! Mi - T ! 1 4 ! i . , 4 lN ' , ifaayberd4lfr be Lad Sri In ftiivan iUicWpWa and ' 'U.enWyiltn'be? contlnM until i -ftVA fnriajjrd!jtry unss order- ,,f.ftr4'?-ldrihspU- tome ii Editor must -8 - - f I 4 i I ' 1 .1 I' : ' ' i . i . . i-" r it) : ' i . i Ji ; 1 CI v. I i "ill t . h-i& j , ' trtetioanbbtBdiiartouA-ehiBrablC' there s i keftbi nriUifth itifeli 'ruir liy mh'rt t l-4 " 51 & T T 1 n- i. vv.v-WMI' nt'icrhj kj-tfWtinV' r.i!;,! !1j':m rr r: .L, lkJi1,. . . - -j-? . r .,t4 t'T- J " " .. itrfw Jyt , . .-".' Hi j u fSsbJJy.'N.' C.J informs hisr Friends L.LhrallV: thatlhe same is" now LkinU Traveller's & Boarders. .,ihmrVe aod sorroaQdirrgr country af- ? I rjcs"ipaci6os, and tbpuhtifuy " sap VSb itil Jad hrovender, of all kmds, at " .iuf nnrt attentive Ostlers , '. M -I-IT" r. imPlf thai f 1. 'fTf2vl vr-, Iv'TpUrhWorrfift wbea MinitUer cause has beeo cnd brdjtfQBr jrJ' , '; 'V" w,ttoug V ."rrt r" '7-'!; sfill rJVV Kia8dmrCdy:aHdaMib.fsS Af' rrftlltic 't I - V riV-. nlrnZPATRLVG V?:k ; ri CUer ioobMlib-f Worms; nT loondreds )if ibf Wl.Vta'od?"" t V,ew! I T RlflEoSscnbeVTespeatfully loformvb.ad gM: Jf fcoVo he .linear ri iflT ihfe;floWers4 JTS! fefeyT W- ?0 r X nntni and the :fauie generally (Mm nf,.L: h-- - fiaii. hWimf riufr the die bf P vi FJPTJeeps. . haa onened ajibon JnSalishtittin lh,ahoe boatf-I . - t.;;-i;;;'"...j!.;;.4 . "fc" w.un irepaoqa-s ordain ' . f . oem a oom directly '.opposite AYttrt bnefc - daVby-lKe ief rWuli-prfliiJ TivIiP31aJ buildinrr. iniha liAnsM..hf 'lt. Rnrn former I v L," .1'" - KV , v j,ii -1 - eladbart owned by Jno, I. Sharer and iasi belov J. &y i cj ,t,At ''itrtft, l.ti Mjrpby r1 j :-VHiVt;v fl .hooldbeand whn caVeVer'ToTglre themsel.w RSemfcJesfth 1 the s real and brave UibertyoirDeaih. 'i"'' - Lnose an eoonci i .r Rxpi0a arackless cllmi?? pari hi Air.' Websteta Orltion b-n (hochiplii,n resnrned hfsVefaJi Mr T,t.. ' " r- .... v. v r --"-Nir.nrri ... nr.l.. reprcracb; ourdppaautfH Honaf feeW"nnJr H .w4ul tearikldli tJo''tt liif fnrtwVdt WeIl,riitiin6nsIlB . I Ira use many4 featf ?o flnsfrotrf'reentc-H' Z - tio.fl bcfrTfimDts too trtnt to bp sap-o ui, pressed bul bath ki mhlihi'k I -vi! dde th ibeii libtrcrartrl jra'tjifrTtiiaaBtfl ( f Jniriit) pled2esbimselfthat.no ex S hill be wanting la nWegeo- r 1 ! ill. JAMES L.-UOWAP. r carry on AbelSUwr StiWvBu$Ute$in.Mihexh- Jtnow that een if. tbe'ease Vasnut woirn . uw wiraign -in .cuo. y;uwnv''' I this remedy could 6t byany rwss.biliiy-.do; hart Tb rnllarirtheir Gd was trijht. i makios' Spportsi&c4:andi repairing -fU but alwaysaood'a? ar pprgatie-lettbe dW His'cJoud by dayV hisflarne bT highV ir.Hftbegttaassufethpubirethat iCopuncUal ,..4.- .