. - 4 . '1 fi l4H -r fr' 1! h It 1 j i - ! 1 - - - 11 " 1 -i -.:.T I.- n ... - . -.' ! ; .V ntmaf hereafter he, bad ft . in ad van :yL jfscootionfd (bui ai ilie opiion t - - . o Vti,r '.'''m 'Vf. !w4j,,---Vh.-' SomeiimCst the; p1 sl3 4 Q8 : me asiea-Jiod ! aomejimea ihy geissjaoiheted.ind; dt;ii - 1 ---a 'Iz&KScclhitllht uovctnmeal tlots not acqtivct too mum povtr, .s4ycep achrtn v:. i ? Ti-yTrr ju u .iUO; frr. .f"L-- nr charsed 25 ief cl. hish' fiHie ab3e rates. 4 . r i t ! IN' MTIinsebv the fear: 'A Apa for arirordinirly; on!rsorder- ijUff? eT i Hdressed ttfihe Editor mus fa to ensure at Ip iui on . ; -S v ; W" SVBSCJIIJJER . , Tt;iit.i.iirirrtN ' C. informs-iii: Friends Jr" !:!' II o" Ink! lh ' C4rro 10 linW 1 l i VnltllP ITCllCI all 1 F'F i . . aw f rhpr?Ctpt0"' li 1 ac"5 uoaiueFS C Tab1 and Uar will be supplied! with a.fiilhfuUnd attentive' Ogtlers.'-i ' rWT8!fHP,edSeshI.se,fll,al no ?x .1 1 r.J rilftlWILIi GO-UAliD I Lm'iMtm ree frani fcuruana causing t jux ?! Lth tf.tifteWFpf Mtw after chil J2 Z kiir liJji For an 7 1 erson i recoTerloff from tairM preserved by aitentiun to 1 he latest pe ii afhM-Wl free tbe Uiead Jiroin dod- eirgtnir icolor qr; get ting : xt j-dih f t asjei he fitair io carf bf aatifully wberi done op ifir:nltf J ;j:Rf :-fk ; f tb CbltSrirt whoi hi .byT nj;mean j con- 1 1 1. 1 tdjtertniajn ne qp-ao, ar iinmeuiareij ana Ifeciir itiAed bf,lhem,BTjiti"u9e.hJ-inlallP iiai beefi bam about 6re years no more hafr tt too of inv head Min on :ihe back of f in? lihistiluiotr aboat tbe lDlh or Ansostl iast !mrfo9mVthe dalmrColambla, txom Com m ie ub.c-iojnce which, I nae used I wp and iiiIfire9r4b'-iBal;;viii!cbha8:j folly re- lOfea my naiJ,?na ireeu my neaii entirety irom rot My hea ishoW covered with fine, flow : : fonb- hafrWfiitn anv one mav seebv Callin? afflefatiSiajQiora, onnecucui. i, . , i i iSiOM:, m V-S.SCOFIEliD. Coeli t' ahridd-look' always fr' ibe ::aef fJomstotk &,Co. resale ai '.ae" vaicnraan uince, ana Dy j 3 Whif rtf SatloVy Or Stith Raleigh CD mU 1 1 bro' J k; i. Sloan, G reeDsboro ; v UMVEU5JAL PILLS T sale at;this Office, ; F r I . ft." - i.,a,. -j- .7'. - ar out. I Jiave '1- H" V!obIa t'rctf JfandjiJear Salisbury, which ill tello gdod tenns if application be jmade "iuui. a c-a u - -i To tiii AFFmcTED. The '.. 'if " . "II: ! r ; tr .jifjiisit received a large -and jfresh fWPi 'iMofiaU's Life' M.edrcinevj Calli ;4 .1 ri .. ?' u it vv nP.rjLifjiL. Affni: . a tiSBU t Y. JMarch. j t .V , ...3 -t. i- ' ?; . .... Cotton ranCl9Q .4iivy, ap t) a 35 4lVa55 l(j a 12 fara28 MoIa$sesf?35 a 40 :Naii8,:vd a 7, Obts. 15 k 20 'if.-' 1 Pork,';. ciean)5ia6 btigar, or t . b a lu Salt; sack, 3J Tallow Tobacco, v 50 SJO 'a 25 V4V '1 ::NI5055: Mb. f 3a4 WheabushfeiM '! I ..a? Sa. i so: Wool, fclcanV j 25 25 6 61 CrfiU'Hft'.'a-iS l2tJW4r.-ii-!. rt- . Snaf brown, 68 10 r.urnp, ; ...of -i.;-I4- &ut,.;.iv: -Sfri :fl,i d'- i 1 dam h " -4 v ..vti ..rli9spd 1 hat- well knowii and h auffbter'a lavernj inMhe 1" I jUt EtTEVi r.Lti March I. T:0&$a4 NailsVcut, . i'obaccoleaf .! b:2lksaUsbujyyjaip i Cotton ibair l -20 : Bale rope, ?. f8ja IP tWhcat . new "qa 80 l;:e'4.a4r V25.. Whiskey 25 a-3t P'ti .-' fe--&i;:;j:rdt'.lfiar la a swi I 4 ''.vt :M a 'ft N-aiiy i-iit a 4i Natl tut as?6f7 8 OHnshei 3fia 37 .?3lamp,I25 linsecdil0'aiii:25 ifePebfioai2 Pork 10011iS;56 a 12 $2 uusn $100 Steel A mer. 10 a 00 ! : t it ' ! " ' ' - f i ii A! ' ' - ' ' - i r ,'ni - u ,i . . .. i - j J' -i "I . -.t f 7 V" ' i : f -f i ,r-- i j . i I , -i-,r . - r.- , I - . . ..J, -.