3tY. "f '; f -y ri. 1 1 I ill . d .' "i :U . ' ! art- WmW . : '1 til!: ill Jill ii' l,L.L..L.Lk.L- "Vli;K"H I Tiirl i t a' ail 1. 'id 53 n iTTTf ATI NO associated themselves tcgt riJpP;ibe parrJdse of ' witpofif ipf 5VI 4 L-l ' Hk 1 r . !- 'Mi f If - ll I 1 1 f ftufJ RUreauiB Sofa in theory best krod f tyl4.M f M material, beg ktfib'askei'tke cJlns f ilMt jcbaotry; aWljiiff4fPf;l. a tjiare of tbeir patronage M oaf Pf aoww. Hotel, tad boa 4oor below. Juk;o1d.jTajvfp.. I - J . . n m a. 4 a m r oV ill milE SnbjwW hit ijIfI feei llti of Dcrkshire n pair Uiginiticorth Hog, I jj por ird-lm Knglind M 'b 111 M l4tt bj Mr ! A B Alton. of Nf w yril fad jirt naw boot ;!8 months old 1 The "Bfitf i jteryaape riorobpal, rffep, thiei and aIfIerto all Ws pojlottriihe riiy tine, iibjit Wtrjoflffhjt :piywiiieh, for jbaauJj! nd farnti ,cattard.'ba' sorps0d. Those who may wjsh aifoHer dt-, erintion ibwe , fine mfmaia, anr'-THmej Mf. AMer?s letTer pobtisliM N CiiwrfW J'b ubscriWr baa ifaw, a Iiftirl.wilpar' rhfd aI, Mr.i Alfcn. from -a JSoiw import b Itim from Rojaad ; and mm '0fo.ifeiij$tfaf ond'l ihf. wuhinj ioiurehialcii bit; I hi f lira Kntl worth, or WerkshirW ofj rsea of Ken vrotih and Vorkhiire, Thfn rind itwJ Epfk- thir rif iwi w uRniriN:a pafebjised riioOT mt-M'u C.rf. Bemwit.pf Ne Lfikj1 pdi$ not 1 8iirraMd by any in the Uniif :Siaiw. fviaHinjf Hi. impriof i hleir . sf jck:pf Jjave nor abetter npportnmy of 'd'rifr t;:,tfcanjJaa otert)eo offered ooth ibf iy TjojBit,; Otan for'arfof the abate irill lprnnjlrtlrajtrlded iNeir Mockstiife. Dafd co. Januarv 14 J 1845. j Mi ll ii t TJIYLQWS BALSAM pfttJrm 'fOKT. -from 375 BoWeliNw Yarfc- fur the cure of etgbs. eolda. eataf ha. Asthma, . Mrtp'ess of tne ebei;panuhej$iaf kfesasV . mslni of I3to(l, ipcr iLompiapiia, lironcbMia, and tU thoae aOtieiia tif 'Tbr6i an Ltingsr, which are a sourbe f sofnracb SBfleriri, and on a rr$8ted, bo, oftel I rjrjihate in Cowuyjp( ioiri - .liis remedy ie highly mi jostlf diat'invoislied. 1 1 is pqre)yPg4abte, niild nd gentle to 4(af feats upon iho aytero, ahdcan be ute inthe most delicate caiba wjkuUif.wpl0j iy.'. Fhyaictanajawaff jui its oifdieinal proper lies, and wiincesanp i fffcta en to eMreiEBe; arid in aomo instantp, apparenUyatnoft hnje- j - i , ' . e. -l li .L.i j : i i leaf j cases, oiifn prracriua jnwi pracuce, both it a naliiaiive and :a rrmedf andwub the Medical Faculkj'enera1)jt it has met wab Lgieat approbation. : I . I f; I remarks were uten fruto the lilt numlief of the ftjedipal Maura2!j)e : f ' fif f ;4' f'jThe. aiirprnipff ffeet prodoced by!ih ffpj ioel Balsam ol Liferwoii, made mtj,$7fx Jjisw ' ery f in consumptive cass carouifaiVec(tinsr a dand thriljiin.r interest Jhro3how tbe werld. AVe hatesu !on(bdisdfhrTdisw(oonsamp tiprj) incmabTe, tjiai it jsj iiiClc'utv .to .crd"n joar Ronses wnen we pee peraoK, yraftiiRQniuainp nan 4 1 1842 v ;.!, 43. fflHE SobscTlwittfpnnlke-aiiibne,ihat aba ll has ost recefted Mtirbdjb the Nanhern Cities iba latest tod aaost tppwted . ' London $ jParisiagFasliionis, And is prepared li exeente order io the aaost stjish and soil ?factor7 manner." I Work snUrom aitticetaa.Jl ecareroiiy pel ep ad ior warded. Z JJm.' ! r . - f - j; D. PENDLETON. CJ MriiaaHm-ad a lisadsbma assert - nwHil irf IloARiKaL newest OiTiei oans ana 1 arbans, for sale, ? 5I,ti iavake prcparad te extctle CfJminjaod FJIumnjjjo-reasenabie terms Salisbury, Deeecbef S, t$i2. x ; j - NEWMFASHIONSj rot THB Spring and Sumtncr of 843, 4 ;. tmroAODD cricoid EESPECTPtJLlrY iofoms his frioi o paWic tmt ttUI wToar 'j' " n all its fitious branehea. tnro duors aboyo J. It iy ..M arpbyf store. here, be is ready to exe cnte atl sTders of -his castoweMn tptjU aad imnnr oot sn massed bs soy in this pan of the Uf isa)q irt flie rejrnJtf rCpty th an J prepared to accommodate the tastes of the Fasbionablt at all Kmes. April;IaJS4B4djSi.4 ? & o ii - i V tXksf W ho wpnld Mfe; recowaa-1 Family Medicine for FcrE&'AiiD Aoux. Jjyspensim and JVervoui Weakness,, shoold discriminata between the " thoosisd and; eneM femedies 'consianily KeraWed forih to the poblic, (ike same now ae in all tioefj tast ftrdj that alata oniersaUsoc -cesfol prescriptiofttealled Rowantfn Imprfotfl Topic jUixfun. A fesr remarks will ?crTe to jlluaia lbs dif ference In tha.Qrst plaee, thoepexaiioa of the Tonic Mixtore