-i 4 , : t a ril r- 0:4 ' 2 H71' X 4; I 7 -if; ! ' ' . !? - : S" ' L ' - - . U! - - . ' . ' ' - V . I - J ; s 4--I ; " ' '- " -l I it j ' ' - i - i I' ' :. ' -. t 1 ' - '- " . . i - - . ' . ! ' !- l:Jryh, .j.Wy-r-; j: -1 : ' - ( : -: ' . iU : t 'r.'f - jf Ma!'!-;!: '. -. ' r 1 -l': r. I had ? TV 17" 'TT I i itiu titi ru . mi? vsar. . . i . t- ; , i Orlnl -pinffbr in adyance. ilLJ&lnTl'boi it";A; opt .1 on o ? W . LViliitl arrarare9 Sre mid .-7" ' 7,d .1 TERM w "JT -T " 1 7 W.Ve-As-rach conmioanee. n v Ite m;1 . . be made toj oebtM will Ibe. continued out it I iXMei J$ accordingly, unless order f t- imJd'f sseu ine cmor mus i!fi V. t-' K III; in TO- mi.. immmmm :i--'!..sn -i..-hc- ' , ,!-. t stiriMi rcirahvu ni kaunii aim ii.um .:li-,li j.. -ii i. ..j I ieStMsnf d Lpob I ic H ue, ft now li Cll informs bU Friendi same is now -ripiioiei Tfatellers &j Boarders!. ?! Jtfiiul;i si(l be suppljd wiih '' l.UniullKliJoat klMtair that ' dgel biodsell thatjoo" e at isliall! !be tvaQlin? tosifegerw wli f: mrvM ts l; cowan. mbWt&ft Forinfanti. keep ii III .U ."""' " L -"'v r- -r.3- " - .B mm l iiririgjbebfi! to us natoril strength t jripaii 4 . I'f the falling oat of ie btif.-Sd fqvnjj Pern recovering from ill debilf f tV1 effct is prodaced. 41(1 !oin;in6nyf tll a i good growth is started; jljif pfeietVeidi bf attention to the latest pen $ f fe50l'f jrefJ th bead from da nd stiUgihifi)! jibe i,frooti,l imparts health apo' failitye eirojaii6p;andjprefenta the bw. fm eiineiMlcbtoH orf eetting vrar-46tb lit 18 lvhroiJgsboal ever be made witboot pi. Till CbiWtea who b bf any means conf trarffKt rininnl the Kead are immediate!? and BKtrttt? caredjflf thm by Us use. It 4s intaUi- tjiatbenWld Iboot fie years no more hati olthitoploijlhead ; jbari 00 tbe buck of. m birid.tod aif. bead cohered with a thick scorf; UJhisfeiiuatioo abimt the lOth of Angast last, llfl!9!fii? Balm IbfpolombiaVtrorn Cotn ikCoJ Siocr whietii t jiae osed two and jjK tiieof j beBatm"which hai foil? - ref iwrf tot ;bwi oif -weisd ' in ihead erittrelv twbjt art;:!f !VIf;..rjec(?: lnro w.jcsqkirered wiihAne, nifr mon iii K? na:irico any one may see oy catling oime, it unjiora, iivonneciicoi. i i Coeniarfeiiiare abraci--Ioik always for tbe jlM)f.CQrik -&-fJb.-f 4 - ; j"' j " Tur le!afbf aicbroan Offi ej and by B WheeleralH)or,yi D btith. Raleigh , tfMi HiluUr'tf .life. R Lilian. Greriboro fMiair Lfogton. ifi f j ' mkf Itiil) Sherman's ad- .1 f. .r ! It. Si . i(. , ' i . , ,E j i ! , t vertfawfneniJand:if too wish reliel tor your ma or mtlidresVCall ind obtain a remtdy;of C.B. WEiXBtt.Age0t. i -..;:; :, ., . : v,;"n.O., :,;.. ... . .. r- AFFLICTED.- ? ' I : - The totertfiher ha -fast receded- a - large and irw : 11 .: i: i ; ' ii. . ' . I . Mp.of. Moffjtt'sLlre Medirine. Collfii -;;:his jpf6f :tot tsaL1Ht ' , 71 .1 .'.' w;7 ' ! -if. -i. ! 1 ;: j?.. i:S&tiSBO.tY:i.:Juoe-3 .4 - 7 p. I. fiMii:W7l 7 7 7 .1 v' " i ) . 7 -f , i ; m ceirs. Cotton Yarn. 75 i55!i' 5s Cotton Yarn. 75 riiKa 1 Molasses, 35 a 40 S F I J I? 1 8e II' pea UUi;r prWi lj Oatsr .1 ! 15a2(V &J;Pork, -1 .; ' " S3 eawaxl tir 7 r Salt, sack, 12 75 $3 Tallow 6 Tohacfo, 8 a ki) Tow-Lineu, i2a 16 Wheat, bush rX 75 Whiskey, 25 a 30 Wool; (clean) 25 Feathers Ffoiir, i i .i- t - i TI -.3. J" I T" T: ' 1 .,.,. iV.Vi li'ff-i IIM6M Vf VI r 1.4 r.iVtfctc'AU'v 23, ' I- a 49 - r -r.- ! .1 Li: "ilolassfs,! 23 a !25 a:40(; Nails, cot, ! M a Sonar brown, alio Lninp . - 14 l.-af, J 15 af3 iiiU. 50 a 60 tMitatiltii9! ori lonaccoleaf Sa Cotton .bug ' 7 5 2 : Wf;miaai4 01 Bale rope 10 r y.r H lif Stl vhcatr; nev 75 a 80 H-Illa i!r.Whiakey;-:-. ; j26 Hft;i11flt-4l :- f U& a!l5 IT. ISIS!'--! J i - ! t J; ? 1 5 i riatb cut assor S a Q t agsor 5 a ! 0M fi I wroushi 16 a IS Mir, I r PIWmri;WtLOl gal 75 a80 rfi'?JT!apO .m ; lamp-J -125 fopetril IQ t t25 linseed 0 a 4 125 i'.ir.. . ' . i ... . . i 14 rorklOOIbs 5J bG a 6J Rice 100113 4a 5 ' rfl . II. i ? . x Salt sack Jin 1 bnsh 50 60 Steel Amcr. lOa 00 rnni.ni. -' - r j '..!:4 ' ; 7 1 ' L M r . ii i . t ... '( i V flif W r l r OBINQ the Jebea pest and most pleasant. mWf1 ihiHaX i:-Ol'4 mdicaliFacolty warmly lapprotletheo J5 Cofn:i,i,.ii 7 -,-. i ripiti. L.i rcbtnftI'.t.Ui 1 fefe::i; 23 1 perma3i7 i2y 14 tl llToa knnaSl .tl37 m m 'mB' i cl b m m t m m m -w i i m m a . m w s x t s a -vBb l w m hMi . n -k ar m .a" aFm 'm. aarm aaa. x i-- r i r .t i .