--U V" 1 . J t 2 T -iijs I pllandred3 "of. cnifdreri abdjdolt9 are lost jeat; ljr;wUh' ivortns when ome other caose basJbeen sopposed.to bft true one? '.KlU.V -' ii ia adtaitfe'd by all d-iciof's Ihstrarcea ra'art; .woman or childjeiiits but Whal , aie soonerr 1 later troubled; wnh jwotms, and -n hundreds M eaMMdrib fehte;' ivpp6sed fever? ecaHatina' vuiu( ur sume umer aninw camrs on me now era (if. f hflf hnoiarj family while In ifuth they die of in a da v ' by the rgse iof a bntife ctxKolmstpck'i r ermivgty m ine cost oi a q oa rter oi a d n la r ! -- How.'sickenW the Ihougbr tbai ih"ese Ihin28 should bearid whet hah evr furgire tbemselvea lorjiiot trying hii.IworiJ :.Extrmtnalor'nhent m"J j ftWW. iiiav rrru 1 iuc vflsc w unv wui ui w-butalwaa2ooda5 a'pnrJative-Llet )he wsebVwfMlTl, inay.:ilw imortanriben to .... J,iJ.- .iL - . use iii sno wno win n-are, aiie imb ieiHiuiiiii- ti da withouJ it ?' Iet rery4 vpareot:.ihai i nit n krnf a 1 It amflltroo I Vila Anfifitinn 1A fftllh ATI A obernOTV-'-j 2 - it T-l "-tr'-f-; - vVr J C Rinz6ld 1 had a child very -.let: for near iwo rwek3. and auenoeo; oy n jmystcian, wiihbjui reriefrwKeo jKolmstockV Vermifuge aa givenf; and. next day moretnan luny wonoa were pasted, when! the chjfd leeoTeTi'd rapidly 'i -r A, child 4r.a Idow woman living - near phe Manhattan" Wate'rVorks.'haddwindled for; a nntb,lilTTiear a skeleton; with great 'dryness of the moqthandjiicbing bf -the 'o3e. bo manelady," who called tn provide Jot lh family; Ben C Iroroediatety I iW;JKolinslock,8 k Vermi foge; which brobgbtiiwayf great antities' ofwbrms fbHwo or !thTeeldiy; and the nchild; grew better; VtlmcIftdiewid'iillii. full i sireogtbino les? f Several" chlldfenf ip a highly feapectable fam-: tly iri Broadway H wrirmarhrighiful extent an lLwere aH cnre rapidiy 4ith tbisermifage 54 In I some bl1ithbet faoiilifs in'lbe:heijrlibjf.r-. hoodf iohb'ljflark sed,;frori the S! cirnb8ta ted a iarffb (iliab'Iif of iWorm?. af erf allother' remedies had failed;!which was-very extensive,; ly known In that. part of the cMTf Atamily ti New! Jersey paved eVefalchildten hv lha nib bf itibnet a i eritf bfSVishf veari of agbhadriUcom iiEceedingVy :emiae4-fceuire4 "ineivermiioge w giTeu.?1 a u umi.thj-mhw large worms werefdislodged, and .she left ff the jVermifuibwlienjslfe; became agaipTwbrse : ind !haufebrib1thtf 'awav an incredibfe fluafiiity: t)f; wbrms,and J2 core was cbmpl6tfin4' sher gained herj. health !'ti tikoa.Ti.Un nirtatanitincr: hid ftnetored a fakni 3i , & iiygiviiiii iu.-.pj,F -A w-- - ly of children some weeks, without heinj aolio Restore butf bob baiof; th0 sbve ioheahbXJ'lHe had ihbinpsrWMtyendfo mifooe; and cared the rest with it ib les? than a Numerons cases of other jcomplaints were sup posed to exisri an Ih'b petsont rtVd 'foirfeef. AtC. DUl.nnauV aariafui,; mia-veriuituye siFwr. leredihb true caule off ty fRickbess by -brining 3 way , ai moat n i tf nd merabJQa n i) t y bf wtir ms, large and Pmall, and the persons recovered wjih reat depatebv ! (natancea"of this jkiVd might be icited. to n! imroense exteoi, bui U fa oselesgbne Nrial'tor 25bntsvilUbQWan "ishment ihb ertalbieffects 'ofhraermifiigfJ . '-" Gavl fori Nevir'uythia a r ictb trn less it h've' " Ur KoimstocK yermrnige". naiifjsomejy en srraved ob thb outside label, and 'the Jfac similf; of ComstbckNSt Col " : -MC'y? P r.f'Alarch 4;-. 