fen. ' U -H fell s fi i : ft If H I p- p J I 1 1!': !' ; l,1'! ;ft l 1 ij; 1 1 i i - , i ; . ? ; '''l ! ixirwr Tsxtr,i3. ' tViiTiH".W bereafujrbe hid f,e ,.oii advance,' and two dollars ajid . . ,i of the tear. - ! i frfl. receded or a: was time Ves,.scMi u j r advance. K Jil all arreifagcare paiU.r .1 till : ! Jap? oyfRTls,K- $ lu'rvei square f lhe T8t 'ns' insertion and T)'erai1er each continuance oiicwiHberharsfdSDt V iLiWo rates.' i ,f -. WrSlf Mlnrfr centwill b lof ,S3i jpr cent will be made to L: i,lvriise by ttio year. ,JffriiaainH be rontn 1 !iKharret for aceordiojl. u.n icd ofliil !si order' HOT tllt'JSt J MEW a UrUE SUBSCRIBER J.mTr L'..i.iAfi iliftt nII L-nhwn iloasaIHitollo Bf !eiUlihed I Public House ftnpwn own, '. 1 -tHK r7i rriLbfuf and attentive Ostlera. iaf v , , ' . ni-jffpft himself that no ex 1 ThflttP,sl34"v i" . m V JkJt. iiift shall be wanting to oivecen- fl 0 f,iAhrtoall who may4 favor lilinfw.Uh tall, i- vn c.Wsi. 11 18.40: tft "ins w oJifltiroftMf tatr.TJia r or laaes ai er cnu SMV ww.P",": i " . .u- r.iisi- Are iheaaiesti'aon L rt-frrnf the sinn ia 11s oaiarai atrenann 1 . ..' -'j.r iirp. ijiutu nee iio umu iiuiu uniiut I ii me orit i 'f---.' r. t. .u u-j r. I . uff !tr?ngticis the roots; imparts health and cine ever c Mutation, and prevents the . hair lnrr i.inr ' r-:: tl-. , , w, ... rr '-1 hi-t- j,--- r i-.r i'lBuuu !' T r'j 7 ' Ji.: senseoSinkinffoi the Chest. Diarrbma. irfectlF cuied of them i.Ita use a1I I Mil l.tid av rhead covered wim a inipi scort. ft .L.if tin fi. nf iKa ni1m: whirh has full 1 rp iya iiwofComsioek &;Co.!; 5 V f-slreai'tbe Watchman Office, and by C BJVheeler. SalUburT, Df Suth. Ra eigb; D W,n,n Hi idhnfo1 . J oaff. ureeasDoro ; j 1 MUbry.-LexIngton, 1 . marefi Ir VWETADLB UNIVERSAL rrLLS f fot sale ai this Office, SilisSuty;f.C!pct. 1842 tf!4 5 ; j Look at Dr. Sherman's ad- -I J tfirtigesiettti tid if, you wish relief foryonr ma a? maladies, can anaiooiaia a remtay ofCB. WrlELEAot.;i,:, painbqry,4Jec lu .1 tf20 Tp THE AFFLICTED.-f-Tlie .tssefiher' bsju9t received a large shd Ifresh .iP?tt"ofD( -Moffatfs Life Medicine.! Call & sia relief. C;B VV HEELER.1 Agept. Slibary,;Dec 10 i(20 ?xixox:3 ''oimiiszTT at , I StiSB0iT, June 24. Ccats. ' 5 a Ct7tlS. -acoti, Cptton YarU 75 Brnndy, hp, 35 a4U l Molasses, 35 a 40 peach ; 40 a 45 Nails, I 6 15 a 20 i Jr S3 liuiwr,,-; ;10 a 12 l Uats, Bpesyix,fl .20 a 22 i Pork, Cotton.' clean 51$ G Qll frn. ti g a 10 15a 18 75 f 3 toffeev Qorir ! f Feathets, 8 a! i 5'4o I l-rf IVf I, Stlt, sack, 35 1$ a 20 LTallow r lour, M a 5 Tcbfcco, 8 a 20 Tov7.Lined.il2 a 16 ! 75 a 30 ! 25 v 1 t Xi 1 1 f iron oerlbv 3a4 Wheat, bush Linseea Oa.pt.; l Whiskey, 25 Wool, (clean) FaTfeTtEVlLLt June 21 fifinAlyeach 40 a 45 -, Aiislsl' . 35 a 40 Molasses, 23 a 28 jNaih, cut. 3$ a 6 tli i ' 5 a 6i Snoa'r brown, 6 a 10 !itsiva.v . H 23 ft i7 f.'iran. I! - L4 9 . 10 1 ;i..,-vf; t Ifta IS Mlt, I Sack, 0 a 60 tV r' r-' i cam f Tobacco. I c?l O s, oa undies, i F. 1 5,a li vottorL, bu Bnle.rpe, '- 20 ' on n Sa to I Wheal n. Jpllvcts ew t en 4 2n a ar 4i?'' S j a pu r 5Vool, 12 a U r CfiERAW Jue 2f, 1S43 I 4 a 5 Nail, cut assor C a 8 6 Gv wrought lGa 18 ia 10 uais bushel I. a 30 beeswax 22 a 25 gal 75 a 80 I" 'amp $r25 linseed 1 10 Vl 25 "SgrogybV 20 a 22 Btopa1b 10 a 11 'aeejbi, 1H a 14 Porii nil liw 5 e Kree.-I00ib3 ,4a 5 msh 50 Mij.u.lh j i ,a 10 Sail sack f 2 25 AV M: 2t 1&Mwrs ; bash 1 50 60 Slc"e!"Arhcr. 10 z 00 English 14 nlasspa- no I German 12 a 14 lljll uuauon aooui ,ino jivhii nuguai not, inflSiDZ'the uaimot LoiomDa, irom von- fr.Co, niJince whicn, t nave oscti two ana 1 . i.f " 1 ,j4-r- 1 rfj-j-.f i v" ; JIIH ill tvltoi.; .. T - I' H r jniin Sabscflber tespeclfallj inforins Ma old ,11 j Fiientls and ihe Poblic generally, t halt he ... "j hat opened a shon in Salisborv in the aboe ftnsi oerfsjn a room directly! opposite Weal's brick oujjaini in incuause 91 ur. uarns; lorraenj owned oy j no. i.dbaTer and iosi below j . VV. r M ' s AAHON WOOLWOKl H. Nor, lS 116 I ! . K ' 1 -I 4- S 1 ' t- ' ' T - - - iPriKcgane'rally; that the sanje is ,now carry bp l iheiW SmilU Business in all Ibe forihe recepuon of; Travellers & Boarjlers. varieties; eonns-on lib copniry . towns : such , aa .rtltnd Bar ,wiij besapplred ivith making Spooris, j&ct. aid. repairing - Siilvei Sbtfairketandsorroandingco Ware, vt . .: ;t. i . .