-t -j.O. t -4 allentiort to Jbosinesd skillful worlf ! ejf- dJ wj!hourn ? :Let eery parpni1 thai inoi Rmemberest tbbu the men tcho shed ' - tilleJilm tdpaironagendsnppori.he villmer-. -broteask themselyVkthiaqoesUon 'w iTb,f: .bood .tfnott ihI oorii rred ' s it it. - ;' 'I-- riJ ..sM-'5.1 r'- k v VVUen JianghiT- foes ware nteh ? W'-i- ; r-. ' ' ; ;. ' . . ' 1 - 1 near, two weeKS.aqu awrnuru uy n m ijTjiit 1 : -1 Ti l ' ' -" , " ' ; i " - :,v.Wi,.wiVi? without elief;when Ko!rtstockhVertnifu?e was rl -bless-them, ere they die. n , . , r , .rM v- ! . f - i ; " - - t; I HiTeru ana next ujv utuic tuaii iui iv. wmuu s t 1 1 11 tin iijjriirzi ' : 1 010m circs i hrea . ninuT. ' trie ti. ..,1 j . 1 ourDKaa whlrlf Lb nniSv: rprhid its viinfir-W. p isolemftilf l ie 9cu-. j. . J. 4neniK Tiroflandf nature fhate faad lheifP by nrtrhiH;. - T W We- Wr e!: 4 he o5ilor . who were her at 1ih?eeieKTartonlM the lay - P ' Who shed r - colomthe hoarfheaded bind aQ, yVarsfigo cinst bftbV rSfnlutrdow char-f - whoccopied?lfie froot sitolriheplavQr acters bat o joined ;M,r9nireg4ioTirthw '' sre nrgh Pt-- all made do a adene'nprr &' itJtit tteadi- LafavMo aleeo ins bisnartWJarid" ' i 4 After .rilttatCtr '-iLOttUftCl L passed.'when the child recovered tapidly.; xr. - - r j ir .LVn'o w Vj I A child of a widow j stf'rtng: nnd fair; re the btst MEplQlXESin llit IforJ.! M oha ,taD -.Water 'Works recover Mp.u.,, ? Which to exultiog'throngs dbst bear TTvL"ni?ii ! -Highrepordtfihepasf.-ks.had dwindJedor,a t And AJ h- Hnrio l'be spot'.where Freedo.tr first was born Amid jLetbopdertblasU, NoHikelhe' gloomy mounds that rise" O'er crouching Egypt's sultry -skiear hillvi; :fw,n t . : i ' Ile;icu necneanes.BtioinM?5?3""v i "''"u'wrA' "l,;,!v,-v.' ;j ifv Lj 'i-tyini.or.JuottHvjriB.ur..i rhe Medical t acony warmiy appiovmrip. nie mquiu, -uuiiv;uiig.v,-1j' t ? " I u . Jww.1 SV N.To.K"-: iltl h r-wb,ch broe2KMwa',greatqoant!.Iesrof warats T! ; -.ri i.VU y,.r for iwaoy-tbree days, andlhechUd grew belter Worlret ted fa q that brate iS ai" J rrh VP'VV''. at.once.nind regained lis. fulC strength in Jess Oldime.ice ,Rome imperial soil, . .j,,rrtWin2ihe 8kn to ltsnatorai Btreogin A lbegafest 8arntarkinost ,effectua ; 'J. than a.montb.,, rn V-C-5 ' By etefn; taxation wrorrg from' toi!.,- ; ? the t"2y of fori Cobghp.-Cor4. Coasumption;, Whooping- :scyerat childreu in a.ghl, Jespiabte fam. Thetyrantrr3m tVeTslaf iV:'-H'7 f yTT? rfCLTf fI,h CoBgh. Asthmai TrSliijlw,oUiheLnB-.r :.nJ JaBroadw'ay hVd worms iJlf fjigh.foVexienl, -. . iilMj F.&.8 isjsu led, j kril&WWw 'uIn'somVof besVftmi irs InBheelgbboV-, f-AH:tWCfu Ok. nrd h attention to the latest pe- J SI1 EuM AK S pV,Q u a LOMiHGES i-u-.-o..i;it..tkw.i'iifo'siii : k 100 hropzUbeclood dost ncer; -it v ' - ,. . - - a tkii ivt n tila rry rr n mi at r - . ijworm aesiroyinsr oeuri i ' ..il'ii.rr ji i - 'i nun. unm iiir i:iii:uiusiiiicd: ui uaf iiji' citHibw- ,i s-- ;-m i . ; , . i - i ? : i , v - ' in I , . -'.