i ai'a! hereafter bel hd L n . --1 i.J f. sfnllrrrr ltd ftt&.gikttfl hereceitea for a lent me Hill arrearages are pio. tiiM Ol-iipTERTISIHO. .SMlbr.:eaeh contmoaoc. t.fA;, fliellhtrged 25 per ct. tilgh- MffSraieslS trill u; - I rv W ymM v ibe fear. ; ' . :i tir!t':Mifeieaio in jiuiior m .WihAMM e if n txt 115 en ton J .j -1 f i::it:! . 1 ! MA.CE C. PENDLETON. owtr. 'CJCeep a eheck upon all your Itulers: bo lku,iab iiSEBir is f AGei Harrison ; . -.5 rrti ,-. S-jj--....- : : H H f. .-.It ' --ll.-.:..;: , ! ll. JJ. 4 . ' ' ' 1 I rt. , i ... j - . - NO. 4 mior.nfto.: It OSt '. 4 TTTTT KTTOI i J J j is. '14 Y. IS v f - i -:tmMivm sit-:- --ik- ! . t lt.Ul! t . 43'...,, -- - .41 .4,:: H : f Hit if j i v;iSln ; woe q SlWO R-Id BllJ -i taming ir awz i to Old and TtlElSVBSCRlBEn r-f icrVG:t!cietfiai welf known t 'IflriHs$tT, 'N'-ji O..oforma bU Friend IFI E Sobscrlber.resnecifoH? informs his I IPrlepds tad! kb Ppblie fr4nerillf dbait be hi 4peri ed a tb ft i o $z isoo r y i lbe bo weosi- opposiie Wesra jrici tf and reds of ehildreo anJadolt8irrlo$t Tar ijjwuD worms, if oeo some cuaer caose nis oeeo sopnosed lo be ibe mm ooe.T F I : K ,' i . 4 . It is admitted b? alldociora tbat tcalrs a rnan," woman or child exists boi. what ,sr's sooner, or later iroobted w4ib worms, and - in bond reds 'of caes sad 6 relate, tsvppoied" fever; scarlatina cold, or some' olbtr ailinv carVies'ofiT I lie flowers of the bomao familj -wbi(e in trolb they die of Worms ! and these coofd bate ben rradirated baildiorf m jtbe hoase of Dr. Boms Wrmerltl rr.-.-r.. .uL . ..t . j..h..i Mornbyi 1 In sdJiiion to K- 'T1 1- ' !J tL.Lfn boold be and wb koove, the subacriser will - . ,. .4 I'pnnnlri Innnt atirb at .i -J . S barer snd iasi below J itbflikc Jfu PPc 'l&eHj; v,,Jll lbe I ?aroB f now carrfioiiiahe1 SifcitrtS &r iwet-''0 l'-f?e' & i I Wefif J om'moi'j'Wt cortiiir j ibwnst be' ' .ltt rtd bawiu, soppnea wf;o makisg;Spooni, '"ifffiis.,1 tnd- repai inj IS I ..;Ju.oeiBi';fcel and surroaodiog coahir j tf- Wsre.11 1 1 $ Eli :- if -J-' 1 ! 'i U Mltbb't T- - . -J: 1 !:; VJVMB? SUM SI 11; IU I nu:i "'! r i- riiti la!l and a lienti t e Os let.-1 a illmer Viyejii'sd pledges himself that to x! l.-ii:brlibti:fribe ei?se.o ci! bo. may favor biui wiib ?jylia; in- ;.ff : MMtlm of Coiumfcxo Yor JAeatr iiRblKvfeli -lts'; positi, inaii-1 8jM- ia skilfol & How sickenina ibe ihooeUt lbai UieM things. t a '"' a: j I suooiaoe and wbo can ever lurvirdjinentse;? es s r orrn xacicruwtoc7rt w uerr even if ibe ease waSstul' wo ms. -".-r--' - - .... i inis-remea? couio no o? ao possroiinr oo uuri C, tod" repairing 10 ie n.i 'ai r - l i ... j m - -m . . i vise oe wnai u rnay. now itnporiani tuen io ose it; and 'who wf M dare take the rtponsib lr; In do wlooi ii ?j Lei eery parent ibal is not a brtttesli ihemsejrrs lo'ia quest iop in liulb and j u k tngtxa. wad a ebid;ter airic fo neat' iwq weeks, ind atreide3bf yiywcianj wiibool relief, when Kofmi;6ckt Velrrnjfofce was givenrand neri day more tfaan forty jwor ma wet'e pa seed, when' the eb j f d lerdreTfd r a bidly J ?4'M i - n conu vi. m whjow swoman, iiTipg: eear ire Maniai;an Water Worka, haJ dwindled for ii oonib, iitrnatr is. sele:on wiib fefeiv dryness ol ibemouib. and iicbinv of the sosei A bo- lamtiy; Uile bip loipatrongetd sdppon.lde will NoTj1$i,tfi6 'r&&Mflw01CM World, i i i i .. .it .i. . IEI KU th ei cbcanetl and most pleasablP- i ut aroini rucoiij wiui'j pHivv ii'- tlrtno and coosieUectoal remedy I tban a mon.b. i f t COsnmpiioqVAafpng 8e?eral childreti is a highly, resppplable famj ioiiiiVfiilwn eflec is prodoced . . .tit u ...i ' ..i. s .' . it.mH ift a ancT uMiJ auw atuniu n sizrteo iiif be Mealtf at te rii ion lo the falelst pe- f ?i BIICrinANS WORnXOZEtftiES rf lp;fre;es,Ue; bead rrooa and re'bf ioijlj irifaljiible worto tdesiroying medK sftttwjt5$wej !Pol!,.n,Prim na cioeeser dtsedfered. ; J bey tse been osed in oer 1 .400,000 eases and, neer known tu fail... I SHEREXAK'S CASlPDOfl iOKENGES ire immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- acne, psipuanoo oi, me neari. iwness oi aprr- lis,; lespooaencyi uainung, uppressfon or a Cool 4lhni!jTSiioess ol ibe Lung or Broadway bad wormsip a frij(nfor exleu ...j pbestjili H ff 'l ' " ' 1 and were all cored rapidiy with this Vermifuge. i a some o ine oesi nwinirs iu urigimui- 'ark, H b'aa beeii etlensirely ntf'io iiefclrlifaUooV: and prefeots ibe hair Ha djifgv'ofj or; gelling gray-ih It atX iht aawplcu r f u 1 1 1 a r y ; wneri uano op .Vtiljeoiievsnooiu everoe maue wnnpoi n. hood of Si, John's osed. from t Le ctreemsiance of baf ipg eradica ted a large' qoamitf ?of worms, after Sit oilier remedies had failed, whieb was verylexiensive I. I . .. : . r ,1.. -t i . Ji A family In New Jersey. saved several children by ibe.ose o(.ili One, a. girl of eight years ot age, bad. become exceedingly emaciated before f ITVv. fL. :'fil kit Tbroosh time's lomoUnary scene 1'bv conflicts. IMxrtv bate been ; iong, various, ofuouy, ana severe ; .Tel 1 boa an still mans cboseo Qaeen, His cynosure and spar supretoew J : -: That prompt to manty aclion here. for Ibe opposit ousiy aiura! ttrsttlon which ranaaa ihn sexes to J approx. tnsto oi oif fieri ill squaab seeds when Ooslinff o- ter the calm surface of icen'oii waier My dear bearers nearly ll sVenlbeliold it oyatery. Cheete is prodaced from milk in Is seemingly uoaccponuble manner ; so r suppose ibe earth and the whole sister bobd of Slates, were originally formed by a aysttfious cordjing of chipsj causer by some chemical experiment mde by Itim. who said io -the bfStnnin?. V Let there be Your viitt and vonr preserve h riaiit light,', and-il flatbed forib as iaddenly asi my bcM , white ssmlkJ jToe worda tl when a locufoccj match is rubbed(sgainst your mnutb are ssreet as honey, but the the tough surface of sand paper.' You words of resurrection are too grefl lo be know my frieqdfs tbat.Bwculsrj action is heat d. I do not wish to bear again ibnot subsert lent to ibjs witl ; and Ibas thta globe tbs dead anting ! i The dead cannot rise! or pure is kept id, njptioihthtpugb the mtrac-l Thw dead must ooi srise j' Wtiyl ib ulpes agency of Omnipotent volttibnsr.d; aunedcaa! so ereat a man reiase knnwl. as for our tr mgl to comprehend st4 wemiighl! dge aad turn awat, fromwisdom ! ij Telr ss well ondertske to accooot for ibe) milk me, my (riend wby I nus? not add jto in the cocoa no by a new sjsleca of buib-! words, and apeak idf s rciarrection ?' Rt- e mat ics. Aye, all is mystery thai lumps; sing snd uneovenpg his arm, which had of common clay, as we all jaje, can be ani- been atroag in baltle. and ahaking hit hand msled with living souls, be possessed of as if quivering a apear be replied, I have feeling, and bavelhe power' of loeomotioni slain my tnousndM (bontmtai,) and shall It is a mystery; As to where all go, when the they ariae Jl;; Nevet before had the li'gb'ttbf una jusjj uu toe woric ana wssnes us back into the unfathomable ocean' of eterni iy Tbe rainbow upon; (ibe bosom of s bower is s beautiful mvsierv. remindind one of tbe bright halo of hope that ever en- career. compasses the bearl of a true Christian, tbe rains that descend to quenclr the thirst of sfferiog Terraj Firma, are a jmystery em blematical of the soft abawers of mercy that (all upon a wicked and ongrateful. world. It is mystoriousj how Ibal Njlore, with her invisible needle can work such beautiful embroidery each year for the earth : it is a mystery how sbe can find sufficient rsw ma i Mi Tba sa vage of he desert wilder i Tbe4AVaa,Na;iare'si umeleasjcbjld, j a all ibeir movamenia follow thee j Shall man, informed by learoiog48 1'gbtj Thy plrodent admonilions slight i Cijing Be RatumaltuJ'ne V crt-plains, and ccaitertd to the :dj, i-sta arise ?' be ttked, witb a kind cf triamptif mm if Si A km A Mnm'- ft val 1 ' alTm V I mml- - '-(. ' mm mi V UUt UtVU hill. " ' - C , f plied, oot one tnll be left behind,9 This I reps;ied sfitb Increased U