1 , a i - tlr. Etiil I-.. ,.r4 - : i 1 .1 1.: Mm - H "V 1 V M 'J We " V a TC if m J J".4n &1 -be retiTief lis. riall II tnhiirirrfkS,rt vriU to received fsm rp liMiti ihri &n.e year, wppw if wfin edranceO' I the 1 I & wrappers, a aTlotb-T , i. . ...tir t.rUh ..' .f.n4 . it X - I . i uipwaaBsna counter ' t-t ikt. .-.AIL, ?'if C'Sl L v. f.r-; ime bV TisI rNew Yorkf orT wfA VTttw,Ui -js : I,. Mi1 fste'flv 1 r'Vri , V 1 7 1 f ' TjrTTjrJ pw-S3ij.aJjiBBaM i t-" ' Willi 1 w-i ' mom . i rmammmmrmttmiimmmnmmmamLl.'' - "" v ' r s-. .V f ( U. Jf J eta!0 Ptnb, of"ln:jrj'J t" SuMfflX U HI mmmm'f .i i ft "'"fw jiaimaoii liiuf'.'.k-i.' k V- n.ii.f &. JU 4 ft A 1 . h S a if I..' , t- L I.. . IV ;4tifto!aii-.5iMi iwoniKWt his old m. tllft ait? anqr)DJfCi. v, oumyi vuyip. f WtfridieilschiNrtbd adl!ssar lost year iHtfttBoirjBl.itt)iek8bm( btbef-cftatetiaa.-beea hey ftnm tbaj btpa If lliecaa w'4t ot worms, hi! llSdy tnld!)ibt bybny possibility io; boh Sa8e f riatt tayHaw Jmpruoi tben;;i I ksefiifandlwba willndare Pake bet responsilMltf j ia dfiWitnqoi ii r uei eery parent - mai ta, no Witeoiandinexitm atd!i whjRnltbei cbjffPteijQferfd rapidly J !iiii:iwwy' for 4 fctbltill near a fkelotoij, witli great dryness? pibeinoalU, abd i'chinff bf the oose.- Abo-j made lay j who called to profide fer:be family j aiia 4liy lV ; JKQlaoitoc Vermifoge, 'WhicriJirQaBbl iwayrereat qoantiifea of woim for fwCprthreelda aod (be chi!4 gTew, better! oneeand reamed its to if Biraogin in ifss 5tfMJeoce and w mb .-f mi.cu j lfl mtPUaAS-WORM LOZCNOESJlb aadjber plead arid :wttuf p f mA bho.diaitJaitoJIt while-to trdth.they iirir Jei U'a VnS and 5ecTeediaceordinlf, - -r v-it J4iiie?ai ibe eoaf of k-aaarter of alarl . f - r Wrturf-.atfflpe, lliO'timoftcfai. after .be, Ui s-orf-iiwi, i tnicir u.ijruuiimiiuu iU(j i 8ve Men Dyed me v ; gare ncrtr oeo KOOWrLlO 1 lifiriJ flPWt :d child TprnH' for 1. RhimhvtCZoiengci. 4etrJol weeks; atnl atlfnddd .by, a pfajsicfau; Fi Vi"' t. - i- iiA.it raif hdh l(.rm!tftr.lr14 Vrtrmifiiir aii a I . TJiirf fccei, or lopsenesa of the bawds, so com-. i lj?fra cbjjdbnn X highly respec'able fam ' ilv in Broa jwav badiworraa io a frightful extent an4eil Cwed lapidiywiiK this Vermitygej fi Infroif ib bear families in the nefbM - booo beetextenaiirely as3 frooa Jhel circsoaatanefc. of hat iag'eradlca. id failed, which was very exteneite- affefbi bcomfeiifeedingly; emaciated before M'Vrf1ig!8Wlretit:Tb0 fl'rtl dafthrei Ar'rmk wrtni tt4ladffedE. arid she left ofTrihe f qtmfygej, wbeoi abbeeatoe agaiworse, jand ' fiacitvf" Veitmifaffcl that 6jaiy broagbi ila .1 i nred ible qoa n tit y . of worms and 1 1 he i core was complete; aod Vibe ' jpioed her health i : -ikodteMy-i i m :'ii--slr ? i r-- L 1 ebMjieian if standms, had doctored a fanm 111 ly )icjiildri 8me:eebaWtiboatibeing aole to - teakorefeba'af ' ofriha '8ren; to health "jf! - JL;r Lj . L-.l J '.cU U,:.k ii tk too. Kn ; mm i'.T 3.. E.:t,. . ' li Naeprboa castes 4f otber complairtt were tap. jiijs'exib'dtbe perin-i rested foffeyerf &elbdt finall a tnal of this VermifoEre disco IIHill'ifjtte.aaebf; t ha . lidbnesaj by bringing mz9 artd $mall. Ind.the. person$ recoerea w:t :jMtan:f wfesayioiMJ HriarfofcSS cents WiH ahow toy bnr wjth.wtotj'j ti'jrb'olenie'liiie'rUin: effects of lbi? ym'Jog;.4 , 5, VUHDflllBirr OUT IDWIHICIOWUPSail P?5 f D Wilmatock'a Vermtf iigbbandaoroely-en-j -5 s- - w . 1 - - I : jJiobswiber reapeckforty - et brn 4, bM - I f JLlOiariK for wsi faor8.and, informs rhioJd t -s uitrjt)ndtb'i:pbblte tbic bp still fcontmoes"0 I jb i? a r jiy bbwa n U kejps const a o t ly. ort banWf aitteiy mr wftUfinhed wotlt;VAd at nttl - fsl$ ;Of reailf - ' jVl!w4:;ir tbalp4of:4he:otty-, r 1 i family 'in Njew Jersey wired sereral children I byfibee of itiHl-OneA girl of jlght years ot I I Btao, pnj tneouisiaf laoe an4 u 4 'U-l'.m jreiSC:ip I Wbeeler; Salisbury.; J;8t R I SSloMGrieofibfirfii ; H Heattt: Hillsboro I J P' i lilabjylriibgiori ; Dr StitriRafeTgri v 1 u '-v;! i ; - Jaaq thafiter tbey iflXfef permaneiyt bVated "Jbtpseif Va lib jwit 8rfosledo: h!a;bax& RCf,fl'jDfi5ce ia 5 if jbejirgi earner:; house; nearly bppostteJv avlYw vi-U v b riififs aiid iha Public creneiallr ttiatJT)tr ra r wtf eif -c f m woo Ik Icoubi t li w r ft makirLSttOila'odtca Ware, I f ' V ' J "He bes to asbr the -pabUo"ilit ,if an'ctail MJ Th Medical Ficulty warmly "arinreihelb: Sherman's iCmtsh .fodzeiigevy girud,T apeose of ifall joe.'.' ' rr j a & alttmioio iusmes8t&fld skillful wlffiii en- I! I 1 ; -I - "J j - I fli i 111 Cd h ViJoio "jpoosuqa piion - vv Ji oopi n jr CoDgb jAi Jbma i ;TtU'tOB89 tl; b JLon su? &te ibltmoji rwraiojjeinedy-for ifataHdiairMBlbjrflHrP0 c ltrrt.f ;qaH 'cmrBblalat: yteroflfprWito lbe - A meridan babtici iLlieav Vaff WUAa-:- I at . Pjonnfaniaj keedC if a he itomeose rvomber of caea In whtcb UbeT.f I .;i It S II t. . t - . - ' i--. I I . lUVU.aiiu; iivuwjcoyuj MuiMr iiipguiuuici ! - 5 i; . i t - ( ft . . - I- I m An fl nrl: 4 rAAhlafirtlniij illtrtnlT Iha Mi rr rrii rrrn Ihd naj orbreniUely orevenUd b ai pfopr use ( T lHO 1 luenaiiU eioteflft- f AJimmi paroae. ana