ii i- i I- ,. a . CLAY" AND FRELINGHUYSEN. - NifubwrWtfon receive for a teas time than one fer, 1 , st,i. iGRtixEum. : on n.. t-wc ' : HI" ' ' -;! ' 'lis ' '4;j,' V: ;- 1 N 1 : - .'!. . - 1 y . ' i : M . l-- !J - : h i ; - ' . ;: " . . i 1" : ! - 1 "" " ' i i " I :! -;i f i - -t""'''- t ' : i- : . rl-i TOK.l r" y Y ' Ml V II Jl.lt ' - Mt f! J i fjKrl rA- -- I i IV ' I W ' llr, ? t - Aiod i i r ., v . A id1 1 1 r tcssCs oj; ADfEHT13I'& ' 1 f . V l' ' ' rlL .w- :-. ;-winn and twenty "Ciwtti ami Couorders will be charged 25 per cWhlgbertotbe iwiu beU W th A deduction of, 33 1-3 per cem , f W rimfc by the L conunwd TOtil forbid land U Or tS ddreed tthe Editors most 'come wt . . . ' ..... inf inn ' . . .. , P4iai9 t,f tvv tit . AliRlVAli OiTHE tiRITANIA. FIFTEEN. iM Ir5 fATJJi? FROMEUROPE . 4flieifsteam; slfip Britannia. mvel at Boston ftbotit sixoIock on Saturday moiv nin& bringing:. Londoniand Liverpool pa ncrs to the Wth ihst. She brings 4S cabin pctsscngerv i ti - . - ; . The -Overland. Mail had' arrived from India' aridiChtoa; bfii brings' rid news of interest Mo ith (American readej. The dates froni Cantpn f aire to the 15th of Feb- . JCI I. fi B It Vii.rbut mehtion..js made -of the,. ar rival of lour Minfeter, the i Hon. Caleb Cihing'. J kittle i'syas ; doing , in '.Teas pp. Acfc.bunt ohthe higlj" prices demanded-. Several during 'dttejmpts at robbery had been'rnadfat HongiKohg. I ; trid EJlnboi6iih; Governor General dia; has. bden irebajled. - This produ- ceoi a gi eat ecnemeni. inrougnout sung- nirsinrreland aiotff. ; A new t al had not yet been tettoIri! O onncll and th other Rejealfrs:;'!!! 1 . . - (fee ted vith' seditaoni i!ortUraji is siui a Spain dlMoroccb are 'gbingto war with . eaCti other J:':'. i'U ' y . :fh6 tsacUet VhipEti6pe had' arrived at Lirarpool in short passage of 15 1- days frodi NJ YorkL- 1! i J . . . . . 7- . - t fc- TJ Z (- I - ' ' - ' nllt JUchess of .Kent was iii Fratfce! ere she nad befen entertained . 'tCiottdlwaR1 aljttffe,flrm;;. -Thfo-' .Kafi' bceh htfctualchaine iH pricesV however: Ij is rnihred that ' Sir" Hehry'Potinger i ;iim.oAs'y4l' In England be eleva-f-iii jtd'thip4erage.i : -. , . j . ; , . Mr. iThomas Baring, the unsuccessful J ! obneht 6 Mrjj Pattjson in( th.ev ; reqent ctpo1aV!n-!cohtesW has Veen returned ju is veeecea xnai me jmpejror 01 nus sia wQUld 'afnW in England; on a visit to sty, about the second week of this month. , Vast numbers !of emiffrahts froni all pAius v.ijciipucr are iiuw ituu&uig 111- tp Liverpool on their way to Canada arid v thejUnitejd tates The majority of. the - Scotch 'eraigratits t re for Upper Canada, whilst lihbse of Engldnd and Ireland ' are forthcttrnitk,Stafes.,r ; .; UtJBcyrt-sLs whether "goWrnnient 1 anjr;pffij5ial knowledge of a treaty be-. the Zpll Verein, sign epnr)4 .3jdlMach .jas bywhich. to M-riupe if America, was to-.be adimlt!intp pprmany at a duty of . four dlr$jr cwt.,; raw cottbnjree of duty,' ai)rpth articles ja.it tow dulies-n cqn Bi3ejrfttincifx German n,inul&uipcs im more favorle terms? , ":SjritJPeitMidlf was true that such1 a treaty fet qeri sinc$ but it had hot J-et Mr.aboucherp said that existing trea- w reiineTeq. i jmppssioie, ior me umiea Statesttadnit tji productignsof Qerma- nYJl mmmW.PZ Jhan purs,, anWcofiSpquentlyi that any reduction in la-vsjr o merman ejally!favprable' manufactures , must be id( those of Great'Bnt- 6ir:PeIsad la 'few words to' tKe' samenct,!but thought sit would' be bet- from any observation just at present, as the treaty alluded to had noroeen" jaulied. I I . ; IRiSHi AFFAIRS. 1; hSfJ' r convicted cohspiratbrs - ;vuiucu vrvjx. space aurinsr the nast 1 jJIJfi5K-Jf in the newspapers.