Atf A : ri H '!,!- Al'r I Ait ?. : !.1f;i! l- :"Mr- ' : t r-S3' - -ifl- - u I i T i - 1 .- I . Mi i i"i - ! Ljirl ;!fWl:;-' : A T -.: ! 1r,g SiW ; i i , I - & , -iM , . : A V '. ' ! T ;t i C ' h i' ?!, (-.;;: A'3.i-l; - . . .-; - ViA j v u - v ;i ' f-A I . AIA-AA ;..A, !-it -A-.- if -i li ' ? I 1 t A ;j'--A Jp's9ifme I j Iflfe! AVE PfJ.v j.i : 'WMl'1 '"lotion anil vHfl-poVr rales. . , 'KK'fcitf'' se 7 1 te a r-A, xk -x L :ifrmwen& M be;'eontrnoM;ihtir & 'few fres3fd to iKe: Editor mot 1Ah -s I rf"FT': itfit T! Jfc i -;iAA -irfoSSaU- , . ':? - 111 Jfe siiiiticmBER r1 f 80 a ?!io dfAaibnry, N. Ci, informs his Friends ihJN&!lfertjallythatthe same is now Jffl fefeiHrt:of rsielrers t Boarders: lMand:l IABr will be' sanplje'd with ubesl awrket aod surrounding cuuntry afj- Jjufci'!n-arl3'6yfid'elr.f all kiqdsi af nJrifui attenii'yOsilers.t . .olrny jpiedgea himself; thaCk In 19 :3rt shair .bp warjt?nar;'to give genr !kiat8ttaf( him with 'ei j& Co ;lt9 posHiff-oalM IBkfSsllffee fbm;3eorf, and caasioff f lox ZLnSifiif:aite2dr Foe ladies after chHJI VV' j ,?'li. . . ..MM Mkvnna' A rk.'k m A m m ' m m pTodocedl ! 4thf growth is started! vei bsr at'ention to the latest nd4 i3 b It free ihe head.f rom dand-i nT, jtrfr.g..ri?: t4) jrootl. imparts health ano war eirtulatioo. and. preveois'fthe hair lion ci',iy,!j vuv",v r "'j i Ti -55 " - sr'" tus"i 'theiiait to curt beauilfolly-tf b en dooe o d fai(:oierW;.;M;!'; At' A: .S.v A?ra laSitSf tbkt"deUhpot it,' .7ih- CjbiWr who have, y" any 009 con--tictcd iettoinl b "the head, are immediately and mlecj cuied.pfthem by its ose. It is fotalli- kfel-Altil3"!--1'' : "'-"1 "A Iideertjj)ail4 ahofjt five yearsno more hair; oa ih e t op S 1 iwj Jv au tia n jwi' theibackAf jdtI hpkd cftVipr'ed wiih a i h lik sea rfi fufcil'wSattit boiitiiihe' 10th of Aogdsi .'last,c jtn festtiilhe.Balm Columbia, from jConvij 0J4&rn.W:hicfe, 1 ha.e bsed two ad iy:rt$$?M the ;B"ilm, which has folty Ire- i Icra myrJiau, ana irceo; my qeaa enureij iroaj arjTjl-bf.idiv Covered with fiae flaw Ani Ii4it Which any one may see by qalliiiit mir wie At ; t a'nlf ord , Con nect icu 1 J T 5oVli2,!tS40AV-:'. ID S SCOFIELD CounwIeMW are abroad look valwaya for! the For Mfaihh'Bl WaieKman Offiee'andiny 'C ee-lMi-l Or iith; Ralegh D 3' Mtt Ji!sbiri';:flf, k ItSloao, Greeosboroi J r ahrv: 1 .rT(nwtni . ; : ! " - M tSrandetWs VmtXmm UNIVERSAL PILLS A T . urtVVatthifi Office.- :. ';r.l-!' -"-AA! -Si 11 .;g-.-oi842tfi4: y vIiOijU'kt-, Di;. Sliefman's ad- vefeilfvu;if ybu wish reliel for-yftur itia f U'dwi, call and j obtain a remedy ot C . Bvr ;:-pAAi-- -. j tl20 . lIHiiti afflicted. f The 'rikl SlsliiVt feciiveid' a- lar?e and Jfrs-b 5??lvMl)plutrttl's;Ufe Medicine. -iCall &l b i rkifi i 1 v n t n c 1? r .1? i -. sSTOIlBHT AT .yilf'jifnf ! AA-;, cans. lilA I' 51; Ootton Yarni ,91 90 (Molasses, 35 a 40 'hpi.fis?UiV--'.' PVV' :!Nail8;ArA!A6a;7 Oats, 15 a 20 Pork, ' Sugar, br. 5 a 10 V9tt.e.ui : If f!4 Mi loaf, 15 a 18 Porti. 'iilfl 25 J Salt, sdck. V 41 f Tobacco, ( 8 a 20 r-r ri rfow-L nen, i2 a 16 lit 1 . ( 'I1 f U-T T'. ' ' -w. bush 75 Whiskey, 25 a 30 yool, (clcrt) 25 1 23 a 25 3i t jriirNail3cut, !5I a 6 ma 6 1 iSusarbrown.teia 10 ;;a;i7i-lLump, . -14" ij: 1 Hi-.: 'iti 9 at- id .naf, 15 a 18 I ' ffl. i i -11' "t C alt, 00 a 60 aYarn.iHa 18 17. -Iva a'5ti-! ooaacotcaf 2 a 2i serif; ?s I on on - Bolton bag I 20 Bale; rope, 8 a 10 VVhcat. new a 80 AyiiislceyA 25 a SO tin.