inao nei.reiiaoo .wun ptecipmrwenpe. rm&Kt sodjci, yo,t aejrange wn oi,uicjniii uuuiaHirri oe vituua mem. I'be? aiIordiriimMiaiflTeiieMroOTau)ineaueriU-i ot 2npinga. latninessjupprpsftion.an; 1 Sherrhatv& Cathartic Lpzencres Or "tin- -r T ' - ,v AJ re aa easaot.aod Jpafciiy tafceavaa too vommon rwppermlnta: "andard - an active, atjid fffietf -of edtcid rboy?cleapdejbe stomach aftdboweis, and ire? tbrbetl cathiriic Tyer oaed f-ur'i.ti6os . f haiCbeen bald abobt fi.e yVraUoo ere tau' lr80b8.1Ayareaabi5ciiDadicipa ta ih bk.of u. heare not only ibe best, but the safrsltbalcan ,bandi(MoSmyhead cot erdvVith V ihtek ;wum f bin adrnUisiaredt- , L 4 . ,w ri : j. , In" this situafiunbaut thf 10th fOuiz sat U - iirirtaTia :5renfIienmPJASTJ1:braan:nnff4ba Balm'ol Colombil. from' Con. I hecneBi ot a piaster lor KneurommA iinmiiocit yo.t -oiuce wmco, i nave oaeo two VleAbotmict forVaale wholesale- or -A thir IEn:B AVHEKLKtl. Aoent. , Mm M MkiwmUiM tmw'n m-J m. 4Sm Uvf l! JLJ hV JlJ befiet8t nature. klTbey areromposed rfrr n j.t.il.hIvI fiuaimvH ui uw hivi uiuu uu w; ucles ibaX- rpost blIntrwceot;cabted- wtU loiredieats koowb al 'tbeaoly .ferTikli8ntidA fvif ferer iiriaVery'fBcription-yAVbeo tbis nrtih t&ffrrftff 1 Ther are DuiseHsed of d nliar qtjaliis.'wbicb not ooly-f xier ill dfaa" Ijsierq thev tr throogh every pore, prooutinj enecs aivonce delightfril, aalatary', aad pfermaoeot.. VVheht(bf spark cffjifebeglnsj4i growdim lh0ircrahtion I injoid, :ao(J: the facahiea.paralhted, tbese medb 'vtivfHi'ar IrAonAjnmieioo j the nerresvex hderale the, animal Spirits, Invigorate jthe body, ) i niietdd4cinebaTa.4lso beentsed!witb ha mos bpjpy saccesi Inr. ertlis laneVDye fwptio 'dtseasesy CotJsnmpt,ron;t Asthora,-jLi.ef .QompltlBUiHbeaaaUaffl.IcbrpoicV tiryl D iops es. .: m : i -I i .. tCJ AiujppJy.ot e'aboreloralqaMa ME-J ir. fir i.fv " jBO!2tUSSIMrROTXt) TOKJ0 liliTTJSX 1 p- abl reSatty:cn td f avotabfy 't ow n; foll 21 pirtt'hast ts'lba'cteat'atjdbftlr permanHcCcora 'fhat BFrptcbed complalnW ia imitated by tn ides, - nd n-e-e rety .wa y rposi fc'e SahabaryJ Oct $2; IByJl DlfPidaie lor sate. jai james-.r ess n.oo, f;edeirontTT .J .VV V'-fe'"' k t- nosfera oa- att i thtl can lost sayeitheoa fr'etng- ameooia to HnareiarK ioejeiapy oijiuHBoavoeiDgcureoi. a.