-1 i - J 1'! .i V- t TTSTm '-L x.XLX.XL. with rar h which; ha.in. rvk ...j ' ajl retained in their bands in the i!r,.:in2. tOOm, mil grttped WIth nervoos per.insri- .li V.u ' 1 11 ,cnlb dpoW or, as I Ibosfht -..u,,r, wun.wonderfj ingenuity; for SDreadlH' irna ' I.J1. t . ' tti ': H, L ' li t J- ' !:"-!; Vl i : a-r1., 'J&l fcro folWK 13 1 H'Ti ?ff . r - " )Sure;ai.epi'qTi. , ; ' pt (SlJBSCJUBEll hitf!Va(et''llial well known and nown if r his FTrf-cnd me w now ii &, Boarder. iTiMLE ?jMH)i! Bn, wilh bet nwpnnetiivs'vb l " --J :L . .. . M4 Minna - n A hnnnl i ful I MB ZitLlJj I-Jll mt.ivM I, m Milk yil$mi$K GO BiLliII i f I -s i- f- l - . - ' ' i i ind fifl6f, ma pTpenuoj toe tailing oai oi 0f ife-5vb j U frees'tlie head from nd-N tsflVirpl'Cij5L fba ro0trifnnarl beaflh'ind ?W w ilfiP elkwi't ' lrefeot tbd hafr liom $ iInjto2i;i'or: Mleijng grajrWetb'-Jt aasei tfae la'tn io carl betoiifdllv when dooe op turfWl -: : I - 7ih1 iTillfiMll.ShiM tf metn con iftfiKl rtofllfftNbe beidi ire immediatelv nd rfecJiy coWofiibeai bi in ose. I WjwMJdjabbot fiteiiears li IS JDHUI ' no more bait 01 in! lop oi, nrneiv inin iujw un ui; ui uit tod.ariCai -beatl! cVeredWiib a tbick jteorf. Nii'jiiiaJiion about lb tOih of Aogail list, 1 bfffio ni tbe i Bam of Co'o aabit (rotn Com kl ! CoM StocB Wbicb. I; ba e oiied t wo and i bitf $frw $ vibflp Ba! mtwb jcb bai follj' rt- MfH fljytbtT aflfreetfjmif: head entirely irocn -'t't-W li'l!)10 .ffl witbjfinefloir 5 2 loo 2 b a 1 1 i iv ft Iciij o J on may see by callioff Cooiwef 4i aft ; a$iroad;--.loolr at ays Jor the t or 3e n iio yvainman umce, ana. oy . l 3 wWe-VamWtDr ! tilb Raleigh i"D Hearti; HHirc; 3 $c ILSlp&af Greeasboro ; J I Mr ' K -fVJ i.iwijwjMtl, rtl '.ri.ni.l., it. ,i I t .in I! 1 I ITEQABLi UMVEUSAjU PILtS T(;;W wfeiibis'Offibe.i-"r---. : it ilKboty...ClOct4i84g-!ff4 Farftilr siliiooid oil t. I Iiave cillselfobl be) made . LI EU SH$bo7;pec 4 n-.; 1 n IV. fFo iTriii A:pif ticTED The iafr.al ibX reeelted faroe and fri-sb Bfefm :m WHEELEU.AgM. paioM ;iOTOiaii7T; at l9.VL'$B0:tU April if- Ctnls. 1 5 .51 Cotton Yarn. 00 a 40 . art. 50 a 35 Molasses, 35 .at i . s , 6 a 7 fc:;t!.lUdS'4tt' Dais, r I' 15 a 20 $3 a 10 ,ljfiCieirj -sl Sugar, br. Salt, sack, Tallow,- 0 Joea... la- o 'tlfDalH" 15 iT, a 18 era 34(al 10 a '251 7 Tobacco, 1 i 8 a 20 TotyLinen, 12 a 16 bealV Nsli I 75 Whiskey;:- 25 a 30 i imm, 11 Wool, (clean) 25 4Vfcwtyi;M44March:-lO. jjMO'ases, a s Nailt.tSbtr 5fia -mm gm i t Sugar btown, 6 J a 10 malV"- 15a 18 Toi4cco leal ,r1S a 2l otiUi'a s baj,V::-i!"l2f JliIe(-opc;:8ajfj AVIiCAt new 75 a 80 r-xr. i, t M 41 M'ifl Vtrvi J a 37 3. Oil gal 4 7$afti 1 lkVV-'. -irnscca-no Mi 25 icjtOOIlwj; 5j jfi sirI Amfif i n Ar .'r T V- B',i.W ITSnrann n! . IO ..1 j' 11 t i I I . ir. j rV JV i f 'iS J'd ed.l sD-slfo m list I Vi I l-: i:4ll: , , HoRtI reds tof, children ttid adults aif lna(fear Iv wUb worms, when oe other. caose bas been snpnsed w be i,h iroe one. I L t , - j i-iB .aomiiieo :jaTjau uuciors ,ui appear re 9 man, woniitit of child eit?i bnf fi aV 'a re sonnet br viitpi lad N;!rt la J a mrppond ttHti tear laj) thf; rotdi m wrne elbf r aHlng-arries ff tbe flowers of ihe homan familt -whi5ein.lrirtb th die of ybm- a nd t hese coo id hare been r raiJiraied in a Tdaj V . bf j'j b'eloie pf a W1 of KQtmsfo'ck'i ftn4 slekf tlfnV .hobgiit UbUMheW iKIn tbould beli'hd'wbti 'ejli'eet fowiVe fltemaeTwea Trtf riot Irytnf ibl4 iViaXermwbio-beB thti jukhi jjittnUf ihOT wanotwomf, tbbi!reinedySeopd poi bynV7osajbiJifT 4dobon b4t Alwayt ita orgajWe-lei Uidis easeibc wbii Mmtp, fimponty. bent9 ose ftiandtwboiwidar