aiiltiM - f He"-. ' " .--,'. 1 ' Mitres 1 1 ; 5 ! J .: 1 ,. " '-?. 11 The M Watchman" taay tpreafier le htil lUlniwirsr indiix?nsable family rcme or tro'tj :ir jo adtancp, and fco dsUars aqd 3tyjf r'lif ai'-iKa end cf l fc a y esf. -. .i"". ";' ;j No $u tscripubo will be receibed for a less time: than une jfar, jinless paid fbr'in adraoce. vjl Noj paper, discontinued (hot at llte'cpiico b dfei :inft W onnd. at the fla?e drug ftore iMsoottili every conntry tore ia the state JifteBiem and never get fbent nnles they itir:; f Ucifac-.siBiile .gtiatni-0 or ! f ii 1 1 '' -t - i. - - V - r. .... , ,-- ; . : ...I -j. j r -a 'i jr.- --,i- ;; r I -V: -1: : - j -' V - fv ii iaihls1- hamc ife base impbsitiont and counter. ' iMWhZiKHjL .LL : .t..L- merchant nearest you ha$ them not' lirsri him j' prt .j f:!xti?fi Niwyork,.cir-to-wrJ fbrj thenv' I $ffemil$ Should pe a week without tfti r ''revu&etll itfi'ft. .t'ftLii; I in , rnM win i ,- - si -J. iiprancichilircn rakc itjgrow pidlH.ofor; wfiatit lost the lifttf from ny cateeK. rim1 s l-Uli ' VERiVIlN that inkst tle ;heada of chiMrea QllX!i it . :Ms 14 Isl.t . . I ' i. -1 .-I'-v . 6.. .-t; I arc f" .iff". rei . s -:f f'J tI. iWrlt1ftnt the name hf Comstorlc Xr. f!rt. nn! it. verned U attack hn vc?!p If tfj ttei'4':-' ! 3 Hats' IariMOTmf rfSfi !i-1B0t evcry ining. reuTu oy "- of an not 1 1 f Wardi arplicaUQJU It acts like ; & c&axraJ .:;Uaeit,;rt' HOUSES1; that ; have Ring-Bone, Spavia 1 WiiiaMlic are cured by Roore' ?Ecmc j and 1 1 FdUil dered; bone entirely cured by Rooia: ) I ' founder Ointment. Mark, this, all horttmen. 'A -i s I - i - Si : 3. tnw4 tnw T1 nanrjir nfrl :f'-',j?5 i:'J t has delighted 'III' .,- il ii-.'.. (SaU pain! in ten minute! rv. . .. - i r. t Jure. '- It will cure th '.. V;-. IMf C CDDCT'A n - D W;;l w fc r ... fi wtterand'nidre-T nice and useful Article never jFvtbL'iiw n-,. if. '.t.''. - - -4 iriaae. ut euuiuu wear mcui ivguiativ. A-i-.-'j".-;--ifv;'i - ' '''' .s . i orej ".Ii IC "-I .. f M, feii LAaTERS. ": -:' :4 ::te "pnnbl6 of aubstituting jthe looie ln;"piac f; many , ttaxarasi sii o oe .paeasnio..-- i tTT T d BQpenoi; to ."iri'fjin8lttC ! aystem and tjbe humors affeeij - 1 'J J and Tor -all irrejrnjuitiea of the libwew :tarib"H8j . 'Aectualilr .?' T icl5 lidfteliei either from i the i lAi'Jv'l 3 fr bilious. ; Handredaof families afd f(:l f;IOftSPOM3 tLIAIROri HEALTHS ? I: (on the certftiiii prevenuoft of i?U;Vifair?l or anv' an - - i. r ' ! t wmmmmm IpltisPPHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY wvtl ,. gcniu awnurtn j: jwcvpiiig uie iwmaca in mosi per- rfeeea!.)brcii regular, and a determination' ftp L pirns m the; bjcsi hoarseness, nrf I y.yJ fi'if- ;qackjy;'cd j)y'it. Know this by ttyinff. V; li t j 1 CORNBJHie French Plaster is a; sure enrew; t fir anyahadb you wish, but will- not color the 6khi.l COM LqtlKfll EXTHACT. There is no other prcpara a w Sarsaparilla that can exceed qr f equal tlu are .surd to get Comstock's, you will fin jSehoro aQ)uMri.; : It doea noii requirenufSnff jf ii'il 1 v?-.- k 1 . s. .... ... . . ; mm ill . i csitive cure for! the piles, and- alt .1 xtcrail.aUinjLai internal irritations; brought to tbt nvfriftoti: with Uiis 6aln;-A in'tigbs,! 4 fweHCB.?rgore toroat, tightness ot tne cnest, tms ttajm appl'db a fjlur wiir relieve ajtid cprtf tpe4 1 tWdbflot bid aores are rapidly iccrcd by it C jur artnpirmftaTi tr "b,i a delightful ; remedy. - Remenpj .!:fc:!! K -r-i-'l- ' 5.. - 7-.; ; il'i-.-j d Vf?F'tlCTicotriCof UikJUtrKrii DitfietafNw Vork: ' te Bypbihjji tb our agents in eaeh: tbwn and fPfsf'pa?!3 may M i free, aboinj the most H ffiH-:Wbb. '.conny-fbr, bese facts, so .Lttnon can failto beBetecxn.4 :Uj&l'A'l f j-1 anrnyoii cati tor onr articles ivmi noti f !SSl! 0,1rtl Jt atories, tbatoitber are nV I JSJ AVE THESE OR KONE, should 1 2J5?M trie nJ gttab' ft"?Wn rctafl oaly of ba. ff oleab I)ruK's5if M WiififSW aBd ri Vrfl'f f'.pf;:'.iKPt'0-i-- i W bid iatKtftl ?cd.