I It - 1 ! " i iff j i If! tv ' j i' ! ; III " U ' - ! i , . - j (' j ' " 'i J fJ2A. i BS'W t. t r at Eiij- A v. : : v . .id VV 1 H "a5 ,t 4 , if "The Wat -Kr J . ' , T r firUha pleasantly describe (ha .jiWof the cVlrated De, Win" t ' .:. i r .t.'-j:r- ! vM'wef n os and someof , thboYof.e ."tentr ,L mw.lv lin-ihfl n-ift or beech': ,.. ,g, Jiri;-poM;fce broujh to thu e. i a very deii- $r if finTI(ipbimaand-bcir; keep.; :i(.iefs of lhasf boge animals were q- Iiill. Miw1:jTfl.ip cibaf ;V t he nerrf al .it i roproaa sUeWlsft-f'; H iio n ilaljis a dandy j and .nii4TlirH'nlAe:na'e-;of ibisTele'pbant i rf Ciiik noj long ago, and after ao rpoliblbb7aior jjfi pine bail a)? f f j fi ed c r e col I eci o rirefarel pef1inlj;df fifr enr ' dag reei of jubiltf jo 'ii:0ime9Ji : looked j niil for kot&e pf i1 thft iwr inkiea'pfaW i n ii a tliiyffliifj wla; mucli tha ojdest ; do il;ilif ir I)ns roW aQpoiheritbiic ii' twii jlix8Cl j t noticqd; by tb'Qvmyf ' itiit iloairj 111. prosvjfs of eacb bf tlipctb cs ats ii aslotb as "dressed leathervllist of jlro1reseTnifid lblteoreraacrabbiog bfoshorrihrril;i1day Wjra:ib'pra isd tla tli-nbjbnld-: not gat:&dat'if ileshWmin,: C ;Tbft expanse of training anld mfihiii ' tpef alfiw miilS:i:i8enorm,ousj''anid tbev ra nsida5 red worth a .great deal of twi ton trellJ sW? bf riiy a n d ei r bush els of ar1turiateltbe m had trJiuiibn and carry their own iruri V4 o'clock 5M knelt down, and four ci fifi mf n ilftWal bopua of a1 sidle; aptfftisWa&MTfcb band then atruck mrcL atid '!hftaideiihiircircQif'bf:tb0'ib' Bjfas ttpt rlJHe fe4;of leiftt m mfrto 0 Br l aie g 11 titl t r un I aV art if afetfitbj :Pr?.bt ihage esiiirlliilcld'-nhl reaisf. laughing litti!t,?j After one round Siam stopped and rkn eb ai rJrtb r feb et ve loa ss en arecs 'feXhe iwlheicepie cbdHtnlepped. tojtib top bf bis htadltouiloereland 'ibfrrrscram We'f shoijejtp Jibe jitep by ; pbtnng b is fool iT1 ':ifiS Jd ; Wfib. I welW gfrlp? i d . Ji;ef iiu:! feifton8ibilt, ortbis 'Mfy .thajaljjnf :jbae andj roide his ronndsi; kiilibi analienewtnirihW MtiDishtd'lcfp !'nj fdrihAlnaa tit ave '4 a tbie eel it cried pp wueausv c. ate. ; A green doth nreap:befpfnbecagea in IbeojeiL inf ou sprung a full grpsrn tiger, wbp aei- CJL BP ? 5 Wl. Wh wd tights by fefti;fe084!nsDevm.whkhtb tbev roll b vr and n(f An iI.il ..... I ' i:'lr. M ; ttht m hi , 5 . yrrm0mim9 thanwt down :.TOnllmlaaerd!;kV TKV 11 1 j -, -. - 'V njuch ip mv aslcntalimi.nf' in CP m$F-m$m?t P low; atrctch- bjrnse f the liotir.nd Mother. dr kveapdled and s-eur, 1 ' li? T . Ji.l sock an afternoon, since I wrote" Uiheapjmal kingdom " of Herf it it Four c ephanis together aere; Jff!oocdnon!8i2M. lo -saynoibtng f fe 10. m V f p,for ed Lr I io i9' hrh'eie iraa inother.arciderilal fea- ' hoWi'd rfifnd rf,jroW children, whose, f lf VoriWty with .the s!n wf ?gpite,nf iC-r. i .-V. m r,f ihU I linn aht. i: s im. j..VwiiK fOonpnsnce o . SitrnJ' khi Slide a Ieiurelt .if iKafiiao resemplaaca apougb. iberr troro a on m p t oei r eeo l,h0n!