ia ihecre of Feef and Agaeis upon emirelj new and peculiar, yet wftr pt incipient Secondly : It nl pjrty promptly ar rests the coarse oflf&e chills, when punctually and DrsrTennly used,' bat lUSoon ruldra the ffflllE undersigned la iwwlpiJafed to recetTe il Gooda ktiWilmtngtfoOj maVl forward the tame, to his Apent atFayeUeTtlle. wlw will forward to rtre Owoers to the hack etMpfrtr j. ,He basa larpe Wafehooss at ifcavRtfei, wewj Goods will be stored free f aroraye, and the dsmers aahjecd tnly tt half the tjsoal carttjeiforo the Riser to Faretttr Ure.thetehT lessening theexpeese rm fdoadsmach belosr the esaai charge. As b(s Wajehocuq-jsisoJatad from all ottier uaiiarnss, the danger o( Fire will be trtfito in eomparisaa to the risk iacorted from heioiieMaaiedia town. Those nbemay fat or him srwh their bastaes. may rest assored thateserj attention will be paid to ih&tfOflDiotioB of tieir loteras. n rn iff 1 T7 1 C References Messrs JolirtHoske & ?on. n. A Bat ! F if Faytlltvait, Jf. C. Alexander Anderson, i John McIUe, ' John' Daw ton J j Wilmington Ab. Ca. ' Dolphin A. Da . 7 Geofgi 1T. BroiU, :. .Seisiiirjr.C. E. S. Potyell, AcJtel ffef , JVo Fori. Octr.1S4S-tflO - ' I - DR. . JAYNE S fTlHESEi MEDICINES faie exnreaslj pre il pared for family so, and have aeqoired an freeedeAte4tpopaUrit throaghoit the Uo!iei .States; aed-aa they are so admirably calculated to preserve Hetdlh and care Disease, no family sbeeld ever be s&UhoaUkem. The proprietor of these valuable preparations received hisvedaca lioo atone of jhe best medical Colleges in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi ence in an extensive and diversified ; practice, by which he has baampls opportunities of acqair ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. T u - i 1 J UPREME r9 i FIJVER Ffi- AND AGUE AND DJLLIUUS VF08. -There is no remedy known elttierih professional er domestic pesdice, 'so ebsolutel y, immediately, and-nermanently f&adows (n this orevatent aod obstinate malady, as JlIOFFiAT S Celebrated and long established JJF FILLS ind WHGWfX BlTTKHSji Extraordinary an renowned as" are'iheir effects npon diseases inlb-nerar, In FAVEIl JJW J3GUE, aad all Biliious Affections they are moresb; becadse, in thsse thef are as infallible as any fiuman neans can be. This has been proved In more than ten thousand cases, nor is there an instance in Which they have failed, or reasonably can fail, wheo ta ken in strr ist accordanee.with the directions here sahjniped, and which are also fflven inAOF'' Fj&TS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa maritans Bat to ensure inrarrable success,1 these must be rigidly followed. p : FEVjZR and AGUE, in all lC fptir fading species Is peculiar pckiodIcai. adminisf ration of a proper remedy, iooontction witbhe spe cific powers of one of the ingreientsmhid iciheSf w h secret of bis jovaiableiffrgpb, while all other practitioners either, entirety fail or jwoly temporarily succeed, were stiih the very best remedies that were kq'owo. ocrbs, or Agne Is either Quoiidiam, or daily ; Tertian, or ihird-dad j Quartan, or fourth-diy ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother ; or it is Complicated, by taking; tliesh T'jfelFfef and Af.'s is a mrtobsfina)e disf 'easiaid i' warm andhomid elisBat9vfr quen 1 J ly teaist Wr-rdMary coade ef r-ore sol as to iesibs)ief3 ItoTt&Kfrjvjk Krt.iet ;--jritil by. liaeWxtWmedehlllt which Ihe" disease daces. !ienigitM r4serWtbf cIhic eompfapats.- Marah-lmrasmataiOr. the efflsria i-artsing frwrn tsgrranti water, is jlhe -fltost i fretjaent esciirng se piijlh diseasal and o4attavgreajlca Hfftfes ;is lis laosce pjiibllity of a,renewal fripm ve ry sIi$htaes,'so4h as finni'the p'feate;Wce f an itasterly Mnd-eerr witrroaf The repei iiion of the ordinal exeiiiDgo$e. In thtf," Fever awd Agne diTeje froqa rrst a'het-fVrree; . ae it j vl kquwelliatafi.a,i.. ord?jiarjr fer b3 4jpjpft.oe carred, inif bcen recr.'oved. the person afYeCied is not so lil'tffa'iresh'attaek.a one" l'wisrio so affected I ;Ttesefelrcotxretances render )t et tremely dilcult to jefieci a permaxreAf cure 0 Pever and Afftie, thbatfh io relieve ibe patient for the Nroeibelits is a Wryst lask 1 Dr MoffiU M Ufe PHU and TUttnix Sillers have been 1 thoruss hi? tested, and niuved tU be a ' MM 3SSSP ;,C-'J. r-W. -a CgTRONIC RESTORER MmXM U l , T ' l W h -r".i lUUIlllil mi. AND kie, - 1 w 1113 I badle cored old -sj'StC . .. r not . : " v. rm a ct!ryjalame4, biik, Mn M 1M M t' I r ntlLITIl' A. . '"IWikl : r vfiKUF -Tn: -Abyssihia MixTfTPL- Tsi it ,'Br?Wt n . ... , iqM!,K.i i k-watea tor its Speed and ritf "" 1 --v i rek'btated tor ita sperd? ionnfrteea anojjipet ; f Gold Mink Balsam, for Affections. CoMs.