v '. '. f 'Tv '! H 1; r'j ...::' -.'1 - . f'.:- ,s -. '..-.' v -',-'' i; 7., '7: i. . -; .- ' - 7 - . 7 7 ; 1 Ji. "i -' ; ' 7 .! '1 : " :t J? '-t i 7-, ' ' v' .7 7; '5 S . -. r - - ; i . r . s ' i. -4 --.! i!' J' i ! . ' l ' ? - ' .i ' j i! ; i i . r.-.if . ' -.it to ;1 " , I s tfe .UK 7f--. 2m ij Mftm fi&fc&M iivmnt! hereaiW be hf :1 W W tmdoUars and . rfMtJ1. f II La ..I f. a lass I tnl Mff iiijc inaid for In advance- ; WfJilltMinafaUbli option Watt aWarascs are paid. ,..5 OPi ADVERTISING, u . : MMistfW:fctihfit insertion cW yi' each coo 'nuance , 1 l T.iiav. rat esi! i V 4 1 .f ' ..- ?,. -7- i. . . ... a V i - . f .- i IMfI1-:! bcon tinned wjni :UJjffed4firoinVlf unless ordet i L&'i?sWrf'l o HheH Edilortmist! ff1E$VBSCJiIBER llrcbasedHiat welt known .ami IMkliteNdbl6r'i !lern,) he ibaif J N. G. informs bU FJiendi nal.bW hfiiTtifl!lert-& Boarders. ,I&tKit.N af- " - K'J : .--tit- MJ-h-. k, i- 5 "- - - ' . A in an iiutin& hrptehdcf, of all kindt, at- laindaitenM-e 0ilersf rl ,!;. -tiliMir 5 .ii 1840 iknz-'-X ' ,H'7,"-'r-';-"r7 i - I - JIOMrt'f 4 Jii ifi A1 A 1 :it f1 MM i:lV For infants keen- & Mi M r6m mtU aodcausing a Jox- l;jMaWn pfits oaiorai sirengio ffcir,l-W ?terson:' tecotering from t-iietMlifrlsf8 etj is produced th ' 03 in IWCy tin a gooo, riowiu i m irwo, !.,,f i IrFserted br attention to the latest 'pe- rftife-bSlt freeslthe Jad from Wihije6ialidnv nd prevents the, hair ih Kr1l curl beaoiifatlt when dooejop Kj UdieiioUft should ever be msde witboot.it. Ilk ihprAW pho) bate ibr any means cdn Tftl reriiilo the head, Jire immediately and i Wecili cbted bf them bt its use. It is iotafli- i i M befi? bl aoooi ne years no more n,air nht idpij ':mtblBa!ilipo. bnljthe bac of.,.af aUnd 4:eatf ; cit erddVM h la thick jscorf. SaWtitt'.botit;i th:e 10th of Aogust list, aoiirigipl Balm of Colombia, from Cpm- bk Cqltbce wbichI have, used two jf nd half bweM,aie ,Balm, wh,ich has loiry e imyl'alid. repdmjj head entirely from 11$ loo covered with fine, flilw i ir hafiXiwhiiehant one mat see bt caljinsr lw,t fwifold, CJoqbecticot J? L iiiihr4i-;-i'..-ii i iKrhPtp i .rv CiwoiwfeiiiUr abroadt looK always tor v tbe w of Ctvmstbtfr 8t Cd. : j i . 1 rafate atihfWaicbtDin pffice.and bf C A'Uf, $?Ubary,t)r I Stith Rakigb , D iHito;!J;& tUMoaii, GreenaDopg J tyi$!ngi0flp;Ti -" '. MfvABrandetlVs VEGRf AtiLE UNIVERSAL PILLSj il$ for tai Sit this QfBce.l i i-V LooKiiattDr. Slverman's ad mme nllaod f Itou 'iw'isn relief for tour Ma iWieb11nd obtaibUremtdy of IB. tf20 rr To rii fil-APB Lie tjb d . ' Hie 1 - 'ft irfiber :lisfalt.recH red I a I large and frsb hm DMotm Lifb Uediclne. Ca ft & JeTwf i I WIG R :W H E E L E II , Ageu t J JlClOTimisiTT AT :;!'Vl;AlJsBWiaf,6r . 1 uotton . iarn, . vii I Molassea,:35 a 40 f Nailsj j ; ' 6la7 ipl30.;ar35 1 ...t Oats 15 a'XO 5MV $3 Sugar, br. vliJ?fa rira5l.l .'mn. ' 1 Art" 1 ' 15 a 18 Saltsack.t Tallow, v. Tobacco t:-7. 8 a 20 ' i mm Tw"-Lineu, 2a 16 !Nto t'a4; Wheat, bush ; 75 30 25 ed0t1,-pri.5f.l;( Whiskey, 25 Wool, (clean) 7j7?gTTRVttit. April s 26 k-: .'-!' IT St -V' . . -it v . nan t feh -. n. . fi.fi Molasses, 33 a 25 NailS, cut, 51 "a U Hbgar brown, 40 HmP ! 14 f.oaf, v 15 a 18 4Salt, - 50aP0 v.5v .-IliOa 12 gpd" irsBo Tobacco IcaLS. a! 2i Cotton bag 1 20 Bale, rope, j 8 Wheat new 75 a 80 VVhfskey 25 aj 0 Wonirii;ii4ys5 - feliilEim' -M3a 4 i Nail cut a99or. a 8 tSP'li l-ij ' i 111 wrought 1 16 a 1 8 Jl'l 3 tM5 Oats btishcl EO 137 23 Oil r:l 75 a Gl linked 1 10 a 1 125 Ebrk I001bs r5i a 6 Rico lOOlbs 4a 5 Snijar lb 8 a lb Salt sack $2 l2ff C.t ' A . fm !A. v... It:' ...: . . . 