-a th-; l?fflwiSinre otf 0 v t mmmm mm. .HIP, . iEJltLr. AVI 3i kiAUK iyi ynj jbrlcnire : all-incipient cdnsumption ; i:rw.'pettatntjr quite aatonuOuna. "4"'-t ""r tP-Jn nMi af ia rniwu , viumuu- T - - M I -i. - ...... ... n - . . ; fil ; ' i'r4 . i'-i - ! : I f- I ea$ri and h; warm and tium'dcUtnaies,frfq?ieriL vi4 -4 rnB simscniBEU -1 'rAV! jNl 'jfj-cHWediiai ejj known and :l s (hf jsmVcii 1aRg)tr' ;'l atiero,- in.;, the bejubUegiBOHrallyV that 'tbp-jfam isiow fiforlfiif rct p ion t Traf Mri & Bnardfrs; :UVj 'IJlsnR artd Oab. wiil iie qppfiivd with liripemme market aou surrounoip cyunrrj ai- anajRions-fand .ftoaoufuny sop th ?rli3nr vrovfuei. ht alf kinds, at fdN faribfaiaM a-ueru?e -JDjajJeisb; -.1 I.''- "J""1 T m ' if'""- : ,i : i , ' ' eral baiisfaQUpnlloall who h ay lator llra-wh : . : u I JAMT.S . COWAN. -t-f--: -I 1 ; t .-I -1-3,-' . v.- i ;' .- HubacriR re s5eci0it infformVibis 1 Krf nds at'ttfihW roc-gf rally iihat e. iih Aftsenert a hvri altafi in tHe aboe bosi rinrl incf hoinn .Il &. VV liu. I o i w r. aiiu J ?' " - r .t ;,. "'j ;. lnadd.)ioft in the above; tbf;.ine:uier IJlHVliefa to assare the pbblie iMOr4 lite 0 1 ionh b 'boslnesi, a o d sk I f u I hvo k Hi l:J:. '.J. - -I-.a n. 1 II mar. i i wntoNfwpotiwpuTH , - -:- sH- aT Af -it II rrn ,?n A B rV ga..t . rlllEl obscHberl rfrecfiili t rei6i"SK bV m f i'-r'.:.;.a - . 5 -: -i f'is ob9ciberJ rf8ppciiHf hi nkafof " pa fa tors.; a e4 tf fbroa-jbit el'd, jeidt a ad t be fiobliq i ba bej a ilp j pont 'nuea i 1 iiehpJand at the old eland main: eireei. Uj'tt twrfijb. w jf ; 8tVj,; M o rph y siore p nd :nn ; jf nsiriif ibV8trmsri prtoiing fjSi, weW h jiIa!iiye e tWndJ-r fie- kr-pesta!niy on a jf jyVrrtietfpfjT well fi tiwhrd ;wbr.k.van aJMiirl fva'il fra'ilf t'b tet',1 Afsi.-'a aepHy f:rea ComQ''feon!ian:tf kepi n bind to s'fjit afty fofomr i and at IoPftp!rtcei jihoef er tbef ba beij iiwtol f ; Vc -r t Rr lAlt-k1n4di'of'Lnniberann1 CoonirT Pro I fftceiiliak.eln'.ih exebanje for work. - KitiLucrrT. iantiit of rresn Lime fan bi bad ai 1 h el a in. j Jb-p ihr W 1 It i a m dec B f l Ke 1 00 bnbala and OTer IBfcenia 50 io !' iiff ; onsfai ked w U a ilvi; t 100 bb?be!9 IS t 5 10 40 bnahelb t! AlilPettona WHhlnj lime Vitbetiat thp t- i -I . .. . 1 kifb or uhptr reirfpnte,i wtu anpiy et in er 10 j. . '. J -'.?. Il . . -: ... ,. ; or R. iuifkfojd, Sorry cennty, N, Ch " f Ma-reb 1 8B 1 848:1 rfarwAfTviwjtflai -"arV-.i'-k'i t-i-!; 'bidUdsl.yBim ihi fair. iM? t lea af as folW : I si Fr U f ipi a J fcppp-i tap- tie bead free from spifi?ndTaoiri b lax- ,r i nl i m p I h ' nf I- 1 f . -i 3d !" ' I S d itPS S f r' C l i I J -i .UrittJrPAtnrSbV ihe Am Wii;siVf siribi jiii' fifmpS". and!pfpe4l'p??ibjifaU?sr jbf, t.iie nipir.-yuu; r ti 4.11 f .! cr w r !""' any iebi fil y tbn if a ie" effci. lapi wi'ocediv4. it aiay; bpfirpipraed ty aieuioo : Jhb lai'fie Sd of lifS'lt Ji. f reeap h bead) ;rm ; M-; 1 t2orilo iberciV(jMltlontnd (preTtntbib.tliair uom ;iiaiiB eoror orBBiui'E eriy o.n f l'7tbjCbidriB'!Wo ha by 'ryl-iweaiiacoB-kheiw crmini h thehf ad, aipjmibdiiipy and eiiec;iy rated of mem oy n use. ins miaiu Ii i bid bpn ba'd abbnt fife yea'so rpfb bV ii.'H th 6fj;of itnyflibad iban on :ibe ck 'offnie SUIoandfyinejid 'rb tb'b aiibawtn fom ;ibb10iJi.or. Aons last, I hpgrfn ' Ibt. Utm oofonirtia, fom IJom-'-:sik:ftr'0ki'r'S.oc4-'WbtflT. I Uae uippd tao and j 4;iil b b (je of jhii'Bafm,' bie 'jba f of l rc lnrpAfeyllbarri andffreed m y head jen-iry frniw iC5Cbtf4Pyr' head 19 IttnTw ;cbaerewi.fiRe.w- tBff R'Pfr jl8ir--Tnir fnjvne tnaj fBtfcoj wii'iiy SCOFIELD. ays fur the 1 1 1 F?C9 ;.T7?TV!7, I f WT fiCI i T'L- l..A..f tiLim LlKlul t u w utmm b. i a Am i rr i r. in ni a a Liniment is fpf nndedjo any : person who itl n bbrlila ol Hits Liotmeoli forbe Yt M nd ' ret