- t UT$H 9fl ftueens Bench, on Tfesa iri asVcn by MK Whiteside; whWrifdmerlfthB' mafer?portlon' bf that jdavi and diav followinir;i' AltoVpthAr. ti-ieit. eches from the-couii. WlThp c"orirt it is -expectetL' will cive iecislpri jori the mooted points' to-mor-. '5:l1jrjierta in 'this wilTOV iiv aupsuon wniftrr twi i OTiJHiwnery traversers !pe4irn- 6pycapV Mth !tfyh wasrft "wiuim: over me sentence uniii tne any triPU by the idefe ndants has pass Fa1 nThe feelins' whlnh rhi:rnhtinn Sfei kepubUcninoV IvPKSWtte I th .thek daiiy)&ess. ic jjuuue fire xirea ana Words, " full pf ? souhd ' ftOthinff: vStirfiii1drif itn their -way, may be !red;soas his flood 61 repeal ora- tKe'BuB in;'Fo:C6urts.r,Th5 arton)dlil all arrearagea arepaia.. . r . The; iriterMiriabl proceedings in Tfe ianrijingutpf the trial bfMrJ OTCon nelfandtheothei nayo petorethcj wnt of error, which f;nied carmrig:to the house of Lords, WGiufi! ttfe&to be;toierb1v ceK S:lhelriAnt fpfi-m- which i nrim ftrn J rpy r :r w Mf Wriittfifi lurvTsil v. f ViUMl 1 1 ' 1 '' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 " '" 1 " " 1 " 1 1 ' n ' 1 nil. ij .ii " 1 u .Mil : i A Ml. 1 1 1 iA v M fi f-a U - . -.'.. i . ',i l i IT r ""t r I ' ' Ir I frl if 1 "j "i RIJNERl JAPS, j ) ? idj5ngtnaf T nas at length.bec6inG tdis taltefulnaiouslr' 'lll&VigfeMip4:'ibr is the reulti , besides! the repeal .mania in the sistexCQuntry has sjibsided sospee diiy that the , intere st I which usually : at taches t thjewe who are believed to4 b"e " terribly in; earnest " IHas avaporated TM statlreland nowv and her condi tiri!twe1yei jnpntbs .ag whea the.country wjtd burning with the repeal maniai spwa tHe ibxbitable not. less "than, thev unsteady cnaracter 01 tne peupiey v uiuer x uues. IH1 BfiPEAI r ASSOCIATION, , Vr; weeMy meetine of the repeal as The sociation vas held 6h1tHe',234; ult, . ;Mr, Niola yVIaher Jp In the chair. Much 'i- routine business was: transacted.7 arid Mjrl ((jCoimell renewed Ihis exhorta tions tofihe; ( country , to-maintain peace : and orderjlwhile he.urgedthe necessity of epntinutiMj ;tp agitate :.Ibr-repeal. . 'The rent, sifice ithepreceding , meeting on the !6tlL was Enounced io he 280 .13sj AdL 1 The usual weekly meeting f the asso ciauon was neia on me win. un. . jyir. u. OConneUqr., hi the jchair. Mr. OCon nell tookf ah active part in the proceed ings; and: made 1 several speeches. The repeal Irjeptlleceived since f the last .meet ing waannpuncejttojbe, & J9U13S. akjU;; , t'At a ineeting of the, repeal .association on jiionaayivxr. v uonnei moyett mat me association dot at its rising, adjpiirn, until Friday; jtbat might (after the proscu ti)ns) bing forward' His plan for thefre newed agitation of ' the repeal (Loud cheers.) s; The leaders of the pause would certainly iriihis opinion, be sent to goal M9TTO?.rwP!d nevertheless; in the obiects of those prosecuUons, if they (Cheers.1 The learned erentleman then exhorted j the people tot peace aW'rse verance. The rent" was expected to a- mounttb200. . .1 i r 1 ITAI1Y. Escape fi ihkfKtng qj Napl&frvm 'Assms Naples, April 15th.- At the ::same time that .me.; King : received the ' congratula tions .of the. Court ,and the. corps diploma tigueoh Ihpirth pf a .daughter, he; was alsp copgmtulated. pnlthe. escape from. as-, sassiriatiohi under thej follbwing .pirCQQi- stancesiA mw days since a 'sergeant of the; Guard,' named Barbierigbt ' an audi- empe oi me pang, on preiext 01 asKing grace jfprf his brother who had insulted his officer, and was to be severely punish ed,,. I.he Kihg,.with his . usnal kindness, told the! man to, gp to the Colonel, and say Shown. fBawqieri retired,, but had no soon er re-entered the waitihff room, than he begged; thej kjfficer on guard to aiiow,hijn' to return; as he wished to reveal to the king a'conspiracy'there existed -to assas smate him.; j IThe officer perceived a pis ojj j9iy::iiby. -.a handkerchief in the fpllowsat I thd on seizing it ithp fellow triea toscape, but. yfas,, pursued and c-j y&&t4efpisl'as loaded; primed, ahd' cocked;1 Jtrid a. secpnd one. wjas found . ihis po1ckt with1 a phial coriiainirig poi soh. His iKfaJesty appears) under all cir cumstaiice4i to have had a narrow escape, I bitt unwilling' to believe himself an object of assassination, his Majesty has. judi ciously ,xrredi the Serjeant; prejried tur ueseruon ana Dearmg promonea nre arms r D UTCxl BUTTEIL The lutcl butter is celebrated for its ecellenle.11 The folldwirie 'is said 1 to be leir mnni in ivniin ir ra nmnavon emodeihvhich it is prepared: Alter; 1 havinsr milked their cows, the. DhtjchilJaVheir inilW tpget cd befbjrel uey puif n 4nio ineir.pans. VV nen piacep therpiri e.dorribt;peititrto sand'ipr' the breari' rise morbthani about four hours, j ; trhejjr then stir At together more iptiriialtej to pombine the milk and. cream; and con