-,'! A .'iH 1 . ' !" iUebega tosstirlelhe poWic thaUif ponclaal ,.TiBtfcTi'spacioo9 and boontifully iap- attention to business, and skillful wot,k will en rfjiinana jroTcnuer,ui an Muuf line nim 10 paironaeeana support, no wuinuer 4- I li lt. t t4 . HI ll-f 1 I " - 'I SJ mWVILL! GO S TOElNCIthlcheaWti.od mnst j pleair.- qIj 8ltof Columbia Jar the Hair JLPTne Medical F4caltywrmly approve them. V 'A Ll.-t'. J rv. .M.:t:'.A J-.i: Dr. fitirnutn U skilful and exoerienced Pthv- 'IvSlt fp8 J-"1 For inft; kep- 'caii. and a Member of the Medical Society o man7 vougn jjozvngvs, s. and mosi eneciuai renpoy in fallible worm destroVing medi- liscqvefeid The have been used iq I f)0f) ciiips and never known to fall. idW:;.r"TM ,s Jr for Coohe," Colds Consoroption.! -Wboofaing HbaiSdjKor any person .recovering from Co0ffhAathoia,l Tightness ol the Lungs or ebjliipbe effect is produced. 4th crit4c"T4?r I r f- Kdia'tocy till, a good growth 1 started, oSrc- ! i !i ! fPa cnanginu ?coior 01. bvu"S S'-yfTf lu 11 r snCRMAN'S CAWPnOR LOZENGES amm'Uis baiiTto curl beaaufully. when done op ' 1 . H 2i-i1rJ uosei wo f , 1 s r J Riva irntnAdiAlA rdliAT in nervous or aiek Head- iitOerOtgOt; ' M - ; t ' JhJ't: ;; nh nalnitallftn of ihe HeabrLowhesadf SSnir. f fainting. Oppression kJr a jNfera ain0u - - T . .i.n,l,sUMCl latianel! ' I '1- eTT - . I - .: ill F. ? '-1 f r ( ! vJI'.. i- " ; I V!K !Tr , T r T or jjadDeensTio iwj ;p J- r T"4" Are tha mosl(!erta;in remedy for this distressing 1 " ' . .1 ' ' 1 m - I nai?Pi(wj . .: .T j V ' ; compiajnt, everouereq to me American puoi c. lo the immense number of cases in twhich they have been used, toe? have never been known to faili Hi-'r Sherman's IRcstoraHveLosenges, l S I'll I i - ' i. ( ritrhaii: and freed mv head enlirelv from Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so Mm- ! -I- rarf.i Sly bead is;nbw covered with fine,fl w mon and troublesome during the summer months, hrloM nair which any one may see by calling 1 may hoiw be entirely , prevented by a propet use Mma.it Stamford. Connecticut, t j of these Lozenge I hey are prepared explress Kof 21840 . i - D SSCOF(ELDi My for:that purpose, and carj be relied on (with ifnetTpita are aBfoad IooKatwava lor tne pertect connoence; rersons soojeci 10 a oerange- 1 I i . i " i. j i .t ment rjl ne onwei anvuiu newer oe wiui'iui ineui Thev afford immediate relief from all tbe attend ant g npiogs. faintness.depl-es-ion.rc.,: j Sheirraan!s;Cathartic liozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common peppermints; 'aod are an active and efBctent medicine. Thev cleanse the stomach and bo vels, ahd,are the best; .cathartic ever used fur jbjiioas J iVi.-l,nn onii.i mo,UfinV is Tenv'jeA A : ;- i. 1 J L k--. iKoo-foc be admtnisNred.j! M '1 ir ' I - -SZermaats sirengfAeningr PLASTER, The best dfall plasters for Rheumatbm, Lnm- haoroi Pain or Weakness in tbe Back,' Loins. iStde.or tireast. ?: .1 , m : The above medicine is for sale.l wholesale or reiaih aline tsaiisoory ttieoicai urng-oiore A CiB, WHEELER, Agent, .i 1 . it tt k 1 II 1 I T-V1J 1 Ci... I by I Hsbbry. N C. S4pi 1 3.15424.1,6 iw' f iv. if j-, tj 1 avr ; sr ti ,fift- jt -.fcf-' I IT .yyr,J.r,,Trs , , 1 TTlflSSESS ooalities of the most mild and he-- JL : neficlal namre: They are composed tol ar- tides the. most anti-pntre?ceni, ofnoin.u With ingredients kr.own as the j onjy cer'am an idote fnrfrtPN nf at. rv descriotlob. I W ben in dis ease is produced; either from cold," obstruction, had air, s wimpy nd damp situations, or a tulri miasmr, whether .malignant or epidemio, ior by oiher causes, these medicines are certain m their oDeral bnsjor effects. 