d'rR !hV etbpl yi.bn1 lb;?? itbbbite.n e eote I The aboPi bave been be terms: en av hit b this 1 LitiinwuC hai been sold for nearly tjen years ps .ni. opb botili lout bf onb hiindjred; basfeyejr lceUndj by fB Whpeler, aii4bry S,J& R T 4.twb ICTPbnjritrjt Ilillsbbro. D Heattl ; :.LeXr Nsitoni;j;p Alabry j.Rafetjb-SPiilbi; J - 4 1 ii Nr! WteainHei- Hoaldf ef be rode w:hboi U. ft AVfpUf ?Salhoff j DrtMiUiJ Ralegh , D IfeatinHii'abo :teuiirifUiji-i'-ti I march l l845-tly1 HU-,rI- i r 9 si t 4 e ve jf y or U na r y ' mf e j;of c re' o j a becod distresslnjr to the raliienri and by jtertireAeidebiIty;bieM i nticn giyn nsej.n omrf ajmuhhj; jyyf n p a "NTn J ma - m . t i i t i r. siajjnant waUr'tbe roost jnrfiq?i?ni jcJjipw cause if tjfits di sea se ; iil oneof li r rea t ! pe - liirittrs is it ansrepObilHy of a inetval from f T I'j! b t eansps, ?e!i as froftr t be I prevajenee hrf - j he brtinti xeitro; tliiirjKretiPiJ. Aoe diCf$Trpmrrioit o4er eNrf jstti Wei; Ln6wftthat aftr art riffnary"fpyff jbasnbof r;utrtfl ' anid bi rFmup".l- thp'npfsotv afiUcietl ii not W liable lo'ia f rpsh alik aie ,vt jn atastldM, ruiily difScnJi to fflVct; a jpefur leiffl cffTe ' jf Fe?erj 4 AoA hongji ' eieor i ne paiit-nt for thW itm hUiij Si a ery easj) J'Mti- iic Dr dMkfd Life PillM-anidlJiUeri ponitht and Radical eitre of &Vet ao4 jAscif. i I nd rfd? of bin fel lm ctt izr;9 1 n ibn VV eat bape Mb ntafila ome forw a fd , t o a sr!f ; J?i. j Voffai, that the Xtc cdrcinr are jlh;e njy .:mfdHsieca that jH ihnrrivghly ((feci a rettiorai of t) is most tedroti- and diagreabler'diaeii.v:pjf . p-Ji-'lt C,-0 liber- bfohaye.emiiratf jltta" jic?1i '4a,?i premising porSm of ouri nut foil of hnp, and confident of winning a com pene frftrD;tpJoxaHancp fef t heT feoil or w:p p-arrirf o bfiratpii6 oil our eeff jeiDertU thp tnai ', CTrtiile-or cnih'an'icare crowded cities jnr to?oabf ibep!der jatatea, haye eiibjrretijrrifd wi ih sb a.t lered cbnf;i j n t ion s a rjirf (I'rres9ed 8pijrja,r Vjl be i'-"r (e tn t i i' botsef drgsiingut a'.rary ifeoirVt fesf sink nndr 8omed!Raeti$icKltKpf. by that terror of the, Wei ; Fever imd $tnie 4r- ' Their hopes -are Masied Siheir Hiif ifes nprrrieit pp.i ro?en - mnr loqroo npcomet a oesert t and he word of pfomise, mado Hp tbeif ear, is broken tn the: hopH.fct;r: mm i : fa ;n-m-T;- To ihpsorfivi.?oa. Dr. Moffat ytotifd fay Try' i h'JJft:JlttdciiieH. ind nib1wiU'yp5 anw Ue '-will eettainlt reatnre t Irti to b'ealihi ? --u !iMrrt' Amii a cm nfaint: Wtfirh rn'iirt? -..-L vl!Ltnri1cb afrt eombt-.ied Si e?ry stage 5 ,be!d..rn?J, --. il-L- ib atrenw'b. and inrnira ihe! lBtoL f ,5 Mri r vro i ha i pbn t bl m sn i fent y ion of :easeV: Naibr".'si nnaMel Anijsifd to '.re ijf' inroad.Tbe Life Vftiicities. ' b en j a k eb a t r u r ly according to direcMboiifcare i, and gifp o the eak and Tretribling eirt tm of jd t-ekse nejk eaft h';-.ltf;-anl frengtn: :f 1 tUvi"- i ;Firir full partieofar!- of thVciodb !H frpkmtil thp reader is refer red. to th Good Samaritan ft ropy of which aecimpane ibe mi f iijtel ' -1 V 5C5.rbe aaoe medinpf- lati by " ' SansboV; Oer 22; 1 842r- fy f 3 ft'4 T j "H T.i ' CCT A nppTt of ih aWp-inral'iaHfe 'JlJJKf'.- I7f Cj"ftSae fr aalb ai Jarnes Crog9 BoaiJ rredeireoblityby P i?t( Uk, f:"K (Addressed la those tcho nre vi per feci health, or p C'Rearteri'l'i I f ! en'i tronld a iim yon tne sipks me pain, ine iwrpiei. . a: " " .: a ' . ' . 4 - 1 1 ' ' ' 4 1 nessvth pen)atbVe rnorislMyicftiyoM fee 1 Ground ?. and wWicb. like a ebapl tord m frfr irra'i?10 rat?n,?i i 'v mt .djcp--ti coat-yo Ijitlbi aaih n J iner infringe onon yror, occopationsr' amip4 rnpnia, and all the facoljipi fcurrmnd a! Mlif - will be as wbch beiibrpdjby lit .a t ifep-. yon leb fold. v ssfe only or.eAteekS Irial tb e ? ij or I He nicb) ; aVept iei. r- i .:' i Wllk fc, i .:- "- I ' . J J .i J c -i!