:.iiM..llUV.ll. il . : " . ' i - , ; t ( - ' I- i . - J . I s ' i 1 w . - i, !:; til 4 I t : Ii Vti- if-.1-1 11- ! i , -'.s f 1 s 4if 1 I' 4i. : ft lipi , i id r -v- 'I"'- 'it,i i l i . -:i-7 7, t f I "i'-l ; f '.i i 'JLE- :B ij j! 41 -1 : iJ - - ii i - - -- 1 1 MMrfBMMiBMHMHBMHHHMMBHWHBnMsiniBHHHalMBManaHMK - Sk.: - .: , i i . . -f ! i J : P'-. .' , , , . .: ... T- ...- 3 . T! T .... " 1 '.' " ! - ' aif ;w?fo$ Jo advance andjttco dblUtfs and p-it:5i(Jj6UHb' end f the taar. - i A r l"f tb-lte: ufte!rlt'ote8s paid for ja advance.? Li - KililorJ -iiatil all arrearages are paid. - iX- 1 1 TEKMS OF ADVKUTI5I5G. f j I j boediillM rer sqoarefor lbe first insenioni id j$fc$-'(ir4fcftt)9 for eaeb continoance.. J -. ltJOtib 9c4re will be charged 25 per cfJhijjh r ihan thd above rates' ' ,'. I't- jn - ; r nuauMstiiuiiuii hmi uoietentu iui aiessume i., i , v- 1 ill ii i .- - r-:si iiriiL in - ill n iin n ' . i is vi v it ijj siii -i if i: i ii i r, i i 111 i: a i -m of S3, pT'cenl willTje raadeV j ,;:'Sl?8e ;wbb' iiJ4ertise bvnho year, v Jc r4 ! . 1 ';Wi"'i'BI?,1 villfbe eontmnc4raniii 1 IforbW and Charjed for accordtnzly; unltWorder- fter j'iuresseu -to me ii.aiior, roqsi i fciMHejpwf ofa lQ eaaore. altentimr;: eptf litres of the MAILS, j rom tialtiburij. arrived every Moriifav.TbftiB- 't .... .; I . .... . w : " lart(Jyi ratiUf ana i' rKUy, ai 7 a m. 'i--.fi -fj .tlH;UyTit!N- arrives everjX Moodat, aajttatviortlay ai C'a raf leaves evjer$;bcft- aj T4fdij tnd Fndav at 7 a ml ffe ORa NlIO V an i ves e ver Kl onda i day and ilifrborkdiylaltllO: m li :WnfW!dav;at 7 ?. ifUPO .l Vt-r . ...... m. -, leaves every- oongay a m. - ' V 'oes H UNTSTILLK; (horse -mail) arrives everj Fridav at 7id a: : Leaves every Saiuidav it V FAYEpEVILLR. (horse mail) arrives v Vf NVeine4a! and Saturday at 5 iro., Leaves every 'iPnM3,yi any nursaay at o a m. "tTT Pit! ft- ,nl... 7.B1AKES this met tf. i.e t: -a - . inforrains his frtendsv -arfd ibf public that he is still carrying on the Watch and Clock inaliing. and He- pairjny busiripssat liis old standi near he Coorthcas- All!lpriyifie iiini will be - warranted fifor ,tif e ion!. HHe still keeps on hand a soria ?'Aisoir"aeja'lj jj Jewelferi ' ;V:.:: !r i Pili.)Gbld llild.'-SilT'er; talcetx w exchange jjfor !t j 'fa irf liiffir I Faclt. .I'tJtondre rhitdrrn aod adults are lost jfear-- iy.h yornjis:, wfaerr some other eaose hai;be 1 K-liSfl'- it i l 3-J ill -J 11. .1 i-i " " ' . ? . A ill-'-i i L(,is lumiuiiu Dv. au ociot? inai scarce.a man. $vf pfioiari or feil extais bur what are sooner! illilr; iroobtdij' with ; worms, ahd.Jn hondreda or of j'Caaad jtIae, a svpposed .fever, scarlajrJna, 7ettd br somd.uither ailiny carries off the' floWera 4$lli&9fMffl fjaroily whilr jn iruh they di4 of om.s-ir"ib(p8'coold" have beri eradicaiifd jQ,adayjbyJb1e oss o( a battle i ivbinaiwtV i jdiirl80oflr hejhoagb t. t;ai bo tilings iffnoaid W-U-andi wha can everrorgtve'trTiio9e1lirs for ojil try.ing;Uhis Vonn Exterminator, heo' -eftoi-ira everijir ihe case was hot tvoTrns. dilifftroeiyllioUld tm by any possibility do Mirt always god.as a. pargatrte let tbe idi be bjarjii may. flow .important : then -.te' :jfl'iiM.wtU;dard lake ihe i .responsibility d wuniiut-.iE L,et eery parent inai is not I broto, asl thoos solves ibis question tntruth and subrne,. itO had; a child .very -sick lot reels, and all ended by o. physician, eai ;twrjl wjihoot re ief When Kdm&tocki Vermifoge.was LavI ilt mra ikon frtvlv wurma sVttra passfrd, V?httVho child, lecoverd rapidly. t ll Alcbifd bfsal widow -woman, litring' neari the VafibaUiri Vater; Works, bad dwindled fori a Wililtiil'i.; a skeloton , with".. great . dryness Bf riimriniyanditchinz ofUbe nose. .. A-Jio- : fcriiarei ladyjiprjo called to provide for thfaniiiy infnioedwtfly for Kolmstocfcs ermit)ige I Hftth brouihtJ away great uantiles of! wfrms ;:.fgr.;.twoi-o three days, and the child grew ; better I raolce, anliSegained ita loll strength; iniltes f Mll everal cbildrfh tn rhighly respectable fatb-; Broadway, had worms to a frightfol extent, l!rj4jwerij jfcjared rapidiy with this yermifoe : tf Ja ra b h a f a p i lies to '-the neiglr-H t, Jboilof "..SO joiin's (ark, it has been extensively seefj from life; circumstance of liaviogeradlca-i ; 'ted a ITgetfqtiantity of worms; after another v 'fy known in that part of the city. I4fa: A family in New Jersey saved several.ehildren i iOyiwJOsejpifiu.; une.a gi oi eigni yearstoi