inuc thus to do ! at leasts twaor threje times j a day. It it be agjitated: in :thistmarer as occasionally happens, till he whprl) quite thicik, therbutterLthus obtainei$the rjiorcj. highly esteemed As spiiasjit rpquires the..usualTcpnsist encyi itfisjcliurned cPmmbnly. about an hkw,j til W ruttec begins tcrrxn cold water Islthp added, rppbrtibrieb; to the iniahtityjbtiiU-!ibr:ule. purpose of facil itatihg;the Nbparaiibn bf the butter-milk. Thdibbtteribeing properly come,! it Ss ta- :ken from the churn, and reneaxedrV wash- putterrMk is alt exnressecL and it no lom get retains !fny tirigeof whiteJ By jthi PrtS? ftemany?bf mfc uiaii in itself Jpnge Mle tbJbutterrriillc u fnf!n,W eeableV- tp "the paIaie.s-i:BMton i2ace hetuken Fashion and ColdnttiTYif. racp .betvvefen : these JtfQ crack ; naffs-4 rniles and repeat, for a purse; of flOO idol- lars cameidff enVesterday at one o'clock, ovbrt.the Kendall Course. The first four tps.)wcrej tun in 7 nunute3.:andl5l seconos. n asmon KeeDimr me ltMiu irora a avvpen me ji jtmtL'Itl'wi inat.uoione naa oeen wimarawiw as. jl:J 'I if i if ' k 1 ' (..1 k .. ' 1 iori crallonernund thetrkekiand of course -bok the jpbrse without! much trminieV-- . ; jchbcc prow aix Torx IS SAFt. . . I" From the McckUftb 24. .CELEBRATION !S0F , 20MAfeqi. Accordihlr to bretious arfsrimentfuife3 cit- izens of ' Mecklenburg and.the adjomins.Couh- ties, celebrated the UOth, May the69th Anni. Tersarj 01 uie iecKienDiirg if e.ciaraiion 01 in dependence,' ia a very spirited '; arid ! patriotic mariner. The aybeautifully clearand cahW wai ushered in by me firing qf caqrion and ringing of bells. At,precisel irp ciock,,tr immense, concourse of persons present fbhned ia prpcessiori,- lupder "the order pf Ma- Brar. Moowas.Cfrand Marshal, arid'.Maj. R. S. Young, of Cabarrus and ,W. HNsei4 as As-, sistant'Marshals,.and marched (preceded by a hand of !music) to the stand .in : the pleasarit grove of, the Preshyterian Chorch where seats had been prepared for the; occasion. 'The pro ceedings at the .stand were 0peried,with an ap-1 propriate prayer from th; Rev; Mr.' .Freeman TheMepklenhurg Declaration of Independence was then readtbv Wm; R. MTEKS,sq.V who prefaced its reading with a few 1 tastefully- ar ranged and appropriate remarks.-After which, tbe .orator of thd day James W. OsbobncI, Esq.', delivered an address of about half an hour in length, of which, to say it was eloquent and sbuh8Urringr befitting the great occasion would be but meeting the public expectations Though made after-a hasty preparation, it was ari effort worthy, any cause, and creditable to the high reputation which the orator -enjoys. He was frequently interrupted by the rapturous applause r u: j: L i ; i vi ma auuiiory. ai we conclusion 01 uur. us-- borne 's oration,. the Old North' State,?- (the lines, penned by- the late Judge 1 Gaston) was suns in most beautiful and- charming ' St rains by a choir of young ladies present; assisted by the. gentlemen. who joined in the chorusJ- The- services at the- stand being thus concluded, the procession reformed and marched ; back td the Courthouse, wtbe ctraer in-which it came downt and was there'dismissed to await the announce. ment'of dinner.'.- i;:' -' ; ! ; THE DINNER,; : Prepared bf .Messrs. Hampton 4& Alexander the enterprising 'and hospitable, pipprietorsf pf the Charlotte Hotel, was spread in the beauti- i ui auu spacious grove in uie yara ot vol. vy fc J. Alexander,! who kindly .tendered it for the occasion. Tike' tables, five . in- number, each. about 100 feet long, fairly groaned under a most sumptuous and elegant dinner. . i At 3 o'clock, a large number of persons sat. down, presided over. by CoL iWm. J. Alexander,' as President of the Day, arid Gen. W. C. Means, Maj. R S. Young, and Dr. Cyrus Alexander, of Cabar rus, Jos.' H. ,Wilson, Esq.; of Mecklenburg, ti. is. Jones,jJbisq., of Kowan,; (Jol. Ephraim Brevard, of Lincoln, Gen. J. M. WaddilL of Ansoh, 'Amos! Stevens, Esq., bf Union, , and Col. Thomas J. Grjer, of .Mecklenburg, as Vice Presidents. .The company haying dined, the President pf the Day ordered the tables to be cleared, and announced the Regular Toasts, as fouows : ..,'.".., . regular' toasts L The Day toe- Celebrate e Ooncrated- in the. annals of North Carolina, and embalmed in the hearts of pur citizens. - - M - f 6 cheers, and a discharge of cannon. 