1 hev are possessed bf pe cnliar nualities. iwllich not only expel all difease bot.at ihe same Mme restore and invigorati the .tem. Wb'enV first Jaken inio the etymacn they imroediatefy diffuse ihemselvesfclike thrmtorh everv wore, prouocimr euecJR n itAlifrhtfnl. aalutartrL and nermanent. When the spafk of life begtna'to grw dim itt.e circoilation I--,-.,!,) and the 1 faculties 'nsraHised. 'these toedi- nines are found toslo a tone io! the oervei, ex- hilerate lfie animal spirits, invigorate the body, ml r animate the whole man. j. j Tbe Life Medicines ha veajs.i fieen npe.i m ihe most happyisoccess in i-? npniirf flifapiii Consnmbtion. Asthma, r.mUint. hPtimat ism Jfchronie and itiflama- V'l ":r F,VX,T ' tnrt i i l innsies. 5ir.- , j C3?Call at Ur)ess Si wooer s, f aHsbory,Oct22, 1842-iyi3 . ; - - I jf I 1 If 'if 1 ! ;: ' ' ' "' '! tr7 A 'sunntv of the above Inv-loaMe ME- DIClNESare fr sale ai Jaraif Cioss Roads, Iredell county, by j ,. ,: 1 S j ' " 1 L -if A "C McINTOSH, Agent ID, 1.. POOL nn a Vith 1ihi mfitnod ol this me: . E ifr his frbends. and Jhe noblic,that j he is at I cairv nmi tbe Walch and Clock faking. 'arid Re - pairing busihess. at his old stand, near the uoarinouse All' work done ,byi. him will bej warrant for lwelve mohths. il He still keeps on haod ajSmal assnrfmentbf Jewellery,' ' : ! . ; Old Gold and; Silver taken in exthange for Jewellery er wrirk done. 1 - ; i ' ' ' Salisbury;, JlJajrch 12, t842.-r!lf33 , tjw. I - i y -if f j: , :t t u ATTORNtT ' AHp COUirSfcXT-OR AT AJ ) JUJ8BVRY9r.Ci S.lsibury. Jan.t7, 1843-1124 tovrrnvienl does not Rulers Dd IhislsD woiisis: l worms : : . Startllvs Facti. , . rf ondreds of children and adolts are lost year ly with worms, when some other cause has been suppled to he the true one. 1 It is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man. woman or child exists bnt what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in bandreds of eFes, S3d to relae. a supposed fever, scarlatina, uld, or some oiherailiDg carijes off the ilowers of 1 he bomn family4 w htte in truth thej ie of Worms ! and these conld have" been eradicated in a'day.by the qseHnif a battle of Kolirislocle Vermifuge; il tbecdist of a quarter of a-dollar ! ' How sieketiing the'thdught that these things should beand who ean ever forgive themselves fnrnot trying this IVorm Elxterminalor, when they know that evfn if the case was not worm?, this remedy, could iot by ja oy ppssibiii jy dp hurt -bot always good ja$ a;, purgat1ve2fire d ease be whal it may;ff Hot Important then to nss it i arid who will dare rake the responsibility in do without it? Let eery parent that is not a brute, ask themselves this question in trulh and soberness. f i j'J-f V,l' V, 1! '' if Mr J C Ringold 1ad V child very sick! for, near two weeks. and attended by n physictanf without Telief, when Kolmstock'ft Vermifuge was given, and next day more that forty ?worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow womao living near the Manbattao Water Works, had dwindled for a mnth, lill near a sketoton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itcbing of the nose. A hu mane lady, who 'called to provide for the family, sent iramediatety for. KolmstockV Vermifuge, which brought iway great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its fall strength in lss than a month. - : r : t, : Several children in a highly respectable fam ily in Broadway had worms to a frightful extent, and were all cured rapidly with this Verroifoge. In some of the best faoiilies in the neighbor hood of St.'Joh'n's park, it has been extensively used, from the circamstance of having eradica ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very extensive- lit ImAnnn i. f RM.i tf a nil tj R II If TV II 111 lllB.MIIt l 1IICJ ,U.I J' "SijS A family in New Jersey saved several children by the use of it. One, a girl of eight years of age; had become exceed iPgly emanated before ?arffe" worms were dislodged, and she left HdT the Vormifnrro n hon cka kivamA iiffsin Dnrc nH had reaort to lh Verm fooe that, finallr hrooohi " . T- . T . 