TO FAMILIES & IiWALlDS. The following indispensahlc family remc> dies maybe found at tlie village drag stores, and soon at every country stom in th«- Remember and never get them unless they have the fac-simile signatnee of on the wrappers, as all others hy ihe same names are base impositions and counter, feits. If the merchant nearest you has them not, urge him to procure them at 71 Maiden-lane, the next time he visits New York, or to write for them iVb family should he a week without these remedies BALM OF COLUMBIA,FOR THE HAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children .ill schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.— Find the name of it, or never try it. Remember this always- RHEUMATISM, and positiveiir CDMd, ai 'ttmeuiumJ, dn ~nfe dlcnor^nng, by the Ihdun Vmetablb Elixir and Nrrve aud Bone Linim’eht— but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. M. C. PENl^K I ON. ‘ SeefhcU Ihe Gnverniuen^ upon all your (tukrs. Ipfttirt loo muckpovDcr Keep a ekoek J (LiSBETT nsAPB.”—Gefi’l Harnsoo; 1 KO. 14-^PLrME XII. jro. bat. 85. lowaD Hotel. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack has come on, if you use the only true Hats’ LiNutENT.from ^ ^o. and every thing relieved by it that admits of an oat ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it. HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roofs’ Specific ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs’ Founder Ointment. Mark this, alHiorscmcn. Dailey’s Magical Pain Xhe- tractor Salve.- “The most extraordinary remedy ever invented for all new or old BURNS%8irSeMte ant sores, and sore mm It has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, tmd no failure. It will cure the LIN’S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. E,I1V’S TEMPXlRAIf CE BITTEBS: en the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LilN’S PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect. ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. [See Dr. Lin’s sig nature. thus:] HEADACHE DR.SPOHN’8 HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain prevention of or any general sickness ; keeping tlte stomach •" most per fect order, the bowels regular, and a tfctermination to the surface. pains in the bones, b’aiReness, and are quickly cure^i by it. Know this by tryin; CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure. hair a.ny shade you wish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPABILLA. COMSTOCK’S Ci-M POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepnrn tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this If you are sure to get Cojtstcck’s, you will fm superior to all others. It does not require pufEng CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and alt external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Balm;—so in congln, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it Br. Sartholtmcto’s will prevent or cure all incipient consumption. COIIGHSS8Se0tDS taken in niiui, and is a delightful remedy, iiernem ber the name, and get Comstock''!!. KOLMSTOCK’S VEItMrtf8£ eradicate all in dtildren or adults with a certainty- quite astonishing. It sells witTi a rapidity aTmoat incrediblfe. Iff d&mgtoch ^ Co., New York. TMTH BRWS. KLTNEl’S^—cure elRjctnan^ THE SVBSCEIBER 0 AVINti p ircbaspil ibai well known and I. long established Public House, [known the name of Slaughter's 'I'avernjj in the vn of'Salisbury, N C., informs his Friends jlicgenerally, ihattlie same is now ^ J'raveOet* & Boavifers. ’AffT.R'and Bab wii! he supplied with iie best lire market and surroi!ndiiig'C’'untry af- i^rds