- i:.t Wool, 12! a 15 10, 1843 Bitot Natls? cutassor 5 a 6 5 5S.J.vrAf,- L wrotirrlii: 1 A a ift lit 10 a Qats bushel ta SO 22; a 25 QU gal ' 7SV80 linseed 1 10 aU 25 Fork lOOIbs 5 a 6 Riri v 1 rinl ko ;;! a c t.'SlJI i- . -5 i f; - German: 12 a 14 .tf IA iKi-fr- NO; 3VOLTf MK xfS' 1 "n -. I -4 ' n L. 1 i I r . PI .pEMAA A id. i UaiO Ulil V UA.t H - (Bate ' 1 - T HAVE tlocaied ysel:jp;f ihe Tbwrr; of fcasseti !in thii Sstal or oat of it. ' MviEstaM i8hronH inl th;room onithecoroer-iiftthel jOfiice 4: 1 1 laeinployed,the beat ofcNotthern; Worki neir.l?; u-expense or pains oei spared; in all re8peci! Qentlemen. !lhereforet m,ay.reIy faohbe arjd Nliarable mannerf I?ibaibeen enffSffld'tesroiari? in coltiosi for' fie years Jand part oT the time, in some of the most ceieijraied esiaDusnmeni" in: ioe ouuincri.cuunj irfftllbal! not riesi'ate t to goataKtee every Jhing" LdlJI)0(Ni AniSi?AD: NEW-YORK! h -1 i ., t , 4 WceiVejd !inonIfey. E ibeen4 couTaea,:no opsaeea seoa awaj 10 procure guiHt clkiltiinjgr.llf AW&l AAA-CA .;'.$''..; i Aiu-! ;ii!CHi1-p-lifTlA- A. P ALSOBROOK. ! ncc-IHosMliterRaleigbt N;CJ Salisbtt7; jBiirtary 21,1843 ljf2S i AAi iiSig;i 1;;- ,.-4 -. ,vv': ,.-.'ji fW0R 5IiS !WO R 53S1I -vt '.dridfohijftlTen anjd adblta arelbat year ly j wU$ orri8y wjben"some oilier cause has been ttfcb'8!Bdj,ftQ titiiroe: onal. -:-iJ:L . f nij jafadimf tfisd ibj all doctbrrjbat scarce it man, wdnjan oitich I Id- exjis te but ! w hat are f sooner jor latelr; roofed wl 1 H; Wormsi a nd v in h o nd reds i'of jcajp4i jsadfstoViHIaey a supposed fever scarlatina, jBdif16K'8etVeffaiHp carries off the' flowers bftieihdjnanmiiywhiU Iii- trirth they die of ;WdrmSs! fadtbe8 cootd habeeof eradicated th:lj.oyi;l'ilojiW v,- pott!"' of KriHtbtockfy Vemfuml aifthelost pf.aj qoarteft a diila r ! sHqw sicienlog, the thooght 'that these jlbiriga 6 h oil fjdr be ta nil bf4': ea n eyej.forgire thetnselres fori bptj tryinsr fpm. iwprntuxMrmnaior.i wtien (hev oto thai even IfAht ca6e was not worms. jimyfild filot by arjjrppssibjlity dptburvj oo l piwaya gooo las a pqrgBiie-iwi jnais; ease bejfcatTii ;;may - -How Important then to OMjitanjw$f:w'! t daretakethe responsibility todb witbput Iffv L6re0iy parenHthatjis not' ft.bfaia'tlmsoiTes tbkioestfoQ jn troth and obroesjti ::-Ut:S;A' ;. -Mr J pi lgVWp'fiad a; child Very sick for neariiwd WiBjBad attend , by n;physiclan, w ithbb t relief Whejn, Kolmstbck Vermifoe was giyeianjl neiii fjajr more ih rty' wormsjwere passed, wiebtj4 cblld lecoyepdj-apidly 'A j:" TvL''icjli'nf bf)-.BioW'w9riB;P ningr: near the 1 aohauaji VVJa terj.Works hp)J dwindled for a m Hntlh tJrCfckfelton; wjt h; g reitd ty ness of themothVind itching ot be"nose.v "At? hbi rnjtije ad wjio'paUed to provide for the farnij; sritt immediatelv-if&ilmptpck's - Vermifoa which! 'brbbghtli way .igreattq'iantitiVa ' of . wornm r.. ii ik.kllU.l tUa nhSM m Hy W BraadiPfHKhad wormsto- a-fi'ghuot exteot. and weriefaU cnreidlranidty with: this Vermtfuve. flTF'Iml A'g M some bf fihk best fa miji? s! i nj the neighbor r ted aliareinteniUyf wbTms. a'ierf ail: other aaqi jaueo, wnicojwas, very waibusitb- iniritirt'bf;the ci)y A:A:':l:i; " A larony inew! Jersay saved eeyeral childrep. by thease ottt,- Une, agift ;oi eigni years, ot agev.'bad (become! txeeedingly emaciated jjefofje thej Vif rm)fogfWa gtwen-; s J he next daytjnree latge :wofns;wBf9 piladged, arid she Jeff off' t he Vermifoge, wilert Ke became again" wprset arid. naq resori to&e, y ermuuge inai unanj uiiMigui, away fanineritibie!Tqbabtiiybf worms, a nid. the? a way an jincredibiei qQabtiiy'cf' worms, a md the carle- was coonpletet tod she gained her. health t.ifiill?f"KilitiL:ff:i--r.lVi. ! i- --i -Hi. ; jtriT9icii otj s ranging naq aocierea b iami tof4MldrenlBomweeks j wit hout being able tuf store bat one' oat! of the seven to health P H-! bad the libera lltyj k send for KolmstockfslYert-j mifngei and caied the reat with it id less than a wefo.iyffpA ?v l:;: - ; INqmpfpn iasesjot otnar complaints were sop -posed Mlit!aolIthe persons treated for Bye. S;b,tbai .finally latjrial of iihia Vefraifoge dtscbTi ered the' true feansb of the sickness, by brinffing .way;;imiji.;! iMommbe.'qantlty ,bf wjofm large; and .smalt, and Jhe persons recovered w:tb great despatch...! Instances 'of this kiod might be cited to ah immense extent, hot