age, had becbdae exceed i ngl y emaeu ted' before lUffreaifiig wis given. The next day three ltjj? iWormpTVere disIodged, and she let) iofXjtjje 'i&ty&&WQSi MHeo she became again wbrse.flajidi Kh4dresurt tpsjb Veroiifogo that finally; brugibt; , mhi au tiviiui uuiuiiii wi "viuiuu tun sr.'JLJi r "-l-'t : ' S ; . . . I ' l . . ;! s coro; was complete, aod .she. gained herl heabb ,1 i P01 Physician! of atandingj had doctored a fa nih! Jylfbf bhilreriiiaome weeks; withoal being aoleit- f I jtmpm but joftei ont of the seven to health ' liad'tn liberality o seno tor KoimsiocK's ve f !agW(l !cbred the rest with it io less tbaijii 'week; i,uu)eioas;t:ase9 oi oui cuiiiinamis ntr ull ! posed to exiataod the pervons treated for fnyerj lllVfiotterially a trial.of thijt Vermlfojrlicoy eT4 the 18038 of; the sickoess,' bybrintig jaaalrnoi an innumerable qiiantjt y"oi' winjls I jUirge aod atinlil, and the persons recovered 'iiijflt$ypifY-, . . I oat a h la kind migli :cifed 1q an limmense extent, but it Is oseless one -'...Ul ..i'As'.i-.'i.- .u i. . ! if.. ; iui i.pirvs will iuuw uj uur- niui rstuii": f psttjMnV ihitf certain effects of this Vermrl.tge.! I IpmriMftjeve'r bay thla'arlieTa dnlefsait have; 1 iVillr Kolmstoc'k's Vermifuge' handsomely feo-i i i A i-ili-i . L i i. i ! i'l i.i. .i-.t..-:rt :l ! graved on tbejoutside labti, and theyfae simtte . I nf aUornstock 1 Co.- - 7'. -; . i.. : r; " : 1 1 -1 -A a S1.n. CreeofWo ; D I leaf t iJIillaboru J I' oinorv, asipgion j or Piling uaieign,' 17; . IStm PJLES--The pTree of this celebrated; If Liaiqteni ia refoa def to aoy person' who ose bottle of flays LtoimeOt fur the Piles' retorri lthe empty bottle wftbouteing cured. e03Te ooen :n terms 00 woicn lots meiiit has been sold lor nearlv ten vears o.ti s s ; . s i-r . , j j . . I arM; not brie: buttU oot off one hundred haa eer If: 1 J iiSkei a!nd. ;C8 Wheeler. Salisbury ft it R an;Wefrjb.r,ii Hillsborayp llearttr Lex-5 ftfiol f M abry $ Ka leigb.r S Ditlh i;mntnt&iii it 6 'A. M Leaves londayfs. I fr$kitA mi. (Whit K t'ii nliv'i;. st 7 tiL - h .. fvhri'-; Iflf raie! -4ii'j$431yS2 ' v a : I 1. . - I yy-r f t I ' 1 I ill. Ill I I I f 1 I I " I I I ' I I I I I I T I K ' -! " ' I I I 11 T --1 I I - I 1 I i . I . II,- I I ; I I I i I I - - I I I I'll tBRUNER 1 JAMES EDITORS AKD PBOPBIETORS- j 1 nit ; - ' if ' Sirenffthenincr I riasters; i iflEbETIaatersg really improved; and ha W vnS tbeprefcrerwre ofalfpifcers, are warm yljlrjfcomtoended bj. all doeiorS as inraloabffur rivali having iiains- in the DreaattUaefe. tor tid& iVVeaknes.sirndX.ameneiss are relieved at 0K6 and (he arts restored, to rphgili and a natbral Tvarmth;and I beaJibi:Any person vreaiinff lone of tbese riasters, will be as- funished'aod delighted a, tbe comfort ii aflhtrds. tThuse threatened with Long Cwr plaints aboald bf Vf rstruVthemseves day Whhoot weaiinr Hater;" rit'removes the irrhatlno of incipient Coniinaiplion frornlthe-Lohg' tn lbe,-eorfaee'ot the body, and draws off the internal affection Sri in .Liver Cornpraintg, and Coogh. and coids Children with Whooping Cougli should always hafl 4e, to' prevent tbe cough setiltng on the tMogsl; Theirexeellenee will onderstoodlbj all on!ti(a;; fCTiFor sale bylG" B Wheeler, Salilbbry ; Greensporo. by J & R Sloan; .frills bjirol, by . D H ear Mi Lexing ton ;.JP M abr RaUigb. Dr Stith march 4, : IS4S lyS2 NEW FASHIONS r TOR .THE .. Spring and Summer of M mjo Ha A s b I ct riso n - TajESPECTFUjLLnu o iluJ public, that hOttU carrifsion thV ; - - i I I TAILOnilTG BUSINESS o all its ions brai:besV two dif above J & W. Morpbys 8orfe, where'be is ready to exe CotelaH orders of htsreastorhers; in a style and manner not so r passed by any in this part of the couotr. Uois also In ifio 're2n!arir:eptof the 15IH-S ' NEW-YORK FASHIONS, - and itrenared )o accommodate lit 'taste , of tb Fathmnablo t ! limes. 1,A6ril 151843-4113 YARNS THE SALISBURY MJiJWFACTUtl- ! BlifJlAVE still farther redoeed the PRICES, of jOtbeir MANUFACTURES, in - conse quence of tbe cuntioaed depression of b$ii.n thiougbout the country Theyare manofactor- ill: ri-;:. 1 "';'" - :. do. & xj ,7 - l T7rc Public ar&assnrtil ihat their Ifooris ar of the beat qtialuy. aod can b purchased on terms as favorable, as Ihey cun b procured at any other establish merit, v 'f f I : J. RHODES B RO WiN E, Agents jSafisbogRlay 20. 