(?ieiiveti tp Siarb, for. the latter la tho Uf lipralpiriy, and in-jcifgfatr Jfjii boora wrifh u Nolaon.? aone three swb inreiiroe boT botb tiia tosksij 'He vti Il!ces a coiti detarminad broMer. Vir- i,K Ir r- !rennne long cage r.ftM. aa many j liberies 3 !it!M?to!f j'f UAh. pbtrca.nVwfien - da,anin!ied him roand bit ntHt, (adevil , A BU!OUSDJFFIOUJJTY. v tood-at tbfr dnor.to bpirtit ut, and fine uaaaiotae peiersinec: ioo,xiot lejipcie if XETTEn FROM5 FATHERMATHEW., The i?feemetiXigtIant:XotaLiatinence Society -.oJW.as&ingfpnr'hafinY-hetydrihBi inierit; onflpf Faiher jjthehejifreat (Irish Apefaperince Sjata;ih prts'e.qt i(tDraeirH)natriteif 'tbeiri $ereCa7ffto'caanlooiVsl ficaOpn of aaid Society at sn6h riiroof. fThis waal nirinVra'Cellrme firjiJieSeelalrh Mathew has been receivedand is pijSlisblid Iri ibeNattonalf IntelligencerTaa ' fbllbwa' fVrfmcl'Tfie- fpei Ud ?of enjoj'jn the privilege of makipg avpeonall rqvsiDiince wiinmx.p?55P oreiiifeji, ine teetotallers of ty-.DStitesj iVvdaietfiaiant tb'an-aWdJw s ( !can not ;lceIr!leiafi and I ireioiee inthe rornor that has reached too bl bt intend ed f isitl as it bas brociareid for niei through yooV tionat.e insitatian frjom ike Freernan)sigi4 laotbiltiDatjnenieeSdd .W,aabfiigtbntej:? ? r i snaue?,en cnaniD ; rateru j reraensf branaTbf Jtbik hooor, and llwoum.icr Gad. 'idf.ilb $ake of iikVo Med cause, that itjjaa t Amidst the diiucDllf which imost neees aanly accompany. anph a- mission! at mine. viiih:4 matin iiu tv itivit JT uu m m f;uui teoaaly favored rmeCoVTificellas)l"am thiiiyi nol be thatjan fjrs'tbe;l)rdj thatihe aocceaa of the'grea temperance move ii tbo "wi If .i pf if ih iglTf "fifb d T'jljje: Moat!uigbv,a yet IC :frpti'lcf lie ajOfetatibn j, in jmajy, to, asser 1 ttat I waV-notfrefripshed and comforted I by yootery laodatoryi letter ?i f r l land. I have not reeeit edthelettdV lb Which ybd e alludedf i. ifitiS' HeielnVrofgrittfalninfes here of the Ffaemen'slVigHant.Total Abstl- ri ejj cej bqie t yprj h;ia Ind'tltheo'hpsI batjbjbfypbrtbfe;iab caose,pr.ietblij&i Vitb tet;febMprayeri fo 'yonr happiness 1 am," aear ;uHuuuurjgnanj yqura mosi sin ' ::-i:!H:ftrilEO?ALD Mathew. 1 rTti A. F. '. QinninghatnfE-q I'.,. : TfDtvtiMujftt MJ-f-rtpP bparii;tKe steamboar Patr ck Henrys Capiain Dorsey, jost iblrp5t Altakai as pipbe seen Tobe jtA ih mjst astor ishioff Jilb istth ffei befielJ 4jy human eyes jThel thing ainars a partake' of 4bree apeciea f-,i tie neau, sroaiuers ana arms : inai or .man. oniibneyes wry lafgel' with one iinthe fore-' head,-'iibfheirlback4 ppppfut. laibwdyim armajrowai9i)iat f fisjb ; beiog coTered irith scMes ol ao-ipdescribab le col - rFrbm ihe waist dowo,taat of bewt, with c!o yen eft.gVif log hair, and Uil nine feel long; wheh,iiidiaiurlied carries the lail ryand his neck, TetetnWia cfarat: fc'tlMd It,, was capttifed by Capi. Darseyabd part of Sf. .MarUoatrillf . oniibe steamer Pairiek Henry, i M opday; it5 1 bf J a nbr r4 b; 1 h rbng lo jsee i sterday May.3t)to -Ne w! ? Or lea us tw asjim - on y es Urd iy M a y 3 1 ) to e w ? Or lea us tw asim - ;mep.-- if 4. y. UK..-: N: D. H ia sapposod ftotbe the oarloo a thing bereipfpre tegrded as fabulous. Welare astonished thai the pmp?eof SlMar tinsrlUa?andHinitjjrwe in? ibe nature bf the animal they had jraogbt natcrallv be impatient fof us in 4ak some apiiee of ihe;o ' OuIGreberV jBopk; is ap insiinctie litilemanQalfrom wbiclrwiff 6od'that ,eofe ia twp shiltipgsipoujniL apdthatirmoist sugar is Sold Uieiata pffeVe'n pence ihe bdjpre sniinf VbanousVnalogy ' to,? ihe inbome' tax; We my ibo wp? er !di a w a d 1st inct fen ; fo hi