jv is oseleVp, one trtal tor "Zo cents win snow any one wun aston ishment the certaib erTeets of this VermitngeJ Cattitotilevf buy this article artless it have Dr Kolmsock'a; IVermtf geH handsoroeli-en SI.a ni G reerisborbil D Heartt - -Hi llsbprbV i J P Mabry! Eeiintob k Dt 5tithrRaleigh: - A4A " 1 J-i1 TBI H B'aojjblft wbald respectfully, antfbuhce -jl; io me paw icn,ine nave removea ineir !oppei n-plat and Sheet Obe door abqveideorge VVj Brown & Cot. and loppositesbsllLvJCowa t bey are. bette;prf pare toaccomroodate aud sx ecbreltlpfderfftn; Ibeirliof on shbrloot Iceland iin" iht verw Kor fitvle. 'rfr? - ' ' " ( Mi A AlsolfebsiaiiLtlvibn fen4, a'choicr eopnlyi of r PI it II 'Wirt W a rov 'Rrtlannia W AtmZ N & Co. N eatly iateti nd fbf sale, at tbisQfficjB aIcbrf, ahdrfgaihed itia I , strength Jvless -evWatichildwretna hlffnlri respectable fam- graved on tne ootsiue uoer, ana ine iac aimite of iCorostoclilldqlrA i A:. .:;v"- IfAi; A'LenfsCiBl WbeelerV'- Salisbury V J.i& " R i . . . . j - ; t . - I n ' -1 liEPJiUiWG. fl HH R Sabscriber respect folly informs hjs old JL Friends and the Public generally, that he has opened a 6hopia?alisburj in the above bosi? bess, in a rooms; directly opposite .Vest's brick building; in jhe liouse of ;Dr. . Burns -TbrmerFy owned byJno. I Shaverand just bebW : J& W; Murphy". , ' j- r - I ' ; f- . .'"'J n ad Jitiob: ttfi'he above, ' th i subscriier? will carryon the ; Silver Smith Business n alJ the varieties, common Jn 'country -towns; soch as making Spoons T&.c,- tand repalring't Silve Ware. . ii,,:.-'.,- i -. A : jh j . He assbre the pohlie that, if pancloal attention to bbsiness, a n d aki Hfu work w i I eti title him to patronage and support,' he" willmeV-3 A A AARON, WOOL WORTHS Not;' 1"3-(J6,' -, - I" t If. A; i:Mj.'$her9t: imuy 1 1 1 V- j JlreJhebesfMEDWIXES Wtke IVdrld, "JllJ?INfJ theTcheajest and roost pleasant. T fjH'he Medical Facolty warmly approvelheml 71ryShrrnstii ta i uWil fill and fcXDerienCed PhV sicianand a member of the Medicil Soctetylb Are thasafest.rsure'si; and mosi effebtual remedy for Coughs; Colds;; ConsoroptionJ Whooping Cough,' Asthma, nghtoess ,ol the Lungs or Cbeshc.; A I '" ; I ; jSln innN a .woRitr. lozenges ' Ar':tnVb'f.inUib!eworm destroying , medii- pine ever discovered.- Tbey , havelxeenrjised in over iPOjOOOriaseaand never knbjwn'ifo fail., i SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Gtva Tmmediate relief in nervous oj sick Head- ache.'palnjtaticn ofiihe Heart', Low n ess of Spir- us, LJespouoency, r, aioung, wpptssmn- or a seose of Sinking o"; the Chest, Diarrhoea, jLas sitcde, or aseose of fatigue; ! I - 0SAerKioas lFecer te Lozenges j ; Are. the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American 'public In the immense nomber of cases in which; they have been used, ibey have never been known to fail. ' . ; : -: :-. . j;. y. p heman?s Restorative Epseriges. I Diarrhosa or looseness of the bowle, so com mon a n d t ro abl esnme daring thesaromer muntha. may now be entirely; prevented by a proper 9e of these LtizengeV They are prepared express jy!or that purpose; and cao be relied jonj-'with perfect confidence. Persons subject 1 1 a derange rnent of the bowels should never be w ithoot thetb They afford immediate relief from si the attend ant gripinsrs, faintness, depression. $c. ! Sherinanls Cathartic iLbzfenel Are as pleasant and easily taken as the eommot, peppermints; land are an active and, efficient medicine. They cleanse the atomach'and bowels, and'are; thelbe8t . 'cathartic ever bed for iilionk persons. AVbere an active medicine is required ihey.are'nbt only the best, bat the sa est that can be'administsred. A- A" A- . -..f ifeAif ' Thebest of all plasters bagoPain or Weakness . in the Back, Loinst Side or BreastL v... "AAl'i ll' v ". The above medicine i for sale;. wholesale or retail, at "the SaTisbory Medical Drbg Siorei by! r ! C. B W H E E L E R ge n t ,' : i : "i. J A A- Salisbufy.iNlCi-1. .