-; Tie taw iharntiBe- i7,onie , R!ir.nref.4he-atf Jbeaboye bate been-tbaeTcar obbrtb tbi Pf9 rarancsi and qo.Vntity4o(,tbelqn)d,'b dosetthb Lrnimetbabfie0'eold for nearly ten years jp$r4, -r difectW3 fpttose SaljsJ Ei Vtr-J ant to-tlt'Geooltio .Mixtare4 ibtl-ibf ebetnVnedi tC5F!tc .tale af-the;.WtcbQiaa -i.rs i t f ti i kahnMiaa favor Krto' in Tia' rarnl . what , LbeT tOice. and tru 1 Wfceelpr. CviHsaorT l- J 5i tti EtTJ 1 1 vF lb:th8 ApotKeca'rr 'atorajof C:-;D.1 tegton, J P Mabry i Jlaleigb.r.SDiifiJi" . ' W.lWbev!eT4lisbtjy, t0. 'July S-ltlOcrSO! : xrc64,4343-.!jS2 r, - lv- . - .ni.;. v ...y' , Hvir !HiX V ; :y4H, 1 t9i . ,It'i8 tberefutc brdrMtt the Com i, that ru bi jc Mpn ibe madei b4Uib)Rfgi8ier; Sorwt.;pot 'of Law, o b heid fortbe voorvt j of Sary,i ai lbe;Cort House in Hock ford .ontbe tog oo peai roca fron ana faosji?r mt- f iitllilAMirll. .Ft.!.- All Ll..l....( .JlLlri" birbresirifls1beakin ttr iig. patbraSirfftaHK and ilforist9ifti pfften l njp'Tt be; fallrrTtf aUa't ; t ihe J;wr d Fwi . anjr peMmri -h rvertn rr f 'J- , " T " 1 fc i r T ' 1 f ' "r J V ' - i -4 f. . ' i II. USfl in IflianPT 111 ft OflCXI rflMrl H -Q ttt lrl1 ; W bt prerted by iuentloa iefibelaieci el rtrurnf Ufa 1 i,L. !..... i L. i. f..:: --.-..: tfftifri4ieftti tttooia, xwttir beal'ahr tv,goi u4be.irelaUorr. arid prfteois ih? bW i if0n eljtP,nflr 4eoleror -fteHli.tr araj fe iHi 'caus,8 tbeJaii so corf beaotifull vsUn rfun ii :n ... R.-wht, No idMoiiet ahooide?er b made hbootitr I . 7ib omiorenwbo riavf'o-any ! meant 1 iraciwf yermin in 4be had, ar immediately perfectly ciited of them or ha ose. It jot uie , , ' ' , JnFroeVa.ri!iJiamford.'Coonctic I . It'ni oua kl IhA lVittnriB llrnm inif h tl- lrvBb,T viJliGoodsaOVnminioo,.aQdforw?tdthc's to niaASPflijacayeuevHiav wnci wiu rorwaro w,i tbe'OwpeV jo ibe oa k'jCoebtry Jf'j Hfe bai a iarg-- 8inffjabiil-atars'and: ooTatb balf ihi"uaul catte from ifieKir IKayetteVille.Mtbteby f eswbitig i beexranse; on vsugosuiUCu uciow iieuvui juuaiv- j-im VVafebooaeHistoIatad irlor n vherJJOiIjygp tot be fialtlocttrf ed f rbinff-Hu"l(ed io Sow of IThpas! KphoCmaylavor' hTorwtib ibaif bdsineaW! may tefaerpd tbierylaiieotioaT will oe paid zxzl .iia,: . fj lft&:PiJtiTKa prfcaVif tbfa Mlenjated 4 lJotanent ta refunded lo "any - person who !kffll.Jat,oonlab(..!lara Unfmntfof t be Pile? Caibann:Grs:'3;"l -' V v- ; v . - t 0dri4 a batf. bottle tot' the Uahshjb bta foHy r'T fetored my bair and. Freed my bad ourfj 4V-rlj tVcttbSf''head is now'coperfid'wi'ih fii H-n I t a. I) cmiiouit ir. onu; naif (go v i lfeatufHrro' H.SIoinVjdfP8boro AleiarjdAnderson,; -;-r. rT-Johoruawaon, '"n- 4' .K Wrfvw; rv - uaity o. He I tonrfitiastna icriofirr banian aaiwiiv4 ';oVeif;p Oct :i: 1 d4'3 ltlB :. f ,i -7?V Lt Reidfconsider aed reflecr weH.N y . J .. -j--.. . l-T ,.