-Mi. " -i4 l'rri-4dl'l 1 ' J- ' . I ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' . p '- '. m ' . . . " . 1 I - klillW .Siena u( 1 tirf vTnTf Rln- -1 hlniivn i ( 'vH. i h f o fflm i 4 nir t.;--lvll'tioH Kar; ?nl?s paid for! i n. ail" jiff ; V ilNiWNH.N :'-; ,-Xw,:i-f f i-v?4;.7-5. --: s: K '-A'"-'i'': .' i .i i i f i , j wi i in ii ! ii m i ! ii i , r 1 t i1 IS ilUHWr) ii(t all arrearagesare paW iivt rrnu inr parn continuance, - mi ; n 4wiiijvfe ccnis tor f aclf continnanc. ' iUAilfW will hft charged 25 ner cl. Ife-fcilti h5 the year. :i , lltJ ItffiNpwn!; w41l he contmotilnnt! I iii m iiiaWed for-acnirdinfflf , tmksadlr- ail vr- JiiresPf to I he Edilpr ihtsst s 1, ' Hi V S n 3 I f U'liH li nN" Tties e rery Monday TJ;ff: i 1!;:.wifr4sbw and Friday, at 7' a tn J ill' 1 tt iEf BHiS, a:rifi.eTery Monday.t' Jiliiji4iviW Pfi.laf'ar'7,a;in.2 H!:f r I tH lJdliaVNrON arrWc eert Monday lal I-;' -JiSfSv ' .t. fir "til ' MS VUf .- ii i'Si.?;iiy!flid.Stnirday,3;at 7 , a: m. Ii "1 VI! Ml 11 (1 - T . 4 EDITORS ABD BRUNER- JAMES : .1 - ..-;! .... i -l r. .. --r- -, .- NO 29 VOLU3IE XII. B-O-ME i -1 'J myself of; the poliiLoffr.Qniained Jo A VISlltTO Ari 1 PttnT lW rrtwarr? an erfiiJriil trtfele btcb appeared Jrt ypqi papef 4 ! 1? frW r ft-w eeki ttoee tn itae4iii fr,pq$!i tkm tfi ; vl nff fed third caciD. If erfl Ihefreen WVE' still iof ihVr' fedowl iKelPUICES eV oeic of jpe continued depressfon of-buibes. Spoat the coaniiy lliej ate maoouctor- I,:.:- MlwcaynWe r9day and KiWay t :trmJ 1 If. fl talrfi jTjp! k. LeaTeaecfySaQidayjiiiy6 ivl. f VelN4djiiaod Saturday at 5 1 m - Leajrtf . M tfiU4 pairnsf oqiow..iii su -vvjurphy store,, anciusi oppnsue-iue kowir I;'; fPjto' and," nea r he Cponhonse!; where he pay -aJwajCbe Mn,,'t,end!p; inathti tie sum Kfens on narto a susa n i iipniason nanu a i-m ! ... ....m. hnd Thursday at 6 a m. 5i a lnforminff-hi8 a.nd the public v neavn a mgt ri oeiifirra inai theil Ctjods ar of the best qnalny.farVd can be rpqrchased on terms atLfaorable,Las theyican be procured at any other eatabltshmeni. 7 ill 1 1 J. KHODKS BTiavyMS. rent. i54liBbnryL Maf 50, 1843 1145 1?"' t Jflail Dogs I ! JnlnrtDS. his still carrying 00 tjie Waldi I'lies jdlcarrf oh itiQtbwtt Bvsiiii$9 ; in j Salif anuviOK maiina.anu Re- pbtiryl hn Main treet.a lew uoi.fs onti tt j, lhhrrnetho4!f ;jirf4 lDog& ! fla& &0 ngrhis fntfj,1 die, that j he Is B I jriends and tb pnblJc that 4 ul L t'alalk tlTTLl ii ! - n ' r -f 1 . a:" r. . :. i I'ncnt fetlof Uewellers. ! ! fiwhteii! was made op by Labinet norKmem so m (im : Silver tnlren In -Mchanoe br-f!'nk 4 constibles 4r wheeUtnd, f?l wriabts. I-,iyii;i tt ioi -ifa. -Jtrm- -pyi.lliiiens the' best materials tfce eoootrj iffurds; t UH,3m'r -n J " V 1 IS mends to keen -f.il jariOMVt .f .oh I r.ji ,,, . ' a"iH- u r... ' . .i .1 iW ) in i ... , w. -. t it ... ... . . . i i . - . . f : . .. i ) ... :-'4 ' -i-a"' -H. "'-"; -: t - ' : V". i . I m - i-rn i,vl m- i . , c. L;- llav2 yi f 'Hwflrldss will euirthe coorrtrr; sneh- Eurtnvt, .-TTZT ;:... - 1;':;Vi' i conde (anda. iFb?& toiufavfleJlcarf, W'uitZ- rri v V 1 ffi?rfbod was of children A'd ad tilts are lost; year Sf:X-f.uHJ..;ui nk enma nlk.r .m. ha VftwiisiiM lil bel tree ooe. r; :lnin chilfT exists bar what are soonerfor eiiHadr to relae". a supposed' (ever, Bcarhtina, f ft .1. or $Urne rther ailins carries oil the iiowera I iijj;Hpjrtfi family while in truth they tfieiof II Irmsll alid Ibese coold hate been ; eradicated S ( Scfce npnff tb thooglit that th est t hi njjs 04-land ivho can eer IVrgive theroielres Ji-fM '4!ii'ha bfVri If the; case was oot wbrnos. I (pMdpfak'C(htU not by.any possibility jio, IB tkrt .!lliifaj:wa -jobd-is"e ' pargatif t let : t.bCJff-' ihe; f tat itjraav. IIow important then lo 1 IliUrtii ind wlio will dare take the respontiblltiiy lrWtbtlt i ? ; Let eery. parent Uhat is npt br:0te,a$li!theTtseles thisqiestion tn truth and syt?eTftesSt-J , Wniold had a child sery 'sick for ro weeKS. ann anenoeu oy a pnjBiriaji Jelf,v)hen KolmkV Vertwfaffjks .1.1 W m..a titan fnrlv' fOfirm WPTR if ;i5!HdJ:iieij the child tecd?erd rapidly. - 5 i.'4. 