2i The Coslitulion of the U States. 3. The President of the U ' States. 4. The Army and Navy of the U. Stales j 5; - The'Metidenburs 'Declaration ofPIndc. pence ; .The offspring of a noble patriotism, hat challenges a parallel m history. , The memory of its .authors will; be revered while freedom has a fhend on earth. . ' . - v , .-. - ;. 6 cheers.r. Discharge of canrion. 6. -Dr. Evhraim Brevard, author of theMeck. lenburg Declaration : Though' an early rnartyr in the glorious; cause in which his . soul was so much engagedyhis nariie will be enrolled in the catalogue, of the most illustrious benefactors Pf the human race. Drank in silence. 7. The Memory of Washington : 1 mMnl n aMamaa " ,. . .(.). - - .' 1 Mlk fM ,UCUVQ ,j 8. The Union of the States : Can be presem ea only m the same spirit in which it was form ed a spirit of concession, and a mutual regard ior me ngms 01 me several memoers. n , y . t 't3qheprs.' 1 ;9. TTie Mecklenburg Monumental Association, Formed-in a spirit .of lofty patriotism, may the expectations of its mends be fully realized, -0.. cheers. . Discharge of :carinpn. r 10. The Memory of Gen. Wm. Davidson who fell gallantly fighting in. defence pf his country. - - j-' r . -IDrdn-in silence.-' lljlliemejnor lenburg Declaration of Independence. r : : .'.-ii Drank in. silence. . 12 North. Carolina v. Loved and cherished by her sons and daughters; she cannot be true 10 nerseu, wimoui erecting a. suiiauie ,iionu ment to commemorate the gallant deeds bf her revolatipnary, sons. , - ' r i i a : . j . Song, the bid North State : by the. Ladies,' greeted with 6 cheers and the thunders pf can- 1 w - !- .'." 4 1r: :,-. '- -j UUIl.j !M J 13, , - T? -Fair. Sex z As pure :aod . rjeautiful as the naUve gold bf old Mecklenburg. ,-.f TRaDturous arblause.and discharge of cinhon. ; By P. J Wilson, Esq. V Glory and honor ,tb the, fkh; daughters p Charlotte and iu vicinity, for the hrpt.pHective movement towards toe ac complishment of the iMecklenbufg Monument. ByCoLM. yJAlexandei:let . political Tjarties.' Dart v: funds, and fselinsrs: thereunto' be longing all, pe cast ta,tt,e Ifour Finds.of Hea- y W C7 -l . : . ... Tj'L At J. . r. vea-anq e us &u inve wiuj acn ouier 4a com- , - t A .t - - k I ' " " '1 Si . r oid ZJ1? fPMare eochaawen encp let herlspna arid,dauhlerf be, prompt fn e recung a sunaDie monument, 10 commemorate 1 that glorious events e a.'- ' 4 'V4. By Charles T4 Alexander, Sr. : pur C7oajf iMtion ; Nombtilation, no dsion,-recUs col- umerie'rerunu.'-.: -k'-"- if,' iri.:L .j- By Capt; JpbnWalker i Tie palriotic. sons yand fair daughters oyoZ3fWtfnir "May uey'in ine1 emerpnze ox, mpnuuieuipruTp themselves worth v ef theur npble ancestryofi 1770. i . vvuti )andef opry revpludnnary 'MiittWn "at the jrelcbration in May, 1844 he iji6m Do. tHtr;3t Ltkxtt ' J j . ?i2. HarriMm.. d''4i -f.-1 -'-i- ibii. i -WJ : '. ,U 15 Li first should'ered fnnf Srider ' when Kit years btd-niy 'hjhtrtd eaiapUpte7mdritl merit. raiied to commemorate the gallant deeds of luimpahioriW Ui of Coh Jatis who fell gallantiy fighting for the unerry tvo enjoy.: Jtf44; j :.4.i.j Br Isaad S. : Aleiandej: t'ToTthe matrons whb so Jiehly.phned.forward uiByballnwhich was put in motion w ihe2Qthlu;ay, 1775 . . 1 ; i ojjl 1 aomas !MrAiexander r i Ai 2pft May 1775,: Let the citizens of Old Mecklenburg- of the, Old. Nprth States aye .pf,' the. whole u nion, wbo are . me , oescenaants ox tne. renn- srivahia JWfhi be- prpud r oit And;rerrierir the' pledge there rnMeVthat only-to-jiist laws Dhl Texas f Ma-v it soon' shine 'as the 27th: inr'our - " . - 1- . glorious galaxy of Sovereign! and independent States.' cr,ifi 1:.vUs.4j -Miiu ! - i i By . M; W. Alexander i . So we behold but One remnant of the. noble spirits ' that, fought and Med) for-jour liberUerrMThos. Alexander. May-his last days, be his bes,t. N . v By. B Morrow ; j The annexation of Texas to the Union : To the whole Union a matter of in terest but to the SouthV eririihatically a ques tion 01 sen preservation, may every soumern man be found actively advocating 'the measure. Aim memory of the 20th pf May 1775, and the pa triots who declared their" freeddm, be lasting as Egyptian ryramius ana as enauring as tne gio rioua.old'NQithrStatei' "'f'H- .