- M'.ut if- ,iv vi ; ' ') . 1 i ji'ji 1 r.v If r: 'j m : ,f- ' ; t -: --v,i ' - 'H 1 h J i ! '! 1 - ". Jfl - - .' 1. ' ' ! . .I 'll ' f i - ' '-. - : i I" .' 1; V 'ir ":':V ! t ; .' "J - -- i U 4 i"! ' ?, . . -'''I "i : - j ' ti- i i : ' :., - j, V 1 j: : u. . 1 "- lMTit'-i; M-i I"' -. s-i l-!4 i-f. tf ; 3 r It'lS ' -I ' t'i-.uuiii!' mil hereafter he had ir" "i-ir ii l 'wJVnnre. anil linn dnl) .and rfOar ," : 'iSep iU. ?,r?e W0' ' ,CSS jH UJf"irisconlInud (bntlat tbe option -J lEJlft OFjADTERTISIWO. illllaf per square for the first insertion arid , si nVt cents for each continuance. 4 i ,fSt Yioiice will be charged 25 per ct. high VI if, above rales J 1 4 junction of S3; pier cent will be made to - ,TliZ DEFORMED GLU. I i : x "I - , ., ,. mgf ('. PRIVTCD AM) P0BLI8UED BT BIACB; C. PENDLETON. See A Ike Oovematnt dot not acquire too muzpotaar : ' J?ef a cfteeJb -.ujon uu your iiiucrs uq nut, ahd uhebtt is tirfi1 f HO. 52 70LtTIE TJT - TVBO&E . .WidfertisebT the year. "Tii UftamenHi'i will be tontinoed Bntil . ";j f0a chtrgei torjaQcordinjIfr, unless order- ilUl.Hdressec to ibe Ed - Et - it i i. a a .-i , ; - - . , . . - i f- , CJLOC itor rausi ri- -vr" ; j i M'TBS SUBSCRIBER -iriVG ftrchascd thai we A W E) WATCIIil II known, and ti ikfc!o3ffltor;Sangbter, Ta,ern, in the same is now '-i,i,.lftblieteheraliT, ibatthe Ziftrf ht; rejon of Trtf ellep & Boarders, "fi-ats and Bab will be! sonnlied with fln siilfr.ittjpacioas, -and boontifullj tap-' j,ti wiib erife nd proTender. of all kinds, at S brftofai:aid altentite Ostlers. Iv , Ttiratidersiirned pledgva himself that so ex- iioao hii pari shall lbe wantinsr to gjTe gen- ! jAips X. COWAN. n.l840:tf7 i I riTIHE SobscriberresnectrallT informi his old ii Friends and the Poblic generally, that he u, j?"o anopin rsansoorr in tne amote ooai- luuui fureciiv oonosiia .tveiii oricK (ouiiHiny, in me iioose ol ur. Borna iforraeriT ownetf j jno; Lbbarerand jast below J. U VV lit addition to the abote. i the sobsc:iber will carry on hi Silver Smith Butitictt im all the Taneties! common; in conntrv towns: isnch as mak,1n Spoons, &e. and repairing: Silrer He beffs to ajanre the noblie that if nonet oa I attention ioioisrnetani. skillforwork will en liife him to patronage and support, he wilJmer- . li.. .T"!: !. irn9 iftnnTrr . -f t -r i AAiiuii uuuiitvuuin. lltl - -H j A t'0 ' HJUim.Sept- aV Dr. jSheruiatVz i k ri f A best MEDICINES in Ihe World, "OEING the cheapest and roost pleasant.- tiiifyttfo of,;C6hmSidjOT the Hair nS0?4 potastooK & ;Co. -lis poiti?e qotli rfiei trifiJlows 4-lit For infants, keep in th hy causing a Idz- ISfltgrowVi ofalrL-U2d For ladies after chilJ kirib, wrn;he;.akirta'tti nataral strength ..i fiffniresii and pre?enti02 the falliriff oot of t!Md, Coogb. Asihoa, .Tightoessi flfl'TOiT'Tj. ri p,"rurr .t? chest. cj AoreselVecl by attention to the latest fa aHEBHANS WORM ftf lif: 5ih li trees ine neao irooa dane- I are ineooij loiaiuaie worm oetiroTinir meci- r itrfptbeai tbeoDtsJ i health and I cineeter discotered. The have been need in : -., i: . i... i j - it i .... i. inn nnn ..j i - r. :i lijOfWtpBiFirctiiaviooi n pieveois ioe niir i oter iiww cra suu n-er known iw im. from chtfgittiliJQiprior Reitingny -etti it i sncnsiAN'S CAMPnoit LOZENGES m -ffi u T"r,u,7 T"wr ?f Gift immediate relief in nerfoot or sick HeaoU 9 Fmmmm Wi:-i X V .ehehAloitation oftihe Heart. Iwiim. hf SniL V WdifSjotle enooid eyer be maue w.tdoot it. . . jM.i,-- j?p,ilinr; nnrV.;inW V i Fhe Medical Facolty warmly approye thera. Dt. Shtrnian is a akil f ul and ezneriencetf Ph? aiciab. and !av member of the Aledical Society o New-lTotk,. - h '.M, V ! ; '"i Sherman's Cough .Lozenges, Are the safest,- sorest, and mosi effectual remedy for Cooghs, Colds, Consumption, Whooping ol tne LiUngs or LOZENGES UrL rftiMirn h hn hiv ht anv I means con-1 ' i ytlleoin!lnfthe head, art immediately an lit ioiedofihem hyjus ose. It is intalll idbeeribald aboot five years no more hair k iWjj6ppfiri head than on the backof m? uL andlal head cohered I wit h a s thick scortV Wfbia iJtnaiiobMwat .. i: 4 rt' rii.: r rock Co.' Since which, I have' oaed two and hilf bottjea Olibe uatmwnicn nas luny re ored mybalr; t nd freed my head entirely from mtf. My head is now cotered witbnoe, flow fefon: aijrj't js jllcb Wny -obe may see b calling MBe,ttiManjiora, AyODDPcucuu , i . -Ka 12,1340111 -f-D S SCOFIELD. Cc?nterfeMi Ire abtoad--look always for the i Fottafl at lbe Watchman Offlee; and by C 8 Wiwlirlaliboryj Dr f Stithy llaleigh D Hartt.Hiltsixir J fc ILS loan, Greensboro ; J E !abry,liitcff;; : - f4 . : v - Li- DesnobdencT.LFaintiner. Oooressian or e sens Siikirfg or Jhe Chest, Diarrbmi. LasJ - -i - - "T I i ' r . i . Fw - nrBrati4eth?8 XT 10 RT A PLE UNI VERSA L. PILLS .fiy.saahis:Office:.