epphasts. Af ter IcokinJ at.oe fof a U cocsais, he torned to bis.peop e,to Uuoa tie spoka ith, a stentorist roice : IlirU. ye wise -cfn, whoever is strvong you, tba wisest of f. psst generations, didj ever your esrs heat, such strange and onbeard of news V And ! addressing bimieI(lto one wbtxij connten-' , snce and attire siqwed that he had teen" many years, and was a perxonage of no . common orders Hive you ever hesrd such" sirarige riews as bMe'?,;j' sage's answer ; 4I bad 'sub nosed, that I inos Isesied sll the knowledge of tbe country l have beard the tales of many generations. I am in theplare of Jtbe sneieols. bot my knowledge is confounded with the words bf fits miuth. Sujclj lie rnust hive lived long beforo tbe period when w? were born.' Mikaba, then tarofng sod addressing biQ- -self Id roe, sod Uy tnf his bind on ay breast, snd, r alber, 1 love yo much. i-p- wfecitf is9re.w tli'am.-iy U use; I W mimr X .7 TO fatim most berta o remedy fbrthi. distreeing 1 ill?art)on.; 1,6 ktff m; bompla3bieerbflred to the AmeVican poffic b,ck It01' in belm&eose npmber of esse, ini wbLi they ea liBanai Mri hleajd coyecedi U iks i0ij?Ji0JjJ!2'- 3 bieb use they bare never been knbwn to fc a i.iki.. yninc-a wiiien: i nata naeu ivn and i m :ii : t ktlf hktt& bftliibe 1 Balaa.lwhictL iiaa foj wed at? Irii-ijIidlVwdrilf bead eo'Ufely fiom n.c nuAArmA nliM iii ht nt mMni nnn. I lS, ! LSPOndenCl j rfeiBinMihi headiare immedisielyand I?ni klt5 . :- - it m .i ; . s - , mi. Itllnri flf aiAneAI llllnna . . : . : . 1 ' I isrflTA nnrmi ra ilul.-vlnDii liul tb litll nit llm 1 iQArmnnV miVI JH r..Mw;. v.ermnoge, wneo sne necame again worse, sou hair I !. H Ii m i; ! i iTi -Mi. if . a , I had resort to tbeVermifoge ibai finally broogu; 1 A mm Bv BM MAW ttlfl mkmt mW a, l JlAl 1 . . mt . sway an mcreuutle qoantuy of wproar;sod Hie core was complete, ana sue gaioeu ncr i ties nr. rapidiv f j j I:, '. ..t ...'j it-.i;vi;i : A Pbysiciao of standing, bad itoctoVed a Ta'm, ly of children some weei.s, wiro being able in reatore bui oae out of the seven io bealib ;H bad the lioeralhy to send for Koloasiork Ver roifoge, add cored the rest nhh ilpo less (ban a week..1' 'i -' -j-; :, ..: . -,. i ! .'fv lioseroo's cases of OJber rtiDnn'nlJs wlefe spp; posed lo exsi, snd the persons Treated fo fevei &c, bol finally a irat of this Vermifuge diacov. ered the trbe rae$eqf the sickness, by oringins away almost so Innnmerable qnao i;y of wbrmn. large and amaU,! end the person feetitered great despatch, j lns:socfof ils kind might be cited to an Immense exieor, boi t ;s;o$eles, one II show any one; wib astoo eflec;s of ibis1 Vermiliige. ouy ibijr'e'e on less ikbavf Df Kimsiocfs Vernwfge'Vbntiaoroely (en graved on -;ue noisiile label, and ijbs lac simile yVhatlsmitioa?rnnsihysoaI Panting to rise above control, f; - CitvrsrTre8iraiBt, to resn ene - AVfiat erged ibem:gu;v Cccsar ocT ; . Jmpeiled tbe peerfesslKoMiAg-fon 7- . v Raided dread Aaoeon to a ibrftne ? : - T "Thy iV40orn spirit; mod fad N ! By circumsUnzts and by pride " . In manl-minds a sprit reigns Impatient of Tyraooc cbaios, ': , ' jOr H it-rare by Vawtol foivbj. No (oi Wrayed ip deadly aiee', 0 jNo Brdum men1 ihreatniDg peal, ; ! i Cae sViike the IFrtctnafci Banner dowb : Tboob ck)ods al limts ha slot ies veil -Despditcarms In vain amil. I ''H h- l-f f3i Itlitiii? r ; Hope ai;s i with bland and brilliant eye UpoUhai B2nnefHiapfxihigh:j Hope a nimated fFoaungo, ' r i Roused Wallace.1 Sydney. rntu$, Sbe blenches not fnfFoi tbJthejJJon,j i jSbe tall'es for tbe igbt$ ol man, j . J ! Una vied, though fearfaV odds assail ; Nay, ks the conflict sterner grows, j I More ardently Hope's bosom glows. i i Hr'ii '' 'fl fcl :' t ) ; I 7ts Day, opon the Dome of fame iOor.bire io characters oil flame, i Inscribed, O Libkett f I by naue l , Sefn,! onappalled, tn opeo ligbi,r 1 They proved to all tbeif isborn tight ! To set at oaoghiPespotic oV'gbi, ErectHbey stood they bebl the knee To none. O Freedom's God ! boi hee.' i- : -11 i ?! r i By .them redeemed from ihralJ stall we, t- tneiltotfs .e(?sJsii.eat,j ad(iiejs , Sobmit regsrdlt8 of the fame Of oar brave aocestera w bo stood TbVoogtt scenes 6f perili toil, and blood, Hi To t iodfeite Great Freedom' Fane ? divine revc'.atiou trawned upon bis savage mind, and of coarse bts conscience bad he ver accused him, bo. notfor one lot the of deeds of tsptne andmurder tnaiked his course throoghf a long thousands wbieb had EFFEPTa 0f PEUCKTUAL DAY-i Nothing made so deep aa impression on jour senses as ibecbsnge from alternate day Snd nigbtib which we had been uaUiioated from oor infancy,! to the continoed daylight to wkch we were subjected as soon as we eiossed line sretic cirelel Where tbe groond is but litife trodden, even ir'fles are interes'.iog ; and I do not tbetsiore, besitate to desctibe the feetjngo iil. kAt.: ,A-A I.U.L.... HH MIVM i WW I rIK II ! l; llH'' Q. I UC HID' terial ta vveaee iirH mmAk nnml rni WJ WblC&WO r snd bow she orodures ao.h Vawl eariete fif ve,-il m.?1 oe j5 . ?ory agnefe j j -".! j v , . m I and tbe advamaj icon iiv heai s ooyv cayered with fiiiei, flow 1 mori tidJroobesdcaa dor fa lbo!na1f .blcb an v line mSy see by icallinsr iav j atm Ibe eoilirerypfe Mme.Sftofd'iCdnoectie A I '.vlm Kbf ibese .tlxehgesf : ..i aSiamlbfdfConi i2'JiioEMi:iir;D.sscoFiELD; Ccsste'rfeuVre: atimcrrooa; "always tor me 11310 Oi AytJmSJJCK SC I VO. -:. J r. f - Mf , "h : JFar lale at ibj VVa'fvbman Office, a ndl. bv C B Whwfrtr: HilKiwr f . Or iittib Raleigh , D eirUiHfcbO ii ItSloan, Greensboro ;J ji; ;ri! 1 1 i.. y' j-' ji . . i M'if Restorative Lbzenges. larrncea or looseness ot tbe.boweis,so com- nd ihesaremer muoihs. vented bv i frrt ee hey are prepared express jly for ijiatfbbrpsel and can! e relied on with pei!ectbobndenpey Persons sybjci jto a derangej merit of the bowels shoold never be without them. TbSf iuotd i tamed late relief fronTaH the atlepd n.iu. GrUn tie I la's ttECEimi UMVERSALPII dty;iN,,C;5Oyt. j 842-tf 14 ,i i , ti LLS. Tueriu an grpiqgs, iatniness, oepressien, qc. j; Are aiPfeasaqi ana easily lasen as me common , -. -...T -- . nrtiMrmiA inri. im an ae if a irii mcicn; I '-u. o.r,wiW m.Ul!MiL);na ihinmli snH hot. l. I l Cfltfoil Neter BV Looi al; O K Shcrman'i ad- rirtkenwnliartd ifJyoo wh reliel for "your ma tf ttal3fe!; c;M aiid 'obtain a xemtdy of C1B. y.Hei5KAsP.'l lf20 To j t i jb - a 1p f l i c t e d f r h c Bbiriirfif aiarecei ved , a large and A freib "pplT oilDi Mofiltitk Li Je Medici ne.N Cal & io;re lfMM:C.:' B".;W H EELER..Akeni. ,ali:f).tJr.DjSsi J O.-W ISO" T '.."''-l ' j- and are tbe bst!iaibahic ever oaed for jbiiioos pefsbrH(.;ji Where lab sctlve medicine. is reqttfred. fhey are not only ibe best, bat tbe safest tbat can be administered. ; - -An 'i : ', m; i r- 57manV! SfrewfffAenirtar PLA S TRR, Tl?e u?8t;of a plastera for RbeomaiWrn. Lnm bago, Pain or Weakness' in tbe Back, I oins. bds:ot. Breasti ili; H ., , U j :, . Tve above medicine is fori satej wbo'esale or reiaiatlbe Balisborv Medicaj Oifog SidreVby P ep !i;iS4ifaty6i Salisoury, N. C; j it- flts6b'pv-)i t.;r-hcckui it iaoe 17. iM 511 1 Cotton Yarn. oiivdfa;h.fi& iatt flMolasses, eSa rltt a i 45; tNi!s. PnlV ;.; 10;a Hi lOats, eeswaXv f u ii ? rorK, ' fiXiii-J'! k-Xj5Jf Vs i'W to. .. ucioau uj 'i.p I oiigar, or. loat, Coffee, or n, . !il.;!ii0 .i..l I Flo f4 if. 33. 40 M V 0 yf..it5'i;-.y Bp :0, f , d 3 Ce?tfa. 75 nr. JfJoiTaVs Waetable JLife TTeOSSnSS baa hiss of the most mild Sir -3 - - Tl; : l . . i. j. JJ. ;.ertciai naiore. 