1 I iuv4 tea 1 v , ,yif M m 'm-yw i31 mcr. iu a uu XtI3t- A37 I I tleVman- 19 . ti s.. . .. . I jrkbrTEIJ 'ASTO FCBLISQCD BT I.IACE C PENDLET6 Afieim TVxffoiiti Blstablishment t Mw. msobrook, : i; ! TAILOR, j 14 (Ut lpf ike City of Raleigh.) I'"'pA7B1i'4a. in the Town if Silii'tarTUrprn)nentlT,) and iniend ear rying on my fJufINEjSS in a. tf le out to be arpaMi in this Stttaor oat of it. My Gstao Itsbment is iotbe rboca on the corner i of tbe MakitihHoWitojmty occupied as ihf Pf!r Officli! I hive eqjploTejlbe oeat of Northern Workmen. No expense or pains will oe spared lorendprtbiaa ;:Li if-,!;.:. . . tn Fasliibnable I lEstablishroeritJ on nmTing iBoir tcio apT inaae ; up id me niasi fashionable, abd dnrsble manner. I have own engaged regolarlyl ioj cutting, for the last fit years, and pat of itbs time jn some of the rot celeoratedtaMiKnl(ioheSoat tfir;$'lahall notloeaitate'lto guarantee etert thing to fit I cat ino: rnake LONB ON, WIS, AND: NET7-YO RK rwtfi5mo'il'J . Iircipnclesran, sb'oold ! becn clothing' A. P ALSOBROOK, i?ence.whoa MJ)tiver,RalHgh;N.C. in s, Stariliiig: Faett ondreds of ehildreo sod sd oils are lost yer- lywitb ;.worms,i wlben some other cause has been sopDosod to be the true one. I ! 1 f H It! is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man. 1 womin or ennn ezisis noi wrasi are sooner igt laei tr0qb!?d;iwith nrmi, and in ; hondreds of j ?r?? of t6ehomn'iamUy4-while inlruth they dielof Woims ! and these cootd ! ha ve Wn ersdirsHd in afdatiby tie oelof a bottle of Kbtmstottti :rryitiftti a& Mcdet-bfia qoarter ota 4MW I a How 8icaeninffHbjeioooffbi tbat meae tbtnst I - .' ? j - ;..; -. . . . a i shonid be sridi'wHo pri ver forgiv. themselves wbP NhisfremedyTcpld?nb:! by any-possibtliy do hurt nioi ii,wW.uviri p w ... -u.w i - i r: - L- f j t . t . - - mJi' 1 t"T, T P",r-'Fj - V"-1V- -'V- h :.! "ii.--- lnXi J:,'J'i' I.. - I use fi. ana no wurare ne retponsiv In do without it ? i Let evert parent that is not I abratbask tliemselves lthisQoestion in truth and j sobeirnew,; r ;jr i IL L j - vt.-" -.ll,: I f Mr J C fJtnotd I had a child vert sick for I near; rwo weens, isns auenoeo oy pnysician, j wiillbut reliefi when feolmitockV Vermifoge was siven, snd neat day more than tort? rorros were i j. . . . . Tt it 3 l L j xf- t It 1 paswfp, wnen ne cuiio recoveT'o- rapiaiy. 1 j 1 A: child of S widow woman! Ilting near the! Manhattan VVater Works, had "dwindled for! a ! montn, 1111 near roaoie lady, wo cajled to provide for the family. aanli immit!v 1 fnJ . TTnlmAtnnlt o VarmifrirrB . which broagbi iwayijgreat le4ntifes of worans I for two or three day and the child, grew belief at once, and regained its lull, strength in i lharl a monthj L W J-- - i I -a"H'.-:: ss I M i Several child;pn tajf a highly respectable fam- ity ijri Broadwif hadijiwormslio a frightfel exieai, so lvere all cored rapidly wiiMhr Vrmifne, v j Tfc Ii h ' "ni ix" ij I i; hT5 ; . .r a . . l,.al S A aw tih aam lt mIK Ma I . uuun ui i 1, juiiii b mi i in wraii ioiiiipiir I used, from tbe;circsmUnce of having eradica- . tru imgo, qMimiiTj; 01 worm, inw, bii. owijrr i i'uiic. uu inru, wiiiu" wac teij Aivn,ir ly known in that parij of the'chy '.' Jj ...l.j:. u1j-".ii-j ....... :J 1 ! jAfamily'lniNew Jjfrsey safed several children J hv rka nan Inf it - On a rrirl nf otTht turi iif I agei hid becorn tbe iVrmifog waa given. ? The next day brr- faof? diajodged and she leO off te vwMg" rpr"! y uTr "H bad! resort to the Vermifuge that finally . brought a wit an incredible, aoaatitv bf worms, and tke 1 cure was comblaie, and she gained her healifc "1 L! H. f If Jv I. ,v 4 tl i A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami-1 JJtf ?W!8P'a ;f wksvwithoot being ablejo; restore hn: oBe out, of the seven to health i f H hadtihe liberality to send for Kolmatock Ver- mifdge,and cared tfcjbjest with it in less than a j weak.a:"1 .y:: nrL.:,, liNamerous icjtset of; other complainta weTeso.p posedjiCexiatJabd the perohlreated for feter. fccVbot finally a trial of ibia Vermifuge