His Stables spacious, and bonntifiijly sup plied, with grain and provender, nl all kinds, at tended by faithful and attentive Ostlers- The undersigned pledges hiraseir that no ex enion on his parlshall be wsoling to grvegen- eral satisfaciian to all who may favor him with call, JAMF.S I, COWAN. Salisbitry. Sept. 11, 1840: if7 ,4XD W”4TCf3 REP.iIRlj\G, r^HR Subscriber respectfully informs bis''old i Friends and the Public geneball'^-thai ho ■na» apened a shop in Salisbnrv in Ibo ift%e busi nes^.in a rnnm .liracllv one"“'7r building, in the house of Dr Burns iormeriy owned by Jno. l.Shayer and just below -J. Si VV ■VLi'-phv. In addition to iho above, the sobscriher will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the varieties common in country towns: such as making Spoons, &.e., and repairing Silve Ware. He begs to assure the pnhiic lha> if ounctnai attention to business,and skillful work will en- >illo him to patronage and aoppori be willmer ' AARON WbOLWORTH Nov. IS—tfl6 r Hff Sobseriber respecifiiily returns bi« thanks for past faTofB, and informs his ob-t riends and the public iJbat be tiill ceniinoea irr cany on the above baainesa io all its varir>Rs ')r.anches. and at Iheo^ stand on main street VO doors below J, tt W Murphy's atore an( np ■site the \Vatebman Priming OfBce, where h- nav always bo found. He ketps coi e'ar.rly »r tiand a variety of well fioi-bed work, and SI pri ces to suit the I'roes. Also a supply of ras>i» made Coffins consianily kept on band m toil ary meaanre; and at lower prices than ever tbev have been sold for. N. B. All kiodi of Lumber and Cecalrv Pro dues taken in exchange fi» work. E ELLfOtTl- April 25), 1843-1V40 i'lMET" Lials I Z ^ A ny Muntity of fresh Liub ran be had a: ihe Kiln of the late .foaaph Williams dec By the 100 bushsis and over 16 esnia; 50 to lOO bushels 18 ; 5 to 40 bushels SO j uusiacked in proportion All persons wishing limo either at the Itjln r-r their residence, will apply either to J. or R. WILLIAMS. Rockford, So’-ry county, N. C. ? . March 18,1845 > By applying te ont agentA in eseh town and yfflnge, papers may he had ffeer showing the most rwpectable names in the country for these facts* so ihtit no one can fait to betiiffo thefn. sBH^yon eftn f(yronTaTtfc1ca,and not —■* at with any stoires, mhers are as sM-raa aUBM: om IveTyEt, shotitd 1>e —itheasWi 0Md netVr can he true and genuine osmsts toOim. AH fficse articIcsTto be. anA ratail only ot as Wholesale Drugg&fa, agents* ai-'i The ■- Store c C waii> V, ILL GO Oldridge's Bolm of ColumbusJor the Hair F rom Comstock & Co —Bs jmsiiive quali ties are as follows :— Isl For infants, k“ep- ing the head free from scurf, and csmsing a liix- orTantgrowth of hair.—2d Forladies ah »r chil.i birth, resiori-ng the skin to it's natural strength and firmness, and preventing the falling out of the hair 3d For any Mrson recovering from any debility the same effect is prnrlnced. 4ih If nsed in infancy till a good growth is started it may be preserved hy aneution to ihelaif-ar pe rioti of life.—5ih It frees the bead from dand ruff, strsogthens the roots, imparts health ami vigor Io the circulation, and prevents ibe hair I'tom changing color or geiting gray—6ib |i causes the hsjr to curl beautifuliy when done up in it over night. No ladies toilet sbonid ever be made wiihont it. 7.lh Children who have by any means con tracted vermin in the head, are immediaielv and |>erfecily cuiedof ihem by its use. It is intalli- I had been bald abonf five years—no mere hair on the top of my head than on the back of my hand,and my head covered with a thick scurf. In this siloatton about