- . - i i i , i : , -. , 1 . r--' .7. , ,-. . i ' 1 ' 'i' - i ' . i : ? L . - -J h';- i'-tk-lli if ft :it - " i ' - !----7.1 I:1i.7s .7-: lu- H-v,! V:J. : I ! TRINTCD AND P0BLISUSD ET " I' i . ' ,'! ; H- MLVCE C. PEMDLBTON", r j- CJL0f AND WATC83! It &P AWING. f IHH B Sahserlber resnecifol It in orms lis old Ji . Friends and the Public geoeralh , lhat he has aperied a shp jo hahsbort in the aboie busi- net9,tn a topmmttmj opposite VVesiv bricK buildinsl tn! he lKonsiol Vt. Unrns fofmerlj owned bj Jno. 1 baver and lost beluw J. a VV , In addition lottle bove. the subscriber will carry or? the Silver Smith Business in sail lh vaftetiea cpmraoa in connirt towns: such a makirjcrlS Ware'f: f oonl, &c.i and renairine I Silte Ul if,o .,Ui.. kit s int nai l MfjVy.MLlL Pl?t?? oas attentioii to business. and skillful work will en title him id paUonaseaod support t be wSllnier " Not. iStf!ft J.ift ft ? fSI I 1- ' . r w. t - . T- !: I - . ' f - . T . , .. I. . I S. ,1 ! 1 - 4.. . . . I. I i - 1 Si : . 1 - - . ' I ? ' - tl ; i r i . 7 , 5 . . 1 3?i 1 s? h : . -f I Xr ih heStJlinnimXES in As IForld. 8tcian and ; a member of the Medical oocuty o I sent immediately fur x Kolmstocs1 -'NewSYoiklir, 111 l!;7 Hr-V v K !--; 7t t I wbichhroosht i way! great quant i .'LLl-JJl i-'ili J aw - w iL I for two or three da v. and tbe child ' bb ar at mm mw m m m arw m m j i aiai aai -mm at w be' , Z " Tfi"llT tl I - ? ' "rv'JPVPT-i7 once,and regained its full . a ram EnasiTaii a i ruh wiran m aiiiiiiiiai iKinruv for popghaU Oplds. Coosomptiun, VVlioopiug ..Several children 10 a higbly respectable tarn Cooglw! JAsihtaaJ IfTisbtoess; ol the MDgs or j. Broadway had worms to a frighifbl exient. msv? w iv jwtui w Cbesti'M M ! IttlERSIAS WORM LOZENGES Are the ool infaltle ! worm destroving in'edi- cino ever oiacuerea- i aev oitr oero wsru ia over ii. 400 AA)0eases and never known io fail. 6nERBl!Nt;CASlPUOR LOZEHGES .: - Jill lIU I''- Si . I I I. I 1 i Givoi immediate relief in nervous or sirk Head. acbe palpiiatiur of the Heart, LoWness f Spir- its, iDespoodeiicyi! Fainting, Oppression br a I sense of Sinking o f the Chest, Diarrhcsj!. Las-I sitoue, or a sense pi fatigne. : 7 . 7 i BhtrmdWtisr and Jgue Zozepgcs Are the naosi rtrtalo rerqwdy.TuV ibis dil:resiosr 1 1-J.; :i i. T. . J . .-.U I cuuiii. uv. jBic1vur.u -uc nuifriKian puu(r. i in me iwioeuee.Huuiuei oi caej-in woiio inej I babee4'-bae Ih'jej have o'et er been known to I tail. i ; 7 7 p . ,7 , . - .- 7 , SAertnanV Restorative Lozenges. D iarrhcea ilto9enes9 ihe hftw-l8,LSo corn- arid roulesim during th summer mn i h . may now eiirey prevented by a proper ose y Mr tharporpo and ran be Celled 4. with Zul.fiAmA Prma .hi.i m .rnT. inen't of tbi brtvf eWahubld never be' withal them Thev afford immediate relief from all the attend anigripingS. Wniriess.depressionc.! T; ; Hrl i i. . T :7 SheririinSLatartlCLOZengeS .:.-LiiH Jli -icn U ii,. Lm C S "j rK"TT m ; f, CSJWI'J w a a aa- vohiuivu nntUmi Aim : iiaiik.fi tia on tlialiVdk sA affiiont medicine. fl'he? bleanse the stomach andjbtiwets, and are the best rathanic ever used fjr bilious persons, j Where an active medicine is mjn'red. rhef ate not otfiy thejbest.bot lhei safest that can be adminislered. jTyi ' ' V - 71 -emriri's 1zthnMe PLASTER, The best bf all piaster for liheomtim Lorn- baffo; Pain or Weakness in the Back,' Loios, Moe or preasr. jt . - .i i aMVfjibedieirie for sale., wholesale or retail at ine CMtusnory iieici rrng cuor-, oy i ;-f. !7i 1. j -r I t . tBT'Tl tC f EL 1 r ;' jil f 3 i34:AJJly6 Salisbury, N. C. nr. m&ffp Vgcttble MA ft OSSGSSloaliiifs ol the must mild and be f nerleial nature, lhev arecomnosed of ar- licles the J most anti-pa i rescent, corbqed w tih ingredients knwb as; the only certain jantidiite for feyersj ofetery description. When ihe dig : badjalr, spamp'y and damp situations, rr putrid miasm!i, ifieirinatrgnant or epidemie, or by oiber cauies, tbese medicines are certain in then operations or effects. ; They are possessed of pe culiar Qualities!' which not only expel all dj$eae. but at ihe sa mo time restore andjinwigbrjaie the I 'UWIieril first taken into the Stomach iheyiimmediaielyl.diflvsej themselves lite vai.r tkr.U'Mi "Ji'lhiiS"'' mixtnririo eflTfClS t oocr i deligh Sf.aluar;y,aod permanefiT. VVbrn ijhe Riatk of life berins to grow dim, the eificolation langoid. and ine iiaeuuies parairzeo. inese wr?