1843 tf43 7 1 17 ij I 1 -, .., .... - !,( "j- JYegr4Cs tor sale. . I Wijl 8etl at the Coort Hooe in Sali4ory 00 Ibe day of FebroaJy r.exi,(i: being To' day 'oif jthe County Coort, ) two Valoable JV?- GRQ yJEJ, bf tanging to tb Estate uf Abef Cowan-dee'd. JAS. L. COWAN.ExY. . ' ii T. i Lu 1 a o a 1M1 .-. i ' t . - ij i; n " -7 - : . -: . 7 : yfMff&': Bogs! llad pegs! : IHB Subscriber, respecifolly informs. h ID 'friends and lb? public that h sif cuntio nes ituicarry on the Cabinet Business,-in Salis- fob Main street a tew d(jrs Smb vS 3. vMc foteli jiA(orpby's store, and just opposite the Rowan wbere he may always be fuond atiendir.tr cltjsly to bosiness. j "17 - !peh!aa on hand a large assqrtnoeot of work, which; was made op by Ct&iwrJ Vmkmen, and nut jjbyj jconstables or wheel -and llel wrights. ffe basjin his employment the best of workroer-, arid kep3 the best materials ihe cbontry atfird; arid he intends to keep a full assortment of soch work asi will suit th crontrv, oh as Bureaus, Sidt Boards,. Secretaries, Cvp board. Tables, Can)dl slandsirfiVash stands t Bedsteads, fVind sctr Chw. 4-c ffccV-' '.-; ' - " jfAlnfiat assortment of C'lQUis will also bo kept on baud, arraoged frond 20 iocbes 10 tbe largest M :iU ' ' 7 ' 7t-:7T--?"7 !;'A1I rOl lhe above shall be made tn the best sty le, and the charges shall bit as totv iir I.wfr -tbaa attiany. other shop of thekind in tbis place. una m oiste-s- ' - . - . - . .. . -. . y . ATI ; kinds of coontry prrxfoce and lumber will bpk(tf 111 exchange for 'work.'; :V?-'J II ; p, - DAVID WATSON. . IB.' All persons haying acconots l twetvo i ai6rthsistanding must call and settle them by burg or ptnert$e.. ; ;? u- v. Sllisbory, Jan. 20, 1844. j. -:t 25tf - bit Suiilh. Shop Wotice Nr.K..;-f - . . ...... J niHE Subscriber basing purchased The Smith j JO Shop, formerly oecupied by Mr,William- South oj Murphy lore"anck East of J. ji 1 : ; I j-.r 'JUJjotsans 1 arern, . . , willi keiep steady, cood and atteotivo hands sl- wafa ready ta execute wot k la good siyle,ud otoo the shortest ounce ; - - - .iNHr ff 7 v i,-7'v 47 7-, j;'SJ-JOHNSTON.7i 7 pilubory; Jan. 1844;;; v 4 10mW ; EpETABLEt UNIVERSAL. PILLS . i for sale at this Office .r. - 4 - - 4 Saliaborv NC Oct 1842 tf14 " 4A. LL tihdse indebted 4o the late VtV Mr.' S. D Pendleton, Will pleaae call and aettle their respective It ia necessary that thta call ; aboold accounts. : be attended to.' . . 'r a ' S,3ttsbor3f. N,or. llf 5ee ta iie l?ovfrnmenf cfoej not . VP01 tjourRuler JDolhis, and - :J.hi..i'scl i- it.--'. The fleetino; Honrs, thf fleeiing lioor?,' They pasi like dreams away-Jl Pat light hangs onjhe jiectari fjowers y The Iw wind like a rooaroer gnecs lb-; w nt;e snaKicg apwo tnetr taded kaves. .?-v-:'5'-if .:;i i HU' .Where Is the laoteled son of Mars, . ? A nftion greeted yestermorrl, Th hero of an hondred warsljv, ' On hiscbaiger bornel i jjf The tonooeof ehivalrv hvdnmb j ne i qwe was ite moiUtfd tirom Where Is 'the yourg bewitching bells .J ' - ro dazzled yestetday the; wght ; 4 Whose matchless beamy from h:s ctll MiffhJ la re aa. anebarite"? ill. I?-. Whereire tho ihfillins: poise end lute .f i ; ITl . -lf , ' I. .LV.J' a ' riave n ui answer JOiii uitTj iDUie AiVhereare the pale-browed: heirs if.thooght l tie bard t-he orator the sage Who yesterday a wide world laogbt, Anddigniflrt! their age?, - j 1 , Their great ambitions hearts sre; Cold, And fellowship wiih dust tbey liuld. -J: - ; il j Then ask me not or false rewn -;i To waste away Ihe midnight bil (Thoogh graridenr and a oid(l fcrMo Are tbe, rewards of .toil !'.'. . ; i'J J; -j f nre jewels and the types ta power. What are they in tbe dying hoar ? Oh. rather nrg me tn forsake i 1 - i The vanities that here hae bfrth ; i Andy in tiiemoro of heroa break Ih-4. -Base bonds that binds to earth, -4 Ard bridge, while yet a thing of , breath, ' With trostinff Hope tbe Gulf f D-ah. , 4 - . "7--" From JS'oah's ?felrfjJt4irer.-y ? p- ..- ' TH E VVO R LD7- ftr, brine foV'a eod. plaid dif jdionerrsald a meiancnoiy loORtng loiMricual to a waiter at one of oar principal hotels' ' 1 ' ' - h" Yes.' sir 7-'- i 1 I h I : f r Th dinner was brought! artdH devoured JahrJ tne eater called tbe landlord aside, and thus ad dressed him " 1" 4 7 yJu are the landlutd ? j ; Ves.' --v '-. I "' ' "'-':.