-! '" '.;". .'''r TfiJiWifnoft'jiF thiq life? fnr,rieb.v tsd nont Stisibrs from 3ia!nwl.Tcrr-lS5UtPiinoscnffoneriri-exiMtiRff csiisejpl; JisdUea?e X9nf M-b.9 i,ttb pf iFabl'MiftV4ljaflak as 1. 1 1:L tlioaa a o4 dtsar jeeible ims if.Cr iOtbr trboibfrajgrilad tbTlbti - ribirbvd puofelug porijoft icrfoof bbjtjrjteho went rt,ta'4tjbVjiti'of petejipc frfin tljeioiaao eairrted-fo the tutpo8ta of obi aetilemeBta ibe rrter cantile; or.'UaecbaJtleal exberieAcd wofrfib; the cwdt4 etiiesMuiwos fitber rUrnpd shattered Fonthotiojis and dc88td:8nirwthej ifeiri8iliheLryt Domes o faggifig ou weary jne pridersonietifea.se to whieb'tbey by that terror of iba AVesi. Ftttr and Hcrue 1'bnr hopes are blasied their busire, MtergTes ! destfoyedtbeitdorado becomes i desert, 8o4 hhftprofd of Promise ' madfl t A t hi r t ir hrnh'mn Vor'iBf hope. ? ?l o tbespinrllTttloar r5: MoHi! waalo mj ;n;y tbeXVediifesfartd"-jottvill yet.an tict na i yo.dxttos t:&aBgaine: ex rmUcm liot Iher , will ctr laiolyj eore y oti la beatlh, Feverjiud rfgw ity compUio whilb ret;lr4 ibe met bl its first approach abd eombatied Vf eerTl stao -Seldtn1atr W 'b.lf it Mr b!'rengihVahdrlmpairs of the 7roTlhil opoa ! the- maoifeatition of dis 'a Mre UWui onaaied to resist the rTA(:otUHir U,UirecuonS,S ,WH.COre rr4'jva io ?oe weaic anairemDHo victim o! i)?ease new oealrh, lie and sireftgtb -4 f,j, j- Fur ullpartwoliis of." tb tiode of Irealroent. ' - CRfcSS'fit TJOGRft.nr,. aKaboryOctSa.l842wlyrs v tfuarjf ,aV0ft MIcalVi. Ui'Idnw&io thote chorartin perfect health, or 4 .01 Reader f 1( oiw. w$uld avfV hm jroo- ihaiekneasr thi "nauisrihe wrefebe lfe thptematue, mortality which 50b' see V tria yrtrr ana w vicn,4!ice t snarp a.0M so4 inpfffd :i eter ready lofaJbopoo yui;-jdespw i ony: dviceit wilost ye liuica wl n iiur iinrifie upon .year, occupijonsw iiausm 4f n J.;s nd 8 1, Jo files evf , joar.:1ra. od vs o 1 !dyjjwiltbbastDOcbTbtlfe,d by jt Jo jepajj ji ea fold.jv'tBsk aoly pneeekVtrial toc tf ee. ihrTtio8t;spepl)csKV":? S; i'" fr?1 Ue flrat phCeir dM f d JI- old. errors jio I' jodiies friimyoarf miod.aspecialty the-o!t H'yoa are passfna well, do mt anemia 1nJt j,b fself f -ciU isUbeyiog iof t if nor - J KTite nu ,spe,riiigri-uitiinfpi;wp riiitooit-.' al ibfy sa'W aroood; tbemorbVnce andl'tiri, instead of nam re's oniveVsai fab IlisiTnar. led on br" experienceiilearued. Jo f oaVd-br-rTeti against the other eemeotsvaTure.'theaves ebootld ha-nbt; fo fjirt weather, 'gwrd brlf W gaiost ihe, aiarms: -w hi eb'am y ristnmbj..i fiaui wrajii nnnvv-w. - KaniAninar vrti, i.a