- cine' are bond )o;ojte a tone to ,thw nerves btjy, htlPTAie ihe animal smrits. intiaorate tbe b ahn a mtn - i 'I he L&Je .-VeaiCinw nave atso oeen bkcu .m j - j ... . - . .1. ...!. ili mrii hannv snCces m Tiervtus a5 IJViS- pepiicfdheaseConsnropiton, Asthma, r.tver ComMM Kheyma1iam. Ccbrooie;anf inflabia. j Coral ID rppsies Stc, 7 i : iiCall aiiGnEss St Boger l .alib'rj, Pti22. 1842-lylS acms. 1 - 'i'LiLSIilr It.- k.fn.tiiahie ME iVTtw ' 1 . .t ., r.mc.o' rn4 Roada.l jm. miiiim ;, asa auc - M'-r- - 7- a Iredell Lt. fc.. I -WM';ri .. ....noti -il. 1 n. nyrin 1 . I iiyla w tsjF Hi i vyfv r 777:7 ....,-,.,-;.. . J . .i.iil 1 c 1 a k h mis mptniHi di 1 1 Informing hia friends, and ihe public, jhat he; is si ill carrvin? tu the V alctJ ahil Clock makingland Re pairing business, at his" old stand, nt-arihe Courtboese All Work donety him will be: warranted; tor twel monthsl (He still keeps on band smat asrtinepi of Jewellery.' J , I ii ' . . 1 .Ji... U U liotd anojiiyer wkqh Jeweilerv !ortsvlMs dbne.J :f 7a.iabtirvWarcnjxt ibj-tm i lTTO&SEY ASDICOCKIELLOa I' ! ?: c? i I rs n rr o ir JV. '4 tLAW. i - -:- f '-li. VS. 3 aSi Zih 3f - i' -. W aV .4 W t i SaJtsinry; M- 7;i843-U24 i r r S that tht Gnvcrnmcnl does not ty)o o your Uulcri. ! I ! 1! ii t T , U Wor si si woieisa'si j Slanting Faeti i Hundreds of ehifdren and sdotta arlns:t xpat j with worms, when some otbet eaase has been aoppied to be the troe one. . ' ;. j ; It is admitted by all doctors that searee a man. woman or child exists but what, are soonef or later troubled .with wurjpa. and tn jionrede of cases, sad to relate, a supposed feverl scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off lbs flowers orthe homan family while in truth they' die of Worms t and these could . have been eradicated in a day. by the use uf a bttie of bjna(on-a V trmifvge. at the coat of a qaarier ot aSdtdlar I Hiw, sickening the tboogbt that these things shoqtd be and whn can e? er fiirgjfe themselves toi not prying this IVorm Exterminator, wfaen they'ftour; that esen If the cast was( out woim. this remedy criold not bj any possibility! do hurt bat always good as a pnrgatife lot ;ihe jrjit be- hn it fDiy Hw important then! to iL and who w.lt dare ake ihresnontibcli.- t do.withoat it 2 Let every parent that iajnot a brute, askaberuselyes tbioqatrsiionJo troth and rfVf JC Rinspldl had a cnilrf aeryi aielc for r.pr two wrfLs. aiiii attndd bv tt ptiTftirian. without relief, when K'dmstorkV Vermifuge was given, and next day imore than forty jwoirms were pacett when rhe child iecotrd rapidly j . tA child of a widow woman, liviog nar the Manhattan Water; Works, bad dwindled or a m'-ntb.till neat a sfceltrtuo, with gieal dryness uf the mooih, and itching of tbe nuse. A N" oiane lady, who railed ( provido lor iKr family. 'a Vermifage, lies of worms grew 1 bitter Btrengib in less 1 IL. . K . - : IT s an I were all cored rapidiy with this Vermifege. in some 01 me oesi laoiines in me nrignoor hood of st. John's ( ark, it has heenf extensively osed, from the cimamstance of havjjng eradica ted a large quantity of worms after, alt other remedies bad failed; which was very external e l known in that part of the city ii M f J A family in riew Jersey saved several children by the ose of it. One, a girl of eight years of sgf, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifuge was given The next day three largn worms were diiodged. and she left off h ymifoge, wbe., she beeme ag.in worse; and 1 n inrHihlinn3f.iit -f i.mi ik ' 1 it "T " ' . " L I'T"" IV" Cur was complete ar.d she gained her nealir rap'dlf 1 ! ,j !i phTstcian of standinjr, had doctored a famt ly of children some week without .bing able i. restore bo: one 001 ?of the sevrm to jhealth H' Imd 1 he liheraliiy o send for Kolft,stek' ! Ve mifnge.and cored the teat wilh it in les thin a week. ,. 