J - i !!'-- i " 1- 1' ! J Mi . ! '- -t r ... t :;'!! & INVALIDS l-p C cP 1 ih.s rliiudlai th villain! stores, iPW"iW9rY country siore in m ue. AM)&t& i on th.e fraPge M aft others rWMia&&: baeimposiaoiWMd counter rif f 'i- IMit-eiiB8t you has the not, :i'il Udlui Biem.it SlIaideftJaee, the SA biviiia ew lore, or low write fori them ess , remedies iMOCOLUMSlA.FOR THE IAIR, i t.iT t9Pk!11 r."o' W -iiid ii f Bldreti malte It grow rapidly Ot im i i FrifWthaVii)est the heads of children i revenodi or killed, bylt at oWce- t . ..rWithbat the name ol Corustock oc Loi on it. i 1. fci f - ieved by it that admits of an ouL I ' i!. linnSl1 3 that have Rinir.Bone. Shavin. feiif) idltu Sic;,: are cured bjr! RoorsT Sracuifff and rflifillldPdi horteau entirely cored by Boofa' 'fffMciOu Swk this 'all horaemen. :):3Miiirt;;Xttk Fain ''Mm-m r U new or old , - nl toret, and sort i It .has' delighted f.-. i. i .. . i . ftoosand4' jKjnll. take- put all pain In ten minutes dno lafiure -It win curis i the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS, J-A fetter Injnb nice anduseful article never was! ui!e. pnoul'd wear 4hem regularly.; .' j I IIT'S TIPJER AHCI3 BITTER.S : ' 4lie( pnciplf ; substituting the' tonic in place of '8$ji''pcipieiwjbictt' has reformed 89 many .-'i- i i m ' t .' t '. .t. . ' J: - .-!' namaras,- i o po usca wim . 1 1 1 Zl ifCVejD I PILLS, sopenor to all cie'n fof tlcajistng the system and the humors alTect. B th MSod, and for all irregularities of the bbweli. HsiFA :7t& TTMl Qfl IQ1 Jyf V.UlM JOyJOl OB-SPOHMlHEAbACHEREMED lZUV " "r T V V "r t . Eraff l-';''i;T.;:'ilf M--;-''' ! ' -II ! I DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, tcSingr&nUoSy gH? " kl r 'VI or any t x-: i .i'M- MBBsassssBwsHaB i pjc .himch , Keeping uie uomacn m mosi per-1- ikT9ruer,!:ine iiwei riiuar, ana a aeierminaqon io quicUy cure;d by it.. Know this by tryingj ; in CORNS.-fiT.he French Plaster is a sure cure. pi C3 Sj.ajiy tfiadejlybti wiah but will not color the skin. t '-. 'i COMSTOQKTl! fBXTJtACTV 'tTherel'M no, otherprenara ff SarsariHa that can exceed or equal this ty'Mflj ;0ito get boMSTclcK's, you vill! fin- r:?triur!tp flllijflicrs. Ill does riot reauire nuffin? ,i .mi- BALM for the piles, I and ah . "IH1!"!1 mlnal irritations brought to the iSpdn widl thV Balm i so in icoueha. I- JeJJbf circ aUnapient nhiption srai fiW ndiis a delfehtf! remedy. Uciuem. VERMIFU V?1 US. will Wall. S3 in children bf addlt . vHi?!)! ite "aitoiishiBg.. It : sells with a rapidity -if -f iff : t: 'SV. fit ew Yick. lrl?:Way:brhad town and fteetvsbowiijthe' most I?::Pn;,in'M country for "these- facu, ao ! 7Huin vnn ran inr AnrortlAb .. .l Vra-B THESE OR N6Nte.tsi,nM otX 117' -Ti ;Ti rvri5a" M "r'j0Kf genuine ii'nTfl,? WJ'-aii jnese articles to be f) vholesala Droggtsis. t Si tit f :r- f !" ane.Nc ew York, fuid oTour asenta i Vuichnum Qfficei Salisbury . Jorlyoy the- TW,! fcfediWoKr ; Jpliea al'w;retiev and cure at;once. t r'unf 'fejold .resWe J-apidiy cured by it . ! T 17' 'nc y Southern DioVict 41 A . ;-t t"ji!f io ue (l!inli in ph j ifn ii 121- i 'i ' I " . :j -it r. , tseelkuliiie Vovcrnmeni dots not acquire iqo rmtm powerj0 iixxev acittc ii Front the Boston Ajail I Noli it at bitiW aifj .; r . it - - We grasp Oar tinel (no's wch ar tineitaio's wofd iNui loi the comoano apuit, IV Ik M the ha i Ue ator ttf j cift Vhete Fredojca's bkxd is peufevl ; iheelO iboa warrior blade' ' Of briffhtef dir. the wn ' T-.T- 3: - . o'b.trh)cb!)iid rfaVGallW atf ffj Hnht