813UlyS2 ; v i v; ' 4 Tailoring lustnhmhmci f -..V .ft,". : JfcV i. cja 1 18 oU r y per ma n en i tj tj , a in a . i it t u y t;4 Tj trying onjniy- BUJWE?5;iri;a siyle nut ti be Jsurpassedl 'jq this Ptej ootj of il Uj $Pt lishment iillnj theklfoomvbn r thd Ccorderyof -Jtliei iMansioh Hctd, formerly occufupd atthfi I't- ;Umce;vit nave employed tne- oest-oi orinern Workmen ! : No fxhense bt paiaa wilt toe rpared ion havin their. c!bthe: made -np; in; :iherraosi ifashiobablft! andliiblemabnerrri hat leV yeaTsand hatoi jlhe ticoe, in some uf ihepi celebrated esilapliHinenibib,-thejS try.-1 sbiirnoihesttate'io guarantee evfxythtrig ho fitlbrkcci ibaka: ;Ur;yk-f:ft:iv.! jrecelved monihjrft f lb cpnclbsionsbTnnld I be en- booraged; nb one beU send away to procure gbqj blothtnirMiTlillliii 't hpfcM. plifPfRaelgh;NC; War jr. 21 fj 843:-rj j?26i it H I HE 8ttbsenber8i would esnectfullv annnnnee 1 : J.ilb 'the-jmbli!tiat ttiby have removed Aheir One door abova George W.: Browii & Cb'; and bppbsii e Tho$i Ijii C(b w an BriekfUow " w h ere they; art better prepared to accommodate and ex ecote all orders iin'tbsiOioe bo' short.ootice. and ?fiJijtitf&Gtt Wheeler; Salisbury Ji? Stfj SMn7Greensbrbi' D ffeartt. HilUboro; J WabryLexfigno Dr StuhRuleigtVV , Vi.wA- tyAlsb fcbo"st abldy bb fiabd i cHbicCsbpplySf Pi.M and iIpaibfriliHWareilBrlt Bathing Tub;!Sti)Iaj &e&?rZte lit l. t'5' t - - 'i - :- a f a a z - M. w t aLJLA av j v avv .ww.. v r - r , ttii k r w 1 ni 11 . mil ivai' 1 &c j. k k a a .1 f ISalisliiir!. rtt fVrf V '- - r-T:" v1 Wrr ; "r; vf-gtM ,Jiw:;ofpiociJi2- a ccpy.ur pi signat die, w apse fcrtMi iniuicu Bija 101 ai at uia vuic-v; t . DaiiiDury; Jan. 1124 -r tere.'irod'tnea saw.- ' iou MTe uvaiu jv .-Tip LO ClvrA N DWkTCIf-!; r.ii in ooscrtoer respectiuiiy tniorms. is ijiu lSb;;Vtepd and,' ih PuidJgenVrallyftVt he Opened aishbnlh ialisburv in'lhe aHtivfe Josf- - quiUJincr, in.ihe boose of Dr. BnTna-;Tnriy. ovvned.bj Jnb. LSfat? e'tahd iosl below ;Xi &: VV. Murphy, - 'N I o addition to tHe above; the subscriber til? carry:oq the;St7cftr Smif &'BirsirM: j'n! tb j aiieues coramon in r country town: bucr bj ?r?&, -a?A W ""f e. Wtrt . ?-, V VTMf Lr Ilebeff toasqre the ntiluielhat lfinancinar Uebegr9 toasqre the ntil.liethat if tpuncinaf altention io.busnea9, and skillful work will en-; title hioalo patronag.and sopporivheiwillajei?: 'Nov 13tf 1 6 - f " .' ; !- --; Art the test MEDICINE Sin Mi World; -TT"h f?.I Vf5 :4 Ku hMnail . 'ami ' mns't' nlf5ianf. JI2 rhe Mdinat Facoliv wafmW ariruvethem DrShermari is a skilful and experienced! thy: sician. and a mbmber of thd MedicalSbcietyo: Ate ihVsalesttMrlrstruf mosi;effea! rptoedy for? Coognt ColViConsumptiont'Ayhiwping Coowhr'AthmV, rTtgUtbe89 oi tbctt.ahgs of rAre lha only, tnfattiblei vormjde inb ecj ii5Mrbvered;; ,:Zrh'ey ve.beei 1 uped iV bvet lUOO,000 eases and peter known' U!fail. 5 f 8ilERA.N'S CA3IPHOR LOZENGES ! Give immediate. relfefiin nervous of :siek l-read- acne, paipnaiion i me neari, L.owness 01 opir tu'Despbnden'cyf cFaintingrOppresSipb for a seosepf Sfnkjngo; toe Chest, Diarrlioej Las- situde. br jit, sense of .fatigne.."? I ;A re t b etnqst net 1 alnined y ftrhis dis t ressrn ; cbmplaibtpverpjte4ri Ibhe immpsenurobbr ofcaW8.iol which ' they Hate beenosedthey hateheyer been known to V .liarrnoea ijr ioosene 01 ine . iwwei, q com mon Sod uiiblesnme during thebntnmer mooihs, may'pbw'bd' f. these Lnienges r 'I'hey are prepared etpress ly iiythat orpolesmji can - bja,firelied'jinl--witb perfieci confidence. Persons ao&Jeci tti'aeyange-' hent of theSbliivelsf '.should never be withobjihem. They afTyr injmdae relief from all thb bttend ant gripinos, Taint n'eis7; depression. Src I Sherman's Cathartic Lozenges Afeas pleasant and easily taken asthe common pepbermip's; andi-arean :ac)iv and;. efficient jnedieibe'.'They .eleane ihe stomach ond'bfiwel?, abdre thbsi ; rithariic ever ued jo (bilious 'persons.. Aybere fliab't v medicfne is! reqnrred. ney are nt only tneoest, out tnesaiesi tnat can 'Atr.'iniXtUtiA !