-..'" r i "L it . ! ji ! il !''.-- '! ' in .-inp ntat puce. niscrn ati oia prroi v' ti ."they satyi w-oftori tberrr bffenie ajid foriqnel i os'tead. t n bti rp V o o i f f aja I lajw b i ' H ib Tint ma led i.n hi bippripncpi, leart,ed ho guard 7.'!hinael' I S 3 i ' "-: . '." s r .5 L ' L a- i L" ie H.p . niod. and ihb torrpois of train ?i iVVri? then j hnifffaiwpaiber pn'rdiJKirnPelfb gainw tbe .bfojinbi- wb;t-b areH own frail bdy ? i ' Rprtember , eaer risino; in hi- y u are eyery day e ? ; i n 2 i'fw , food ;'and it s yonrTialnre to con- v . - - - . " l ' " " am. ,:' - " -M , M .' fj ii np i o oo aoi , ,i on a i e weira i pr eu tf i am ee js era, da r ihe 'st ed of disease is g?ob ipgt wii)in a o a ; r a od t f i y ob ;db ' n o ii b I r T ly tifi : S yow fi ieafA wbileltpob are well, toii are roiiiida!lj; in danger orpainfol and- pVoaefed ooiSneooents, and" in soojp. rtiotiowfri.fij.'t'-' ;r-. i-, ; NoihinjsL a RtatJoDary-ijn: ifcs NorW. 'T - Ef lbe? p i) e i I b" h iaTfn bf ; w b ic b ; j ar1ij i rW jf t4 irof reffyi're dennhig rA'oaiiirtpiisVn tie is tn-perteci npatjn.ano yeifi tnnyt netection btibftalnrbanfr'l'm'alr be brbnbliHvf b siaipd 7by ihpf IWnd of NaHrei irbatb fun cpof . t ti LiF'R MeDtttl&IuS, brpn mdpr?!rly n-pll; th rob f bysfcltn'thr do-.. call bppn tne,)f lf y , wbuld be coriTirtced pbf':;tib! joi'rfnrtlnce.iJinyiwtfion j , The . the L:fbJ .tWicineS in ey V Instance that baa come lb tnt- know ledbe tb miii f g ratify or.$ 1 hose who a jb comparajiiae1 frb neaiin -niaa perieci mpir npp;ne?s who joo i.n pox) re ntf nee ; a nd, J hose n n &rsiiin a tbj i in J a rp aM jo' b!dibeab-7!of. ali.ij'ny tfdwcilpriMijj baay find sore reliefiin Mhese nnrbl? ifeietabfe! prpriaraiionslThJ bperatej ebnify ; bo poiweif-i toiif nponjhesectetions otthe hodyand c.ieanse fife, blood of all aitiated homnrs beparatinj ibe. bad from tbe'gbbdiexpelline thf drbtfaijp'rbssand imporit1e?andlleaiijo behind Ipnly bat is rcod'ard noorUbinor to oat ore." I - -- i-- -'. ii' i ? R?a4?f consider and reflect Well,", - ; I- -The bJessiosbr lbi$ life;- for" rich ' ndpoor lie entirely within onrseWes. in Wrqwn nhfsirai bodfeb ilfy advice to al tben;i frSgwirJ ijdvr i anil k.tlaranfl tnn'mtir tliir. ..nfj ' ff sm m b ikkb.b-tb " -wju t mr - tw mat i w w st-rk by a . jipicna use ot oe V I AH JjK LIFIVMEDICINRS Bitiera, are for sale btf-i' -,''-.i- -j-J .-i"-i'-;. -4 '-;; :u:y::X:li- BOGERfWgetf. ir .jalisbnrjifi CrTF --'A anppi? ifihe iaboyljbf atoableMEf Dl C I IS ES a re for sale at J a mes C roas Roads, - J ifcd Iredell county, by yrf: --;t fVfjbdjipe; trom-f on :-s rbindj pecj.ajlfy it be adagp'lfj Msstng i(f,;'(io jbt fttu jo 'better y b rbel f i-"it-; 19 i he tsrrnoj -i anrp n! n op; i I ion af t hrtio who t - -r iXUJJi tu.ll Bool 5 r' L ' S' T--'- wtl r n m.l .-rfi-l -t if ii.-:- ' Ui'iby etf on ihe jbTe'buipp i ihir Hf re e-joHary on ba Jjl :! 1 ' k I H-4H'-i r r -fi.4 "- iff- Sir-'..-?. 1 orn NfraiV ..Blnkrirt half Vbl foil bdinyBWp f. SampUTetei Va and;M bsiet Bntrkj M aeaz? ces. Ueyies andevspapera boond in p lata and ef -'-Vr-''" .' - "Xt- 'si.. ieU'at the i ; Vtoers tor (sooks or ; uonKa 10 O'mo Wat cb mad CHice ' 5 a isbo ry , wi 11 fed promptly Jvtne6tirtrttr-vatoliea, 7 if-r -i t .1 rtr - t Ait t. -v.: 6i rWfjl Snbribei ft'tj biaibtoek ( Il j4 if. Iterfyirt ir pa 1 f.ol ; Khihevrl li ffogt, tnmrtprftt WEnffland in the fait -of 1841. br Ir')BMeo;Nf ire-rw- bonM8 wdbi fe ofdir TbJ3ocrr is tery -eope. fiorjanimaiiep,ibi al bi pofo t;j"': I ii e jc w 'y eii r finp, Wtib a liit lef of biff b i p'2whicb,rornpjniyi and lor ci,-cart hare It to sorpjsed.1 ul'hoabi who ittnay 'rbilsb'i fuller de--i Mr i A I lbi ipiier ubl ihf in t be Qwtvator. n ot nipse nnr sri-msia. jare reiprtea . 