eating gross'food Tnd At j ypor oataVe 1o cop- health wbile yob are well, vooare ur Itnially in Hanger ot,pami-ui saa; protracted eooanementt add io',Bomeconsutptjons,4inA.' ?: r -ikjk- Xithinxr.Ja tation,8tyn ibis'world. i, Een ol rtfitl'fe cleaning fK per)n'rojrrrrnagifi' he-lain perfect f)eattb8nd yefnuli kn w to wuar Mr lection, his tital wg rTfci r-ar y feo, banted -by the- bad of ( Natbra.- I ba vevub- doubted Drools or.this tact tn meoarianded sne. jpfcoiollosfe ba xnotio.1 -Vhert,-ypn'ae "even triodertlf 1 vj wp,;tbroW f hj$it l the'd7 J vtoKjici I aldv fo w bt tl !seas4 of, a I mes t ; J o y -NJesef i ot in "mar .find aofa relief Ati 'those porelf-reffetable t n)fy trptpbe secretjon pf the bodyaod cleanse thftOioocoi an Tiuatea opmoraseparaiiDjr-'ine bodies PICIMiaSfrafof ialea Jam3rCros Roatie, Iredell wbrb,-;-'-? ' n-JV, J!totirrt8 from'wosratber feer iMzt enhr of which "aceonipanlee ihb itditnet f " 5 jt3";rho abofemedcineu fif sa?e by - - - atj;. uppif nt iuR. aouve mvarnaote UlCLYESit for. sale ikf James Crts i abads, IrVdrH c.6nty; by !'l ' 41 1 ert dar thef Bd of1 disease ia tnwh& UtlihTrC voovand if toa db;nol t stHctW -leumd Hioxir iuu.ltdnd.lrbl pair whatvis : fmm. I'm Tf Readfcorrsldar tad jr eflecr y. : ' 5: f M-U5 Pl Tbebe!wl6gsi)f Ibis lifff.:for;ricb,vti.d root AXl--litr otlC lib entirefrwitblrhMrselTeJn ocfbwn physiaf i.. i' -1 J. a ' t ' -- ' a - a-;- -..-:" ! a" . a ."W .1 . , Tl- . ,-. (- " -- V ? ai, 1 .Alt bdrice Uv airitheo, is, euttf f "tentx ty 5,aa tin0mm ii 'you a re jweiiperrjsps" rw !niaTKTruIir::v YMIfVHT nnitfrL-aniitTfio'-tn-ie .ktwavs a vojd.heW I-Wf ropotth.. i,J.t'LL?JL 4rajadiciooa nee W jBBfrUJb KABi.Ki f a'.WW7 P" eimex-aatnr bji f .iHTi f i,iVr Trr ir . I ITtT AV1NQ aisocjaltsd t(emwlWtrvetl.er f ITlHEJhnbwriber.b'as iftsladdrd ui bit , Jcbjfr:Jferwa Mr ABAllltf: NefVork aVtrfee bobH 8 mbntbl dTbef Joartsf b Very Trtbf4iaiifd poiatt t be Jsow rery UOf ilib , Jnt.er Of woicnrjiivo3nij;fa lormcao. nareiyi."v SeaHiserf.dsi bf itlf r:EoralidlHndL sbnrat tffiti rind Sou arid bose'wbinnr tob piiie' Kenifwtf ibi ot IJrtfcsnleyjl! KenihTorih artd York8hlrd.bifi.rbdaod U tretrHir$lQrfc Wa,nQr'ba', f;WNiBerawt uurpawpo o j. a ry. t rr. t r u n i ' eo latev. .f j twiab'tell i in rbja fbeiS iinapk mf - !legii now4 a Jr, oppor tan tV'SftfintH ftCib!l everSeehtVd 'ajbvb, Potooaej3tW lr-jioyf 4bCbot atsinsr-af B!kd, ZccrlOoinpamf: "Brebbrt; tttd all thosejaffentbsfraraatan h;ctuare a source vf blfoaucrr suflef tog . afHfl -eat f ds IteftKrml ba ir mCtiiiiHjVpUihi ; this wrnedy blgblr aHd iostly .jfistrtrgtWU ' 4 l-ia po r fly, gfa 0f W. and igent fe ui itS-. fetU opop't be'ajatem n" cib' ta k e'i' inj " inoefateffcaie'casee, Witji safetysefl bv.rt't- 'yjPhysleijns, awirlul lt'medivini prii tea, ind'wrtrjessingHt80ecta"even nOn,;meLibst8nce apparent k I eofup preafajbei in iheirj prdet' ' r-l:"'ri ir" -JerJ-Vi -Jf - s-r:' . 