1 bey SrecoronoseJ of sr ticleitbmosi j abiiHpotjr iogireileqis.kiioiVjq! as ,he "only certain antlaie tor teyers or every aesenpuop. , vvnen ineifs ease l prodoced euber lioro ; cbU, obsirncifon. bad ait, awamoy and damp situations, or potrid Olia8U)i..vueiOei uiai'axnt jiu vniariuic, 01 wj oiber caoses. ihese med'eioes are certain un their 85 a 40 ': 6 15 a 20 $3 5 a 10 15 a I8uitai;ibe ol UomsiocK & Lo. . , ... j. JlzenU-C. B W hee'e aU'oory ; J &. H Win. Geensboro, ; D Heau. Hillsboro1 1 I E Mabry, lexiogton.D' Mitb; Raleigh. Alarcb 4, ISt3-ly32 '. J ; :. " : r H : -i l i!!, Salisbui'y finale Academy: TH E St m m e r S easion of th i s I rt si ' ; ii ; i o n . w in commence on Atenday,' Mai cb 6ib Af - rangemenis afe imaking to nrocqfe an asistJn 1 eacher, wbo wiH . probably enter op her duties in one or two weeks, : I erms as formerlt. bnt cjaes bferoall children, tearping! only Jleadin and Spelling, will be taoght it !6. ' Ever branch osoally jadhtio Ibe tlrst j Female Sej minanes will be attended io, , and it is believe oat lis present arraogemenis are; soperior to those of anv Ifotrot r'eession. tf S. 'Frontis (: pa live of France)a lost roci iog class in the Fiepcb fanguage, and it 'a desirable that oibets who diend joiniair sfaooitf do so. Immediaiel?.- n a naa aim cnnseneu .o itse eviarge of . a ; class opb-atSonabr effct IThey ire pWtfse of pa- V rayon.urawno;;, a. ara.ctj w hica is itigb it co)iat!qualitiea,wbicli!ioi oolyexieUU dieae. PP'iai:ed ai ihfJSoci &, a ad i tojt- Jfattended . .nr,n.iAr.i. iKa IJo amonj os. a ew. ypono tjf uie w ni , oe ref OflUQ I T lata V IV9VIV I" :3L iLmseHPill-priiHr Salt, sack, 728 T5 fe3 bys em I Wheel flrsl iaken n;d itbe is omacb f,u Tallo VO ;Ti Himmediatelyi diffuse themselves like V; flp , IHlW f Tobacco, i8 a 20 iHfro i " v. .' r i" T"IdeMeh!ifol.salotarf.andiermanenj. Wbennhe l OMMjIlieil. SZa ID ..iLilftffljfV-UVn in nti.xi'AtWi' lit. rireai'tatinA . ! f .1 . : .--.! k.- - ! - i .. . M Wheat, buslv 75 WltisVey, 25 a 30 Wool(clean) 25 fv.iieaentii a 40 t 64' la il 10 !a tortYar'nl:I4; i r'!4llioiaeo; I,r.ni5sl4 id : : 80 a on o;,a; fcTTevii.t.i.' a 1 1 MoUs ttrtfer Jo'te 7. sea. 13. a so lNails,co;, 54 at 6 Sbar5tbwn,l6ja 10. Lamp, j 14 Uaf, ; 15 a 18 lane bid. Sod tnej; faeoliiejs paralized, tbess medi noes are too nu to giveia tone in ine nerves, ex bjlerile ibe animal spirits. Invigorate the, body .and re-a"nimate the whole rnanV Ji " : ! j" ' ;.. '. The Life Medicines have a(so beertesed wiilr tbe most bappy Success in irvi.os and Uss-f pemib diseases, Consnmption,r Asthmai, Liter CoopUlm, -Rheomaiiam, (cbrooie and inflama- iSalt, Tobacco leaf . Cotton ; bag Bale rope, t Wheat j new Whiskey 50 a 60 in 2 a 21 20. 8 a 10 75 a 80 26 tort 1 U ronsiea. ete. h CC?Call at Ches3 &, Boger', w?enf5. baiilbu i , Oc; 22r 1 842 - ly 1 3 M i 'IS iVool.rvi; If a 15 tfeRJlwlfiMiy SI' 184S- M ...-Ji 4,a 5 ; ;tt;M:l5- 1 iim 10 lonllHl4la'6? 50 uiuirxt are Iredell county ;. 4 Naib cut assor.6 a 8 yi wrought to iLl8 Oaisbusbef efao Oil gal - 75 a 80 '; lamp - $1 25 linseed 1 10 a 1H25 Pork lOOIiw j 5i s 6 Rice IriOlhft 4 K arn hth i? i K,'!i ii. - iMM i .a. ? -Ws 2S a 30 1 ; r fmsh , Rft: ? ftA 1 $tcef Amer. 10 a 00 Ebglrsb:.;.,14 German . 12 a 14 J Tea i tnpe $ 1 a 1 37 ECi M sbpplyj. of :ke above , lnalosbIeTVE- sale ai Jamea'jCi oss l C McINTOSH, A Roads. ;eui i ;j 100Jbs1sb6 ;rf?3ws:;L-23Sil;;2! ;'31!PW rij 'Takes mihod of Jl j I n forming b is friends, 1.1 ana ine paouc, mat ne ts ; stilf cat ryipg bo the JWatcb m-m a a ! - r n a n a. u iock maKiog.anu rxe painng bosidess.ai fa Is old stand, neaf the Cooribouse i i i - i i r ... . i ... AlliWorldidonb hw bim iwill beiwarraDledfor twelromaaihaj J HeeuH keeps on hand a smal assoftmeiit of Urwellery.j.J- r Hd - mT"k a aj-r - :. uid UQid and; purer lasen Mi , Z fi, hM. - 'Ifi- !?t Jewelarylor wo:'k' done. t - 4i. A-J n exchioge for aiisbBryVarcb 12, 1842.-:tf33 J. S Polmsloit, - i i I i lit . . ., i. ! . i i ATT0R1TET AND COrjJSKLLOa IT claAIT Sajstbuhr, Jab ajreeyb'y sitoaied oa wtfdartiof ; Tovvp, an& t. T i;uir ;ii win iu hit ncnrni, -u:iicvcnii ! made for absence, bq. io cases of long continue ' s'CLness. ' I Toition 6 -8 1 0-or rMO aceordingV tb , Music on P?9iipei session, Gui'ar pe quajripr, -V': . French pr session: ''U ' Drawing wi ill -crayons per session. Pafnitno- in waief cuJors at iWaxWolk, l .v'ir- ;; INeedje Wo k. fye. taoebi if desired; f ! 