le the one 1s eweet. tbeotheHs bitter, i I Oor Botcb- 351 Vi-alotjk! la i atH? art j"cdrlao:predbPtiPn ajad ia wrmen pariiy in uicrogiypnirifcparucaiariy.iiBi part lojT jtiu : hlch relates to ieinj; I tbpugblha .sum total 13 set out-witli laudable vyehate pot been- yery well-pleased wiibJbe" annoiaiioos.4 and there iaV note at the end pi ihe yaaWJiiilpeaia of the pecessity. tbaanipris under bf toellnga beafajyment 00 a cifrtaib day, and craves the aasistaece p( tfafe inditidoal 4d wbom the loc!r is -dedicated It wUl be pett ,ich is liable tojaa d hica to the cpmmission -of .8ooe;iWordtitiincwtti?!iTtfCfti7ir :Ah;.l f "pp. ;A! cN ptbf lissy)pi in B is latej jiaS- .:-i':'T4' Jiis arpjwbila woioo afier'a seere jfkhtiai'iMaJjysepored ty an (BXpertSphiarflk.wijb a-bp ipun'iijia peck 4 i..-. When staaa erect is Deiween loar an j nre eetbi-b.f?:-tJ-:xif -hid wir. T fh.f1'-,i - Tb ia 'a atoni an i ng fcrealu refln y ' b ef pecf fd a t They; Have capioreq inai! exceedingly rarei ar;i- rtaVt lifel'ilirman -t an'swef fornotbing else ondeftbe spP' y 'J 1 O. strewed wJ 1 b boofcabf t be : season t he pip' pal of wbJcb1s ! ppGrocer Bol)k f ianwe fiqjlltbat wej barb JeVtbfse'rpinerVgei inio such arrears; that tbs authors precompilers of these bcokaj prusi icaiica.says z r.ijorinff ine penoa w iny ; no-. fli'wTj nnfortonatelallledl ,? ta-j ii . - .k.iij' a ihtii a avAmsn annnwru wsr tir : iH - i Malyt Mrs. Grates is baieffeca jcajs bnganMne ir.iin oreaencp.ol.a mer cKant nafned'tX'iwrfDfe.'sil ? anf Irtictei efe;b iscdvereH Ihe'ff por,ftn:igfii bfa"meni fledand' rmifcof'shtm jffeff OnT' 4h0 2fb U&prliy'Ca di)l.seared . by -ftlr.i IVlcC'rrii3ctr Jhn Jound ihr thifien-pound brJc pf.eart6t pieAt ipned in thesmanifeiii; Tbase he sei?: ed.cl aimpdjbe forfeiture,, and, refdsed to . un tne.ijibt tne aessei was cle$reil.and when fairly, at tea npnnth? Ailantir.beVaq IT' primes - came all. and'ahoed the 'captain ilia pnould era ffbmMhe'WMeirwberebpon iwhlchMfC6rniickaided- crews prbiav-o'wiiran'dfih titoraiionb9fesiiel taken setersl mle up the riteMo-Freetowrt, treated barbarously, f The teasel wssagiin searched and ber papersthe chronrrme'er,' artrbetgs'ofopeyandiKir srifpjpg re moved, some bags, of 'money and other ar ticles rempTedt:somb of which were not re lurnedbe, captain and male were also, pnthe tlbattnwnVpfjrtCpfniickjind' hitmen Urougbt areforeitbe P.otlce 3oortjiiid fin 1 r ism"-4 -.. V" Zr Si - ' i - .;. . '" eo jco'eacn. . t - w , 4 -, a : . Captain Cook . contends thailbe conduct of the 'Collector .jntirey unwarranted ; that he had perfof med all tbat',the-Nwstpf ifie pof i n qu ired an! that ti bet aeiifire I of his vessel at set ws an outrage iittprlf , un warranted b law Ii alleged bv fffeorf mick, that be obi ' acted in performance of hisdutvrl- - --,.?! : u The documents glting adetailed history of the transaction , h IVe been'laid before Vhe prnppr; arthoritiea at F iVaabTrfglpn'r Ihlarth? be.en forward byLieat.,Lewis;tof the U;fS. brig-PbVpoisfcr' .The Litchfield Ennbiier gives Jhefoljow in nlereti;g incident : A. Carrier pigeon afighleTVfie'libuse of thV Hon AVn 1, Burrall, in Canaan, on Monday ifternPOn, givingsigna of hungerand fatigue jAnd as Jpdge(B ? neter sends the., t n veller iempty Swayjibb brbbgr wingedilaitbrhie 'itip from hjs:Iiand