&c ' Aromatic EjXTiucT , 1 7 ' lion, loldness tin DcPURATITEi I hn a M . . 1 Elr Weakness, in the limbs. IIWwl4.6 Powbrn. f; t i-'V"l positive and Radical cure of I" ever, and lAgne. Headache. Diseases l 1 be Eri . ? . 111 w i arn m 1 iH if8iorer. i Hand reds of his felhiw ririzens it the Wesli-ha roluotarily ome forward toassoreiMxTat, ' Japa? Ointmewt, for Pils thSl the Utfc 1ietnctMfe'tkt-dnly:.lm4i!V0C6 ! apt besides the ilestiref, rl. 14 Ol Illn mOSl j IJEKG4L UIHTNEBT, llif I ttpr P' fir: iv.it RhMm i .Tr, R,! 1 that aciff Uiorourft1y! effect a.remotal tpdinna khd disacrranihldrsease. ' , Others .jajbobsTfi jemigrlted tdbk .;ric and promising fWfion of pur connlry men whf went oot faU of 4epe. and conffdent of winning a com petnce from the luxuriance of tbs soil ; ojf who carped to the outposts or par settlements iiiemer Jirtne's Expectorant, A valaable-reraedy ? for Cavgh Voids. ?m tumplion, AsthmtiSfrUlfogof Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis. Jlcuie Rheutna lism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and iitamafipnjsf ihe lMngsotTbroi9duitof Breathing, sad all diseases: of the; Pulmonary organ J :j ; . . : i f ifuysMir Tonic Fat the Preservation, GrowlJi,tnd Beauty the fotr. and. which will positively bring in A'ew Hair oa Bald Heads, and proveot itafall Ug out or turning Grray. ! 1 JATOfffl TOUIO VZ2ZirJ.il1 U GZ2i A pleasant, safe, and certain prejiaration for I Yf !?,. a rAmnr.l nf ilFhrfiM D.nenatt. iii 5?fnm .f?' teonied functions Zt feclty healthy state liable to ensoe than live, restored to beallli. j Vejt it is a fact f daily occorrenpe J$ a ne rojwwtngi-wusjfiTpn nanruinoe since. by C apt Scott, 0 m 1 JSli?3beth Uityi iNf :.. j Boog consntotroniilty pred.fl-'.o CSot- piinpiior, (a niirhber of my famit? Haisg died ; (j tnia oiipasej and , having saQeredi sevetply frm irritation of the ungs acjmpKiiid hh CQig!i and ra'isirg isifer m441W! fwfkef uith setere painm my.sidand hr east J till i Was r tipjmsf d U" be-TKyondcoverii ' was1: indrjeed hf adyii re ff Dr P-rkinras Usl tesoft la) try T4flnVBaNnk'f Liverwfti hare takeirffvs : hoi t8 tf all.l beaan lb imrfeprib the first; llhoie, and whii taking the I bj(fjwassif a4-o-vered as to no shte to gef about Hlsjci; b leb time, bv ront ruined ote of it. f atrir Irnuia tftrd : b'fi to St lend to msaai.aaNacpPalbar adi soffrrtng frum cooghs and lITeciiOniuf 'the ' , : ' L.Y .i' " .:; i Si - . Tongs, i off earnest 11 reoommeno it 1 1 1 4 :v , "I I ftirneJ. Iff ' 'i fr A?f ttTfj ." iXtper . Coms.Idii am Genf bliiff wi gieu up uy j wii ii.i:ivi9,ii4isi lajpre ,; pre lor. neaiii. ;J w as so weas. i,nold: iot husf ' my,iianJ to my Sead.., t; tvas toisflow sftaie "en a friend se.ni roe vootlVe of, Dr sjjloi' I Balsam tJ" lifetwprt, frhria 3?aUwtryatj' be t -fors I ha osed ip thettle, liable to jo a p -if hedX By IhelfaMher osf, dials' completely regained my hsaivb. GEO! Wa-sJ ,! ' ' I ' ' ; 1 At 11. -"ll rieienl pdiirt the aids I have been cared the general sjatem fe a per- osa Iiaa aImaa akasat Mrk mmiSa a w as s ll l Vtsaajs aw 1 97 lHf'i I41SS1I iW attack- of the disease in one who has never hacfit. before. Thirdly ; .The system, jdnring the admjnjsirattoo of the Improv ed Tonio Mixiere,sj);irrgs op at pnca.andf its benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re torning health and vigor. Fodrthty : Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the caose of me aisease passe&0 in me way mos strongly indicated by rratore. Fi ft blj : 'Its effects on the system are oniformlj mihl aodsafe, as.tvell as efficient, and it is as well adapted to ThXfee&fesf iniam,siaipiy oy a mooincaiion 01 ineqoee,.as the most vigorous adalt. Many oiher constdtr att'ns, df the et most importance to the anxious piremaand invalids, might be enumerated here, but ihe above are a few of the points) of cent ras . in comparisow-with (the remedies general Ij reeorc sd te in pr ofessional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed io se lecting the remedy 4 N B.i Whh ajview to reHPStablwb entire cenffdence in the efScisncy of the " Ilowand's Improved T onre Mixrare." 