-!, If ' ; ? Voo do a good bo si nfts s here ?' " Ves. (in astonishment )! i 'yrin make probably ten dollars a day,' clea Tben T am sap I cannot 1 paf ? fur' what liavecnsomed I have been 001 of emotoymeot en months; hm htve engaged ci 20 1 to work tO mnttatl mLLiA haud nlikiuil Cmwl f..or anil! t iweoiy tutors when i entered your place, f will pay voo in a week. ' Jl 1 . '!r: - ' ! ' I "cannot psyjmy bills wiihj soch promises.' Mustered the landlord, aod! I do nl keep poor-hoose. Leave me something fur security I have, nothing ' 5 i f If I will lake your coat. j If I ro into ihe streets without ihnl I will 5et my death, snch weather asiit st. Yon shoofd have thought of that before you came here.',:- ; -4 ;-!!-.!;' Yu are Rerions r wii4 1 solemnly ayt that ooe week from now I will pay yon,' 7 , I. "will take tbe coat.!' : ' i: ..-1 . 1 he coat wasieit and a wet K afterwards r deemed . .1 ' , ;' ;! ' ' ' '"j. Seven ye8rs after that, a wealtiy man enter d ihe political arena and was presiented si e eos 39 an applicant for a Coogressional nitmin fion. .The principal of the caucus hld b. peace he heardjthe name 1 and tbe; fclssovvil the. applicant, who. was s member and ooe of . the roos: respectable wssfhairman. 'I he vote was a of a cbui't Kni2erB. ft tae and he the negatived thereby , defeat :ng PpliTan., whom he met an hour ihft went f afterward wnoro n sbio . . Vno dun't'rememler me ?' "I No ' . :. ; - ;j;7; , I-' il onre ate a dinner to your hotel, snd alt ho rl told 700 I was famishing and pledged my word and honor tpay you. in a week, f you took my e4t an'! mw me go into inclemeDl ar, at tbe ivk f mv life, without it. I ; 1 j : Well, sir, what then V j !-'': - f " .7"; Nut much. Vu called" yotir?e!f a Christian. To night yon were a candidate for nomination, tod but fr roe you would uave beeo elected to Conrrress.' ,;.!,. ,- . : ,j !.j - 7 Vf 1'l.roA 'rears after the Christian hotel-keener beeame baekropt snd sobghi a 'bo'jne :. BelleviWlandiWis'laken away ty a numbrr of tes- -I he poor dinoetlf wretch that ws. is now a hhrb functionary in A'bany. j We IknoW him well. -The ways of Provideace are indeed woiic- derfol.and he worlds mutations; almost bay end conception or belief. 7. .. . j." j - ,J: ..,. " Landlorils have ffenerally ihe cbaraeu of being harJ-fiearied. We suppose" they be- 4 Cons callous bv beingfrr qoeotly dopd snd in posed opon. Hat we know f al fconorabfe Cx ception Angns Stewart cf,Chai lesron. He v ji soul ihat 1 woold fill a body as hrga aa hio oa: 4 Me.uen ijomono ano oe crowoeamenr. An ev idence of ii A! yooosr mao from the Notth,ao 1 - f ! t : i . N.n..ov.w, c4r :Mfacu. . "'VTihe city, jTbe greatest; sympathy was e rrosnecis of'a aitoaiion which; werefmttf sftef 'ItXifL . fjwii-W: .4-art?,.ft. ;Lt' watds realised. Ha stopped f at otewsri a. fur a few days on his way to the place of bis destina- 1 ..-i.;ji. i..,j j 1.:- v:ii i ir. 4 MUU n9niuij kirmru, uin :ili, auu ic, to meet . with disappoint ment. He , retorned 1 to Charleston, in advance of Els family, to maker ariasgementa for , some cheap conveyance for f them borne by sea - His foods were low, and rbile be remained be io tended to take ai cliiap boarding boos. He stopped at Siewart'a 10 get bia dinner, and teqoired of bim fbi i decent boose. stating that bis fonds"twere . low; 5 Pi! po! saysStewart. yoo hant 'qoit my. hoose on that account, i What are a few days orr weeks boarding to me?,; -Thia occur, red aome t:me ago but we said at ibe time, that fwe hid a corner lo our heart Where Stewart should lodge, aod we wouia never coarge 01m eoi iui rem. r w ... ....' , . , A Ii aa Be content with" what yob have the rat sad to the trap, when he bo bad left part of -his tsil m it. aat that i Rosaeau tells us," that to' write, a good love-letter, yoo . oogbt a begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to fin ish without knoaring chat yea fclve aaid. aemdreioo niucJi now : - T . Llik&Tf ia8AEfi.-.CenI.ilimson. 7 iwFrdm tkt Jitehmorid Cmpit--0 ff 10 tue various vicissitudes tf aifoofha! lsiih fldf crr tatQws' and legslittve ieatiiiorb poj'iiUe for bita to (bake roouk roi.altiieysrea;)' ' tVe gcoeratly topeci Jirlgl whvi 19 tiQsetl, mate a. 8ccies t ttt niatters of.imof taoce to thf business and tnferest :of the people for wboin wo cater. Uoccntlv te have been coriipellorj lb leave nua &re6Hel Ibib:bad.'rar8V(i ia: teifftB20fh'!3twa scirno1 accaant of leceDt rerirkablp case in jVeW Yiirjt, WliHsb wrwji ocwbrif:ji;t4; -f; ; A yopowoinarj tiamedj Amelia Nprmani aomfl time s'.rjce atabbed tnah neroec Itetit vyj I .Bia r dj b loriico jot the Astor House's abe a arrested.' icD;risoned, and relrk befure