I : i . (. . If T-Mb:U: xi i " "VI i . ' , '!; - m - ; 1 , S , 1 l& ill" .;. .'1n-..itf$i -s . : - I " " I ' -, i- - a- - , - . . ----I '- - 1 - ( 1 f -I A 1 1 .j 1 life t t It. . St m M 11 lB4 - .-' : j T 1 I .S .H: ii S-jl4p., ... ;rr-.-.; J " -t r- fetS&t liit Bangttr, Whig and Ccuritr. ''Vim a eAUI io h way lie nhooM r'krfd ii i!i tTenii! out Jrpd from ii. . t f raiiIit Jfcuii ipbdi crate a4 al:d r io'e'esj 10 'tMi "a!ric abl, nthlrg bulla Jcp anJ sutenui orisUli4ioi Iownail bear inj uf parrnT lpgbteWfnl Ofwn iKd wr brinj . if , Icei t 9u4 rb'e ij)sUiuiiuis of ooij cocnmun ciionlrTw ibchjwi? eth to.be lo. Jraw!npil p-fii; ciulT ;re?e8tt',oa-.'"ltme fifj-iihp to tit opla it 5f fiiM wai hcn parens JruM iMnovft- . . . ' .'" . . . 1 . 1 -ii . : ..I -. . t iarltJ c1) iltfllj b sqbmit to the iestfinls ii s'rfi ffwre ra(id aitd dfcl'gb'ed ! Jo devote al) hetr 1 Jlelsoie 6aik to ibe-ftoliiTauon of their tni bill 3 J mora) pawf3.- .Kterjr diaewninaung fnir.d ftan$l redilr;perccife ne Ulness aod talfUff. t liitiaaiiietsjtl isocfi a . stata.o-1 bij?f nd. Ipslf:!.! i fpjrtaiqi lii!lf!nj:jpa tie feLaiacter v".; ; isotteit: j-Iatfd; tbodesuoy;:pt thejnaii(:r;-?'::f i Ijjj v:f -;l'lje'tjicei of)tore'xpttoce ani pajrimrf vilsin, Jldehwod l;lbe,beii exertioas of pareitsla niioiait mich f coodilion juf sccieiy bui"? .jif 8in9 lwenijr-fia years pasiUhere has bon';a growingf drsposiiicn in oar fatbers and mujihrs ffsrnj. Stidfio throw offline v r6pop'cirfiiyidn lnpied tfiBMWitli; and on tJbe part- f cnffdrri ind fouib aHcorceaporidinsr dsusiiion to 9$atna if OtH goeVimeoiB or tbelr parenta. the jscjbo&i. t I ' th teaeheiijfhs Ijceoni.aod iLe magiairale, aN I 1 1 frBira mple pon Ja I J k w h um a n anL d i ? !d4 i -liU deploHble Itaie of things bas tjias4tiprt S iflbo feuprjrtdaced by"llie Jolly," lndo!etrw aid 1 jiliriecilHy 1 pa rjlnt, who; iboogh iieadUf i J" " f ' ,"u.::ii iuUt okilfrn tr ilia mnnr whiff rpa Boo Jusiicdi hucnanity , andjrehffion rficatei 1 1 l Boln6their pfomioent cooperating caose of lila'greati4 VfSdespread xefil flo be luuad jo 1 1 iosurtlinaie1. lawless rckftss spirit of tie aetbNteaj. Pll down, deaiajogoe spirit ficbid3 liamediablyperfades these Uniied fitearts';ilh;aV infiJel $ aod dist m j to bpiii", which would'-uprooi rcry figreai and eJI-establisbed 4: principle, disregard f sfery ViM jruiii. and deatruy all respect fur ex ; isio iaSws and finsrHwtions r-tbal snf;ft wiifch ' I' 1 1 ejsrciae'tiffriataral ibetty lth!b!h : Mti$' :t ' : ; .' ' hi io 1 it ifere ; in flne ihiat bfua, miserable f : " i I , can btoulc no " lesliaiiit Jam, x t.iai.e owo aiourary win tiiesoie; ml8 and Jjuidel of all its aciions-;" in ! other trio and 34r This.reckfea? spirit, tljefe inoj libettyi'ahd tba oottages to wbich tbey Mveled ba-f e already struck a aetreri) blow at the moraUM praetiif - I ' .i-!J I1 If fJb ory ar82 youth from fifteen. to fwniy pfearaijf ajj0properly broog tit: op,' would jibadjly1 lare lplp' aflt ereMiogatja neighbor!' bn8 .nilhodi special efro8Km irom their pjwf uardiani ; "and tbtjy would .as j soon tuh tlij 'jbandslfatthejife as gie their pareota rorih4 fltiaetora ja!.Q tnaoleni rejly.1VV hen their Jar4 land othetdaUs were present, those yoati bul4 Icoodods frl'a modest, respect fal, and defreuaf M?boerookin2 op to them' for 'instucjiibn lanjj (ryicHprat-il thU " enlightened, age, of-fiee rdom andjiodependence' etery " spirited youth fi'expclj-W rai;bta'ob'ia,ayv ihlnt od Mi 'far hlmsaii without bein? tramtnellec b thefooU ilb obsoleid Aolions of aotiqaated pairents teschj tpulcianl laicupiiciiy,. boys frosa iwelya IB ; f years old go tvneje tney please. sseK wnati naoms It a f p fully and; vice ioey piease annoy-ape, - iesuf)i ' ..T ? Whom,ty' please and vkick op a rowi:lWjO ;flif aijdwbtejthgy. please; and. if aojy resna:b)e i c4thrtjbokea them for spy brthelr dfsra4f&l :: M I '-f 1fetiid4et ibey .orp.to assail and denounce hn as 'Ji l.faVaftpcrai old tyrant.V-rfot 4ne jprelt; in ten 10 tr Villages Know hall the itmet by day or jhfw here iia boys.oC feu twejve lo iifteen 1- h cjuliy they may be irH-And whjt.beM)oy:9iafe f 'I atbotne tfjasfed to pet form any serviceitofp'rof tote the interests of the family; ten la qn en hat i f ibeybibe ad snarl attthe allesed ibarsbipV ana per naps uucnj reiQse. wivu uuecsiia aua o- o1eo;ifla!raage.V.'''tv 1X7'': i'-1 " fe? 1 ;ii aoanooys go io me scnooi or uie lyccucu; . 