'If EMMA J BAKKR,IPrtcaJ i $250 12 00 io:do ; io oo io oo ;5 oo Salisbbry. March 1st, 1843- f32 i mHld'Mbscrlber rtaWet.eitf retorni- JLL thanka for pas favors, and informs his'old friends and tbe noblicibat be still conlinoes tq carryion toe aoove Dosmeas io air n variooi braocbeaVsnd a I (ibebtd'Vsiabd jonj main street two'doora below J; & WMornhiy'e store add on rKwlte the VVslcbman Priniing yfSce, wfcere be; may always be foond. He keej consjabily .6ti band a vaiieiy of well fimabetf work, and a: pn ces to soil ;be times, ;Also asopplyJofJ ready made Coffins constantly fcepl'on band to soil aoy measure; anu at! lower prices Ibao ever ihey have been sold fori. ... . i. I N. B. All kinds of LoDbtr and Country Pro- decelakeu in exchanget for wort. - Thai most not be- the tropbied sign Of Liberty shall j wave b rough time, Us-ii led oy treason or deceit, , : Arrobil saio,Ofpbaae defeat; H e r cog-re on bs.mooni ai n tjj rooe . Displays It to ibe wortd at targe, Jislrea claims it as her own, Aid to Columbia's sobs in charge The constellated standard gate, To be defended by tbe Brave Ambitious mvlfishiess" the principal ac- :oating mo: ?e . ol Ahe piesent Auaaioisiralioo, judging1 from i:s condoct, vtx; ' Duwn wnu SockiDgbam! on with bis bead lr i if XT ELLIOTT. v OA. Neatly 1 printed antffoc sale bt 'ibis OfSco i i . - i : j i . m i," PATENT SERMON. 'i . - ; BY; DOVfi JB. . 'll-'"' 4.1- j : ; " ! " My present dtsco6rsej isdrawn front this text sj I i- S i - " Aye, comrrton mysteries sre these Bui who on eaub cao?soft e tbem ? Mj i - - j. .' Mi l- ij-f:'; f J My bearers -the common kind of myste ries of nature, are just; ss impenetiable to th- hortsighted,anJ feeble bye of the hu man understanding, ss ihot e which are sur founded by thicker fgs, abd are further moved; beybnd the pale' of phiTosbpby We think we know tbe why, the where fore ebd what, of sll that we can see, fee I or bate any idea of , wlion, in fact, we know no tnoire about' it than the milkmaid, who knows that butler u made by churning, but nndersiandeth not ihb philosophy thereof. At nignt when ell ejs$! is 'still, when we bear invisible winds crsbdering amid th wild woods, we listen to their hollow rnitr murings. and yet! ihey f sre not to be beheld for ibev sre without fbrm and void. ; We perceive ihal tbeii mial pinion of lime gent ly brush the dew from j.tbe giass and itbe flow ci s, as if fesrfol ol jrreatiog a disiu'bauce iti NatureV cJoroinin -nd then again, w. I) one fell stroke fhey level some of the might iest woiks of man lo tueidusti lWe wrjttcss the speed, the pbwerJjnfr. the mght of the iwinbTand wonder how that winch tt imma enal fi .-tangible, cajrt jCOmoai. Vo'id sod formidable sobaUoces, and come ff yino ricus, ejven wilhobi a bt tuse. 1 ee thmgh it, ant) yet 1 don'i," ss ihe fly said when lie butted ibis head ygainsj Jiltje window p.ne ; so with you, my fa a bifs-iin tegM? to the jatmospjhcie that; sot routtdf you. You see tfirocgu it visually bu( to the opi.es of boe's compiebcnsioo, ll is aS a bag of bud shot. My frieltds-ilie universe is as a vssl toiume of mysteries, bnderstedd by the great! Author himself. I We cannot perceive bo tbere can be an end (o space and mat ter, and neiiher can e imagine how there can be no end to tbe same. Ail is wrapt in the aik ,maotle of lysteryandi,, the longer we ponder! over the subject, the more our thoughts become perplexed sau roo foonedj: so we; call them with a whistle, andapbraid tbem! for j returning from their idle stiands as ty sjtaited Jt is a mystery that kee'ps the compltcaled; machinery of creation in constant operation We fee coufidenl that it i is not done by steami by hbrnj ; power, bjri waierf or wind ; and jjwb say, it is all throegh the influence of materi al or tafsgnetic attraction; but wheo we en deavor to solve' mysteries of jtbe attraction, we can no more account for it than we can flv4nlit. tt jmsalam Ji.li.l.i i colors ; and isa mystenoo. Wonder