4f- f-f THE LOVE.OF -THE JEWS tQR p ;r.t ia au f a nee, nu tic aouars una (hot at tire opnonf - jaj- ler square f3rt he fftst insertion aad L fife Iff!" VAV" v,l,u,,,c,- : ::'.;.Milt will fnnltnnt mti; ,lf::lR",:,"" " ' WV M Villi ess orrfer-! iji f Wressi to ihe Editor xapsi it itlN( b'ircliasecl tliat well known and Si Js&bfisHedtPpblic .Hoawi; fkhowri ?t dPiMe General If i that Hie saaie is DOw ?1 fnr ih reeptioii of Tra r el lers &f doardBrt Fibe ticket abdisaWoaoding cfantry af-i vVsttf sDacioos, ,andr boontirllT s4i h "ilU irrafri and pit 6Toder , of all kinds? kl mihWlwd ftM"e: Oa,e k ; adcreifia pledges himself that oo;e k oh his iattt: shall ;j be wrantngr u iTe gefl aiklsfectipiII whoij irraj farorhim wUh Vitl 1 1 JXMRs lv cowanJ 8 tiff 1 U184Q: t.f7 T'lp--.- V IT FS-iil is lfows i!-44I ' For jnfims . ki S tbfcead el from lo'srf, jLnd-eaosiiig'i'loX L ijfittplieskio jolits natorall strenjih iiieH lf J pratentbz the ialliirpat of iftirSd Pot any person ctecoretinff from i iebiWJf ;sane enaci is fprodaeeuf 4in fsd jjij;fs8;i ii) I i !' growth is started, lit te)reSBied M! atjiintfoo ito iheHatest pi imM!MtiTM:ih head from dandl fiingieolliheociis imparts; health and rfl4$leM jdiplaUooi tsiiid preTeotajthe hair fii cbinsl Colour orl cettinj srTl t-6tb It -uMt ibe bkbto'corl beautifully when done op SiiilCljjldrei whi hare: :bt Jt'iifl mansconi- ii 'rttdttlhe beadare Immediately nd aerfectlf eaied of .them by its bse. 1 1t Is jotIJik .iMiti!m.-iii!Hrv.?!-. I --v' r I had wen ,old about fire years no more hair ;athe top of; txfy head 1 ban on the back "of of md mv Bead coTered wiih a thick 6Corf. "r-r- , T; . if. . - i I ri - i ttbissitoatiod ;?aooatj tfte 10th ; ot Aogast last, imn osiosr'&ft Calm.of Colomb'a, from Com- 5tk4-4l i wBicb.l hae esel two and i fttf botjls tbe Biftlmfi which has fully re Mffl-'lf'y bead otlrely from t&t -f .ifybe'fS js jnoWjeoTcred wilb fine. flof icf lon'bair-fsthicbnjF one may seejby calKag a tl(Htam.$rdiL0DMtieQi.''r I 4i" p Coa'nterfeitsare - abroad -4-look al ways for the i, Icr.tief;Waiei'mao OfBe, and by C 6 Wheeler. Sliborf Dr rSuth. i-fUleb i V lmtt,Uil$bert 4 u ILbloan, Greebsboro,; inefcffli$Si:iii44f; i TVCL UNIVERSAL. fILLS if 1.' "VW far; ssjrai this Office. Office.! J 54liwtS;pCtl842 tf4 f ttUici cap Wo oojain a- rcMtoy pi u . Siliilwry'; Pic -10 'I';: tf20 I pfii basl-Kt "Reived a ; large $nd, fresh o??!r;of!DtMfifait-s.L'tfe lledieine van et tWareUeL if 110 B WHEELER J Agent. -I- 5Sc$3 btJXlUBilT AT '. : liciiV..-;:; ! in ll .... tSlussoilT, JtinelO ! t 0 P IrU-li Oolton Yarn. 75 rjJyi55 4U v Moislsses, peactlilit)! 45 Kails, - 35 a 40 15 a 20 -natter, :t;ll';ti Oats, Betsw Pork, Jej5Ji6 Sugar, br. Ga0 f loaf,hl5a18 8i 11 i1 Salt, ! sack, 2 75 p reathqrsV -18 s SO Tallpw 6J Tobacco, 8 a 20 Tow-Linert, 12 t$6 :lB.i:.;;iJ;a;4t WMat, bush 75 I; nil. nr. ' t-Fh rtey, 25 a ?0 i.i .f It ' 3S 25 PjsrfctTiiLE;' May 5J, el t ,piaeh 40 4j Molasses, 23 a 28 5i a b mi e - S?' a . 40 lfMi's1 6 1 Nails, cut. 5C00i Sajar biowe 6 a .10 I.nmp, 14 IS a ;l3 S0-a60 in cacti. Tobacco lea 2a Cotton ib Bal-eTope, 8 a? in WheaU nejw T5 a 80 miyrit-lr'Moijr' Wbisuey vil. !2G 121 alia 1343 Nail? cuta;ssorjSa&' roughl IG ai 18 ats bushel a; 30 f i 22 a 25 Oil gal :1k75 at 80 lamp jf- $1125 linseed I 10 a 1 25 -PotklOplSiiiC ;;leop,fi:oSr 14 6 UICO IUUI0S 43 9 :,Coti;busHliyiiiii. in::.:; tn'HRni : &-ipr to Salt sack II 10 hush 50 4 0 NitrjoibaTiSafJi Steel Amcr. 10 tvOO Errjlish (01 WVhe'liTC rales. ' - f T ' '."iff i?iSiibiiir S3i fir cent will bemarfilki if r ft a ; ( fWaJ ii , p . a &u 14 :M : 'I ,'f,"y. , J .. l,L -f' J iCiijRAvfjkMay .8 loussein n 2&J GertMoJ (D; PEJTDLEXOX. i I ' 'lis- i It -'4. I . : i L REPAIRING. f T1 H R Snlscnbf r respectf ntty i n forms t Is old ha opened! t, shop ii feahs&ar j la tb tboWhvSi- irpbf. t In sadditionto ib'4rabvet'l'tvubsi:ribeir'wflK jearryl oq ' ibapSi7r Smttk Diiiikm zft the varieties I eommoa in coooiry towns Psoebvta ma king j Sj.aons, y lie., and repairing ilT j Hebe-rs to assure tbe noblic that if panctoaj aUeniot besiness, and skillff worwitl ei- uim iu paironageioo sanporr. ne wijjimei it it; iitt A A ROff VVOOLVVORTH. KlStflfi :i I.: j 1 ii I 'u;Tl si a. ill! i-l (l Jkl i&i3Ei37C in :iftls - IfirW iiBCii?iiji inecnespesi ana .mosi pieasanr. iLD I he Mfldiral FkcaftT warmfv aOVerhrtn. 'HrMk&mwtit9 a skilaFt nd ezprreee4t Ifiiy eician. and sa, member of ibe Medicaioctety o N.-iTOW.feirSr ii h J !J .,L i .... Areibesaiesl. sarrst, ana mosvnectqai remeoy ' i : -v .1 'U ' v. . i i . . Conffh. i Asthma. Tizhtnss of the Langs or unesi, c. 1! Are ihe-onlT infallble worm destrovinr medi cine ejter dicoteredl ny bays been osed in over t;400j00O cases and never know n4o fail. snEU2IANS CAJaPHOR XOZENOES Give imraedtaie relief in nerrdaS or tick-Head ache, palpiution of jhe Heart, Lb w n est of S pir ns, p uesponoencj sr iiniing,! oppression or a senselarlSiB&ibg of the Chestf piar'rhceai Lasi sitodeiOr alseneeof ifatieae; Are tbWmoist certaie remedy for this distressihff eomplaint,yerkoffeted to jibe American poblic n tne immense nomoer 01. eases in whieintuey hare jbeen ased; tbej have never been known . to fwl.Viii. it . i-PL-U h .. -i- ; j - . 1 - H Sherman's -Restorative Lozenges l)ifhte pfiioo9ene8s of jh powels, ad conf moni and troublesom darinjr tbsaromer montbt. may paw be entirely prevented by a 'proper, ose of these; Lfrige hey are prepared express ly loi that -purpose, and can- be jreHed on); will perfect confidence, persons subject "fe deraogo- rnentqt the bnwelssnouia never oe witpouunem They sGTor iai mediate relief from aft the attend sot griplogsifafbtnss, depression. $-c. '-T '"'" Are as leasant and easily taken as tbe common peppertaiois ; I and are aw active ,ard efficient mediplhjs. Tbey cleanse the'eiomach and bowels, and areTtns best catbsrtTcevero6fd foribiiiens pertonsf .' Wbere afi actiee medicine is reqoued, they are net only the best, bat the safest that can. bejaaVtoisjrercd. : - t ! . V The befit of all plastera lor inenm"ii?m, bagoPain.tVeskness in the ffav Side 'm Dreast. A . ' ; - - '. Lnmr Loins, TbeJthove1 medicine ia for sate, wbnleaate or retail ii tlw'iSalisbery Medical Drug Store, by M M C.!B WHEELER. Ageai, 1 1! I I. Hlti' -i r-'; - Salisbory, N."C -" ! I' i ' 11 1 ''J ' -j t 1 zz TOiOSSESb ''iaoalftiea olThel'toJd and he tides tne! most; anjitresceriip comhiaeti" with .inafn ka the onlvicertain snihtnie . l m - j ..m i v i i. v sis JTi a iiH si is ha lk nrndared eifher from cofd, ohstroeiton, bad airvswampy and damp snuations or polrid miasmilWhliber maUgriant epemofby i.l jujJtiJ iL.Jn..j;.;. .,B:.riji n m their other catoses, these; medicines are arW nrtssessed of pe1- Unl nr kalhiei which not;.en!yxpei allUiseasd, CQIiar OBI1I1IE8. Hlcn nut t.Mit t. ut i5m rPfore and ihvirofate the iLJT -ltwi.il' fiUt i.t-n rka ihe sitomacri .f YBiiHiii. f e uoii uev - ----- r ' hilkie rtjeiaaimal spirits, invigorate the, body, and .n4matetnii whole mairJ I , - "... I The We Jlfeiictncs have alio been used with h ihlt hanne saecesa in Nervous and Dye- peptjid J diseases, (Jonshroption,! Asthmia, J-Tjer Complaint, Rhcaoatism,ichrpnio ano inuamu- tory U ropsiea.etr.. m i i ECTtCalilat Ctpss & Bogi?r, girnfs. p Saitburyict22. r842-lil3 i ff! A supply jof :hebos4lnvaTqaMeME- DIClNESare i are for? sale at Jamea' Vrosa uoaoa, Zhfr