the lOih of Angnsi last, I began using the Balm of Columbia, from Com stock Co. Since which, I have osed two and a half botiles of the Balm, which has fully re- siored my hair,auA freed my head entirely from scurf. My head is now covered with fine, flow ing long hair—which any one may see by calling on me. at Stamford, Connecticut, Nov 12, 1840. ' D S SCOFIELD. Counterfeits are airtttihl—look always for the name of Comstock 8i Ctel For sale at the Wttek||an Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisonry, Off Stub. Raleigh, D Heaiii,Hillsboro’; J St- R.SUoaa, Greensboro ; J P Mabry. Lexington. % march 4, 1843^—lyS9 QEBg Store cf C PILFaSI HB.YS’ LXNjJkENT!! f price Cfile^ralecJ B Lsiniaient isref«nrf«'H to .4W bp will use a. bottle of Hays’ Lininpdnt-for the Pries and retort; the empty bottle without being cured. The above have beeri 'he'teliis on whiih this Linimenthaebeen sold for nearly ten years past, and not one bottle out of one b^indred hasy-ever been returtyed JCjPFor sal04i the Waicbmile Office, and by C B Wheelar,SalishDry & R Slosn Greensboro’,; Hillsboro’, D Hearli; Lez- ngtqn, .1 P Mabry ;J^leA,T SDlltfa. ...... .e at W Book Binding ^ flfo&k Bi}oi^prmg Sl Summer Hanu^torj, ’ XiZKOOXiSr PAPXI& BSZU. G ^ D M^STELLER^ $ R EspEc'TFpLLY informs the public Ihat. brought to this market©msis ibpy (Mfrv on the &tKive haziness at thhtr' Engiieh and French Ckrthsand C Paper Hill, four miles ffuA LiocuIslOB, wlHitit, hey ha»e eonntanily on hand, LifJyCreusf Rpcp'pt. R.'c.iird, Bar. Grist Mill. Saw Mill, Note, 'lemoraniliim. Cypheriug, Writing and Scrap Bix^ks, in half and lull bindings, close arid spring backs, f.adies Albnme, Port Fulios &c. COUMTT CLEIiKS BOOKS, Ruled and Bound to ast Pattekit BOOMS, Pamphlets, Law and Music Bn-dis, Magaxirtes. Reviens and Nswspapers.bouiid in plain and el egant binding. Orders for Itoiik* or Boi>k» to bind lelt at the Watchman Offiue, Sstisbory, will be pioupily attended to. Lincoln co , N Carolina, Angnsi 24, 1S4S >9w6 MF^ILWO^ff : fWlHE ‘•'nhseriber has jo«i added to his stock S t)f Berhshirr £-1 pair „i. JEraiiteortli frosts, .aporipd tr m England in ‘be fall of 1841. by Mr A B .Allen, of New York, and are now a- bout 18 months old The jRoor is a very supe rior animat deep, thick and excellent to all •»« ... .... fine, wiih a imoriif eight pics, which, fin oeaoty ar.J rutm. can hartfly be snrp.asaetl. who may *isba fuller do- seripiicn of these fine animals, are referred to Mr Allen’s letter pnblisbef* in the CtdlivcUor.— The subscriber ha also, a Yorkshire Sow par- chased if .Mr Allen, from a ’'nw imported by him from England ; and sotoe TAi'n rind Sows: and ih>s' wishing •> purchase, can have ibe pore K'-nilworib, or Berkshire, or crosses of Kenilworth and Yorkshire, Thro riod and Berk shire. H'ssioi kot Betkshircs h as pnrehased ■f Mr. C. N. Beinenl.of New York, and »s t»e snrpassed by any in the Untied States. Phose wishing to improve •heir s'»ck of Hogs, have now a better npoirtuni'y of dotng so, than ha* ever been nfft'rcd **ouih "I the Potomac Ord-t- for any of the above wifi he promptly aii'n-'c to WM, F KELLY. Moctsville Davie co > January 14, 184.A. ^ ‘ -o f'omfiniat, D r T.n'LOR SB-iLSAM OFLiVF.h IP’OHT. I'oirr 575 Bowsrs.New V. k f. r Ihe cti'e ni c!ii;ghs colds, catarrhs. .•\s'hi;' ■ •iireness uf the cbe^t. pain ic the sM*. 9.,'u hf,- raisirsg of Blood, Lfper C'r>rn/)’ni'rtfs, Br >r.chi i- ai.d ail those ; ffi-c-ioi.