afce be resnonsibfiif In do WIlh'of li f f liet eeVf "pirerifibat fsi no! irfi witt SbimUlf es ibisd'etObii tn'trotWaBa niai!iohWeeUS and ailf nded bf 9 pbTsicianJ wtibbut relief, w her Cd'ioptemifoje was Bitenindsrxi;daj morcibafl(!priy worms weie naaedJ jrrjflB Uelchnd reepf ere jifrapidlfl ff it Aicbflti bTi w)dow womao.,lif infr : near (tbe AiadhiiarrriWaierlrlisrha for a ' ibibib:iiH heif 11 ifctttob;- iwrjibrttreaiV.drfiess ; o( llii ipoptb atd jtebtajf .of tbe . j.oset.i-A t b kfti'Whn railed lo nroTide for the familr. enl jlnimediaielyf for? Itolmslock's sVermifoge Wbicib oroo2btiiaj greal aotiiies pftworms tor-iw'tifoflbree UaT:ajid,tbe'.eb!ld rt::beitet af oncdi ftod fregaineH fall 'slreogib in less than:i month. k-u v -.i t. , v -i. ... - X ..; I ? &ff fal JiWreit fo fa rV'gbljr lpeaWB fam- ilf in B foad wa y bad worms loa fiighiioi exient, an J ere all cored fapidiy wilb tins Vermirfge. dbisome pJbsl best; families' io tbe neigHbor nf Si Jnhn'ji ;'a?k. ii has been extensivelv osedj. from tbe .circomstance.of ba? jng eradica fied. ai Jage qoartiriy of wqwns. after , afl other iy Known if pit, pari n,r o cm . ! -j y - A fa mil f in Nlw!jersey saVed feeVera! children by tbe iiseof it. lj Onei Sgirl of eight sears of ffe. naq ; oecomei ;ceein2i wujuicu , uvuw Jargewormi.wer dislodged andiSbeJefio(r jbe; yernie,wbca she, became again worse J and had resort to iheimifoge that jfinsHlb'-obgbt kwfrati incredrole'qoaniiiy of worms, sold the core t? cohipleWnd'e'eber' gained her hea T ft IT ,can ni sanojngt oao ociufeu . N of chl'drri sokte weeks, wiibooi being able to resiorsti. one 001. oinne sew 10 peann fi h 3 ri Vei f ibef ii ft jrf j o ye nd ; jfbr; ; Kjmst oc . V mifoft8i nd;!ciifed the rest wiVh tt in less tbab a I NnMTobs casea of olbsr complaints were sop Wwedllotexls od the person irfea led 'fer Teikr, &c.; bbt'fiaany & (rral of this Vermifoge discoT ered the! iropicads bf the" iickae$sbi, bf ingisg $wayaimos in inpomerablelqanthy, ofi f orras; (ajrge smil,hd ibepersoos irecoere ff Jib r9t &ftnafrb. Insiancea of ibis kind m'ehl be cited fbai's immepio exient, hot it Js oselesS, one irial for S3 jcentst tirillsbbw soy onV wfiii sstbn- 1s1imebt?he certain enects or this Verra iflge.f ? O Calif i6ji"Ner bby 'tbl article anlesa i'u have " Dr Kblmsibck IVermift'ge handsomely en- graced Ibti tiideoislde label, and tbe ) fac simile fi J?yt,f.Un rr WhplSrr Sa1IbbrVi J & R taniurhsboroi; UHearlt;rfiiisooroT ; J r MabrrJtj ingtcni; Dr iSiiib, Raleigh. xUaci4 n 1 not ri4 r 1H nrt a vr .n (Lat of the y.o J jjM A ytocateff m? se'i 1 iq h iue 1 aw n.y I Si'isborf, ' permanently.) and iniend car- Jlatmoii jfTpfelf fer merl? : be eVpied'a' i be! PoVl ipjslr esncciiui 0entimeoi iberfqre, rnL rely bs baiiog ber ibmade bp in ibej mos fafbionabiej and jderaWe maoner. . I .bate been erxracred revnlarlv in couiVff .'tor . tbe last fie e IS. . - ! , !k,j.-i yea rsra rid w t;Vfi i h e 1 ' me 4 io imae f vtiei "mbs'il Ceeoraiec- staoMsnmen;e n eo0i.neAri (ce p tr t - i sni ji noi iireSJtaieio, guarantee every tiung o ui cui aco, wimiu l- LfcWti ONjXUlSAND , NEW-YORK M i J 1 1 i?ti"''x fei il vd tbbm U ll-tiifebnnlroQ sVpeHl be en cborsffedf rib lobe i'oled! send a way to pr&oregoou pv f m !k H f i AV;prAT.soB Rod r. l s ' v. : nrt H fe 8 obseiibers wob Id r es nect foils snnobnee JL ipJibbb'nelbahey bavemoved their &pp&Mplt e mid Sheet dne doAr1 above iGelr HV Brown Co, and oloisitsj! 1110$.! iliJ paain'sf rBi iek .Row, where tbey are belter prepared to accommodate and ex ec oie all bfMsionelirnffe on sbbrT notice, and thd:Vpr:beit'atJtl?t MVnj . '' rAtsoiconsiastltlon nsnoi a cooie sappiy oi IHajin Vad Japan Tin Vate Britannia; -Warei USlUlt!" 