-?--- ..c.-.-.-i.r-1; -.'1.1-4 : . ' Sherman's StrtpMen'mg PLAS TEIt; The best ijfjaU' placers. for ItheomatimliLusbr bago, Pain or Weakness in tbe BackitLoins. : 1 ne aoovp meuicme i.a ror saie, wniiiesaie t-x retail, at the SausbHry. V1elieat Ding Siore; by . C. B W H EE L Ell .lAffert tU'. ;V.,;i.: .f- L , Salisbury i K. C. Sept 3 I S42 I Jr 6;.,; TIPSSESS qualities bf the most mild and be- jl r beficlal natures f hey are composed of ar4 tides the most 'antl-potreichtt combined with iogredients known as tbe only "certain abtidute for fevers of :e e r vTdescrlpt ib. Wbe'th dis" ease is producedeither tfrum uitd,- tobstrnction. bad air, swampy anddamp situations, ! or- putrid jniasmiwhbthefibialigri by other cau8es7thest medicines are certain in their operations or. effects. I hey .are pose!?Red of pe coiiar qualities, w biclrriot only xpel allidiease out at me same limp res.ure -ana iniguraie ine System When first, taken i Jnjo the stomach., I van.i irbnee Biark bf Sifi: tiffin to troV dim the circiilation lancuid ' and ihe Tacbliis wralizbill- theses medi- cl nei a re fob no J o g i VeT a . Von e' tbihe in er t e,e x -hUerate the 4bimalipttil9 intigpratb the!! body, uu it) iniinaio up wimiib uioui - . -. rTheX(e Medicines. have also been need with he mOTthapjnysuccsff!in lServ.us and: Dys peptic diseases, jCon$nmpiUn, . Asthroa,i;Li ver 'lO3 A 'stthplybf i .gh'eT. above InvaluablnplE- Uivll' li'T it M )iic j ai vtiura vivw iiutut, IredeJcoontybyHif5--- - ' 'S : -r t7ICT AY0UNG?MAN,:w1jb batcen biderabie experience as a PbiKTlw tafcei'tln oat loo its Foreman or jQUrntyman.y rba tisfactbry references. tab; h given? "Foi parifcolars address , i n f ai r(M)av"di roct f v , onnosif e Wera ;Wick ompiaini, uneutnawsro, icnrouiu .aim juuama tory) D7diey&ei;i.4:fM:i W&c, IOCairat'CBE83 & B&GKJIgerM::'J-Z Saiisbbry70a:22jriS42ti.iy!3 !! lira,, , vsciianu vuwc, ciaitsuuM.w v,t uu iag ;ii.7 ; it-.- '- ,"7t?- :- " .n .r.'- .iKT-s,.--"' IVwas eTenms the son was dipmn? hirasoifr I,hind theAYeiitft hilJiVaot) hit feeble Myi fWiihyeJIerwwntb of-Jhorntshed gold, played! mwin miy .oji oi state v ns f : r As they waved onder the"ltjflopneft.-i,. . J 4.. X tfhp sufi wHfprino z-phyrjri jmournfulj V Melapchhlyair.gioflr hisxfepariure-, j;J : Froiii'thebusywofldNighi came Oni'and Mounttns hs ebbnUbronba waved its' - . rJjDmnifie sceptre over a proaitr'ate;Vo'rTd; ;f: And teep sleep cajtnejnpron Jmani r rpral business While embraced in' the srms nftMfpheos, lueniihle of, thlun-'s revolvipff opoo R :'Ibe busy whefl uj swifify scudding, rime fr-7 I d reame4, rtha some beautiful and fair oneTl' Waai by, my "side, and softly w hispered j In.my ear, thai there Is a lapdof pJeasoresjn- rre. ana uninie.rrppieo ny pas?inr j i - , Events, which nevetcloy tU mtnd; bnt throiWh Ridlinbon. fill thir'snnt avftfv nVronntt r-. .' ' 4 r. J V-4'ving, tT.' -7'-r -31rH"'Tr't' 'r f f AftdJ will gnide lhy flight in tafetytb a '-' 1 Cr-nniry of hapntsi, wherea thousfafi.J " P?9 ornament thrspacibo plane', - s-f 1-. N soontr ah invitation than accepted, j . , On oi bireiched7vfng of, delicate texture, S I l -a rjiur passing gj83tpar in neaoty, And ricKoess being seated I- imao'ined M V set f ophbrned pa&s?ngtfiron8;h eher pdret AVitfi thb svtfiness of thai vivid tghthior! Wben yddeoty breaking from ihe dark ifY Him.,) .no..nn .yiwmii vi'vue; wir, uu aaiuuucu fIU. Willi i it glearbiDgflashi7 tn;:fdjjfi?ghtV.Ivi 1 rassed numberlm worlds, Qoatiog in the Immerisity; vf'buhdlsp : ; Being h'ghly elevaied above thiptb all, I reached the phc of my'destinaiiyn. j lA beautiul world indeed -before my qVisiiib cened eaorldjof brighiness - j And of slorv. 