'I -r - ' t - 7 Numerous rases bf other romplaints were sop i oJ ?hf P.n treajed, for lvej &c., boi finally a tral of this VerintKi(ge dweoV ,hf 'o """'" ov nr.ng... ?way aln?ost innnmerabl. quantify of woims, large s no small, ana me person, reeo.er. great despatch. Instances of ibis kind migh' be citfd to an immense extern, bat it is usel-sson trial for 25 cents will show any one wiib salon- mbmem the certain efleris of this Verm t-ge Cowfion Never! buy thi article Unless II ha Dr Kolmsioek's Vernuf ge" handsomely !en j graved on the outside label, and the lac sinnl of Comsioek & Co; ,..' .'.j,; j J Serifs C -B Wheeler, Salishpry ; J . &. K S .ia n . G r eensboro1 ; D Heam. HMIsboro' ; J P Mahry. Lexing'on Dr Sttih, Raleigh Alarch 4, 1813 t?S2 -r Extraordinary Potccr of Recognition in a Jiger. Une day last ween a. si' gtv- f . j : 7 I : I ! ' " circoras'ance occurred in Wotnbwell's R v if - Miytene, rnrrobnrativf of ih'ffHeniiv- :l 7 . H . .IJ li - J ; neroory said to ne pos'eser oy ini nsosi vicious of thf ! forjEsl tribe, the tigt-r. Ajisai- ior, who had been stro li' f around the ext htbttior , Ujtcring here and there to admire and identify some of tbeantma a with those lie ha? seen an. far:ditant clioies,; was at- rscted hy the strange noise made by a lterv who seetred! iifttsted beyond enduisnee. Jack, somewhat tUrmed, s. oght the keeper tor-q'ire the c&uro of s sinotar a display of freluig, whtirh; be temarkjfd r became more, hi islrou!f the nearer he j spp'oaebed the animal : tb ike-per rej lieti that t tie tie- baviiur-.-(f tbe tir idtc-ti efthfr thai he oe a.tlit. i.la 9ed nt kni'iiVtr ; tipnn! O ie stior agin:! sppro chtd iV. f$ent ja.nd ft- .t the liyer for a lwj rafiMe?, ..ltint, -,hi-h ihe aoimtt became iraptif with seeming rtge, lushing hia (tail against . . m. . m. aiiir a ft re lot ine 0!! ilia eiur? k, it t.r..i L.U...U 11. ,a n..('ni 1 inn nn- jni n(;er t.V fpenn cai-jurj wre... he.mn ,ar. ij pow bec-me I i,e deliohted. it eppeivrei the tl,-er was rA-..n hia old friend.-add -alter mt- 1 III Itta VV ISf'i'aa -"-V-- -St. - king repeated applications to be oermttt' d to enter the deri for the purpose, as hB jsaid, .at of Hshakini? a h-t ' lth (he beao'ttu am mat h was si n-refl so m -um . ir on . j Jiik l the Hnnr waa oneneo anu in iuf'v -r - v-r . . '. . iif .. . tiniiri fcieriit. and to the astonishment w ne icir' V"0 r r .t. J dm nhw ahowni bv snspiinn 111 nir; uiiui -i . pa,einf! and licking tnei ppasru. ahnm he seemed to welcome wun uio.f- tiest satisfaction : and when the honeaUar left tbe den. the anguish ol the tntmajl ip- peared almost fflsopnon-... r ,r . ; ; t ;H Devcnporl JndepmdmU 1! Tk iii,.n Advertiser save: A poor el ' J "rrUuTbiect ofillertst was -r ... ,,. btaeed aboilt tbe sTieeta iyeaierday.and h heo in jail fur safety.!. He is a atraes. if fnn svlvania. i" J;i-7 . ' C i . .. ; .'4j h. , li'- - ' it. aMntl arrived St St. nLoulS. An frmn Cincinnati and iheoiber from; Pittas borj;. having bo boird ore than SOOpasscbserSj Ion their way to Iowa. "!!. v W ' t. ' 'I. -' . ! r i'l- Tf ! I ! ii 4 , ' a - .... ..-!.... l-i.- sill I ft i i f I n .1 " 1 - " acquire too much noWr ! v l : sit --.j ! L i - - J i. a r. i . - T - 1 viH tj'Iiifl 1 ' , AMhe Anniversary; W the New ork iL menVFriend Society; i Sailor named Welsh'. made ibe fotlo.in. .i-k .k.Lkr. i. 1 : t Tt"" ,MOi iorT.i rrribone, with great; floency, and atroos Irish : .ii - ;f - i i i : ' i i : - ; 77! III I : Ladies aad gentlemen, said be; behold and iook w in wonder upon what yoo have before von . -i . i ' .- it-.m ii:i i . ',,ur fwoul 10 ,00,ew J on tbe present f tTt T -j" "7 f PJ i" w to. maoy Miji"""i Biueia urns ini ereniog r and L'i. ..J-ii r;.... i-'i -- i j T ( H I u -""TB;f,aT .f00P 01 wTi vn,ce jthat 1 Hat viv.. m .II..J l j . l . i WH,Ho.winruBpoq me water ! and said to bis fearful disciples. it is l.bi not kfra.d loved the sailo and ibnn.hl .bem iVr I. .mall it So Mit -1 X.l.. c.ir .