4 ODSJ SIM'S. C.-S --"Si!.-!ii'li"i.t ,. ; i : i i - i i 4 ' ! " T I r ' .,i-Ji4' 1 TO m off on mt Bu.ina in a giw!B futi iu. sorpaed In ftwisl Siate 0 oot of iiiMy ';!. a Iwhrneoills1 ItfliieTroW 48 Jtbefcornerf 1 WorkWwj fNd expense or palas will od spared IsVrab'lplaUr FashidnahlflEstahlishmpnt 1', I . .4-1. I l ! r 1. f .. . - " ... 1 ' - - -i. .. ' I'. 1 tLM .Ui Pi.U AJ II. 1 - '-. : printed and fettsate artlits bffice 1 -u 'li ' r a - ? h J i " . " . - i r. : : ' .v Oft , nnn iiniii f Jfl M E SobsCTlbe resntlfbHy bfofm J blsf old Jt. r rienos anu tne r;ooicgeneraiybwa ne 6wf JillSblt er amf jasi Mornby.-. m -f -?---- f lo Addition to the ahnVe.1 th subscriber; will carry 00 the Sibtr SmWi Business in! at! iue ' as satpeues tTmrrtbrrlaDonrToWrt : m"kog Sj.aonsVl'Sic.iand5 repairing ilf e j He .e'gs to a sr9 1 be piiblife iba l f jmtictpal ai;enipo 10 basiness.and skillful wo'Li'wiH eo- tfUo bidi lo natrunVge abJ suprbri. be Hl mer T AARON WOOLWORTH. BEING tle cUespest? snd raot i pleach t,--J'he.iMediea) Ff colt y .warm'y.srPfore tjbein DrSfierman. is a skil fol a ad xprieoce;d ('b sician.arul a member of the Medical bocifejy u New7oiIrf.1H 1 i?J Are tiiesaresti sorest, ni most enf ci..oai, fori , Cobgbs vColds, Conso nVpiion , 'j -AV CoVsb. AslbmaV Tiabiness ol jbe L remeuv nuupJug ungsor ; 8UERICT AN 8 WO R!a LOZENGES Are ibe only iofalliole worm destroying medi cine ever discovered. Tbey bate been osed io OTerl.400,000 cases andt never known to fail. STlEKOAN'fl CAMPHOR LOZENGES Gira imroediaie relief in nervoos or sick, Head ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness bf Spir its,' ' Despondency, Fain!iig,: Oppressidn : br a sense of; Sinking1 oi the Chest, Diarrhoea,' Las sltode.or a'sehse bf atigae, ; V ' 7 i! r! Sherman's. Fever and. Jigue Zozepges Are the most certain remedv for this distressing complaint, eter offered to the American poolic to the immeose nomber of cases in .which tbef have been .'osed tbej have newer been known to Sherman'' 8 Rislbrdlivi Lozensis, ! f Jj'arrboea prjooseness of the bnwels,so Sbfk moii and'irooblesoine dgrlnff the orqmer niobiba, marn'oW'be'eolrely' prevented bf a propei ose of these Lrixenges They are prepared express- ly lor tiiat purpose, anu can oe cenea on un perfect connaenee. irersnns soojeci to a aerange roenl of the boweUshuold never oe wilhool them I'iiey afTord Immediate relief from all tbe attend ant ermines. fastness, depression. Sec. . i j ii Sher man's Cathartics Lozenges i . )jV- y -h;.' -mi; -,U s'-... '.',-. -1 ' ..MiTli'! Are as nTeaVarit and easily taken as i he common peppermint; and are an active and efficient medicine. Thev cleanse the stomach abd bowels, and are tbe best cathartic ever as pel Tor hilltops persons,;- YYbere ap aciiv'e medicine is requ:red, they are not only tbe best, bat the safest tbal can be sdmimsiered. 4 .. ; . ; . y ' The best of all nlastera for, Rbeomatism, Lm- biso. Pain or Weakness in tbe .Back, horns, S-de ot Breastj : ' V . - ! i! 1 The above medicine is for sale. Wholesale or retail, at the Salisborv Mediraf D'ng Slbrf by i U. U ,YV H KKLKK; Agenl, balisbbryi'NIC Sept S.1S42-IJ6 i 1 ' I1 0r, Meffitrs Megettihle F OSS ESS qoarniesMibe m09i -. nefie'isl nibre Tiiey arecomro$ed jof ar i icles be - most j a nw-po;r'e5cenl, combined w U h ipgrediebls kibwntas ibe only rertaid "antidoto (of feyefr 'of ey! description. f VV ben thesis easel W'im bdeeed eher 'from ' cold;" obstrociiao. had pii. swampy aod damp s'luaiions, or not rid miasmi. wbeiber toai'srnani or epiuemic, or ov o;ber caose. tbseroedU ines .are ceiaio io ibeir ppe a"tons or V nrcis.1 iTbey a re possessed bf pef il?immAti7ilrdifr VhemselVM 'Ke fippf iproiigl. etirf ttnb e; jrprridoringleffec'satonce Neliwbifol.luJrfrf,nd pe ma nen f . 