u-J. .!: -I : i4- Irebtetlj county, by n. 4. c Mcintosh; Agent 44- mAkEslhiietbod ot ' II .T ' . . J - . A l Informing his menus, anc the puiMic,iaai b .a u . ' . .4 . . ti atiil carrying cn the Watch and tf f: pairing wMnwiii u JeWetleri'ltriwnrk done. L f ayiytfach 12J 1842f-tf35 LI.; S Johnston ii.f ! i . - . K ' " itrotitcr Jun cowfM.W ati -xaw. f ! . !.' '1 1 !.! i J m ne.in a room directrr I opposiu AVesrstbrwk bundjog; id ibe house of IXr Bar formerlj (owned bt Jo. l.Shirer and iost below JL & W. tbey immediately idiffose themselves lie vapor throdgU.everyl roripraJacingl effecis Jat once delighttpljsaloiary, and permarjenM When ihe 8?sJrk b m begins jo grow cjiro.heci fetation langoidL ahl the4laculUe8 paralffied, thee med -JZDi&rk a ffive a tone to the nerves, exr i' a g-w- aiina.itanat wwwwBP iiJ.ifet koeW wnetnet I', was aa opucai luasran uw igi circled a mareartful rogue than himself j 00;eperllloQol nt ff Ci!iwt hff f af 1? ! Welwnstbe- aavar before wttneseed.o aumetbiag of a JhaMar the CaJeJeaia. Abater Finntbe Trmur undenake 10! ."Vs - ' .i-i .1. 1 1 a tnoeBToosiawe. i -,t , .. 'iL.i::i .a. u a ufflBi iHM uii'i --r m - ' . u. ii. l k ..m thit hii 'Hitmni iron r-f- ir-i 1 .1 ifrm uiwa, u -ffp 1 . rr asj - - , - ' ... i i sit .-fiwii nti j nw . . i rfandreda of children sod ad alts art loifjnf ly wilb wpfmtwNo some etbei aoa baa been sappesed i6be (be tro . ' 1 r r Ii4s adartted by 1 doctors ihi acarre a mas. wocjaa.oT chiU eaius bn sfhai AW,sta;eT lataMroobfed wilb werips. sad ia bandfeda oT c?ws. sad, ttshte, a tvppoud lam j sesriattna. eviu, or some ocaai amps' ear!Me.oi tae twfa f nbeliomirfTiniiJy-ife lft triithlrmy dlicl -Worms 1 'ntf these ebald lialri been eradicated a a fay by lhaaeiaf w WtU of e&lfjj) Vtrvutis:k the cpat ota p3tnar ot a dullat Ii HoarekeBjaftiajboqgbMlra 4bet ibinz t0,4 fc?r?an4iMio ifegje ibesasritea for net imnfctbislW'orm iermiaator. when Ihey finoio that eve a if Jhe cW waa nnl wdrtiasi Vbis Irelnedy Wd"wwt by'any fwnii dd 1iort tmtjays ?txxf ar a porganre 1st tb ers ae be bit it' rtsy . -ilw- iareofrnt-rh5 fli ladoyutbottt ii? LtTerT parent ibai ia.aol jkboB.sk ibejTjsdf ifis oUuo io-.UuUnd sooernea. ffi van and ez dsjr mote than forty- worm!-were passed wbenr ih child recovered npidiyi i A child of a widow woman, living nearibe MwhattanWatr) okieJiadwindJed jfor a mntb.jill neai a aLeleluo. tvitb- great drynew tbe montbr andj iichin pf ilia aosePr A a mane ladv. who called to bhvide for l1e famtlv. sent immediately ftor Kolmstock Veraifoge; wbicb brocaht i way ft eat qos ntit lea or wiir ns lor-iwotitbree daya, aad taa-ebtlf grew JjeJtet at oDcej and feainedV its folic at reojtb in less than a monib.., .t , . . ... U i t- ' , Seyeral cbildreg ta a j?ijbly reepectabl? fam ijylnBrbawayhad worms to s .F;igb tfal extept ar(J .we're "ill enre tapi4ly wiih;tbtayert3ife"ja.! ; ' In some of 'ibsr best f Ithiliea jb "ihe; neijhbori -tWia Sr. John's f arkiltlwrbeeb eaiensively; used, from the circamstance? of having eradica ted a large -qoaniiiyef worms, after; all other remedieabadTaUed which wasnrery extensive ly known in t ha V part of Uhe city j :f. v , $; ' A family in New Je'rssy saved several ehilifien by theoae of It. J One, a, girl of aigbt yeara ol Sffe, bad' beWme Vxeeedingly ' emaciated ' before targe worms were dislodged; apd sbe Ufmfl the Vfrmifoge,v when she became again worse and! bad resort to the Vermifuge t bat finallv brooobt away a'n incredible quantity of worms, aad jtae core was complete, sod she gained tier bealtt rapidly.. - . ; ! . ; " APhfsiciacf standinsr, had doctored a fami- lyof children "Someweeks, wiifipot lieiog able tr restoreltet.pne oot oft the seven ro health ; had iheliberalfty o send for Koimstocks Ver-; mifngerand cored the rest with it 10- leas tbaa a week. 4: v NoroerpoR cases of other com plajots were sop nosed to exist, and the peraoa treated feV feVer &c.,bat finally a trial of ,0119 Vermifuge, dteijov ered thelroe cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost anjnnamerable qoaotiiy of.'wormaj large apd smal tUd the peraona' recovered with great despatch. Instances of this kind raigbt be cited to an immense extent, bat it-is qselees,ione .