10 i .' ' t . . . . . t ' . -i' !.. .. ; andl tibse vrihinb Ktoi bWrpbaael cajn I baa the porelibhiliwbrib, br fiBbrkabire, ; br! crosses of Keniijvor'.b and Yd k4h'e'riiio tindnd Berk ahirbi Hb aiwk of Bel ftsbiiifb ssj porchased of JM. v !W. liement.ofi new x 0'k.f and is not aorp?ed by) any ibr jtbeitJni'fd8tatea.Those stisbato ilfflprovblh sck"of irt6i baae rtow er opporto.plty.vOf domg .so. tban has oSVr h fit th. Pnlnrnnf DrfU,. ee fo -lVar iViocBsaiMei uavie co. tJ..'..-v',iN 1 . . 1 . - : CO." 9LTIHPTIO i A S D LIVER iriTyLOi Hdiaslfli ofiLWRU frOffTV-frbm STlBoweVNew Ybrk (ttbe enreibr cooshs 'colds, raiarrhl, As'hma, Hl0 Dlf roirchiit nrn are a sonrrejor sr macn 8iniifT'i. ano on ; 'fieifdi'4 ieb j Vf t-'i ? Cbn$wf wir-'i-s-j fetb reropdy ib bfgbfyiirjnstliiy disiioooiabed fiiiarpfPtaejRi if.:ponbs ayMemibiifanine taik6'jb ib i' iwi jtetici i ej.casea yn ilifsa fbtfiss w c(Il n i i 1 1 , :.l ,,Pbyscljrns, :aara:il- ils fc ieipJal pnitpe' i a, b! Wtipcssinjj Jis rlTecis iVeivtb1 extreme d 1rt ahme; ihstabfebi,1 apparebilyi alnlosi; hope - ! I : II L' 11 . 'L f l! I-IL . 1. i " i . . ' s less bspaj, bfien prescribe ii : tn ibeiK praetep fbh asb palBaiitbind iblimdy.laoiil wth in- Medijfj..! v awuy ireherftsy, it taa met tvub giea- prora,tiof .t?-.v.u m-ifm .rB4.:'W3,l, ECT f :OJVSZX7P TiOA"- He fellow ins nark wtsrH takeri rbrbfNhe last ooruWf of ibe eifial.latMZtne! iIlv.r.MSi'h: fry.-. Tbf rpri!og jfdTeei !prodoed by 4 he pni K Batata ? l L'ykVwb fe'rnade; at 575 - Bow "w! NmnriyeJf'tbnjt fait xeit)ba ' 'n arid Ibril'icfr jMerieiS I'iiobghoot be; world tfrnaiBW ;un wi?ctrr ibis disease troitsnmn Irani incofaoie, iH3v liiiDcun in crpoit..our senses wbeo e eee perSbnsedentlyfonimp lire; rpaioied iu beaUh. Vet ji facS of daily occbrfenro.,!.'" -f ;'H f f-i-" W " V;"; " (Tltb follntrriofl aa:tten-ei aisWl time eibce, by Cit Sqoti, of Eli'tEabyiK CitK N".- fa. n;i j!' Beiing'i const rt n j mna M , predfepnspd j i o Con -sompiipn,a nnmbeirjefiib bf!i,hi diieapt HHlhanbppfrered jse from irritation of iJinffs; aecomrvipiedtwHh ctmgh jjncji if as?nfftfcai,if Bd;- Upi j ieiber Mib beee pj&iff ib epposed tv be beyond recotery 1 1 w'a j- ibd'ce t ady ice'ipf ":ir iiprrk iiobja sj. - ait tf ft n ' a J,iyfm.Hat8arn.ofJL faken Jle i)lira in art I bebanJoiinTproe wtibjiue fi iioVflejlbpdJ wbile aHfn f be tbifdv w4 w far ie- covered as to; be ab'b to bat abpiri injfe wkeb -iipe ; t cbiiiiobed jif e;iof i , li a: 'qitreeiotVt. abfi '!ai;f 'to ai jend ta'jyba.'p!re),V pK ir4 imi fieri frm- jCvojafbb and(lVcinnsf ibe l.i2f iib eayesily iib.n.'t.f'4! -Vir-'f 'iis: ': yy, (gn!ed ,. r -; - j as; c sf4oiT Kt beU CitT.iS 04 Jc itj, 1942.1 i :;;'yt'.i,dfn.TafL andVGeberai PppilitT- I aigfebipioy I wo pbyiWeiabsl and told top e . pare tor; deailiu J was soWeat enldiipH'tais mi hand to mfy bea;d?!ifcS:Wa8 in. this" fw j state er ibj friend! aentitieuailiiiMot; Dr f'I'aylors fi Bajfani uf Ii f er jorif f rbn S75 Jowerf,, and be fore, l.jbsif Kused bp !tbbtieJ wasatim io eft tip m bed,. Bf the further - ose. ! baae ertrnpteiely Trained rdy beal:b.:; ' ; GEO WEfliLa; l v y WMM"y -tf 23 Ji;hn St ;-,i j VioUnt pain in the $idl baye been cored of a yiolcni pain io,U.eitjie,iexij end)nb;tbicnb jioYhe ishoudef, iadigestje izxiipfa; pi ar betiiandiceberar debility, byline s. of t yvb LAi.l. l Tr T.'.l.i' J lm .iff I t(apirl frt.m tfTEG ETABLE UNlVERJiA L PILLS V f for m )e a t tbjsfficel . n?ri I i?no r v f n , U Oct I j 1 Rf ' m b 4fl4X KJ "-V4i XTK Fiexcellentqnaliiy cheap; lb e3sH j'or sale iV .! ,hH Off ce. if 1$ ! .1 A -fpt 2 1 845; IQOVN TYI COURTiWRITS ft?,2ti'' I'be i.5)crjr L.Aaf(-b fboi;. Jrijrsfitjrej Souri par, chased jf Mr- Al'en fjrom a ;ow iinpni'tcd by hinv frnflb Recland and; lotoe TAm iinrf Sotcs ; pw !"t,if :JM -r iYf ... f J." '3, T' "f J B4 lt riu rj r,r.rypctoitj iniorms io j ato uiiwc ii , .. ! r -. ; .- hm- . 