i it' ill! VM ft mm 5 : .-!! ! If llrf f.-ii E:-i S Wkfcjjfe lor eich contfnoanc6.W f.W i- " ' . 'tSJitJ twjM.- MJSKSJ- ffl. :4 j f f ff ' -a ' .vvi mm nsrehasedtn at weR kncnrn .'and flrrfi6W- 1 f.o or.mf,-m r, r coot -feiy Hcemwo of Travellers 8t Boarder. rj iiih Wrtirfaod f f pTender, of all indaT m&mmL2iim ladies after chili. jaafepsii by ii(en Uovlhe fafest er ( str" M? h' root?, ird pr.l3 health atnd - i-.nif rati ir iir upiiiiiu uiav mmiii n i 7il Child reife tvbo havet ty, jtbyitneaost nc: TPtniirt M- (bia head,' are immediately and I wHbm bM a.boat fife years no more hair at j itllf md 1 1 b a ri oh h a'tack toCiJii iu&wty beld coTerd iwuh -JhicK acqrf, aiJii? siVuatiofl aboot ;the;10tK ? Abgost last; liejjio irstfiii' IJalmjCcilambrai fdm;Cob-i P'W wKiehVI baei oijed t wo and iWilk)il!eii)Me 'Bilmhjch.has laUyixe m taiMmMt$iA )my i;ea;eotireljr fr?a iiw natrtwcbny one may see T by calling Cniwlirafiabrdad-Iook, al ways for the fr saift t i?fv aiiciipaT tuiw . erg(ilS!i.p Usement: and if voo wish, relief for your ma traifcMBtt. feall and o&iain a remfcoy m vj p. !;.-.1,1.. ''K- I.'-.: .' . . Ji.M rriblhaiiTirli reputed Uarce' and " fresh. aliio rftafflilC;B HEELER, AgeBi.; 'iW1 'j 13; l- ' sft . ;inp.a4tji; j :i 1: - ,,1 n; t uhin uug lit1 1014 ' I I2ia J5 f Oats bushel 1 Pii gal 75 'vldf20a55 FJltfelHllOa 12 finseeB l io . IV -."f-p.it'v9;f..--".iy-i a -v -. uuaa; ,ou; u b ,MacUattJall who marjaTpr luin wvtb 1 t MI r 1, K 1 1 ii I IIK - W HIIIIIIU 1 UIWRUWBW iasih jhtn itl (carl heaaiiUben dboebp vUWiollet'shoiild ever be made withootfiu 'tetllNOc n rOEfKdahebnpeettrtdriKftlea Aedwell mT hftnwet; rf&m4tj fin&itiri&uf fflrlstioaiviDst ettlivua.a: iihlrei:ibi- jLir i ne Meaicai r.acoiiv. wanaji apnroToiuituj. j ui. ue iDouinaoa iicaincr oi me Boae. a- tru j jfi r-i-i., t kvjwj-wwuw uc4:: f J?r.' SHtrmaftj iiilfuX andxperienced Phj- 0ane; lad v, tvfco eaflett1 pidTide.fobfatwIi ftitffWl two or 4brei days, abd;-Wh1ldrewettfc .Are'.the!af68llr.retiMi-inoaerlkrtdaJ. rOTCohgh;hCiWBijCwtt4tiptiopy3 4vSeral Wldreo iWa blIfrrepeetaMeiti OoiighA8toa,TOhtee8aof illy fn-'Brba4tva;i.4. inn Pl ?e iqni4tJtyf Wormfaj6eiU; other f'liva rvtm0WitALrf1iAl in irirpntt rvr pl-'Hitttl- A fa mil in !NlAfV .TffiAW An vprl Bvrt Mlrh, ache,! rwipta)ioi;5o lasfe wtrf?ig;Cfnffii1 its-- DeaDondeoevt Faint intrQDnrsRinn. of-?.affe; had Ibecomer exceedinalv etDaciaifed before Are the most nanaio remedv for this iisLrpsino complaint, elef Jiffe4 to b0. Ameridarpiif fic 1 la tba immea81iiomber haTe been &Bea. tneir have never hAen knotvu in mono trowilsome da .ay.'iho-W, p8'rl 6f;theae!tbzen2esrrheT4i j. to trjar pdrpoe anld . cairftiereltf d ;4 ffltb perfect confidence .ersooa sqbject to 'a derange men l oi loaonwe asraoaio. ireyer oe wunnot mem. Th6r'ltot liqiroed ja t e reif tiorhfa 1 1 i h e lueodr' ant m$im&kifa n crman iajui nan i uiiozerices hte asieaatnadreaiiy;laKen? aa the comnion bebbermhiiai Hand are 'an. aotttel a 6d 'eltlcieoi and i'rliiihle jb,citharj icVj t4fCfiii J tip oest pii iasief8 ror.Heuian'W4 -uu ??V1.t-ij4;'Slt IN EQUiSTVIPai ;bbersatfrvharn hajifisb'6r- jr'-it.'TF;tiia1 it '.v , !v?