-!! 4" " ; , ar; uo ih-i. oav ionr does not aisisl me, ini the few :rsmatks I ,m a- r bat pooi I mane, iney win prove lo yeor ears hot 1 ' - r . - - ; - ': 1 i - . 1 1 4 as sounding brass, and tinklintr cvmbal ' .. .. - - - - -. shi f - 1 readily: pereeire. my Christian friendsj uu 1 that the object of the few remarka lam abont to make, cannot be to gain public honor, nor the applause of man hot I tm.i wi...;r- ii.. L i invivxiuiiii MIT ISIIiri UU IV t the bosom of the treacherous ocean for twenty- seven years of my life A few years ago I jand ed opoo yobr shores here, a pKr dronken sailor. I - r- (o.yonr eoiinir,. m. .tghim doll, tosodviktfnihnded at Salem, in .Maata- cnuseiis, i naa not eooogb left to pay the torn- pite lali. or buy walking enr! lit, ud to- shop boarding house in Broad afreet , and there weeiaia eleven days, and at tbe end of that time I had 122 gla sea of grog chalked down to t i me.' ! - . I I coold have got a place on any sbip that I want- 1j u !. i j li! r i ed, bntIfo0nd they wonldonlv g.ve me ope monibjs wages ini advance, and that was $12. which wouldt pay my score of grog : (eo I torn- ed about and shipped in the state ewvie with mL i f . 1 I Uaptftn rerrv. r ihe Uroofe yn Navy Yard 1 her?? were 7S sailors at Bniuklyn to fit out the ta miT'r'.Mit uuaiu i l uimpg niaies in i gate, with these wicked sailors : I set oottoseek . . . mT m . . ' i " 'the Kingdom of Haven. ' I never shall forget tha time A man of God came aboard, and the first thing he saw me, silling upon the breech of a oon, making a f!raw bat on Sunday. ; Says tie io me, j My good fellow ,? cant you find no tther time to work but on the abbath ?' i It's y. . : i i - i ' ' ;:: ' i ' H .-' none of you business, said I 'AVe are goii-g io have preaching, said he i ' Well "go and preach, for all of me. aaid I ; 'I've been to hek mM tn da nnt;tbai ..Ani.k fnr an. I -r,, - M0 l - - : i ! He then went and talked with the rest of tbe :ai!.. im. a..d fi.e enraert and a..rp and .om i i i ; i - . . i , l , . i i j , . '-r-r fsogoeo. ano Biooo went .o .or oer.ooec. in oe.r the preacher I be thought struck me that I'd go down and pt-rsecute the men, on what they i : . l . . . ' . were; saving. Kn I wnt riiarn and a man a. " ." '-- - r-r- - Hoot toy s'z look op a Bible 'and selected i"1ext; and when be preached his eermun, it any body bad been in that house who bad known me from a ; buy, and every thing I had done, and had come iip on deck on purpose. in tell it,hecould'ni hae N ne it more completely than be preacher did 1 i'f'h'eering ) 1 Well alier theeermbo was over. I K'rx op to the man and savsl How come yen to preath that seriMMi ahoot tuff: You dbnijknaw ....kl k..i m M.. mrR,ii! aaif hd. 1 .i l m never itrew nT:m.ng.n.uM ,uu-.,i.r .... .r ' i . . . i ! 'i:'. ; ? t body lold me any thing elltbea- iaid I. how come yoa to come op here shd preach and bll my slipmatea! here, who ii ktiow nothing against me. all about me and; hat I have done?' l " . . .Upon tnat I ooie up in nta j..-. - mw . . i i ' . ...... i . r, eaw a big teat roll don hiscbeek; and tbatbig teat broke the ooor Sailor's heart o piecea--wnai LL-.L-j Lk.ii. Mni) nni dn fd'r rears, in wadnt? ''a.- a.io.UH nip" fi Wrr.hd .pPi.s-. irai . apaed the imot Mm poodet ! Indi why f I asked mysellcanj It be possible that i his man comes on board the and sheds ier$ over a poarj unworthy drunken sailor-the l.ke'o'me! Thia waa what broke my heart in nieces. And sav's be, 'do yoa M tiled of Hv- ir.g jin sin and rebellion? if I think I do, sir,' ..t I nd I told him I had lived on tee bosom of the sea for twenty-fivejlyearW and shipped inWthe Stale service for three yeas more; and hw IHad lived ail mai umf 5 aro now en and unnappy i no oeeo f - shipmaua,tsaid he, ior:osio i,bej rpoapany ot sailors in the gallery 01 tpe manors nome.j there's no harvest io serving the Devil! And im inld me I must nr.v.i Said .t.! neyer pray ed in my Hie. On less it be ibe: aailor'a wicked ; -l a ikim 1 ma lonv Ifast leni DPl..' Said he. voo can pray iibe p ayer of tbe ;' .a; CUT n4 