0flrC rpff IftlATT frnm ITia llal nitmKer-.f !i Ii 'tVnie.sujriiiojffeff.prndoced bv 1he fre 5e Btlsaib, of i.l4Trwrjiivm'ade .at $751 iv in portstwnpuveasspcaarjiotiaH exriuo e d rV a h d t b r t lii n g' j n I e r0 rotg hJo3, i b r j a t ;. 'VVehareW long believd tbtViseaseconjuXn. iHrnenrabltba! it 14 "dlffical'lftnerei: cerises v hen we see braooVl eviBe'nifi 'txmUnVfL'. rejibred foTrieaUbl a'et ft'ii f3ct cffi,i- bcconence.V it;-" l? .-t' t 4Vi y ' . I he-foirotf iog waagifen.of j aborjtjtneainw-- ka. ra.r QP.tr fl1) ..'k.lU f:w M - . f ' , - .- - .1 f , ' : i i? ' - - ' v-' LI.-.- - . i fl pio2 cmwuiouoji iy ;preoi?posea :ia.t;( Mirnpioe; (a nnm6er.ifJfnyamiJybatrj .f ihrs-disease,) abd btlvmgaoffer.edi'Vc lffhaWofrfih .Ina, arriyrriTaoied cwgh .and nisiogf-matter aadiflwd,f to y? fcib eever-parn in royiidetod breasij jirt.T ' spppostd o MVyond :JTc y,?ry , JwsaMne"ii4 , bi avicRf pr aVerkpJitf. a foCre rrt j. f t .T-ayJois Ba!nm-;f LivrrtvorL lbave-lak'ni fl j bcri i lea In. 8113 I be-jranj p. improve WtJb A".- Hfta'taVvtlttVed betoCt4. f i'rfl ?bwite ,aiMi auTw (9 iiimo nnxiv juat wjur.rs. a omr v . -Jr. x r. V-."-. t i.;'.a v.u. sons Burjg:t row oof sns- ana anrctuna, ot r; taagajf I earnestly rfeeront ajtiiaVj 'jW-l 1 Complaint And Genet allDebllittr: I -:'I t 5' .-2a-V3L i?" T4 ' "S ' 7- . r pefedeajli- WHf .realfc'A W. i mj hantf t AeaoVf l.atfettb.lw3 -r -w bea a ffr BfbA sy b TaWeHPr "ay tA ara Mfrwnnffl lettViialdein-dw fbVr of a frti.;. anvraeca'l drbillty. b4ii, .Xj !?le of PrTaj lo0alsarbf rfVwart.MU tr rarsV beitlleytVjiak'Cle bof bevBtTritSwui n Cos, riijwoiM!f-Ane! coninrvrmaTiiiavrai-aroaetti-xirri - ir v r t -r.ek-t A 8t MocksfiUe Day ie .7ti C" or. sate at int urorimre m i: ,it vhu er ana lldiebU arid Atafo ai'temtdi t Cjf" tOTbe aVv4Mai iT W U-ai tb. ' H!ERi ii'K 'f l WarcbbiaorOfficebbdinrrb Ow.Swe XTr S ' li8borj,D i0 hr ''jeVielff .fffe.i, 1S431 1 j3l 1 1 i . . , I ' i ' ' I I- ! I ; II i ; .Jr. a'-t '. i J ' sr - . . . r . ... - - ; T-: .WindaGaBa, are cured byf RooVsvStcinc tand ,-,";,'f r florae FBwreiy curjecr oytOOia 'Fpad6r"b"!nmient"laA 'ib2.vWbirsetnaj! I -m 1'- ' - "t f- v - '-4 X Ik". I : -BanojfaiB