4 where nd pestilential 1 flak- ",'': :. . , . Must trom ilA baneful winery. Avr iBhairca tha Blighting mildew of deaths ; On either haouf JA I ; passed toftgi! bloummji0aw jsr8;l' - - - 1 1 :Amarahhine; wjth the green freshness of taiiujnainyr i no peuuciu waters oi .Tbejti valet.' leaped in playful ripplep. 3 'As tbeyiglided on winding their enuias t CdbrteV to bceaa w ide and bniat hobable.i TMs?.bp4ntr7oji I 'IJShfa jf .be iD-jfcpa i iirjr. J A teyj'.jp ren f i a j A sfenety. scblime. where tbo ibhabitants : I By the tnagie spell of ardrnt luve.are led ' 1 On in obcofd'i peaceful paihwayl to tbe i inTiiioi;,Diiwers oi oiissiui repose : While feasting bpbn enchanting bean ties. And my, heart filled wiib eiiaciebnknowni-' Suddebl I awokeand befouls it Wis ' ; "A dream f-My imas'inary happiness Pled awayand l!found myself still in A world W. disappointment and borrow.: i' i ' t Fi" SERGEAyP PRENTISS, OF -7:7'V ., , T sippi. 77 ! -3 One of . the most extraordinary , instances ;ot i'tb'epbwel.'o hiai!h'aenbb'i'wif hU speech at Harrodsburg, in defence of Murdbnoh and oth ers ' Off tbii t becasfon Re'ddinsr,th6 fmehter1rf the affiay; appeared as dscfuior AgWpi him as ihe real murdercr, Uiebrator directed his ms 7nvenbrnefi stiaftsilp The first effect produced bii ! bi yiciibr w aslart expreesion of insulent dt rlinee i'he next, Of rpeleniinentbbtia the trm of nareasm and denunciation tbickebed in violence tud incVbase l in ; (Tory, horltng IJkKhail aroobd ihisdevoled lieadas hisfbnrei lerled hiiri to Tb'eH'fe.k'iif, ter if'j f J a nd a pbrntd; Iribt'i he tbrmc n u iepa red! for K.tnl8b,prjii red: Uool the victim, trembledwltbtenMiTun; and fi- In-allyv br.a bl ei t o cop rol h is agoti y. y if . h a me ahd hnmiUation, )6ried bis fare in; his babdsv and burst into coc ybfajv pobs. That'waa a trfuprb !of ffeniVs; obiaorpissed by tbb most splendid jeji! Jjrbftw.cicfite ; His speccljf on that nccajion ibfinUely snrpae bed in eioquence the published ;py f, ittHfc latter ba viag jbeen w ri iten out by bi m from mem lory i, at the rtqaest of thrf mtblj4er;'fo; after j k. . . . 1.1: 11, ,i H: . ii'.l .- ..-:"4'Z.'t-1 il.was ociiTeieiujJssuncceMir. juqfs ix. Very great, abd ono'd be more strikingly exem l:fied than byjue flowing anecijotel - He wfs engaged I in a caune je bd mg 1 n a ri rcb i t pas t of fearlriver; nberefj juries je usually ; composed f men vfbof shape' their -yrdictsfirPjtheirwb lanffnace, leaving1 to tbe cibrilblrksotrie ta if raouldingthefpinta.a:'fffeat fjlrraV.'p'n1 !j thia occasion IbaJaryWerc: w Jcapttved wiib1 PW ehoence and homofVthat theyi con fp u nd ed j ii .with ibe defendant whoni ' he represented, and prougp i iiirii. ciuiui iu mp&w wyros e. theiuryffind fpr lawyer Prentislibd plalifr Vb piy tbie-coftb which bfcobrsel ubseUIea.tlt 1 in'a.nL and tbikWn!kiif.nr viilabV ne'r- i iieiratedjo seibre'ftbisb rauu, " mi iu uisi viif-ts s !up v va iabl'shedlcbofch . and a gradual of Trinity po8-lf inreresi iLiff iJanev w cieKia ' lege. Oublin.J The facts relating Jo the ibrgety jwhihe jwat ladled arextrem tft.laT ra8t,ai8oit..aa-.iostttatedji.b-st4fttjp -.; . .