1o effect a. lasting cure of; I1 ever and Ague, the Proprietor restores the original gnaraniee, viz: The money sh a R be retained in every case wherein the remedy has been; ponetoaljy osed .wilbusijrudflciog the i DrIDHNIt'ROWAND. , r Kra5S"Nirl Second Street, Philadelphia, fiepftfies iuve been received by the sole Azent ot oansoury, a. w . - ,.4 I - C B. WHEELEB. rr J ... f.' ! l J irn v J periods la snccession, and fhen runttln mfo In- nv,e or mechanical experience won 0 the termittent fever of a mote malignant character, j crowded frtles or toirfns of the older stales J have Bat it is ajemarkaMd fact, however mystenoos et retorned with ithaktete'd const i lotions and and anaccountable it may appear, that eath and j depressed spirits ,or they remain ia theiit new a!lof these species ol Ague, nave a four- hnjes, dfagfing cab weary life, jot It Usllsink nnrd with certaintv. bnt bv DCfflSclit' which T : T -9 9 - C . tber can onlv be cored by chance." Da. at directions tor taking the medicines ib this j dCTtroyed-iheir Fjdjortdo becomes deseriand disease, are therefore these r-tirst, takejtwoof ; xh& ord 0f promise, made totheif ear, is broken tne lFB tills mi two lime, ana nexi morning t0 tj)e n0pei r 1; nefore breakfast a full wine glassur ihe PifojKU ; .Tttllreseiodividaatf. Dr: Moffaiwonia sky-. pitte&s in aooot tse aame quantity 01 water, Tff the Xic Jtfedicie:and vow will vea an- UQipaie your mosi eaogaioe expectations they will Betiatnly nature yaa to halth.r f h mm mm iismi itm m 111 iinnn m r n 1 -. iii ft. - w B ftJI UIII IIS1B . - W. and foul ulcers, j is 10 be ar pHed besid storer.. j .; ?f ; UsiVERSAL qn STSt!feTHli!cU. nJ ill for diseases of ihfChesi, Dtsrt, i1 tor? Khenroausm. Palsy, Paral Da IKuhls (Acoustic; 0ittfi?-riL4l!-and alt other Auricular CoranUlnt -'ivf heesed together 'with the Uestorer 114 fcCPDr KohPs Psrophlei -T.- . . i; entered according to Act 6T Cowr... f? ftftfiii. and half a wineglass more in a fuHwin glass or water, about nan an noor nerore eacti. meat ddring the day. ! On the second : 'sigh -take three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bitters as before, arid con fines;! taking fodr fills evey sight for) three nights more j with the bitters during the day. On or before the seventh dy, the Agof will seem Id be entiirelyared, and the patient Will (eel well, hungry, aod bearty, bot he mast ne vertheless continoe to take the bitters as before prescribed, antil and on be fourteenth dajjfx9Uh two pills every night after the seventh day. He will then, and not cntil tberi, with positive and Invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and; hot only of Fevertnd Agoe but of whatever billiaos aod liver affections it may bare soperio- aacea or even in any war connecieo. ii,;oow ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phoenix Bitters in ihe full quantities pre- which they are predisposed fall Directions fdr the use of tfae 1. ' 7, i by that terror of the yesx,.everi ana Jigxic i eu medicines, arwi iMompinieaebrifonli' Mr rheir hopes! are blasted their business enfrgies , rv ,u R.nS TvLl. 'hJJ.- T ------ s. -svumta . . . 1 1; 3843. ; : 'DR. KUHDS MEOfUNEsi ve nave for aome .time;, intended .j,! commendatory notice of these ia.ralubie 3l eines, bnt have been prevented ; b t,8 other matters from doing so .tye hin bL Iftfit fl Taa ii SaitV smpftS Kaaioirk oh!i. iJ :a - ? for the removal of fPornM. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom achy Fever and Agues Pdts Want of JlppelHe, and all diseases uf debility, especiaii? ol ihe Stomach aad Botoeb. and Organs of Digestion. J A VNE'3 CHIMIN ATITE DAL8AM. A certain enre for JBotccf and Suinmer Com- pZawifa. Diarrhoea. DueeMeru, CItolic. Ciraatns, "Sick Headache, Sour Stoniach. Cholera Mor- i . j Ij- i :J- .Y . tTj . ous. ana an oerancremonis o; me txouiacu ana Bowels, JSfervovs Ajffectitns. fyc. j Jfayrie's Sanative WUlsr For Female Diseases. Liter Complaints, Fe vers, Injlatfrinations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin &d., and in all cases where an aperient 'Alterative or Ptfrgatlve Medicine is required. rva-c . a ;5 a ' t j oe aoove meoicines are ror saie. wnoiesate or retail, at the Salisbury Msdical and Drog Store, by C, B. WHEELER, Agent ! Salisbury. N. C. SeptS, 1843 )y 6' efTec- , Rev. Dr. Dartholonietvs PWK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cortfifl, and effective Remedy for Congbs, Hoarseness, Colds, Paiq in. the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difGcnlt Expectoration; fCpFoi sa e at the Watchman Office, and by C B W heelei, Salisbar y march 4. 