'Mr. mm SI i fated-iiry'BtJt ltd iearn. their whole aim iaiio .reagei ! - mischief aod make as :;- f it PIM I ini.H- he' ?. f; . accoanl forhia law mocn irouoie as ineyjposj-; teachers call one iof them lits lawless and -insolent conduct. . i some half Ldozen of tu . oytiio u ay i tvuru ut juuiij; tun uicct udnii r pi air y A(an litaea t?ntniv Vit rf mo ; fv r. r al ' a- A ! L - A . a - I if i :3 - k ! Sa i ll f 'HP bj.tfasfr pjotiib and disgraceful pa rehtsj, i t!pon jbe; tnalter,- and 'break , oporJeafii ov the . 7 - ' - r r i- - i- -z r. i ,r j--r.,i-f j;f ; cuooif-pvje .nave Lno couot mai naauy orifinnri ! ' i l '.ifi i4'!rff(ttiiiiltltwnmt. and nlhir intlfftnnl iniCf -1 v'68mblieslih: Blaine, hava beeb either en'tireiyidei r' y;troycu or grcauy inj3reo.aunng ins iai iweis .fL V. iifei 'l3mooiiis,Dyi the f.dly. and tow dy ism -of gichl ill. : piov ia4uT, uisutvut u('siiia. nuu, wui.auiiai U M illft th vill i tliA fat thiUthipre in aliimsl Pi , 1 1 w enmnl I Art vri.Ji lil 1 1 Coull rraa fiirod I aao tvn s.vi j. w a - w w w ar filfroavihe rooatSunworihy mpitVeitill; f ric?f ag K!and ttinoliatethese young deaperadoea to f ta ii I' Vft-'-S m i annufawe:od.vill4iny toward the advocates! ?4ll l.tri)okiidiht.yniag bte rnidniglUrfi a I i i- wnoeoHf JDeeurieo.wHiun vRenrnnren wrw.w pilmbsf e;telry pM lion of. the Uiiion.f Tjhik iiheictieo;iodolgeeiei the jr'Btratel 'pl f t b 'eli.tk i te o m nr t a nd anjrnhrinj the dom es? ic icircle and the terhlcioi8 jrflaer:ces opji)eii j ty aod baUot boxes, and Wpon all the dvf istfied f )oteresa f Society, which have! resnUentaad :fi-!t'WstHV 10 .teaoti Irom the ciiioira.ljt4 w -r.' oilal:jipniect tit narents to brinnr en tbeir chili H;!t:-lpff!f dreri: YM H J )J hd go. . m iM Mfilvv'T Wiio Is. SO Olinu is oi iu oercHTp , ijiai; ii tWlinSlsI sb'blind asIouCia percehe I i-Hloothtisnot speedily donp to airiest thi.pown ; w a'rd; tejrtdenpy-jbf this d state 'ot thungf a h tftiiimii'riifli'be renotilic must' soon be ncmberrJ fA ii- 1 "fl-t ' f 4' -La ' ..Lai..un mm iVin t natar! n - it I ai fl5drj;l1in'seaf.:b of level. . It is most on acf no ; sump l rrarroi, lo.k on, and ti notbiog to save either WE 3H3 who Me, it aphearsby he; reail ter4iMi;ifcje is unlyooe person -of oof baodred ; C. PENDLETON". " r .voaWyo; l."-- V ytyijoLji .v6;:59s;-. ji ,MfWT" T" ''''?, J ''l,T',ff?!"IT""'' SHIPUlAN KXAMPLE FOR YOUNO fOLKS.TO FOLLOW, " ; PintvilU, 'Feb 24, 1843. To Mi IiLti jTbornpson "Dtnr 'Sir: I 101 too bappff and no mistake -the tenly ae ct)0 of Inebruary i uverod tbe'consorn tuition ?rT4e)(6uli;to bp wished ;foi" 18 toek pl c4.;t Iiil other w0rtsVlajIi oiarried bin ! lm in do situation to tell you how at the things tuck! p!aeetfont by no means, ado (if -tt.Br8n, tmy nruoitsI don't believe I old j keep, awayyfroni niy n ife lot jogbj tofwfUe fou a letter. "Bleashr oj e rr lit tie sole 1 didn't thick I Joted, her ball ta igrfod I do bojMto tell ou the Je troth, !eei4fet'c, er atnccitfutfaiore hst." Bol I JjikTjal'bV' shtjrtj'ltbisti'iDrf,'. whilf the gals is playiri Mary in totber robm. Tbej are ao bad! :.! - ' . -I - jv: ; " " 1 1 had-fbe licena got rjinr'n a week apht and fold ftlr Eastman br ting borne in y wed din Bute just in it'imp.