-i jr. L. '.if.lt - 1 iriaLior sa.cenis wjm anpw ny one wup eaop lshment the certain. effects of tKisiVermlfoSf . x5t tmj tiiiri at wtnj it u-jj " Df KolmstockWermjf)geH hibdsornely" en- ereved on the omside label, and the : fa6 simile of Comfttock &. Coi ' " v ' aenl C B Wheeler, Salisbory'; J Sc R 81naa Greensboro D Hearti, Hiilsborb;; j .Mabrjr . Lexington ; Ut Rlith, IUfeigh. : Marcb-4, 18-t3ljS2 . ;"&febfy J?dmale :emi j rjTI,HE-&immerfston of thtslostitetion, Will '11 . -commence on M onV a rcu JBlh-- Ai rs cgeroen ts a re- roakieg to . piCQrft-BiirJ5sisian t l eacber. who will probably, enter on hi du Hi in one or two weeks.. . Terms ss formerlvi but class cf small chilfrerr, lramio2 only Reading and'SpeHinff. will be' taoght at fB." fevery branch nsoslly tatight" in the first Female Se minaries will be attended to, and it is believed that its present .arrangements are Superior lo those of sny fftner aession. Rev. S. Frbntia ita nan Y o ui mr anuci is itixi riavi inir S SHI BM t in a. B Sfl Jfreecbrlangnage, aa,d it is desirable that olbers who. intend joining should do.so iroroedistefyi U He .has a!- roneenied to take ehargef ajcUj Jin Cravon Drainf? : a branch which is hiffhl i appreciated at the Norh, and hot! little attende ttended to-among.ua. ' A lew -young i.adtes win hej re be re Lceived mtr ceived into the family as boarders, and Coll R W. Lose will 'lake 8 of 10. His residence i , - -ii agreeably aitoated in a retirrrf-part tr towpl an erV conrenient to Ihe Aeademv. - No dednelion. made fbr absence, bat in casts of oogconiinued; sickness. M MS- Tuition $$8 10 -or 12 50 accord eg to the advincemenl Jvtncemenl of the pdpil. Music fin Piano per session, 21 50 1 Guitar per quarter, 1 Freneh pr eesstou, ii 00 10 00 Drawing wiib crayons per sessJorr, 00 Ratoiing in water colors da Wm Work. ; 00 6 00 Needle Woik;4nj. taoght :f desired, jl;;' T EMMA J BAKER, Prwjat Salisbury, Msrch lst;i843-tfSa I UE tn! Rrtoa Diamond all XWtfmond.A thief lately enacted the constable for tbe hcace, arrea ted a brother thief, whom he cbargod Wjith rob bery, ind preteaded ibat bs waa about fo carry hlnto thecityiJaiL but final lycouaentef tetalte I . . .t ..L,Um k..l .kf..t h MMMMIlL 1 iuu, n ma iub" -..nTiwr-.. 1 . . . j 1 . t - r .. tr ,t ty foejua appearaucera I .Tt meriiinr; jnoarresiea imewu t covered ihaia . . . lj -' l: 77. i cooatry in ibe Great Westere. ; j An Irish... tfau. desciibei 1 whaelbatrow Hi. a litite? carriniiVh M wheel. ed o. ' v . IIM.. ' 4 a . itm " I . . ' i i J 1 i '.t l.fc jw v ictrtfota pad a ctiiid ety sUt for near two weeks aneaded .Ty a physician, witbooffelief. when ICftimstrtr'A Vr6lfnfTA TL...-IL I- i- V.1-M I J!.ktu UIt . IZMI W I MIWIBIHF . Nl Mvm'-wr mmw , (From ths JVtw OrUmi Trcpte. t SONG FORTHE TtMES. :l ' :-.f.4;4':: M fTbea np wiib lba oM WWg lag, Lai iiJbMit flapla lba N; ! I Oar rnea at its flatlet sVilT lag, i I? or the t taw may velj tniit ihisa pale. Tbey know tbal ita folds embrsca Oar eoantry Ua vaior its la wa ; hsri afeodtri fleatt yi mayNnee rf tritttaplr of liberty acaoaa. HI Mill ' ' " I t '1 ' ' "i What tbopgh we hate somelitnei fail'J, Hy.oar cLivalno honor deceived- Vet We niTer were kjtows to hare qoaird, Nor forukea tbe tfetb wa benev'd. '"!!. itr : " i TTisirae, anajcb Tiaitnra'eured, , ,Like a viper, that's warned into Jife. j Has wosaded tbe breast where ft nota'd, , Aodmra'deat afell brwdof tnle. . -I i 4- '' N- V.