discot. t ii.v'- r i t - - i erep tpe irue faQso of n sictj-, oj ormgipg awat almost ab innnbierabl quantity ot worm-. I i ii.;;.. l. -T .t - i ; ii i. : J I ' 11 : . r . - - - . . . ..: .i ;--- , large and smajlandj the persons recovered ijih l languid! and the faculties paralized, these roedi emi de$patch l loatanees of ibia kinbVmighthe l14rj.ri,fA-ni ii,tv mn to the ertea.e-! eiterf to an immensebxteot.boit o9-ODP I P?t wVfi!,!0r .w Vr T' iahment the certain ifieris of tbis Verm.f Hge. 1 j iCoMfnH4?'rbby;tbiasriie oaleseit have T,ur ivoitniuiw; tnwur- ,,.U"a..j,jir..T. . graved on thesboisidelabel; andjtbe fac simile. I or tiomsrnck ca ;s. iff-;. -f -.i-1 I faenfa--C IB Wheeled Salisbury ;J &1U Slain. Greensboro' D jHeartt, fliHaboro'; Jf MabryLexingoo ;iPr jsiitbi tilleigb. Marcb!4ilJ8iS-lyS2 fTTl HE subscribers would respecifolly announce 1 : i- iif;; t i. ... i f . :l , U ! I I . U f n th nnhlic. that ihev hav removed their mmmta-siii ti, 4: ; - .; OnciilAAr sSnv Cpnr?e L W. Brown & Co.a8d ppnsiieTbcs, I Cowan'a Brick Row, J w here ibey are better prepared to accommodate aod ex ecotte all orderja jo jtbefr lioeop abort notice j aid to tbe Tt,mwm Mm j Also. constantly 00: hand, a cnnice suppiy or Plain an) Japan Tin- Ware, Britannia War, Bathing Tabs; Stills.! &e 1 mti v r nnniirw & C4 5Miabbty.iJlrei,!t843tf26 i. ) 1 " -.I ' ; i 1 1 : GZL BONDS Iff ITOiW-iTI Wif&Y pnntsd and fof sale at tbta Ofice See thai Ike Government does hoi actndrt too much power upon all your Rulers Dolhii, asd f fllHE Sabscriberrespectfollj informs tils old il Friends and the Poblic generallfitbat he baa 'opened a shopm Saltsbar? in tbe sbbve basi nes,in a room directly opposiie Wests brick building, in the r a a ' 1 T """'SI !: d MMao vt itu uuiua, iuiuii.iij owned bjJoo. I .Abater and iosi below 4. 8t VV . noose 01 ur. uoroa; lormenj In addition to the abote, lhe subscriber will carry bo ihe,Stt?er Smith Business aai , all tbe tatieties common; in coojotr y towns ; faoch i as &c ' JL it e-s l a He bgs to assqre the poblic thaj if punctoal attention io bo8inss, sod skillful work; will en title him to pauunaseand support, be will mer it it. ry-T-v h!i ; li'r y-tmy ; t JAARON WOOL WORTH; Not. is.tft6! 1 rr--. r i : :0 Jivj Sherman' J- j; Writhe best MEDWLVE& inthi World, RING the etiespeatjand roost pleasanf. rhV Medical Facalif warmlt apprpvethem Dr.. Sherman ts a skilful and experienced ician and a member of tbe Medical Socletr b Are the safest, sorest, sod most effectual remedy for j Coughs, ColJs, Consumption, Wbbppio Congh, Asthma Tig b to ess oi the Longs or ci"3, 'x. 1 6IlETiaAN8 WO !M I.OZEWGES Arerhebnlt infallible worro destrotink'1medi-i cine. ever discovered. I net nave oeen osed 10 over 1:400.000 -ase and nevef known to fail. L02EJIGE8 Jf immediaie relief in nervous or sicjk Hpad-4 acbealpitation of the fletrt. Lowneasof SpirJ U DrP?ndencl- F0? Opprwool or aj " 01 ''"IPt ; V,A,Dn, "larrnoaf L,as-j eiinna nr sm etawiBS saw raiiivnA . T" " Sherman's Fever and,. Ague Lozenges Are the mostrttin remedy for this dtsrressipJ H',h. imRi.AnLh.riA( m... i -k'Lii tkJ nmfi!int. Afflr otttTPd In . lhfi AmvrMitnnkio V" tVI V III V HIV SI UST W lhave been used, tbej bate never been known to tail. t v-y. Seman ! i t Restorative Lozenges. - Diarrhoea or loneeness of the bowelsLso 'comi mon'aodiirboblesiedofingitheeommep rhontb4 may! now be entirely prevented by a proper os 'i neie uozenges-. i ney are prrpareo rxpress ly .tr thai porposi. and leant be relied on with periect cnnoence 4 rersons soojecr 10 s oerangi i .t J 1 .-tJ s. l c -11. .1 5 meoi 01 ne nowomjanuuiu ite.?i ue: wmmu muu Thet fflfbrii immediate relief from all the attend anforipinss. faintbeas, depression.