- Mother would mike me (el cousin Pete wait oo-. me; and Mis Idesjiahwlas bride'rf maid!; . Mutbfr aod old Ais$ iStallions jbad ewery ibing tanked in fijatjr ieffjG longfnrejili lime niv; and nothirg fu Wanlen but your compaoy to wfalce every tbioff complite. - V i i en foui sunoown cousin re come round to my robin vhar we rigged out for believe I ever see heMrjest tck ifl" .the orc8$ionand I don't 'him looklao got!, but iX mem oocpinaoio great Dig sorrej Hiu. Kers oi Li?, he'd; looked a monstrous site better. ' rliput on jruy yaller btiiches and blue cloth cOtQi and! wlnle': satin -jWclcet, and my new bbaier hit, and then weldruv round lo old Squire Rogersb and; lurk hiut.tnto the enr riago and away we went to oM Airs. Sul Itonses; plantation. -When we got t!ar, I tbar waa ,a nioal everlaaitn gnherin thar itea tq eee the ceremony, afore they aia eiipp elrj J Every body -looked glad and od ! Kliw Stallions rasfljriirm hoiU' lk ue JRJn't k nw - w h t c U end ttie et optL r n 4 -iffCome'io; jorfeph' se she, "the gdta H in toiher! room " ! " ! :"jBattleouldnvtJbegin lo get in tother room lor ioe ijeuers an puiuu and haulm and eha keri (lie lifetoot t me to tell. me Uow glad Was. l ; y": "llowdy, ; Mjer, hV.wd?," ees old Mrl , SI gifq yiuK ioy--yer gwine lo tiur- ly I he Iflowcr o? the country! as ! always 5s?d. Se's a montrpus!riceal, Wajer '' if'Thit's a fact'ayalMr. Skinner, -thatV a fact, and If hope yu'ije a good hushenti o her, asrih -aoi thf7rou,iI Lave gfu4- luqk wijb your Irttiej p fThank ye. thank ye gentlempn icomp falcing eousin Pttst- sei I, as q lick 1 Jcould get away from 'em. l he poor of ihe other rr.oD was opened aqp in ve went, ijnever was - .(rork all upf in iajheap aforcthar sot IVLiry, wtih three p four moregatf. peautifol a an angel, arid bit siting like a j rsf. Wtieo she sesrd me lw kind o prniled and sed 'ood even ini"' j couldn't say a word for my life fir aipreri a minit. There ot the dear jjnj ol my luit, Hnd I couldn't help but think t scf what an infomf ! cus a taan must be who tjould marry her aiid"lhen makoher uu liappy by treatin herjmean; and I deter mined in my scle to stand atween her and prms ol the jworlt?, sim trf J ivo her. anil tike care of her, nod mike her hippv. 'lon as J lived. 'If vou conM "test seen her aa vbs dressed then, ur.d if idm . . . "... wart I e marred man. too cmildu't helo i ut my luck, after all the trouMe had III Igei per. She was dressed jest to niy l n a fine whiter musl.n frock, with fijiori ;sleeves and white satin slippers,-wall nair an nanguig over her ; ntiw w'tf.e jjafid shoulder" in beautiful eurles, Wiiihoti! a finale breast r.in or anr kir.il of 1 'ccpi a little ! white satin bow o the lep bfj her head. 'Dine-by Miss Cdiline cum ji the room. j . -Cum, sis:, Iheyfajall 're ady.V ; es aht npd tqar wis grate big tears in her eve?, and she wicnt find guve Miss Mary a kis3 in her moijf and hugged her: a time or two. tve all got up to go. Warv tremoieu rnonftroosp andj felt :sort u' fajutyj royscif, but rtdidti'i feel nothin like cry in. IjWken we gotin (he room" whr the com pipy; lira a, old bqure, Krcer stopped ui for lUe lirens. : Coiisin Pete handed 'm to him jind Ifls ted"erxi pnl fotuf to the people who Was,all still as dcth. After talking a 1uleiie nvent on- j I ; J vljtnny Ndy'e'jgot;. enny.klbi.ng. lo say w ivllfrif couple shouldn't be umtedjin the biolyf bands of wedlocks," ees he, let em sow! apeak , or alwata -afterwards Bold tbeirf peace- ; it " i phoy lord l1 my ;!arlin daugbier I olf lear,t laws jrTfnafsy Jf aays old Miss Stallions as loud as the coold -fquall, a clap ling her hands and! cryin and shouten like Ihe waral a camp rrteetrn. V " v itlhundBrf and- libliiln! thinka I. lier8T fnoiper yearthjq'iake, Uul I held .