i . 7 I r,- rl 111 w tb Uim,; and wejthiak! the possession of the Island u 9 r racetaueh more thaiMiny pecuni . 1 . I l , if . ' If . i f a- i?flon ; at ktiiicr'r! " - . " f""'11 cxp9Ct irom itf I' v. r-i,. nr niww'T t p4-tei ' 11 r ' in -t;" iiillii HJ-- I'lHli Ki- 1 'j r j 1 I -4--'. I 1 nttRliriER&? JAMES.1'1 1 '"li'i::- 1 zU, ':h 'NEW: SERTP :"f ll-Ivvfei kecoa el was flashing . i . ? ?o k'Hrt a motion's Rerr car; v. ;i r o i iTO&f BESTJUMif charger dashing iMmotimi wlt"JLnonymoi'1 i beam, V ' serene, -J !Alffrn& uAeertaH with uncertain gleam fclfMotjdil femain.;. jrViblWr i FntisWawfesaffrief and vain ! :;:wilto of amt shall own : all mrlwnd't ldra tjf proclaim. : MIWV ; mieiJrJ mj .- . iPlrteittaticalof .iVflW JBonrte, Mapoiei a ft..-. ::'ry:o6ancelpH fiefflect of this rule' rill kliHi'ondfl; difference in your haraeHlcfi Lre yrlre bldM All act upoii it, more r ks bijft dbjlt a matter of habit Liid bilctanl I Most act upon it as a ntjef Jinierest or !of curiosity at the tnorperit llScat difficulty is we'be gintolafe Jpili(e tc (make every thing :6ntrihueJ tihcreast our stock of - prac arini: lili cling be what it migh eveii -jh ;ros Is! ii)j4 Jellow that ever njbbf jiidoAVil ; a hoi!rorn whom he could npv&iiarf' sbWtHinJHwbic)i nb did not before know,' trill 'aofl!iiio :ih fact- thai'he 1 seemed & 'hV.:Ajirii-'jkhowledge of every Ilinlf Wh but hd -would atop i in : the treet Kn nt jflona word wbich drop-: ed anionic meioaiiisL of (wo ansrv men. -j-a -yBrfbt'. ' jyfiicji.; pe p&d -men looking "or mt h j ? I lib is IquiteVas' important) (LI'WqM ! wjth jthe ears ibpen. is.wit)i nef eVvslopen. " When I was youn Cecjl; p my mother had a servaiit pse conauci ti inouirni ttoiv u wasshired to brew, and this 5Pf want Wii to watch his method, in or- der flearn Itia i ar, In the courseof the pr3fsdrnething was done. which she djtfoJ unQefstanq J ; Sheiasked him an ..'!aj)$ei rjji tH t' ic vilest epithets for hcr;in'.aa att pidity. '" My motfier aked.berhpy: she) bbre such abuse. 3 wouitt'peicatiea, saiq she, worse names, A thasaflnes, Ibij ihe. sake of the inr ,!bri4tpuibt hipu"- ' It is a false ticn jtli o.ugjbt t& know nothing out -ofaiMrl.iejQf'. study-or -profes-;Aooflyofr:iU.'liil none theless distiti gvisheji jli four calling, for haying ob- wi lap " practical Knowieage fomj iie?y .ifnan ith whom - you meet; AndrmartvijlhS calling knovr!ji which you do not, and which ire decidfujf vorlhridwing. v 4 j; hittides! of giWjl and learned men sat riH ililinryo eloquent and yothljal hcer4( frhewere superiors mierjr thig xping his ownVprofes swoffjna1 blrjiap44 that,' excepting the pviat oni wmcn; nq naajusi oeen stuaying, ind ,orif which he Wak speaking. Yet they er taftass andldfnail. or an "'hid hnmi shoelhlk! 4f Jfven a pin, without ' takirii(jj because, although you may Mtidw,''io47wll ttndja use for. it m irnec pfjier I say the same thing ft Vou wftnlreardi to knowledcre. Hmv fvtf isc(elit jmay appear to. you at the ymtm; i mr there is in factjvi th in the' wivQircWof human observation! not 'MS M ::mfritiire' anecdote that voii fead lpil aeAvs5paper or hear in convert salion tatwin not come into play some ffewvplutarily pr senttheir dint tmMtf your thinking and 'M elohgjng to that train, and you i-wiUlrlgrct ,tiai you cannot recall uiem fnor listinctlyj ; I dp not? recommend you to try to learn etery jthmg j jFarfrom itf But -while you e4nifeat oek in viewyou can fttetwl ter; thjhgf which have a bear lllprjjec If you ivere now sent J'hiesj to Meiicb, wiile the great object before ydu Wojuld be?'to"doy6urer "'S nd ejlitiously;; ought you '4P4'4-to ue yur -y8 uraithf) landscapes; the rivers! inf glens;i the waterfalls the-itild mi of nature which lie in vour Dathl jpurok to havk your earslopen, 6 t - vi nai iniormaiion, srory anecooie. ftctv thing Ijf th kiiid, which you ,HaSjrejurn wiser i t would .ail .PffTOinjthdleast 7 ,'nd would ju uuv vc wuin? bourse II. ftvervsnch Jft Heambre agreeable, iriteli raiHl an USicrsiex se hal M ate aMm 1 v -f f, ;-r; in C- t rr v ' vi 00 iwux every worn J Bemoryvlth ivhen he meets with jitiptee.d notfturn to his dictionai k nVmt gender, hnd hemay hot be l,eil just how, the word appeared ,??eitfbut V but he has made and has anxed opin : Of tKtt!ml ;V i 'pb;4oi;remim weir, the view T j .i-vitin llwlwipf thinly tniii w?OTpuw t . a. n u t.eiaeyej'ei.