0 awa. aH incredible quantity of worms.snd the cure was csomplete. and she earned her! healifc rapidif . 1 A PhTsician of standing, had doctored a fami- lyof children some weeks, wilfiout being abl restore bui one ont of the severe to health had the liberality 'oiend for Kolmstock's Ver roifoge, and cured the rest with it in less than a week. j. : j t" ' i Nomeroos cases of other complaints were sop posed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, &c.,bui finally a trial of this VerroifiJgeJdiBcbv ered the true cause pf the sickness, by bringing away almost an innumerable quaniiiy of 1 worms, large and small, and the persons recovered wit I. great despatch. Instances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is useless, -one trial for 25 cents will show any one with aston ishment the certain effects of this Vermifuge. Crttffiort Never buy this article orle?s it have Mfoiai graved on to UrKolmstock'e Vermifuge" handsorreiy en- e outside label, and the fac simile 1 ofvLomstock & Co. !lenlC B Wheeler, Salisbnry ; J & R Sloan, GreenshnroV; D Hearti, Hillsboro' ; J P labry, Lexington j Dr Stith, Raleigh. March 4, 1813 lj32 tntr of S-Ovtii eavoUitn DAVIE COUXTY. IN EQUITY-SPRING TERM, 1943.' Robert Carson. Fxecuibr of John Taylor, Dec'd. : . 1 - : ; h, : U.,,.,,,,! m;: IVmnpfanpp r r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai Wiuiatn lav lor, James Taylor, and tie- becca Taylor, Defendants in this casek are i not inhabitants of ibis Staie:Jt is therefore ordered, that publication oe made for six weks, irjj the , viioiina,Hicnmin, Mii.ii ' lor, .lames pay or and, pear ai ne nesi 1 rim vt vuui., mo i. ni. and nlead. answer or? demur to cwnpTainants bill, or the same will be taken pro confesscyind heard exparie, as lotnem Witness. L. Bin-ham. Clerk and Master of said Uourf.at Ulheeihe 4tn mnnuay aurr m.n roi.ndayjn FebruaryA. D. 1843, and iiaj she C7tb wear l Auuericm ln!pperifinre. s i f L BINGHAMjcMjs. 6w45 Printers fee $5 50 rTTlFlP Sobscriber respect fully ! returns r aa - - - - J ihankVfer psst favorsand informs his; old friends and the p-hlWihat he still coatinues to cany on ihe above business io all iisnvar'ious branches, and atilheoto si a no on ra.u u,c twodoorabefr &.v. warpnorewp 0R :t .1 - r - . . . . " . 1 ...f. u-j . ..;t f w I rieKbed wora.ana at pri L. , .,i th iJmes. Also a supply! of ready made Coffins constantly kept on hand to suit any mtanrn r and at. lower prices man ctm iubj 1 bave been sold f JI n , N. B. All kiedsof Lumber and Coontiy Pro tduce taken inexenange wr ww.- tr K. t.-jt.iu 1 a. April 110, 184 l40 DR. L. KILLSi-I Ml nn merared to resume ihe prae lice of! his profession. His; Office ,1s remivifd io Mr. Cowan's duck ouiiu- mg, 2d door. uniiiam tajir, u bowerropon tne nut biites, getofiren wn 1 rw i fi. aLk. - ir- ii iii-i i- - . " ZfZZXX reddeit 'witfi life and love. . How chin vi..-,., r--;.i,-r.-.i r.. i.inrnH Wif-ithe scene ! On every side, the desert, iiik lf40 acquire loo much nower. Kttn a rhttrk libertt issAFE.Gea,l. Jtlarnsoa, TOE BLIND CHILD. '" by mes. hemaxs. ; Mother! they say the stars are bright, And the bread heavens are blue ; i I dream of them by day and night, And thint them all like too i I ran net touch the distant skies, The stars oe'erispeak to me, But their sweet images arise, K And blend with thoughts of thee. ; !: i r ? , , i- ; I know not why, bat oft I dreim j ! Of the farff land of bliss; : And when I hear thy voice, I deem ; That heaien'is like to this, i VVken ro sad heart to thipe is pressed, j i 1 My follies all forgiven, ' Sweet pleasure warms my heatlog breast, j L And this, I say, is heaven. J 0 mother f will the God above . forgive my faotls like ibee? J Will he bestow sofh care and love On a blind ehidi like me ? Dear mother! leave rre not alone f Go with me when I die ; Lead thy blind daeghter to the throne, ' And stay in yonder sky. THE DESERT MARCH. A PASSAGE IN THE CAREER OF NA- POLEON. ; .;' : On the 7th of Jiilv, 1798. as the dvincr 'i v rf day with golden splendo, tlpt the motqt,es and minarets of Alexandria, a snirit-stirrieo n. f- . i" "rr"1.1? k f 7 .i ' - V ti V . n " " "wT? ? lbft lT 1? I ?l7. . 