-- .n e;- j1' r. i a . it ii t. ' I : .1 he watcntnl warrior trom Alarm - . ted 8 latere qoannif otwormsr auer iViine im-vt' Ui'l- r : f . ihs'pi? Zhmdmktxe- JiThat fl he loves drsjear ; P?! 1y known 10 tharparrof hciiyu 4 .SiU)nwardo?erllbisea of limej Hr - New Jseyedserajiwrp I Tjriyd il.y chronicle sublitDe.i !t , 1 au iruiir woon oooe up . Heao 'family iaNewrsey WlrU rnidn w 11: achefc WI?iifiiei3noa iew.o, iu.o . mm; .u 'ije8ondency!tFamUri Oppress on or a iVibeei1bnildabdqt fiyo;ycarsno more hair toostcertajoienidy fof ibis jdistressiqg iielopoiidrtriann the back of:mv mplaittf e'trer oflf'fed befAmrrwn'pb1t:-f jljri aiy healjcoewd I w!lh a th,ftKurf In the immebse number cases Inwbicn.ivthey '4y$it:uwjiboW:vft tpt'h, of August last, haVe a8ed;: tgej haVi6 nefer been known io liifMrferoPVttir Bim,wbtch.has fully Ire-. . rpf-toiij-'rifrf a- r-;vrn.: 'wS W fJSwk !niy head entirely from . Diarrbma of loosenesslof, the .bowels, so comU fdl3nflw?coewdlwUh mon an4troesoH iplbW&bny obermay see by calling;; may now be e?trBjtvert llfAMl Cortneticut.l : 41 ; . of these.LowngejTey are prepared exnre Ikryib; perfeci-4oofidencf ? nbJeet -to f Ptr- plS&fcof '4-rn: 1f.r. rncnlof Vhebnwelishtiuld neer be without ihete. ltfKttttv prS&iofedy; C: TheymrdimmeitHT j,,,, HVtuk,.rbJ EL It.S oan.lGreeosboro ; J; cKUri,a 'iTth'tnfirtia lj07Atvi& ':'(! i ry-t - ' 1 2 9.1: . had resort to'ihVVertnifaa'e thaufinally bro6gb.J , Point to.ihe skies, and bid tbern;read.j .,t..A a way an tocrediole oantityVofwbrms.adltbl Of palrib(faiihJ1be1ial!owedcree .: . cure was completeand vsbe; gatoea tier neancii; . "tr l"; '"l"''i7 - i : -I a ni in inn niin mpir in iiipr i mn : k4Phy.ic. -TrfYrf of LibertTand GM, 1 - ly of children someeeks, witbooi betngTaoJe; Pass -to ' -alBof Itgbtv - - had ibe Uberal-ty 1o sepdifot 1n3oek8 vV pt?wtfi ' ib 'Ifce-'JBerrjf-ti fCfa. -The m'ifnga, and cored;terfst:jtb E' gUh and AmeficaofGoTerrtaentsseem to be Week. ' . :, 4'' ''ji rf 4 trv vifino'with elcH nther-'wbirh lhall roost effect a the,yaei assemblig8-.b?tf;ecnj'giserj,:the most unbroken ailence !f6loWed and iherr the -great epreseotatiye! of thhaironrthus eoam'irnced his - !' ' - f rV. rrir fA'KViUr dead; L.3 ". ' 4"i r . N -yi tbo nVfiwr and ibiff bloodli Warrerirk- . nbere--th kinHrrffnf.Putntml of Slarke.f .4 he demonstration pthefetiingVf ORATION. ,i - I - A "doty' ha beeoVperfbimed-laiwotk of tl : d Kbbwli tn, f - M r 1 e; a r eh r ey A ml i ' ' J , sMyJf o'ia; :knowb,f andowt teiterM . f , Mtw9on ioia years, ;isane o,Pirie fir Imt, dadfe irrdjaroitae-retc andnthostasccbeettilff V ' . o -And. hererlobi aror$6mea mU