wfrStis - w - . . j it . . pS0?.c? -T.Txi.j, -t7, t iuqi 4 hav merer oa me, a poor prsy with ail your heart God Mi.iJ L-j..i. ml. - mmaw, ; saw is bt an kinner . n mw saiJ : and if you vil) bear aod answeryour prayer; pnd teach jou er vour orairr. muu icavn iw bow to pray.' 7 - - -f irt ( ! fbelieVed that ia my b(eartand that .ve0 -hpn I was on in the cold chains, with no f'ftf " j- ; ! - ! "J . budv to see me bat the atara and ibe moon, aod Qoitvtse aroand but the wishing jof ibe water d tha sound iff the wind In the pggig of tbe ship, wbenil bds were asleep below-then, shipmates, said, be, addressiog; the Saiiota. I priyed id God in tht cbatD tbat He would have cy, poot! ;aaiio4bw,a tow and thto Intelrsptto- b, tkej flseotry . tbe n - . . . , Mm li. ..ii'i biipd U0 StUC& luo r o" - j - ft S. IFOLE JVO. 505. "J-J' -1-3, poor sailor. At oih.'r times I anil kneelimr n .i.iJVi-'TTT the cables, whb :L!K, '0t ?d ray 0f Inrbt .hi 71X5 .T' 1 mmi V.. , . "'"fuf "-na there vlcu lo uoa Ior merey on t wieked sailor!1 Aod so I eootiooed to erv. A L S..:X "! Jf IUB MI B3S1 rii an of ninedav.GQd -.L..IJl i f 7 T" ro prayer, and Set mv rami. ;A-i ia. i . . i - - r." "J. ! And if I ward now on board ih.i-rMJJ.. 1 P,ai online very plank do deck on which wu , or saau nev r0rget it as lob? II" I 1 i ' i ' i -t I !. J .1- - I. . ... it .5 . I .-ill " "exwning i did was fo go straight U the v ifw hb. inn mmutt B w r . i t 7. . 1 oy yTOSf 0 j ton 2 as 4 !u7 W'Wha that, .sk my VI V. j A. n1. m, WeTwoold'- -!...... 1.-. t. . .. "CV- a uw"g MllfO leit isni Ilia: like off him in efi ".. . v! of nina 10 axon ati Itothemkbipmsim weitl,5 Xrd b'P together Mff. voaMI S. -reaJr on. TI" . 7 . ry greafr won una iuiii 1011 wi. oil nmif A ar d at the ex nirairtm .f nn ... r . . r good sailor a clothed as !. Oa- , UUD wrai 1 was uiaier 01 r 1 was malr nt ainn .. L. g" Bl nd a HiJmhBookj ind I felt 'in in. .eti ,bat ,0 tfob. 'godliaeaa arith eonteniment r" K'o. tuners ) f I n. r '? ' mm or brandy in if Cheers i fThai rffi. UkI nre, waa email ; ar J don't ddobi some of my h,P,wa heie know wbal it 4 was to he rataw. lain rf li.. "r..o...l. S .1 ti?4 . ? m.n f 7 n., f... . ,rC.l" .1 vorable an ffice as i sailor coa Id expect to hold 0D ,ira aan or war. And I fuond that what "' """ wmwa I mold my, hat. ; nd I cooler that io one lense I am a turn coat: hot n",ner aensei can prove ittat I am not. Ho inD'1 DIace 1 '"I1 n the dronkard1. jacket and pot on the temoeranM iaekt i. ii navt nl... .! I . L l .' ' . . ! ..i u7.. iuru wrm mi ooara, i naa neuaer coat nor jacket and could' it t have Heeo a tarn "ll11 1 md- (Lbeers apd faoghter.) i ofl will observeimy Cbriiiain friends, that wbeW I started on tlb Jormr La.il was U? . vooth. I was the only Sun of a widowed moth r her only bone ip her old age : but; before I ?Mr 0,d 1 f Fom my appren I ipAthin anal oanl nn tvrtstrl nii J u... ...J i. 7. " r ' . -- r - ."t " WB, '"! " bid eyea on me that ever kner anv thing about anyoooT inai carea ior me arore. Alav be there a some widowed mniher; here to night who hasja mm on the ocean ; and if there's one thought: in her heart above another now ig about him that is awav. Liet roe say to soeh that her on$ osav now, if they will, goon boa id a Temperance ship iiiu ih nir pirugfj bi toiai pD8iinnce.. oi" ihoQght must be cheering? to fsoch ia mother. But in mv day, wheo I begin to! plough ihe t'cean as a common sailor, no man was thnoeht to he a sailor till he fuuld get drank. The first thing I observed was that all !theld sailors got H ron k-chewed tobacco, and sVore connnoally ; auu 1 'MWW5S,M ,UB' V uH,M.,n'rr 1 0'' he a sailor right off Here bo see shipmates. I tc-hwl ATimnlA ia in Anftitvl nA I rsaariiyda at fino a -aaw J'P' w awva. y y waaw at y""- aa v viV the Managers t ine Manors1 iiemperance ?o I .1 ... J -i ia a nnn "".Ft my fcnowieoge ore ,i0,vuu waraeo i . l.i... tt .i. i.j .u. i iiuw uoiurfjj iu iuii t.jtmty ' J ,m iuu noiau ui tg mtf ,h0 dfanktrd. ogg, lhey SlOg, tbe praises l Qod jn ba sabc oary This rejoices me and am glad to see; the seamen Coming oat od I .! .L i:, .k-J.:l,. I no looser onuiiin" ju iiuuui oa iuo u unuaa iu n:iT - . waier. 