-on to lary and," ' w mined that nothin ahorl lf ajreal bust up of all creation should get lierjtroaj me. Sq;iitf. ses coosin Pete, "it blushed dreadfol, aod aeemed like leiwouio nrop on tue uire. , -... . ft nltss Carline cam and whijpered aome Jthin tii hir,' and" mdther and two tr three lother old wimmin jgofold Miss Stallions ti Ji go In lothr toom. w.made flab of ?on'a b .ne, and borje or Oiiflahbefore4ibe old woman g5t over: her .bizhalenrks. .When kh o..t . lipite.t t ane com to me and hugged meand kissed me as hard as she could rite.afcreemjal while the iIJ codgers in the fooiro.waa allifii ttn the bnde ,3 t!ie? called itU ljdido!l1iki that part of the ceremony at alt, and Wanted! to change wVth Vm mnirows bad : bbt;l i After the marrrio wjs.nver weTat) tuck upper, and he ay f oll . IVjlsi Siniiioriaes old table waa ktvfied over with good thmsV was raa a8toiirMiy Ader plajin and froltkin II about 10 oVJork, the bndttl cake ul and isicli :.eke -tra -fiefrbkk-tirar till cut tDgtonianxt thar wasn't nr win'e, but th cake wrat bad to 'take if at sr!f Hciiil3 o'clock the cum psnyv begun to cut out dome au ot .'crn ist as tber as when they comi 1 lud lo aluke handsfwuh I in uh u lia n rf a K' Uf 1 1 Ik ). em all -faoli- tell era nil good night. 4,Good -nil. rooio Mary," es Pele good nitc, Mot, see he 41 spoe vou int gwine bark to town to nile he bust ute out 10 a big laugh, be went. - : I V and then apd awav Tbai?s j-st tho way with ; Pete, he' a g-od feller onough, bu; he ami got no bet ter sense, v. - - Mi' ' . j j : Mary set she' sorry she couldn't fend -yon po more rRt,. uut ftlri Hintgomert iooie uig' woDiuti'i half :ahre rappejf for f,oo Dou'i forget to put ouri marriage in ihe a.er. ,Nj mote from Viur friend till iieih f JOS. (JONES. Power of sectional Interest. 'Vbe fiIIaviog tahle, sbmving the relative strength of tmee ditf ft-r-nt stcttoos of oar unin in Con gr dap, may ;Je ialprosrinr al this nartlcalar iunctorb S . " M jVvriheastera tales. t Maine. - :. ' . 2- Nw flacnphre. . . fw vp , - 5 Rhode LiaoJ, 6 Conniutieiit :v 7 Nhw York, H PeiiiiSf Ivaoia, v 9 New Jersey, Western Free Slads i Oitiu, '2 Indiana, 3 llbnoi-i, ! 4 Michigan, Southern and Western kface 7afaa r t' Drlaear., . 2 Urjland. W S Virtjinia, ;K7 4 Nurtb Cir..lMaJ t 5 biialh CaruS.'iti, 6 Goorqia, T Alahii'na, 8 Mississippi, S LoUHMfii, 10 Teonesee, 11 Kflnjky. 2 MiksOtiiii Id AtkaoiiS, TuIjI, These, tablt-s show that tbeiiepresnitati tbe sla vt huli!in states ar in a rninurii ? iri ( ilfs -thai ihe WvfUfrti' and vjooil.frn S it'.iipti can cmiirul the Nurth anil the' K-, cunsilrao!e -msj-uity that jtho V esirrji 1 . plates ar dpHQteni upuniihtj Mi:tii'hr "V I or ri it ; smt to u'ci , thai; M; im tli-tTi Jet lie -ti t-a'h i! . .aiid C'f jluii? -.Kodisf'tiu- - ' I t fTtct uothins G imliiugiu Washington City .The Wash pondenrof the United States'Ga- ! zi! Kamoimg nouses are more 00- llirjl t"i 1 wr- wj t aa a iuv uj. Pvpvrio taut eie aj aa a r'tird ..a t'Ven iti the very face of the police. tic.H go a singular act of generosity was perftirrn-n hy u keeper of a boose of U bis descrip tin. Thi cotfeelmg clerk of a New York boose diopp-d in, and was dped out of ai considerable aojouai -t his -Oij'lvyt'i ui iii . J He burst; into teats, and dn-Ime i thai Oh -ash a runted man. CB it was'oot ot Ins -wei to oke jij- tiie loss ; Tne ''-proprietor, 'ith a leeliOi? wor'hy ola bet ter occupation, produced Uib'e and said' to the sinrrihed elerk. "it you will afear to gamble no more as long as fuu live. 1 will ret urn -yuo rour rhoriey." It is netMes lujsay, the tl. was t ikn, and iIih latber uf a large family re? coed fiuai a suicide' grave.; -! ; - j " !' AN EXPLOIi The Baltimore Sun stales that quite; a iirf atartling event took place in a private" par: ty in tuwu on Chriotma? t, that isif an Ibing co Re called atartling now-a'ditya. A gentleman visiting some irifnas, anu ce;. siring r -.fTird them some amuaemenlin he torpedo line, euppjied tiimeelfl withtajboot i pound, and put them into ins coat pocget. On entering his Inend'a house, he ttastpo. tilelv requested to tike a chair, and jdid ao very thoughtless of the consequence, lor Do aoooer was he aeated than on erlbsion tooki place not unlike a Cbttys pistol,; wilb taiiaiioBs, oringing the jenjlemaa t n erect iiosittbn with. ibe effect of i galvanic