Haiid-- j, : - na rmliam and ! nraliiii.lo ib .nrani:n. a . . , m J-, -7' . Tbai.itr D. .biting is broad fnodtiion. ,ppU'6,eft:iaw ncrd! 1 in a soil which drank deeply pf a f;T,efo: xir$W& luiionary ojnon,,Jiaa,. at in-uffin, reacoea Us I v f thVi mrimrtPsiKl :irnhn,rm-1 - - j" v iv ojtiiiij;i iu piyri( ii?oloiion ; Ihef haye .outiiednbu eVils v ibe,accomp!shmeni ofOtis onditaing,and. rfsullingom mnl 'gffowodfMk'S. to indulge afresb m:le femifjf fecollec- u,ot? GotbrfimenirrihU cWry- ihey t?ons of thn events whtib designed 10 hayer boiliyi -birqdeMy'tngcU"- comrmorple. 9 Eighlep yeaujagoJ-more tbreateriibrvth public libeWhey. battf i" than Bairtho ordinary .duratioo of a -gene.r. obtlited the nioal of .t tbeif convtmnora'te' f auoa of raapk.nd.he- crner-stoe of ibia ;fhey baie 0 oulhyedtBe'cdnot bM-i rafomSKl-Mi?.?!!r J,.?,J- IP liietheyer-abiding g?u,dj:f vlhHr f KCW coooiiy ;i lioidVnd 'cDihMMaeeilpg J , slroci,ure worthy of ihoyepls ilr yyafiinten- Heaep haa notUoileltaoMgeperaiioi an Ntiroerobs cases of blbel complaints weteMp 1 allv;d?mle iheXelesiials bv, be nonberand rd ibxisiandjhe perjons ireated Wjeb! ire read the KCiDot nnauy a inaioi inis y ermnugpu- 5co'io,tby lb laavstearosnjj, eiinemanv.so. the)' fatitij iisissl dea 10 UQtar have not been disappointed. - Individual do-1 what "a were not bnrn lb nptfnim- n A n nations btibeeh npadje, .in somer isases.Vonntf eral ;tor8t if applajosej ' 'iPufchrSid esl1 lafge.amouhtr small cootributibrht by thauV 6en iactrtv htnz dulrei-ha abturdum 1 and? ; and all ihose.whb eoierlain an ooin- l;f- Ye RnwKa f Hrrr fi-MtvVar ion 01 iner vajue,oi toe qriject stsei , and the 1 completed. Here 1: elands. --'Fria'nsie in gooa.attaineu ty iia suqcessiui accoroplisij- the natural eminence on, which if lalpUped. mentwill cheerAiJjy 'pay their hbmaee of bisher; infinilMy 0 oSirtlind pnoe respect to the successiro presidenls boards 4-behold tt rise oterbe land and orer ;he4 of directors, and commniees of ih$ corpora- tea and visible ih:s njbroeui lo 300,000 of i ; P I a ... .. kU.xint ah Aiciif lL'in 4a Ihp mmm.n peppermints ; 1: aofj are an uauiBjanu ruuiw.ii. medicine vJhe f c elns ibesioniach abd bowes, ,n,l -rA ihPst Cathartic eer uVed for bilious fpa t des na t bh t i I nst ances of. this ki ndmtg W be citeu to an immense - t",us"-u:ftJ'M;. trial 10125 cenis wl'H show any onp 'wih Hlob ' rsnroepi the ce.rta,in fnec 01 vmm? "CavfltbiipNeTer bJhisar?lev'inf's it hare pir KfMstoptfs V;ermiftgebanHscn3elyjen- IT ?W X -Z'v" , -V- N persons! Wherein act te roeuicioe -is-qu:r.cKi. v--? ;wv"7rr- If1-Wm?.::- i -i v' -'. - '"FlTt .'te'ffAil r ! m: Qrv SloanVOreWstbm-;r:n;MesVtt;:i Mol .Mabry . tiogtitb; Ialelgbv f 4WFi--r?lrV-i ?