-deriving informal tjonpihd plea his ministry! Ojdidiiihed economists will tell you ifcSl iot ndvirbe able to tell you .Hfyhail; 5pss (hexame to that opinion. It should mm lieiyi thinEDo not examine a I subject;! in order to get some ral notion of ibut if now in haste; tilijjc-U matter W.Def-K)le great impurumtn or smalMif lit be Worth Examining at all do it tlibrolullily; arid dp itbftce : for all;; sp Tnatwnetiever xe suojeci, snau . again c)nieLii 'ffi&r- mind wll be settled andat ipBsi "it i kfeppJW tf;JestablisH(5d-' ind linwa fejoprihciples ihatrmak man al nrmjcnaracier. . : inese:pnncipies relate to rigV Ann wwwiir; flnrtf' innnAn about : which the Judgmeht j f v .vpf uiiivif at4 va w f?as,to ce .propaDiuTies. uo, noi pe. ih cbnimgi toi conclusions.'1 "Ybuncr flieii geheirallY precipi-; tati th4nfftfwaht ojT judgment. If tuey will only gi V themselves time to weiffh t ieatteiy their cohclusiohs will usually be orrc' -tZu- haIJdng adopted an expedient, whjch I havM found of singular service. I! have a sheJl in.;my study for tried au thors, and one inTmy wimrf for' tried prin ciplea and characters, j - . i jt Wherifan gjitkov has stood a thorough ejxaminatibni'andvjll bearta be taken as airud4ll mt hini on the shelf! tv , j .When I have more fully made up my mind oni timmtichlel I nut it on the shelf ! A. hundred subtle bhjections may be brot against ,1 ms principle ; 1 may i meei wiin some of themj perhaps j but my principle is loin the shejf .' Generally I may .be able to recall the 'reasons which weighed with nifijjto put; it Hhere ; jbut, if not, I am not tp pe snton to 'sear' again. ;:' Time was rhn I awirpug aad''detecedaliihe sah)!ietis jjtwij; .jbould be brought against iit. 1 1 have pst evidence of ; having been fully convinced ; ajid there4 on the shelf it shall be ....j,.,. . ,k i--... li 4 Wheni! I nave turned a character over rajhd ;bvej ffiwX sides, and seen it, through 4ndthr4uh1:piall situations, I put it bn tnejstieli. w J. here may be conduct in the person, fyhicll may stumble others ; there may be pTainponsisthcies,; there may by strange aijd unaccountable turns; but Ijhave u that character - on the1 shelf; difticultieswijl all be cleared ; every thing will come rond again. I should be much chagrined, indeed, to be obliged to take aj charater -4l)wn which I had once put lip, 'butmat has never been the case with nie yet;Jahd ;ie best guard against it is, not i to bj too Easty in putting them there.' 'fhpse fvhoj Understand :the above jkeen remarks! by Experience, ii well know what aj L luxuryi; it i as. - on 1 particular occasions,! whfjn the;mild is fatigued, or the memo- ry , wet,;4pd doubts are started; con qernlnglsom point of great importance,to Have this iShelP of established princi- eies to ,wnicnyou can po. r nave never eeh abiel to 5read the historv of the niar tyn(jm 4f Ithriyenerabje Latimer without beiAg tohqhedj almost to tears, to see him cji rijgingj tp'h long-establishedjprinciples hy urged Sim to dispute and prove his religion 4rue. and the popish, false. He kne,w thiili hi was od, and had lost some wjit o thel strength of his mind. ' He vbild not dipute. He left that for young a!n(Jjvigqtqus minds, while he died simply repeating his belief! He knew very well thai! he bad 'i once examined the subject th alIth ior of his intellect and he yas t not to and Jtalce these; principles dovvh froriHtfie " shelfT and again prove them to te); cfceet. Conduct which stands on jsucht a fasisi aind character which Strikes rs :ros thus deep, will be such as rill bear Iscliitiny, and such as no storm dad;shaM'ilin'' " " - i "; p" man resolved, and steady to his trust, Inu1exibJ-tb lilj and obstinately just. . . t ijMny tKcl; irMs? rabble's Insolence despise il ? 'Their jSebsejiss clamors an tamoltnous cries ; ' ThL tyrant's ptpeneas he bejutles, v ii ? ,i , A.nd the jjrteni brow .and the harsh voice defies, j f Am, .wii elor; greatness mites.'' 