-&-cJ Are as pleasant and easily taken a the common nonnormt nla anl rA an -afitlVA and iffifipni medicine , The? cjeanse, ihestomsch sed bowels, and are the best cathartic evpr o(Md jftir biliods persons Where an nctive medicine is rean'red. they sre not only the best, bint the safest that can - . . . ... V" . -I T be adminiaiered I 5 y J t 'Merman's'- StMntrthenine PLASTERl The best of st plaaiere for RheomaVinii Lobi- bl0f rainior Weakness in the, Uackij Kolns, a. a - a 1 ar f a. J! a. a SiiIa or HioMt I IV K Tbe abbte. medicinelfor sate, wholesale br rfitai! it1h SaliahOrv Md (al llro.Sinra- hv " r T i' . V. . " f.r r CD WHEELER. Agent, ' i I Salisbury, N. C, gept 3, - ' SP xeJfSotfsi'p. Vegetable lsite A PjkA ? '- TffCfZiCineS I I I hpOSSESS qualitfeenf the roost mild jsnd b4- JL nefic at nstute: 1 hey are composed oisr- ,;.!.- thb Ibtbst anii-bntreant. comhinbd wUh :..jt.u.. v. .nair. aniitr.fa Ufevera of evert description. Wbenl thedls Mse ts produced either from cold, obstruction, k,j iWWamnv anddamrfaituaiiona. br not rid mj Ali,., Mnm .haai-marfiin-a i rTitin in ihaif nnAr;,;nh. ffta . Th ar rmssesied of be. co,itr qbalitiee. which not only expel all disease. aiii ma aa am a im fobi a - n n a w in- i iim gyttem When first taen' into.the etomacb. lhe ,mmediately dtffoae themselves like va pot ihrottTb everv nore. roducin effects at once wi ama a utji pmiiiju ituvj, nivt v , a Bv. , v . . . -. . t. delightjol, aalotary. and permanent, nf lif toih to prow dim. th bileratei the animal spirits. invigorate kbe.body, and re-animate the whole.man ? ,ttir ! s ; tk. TAf JtrWW k.. mh) witK -jb,fVD01t hsppy sbeees in Nvrvos abd'DfaSj pePiC diseases, ionsnmntton, . Asmma, invert Complaint; Rheumatism; chronic vaod ioflama torvl D roDsiea. &r, v tcjpCall ai Catss ti Bocer's, JSgcnts. z-j-t.t - -. AAt.aia 4' ..tat . ri iv' ' 1 ;.l IK -4 tC3 A supply of ;he above Intaloab e ME- DICINES are for! sale at ! James Ctosa Roads, A. C MclNTOHt 4gant FB tAKES thisj me? bod 0 11 i Informing bis friends J and tbe poblie, that he-isf still carry ing os jhe Watch and Cloek making, and lleil pairing busioessjatj hia bldj Btanel. nir the. CoOrlhoilaA ! All work dooe by! him will.be warranted lor twelve months. He still keeps 00 band - smal assort rnentof Jewellery; : -: j. I A Old Gold and filter taken in exchange for; - T - . Jewellery of work done-f; " w : v 1 Salisbury, Jlarch lg 1842. tf32T 4 It f. Si Jfohnston l A- ATTOaWET ANQ COCSSKLLOR T 1.4 W. , sALfeBvnrtttrc: SaKseury , Jan. 7, 1845-14 I x - ibkett 19 tAre." Gq1. Harr amsoD 1 iFor ttc ITflcAniaii -:rr 4r: V" i;,.?'ew a- b!es areocnpany.Dg tbe Centos retorns hate cnrae to hand. I'bate detoted some of mv fmnreWs to; in inteatigation of their ennlfnts. nThesr fblem shoar'my impor- l,:m ,a.c," nonoogo noiabsolotel; correct, prote hetood the poMihiliiy of a djoobt, that North Carolina is one of the first a2ricu!to- 'tffM "Unioo. . She coltit.tes prof 'f'J wieiy ui crupi loan sot otn f' U,f ii .f Pini ahe er 7 5iiWttJr sister on the Souib tbeie heinga dienci of on tl'isntity raised by the two Carolioaa- while she exceeds Virginis seteoteen times. In ibe;pther great stapleobsrcd-i-she is i;4ittliirjsor by Virstnia eceor-1 dins tnDODulttion while she exceedi South i Carolina Jthree hundred and B twenty-fite iiuic. p an rict sne is opoina ooutn, usroii ha hot greatly ahead of Virginia t ln wheat sne i oenmc Virginia, oni greatly; superior I ..1 oooth Citnolina. 