-v" ?.'- v3f4-f-..-t'f' rrl Oftod many, wbo-bave,lsom;0,'jray. earned W rLf wpJ lW """l-VT -.JioraariatuaTbe-MiMtiiernaiiy-ivvrnraM .' rtiii't'IA'.X .inu-i. '-Ki'.i-V v..h l-:. rJl.efieli iiatbfeJ WheiartoWposTf4'arM nuw.UitR.itw' KhnkmtJt, Atihir PP"CBW,,,t? w; "f 'i? ?! feanj Jdno iih I V:tl rCiQfi inotoD.Js verified inTthe Ip Id wintrm treat- 1fCfi(T;!r f r f MaWet Gaiiber :diCatper Kinder, andifei r8 etrcntusianem MMa88esi':'35;ii:4btWf ati.faciipn otthe:Cobr!;U -Ilregenafa tcorresponn.n., 3au 12i Oils ? !-:-lib tl wti in th9 apririg of; 170, inlbctUwn I f M bfr;?m OT??? inhabitants of 'thUjSUiei.fi rs hercrdereit; fXlaiih'dririli 'bJ?MWtt;V! Sugar,;. 6 10 cunaramie. only wead X.nUAVi.tfbmi SSt, ,,111 lift llali; nfc. 9. 7.V ta Wt 1 4Wbflrstriakftir Win - the-. i.romacn.K ,uiriMirr J.tV KKra4 ana immeoiaieiy7rur? V :isnuer?ff i-tr;i i . i I at ov .F;D 'ci Scy!t:"VH - ..1' . i ,t,r ir" county. i. iaie, imi?.umww. .4 .". ""-T , " Ti;"ik-?fr.-riii-r1 4ii..i.:.-ilUliiS-v-i.i vii'-i.- . k. rV rhrimiu.fvviiAiMi-fedtfniHfrTe ii...n- -iL .u- 4ik ho tK vf, rMiteDnf)nhaol?aTd? be eiec-l ll, Rfc'iSiM I ,xr." r 1 a t ri,nS'v9f-0ft"? fT r 3r,rJ taeA pro coaiesso"an? nearo exparip.a o "w j oediate rieHOonngauetaraaa i w ! OirS t -e" ' 'VO jT irrlttKi Witnesaurnanam. rerir ana ia.p, t4ndjngmn8oy'aa ' Ma43 ii Molasses. 23 a 28 thiom hion alccesa ire uisaTd juye-v -"w-T-r , n.viiuatfr J D6n"itHin-Br-v";.uf- Ar ' " i M a 4(f Nails, cut, 5JFa H keptcsea fi,sprlul.r4 fTT ,1" 5-; IT Uigheqrieii gob&iiipfifom ftf imm Sujabrown, 6a in r.ffiu n 0.1,1 ijrmc.hronig-and inflama: - -i ir 1 ,ffinr,ayrtn?ttbotff tba teaat : ?4i . 6 : :Sar;te Sd a 60 la&rlV04aJ3 i&Mii SSSS M)fii,t fc Ml : t0a i Rf)t .Tahicco leaf oW rr AJsaDWohtbe ab6eloTa1baWeME- anKf loy:paaitiayarrw;w .p -j gCeni oi meiaj" a;w f '.T.rrr'VZXr ' It Ma drtl 11,1- U h s cany on tho,ahota.:Doaineasin.TiiB"jw mm :vLl7l. 'f,TrTh,lf0SHi: Affea0 braucheiiandat ihraanmttmr fi.4 :wii?.b.w,.A I o I .1 ! r l.).t.U ;, '.1 t iwodoora below & vuPJR 'rTOW-SPrj i . -tnrnitriitrJbirri'tdba Jli -iL-.iti -tQ. tJ ir-s' p;niiAKr.s.ihii mbcdf w.r..f '-H fished Worktutirrl than iwotlbonVaUd persbbt be fnterefll CTT) Kqfer n3AKJH""$ nieswaiir band a taiiety br ;w e totrtsaeo tvarKtana.atPTKj man iii"".." - a v 1 ' -W w f , t : ,U j l-3BI ' i : , HI Sw d l-nformiria bia friers - i li lt siif".4i-1.- WktiAl tW.'t -rjo.'iiaitiVifi tr.n'rnitid i'eaili:n t nuttnA nekiinvWndidatet OnMbe 1 -kiMiikf'iba ose. 'l4albkWMaMr WP-4-r ' U& VH7t::m it 4 M0 aaircairyingbtUb aYe1aj faU'adajl"' CaNanofra4 tl? j - ! 