8 ; Be, simple and neat irf your personal habits, i ;:- til , ': It is frequently said, that some -pride is necessary among men, else they would potlhe defeeKt? in! their appearance If theiikmirkiimeahs'a'nv thinsr. I sunnose it jpdans, tjiiat iftide adds much and frequent ly to our personal appearance. But an anl, t any" sinless spirit, Ijdbubt not, WQtjld be Ji &ntlemah In appearance and dreS, artdjthjLt not fronv pride, but from a desaje ta e,t lore useful and more happy; Notljingi wiil so uniformly and certainly majke yJjunpbpular, as to have any ha- mis; mat are Slovenly. i If lyoufi- have 1 ever learned tn ' thawi or smoke tai Indian weed, called tobacco, ATieg that ydu will at once drop all. cleanse your mouth,! md never again defile youK sel With it! Nicholas Monardus. a Ger- mah. hajwjtten a large Iblib pn the virM tneot jiobafceo ; but it would, take ma y;acMphft to prove it Avorthy of a place among ; -civilized, mexuULet a man be tprp romahip-wreck upon a desert ishibd, and ia a state of starvation; and he iratheidie4 than j to eatj this weed, tfiotigh tHe island migit be- covered with it f and no j youth can use it,-! either; in chelying or smoking, without; decided and permanent liMury to his appearance,Jiealth and' prbgres in study; uei a company sbehd thje ev and whiit is ning in smoking the" cigar, he: effect 7 They all awake in the morni g, restless, ievensn, iow-spi- tssatished. The mouth is clammyfand bitter the stomach uneasy, and leach one 'feels like pouring out the vtalrrihjsiplje, in yawning. .The custom certainly; seems most at home in a, filjhy ale-house :or bar-room. ui VY henjlne lash- ion was so strong in linglannv thaijame . - v . . . . ,,14 U . . 1 . JJ-epuld get lid-one ttf preaeW against it' liiToyal hand'tobk the peniahd: jwin hd; wrote- a thef following ? closingr parap(pTJhjs royal Pounterjblasti It is a ustoip loafh-. some' to 'thW ''life- haiefulto the twsel harrii- ful'to the brdin. anfferous .-'tol &itlm&ll bHneelVantito catMrid titmn and m tha Iblackl. . V fame theredOspise nntandfpoUteaess. I But man: is! smoke of the pit that, islbottomlessi"m U I All jexperienced people illj tell fydu that jthe halit; ousingtbtiim shapei will soon render! ydu ilmaciated and:conisUmpitiveyoUr merfefihattferet your spirits lj)w and (moody.you ihroat dry, and depianding simulatfng 'drinks our person iiiiny, ana 'your ujctuiu most? oi & swine, J 'l;- fii f :! f? $,tr J 1 J Iiet 'your qress,;be' net' anLt$inJ)ei I not feel that the bodv. which ill mdrelv case for the soulis of! too greait lmnor-; tonce.,)At;!th .feme '''iime,! hwho is, i good: and true man,, will be ; likely to keep the outside of lu huse mgojolbrder In a certain village there is apou$e, vhica seems designed to be fojipish; t ls front is white, its left green, its baclf yellow, an4 Its right red. Nothing, could be tpbre ridiq ulous, and y :t is not i more redichlous, in reality, than the jdress bf many i a house! that the soul must ! inhabit, j 1 1; would rep commend i that ' vduf clothes be of good quality -so. good, that trou ! cdnstahtly feel that they , art you feel ahx 'worth preserving and that bus to show yotir ecbiiomy of time they last! fbrexr! by thejengtl ercise you should have a dinerent dress.! No' dne can ehjoy himself who undertakes io siuay, ana exercise m pe same aress. in your stuay, use an old coat or gown. 1 01 will feel more easy and comfortable," ah vour dress-coat will last all the; better fo and this is very well. I know of one who aiways siuaies, summer apo winier,fin ni?s shirt sleeves s and though I have; ap opin ion of him quite as high as he ; deserves, yet 1 cannot recemmend the practice. i Your dress should be warm. I If yotj wear flannels next the skm, be sure tp take them all off when you sleeps Be sure, also, to! keep your feet) dry and warn in order to this, you must uise them even day in walking:. The question in Irela tidn td dress should be. not " HbV oftei can I haVe a new hat or, coat i s bu " Hpw Ipng can I wearit,and keeB it hand! swmc i xxo vvuu uiiucriuwes lyt uts, nice and finical in his dresi' will make; but a pcor student. , Hei descends tbwards ine, animal wPTia. iryaen, n jnis iaui pf the Cpck land the Fex, seems! tpihav had a dandy before . him- , j. i j j : . " Then, turning, said to Partlet, ISee, pty dear. How lavish laure hath adomed the year : How the pa e primrose and the violets Spring, And birds assay their throats, disused, ! to sing. All these are ours ; and I, with pleasure see . Man strutting ion two legs, and aping me Np slave is sp abiect, as he ivvhe tries tp keep near the head in the irace bCfashi ions. Alexander