-'",- By N. W. Alexander : The memory of AV cxamrfer . if omtZtorf-r The alien Secretary of the Treasury,- theb friend of. Washington and the enemy- ot ISurr. .- llerput the :whole of our gov ernment in inptipn, majr it eyer move on in the same,-way. j v..s t -, .By S, C! Crawford i The Declaration of lb and ,7j(J The Hornet land -the Wasp whose ppisph shall rankle in, the.hlbpd ef the- tyrants- uhtil their "whole heads shall be sick, and their their -hearth !v h ; " . . During the reading hi the; Regular' ToastsJ Mr. H.: Ci Jones, of Rowan wa called 'upon for a speech, j Arid those priiyVho :knpw that gentleman's forte :on such aririceasion, can ap. preciate -what followed: lie sketched the an imated scene before htm-the whole proceed: ings pf the day, and appealed in the most feel. ing and patriotic strainVto the - citizens of old Mecklenburg to every . citizen .pf, the ;01d North State." yea, to, the friends, of liberty, the ;world oyer, to comej forward and do their duty the duty of patriotism ?in erecting a suitable monument' in commemoration of one pf the most.glorious deeds in history. . He. ob- served that money Was the material power which was to carry on this ;wprk; and that now was as good a tinie af ariy in the world to make a beginning1. '- That bpfwas willing to-practice as well as preach, and this ; was his offering upl on the fane -of libertyy (laying down a very lib eral donation.) - And. now gentlemen, says he I want you to come fonvard 1 Yon ! the de scendants of the immortal men. who signed that immortal' paper KYoq ! the descendants of the fJrevardsf.tho Alexanders,-the Harrisses,. the Wilsons, the Polks, arid the Grahams,; come for ward and show your bipod, by doing something worthy your ancestors. The appeal was elec trical every .man had nis hand oh his pocket book, hnd - in an instant Bank Bills, began to fall, like leaves in the: vale of yallambroso. It would have done the heart pf the patriot' good to have witnessed the scene that followed. The spirit-was up, and not only citizens of Mecklen burg and descendants Pf the immortal signers of the ever imemorable declaration came for ward and freely contributed to the Monumental Fund,r but gentlemen ;rom other counties strangers to pur community, came forward with the utmost enthusiasm and threw into the Trea sury of Patriotism: their bountiful contributions, more than realizing the riiost j sanguine antici. nations of the friends Ipf this noble enterprise. The scene was one of grandeur and must have thrilled with pleasure oeond Jthe power of lan guage to describe, the heart of every one pre sent, who had a drop of patriotic blood coursing in .Lis mpinji . Aftr Hi Tnna Yiarl rnrAtiAt and the "shpwer, of 'Bank 'Bills and gold "had ceased partially, Mr. Osbbrn was called up. Those jonly Mho know this 'gentleman's powers as an impromptu speaker can fully appreciate tha ehect produced by his .burst: of eloquence. The immediate consequence firas another show er of patriotic contributions. He concluded by giving a Toast, which , was, in unison with the feelings of , aU present to wilj : 1 ; , . . .. : Maj. Thomas Alexander,. he pnly surviving soldier of the Reyolut,i6ri present on this occa sion : May the evenirig bf his life be as calm 'and unclouded as its dawn was bold, patriotic :and useful.-''tf;;l.;J' ( , ;V .'. 1, ' ; ; This sentiment was 'responded tq by the icon-' course with the riiost enthusiastic applause rwnen. tne gaiiani 01a veteran roseana request ed the President of the Day to' offer the follow, ing sentiment in his tUcne.il: i-r J The Nam of the, United States ? mile nerv ed.by the patrptie hriterypfla Perry; a Deca- 1 a j J t.T.' 4 . : it.- ..ii. t tur4,anu a cjuanqugn it; .may i,ruiy. ue cauea the.riglit.arm pf..our.nationalt6ef&nce ( -: ITns Toa$t, aru the old veteran were greet edby;t thruMlire "fheexs, :r ',. t The.; Presiderit bf aayltheri announced that the cbrripanV were! ire ady for Volunteer Toasts. 3 ! It is here" necessary m remark, that the hour was- ablate, that not One. third pf those preserit cooia avau inemseives ott uietnroortanuy vr oner were either Offered at the table,' or rerc afterwards handed m by, the Committee. 