1 ' C?e51nir? ft0Vh? Kalipah s lower announced to tbe 82v Turk .k.. iii-:,.ri .- ." .V"'" A ,"ul .,n,u i2f To beard the Bays of Mamalouke P cr.ed the impattent Marat. fo fViunf an empire upon the rum of centuries cried Napoleon as nc mounted his war steed. Soldiers of the Republic, advance !" " Lng: li?e the Republic !" thundered along the mortal line, as it broke into open columns, and moved onward, preceded by the guide..! M ooon ne senunei, loouing toward Dim- . .. . . 1 anmnnr, from the moss-decked tower of a ges, saw (the g.'iltering files fade into the dim shadows of evening. A faint; strain of martial music struck upon the eat a hum ss though a rnultituds bad spoken, passed opon tbe breeze N apoleon entered ! the Desert ! Who can tell 11 e sufferings of that weary march ! The night soon parsed awavti and the verticial sun, un dimmed by clouds, without a tree or shruh to offer a momentary shade Inoking down (upon the erricd ranks o the atmv of the Eat. The leader and his Generals now dismounted, and endured ibe soldier's sufferings On- w rd they marrh, a band of fierce andjn- Nomitable spirits ; led by tbetconquerei of it. A 1 ' Thirst could not tame them the scorch- ,. .t 1 , ), hnT j Tf ,7 . : public waving proud y loer it: and green Tbedromsof tbe French now beat to arms n(i JL'i .8 , lo Cauo d Ibe Pyr.m.d.i" cn.d .hundered .long he lin.'.d tb.n .ffir. (iiiFR wine unnn inn tnnrn ni ... mg ssnd offered them no hindrance. Cfoadaied by the Spearjor behdaded by a stroke of of tormenting insects wafted fromtlbe slimy Nile deterred them not. ' The Arab's veil it midnifiht was music to their ear. On - ward ! fhooted the leader from tho bound less highway ct the desert, and onward rushed (he tide nf hfp. Aroond them what a orospect f.t4Tber were fresh from the t , " - : . f . Pl8,ns f 9an IiJonuthe iorapge ttages Bed 1 an ocean, wavea in oiceioes tuie. i Cbrysta! too a tain spring, tea irom me mering peas or ijumtu'" uvmji. nhirstreyes no morr., I ne chesnut ot l.an, gUedocand,Provence, wooed thpna no Ion I 9f ta ila wbisoering shade. All was sad, fcorcbinj. withering, ,searching 8and with here andi there the mirage, looming ahead , , ., . r I-I,. . . ' tll I twiliaht cold and piercing, but broUbt no relief: Far in the distance, looming m gi- 9t)i proportions against the snnsel west, tne j desert flop pursued Us favorito course. And ot)W tne shivcTing soicier taiu down ny ni3 toil-worn General to die Black ftreafl. teeming With vermin, sickened the otaciou. upp. tite ; and thebrackish water of tne stag nant pool made the thirst still greater. It is said that Lr.nes and Murat occa sionally lost command of Ihrmseltes, snd his I once when boiling srilb rsge they uasneo hheir laced hats o lbeand and! trampled Mp0n t)em before the soldiers. ! Napoleon Mbed imtd the throng, with bis mighty , . fl shinfl fltJfn bis eagle eyef--Uen . .tld:V,l traitors f you have used Ungua-Uke ce that tdo not 1 lumi my iu'j "w - - " 1 I ii I -l.. in nt iir hainff (IT IPI jhioh that should save your being shet n a coupe 0f hours " The haughty Generals trembled before thejmaater spirit, and slunk awav.ashamed. The soldiers, like all French soldiers. were! light of heart. They soon forgot pt soTerinS. The present aloneexsted with tbem, anid if the guides saw evidences of an Arab! well at stosei, all wis right. Toe song1 ani the merry tale awoke the sleepers hope cf glory banisned gloomy forebodings froni ihe ranks. Cc ffaretli, who ii ws sup posed advised Napoleon to embsik in this wild crusade egaia.t tho Iamalouks, was a NO. 49 VO