battery, and- proalrattog two or three ladies half faiotins onon thetljor.! Upon ioapect- ins damages, it waa fonnd thst the eoat-tail and pantaloons baa ootn suxKrea,, j Tbe piopoTtion between "itje deaths ot women and tbat of men, la aaone uneaten a our hub Ar.A nJ wht. 4 The Drobabte duratioa of fe male liveoir simty; tnit-afiW hat petiud the .itif.unn ia mora lavorabla to them tbara men. nn kkti of those wbo ate boro. die I before LOore old men are io e aoeoa on oik nw' .itKm in va!lrand olalas. -fr v'!T lothecouotry tbe apribg'U the m(laUlpeI irmneat-ciiiesVHtitflh8- 1 i Jt O i . :k i 5 i ! ! - . i ; 4 ' ! '. i . -?;S4 . : I . J ot' :T- S - ! -viii 0 Ml : I r iu . . . i --m - -j ; .ii'- I i! ; ' i 1 ' . I; in i ui I i " f 10 r-i i - I .v ' fw A .r" "4; i i ' ' - -; ! 1 ;. -K-U-. mi I j ' . ( k "S,3-. . . : 5 4p - It : Lvii- h l i - ' - irZ2 1. flAOTO BOH TUB VTI.T Li ' : ' . f 7T7B bae now in, the twirwof prep-, SKIilKS OK TRACTS, by the pop Uar author of be . Ox.tT& OtnicHOoi. let- . I 1 ' i ' ' ' k T a - ... ? a I Cfaijnea lor rtreuiauoaiauuMig iDa pcopie fiber Vill t bet cotorjwteyf jom ptblie Mocamen ts nihly. or oftener, !if necessary. Kach tract jnflteontaiti etgbt pujes octavo, and will be pub- li riea at the toiiowin ausi in a aiogie oraer : 5 ' a.. I. .. - A U;i;vt: ,S U J n : A t no . H A. ui imq ukv - ' s .3e"v Kr fir e;Nndedi;f I f "f : 4 50 t Fr one ibosand ; !' ! " :9 00 frk-.Fw.fie-ituoiaaiidi'i'Ii-'- r f 3i 00 in,l at tliat rm iu lirapr numW t:L' !:i:-v .1. . .. .n;n i f HR R Y CiAYi by " OLirfiR OldichooV. ti4 nrsrihr ine 'errer wiir w ais Uldsciiool. next.instant. ' (: i " ' .:';-. i , , .; jOrders, enif losing tbej money, of fjoma known responsible soorce addressed io tbe dnderaisoed, pujbiisera if tU Whig Stuodard eorner of Penn sylvania avenue aod 10ib 8treiriV ashing ton, will be1 punciualli attendedjo. I '- i - .-I- j JNO. T. TOWERS. 7 j WEEKLY EDI SON 0 ' t;C5 In answer to the freqaent inquiries for fiiis fVeelsly edition of Ike Whig Standard, we state that it'-publliati6at;'witl Iwleoaaaenced. on ihe.tlifii Saiorday in Jaoutry next I inst., AT ONE DOLL A R PER: ANNUM , in advance, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of PUas and Quartet Session -YotttOT James Cook," . Henry F. Wilsoir 'Orisioal Attachment. B T a ppea rcg to the satisfaction ofrth Court, JL thai the defendant, the said HeOrv F. Wil Actn.is a nonLrifiident uf Ihia Riain i It i7inlpr C ratio Wjiiphmao, ImJ x successi vowceas, noilfyfng1' the said defendaot to appear at the rjrxt ttiiri of oar Court 16 be held fur the county -.t D ivi, at the Court House itj Mucksviile on the 4;bJ mohfiay! of Febroiry eexti ihen and bre plad&n8wer orKdemqr or judgment pro coniesso wm oe enterea Hffainsi turn, m ; 5 f . 1 AVitnes. John Clement, clerk of our said Court at Umce,!tbe 4tb raonday of November, 1843 1 JOUN CLEMENT, Clk 624-Pkinter ftel5 50 state peovttieatbicu Courf of Fleas aiid,ua(er:Swions,Jovcr WilUamferuntjl 5 f CI "i "Or 2f nil fA tacbinent. Willi'im Luon. j FT appearing to'tbe satisfaction of ; the Court, that the Delrndant, the said. William Loud,,! nut ao inhabitant ot this Slate : It is ordered y he Ctiort tbat;' publiciicr Ha made - in thf 1-atwlina. Waichraan, for six successive wwCk'V Jititving the said defendant tbf appear: at the f ' x term Cf our Court to be held fur ibe connty ' Divie at th Coo'tHouse io Mocksviile, on 1 h 41U inondajii of Febroary fnexi;,1 then arid Hie dfad;i answer or demur, or j'idgaient pre nssu'wiU be''fiOtjie against iiin. l&f4': ' V Vinss, Jhn Ciemeot, clerk of our said Conn Office, tbe'4iblmonday of November, 1843. JOHN CLEMENT, C!k. j 24 Printers fJ?'$5 50 f tatc of 23Ldnn Carolina, :' .1 't UAVTiEqUN IY. 1 I I 1A EQWTV. ! 