- -i':i:IL f Yf atiirifl we pnadly anfold j ! ' OdV ey1ma- in prindplr siroeg Oar Hond'r, uabartarTd' for gohi, M; ' Oar Fame, unobscar'd by a w roag. j Thin a? Wiib the pW Whig flag, , Lei kholdly-flap in Ihe gale, j Oar. foes at Ma flaUer will lag. For tha view may well torn tbatd pale! j THEiLATES rWOPiDER, Since the abeqaatolaiion of Treascrer Gravers, ajl sorts of diseoTeriea ha?e been made Jo Miss issippi The latest wonder that has come to light fa feeorded by the Register published at raflnia, iuiia. me account lainy "iBes ine rsg off the hash if it does not qaasa aome ef oaraoperstitleas friendr to open ) their eyes, wa are mech miSLakeo. JV. O TVepid. ' WONDERFUL PHENOMENON. Singular appearatui$ ef the moon-9 black tpot on Ihe surfaetMt mcgn split into fragments . -lirhh shooting tiff1 from itnnd forming into the shape of a man 1 j f' MriJames D. Kin?.a rssneotable citizen of this coon try,, aad gentleman of oodoobted ve racity, called) it -oor office on Wednesday and gave the following details nt a most remarkable appearance of the moon, for aboot an hoor; be tween aeveo and nine o'clock oa Tneaday night laet. j ;; j ..; 4 - j 4 j He states that being in tbe habit of noticing the appearances of the moon ' at this season of the year, with a view to tbe common prognosti catiorr of whether it ' Would be Wat or dry," 4te observed while looking with , that ehject on Tuesday night, that it appeared at firat mocb larger than common, nearly , threa times the os oalsizeVaod nore like s circular sheet of fire than like an ordinary moon. In a few moments a very dark and deep black -spot was plainly dis- cernaiile abaot the centre of the ration's disc. which immediately commenced Joying op and down, backwards and for war da 6n the sorface. and as tbe spot approached the epper edg h grew lessee nd s fsint light distinctly ebone ibrunoh it. This Ipo finally became eamnary tn the centre, when the moon divided into three separ aie fragments each 2in2 distinct and separate tights, being of wiegnlar forms and appearing as thoogh the spot bad snlit ihem off Tben the. moongradoally reiarped to its orginal appearan"e and fj-odfthatlagain looked natoraUy. . V(hat be; fiad already seen was so remarkable thatTjirTlwrh' his family jcontinaed the obserntioo.UdaS0" hd llPwd before the black spm ngwTtpf Sain lK. MMn rt'liJIlh-e tinitt In In iT IS' lOCl IT uv inwii w w 1 1119 1 1 mm ;a w ttOTw. regular parlor ;fragmenia.;!pfinij I immeiatwfg ajigat resembling the tail ol a comet snot Tom the fewer fragment al the soath east corner, ap pareatly sone 'three or foor feet 3ownward, while annther maeh lanrpr. from the uhrer norlion or north-West coirner, atrnck ff direnilv upward, to the length of between five and six feel. This last now went off and left the corner apparent!? four feet or more and formed into the sfiffps uf a man l sianeing ereci. . aneugrw w mosli Wrfectiinaginab!e symmeiry. o( about ibe medioroaiza and height, doibed ia the purest snoar wbtte! and the bsrk atone presenting itself f to view. It wa visile a lew momems. wneq j graolnany the figure changed q the simple Ugbt. tbe lights retreaeo o me nagwenis, nee came together and tbe moon tesaed its natural appears nee. ' : : - The-family of Mr King consisting of bis wife and a daughter thirteen years of age, with an- ether young lady, al witnessed what is above re lated. Mr King