While 4he pigeon w as eaf ingits legs were7noticed to bewrapfwnb paper : andjoh remnting ;the.bandagea they yi, f i r e .poipjl lAon t al n j Mr t XV ehsi er4 sjbcf b delivered bp jSiturdj? J;sV fh Bunker Hill ceeb)ratinb. wrt! JeipTiui rtw f heia of tissue paper. . The Judge -r hod.. the pleasures';, of reading the "speech -while ihe bird was sat ifying jis hVnger an regnining iiasirengtb and (hen j-eplacingothe tissue boots on the fait hfojf airy messenger t fiok'a : rapidflght to 'be' We t, and aobri J- we frtiVt fopjid-iis way To the ;owner. fflJidl ismosl frwe,-iTbe-New4York Ailaa 'M pccaiionajfexcellerin iiat discoursejj ,tp be young.. As tor instance, it well says, loat among all the essentials to successful fnerprise, Per sererencefis a siiegriapM Piinctnajity is pA cessa ry be i 'without pprseereRci "z -rnarr will' soon cease lo bate appointments. Jpwbijsh i it is hjs interest to he;puncoa1 . . JrfdgTOent4jt ma--t tired 6yexpefencer bm hVnefipiat xpf rience i TtainAMeohly by pe'rse'terehM nbtable quality has been rather oegfectedsln mod ern homilies lead to'youpg; men", i hpngbi old fa. ther Jaeon recognised the mischief aitfding, p laVdc 'bf it, - whn ' he said to one" of his sons. UnsVable'avwatef. tb'io sb tirbpt excel " ; ? Relic fifithe ftevotulion.-TVidJn Der.ry . (NH.) mi the 8t h ul t! M ajof George Bo rnharo. in the 94ih yearofis :agV;H serrMiTibe Continental army ibroubh the entire Retoloiion- arratfaegje witbnotia alpgfetforloogh, aseo to I visit bis friends, and was engageo jn rooti oi in battles pf the Revolution. He possessed ah'in tellect of -a high order; which) he retained in sq extraordinary manner to the latest period of bis life. " . . 1 If J2,Drag JVe for Candidal eg -iTbe late Dem ocratic CopTeptjon of w. Hampshlfe, ennsid. elringihe approacbing aeiection of caniidslesfor tb Presidency and" Vice presidency; paised a TesdluiioxpreMibg great nfidenctHn tbp principles antt patrloitim fMariinVanfBarvn. John C, Calbooo, Richard M. JohnsoohLewis Cass. Jakes BocbananT Levi Woodbury, James KvPoilaodYn-lfc r K ii' -i4 - -. i- , "jij.-.-, 'R'CrffBrat-iThe Alissisaippiao says Thff pircnti of M is Giayes bareeceiTed alet tef from her dated at .nanesien,v ob doubtless is in porsuitjof ber husband , JVe un nrfifand she wrote to her latberano, tencnuea Keiatdf aooo the fact Ihat.tbeWect of ker affec- IIU UIVIU is beyond 'eri thete rood the ci tge. '"'Hvraj.t.iu tiiucrr vonn, rinflina twu ac ,wa pawoi Me I lent broad cloih Van be rfcb- Cqllectpryt 8ierri'L'eolie;iMrrTfcDci hoiigJit at; prlwaVary inf from two io livdoirari; mackv :'f 2-rsl nd o:bertcloifiing''cbaap;Di propotfioii-UaW Afietlrainii -arman!ac5a--a!iin8T'iba' tnr .piqypafjf V coast.Hhr.,Rbbart f tiled T& STtiti liedherf "iLT o... " ..vl:" ' qaprMGpok.40t ptarirning iifjaryf Ui.Nanf zo; liade.