4 . Jabri Me"R.rte, :-'f'f"i '"' ' 1 vs. ; VBill :fur loj'inction. Wm. Lonn, and lbvbt.3 - - j IN this ease; it appearing by affidavit nf idain tiff. thai Wii!.m Lorjn, one of fhe Defend ants ia (hta- Dilt,f ts not j an ihhabnant of this State: Ncjtice rbejrefqre given, to the said William Luna, lb appear al the next Court of Eq'iKyf to be helti-fur ibe wonty of Davi, at the Coart-Hue in Mocksviile, on the 4th rn on day after tha 4th monlay in February next, and l. . '- :'i . i r ii pieaJ, aniwer or uetour o coroptam ar.is uui, or I ha same viil b taken ' pro confesso. and ix 'Uaose set tax htarngiexpaite, as to him - v-V4tnetHSL. pipghami cleik and master in Kouiiv f(r said connty. at UBice.iStir Uecem ioi, ii ;niKriul .... 4wS4PrintM f OO'l FBMiiiliB t SCHOOL, IN HILLSBOROUGH. L ; --V ' !' l- J." ! J k.i r. a u w n.- dav. ihjth of Janaart oexM--'.-V.!5 ' v 'IT vr 1 I'ERMS-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. --...MfV.'J J:.-': I 'V;Ti- V i- - I j' Board ner sesstoo. ra:'U-t;;.r: v!"!' 50 ,00 ritlon in UiHtreGl classes, 12, fid, 11 (duj V - Use of Piano, "ft; 25 OOjj Instruction In French i Drawing arid Panting, and Latin, at ihe usual priceau f. . r VVe can acwmmodiie several yoong ladies in oar own family. ! Board can also be obtained in respectable families io tbe yillag. An early application is desired, Address llvt ', R. Bur- waIL Hillsborottgli. Di. U. r Jaocarrfi. I844.i i ' 4W23 . r r .. ,i; : E. WATERMA1N, eommt&toii iaetcUan t, uj;:; tji;Gpi6RUErowN.s. o. r iTt ONTlN fJ ES I lb j receive end forward all V Goods, VVaresI arid Mercbanjdixa commit ted to his care, and will make liberal ad ranee meats bal all produce (Ldged bitk: bim for ship ment North or South, l A f i -"" Jailert844.'i?i.1, ;' fl 25tf : ! W EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS f i! ,fft;. Oct. If42 tfI4 lilt StreugthehiiV Plasters ! V; f TpflESE Plasters; gieatly improved, asd ha, JL viog the preference, of all others, are jwarm ly recootmonded by all doctors ai invaluabla for invalid having paios io the Breast, ttack or aide. Weakness aod Lameoeso are Relieved at once by tbelr "ose and the; pans resumed lo airength aod a riatnral warmth aod bJaaftbVAa'y person w&aiir or ooe of these Pheiers, wD) be as tonished and delighted attbecomfuri it affords: Those threatened with Lung Corcplaints'should never trust thenasalvea a day without weiring a Plaster. It rerao'vea the irritation bf iocipieot Coosamption from tbe Lung lo tbe j surface :of the bod V. and draws b5T tbe intefnaT'afrecifoa-. Ill: n, :n ' ... t. j t I an vyniioren? wiin v oooping vougn anouu always have one, to prerenti the coo; h settling fori tbe lunss. Their excellence will be odderstood by all on trial. $CJ For aa!e by C B Wheeler, SalichnV r2pAnekrn kv 1 St R' Slnan Hilt.- boro by D Heartt; Ixingtoo, J !P Sdabry , Raleigh, Dr SUtb. . march 4, 1 845-1 jS2 NEW IFASHIONS j 2 foa THE V Spring ana Summer pf f:; 1842. THOMAS ICKOK RESPECTFULLY informs his fneoda aDd pablic, that he still carries on lha j TAlXOMHa BXTGI17ES3 -i - 0 all its various brioches, two doors aboye J. Si W. Murphy's siore, where be ia ready o -execute all orders of hia customers iofa style aod manner not surpassed by any in this part of tbe country. He is also in t he regular receipt of the ' - ' NEW-YOBK FASniON8,f ' and prepared to accommodate tbe tastes of tbe Fashionable at all times. I ? ! ; -AprilJSMsXlyS -' ...;--t , . .it 7 DOMESTICS. THii SJILISB tJR Y MjtJVUFJl C T17JK- HAVE still fortber reduced tbe PRICES of tbeir MANUFACTURES iojjcoqse qoeoce of tbe cootinued depression of boainesa luiuuguvui iut cuumry a, nej are maoQiactor 102 . s - 1 T ..j. . - L.r. - f-l.-- ' .Wr r ' s - -ri . y "?79 -vm "I' do: J7ie Pablic are assured tbat their gJs are of tke best qoalny and can be purchased on terms as favoTaHe, a4theyf can be procured at any other establish tneoi. " h -J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Salisbury, May) 20, 1843 tf4SS J - " j - t ' ti JVcgroes tor sale. -f -i J-.-. I : j JWill sell at the Court-House io Salisbury on the 5:b da v of February ext, (): being Tues Jsy f ihe County Court,) two valuable JVE- GliO MEJV, bloogiog to the Estate Jof Abel n..