Uvea about fie miles east ?f thisipiaceU He protests that in calling oa a to I make poMfe these facts, be has no motive but to tell ja plain aad aovaraisbed tale of truih, aad leaves others to judge of ita impott-thai be was notjio tbe leastalarmed or agitated, bat aa saocb io bis sober seasea aa he evet waa in bis lite andj in order that ne oae abould have occasion doidtt the eiaeeiiif of Aia oairativa, he has ao ;T , m 0 ltfff l0 " 1 , . . , sL with hieaseir 1 1 am it t mm wiw- w. ... r 1 ot w nai cimw does ! . " it t ll i.MMSM. ! I tal,Jaaioed ta be tTueoa hia-hooor aod charScier - as a man, lad be will e-C!J teY'htbc roen-etre et n.m - - I m attrtvtaVJ ha NO. 464VOLIJME XI. whole jrd 566. B.tityeidty bftbaateamsbip Ntw Tork Qspi. Writht. we base GaJvea. ton ditss.np id the Idb inst., ! The oesrs will be fouod of onnual inieret. Ohb of tbe cost ionortaht it imtl- i lefge forca UCC Texas early Fn ibftSpr g nn aopther Sana Ve W ,, uuaa mis 1 1 roe tpeir object ia j tear and frdde. Soi&a i5. : ai...w ri cji.-i 't 7 "T i - - ut. LiuiTPiw wmmmtmmn m irri mi..M. . ..T...v . wtt.vLii(uu io raiae i of the north-east, for a descent nnnn ?im. ijm .u- h. .r t ."" . r ,h- t T. r T ' . I T -t uw iuc cuinrB ot in itt.ni imm rpi, ' p, t- . fRZ, vTr -i atsVaS? !fVt!? states tbsl sfaf princjpsf dUIlcalty w. .u r.i90 Booiif rroen,! bono keep from t elect their own commander it tbe place oj general mar lingJano marc, immediitely.,,J Tbo.arbolB'(BgJiia,jeo kept a aeeret In Tx"-:fI,i 'P Wa ih editorji'ofi tnajt eottntry have pursued the wiser policy The calamities befel the former SantFe expedition were in part Caosed by the too great publicity gjvan to tie eaoyeeients. The root taken by'the present expeditibn is to the soul b of 'Red River; only crossing that stresm wbea ihe road rendered it rie. cesssry; llintarr operstione were to be ex- eluaively tfonfined to tbe territory of Texas j J . J ! .. -. -! i and Mexico. Tbe St. Look wtlbeentered 150 milea from Santa Fe Within theterrl- tcry of that depsrtment. ' ' "r " Bv fir the mit inftriant nfU. krn.. y 0 esV'TpS, is tbe latl :tbat; General obedience, cnnlumaeyrand mutiny by Hotis- ton, is declared lospended from ill com- mand in the navy; of the Hepqblte apd ia ordered And I forthe deefsre, and prochirp, on failore of obedience to ibis com mand, or on his having gone to eea, contrary to or ders tbit tbia. government will no longer bold itself responsible for! bis aeta upon the hick aesa : bnt. in such ?aae. remiaata all tbe governments in tiesty, or on terms of amity wnn mia government, ano an naval tfifficera bn the high sess, eW in ports foreifn )o this eoantryrtoj seize the said Post Cp isrn E. W. Moure, the ship Austin and brig Wharton, with their crews, and brroffthem. or any of them, ioto the port of Galveston, that the "vessels may be secured to the Re public, and the culprit or culprits srratgned and punished by Ihe sentence of t legal th boosL ! ... us? seldom that we have been more as tonished than wh le reading this document of Gen. Houston.-- Wa do not know how fsr Com. -MM)re. has disobeyed the orders of Texse, who has very of the Executive ' 1 ' he was utterly onaM to obey but unrterJ the preset. r.t rircii)3t9Rce to thus poblish a to thos pol bin as a pirste and rnuliieerris an aei we never aunposed Sam' Hiioston -wouldtbV seine how he can justify his. conduct. While Mexico is twsr sgsinst the Govern ment over which he has rile i While srmed bands from tbe former country are eontiao- all? makinir inroads into Texae.