4MhJipIVVjer Works, had dwindled fori a !!.jjijlt ileal !a skeleton, with great drytiesi 1 tnl mouth, aiil ttehinz of the nose. A he- IMaW.lWrtolcalled to prdtide forihe mi 1 1 A heat asortrDent hi &M HI also be, kept hn biud, arranged ftora 2U inches to the largest of the above shall be made in tbe bent el $nd the cbrees shall be as low or lower 1 J i . i i... i -i ?. .i; t. ri nat ans oiner snon.01 toe kiiiu in mis rtace. orinie siit: :.. p s T- .J . . f m a a t . st AtE Jtindsot country prodflce anaaarnoer vim be taken in exchange for wi.ik.' - N.iB. ' All persons harinff apronntsi f iwetve months standing moit call and settle them: by fibt'e off otherwise. 4 i J Safisboiy Jan. CO, 4844. D. W NEW FASHIONS Spring awl Sum m cr or irmhedlatelir for -Kolmstock's Vermifoije, iWflbrotiotit way great qoanuuea 01 worms tt.iiwiftlre. days, aod the child grew MtUi f,)alihrgainedyit Ii ii eleralSchillrf n iii'avblgfclT respectable fata- .:-ii-i-.?' i I .L 'I 1 : . f.lkifnl arlanl " f Jlshlferfe tj clrcd .repiai j.s Uh - tliiyeriDiOisr IHfliftiibtfUof the best familfes io Hhe neighbor. . nvifd, t rom the Jcjrcffmstanco of hairs eradlca- j i I alatwl tlpiariifiy ; of worms; afierall othtr lv't-lmt$e!ri.ail failed, which was ferj extensive -V-:'Ii-1:iWntniirta(part of, the city. a! if f;-.r -i 'iir4UNi'ew Jersey sated several children ! f oe e4!ft.j One. a girl of eight yea rs.f t 1 ilha pecojpe exceedingly emaciated bee A "'pmW9-' iThe next day thr?e $ i ffiwprrni wer'edi-lodge left oflfrirjie f 1 rfi2(vwheh she became again wpe.fatjd 4 f WlrMjrt toi ihelVermifnjte:.tbat.; finally broeght j '" .H:af lUcfdiolo qnahUty of worms.. ant Mjie li1t.K;aa!'45omp eW, aod '.she. gained heft heah; vf Miii Ii II !"' I i w ?' - :", N i t ? It tyaiefianrof standin-;. had doctored a faral l f;hildr4n lobe weeks, withool being at?letk ' .;, 1 .-pf So n jonesorrr of the seven to health 1 (I M4Mt&!lM fata v Ho-send.; for KolmttockVJTei-f i i w tf. a tid I cnre;l -1 hcires v Will It to less that.; t f- -41 S lilrneroiiS cases of other eomplalnir-srewistp f'. Ji-:p;l teVtiit,ahl the' persons treated, for. fever, X . SVWtj riiialijf jt trial olf this Vermifuge djcuv 1 ''.;-ijliiho tlrbe eanse of th sickoess,: by bringing VJfill almMilap Innnmerable qnantny of "j worms. aiihil Insta.v-. f this kind might he Jmmnseext-n bat it Is oselessone tits witUhow. any one with eston !! ft'-steni ine certatneiiecis 01 jnts veriaiinff-i: i X ESPECTFULLY informs bis friends anu Sm r obltc. (that he still carries on th j ! TArLOIinTQ EXJSIKSSS; n all.ili various branches, lv doM above J & rfrirphyrSore, wlrerw heirready 10 exe cule ali orders of his easiorners in a style and marinnot serpassed Ky any in tht part of she cotiottM. " lie Is also inihe regular receipt of the I if HNEvr-yoRK PAsiiioxs, : an4 ptepared 4o accommodate the tastes of the H'ajihinasbleat all limes. . -if A'pmI" 15. tS43.vS 1 j If :;r, . ;. Machine . Sprtc4 . ' J' isfrengtlicning Piasters ! tjr isE Plasters, greatly imp.veH. and ha JL v ng the preference f all others, are warm 14 feMtntnendcd by all dciors as invalaiblefoi iSvafif having pain in the Drcast ark nr side, t'lveaicness ana wmpnw, ae rmr ni c. nceiy thi-fr'bse artfl J he j parts resmred !o sireonth and! a natural warmth and"healtlr. A vy oersonf boaripsr one of these riaMra, il t as- iflnifihd and de etiteu settle comiori u aiiios. n'kneihr-ftfcn-d wttti -Lnn? Coir nlaints slumld . u. - . .! a a i a a . fullowir.fr eotire sl'lbe uhl-cl for wbieb thUia iortft?He4iy ol Hbe; university oi 1 Jvuiih; Caio. iroala8lweneBtablishedi v . ,M - rT . i Dv the Cosiitatiin which has been siVntrd; "the Ptesicentof the University tot tLe sime-be. log Is ex-iit io President of the ocieiy, and alt the sogesitons contained-in be pfiprf rtlerted to above, mat be addressed to.me; r ;L - ' I ) THE HlSTOmCAtf SOC IETV1 -v . - - - "OP TUB , . tlf I "j ! Uftiy.ERSIT Y C P ; NOITII . C A ROtlNA. IThef rfreht niblicarion, onder the direction mf the Piioliorieanr,,of the " Indexes' to CMo- ntal D.comf nt's,7 peservjfd In 4ho" 4JSlaiePapf OCiceraftd ".be Of5cef! ihe Cuard offf iadU in ;tondonwiIIefve tnar-h rhoreHnfflfeepoallf f than any tjirecrdiog tcork, direct aod limiMbe