-. aia ii v 1 rnVaN I - Jarioary IS, t84 tf24 if-1 s PHIOES. OXTZIZISZTT AT SalisbOrt, Janoary27. .. Calls. 13 a con, 6 a 7 a r .Cents. Cotton IY am; 85 Brandy, ap. daSOrMoIassea, 85 a 40 peach, 40 a 45 Nails, .'live 5 a 20 Bntlt r, 10 ai Oats, j . Pork, I Sugar, Ibr. loaf, Beeswax, 20 a 22 I $3 8 a 10 15a IS Cotton, cloan 5 a 6 Cofiee, 8a II Corn, 35 40 Feathers, 18 U 20 Flour, S4el:G Flaxseed, 50, a 62 iron, per lb. 3a4 Linseed Oil, pf.: gal 00 $1 Salt; sack, 2 75 $3 Tallovf 6 Tobacco, I 8. a 20 Tow-liiaett,!l2a 16 Wheat!, bush 75 Whiskey, 25 a 30 WooLfcleahV 25 F ayi!tteyimb ) Jaiw 17, J Apple 80 53 Nails! cut. i 5 a 3 tfacun. di a 7 2a a 27 j m Suaarbrown, 8 a 10 Lump. f 12 Bieswax, UutTee, Loaf; ! 14 15 Cotton, 91 a 9 Salt. 60 8 60 Gotioo bag'ng, 16 a 20 Sack, ! $2 Corn. ! 40 a 50 Tobacco leaf 2 a S Candle, F;F 11 12 Cottoo yarns r ot Flaxseed 1 a 1 20 Bale rope, 8 a 10 Wheat new T5a80 Whisker f 28 a SO Flour Feathers H Mi 20j a 25 41 a 5 I roc, 1 iWouli 11 a 121 CmcbUw Jan. 2, 1343, Beef 5 J IMaiUicut assor 0a8 Bacon: a J wrought: 1G a IS Butter 12 a 15 ; Oats bushel a 30 , w Beeswax 231 a 25 Oil gal. 75 a 80 Baggtngyd 20ai2 Bale rope lb 10a 1 1 Cofiee lb II s I2f Cotton v f a 8f Corn uush 40 50 Flour bil $t a 4$ Feathers 25 a 30 ;lamp $125 linseed I 10 a 1 25 jPorli JlOOlhi 5 a i Ricej lOOIbs 4a 5 Sugar lb ; 8 a fO )Salt!sackl;i2225 jhash-50, 60 Steel Amcr. 10 a 00 Iron ICOlbs Lard ? v Enlisui ; 14 Molasses 35 S7 1 German P 12 a" 14 TaHosr 7fff fit iTek iwtjSl Ji37 .f JUachlne Spread Tie "AVatchmah' xaaj berexfier be had 'or turo Coders in advanrr. n.i rr..w j ; ceuis at tbe end of tbe year. - u sucsnruon will ta received for a less time than one ycar,ordcss paij fcr to advance, : No paper discontinued. (but at. the optica o the EditorJ until all arrearages are paid. - ; J 3 3- ' , ; "' terms; or ADVEniisWo;' ; j - ! t 1 One dollar per square for tbe first icaertioo aod I ;vreaty.fitecents for each coottDEtnee.; 1 i ; r Ceart notices will fcc.cbargtd 5 per cl. bnU-1 T er the above rates.' . r j.- A dcdeciioa of S3i per cent -will be njado to f I :tu who advertise by tfie jeirV - i 1 Ail .adTertlsepenta will be; eontineed utLtil L J' tojbid aod charged for accordingly, eoless ofder K ; ed far a cartaio camber of lime - - ' , . ;- j i 1X3 Letters. d dressed taibe Editor tccst? I comeposi pat a to etorr atteriv n' - t) tl i, ! 1 L .-mi no! tfepcrurea ui Ihe MJiLS. a ?cjirft in. , 1 NPUTHERN. arrive SwjiaT's. Toelda?aI rid -Ftiday-; at 6 A M Leasts Muoday'j:.-.lr;t:''" Thortdaf 'ndiSatordayVi at.7Via. ' 4it j I I ) jjjui" f licuii aiiiTca eftry azenoay, a nqr8 f day aodliaioriay at 6 iitmA leaves evert I daypanAaicrriay & Ca! fVaye a every. cfti-i : : $ i daysI;oes-'3y ari at 7 a ra. :...!::f jiv f MORG ANTON ani'ves ' evert tl no:jivev-ci SLA ru. . j.;-.'; - r4.ji.in - ill 1 CH ER a W..arrtvei7very fTtJf sday 7?m ra:rt day and Saturday at 5 n mJ v Leave eTeryi t Aionoay. wedoeaday and f rid ay at.a ra. -rv, . HTTNXSVITil.K fhntem wn afriM tur at 7 p ml Leaves every Saiuidav at 0 i i te I FAYETTEVILLE. (horse mail) arrives itrl ery Wedneadav aod tiatuiday at 5 p m. Leaten; everyi Monday and Thursday at 6 aro.,-ylffi?. Tc I ti 17ttsli?fss M'ublic ! It! B002S! C I f OR at ikiR OKfTii R fc."a' h riviia splendid sopplv oTBlank biy Bwdis3Lcgll:f; boood in plain and elegant style AlAtf ra. wiin ina aibbani ofiro.M a s zyf. ai u fi oraodum, writing ana .vtpoiu besl;oani;. r- -. acm x. ihi? ti . j I i -i :. . i . -. i .- .- ! r.- --.'... ! iTTAEStT ASD C0t0ZrSELI.OR aT.-J-w:. &&L18BUHY,JYC; Salsibory. Ja.! 7,1843 ;!f!4, "yi 4Ur -r-.- AIT work none bt him will .. .' T r-- asaor imri f ; If Je w el let y r ! i- ri? 5 Old Gold! and Silver takerjC in' exchaiififfli jewellery or yoix none.- ' - 'f;- Salisbury,. liarch 1 2t 1 842.-tl3? t W OKI s : w jtj?? I j I SiartiUiff Fttctt 1' rfondreds of children and adults a! w. it ;ctr?