ajBpfXl 03?ix M odibarji : lat'. I "&ri. :i.a N f 0 SI? R EA O i P pAST-ERS.I , - A . aWk m aa si A 1f tteit a34 ;boteBje and useful .article nijvei: wasi nadeaahoucjrmemilre , M " bn ttie ptinclptb 0 bafitbtkig the-romc'in placp of ta,a"ai.taMyJaa aa4aJJafc- t fafc 1 W fal t fVtwtrM A it" ASH .ahir fi?J.riinii6f fh twstem ind .'the hbmori alTaetJ mf Ibe bloodj Eabi for" alf iriegujaritie ofthcliowcla, I . - L.ii "la - 8BBBWBaaaaBaaair Q asaBii.taab F. vjefieaQy sire sick headachy" either" imujT , the ! If M -"ii J "SI br,biBous. flbndreds Vfabulieabts I '' lU atl Sttyenth eat j9y. - J" 4. I. - for tiUerbiiiHpTvention of frfrWr any I .La'. : Li ' -J"aajaaaaaaaaaa s, : ; aem. wefatbst abpif4fbe atbmachH mbbt W- h feet order, ibe bowels regular ,""aaa a determination ito pains in the .bonesf hoarseness, and ii I- lujcklf. cored by it. Know this by, trjing.. I i . 1 w vrvi.a. a rencn j iaater is a. sure re. ' Hf ahair any shaa ytSa wisbj ot-wiIJ hotvccrforTho skin. I fOUNEI f EXTRACT.; Tltere is no ,otJie prcp'ara j tiortSarsapaiiJtathatfcia'TBae 'If yoxl8W7Bnreeirf tieiCo'xi : 1 . ewRerior to, sJTodieVstVlt'iloes. not require pulEng" I external eibrjTeirinteroal, irritiortb brought tathc I ajpb'(oa a1fiaiwill,fel i i .rresn. wmndajr tad sores, are rawffly-enred Iv it rir,5tlnrthrtlTetaf.;.v ... ' ! iST0C!eS-VEai.1!FUC.E Lrry i' a:8-rF.--- 7i."i alma?ti3ncredlb!e; jr Omsiblf New Vorx. tTeettlally , Eat Wf itaewtiftjt bw bfCShKiWi. n Um rtti, brOa'Ti fojl itriyioiow' agents in - eaen towa s ana ViBiageterb fbi mort rejpcrtabl panftf in fne oubtrjri tor tbet fact so .-mai ito bas babr fail! to believe dieiavj ?f 45iPi lamTW rvtf ccalf ottVttiicsW-anl ot VAUi1 VtlMIIf tiiif Infe. tbbeadaf clnldre JP0 X XiStPf Pjmh tro 1 Uys ogafej i ans evofyimioirrpiievea-iyt rtHat dmita .of an.ut r,a.j cf--'U - '''V-' r:' ,."',2'-f-rtH.'i btlsabctXke oof ajt rit tbJnoiml 'Tjs Ij. Jin. 2 TfV:ii L.i. at!-. ITsv7,,7 . f f KOniA posttjvecare J IvOLf ".T , ; .'- Fl h i -. --,il i-; : Ami? . ".A -1. i. ' 1 t' i 5 ;. " - i- j' if riah-' r 1 " it! 3 " r i. ' ,:' -:.'ii'.5; 'H-; - V 1 I MM r x ''I1,- i i , K i I i ':, - -. ' ' ii.''' .: i r ' t i . 1 ! 1 ' J .1.-4! . : t i ' ! . I i M I I t i- i'i m:v-. i IrJi-i'fe-K .f '1- 3; .y-r!V;-: I-- t-', i ; u I V:"lia;il-Vi-h.v:ri,-... M- - y I si trl i -ni m JVi'TH-t V ii i ... BlifT- i ijSi.1 J t 1 ' i I. -J ..-- I i' ' .-i ;h i : - - I I - ' "' I ; : hx I'M1 -tJ-I b. ' ' .;' i - 1 1 1 a if .j-rH-l -'-- I-1- , ... j it -,r f

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