4 " ' Bnark cf, Ife oeains ib!rrow;dni,rle creo latum lalagoidtJani-jlieJaiiiesVrarHl, ibese mfdi rines are found io sire a lne-o the nerves, eX litferaie. tbe aoma $pi rsJinVigoraie the body, and'reanimate'wbole'mab. . V U Tbe Life Medicines bavea'so been osed wi;h ibe roost, hanpy ercess in .erv. os and yspn nenuo dise.ises,.von8nropuon, ii' u, CbWp'a RhbnmaiismVIcbrobic and inflama- lC3Calf af Saiis6dryi'.Ocri22184a-ly 1 i ;A' TO'ONGANbpjbsaJiad totl-j le experience at a' PaurTSR. .wishes x sit ; siderable oaiioo a Foreman or ''Jbw''v-.-rSatf afaetofy references ran be jriven.. t Fo pariicnlars address the (Watchman Office.V Salisbory, pott I T 1 p I v l aWOBJEt?AHDlCqOfSKtXOaUT nrTAV be (bond alwavs at the Office oj IVJLC. Jones, -Esq.; directly oppcsitdi the RbwanTIoielk; 'fft,- 1' "il'l USalisbbry. Jao.' 7;t43tf24 Job printing rieatlyMonje here bai' opened a- sfibpin5attsotiy to tfieXiie.tsi oeK! Inai; rdoai Mfr'ecllt 'nnposfie- Wesis tarick bato1ng1iVnnf1ibiiseorOrr Bnvns" forme'lt co'iaqnaliires, ".wwci(npi only exnoaiowease, bJii'ar 'ib'eMme jVnjbJrestbre anlj inf 'goTate :the sVemUVlien" fi.stiakenln'ohe sibtbtcb : tcAoppty of the above Tnvslosble' 1(1 Ef CiIC iNEa re for sale at James, Cross Roads, fooW&on !. N tin v -fvQ Ieijci-ostrf, 'Agenf '! ,tim ii J i i ' "' 1 1 1 ' ' .' '1:1! iTH E B LIN D ! jBO Vr; r9 M'2n! "d beaotifal -t f Tbe boys to irfa had '&ki i 1 Ssveine who sat behindbVdopr, - rt Dejected bad slonei rot- t!. ?f b' roerTyEsport i -Csime;f,I0ly.tebia earf fe. ji't-Lv !'5,KbMarid from bis sweinigllids HrVule heart was! lent wiW pafoi-. 1 Heboid WjolntheVar;:M 1 ' ' He cbildJnbt tan khant ik fiM. .tAkJ tUL. ! :'1t': i -i . Anaoy ipeiroofe!8ide $frav;i i ! The rlline;boophe boapding hall, i ; Th ki borne by ibe wind-i. The acorn hont were notiorhi to him i - 'wmvi ; l ui.uc. aiasi was oiina 1 : . H.'!j"-H r'H f"J f !''!' f-- ' ' "" He'pnoTd 'not seethe sett! ijgsbn ,' VA An watcVthe1ftwrng!bklesi-- : r -. The beamy of the oiooo and stars i Fell not opon bis ewes. f t r Tlie rainbow, when it spann'd the cloods Was lost onoD his siirHi And wavinf woods,1 and sparkliog streams, vI4rForaJlibhioi w aa' afghl A ' ' ' y y.v.,; ;i : l.rt .-l-h nW :H ' ;--rh truths came fresb opoa bis mind . lu While sitting ihos apart , . , No wnndor that the f ear-drop fell, , And heaty was; bis heart, . , , r Ah ! Ijtilr did the jrbothffil 'throng, E I Wfirse hearts were foil bf joy Reflect jnpon the lonely sfale, Of that poor sightless boy! i! 1 " 4 Victoria, an example. The Queen rises at hslf-past six, snd lakes b,!M f f'ghf. This imbng Americans, woold be. late in the coontrr, not is qoite earl? in ibe city. Some of oar readers majr have ris en and breakfasted late1, to avoid vulgarity. Now they may yeotare to be op an boor earlier. Roy al examples will save them from reproach. Early Rising is a saving ol time and health. It is, important for devotion: An hbnr given to prayer and jibe reading of the Scriptures before breakfast, Woold rescue many - from fearfo! back sliding, and not a few from fatal apostacy. We can hardly conceive how a faithful Christian preserves a grood conscience. fin 'lying, abed laJe Troe, some plead their ill hahb,ii Bot ibis is no eacosej -It an aggravafion off the offence. Perseverance in