inquiries ot ;be jbistouan to the proper objects for research,-, -: . n (, 'S'.y jj $ ' The" first chirter of Carolina asTgtsoted Marchl4'b 1663L The earie ittUrneot within onr borders pronablyfprecVded jtbis daijp by a few years. -'Fipris the lir of t h eSrtA se mnt ahtiPlhe close f h!ropMetjlty;l3jitn mcnt io .1726. hee e ffice?i ' bert propeijy Wif larainedfj.will prubabfy-atTard, numerous, if-et ampler materials furilusryyThis iiesuii ss nM certain, however j and ;be"preabmp)hiririfMiv tjon'to if rests cr.ainly on jhe; few rjpferehce-fu this period; "in the; lDdexesi!men1ipned'abivjj f nd tho jftaiemcnr containrdlirv filf 1 Gallaiu's letrrieflxed 10 the pobitcaiin will be found among the rebus's of tlie Board jf. I'rade, : under the hads of Cahdioa and Proper lies, docoraents 'of a dare ; pilor Jo ! rfce year f7iSfr ibat relate; to North Carolina,! atai arr not included in ihe ndfx;t 4 ! , FrWJhe eqmmenfTnenl Cihe JintaL GoT-' ernrnnti Jinr 472ftreiil .iti aiiPtMaiioaJ'by hfr Uvo!utut very; sliyh xaminatjoi; fht Indexes will aati-fy the frilrer,jhal there is no necessity to seek for inlr mat ion elsewhere, AH ihe books, pamphlets and (newspaper lever published in Nnrih Carolina, ii-cpiber with" all the dornrhents and manohrij row in the Stall would, in relation to the htsfory f the regl go. vernnie tit of the Colony, constitute a..' com pa ra ti vpI- meagre wl lection, -:. '; A' " " :- f: The must .obscure aod eriic,a-p"r!rlrrs -of our history, are the periods ex'ending "from the fl;s; Hiarter io; the termination!' if the"tPr.prie'ari (Jovernment. ( 1GC:V to. I796fi Tlr.) an from the era of tire . JerMnHjrr l)cclarat?Trt (lay 1775,) nntil ih rcWi2'ion rlre G-n. crsKrovfrnmenl, (4 Ii UrVb; 17 .-P . VI l ; Wiih; r-?(ri:t lo !. ,f'?ner :fprii d, f rs! 1SS at ready hei n -intimaifd. "miieb va'uaWln ?r-f.m tion-ic.av prnbfehty be 'drawn . rn lfrf hvef i r 1 f- iir-, art Trim r V.- Tnf t WtTrlTToTTfe T4lef ii is c mm that tit I 'knovSKdj rsrt he de rtv. 1' Inin .ff'gi urcp. nnd that" every dav, May in,'"--ibe pnsrrM ii n if ir'itries at born1 dirriltjisbesle 'pr-peel of snrrpysfi:! 'fe?parih. niis S'-cWlf ha? been esUbl'shedl first; full tbt utrpf,eof rnrfvnttPgjii ;kct,te sntfh ir.lerest t' tbe public mind, tn iejard i I he history of the Stale, "as may induce the Lrgi.htnre to ador a'ly and cfiirirt measotcji, to ehtain ;fr'm Eng tat:d. the ntost ineresii g dnrnm'-ois in reUi to the Regal Government,.! oet her with '' pnpeis as miy be found tn rflert light en lb- hsenre htstorv of the Prot riettay Government i-t Carolina, and. s--oAdlyi io ;cllen, arrang- pr!ieive si .the -Universny es erz7u is tnav L pnsstWe nerr moe copies;of e?ei? b'- k parr ph let and newspaper pnbttsbed 1 10 inrs ?t3, sinr-e the firsi inirmlnelion hi the Prss' am ' n-in 1749; all b-oks fMiblu-hed wtibOut lf -Safe, in nor ew 0 or foreign ,-Cnnniriesf in ' " . fitorf uf iSritltnSf andepecia,iiy s'-iiP4,- tt mrds. d-cnroenta and .papers to be' fi-und hr Mitjo thai may tenu : ej--ijir iwe msio--iv of-Ihe American nevoli tion. !' T, - f L r Thoogbmany vaioabienapers.eonrecied wnn this most interestirg periodi have ! been irrecov erably lost, enrt'gh remain! to' satisfy the rnost, srepiieal, thai Mr Jenerson s statement, ;inai " ih."p wss po dnobtfolness In North i Carolina that ncrSate was molt fixed-, ct forward," is, -nstind b rlcar and indubitable testimony. fartb smtletl asaln,; as did the modest fotze' and glosiy .hoHyj!thatelt 'not thi apptaetv of xr int ej,' Th e flfinr ranrlt;lke iher first.' Neu tbe mitldloti tht rbother jpeaN ; m pljiPt9t htie$tHi4 a pot ti tVraideiuSf tilled f itb IwaterKiI inuo?oc-: tC myef on every sarh occasion by tajinj; ihf 1 cfanie " f rn m fbej ped ; the ' ea?t and wished linfor menliow tlie larmriri ; lived I'lfnl feinglsnil; ' SixpencV hrocght fb'th NaiUinf answers to utenoga faTies mhifb I . -pat 'Wiihout "stint, Mrkvl " JL 1 1 o vr ;m any cbtldr cri ihav ? 5 ou 1 Etghj ' W h r. t d j d t h r$-Jk?$-iJBp$i& lb is 'i n 01 n t n j; PpKtifSij-3Vliat .tfill jDWgivd 4hem for c-imilr Tbesb'pntatoei tnq see me c-tei. t I w r moT r- !cb e t , "n j - rx alii w " n o : utierr'iriiffq rl iide jooreply,;fix e'ljeejt npon them a A! :obbed.:a!ciuri Bo her pant?psi itl to .