---"ii!t t rtiiethent.Kil If jbti wiah relict for your ma c? miladies, cajl and obtain a remtdy of C.B. oauat)0yUfc; IM 1 i H- ' "- . ! tlsV s -. r - j .t.-:.it 5 fe, - r.iM.f : ! '- ' Ml"! ; 0 iTItEI AFEIilCTED. ?I lie iaWibei hiafuit receiVed V- large and frb jpptf if IDloffart -S Lifij Medicine, f jCall & wits wmm f n-i; wn t.ri.L.iiaU, Agent, 1 PnXOEfl' OTOXIEXTT A.WBp'iTruly;j AT Baco4 t li-t5ia:5i Brandrl!ap.!l5;a40 pejttU, 40 a 45 Befiwit,20la 22; Cpuon llei&tiilt CeVlfa'lj'! flaxseed. ISOa 55 !,!jieTi!3a Cents. 75 Had Cotton Tarn. Molasses, Nails, I Oatsii ; Pdrk, ! Sugar, brv HI loaf; lalfi! Salt, sacki 2 75 M Tallow j " 6$ Tobacco 8 a U0 Tflw-Linen, 12 a 16 S5 a 40 1 r-6 19 a 20 "OalO Wheat, bush Whiskey; 2i a 30 Wool, f cleans 26 '. . ... l!l4l'a:fi':? 75 j-. 'laxatea flottrjlf. Irtti- 1 y- ' n 'IX -t- 15 a 14 III Ma m 4i a5 Joly 12, Molaascs, S3 a 28 Nails, cat, 51 a 6 Sugar biown, ra 10 Lump, Salt. tSack, 1; ; -Tobaccplcal Cotton has Bale rope. I !,14 15 a 18 50 a 60 1 S24 St 21 it 2f 8a io if .) Wheat new 75 a 80 Whiskey Wool, i 121 AW . 1 0 K vllft rrim Ik? i a W r - u&ji II 11 mw 5 26 a 15 20a2 14 A - 1 1843- 5ail Ciitas3or0a8 wronght 1ft a 18 al$ boahcl a 30 Oil gal 75 a 80 flarnp v $125 unseed 1 10 a 11125 Pork I00ibsx5i a 6 Ktce; lOOlba 4 a 5 bugar lb ta 10 Salt sack! K&S 25 501 60 woL.no: 'woendii - - ; -;" .. -: A""':: . ' Giartiltig FaciL ; ; Hundreds of children sod adults art lost year- ij who worms, wnen some otber cause baa beea supposed to be the true one. ' i . - it i It is admitted by all doctors tbst scarce a man. woman or child eiiits but what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases, ssd to relae, a svpposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailiosr carries off the flowers of the human family while in truth they die of worms! sou tbeaecooid have been eradicated in a day. by Ibe oseof a bottle of , Kolmslock'e vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter o! a dollar I How sicken ina- the thooffbt that these thinve should be snd who can ever forgive themselves for not tryinz this Worm Exterminator, when tbey ernote tbst even If the case was not worm. tuts remedy could oot by say possibility do hurt but always good as a pergstive Ii the dis ease be wbat it may . How important then: to use it, snd who will dare take the responsibility tn do wit hoot it ? Let every parent that ia not a brute, aak themsetvt'8 tbia Question in trntb and soberneRs. fAA 'vi i- - ; j j MrJG Bingotd -had a child very sick for near, two weeks, and attended by eJphysicialn without relief, when Kolmstock'a Vermifoce waa given,' and next day more than forty worms were pawed, when the child recovered rapidly, i I j -A cn i id or a widow woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a mntb, till near a skelotoo, with eroat dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose.' f A hu ms ne lady, wbo called to provide for the family. sent immediately for Kolmstock's Vermifuge, which brocsbt iway great qnantiu'eej of worms for two or three day, and lbe child fffew better at once, and regained its foil strength in less than a month. ill j . ; Several children in a highly respectable fara ly in Broadway bad worms to s friehtfol extent. sn J were all cured rspidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of lbe. best families in the neighbor hood of St. John's :ark, it has been eitensivelv osed. from the circumstance of having eradica ted a Isrge quantity of worms, after j ail other remedies hsd failed, which was very ex tensive- ly known in that part or the city, i, . f ; A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ose of it. One, a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before lbe Vermifoge was given.