lhau guard oar bod ; And J eveo as tbetneteor dread Whirii fl dot tf,P:htf (Jf.stl.cfi foeiaan'8 handj.fej !; At hcr iifiht hip in trtoro 7j woo on land enthrall. urn I AiirletelliHst that rashes by; Eacjn rpokleifsj ofce, etcb forest's sigh, f ihe. great VVasuikgtozt ! Yh AowMhall soil ibrtihi, MaV bliabUodl ieoipests o'er asTol!, Aud tbcnderiag f6es, from pole td pole , r :n- iir.i hi v H.ilj falcuiooi b&Ten-sent, That afta'd;ioqistrojgiiPg land- - Hai);pilgrtmirjon which she eant, TlljiSMem,4:atiSr baiemebt. ' ! Her!f e in -laidRcss scaoa'd ! - Am still bit tvoxd froai oat its sheath ! Shall lea n4tbiai slafl to sever, ! So Idtiir around bhr bearts shall wreathe uriwnt r reeccmTSicnain aer accents oreape 1 4 joJ j toea; fe?er J Tiife ; ,lfiirBtor1'0a jM -gx pressf 'oar i seniriient8' inlff lotion torrefopding Gen. Jack- i son' fine j in bis remarks immeditelj preceding Uhje natsa1ofi in bill tbroosb ihe Senatel In U.i -iTi'-fm-m J 'litis . ..-rl J-.. t'i L' L auction tqf a iitiipnblicationoi., ineoio nero wbere fie anderiftEes to dictate tne snape oi me nrorjosed refnodind law. Mr. Daflon sats; itcipg .pirtt of GVoVral Jackeon wbi4b jcts;mmon forms of law.cantieTer 1 fojr ofiecanoot awl with ortylofJeringil Wrea groJellingic3(31tQ the footipfitni Wol.f.Hi JodeJin !a recebilletter. in lan?oa?e the laioi opprobiotw :!Hill ccepi oi nothing slriof ?pcf?.cJ,HlM0; 'VtV hls W,U 1 ivawia iv rnafifrinr m irriiiiiirKKCHii lis khiiuiii!k nulla tnUeiarttrorswn nt win tne u on-t 2 r ess of the Ulftep States -will the Whig par ty even, spem U truckle! r or one; having lac ed the sobstanc, I shall pot scare at the shadow. VVer fbis a.claimlof some friend lets,, power less one I could more leadijy jieio. . i ne nreceaeni would be jess dangerous. Bar, to Uen Jacjkson, vho comes io the strei.gih of a ereat name and par IT with his iron heel opon the Jdde atid the iODStitoiioo. ciciatinir me terms opon wmcu he iawrnost be passad, if at all to bim. I will try iob just; bat by Justice mast be measured VII ! - ' i ilOVOttABLE T. MARSHALL. Tbe foHowini beaoiiful extract it from an ariic'elwritten forjthe Dbserver and Reporter, ip 1839. bi the distihsoiabedi Kerresertauve from Uiis! DisiriLM, dver the; sighature of frA;Ciiizi' (CW44dford,f Ihe aothorsbip ollwhichi, wal, Hfter wards avowed by Mr. Marshall, tit wa extracted and extensively published at the time, as coniainiog one pf the most juslj and heiutifnl ribUeflj that bad! ever betn paidj, o I)r;.Cla i 1 1 we perceive! again going' the rounds uf the press :; x i jllfj'-f, . h J - . , ! S- J iVho does not know him opon whom the hopes of ib kmerica afdi '.Tsenedraod'"fo hpm! the eyes i pf; ChristendomKate, dkf cied ? W$b ioea llptjknpwtbetD mar: of the age ;;t ha' raan whose youth was without the! blessing of A libera! education', the sopport ol wejihb, briijiblrop of powerful connecjtiona ;. nd whthbsnajifd of all arno save; hat oi j nisjuwn great geuius ana courage, sna ursuppur led tionor, which Ibe writer ol tli$ srticlei cb idi'sKlgher; .tVa an imperial station ; in a de naoif acy with thg popular ban agaii.st h'cnj; in s dftb(i(;yM hr ibe people are eopreme, and w hjere the will. of a majority (a Jaw rist jit-ss a' ih detage)Us;Spc)kenf of by uin. with open la I re vereuce ;t tbre times barred from toe highest odej be; has iiy maintained. his place at the head ot a faia4itSv. ba tlinsr with undiminished Muor,i for thej trae policy ; of tne counrfy, and clinging with jth f tameless energy of ad