-Capuio.Conk. im, 'bea.VTattoreVrJftoto ediaieiycportedVtliauCoatPw Ir.dmg, :llnre,l)ishl- bo, more iriic ei on d r ) . fWN1' iih: i.v" 1 '.f .'i-.i . "f.V.."7ii f Ala) tpi.quirecpfiice, recomooends t tb. Cat inlnq aaceriainif ancb was tbese j 6o, consequence of ibe-.death,q( his mateV and t i 1 ii j- . f7F maekrtbe col!ertoM"'Dre.ef!rVC V CTl V PiIo?w w come it. 1 Ttiia was'done;ui tain Cbbk Yne ttie-pfrotir brir ib Ibe-Colonel has passedbej I V? JMlMjfrlflntrthi then wWd-K edU tns t lha coantrySRd calcsatd, it benefit tha, weajibf ooolisaljAld jelJO a faet'tbat GoodaofjsTer'f desmimian k chapUt a Idet-prica thin before llm TV;ff ihPappinlin-irpw, BWrbrti afan)48 ehdttUf.aatii aitjatacileaT-year' Ijr'twy arrieo some belief cause has been supposjdfto bp. ;tbe .trae-prie;jf Kllifc h ia adrpitted byfall dotrtpUkitcaif a aman; wornap or chilJ eusis but what are soooer or wer Troubled with worms, and In hundreds pf cases." saptbrerae ?oldJ1oromptilber filing' caYrnsirttb powers bf man jfamirjj Warms and ihese cpordbayej beeoTeiradieated in a day byribe; jpsepfs,b JZermifuge st.lba po$t of ? quaHn ol a. dollar 1 ; 1 fickenipgr, the though I HbatUheaei things should be -r-an$ wbp cati eef fj1tje bejpslvea ,tr poti trjng this Wonti ; tyimatofj when' tbey toidtb that even jlf ibrcasejjwris notlefbTms this remedy could pet1 by any .possibility do hdri pt atWayrjgsods s purgaiVefss tfie di ase be irhat t may-A IIov jcnportant.thenf to use it, apd who will dare 'aliejthe responsibility tij do without fil jlf eery parept ! thai is not a brute, ask, themselves this question in troUi and Soberness; 4':T- '"fVri -1 rCRtoW-bad cjiilety "sick for pear ? wo Weeks,- and attfndeH jby V pbysfcIart) without: relief, when Kolmstock Verroifege'was $;ven,abd nex day more than! forty worms were pa !edSwhepi h e c hi f d. iecof f fk 4 fa pid ly i ; I v 1 phild; widow '.WomaljHn-far ihe nbattab arj Work a tK lijllleaf, a'skelpodWftb great dryness nl the rnoutri. and'lfchinj'of lp sose.jA ha ape laJJy wbis called Yo pyb tprjikp; family, Pents irpmlediltelyifor KojmsiockTyermifoge, which brnoghtj iway great qiantt'.ies pf worms (or, I wo oi three days, aod tbe, ijbild gret better at pncjy and jiegiined Ufjipstrengtbi jojeaa ban a month - ;! v :";l rj 'eval jc1iidrenih a higKlyj resciaW fam ily in oadfraybadwoybis tpa tristful xtenl, frf irje; all uredap jrrisppielpfMbe best famjlie in the neighbor-; hood pF ; John's ark, it hap been, extensively lsedfrcm the circumstanced of having eradioa- e,P g!U 0.",l.v..Li W0W! ?! f-1 rner g. bad bpcpme exceedingly' emactated before fWrmlfuge was! given. The nejtl day hree arge jwprms were tfisJodged fa pd "she Jefl off 'the fermifge, when the bebaroe"fagatp4 worse, "and had resort to the Vermifuge: tbatfinilly- brought away an incredioie quantity of woiros.and .the core was complete, and she gdihedher health rapidly :M " " ( . a , ' far-i ii-., .. ' 4 Physician of standing, bad doctored a fami ly ofFc'niidreb some "w eeks, wJihbut being ale to restore' bn: one but of! t hb seven;; i n hea h h ' 'He had tbej liberality p'Sehd ' fdr j KofmsjieckV: Ver mifogeJ and cored the real wjllh it ia lesathao a ered libs true causeof the s1ckpjesa,fby bringing away aTmost an innnmerableoanuty pr wprms, large arid whallanid thVWypnb:fcloTeredltb great dpspaiebiH InstaocVs ef .ihisi kind might be ciied Jo'an immense extent, baiit'useiessv one i.rialiforl'25 cents will show any- one with estop- fsbmejot ihe, certain efJecis of ihis Verm;foge. T-1 . J il -I !" j". ! " nTH& Subscriber respectfpllyorM his t JtjlhabJwfbr past favorsibb4 mforma bis ld friends bd the public ibat be atill continoes to "carry bb in1' abovb.bosioeas;;tb.ill iia various brapches. and at the old stabd an main streef, iwo doore below Jl5 Wv Mpfpbys store and