-csrryiUE her citizens into the worst epeeieu of eaptiv ily after destroyiff their property while all thif goiog 00, an ofucef of; the texsn Geverntaent. eriiirfpally through bia own exertions fits out a little eqbadron 10 act a uaioet the common eneror. end for so doing isnblicly prdtltimed an outlaw snd a pi- rate! Houston may have reaions fur thts unaccountable course, but ( for the iivex of os we esanot f athpm themi -; - - ; I - la the me ami roe Com. M , has tbeerm pathy and beat wtshee of almost every man in Texas ; and eyn sbotild he be brptifht to Gslveston a prisoner no a tbbunsl coold be found to try bm. Should be eoceeed ia capturing the Mexican steamer and bringing them safely into the harbor of Gal real on, he would be bailed With eeclamation by Ihe entire popol alio W waile Houston would desreod : to so infamy bis sete.sre fast hastening him towards J ; The Texan papers contain a list: of the propositiona msde by Santa Anna to' the to j xeefTtph jmajstee that jedge Rmaon O'ODie ol tost couniry. 1 nw tioosvon ! the hearer of theae propositions, first lad his , ... . l0J5tnt Anna-aesotaint for i K.if .k. .bl-if anakine peace, and that u,wa.. y- - not he did it olely lor Uie purpose t)I attatoing his own liberation. . j, A writer in iha f Whitehall Chronicle says. every Admia'mratioo ehoold be kaown by its cba ractenstie eegaemen ; aa sbr exaaapfcr: Mr. Madison's aa the Her Adomistntioa. llonroe-s 1 J.Q. Adams' Jackaoa-a V Boren'i 't Tyler! T PaetSu Eeoeetuical EXperiaaeotal u it Treacherott raising too m$np Fjvj bondred are koow aoolhet'a.Lwitb grt iter sorrnw than tbt poor cer amlyto W in t fielapoit iithog Jewlaiha thapthe rca nearer eifb 4 Tblaca at lesat, ia palrioutci. . lt ia coiiooa."aya 7 - .t -w ? VV ' -7 f ,' :-w'PPt lB-Baa laiDpririoo whoo I biya li the lime tbe 15h of AdHI. The men were f readv narviirl .u:- Hooston bse issued a proejamalioo virtyajly ,n 4DC ,,na 01 nan nrsi come iue in tfeVnneing'ComMoort'lna pirate and 1ne data of the Mssiah.V It rs worthy? of mskfngwar upon tbe Mexicans, eootrtry !Wkv" ta?feLSd V.PgW to his (Hbnston'aV orders The Cooaol l,,h lIia ajngolar peoplejave l- dore isJ moreover, ehareed with set. of dial tniiiifeited for being toned within to reooit forth with, in inerson. 10 1 the Head oHhe Department of War ltd be vaUay of Jehoahaphal ; for the Tarkifh Marineft cpimtry. We nowgive tlie n$V M permed: bat e very two coieluding rbsrsgrpia of Houston in -oi" timber of tie Jewt to nter Palea- hia i own word. -iL I, 4ine. -Ssodyaaaw ahip loada f Ibis mel- Wiib all tbiat aceomutated H tbia tosolt iaod teW hstrad opoa ths; . israahto here, more eveuUin in any elbrr coontry, w by; ii Will b asket b not fly lo other aad heboier landaf t WhV i he ?e H rest ooder'tbo abadafi of Jercsavfttl ! !o.sll ? Jpdjfpeodeta cf j that natl&l wa obieeta trtog the levlto Jertr- aaleo to clody tbe SeripluWeod the Tat tand; and tbeajltl.Jie, aad bate tit bolnee laid with bSs forefathers in tbe vsliay of jler , hiabpbat. en m U booea of the pjrW f cs ;wero firiar irja.ovi of pgypt. rastter what or.baw far .distant b ! codntry whore tbe Jew resides, he atUI, lifea opon tbe hope that be will on day jnumyjfc wiward. dime can ehaege, bo tearoii qoeocivtbat psthnfie ardor with which tbe Jew beholds Jefoaalem e.n thrmh rT5 woaaiem, eten: through ibo wa oi anions leiaritt . On his oonrakeh . . . - ... ia tne eiie whii w m.i,v.- - ' Ui. - r;.-r on bis best spparel ; and wjieo a? of ils bund open bia sigbtt 'MW v or us aursts i. . . - . renojMiia gsroiente, rails down lo weea o cbiia ever returned home after lon wnet with warelya'araiori 'v&.Mvtfti . prdodtartm eva beheld bia aneeitril ow- art and lordly balli wbeo tka? bad becoma aorvevinei tbia sic totsl desertion of Palestine, laread' the tn. dieilinn or fond attachment to hs very liir and aotU scsltere about ia the Jewieh wri tines;. still it is fsid, that mm ia esteemed most blessed, Who, after bxs death, shall reach the land of; Palestine, end be boned there, or even'shaH have hie asbea 'sprin kled by i bandfalof its eaered dasl. Tb.e air of ihe land of Ifrset,' ' ssya one. 