On con qnered giant, Jib the'pillars of her ConstUntlon! His Inenda; havej struggled with.' and offered under btm(iwithqui at hope of emolomeot. pro- sT-ibed frocd the honors of their hemmor coantry Hp had uojoflScd to give, no power to bpstuw, not patronage io extend, no reward to oner. , .They lure felt it no degradation to retfogBtza him as .their bead and laade ho a cot fliet.ia which they; are ill sufferers, and he. the icreaU e'sefffjrer pfalj. In I advf is'uy they bav4 peven deserte4j'amwn his darkest boors theyhave clang the jcloer itoT bis stde.iio cher and lo eooihe isiaa it KM degradatiori to obey; so they feel it is opt adulation to praise bim; who has no power, but the Joye otMa Irlends no means f to -PunhihL'rewardJorcomtel- 4 j-H -1 .t-J"! ; '&ry itbyrcieojiers f the Eegtt arefk;inias; riecen tfjk passed J e- bill to nav themselves In snecte lot tbeir tervtces. ntvt uoyernojrixetl very properly ana prompt- ly put the exerutiva veto in it. When the t.il Kit MiiirnI thaxt fiaii it b alrr.njtti. T ii f MVT MWWWW "1" I lUlionilmsioriiT. r i ! Ti .1 i' -i Tnie following Speech, pur into the moutb pCEx G6ctn& f)otbi th mjidAotlr? t tegifd bot it srHkei betbatbeiw JSud one of.ibe; mosi humoroaa btt of-the dfj, i4 i Irom the mw BedJord B'uUhUh'.i 4 Th Grjt Deroocratic Pow.o in- 'Old FunnelV fsme off last evenrtiffi uirtbez- rriiiUiindt-'icHt of thaxoaolrymambers of .he Let.s'awre, who board nowhere at six pent e week, pa rabid hen-the JarxiJady ran gf t it without inter est . .Tbe ge a tleaaac fron Sekonk who did not want-his place of residence put io the Sergeantat Army D tree tor yj est so largely that bo could not make a speech when his turn' carne, frooi shich it. will be readily inferred itbat he rn u s t .bra ve e ten-a i gr ea t de a 1 j f j. Our erelusite Reporter was in the Hall; and took copious notes ,Qf the whole sfTafrt rhich be deposited in bis poeket-hook We regret, however, to sy, that this rs stolen from Itim, with 44a suci of tnoneti" - while be was leaving the! Hail Nothing escaped except a report of Mr. Dorr's speech, which will be found below; t : f f ! t Io juslice to our reporter we wbofd ob- set ye thafnopersoo f connected with ; the Boston Pest is supposed to bave;bad anl band Jo:tbe4abrctiorj. This j will : be the more readily believed vtoee the most imaginative dtud cannot discover the slight est resemblance! between a 'Bill of; Fare and pocket-book;:; and should any report of the Festival appear io tbe osf, the pub he may rest .Bsaured hat it is Qol written bnl from oar notes.' Vehasten to lay before oor readers an abstract of the Speech of the Hero' of Che. paenet, vve were pained to see tbe gallant, and honorable gentleman in rather a tbin condition.,! Indeed it will be aeen? tht be made an allusion to this fact 10 ibe course of bis remarks. ; i Col. Greene bfiered the following toast, which was received with immeose cheer- Dorr and Ckepachet Insepirthle names hke Wellington and Waterloo they will always ihflame the bosoms of us milirary with red hot ferocity against the enemies of universal ouuragearro tne iree ana enngnt eneDed Stales of North -America. When lb ts wis offered Governor Dorr was deep in the disciiMion of a clam-pie and a j-lass. of hot whiskey punrh, apd would have failed tot make thev proper response, had not the hbnjnrabl4 P. W. teland re moved these delicious viands from bnder bit nose; with great dexterity, which gave occasion td many, to remark; lhat. With proper-education, there