194S ly92 ; , j "t : . i . B4 Wheeler sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has just' received a fresh ap ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mixture. which is fur sale wholesale; and retail, at be Medical Drug Store, Salisbury, N. C. 51 Dec 10 tf20 r TOE SUBSCRIBER. IirAVJNGparefUsad Mr. Tl R. Harhes' in ILiL tefest ia (he ibov EstsbtfshmeBt, tenders hk services lo bfc TraveMirg PabUc. Having iui rTei bwh ongagra m Keeping PRIVATE RNTCRTAINMENT, it Mooat Moarue, Jjt Ireilellcoonty, . indalo A lntikt nils n lh. kiti -vtmv ikmA.li I . . : . A s.V. I . ."-.. . . w rsiiea 01 ris ansiQcssjia ftBoaavor to render com t I ha akntlilaf ' indiAaiiMi ' .d ! . . . - -i . V - . vw iiw nvuiur yiur(riuir atsvfrvwffjj yajpgaj sp peftet ind4geniral hMtUi jhy mo tTr Tayloi's Bllsafo of im&iW 4 rl I in H'.rU : .'l. Klfrliill Man 1 Saljsbnry. A Nl.qoan.tiiy of fresh LiMS - w -ft 1 - . . . i m i-iL: I Fof sale amhibDrog St.ue of C B Vheeler. ma.rehi;d,:9ff82 i cm ibp .at ti 'j; L1j v , i r JLSL. Kilo tit thaJatle Joiepi VilIiiiiH dec By tbe 100 ahsla; and over'lDl'1 chiti ; jMVto lOObrtsHels 181 5 to4d busPdl IttMteked .: rpronoru""-. - , - iff r Hi ! ah prrons wish in 7 ucne,MriT &t uw kJlo or inriititnurm;r will prj seitaer SlO j J . j W, WIUIUIAMS. S 11 1 l t Jlockford. Sojrry wont..fif .J I . March IB, 1843.1 .IjYli.MW; i .-It , sTi ' fortaala, all who besloW C pott bis:. hoose their pa tronage. i I inT. - A . Kis TABLEViSU always br.43! aad nlenti ally sanplted'Wttb foidaJ to pleaseasd bvery thing the country af eatisjrtbe patittvro of so eprcore, ; I J . lis BAR. win befoottd furorshed with a choice saleciiqa of JuiqooTi. v - His STAB sbstW be consiantW atteooVd a? faitbfal: and attanttv a boatUrt aad sappl'ted wua aaoooani provenef- - - N. B. Tts Sniro OSce is kept at the Xlaosioo j, BlftAM T. SLOAN. Ckarlote;.Fpbifary4,.1343 6oi23 Dr-XLtit'e ttthniium I Machine Spread -Strengthening Plasters ! ' finHESElFlasterSi gieitiy improved, and ha JL ving the preference of all others, are warm ly recommended by all doctors is invaluable-for invalids having paioe (n the Breast, Cakr side. Weakness asi Lameness are relieved at once by their use. and the parts restored to strength and a natural warmth and health. Any peraon wearing' ooe of these Plasters, will be as tonished and delighted at tbe comfort it affords. Those threatened with; Long Corr plaints shoold ft a never irusi inemseives a cay withoot wearing a Plaster. It removes the hritiUon of incioient Cansomptn from tHe, Lasga tjo the surface of the body, aad draws off the internal affreiioo So 10 Liver Complaints, and Coughs, and colds Children wth Whooping' pough should always have one tp prevent the coogh settling 00 the longs. . Their iexeellencev ill be! onderstood by ill on tita;. CJ For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury; Greensboro. by J & R Sloan; Hills bnroC, by D Hearit ; Lexiogton. J ,P Mabry . Raleigb, Dr Siitb'. mareh 41843 1$ 32 least three limes on most not should return, and the patient should learn wis dom from affliction, and go through abotjier coarse of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, be wiUbe so thoroughly cured, that he .may bid deifiance to the disease, however unhealthy maybe bis location or prevalent the malady around him. For children between seven and fourteen years of, age, half of the above quantities of the, me dicines will suffice ; for younger children, a qoarier of those qaantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhoods infancy. For very young children, small qaantities of the bitters only will aionebf necessary. This treatment, with these supremely toal "LIFE MEDICINES' has been perfect ly triumphant in the worst regions of the South ern and Western country, and around the rtor th em lakes, where the malady prevails