- I be next day three targe worms were dislodged, and she left off jibe Vermifoge, when he became again worse, and bad resort to the Vermifoze that fioally brought away an incredible quantity of worms, and the cure was complete, and she gained her health rapidly .. j. - ; j 1 - A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami ly of children some weeks. "wit hoot being sole to restore bo: one oot of the seven to health He bad the liberality o tend for Kolmstock's Ver mifoge, and cured the rest with it in less than! a week. - I ' ; I Nomeroos cases of other complaints were sop posed to exist, and the pertone treated for fever, &c.,bal finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov ered the true csuse of the sickness, by brihgioa away almost an innumerable qoantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despatch. Instance of ibis kind might be cited to sn immense extent, but it is oseless, one trial for 25 cents will show eny one with aston ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge., Cauf ton Never buy this article unless it have " Dr Kolmstock's Vermift ge" handsomely en graved on the btside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. 1, f S i srenfs C Wheeler, Salisbury J & R Sloan. Greensboro' ; D Hesrtt. Hillsboro' ; J P Mahryt Lexing'on ; Dr Mith, Raleigh. March 4, 1813 ly32 - ; j I ; State of JLottfi earoUun DAVIE COUNTY. j Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions JUay Jerm. 1843. W ify Hiram Phelps Administrator of Nathaniel Mark- against, John Matkland. Paulina MarklandJ Mathew Markland , Marian Mark land, George Marklaod, L6uia Markland, Henry Monroe and wife Fan ny, William Seeding and wife Nancy Charles Green snd wife Martha, Thomas Marklaod and the Heirs at law of Nathaniel Marklaod, Jr, Parrel Marklaod and Nelsoo Markland. j; Petition for sale of Lands to pay off out stanaing aeors h ''!" IT appearing to the satiafaction of te Court, that the Dependents, Henry Monroe and wife Fanny. William Beding and wife Naocy, Chss. Green snd wife Martha, Thomas Markland and ihe Heirs at Law of Nathaniel Marktandi Jr. I Parrel Markland arid Nelson Msiklshd, residf beyond the limits of tbiv State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, thai publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, noli- hilerate the animal spirits. In vigorato the body, I fTjnff the defendants, to be and appear before our next vOUn Ol rieas na umei orssiuu, iv uc held for the County of Davie at the Court House in Mocksvilleon the 4ih Monday in Aogusttiext, then and there to plead, anawer ur demur to said Petition : otherwise the allpcations set forth therein will be taken pro fesso, and the peti tion beard xprto as to them. Witness John Clement. Cletk of our said Court at OffiieeL the 4tb Monday in May 1843, and in ibe 67ih year of Ataertcao Independence. -i n ... . JOHN CLEMENT. Cl'k. June 17,1848 6w47Printrfee:6 00. 'ShermanUl 'ever and -Jlgue Lozaiges Are the most certain' remedy for this distressing eomplaibi, ove offered to the American public lo the rjrnmense number of cases in which tbey haveibeen oaed, tbey have never been koowo to fail 11 v-a i; ; 1. 1 ' ' 1 t !: : i T f-: I - " -r: -ji Sherman? s Restorative Lozenges, Diarrhoea orflooseness of the bowels, so com mon arid troublesome during the summer months, may now bo errtirelyi prevented by al proper ose of thete- Lozenges-i They are prepared express ty tor inat purpose, iana can oe renea on wuo rrfectconfiderice. Persons sobject to a derange mentfoi the bovlels should never be withoo t them1. Thet itTord immediate relief from ail the attend ant gflpings,faiDtnss, depression. o. artic Sherman's Are as plcajant and easily taken as the common pepnfmiinis; v-snd (are an-active "and efficient medicine. They cltfarise the siomacb and bowels, and ajrolhe best cathartic ever Jued for bi lions personal Where ao active medicine is required, they are not only the: best, hot the safest that cab be admiDiatered. j -j , i :; Shtman'r Strengthening BLA S TER, The best of all piasters for KbeomatiFm, Lnm- bagoPainor