LU3IE xr whole wooden-legged GenVral. and s he hobbled past the soldiers joked freely. I ; t : , He is sore of having one foot in France" said they, let what will hlppen." When their General was seen, a, th ro!. omns wound round the hills of sind: ther pleasantly siid. T j , He promised ,os seven sres af lA he rogoe ; bow raoderate ! ha mi.ht hl safely promised us a township ' we would not bate abused his snorf natnr : 1 The learnea commistion d a not escape the satire of the light hearted i soldiery - and the jack-asses that! bore the philosophers1 carop-kettles and be scientific instruments. w..r i-iueo - cemi-&avans."f Bultoned op to the throat in bt, gold.Jared coet, with his bnrnin2 sword under his arqj-Uwith a com pressed hp and thoughtful look, the leader firmly trod at thf head of his siaffJ He looked not lo the right or the left. The coorse was regnHy laid doj,vo by the as. tronomer, and tbe jfmount pf each day', miich was laid before the commander m chief; ere the order to rest thundered along the weary line. i j t The third day came, and the General be gan to be aware that the rjver of Egypt was at hand. 'ihe arms of the eireless wanderers were ejow insptftej. ; Terrible as was the son even hneg still the iron law -of -military despirta was nforced. The ii i u i ii ui in- sir airs vr were now ortino- ed p-.,be ranksf ced ther fileT 1 The i r , . 1 nQ 8'es waved in the centre, fend tbe army in uniforms of the stragglers were now 'brush- the order of battle drew riea the Hver Kile. Noon came, aid all at! dL 7I X buif0' f"'d litl majesty a the r2t r .w. ---Ji . I i. 7 . feet of the adven urers. Al a little dis ance floated the flatilli, wilh thrf flair of the re. ant men ilhinl itna nn'jA..i:.. ...UJ heH!on into hJn. !: X f dier threw off hii knaps$cttckld bis rou.fkcl. Waler l Wa(dr ! Oh Gbd, a drftp of WBler ?'tcried (hi weary and the sick : nor did the crv cease; antil the fore- most soldiers bapirig satisfied theraselres, mvptstered o the wantf of their feflows. The army soon leached . Danhour. and en camped upon a field of grain ; Napoleon making bis head quarters at the house of the old Sbeik. Hearing that the Mimiloukes were at Chebreissa to dispute bis progress, the! lead er gave the wortf, and thp army moved op the Wile, in So id squares. A horseman splendidly dress 'd, with his turban waving gaily in the breeze, and his jeweled trap- pngs flashed in; the sunlight. now hovered along tbe edge of the horizon, reigning in his mettled steed. Another and another appeared until a respectable number had mustered ; and then withg horrid yell rush ed upon the advancing kfi$y. It wis ihe onset 01 iviaroaiouaes unoer luourao uey, and dearly did the Frenchmen suffer. Thoticb near the Nile the soldiers were dr ling with thirst, ao4 if obflwas advectoroos enough to seek a draught from the swollen river, the next moment he was either pierc j the 4yfnetar frotn the ArfbJioreTian. W bore is Ca ro ? it is but a city of mod; huls,' cried the jignorant jaofferers ifif wej are,to thirst by the rivers! and starve bv the; green pastures, pel us tiiefat once by the sword of tne AJaroaiouRes.' 'ifie ftntns loupes ChebreSssa' cried a thousand vol-: lies, as the morning of the 1 3th dawned up4 n Hyi the army ot ine frencn. Moored Bey land his jraatcbless avalrv awaited the apptroach of the weary aquaren. e and soon the wa cry ufliBe horsemen ft rue k upon me uenerai s ear. i i ne name nn commenceo in ,arae. m oo ne?n iuu pwnui, n u- iuu- Lhorses ot tn- bast, glrtjteying wim goia aou - stiver jewels, charged upbh the squires of French infantrji - Dreadful was thai onseti terrible ihe meeting; oeain oung upon a blow, and destruction Upn aborse hoof l T - . t-.ealjft Af a m ft-MMi I ; 1 1- A lay behind Ciiro and glory before thf cymbals of Modiad Bey qlasbed tbe bugles sounded snnri, anti sgajrt ne AismaiooKes threw tnemseives upon, toe solid squares but it was ell in vain. When stabbeu, or wouiiiteji witn a gnn shot, the wild-hortemanicf the desert clung to his steed, and he wsfs dragged along the ground, leaving a bloody trail behind';, he gnashed his teeth to bitter hatred, and swepjt his fiashtne tcrmetar across the knees of Ko rnrmnl ran fe nf inn jhriatlm- snnarcs. n-i. . rr. i .ii. a...; LL ....!.