wrth the universality of an epidemic, and ihe demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the snpply. DR MOFFAT'S Agents,!how ever, are how well furnished, and will mak ev ery effort to send this advertisement inio the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous ly grateful testimonials are reeeived at thS'pro prietor's office in New Yoik, by every mail in incredible numbers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, other iotermitentevers, liver and billibuft affections, andf derangements of t lie di gestive functions generally, bot also incbfonic and inflammatory tbeumati8m9costivenessJpains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro fula, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host of fother complaints, for the care of which, these VegeU able Life Medicines are so pre-eminently re nowned throughout the United States Know fog, however that many of these diseases, as wen as a most ratal nnaermining oi me general health are occasioned by Fever and Ague Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, jnvites tbe spe cial attention of the public to the absolute iscen deocy of his medicines over this malady rthe (oaniain neaa ol so many otners.' He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir ed the reputation thdy have; long possessed, not by the usual artificial efforts j bat solely by their invariable and extensive osefulness. Prepared ana sold by ur. William U. Moffat, 75 Broad way rew York. Fever and Aeueii a complain t which rjrabirea fd W met iatf it? first approach, arid cornbatfedat every siage, " Seldna fatal of-itself, it redoces the strengrfi, and Impairs the fonetions of the organs, so that upon ' the manifestation oftldis ease, -Nature Is unable, onassisted to reaiii the inroad. The Life Medicines, when taken strict ly according to directions, .will cure it, and: give to jlhe weak; and trembling jvictiai of diseaia new health, life and strength 'l! ;For full particulars "of the mode of treatment H the reader is teferred no the Good Samarium . a copy of ofhiqh accompanies tbe medicine. IC33 The above medicine is for sale by, H 111 CRESS & BOG ER, Agent. Salisbury Oet 22 ; 3843 ly IS 1 f t ! i -i - j : tCP A supply of the above invaluable JtE DlCIJfESiiB for sale at James Cross Riuads, Y' rne above medicine is for saie, wholesale or reuine Salisbury Medical Drng Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agtnt. BC7 A constant supply of tbe above described MEDIClJESon hand and for sale at Hamp- tuuviue, ourry couniyj n Carolina, by : i J05IAH COWLES,w2gW Salisbury, Septii. 1842 16 I SUTPLT Y 1 I OF LA GENERAL sso tmii maySel fofcj ,t J. ihe Saliiborv tfdi.HiiWtlfralrl fee; i XSalisharyff. 0-,-JafV 2;S4Jifg$ : f im PILks Thjel prttyi!eleS;.red J LrnuneftjisreJRb tdpvi eirril who Will se a btfe lfaviDufo sod rettrn the empty tpt lie-!vv Mtit i Wlifi Wtei. The above oive hen he etais fen whibiljis Linimeni bas been sold fnr oeartv t voarisioael: v,.u wi.o :iiiiu,i i viiv-'ff qrifoinas4 ever bepn MiUffVedi, dfilce, and Hy Sloan Ufeen!' tnglon.-J P MiSry s Ratisb it m I marefi 4.19 tC3IV sale lit it. IVstihmsn y B Wbeeteir. altsbart !:. J fc. R . . ll:ii.L.J. fk it . ..' ! - ,r SaJ A. C; mcINTOSH. Agerjt. CONFECTIONARIES AMD "O "R: ROUECHE,"fespwfolly informsUe 3-133 citrteds of SMisbury and the Sarroandla? coantry,tbat he his receivedS-new and splen did supply of Cenfectioairies and GroceBes, can sisting er aii Binds of "r ' - a tbe very bt oaiify. sach as Madira, Porr ofn, LharoDaio. Mora. CUret.and 1 MaiagaJ Wj ota, Freocb IUady,i1siland,Gi6ii ttortsr, Al tod sw Ark Cider, aod-43o?dials, ImonsAlmondn Raisina, Qrabges jOysier Sugar and Offee Candies, Ceppras, (Madder; ":; ' ',w ' uer axiiciea too tec tons io mention, which I will sell as cheap for easb as they ran be boogbit at aay other Establishment ro Smliskury. p. R.ROUECHE. march 4, 1844-ly52 HAVING j permanently located- himseif in Sahsbuy, offers, bis professional services to the pnblii. : i ; y Particolair altentipn will be paid to all Surgi cil cases entrusted to his care. Office in the large corner boose, nearly opposite J. & W. MorphvS sjtore. Safishary. ay 6, T843 tf4l! Arrivals. nflHE aodereigeed baviag wtjlified as Ad-Ji-mm ist raw to the Folate c4 Robert Macna mara. deeeaartYeaaittrttce