early 4 fisin for len or twelve months woold probably resiote iheij- bealib. Let these persons be redoced to poverty, and tbos be compelled io early rising and bard labor, tbe glow of health weald soon fsohpUnt the pale, sickly hoe which overspread tbeirj feat ores. Mrs. ,A. rises et five, pVloek. She snends half an boor on her knees, and ebjovs blissM enm mnnlon with her Savior With a penitent and believing heart she searebes the Sc Iptnres anoth er half boor, and feeds boon tip milk of the word. Bv this time her children awake, and the care of them Jakes op her attenOon. Hr waiimn at'lhe aliar has prepared her heart for alt the defies nf the day. She meets her , family. iviih a smile of holy love, and no temptations or trials of patience can move her. ' The law of love is in her heart and the law .f .kindness upon her tongue. A'ded by the! heavenly wMdnin which she sooobt in player, she'gojde her hoo(e witk discretion I;) Her children ooserve hr examnlp of devotion; a re won by 1 1 be meekness of her ear and become the worshippers of her God They rise op and call tier blessed, he dies and her memory is cherished by her pions bnosebold. and her VKtoes are embalmed In their hearts This is no' fancv, hot; biography j and it is a praise wbrjihy of examne. indies' J?ep. M I L LE K I SM TH E C0IET-SIGNS ; "1 I A ND WdNDERSi j : Never! was a sect moe fortsnate never a by not hesis Abstained by ,a more sinsblar coinci dence of extraordinary eventsl The propbetn of Millrrism seem born ro : wood. lock. jTo sosiain their theories and induce a belief: iri I their predic tions, we have a perfect; roshj of signs ahd won ders; There are wars and Ifbmorsf of war in every portion ef the world. One - day a hurri cane strews the shores of oceSnf with wreck ( navies. jTben come aji- serjis of eaTthqnakes, shaking ball tbe globe, faorytng bwnjs and ciues. destroying si hoosands of people, ajrtta 'ing the vast sea,1 shaking the hills, bbd isitikinj whole islands beneath the waves, inhere ja a'bblejost now, God knows how deep, in the bed of :he Mississippi! river,! down Which:, the wreck of one steamboat has sonk, and where the waters are ronning in a wbiilnool.-1 Thpj whole valley of tbe Mississippi rolls and; tremiles as f it repos ed on' s g real ocean of meliedjlava1 4 Asif tbis wer9 not ebooghj here: Is a cnmei. blazinsr across the sky spreading;! lienor with v strange radiance and its fiery jiailj j1 The son, jj they isay, nas a strange appearance, ana we sboild not be sorprized to learn that (he Man in the Moon was making wry and frighifol face ; The preachers of the docirlne of iho world's immediat destreetioo arfjexiaingi U!ajl this. Tbevitriomph in the adccess'.bf their creed. Joy felly hey welcome the sopnd of' i he. cart h-quake- they polct in ecstacy to the comet LI a sign!" Ibey.cry at every new event on the earthat every extraordinafy sign n heaven. Daily! the in fat cation of the ignorant js increas ed. .Neglecting" Jheir bosiness--aiverti op to the contemplation of a borribie everjt-4witn narrow minded notions of the Aitnigby;aod! lis Provi-. deecei tbe-y are sinking into: s ksatnia, too deplo raWe tobeiridicploos. ' WM .UWederilore bll: this !sioerelyl While we laogb at, We nity ibir deloslor4fi Siineb the bo man race. aifohaVittd the earlb.men have been misled and. made miserable and- wretched by te-tiVionftfanaiibism.