4 ,n corn she beats Vir- I table, tbe per cent, eqatthtebi' Itophti ad1 eiria according to population as 31 tb 27 : vantage must be added to the Tbanft tnnr. no nearif floobies south Uarolms. ypn the whole, the produce of artruhufal Isbonr ineiobgJheLyiel .forest I and) fisrie- tiesi itt iheii ttao Csrolinas and ! Virginia standi is folloe-s: raloe to eacrof the pop-1 lolation. i viT 1 ,f 4' ; t i i t 1 ISoo-tf Carolina Wti& "' ni.:i lt j.j ' . tI. S . !i i; r . .w US !i 'I . ... rsMiu.ic is luunuev upon me crop oi 18 39 of course the results would tary each ear according to tbetocsl scarcity or ebon- osnce oi tn-crop. -i i- . I If nnmkpr nf BnKlAj i...' neuliure bad been taken with ant bind of ccwracyi, it wotld bate been more proper to hsve esiiraatedrhe product to the hand ; hot upon examination I find that poition of he retorns so incorrect as to forbid the at- leropi in many ti our eoontiee tbe deputy marshalls made lib return ; while fp others Jthev made the number nearly equal to the 'whole population enme extended the com dui'iiiiu ii. oiiiui iu iram z :winii n npriTW in siikik irrnrif.. nf n,--n ..-.to. .1 1 eopfined (he iennrperation :to men. It is mnr. -drum lliarafnr tn nifHiiafili& -,a J r ."w.w.w.w w w- I duets tpi the, whole populstionraatlhejlotall enumeraunn m i wits correci, lhe ahove result, do not afford en abso-; IfltOf tett of the progress of wealth; n esrb; r -i- t ' 1 State ; because stork raisins.; the mechanic sine, the mechanic arts, msriolaclores $r are oot taken into the account j- iltjmay happen that the pro- dure of j these ; combined with i sgricultural isbonreau9ej al more tMpid srowh of wealth in a State less bene nt led by agriculture, lt the pr fits of cnechnnical. and msnufactnng irldusrry conld he ascertained from the pres- 7 si . . l vj.Vi'aL. : . m . a . nt sraitviTsi rriMfUB, wiiu oa. wui-im piccif ss those of sericulture, a crmbinltion of f ' si a ! - i a I ton the whole would be more estisfactory. This however -I have hot attempted.it Thb above cettmates inclode only the immediate pro- ircts of the soil, forest and fi-heries in th- hlee States named. ;;' ; J I ought also to state thai in! arriving at tbe above result!, I ascertained j as well as I Was ele, the prjee of every artirle of pro toce in earn Slate in the v ar 1839. And UkiniP eflowSroediiom price, suppomg-lhe r tide njd at i the plantation, reduced the tioleto ctoitars and rents end detided the Vtpre te talue by the whole population. HNowi while the statietiealireturnsltbem- 8evesare notabsolutety correct, owing to tbe embarrassments under which the depui? mars bale laboured, (to eonei quence of ignor ance and derorgpgueism ;) vetopinions may be formed foo tbem more SNtia'actbry thnn from any other dta $ and il is greatly, to be wished tbat st the next centus more, com plete returns will be msde, !;; 1 ''. ;1 have a'." institutetl a comparison be tween the counties of our own1 State upon the saoieU pr ibftp''s ; except that the pro ducts of the' forest. snd fisheries' are rot in cluded.; The talue of the ''products of the soil alone to each of tbe population la as follows:' rH'!"'' : " 1 Cabarrus, f Northampton, Davidson. Anson, l f Yanct,' -'V Iredell Rutherford, f Cat well, - ;JoneS,rr; ' DavifT;; Chowan, $49 SSfWasbington, ?1 17 41 52 Stokes; . . , 20 82 Jf3 35 18 36 IB 84 8 22 17 93 17 36 17 80 17 6! 16 69 16 97 97 45 lohncton, S5 53 Randolph, j 35 43htonigomery, 53,23 Pitt. "32 2aCurritock, 51 24 Martin. SO 10 Onslow, SO 09 Gates, uimons,: 9 17 Macon.; jf , ' 29 12 Duplin,' . ; 8 60 Paqootan, V 28 35 Guilford , t - 23 S3 Robeson, 1 37 65 Tyrrell,' j 27 46 Edgecombe i, 27 06 Columbus, j !n, H .15 74 15 72 14 72 14 71 54 55 .14 44 14 00 Greene, f : Warren, Rockingham, Fjanklm. ; Haywood, J Bertie, i Halifax 1 Cherokee, i,' Burke. ( i -' jMeckleobarg., Asbe, ; Richmond, v . Wilkes; i1- a - !'' 26 61ew Hanover 25 26Bladen,' 25 16?eraoo, 13 35 1$ 06 fl 92 It 87 1000 9 17 $ 86 i 86 24 lOfCbmberland, 24 OoB.onwick, 23 9(ifBeaafort, $3 85 Moore 23 4bk)rafig. 13 f arry, ; f Boncombe, .4 23 45pampsooj I V. Cbathama mm s .111-- r 7 24 i . Ji Caoden, jWatneiji Grantille, f l oirBui tk ON i 22 76 LNssb, 5 47 i 5 73 22 12 Carteret, r 31 4i j f iThe returns from Lenoir sre pfayoly pn- ..!irl!