5 '- But as much time has already been oeeopiec, I cannot tell yoo all I would uke to eat. Some limes I am asked j'Why. what are sailors to me? 111 lell too what they: are, to you t tbey bring you tbe products of every roojntry tbe rich. es of every clime 1 1 hey braye te sea taey endore every hardship ror voo. nd lots is not . m I 'a a' 7 a all : the? are ibe ones wno oeieoo your nation f What wonld yoo do if it wereinut for them ? I They are the hord 01 onion won every parser i: . a . ; a z- ks.:raab.A a aK a mmi I ine WOUO. Pflrwwuioi i wo B.i.ui carries ine oospei iu rriw niiiuuruimri lhen. for the noor sailors! 1 reioiee that I -so manv Christian friends epiged o res- eamfr ihe sailor from the dmnkaro'a ?ra? e and the drunkard's hell To live b drunkard la bor- "d ; boi to die a dran aar roBo. notne pre- I fJrvrl nt half him 'r IlnSlt. Ve I aa;7 wvw, - - i ' ' J drapkir4fg me-.langeage would fall lode- Lcjbe , he scene, and I leaveoa to fill up-tbe j0irij nictore I For mvself whatever time andtalen(9 I have; -h.t.r of lift ..,..(. - ,! g h. Uj. i, t hal are sitnst or; f nd wuh these re- marks I close (Loud and repeated cheers ) . EFFECT OF PERSEVBRENCE:; NEVER DESPAjR. The Providence Cbronirlo forniahes "the following aecooo of aaccessj.froiD untiring perseverance, morality ondhnest labour. . of be yea, 1830. a voting ,n :atl oul Df bis time, landed at vvrme- K,. yorkjto teek eimploymentj as 0(,rnevinan printer. He was compara lV..w J.Mr tnd friendlessjadd after thce -nnthssnentseek ng workiras about ready .0ive op all hop of succa. hot resolving ...tt m nnraeaere ne at length obtained em- D,0ymenfas a joulneymsn at ighi dollars i . . .1 l. ' v a waa n a g aw m f , r.-j i nnhH.hedinthatcatf He continued in ifc.isHuation f L,f -hen h4 Diocored a preasiand a rww i m wm ra as, a ar uai u ! ! t . l.ii feW tyoe, on credit, and openeo a very ama.. ntmr officelo linnl cards, and circulars. He had oo sooner comrorocco uM .W.- .mall wsv (oi bimselftban ihe Chola- "i l an ikal avful SeOOrge apparru iu tiw arw -i ... hui.re arid vo to work as a v?or- He was com i's -t compeiiea, whu m n the EvangfliWto procure btead r-Iuim i.nU famt'sr. After a few months. when tbe cholera bad subsided, ftf,Bf daunted by an uoprotatsipg a pgJ"r pe.rsev.rtng young mar ( liul. office, aod outaineai ot?sYi - ff ' i iaa I NO. 45yOLUSiE XL The enterurisiDg and:persever ine vrtnn I jnnrneyoao printer is na other thin Rob- i oearavf Mm . well knnwin author; wii47 ler, compilfr,; printer, poMishef and "' nonk&t eller of. the, ihr beautiful votom.. VfT- rinoriai lllostratinn. -k..k -' her ti of D() . 7 ot which, bf the aid of abooi SSOOd ri7f pvndsd in advertising, tbfr a!mo ,or.er,tj nambet Q00 were sold In We ih,4 ; 1 iahreen moninJ; j ind also of rwo ,.hiJ Hi B . .' -trm.' ' i it 1 ! !'' : -a ra - n deri $ VorJd These w voloml , ,re rereived wiib a 7iDyiri.v Welitu quite eqajsl: id bst of the, P.rut Y ii inowr, tbe iBlitnlr. fironetornor PuMi, r , s'ra Monthly Firoilf Mnc'1 most j valuable peritKical puMitation, obtained an lmnirA. wbieh bs already "c.ir.i.ra eircpiaiioo. Ifo atibti g so "rded rathe sjf btll i.rpt.es of this frjetMlea jonrneymm i rioter. of th troib of, the .d.ge Lanon omnia. VIHCIT.-'T , JEWIJ ANECDOTE ' j Translated from th French. I j (pltnf anecdote it trnUied froa an interMiiog WOrk psjM.shert iht t ef t Pant; entitiedl.'Zea Jlioliinei du SamJi (Tbe Smrdsy BlcnirgaJ written m G! Beo L"v 1. for the use of tbelaraelitiah toufh tFranfi J-J' 7j v - !; - ". DAVID m ul waDit VVbeo Kng David sw fl.irg .cro.V ihe desetl I Z'iplV. rursoed h K.ul ' k; ... impatient at the ouantita nf .. .Iki - I which be lad to break, and one -das. when 7 he aa priced by a worm he cried CaW.iri DW patSlo., pUreal .Gidl why bast thou ' created fliea and apidera whirh are ofnol use, and o.Iy aerve to hurt men V A will mke tou understand,' snawered a ptopheu tc voire. L ;7 .