- Every aisei has ita iprophe- cieeand itii'inbpostareiv Millerism Mbl a re- vamped nomoog. is a, piece oi gross uiup tion in these men to pretend ihit ihsy t oeder- standihe prophecies' and their interpretation bet ter' than Ibe enqrehmen of! so many cen tones. Hav ioe thetfogiaos of all lagipabeen! a'dark e?; hat the light should jbalf.jippa .,tbia Wer?,,f; JM !H ' r' I- Since the earth bfffso t has always heeo sob- iect to eoo vjnWoos. volcanoes! haye blaxedea th- qoaKes nave enoipnru, "mu up mvww nemlence has destroyed,! and comets. eteora i-Ancnikorin nbenomena! have diversified at incs Ik, nwct of tbe hens. JVF. rlt- BY THE AUTHOR OTH - .jj HlS A --. : WME UJrtlTIi H Let him who hnpiyet ikiM'ttom the rorabasbruln He wilr find here NbthinarstitbS fwhit kw csn ayropaihise. Bot h who3 knows 'the exqtusite mifer.fiteojier Nrerr JUatore almost slnjts 'nrnEnttrk.d anayrapatbyhiteit! 6peU!tfpbri hirn the fall, sloicos ofVIanehterian nllicole: he amy snonid reatf, mr he onl can atiderstinrli ibis chapter of my oflnngni ' is! bat J apecimen r m v life. J Ex unodiste omnesl I o all others it wj!1 be only aj sfiled foon 1,1,1 L n!, as thry pasa it by Sn!t nrnod roosciousnesa of the .onspeaUbie! blewine i luipuueoce, lei tnero thanks Ueaveo that its waters can never flow for them. . Ae my object js,bo! fp eive si sjpbrimen of 1 tne nnmerous colr c: temps hli jpcessaotly beset me, the moment I appejapri r ladies' society, I sh i II merely speak of ibnse. that betel we at tha only dinned toljParia tpS wbicb I was jnviled- Tliouablladen with thlrndoctory letteri; I nerer deliiered an. other. ; J: ..j-'KMjM!!1' Itr ; I pass by the variona eflforla T made, be fore I eoiild iniaater. siifficient Wtltnion Tlo deliver Id Madame Oj the one that procured for nie;'and a friendti who caiDefith me, the dinner in qbesttbn, I "pass bj tbb,: mv trepidation of, the everlasting . jpes! Wait bich the bell responded to my tirjnidl touch. Scarcely could I distinguish the iarlez an Suisse, over the porter's Indge where prob ably Swiss never atdotl inee i(s erection. I passy, top, several minor blunders ; aoeh as asking ;tbe , porter ;lo direct u ;b la chambre de Madame meaning her draw ing room. Suffice it to say that; my less boldly lelthe way ; jtfiat, hatingj traversed a goodly nomber of conrts and stairs, we at length arrived safely at an anternppij where stood a servant before 8 pair offoMinjj doors, which" be threw wide open, and announced us by a?pair of names that we shpIdi never have recognized as onr own bad weTiiet Uiem elewhere.; ;),';jl'4iti, ':Jj Already agitated, and perspiring With ner voos trepidation, this hstentstiouslmode of entrance, so difieren from the republican simp'icily to which I s formidable trial to was accost I! il was me. Mv; cheeks tin. gledVmy kneef trembled, and my ficait beat violently. I slunk sllpjqtly bemildf my, on abashed companion, land endeavored lo gather sufficient coarsge (o enncf at the Ire. mor that shook me'like sn ague fxl-1:. Mad ame O rose to receive 09; and, as we ap proached tier it became neccssirr that I should deploy e from behind my fripnd But, in eo doing,' I did not notice a lajrge pet dog. who. comfortably stretched on a red velvet rosbion, lay napping beside his itniatress, &lJ wnIanx:ious directly in my path. onlv to eet thron the, introdoclory cere monies as soon, as possible, and tbeh to en sconce myself in some remote corner. Where, ' The worldaforgeitiog, by the world forgot," I might escape all. notice or remark; Bot trnly says the French proveib. 