-Sesiyg- 'I.',.. A-,1 1 ; . j ; Orm yiofftitls Jfgetitiile lAfe TpOSSESS joalities6f the most mild aVd be JL . neficial vna tore. They a re composed of a r liclea the mo8t' anti-oat rescent: combified with ingredients known as the rpnly certainlaritidole for fevers; of every description W heb; the His? easer is produced bit nef from "cold,iobstrbctioni, oau air. Gwaropy ana gamp Muauuu, yr parriu mtasmr," whether malignant or epijlemieor by other ca bses; these medicines'are certain in' their operatjbhs or eijects Thfey arb; pssessed;bf pe collar noalities!.; which not only experalf disease. out at me same lime rpsiore ino im aoraie ine system-. When nrst ,tak'en ; into tne siomacn. t hey, tmroed iately diffuse t hemsetve r iiKei y a po? throngh every ! pore; producing efJei-tsrar onei delightful; salatary, and permanent When thf spark of life begins to srow dim, the ciirclatiof lananid. and the faraliies paralized.ihese roedi einei are fonndito ffive5 aJone to the herves, exf hileraie the animal spirits, invigoratij tne Douy, and re-animatef the'wbole man .' I .-- , . : i. , r-- . . i--r . . - The Life Medicines have also been osed with the most hanpy -sweess in v iN.ervus and, Llys- nentio diseases; Consnmption Asthmb;iLi Complaint Rheumatism, chronic andlioflama- ': '':' - 'I: o il.: t..-..1v . - i -i . . coryj u ropRiea.ccr.- v 'j. i;r 4C3Call ai .CkW St Boger's, i?gcn. Saiisbarv. Oct 22. 1842-ly 13 I t K 1 1" D1QINES are! for sale "at James Cross Roadsv Kn" A snODiT CI IVte aiwie iihiusuib iirr Iredell ifioantyi by c "j"ilp;ir"t --. 4 AV C MelNTOSH, Aient nSrA f Tfkll AKES this method of and the. public, that he is still carrying outheAV atch and UloeK maKioganq ,Ke pairing .business. at f his! oh Island, near the Courthouse All . work? done ot': him will be warranted, for iweiTe caonins. ne anil uu uiuu.iu4i( assortmnot of Jewellery-,- . Iirit 1 -Old Gold. and Silvel taken in-exchttDge fcT Jewellery or work done. , . Salisbury. JUarch 12 1842-tf33 J. s Johnston ATTORNEY i AND COtTKSEI.OR At tiAW. ! i . I. . rTi. 5? l T.ISRTiR Y: Jv. c "&!is6ory, Jsaf 7,' 145 tfi4 5 . ' Si .ML 4 ; 11-. r - .--1 ii j ' . 1 1 ii "4 annwjiL fi -the biSeru A H reck of Meaner SolwayLos of lije- A orofOCondrrcoming here to'faA iate Utpeal-Propostd legalizing of4ht K admission of American Grain at a tow raie py au, q-c. ere The, pew Slearn-ihip Htbernia, Gapt. Jddktos,t arrived at Boston yesterday morn ing. f She aailed'froia Liverpool on the 19 in I tilt.,.lo which day;we have full files of Lun- oon ana Liiverpooi pipers., x i TfV Great WeterD was not to sail till the 29lh tilt. .There being no glaring dock unoccupted at Liverpool large enough to ac comroodaid beabeAwaa tkeo round to M ilford, wbere.the dAmage was repaired in three -days! She .is noVjn Liverpool. - 1 - The Hibetn ja ca noe out full of Passengers. Every berib waa takenv ii f ; A. Letters from the Hon.' Edward Eterelt an nounce that he declines thb Club r Mission Parliament has adjocrned lor the Easter holydays, and wilt meet aj?'ain on the'24ib. V:thoot the exception pflhe United States, the Cebaits during the Uat fortnight have on ly possessed a domestic interest. r" ; f, . Another vessel'ibelonflihii' to. ihe:unfortu- nate; VY.;i; Roy aUIaif Steam Pckef Com pany has been lost the SotwaV, wh'icb aaiU ed fniib Southampl'un diiUhe 1st inbtant, boend tor the West Indies. She was Wreck ed oriia reef, t fl" the island of Sfsargaaooot twenlt miles to tbV ureal 'xtf Corunnabv ing called at lbe latter '? place to receive and deliver mails. ; The' iaeahclioly accident occurred at mtdnight on the 7ib, after fsbe riao oeen a wee k ar sea. : ! After having left' Corunna about a couple of hours, all the passenger and most of the crew (withi ; the exception of ibose ontt daty ) being in their berth's asleep and unconscious of their danger, the vessel suddenly Btruck on a rocky shoal, called the Baldpio, with in a mile and a'bairbfthe; coast ; and not withstanding the utmost exertions were used by Captain Dohbao, . the ofGeers.. and crew the urrforturiiate vesssl stink within twenty mtn'ofliiii; ihineeiirathn)i 'MrA. . By Ithetoder'T) CapiainflWhcan (tvbo was lost,) Itljebalattco as-jSf9i. tjoi" into the water. 