op posite, the Watch dan Printing Office, where he mab always be found. He ketpa i consiaotly-on band-a variety of w?H nwnea,woix,anu a prr ces to sciuiba umes, - aiso sa oppr ,c"j made Coffins constantly keppp band tp toil soy measora ;app at Jbwer prjbes j ihap Pier ihey have been sold for, U , " ' , N.'BAll kinds of Lombar: and Country Pro dace taken iuexcbangY for rjbmk ' j t i. ' w I- 1.ICEELL10TT. April 29, 1S43-1T40 : "? ' s - f" "V- 'if-- HAS reiuroedito hafisbory," and 'a i nowprerared lo tesoma the prac .If rrWyed to MrQomn: brip boHd- - . r uce oi nJS'nroiession. rnia iju April 29, Il3rif40 : Wjl?: ls.r is repofledtoH te6moi bolerh -fl i.L? '-meoies nau unea wnicn wa3 yejv exieusiye 'v; known mhat part of the cf'y , r 'A fanuily in. New; Jersey sav'd VoVera'l phtldren y l he use ofit. One, a girl! of eight yearstf i Nunieron cases .of cthercdmpllpis were sup ppsed lllexist; and ihe persbbs treated for fever, Sibil but firiallS a trial of ibis Vermifusre diecov- Cbwf ion Never buy ihisariipfe unless it have Df IttlmSocVa Verroifwgef! handsomely en crraved on 'the bmsde Jabel and the fac simiK ofiComstockfitCbl'!- m.ZW ' enfa-C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; J .&. K oani Greensboro Dllesr'i'tl: Rillsbbro'; J P Mabryexirigtonr DrKtiihy Rslefeb. - LLrfe . - - --.v i i'sc O :I 5 - , 5... I- ( w w. v. w . Ail. t j 5re ihe retf MEDWI&ES tri tH$ &6rld, :Mrperi4edicat Faculty .raf ml approfe'l hepv Dr-. Soermtfii is a aktflelaiid experienced iJPbyU &Xi----j'k L-tirZe-4,.jr Aii i -iitii '!:L Are the safest, surest. and'mosV effectual remedy fait Coahs Coustb AiihbiaTightBeisslot rthp tobgs Ha Cbesi. ciHy-A - Nst ' Art the only infallible worm destroy iog , med .:L'..' jiJm j -.'';.' 1 1 .... ciuBwci juisepTeiea peyuavpuf ep uaenau oyer, 1. 100,006 asea and. l4 vpTbby Jo al.i SHERMAN'S CAJJPITOR LOZENGES uii iujujcuiho reiiei in nervous jDrpiCK rieau ache palpi tatiorif of tfreTHeart,' Lowpeas ofSpIr niJi PIepcyrintfnOppression sensb5 of Si ekioff tfieC besDiarr'bffial TJasb sftsense Areae mosi certain remeoy ior in ir id istressin2 cetPplaibtt'eyerQe pabtie' loll be tnsme'nsenumbec of ses in iftbicHflm have teen o'sed, they bave never beep knbwtSip fail? . rBn--li f ; ?1 jDiajrbpja orloosepesa of jt h e bow e Is, so omH mop and ljoufBomurjnrit npth'ii may bow bp eptirejy jxrevetjed p;ajrppb8ja ffespXenge8 4eytJ!rjbM IPJPM'i ly lor that purpose snUibe'' relied on with perfect cofidencfl Persons subject Ja i deranss- mebt pf ihe bowels should never be without I beni rrey aomp immeaiaie re.upi irqai lopaiiena- it glipingV.iifrfbMi 'i ;ix j. Sherman's Cathartic Lozenges Am as pleasap and easily jijkftan as the common npppe'i 'fflTni s ;a nd. -a re anj .active and efficient medicine. The? cleanse tbo oroach and boweja, and, Ve lelcaibariic persons. VVbefap ac( 'ihpyiiare poTbaff -Jt6 e best, bu t jhesaff st t hat ca p .badrpirustered; $ y:hM - T Sherijian's, Strengthening. PItBlll The peal pf all plasters fo RbeumatispgifJom huornj Paio or Weakness in itbe Back.lrJ.oins. S-de or Breast. The above medicine is fpt i sate,; w poleeaie pr retail, at the Salisbury-Medical Drug tor by jr. - , Ci B WHEfiLKU.gept,! i ! Salisuoryi w.; -'vVPiTaTfJ,;! POSSESS qoatitieso? ijhp; mosj mild apd bet neficiaUature; arjecpoMaN. titles the" most