; . j - " M - as the common Are as pleasant and easily taken peppermtms; and are an active anu emcieot medicine. ITtey cleanse the stomach .-and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. 'Where an aciive medicine is required. they are not only tbe best, but the safest tbat can be administered. ,1 i -if 1 it . i Sherman's Strengthening PLASTER, The b8i of all plaster for Rhedmatism, Lom bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, Ijoin8, ide or Hreast. . - - i - : s s -. i ; . The above medicine is for sale wholesale or retail, kl the Salisbory C.B W Sept 3ils42-ly6 &i JfJofftiVs Medical DrogSlorj by HLtLt,K, Agent, 8alikbory, Nl p. Vegetable JUife J 1 YOSSESS qnaliuesi of the most mild and be ST peficiaj nature. . They ate (om posed itf ar ticles the meat . ', antVpptrescet, jconibifedj- with ingredients kuown as the only certain antijd vie far (e vers of ever v description. jWfceoliWidis ease is produced either! from Wold obstrocfion. bad air; swampy and oamp suuaaoo?. or puma ntflsmi. whether malignant s or itnidemic, r by other causes, these medicines are terrain inthetr QDerations or effects. I bey are possessed olpe cufiar qqaliiies, which not only fxf I all Jise-e. but at the same limb restore and Invigorate Ihe svstem. When first taken jntol the Stomach, ihev immediatelv diff'ise Ihetosel vegt (ike Vapor thrcMitrb everv pore pfodueing- tfIecUatonee deligbtfol. salatary, and permaBept- ween ;tne snark of life begins to grow dim, the circolatioo languid, and the faculties parklized, these tried nines are found to give ja tone to lbs nervesx bileratejbfr animal spirits, Invigojate the body, and Teianimaieme wooie ; i i , . ? ; .' ' a tXft IWietW have also been cseil wiih ;aoat'hsppy socces in Nervous aad Dys peptic diseases, ConsnnQtion, Asthni Mi,er n.nl.ini RhMmatism. rehroflU aad iufitma- ton It rop'e;Sic. , -. I , '. i 1 f jCpCall at Cress k BocfcaV ll I baitsbory, Oct 22I1842-Iy VS , , ., .CT A sapp'y oi the above invaioaoip mx.-nu'iMP-Sara for sale at Jamesf Cross Ruada, Iredell county, by fU A. Hi Mete i u?f goj FAX70Y JOB ! DIFFERENT CtlLO Rv done Sat ice, and oot surpassed by 1842. ; '. ' S." -Ifl he shortest! not any in the State.;; Salisbory, ISpvillT. ? ""i-A'' ' f mi I , To THElhAPrLICTED. Tlie subscribed has JaM received a targe and frKK) aopplviofi Dr 'Mdffait isf Life Medicine:" Call 4 obtain relief ! 1C B W HEELER. Ae l. ' Salisbury, DecjU04-tl20 'S , .- - - M i - -!' T - 8 - : i 1 - 1 nnrnndetWs s VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. vrauuuiyi mi v a -sr U H c" Farmer'i Bouk out. I IiavcJ a Valoablo Tract of Laod near &alisboTVT bt h I will sell on good term, if application be nr.ade SOOn.- : T!j i l,l4lUUI. 'I Salisbury Dee 10 1 ' "' ; if2Q S r. Salisbu-t, co.;5. " : Cc4fl' Bacon, 'S5ira5j Mrandyap. 30; a 35 T " peaeh, 40i a 53 Butter, 10 012$ -Ht, 'ii ' ' Ceuti. i u Cotton'Yarn. 00 35 a 40.1 1 i6s7 15 a 21' Beeswax. 27 a 2B : Pork, A ? S3 S Cotton, clean & a js j Sugar, br. Coffee. a I I Corn, S.VBiji25 Feathers, d 20 a 2 Flour, Wi$3Mi Flaxseed, r 50 a 55 Iron, per lb. j H3 a 4 Linseed Oil, prM ' - gal 90 $1 Molasses, Nails, Oats, 1 5 a 10' T--v.-n.oar. 191 io. Salt, sack, Pi -Tallowy; Tobaeco r 8 a 20 Tow-Ltneh. 12 1 16 Wheaf.bush 75 , WhisxeyT 2fi a 3Q WooL f clean) ? 25 - - - m If AVsti:Lr. Feb ,l';ilIS .ft A YOlJNG MAN. who a . n eiilfrshl- tfxnerieoce as a JfaiKTE uation aa Foreman or Joarifyraan. to JPHbJisherf aTTORHET AKD COURSBLLOA SlT IAW. has had con- wisnes a sit Satisfactory references cao be given. I For ptifeulars address . ...... nffi. Sl,etntl Ml. m . A. lUil janosry " , N. U. oaf I ! ! I AY be foond always at the Office of H- directlr PPPta in Ta'T. JjJL C- Jones, Esq., Rowan Hotel Salisbury, Jaa. 7, 184$-lf24 nranuy.peacn ii i Jo, Apple 50 a'S5 rfacon, - S4f a :ji Beeswax 27 a i8 Coffee. 10 a If Couoo, ; i 51 a ffI t;oitoo larn, mi jj Corn. 40 150 Candles, F.F.I 5a It Flaxacedi 80a l Floor f4 a 4 Feathers 50 4 33 Iroc, J : f 5! Molasseal : 23, .Nails: cut. SC a f5l Sosarbrovv!!. SialO Lamp, ;:Y H laf. u 15 a 18 . fili. 50 a 60 .Sack. . . : S2-! Tobacco leat lis 24 f S Cotton bag 2j t Bale rope. 8 a mify Wheat pew 80 4 8:jif Whiskey M a 5 ,S naron nurim. Pb 21. 1842. 31a 4 Nail coiasiwi 7& I ! L? I ----- I 1 it . .i: t W ouk' ".. fur Oas bushel 30 U 5 a 5. Butler 12i a M -22 a25 Oil gars. Beeswax u.i&'P'i. J" T : 1 lamp Mi SI Rfll rnnelb 10al2 . linseed 1 10 S i T . -III '. . Coffee lbn 12i el4 Cotlori 1 4s 7 Cotn bosb 40 f 50 1 Pork lOOlbs 51 a 6 Rice 1 00113 4 a Flour bi?B6l Feathers i :Ju Lard Molasses Tallow 5a 6 Sugar, lb. 8. S2t i - i. Salt sack :StceI Amer-: 1-.4S:S. 35 a 40 14 lKI 4i 7 English; fiprn-ar. i 4Z H2i 3 Tea itn pei 'Vf m COUNTY Printed cn firm COURT WRI If trV H'J- - 4' e tbia Office t ::S'l'iSS"' u -ill !1 i;f ;s;:if .Hi - trt. s 11. 3 1 1 1 s; T . ) 4;;- Iff; ! Si H I IU V- 'I -'" .- ,. ' 1 - I fv. S S'