was not much doubt but that 'the member from Bri?to! would have made an excellent waiter. V Dorr hav ing been 'stirred jup,' and told that His time had come, arose and'aaid : " Mr. Preside nt--The magnificent spread before tne excites abdoninal feelings within me, only to be imagined by thbse'who have partaken of Ibe so balled hospitality of Hen ry Hubbard. - There is; sir, a touching old ballad to the effect that, j 6 ' ' f Old mbijher Hubbard . i She went to th cupboard ; " i To get be poor dig a bone : ! When she got there i The cupboard was bare,' So the poor dog had hone. . I am convinced, sir, that the Hubbard at present presiding over the State of New Hampshire1; is no .other than a legitimate descendant of the old dog loving lady men tioned here. 1 find no, fault with Gov. H. as a man my heart beats with the rapidest kind of tgrateful pulsations when I think of bis refuMlo1 giyiejme up to Sam King, the wretehedmflefibl.CappIsuM'bui gazing upon these c jviarVdjs,' and retnrra hiring bis house-keeping, my ' stomach; in its 'pftmsr'y capacity (gifeat applaup) revolts (cheers) at the recollection. Eheu! Iroja fuetJ f Great disapprobation among the Democ racy' at theLatirti) Gentlemen j"t1eg yotir pardon for quoting from that I aristocratic language, f I should rather have! said tiin s aint now as they used to washeenj. Great applause.) ;-TwaS: once ,. corpulent; There f was a titeewhejri at Bog man's Saloon, in my own native Piirtdetce, I swallowed the "natives1 in peace and quittnes ; I 9mkeri my ciar witlr ca.'m enjoyment , I urnk that pecultarlf delicious compound "Erg AogV,with'aobdued tapture, and: so quiet ly ao' cozily jogged ihiough life, undisturb ed by the cares .6- state, and gradtiallt c- quiring tbar firm sod solid corporation for whirb l bave beep renowneuv j; J - : i -f! i t .ii. f 1 - " j Gentlemen,. frorh this Elysmm of exisi- ene, I 'warbaliedtby Uie voice of the peo ple, o My bitive State .demandedmy ser vices : Cincmatus was called from bis plough to defend his country I frdm my oysters Tbe. people of-Rhode Island groaned be neath a despotism, savage, remorseless al gerine. cheer? Why. geutlemen, you will bardlyeieve it but pa person, under hat daatardlyand jdiibolical charterTwas allowed to aetl oysters llrom thejBrst oMayto! the first of September, (gtoans.) and, -tle- roen, I am now corivinceil that it was also tbe inienlion . off the chirter authorities io 8ttbmittCtiMf4jet,i gectlecaeotiCcAsxs, to4 I tbe.aame onerous, grinding; ferocious,! and luiuieii law.ngrcai """Kruisacs boots,) yes, gentlemen, to prevent tbe peo ! nle. bv stsiuie. irnm nartskins of that beau- '"4 ' T 1 T V' ; tifal and'nutiicious shell-fish donngj five how ojf the people I a w that no'trme was to be Jost,f if we! would prfseHeoor existeocf . I saw that soma decisive meatbre was no- cessary;; Chepachet called to me; Wooo socket fcatled to me, aed'ao ; various other well knowdr and celebrated parts of tbe State. Generations yet unborn, with; piteous ac cen ts, on t of the future,, ta w led out to me, 0C niiutiorji and, genllemee, f got op or e, and that donstitution, which would have secured net ooly oysters not only cliamsjt but even jUie rigrrt of taking cbrckeois (delinons edible !) from every hec-roogt-that Cobstilulion, the lory of the age, to which Marcus Norton oaies h'ts elec tion, was legally.adopted by David Parmen ter,r Dctee J. Pearce, and eiyielf, with sev eral other distinguished 'characters, and of course immediately