&r&l't The bV.l bflaUipiasteslibi'Rhtoroaiismy Lnrb- V.AMarcir4 isi3-lly32l -'X i: V'-: ieatnd yk wt.? ! bagoPaW or feass jntbelBack Lobs, - Alarch 4 t- f - A- t- fe " -f iV--r I :fifa)nryf DeblVO teiairJtitHe SaHsburyt jVlmlical Drn?iore,by Bbt.rappreKefilnns ipn this "icbre hive -'been hJjppiry relieved by tbet following parigraph from th New World of Saiorday : r- Wl nndeVsfand tbatja'small packet dressed o-'lha Emwrer of China, and bearinrjf the great -ir - . . ' . 1. ... ..; 1. I salthe- Unned tae8, astrereiVFOon ooara he Brand? wtOR frigalu r,n .the day ol.her-de- oVrturVfrom NorfoJk.vfllh package, was enclos J .!- . if- . 1 r ' :-: 1 1.. ' J I pl in a.bpaotitr.Uoox At msewooa, uncnes kpl? to bp ibe he9t'1hlWrnl on the soHjc! that ?f bo1a n a cfipy )f Aasneros.-'f t? ' lr will WnnMelmnoissJhle fof Qrtpn-Vidr.ris o; find any thins wiihto ,tb litniis-' of-her vion wiiirii nave uau ;wj? generai manige- ibe citizens ortMasacnoieus. mere it ttinds j. roentvoithework .- Tbe architect, equally a memori eptiUeji to our ihsnVslarfd onsijrleaiion still presentiand 6) all ;:eiice?eding geoeratiVbe find flther xoarls. in the beaut of the obe- oif tneb; J I h4ve'..8Rok)enf it"sJpTp'w; lft! llfkJtself, antTJn ihe Idiatinctlonr which ii ifbad been without brty other puirpose ihTrVl onfersvPn hmjis f , pk,f 4art.f-.llor 00 tjie'ercatien p t workj of artf ikt grifctle'of this occasion ehould themiibr bte made . 'Winch it is compoaifd iwoultf bayi continued ;f ie-omi58tr to mention the praiseworthy aer? ices of ihe j to sleep 00 ita natiye bed. Rut ; ht pur- Diuioer wnouas wmcnea me aj(ng 01 one 1 nose, ana mat purpose gives 11 oignny, and fvPr m mmi USaH8bry;:N. Ci V v E O TJ 1 TV S Pfiil N Gi TERM, 1843. -, 1 feftMl t.kV MiStk'tt Willtam -PWT -A- ;pSSES.i lorZacrtah Gaither and JfeaJljrTMilton! fiqdlJTOB1T. 'JeficUCnaWreleya 1 --I :pi;afeBii:i3r;:JiJsaf.f f - ti Giiiherl Willie GaiiijerMlexanerrGGaUhW ' ::'!. mrh'h Vv -l:;:IC-;-CiMt inffred:eotsknowhas;ihe4Qnly.cf V Mo assess, 35 i 40 I iOfliSfatSBbiT or .MilW ;ff ?f J2B1 ?5 JN . -fel mimi,l,eihefii mailensnt nr epidemw, or by 'n,"ji 1, :. i;w;- di bi stone upon aooiher. from j the foundation to 1 cjaoss us to look' upon it wjth awe.' That the top. Ai s time w ben the,:pr)apect8 . of' ' pfarpMe It'ifltbf enrobes il wllb a moral fanner pogress in the iyrktwere.gloemy grandeur,Ahtporijftse il is which seems to anld dls.co!ur.agj(og, thebsni'-jrisfocia- ihveslit witli the attributes dfj an aogust, lion, yj a . palrjotfc 'andfyigciotif il'.flort, rail- ibtellnctual pefsonsjgel It is itself tbe'greatS pd lunds for caWying itin"; a.nUsjaw them (Orator of this orcision. Qtt cheering.! applied, with jW' "vCPv ?f8,aV i is not fromjmy l(psnorc6uldr it be froinj f.iJ duiv to. acknwle'gp; on 'this occasion any human lips.Mhat that strain of floquence T.tt - '-i t 1 ' tion. The reraaininskeff.irts ta complete (tons pf this raolttindrf. The potent speak-! i the corrairucuon r.i iuis eumce opq uinuuer i er eisnos j motioniepsi oeiore yoo."