--T -vfi l.-.L-l...t:-'kr ' u...rU. eorrectiin inecarucio w opi. Snci Ros?wc skr?". iir.'-. i' lie are itnerejore pu ..tw fi -M .1 :. : aa i : ' -r - ..' a. a BBi 1 ine fame reman -or oivur kardloibe SiileSats heio applicable 10 taa. ! -my . ' I." t... I: Lt. XI. uiuieiy ipsi in progress of wealth m ...k Citing to the diffir tsininir the nlantmnn tr.lh exaclnesa;. uniform pnci wsaW ed Ihroughoot the St'ste in ibcomduut.on w t&e abote table. letting it to the reader to make thMae eHowarlceifo-neWtiWo or distance from oirfcetj ; The rlket ! itfi is that in. pncee of prcidocif ire enhanced oj nearness to market: per hap rent; id the 100 miles distance fMstimite where waann. .Vk Wi s'30 per puld he e h -Thenin eompartog t wo count .e. hy the abdte table, one of bicb (ia Isir in'mir et andHbe other distant i ineh lnir must be added to the ttlo,i ni. tiu near county. For iostaoeel Qe$rrW isia- tant from market whiff P.imK-ri.j .k now o comparing those twocnontieWCuna. I ieriana must oate toe adtsntage bf her lo calitt. snd at the prodtieb of hotii counties are pricea alike" .10 making 'put the abote a " w;umDensnd Iwill nbf sat that 30 Per cent, t Trot reader, - to'Hbe 100 mites is bel correct teste it ! to iheljurfgmeflt of tbe The abote table exhibits the agrietiltural characier'oT eacbrconntvri'.1i'dt''lior thiaWt Z. WWtl i 'I0!r8 . counties from the above nhi h Kram L . . ... - - . " PT;"4 ,rrr.-'"i. inn me results were obtained : hv divtrfina the aggregate tslne of thefrodnets hv ih whole population. Now Pif in nm counts. oreat nAtdnn nt iiannnui..;AM i.n....j . ' ' -. I are in that Countv is the work of a' few J bands, and though1 the products mn be stsll to eseb of tbe .whole bopolalinn,' yet. they may be considerable to the hand em- ployed. When therefore. sesrst number ot persons in at.y one coonty are employed I in other-pursuits, the amount oonnsite that coonty in the table should b prpporttonahl increased. This allowance can be ..made I Jcquainted vitb the pursuiti. and situations nl Ik. i!..... ..iflil - - ' I mr uiuciciu cuuuilCI, ! I Upon tbe whole however, from the ihtes- upauon 1 nave ffiven me snMert. I am sat- ,,fied tb.t after making all the .hove sog- gested exceptions, sod sllpwinces, the cbunH ? " ' 1 tis will stand tn .hnA ihi orW.r IS ti-s will stand in about the-isa me brder aa Ubnve enumerated. That ie.i the creslest profit tojb'e labourer is reilized in tbe great est sgncultor al counties And I am also satisfied thst tbe most permanent progress ot wealth follows the same Order. J bit fliten you this mucih, Mr. Editor, 1 t . for ..the amusement of your readers. I I " .-a a ' ' 1 . " a T ! & . 1 hwiiu uc rrccumyiy nappy, 4l.inese UlolS should orovoke the inteatibations of anm one more cspsble of doiegH jbsttce. to trje sohiect. And I shall be more than com- hject. penaated for 'be' trouble ef j preparing this ommumration, if the representan'ons here made shall tend to animate Ipe agrieoltural ride ot oor citizens, or vindicate in any ... . ... .,-.-! ipgree tbe character; cf (the !' good i Old that iim in oisiv una oieas neri , Vt": i l - ri. l-o it was iuu uj ueaa owut, 1 nenete, e who prodoefcs by improvements in sgri- culture, two blades of grass1 where only one Was grown before, deserves more - honor (ban the most eminent Stateiiman Wjiiat a releasing it would be. tfsom 3 of our surplus polilical ambition could be cop terted into sgncultoral pride I ' There is a great mis Inke in the public mind witli regr.l' to the professions. North Carolina calls for ( eJ ocaled and' spirited farmer, and if the fa thers of Our State will fornii-h them her tn fiuence wiir sooo be felt Ithruugoout tbe union . ; i M ' Your hnmHe sert'tT ;:!! 