byjj (every! republican principCe, became tbe law of Hue Slate, (Cheers.) ' Biogufaf iotkiijit& Algerines refusedto fiiye uptbe5 govern toeoi: toMr. Pamenterlhid myself. I went to VVaabmg tob to c-fcum 'the sistabe off toe .General Government io asserting my right, hot sin gular to relte, the Preaident did not invite ine to, the 'bite House to dinner. ! Burn ing;wiib ibidignatrbn, I slept not, stopped j not) tarried not, until reached the Pewter Mog tavern in New York:heie I drank a draught of inspiring porter-f-l jmean, patri otism and where I was presented with a a word, (Cboers.) Having a sword, gentle men, I. now saw my way clear, and retorned to Providence with a determination to hack, slay; murder, and make minca-aeat of tbe Algerines. I summoned the' people, to the number of one bundled around tne, at the domiciljof urringtoo Aothoof ; we mus tered bur forces ; we swore we would take the Arsenal (at least I did) ; we marched againat it ; with a cannon ;: I touched offihe cannon myself, but, gentlemen, the people bad pleggeid i tbe cannt b and the cannon would not go bfj, but the people didt so tha in the morning, nobody was left by me ex cept such as-were not able to go, for various reaaons, and I, feeling like one, who treads alone, some banquet hall deserted, saw that I should be taken off to State Prison if I did not take myself ofj, and so I jefl the! Stale with feelings more easy (o .j.magtne than describe. To this hour I hate never bean able to understand why the pe opie spiked that canooh it is to me inscrutable. Once morel I majto Itepacbet'ia effrt to sustain my Const ifuiton. aod once mote I failed. Ah ! genilemep; at the hour of trial, wherf provisions became scarce, the people Jeft one. 'What does this prove, gen tlemen; buHbat it it necessarjltf you would have the people true to the great priociplss of goveromnl, you must giyei them enough (o eat ! Hence the beautiful and loucbiag propriety o( Clam Bakes.' Alter unheard of trials; gangers, dirlictl ties, and fastings, (cheers,) by the kind per mission of His Excellency Gov. Morton 1 am here, seated at this tjbouniifiil board. What can J do, gentlemen, to express my gratitude to you for having secured me an asylumi in your, old end happy State ? There is btit une- ay t i which I cs n rpay you. Vt gentlemen, you sjibuld ever want to establish tieTe a new Constitution, if you should find tbe purse-proud, aristocratic Al gerines; of this State too mticb for you, 1 a ad my sword, are at your j service, (cheer.) The people are the source of all power ; in them resides the sovreigniy :' if it does-not, where does it reside I The will of the peo ple is supreme, and they have the sole right to establish government, and overthrow it forty limes a year, if tbey .are graciously pleased to do so. Thisis ihy doctrine, gen ttemeni and if ou don't belieie me, aek Gov. Morton ,-. ' Mvj' M ' Gov. Dorr sat down! amidst immense cheering, and was observed, ;1y the reporter to tall upon tne aimonos anu appies witn great relish, until Mr. VVHiimarah begin a speech, when Ilia Excellency and every bo dy else left off eating, and looked very pale. great Land slide At troy, n. V We fhave accounts of a fearful calamity at Tioy, :N. V., occasioned by a land slide whtuh occurreld nnlFriday Lst, scarcely inferior in ex tent, arid it is feared even more destructive bf lite, ilipn ttiai which occurred several years go. 