3nd as obVn' as itc-puld conveniently h ld werel'lwered into it,;but the frail bark wan n t destined to reach the shoe. ? From some cause onexplained it : was C3utzed, ' i ' and every j soul on board: perished. The firet paddle-boat was then lowered, and into mat also as. many crowdeU as possialy ruc,. and notwitbsiandtng ftbere was no oar to assist, them, it managed to reach the isbore in safety iby paddling, -r. ;lt is supposed that many . wen down with the vei sel. there no time to launch the ther boat. that is kept on the paddle wheel, to sve tboso !efl on boardi ; y Those who were thus saved esccpef!, of morse, witn no csotnes wnnever but those hey stood : in. Immediately oh the veasel striking she pitched corisiderably head fore- most, ana s soon as tne cqio waier reacnen the boilers they collapsed and blew up. ll 15 suppoaea, mat many perisnea oy mis mis- aou it also lortuereo tne more s pee ay lestruciion pi ine essei., j ne size oi me LMddIe'rbost3 -bor.ta kepi;pafpressly for cases MCfideht may be judged ft om trie fact that 52 homan beings Ascaped in one' of i hem and so close was it to the waters edge, that it was a mercy it reached the shore in safety - Nothing but constant balidg and good management kept herafloat. . ThesSftl way steamer entaila a lossof 30,- 000 sterling, upon the Lobdon offices, and upon tbose of Glasgow f i310,000; Lloyd's have escaped with a Uifiing cost, most of the insurance bfiices being her! underwriters. The cost of the ship was -JGOO OOO, o that the;-unfortapaie;'conipan be longed, willibe minus i320 000. , i This is the third steamerLwttch hBs been lost? by, the jcompahy iii a fb w mornh?. fl'ho Medina, it till be rem era ber ed, w a s wrc ck ed r IT Turks-head, and, tnore recently; the Ists riT Bermuda. ! v! fM " '- ; : A miinst be novelties iof the day "may "be otired the fcpeedy dep rture ol Mr OTon- nel I s eldest son for the Unites JStates, ac- rompahied by Mr. Thomas Steele; to organ ize an agitation there for the more speedy repeal jof the unionan Irish method, troly going so far abroao lo.jjcarry a project at home Pecuniary, rather than patriotic roo- tivesAt is uncbantably assumed, inEuence the mission. - -1 .: .m-1 ; ; - Th7Vwfonnns of Ke 5th Inst;; states Tai'gier. f Tbe latter H-atJi betbjsoperceded1 tn his post, and tbe flag of tbe Unioo having been iMsted .on . tbe -j Gbn:ol,ar fhouseryras saluted by tbe battenes of the place ; . ;Tbe passengers; arrived dut in tbe packet ship olonteziniay Ctt." before sep arating presented at highly complimentary and elcquenf address and a piece of plate to C4pta4 Lwber,rfor hisf persopal coonesy and his! bqmanfty in sating i sixteen fellow creatures tVom : perish ingfofl bjwjtck of a Ffenchbrtg called the St.f Berhar, of Fe j catDp. rbich be found lDnyt.se8l-.:bai picket IshHotiinger ti)tr Bursleyi ar ititd Nation tbe8th and; th !Vigini8. Capt. Allen, too the 14ihlt7and the day fb. lowing the Colombia mae Jber appearance after, eteten df ys passage ; f rom HahIax,con vering the mails in safety j ..A -Th West iniJiaRoV all Mail steam ship Ti?bltf Capt: Allen, arnted at f almonih on thai trie Emperor of jAJorbccd bad giyen satr is fact ion to the United Sates for the;intm!l tiered to their Consul by the Governor of - i .rf- 4.-- - if'-t.'