-mile, end ihe saltlt twih a ctear voice. TliankGosaltHst cheapo j BC fier joy oyeilTnierefJ as she-showed o(ie1ier . eldest" ff2 1 f n I e:yuaj Hf If g I1 tn eb ft iae;(iftf pn,Jic ments scarcely concealed her rsex ; it left her barcjo the ktVeel behind, while 'it datw gfed .to Inelrohtiti "lit; frpn'C.he j Ulnsbed deeply vfdr want hid not extingoished'tbe fnndpMjhf -ber oflort as! ide t.tagsjiBatceir tThpsp' :tiKtfefff till iaso..4iiplh',if -my child bat: she canV go to schobl iir-tberri ; bjwidet, he is obliged 4pytaf4 at. jlinnae to akearei!of-tbe:ebililten.1-h pal- pitp-ihlyitroc foe 4jervrvted formliotfered nhdera borU8nItbi?ld soor ado? snoib hi fnmat0r4hisiil j r J- i The ober r'XbMiPt-9-' " "Ml tbo cider ristcr, silting t?n the naked hearth Their .little hands and feet were red witbj cold : their featnres were set in melancholy : they were not playfol as 1 berime their ;in nocent years ; acs it has! been Urofy said, that the children of the English poor know no childhood !. Sorrow begifs - with life ; theyare discip ined to privalioh from the cradle. ' .jfeo"iii. peUtf dW-- di4 J i-.'aViH- -I sa is. n Of crsdle, a n d 1 ?eri) y beliete tht so ch a Toxotjjit never; :t?Oowf by tbe child of so English labnreni; '-i.'' -; I - r s In therornr of the chimney was in old msn, sitting on his rlistinche? pntting fg Wrto ls jbai Fr Ut is bldlr. ble irihejiresencetofiymaste stm Vy. fpy9i. J-f A f ir t6, tit often indulges in the Qeecrpretsiori Icf oiojon ; jwdio mtny facDilies, brtieornraonjcaljonsj are on fn?s Jfqtlttyl Hf js, inceedtlihe prop, eriy otmaster,!bitJs4weltfeJ f and eteii. bis'dogst-Jolcr in? ? TuwspV. eftcn deilroy more. flesh in J day than an Englisli laborer lie coltivites s psich of seeet potatoes and otr:csc!ent;plantifor, himself; keepi jwlstnlbiayaril sells tKe tmele! o.hfajs chimney .haisai $. joint pf.a bog, from whch be cols slice at the calls ofijippinto I glleltrears a f roilp on bis coonteoanceis tat ?od saqtyampnil bis felJoVv 4langbs lr a vacant heirf can; dance iofliTe-bTnj iff !eni ftti tTinslcv;;- . -j-l:v-j.;JlVi jThereiis noTedemptrpn tWahrr: Jur glisbJ peasantryvibey it ibebottotn of the fa-i hric'of iociety whose pressute, like that of the4fiyramid,His proportion io its height. Jhet have xot the strength to throw off ihe incombent mis-, 4y bicbi Jikelhe airoctnre 4 o wh'tcb't have c )'mpard ilt,seema . destin ed to outtite man ' generations of meoi. 4? "Tbe nobility arp intrenched behind ber Veditarjrl wealth and eprivlegeatid..ere. moreover, ihe i)f si educated class oirtifO in E-iropc More like potentates, than ub jecte, they havo macb to jdss Vaot! polbinff 1 1 ney are aubie-and condesceadinr with- he has 5 o homey ard we let;! biro stsy with us' He wasrigntY'yea'rti oflagti and brlok with the; chtldien his bullion of potatoes nd salt;;; ' ' UKiuJi $ ..4' -.4 -:. I asked one of the little girls; whne was the cat ?1; The mother answered, (hay had none, Vfor s cat mast eau!; , 4tave yoo t dog V- 'No, we cirtnOi keep- s irw ; be But you have pNo wei Juve sides he iditnrHs the game.1. a cock to crow fur day J' not c. !i ." ,ali-';i!ri. 1 1 felt a; sort of horror come ever me.st the absence of these amimals ; tarred - to every bi-ehr.ld rlhe ci Hie rompantrn and pastirne.f little children ; the deg, the "wipll trieci; trnsfy frljrjndVfi man j thelcock. vbose ioyoos song 11 ails the coming day , nver;if.ihat'bitt"eijb.lighiijiff;cars4' ba Xritefljeven these from the ccjtsgo pf the Engiisb jpeassBT.ftlf fi; k-l: I - . , Can yoor husband read ? i. 'Y'es, he e-n read tho -easy :fpartti o( pbeJ0ibleOHn , ,'Ho'w taanyiapaitiaenisare there isf yonr house rid- 'P one i) an, another 4 shove' jHJsy 1 gp fj i'ttsir rj: vShf was evidentlyl wnwilhngi ;my4 pnnle.gave me If-'- on loss of dignity I stody to corir'tliate, and at the same -time 40 inspire a respect lor i lie msel ? es; which forms thel secret' guaranty "ortbeir power he! are, alwas orators and sutesmon among Ihetii .well . read and prscirsed in tle . rovtteries of lemslatidn. .