1 eiKzens .01. rtfiBnifH aoa iioe xarronnnioa trnu.i . .. .. rti ..;. Fi,r saleUt be Drug iorej ojl C B heeler A d,d aopy.ol Cfeoiooariel .n5 drocetieso ;ib!lbet?i !!::!1jrIJ'hl'M l ?yy m y orandnm Writieizi and Cvnberib JWt. f th. 4 tbis Office,! If fin IIE Snbscriberaare inpw receiTinw the"; tar - , il gest aodi myst; complete slock of desirable Goods, ever broogbi to ibia market conststirtw io part of Enslisb and French Qluths and Casit. jnere?, Satinets. iKinibckir Ivl eansano Gertile- men a summer cioiha 4 a nKeen and uotteo yas simefes, FfeophyEnstisb bnd American'Prnts. Pinied and fjgored Fr?nbmislins and Latrns. Salin striped and Paiis fjuieij Balsoreins. (netT attjicfe; ptain. uiacu ami tanctjcoiorea L.?wns, Scotch finhams yrapb idf Lanes,5 : Plaint and ngorrd mu(in de Lanes, Plain and fiored Clial- jes, Blark and colored Afpackef lusters and Bom baziofs. Blop black ahd:bloredrpl'b and 1st ri nedsilks. 8ilk irmp and fringe for trimojinv dresses, Jacooett and Swiss jojuslins and Bisboo? ua woa, vj ra oroona a n a i a ne n . a rn & i ac ki a na fane? silk Cratata and Sibcks.Silk iand Lineo bandkercbiefa; ;A(oslin cillat8ltand: Silk ; 4ress sballs. Black and Wbiib silk :Hose;'Botii'nbclbthe." .ffom No 5 to 9, (warranted geooine,) Tailors iriminicjrs, Inrane carpeting and mattioj, 1 at lors Patent shearsr and points. La cn; FlorreDce, Braid and Straw J bonnet, Panama Lpgborn, For and; wool Hats.s Seal, U lath and Leather Cap Robinson's 6ne Kid islips do Seal andj rail watking,.4 dox: MMes'lfibfPbiladelpbia made calf and ' morocco Bhas, h I Si'ca sea Gent le 0tena and Ladies lined and -I bound low price shoes, Crocker .Hardware, saddlery and Sad let s ,t: i m p roinjjs. Carriage trimmings of eyery descripiioo. Smith and Carpeatera ttwls, a.large qoantity rJ Sole and Upper leather; (aery cheap. Window glass, Potty, Nairb. tWhftb lead No: 1.2J and nare, (warranted gbod, CtStorrOtlSalts Qui nine, and Rowan's ;linib Jroijitorei: Loifi and Lnmp u2r, 20 Hdds, Brown do H5 !l)dd' Molasses, 31! bas Rio Coffee. 3 ions English 'lire, Spring ; B ier andf Cast Steel, r a large saorimeiy of (ron and Castings. f The abore Goods was selected wilb jrrieatrare, and Will be aold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at tinpreccieftfetf low prices The Public are) res ; ffwuuuj iuiiihi iu van suu exaiouif tor tieui- selTes. 's;r:il.i!i;1::'st'...v. ri .. r- - :-W JENKIN51& BLL155. SalisbnrytApril ;1843ljS9 iB I I7,i? Mir. Oirlholomet&& Ml, PWK EXPE C TOIMJYT S YR VP. 1- An agreebb'e Co'dlkl, and efTreUve Remedy jHjgb.s; Hoatfepfssl Colds, fPaio ' in tbel oreai, innwt,, Hd B real bin tf, and difScoll Expecicwiioo., 5C7Fattbe Vyatcimari uoce.aod by u tj heeled, ,SMbb?e.MK--i march 4. 1S43 I S2 !!-ti: :- ?mrr. ;S BHT:lg''S i 0"AS reiotoed to ?5ali$boVykrid ; gQF ce of bisTproressiboliHis Office removed to Mi Cowan's ! brick bpifo'i :.-:fst1;-i-n; sd doorvf ! ;.f "-1 1 ,a I y y: i : ' April 29; 184Stf4Q ' ;i Cf l&pijt J 'I : I; Court :of Pleas an i QoaftStibnsJ--Abbusi . !'. ; - 1 -: i ;Teru,V.i84S. Ui'- y f Joho C Pavis; - 'I'ff T l 'iili :' u I I : yrY9yyy&o .. John Martin; J v-on't-ind ; ' -: iN4b's case, it appearing to be saiisfactibn of the Cooii,iht , he Defendant, Jobo -lairtln- Mi non-resident bf bisS.aie: f ljs orderekf ny be Coo t that pnVicaiion be made io Jhe Caiol ina Watchman, a newspaper, pribled la balia bory; N.Carolipi for fix Wbccf9Siyerveek4. for be; De ferd ni io be, aridj appear aibe:' jaext term of f orry Cobnif Coiw f in be! held in! the Tow n of Rock ford, or the Soil ftlolay io No vemer nex,, and i plead Lor tepvvr jodgroeni pm confesso witjjb: eaieed, aod the .5 Land eved 00, condemned to satisfaction of nlaintitTa ib. . y .... ytiyy-liiyy:;- ry t nf!w, Fmnr l. rmsrojr. tUleiK OR nr aid Coon at Office, the 2nd Monday ioTiAo - irl i F-KjiAH MSTRflVR i rife. . , Sept 23' 1 343 n 6w9 Prio.e.s i 5 ti tatc of wtfavoUti Snpetior Coort of ' La w - lall Term? 1848 j-?