Weakness In tho Back, Side'ioriilreasti . ' Mr - - . F , The above medicine Is for sale, wholesale or relaiL ajthe Salisbury Medical Dmir Store, by C. B. Agent, Salisbury, N. C, Loina, SeH.l4-li nmiauaPs jygeiablc SSESS qualities of the most mild and be- nenctai naiaro. iney srecomposeo oi ar ticles the -most anti4potrescent,; combiued wth injrredieots known as the only certain antidote for ferers of every description. I When (the lis ease la prodoecd either from cold, obstroction, oad air, swampy BOjUf aamp snuauons, m pairpu miaamt, whether rhaliiroant or epidemic, or by other! causes, thesatnadicines are certain in their operations or effectdThey sro possensed of pe- culjar qualities, wbtcn not ooiy expel an aieape. but at the same tiraje reetore and intigorate the system. . Vbe,n first taken into t be stomach. .1 i it..ii u!flp. .!-- i:u mey immeoiaipij jjiuuw tBcm.cn-es hm -j-.u through every pore1 prodocing effects, at once detightfultsalulary tod permanent. When the spark of life begins, to grow dim, the circulation lantTuid. and the faculties parelh&ed, these medi cinea are found to gWe 1 tone to the oerves. ex- !f! ". Uard,tCusions,f written la hit! four teeoti year. Yoa will pleava. Insert tbia i ia JJ oext paper, aad oblige yoors, 1 j v TRUE AFFECrnONi ' Fair beauty may with frowns reprove s - a ee partial lononesa or ber beau, 1 Nothing caa chill the blaze of lov Fari'd by soft zephyrs as kbsjr blow ; t Tb pondering mind will distant rove; Apprized that nothing dra ws like love. - if- ; -i ! Say; what exceeds affeclioa1a :ide. Which must remain to eob and flow, Mid swenikgljeaves on every side. My heart is reeling to and fro. -Oh I what In jnatoTe can remove. The atingrf the pteung htz's of love. Sayi what t boa wilt; I mosf be thine -Thou distant magnet of my soul ; Forbid the rose of love to pine, :: Which glows or fade at thy control. Notbll the lofely bells of Joye. i Ezcell'd thee on the stream of love: I'll hum around thee till the last: Arid poor my wishes in ihv ear Till beauty sinks in sgea blsst . . nna nit) Becomes no longer dear. nuu iuca me n jmeoiai oove Shall eoo upon the bough of love, 'a- ! . i -; - :-- j - i-'T-Mr- v - : And; though the eun of life may aet, It'sinks not in oblivion gloom, For Jove too vital to forget, i l i Prevsils to blossom on the tomb. When fleet from time thou shall remove, Throwi back ajsmile on trseiog lofe. giona areeuknown amonfim.J .They lhave Ter parucipa:ed to the slave trade, and rttZ it, aa fa by no means unnatural In their cx;-a-ttsnces, with theetaclt sjiherrence. 4- i U ; . OOO 01 IwainttAneM r bun-, I nave .visited attempts to 1 es!a ve i their teople ; I-I en ory :jtl tries a t;ccry ! lzt - ; asd Wts34 - v tfrtaa, v U.jtca Co tha pcra ia ;irii -..siUr izzzzir ct tlo IC-.Iy I Ucccrpst!3 pre;: nra r 1A -riT cs;b etj tic--it5i tndcillirW ca t;cij I fi-3 FS-V-bati ta tha tfia c!:!;r:l izB i i . m - - . ---- : . i -1 tZ'J charted ttraa c-csjr j xzzzj. tha deep fc-ciaica cf earlv p.rsica tl3 titil lie j tfpirsiiccj cf tfifr. yesra f Xlhlls tta present 13 dark wi ac-c::h. ar-1 tho fn-. tora jladdtr?4 by co cua-bocr cf tslicip ltoa;j invoke thy spell of rsotrcr. TJn roll before ct a. chart otVyactshtd bocra ; rt ae gjze ones oora ca their aunli-!it aad L ; '- f . i - -i - . UlUOITfi! J. V. I ao an olJ c:a. Tbe.ifrteada of ay . with s;mal vnnimanr- ft u j?? I youth are eono froo ne. ;frr- hw- r- the limits and exteat of their cpuatry: Perhaps ( ?sbed 00 f D 8t -P t ethera pa lha bxt- the most westerly border kf mht U lr-rn I tlef!.lf. afar nfT in thm l.-t -r " T I- w m .iiw'..i - - . . F . .MW. . W Ul .l.ftk era X. the Panswe territory waa whhia car hundred aad'c 7 r.ry tntnr. hits t a r ileW r "1" TQ zmt tuitge. .iiJljeir Jiaye left taa alosa e?:d 7 f , U9 . bozn rerreaeclitti. nfrf .r.ri mA ,-.N.M-. Tf may extend many hundred milei Into the paioiy spread ti tne south aide of the Their coujitry 19 represented sa immensely pop SfrT WFrftntattjtytjrdepzrted gentrettoca.) oui 1 cajaiaooi tearn iiai tbey bad aoy ve-1 ". 4ti -' ccaoa ca to esi3 ry isfre or powerful orgsriizalSons. Theyj are aware that vessels visit ih onnnsit mat they affirm fhat ihev have imb artilM nf m.i chandiM brought from that quarter. I am iOelin ro .u mine mai ine rangwe people ara I nigra-, llB a I aak la, . 