-. the2nddShem Vfrmm tfm,nd - The ianufactOrlng-dUWeU Uf rirnriii hWebHtinue in :E;Or?5J3li3 state. ? There' isi mhrivtW i dii j:Ji. are realized. - lU rfTI P J- The Liverpool Comlihj iidoriogtKpasTlWe'eM -HPcr.ucB. ioeafniaDd!bas,been exteh stve afioniform: AT hpHcesf ilao .it pie still low, but thermrit stale of Ihinga if CODtlOOed. mnt il;"i?itV;SJ.:uLivi. - - ney isabnndaniTwhich can b&o aoytsl tenr.;it an onpreceVented lof rafcpf inerl imlOT b!nS W f botl iecqrityv wUhi agaotr;ootrageco8pexutati0n; f i ,'?e' ' s om Pr4Pef 4bat li he ontrj -trosipnists will be ini aliniriMritTlit ihe nlt meetings of the Genera) Assembly of the kjuvtcu pi , ocotia nn 1 ..l it 1 -- The ntMDber of Roy.r infaet i still tot two. The Q eeniaccouchrienl is loo&ed fot daily. : - V y vi at;iu-:; -The opening of thJ whole Ine of ihe Fana and Ropeo ritrbad Ito- iiti 'jbabli?' says the Presse. is posiiirelt fixUs fbt Mil 3. As the titne apprarhestor tidmisslon a -fixej doty hopeioix the onel)and, and fears on the other, ire- fel Motidlixuiessed respecting the probable; working of the new measure..-- . A; j-.- The fears ofahe Country gpitllemeo I'jjf'e seriously worked upon .by the knowledge of tbe fact that a billwill b!e inlfodaced af- jje. Eisierfor iejallzfngthe Itfmisslon j of Norm American gra)o, it a lotirrate of u- ..;r-l"AA4:;A.; -:Afi U Eighteen Vessels totally o-Toe lite hortn-oasterly windsbate, WeJererto spy, been productive ot the moit dirastroassbiti wrelts along ;djfierent parta Mthe colst though happily auaitended witlt loss of life. arising from the alacrity and fefSciencviof Mi? vudn uuaru aervice ana ipeir boatmen. During - the laaf three; weeks upwards o' eighteen vtresets are 'known o bate been wrecked. ' -" ' -, ' 1t v ' 1 i j ; In the Uousfi of Lords on the lltb. Lord Ashborion'addressed tho housi itf the" filn luwing terms,' in repiy xo tne vote ot tnaqas the Lordf conferred upon himfqifregulatrng the American Treat! t-Mv ords Refilre your lofdships proeeejd NofihWfbustncssioi ! the day, i beg to take. the earlles opporu I nity oL making my acknowlcdgemeois to your lordships, and of expressing my deep sense of . the bonor conferred n,'me by ibe rt-Boiuuon wnicn, or pe votes oi tne prp- Mseedincs ot your lordshio's house. I observe was passed on Friday last, j ij k 4I & 'Hear. hear.V Thl lesolutibn and highly grateful toj myself f personally, is rendered in rat oiind, of tnfiriiiely greater vaiue bt the opinions expressed by yojur lordships, namely the expression of the f Satisfaction ni your fordahips the resto- ration of a good understa nding witb te United States' which It is al iKe;tno auty sdo "t 'i it . . the interest of both countries j to maintain unbroken . v An expression sd fbll of Wta Idoro and sound polie$, delivered bi sucbj s body as the peers of this kingdom, cannot fail to hay? a roost vat a able effect in pro ducinp that conciliation, which 1h in itlf somcteni to secure loai enc 89 mucii. oe rv 1 . .:.;' f . I sired by your lordships . . . i i !- i i: ... - i ne overwneimiog importance, in mr S4 mind, of the settlement of those unfurtun- ate differences which had jgrajlioIlj growl n op between the iwo coni,t'ir, vs my great inducement to lmderskt jthe tssk- near ana pernaps jcaqseu me not -nil cienlly to estimate my own di'prieni-v its execution. Iibaeibd. hjWever, the good fortune to havohe performance of its duties approved by. my Sovereign by her Mnjesty's ministers, and I havplpow to add the almost unprecedented jhonnj! of the ap prohation of your lordshlip, bpuse, and it is quite impossible ; for me ttij express to your; lordrbips how tleepy sensible I, am of that honor. '.' - i j. A- .jfjj ' ;Vf ' yiy l-rds, in con tties under ;free govern meni, si.cb as-we h-jve the happiness to live under, and America, it is; natural thai questions of this importance shbuld be dis russed witb great freedom, and (fiat has been me case wun regara to toe treaty wnicn 11 has been my lot to execete A Although I r a a J" 1 ' ? -; trust tnai me conditions