1 JtifAnmme se propose, mais c est don Died, qui dis pose and very unfortunate jwerpihis dis positions for my inlent'pn.. ; As:l hastened on, all glowing with confoslon, and quaking with fright, just as I began my boar I stum- hied over the detested petand Waif sodden ly precipitated head foremost, like! an an cient battering rani, into the lap pf Aliss p overturnins episodically a coaatrjrnsn of my own. who: wss seated next bcrl balanc me his chair on its- two hmdi legs." To save himself be insltnctively grasped the hack of her chair; and bis weight' at her re?r, actinff at the sme moment this! I was hurled at ber in front, decideil all bfalilalion, and over we all relied logeihcri tligj chairs Uppermost. . The yi!e ror, v.whjdf jaSjl been at the bottcrn of -the-, whole mirchfcf seized me by the leg, and, receiving abinynkjek in retnn, added his howling to jthjejcboriis of dismay tbat now filled tbelspprinent. Hppily" the female aoVrer,1 -idp bj taeee, 'enetossed; si! the synnpsthy and, attention of the company ; but; I we! knewj jfitij in the1 short minute that bad elapsed sinfcj t enter, ed the apartment, 1 bad made thfeelmorlal n critics, 01 a man, a onp, anc a ibpj For mv own part, as soon as I had exiru rated myself from the tfnibljrjisK covered with confusion and shame, I retjesled into here Ihe most nbscre corner oi tne roppif I sought io hide myself and my! verWhel- mirg mortification, berjind the were louncing about there. !, soes s who mw i t The call to dinner served !Jt relief to m rmharrasfmecl. foi" T Koned-ihat that nnlft eno-ross ever v one's atfefttirin, which now, I cood nptehtlpfVelmg copied with my ajkwardnesf;l' the company in the dining phi 5 T aT far I t each plate contained s afd; onjlhwas written the name of the gnestf wftfjfaf to occupy the "place thus Ijesigntedfjijverjr one seemed to find bis own place.byimagic; but, toi mtmrM i mf f; Ptke the circuit of the table, looting la) r ain for nm Indeed. I know not bntJight have continoeu tbt crowd not Madame ,x.:llv incrraamtr ranrditv. rav eves dim With confusion, and a rlammyi prypiration bedewing jyer; pore. of, fnf;ty$!$ J lengtb sunk into my aeat, beWbafairr r exhausted with mortification and fbame. Here; agiio, I found myself l ebtrramd .l!cteo-,oVitert ir-iTikli "p,u.'y' ,,f'df,T hs enter !te.fc. fPted toWertiiatVeoi j he ord;,nryout,e of aFrenrb dnl and rowslaa.) fle,benfreclir.id tiosll rerpln!f tfgolarecriea of!aei,xmJ tJPPeT?d :!iotanl ror;elbow;,Uv ?u, lnl!ke;j ihobaW Miffe'tPat tiwhessnf aa marty liffererrf kindscf all onder ajriogs of names which lino mora rl4lh 1 "'od iKeir cohipl sjionof lhopy, U4 oy eriel "1 Hl'fP'Vf miPJominsnt trait. 1 sat in thejnost :bsiiiiate) l ailencevassing cut to deH4 ;PPJt3lon, iiOn an ?c!2HWj West oi my i tajcitprBiiytand her own. .t,i,.ik k40 r 1WlniB erneTsation, by inquiring howll P'f?f opera. . , . , .aj,'. The question was pot at arWlaekyj ml ,T?l,fj,llsi,,f 1 tw moriei off PfJaiW.fCTN nd olrder laepl as qmcklyas possible: I KaaAly'tnrqst t in. Wf 1 hastily v Heavv f $f ens V U ws hot is burning ava. : Whtt coold 1 do?.? Thi lsjJV eyeereilsf:i li, V. men w?'lN UPiU heV r jm fSntm'4 .; i my mouihwasiin !ftimes7ntJn I to! I M l U ine Joprmng morse hiyhes and trthejrr "l w- - , - - - mm a;-.- 4 ,nR my ijto m ide to -s n c, jn ti ejcj which involunt UbsMxtJ jort ber, were straiipg (rorn Ihelr spckejsJ4 She rr Mfi earderl ayyrrnoriacs,;of ,tbe eau'se of hici . Jq.;.: i urnrvc wb ws rgnoranu 'wnn an exjsrfs- 4-i non ofarozemsrt and '"RipraatwhlclTl-' ed with the. burning miss, arid smarting witb intolerable paioii so, quietly abandoing4ho H"i i yHf rui , :.! b "s uimosi,,ana oux dropped! thje infernal j firebrand upon! .my plate. Nfvt the sligrjtest tendency to a smile Visibly ru filed the mperturbable politeness of the- ladyl She soothingly