4i 1 VOLUNpTEfiR toasts: . Br Oehi !!iHWm WW 7 T'A nal honor follow them.; s k 1 By,Geri,4V'Ci Ieahs,X P. ; The Citizens of MccilehburgMnd: Once citizens I ptthe. sampJCPuntii-rtiJey areyex-unitea in m- ii i !By the .jReVy J. TYleniair t pTtestgju IfCTS 9T znc uccxiCnovrg jscciaraium vj inui would, tbey yield submission; and resist at all hazards the harid of dppressipri.4" ; " By Jpseph W.- Hampton The' lone star of President 'the ':!Mic1$tnlwxig ; Independeiich AAj act f Pf patriot1 feeling bpi' 7 . .-. -.-. -j --.it-.( . -i f (;, t f- len W rejoiceimatth uarjii;: Ju-wLi"iL i j jtu i. MiJguupucu ijuiriuia uuw ciiii"uit;ut;u cuxisuansj ttuu uim lyjf ui;ir ygnaures.i meiruwiarauoa pf- Ihdpdericei theyA Jikewise ofecribedfo the precioos truth and sealed it with their blood. that both 'civil dligiouaia)erty:ari:MsisU u Jr.L . .. i ... .... ciu.-wuu me canuiaa' rejigiOEU f pr -t iBjr C.N.Enersoni?Esq.,,pf Lincoln sZex. tnton and Jec&eQourgr.The two cradles in which northern and southern liberty wierorbckV ed. . As the two - infants, were joined i shoulder 10 saouiaer in. me revolution, so iei: mem ne joined heart tpjheart in all time, , I . . . - uy voi. , ugusrus Aiexanacr : 1 nt signers of : the Mecklenburg Declaration of Lidepend. ekctts- '."vl !f"-i. i ' " A: They are gdfteyiniglity men, and they deep in uieir fame, ' ShaH Mr ever fortthem "Never ! No. nevtr ' lt'tmr anna fmm'na 1an tn .mK-itm - .hnfra'iirm And the anthem tend dowf Independency forever !, , rake, wake ! heart and'toaiaeeep the rime eye young. Wake Let Iheiz deeda tnkh lane line of azea be mm. Wbo on Carolina a green hula freedom banaer unlarled. And a beacon -re raisec! that gave light to the world. Theproceedings thus closed for the day.- f , On Monday night a Concert was given by the ladies. The room Was tastefully decorated, the uiusic wen seieciea, ana tne entertainment sucn as to elicit from a' large lassemblage, the. most enthusiastic commendation.' Never idld" Ihrht shine upon a company offair riiaidens,erigaed in a nobler worc. I And las mey were the first to embark in the glorious work 'of erecting ;a monument on ' the spot hallowed ' by so many thrilling reminiscences of the revolution, may tney manliest tne same zeai ana patriotism un til its completion. -IThe monumental f Associa tion held a meeting on Tuesday morning, but as we have not space, in! which to detail their proceeoangs, we wtu aeier inem unui next wees. ' From these riroceedings. of which Iwe have given an accurate - account, t will b seen that there is a spirit:: enkindled in Jfecklenpurg, that will,-if diffused throughput-the State, rescue from oblivion, the memory of her revplutioriary sons. The cause has;at-last taken a start, and a-aedeus been forined ' around :' which may be gathered the patriotic and generous sympathies of the State. 1 I The Gal tchati had iTjnAVTien i very young man! wei were; thrown into a heigh borhood t where!- we were - 'wholly unknown. The . gals and boys " Were ail strange to uf and . we had to pick! our way in the best man ner, wo could, jjsaac E.lwas ariiong our first acquaintances; and the "principal source of lo cal information." i j , One ' Sunday evening Isaac invited us . to. go to a night meeting I with him at a neighbor's house. - We did so J AmQng the female singers was one distinguished tori the sweetness of her voice and the beauty of her face. We were half smitten, at least withf the fair singer. ' ; Who is shei' vye asked Isaac, soon as the folks were dismissed. Isaac laughed at our eagerness, and replied, Miss G. . She is very jretty, anl sings sweetly,' said we.' .-. 1 : .j fi ' . ' Yes,' said Isaac, (and what is better than all, if you are in love with her, she is very well off quite a fortune ! 5 ! -" ' ! Indeed ! Then, Isaacthe fact is, I shall not set my dogs on that trail. - Gals what have got a fortune don't set their caps for such hoys as you and I.' - ; j ' j ; . 'I suppose riot,' said Isaac, with a sigh, or I should be mightily inclined to give Miss G. a hitch myself I , I j - - '. But what is she worth, Isaac V was our next enqniry.L V; .j ).: -:) : -- Why then,' rsaid Isaal, very deliberately, she has got a good mare! saddle and bridle-feather- bed, and a heap of bed quilts.!. Is that all V we asked in some surprise ; our own humble views of a fprtune being; a little higher than the inventory Isaac handed in. 