-Wisdbni U!"power,and jC;is ibea-PQer-.of parfiamcni I4t cm ruimi i.ogintf to aucn a pitch of greatneslrind upheld csnstiln lion which ;in, any other. country,f would have long tgo fallen into rtiins. r -'i -LeStnmg ;n England ts confined to a few,' knowledge is taxed and cannot . be bought by the poor A tJngle newspaper costs six pence, which woaJifgive bread to tbe bho- gry," :i he light or the press unlike jibe rays of the sun, f shines !toot anon tbe cottage thitrbed with. sirs wi There aire, millions 'I' I.tl - iri. ' J ' ' :. .-'- !.5.LL , ui poor isoorers, operatives sno mechanics who feet' tbe weightjof government wilhoot comprchentjing its policy. Theiij rolers praruce upoo ine systetxi jot luanueviwe. and think it would bo unsafe ) to Instruct such formidable numbers who: might be come1 inquisitive anrj ask wb? fVlher were tea on potatoes ina islt ia sight of n park cnniainin oree tnonsand deer to glut the appetite 01 e single raao. Uence( there 1 -...w .-. uuuv fi,uwui,iV Illy IU3IIUUIUU U Itho poor, this is the Jwork ilofehafilyiand ine cnuTcn, anu not pi tneiaw. . it was not nntil jix ytjars aeo, that pitltamentsppro priated thirty thousand pounds for this par- pase bnt 4ittle more Itlian is gltenf bf the siaie oi voonrcucui, wuu less man uu,uuu inhabitantsl"-"" i "'.; I J; ViV It was in Somcrielshire. that .thai an thor visited the cottage dercribed in the first of theae extracts lie afterwards made s ioar ney"to Devonshire; Jn-otdefat jTceitain tho condition of ltsitral population." The following melancholy paragraph closes bis narrtVjre : , " ;. . r';.' r '. :t1'r ff'. Xl X ' "DdftngjlhV tearsj 1841 2J3.I I entered 1 22"cpttgs in Someractshire, Devonshire, sex, and Kent, aw- with ayiew;to under, stand a sbifjfrtin wfich I fell'a deep and abiding jnirrest.KMy 47 rst vifillto-omer- - " -t f a - , ' ' - a a t--" a I -eisnire 4itsciosca tnp wncie, truin : 1 nao-i notning iitriner 40 nearn, tnan , ine same wreichednes,'the same appalling picture of THE U-PEACE MAKEa? Is the came which has been given j to the great cannon which forms the: principalf armanjeni ot the United Slates ateamshtp Princeton. Acer respondent of the Boston post, who recently paid a visit to the Princeton, at New- York, Vas pre sent at4ble tfial of the gao, indsajs cf it :j j; Instead of being placed 00 the gfcoau In ; 1 S035S 1 remote corner, as isbsaal in proving geca j of apt ooe-tLirJ ol her calibre, ?cca wij Caj taiaSloctcn,s confiience in .bis wrctr.Ll Irca pleqe that t&9 proving jr as aclailiy pcurmsJ 0 tt : ; 'board ainall.vrs-e! of some twenty feet ia Icrth, jPhis appears the more astonishir, when ,tra consiiier.ihat tlie charge was fifty puondf of pair Jer 1a charge that jnight well be rrc aired 'for tbe c3 p.inoos maw cf a gour fifJc n " feet Jon?. ' wi'.o a r;e ot 1 wet ve incoea, carry ing a sail 01 two bondrcdfanJ thirty puunis weight, and it--v telf,wa?ghirg ten tons. Tbegeri was plactd 00 af jslide : made"ofVong-jtmbei,.in which i n groovq was made to receive abool one-half of it ivastj bodyt tilt slide being tecoiedjtb tho yeslel by several strong hawsers p4S$Tng round tba,. ssmei'aoondtr .ihQ vesel botiom,' to prevent ; k terribleieciTI w hich would otherwise open, the jresset thtj gun being placed atharartsbrp. f i iThe gen was fired off. by means i of , a. slow match that burned about half a minale. doting which the boats containing the officers and crew wf had' re ed. away some two cr three hundred d Jards: frorn.tbie ygssel, lo listen tu ihe explosion -and witoess the tfiecl or it at V safe distance.;---'rhe recoil of the gonip :cansedrby the explosion of this immense charge of pnwder, gave the Vps rel a; deep htrch tohb t opposite side, and, the goo beiog placed near level, the Jlagt two han-. dred and thirteen poand recoebeted along tho surface. of lbe: sea tp a ivery - great distance, tooching tht water at twelve different poioisat each seodina: nn a perpendicular mlnaio of w hue spray j exbibiilng the sppearanct of a eucceasorr-- j f water sposts, half a dizen of which were v,is 1 Ible at the same momeat of time. . Notwithatapd Ing - the confidenca entertained, that the gun : would sfand ibe proofs e can readily imagine that 1 