rfaitfetriel on Ke6argot)f stab biag with -mtejitj pfeUi;-: It Hi stated, that Bsllsrdiuras Iter atdcer Vf thalt ho accom pli ibed, his pai'6oBea by a cdorso bf.'cun- doned iJierfunderciicarM cruel thatj ho ins da a voi aeeito England- that on htajreturnJbe, vrdoeed with tar iofaot to provide foi, souibt" bint ana appeaieri to mm lor aid that be brotal ly ropuUed her, and as ho wa aboot pass4 irg jnto tba Aatoc ous jabe desperately tbrar Eersair bprijhiin and sitabbed lim in the. breast The wound wbs not serious. though flictcd but little way from wbere oi uave proverl fatal (t was proved that be had, before aha fell into; Ballard' snares, boeo a idiBcfelti modest aad amiable 8!irctablepseritig i, oe ijac i u9, iiBBg r IrJr piof Dd be -counsel fori 1 he prisoner ota.l thai j ibe ifldncalcstiblishio facts above atated, ba introduced, as haviog led fio tbe state of mind coder which the prifbnf r; asiauliedBMIir for ihe p'rosecotibn objected and elaborate rguments were, submitled pro md con. On behalf of the motion, that decision in teijeasejof Singleton Mercer, by, which the whole test iojoo y f of the seduction of his suttr by Hubert on, -whoof he murdered, wsfi admittf d, ; wsM Quoted. I The Jud e however "cytrroled;he 1 raotjort,! on tbe ground. 1st ihat conld net justify j ; ihe at- leropt to kill ; for soch gratification, Ihe hpJui tended i bomictde, and. the proposed ; vidfnea aanot)fi: that character s2d hjj sa going to show ihe stile inf mind at he itime off the. asaolt, the evidence i was notladmUsajblalf iKit wouldj produce in Mfttty in some constitutions; Would not in tt.ert, and tbereforo Cf7ti3?a were not a test for the jdgem-nt of a jury of Ihe -anitf o an individual, unless accojopanted v evidence of tne c 1 '-'-. Some act should 0 nroveo louicstioff deluded state of ind at the time or about the time the as- 1 oli, wa commtted, -4, . Nlwnhstandirg iihe dee iston of the ''orjii, tbe Jury would g behind the tes- ony admitted, ?od make up their decis - ,m-. vietw of tlieitrain "! i?el5l8 which !t tbie de?prae;def d fj tpe prisoor Sequent ttlrmpts Were made to elicit from itneFse5 jtbe desired testimony : but the ,ou overruled theni all. . Tbe srgoments r jthe prosecution, and for the defence wpre, able; ib latter was addressed with rcat powcr fo the feelings ef the j'try, and tias often applauded by tho crowd, which bang upon the trial with intense! interest. The Coort iafas unable to repress these pop alar put .bursts . After hiving the case sob mitted to them, the jory promptly rendered a verdicj of acqoiital.-; . 7 k VVbenl tbe veridlci : was rendered,- the conrth6iise for a long tune rung with shouts snd clappings' of iapplsuse. The prisoner t at the annunciation Of the .erdic, fainted with extess ! o( feefing, but was restored. pectable ladies, smong them Mrs. Hopper, !Qdi.Mrai IAlal. ChVid,4be celebrated m- 1r . ' !'' " h i ' ;- m i a " :o ! - " a ; 1 " lioress, wnoj nati Moon firy tier tnrougn ihc rial, snd had odettaken to see after ! her iiuire welfare-iMrs. Child jwitb aTacritt UirR UPC tOi ibc. oosom,. 01. nn isnuiy 10 real her aa iie of;its7rhembea. -The case is rerrnikablc indeed fir thex- t tent Snd degree of excttem?nt it occasioned. On berime olttal4 lei ! counsel I was ovjr ia hel rncd -.jfijhe'.gJeillngBild.yongratd-- lations of the crowd t Ballard bad tt flee llfllVI'.'1'I.HV ?! - 1 - - 1 1 Inn 'm f m ' I : ters .wera daily aenVttf, inch'smg money. Mri. Child, in a 'letter! to cue iof the New yjtkjEditorsata,; 1 appeal 10 the manlioesa f New Tork editors to fo'ibeir inserting unfounded, per. baps maitcibus, roftnoraf oncerning this pdor broken-hearted gUUIil never saw stronger indicationg'of iSii$b ;(are.tbrjtoibe'pifW ofiVlueanid tdfitxineas ,aijaaj'pwsible for past etfbrPyl illifa of opdestaecro atoa and jasetulbeasl U tn ; the name ol hu manity, throw, oq obslroeiiona in ber way, botlrathejrfiii.bet,: itywttf cold blooded aneera lo bim wbo rnined her, and who, naUrally enouih, would like lo hide bis own ehame by aggrivalin bjera. j ; I After rafctriUhS'fr which moved the public mind j jn ibia case, a New' Yor It jbornai proposes bb following; remedy for tbia great crime s a 7 i t j How, bare inaat 'reform. begin, if ra foclety is to get rid rid of tbrs etil. ; So long ts . tbo known seducer of onprotcctcd Cc- 28 VOLUME XII; : mate innocence' is admit mrf mm irenft& ble eoctetr so oo is- lioriorableTind rV fpcctabla htherV anMaotheraj