-A l -J7r--t.i- i.li-r-Jr-.:tii;i4 l?roinerr f OO ipeiOni J.rrttiiy h i miili ''dWd 1 tb,frwver ibamotfot if "4&i$A StodfntereilJiwnlcbt .tn rn hiQ Ktsifr. tor tier money inanetov nim iq i inr-ecjprvinvw exe'roiKxi of ,bicb by ;he eceaed In his presJj ence.' Dr ' Bailiey made oatbj.wss W a. forgery. -4TbeUoctor was Idrtuwiin ipdictedrior , ,B.K. ...I- .r..; il-i .kl 113 corntniSSIOD, auu n ni vitmr uu a 1 a6 vrMf ttii Crimlbal;Coorl7Loubm first ja4 of tbismontbIt was i proved j t h a t b e " e ver IriadT byaeqoaintaricrwlib the deceased, whose -fM-i. tite;bedei& teJ.Mfaud,M wnb th MuItitatiOBS, 1 retired.tq my. conchy i.Vf " t Txifiasaitlieiighl aivay tbe Icogdark niahi in 'Ualbrv .sleep, tired niturets sweet -restorer.;! I L- k. ..J.JL.. : t. J1- I Iinm ' llnt(inali ur mil.-ln' ;n eicain. 1 i ai- .ni.'w--y?- -,.y 4,tt-iisw. .y -i.-i . vL wj-J ff aoJicitude. x an r- u,,i ! : -i i r i . .f"iw. uibun.i, w CONVICTIONlA CLERGIA FOR Wi 1 ,.7-7.1 vfcii.v v aodfwhtreiutice !;77r7-l!7MHGEHi . ; ;r lj : fI! J fi i- v -voiaiore. u re uvtjt j 1 ucr - t ..i au. I ho o ralPd CtlllnA in lll nl IhA I.P.TJ f If . J ' ... ' . . -I ;V.f V. prbl tV smII :aVcbt -be owed d?ath of the ODtserjiB Sr. GiW ' ? i-'skrjt had I?? ! Vyg That-pi isioeV -pieVaniM' r.r i-'"Vr'- "v v -. ."ti"vw,w4ianij that bercooIJ-Tioi writd his nwo npsmel I sd ihat: Huie mcon em, hit t naa a greH deal bf his lafiuivfiwrtunu i ei$u rniimatett;thr i:KAnff Jii-prepejy wa.s pearer 400 than -OQ.OOO. I be prtsnner said fin i sfctmMj Very mocbv likerto h.e7deea sed'a h a n d w ri t i no . 1 a n A ? hiin. a fecej't wri(ten by bitrkl The prisnne? said tf wa a great ruiiosity; 'nd he shbnld ! ihv hip to ikff, iraway.:lVe.reeipvpr6ducedM samei be psoper feepi ittiw.tr threerdaya arinen Teiorned,.t amvwelt acqnaafed with the w riling 0f ijie. ceosed ; ;thtf;yoTjs5ory note I noi bfiiete tojbe, written by him.M. Iri . '-4 . . I be fbrgeiy iul i he uttering vl h by the pris peer, were cfeatU'estaUrsfieJ: ind ii. fniJ ther: proved thar Ke hdbee'n" guilty !of pprjurr "jmd i)t imhorjninrj'Vi ttnesses tb seem a- till k of bis fraudulent dpfcigns.lje was 'se'nlcnfeed "trt transporiaiion-tar.tile. , ,;- ' - , i - t - 7 . A. GOOD STOBYl ! , V -r Colonel Harryj Babcoi k! Dribb;U. 5. Ar-' tay,Yr educated man 6f f brill ifn if r'c&ticep -7ar' "T. wwown , Tw . enwted as a bhon comnanion. v On a' cer-tt .it u ,!t. - i '(;-t i-- , i tiintime .when hia-rentment. f.irfneJ i ind.sposmon. ; Ihe colonel Instant y mnnnK 4rV8othedV.ree solf mniaTeid'JounteilbficeTa'n nd enwrsptu supplication foi 't. !fr 1 j l J t:1 i -. - tappltc?tioo;forWyar fho conversion of both Jcio and Geniie nil Hons, lo-accordince witq-the pulpit habits J 1 - - . 1 . r n 1 tuai U3YT irere ouereojup iq a etiDiirjarty l of language aodk m fesed. Then after be proceeded And F."!"w,,r V , l- VO, we Vescecf jinef IQ DCM f our prayer, mat iney oiay see llhrurrpr their ways, end be speed lylbroogHt to sense rf justice, and an . end of their opprtsJ five and wiked'iJ8urifio ichanirinar his voice lice and manner to I Eorresf pending degree,) then, d Lord, brace our! iit-iti 9 uu,r duqa, ;ana permit ru5;in lake vengeance iotojpupwnbi f a sodden he camV'f0 :an abrupt pause oi ipih fe wnoWjtW.4' 5 TWnT.)l$ag-:(or4' anew, in - b4 con lira's led" slyle cf; orator if ,l he addetl -"Bat.