is said toi ha vie had a neck that was wry : and this created ai fashion, so that his courtiers all held their heads en pne side.. ! He was most ! f ash- ienable, whp lppped his! head the mest.! Was this more ndiculous than what the votaries of 'fashion mus do continually T But cannot a student be particu arlyj nice about his dress wilhoutl having his heart air m it i 1 reply, that whenever you see the tail pi a iox out oi the aoie, you may be pre tv sure that: the fVx 'list in thft hole.w Keep your clothes neat jantj clean; your coat, your hat, your boots jor shoes, and be neat as to ypur linen;:! Ibat . do npt feel that this is by any i meansi the I great business pt lite. Pay particular attentinn tp ypur teeth. By this I mean, simply, cleanse them i with a spit brushi and With water,' id which a little ceirimpn salt is disselved the last thinsr before you retire at hikht. This 3 simple direction, faithfully followed willi ordinarily keep the teeth pod till old age. I wpuld Urge this, because, if j neglected, the fpllpwihcr I are the results i i , Yeur breath will I inevitably beepmp lofiensive from defective teeth; your comfort! will be destroyed by frequent, toothjache ; your health will suiter for the want of good teeth to masticate the food ; and last, though not least, you will early jlose your teeth; and thus your public speaking will be ,. irretrievably injured. TjbJesci jmay seem smalljaflairsunpwj but ihe; habit pf neglect will assuredly bring bitter repen tance when it is too late tp remedy the neglect1 -r ; Vi'li - ' ' Dp npt afTe'ct singularity in any pfypur habits. :.W never feel at.hbnje with a man of odd habits ; and anj iuch ( will assuredly iricrease upon him. J JHe makes a heavy draft upeh . the kindnes of man kind w;ho is 'every 'day demanding: that they bear;, Ivith his ecentrieiWes.j j You may how recollect a most excellent man, wno is onen seen m company wwa nis feet: poised juponi the tbp of a chair, and nearly as high as his head, hot tin frequently upon a table. ThH ,habitwas acquired when a student ; and (though a whole company hasftea ached oyer the habit, yet it remains unalterecU iipufmay be boorish; in mannersj Und;bcf. ik 'John son ih that respect ; but he'had talents and lnuusirv, w;mcn ceuia maive j ami cusiin guished ih spiteef his iU. manners, j 'j. i jpe particularly anemiye to your ;be-i ha,viQUr table ; for from his isituixtiqii j the student is peculiarly tempted Wexr. Jthere4i? isanbronitss and Jblunt- ness.iq qe : manners t?i . some prpiessionai menfra: complete 4retfding under foot of M:po.e.neylicmay,n jaci inney propaniasiaroajiatii itlirjefinjslll wnentneyame i out aio ne woriaj knowing-,Hor: toliejPX?n Knpving .now; to pehayej tney puf on- ine , hlunt,; hairlot'mp g pscjbus qJT abUitieshioulasUfferm Poses that any .strength mentf jwlrend.his:6pny agre while his manners are rude;; ? If voii are I accbrne5tdjb ' know h'bvv f. iiipiiacbustoined ."to m beV nave mouesuy. ana vou wm ueuave wvey i crk fho in all irnni inforMMlKit with i'mP 1 fellow-studentsjalayi maiinja pearance and cnaraiejr oil a genneiuaii, i never that 01 a bunoptti or a sloven. lAnd j your cnaracier.nowasi in inese, re- SDectsi so it is to De throusn liiej l nave known students wh1&!' establishment, showed that they were sl vens : l and theviwbrbfhever known t im- prove in these resnectS.b Reenvpur m and person J at all times, just as ypu w Id have it ifrypii expected yeur mpthieiE : pr sister tP niike ypu a rvisit.1 Neatness is the werd by which tb? designate all! is meant iij regard td your! persona that ap- pearahccN 'r. UWlr . V'- Cleanliness is the first mark of polite i . - t ; 7L -. s. ' : ill ness ; jit isj agreeable tb Others, and M a very pleasant sensation to ourselvesj The humoi of Swift was not misapplied when sickness byfchangingM H i i b. .. Lj t ut-iMirou! wuyiHMi 4a! - , ' . :T . -1 It jne mistortune, l as .ne tooKMip a c Stal eup, whichf was consecrated toith phet, to let lit fall-njlon! thfe grouni dash it to pieces. His Son coming in some time after, pie strecjdir6ift his! ha bless him, as his manner was every ning : but the youth, gioing out, stum over the threshold and broke hislarnVj As tne old man wondered ai inese eve caravan passed by in its, way to M s, a cca: lithe dervise approached it to beg a ess- ' . 