1 f a 8Q era r pairinrbusinfeslUtaW fi NBU k.fefXumber,ana Qoanuym JuWmd fating been a, .ChC- tbeAaliraordinarf dadi ,?r' hUu i r. ! l 5fii ATt utnrL-nriAibr htm r will vhe' warramedtori- 'i : i - jc.""ih?-:tii . i. r-,.,v-: j ... -i.i.-jj,w.-,ii -"-r." r. . ' .:w-.. i ..-i- 4,f s ; Z: if i ; j " 1 il a .u itVC--il 'f 1 ; -i mediately cast ora eJv"- ?vu Mr .v, ; rpder ask os woo were ibr pnBcjpajri,r(jt:5 tnA ipiiiiio ittj at& prpnfte" ins'"". .4heVTmifoe;Wa dayhtie jarge. worms -were oisjoogeo, ana -aw ljBitou "inwi ertbifogevtv hiitt ahej bnnagl'nWarjstabjdt bad resort lo the Vermifuge tbar finally brobgh away an incredible jqaanttly ?f fworfne. and be rearpre one'bq t 4 be seven to beatb He wao tdo iioeraKij q seno iot a tare3r oiBir compiainia were sop .t6araf exttlaad tb1rrpericmiPfrea1e:f6Tit, ered 4bnw ABMOokrtiiflglafri: atatcjost i iru iu (ii luiuiEiigcKAicuii u.u. i ypwuvui .CiiwIiVvliVer bwy i h i at i ict e onte'ss it hate fliaory, Lexington :. Uf Muh, Kaleign. 1 j 3 ""v'J T GEEBAj4-VYAiWGl30N3, LAST of.ComstociVr& Co. 1 ,t. ilj-i,4 --i fc;.v fJ -Vir L' Etf.ry jncidcjafia ihe, iifeoJVhiiigton Sla n G'rensboro ; ' ,i I r 1 1 1 1 il labo;o V. JlF is loll of interest That plain heioifnag- fing ,fa-dbof? " r'nsmmwr" T beot a correshding-desred at flounce wryw . . . , II I VVhliee.ifllaitl AQhrowra fpreakthfetr ireisnrta T nim' i1wy;ei.brwaiw rai id-, cense iHjntf j, . 4 i - .rj : ir,.4r4i-iOhxnae to-the Siotli s Ubl .cott4Q.thSdoth Hi JthaJbemii nfrthA V' t i?'l 1V " sTTw-." fr - sr T " .1 - J luwwuuHnuT neat And life paee aw,y.lrteejjfe,er Eacbwtsbbf thfrhelm alii1ialw?4 And iha ;tfefaiatt atlsEletf td theej L-f wjW Tlbrhie.cf the son -i- j,- v Sweet, waonfol one1 r 1 My Deare Sor i noWiak myo rD In hapdeQw tataif oojoowabaie i ihtT:tiot forgroi f oa yit bat i am aferde ydq havjorgot ruceiande. wante yuw tow cam.dotvne orjende me A letel witbowie 'ailefolr j herde l ihite vow? wur r 44 ri;r Tnwdvmye"liri. p' p X.taV'Djff North, Crolrnef, !'.. '' t(Wilkeiborrow.Poatt)fitfei sfcaVerl!"018 2wa,re 'ow com a taul fur i wtberpe a ane inner jk - u " ;, .; . myina paw ee ardhwelettble , KSSl rW& ; r . e -,-.' A---- att.ttiier..npdwbj9risJip'iicbH bim a- hovei all other mQnjasi cedent in all his Jnldeni alcl fuF tbiJbhi. brttaiD cd all wis a f al er iTr hnn Ck.,., f Irwn me tics la -hr flbr Vbouip m t Fit . . FrcbedaM ta falorat; .'I'hi fcn I WWatMfriBdtbrih WWtfeWd" goW --PbOdaopbfra aTrrered"eflctQa?'and tain. Man wsaiHlowifitWMtnrf-wor and bad thero oe'&'ojhtfbotd rftbaa -Waa to Kftlai bi4v(a4 boiomtBere Would have $9 an eiiaUieiririappinesa oa earth ami ouyajiaaiMfepecditioa '.had beonlsea led Hocka were raclio i nr iLMiP Mt ihlr Tn Uori and the shppTierds Peaoeslered roai ihe ftorranU iogf inflaVqcet "of . diuar). sooity, were keprHflr J ptwetf'obnte earlt naolcrdf me tr?J tf nel dngf BMdttbrlrii 3 ttjliVpeopfe