be moment was pne ot intense excti-ment and that no little pleasure was manifested ihy . . mm t ! a ... . -1. ii- I - ooiu 0 Ulcers ana men 10 una me oig gun wtin; bat speck or Qiw, and as bright and smiling aa if it were not; the tnost formidable engine of death and destruction on the face of the globt j 4": !:: ; ' ':' r. V T lb" m Thi Truet Spirit. Professor lngf11ow in one of I bis besmifol compositioo,"in speaking; , of tht bo,man bjear't. aays, V .Whai I have seen of the world, and known of the history ol macklDd, teaches melt look opon the errora 4. otheif in ssrrow. not it anger. When I take ihi history r ot one ncor heart that has sinned snd soflered tatione it has nassed Ihrourrh t tbe feverish in quietode. of nope and fears; tbs pressure of want : ihe essrtloo t of friends; the fcoin' of the warJd that has little charily ; the desolation of tbe aooPs I sanctuary, aod threateoiog vies within healih' gone happiness gone even hope, that remains longeat. gooe- I woojd fain leave ihe erring sool of my fellow man with him from whose hands It carats " . ; iadestrociiMt4 The proudest works of art erum bit fo dast. bal the tloqueni tboogbt lives, and win live down to toe eno 01 time. .! 4'j 80 nnHEn'obswiber respecifoll? retaroa ,hla JfL thanks for past favors, sod. Informs h is old fnends and the pablio that; be still cootipuea, fo frtw nn iha khava business In all lis 1 various branches, and at tbtold stand on main street. m - a - i . a mm 1 - two doors below j,& v. lUarpby's store and op posite the Watchman Printing OGce,' where he may always be foood' ; He. keeps constantly Son band a varieiyj of well finished work, aod at pri cea to soil the tmes, ; Also, a supply of rtady made CoUns constantly kept on band to soil any measure ; audi at lower pricea than ever they tiave been sold lor. , ' :cJ '.. a' N. B. All kiods of Lumber and Coontry Pro dace taken in exchange. for , work, n "" .April 29- lrMly40q;ViH:ft:' fllver ibstthemselves a day withoni wasting; t io PlasteU ? tt removes rthe' irniation T ineip?eo ! Consornptiori frorn the tiingalA ihe; titiface.iit ill Ttba: Sociei'v indnlce the! Virfident expeetaU a discourSffini? look : Ii persevered, and as , ihaiur rr.osi ,euugneneqi! ana-pairiuitq cndeu I dirtf rickety- iligPf iePS ? a t-nsfwtlJco-ttperaie heartily In the attempt cbambev where thelwhole! Jm.tly. Ilept.r fmn rifs iiiMitt-n -iiH nerreiiiate these memorials, ;ad theboiy.and draws off-1 be internal vfPction So in iveiiComplaintS.and Congh-. and coins, fibitdyn with AVhoooing Coosh should alwav ha ve dne, to prevent 4 ftp con g b settling on lb tongsji all on S.tiohfS'rw bWiY.hv Dl Heartf j l.exinglon. 'J P JVlabrt , Italleidh. Dr Stitb. ; il -match 4,M84SliS2 4 ..1....-- Irni'ttif-Never buy! this article unless it have i' iliptj KjrhsiodfcwtVrjsiifgeV rtandaomelyi;e;n, vx&a iri,ilieiiutsidd4abel, and the. lap simile & iC. .r s ' '-.7' -. 4t l.-IiTWfefe' f & Wheeler; Satlsbory-;I.J -fc-lR ; . ar'lchsboti; D llearli; )liirtboroJ P i ' ilMf v., ll'l njg (on ; Dr iSt it h , Hale tgh. f iUj K . :'4miih 4s j t;Sl3-li32 vi ' .nr -ffl'll-ih-Tti' i 1 -v 1 MOTS? I Iff Iteilfi -iPIiE$.-The price of tnts celebrated I V-T.y 1 W iKl'meet. fsrefnade to any pirsotviwho i; ' tjH :lfa!t oflUya' Liniment fur fheipfles 5' tFe!itrfi -1 einfnV vniie wiinoai orin cuira. iHbavp been tbe- terms on wnit.ii in is Ft't il-HiSen ss!d for nearly ten years past, Ivttil ott e.f one linndrpd has ever i:..1T''i 1 t : . .... . . ! i-TKnt at Iha VtJkmifl j j I id ' SU 11 Rlf C0 0 NTY. i j! SuMfior Court of UwFall Term, 184S. JiiUuariDeWaei'-ivri j..w, .1 1 L , 4 : Petition' forDitor.es.-: ; AmtilM Defrise,i j --if :h::i: 4 ' T a!fpearin to the Conrt that a Srtibrtadel Hie auention is.rej'peeuotiy invuru.; . i Usuedinihis case! Was. returned. C NoCio f, t . DAVID I.. SWAIN. PruMeuL et-'eafnesilj iMrt.t common .: nffom't lemen evervw hf re who h?y it in Mrir pwff is vrliribiie in the slighi.s" "grW b'onderi taking. I The? have ssrertaiedthe" exisierce; in. various fmi!iea or poileeiiops 1 filet -r written doling the llevidoifpo, ind: shortly sow Mqoent lolt , and beg leave t sisggest that,: i many instan-e. ,,the arranfemeot. and prsero 1 ton of these rtlies, ordr ihe apspices of ,thi iMifty, may prove in he p:tHl loihe emory ir ihe wrjier3 and actors uf tbese'eventful and il- InstrionSidaT". - f ;'-fi-I; Thi'fi'at annual Meemg wtlrbeheid in l- rard Hall, Wednesday. ei'C.ia.cl 1044. V" l -j. - .1 : . 