1 " JUN1US L. CLCAIMONS Lexington N C., April28,"l84. j Buncombe Talking to Buncone fyc --Buncombe county is the, exireme West of Carolina, among tbe Blue Ridge taomj- tains. A few tears sjo, s rawjebuntry t torney came to Congress from that region, and begao a speech one morning before tbe bouse assembled. Rising solemnly Vin bis place,1 be turned toward the colored jraaa who wagfeveeping around the Speaker's cha r, Mrf Speaker." said pv tr nder unto Cesar the things that sre Levari and Jo Mrs. Cesar the things Jpat are bprs i :f0fja man are a man all oter the world, and a hog are a bog. Sir. I'm nppoaed to that lhar bill its a Irani pareecy ; to slternbte tnej cooaif-tu.shy-oq. Mr. Speaker, il --n ! "you l" The uegfo dropped bis broom- and. stared around the ball, and then at! the orator firm ly persoaded tbar the man was craisy, be ventured to remonstrate. b tink msssa'e pater order, pon de count; dsrV nobody here Vept mei and Jim whst,stoltersrde,, The orator raised bt- hsnd perernpiorilv 'Sh sh. niffeer Pm talkggta Buntombe " -Wfa York Pltbhn I ; ! I i ... , " ' " " ' -vtl ! r Republican Logic, W fi.KliberpPow. lOg PCf IP loe V.ai.riw.f i uy a latedste. A gehtlemn was fxpafialing on tbejostice snd proprft'of j an hereditary t m ...1 . a f im .i.hl mtJt tm -A in: nrlt.f inoDIIIIV. a . to band ansa in puvierur ..mt . . . . . al. ..-. K. 1 couniri tOtt tneir posierut ppouu rry ., honors conferred po nem jasua ; rF" sueb servjcee. 7 - if asmpiinir, j t lad. ii a mnj is hancea ir ott mia-o,t .Ji.i;,, fflrtr w "FWJ v& T HENIIYXLAY-.- HB IS NOT FALLEN r f o. -Hrm. fallenl. ?fo! sa welf tbe tali v And pillary Allefhaoyfail AsrtfObis's giant ua. , y 7. f"Hwp price. 1 He not fallen i sLa .i 'til'i 1 UDPOM the totrni w-ji - Si Atornd fyVilleewer before the bta.7r 1,..- Vfti) ! Or qoiH a l' daik dI r a notw. iir V-'-i -r I ! For ibogb IU elwlSe desolate. Mu iron ma ntgii esttte ; qyMMti mid he roic stUI. . Ho.is.oot faffen ' Evirt brpva "f ' 1 Frnm ild PenobscbtS forest ireea J ' nr rrrvwcean-e snurei rrnnHikUikj .... u 7 'A -Tr?'"mw'"orinian seaa. ? Or where tbe m- inuw iiKB cm In, .nil j 1r- rlS DQOtn Wl uO A to bli Mr . m -am m. . . x - t nomiffe io TllS loftv niindJL M A ndihe fallregittT'fiad-:' A prai;wl,icb pit riots only ir HHc W 3. -1 M,s.-,r vl ' 1 a mint. eyet Are tarniog ntadly ar,tfthim ; , " -.ot 01 oio Moral riea. . 'ik liht, grows dii! f ' Abd.n.eiwkef;om!e i And,wefoiebiporerbeam. h J , ! ! 1 Tie ear seat tf al better day. !4r ' i AH bail I The hone la hinnin (m. i t Whniic,T fl'd bf slaooer'a flame, , .Caharmed, without a laorel gobe. r. V As from t he flmea of Batty too" J HTbe angel joartled trial cime! -f f Tbe stdblerer'ebill be silenvthn; His spel shall leave the minds of mao, And higher glorv Wait u poo . I ' The" weairWVi' riot'a fat ore fame. .1.1 - ' )jfti..-i - -i ' . - VISIT WsJsnIIa -ANNA tf 83a 1 . i. ? I 4 : : . 'i ; . - ' - Wearjited aboot fivf oVIoeJeat Mangade Cla- va, after pasaihe through leagues of natural gar den, ibe propwty pf Sn;a Anna, r i n nogw ta preuv j siisoi loosing, soo Kept in nice order. . We were received bv in aid-de camp In full uailotm. and bv aeveral ocWra. and rn30C"a 10 ,sr' coorsgreeabie apart-etn-.fVm-:fc;; f,u,f - m ,ftnftt wt?fch horily entered 'nofafaapta Anns, tall, tbin. and at !H ir'f "o0' 01", morning, dressed toreeite us, jn clear wh'temostib, wiib white satin ahoea. sod with very apleodtd diamond earririgs, brnai and rings She vrts vetv polite, acd louodoced Wjdaoghter.fGitidallJpei ilotatore;kifIhejr;-.. mamma io featorm and roatoma. ' ' ' V i. . l.:i. . a . ... ' -1 himself, a treatismaniv lootiBtlvrii j .' "j . . .. ' ?? '. AiMuH r.lliAr ma inh.Ji I. bin rani 'ill, - onbJeir.Tnnswnti; aomewbai of a Invalid., nd t .. 11.. 5-.: -..-..-1- n.; . - an u?i a if t7 iiautii a 11 it? a c; b bhk autaaHis ia a-AB7 ar iuu iar; - : - t B h , 8aUow pfinV darkyes, 1 -fr. .