4L - a 1 ' ft " a.. W f t tn urge oootea towarus ito coast. If so the intermediate boa b men. weakened aa thuv mtm ! - the slave trade, must iqei i fatly J soppUoied." FRUITS OF TREASON. tence, bate been broken Anbiiioa, A vs- nce, rrtdei even! slUbat wakes into power the , int-Arable thirst of amd. 1 Col thr are some cildsr tboojbts- coca fcn-btti patsiget fa thai ctza cf ?ei IJiv iog at the; foc-tsin of raeoory thoc2.? pore and ar-lio coaoonloa,lic!:sji1 br inoussnta isnocr tocttiioaa to lbe rcrt The folIowingextract di ve . ' :..!. . ah. ! 1 -vm:-- -rv?-. ; a ocro was one a crc::cia of exalted ia of i Letter iddreal .t - r- - r-- 1 .in i ... - . 1 . , Ci. ' - : sed to &f isa ! Scritnrxiai W '! ALiXAiraSiB I-'"T-T ,.c51!ll0, wofShta west op i ; iwsrao use idi uee&ta cf RrtErn nrn Hamilton on the 25.h gentemhe-: 1 Vo; 7"? P ne upc . i .. ' 1 -- ww. , m. wwV , Bon'a ntinMi ,ii.m . a - end recently published, shows to part what so 01 Ike to earihi Tel waa ibe not protd rioio, 10 addition to the loss cf his own fame, of bet btgb gif)i With the brightest capac- the Treason of Abnolo bl Q. VIZ v . acittered around i - Arnold, beating of the plot beios de tected, ipoediately fled o the enemy.; I wcut in nariaii fir Dim. sai l was fflnen inn late ; and coold bsrdly J regret the disip- VV4)atever storms io life mty rise, . ij ! Affection's torch 9 till bdrlhs the same,. :i " It may grow dull, hut never dies if ! I Arid death can only quench' the flame, jj Witeeas the strain ye beavena above. That oothiog swaje the rod of love 1 - . i ;t: j-- 1 1 If--,t.. l Obi Princess when expression dies. And speechless love can fell no more, ii She listens 10 the dirge of sighs,' ; And thinks of woodeis told before, ; . When "breezes thro some funeral grove ; Flow from the languid soul of love. ;;! - ,n ' ; . -j". - PL ATT. ; -anii i !! ' 1 " ; A NEW NEGRO NATION ! s uh I - :;1 -l -:au i- ; From an eztraet published n the Albany; Ar gue, and derived from the Nsrrative of Mr Wil son, a i missionsry in A fries, we fearnj that he'jhas discovered a nation of Ethiopia hit never before ven or described by sny white man, Mr Wil- son is ststiooed on the Gaboon River, which emp ties in the Atlaa tie, about twenty tnilea norib of the Equator. Ij -; 11 1- - N i Thelmission is at the mouth of ;the riveri but hiving a fine opportunity, Mr Wilson accom panted I oko, a disiingoisbed negro merchant, op! the Gaboon and its iributsry the Big Orombo, to Kobangai's town, fifty milss from the oceso. n the Bawke, a branch of the Big Orombo. This waa as fat up the river as he i ascended While there, be met with a new nation of, Af ncansj some rir whom were said to come five days jonrney and others ten to twelve dsys' jour ney from the intenorn tbst is, from 200 10 400 miles from the! sea coist. He calls them ih Pangtee people, because tbey came from the di- She received ne in bed, with every eircom- reciioo in which a country, of that; name lies. The distance from the coast indicates that tbey itiea of ao unbodied enttiu there was toes thing acre thas wonin'e oeekneta in tcr demeanor, "- It waa iba toodeacbsston cf seraph intelleetlht fcrgirebeaa erfii tears of conscioas pdrity ez tandsd to the et ring-and paseiooate of Earth ? J She was not a beTnt? to In nth n wtV pointtaent when, on 07 retorn, 1 es w sn 1 ly, affection, i Hei person l?ad 00 bsraoor ratable worasn, frantic with fdiatreu for the 1 with her nind It ha nm.nM.t. loss of a husband aba tenderly joyed j: a those beautiful forms , which elide ibefbrts traitor to bta eoontry and to hie fstae; a the eyee of rorasnce in lha ebadowy world disgrsce to ; his eonnectiona : it wan (be of dreams.; C It was not lik th !ii't most sffeettng scene I ever raa witaeze to. I ties of being-4bo wealth ctbeaaiy;t7hicfi She, for a eoaatderablejio, entirely loit ia eamelimee concentrated in the taalchlesa i aerseu. 