'All ! ejaculated Isaac, astonished j that we were not more forcibly impressed with the enu meration. AU. lohjno! She has besides, a half a dozen bran yieic pettier plates VThe Spartan. ill j CHRISTMAS INORWAtJ " . ...... ,b4 miss bremek. ! - The highest festival of ihe ' year among the Northern Heathens and Christians- occurs also at thi season in which the sun, as it were, is born anewto the earth, and his strength neon verted. firom wannirig to. waxing. With the greatest cordiality isj this festival celebrated in the. Scandinavian countries ; . Not alone in the houses of the wealthy blaze up fires of joy, and are heard the joyful cries of children ; from me numuiest cottages aisoiare sounas 01 joy; in the prisons it oecomes bright, and the poor partake of plenty) In the colmtry,doors, hearths, and tables stand bpeh to every wanderer. 'In many parts of Norway the Innkeeper demands no: payment froni xhe travelier either tor board or lodging. ;:Th 13 is the time inwhich the earth seems to feel thef truth of the heavenly words "It is more bles3ed.-to ve! than to receive." And not only human beingi, but aninials also pave, their good; things at Christmas. Alt the inhabitants, of 1 the, farm-yard, all , domestic anu mats, &Tp .enieriampa in vne pcsi. manner, ana theTittle .birds pf Heaven rejoice too, for at ev ery1 barn a tall stake is raised, on, the I top of magninccnt.meai . even tne poorest aaj-iaoor- er.-if he himself possess no corn, asks and re- "I ' , .1 . i A' i- 1 i k, : . !". ceives irom tne peasant a ounaie 01 corn, raises it avoitf'ana (nanii me Dims rejoice dcsiqo ms empty barn. j 1 j " 4 -. . .u I ... .j . -; - The .NestoriansiBy; the' last amyal':we learn that the latest dates from thev'Nestarian Coarifxy stated : that the' scattered Nestorians were returning fo ineir npmes.: ..iJunowu were held as captivef by the! Kurds had .'been wleased. T Thp .fMhi)f Mosul, the instigator bf ihe attacks upon , them, $s,dead 5Hi:ue- Ierit irian, and wiU beneat ind favpr the Nestp. nans. '.Jit, SUPERIOR CHEWING TOBACX;u,; Jast ceiTea rsuppry df feamhaut's extri Cie wmc ToWo for kale hythe box,1 pooii or cut. ' r March 16. f33 1. :J.H.ENN1SS4 i ... NUMHEir 5, .pP.yOLTJMEiL r' WD et oar5 iWtW old Fofthfro 19 rMSd in these wCoonar- aiHarrih! hnrrah the countoy'B rwitf :yfipj JlaiTT Clay and FreHnghuyaen. " The Lbco'a hearts are verr aore. 4 .Thonghreiy r?e.ia.Palunjore;; 1 -- h 't J 1. Thi this wifl be a great coon-eaoa. t-lirral:hamu &c:!r P! .FBngnyaen'a.a Jeraeyi Blue, A nobfc Whig and honest too, . r. -i.w.''' Am h'e.will make New Jersey feel 1 Vhfgs;pay respect to her " Broad Seal , - wt-'harnhF& r Now lift uTLowspeak mesadori'0i Ilia fiuoe eW Kendall dae not alaader. And wjten w tl get ii thenfrit, Oh! h(w the Jersey Coons will bite! Hurfah! httirah! ace. r ' r at-.". If :!- Oh! Malty Van's a man of doabt Vfbo Wires in and wires out - '' . Too. cannot tell when, on the track, - Ji he'afoinorl, rcoRung back, - i iHuirah! hurrah !"4cc. - - n.. i . i-u : i -.t 1. -.H .1,1 For wfio is here darea touch his hide ! , : Hi TheyTl find he's only playing possum. Uurrah I hurrah ! -ic' t. v ),f United! heart and hand arewe,' , : . Northern lake to Southern sea; From East to' Weft the jconn try ' riaia' , For Harry Olay and Frelinghuyacn. ! Hurrah!'hurrahl?&fc: : ' " ii i ft I THE TEW, TREE. , r fk " t-U?i , 1 ois iree inuaoiis mouniainous xy in Europe! North America, and i Ja In Britain and Ireland .there werp fprmer-i ly great abundance iir a wild state ah)3j planted m churcn yards., The yewfwa . once what the oak is now, tho . basis, our.strength. Of, it thp old EnglisK jico mari made his long bow, which ho vaunted, nobody . but an Englishman could ,bend4 In shooting, the English did not, as pthert nations, keep the left hand steady, ;and draw his how with, the right, but tkeep-5' ing - his right atl rest upon; 'his cheeVi, he pressed the vhole weight- of, his pp dy - into the horns' of his bow. Hencpri probably, Tarose the English1 ; phrasp7 p bending the bow, and the French of drnc