-.fi warir-i ntvii aorftff fttaat aonoosed to be the troeoe. . - - .: '..':! t;.i I It is admitted by all doc ton tbat carr s cati'l woman or child lexjsie butrwbat are v.uirN i fa ter' troubled w i t h worms; a n d t n t p'o r'fe! j( j cases, sad -i4 relate," a' svppgsed hr-t. i arlai iiiW ir,r uiu, vi viUD v.vn BIllHjJ V.llll, WU IMC UUHlll, of tbe boman family--while io truth they die of Worms I arid ibesfrcoold have been eradicated in a day, by the use of a bottle of Kolmtlock'M -j remiTueJ at tbe coal of a quarter ol a dollar fj 1 How sickeniog the Iboogbt tbat these hingn ' shsuld beand wbo can er forgive th- selvia' T J, for cot IffrCtbis Worm, Exterminator:' htt lheyir7iow 4bat!ev1o-tii waa nr i wornwi thtf remedy could eoiby ty possrrm wo.nurr, but always good as a nurgatrve let the 1 dft ease be; what it, may , How . important bn io oste it. aod who will dare ake the resiMUfib li'v todowtbout it ? Let every pareoi that is, not a brute, ask Ubemsdvestbie quest ion io troth, arid soberness. V f-.. - i -S-r3 M 1 jpllrC lingold had a child very sirKjoi: near . I wo weeks, and attended by o prtystclar,' wiithoot.relipr, when KoiroaloeK'h.Vermrtogt was given, and riexi day more tbao forty worms wt re passeo wnen toe cnuo recover rapioty i pfi i A child qf a, widow woman, living nar:be Maohajttab ! Water ..Works, bad dwindled. forHa mnotbvjtill heal s skeleton, with sreat dryness of the rmoQih, and itching of the bosp. A bo. mane lady, who called to provide for i be family, aeot itn'coeajiattly. for; Kotmstock,a i Vermi.togs, which broogbtia way great quantities o worms for t we or three days, and thV child grew better at once, anil regaioed its foil strength in leas than a moaib.i . , -fY " .i mti-? Several cbildreo in a hlobly respectable fam- Ir in Broadway bad worms to a frightful extent. anJ were an corea rapioiy wun mis veimnuge. 1 i i i, ' t t.t a.' :f ' frir? 10 some lor tne oesi laniues iodine neignoor bood of.fctj Jobo'o "ark, it has been exteoaiireli ssed, from 'tbe circamstaoce of bavirg eradica ted a tsrgefi qusntity of worms after all other rameoies nso laiico, wdicu avvcij iuai,ian ly known o that part of.ihediy.'vrf.vvitiIjtp fl A familv iri New Jersev saved Several childlea-. 1 ge, had heeomxca5Cf ; the Vermifuge; was given. 1 be ot-st dey 'hrif large worms were.dilodgdt ar.d:hcji.t ff:fcti l - :!,. '. , Vermifuge; w ben she bcaoVe again wor-aj bad resort lo the Vermifuje that tloaliy Pfovgivj awavian incredible quantity; bf wom, arid; thar & ii cure, was compiete, sod - saw gained cer tiatttjit .'.Ul. i'i ii -i - . t.'rjfe'.l. tlili.-Wi i: A Physician of standing. Lad doctored a'iim.i-: ly of children aom weeks, without being aolete ; restore bo: one out of the seveoao healirv l Hal 1 bad the liberaUty o aeod; for KolcQStucVa Vet4! i mtfogs,and eared tbe test wilb it io less ihto a I. r f . ivmerooa easea ot ototr complaints were3p? h ii ; nosed to exist, aod the per soon .treated fct fevr. Vi &c.,but finally a trial Of this Veroiluge diecer?; ! ered tbe true cause of the sickness, by brictesi ',! away almost an Innamerable qnaoiiiy of tveras, i Urge, and ;small, and tbe persons recovered -nnh great despatch; IcstsrK:es of this kind f.;ibli cited toati immense extent, but it ia ost'tts, ttsa) trial for 25 cents wttl show aoy one wuh RSto lib cent the certain eSecta oT this Vern;(tel! Ccsf ictt Never boy this article unless it hava! Hi r- tr. i.,.. ar.. :.r..i t...f,i. : graved w$ the ontstde label, acd tbe ac standi, J' of Cemaibck & Co. . 1 s if! JffJUJf v u v nceicT, oaitaouiy i a u. ; x. ; ian.Geecsboro'; tTHeartt. Hill&cto4 Mabry, Lexirton ; Dr Stith, Ralerb. n I-f J' U I H-4 '1 t If- " -til j3-. - L ' f r -ft...- X, ilii- I'i1 - f 1 ;tt:r: .(,--( -i?l a- 'If A i -r :u !: If f l-'i 111 HI v -i,; '-":-"' I - :if i' 1 !: r k !r t: 2r I" ! 1 : N r ills? !;-- i i - 5H f ! si-tm-;.f-ii .... !i Afjst , x-m-i 111 'It . ; ;'7t?a ; -