-i nere source., .uajianas, ci jgrace japq. .elegance were destined to ctowo a work which had Its origin in manly pauiotisr he win ning pow- r of the yfex addrraseJ nsel( I to the publir, and all j that wsa necfjed to 1 VAfcllVl 3 i,04A a;0 9 a Sugar, br. -loaf, 15 a 18 altigackfta Toh'arro. 8 a 20 ee4l5y iis l;row.Litieti, V2 a 16 l'IS'M f Wieai; bush .. 75 rrj1 j wool. (Clean; o Fiffet-iEyifli-. -Jobe-- as: 4t.' ' Ji- Molasses, S3 28 K otbese inhabilanlabf 0,is S..elWliihcreerre J Operating w effefp bey r? J. that publication b mad fr sit weks;ib be 10 culia qialitiei tbjnptxaRd :Ca" fm. Wa.chman.for the said William fTayf but al besamemeFfsioro n u f iWiPb bailor and Rebecca ay br. so ap- ...i. l iWhcnlflrsi lakeninto ihe stomach. J- ! A.,n .l hiiA m$m themes like vanor , ZrMmV Uro4ilr UlUlle! U ihe 4-h mobdayafterbl b ji;Mi,irnf diilntarv. and Dermanenl. hen lbe. , . ..J -.n.trA, , . iVe'te Financial ScJum---A.epjrespondent.in 'T ' t "l. ' .111 iU ..;..nl foliate .V0t - en bints;pf comib eerVts . or pint's w hU-h seenr ed to'preTpnf icertain-contt'rnpUied jacls; writes irt ns as fullnwal i P hil U. S GctZ .V J w . , . . . t. i,id a urtrii trhimp of nr3nrp ' i IMf-' O lie in 1 1 iia! ---- -- , - . . - jt I - - t " -ii...... iL.. .JiR.a In ila !nrnnnaoH hamh . n and circolation on font, to issue ten mriiions.o! cairy 1015 cu.u- .w jr.wru Treasury notea, alj of $50. all redeemable at dif. o gite it Us finish, wajr promptly jBOpplted-. ferebt barik'a iV tbiirgeciiieswjicb'are io; be go ,n,( the mothers tnd daughjgjs of the made d?posit banks. 'PKe plabjl fixed and ?et ,3Rfl hste coqtrihuler largely: (qI whatever tledvend ii Wmtpndpif as a moment again?! a ; lfre maT bb.of elefifapce and betuty in Ihe United Stales Bank by Si etrctlatmr, to , . of. 0Hmfof odpobJic grtt- the country in tberm ot 4bWno et- ;,: in tis"acccmilisfiroentI!-10f tbbse s others hiK -tn'tr-.iM a orat boliticaV machiae mpnt onsiriated. many fire Imng and are embracicg dlseon rts arid exehagf u From the Detroit Dftilk Advertiser. " - Wmo Candidate foR Pp.esidknt. Amono the Whiffs of oiifh'ganjsofafjas we have bead the sneaker ososed. ahd with' ootstretched arms," looked upward in the summit of the sio;emnrpile. and the yast 'assemblage jorridj ib one'lood ab1 lnb?l about of enthoiatiPi Ipplattse ' It '9 plitn shift , !t hears nof insrrifi ton fronting he f g mio, frrro) hich Use foinre nntitj'nrian shall he 'rm-j" loied to wife away lbe doiif; nor does' the nsmg sun awaken; strains of rbosln tfoj its