1 r. Lt i.t ii.i. ll.i ay preceuing iiie vofumruci iicui vi uw jft k The Introdoctory. Address will - be deiiverec by the Kt. Kev. Levi S. Ives, p. D ; Bishop oi 1 be. Diocese ol North Caiofina ilo which pnb- desrnntion and rags, the Fongdom.V prevailed tbrdugbout r i. tipvnr m At Who epffiks of rTenrr Clav; wi "rf'vu" l,I8B l ' I U0.. 19. JIW III! toprfco in the connirT who Will ndt. hia ni'ma- ta fneri tinned f for - th Itiena art -fier all, good Am er can in heart, couple it'with.a proud tribute to 'his genius tnd patriotismJ They roy, and no donbt do. eToafientithslv differ from him: on ootnts of Njtion jl poficy, butithey ae too gener ous to withhold from bim th jpraise which is dite in cindnr. honesty, aftd geniOs. A'fiientl told us some time since, that in a nil fnd1rr, a cirttimstanreieroso in bis presence it) relaiiojitJo llenrs; Clay. i,n which t Xoreignerj. with a.sronp; German ajeccnt-4-acentleman of ifici Jlebresvf ti udi tion ejpke of Henry Oly, as a.dtshonest man. A gentleman opposite, a oisitnguisn-a mem near a narrow roKfiif winuow, sipnu a wooden jlameli n ipjf;lfgs rh Mch::ie laid transverse latlislhitsupited ,i bed i.f osl chafl. sewed bp in difty tattered len sheei almost bile kyupon this lay .two pillows of STaw, in.ibifk:stiip,d" eover let worn! inlo Jrolesis iimher sack 01 rIifT layi On ne floor jtn i r0jrner, fiyer. hjch was stretched a sott of blanket torn to rags. " Ifere sliptall ihejrblldreivexcfpt tbo two - 'youngest I ThP (ate ol the old msn at nigm ws "w "wr knnwn iq roe, nor uiu. iiuvj;'"- t- The. jfurniture of tho apartrnnt : below eoniisieii oL a stool pnfwhiclii the mother L.. : j tilJ ..;n; a a -eiL hv the eldest ldfBgbteip,ti;iwp;:bfplfM ' ..k-, i,l or mf .elf:"foorteen or fil- thont 1 telitgen 'hen hWfriuHdand nroclamaiipnTor ihe defeodant hainv hobliciv msfdr ai ihef-- Conrt llooee " door according to the act in such1 case providcd.r and iha dfttendant failiP?? tn anstvei v. It is ordered that nnblicalioo b msdt in-ihe' Greensborough Pairiot : and CarolinaU Watchman iiur-ibret mnnt Ks. forithe defendant it s ppear at the next rrermibf this CoTt.and lead. snswer or demur to said rettiioo o the same will be taken 1 pro iiofcfeskn.and set lb beating Witness II. L. tjl.-' fi.,t- a'aihi A i r!nntt il iidicA. the 5h mnnday after the 4h' monday n Aogost, 11. C. HAMPTON; c s o. , 1. 4 - c 4; f::;'.s,:-a.i '"Ii! i If if IF 1 : - G IV Whpeleir; Saliabury r, I U U Vei:VaHiloio.iioVD Herrit & Lex I j I f i r y r ffl r gt ,r 1 it h; ..-ii". ISrantlcth's " TTrKGRTABliE UNIVERSAL PILLS V for salt' at this Office. 1 :Sali.hnrv N, C Oct 1842 tfU f Ik r I COUNTY COURT WRITS ti Prtntea on first rate pacer and T for "'sale ibis OGcPr EL1SHA MITCHELL. JAMES PHILLIPS. : JOHN D. B.-HOOPER MANUEL F4nTER,l WILLIAM L OREKN, rCHAS. MF-rDEEtlSv n nil nif 11 nn itf,'c' nabi n..n..uuftf en , 1 1 Treasurer and LibrariartA ASHREI.I'G BROWN. Sicrrlmi ft Hf . :l Wtvi;-J. f Uiuvbiuiiia ur lt. vaBUa.ixia, f -'. ... , Jaooary;I844,viiV . - Uivawwwa " i - . ... - .- --1 - ' ' ii .H- 'A man withi ot money, end at heart full of philanthropy. whose? coat is at ; little thread-bare, is sboniied luf 'B tn:ef : t man w ith a pocket lull of money and ibeart lful! ol vnnany, is couneo iqx 013 Tinoes j 1 aali a I w ta it u. ' . . i. 1 -. r ar TempermeM Jkf 1 ReTololibnary rotes and cold water armies : tht one drove the red coat froo ctir laodwiho oiberl tba ted nosWS I -1" i A NY quantity of fresh Lime can beibadiat LaOi. the Kiln ol ithelate Joseph Williams deo By the 10O bashsl8 and over 16 ceotsf 504 to 1Q0 bushels 18 j 5 to 40 bushels 20 , onslacketl la proportion. p-W- iifsv:4V:;--iii ; i All persons .wish in iiuiociuier a. iue,iin,nx iheir-residenoe, will sppiy either 10 J.r or it. WILLIAMS I '';.! Rockford, Sorry eoonty, N. C. ? . J ' - fh starch jl 8,1 843. t : ftfS4l-l'' Sft- K ; Smith Shop JYolUc. nn II E Sobscfiber hi ving porchised the Smith S JL Blop, (UrmerlT oecopied by Mr. WiJUam- South 0 iMuTpJiyy.ilor ' and : East oftJfi::. ; .: ijf;.'; ;; I. : ' ! i! . J i: !fi: Xn. Cowcn's 2 uvern, l. ...J. L' J J :aa.i'- f.f i L' Will Keep sieaoy, pnoo ana aurnin nanus pi-, wayt ready luextcnta wolk In good aiyle, and; Salisbury. Jan. C, 1S44. ! 