0 J ins ubut as he stroked Pne et the camels, he received a kick fj-pm the which, sprelv bruised; him l; his soetpw and amazement increased kipen un- til hei recollected that, through hurry and inadvertency, he hadiVtot inomim i .i .... .1 t ii. i iln i rr Come aorvuu wucuui ivusnmg, his nunis. -'i-- r i - i : 4. . .; 1 i 1 9. Acquire the habit of doing every min( well. . . i I :!! 1 - i- 1 j It is well known f that Johnson used to write and send toopy td the bressL without even looking it 'oyer by vay of irevfejihg, 1 his ,was. the etlect ol habit, tie Pegan by composing slpwm but witn greaf ac curacy. ; We are naturally impatient et restraint, $nd have j spf little. paien :jp at our command, that y$s i a I rare) thi i ig to find a ypung man dping any thing as Ivell as he can. , He wishes to do it quickly. i And in th ! conversation of I studentsllvou seldom bear one tell how well he did this i . !.-. m I trim. ' ! Ill or that," out zioMJ quiciay. "ls is a j cious ! habitl Any thing1 that is Svor me at all. is wprttt dpina: well : aj mind well disciplined, in pther respe ueiecuve, u u uave :iioi ims iiu.uim fit ar vounc man. who unexpectedly lost t fections of a young lady, bf whom h i was sumcieniiyfiona, lniurmeu ms.r.euu, wim a1 good idegreej of (shwdess,) thai he doubted not that he; lost tne prize irqm a verv small cirdumitalice.. bhe handed him a letter which shefhad been w If? 4? tins to a friend,fand! asked him ito direc He did so: but in a manner so h and slovenly; (for it was his great tion to be quick in doing any thing, she b ushed when she received it. that little ; circumstance her affe seemed tb lcool, until pney were dc him. liis lnend comtorted him b p.ay- ins: that she was more than half mi r . ' ' i . l nis incident is mentionea. not o count of itsi dignity,: but; tOj illustrat point in hand, j byery thing she done well, j and practice; will soon el you to do it quickly, i How Imanyjare mis- "'-1 - t ! ii'-' m- . eraoie readers, andimiserapie waiters, as in mflnnpiand kaflArli hpkansft thV do Wnf thU bn hi. t I F.n rinidtU liUdtn - f h . .i M .-: . t ?: : , - ! !Jj. comnose out rnree lines, wnue a coniem- ra poet cmpea1 the huhto V.u iL.-lt' JTio.'ki:-! H 4ul .Bill! I I Illlllllll 1 Iral 1 W Bvl Ull I II I I other fpr tHe day. . jjd'ridin had bet ter be! bull little, ydiir conversations but lew, your, compositions snon anai weu done, t .i,ma4fi''n ja 44 great fiur- ry, is commonly the; one who hurries over the small stages of the lourney. without making the great business of life to Icon- I sist in accomplishinsr as much as possible. The great secret of IBoonaparte's skill as S warnof, iistel? did ii- ; . ' . . : t.i-- i -.J. rnrih txvoor threedi1siohs, he oinot Ajtx v:- Li ii-UikU- 'rrJJti divide' bis army fin the same pro Co : he brougbt ail 'his strength ipon pne was an: id. So pnpugh, t warJ llSe'mreaed'allliisTokeT' Ft.! gun, agaiithcf No matter how! f'bigshipjOf theei pressmg or annoying ers might beJ; everjrlballJvYas. to tbw'jards.jthe,? Pig till heH nuns ders tp gather the.applicaUPn and moral the shopi f mecfiacg perhaps fbr-thel fiod of the following beautiful story f AMe- which be eaU r tEd raiment he weari,1afe.V Vise, of creat rv h pro- T . dL and ad tP ilnbr- bled BEE rtd a as. is were silent" 1 (This isL algobd ' pfinciple'to carry oui in regara tovjBiy .lain?, one jn astonvshmnr at the eflbrts and sue, cess pf a watjmanV1 IWhyv rWntoha thing at & timer aad .tr to finish it once, foraltJ K Irobn tnttf ih minH lln nM sanH ' t aw kfej - this irindJDdsho't send aletter excuse it, .oecai You havg no j inju justice c to' lurselfV ! iDonot make a memorandum s earelessly, that mat ofir.! about it. and havefto trpst pressibhs. 'J'yhjit jWe,: allp8rciat character, is forthed in this way ; and hone' uo t.n r .expect to be anyyungelse than superficial. 4 wi vwuiintea,; s ? v - in . . . .kv iveuion uw opes not maxe a man nonen is ;gopd - for nothing.