'Yhi elide occurred south of Uie former ne ifln the same hiilj : the atalacctie crushioj, and near ly burying s everal frame buildings, it the fouLof the 'itll, and extendir.2 q-iite across Main Street, Thetaccounts vary in particulars,! all con cur, in repre senting the loss bf fife and; tbe scene of distress ats terrible beyond description. The; scene presented an awlu! and melancholy sight. Babes :in their cradles, mothers with tbeir children tbeir arms, and stalwart mqn. who but two hours before breathed freely and; in rood health, hd been lakebiprahV ruins, mu tilated and mangled corpses. The buiidiags destroyed were nearly all new, and had but re- centlf beeri erected, .,i.lf: ; f j ; ; - by r-oi families, were crushed and buried beneath the masaoieartn. in inese, " isnpposeu mers Wre not less luanmmy ay, wljr perouwf wn ten or twelve of wbbm escfpid,;i I ; : y :i .Wiihinanbouf wef tbebceurrenee, nine bo- dies wer dogrem the rohfivetif bbicb were witbeutlife, one p3rtiaUy injared, and three not beyond recovery i, ; : 1; j- A ,man,from tne country, passing ai tc lb his team leaped fri.m bissleigh and escaped. 1 Th hnrses and Ita of wood wre buried be- I ? .... t. f ' oeatb' the earth Prtifddefnnto CArwucfe. i oootbsof the fear f I dd not Ikoow W. 33-LVOLUME XI. ; tKROLE f HlHK Subscriber respectfolly lhfors:his old iL Friends and ifae Public enefally , t hat he has apened a sbia Salisbury in jlhe.abpvrbasi nedsja a room direellV oitmosita Wesifa brick building, in the house of Dr. Burns, ibrmetlv owned by Jno. I.Shaver andiusibefow X.UM. Murphy. , In addition to Oie ahftve; the subscriber wiirj carry on tne tzr Smith Business nl varieties common in country towns sis)uch as making Spoons, &c, and repairing! SilVe; IV.r. .1 !. 1 , . T He begs to assure the public that if Unnctaal attention to bust ness. and skillful workl frill en litis him to patronage and aopport, he willmer- Mil, AARON WOOL WORTH. Nov. 13 If 10 &i Sherman's it i Are the best MEDICINES in M World, 1PJEING the cheapest aqd most pleasant. JO The Medical Faco I ty. warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman is a skilful and experienced Phy sician, and a member of tbe Medical Society o New York. . i Is- SIierman'8 Cough ' itoxknges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds. Coaaamptioov V'faooping Uoogb, Asthma, rigbtoess of the Junga or Uhest, . . j, -j . r SHERMANS WOIIM EOZENGES Are the only infallible worm destrovibg medi cine ever discovered. They have been ; used io over 1,400,000 cases and never known tu fail. SIIERSIAN'S CASfPnOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowneas of Spir its, Despondency, Fain tie?, Oppression or a sense of Sinking or the Chest, Diarrkcea, Las- sitode, or a sense of fatigae. ! - Shcrmarfs Fever and Jlgue Lozenges Are the most certaio remedy for this distress! us complaint, ever offered to the American poblicL . . i : ii . i io me immeose numoer oi cases in wnjen mey have been used, tbey have never been; known to fail. - !' 1 it Sherman's Restorative Lozenges, Diarrhoea or looseness ofj the bowels,,so com mon and troublesome during the sammet months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose of these Lozenges: They 'are prepared express ly for that purpose, and can be relied pn with perfect confidence. Persons sabjeet to a derange roeot of the bowels should never be without them. Tbey afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gnpings, faintness, depression, 4cf ( Sherman's Cathartic Lozenges I r- I ; Are as pleasant and easily taken as the ;coramon nannermints: and are ao active and 'efficient medicine. They cleanse tbe stomach and) bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used! for jjilioos persons. Where an active! medicine la required, they are not only the best, but the safest that can be administered. j . ' m Sherman's Strengthening PLASTER, I The best qf all plasters for Rheumatism, Lum bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back! Loins, Side or Breast. j -IS 1 ! The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical Drug1 Store, hy C.B. WHEELER, Affrnt, 1 Salisbury;, C. Sept 3.1S42 ly6 I I Or. JtloiTaVs Vegetable JUtfe '. : MedicUjLC9 , 1 1 J POSSESS, noaliiies of the most roild and ber neficial, nature. Th.y are composed uf ar ticles the most anii-poirecent, cojnbjoed with ingredients knownas the onlypertaW antidote for fevers'-of every description. VVfcen thedis ease is nroduceLeither from cold, fobtruciion. bad air, swampy and damp snuauonH, i pwriu inafhi nhoihpr tnaliirnant or enidemi', nr by other causes, these medicines are certain in their operations or enects. a iy cunar qualities, l... .V-.ma lima rpiitrA snd inViirnratfl; the system When first laktn m the stomaoh, they immediately diffuse themselves ike vapor through every pore, prulpcinj else's at rce t delightful, salutary, and permanent; V bfc" snark ol life begins to srowdim. llfij ircuiatloq languid, and the faculties; paraded., these rt.edi- nines are found to give a tune io. tnf;p8- iiiieraie me amuim iin -rv i jy, and re animate t TheLtTe Medicines have aln been osed wiih the mosubappy boecess 4 NervUfland Dfs- nomw. ti.isea. Uonsnropuon, ! asu, Comnlsinr, Rheumatism, chrooie ! jied iBflma- lurrl'D ropsies. Slc. ! : Hi grTPCall at Cress & BoqbrV, sis, Suiisbury, Oct Ml, iyi 1 ! 1 : A supply of :be abv lnal?"b MK- CINES are lv sale aij Janes' Ciuss Loads, DI Iredeil J A. C MclNTOSH. Agent. To JPnbfishcr? Er-F A YOUNG MAjN. who; bis hadeoo sidble exneri.nbe-1 "J nation as Foreman or Jourhynuxhl ; : batisfaciory . fafMAeo ran be iien. r particulars address January - i . r i M jr. Johnston, ATT0R5EY AKD C0CNSEI.L0a IT LAW. . r .1 fifrlce of IL A a oe lonno aiwnjf -r . lYi C Jones diiecily opjsite tne I Roan -Hirl Saltburv, .lao 7, 1945 lf24 j mm4 yiy ceU at the end ofl the year. , 4 t. fffiPoii1iyil be receif ed for a lew 'OiMdtianee. Uie Ediiorsj entiljali arreartgea aixaid.' i TK ADUiTisfHe,- . ;weo0tVvT .wentyi n,c.cepta or each cootinaam V. -i I L1: wUI eKItM per ct. m imoii, wouut9 raies. i Vilff ce wi, bed. ot hose who adreriua h iva .... i 1 torbid adcbarge4 for aeeerdbjgly, oarsS u,afr ed for a certattf number tkf tlrue. v i ICp Letters addressed ate ib IHornit4t some poaf puidlo easore attention. ' m rTHE itfoscniBim sod theTblrcgeneratry, that the same is now Open forlhe reception of Travellers & Boarder.. His lALt!Hl Bab will be supplied witb! thAbest the market and surrounding country If fordsw j- - . - . t : jH .f His Staelcs spacious, , and fctinf1fut!y sop plied, with graioand provesderof til kinda; at tended; 6j5iaithfurana attentive Ostlersr' f 1 The undersigned pledges himself that nb jex ertiorTon bis art shalt be wanting to aire 4n eral satislictbn id all who may favotlilm wUh t a call.; - i''wf'i' .