-. i French flotilla j Heavv cannon thundered f 4dered J of ihet no the Nile arid wakedStlbe -echoes r . r. I iJ-l thrift f yramiua , oui auer i atici" i.u- "- fightink,Mntira!d Bay pto4unced ihe -Nench to be invinctblje, !eavirigtfstee hundred gni ry dead upoa (he batiljp field. The TuikH ish fleet at the! same tijnj hauled off in great "is'res.. and the cannH ttA h.ialc'a mte!dioos! abta upon tbe plains of Cheri-ssa l - .. . fi; Ha, M'irat, Slia a eon, as ho rocfe nr ihi field bf ihe deadl and saw tbe wup ! dog feasting upnn ibe ofar Gtve roe ibe M aoialo'vHO French infantty. and ir. " - - - - -r.-.-! ,..t.t ) you will cNqupr.it WithooV , Said Wu ! - . . :.' at r r4t with s imiije , but ffi, thecolumns wan?. . I ... .g. ..... Onward, a aid the leaderrWitb a waVO Of his biad.'th daysl4d I jsup tn Cairo. 4ays tbi.jiimi coWinuedlo 'For eight ' f i uv-uce.y oow tetfio amid the roios of ae snciesrctty, land now: cooling their um ironr the aluf gish.lideof some muddy treaia. The Genera.1, Coo, as he had done tbroughoal the march, shared in all thioga with the meanest soldier. His bead rested opnn.the aaod stone of ther-stehis cir. ll!f l0 Je earl;f of heaven hs ulf tbe bowftheJackalls, sndh;s re tnfltheyeIlof theSkirmtshtng MaoiloUtr 'laiqjwM'ildf.p-aB each side, wiffi the artillery at tight angfes, and Ihe cavalry; baggage, and aaimtinitioa in the centre, ie t reich armf, drew near the plain of Cairo. It was on the 19ih of July at daybreak, when a shout from!the vsngoard broke un on the iaPgd ea, tnd m peaked elomi seemed lo rise from the Nile, and caught hts eajer eye aa He; czd around the hori zon. Napoleon and bis sta'ff. mnnm.t i swift drcmedanes, rode to the front of bii columns! The1 niht on its black wing passed awifily along the mouotatqs of Upper V EaypWF T,e tun rpse in Eastern splendor from the desert and fit tbe somVre sands a bright ray flisbedxipon the far distant ob- M ject. : j, j L ,: .- p Ji was a jspectacle never.eqnalled in subj limity. -TM whole army exclaimed as one" man nheSPyratnids,w and as the squares advanced with taaaftialnosic a train ofi camels came ttnkirg round the bate cfthe 9 Sphynx an.Artb ticrsemsofal loped out of eight behind tbeishtfe otto Girge, and the strain pf tbe dying Irymbalsbf the Mama looke melted away in the J NapoeoV harf passedbe Helert. and the time-defying tombs of tbc Ppam-h. fl.auvlL in the cleir atmpspliere before bim EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI. l At nine o'c ocU Stnterre presented himself at he Temple; Yu come to seek roe, said the King, 'allow me i nfinute t He went into his! V closet, and immediatftljtcarae out with a testa' raent io is handj 'play you said be Vo giveh this packet to tbe:Qneea my wife. Tbat is ni concern of mine, saif the worthy representative of the municipality ; I am here only to conduct you to the scaffolXt The king then asked an other member of the commune ta take charge cf the document, and said, 'Let es set off.' The next day the men lei ment as a proof of the king :yt without palit v" pobtished lbs teita- be fanaticism and crimes of intending it, they thereby raised the noblest rocjnnment to his memory. In passiog throng Louis cast a look (o 1 the Court of (he Temple, he tower, which was dead and immediately sommoq- to him io the world i ing up Ms courage, seated himself calmly in tho carriage beside his cola frssor. with two geodarmes io the opposite side. During the paaaage to the place of execution, which occupied two hours, bp never ceased reciting the psalms which were pointed out by ibe venerabht priest'. Even the soldiers were astonished at his composure. The streets were fitted with