to all iwrsens hav- 1 mar dtnasds against the Estate of the said Ro bert Ataeaamara, to present ibertr for pa v men t wltbio the lime required by an Aet of Assembly, (a etch eawaUaudpfowded ; olhersrtsb they will he barred of recovery by tbe operation of the said act" t !l ' - NATHANIEL BOVDEN, Adttn Salisbotjr, may 27,1 rft.4 lledicin4s9 Paints, Oils, TURPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs. Patent Medicines, Hops Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical por poses Indian?, Houefcls and Swaim'e Panacea, Snuffsj Fine chewing and smoking Tobacco Spanish Cigars. Sptces, Perfumes, Brushes, Candles. Fan?y and common Soap, Glass U are,. Pettxst Pils, n stromepts, Matches Paper and many other ar ucies. jast received .and fur sale ar price fo suit the times, hy C. B. WHEELER. ; SaH$bnrv? 43 j, I ' i 1 "AS returned to Salisbory, and t9 . now prepared to tesnua th. hmc tiee of his profession Hid Offieo la removed to Mr. CowtrTa hrfrf upj ftiftig, 2d door. i April tO. T845 ff40 w i Guard Your. Health Addressed to those, teho are in perfect aeoilft, or trP Gentle Readier: If vou would .avert from you the siekoess the pains, the wretched nes8, the premature mortality which you see all arbohd you, and which, like a sharp swordps- pended; is jeyer ready to fill upon you, despise not my ad y ice it will cost ypd' lit tie. will! nei ther infringe: npon your, occapailonaof !amSse- men is, ana ail ine lacames or ynur tiunanana bodv will be as much bettered by it is to repay you er fojtLj I isk piiiy one week's trial to! 0un vince the most sceptical. V A U In the fir6t place, discard all old errors arv. prejudices! from yourfc mind.r especially I fhS old adage, .' Iffoo are passing well, do not attempt tojbetteybufselfj'jiris the?siying cf'igpor ance and sbperstition of those who aUribiHed all they saw around tbera fochajice and fortane. inftead of nature's universal laws. Hat not man, led on by experience, learned to guard himself against tbe other elements of nature, tbe waves, the wind, and the torrcnisof rain?! Wbv then shpqld he not, in fair weather, gas rd himself as gainst the storms which are i ever rising isfhl- own iraii ooay r neoiemoer, you are eyery id ay eaiing gross food ; and; it is your naturef to'on- ttnae to do so. You are, well at prestntipqf iev ery day the 6eed of disease is growing wjthin yon ; and if yoa do rVot strictly guaxd your health while you are well, you are cuntinially in danger of painful and protraeAed confinements, ano in some const nations, aeaia. - y Nbthinir; .is stationary in this world. Even the potest fonntain of Which - we drynk does if net .require cleaning J A person may imagine be, is in perfect health, and yet not know to what peffectioo pis vital organs maybe brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I have un doubted proofs of this fact in ihe unbounded jsuc ceyspf Jbe, JAFE MEDItnJSKS Let those wfcb ibaye followed the motto, ' When jrbujate evpn moderately well,; throw physio .to the iogi' call upon me, if they Would bo convinced ol tbe importance ot my posuion. , r ) TJbe cperation of .the Life Medicines in every insjtanco that has come to my know red ge is fnost gratifying. ; Those who are in comparative good health may perfect tbeir"" happ?uess with npi in convenience; and those nnfortooates who! are laid low by disease of 'almost any tlesciiption, osy find 6 are relief in those purely vegetable preparations. They operate gently ; bot power fullyj uponflie secretions of the body, js udl cleaase the blood of all vitiated bomors, ae paVatiog! the bad from the good,exrellrng fhe dregs, dross and impdriiies4ni leaving behind only What! is good; and nourishing io na'tnre. . - . ; i Reader, consider and 'reflect well. il he blessings of this fife, for rich and ooot lie entirely within ourselveS. io oar own nhrsicai bodies. My advice to all, tbta, is, guard your health. yon are well, perhaps yobiissj) be sttll bettersand vou tnir alwsva mt si-!k by a judicious nse of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. 