petjenit such Kftmioa'ts to nnllulo With tlietr atmoppbere of. a virtuous dwcUiug--to long will tbe crime cf etioelion increase; atnl be PC'pcttated witli nnpuuityr fad thtr idnly ajy in wbicli Ibis.chuige ioLjptib ic-aenti ojeni can be ciTrctedp itfi btaadrji crime of Reduction wiih'tha'sacae "degree of infa my and disjracei irrj ibe eye i of jhe law; aa are attached to tbe crimes rT iheru nr robbery, or murder. cl J once made a aJklor-a.ciB ages h 7-4,1 1 iaVank Slala c prUotiS offence. proaeeutiba fur Jam- insuaiog mockery Djoikery rf justice -f of moraluv-tof rieht -of the dep love f virtue, whic.h, think llefveoi vjilllivea :mi society; j But brand tke aeJucer ;aaia felon, and tben you1 abut sgitdsi V'tu Ihe dooravof'aM who esire to tp'stn ibe-eligbles.t pretedce to.repecta in tbe ev6a-of tbajwoildwiij De Clay Club qfhei:tytot Boston baying elected aaverall disUnguiabef Wblgs, JO varioustocttons of the country, as bono rary taerobcrs of their Club, and Having notified those gentlemen of their election, atiswefa bave been ;receiredin afverarin etancca, which eyioce the deep interest ihif is (ell in the approaching election, and the grateful enthusiasm 1 which- animates the Wbig ranks. Of tfijaslbe fblldwing (rotn tbe Hon, Garrett Davis - teoreaentative -in 1 Congress from the. tate of Kentackv. is Pao,4T- co 10 J,nft ooston papera ? , j. , f;' Home if Representatives Janitarn S. 1844. ;7GEHTLaia:y our favor of tbajlatb ult tntorming me Jbal 1 have been PWjn el?ptJorry-rnember of tbe Boston Clay Club, No. i, baa been received. .f 1 pry yoo to mike mf acknowledgemenla to ww. .ainvii vasociauon nor ibia drstio goisbed testiaijony of their confideope IV ba allied with ihe gallint W iroarbearlad Wbigs of the old Cridle of Liberty in the impending conflict, tp me ia a apint-atirring bonor4"l doubt not i that ihey will prove they have inherited the principles aiid atead ineas of their fithersjand are right worthy to he the .countrymen of Warren; and n traate witb tbe ward of Bunker Hill. The sound &f ibe first goo of tbe Revolatioa wia carried from the. old Bav State in nn init to anotnar,; Until it -reached a aettle'menl of bflrdy rooeers olanterTthen: deenl in the WesternVwilderness. TTbeir ioola faiere 5 full sympathy with their struggling counlty men, and in the enthuaiism of the occasion theyrcaned" their location -Lexmgtbn Since that time this prjil has grown to beja, beautiful litUe city, anld beenme the heart of a great ; common wealtl Massacbosetta and that commonwealth base long been intimate ly connected Jo principle,1 in policy, and love of couotry ; and bw, when principle, policy, aod country are all in peril, will not the C8'ly nd later connexion of tbeaa two iiiuies iocne an tiie troe aonajpi both to generoua emulation hicb; of4 them; shall roost disiioguUb herself lin the rescoe?4Let each so bear herself ak to challenge a deci aion hetweu them, allter the ides of No vember, from an admijring nation. - , ; ' Will you receive yourselves, gentlemen, asufsnces of the high regard of your obe dient aervaht. ; OaRRET DAVIS. 1 ?tci. At a loeofocol rnntenlion rainl1. h.ld in TWeo. cU.j. I, . . friend oti nr. M ass moveit p tesplotion to the follow ing effect : Whereas,! Gen. Lewis Cass emigrated to the west from w Hsmp shire in early :hfe whh his knapsack n his back, and unsheatlird his sword in re pellin the Indians frbW our nor lb Vest e 1 n frontier, and lo fiahting against the British d u r i n g 1 h e J asl w ar ThererorflL. resolved thai he ought 10 b au'p'ported by ilte demo cratic party "Tor President o! iheii United States " A brother locofoco moved to a mend the resolution! by atiikingfput the name of -Lewis Cass ,"jnd msertins thai id 'Mariin Van - Burjcn I which Jmotioni t uiier au animated cucussion, Tprevailed. Some ono called for the reading of jibe tear iijution 3 amended whereupon, tho eecrei tarr. in a lond voice,!