-r Jane FRoss,47li-vi;;f -.' tr. f''--- .' i5i" a :ty?y Peliitob fori Alimony.5 1"f Rubett A R-S8,and n;'j;?i Jij- ' -Samuel Koss 4tJ ir-' t " v1 . ' T a ppeat ing to ib sa tisfafi Job o the Coo rt , . that ihei- Delendant,H Robert A. Ross, jiTnor p istiaohani ioi ihi atste,;: Ijiisjhetprore oilier ed nv the Cov that pbbr'ca wek,J in the CaiolinaWairirban, as to ibe De. Tend ant" RobeirA Rostnat be beandVppej r ai oor bexf opebr Cbiirt of Lte tbl be bed fur ,b e coo my of Ca ba i i bs bn I h b 34 1 morda y i n Febreajy ofxi aind plea acnbr ; dembri. or .1 ifo rpeot pro confesso. will bje iad agarosi him. W tce.a. MMLopg, Cleikivt oer .said Cmri k at t)ncei ilb 5l mbndayi n FAoisti 84S, laaS be t'Sih of American friderpbif erire I crr- prv f ... y J, iM ,;LO?GiClt reptSS, 1843-wOPfinsefp fef 0.'5.Q supply: OF" COKFECTIOXAUIES U:MrtDy:m$my OSa?SSl!i-:r;f' ' y f-F CIIOO oflbeVer bes oTaWt Jsbcli as Madeira. Porttl w - j , f , .1 . ... . i 1 IVoMitTei- Pharr.niiiar.e. i Moseai. f fllrl Uml al3ga7Wioc. Freeeh Brsi.dy. JioIlaod Pin. J'orier, Ale ana ie w-.stk: utoer , and 4 Uordiaia 1 4!? ? Segar and Oflee, Candies, CopoeiajM adder, ; 1 1ndian, ani various other articIesTloo lediobs to mention, fetch I . will sell as cheap for cash as ?U n" ?fiae!P f 5h 18 li; f . :.-fcf it, UUUiLLilt;. they eanbe buogbl r nun Dm i li ii :j. .ei-i i . J 1 One. dollar per sqoare for the first inserlioo and f enl fite cenlis for each conuno3nce.- r'-: i! i Coer notices; will be charged 5 per ct.Mobi er.tbatbe abofe tales. : :. ;:.', i rm. x'-Tl p A Eduction bf 33i percent wjll be bat! :m ti.e who advertise by the year. . "- ' -All jadfenisebcnJs will be ecntinwd iipl'jt fcr-iio atid caarjcd for acccrdmjiy, cn!essoidef-H ed tor a certain bomber of time?. : r ji jl ICIf 3 Letter addressed to tbbTJSditbr nsrsi ei pm pa d l n i 0 n a 1 1 ee won. it 3 5 'J? rfosHreds of children "and adolts are lost ypar- ly wiili iwortns, when icme other cacse baa Uen supposed tb be- tbe tme one. ' I : y r:-rr I '01 ia;bdmiitedjbf alldociors that scares acDan, wemao or child exists bot--wbat are sooner jor laterirptibltd iib , worms, and Io bondreda ofj cases; jsad to relae, a tvvposed fee er, scat latins J pjo, or some woer tinos carries ea the flower if the; bo man family white ip truth they die ff i.uiiui auu ii(rviu iuie ccen eraoicaira in" a day. by, iheJ ose of ai bottle cf Kolmslcck'm yermyugt at the cosl of a quarter el a dollar I f ViHobJ.iSickenirtg' ibeihooeht iliat iheM't'b!ec liool($be--and vbocan eaer forgiaa themselves: lr not; I ry i ns llsf I crvi iExtcrmindt or. w ben they kk(no that seven If the case was not worms J this remedy could cot by any possibilitr dobrtltl out piwayagrfKi as a purgative let Ine dl?- 1p ease bf bat may ft llow imporiant then f b k; a so n.ana wr.o iiw date aue ihe responsibillir Hdo witbobriti HLet erery parent that is not a brottjj ask themselves this question In ft oih and aobtrne. : :yy :-.'r:i'yyy lryyy:::: 'j',. MrtfS) UinMd had V child Tervsick fr near iwo weeks, and attended by e pbysieiaty without relief, wheo KolinstockVVerroilogo W8 given.'$M next llay more than forty worms wne pasedyi when the child recovered rapidly, f vii ui wjuun nuuiiiu, nniig : near : ir.R Miabauan Wafer Works, bad dwindled for a m-btb,;iUI near a skefotoo, with cteat drrne&a pJMhe moo in, ami tichtnff or the nose, v A bo- .--' i;:J1 .i.!tiiij . : . t . tnane iidy who railed to provide for the family, sent immediately, for Kolmstock'e ;Vermifoee. :.!.. ti... . . .1 . w ii icr prong q i apay great quauuues V wnrn.fl lor two bt three days, and the child grew' bettrr ai once and regained v i i f o 1 1 strength in leas' ibari a month. ..Nq'-;.i-fi4-..;i Several children to a highly respectable farp. ilyln Broadway jbad worms io a ifrightfo) extent, aoJjwerb all cored ripidiy with ibia Verooifog Jo some of thf best families Io tbe, neighbor hood jifiSi John8 f atk. it has been extensively osed. from ibe drcomslance of having eradica- ted a large iqnattilty of worms; after all btber temedils bad faiied. whicb was terr extenkiva. My known in iba part of the city. . 