'makea a man wise;' tnofber wntes. 'he who walks foor eobitsJiD the land of IsVsel h in re! of being a abo of life Ito eome.9 Tbe j great wise men are wont, to kite tbe borders! of the Holy Lnd, to embrace ita toinaj aqd roiriReroselves lo ijs dost. ffhe sine: of thoaerare'Mrgrven Who inhabit the land of JsrSef T?e who Is boned tkere is recbo- ''M lhh?h w? the'e limitsthai irv ihf seventeenth wnffl qtn(iies ofjhr bonia wer.e fVJ tntiner irom an pins or the aneholy freight ; Jopps, and the vslle? of Jebosbspbat are literallypaved with Jew isb tombstones.-FFtti's 7 ravels. Extracts from a Modern Diet Umarg. Belle A beaattfol but oseless insect witb- OBl winpwhose i61on fade on heing rt moved frona the eutshine. Heart A rare irticle. eometimet found ia bomas beings. It is soon however de stroyed by commerce with; the eorlo, or else become fatal tp its possessor. ' tloaaewifery. An ancient art, said to hae-beenfaihionble among young girls and wives ; now entirely out of use, or prac tised only by the low ordsrs. "Wealth The moat respectable quatity of l man. 4 Virtue An awkward habit of acting differently from 'others. ' A Vulgar worid-It creates great mirth id fashionable cirriea. . f Managers of lotteries Men who pay the I r..wlilili. h n ri.Am.ltr In. Ik. im.il.it. rV -T j . u r......f cn?linI e PTPf . 7 . 1 . Lie procoeoiugs unurusaee coo weaa of the diik agea. i - . - Sitincal poems- Harmless impertinence verse. I I , 4 gse through which the Mernsge- bsppy lover leaves hi enchanted vtstoni end returns to esrib JJeath An HI, bred fallow who visttl people at 1 seasons, sod insiaia opon tbeir immedittely returning hiaeall. Author Dealer in words who gels paid in his own coin. j Domestic hlist A term used by Milton. Bargain A ludiroue trsnssetiop in which each party ibinka he bss cheated this other. ':. ! 1 ., I ' ;H ' - Lunatic Aatrlom A kind ef bosnital where detected lunatics are sent by ihoae' who hsve had ibe adroitnesa to cooceal their own infirmity. I' Jail The penalty of mischief, and ofleo tbe reward ol virtue. h Ruling Portion strong in Death.- I When Lmsrtntt waa lying stretched on ihe deek of the Chesapeake, mortally wounded sod tbe immortal spirit waa about q iittiog its' frail tenement .Ibis laet dying injunction waa JJotvf fftte tip ihe Aip." ! When Batnpnogs lay atroga ling ia death, 00 the bed ol sickosss, his memory fever ted r to the scenes id which be had many years before borne so actiru pirt. He. Im agined himself in Vom mand of a gallant teaseh scrrounded by hir oQcert," 00; the eve of sn'engtf Btandsootoooicrg ill hts eaetf tea fitrajfinal effort,' be exclaimed, Cfrloirbotmrf When Porirf.ia 1 foteign land, was frtk ing into tbe grave- bia body worn out with the exDosurea and bardabioa to which be bad Jxeen snhjeetsd for a period of many years, io the service of bis, coootry-j-in hts last oooetyj he directed that bis body sboold be h tied; at the foot of the Ig staff, thst etpo alter death ibe glorious atara and tnpes of Acer if a might wave over bio ! Nercaihie Jovmal i t .uitciiiii. mis aiujusi 4? 1 1 ;--Hrt--i: 4 1 k : 4 :.--t i Vr i .V4 ij : fC? ryj-rt.ii-fi2 ;1. l--:f r.- II '"Is v. m t! if i.? ' f.i ' !- ri-V A'. tf TetttBe it;, ' r , I .-. . ! . ! . I mi MS aw Kv wtaiaui 4 '4. ' ' ! : ' ; i j :'i: .,- : I ' 1 S j 1 "4 - s ' . . j. ' ' !

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