bow ohexPlored! ! snd, tu. orally oo.ster0orsei, was she can bind the brow of scmmer;wiihsuch , great t allow as;eeu to wish i for a return of oeautnui wceetcs. manu;aeiuret irom mat tbe alternations above slleded io ; but ihe re lac very same dost which is errjodied in the tance we felt to leave the deck wheo it-e'fsan tile, carcasses of loadsj 8Dike and other was sLioing ought upon oor sai's, and to retire loathsome reptiles. M '. loar eabes to sleep, often depnved us of maoy j My bearers4-instesdof tainlyittempting boo-$ ofoces.sary test ; and when i we .retoUed mJmm it.. .L;j. . , to the deck to keep our "S't watch, f jt ibay to solve the mysteries wh:rb lifibeyon.t the soc,,ea;0j 'iH r0o.T ihbsen gildlij&he scope of murta;i comprebensiopyou ought ,ky, U seemed asl(ihe dar would attlUu. to confine yoqr thoughts wilhin the small Wbai; ibie(bre;f ifii promised ru be ab gtatr circle of what js real, ralber than allow tbe fyiog, aooa ibreaieoed to oeeotoe ex.remely it k tide to wander and become lost in the mis- some; and noolJ, indeed, bave oeen be iu ty Lazes of id'eslty, notwilbstintiiflg what incootenienee, bad We not ll towed tbe eajam-, mylfrienii, Mrl Dickebirias said to iheconJ ? fejfb?fJ wi we dajiy observ. v' Ji Htw-iiUl-- ed wiagwdfiheirwaf to roosi,wtk a. clock t ask i-.tj , wu u.- ti7fur fegula.iiy, and retiring looer caHin at tbe ploper bowTbu can best coniibule tpfyour OW0 B0- r mhfy t6ol,itj, 00t the rays of the sii we happiness, and at the same time Imelioriz ebtaioed thai repose wbicb the exetcise ol! lour the mantloid. miseries lof myriads of your Jeties teqoired. At firtt sight it will, obl&abt, fellow moilala. DonVsbed v.io and use- appear to many persoes that consiant dayl gbi lesa tears over Ihe tombs of the past, nor most le a valoaWeqohibo ie eteiy coaai; nil i a -1 1 1 in i sBitwsri naca u in. unik m Mil iiarre n l so show jbai the reverse is really ibe casei sad to satisfy a reflfCi'mg mind, tbat we cannot oyer- h rate tbe blessings we derive; from tbe ubole- : some alterbaiioos of labor and rest, which is a a f mannerTrced epoo es by tbe succession ojf day snd n'rgbt. ll is Impossible, by removing to a -high latitude, to wnuers; the difficohy there "s ? to tbe regolation of lima, the proneness that is i felt by tbe indefatigable aod zealous to ( rivet ; themselves lo their ocenpations, and by the Indo lent and procrastipanng to postpone their doties, witboot being- truly ihankfol for lliKl alfnise and mercifol provikfoo- with which nator'e tas endowed the more habitable port loss of ibe globe, jr -'Beechy's Narrative if Buchan's Expedition r towards tbe ISorth. fole. aggrieve touiselvea with anxielr for the loture ; bol look to thejptesent; and endea vor, to improve each passing bbar as though it were the las! of your jlVes -and the grea test mystery of immoitality will i be solved to your entire satisfsctton.r ISo mole il be. MOFFAT'i SOUTHERN ARICAl There have been several I entertaining books ol travels jo the southern portion of the African continent given to the pobiie, and nowaweffve another agreeable volume from Robert Muffit, w io, for Isventy-lbree years, was the agent o the London Mis sionary Society in thst country. It islre uublisbed bv fllobeit Carter, of this cstv. from the recent Eoglisb edition., We lake Surgical Journal, says the Baltimore A meri- an extract. 1 , : LIVING WITHOUT SLEEP A recent noatbsrof tbe Bostoo Medical asd WITH MAKABA, CUJEP OF, TUE BAUANGKETSI. INTERVIEW 'In the forenoon, faking : arme of my company with me, I went in id the town, sod found j Makaba seated amidst a Urge number of his principal men, all engaged either preparing a kins, cutting ibem, sew ing mantles, or telling bews.1 . f ! Sitting down bes;de this great man; il lusions for war and. corquest, and amidst nobles snd counsellors,! including rain ma kers and others of the ssme order, I stated to him thai ra r objt-ct was to I el I hitn my news. His cpuntenancb lighted up, boning