1 - 4 i ianiiy m mow Jersey saaea several Children by the bfee of Jt. - One, a: girl of eight years ofi agp had become exceedingly .emaciated before iiiefemifoge aas given. The next day three large worms were dislodged, and afee left eff tbe Yitmifpge, hei she became again worsen and had resort to ihejVbrrbiloge ibat finally broogbt away ani Incredible quantiiy of woims, and tbo cor was complete, abd-she gained ber ? bealth rap!;Hyj:r .-fit:1 ' : A Phy sician o standin?V had doctored nifamL ly of. children sone weeks, wit hooi being aole lo re.atsV am ..Im. . Af at. ! ft . a ' ' ,,ad "?1,beri':,Ji -o send for KolmaiPckV Ver- i i, nfg4nd cdted the rest wiihjt lowest than at- . V . W8k-! ti;i ; yv b ,. j yyv -.:y t u-- j , 4 T " "wic ji wjiivx ui i' aiio ntien io neafin Numerous cases of other complaints were sun- posed lb exist, ; t$d the persona treated for fever, ill &.c, bo j finally a trial of tliis Vermi We diacov. ered ibe tree ranuaf the sickness; by bringing. i away almost an ibnntherable quabtiiy of wprmal large and small, land the persons recoverediwlth I great despatch, jlostancfa of this kind might bO cited to an immense extent, boi it Is oselecs, one irial for 25 cenisl will show any ione wiib aston isbmeoff heVnie0epia of this Vermifbge. ; ?Cafon--Nea:er boy this article nhlesaTt hare PK6lmsocklyerrotfl.geM banderiroely en-t graven on the nu?side label, nd tbe fac limile bf Cbmsiork &' Co.-;;-i.:i '.-'vf-'-"' y":'' 5 ?enia-.C Bt Wheeler. SatisbnrV fJlt H Moah; GreensborpV; D Heartt,-lltlsboro:;J P I sofy, exirg'op , ut amn, uaie'gb. JVlarcr4rl843-ir lyS2 '. j' "'i , i 4 A y r'" POSSESS qualities of tbe moat mild and be 1 necial na toire- Tbey a re com posed of ar iicles tbb most stiii-pniresceni, rorrbioed with ingredieptakhowb as the' only certain antidote tor feyeira of ever,y description; When ilie dis ease :is brbdoeed bit ber Jrorn cold. - obsfoci ion. "3. 1ad air. swampy and damn sitnaiipb:i rr t,miiA .mtasmtJlwheiberj malignant or iepidprrtiivior bv oiber.caoscs, ibesr medictrrps are certain in their uperaiiobs or effeCtaTbev'are Wsef sed of n. cofiair tjnjaliilea. which not only expel ail disease, hot at Hiesame time restore andi Invigorate Jb'e system : j Wbenfirst taken jmo thetDhonjacb, tbey immediately- diffose ibemselvea like vapor tbrbirgb every rore.rcdoc!riff effeet at on. delighiinf.ialoiam and ferroanerif When ibe- .1 t:l i t? " ... ,! ine wrgins io prow oim.r in circoiatinn languid, bd the faculties paralizbdjiieaf medi eneseoond to give a tone to he nerves, ex hijerate the animal spirits, Invigoraie-lbe body, and re animate t be whole man ? ! f vff ?Tli We'(orfnrf bav affo,bei5edl vifij. the moat happy success in N erf cos and Dys peptic diseases, rTbnbmption,HAstbnja Liver CoroplalBi; Rbeomatiam, (chronic tod ioflama try D ropsies. itrir y j-. h-yrr x . .j.. v v 6rCall at Cicss & BoCER4ffnivfe JSa;sbary , Oct ?, J342! j 13.- y-vJ: .-. DIt INES are Torjsxle "at JamesVCrpss Roadt, :f!':fifAC !c!NTOSnpASenr ' -.-Li beat papeg 1.' '-'; Sepi 2i 1845 tff r m-wmmJ i: . lM b profeaaiooaliaetyics io the Poblic vi r , j. Pah ictilar attention: will be ebVb .li rLj P' raseb otrosted to bis care fcCF- X MornhyVstoreX i Vi 1 -'.-s( Office in Vlj! '-41- tt-t'i .1 ii'; J!'- A C. McirSTQoII . A2ta l. &- alJ marcbf4,;i843- jSJj;; :1 '-Ji'v f)3w- ' -.."i--; -" -.s .f!T ..ijij-lg.: l jit f f -i;y,i!'S-.te'K' ' ' '" Hp lip hi i r'-i;,K-r f;-- ;" " " - I"' K :' ; ' ".ii-: s t.K, 3 I! i' ! - 3- . t- f - - - 1 ...ri 1; ill 5.-.4 ' 1 la MS ' 'Ji it !'! ! i3'Xi i.1H 1 ; !-. . f i - ... 4 i- - I !.. 4i'4i': I-.". '" j " r-j:i 1 H