-a.inaii" professfsito be; a Christian and defrauds, hu neighbor that man's relicion is vain. And he is dishonest who with. holds from another that which is his due, -when! it is in j his power to pay it. ! :je 1 Te, for bur which we laxnesss, not to call it by a! harsher riamer of many professors o religion; who sejdom orne. ver pay their debts until after being ; called 'upon again and aainand perhaps finally being threatened with; a isuit ni law. There . are some such raen.iu!almost evfery communitv - Ve have one of these men now, in our eye. He is a very v amiable; easy maru who never wvs willinir to do them a favor when thevare if he can avoid it f His bfflr at the store at rmncttons i conscience on the ubicct. fie nrava in his (am. llv nnrl In tm arM!nl mrtinri -nr-l anmnr iwnnlfl J think that he maf he a christian ; bat nien of the world say that ja he would he honest, they would nave a;bettcr jppiniom -We see another,4ebtor. lie has no objec tion to buying anything that - he can get upon trusj: he wuUeycp j subscribe for .a religious newspaper, or a new edition "of the Bible, and makes loud professions of his willingness to aid this object and that, but; when called, on to pay his subscription he is f urifortuhately just then out of monevl he will Certainlv oav it ina . i ? y fiw davs ; hut he as no mntifii readr n. minth af terwards than he va3 befor, and he never in tends to pay. . Hei pretends nevertheless tb be a pious man, but he deceives very fcw, , Just now, we see another man of this always- i . . i a ' r - ; w v aaj iv i vi i iiij Viuopr JJimv illsC . f A be contracted a heavy debt, and he has never yet. seen the time when he could nay the whole of it at once ; and, therefore! be has paid nne iu ins .Hcomejnss ueen sucn mai ne rmgni, wkh a little economy and denial, have jaid a part of the debt every year and by this time have extinguishedjit j but his conscteace does not seem to trouble him alt all, although he ZtrWbn that whit lj does not belong to him. 1 Men may sophisticate as they please they can never make it right, and all the bankrupt laws in the universe can never make it I right for them to neglec to play their debts.. ; There is rx in this neglect as clear and as deserving church discipline, as lit stealing or false swear- mg. ne wno violates nis promise to pay, or withholds the payment bf a dbt, ichen itis with in his power to meet his . engagement, ought to be made to feel that; in the (sight of God and of all honest men, ihe is a swindle ri . Reliriou may be a very comfortable cloak under which to hide ; but if religion does! not make a man 4deal justly, it is hot worth having. - But what shall a! poor man do who is in debt ? Let him work hard and nay iu Deny Yourself all the luxuries and very many of the j com&rtis oC lil& ; be willing to; take an humble place in so. ciety, and mortify your pride in dress and style, of living be as siniple and economical as pos sible ; if necessary, hye on bread; and water, and labor, diligently, until you satisfy the ; de. mands of your last creditor : but never lay up acentot money nor spend a cent needleasly ' S S a a while you owe it to another We wish that this principle could be ingrained into the hearts and; consciences, at least of professing chris tians. There is a! looseness on the subject in the church that is jperfectly ifreconcilable with the law of God ana the maintenance bf . a good remitation i n the e ie s of the rwnrlrl. Let no man be trusted wh neglects to pay his debts. If misfjrtune has suddenly deprived him of- the abilitv to nar. that is another thins : but if by his conduct he showi that he has no j: : a- l:. l i jwjhiw w iucci un enzaiHeui., espccinj small debts let htm not bes trusted. He that is unjust in a little. ill bt unjust in much. He I whrf riofr&iiii tvil! o Ail.. anH therwi -aframi! - r- r .t..t.t W11 widlynef electing to discharge a febtw-i. 1 Observer, YERY LATE FI10AI II AYTL ; i ComplelB overthrow of thi yLtdotXo Govern mcrtt j-From Capti Hoyt, of the brig, ReMiblic, who left Port Iteriiblicjiri on! the 27th altimo, and arrived here on Monday p vening) says the N.' Y. Sun, we learn that thejBlack have been entirely successful in. their engagements with the Government troopst Herald's ibrce had disbanded inthe orth, and he took refuge m P4 Eepublicap, bW" ,fas ;hkiy pors-bra sunerinir numerical force, and it la bebeved ne J hol??,mi"J The levolu. tiomsts have established an! independent ov. ernment in the Spanish part bf the island.' The French Admiral lay off Por Republican with three frisutes waltin? the issue of eve'nti. He pay the indemnity Wue tp lnxeouw ne useoj as a Drcteit fbr that Darnosei The black pop-1 v-l J 1L w-.t.i-4 Uiauon-nas oeen iignung "t twpwwww of, vernment, Jnsteaflf a 3Witaryj TlAnA. 