an t j-pn t relief pt , coni ntf &m iftgreieats known as the jpnlyertatp ajtidM fr fevers of everv descriptUin'Wlren tb ease ia prodoced either fromjcolobrqcttbn bad av, swampy indj darop;sjtoatip eines are louad to g e a tunj. I . .ef' bilerate the animal spirits, intigorate pe bpdy nun ib iiiin.it ....v.. : i . , . . i . Tt-' The Lfcdictns bavatspbeen th most appy 8uecess'inHsrybs japdDysT neptio diseases; Upnsnmpioni ,-rwiBii'JMrf fC3 A supply or tae aoove invaiqaajec p,rT DICIN'BS are for aalevatKJam'est Cloai floadsj, Iredell coonty.by :f : , . . - , . . ii.ij.tl.,lffi fflARES thisfmetbod of 4 ' I Informing bis frauds, pand Rbe public.Ihar he is si il I pal ry ing on t b r Watc h and pluck makitfg and Rej nairinff bostnessiat Jbis Jd fiSi stand, bar Ue Courlbousie All work done by bim jwijl be warranted for tw-lve montbs. . He slt keeps pphaod pmal assnrtwnt pi cwruiv , . u - i i Old GolJ. andSilfer taken fn. exchange f(r JeWellerV prwoik,oait -i, UJ; i j Salisbury. arch12, W2lf3j JBm mi allusion k !- - - . . i : hi f . ? SahUary, Jaa.7, 184S-.if24 afar w . . - i. t ji r i i- -flw 1 F" r ., a ' . y - .- . . ,i . ! .. - t w .. jtt weaa.ina TOonV-direcaaferiosiMVeaiV mArpISEIl j.-x i Wbigifiibbiujiei fbrBaiKretmerlf -lAVjNC5reiiseb4bitwn' koowo-iad " , ynedbyJadii.Shfeitbdiasiielaw : r , Wfc5 rtHatM:'.bi;SlabteVa Taiern,j; inv.ba ' f "Ir . VlBi .fddivpa ta;jbeUboWKtt 'attWjJbeljwln ' -XaiMr.-4atlab'iif y, MPtnfernia"bU Friends 'M 4 - OT5 th sersijlj : i vanetiea common incMptry:iowasr8uaas open fpt the jreceptton.aWrateHera &' Boirdcra. , i f f". I gTSpoons,-usvrod' tepaing Sllrer His.TABL.Bd:UiitiU ba4 supplied wUh IV- Ware, r J? ;:T : f n th aesi tHe) matka) Indarraaadiaff country af- S4 i He begs to assure the mMU clff'ir nn-i.i forda4 v, - - . -....i I Htu iv uusiness, ana pkiihoi WOTK Kill CO iJle him to patronage abcfioppeitlbu illmeif- u, j a-t 1 1 -- . r. .n i cnion on nisparisoau ue wanung lo gitegen- S,:rV,Al iM.. ..rJv., y.ijc: 'aitiafactYonlVillwhbmay fltor Wm wUh mtasmi, wheiberttnagoauij,iir epiaripi, ti'h -dnV o;i . P V bthaicanstbbskpiad 5f fn bberationslor cts. . .re possessed of pe Cotbnt cle0 86 ogar,! rY a 10 cidiai quaUnesTwhicb not hnjy xr aiNease;, Cbflee; f 8: f loaf, ; 15 a JB but at ibe same 'time restore and iutgf ate ibo q- b I Saltt iackS 75 $3 system Wlien first.keMintp ibeistppDacb beSsl.W Tallovf ' jr.Vi" " tney immediately; diffuse tmseifeyapp ,f?? VTooacCO. 8 a 2U throb2b every iwreprodu&pg VPMi SI1 T F.bVn 1216 deji2hful, aalutarynd PttmW&M&H VHlMi M hlt1 in 4Jompramr,rKheomatisnr;iiroqio no IBaeswar, ,25 a 7 torv! DTosfes &e;H. ft It 2 ! CtTee, J? iTCaai CBES BOGBnfl. f, ; i O0Uon : i4t a-s5. -Shsbary.0ct22,M842Iyf3 J :, I ..Wl for iro dotfart ia Jtaoce, sod too a!;rra itsJ juiy cnis at tb-en I be jaat; i t , f V,Nosul:?criptio3 trill fce rcceired for al?rn:3 4 - than cne yrar. oafesi paid for ia i Jrsacs... , ' Trr3iscdniinoed (ba ifce oniicab! ' vc: -TEf op DTSETrsirs. J J f n vnuQjurpersqoireror ibfirnir?rt!i J.- i. - i iwenly OTe; cents lor eadh c-Ttinnirrj. - ! ! ! -Court notices wnibecLzr-tJCSr.r ct. T I,. than the ataveralcs."- J v j t Iboae w Ku ad vertise by th a y c ; r. adverttT?r5entsiwi!l t ' j t;- ;! foriud, and chafed lor Seen; Jir;l;, nz'.Jt;-:: i- - . COT. Idlers Hdsed toth. n:;::rst:"'P f come post taJ to eisnre atti T . . .