-C Lortf whalbsdTii we say bf those : ctlrsedl Indians Darpb;ein alii Am eh." The amen: respob'bd to bv every one, and followed by" three foucf Kuz zas. " -i Li ,fS!f ; ; From ihe Lbndon Sttndau Timesl ! i. . i ... , ; . i MYSTERIES OF S4UBAGE? MAKING V- IN LONDON. .1 :7,l Every nation,! it has been observed, pos sessca its peculiar faculty, cf battrtg.Thb Tartar qnafTs hii bowl ofj msre's milk ; the Hindoo relishesj 833aida ;- "a delicate young lady of Canton pi jks jlbe ,jriba .bf 4 puppy ; an indisn at the No7il Pole tnrh up his nre af egar 'i Iepblilatt delights in his yard cf micuroni ; bnd!a:5GeerilanJ-i ier rejoTees in bltibber and jtrain iil; a tlondy joTiHe Land's End plunge with serene court ge into the bowels of i-CdtQWjnll pie; andi " it.'. . -. . . j'lri-.jL.!.. I'M A ! ,i nothing moro ;delfghts yor ernno coik-4 ,ney, than-a dislbf sausge bfack podding 1 As taf remote! as the days' Inf AristophanesJtbe saossge Jaiakcrand the iblaelcluddi pelle r rej7lrtttqdMced into he comedy of 4 lie kbrhf? 1 '-' reporter furnishes a saioplo I lo ofU hd Lbridonw8 a uaa'a : i-jt 7 . .. i p einrif Hosk ihsj gen lemn j wearing a; j (red'eopi a remar:nblV gr'easv flabbel jacket,! and imuiene!r Ithick bver bat!I 7t ckingsi 'appeared'fii sustarn a claim for 1 I8i:(ij4 agatngi T homas J ubbsi a wnmesaie. tieaier Saveloys and yi'ujig Grpjns. -1 'Jjflia unpos- avory ve.pders.c . . J emmis3iinr4--Wh V titi!rafm for ? uu Tttieaoiittjtay toai r. s is for wages . ik !f l jH '7; , fi Comibissio'ners--ThfEe. I Ions jf f lusages sin? is nu yunn urninnri ian TOll0j, Germans ? W hat dnTybir, yourself, f VoP T; 'r.K---. . 7 , I T. 1 i LJemmv Iloskitfs Doos your honor i - ; bl dr tfl WO .to'teir IIlwnyj peruana.;- i rr h- Mafwew!- 1 y y fp" 9y H-'T'X" .iV-T-1 .tt7.abfseoie so. rnct iMVfg'wal-;i X 0U02 UUBUiiJ. a ytjii jilafl tbea y Of Jor, sanl llienarf ator ta thia7witl wa$ there a;. full dr a w n brea t b j i n1 the ex? ensl vol ditnrv anner never, before. wit tn,m tJH .Zl " ; v 7" "ITr 14 1 Jemmy fInktr)!-fYx9.si tn vich Imade a Irntlfcr hlirjeelpn o s f lieet f ... I ;4 i 'lf.rn And nratGd have m-ft. ttni Beei said emmer Hoskln. reflect-1 ibW; Beef ?- Ybs wby.rtbere 'siitainfy i - iy . is . . !. were soroe'berf, that, week ;!andj lejt me see, 'wqTbad two' creei .io: anii oo iess IbaD t7aB,J?Dfn pfi-Jl ?f what 18' I. .1 ' -' ' n . . i . . ' .'J-I ! ' f 1 1 rmt HosfeinsUVv " 1 : t : . JemrjjyyrorniNo t we -rVWt olt:wrf rbalttiOeed; ire.mkes iti WWn? Uerqnns. Wi'wwM vKiUv 4 ' "a iiV(fuTTwi- .my wotujyo'j ;.r ; " byrlutkF iTttHhe'cnprtj-bata , ai aeetsnftycivVot in hV atrM-l V -7 tcU ai bfkin legrgttten a ihift t unliQv M ore to , btgr b.ftibP hentaM bV,o!dlf;Xr Mjat bcatit.Mfrvr-:WoCld't,tibuieiV tl from ox; wttjj; Wby e: pitkcttifX Ine micn parts-for thVehxn Hfils.u.l and penny whlp:tBortoJiy-fIlA-, V -4CoroBiif9tooifVUU-Mrm;rfctraai;rttbbi; v)- -I and what (ID von svio-aU this 7 71 ;X - Say, sir, (said Mr.'.vl,tibba) ..iw Iwvr : J t this o,'e mtrtV a Iving waiint.VTbftwentr.. ;r r8sssge;mtatt to bef suro. ji Inateftd of tumitng thc proper U- JttkW infer fhbhe: vunDn ol3 wa-; ; tt'f, snd, in course, lh tmgecs'lisdnHcot' no faste DprafiAvbi in al ilU-rih- ,?' i .iZ. ?. - . c- vU - ' . 4 ' - ' . J vtMu.Misaiiucriou near inis.-iurwem- ! - .. 