- commenced reading Whereas Oeneral Mtrtio Vn Buren em aratd to the west fiom New Hampshire in oar!y life with his kqpack on hif back, snd unsheaihd his sword in repelfmg Ihe ftidiuns and fzhtink o'gainl the British!" Bf thp tune rtio ecrtary. got bad tjtus fat, the absurdity of tbe thtng became so oanifca, that ibe same Locofoco who moved' , the a mendrnent sprang tof his; .seat, exclaiming pTut. lutt Mr. Cbairrnin, tbatM never do I I move lo lav the affair on thejtshte." , . ...... i I i - ' , 1 on UIIU C.' I AN INDIAN'S INGENUITi1.4i 4 ; "A Spaniard having stoleo a horse from ao In diao, ihelauer convidld bim of ihe ofifoce by a very ingenious plaBJljHe complaioed 10 a jade, who had tbe Spaniard with tbe horse broogbl before bim. llbe prisoner swpre ibat the animal belonged loim. aod taal he( bad al ways had it, so that the jJge diToot Tflod him self in a pition to convict, j He wai eveo about to retorn the horse to bim, when the Indian said, If yoo wiir allow roe, will prove that jibe aoi mat belongs to me Immediately he palled off his cloak, and covering Ibe bone's bead, asked the Spaniard, of which eye it waa blind ,? The roooer was mucn eu3oarraaed' at.- .ne qaestloa, bat nevertheless, oot to jdelay the coort J be re a- a 7" - '.' " puea ai oazaro tnai 11 was ata rigai aye. l be I . a a . . . - i a - m mm m . ledran, oocuveriag tbe bortaa head. xelaJaaed, The hersa ia not blind e.iber of the right eye or tbe left The jodge immediately that ihe animal waa hif .. 4 ! decided NO - whole xd, coa . " It, j ! I- . .1! 1 . I i ' I -. -. , i i ... ! r. . ..I-- - . . ' v ' 7 '- j- j;' '-! ;2-'r: , A r.7.. . ' 1 ?"MMT""T"" . DEATH OF.QUEEN ELIZABEI I 1j A tiiicitcal raaasee,' jaieiy published to U oi ..;': 1., . . r i ' . . . . 'i ' t ' ' ouo, coses who ma i..u win, striking fcene. to uhica ibe reader is introduced to the death bod of qoeea Elizabeth., Her majesty has 8on : mcned L.ocy b entoo to ,; watt upon h' jjllf ' ecene is powerful and melo dramatic: - - f ; 4 ... : . - f " i-" . - ... .i i f ,.!.! " Tbe qneen laid on her bed 1 ihe bid ordered! her attendants rot to draw tbecortaics over h r windows, and &!.3 watched tbe leaCess trees' waving-10 and fro before them, aod tbe ruddy flame cf her fire doc.rj epao ih lapestTVi Elizabeth lad sunk iuto thai partial torpor, jo which, though the ciind has Dofaltrether yield ed lo the inSuecce of sleep, the cecories.i f t viiions ihat pass over it, have ibe intJutitc'fir: a of a dream, f A lorz tiain of sbadons flitted! bf- fure the mental eye cf EIiz:be:b ; there was thg i uir face of Gertrude (larding aod 8ooihr face as fair; tbeifeatutea tow ol ibeull f-ted Ess a 4 iroseioowoi nr in uer stpi out ever wre those ifnalejaccs pr-srot ,venw heath e4i h s jba'u passed away! i . Suddenly EhzWit. s'arrVd up she was "wide awake, bat an cnuucrable horror had seized upon ber soul cny ittngio . esr-ape frooi tiiat Wd ; aod, wheu t. e-r " dirxt shriek bad summoned her attendants ta herai partroent, tbey found her standing lo hrr nigbt dress cn the floor, her bands clenched,' her .oyer fixed aaio a cuovoUion. and specks of foam up , 00 bar patiel hpa L It was i aTTrirbtful spectacle. tbetrnnglJujarked but wiiheied featurea ahd ftonjy blue ejfesot' the miseible qoetniv in- f4 j But whit t.cedi it to jtrulong tbe descnp'.ion f'scenes soj horrife'i the siroggles f a soul whicb had used its' greatness, to destroy ; andj which summoced, to quit that wot tdit hath too much Iuvd,i sbruokl tromhha4cooiemplatioo!of its' past career. 4- ?i-'-4 - '-;7 t:J:ij (. No entreaties could prevail upon the wretched ! queen to return to ber bad j she rated, screamed, j aod wept at the proposal: Cushions were brought, i aod upon them she waa exjeoded ; buier! v be-44 ui"uiipjj usi uiiciuio ia 10, souictuaing an icl: fresh ment and conaolation: '"4;i7 4 AVbo does'oot know that for ten days the on happy qoeerV tbas remained, stitl refasing loenf ter,ber bed. ' -The bishops, aod tbe lorda of the coaocif, alike in vain entreated ber Ha alter this resolution T LocyWilougbloo, whom . f he stilt detained in attendance, she expressed stron? indignation avaiost secretary Cecil, tbe. soo ij of uer old lavouie uorieigo. v - .1 i He telleth the people mistress Wiloogb ten,' said Elizihetb, that lam mad bat I am oot Lmad ; ob, would to God that I were I id! v4jt f Gractoos madam, be comforted V said Lucy, who was; moved by the pitiable condition of the r Do not then mock me, fair dame, wiib soch Amy t jrjwpr AJ jmmM 4 V t ad thy poor couslo8eenlmf jitau3,sbebad known mejbetier than to talk of comfort, i Alas, alas, tby does ber (ace atill pursue me ?.God knows bow bitterly ! I mourned her fate? bat it cometb. it rometh far ever and still accompaoied by another which my soul sickeneth to behold While Elizabeth; spoke, aotersd Sir Robert Cecil, with; the - lord Admiral, a relaiioo of thef queen ; tbey rame to entreat that she woold suffer herself to bs con veyed to teif'it&A '- 7 Llrzabetb looked- round , shodderlnr ' at her ? costly coocb. - Obi oever, never, never I she exclaimed; h Oh, Cecil, if thou badat. seen there what f have seen, thon 'wouldst not. dnya thy mistresa ia thai cooch of horrors ! 