14 in mis country, nave .a oaaname anrpaq, State repudiations but it is ' not this of wish toi soeak 1 iiist now. It is of the" ' i naiu t hiiu mw ivvta a avft0 vviiiift iinui'tyu v J I I I.- Iha ic w1 il . . - I. and the expected failure of the Government to f e? tVotMot - ' . nwM.tioc'iipa.mc now in foil operation, a distance of twenty Mm, J m ty on tneur way ur Washih TltWlfreeaji, fbnaerfr ostmasteiL at.1! -li rollfeori; Missouri, who rpetrate4 a aeries of . most era are tunusIieU at ne duWio exbense : with mivIIa. :k t f iirix wax., wafers, at eel pens, snueigars, aha'momile!: flnvm Minn , t iyory foUera. to4th brushes, , ha t brashes,; nail rusliei meoines, antca of jewelery perftaneTT and" caaea.Hi f TM -J7rcwtemWishmen(Tias become of the lions of the jown: 1 It is vudted dailyi pyihiridirds! off persons. fcTie poor hens are likely, toi be robbedf-lall h materaal pleasurea. We understand a YankfM in'Cml vf necocsl is Inventing a machine W iry -whea if is a oomplfted, all barn door fcwlamay. gcji to pot. . i : -; j jf T'Aa illnstratiea of a alight paue in speaking, occnnel before the Supreme Court of New Jersey at a recent tentti P Tn. !J:fi - iu i 'Jj ' r tersif not ihe words, of Blackstone.'taare in justice ! f Fated to Dtaikjkn i ! Englishman and .aYahks). foasfht aduelin a dark room lately. ,fHYaukef , not U the chimney; andi to his horrordown jcanie ih? English- man.. Mt r 'W ' 5 4 t ; h U 4 4 : . Matter ritUfTK in the tivnt of CkarUt fArchhish-it op Laad procured a decree to be passed in the Star,,; chamber July lt 1637, " to regulate says HeylyoJ "tne". trade of printing, and prevent all abases of that exeel- len art, to the disturbance of the church.', f By this decree ; it wasbrdered.-l That the mister Drihtera from, thence forth shqJd be TedaceJ to; a eerrain number ; Uuit if any; j other shoulJ secrttly or openly pursue that trade should "t be set Sn the pillory, or, whipped through-the streets, and sauer uuicr punianmoni us uiai coon. nunu uuna ul 10 lnnictnpon tne enenaer. r v Jud'iUiirrfff rof the court of Mus20ee'coanty,Ala bama, iccnmitted suicide about a brtnht ago, by blow, ing oui hia brains, with a pistol - The cause of this mel lad y1 refused hislconaent to the union, which bo operated! upoA Juig3 M'sj dmpoiTtion, as lo drive him tcuthf corn- mission of an ac( which has "deprived the cornmuriity.)a J which be uved cjf a useful citizen, an upright; judge,ad! J! an. honest man.! 7':St'- 'i-r vi!;ri . . J. Ms Daniel David MsDmel and. Joseph Brown; t convicjtel at St. iLouis recently of the snutdr ofXhavis-f j the Mexican trailer, have been aenience l W be hangedi. j on the J4th of .' June ;jiert. The sentence of Thomas ! Towson, also ccbvkted of participation in the' murder wasdeferredlv . .i.:4.rij-'; "w-:i.,',vj ' rj ;-' Tnn iweray mueaof th&lat i Hi tef city, iaforjnnftion of the Whig nominations for Freti1 1 P dent and Vice Preadent wer cominaiucateJ'by ;meana f heiTfJfSTpi-f The m$. tra versed fihe whole! 2V 1 ailea andUck ira-flitkin miles in no pereeptP r II' bl part of a second of timeTf ! - - ' H.' 1 1 -; f h ' i oeen ieuverea qp, oy we anaaian latnontiesj , -1 1 1 f .1 . Sf?f ?irtAa.i-:M appears from a repon mae; by Mi. - A '; Cdhnor, ef me Pennsrlvania Lezlslatare. that th ; ' vvuu nre puiiiinuig wsi'Ki caouiaaie lor yie honor of the green bag. WTiat is a coint f asked one, of1 the bench. A place answered the student, 'in ihe lel4 n did not withhold, the diploma.1 f 'il M i; ! L fdtatf. Saranel J. Burr, has J been ; apppointed by the ' ' President, and confirmed Jby the Senate, te be Secretarr f" ? ; ancnoiv pet wasjiove ineulge was in .Mobile only a few weeks beforj, as was the young lady to whom hie was ensizedbut onlreturninsr to Columbusl the fathec of the'!1 -a 'm ie' wv. aja aaa vi uvtuiuut t caft-4ia llVlBfj y, a present frora fi-e Imiura of Muscat o the. President of if' i the United Statek, arrived at Salem on Wednesday, in the A barque Clha,' from Zahizbar. ' I m-f--$ ' Attack on tfy?' S-m of tUPlnle Juissa Siwoete It - f will be ijecollectj Uwt Aimaa Spraga;, brother of Sena- I j tor Splraijae, wm mit Jered some months ago inihe j vi-WJ cinity fit Providence; where