1 ne general (wssinoton) weal form f woman. It waa deformitf strsnra bp to fee ber. and ba qpbride4.hia rwitb peculiar defbrcaitjf, reliefed bolby lbs in- pg P o muroer ner cntto. une teliectcsl glory ola dark, eouMike eye. momenf'ahe revedjl another ahe melted in-1 - Yet: strapae as! it mav aeeci. I lnl hmrl fd lears. Sometimes she pressed ber infant deeply, passionately as the young besit can tot ber bosom; end amentedtta fate, oceer love w ben it poors iUelf oot like sn oblatioti aipoed by the imprndenee rite father; in e to its idoU There were gentle and lovely enea manner that would hive pierced ioseosibili around me crestorcs of aoiles and blosb- ty itself. All the s weetoesa of beaoty, all es, soft totiee and Imettmg gisnces, but theif mo loveliness 01 innocence, pit tne tender- 1 beaoty made no lasting impression oo ness of a wife, snd all the fondness of e 01b-1 heart. .Mtaei wss sn intellectual lovi ther, showed tbemaelvea jo Iber appearance ' , a m . ' SVf 1 l"? b no ennuoct, . we nave every reason to oe- ' . 't -J-. ' -... L. neve mat sue was with the plan, th t entirely unacquainted ibe first knowledge of it wss when Arnold went to tell her be most ny love a yesrning after eomethio'g invisible aad holy eometbtag above the ordinary standard of human desire, et f part and. Issnc tilled aa it were, by the mysteries of tsind. ;: , i Mine was not a love to be reveari ia ita banish himself from bis !coriotry end froo, thronged wircle of gaiety aod fashion it her, forever. She instaptly tell into a ctlin- was avowed underneath the bendin bcay- en ; when: the pet feet stira were alonrrsz tag; opoo as. It waa rejected , bat oot in volsion, and be lift her in that sitoatioo This nommg she is more composed! I pari ber a visit, and endeavored to soothe her by every method in rriy power; thoagb too may imagine she is not easily to be con acorn, in pride, j nor in anger, by that higb- tbooghted girl: ; She would ask my friend ship my sympathy ; but she besought oa soled. Added to her others distresses, she I sr. with tears ahe besom ht me. to eoesk is very apprehensive the resentmeot of her I no more ojfj Lnye. I obeyed ber, I fled from ber presence I mingled onca core country will fall opon her (who is only nn- fortunate) for ihe gout of ber boabsnd.! I ...' Ja'..I.a a nave rrtea to persusoe ner tnpt ner lears aro unfounded : bot she1 will not! be convinced. came (torn Ethiopia; and possibly ibst tbispeo- ile may spread oyer that vast onkoowo region of Mr tea; - :- ? ;'i; ; - The existence and use of iron of their own oisnufaeture. seems very remarkable, snd philo- sophers would say, indicates an advanced state of civilization, for it is known) that a barbarous 01 ssvsgri people never have iron f their own man- nfactore until it has been first introduced by the whites 1 be non-existence of slavery and the Slave trade amon? ihem. shows a feature still more distinctive from the ordinary African We sre furnished by the A reus with the loi- owingf passage from the journal of Mr Wilson. Dor in? our short sojourn in this plaee, we met with a number of mee entirely different in their features and general appearance from those Ul .t;i. . ' r .' ; ' . i... o i 1. ia iDis par 01 Ow country a 00010 01 rv amu srere tatd to have come five, and others ten or twelve dsys journeyj from the interior, I They were known by the name of if angwe people. Ther were on a visit to this part of the eoontry, which is as near to the sea, coast as tbey hare in the Vmi tide of being, and amhitioo en tered to my aoot Wealth came upon jae uOwwtTtetlly f laojd the noire of praise be cameiSfaoiliar sound. I returned at last stance tbst would interest onr syrppstby ; t with the impress of manhood 00 ray biow, and her sufiertoga were so eloquent that 1 1 aod sought again the being of ay dreama wished myself her brother, to have a right to become ber defender n 1 i THE CONTRADICTORY COUPLE. t l'- Si - - j I do believe, he says, taking his spoon out of bis elan, and toesinffit cn the uble, 'that of all Sbe was dying. Consumption pale. ghastly consumption hsd taken away ber bold oa ezisteacej The deformed and. an fitting tenement Was yielding to :be impul. see of the aool.j Clasping ber wssted band, I bent over ber In speecbless seony. Sbe and r animate the b hole man TheXtT Medicines have also been osed wyn the rntJihsppl! suecess in! Nervcus and uys petiot liseasei, Cprianraptlbn j Asthma, Liver Comnialnt, Rheumailam, chronic and inflaoa- ry Dop?iet&e a ) V - " j . : ICjrUall at, URZS3 j uogee-s, jjgems. I Sihpry ,. 