an immenss crowd, who beheld ia silent dismay the mournful preceasiooj ; a large bod yof troops surrounded the ciriiage; a double file of soldiers and National Goards, and a formidable array or cannon, rendered hopeless aoy attempt at rescuie. Wbeo tbe procession ar rived at the place oil execution, between the gar dsns of ihe Tuileries and tbe Chimps Elyaees, he descended from nbe carriage) and undressed I himseU without ibe aid of the executioners, bat leauneu a momeniarj iooi ;oi inuignaiion wo en tbey began to bend hia hanis.. M. Edge worth exclaimedi with almost inspired felicity, 'Sub mit to that outrage! a, the last resemblance to the Safforj who is about to recompense your uU ferings.' t these words be resigned Jiimself and walked to the foot of the scaffold. He then received the lobiime benediction from bisconfes sor, 'sort of Si. Louis ascend to Heaven.' No sooner Had; hs mounted, than, advancing1 with a film step, to the front of the scaffold, with ope look he imposed silence upon twenty drummefs, placd there to pie vent bis being heard, ind safj wilh a loud voice, 1 die innocent of -all the crimes laid! to my chargo ; I pndoo ibe authors of my death, and pray Gcd that my Mwd may nbver fall upon V since". And yoo, unhappy p4! pje ' ! Atiiie$s words Hnierre jrdet d )! droma io beattrefenrsciiTionf'ra spiet-jJj4lkltfg'. and the dearecdjegi axe terminate .STtdTij-e. 0e of: the assisiar te:xrd':be hea J a-'d avjr'd it in the air ; tba bPicJ fell on U coofe.-kwr, vjb' was still (H his knis beside ihe lifeless bi dy .;i his sovere'gn, , J . t EXECUTION OF THE QUEEN. The King was executed on the 21st January 1793, aind the Qaeen was brought io trial orr the . a'h October fcllofiiicg j aher the death of tbe King she . was confined to the prison of iheCcn ciergerje, jaod dtnied every comfort. Her fir was of! tble hamhlfft kind, and her dre9s the coarsest hlbUimen When she appeared be fore the jRevolattwisry Tribunal, her checks were pile4 and etna eta ted. and aorrotf and con finempflt bad wbiietsed her once bsaotiful hail ; her flgore and air j were still commanding, and she answered the interrogative of the iribooal with nrinaees in a clear and diaijocl voice. Be- I or Drougni Diore ute ifiuyi.aj iir cuiiuiuuauuii raTher iban for triarrher sentence was souo pro- Doonred. " !' - j ! r'" ' "! ! Whn led oat f.jr exec"j:an,f says Allison) ihe wasdikssed io white ; ah hid cat t-ff her bair with bar tjwn haod sv Piaced io a hurdle, wilh her arms lied behind her back she was cond acted by a Inkier circui: to the place of execution, which i was on the place (If :be Revolution, where her hii.m l HaJ nrisiicd The teoDle. reused bv tne revolutionary eroisartrs, raisru aa-ageaooui 01 as she passed Joi2; ibe Queaewith a Se rene loiiK, inorcatrpg p? i-mri imu jbui;in, b-re trial U expression of popnlarfury. ; AVheo ...l. i. ;- ded ":hi sliffdd iiih a firm step ; If r, coonjte- nance Nwf illotiijnUed by the upresiion of Chrisfao fe-pe ; ajnd the daughter of the Cigars died f itfal a finnntss that dtd honor to ber race. Thus perished. Sat the .ge of thirty-nine Ia ci AAtott,,u'e.--Qen of France. Qalledj in -.! tr m ihe Mist Jhrone in r.oroDS. iarrorxr.d -j bf k sDndid dcrt and flatteries oobifty. j jt. spmd to havte approached as nartt as ti e t a . . mialortune. her bkoMn tbebcsCLId. where hrhad recent- ( -( UaUU - . her besoaid perisb.i : H!oi hasnofire- er busoald ertao.. riiswy biiwihb more terfible iniiaiiceof reverse of ft -r- e-rje4 a ' V - , J tune tir more inBir- -,o - r . nf ia iMm fil IR. -n. ' ei-oi baling bafa none fbo.id prunouncea happy iitl ihe dajjot thai death.' led corpse, t ot crMy of -We! will adroit, to 'be lim"S or p- i 'cavalry -and tap man rtuciy o.e eim. 'f- M L .ill cor.n-.tr ttjtJ 'W,M3TJ I f 1t J-" : i ' -i 5 . f )-: -1 ! - - " ' J' ! -II AA 1 i I ' 1 !E H I f .1 7 V i n I t . V "t i-i B137 4 V"1? ( r TMTeattnpe$l April 29,

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