Condoled !wilh me on my misfortune, then gradual led the conversation la a variety df topics j iilly exerting lhf n mgic mfloence troe politeness) always exercibrs, began to forget even my own blunders Gf adcally my cheeks burn ed less paiafully, and I could even pm in the conversation wi thou I the fesr that every word I ottered hareJ the fate of every ac tion I attempted. I eyen ventored to hope uayV to! congratulate .myself, thaTi the jestai' logne jof my calamities were completed for the day.' : j". f--" ' 6 :.A 1 " 'Let np one call, himself hippy before death," said Soloriand he said wisely.! Theses of March were not yet over. Be-, fore ns stood a dish of caoltflower, nicely don9 in butter. This I nalurslly enouffh took: fr a costard pudding, which it sofii ciently resembled Unforl on ately my :vnw. cabulary was not yet extensive enough; to embrace all ihe lechnicalilies of the table;, and when my 1 fair, neighbor inquired jiT I ; Were fond of choujleur. 1 verily look! it tor be the French for costard puddmg; and so! hifh was my panaeene of tt that my plate was soon bountifully laden with it. Alia f one single mouthful was enongb to dispel my jllrjsirtnJ VPjouU tn Heaven that 'the chou jlettr hf (I vanished along With U.i Bot . thst remained bodily , snd, ss I pa zed des pnndinsly at the huge mas, that loomed op almost as large, and ss borning,-ss Vesuvius, -my heart died within me. Ashamed to con- J less my mistake, though I could almost! as readily have swallowed an rqual quantity of soft sosp, I strrjggted manfolly on agsinst the diabolica) compound.' I endeavored, to sap the mountainous heap at its base;! and, ; shuTting 'my jeyes and openmg-my mouth, , to inh'tme aal large masses as I coold with- out stopping o taste it But ray; stnmacli 1 soon began, iptelligihly enoosb, lo intimate its intention to'adjmit. no more of; this nau seous strjanget beneath its roof, if not even j of exjxelltnj tht which hail already gained uo.welcome admittance. 1. The set ionynees of the taak I had under taken, and the resolution .necessary to exe cute it, had given an earnestness and rapid-' : -ity to my exertions which appctrte. wonlnVlT not haveNnspiired; "when ray plate, having i r somehow got over Itje edge of the jfabl4, upon my leaning forward, lilted up, and down slid tbe idisgoslfng mass into my Tip . My bsridkercttfef, unible lo bear so weighty a a load, bent under Hio its torn; snd agreit ' proportion of ft sijhus safely deposited in my hat. Tbe plalf instantly righted: it- .i self; as I raised myjpertoo, and as 1 f'anced my eye round; the table, and asw that no one had noticed my disaster, I inwardly j. congratulated myself that the nauseous de ception was so hippily disposed of. Rp- f solving not to he deteded, 1 instantly rolled ' my banderchief loijether with all its remain- I ngjcontenlfrajid whipped it inlo my pock - - The dinner taWe was, at Jength deserted i for the f diwingpomjhcreeoare ujo4 ; liqiintrsfai eeived busd, JleaoUoe, ri I hadsoogbt out w(ha,. consdeedija aafo bidingvplacjior '.my haieoeaib a -chair ro i the d.oing"tMm?Tfr jl.dare1i.Jipt carryit longer in my band; baying t first ! thrown a morsel of paper into ilie crown, to hide the ' aeated by whom Ijhad astJadtnnisOar convcrstirrt was nilorsliy relurJ a snd weerein 'hf .midst pfaao, arjiroatedj ditfnsaionWbf n a bore spider was seen tnooing. fike ja race borset op ber arm f , St' "iii i i 'i ' "! 3S 9r :f: .a: a: :t 1: i f .4,. 1 a: l':. t -1. .HI 1 1 Hi. X 11- ' ' U :;: M A li; all- - - ' 4' ' ' 7

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