ifer-oeto yooisborn this di In ibe it j of Da,Ti4j.V, Sarwr,, wbU &cr od were ? -f ne-nM9f rj, oL jorconoi-1 tiohj-atid pf ''jb'egrabluec. accompli sheti by hiiSav!r.w1iat m Aal.2oW 'tbrfj joar 'bo- j soid. wtMte you fiate'heaVd a fresh annoociation or these tM4iEVet)reaa?ng of tbta life ; yoorj delirerani from'beHWd'ibeuporT(H ediodpajot; etefntry. ; ariraH thefraiiaidf ble pnjehfise;) 4obf)jmmeniewaflihaJprielf 1 doapfsed bao tn CetMehem f baabad 1 bU6irh iritablg jjis cradled -in a rnaoffer,- aad thoi commenced bis cporsevof ignoialny, aod suffer 1 Jfgcanl wrroW for a rebellious world -wbu-h-terr tnmaieo in ir8 tragic, scene Hspiajfeo on cajfary, ,Kenjhe elilth Was 8baken j artKe ros wejp rent by thVconTotsfirB ihowa of tbeTr df ing PA II Lf A-AI ENTA RYl nF.CORITM. , J .As a specimeo pt Parliamentary deeornm.iVre giTefrora ibe Lirerpool Mercury o tbe (Qtbof Ma'y tbsfibwngr, accoani cf a Iscene Hob8o ofCbmniflbs : t f i ''"tl Aye readoccasronallf 6f extraol-drnarj laches ir legisianye cccqrotn occurring on tne oiner sMJe oi me Atlantic, out it-tne loiiaviog uescripuoit of ?ibe scune iB .too Hoase of GpaxBons oo FrU day evening, or rather Saturday nMirnlngfhjsl which we extraciifrbrn tbf.lua. b iftoliatbj any! ihfnga th.p- troib, JJfaiberrioaatbaa rnai prjbimseJf on'jjetnz tbo fry pink of dfcoratn aod iht.HiUesl-?flilllof from 1 he track "Wofnji 1 of-Amerieamo"suyieW fi6sa bmfality aW otgrarity-lo the Coantry gep I'lebib'f' f l f " Those of our rfadets who may. happen to hal visited eld JCxpier Thange now, alas, namber ei wnh the thinffs tnat .werecantiQj TaiKIdiej- Of The wiff beasts pn boih'sides the exhibit ion rcotb yefiingbrajingmrwsr--eacb fioinwiife ifcip oinrr in his manifestation of m9atiarw?eand ir- bVffdiran adjoarnmeorortbe debate on theerh lawVfatTnprnar fwptaW8ch,iii aS Hi0.' w nee lip1gjf tfe rabjdi- ia4on oa. he re nrro bill Oheewaii5ocir crow; io2 ip its highest iMrfecjo?Deaif c? Tfisnrciase, se(are jemiotled by;4be rotorool the hea my hosia areiexnltinff at Ahti Drosnecti of oor'tfenlfelan'lo, H'43ryins tyl toOlod' in tjje Wjfbeif pcl on" earth Intf'-'foNvHfo'iDen they.Weoten4Qfthf9 "Holy onc5Hyipgfa litab'iHtf. jHStjtneh-a see!n-wjafpnted bft rshooTdiwteithelo f .j nibti tatbW-florftleal mafUetiefor "we eajn ! v ftatkwetaViii c&ashooid De-broeght tajJeg- j trite If aa ietterfterm'thel noosill 61" Ccaimonis.' J ridailoe; and' wanTReiose of he biscreaot boV i i 0 rrKtffin bwmrmade b?An hnnursble Td?m- in, . SirifeiPcr rather the female portion. f n. Gfna noahabsVafe Dmu best inform aiioa )e could" -Jfitire frpn oti incb.ajbpcln fondXip(h aod hilieoed bableUV pefsqn, anawTrrjlhe lodealte del acriptiQ.n of hi daghter.ut. from his appaf rent calmnetj hj7s3f ceiled oduffered ihiat to depart tie was sabacqaehtiyvarresfc fand urIA8joirt?Kwbfre ih 'QViUW.afxatuf iCoifap. nira.a.tyc toflQit ibiktatiaclf