1 JttiPii Moffat'ej Life Pills sod -Phoenix uuters, sre for sale by it was when we first used thefts they aresupertorttoariT we have mwH.? The Dociorr himalf, u with ci a f7.il this week; and from eases stated to oa . d been more strongly, con firmed in "enrfmii lori. that they are sonerior 10 all othMuU w ; " wnurriBBi i be efficacy of Dr Kutifa temediet iii treatment of extriordinary caiea'Ji ilmostteji rede n led, aod the year 1845 wis rich of k tint cures, two df Which alooe oor rnir permil us to notice H this time! Mr AStvofi of Alleghany coon ty; Va., Was; last Spm. ry suddenly taken with a total bHndne$a ta ti his eye?. He used numerous prescriptioMjii oioer raeoioines, cui 10 no twnem in he procured the 6eSt6rer, Gold Mine Bi!aijj Universal Plaster; frum Ana rev!Fodre.Ei i? Covington. Vs. took the 1 wbrsi oedifWI lernany as oweciea ia ut ikim:4) rampbltt.tal the Universal Plaster be applied to tbe and some times jyer ' the eyes, lad by tbiitrti meat he baShiseyesigbt 16 ff recovrj he can read both print and jwriiiiiv. 'If tt explicit statement should be desired, a letter, rected to A Fudge, Clerk C Court, wi!lifi satisfactory evidence of the aba e. ff A ladyof Bedford county, Vi ,Mfij 17 veara afHicteds whh tbe Litft Cumn!!! IriMlul n.-ilh f .i!m&l - tns.tr ; nM ,t ..J ...... VMiyuiGfiwvii j vwy vil lit UV.flt tauen wnn contraction anc lameness, mm the whole ijme a great number of present of Physicians of emineoce.and eye'j mediew that was recommended for ber osejosteidrfrt fording relief, bad1 a tendency rather to j?mt the disease, Sbsaok from year to Tfir,iU3 digestive organs were so deranged that ktt agreed wii.h her j fp Aogost. 1842t'he p:ir hid not been CQt ff her bed in fit e years.Maj; when removed by nthers so peftoat tbat cas versation or .wallcing in the room prodoee most disagreeable fffeciG npon the head j bert al feelmg very bad, sour siomacb, Sic. b had no intention to nse more f rneJiciiiPs.bot ! kms a dose 'of the' Gold Mine Balsam till much benefit thatlin one hoar $he felt httr.sb then commenced a regolar course of Dr KbW medicines. She ook a dese of the Reitoki ibe morning and one at mght,;and tsodosst the Gold Vline Balssm between oetti. limbs were rubbed two or three times 1 djjs the Aromatic Extract, and this t;eaiof given soch a happy result, that she is not W to walk about thfe nervous aiTctions laye her, her digestive organs are much ioinrotri, her. general feelings good She is mocn and her complexion qniie fresh, which h lonishcd everv one. that was pcaoainted siikif long stasding disease. We have omitted nsm. nf Ihift lari nnl if nw narllPDIllS FD Wa 4ftttiftt S9aa rafav Ira 1 U ntV afffDf. M i ft) ww w ICITI IV SUM I It itiw m 7 . w-a . r i ft i X uiier unoge, oectord county, y. ? v have partiicTjlarised these caws j much to speak of the great value of Dr K' medicines, as to inform ths iflSicted bovj" mav be relieved. The treatment has bees iiced, so that, others may know thai bin' obtain that hi f cotusethey may also more desirable than riches. CRESS & BOGER, Azem. Balrsbaryv Oct 29 18421 f 14 j t ! t aftBftftaBBftfts rSSuPply tf f sbnvf'InvaioaWe ME piCINESarefor sale at fames' Cross Roads, ireceii couniy. ny A. G. MCINTOSH, Agent. ..1 i s r ;. Printing neatly, doneht ere. . 1 , f ujrcrsons wisnrng io prcwic - j medicines, will please direct their order?, ? the amount, (post paid.; )o I Da. Khht.'s OrncE. Ricrmo5D or !o any of Ihefolioving J : NORTH CAROLINA, Jeakim tt nilts;Saiisbpry, Homphreys t Gaiiberi Lexlof tan, J. St R. Sloa;n,i3reeosborcog Dr N. Siitbj Raleigh, t . M. J A. Drike, AiWroosk. "1 J F & C.Phifer, Concord. , B Oats. Cbarlotie. I s ; C C Hendersoo, Liocolrjica. . j James J Home, Phtsboroogfci" " t d... tr .-.11. cikd L j. a ciij, ttiiiirraiiic, ,v' 1 James Braniicck. Witerloo,'f 1 Branoock U Waller, Wts' y iosbim jcoontyJ .RW Lawson. yan?eyyille j James'R CallamMilton j r 1. South Caroline Steele, Geonilng 4r Co. Yorkc jr. McLare, Brswley f fo.Cha The.continuatioB of lU Ii of f o w fice, Pamphlet. I 4y V ! . the A tb Carolina, aod Soolb and "f ...rf ill jts'dirMiihe ir :m r to cci UqJeighrJY fc, and l 'S rn ttC.fla&terSyA W NynihalTEasi .( it, Bifih COfcC OU0T . I.- f-i f .. . - 1 . f-i . I 1 Ar.f fin mioj-on the abeve busing fteall its branches. I AU orders i tiooa die4nee .pHmpily. attended t. . oncorr. rlachj2y IS433ml& KO. CAROLINA, ,h of i'r: JilW'a ihvaloablf rni!j Ti"' m f a fresU aiippi 5te ived tbdforlybj, ivjj.if r4- i ttRf 1 Silisbur?. IVc :0-!f20 i 1 - omiiuT: COUNTY ywJUi..v,- Mi: r jacd Y i Primed on first-rPT Ibis ' 1 s