1. , i 4 Speaku f'waV goirvttxq.l .ih.' .SSiiJ; any ter give.it;a lince qv rr wjth iIkk lickr p thb:bilerst7AybV8baV fVir laiilTirr kW. iinm wjift indiiiiniott nmh 1119 Miin i-. a ... . ;n iT; j ii v' . - - A 7 !r' Jimm tlfciA-ti W tVi.i i, mr VhXL ,nBv.wiw.r, h -rTiA r 1 7 iV V that's all, ,pJ it, fq: be - be don'lr lotitpi ne.comesqpjo roe, ajri! taking a-linndfrtljot 8stage,rmairhf arnelJji loit,rna.thefl, 3 shateo bit head HB JerpmOseh,U tJHserf'ji tiythcr too-strogiybuibot- Jemrnv5 7foikin..Vc: aterth Ki-t Ij-Jj ''t-if'i-fi- I 5 - ' j ' x -I imih iu IJW, null I IVUdlS I UJ I- ' wrae ibiroahv'd all. am :said notii n - j ipaboutbIickd)ngt jet, nor "youttg 1 77 j GermnLapbler7'7v.:7v - , -f i i'S&z j C?.m m rsionef.lrj.af elit'e sakeaaf,-' v.i5V! no rnofe, VVjil yjou paytbiaman his jaunV; j ; 8 Ooi e j, z I ( e i ea 1 1 n n rJ enoi y 1 1 osk i n ai agreed; to fake & 10s. in: iiquidatioajof al! demands.!-" ' I . -?'-' :- - ::' 7 Immediately the case .was over, ryir re porter : wasVleJegjraphed vby Mir. v 'fbocjaa 'Ji'obbs. abd an oferture niMlefor-iJ,io par pose of keeping the case but ;of Che papefir, The.rbporier referied tbaf worthyieauii'igc maker tois fditbr. 7 7 - ; . -y.l,hejCQ$cbman;po38tS-of coblefs raw, . .-. Of baggS; pajjneb nd cf ickie? leekie ; r Bu.Uar?se meat biay, bear the bell ' FbnVanl filth irTgude aufd; Reekie. 7 As Sa'mtfel VellejF said to; MSode 7 ' " DunM aoy. your willies' ref'dy tehuj-'d.'7 7 AN AWFUL PICTURE. - 7 Tbree oen,7Arichibald Kirby. WilHp.Q,1 CBrroltand'bdiabPjyne, were hung at NashvilieJi'I,bhnetseevon Frufav, ihe 10th ! ultl, for rpiiriier. TvTbe first, Kirby, for sli'ooiin a femaler the serood, CatrolJ,for 7 shnofing a minister of the gospel, and- the third," Payne, for; shooting a young roan whom, he ;rebofintd as hi bosom friend. The former of .those wretches, it is suppoa. ed waa bribed to commit the horrid act by -some wreieb- wh?i "desired her. death f" and I money btng solely jbe object of the two laUer.--"-Ye ' give' iiio conciuiJing part ol Jdge Green senlenco. yt i- y : A tid now in eacti of your cases, the ovist Ldeliberafo ind coldblooded purpose is nisn iicsieu, 7itnoot tnc jeast prnvncatioo or au ger abi in every cfaie iailiated by the ear ed lust for money1 To obtain some trifling sum, the bbfc destrpys sn innocent female the oiher an innffrhsive minis'et of religion. f and the fast a yotbful iiiteliing compn- 4pn . Coiocidiog ib the character of yoar ' goill- the judgment of the .dooms you lob like poniabineu ' ; y .-f v 7 Before iM exeotion thegrt will ap- poibrybu fa short tmcTiir ptcftiratiob Iet yed witbytbe m33lltHr- are soon to appitr be- here falsehood cannot avail cannot be eluded. Let prepare yea for that .iA . n;.- Jesus iCbfittt Erp!oj J! lhe'meinf to HWS UUI IirtU! I tru 1 1 TP li VvUlH Ullt JMl; Mia -ir-IIM IV.Ml J , beartr coafc35ion, to his mtrcy wcl, IJo- r gsgbr tire eeryic! nrice and prayers of the) , Revetenriergy; tlx? ciry, and let yooir rbdtaiolog days b jtfays of. rVcbitepfrr and fvnuTr nights be ntghis of 4eotiob and pray- 7 ; r jerAnd no Aibld Kerby,!WillirX 1 of the law iSlbat fou btken to tbe prison U.i...ipi.l i-aj Ibere l rem.i.- v, : y," Dtry. 2 odoeft'fA Ihe eyenlilff. too be le;.?!o , sail J l llty, aud beifg'by lUe neck nniir" y your'sools vr !....7,: - ri -J y The- Jlormeo dtslosfonJa oohk- 'y 1 nome lo agfliJfofiH sabi tl ai J lias recentfy sent bot a Jarge ocm&r ut-fun i ! 1 prescheis.kX'gr ialfit a nd vvrpminy:, 04 u y . 'I'L1 Ml J .. 1 K u .i .1., ..'..,. ,- . c'ttld ail tbe nu in Oiusjeu-ioui, ; :;r'7 ,,t7i;- ": n r .: : i ' ! 1, -! yyf tfu7- t 77 - -: " "" ,' 7-7 - 177' tj'5;y J7t7 7:t: 7- 7' t: y r.- 7;; . -i '- - f i .Mi'-5 if- i. i. . 7m '4' I 'f- i-iyy y il y 17 1 . !. I. 4, , 4 ji-i-y t 1- : '"Mi- -IT ' ' j -ft m .-. : -til- -!V--"'- . . "3, ; 1 , , ..... . .

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