hfoik Ho waa immed talei f jenyo jaU an. m-s preCeir.t aP8nst . him by ijrlr. Analia for an assiUlt 8DdUt:erjpt to.cpmmrt vio- jcdhsedueaceipf bw Pt ecanoui auto ibe ext TOiniUpo was postponed" lO vTMWd'f Doxi a nd he mea o w bit a. jctrdef ed 4Qrecoc n ise i n- ippjCX lof-bj apjpte aj r a n ce -4 cJt pr eeaio'n f bfognJeaaBCQ Ja said o.beuIIj ihe . I liavAoaljQta f ca wltteraUf pouaded ised. a od Ler( oose br oKeo ;Tbenojrniu . deied j) tmpcrsiibje touaicejUia 5the txiriTt fUtfez$pta, co( a8y eraU placea,. bh, lips ' cot tof fier teeln, andbef jhrojt fcnj!r neck iJisfiuredbyv lUa,lo)QCji. ofae at- ' Such was the excitement in bast tjoatori, yiba9jh'9pfrfieTyf)itiit by ery.ooe fufjbcf. meek dippsttioo and rqany tjrtuea if .'t.ha4jceotjldJbi.f e jiorn jl, ruj&aA4'inbl40'J a ffofded bioi-by tbo police. - . ; L taw.rtialive fomarritd iVcmtn. I ) ' "Mast of j:reyri;arAprobiWf not aware f i baaciin fe) :ik'siblt4lrtii4Ka i-xeapl fireaaliabflijy fortb-dibtbfHba"lf 'I'be paaaagelof thi1awiildlbaUrnbexiteoice of iflgb and chtYalric aense bf qilice amoKg the rambe8 of, that'bailwflt restdrea to the dlher sex arigbfci; wblclTtaeli ftreF beeo ' long 'deprtteu', Ibd wjflf . bNestidaabtrtia?iita oincb at- that direful miseryic ibetojeratioopf w d icb bs been a dia- graee lOTJOoaaajtj jesumug wa, v -ei lajsrj cf. persopal property .-The worthy and an aleeiiag'fenajaaaUsa ? ictioao tba wijea otV 'dcigfaagrtlrta mb eka lo repair sqaandered.lortaBe.and regain his former all ium-In ocrety by.tttarryiogf a wealthy' wifej AVitb'thrtaltbt4.BT'0,rs'e:e lh ""V' Whi, bfi llful dlaiibfing; arfd -aftfol hypoiri- gf secures fr hiijn a! place in tbe'arTections of bis deluded victim. H ia'Jjut too "succmfol in Ihp ! caniummatHib of B if hellish schenun, and it U jreserved- for'the nneglecttood eooaeijaiea,ef en jtbc crqeHj.oi Uer nagoapu to utacotej io inenije jio teiTioU jwcifiu tb" at It waajbe gHi.fwr, uf Kef gpld cad not tbe.-iaacelleee f:be character, hat. jrae so fascittaui ff Ur hi. eyei. Reckless ijfccwlaon. ot coatlneal dissipation, sooo involtes him ir dtbwbfing him 4atierd -beggar to the-docir tf riiil aod drtvea bbi eonfi iiflg wWe and acofTend in2cbiWrert'pontbehaftiy of a celd, onfel- , ioweftdiVVaaiiiiti;'tbat hef property shield bs sarrirlbtf to aatisty' the eopldity of creditors, some of -sibom werja: nJost probably; taxUlary to, 1 jf not ib1ralia(caBlot "bra dowofall ? r SeterM 1t;Vas rafter "Ifltended'tbe innocent has ..fcnr aonSrM.tk lome ancb .aertWote Jo Tilh- rv as ihii iaSv ai&itioefiub(y prote.Somwl I n't -'.vr."; - - vfr-.: tlir I "ti .1-4- 1 J 'T t ... i t' i .ti :-:! r-f- ft'' : t ; : -" 4- Apnl 89-,;i84S tf40 i 'retired. : - - - . r . ; . f.; r ; j r... j . j . j hy 0 : ' I.-'. -i. iO f :;' - 'i - C4 - '?.?. :a f - v U i iJL 'Ii ' ,;" "!- 4 V' f ' i

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