-,. " ; Some tpQ afterwards, be descended! j Mount Aebild, and ventured, hy night; into! j the camp of Saul, to, deprive' him wbde r aaleepof his arms and esp" After hav.ogf succeeded in thjj project, be was shout to f retire, when his; foot became entangled 'in i tbeJego of the fsithfal' Abner, wbo e!ntf beside Saul; J Great wis tfi embarrassment j of David, how jhe :ahoqd disetigsge i his fiMi from the bold of Abner, wnhout swa- j kening this valiant servant, and to find hia&L sell surprised thus atone id the c mp ir the ; enemy ! Divid1! snxiflv w s at his lie.hn when a jflyj hijt A'jnejr o; ihe leg, --and' the I jjii winrii me warrir ipii, toire 0 (OVt - roeht wliirh David availed hiaielf, i. wnb ' driw his f ot ; be then fl-t hikl, think ing Gd for having created fl a. Sul, however, pursued tuna into the de sert, and lo escape him, Did had tipped into-a cavern, when 0 d iwnt tptder which ; wove its Wah across the narrow etifrMnre if thisrork. ; Saul! and Abner were q ekl io ' the rotste(a of Ibe fufitive, and Ah. er ; having aid HerfS doubtless concealed in the hollow ol this rock ; let u go and a-ek i him there.' ' ' -." t is useless,; answered Saul, d t yu j not see that -the entrance of this cavern is ; coteed wilha spider weby snd tint no 7 one could t have entered without brerkii g this delirale! tissue?. ' - 'You are rigbl,' answered Aber, and they j : retired to enntinue their search in another part of the desesW J I Tben Dvjd jraat himself on the grounif. and cried;: 'Lord pardon roe fnr tiavi'.g doubted '.bf wisdom; heocefnrtb, my fee. ' ble understanding shall cot ceas- to nm' ej -itself before the: sublime harm nies ot thy ' creations ; Lord ! Ibe ema'let f thy ten. ; lures is of use to man; the spiders n-l th 7 flies themselves!, have a part to petfutui 'ini natare.; Lord fi what thou safest ih well,; wbal tbott d -iest is ion.' i ' i i ' . " ill 1 - 1 i i ' i i ; 1 . Salisbury Feinalc Academy. THE nmmei Session ol this iisiituivivwiK cummence on Monday, March- 6 Ar rangements sr making to procure an 4Hs".nit Teacher, who wd jprobahly enter o her7ii.is io one or two weeks Terms as lorroerN, boi a; clans of small children, learaiog onJf Resding and Spelling, f Willi Jas laogbi at S. Kvety' branch osoally taoa;ht io ihe fitsi Female e-j minaries will beatif nded iot and iti li-ved that ita presenV arraogemeois are aop-n.r to those of anr ! former session. Iter. S Ptontis j. (a native of France) is instructing a cls in the r reecn liignj;, anu it i ucmtuiv . iHiiric - , ho imend joining should do so immediately He baa al-m eonsenied td Uke charge of a class M in Crayon Drawing ; a branch which isrhignly 7 appreciated ai Ibe ISorib,ad hot li. lie attm:4 : to among as. M A few toong Ladies will be re ceived inloi the family as boardera, and Col R - W. Loho will take 8 or 10: His residence is syreeaily situated in a retired pari of tow,acd ' a . 1 ' SVT J J..a i. .Mm' very convenient io me Acaaemy. w wwiw made far absence, bol4a cases ol loog continued : siekneas.t ! 7 M 1 ; 7 TERMS Toitisn j aiSr-jBflO or. 12 50 according to the. adtaborment of the popil Mosic oa fiao per atssioa, t ., Guitar per quarter. , . 13 ou French pr sessido, . . -10 wi Drawiogl'bi ersyotta per session, 10 AO P.mtin in water calota dr t :10 00 W.WiWkj;t I - 7 5,00i fsrMU Work, dfeei taosM rf deaired m F.MMA J. BAKER, Priacipfi. SStiaWrv. March 1st. 1543-tai--i B rered oo tie stray book a By Fdrab. at tli L :i J J i-.wa- U"T :'i f:. iau j..j.:T T 1 . . .... r. k!rf.la- 17 hardly diacernaaie vaioeu y "T"-"-r, accordisgtto l.f if.rn.otf dolls..: .Jl ; waa tafe op7, tba 24ih Aprd Tbe owbCt - ; JUoested titcome and prove property r pafi IJd .eceiv. the same; berwlaev. m ;j .'7:r A - rRaogeref Davwcoooty. ivk iaii Aa '" 4 .;, ' i-". v' .ba . asaat i 1--' :ran;aWaV f. XJifAaWe - ii rfr; : 7 ' IB i- j '.-: I . V- mm t- i- 9-1 i r m 11: ::.;'I:-j: "I h 1 1 V-ifT t, ,7iil; :' i'"U . 'i- 1. mm :?;. -1 ;?7i.v:' 1- is 7 i!:. : i 77 sy- . -i: .. i i"' ( - j ''I . it ' 'M777 :ii;H-7- 1 Tt' If ' '4 -I'll ; i-f ''A l 7"; -iF;--! I :Sf i r :::!S';7.!i . ! ' ;."5 f-S -v i;7K:-7li - i ' r ; 7 if:!'.S! ;v i ! -H i'vV? .' .! -1 -' i 11 -1' Ji ' ' " '!: Uf7 w - S - " 'I . -i -? -r : i 7 S 7-

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