summit ; $ut tbeib it ftands,! and at tbe rising of the ion ndi attihe1 .ri, andamid; ihe blaze of boonrfjay! and in ihe rnil-der-. cf-j (i fnci ni mmr usni. inert 11 Mtrifi. it III! I f IfbH W . - 'T '-. ---- , - - w . . .ij tpeks it speaksfit kctf,"to ihe lull com prehensin of eter American mind, to tho eels, of -siwkrniiig of the highest cnjhtiliafrn in ev-f , ihnnumentai irrsrripfn. ; .iynffl, l.unpr,- n .Vinooished scholar: an able; writer, a most t m i af e man Bllied by birth andsen i timpot to the patriots r! me reyoidimn, pita ;fhpyveh!40.a!-t5 iM'MeJtt'iko Jf""' 4-a -7-J"is. ;c'25 a,i7 .'va --vfiltri- 5 !;'..'.V f.;V IS CO ! fi -!- r' mo;: tlWW.Wi:' ill A .H i. "rvi-r.:l?T-Tirt.1 s.lSCIM-.- -fttKIl on L '"uf-:.5 . .f ii-k : ii s.cm, 5i. a 6 S2?jr blown, b A a to ;Su.lf, - 50 a 60 t 1 hTo'cccnlral Cotton, bar ;Vr1iMi25' p Whiskey -'Ir -t .?:.V4iH 5 P Wool, lij a. Iheost happy f bccss; if ltttvu. -and nepVibdisbasTPsfConsnm Pli lis t? V"Hop,Tl' - " " t ' t - A 'JJ er J 6w45 Printert fee $5 .50, 'J, RIXGllAM. C M E. j ch.iee, -and cordial'? friends in doing battle ingeertiettr -With tin now"presenf but, alisTlhcre jare who ha?e themselres j become anbi , , . . "-ii '--t '.tlf ' J T'J- J . .. yf'.,'. I '. mnnnmentai irrscri.nno-n. uiiam - i uoor, t er? uiip iiaencan riuan. t u'rai winui-.i4 j. Its 8ilenl: -but awful utteraoceihe dcefij"4 palhs with wbieb,Jas; we look jupon tfr itf brines before os IhW-l 7th of .me, 1775,od j! irikoblic'be'rfice abioitl and new ipVburied j tbn cbnVequeaceslresbl'infl frrim Jlhft events And ' in; so foreign Janrfr Williaro ISulIivan, a ol ih.it dn id n,t on country, and to the; the I name" Traerint'itb res o ouonnry service wc rid conq irnrts wnicn rrmst co'r.nt)5 - nhaiieaMy ishectit B,Mf pubc merUa;triartwUh the desiinjes-ct man- CHU4i( iiiucuiuta;3 an mill the elset, or e?ia Iho tnpira.f . " Mra" -,v UomesnccessoirdeiVat. we are wtlhog. nay a3, cao weflrir wiih oor in hjmeif. to a great "degree, the eonfidence kind to the erid.o lrt hiabehalf in tl.e mm- of thtwfiQle "commbtity onr Wirwas al--' ttbeady nf the 'i h alile. fearless, honest an , mo,tMoved wfjrre bet IcVnwn he thn of ge frit) .: i. -:L. iii ui i ii" I v i.T . i - . I t?t :t... .tMUMiini (fAinrni -ins i - - l- .-i.iij.i i.irinnni, i,.;. t r--vi o,Vta frll nb-bM'nf ihe'abnT;lnyainaie tiif .r--'it-k j .wi ihm he stil irontrnijes to ..jM- It is' stated b Weinf.,Fi!!i.;t X n,inL U . rt L:ThuWMsir ftwlcare I:a't rdammross.iwaeav l, :t-m luiMiMB9Ao all' H anous ...u,- v. ,? Anu-SIaver? ' UtlliiMlnlibh iif,",: f -hoiU- 3.44: Biaihatreei.- ?J - " 7" : ' '-- ' - ! -' : m-i.i-it,!ifnifTirp: where he elegit was yowyAw.H'ut1r-Tu jo ,." j 1 -. -aia.