1 ' , if What baa your! grace there bebeld ? said Cecil havevou seen the; dwellers of another world ? 44. 4:4!-'744:" '--4'-4Ft;H!7: 4 Nay t answered Elizabeth; assuredly that feT'' .v .,:.., tmX i lJv., juii.i .I . In soolb your grace moat retire 10 bed, per sisted Cecil ' if it bs to satisfy, the affection bf your people l;-:' .'4' : 'ffe !4'-44;, --4' jr, . At these words; the embers of an almost ex tinguished Are again blazed in the heart of Eli 1 zaSalb, and' lighted up her (worn featurea with soroethmgof the dignity of old ; sbe raised her; self on ber cushions. ... - V 'I f , , Mosttshe exclaimed J is mv$t word to ba addressed to princes 1- Little man, 4 little map, thy father, if bs had 6een alive, durst not have used that word But alas I alas l continued the queen, i wringing her hands, aod speaking jo a tone of deep dejection, thou art: grown pre aomptooos, becaose tboo koowest that I absll die f .7 45j7. ;:4i"-; :-"--47..-: ,;-4.4;-v-:j i r t Good madame, be comforted, aaid . the lord Admiral, again approaching tbe queen. . She again raised herself .with Lucy's, assist -i. ance, aod grasping him by ibe bandshejeik'd( him piteoosly .io te face then bors'ing tno tears she exeJaimtd M y lord , my' lurd , ! ami 4 tied with an iron collar aboot my oeefe ; I. a 01 tied fast arid the case is altered with mej ' v ' I f i From this time the " qoeeo gradeally anck,1 tl!A rbicn released ner irorA; those mental torments which it had wrune tha compassionate heajt of Lney to behold idorin. thia lethargy she was 'pled In her bed As her and '.wa iow e Ideotly ! fast' a pprdsfchiiig,''! 1 lord' keeper,-"! be ad mi ralT rtd t he s ec ret a r r C4j eil weie Jepuled' by the eouucil to'iearn 1 E!iza47" beth's'will wiib regard to her successor. : Locy . ; Wiloug btoowhoin thti qoet-b during betJ0te'; 4 vats ot consciousness bad com mtaded Ita rema.j f near her, Stood By the side of ihe royal co4ch.-j-i The queen toi'k no. notice" wlen the, fctng 4"!f"7. Scotland and France were I nSentiontd by -buNe lords : Jhcn they spoke of tb heir fcf4be bouise4 of SuffUlk, ihe, lor A Reauchacnp the son cf lady Catberioa Grey and .the ear), of Hartford to'-' whom El'zibetb had always borne a atroog ai lipathy. Atthia name she s'arted, and the dutji - ess of death seemed 10 vanish for a mcmvqt I TRIO ner TIU OIUBtPje, hihip i r urcrij claimed"! wll l lhave no j rascal's mn in ro v; seat ; nonebot a. king sballst opto the ihor of Elizabeth f and who sbould.that be-lnn on CUQ9ii,the km 2 of Seo'ief Sbe oever ptke againr ' :i7 mt- . - ' ' , ... .( iW . " . t 'i . j he lyooauun me oartccjj. a wgttB; been teilang the edifiorEof th .;-Sport jfit'i Chronicle a -stnry of his exploits whej ih' Caoada, engaged tn the Jumber busiueM irtj which he says be 1ibol lihve made a for. tone hid bel remained mother year. v lip says theye wis a crf at dell oi4r rough gasv , .) . ..'.;:' .ii- ' f n finii 11 mimniinm. wmni nn nn in rt ri n . steal the ew li'gv, be was smart enoogb toj steal the boaids ready aa wed I . He conctudep nis-aiorj oy reiaiuisi . iuii unj; inu ,n leogtn come b rbcb V piittbat afall thja 'saw mill a watch waa aet to pre vest' 'ste.atj-. ing logs ; buf be" hid got so wide awike in the business ibat he could back a yoke of oxen op to a log with a man anting 00 if, and twitch it oot cleir, leaving tbe tnafi Billing on the Lsrk. 7 : : j ; , ... . It ia now e id that BJooot 7 Mitchell, peak of tbe f Black mountsin, to 7 Yancey rounty, Nortb Carolina; la 6477 feel high, and is Ibe hibeat : point of land in "North America, east 4f ibe 7 Roeky Mounuins. Tum n1( in Vtreinia. are onlv i Uf m.nt If .r.t "one f thn f !T K'.,.0,55l $?m'?) Pk or !lbf Aotrondac. in ihe western wtldcrncas II Yoikfctsilsorpjctty high 41 -4 -N" - A 4 i H :sit ij . .. HI s. si 11 . . ! It H j ! i!4 Jltf '4.. f A , ' s' f- h; Am II, Hi'- P.:. HI H .:$) s : "A ; n j? -! A 'A) ' AVI if .; ft" It 1 1; 8 -i .ii ill lib j " 4 r 7: ! ! ":- l'i ' '-s - f.i .Mi -1 1 1 . m . 1 " : .. I'll 3 11 ,1 11; 'A A., 1 1 ' . i .- ; -41 44: a 4 i i 1 i .-- f - f 4 i l'i ' I ' W -3 i ' it .'V'i 1 4,rr i w J :! " - - .1 . 111 Hi A-'Ai . 1 --, mmm 'ti -.Mi Ait, --Ki

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