i irerjsucu as are likely to be condocire loj the ffuture main tenance of peace, and tflectualjy, arid en tirely and fairly to setjtle the question in dis- pute I most freely -assure your lordships that the mere minutej qcesli-in jof more or 30uidary,wh tcb has teen tb$ sub-- p nf houitdarv 1 ject of much discbssipn; boih!ltereand on . - ' J . , -r - , I Z the other side of the j water, weighed n-my estimation very little; a com jiajris'sn to the larger question of tbf settlement which it would bo atrsfctoryto uiakq in the estim ation of honorable minds in both countries; and should conteod that tbe settlement is one which is founded oo honorable terms. u" , ... , i . ,jiJ , and which is likely o prodote peace It tsho: my intention togo etaft linta any nnestion eonnecteo wua imi iransacuon . i ' t i ' t . .i. , - :!'.' 'l t but I will oniT iBainieipie w yuui iuiu ships the deep sense wbich irfutertatn of the nonor iu inai BpyioiiaiHu . wun-u you have been pleased to exbrels which is tbe highest reward that ! can!receive fot the bumble efforts which; I made w w hat I con-? ceived to be a good cause Cheers ) The Duke of Wellington -t Lam-sorft ne house will bave beartl the speech of tbe no- noWe lord with saiiifactiod. ! I cvnJlder to i move that the wbrda prf ssed bythe jiobVJord bbJ this -occas ioti .-4 rfHfciviBe bouse. a:- 'on , .ioe. motion tras agreed to; Labors) . - , 1 Hwwiiiftiiiiif .ini-iranoi daogeraf tobichj-ihary ttnteller aomeiioes. exposed; :i oaii; belodsiW lb M t. '?iflHloni:at-Bethany: letatbing s bomawtrd froa a f ish to his friends, K$ok! a r!r- iir ay ; ANiEXfciflNG STORxl H euitoaa cria in erd.? toas a atnali ' fconiain fM v carry fcomsjohis timilyThe aunad'rlaen to ! Ju A tumWgbjr;jhb jtimlie raaeaedVbe Ipoild suuviicia inBnn oown ontMbelv ' kfi inglow roak;thbek paif bf;wbtcb w we . 1 (f p ed ovefwith a ppeeiea of-dwarf tbunLWanes 1 H t4bjthbiwaie;toofc arrVllrioaad teiarned laftheioei. smoked nirt ';"bj k.- . little tirbdfblj asleep, in aTahor: fcnehe Tbeai 1 reflected from tjse rjck a woke him, andhbpeniog ? lfli! bis eyes h4 laVw". iIargV;!ion : crooebinglMfotL " - tiim. and ni Pa a irmn in l.S. - - J 4;.l Jn a litilV iafryiiba a yard of his feetx liewai awtiorilessjtotstmjelminflteVtill b had rom,. n: -i Ji- - lit." 1 . ;.. j- . . vf ' w s. . i lflT-f . f' 'IA ' I , e.d biS presence if bin, then eyeing bis gan; i aaoTed his hind ulnlel insiiil. ii k i: 'i - iochimi raisedhia head, and gavi a tretnendaa j roar ; he oale another abd another at uampitgit ; nne gun ne g lar beyond hia teach, he a0 h ap.aa tne ion seemed welt aware of' hia obfoei..' aod was enagedwhenever be i attempted to 5 move bis handj 'f .Hi. ataation now became pain ful to the extreme j the' rock onwhich heatJbs- came so;bbtt bat he could scarcely bear hia oa- ii iuaiei7 placing oae aoove me otber. The day pafcsedpdtheVghr also, bat the, hob never moved: frombrspdt, the sun arosVagai8and its miens oe.t soon readered bia -left pa.t feling At-nooo tne pon rose, walked to the water, ocly a few yards jdistant; tookirtg behind as it wnt, (eat the man:8boodjmove, and seeing him stretch out bis haid lo take i his goo, turned jo! a rage and was on the polbt of sprfnWbff anon him ' The animal iweot U) the water, drank, and f turning? lay jdowa foain at the edje of the Wk. Another "night passed ; the man7tftdeseriiing1t. sail, he knew not Whether he slept ; bo if he did, ita8tv!benx whhJia eTea pen19he always saw jibe libo 'at his feet -?iNext iay in ue lyrenouni, iue Bifimai wrni again 10 tQe Wt" ter, and while-thert; be listened to some noise, apparently tjrom an oppo&ite quarter, and disap peared in the bushes. The man now made ao-: other efLrt, and seized ha gan; baton attempt ing to rise,' he ff 1 1 , Ii ia an kles bei og withouT powl rX5 With 1 his gun in i his haod, he crept towards . ihe water aod dranV, but