ing one. So great was r the demand-fpfe yew In the days of archery that our, own, stock could, not supply the demand. Yew is botanically described as a,, tree which) 1 grows'20 feet high, with a rough, unpTpiV? little-harked stem : numerous, thick, and; contorted i branches, and dark eycrgrccn.n feliagCk Itbelorigs to the Linnoean classii Dicbcia arid -ta the natural order Conifcns t! It is . not, however, a trave cone-bearing S j plant, having red berries a$Hruit.; -fTie wood of. the yew is red and veined, yeryv, hard and smooth,used by turners, cabinet-1 ; makers, rnill-wrights, and a variety of oth- r j er artisans. Flood-gates for ponds Tnadb: 4 of it are snid to be of incredible duration.; The twigs and leaves of yew, eaten in i j very small quantity are certain death tpr I horses anu cows, but deer will crop these 1 ' trees witli impunity. Turkeys, 'peacocks j and other 'poultry and birds, eat both the I leaves and fruit. A few of the berries. ! j are not deleterious to the human species, fj but the leaves are fatal. The tree is yerji ' patient oflthe shears, and is much employt. i: ed in the ancient style of gardening ,for. , h verdant architecture and sculpture." ALfi; lowed to take its natural shape, and whn-y advanced to a considerable size, it forms 3 one of the handsomest British evergreens, 1 f k. kk .k .k ' 11 Lk"!i narmomzmg aamiraDiy witn tne noiiy,ine box and juniper.. A very interesting, and for ornamental gardens, a vcrv : valuable , variety ofj the yew is that of the Upright or lrisaJSTpw. It has been entirely derv-a ed, as we j have been told, from .threb lbTi four old trees in one part of Ireland.- Magaxtneoj Science. ''rHJ V DTJELS AT ;VICKSBURQ. K if We .yesterday mentioned that a duel had ta ken place between Thomas E. Rpbins 'and 73 ! young man; named James M. Downs, inSrhichj the latter was. wounded. Farther intelligen6''j has reached us by the New,Orieans Picayune, from which! it seems that the parties fought witn yagers at fifteen paces, and that Mr. D. was ( verely;althpngh not mortally wounded ;m ApLi breast, p Aday brtwpatter this duel MrTMilt lin, who acted as the : friend bf Mr; Downs.' called upon Walter HwkeyEsqtheedlibbf the Vicksbtirg Sentinel, for an explanation 'ta, relation; to some remarks made by him about1 -the duel. It would seem that the explanation was no. altogether satisfactory to Dr. M.f wbo J collared his; opponent and commenced shaking-! him. Mr. JL, who was pushed into ari alley 1 way, drew a revolving pistol and fired two. shots H at Dr. M, one of which gave him a severe' r wound in the breast one account says axnory . tal wound. f j'. . I '::r-;(rilii - Froni ihe Cincinhatti Commercial we learn s that a passenger on board the steamer FrahLlia states tkt Prentiss arrived oh Monday eyeniri r from Nw 0rTeans 'afe Vicksha,.Uol.Jlitfi . ing what had happened, immediately challenged' : Robins and they were to fight on Tuesday inorri4' ing.-The people were betting when the FanlcI, lin leftjtliai' Prentiss would be kilkd- The: greatesi excitement prevailed.' " -' ? '-1 ! In addition, we give the particulars if . arjoUV-; er aflair. one of the ' parties to ' which is f known in Baltimore, from the Vicks burg 1 .i lit " ' . t t ,oi me xn msi i , - .r rs ; We understand a-rencontre took placpjres.f;, terday, oetween 3Iajor Anderson Miilert yfl arshat aid a Major Dunn, a ; teacher pf miUTj tary tscHciri The parties met at JthePntiss .Hense"imorm,!when DtnM;tisedIuslnic1(;( inamPsx scientific roanrir. ' TTiey subseetot; lyiriet f Rnneys hotel, armed with pistols; l WUI UV mm , . . , il Good Uancer A young gentlemaa does not lirp' a thousand miles from pur oice, IS was in the act . of popping the question : to rj laid rlthar other da v. when just at -the .r. ,witohink tima' her fither entered the room, aadj inquired, what they were about IxrV fFPri iyjepKea the fair one, Mr. wasjust ex platnmgtthe quesdpri bf annexation to , me, and. u hbisOid annexaUoiu- WW 1 it.-.We spcakfbr a hid.; .. pri " 1 ! ' - . u. Vk CKaii DrnifiJ Salisburyi My.4, UA pr-s - m m m Arm . i . Kit.- x : 4" A '1 s . H 4 L ii i rl it- t 1., .11 ti-- ".j- I IF.. .f " -..: - : 'I': i I.- H : !.,- .- - i-(l:..:1

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