the family resided and thiM i ' a man named &ordon has since-been conrite'd of the!' T"i crime. On WJneaJayefllngTthe son of (he decased . ! was attacked by an Irislunan in the street in providence' 1 and sd terribly ieaten that hia life is considered in dan- ger. The Transcript says no clue to the ruffian has been ; j discovered. The unfortunate victim b quite a boy! jf i r Judge Elliott. -Is it not a shame, that, in a land" mil 1 of penhentiarieaj, whipping posts, pillorfes, an-Hread mills, f ' a Judbe-eonviclted of frau lulantly irinkin yearly two' r-j thousand illegal voters, should be punished by a simple removal from office. A poor, rascal,' convicted ol cast- v ing a single fraudulent vote, is sent to ihe State prison, or whipped but aj public functionary, found guilty of sub- . verting the verf. foundation and the superstructure of the Selective franchise of a city by miking 143 fraudulent , voters is suhercM to go at large in the community with ; his head unshorn and his back unscaredv LouinilU . i ; A nlan, called; the Western Whistler, is whistling con- . certa in the Boston theatre. The Bee says j the sound . he emits is clear- and distinct, and as loud asatelarieneti i Indian Oatrtge.rt& Tan Buren; (Arkj InteUigeJ- i i cer, says that a party of 0ages on the 30jh ult.,' attack ', : ed the settlement of Mr. EMward", a citizen of the United j Statea, and trader, living i Little River, who-drovein v H all die persons living there, -including seme CherokeeS W and Creeks, aniAarried off all the . horses, after destrov, log what property they could not carry off, or that they could make no use-of.' 1 " - ;;-!' ; . f ,. Pin Sticking, A Boston paper states that the pin 'f manufactory nar Derby, Con..has a contrivance for sticking pins in ( papers, which is quite marvellous, ity-i Ukes in England sixty frmalea to- stick irt'bne day,1y sun light, ninety packs consisting of 302460 pins -the '- same thing is performed here1, in the same time by one Q woman. 4 Ier ole Dccopatfcn is to pour them, ft gallon ? . at a time, into i hopper, from whcnce,they cotueSt all , ; neatly arranged upon their several papers ! The me-.-' chanism, by which the labor of fifty-nine persons is daily ' saved, yet remaina a mystery to all but the inventor ; and no person but the single one who attends to it, is, tip. on any pretext, whatever, allowed to enter the room i . where it operates.' r ! . T -: ,"" !'nia rf - A American Mtsstons.--Ihe-number of 1 clergymen how employed in foreign mis-; l sions, by thi? different Eyangelical Socie-, ties in the united States, is, according to a statement in the Foreign iMissionaryt' Chonicle,,, the4 Indian 285. Of these 35 are among ' tribes ; 40 in Texas ; 0 in incountrfes on the Meditcrra-1 Africa ; 42 nean ; 55 ih India ; 37 in Farther India n 25 in Polynesia j 14 in Europe and 1 in jouthJVmerica. The number of jnativcii communicakits connected with ihese misL siansis 33359; scholars J3215i assist- ant missionaries C2. and native assistants 220 BaltSun. j . , r. tr t 1 1 European Missions. 'he number otr't Clergymen employed on foreign missionsH by thediilerent evangelical societies ih Europel is 777. Of these 270 , arelirt thel f WestJIndies; 36 In West Africa; 3ln East Africa; 115 in Suuth Africa; 2 inf ; the African Islands ; 7 in cpuntriesjpn the r lediterrahean; 251 in Indfa and 0cyloh; 10 in Farther India ; 2 among the4 Ame-K rican Indians, and 80 in I)lynesia Tlie r number of communicants connected withlff these missions is 139,974 ; scholars 99297 assistant missionaries 119 f native assist ants 1.7C3.X6. rmMl ' Pa.MionrS' cendeti in pne year by the Asspctatipa for Prppa-I gating the js an a, esiaousnca at v;oas ia France ai3K)0 was expended for mis siens in Eurjope ; $ 193,000 for missions in Asia ; $50,000 for misioni in Oceanica, embracing the islands of thaTacific and Indian Oceans ; aid 8; 61,000 for missions ;n Amorl iii Of thftir periodicals entitled theAnnals, about 120,000 copies, publish-m are nowiprinted in seven languages ; V go . Spanish; 1 1 fiOQ ; Flem-uU i rPSusu 1VVTUW , o - TK.-i-r 1 5hJ 4-000: lltalian. iojuw 6"H.iiv ,p, I J'.lltlllv WlTICr. ri'r 1 V t. - f r.v' I 1 .2 ':t-vt t a f I n : t j j. ! K If .5 i I I'll: 1 1 4 ? HI - 's .r.

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