-It WE.-., 1f'Hia,STA8Lts:8nacioaisandT)oljlifnllv snn- f. pliedwiih rai and proVender.of all kiodi, at 1 - tended by faithful aad atientjte.Oilers.5" ' ; VW . k , The undersigned pledges blmseli that Co ex-, , "Jr Mrr ' ,jaimes:l: cowan omsowryi$ept: in I84nr tn ' . jpidiiigf Bfllik ff jCbTumiitpbn fas ifalr'f "jO ROM Cwnsibcfc" it". Cb wlijj positive ojoW- k JD;tiesare MlpnpwftstFbnnfastkeep- ieg the bead freeVrom acurfaud caosioya tor- oriantgrowtb of kair. 124 Forladies after ch ilj- biMrrestoriogibesk and rmaessanAlprfycnting'tbb falliog ost ofi the hairir-Sdilrfany peraobr recovering from 3 ruff, strengthens tbe roots, tmparta health -and vigor to.tbe circulation,' and prevents , i be' bair fioraLchaneingcolotiorfisttinff.flry--6ih It caosea the iiair to.cutl beautirully wbendoDs bp : No ladies unlet should ever ha miJa Wtilinnt If . A i Ti.ii'Cliildrerwbo.fe con-S iitiaA Mmtn fit fha:hMt Vik fmmAJUiat r i " 11. perfectly tuied of them by: Itrbsa.-lt isTataUl-1 I had been, bald sbopl fif e years no more balf on the top of; my head than on tha, back f my band.aod my head entered rwjthi a .. thick scurf, T'f.;a-iitn4f:Ah'WrnC f liar" t Ol f1- kit t no.'.l :."-'."' ' rbusing.lhe B ji Im of CorumbJt,- Irom Com a half botilea'of 4be tBalin, wbich has fully'ye- J? K Mtioreu uijf uiii, uu .uccu ui j ijcfu cu'i'njiiiuur scurf.;- ftlyv bead J riow covered with fine, flaw ing Jong haii wbic Winy bnamay spa by caUipg on me, at Stamford,; Coonecuco;, ... f ' : Nor 12. f840.i 1 D &SCOFIELD: 'Counterfeits srp.'ab'roa? lotk.aIways fortHe" ' TMr SimrofComfbek&jCo , - For sale at ibs .Witchman On, aod by'U B,Wheeler,lSali4ory, Or SjtH lalefghvD HeariHiUfiboro; J Si. Itbloao Greeoabcro ; J PUayLexiogtpoJ 'f '-: ' march -1, I843ply33.-.t a , lot'&ti stibTScbv" !-1 ; Salisbury .f NCfT)ici 1 8421ri 4 Ldoki at1I)n:SIikTlan?slad yertfsement; and If ypo; wisb elfet for your mi i TIlEaAJ!FIICTv?-.l0 subscriber bas jai;tevWeH!.Wgi aoppfy of.Dr-MopTatfti LIfe 3leu;ieine.aCallj6 obtain relietL ;uCB WHEfiER: Agent,, arisbury;Pec:io20 j : 'V' PM0323 c tJHimxTT at I . . . . . iCU5 - 5" " . ..vaaw , ottqttTarn. ;75 Molasses, , 35 a 40 i . rii i . Bacon, I' iAs fiji'. Btandy. ap. 3a40 , ' placTi; 40 a 4jj T lHKpe,fOi1j T l iWmskev. 725l a 30 Iron, ner lO.s ,ia. .wuea wu tnaeeq v.P7 , 1 -."r Bra 8 Ahblarf'SSTa 4a Nails'cot' 5lTarr Sdga'rktPwnVBlJ 10 Lompi: ,14 Lbaf V5a;i8 Salt, f 50 a60 , Sacl, 5 Tobattfoleaf, ,2a-2i Cotton bag H .'2 Bale rope, -8 a 10 Wheat new 75 a 80, Whiskey ftoSI r t-i Jin km v i ia. Flaxseed 1 SO a 0 Fhur $4 Hr$ Feathers- y 20 a-25 -Wool, I 121 a 15 ' 5 ! m. a Bacoru -WC W H Butter p 12 15 ' V'ts oanei.;- ju ? . 92, s 25 :Ot!;gab 7S8 Bagging yd .20 fa Bale roTe lb 1 Op JeflinWa 101-25 Ooffe1b' Al M Pork llWibs Oi l o Cotton V, .; i . 6 i Rice looibs , Floor brl .A&l ball sot F.aihersi - 25 a 30 : , i n..i . t, ill : i i in. -iu a zu I . . - hiwri 4J , ou Iron iOOlbS- 5s tt Sieri nrnui. v Lard j I 0 4 t i English ' 4 Tallowi 1 7t I Tea ijnpe 5 ' . i l ' ' A 5 , I - .. I I , . 11 fill p. '1, m 4 : ' ff4 'i:! . t 4' - "1 . .:,: mi 5 ' 1 V:l'-: -S:'::if :- ; -HI-.'?, 1 ! . ! R J t! i v t ... t. . ' 0 I 1 3 i T hi Jk .11- I -KM : x ; : : -k -i.: : ':. i i' 1 'i - V

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