to :ieai of feats ol war, jdestiuction of tribes, I 4 not sleep oniil be reached Liverpool, and si'ch like oljects,;eo congenial tov his ssvege disposition. jWhen he j found jhat my topics uad solely a reference to be Great Beinj oi wbojn, the jdar befbrejljb fold roe he knew tioihjog, and of tbe Sayjoui mis sion to this wprld, wbofename he bad never oeaid. he resumed bis knife and jickaPs skio. and liummed a p.tive sir, Ooe of his men, sittirlg near me,Ysppejred strbrk wuh the character oil tljeedeerber, which I was endeavoring to dejacriee aSd particu lailv wiifi bis 'miracles.; Qb'.bring that he raised the drati, bej reiy patbraUy ijit claimed 'Wha: arjbicellerit doctor lie ijtosi have been, t jmabe meli des trh alisje !' This led roe toj' escbe rMsJ-pywe'r!. Snd bow Ibai powi r woofd jje exerriscd at plie last day in rsiair:g the cfead. In the course of my remarket ' the monarch baoght the startling snundj of a rcsoirectionl" WhitP he exclaimed wiib sstojiishmei)l whit are these words ajbobitjlhe dcad.ftbe" dead iise ,Yes,,w my Veply; all ilibrdead shall arise.7 nv in my fattier arise V Yfs,' 1 loswered, ycnr father all the slain in jbsttlerise ! r?s. 'And will all tbat haje been killed and deyoored by lions, tigers, hyebls, and crocodi(es, again revive ? Yea i indl comb io j'dg- can.) contains a letter from Mr Robert! F.Goor-, 1 lav. giving ao'accoont of bis extraordinary, ileep Usines. According to Mr G sown accooot, be . was Grt bereft of sleep ia the year 1833 ijfor six weeks, when aboul 40 yars of age- Prior to tbat iimcj he had neer suffered for want of sleep, slthongh jst tiM a litile sufHced lor refreshment; Mr G. was confined in London, as be-alleges,' f by British' tyranoy, three years sod eight months -and it was during ibis period,ejhinkarf hat, a' habit of living without sleep began to formj Da i ring his coofinement be fell very little need of 7 sleep sod jibe 'greater part of hie time In. bed,; 1 ' which was never more than .six boors tin be twenty fee rv was g ven to reveries, chiefly, he declares, ss tuscoemes for bettering the condi tion of the laboring poor of Eegland." i ' 8oon aftr his liberation, having, first . visited Scoilandj he left Edioborg for Awerfca He Where Tbis; a fety' he took a warm baih before ging to bed. bad tbe desired cfTeef. and procured htm boors of repoae. Tbe next moroiog be embark ed fr N4 York, which be reached to 4Z days, -withnot taving bid one wink of sleep; Iaatne diaiely oq) landing ai New York be procored a warm batb. got into a comfortable bed aed slept uondly. Fum tbat lime forward, fab djid not sleep for three years.: Us look laodaooa. bat that bad no efleet; he drank wbiake; to (ho hope ibsijil would indoce sleep, bit it oaly mada hi sickj '.' t " v'.""i-' "?' In the early-part of 1837, while fo Ohio, be was attacked with erysipelas io tbe lejy snd do; ili five sbaV-j. wss nitho atep. Mr G.bVree f red.4iis he. ! h iiisnime degree when inlellFgepce reached bim jhe deiib f two of bis children. He tben Uy tWii eeks ir reat agony, and from tbat lime fo this.-1 period of four yeate aed six. moTiibs, be bss bess' entirely deprived of bleep. The last 4iroaohsi' bis life bsvs seeaspeol ati BuStoe;L Hts bealth has mocb i uprovad, aed ' be eoieriains a hope thai as soon as be is able to - it . .-. s a t . L?i i iaseexereise, ae will recover. w varioea oc casions of Jaie be.has jeeo almost asleep. VetV iibiTne" New rkSpbpera ill arise. W.!U ssv that tha Secrelaryof the Treasury hat deiarmined not to negotiate a nve-per cent loan for tsn yfsrsss was conteoplated. T - i ) aeoU9 And will these whose bodies bare I The Pbiladelpbis Pennsylvania says tbat there wae a fluht bf tirds over that city oa iaicu u ii uu waa aux caw i v w- -mm - - t . ... - - . been left to waste anb . wither bp tbedes- Friday nlgbf-be aaoe a IW io;e. ; m ? i O i'. I : l ! s .. 1 !M- i' f 43 ji 44!- II i 4 I t l : -Vi v'i .T;: i mm i ' -V : '-i ..! ':H. 'A i i . 11 - I. f I i It ' X