looking at his feet he i .' . . .... i .f saw. as neexpressfo 11, nis "oes roasted ana; P4 K k.Wl: the Rkin torn i ff with -ib grass- There, he sat ' j'T,.rJ- .a, few; moments, expecting the ! lion's retarn, when he was resulted to send the contents of the gan through his held ; bat as it did not appear, tyingTbis gan to his back jtbe poor man made tha best of his way oo bis bands and knees tu tbe nearest path, hoping some aoli'ary inditidoal might pass , He epuld go ne further, when pro A videntfally, a person came bp. who took him to a placb of safety, from w hence be ubtaloed help, though be lost his 5 toes, and was a cripple for : life." ' A A,; A " . r " :! : ; ; i . i , i ' Francnis bas ibe following on A relative to terrttorf between ljll is lioiied Stalest. of America ;-- ! ! A - .. . .. ' .; r '- '- The Courier Francnis bas ihe following on the discussion Englacd and the ' We shall shortly discuss the legitimacy f the pretentions of ench pany There leoo both aides an imperiuas fact which predominates over. all considerations and which militates powerfully in favor of America!. : ft baa been often said that civilization j was retorniow . to 4be East In factthrough Rosis aod England Europe is prepaing loi foree the barriers of ibe Asiatic com'-. I. .: . . ( .1.- UmM O r.. i Dii.lfi !. ,,,rt,- Vl' ,uo " rr - ... ..., 1 " J- 11 - J IV' : eQdjr.g,neriCOiooieso,er ne rio'iaoo. new Zealand, and the ArcbipeligooTPolynesia Con seqaeotly, Europe s spreading herself over both ihe newest and most ancient regions of the globe, all m some inMfure washed by the same waves. Hence, thejtime is not distant when the Pacific Ocean will cease lot be a desert, and soon. will be ploughed by the ktels of commerce, driven by sail r steam, will pass freely through tb Isth mus or Panama! France herself, whose genie, of enterprise -has slept too long, bas raised he; phar on the Marquesas Islands It. is the law of gravitation which makes all political and com mer6ial spirit of atbbiiion tead towards ibis cen tre ; and which America obeys while she nrges forward from the east lo the west, till she racb-i es the shores of the Pacific- She has no 'part kinTthis sea, but is aoxiooa to obtain one. . She has, however, managed to secore a resting place, oo the Sandwich Islands, which she bas cover ed by hei protection against British csorpation. The American Confederation, therefore, aipiies Not only to extend to the oimest its territorial I a f-A-m tA-na Knt aStT Inf tvanAr Bt al Wiaieia lAntp.U possessions, bot, by turning its views toward Asia, China, and the iiew lands of Oceaoa. it foiesees a magnificent prospect of fatcrs .com mercial wealth.; England may become excited. ! aod regard witbj a jeafoos eye'these develope- meats of a threatening mercantile rivclry. I'je maioly from the infloence of' this spirit of tm' that the family t'evbiwi-en tbe miher cobni'ry and her cohoie are broken. O.d.and new Car th8gfcao never fwgive each other atijmuojl rfferib't. For lourseUe. lajing aside a'l euo--sideraiions of preTauiion'agalnst the EogJand; we see wiih pSeasore a movement hich soo er or Uteri til ensure o North America a rr-nre f active oart m tbe etvitrzision of. the woi BC,I,B Pari - rld ' Missing Vend.- The Scbr Greeotbury Holt lett New York on tbe 16th Warch l -r ... . , ...... j ..t She td , (u fr,gb for merchlGU h.r,, and in the interior of ih Slate. , J 4 irUmington Chronicle. yr . lookiotr olasa. if i; is a tru one. U S I pienia ibe tace of him ai lck- "in, ri, a w,fe ought to fashion ber-lf te hr an p i.w, 0f her buaband, not to be cheerial when be is ad, oor na when bevf. cheerful. 4 t t I if IT 11 1 1 : 1 III r Vi-.-'l- i V"; if 1 -Mi r - - .: - m It! sr r 1 1 u!?A j-f': Ai .Uf-M. i i -is Mi 1 ' . t i t! ? - fit- -4-- 4A;:S iA' -. A ' . , 7 . "a- d'A -t -. llii: -3i s

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