-.j ....L.L- Ju ;i.J..t--L:r . ..tr-.WK sionof face. ;KrwioTiotaingorbtr pawf? toryi one woold have aid s philoaopher; liviog. in dignified retirement ne, who had tried world, and foond that all waa vanity jbne "whe J , had aoflfeted inratitutfe " and' who, if he were "$ : ever persnadsd to emerge from bis' retreat . w i I k woo Id onlt do so. Cinrinnatna like te benefit his country. It is strange bow frfquently Jbiav fc f exbressron of ' phitosophie resisnstborofcisladd; sadbesa, is to be remarked oir lite coaateoantes of tbe deepest . m"St ambitious, and Oioat desigif "'""! L... kT' . i.aa-MmrL T 'l IUCU. 'V u K..r u.u a. ; iiuwt4; the Queen, fof Soair.l Written nn tlib fttppcsitK.n 'A of his siili being President, with which beseem ediwell pleased, hot merely made tbe fnnoeeot a, .i tri in .w. r . im ; fiDServauon,. 1 nw wii ur jn .. inraj 1 1. wa only now and then. tbe expreast-.n of his eye was aiartling, : henjhe apokeof h lef, which is cat' off below tbe knee. r He speak of it freqoentlt like Sir Iobtt Ramoroy cfbieb'ondy ev ....J 4,'. . Uiv an kOMinnl nf Ilia wound and alladea to the Fredctron that dat hia boontenaoe' aasorees that air of bitternetv which Ramoroey's may hive ebibited henk speaking f. Hrry the Smith. Otherwise be made! himself very agreeable, spoke a sreat deal of t)ie"U States Jand of the peieons whom: be likd known there, and. Id his ma lifters was qalet audi gentleman- IfkJfand. al together , a entire poliahed hero than 1 had expec ted to see. ;Tq judge from , the past, he will not lob remain if hta hjsent state of iaactkb. 1 B'ealfast was announced Te en ra Je Santa Anna led mejio.l" SK , j Aftrjli bieakfaat iW er,ra dcspaicbd an , officer for heilbtgar jcasf which vaagoid. with a diamond laticb rTerjd met a eigarwbich I hatirt: deelind b lighted her own. a litde pa per ctgnfaf; and libel gent'emen foils. ed ber" giiod example IJfe Jf- mien j' Rttorl CbwrTkstt $daiu Evtt; oarpre- r sent Minitter England, delivered so orsiion before the Phi Bets K.p tSociety arCambridge at t be'r annual celebratioo, a few years ago, and, after tbe poblio exercises were over, the Society bad-a diooer,ias lejustfal. ea j sorb oecaaionS--.1 odge Story Jw bo presided at tbet tables, it said r to have proposed tbe ftllotog sentiment, after . tbe cloth waa removed io compthsent to the or tiof : The Orator of ike daw Applause follows the" .4. footiteptol fame wberrccr t (Etereli) goes-M H i'-f pany to Mr lveretiwo immediately arosa a W . 1 nn oirreira idw iiirunvo u ( ,-.t.h-.j made tbe following bappy retort : f The Members ef tW Uzal Frofein Howetei Miy4etr sptaiKio oay be. they ; - i ... . aS -a- aP ""-1 retiring, b wia in the ba&n otatwsrminr r side of "bv Od iwiib tbi warming pan Jf ?. iilg tbit, the wis of'en annoyed by cfeis 'eo'"" trances againaljl, ajyiitg that ahe woold burn t.,m irtonirS aK ht nlan aaaared htm.thr , . . . , .7. -.niJ 1, 00 da f tbil core him cl litis br UII0 p"Mi, . n J "f - " - hrtbe cue nfiaed pter piq with snow lo- :teadbf coats : no twonet dtd the pan tourb uio. tnan be apranj irotuine o ttiii af due 11, jaars l tearve oora wiw. 'fclif - ?j 1 I nctet can irse btgner tnae one owryt- r -.1 i teM- r ,-.. Effects of lmagiilewtsv-rVr tb Mem 0?rf .reJaitfuUowiog a a , well i-aot heoiicf led anecfloteof a gti Jy ;- ho . '. was aceuatomel to ply er wheellwitthe Jg i : alieter evening, lo!g ' a-jfief ;"ber htabnd ba'd re ; tired toTfiil fr tnaj labma of the 4t. BeU.r 5 f till tM- r f 1 ; i i I - i'-H I -e -it .4 "i it .1..- J 1. -4; si.-.' 1 . 1.1. 1; : ! 1 it ". r':t ; ? t 1-j t ;t( t aj '1 - it ' ' '"" ; fl f S if'; f i i IP WA : : i:.:Ar'A:-A 41 43' r It If ! S : ii . ' f "5s i ' ; ' ; . - ' I ', ! ' ( 1 ; vi- 'il i fel' . 4, L i ' ' '- i a ' If ' "- i , if; 4t V - -ji-1.1 1A