* of f'l ro-' and Liin-J„ - . e-hich S'e a •oiirce of So miich sofferiirg arrt ir, trreeied, s) of'en terminate in ComoruptioH j his remedy IS higMy and justly tiisiiogii!!,'e i It IS purely vegeianle, mild and ge.nile ir» I'.s . i feels upon ibe system, and can h,- tali.’r. in " inosi delicate cases, with safety as well as un! T. Physicians, aware uf its m-dictnal (ir;.()e 'res, sntf wi'ncsstng its pfi'ecis o*en rn estr-n in snnse ius'snces, airparenily a'ii>o.; h^ lets caves, often presrribe it in ih-ir r-raciu- Vith It a palliative and a remedy, and wHh .r Vedicl Faculty wtnerallj, it has mat with gt* approbation. ICT* r ojvs r. vr 7VO ,v - The foiio«. remerfc*. latrcQ^iriim the Issi outut.. . „! i- Mei’ieal MasT'.Z’rte :' “The sn.'iirwino efTcci produced by the g ■ ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at S75 B ' ery. in consumptive c«sr»s, CHrinoi frit tv.-i" deep and thrilling interest I'l c>,.o!. i.i th. w • We have so lot’g befieved i* 'ii ■*'= ase (consomp tiiir.) incorsbl-, that i' is difficult to credit on: senses when wssea ptrsnna, evidently coosnmp- live, restored Io health, k et it is a fact of daily occurrence.” 'The following was given ns a short time since, try Capt Scott, of E!ir«'*he*h City, N. C. tertifieales. " Being mnsittutionally predisposed to Con- «nmpiion'(a nombei of my family having died •if this diaeasp,) tod having suffered seveiely from irritation 01' the Longs, accompanied with cotigh and raising manei a"-- food, kogelhet «iih severe pain in mv »'de anc hre i.r, till I wae supposed to be beyond recrivety, I as jorieceu by sdvice of Dr P rkini, as a laei rcw'iri .o Faylor’s Balaam r:f Li*erwort. I hav* lakur fv bottles in all I began to improve with the bottle, and while taking the third, waasafs^iH covered, as to be able to get about 'ime by eoniiiiued u'e of it, I am qntwNwsiuf' and ab'c to attend to ir.y usofl boJir.ess. Tof.r sniis snfferieg from coughs and affeciionauf \h lijotrs I do earnestly recommend it (’Signed.) JA' C SCtftT. K.hzibeth Crtv, N C , Dt-e 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and General DebiliiT - I -va.s given op ny two physicians,and inlfl to pr» pare for death 1 was so weak 1 eonirf rih't rail* my hand to my bead. I was in ibis low siav- hen a friend sent me a buttle of Dr raylor’* Balsam uf Liverwort, from .S75 Bfowery. and b« fore I had used op the bottle, I was able to sit uy in bed By the fnriher use. I have eninplelely regained my health. GEO WELls, 63 John St Fldlentpain in the side—I have been co'ed of a violent pain in ibe side, exlendiog thrntrb to the shoulder, indigestion, dizz'ness, loss of ap petite, and geoeral debility, hy me use of tvo bottles of Dr Taylui’s Balsam of Liverwort, from 375 Bowery. J F H Allen. No 7 Afercnaiii's Row. For sale at the Drog Store of C B Wbeelvr, Salisbory. roarcb 4.1845 ly^j i goods: HE SnbaRribeV^re oo« receiving tb« lar gest'arid soast cooiplsie stock »f desirable ,—coosisiing aasi Jeans anc Gentle- aad Cotton ‘Cas ^ ,armt«k4>M r«tgwr- ^ainted and Ggcred Freneb muslins and Lawns Ntin striped and Paris figoied Baisoreins, (nen *tirfe) plain, Black and fancy cok>red Lawns, ginghams. Crape de Lanes. Plain anu mositn de Lanes. Plain and fignreo Chal- ies. Bl!«.|( and colored VIpacker iosters and Bom* biiZincs. Blue, black and colored, plain and s:ri I ped silks. Silk g'trrp and fringe for trimming ; dresses, JaiKietl and Swtss moslins and Bishops Lawn.s. Gim5f{»ons and Linen drills, Black and fancy silk Cra^gtsapd Stocks, >ilk and Linen har.'ikerchiefs. Mojdi’n collars and S'lk dress shells. Black and Hose. Boltirigcloths, from No 5 to 9, (warranted geonine.) Tailors iriminicsra, logratie ca«,giii)a gnd matting. Tai lors Patent shears and p4ni9. Lawn. Florrence. Braid and Straw bonnet*. Panama, Leghorn, Fqrand wool Hats, Seal.Cloih and Leather Caps, Robinson's fine Kid sli|n. do Seal and rail walking, 4 doz. Miles’ fine Pbitulelphta made calf and morocco Boots, 15 cases Gentlemen and Ladies lined and bound low priw> shoes. Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery and Sadferairim ra'ogs. Carriage trienmings of every deseriptmo 8miib and Carpenters tools, a large quantity of Solo and Upper leather, (very cheap ) Window glass. Potty. Nails. While lead No. 1,2, and ourp. (warranted good.) Castor Oil, Salts. Qut nine, and Rnwas's Tonic mixture. I.oaf, and Lamp sugar, 20 Hdds Brown do. 25 Hdrts VloLsses Si ! bags Rio Coffee, S ’ans English Tire, Spring B i-ter and Cast Steel, a large assonmeni of Iron and Castings The above Goods was selected wiiS great care, and will be sold lor Cash wholesale and reia'I, at Unprecedented low prices The Psblic are ree [tectfully tDviied to call and examine for ihem- mlves. JENKINS St BILESJ. Salisbory. April 22, 1843—lySfl i^R. ^ J^ETURNS his thanks to the People of Ibe Kev, tfr. Barthofometr^ft NjVE EXPECTORjg/yT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordiil. anif effective" Rrmrity fry Cong*«s, Hoaraeness. Colds, Pain rr« the F'casi, Ir-flijenz:, H'ird Breaih>ng.-3r.d diffirii’’ rxpccioriiion. gej^Fot sale at the Watchro’t' Bffiep. and hy C B WhoHer. Salishcrs - tna'ch 4 1848 —IvSa _ DR. I. H as re nrned to Salisbory. and n>-w prepared to reserre 'h-e pr*, lice of hie profession His Office removed to Mr. Cowan's brick bui’c ing, 2d door. April 29, 1,843—1(40 SURRY COUJVTY. ■nrt (if Plea* :rn (Jnar-or Sessiuns,—Angt -t Ter'o. 1843. Pn C Darii vs S* ;..tin M.;rl;n j Original Attachment Lovier UP Lar-d : I V it-'s ersp. It appeatapo to rhe s-riisf»ciicn ol - ihe ( enrt. lint the Defendaoi, Jnhit Mart'c. non-resident .-f \bis State : It is ordered bv t liori 'hAi po'i’irAtior, be made in the Caro- '’Svt^eridina, for six sccreFsrv»‘*w*e'ete.*fc IVlerdsni to t>o. and appear at the ont Coemy Cuun, to be held in the own of Rnc!.ford cm the 2nd Monday in No Tsmber next plead or replevy, or ji)dgmi: pro confesso u nl t>e entered, and the Lvn: ieyied on, condemned to saiisfaciico of plaintiff.* I>ebt Witness, Franc K Aimstmrg. Cleik of our said Court »■ Offic . ifce 2Bd Monday in Ai- gost, 1S4S F K. ARMS I RONG ( Ik Sept 23.1943 9— Prime's tee $5 .50 Staitr of Ifortli e.*irolfsia, CJBdiRRUS L'OUJSTY. Snperior Coon of Law Fall Term. 1343. Jane F Russ, 1 vs. I Petition for Alimony. Robert A Ross, and ^ ''srooel Ross J f r appearing to lbs saiisfaeticn of the Conn f that the Defendant, Robert A. R-ss, i« ni an inhabitant of this Slate: It is therefore order *i by the Conri. that pob'icalion he made for. 4 've-ks. in the Carolina Watchman. *s »n iho Hi. , '-ndani Robert A Ross, that he be and appear a ■tor next Superior Conn of Law to he held (■' he county of Cabarrus, on the Sd monday in Febroary next, and plead, answer or demur, or .Indament pro confesso, will be bad agarnsl him. \V iine.«s. J. M. Lung, Clerk of onr said Court at Office, the 3d monday Tn .August, 1843. and t'ne 63tb of American Independence J M. LONG rik Sept 23, 1843—4 w9—Printers fee S-A 50 SUPPLY 5EW OF CONFECTIONARIES JIJVD OROOfiRXES ! era!'patronage they'hath been pleased to bestow opon him, and hopea by indostry and attention (o conrinse the same in fniore Owing to itl health, he will be a'^-aent for a short time, when be expee(s to retorn and make Munoi Ulla’bis they can be bonght at aov other EstablishnietU ^rmanent residence 11^ So/tsAury. " F, R ROUECHE- Alonht^lai Oetj^4y 1843-Kfl^T^ nn.rA 4,1345—lyW F R ROUECHE, respectfully informs the • citizens uf Salisbury and the surrounding conniry, that he has received a new and splen did supply ot Confectionaries and Groceries, coo sisting of ail kinds of WIJh'ES jJATD LIQUORS gf the very bes* quality, soch as Madeira, Port Tenerine, Gi.....p.oa„e. Mnsc^. Claret, and Malaga, VVioes, French Brandy, Hollhad Gin. Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials', Lem'ios, Almonds, Ilaistns, Oranges, Oysters, Sugar and Coffee, Caries, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, and variaos Mker articles loo ledions to men tion,. which I will sell as cheap for^sh as Aoa 1'T is intended that the bat the jgwpiBeo of ihn Ino r- iniinn shall be resomee^'Afnaday, Ocr«>bev. ]6ib Terma as iiefeiofere.d|^ 9.10. IS aO. «r- ourdiiig to the advancement oLthe po|Ni. .Alo- sic un thr- Plan*- fSS 50MltoGtii t»r *12 per quarter. Pnptis charged from the time ol egtnaee, aai. no dednetian .made afterwards for ahseece, except "in case of long aickneaa- ty t54»—>DX>SAHAaNIiSS BUSINESS ! T he Subscriber respeeifnily informs theetii- izeos of Salishery and the sarruonding coun- liT, that he is now carrying on ibe Saddle ftnd Uaraess awaking SQSUff^SSv IN all ITS VARIOL' BRAN'^HES. He will kcf-p eonMantly on hand ready made S..^DDLES (fine and common) HJlR- NESS, (fine and common) BRIDLES and M^^RTINGJlLES, manafaemred uoi of the best of leather R- - pairing^ge in the best possibisstyle,and on the shnriesffMllce The sohabsertber hopes by strict alter tion to his business to merit a liberal share t>f public patronage. WM J PLUM.VIER Salisbury, Oct. 14 1848 Ifll P S. All orders from a distance for any of the above mentioned ariirles promptly attended to. GOI*D »f IJTE! TVtesf Sale S B y vir't'e of an assignment to me made by t'ol J R. Dodge, i will expose to poblic -a on the premises, on Monday the 25th day cf November next, one ondivi- ed h«it of a TSAOT OF T.ATra. in tbecouniyot L)av'csuii,*.it |i aiersitfpon Mile Creek, coniaioi^ OJYE HU.S'DRFD JtCRES. more or less, known as the DODGE HiLL. It ing rinse to or adjoining the cetebraieii Cioxaii Hill The tract hi deemed very valoa ble as I! is supposed that the Conrad Gold veins it &!■.__Jklornbrail pur chased uue half nf itiv fi4CI X7Dt« X>vitgy-, « 500, and still oerns it. tCT' A credit cf si^months will be given, the . uri'b.^se; executing a bond with good and ap- (iroveii sureties: hut the title will b* withheld iitiiil payment is made H VV . GUION. Lineidnton. Oct 4. 1843—6wll Trustee %*GreensiMto Patriot will insert 4 times and forward paper. The WsTCHUW** my" kmaHer be t-rd nd^nn% iM^dafftriyhrs ard etuis nt.tll»dM of tlN»^ear. ^ .NoeaeacriptinnwiHheranived fora less I'C'C rhm one year, adless paid for in advance. No paper discor.iinued (hot at ike oprh n he Editor) oatil ail arrearages are paid. TEUtS OF ADTEETBIKe. One dollar per square for the first inseriicc --rM wenty fire ceats lor each cootinoance Court notices vrill be charged 25 per c:. h'sh- r 1 hao the afaeae rates A dedaction of S34 per cent will be n -r • > !. ae who adverrise by the year. Aik advertisements vciM be cnntrncrd r urbhl and charged for aceordiogly, unk«r i re- tor a eariaio anmber of times Letters addressed to the Editor mr.": come'goaf pmid to ersare attention. JkBBZVAlS iSnd dtparittrts of (he ALULS, ut end from Salisbury. northern, arrise*- ^odays^ Tnesdvr'q and'Ftn ays,ai 6 A. M Leavea klundz^ ^. Thar8day>, apd.Saterday^ **.7*. aa. SOUTHICRII anivea evev^'llanday.Thars “W d» ■■■•“ ***—»-«*mM.a lay: Y'nipvBsv-arw arr»miy. st T a «. - \VE''*1'F.RN a'l'ves every Monday, Th* r2 day. and Saiuroay at 6,a m Leaves every feur- day Tupsflav ■»'•>.’ F'i:tay at 7 a m. VIORG.AN TON arrives every Monday and Thnrsday at 10 p m. Leaves every Sunday and Wetioesosy at 7 a m. CHER.AW arrives every Tcesday. Thurs day and Satu'ds; ?i 5 pm. Leaves every Monday, Wedi-es-isy and Friday at 9 a m HLrNT>VlLLK.; (horse mail) arrives every Friday at7p u. Leaves every .''atnrday at 6 3 m. FAYETTEVILLE, (horse mail) arrives ev ery Wednesdav and >a!Qrdsy at 5 p m^ Leaves every M'^nday ard Thnrsday at 6 a m. A CARD. A ll those indebted to the subscriber (either 'X note or account) tor praciiee done from • d Grove, are earnestly requested to sei'ie ' same at or before November Coort. G B DOUGLAS. Salifbotv, Oct 14. 1843 —tell 'boot A379 SEO^ 8DOP. I VrlE Sabseribcf takes this method of inform ingAhe ci%t.«>iis of Salisbury and the sor- •rnding cnentry, that he still carries nn the BfHii and Shoe-making Business at his Tan yard on the Noiib-easi sqoare. in the town uf Salis- tinry, where be is prepared to make Boots amt Shoes in a style of workmanship nut to be sur passed by any shop in this place, or even in the -''talc He assnres lhi«e who want eood found- ntinns for their understandinss, that he -an ac ‘n'.m"dai8 them with as guud an article as they can obtain at any other shop, fur durability and lor rreainess. The suh-eriber has nn hand the following hoes, which be offers Inwer for cash than they an bn bneghi at any other shop, or to ponriual GDsiofseis on a credit oe as gnod terms as they could desire. Gentfemen's .fine Boots; Gentlemen's fine .'•hoes & PoiEps ; Ladies' fine Sbovs li Pumps; |•hild^en’s »hoes. together with a large stock ot Negroes’ Shoes, which he desires ihoee wishing to porehase to call and examine before supplying hemselves elsewhere, as he is confident of plea sirg them as Io quantity, quality, and price. M. K—.4 'a. *. "• a . . irni i>f the business, says, that ro work shall leave the shnp which would not give entire sat isfaction to every one. as it shall ever be his pride and b>'asi to do good and neat woik, and hat too wiihnni delay. A large supply ofguod LEATHER constant t on hand for sale. Green bides taken in exchange for Shoes and Leather. id*’ Orders from a d'islanee poncionlly at iHQiled to. MOSES L BROWN. Sep'p'T.bp'- 5, 1S4S—4tr6 Hi DH W. D SZSSIZPS7, AVING retorned Irom ih» NAest, rrspppj. fn!lv informs the public that he >s reailv ii rpaiirop the duties of his profession in irs vario ,•; aranrhes Having nnifergi’np a very eor.sidera r»le experse in preparing him.self with Medicine* nd Ins'roiBenlS to meet the exigePC!“s of ever* case, he flatters himself, that he shall receive a euDiinuaoee of that very liberal patrooage he ha liers. ot>4w.reeef ved St.,fetrak .jlpg OQ, 1843—>73 startling Faeti,. rfundreds of children and adults are lost year ly with worms, when some other cause has been supposed to be the true one. it is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, Oman or child ezis'S out what are sooner or •aier troubled with worms, and in hondreds of cases, sad to relate, a strpposed fever, scarlatina, oi.M, or Some other ailing carries off the flowers of the hiirn'i!) family—while in truih they die of 'Wo'ins! and these canid have been eradicated in a day. by the cse of a buttle cf Kolmstoek's Vermifuge, at the ctsl of a quarter ol a dollar! How sickening iheihonght that these things sh"old be—and who rran ever forgive themselves :or not trying this H'onn Exterminator, when they know that even if the case was nut worms, this remedy eonld not by any possibility do hnrt —bat always good as a purgative—let the dis- >-ase be « hat-it may How important then to Use it. and who will