0tt2i 1842- ly f - j;: ? ldi"!lWSj,o-rl !' --c InTaloable AJE DICINES sre: for ilalri at James Cross Roads, Iredell bounty j by "?' Mill".: ilfKA, C MclNTOSH, Agnt. f 6J Steel AmerVlOaOO t A-A v ft ; -a. I -si w. , . ii . Enolisli . Jj; 14 German 12 'a 14 trope $1 MS? ii Anp XL- .pppiw rniAKES this method of I JJL tnformins hie Ifneods, and the public, that he la still cmrryins on the Watch and Clock making, and lie- pairing bosineas. at j bia old I etand, near the Coartbouse All werfcj doarii Wifiio will be warranted for twelve months. He still fceena cn band a taa I mssnrtmnt of Jewellery :: 'I '!' -1 j Old Gold jarid Silver tafcen ia exehaage for Jewellery or work iloae. ' i-H -: ! -X. . Salisbury, -tJareh 12, 1842. uaa :i t "A '11 . 1 i :' 'la ' .1 .fw,v; r .11 f& ila, i-I M irroaacT xvd corjzstixoa AT LAW. Sal siit oty.Jaa.T. 1843 tG4 rm HP Subscriber respectfully returns bis 1L thanks for nasi favors, aod 1 0 forma hie old friends and the public that be still continues to my on the abofe,buttoesa ia an tie varioua ,BrhM. and at the old stand on main street. two doors below J.St W. Murphf'e store and op poaiie the Watchman Printing Olace, where, be may alwaye be found. He keeps conatantly on band a vaiiety of well fin ia bed work, aad at pri eee to sett the time. Also a supply; of ready made CoQns constantly Kept 00 nana to eon muj tnexsore; and at lower prices tuan ever mey have been sold for. j. ; s 1 ! N. B. All kinds of Lumber and Coaatry Pra- duce taken la exchange fur work; April 23, 184S-1T40 r j Joli Printing neatly done here- ;be obstinste. positive, wrong nesded, creatures w evM to Wn. and in those bean- that were eter born ; you are tb most to, Cbar ' . ' tL v K . S .HUI MW. WW., , www .U' M.'S.W Inlla t r-rtiiir. rrtinl rtm h.T wnnf imn ed affection of years the long smothered , ' .7 ' T . I . . fa. !aall.. It way, pray, zoo see now mccnireuiraaici you, 1 umouuu wp t-viucisM uv't rejnined the lady. j ! I - she said, snd I bent lower to cstcb the fa!. Of course you duPui contradict me at dinner 1 tat tne tones of ner swesl voice "I have !. .u ... ... K . ..1. I.J. 1. 7 1 ' Ja 'J-.i. : ' time; oh no, not too !' sys the lady 'Yes. I did ! fays the gentleman. .1 'Ob, you did! crisld the gentleman, you ad mit that r a ...a ' .. ; .: ; ,-!. .-i- If yon call that contradiction, fdo, the lady answers, 'and I say again, Edward, that when I know you are wrong, I win contradict you; 1 am not your slave. , . j-,- Nnt mi ataani! reneata toe r?snuemsn. bitter- . ; ..11 .1. niJ.i. 1 feel 4bat &rth will Well then, says the gentleman, rising in do spair, and pacing the room with rapid strides, 'this is eoousb to deatroj,a man's intellect,! and drive htmmuJ ! otured.l !Hating of tia at this placej they ; and you still mean to aay .tbat lajBlaek cmeinwnsiderable riumbfrsiosee rwbiteman bsro'e new house therf aro more than fourteen ; - m ' r j. t : l t 1 iiMira. incifMiino' inn w imm cellar r anu oifl ' 1 tot one 01 1 wood was a caocu au -a- 1 . . - . r. .J 1 -I L is r ,.s;t .. ik. ,fK- . 1 i 5 1 '1 mean 10 say, reM ma uwj, oeaun? 11ms Jrr'T if . " T' !' - . L.!.L L.. k.i. kMal. aai Ida mIm of li li.nJ Those of them whom we saw. both men snd r. y r-.r v. Tw, women, were vastly superior in tbeir personsl Kt In mat nouse mere are jusi roorteen coors. ! . it " j it .1... i and no morn . .t. .- b nnatrintw inim miruimii iriori : ina 11 iiibt i . mt ,.ww. m . . .w- ----- J may be regaraea as a rair specimen or ineir pro- pie. I shaold have no besttation.ln pronouncing ibem the finest Afriesns whom I fasveever met vjib. They wear no clothing, ezcept a piece of cloib made of the inner baik of a tree-! This u drawn between the lees and faatened aroond thm Una r a cord, i Nor do tne v covet cln.