- s 4i' nnsiie ine ifti'"4iv'"","6 v- i. i .? n.. t mni hi visit io t i -H'VI i:w u-, f ; ; v u - ftiri A KFS thia method ot hand a vaiieiy ni-: weu innwe irv. yjniz-- ' :T f - t MMiihira w!:t c ki ii. . l - uiim iku,niumrinm-fwi, - r tL.ir . u.iuiii aiJpeueu-wtiv4'.-'rMy -.. .-v..i . red emI6 eompanfuo lex. vi-li-''lJV Iril ' fn:)Verare rb resome he prac- abitb.-w ApftlyF tl b0f-t ' Wf.V-' - 1 m TOMcitf bisiprofesstontitf; HTtvi,. Thilc SoiPin ?" Urf :1 :P . ,"er'' f u a - leirriff r r(imii.ed tolf. Cowan SrjCK D0KU- y -? - j- ,-tKolit lEe -1C-ibg,dobr.:r- nr ...4, ad, ou.,6,.r.?, I ou'd preduce. v To day : . i 1.:- i-.tlii.. 'i nK I :,' J.. ii rntatfr lJ na "Pft f" f -nt 1 1 rr last; George Biake.V lawyer (of lesrnlng V.. th 'fsite gpratioris of 'men. and'efeqaence a tnjin brttt injd ta'enl---! Ahrt, h.l.r, ji2 hefore ti. and gather; ofsociatJloaltte thejmrat grbeafi!e and fas- j t)ound Us bsV. r.ppecb will be of carnage! etiuflrtsS-of filffs wtjicb enab!cf tiim tf ex-! 4; stnujsri of religion and libetlyV)f ! re1sB larwesway orer public bodies in- d sotret ncipntol the renown t?l those rloied his batoan i career, i naye, inis r-r, fv :.n oave dafiiiirKij iUcin;cic w ww BvuU oken only of iKosebb bslc4ased to f.p ,'ribe'ir country.''' Jn the tdder world, ma-T SntiiH. f U'f rabnca'are itiil in existence.! reared byl ,.J iowr(i it closef 8lw.y (thirietetrzed boman IiaJjd wbq-e otjeci ana rwsrory are; by tela o Ipobtic'tTjunificence! and public t lost in the dirknefs of?ags. .1 hey arc now nirtt for mio'r'cblfactef jnow? become his- j- bonuTDeets pf nothing bl the j power and iAww" '-'(T i i.uu.sM-i . iv ou I -; v ' ' ' . i ' '!. ij i . j .'if , v r. r. l! I d be toe inst auoieci or-iionunviwrntoiu i"" i pun y v;c ' - .nd.wai cnmmndtli Amddgtheiar-Vm'ade of itbe peqple- If ?kd for its -I It prrieclors of ibik-siroetnoneyDoreesifn; or j'wt AJrr.-for fs seet-'ni. f-r, , U'. m einMent lliab Thomis tintiirdHop Ti pnJok'.riJ, any vL II Per kinn (Chiefs ) -lt-fwis beneath J etii of its beaog, if tf iU,.hUit 8 i,.... "eieter .bospitablol oof Hj.tU I -have (rfiMiooa" of hmarj hfinV -t '.eir.thedw mentioned as -amg the ded.land thW j t (is basts on tbe catacom mat no,n4. uXg, bate bfL ralledf tetKer ' )t.- listing jthos ho ,,st object pow kno.,. Ibb ruwpwej took fhe fifslfp ton arils me minsrao, nign w .-.- i 1 6 ft. 1 ! i 31 ; sib? I, 1 I . Hi f 51 t'i 1 . - i y ji i . .: ;w -V , L ! :: 1 vwi'r-'fi.. 'ii'tsni .A -Tji ? j. i-n. 0 ' ! C3i(it:-J X :--. ---ei ' I" - r . .1 li I i .. i - cisioDry,'faii iii't Sir j . R ! !Ti -L- 1 ''-'i'i ?'R'-u -s " e l.-l" -f ;-.--tsl.-c!.-ajr ,: t I I.. .. . ' '. 4- . -,. i ' ' i ! . - , e j 'f -!'- ' : v I if -1 - ' H' ' r ' t 1 T'"J"; '- ' - --" ;-:t its' ". .T i . . n 1. 1 v t s-f rr-.-. '' j' 1 j: Arirt2i843--tf40 i . ' " B i if"" " 5 ' .