-.' '" i . t t JAMES I. COWAN. S Salisbury. Sept. 1 u 1840 : if7 Tb j THE j AFFLICTED. Tlie auoscrioer; nas j-mt received a targe and fresh sopply of Dr MidTa it's Life MediHoe, . Call & pbtairretief. , .C B WHEELER. AgeniC a1ibniv, Dec ;I0 1120 ' ; f WITH, a 'view' to. estWisb yself perma nentiy io tbe town of Safisbory, I here with announce to the Public; that in a few weeks. I shall visit the Northern cities ha order to improve myself in matters connected wiih my profession; and to! stake selections for aneiten sire Apothecaries; Establishment in this place to be opened early in the Spring - I can , aasare my Medical brethren and others, that no pains will be spared to obtain and constantly keep the best Articles suited to the wants of tbe profes sion and the community at large and shoo Id there be a desire for any particular Medicines, Books, or Instruments, I shall be pleased lobe -addressed ba the subject at this place. In addi lion to the conveniences, afforded by The above t ; 1 Ad Establishment, I . have several rooms, for sach medical students, as may desire to place them selves under my Tuition L . FLEASANT HENDERSON Salisbury. Dec 24, l845-rtf22 i 'i TJ H E subaeribers would rtpectfolfyaTinoeoee A Ao the public; that they have removed their Copper, Tih'plate taut Sheet Mi:ojm. One door above George W. Brown Si Co , and opposite Thos. L4 Cowan's Brick Row, where tbey art better prepared te accommodate aod ex ecote all prders in; tbeir lioe on short ootice. and in the very best st,yle. Also, ebnst aQtljr on hand, a choice supply of Plain and Japan Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Bathing Tabs, Stills. &c. JOHN D. BROWN & Co. 4$ali8liury, Jan Si, 1843 I26 Dr. Brandcth's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILIi for sale at iHis Office. Salfsbuiy, N. 0. Oct. 1842-tfl4 i i " -' i ; S : Farmer's Look put. I have Valuable Tract jof Land near Salisbury, whit h I will sell on good terms, if application be mac' a soon. , . I. LYEKLY. HalJsbsry, DecllO r. St20 , FHXOSS; CTJIIIIEITT A.T ? iSALjskonv, March; il Ceuls. ; Cotton Tarn. I 90 Molasses, 35 a 40 Nails, 6 a ? Oats, lSijSO Bacon, ; 5a 5i Brandy ap. 30j-a 35 pejfgli, 40 ja 55 Btittcr, i 1 0 si 1 2 i BeeswsX, 27 1 28 Cotton, clean 5 a 6 Coffee, 0:a ll Pork, Sugar, br. loaf, Salt, sack, Tallow, -Tobacco, 0 a 10 15a 18 m - . 7 8 a 20 ; (orn 23 0Sa 25 JP3jja 4 pedii,ers. p, 1 luu,t Flaxseei'., 50 ft 5d Iron, per lb. 3 a 4 Linseed Oil, pri gal. 90 1 Tow-Liitew, i2 a 10 Wiieat. bush 75 WriisiteyVf 25 u 30 Wool, (clean) 25 Faye-ttevills March i , r. , ;n,ach 1 45 Molasses, 25 NailVcul, 6 a Oi Sugar blown, a 10 Lump, 14 Loaf, 15 a 19 Salt, 50.60 Sack. tobacco leal ilaa Cotton bag 20 Bale rope 8 a 10 Wheat new 75 a 80 Whiskey 25 a SO Wool, 15 a 20 AuBie sosa ! iiesvar, j M.iTee, 2d; a zt 10a 12 4i a 5 '-oumu j tiouon Yarn. 14 a 13 Mk)rn, 4p5ft Candles, F.F. 15 I Flaxseed 60 a $1 Khmr (4 a $41 20 laf 25 - tola 51 ( ' j Kralbers j jrof.f Cmeraw, F b 21, 1842. Bef 3 a 4 i Nails cutassor. 7a 8 . I i. o - . a Bacon &p Butter 1 -12lf 15 Beeswax 22i a 25 Bagging yo 20 a 22 Bale rope lb If a 12 Cofieefb 12 1 14 Pmtbnl 44 a 7 wrougni iui ip Onts bushel 30 a 37 Oil gal 75 $1 lamp $125 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOIbs; 5i s 6 Rir loOlbs 4a 5 Corn bush 4.Q; a 50, Segar lb Flour-brl ; $5 a 6 Salt sack 8 a 12$ rAilir 25 a 30 btisn v a . . irvolK 5a 61 Steel Amer. ma ui Lard Molasses Tallow; 7 Kn filtsh t 147 43 40 i 124 German 12, 14! Teairope.81 SHi7 HAVING purchased that wellnown aad - Uag esubhsbed pablic HousV, fkooWo V Jhe ?V ,ot ?,!Sb'"' Tavern J rathe Idwn of Salisbury. N. infant V,;.nj. .t.i. :!t:!' i 'H(. : : .sll" ..Ki.L - !!: - - m : J I . .--'.-if - r ' -t. is- -I I .3? U vie .r Ik