- 60 the ot ber hand they jeer the bushmea of this region, by telling them that they v ear cloth ' conceal their personal defects, and their external d'tweakes. Both man and women braid their hair riit.) ,nii 'dual, of taata. i The women braid their Lair 00 ibe forepart of the bead in 1 wo rows, which lie over the forehead not, unlike the frill of a can. iTbat on lbe back part is plaited inte five er six braids which reach below tbe ahoald- By and b, the gentleman cornea too a little. , 1 rA f f J id Jpas.ing bis band moodily senw. hi. forejjesd. Utef. a thouaand tipee in tbt -seats himself in bis former chair. There is hgbi, aad: .'socied that be and re-seats a Ion? silence, and this tiae the lady begina i appeal to Mr Jeoktns, who eat next to me on the eofa, in the drawing room, during tea; 'Morjaorj ou sorely reao, interrupts the geo tleman ! i- i loved yoof long snd fervedtly I am dyirlf. I, reioire at it. cover thisf wasted ant? nnrcemly form, bot the soo I will retort to that promised and better lano where no change or cfrcum stance can mar the communion nf Spirit. Ob, bad it heeo pertniited ! bot I will not marmor. fTeti ' f 4- created "f with "moro than osnbortd beaoty, and I deformed wretebed as I amj kave dared lo love yon I I knelt -down and kirstd lbe pale brow of tbe belfeter A smile of mole than earth ly tenderness frtejle ortt her features, sod fixed there, like an omen of theepirit'e bsp ptnesa. She waf dead. And tbey buried ber 00 the tpotj wbtcn tne sad herself selec led delightful place of slumbsr, curlaio ed by freen young willowiJ ' 1 bare Itood na quiet oooaf beard in every freeze that whiisjrad aoonj tba brtncbc-, the vn:ee or tbe beloved siontjcrcr; jDev5teJ girl t jtby; rttfaCtpifitl bilS neter abandoned no. i 3 of j wry pi!no- age. uentiy anu soommgiy iooq comet. j I do not mean aoy thing rif the kind,' a nsw.r- j0 Wlith ileepiag cilIow--tb cheer ed the lady. .-: - HI a m radg lhtJ w Ula'of bumanhy--4o miti- Now, by all that is, eggrayatjeg, end raposs;- . , f -ilfc 1,. smwfm , and to hie to bear, cris the ;gestlem.an, clenching bis bands d lo- kia? opwsrds to sgonyi 'she is go- SB IBB. .-- f 1. . . ;! : li ! S 1 The men are of medium ittature. rematkably log to insist that Morgan J. . 11 1 t,..iik- - innHfidf and 1 j 'Do sou take me fofea perfedt foolr exclum- w-..j.w.u,yr, -""f.T I" rrr"T V'. ij .n wm aa Dnoae : I doo'l koow ihe manly tn ineir ueporimeui. ij a nay n-u; 1 - ri- aa mtA.m ipeate. trayeWng bags, and other artielee of ca- one from the other t pyoaeupoae fit I ; An.' -r iAfrnifia arorkmanah ri. snectmens of oow toai inv maw. - -, a w- -- : . TV- W r a abl which we procured for a very small quantity of email beads. ! AH cf their implemecte are made of Iron of their own, which hi coosidered jvsstly tuptior toanybrooght to the eon atry by trading veviels I They aet 00 value upon cloth . and as yst have never J acquired a taste for tobacco or mo.; Beads, pow-er and bras- they prize high. y,ahd were 1 wining 10 gtv. .way -y --s r-- :.F. f ji.ianl mvrMievwmmvr? t--a--JenkiDa1iaa tbeir country a w. w---r ..-w t mtrMu A .ffirm that cutaneous blue coat! wbat have I done that I should be! gle thy heavenly tympathiea with Of joys and sorrows, and lo make thy pud reprov- nWa known and frit in tbe darker ooaente' of existence ; io tbe tea peit cf patrioa, ia I.L kina.fia. nf-rtrmm 'Zmhi nntaT. in ihm , - - ,u wil'TIW,. w-w ,aaw aw- w , . w www hfi wfal cala wbi preca-ea thatz-l ehaac. - m or betna; 10 llbe C4Id Itbsdow wbica I .!.. i "J 1.. jl in m 9fte!uHi frnn the rrata to tbe Cftserca oeeoatii cries toe geaiiemaa rrr. T. JTT l .Z.a J--i.- Jeekirie iri abluf coal!-a man PI tae uvog, a iw ... w TTiyzell a pure ana ssiuie.-p-.vjr-WAicbtng ;Sf4 loved and frail of earth. -3 TBWamWaaWaWa-ratww--w---i - - -- There is a man tn New jOrlesaa wtcsa Jeokins? ! 'Jenkins in with a arssa wbo would seffev death rather, taaa wear aay IbiOarbetbrowol j r:vMHi I' T -J"- i To yea dare to charge ote wth telling aoj aa tmik 9 imanda tbe iadv. hnratlns irlo t-Zia . t--- ; - - , - , : I charge you. mam.' eeurxa ins, riirm-ii. these Tbey j reoresen t taiuonsand healthful, aod affirm -that cutaneous arid other diseases cummoa In the marfume re- doomed to bear such e atemeotal name ta ao abort ihat ft wont near pronoun cleg, for jit cevti;w3 there is another wbote eaoa is so long thai it takes fcro cenli 1 bey w to all bio. ilk. I Mil -'A It ? : . , i r r 1 1 5 J i f.A

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