darn take the responsibility In do without it ? Let every parent that is not a brnte. ask themselves ibis question io truth and soberness, Mr J r Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by a physician, wiihcot relief, when Kulmsiock’s Vermifuge was given, and next d»y more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman, living near the ^A}a..hnti»a ^'aier VSlaekfL. hsA dwindled for a ai''Dib. till neat a skeleton, with great dryness ■l the month, and iicbing of the aose. A hn- maop lady, who called to provide for tbp family, sent immediately for Kolmstoek's Verroifnge, which brnaghl sway great quantities of worais for two or three days, and the child grew better -3t once, and regained its foil strength in less than a tcootb. ^^e^p^al children in a highly respectable fam ily in Broadway had worms to a frightful extent, anJ were all cared rapidiy with this Vermifuue. In some of the best families io Ihe neighbor- hoorj of ''I, John's -’ark, it has been extensively used, from the circumstance of having eradica ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very exteosive- Iv known in that part of the city A family in New Jersey saved several children hy the nse of it. One, a gtrl of eight years of agp. had become exceedingly emaciated befora the Vermifuge was given The next day three large worms were dislodged and she left off the Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally brnuoht away an iocrediole quanlii? of worm.s.aod the cure was complete, acd she gained her health raoidiv 4 Physician of standing, bad doctored a fami ly of children some weeks without being able to restore bn: one cut of the seven to health He had the liberality to send for Kolmsuck’s Ver mifuge, and cured the test vith it io less ibao a week- Nomeroiis cases of other romplainis were sop posed ift exist, and the persons treated for fever, &c.,'but finally a trial uf this Vermifuge diecev- ered the true f-ati'se of the sickness, by hringir.g away almost an innumerablr quantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despatch Instances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one with esluc- rshmeni the certain effects of this Vermilege. CavfuHt—Never boy this article unless it have '• Dr Kolmstoek's Vermifuge'' handscicely en graved nn the outside label, acd the lac simile of Comstock & Co. Jlaents—0 B Wheeler, Salisbury; J 3i R ■G»ee'>“bn*n’• F) Hearti. Hillsboro'; J P Mabry. Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigk. March 4, 1813 —lySg NO IK E. A ll ibn«e indebted to the subscriber ( lit er by Nute or aeenani) are earnestly re qoesied to settle the same at or before ibe Isi day of January next. All those fai'ingto do so may expect to setilkpiith an Officer. V .IAS. t^WAN. Momt Uff«: C)ct, 61 I843>— DATID L. POOL, rilAKES fhis method of R informing his fnends, and the public, that be is still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re pairing business, at his oH stand, near the Coorihons • All work done by him will be warranted In’- twelve months. He still keens on hand a smal assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold a.od Silver taken in exchange fer ■levellerv or work done. “ Salisbury. .Uareh 12, 1842—tfSS Tc thr Fttsi^ess Fablic : BOOKS fBOOSS!! F or sale at iKis OFFICE eheaj* for cp-ti s -plendid supply of Blank Day B^ks I..edg- -rs, with the alphabet to each. -4 all sices enJI bound in plain and elegant style Also—.>*»m r-rndum, riling and Cyphering Bosks, of !>• •>PSI pape'. Sept 3, 1843—116 of. S. JmkMston, ATTOUrST AITD COOKSELLOK AT LAW. SiffsHwiy SJ^BURY, , Jlk. 7^8«-' ;a*. c.- tT24