1 JOHNt5T0Nl iiiher mt euidft ot ' irif self iTfdorteen teen articles of crockery of fractured plates, saucers thrups , wa:po w u.. tmail iron Tesselg lor cooking, and a broad table, -oaUined by diagonal Jbars lastenec wjthiai.siVOn4N riaaa.i .f tfc.ii'nn.j the oolf. testimonial of neatness that poverty could a fiord i. The oie chattle estste tnciuoiog ine josnj vifo and cfaildreor coold. opt be antit lriien ddlart.:'fHr3i4.-'"tj: , . irt0teTifrmh"Taimi cnd thu American tttaiif ri ceit ett wiUi tbei molt degrading airvili:y.f !Te poor manM downcast eyes, he articolates! onceastngly. m Inr A tMnvlarif rno. Of lord y O0r lordabipi-vith i antswe doe to divinity rath- The slave tn' tbe Carolinis is not so itnn- ber of the OHo Bar! interrupted him, tnd 4 in it over night. . " ' I "f - . ' i : . ' . . I . j.i & a . . 1 1 . slier a conite.ous apology tir tne; liberty which he toi It. said : Sir, I ami .the - moi i violent lorpfofo in Jthe strongest locofoco district in Ohio, but in mj section there sis not a democrat, who would not, take off his eoat to chastise the. scoundrel who- would darn to ssy! that: Henry City tf3 .dishonest. TheJVhigipirtyj c V no exclusive; right to the glory ff Uenryj uisj't cnaracter. it belongs to the coontryatlis political foes, and I ao among tbe most srdent oLtbero, will obDOse him defeat bim if thty can--- bnt they still permiri no msn. to say that Uenry Clay whom we gloryfirj wbiie we oppose him; is not an honest man ? ' Tha ditnute was ended. iVitf. Jnaepm Benevolence is alwfys' a vinnoa pr(neiple- 1 s bperaiiow always secures toothers their nato ral rights ; and it liberally soptradds tnoie than IDTJ CUIIIIVU aw.viv.wv 1 1 EIO W ttLIi OOBA liDl Oldridzfs Holm of Columbia Jot the Hair TC1ROAI Corosi4cMt Co Its pasllivtf tal(-j Lit? lies are as futfcnvs :-lst For infanta, keep ing ihe bead free from seorf, and caasiof a lax oriant growth jof hair. 2d For ladles ahr cbllJ. birth, restoring the skin to Its'natoral streegtb aJ fir--.ja-ptiyentlis tbe-falling ppt,pf tbe hair. 3d For any .person recovering from any debility tbe saoae etlect is ptedoced. 4th If dsed 'iMsffncyj till a good growth is started,. It may be preserved by attention to the latest pe-J iM of life. 5th It frees Ihe head -from daad ruff, streegtbens the roots. imparts health and vigor lo tbo circulation, and prevents ibe bsia,! fiom ' changing color or etttinggray. -6th It causes the batr to carl beautifully when dooe op In it'over nfgbt. ! . - u . ..t. ' -v"::: ?v - ;M tf- No ladies toilet should ever be made wit boa til. ' 7th Cbtldrjsn who have by any meant con- traded vermis) In ibe head, are immediately and perfectly coied of them by ta use. It is iolallM u; j 'V H f M T I had been bald about five years oo more hair on the top pf iny head' than on the back of rxiv hand, and my head covered ! with a thick scot;f. In Jh is Situation aboat tho 40ib of Aogost last, I began nsing the Balm of Columbia; Irom Con. atiiek 4r Co. J ' Si nee wbleb , I bava need two Sod at half bottles of the Baiot,,which fast folly re stored my hair, aod freed my bead eottrelyrom earL My head ir now covered wibrjoe.Dw. ing long hatr-pwhich any out may set by calling anTme. at Stamford Connect icui. . -" v i;.Ta i! Nov.t 4840. ; D 8 SCOFIELD. f ' I Counterfeits are abroad look always for the name of Coroatoek St'Co. j k ; -v!H i For aale a't the Watchman OQce, and by C B Wbeder, Salibary, Dr iStlb. Raleigh D Heartt, UiIsbortr ; J fc lUSJoao, urttoaboro i J ''fc -i -.-' a" ' ;f.;'"l 1: . -MSI P Mabrr. Ixiniioo, 1 oajcJi pW$--J i. -8 $y-- n si -I ;"j i'fli- 1 '!;" iff 4-'?Hj,."jp m J4 i -fi. - .;, ! ; i-r- i ' It J -Hi: . ; ..5 v" .rrVS'-lfp'-!! 1 it' 1 !r-f n 'ill !'. - 'V, 'SKf- tV- :;? A i - j if -.1- ' ; 1

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