. i-1. 15! .i m M' -OK!-" i-f ' i .13! a t ' - r - ; T 1 " ill- ! ' - - i . ' s . - ; - ifi ; . lip :- . - ' J I - y i . ' l-'lt'" ' - j -j ll i -IS TilK WATCHMAN. ,.aiul tT.-o duil;irs and fifty .1 ft .r a !s timthnn one year, :Ni Kubsjt4 t ion irv f sv .-. i:i.l U.r n 8(1 v 3 - .. . t if- - N HiUs ii qt (f 1 1 s i k i n n t u 1 (but : . - !' -I I SI.,- . . , . r- r vl (1 (lint nt ili--''f'" of the a..:- ,rll;;ilurtV irivium an. 1 twenty H!J'H-'"'ffs l,,f"r;'' I fart ur'' r- cliarafil 2. per o mail'.' u those H- ".,:tliri cf if,! IM1V -s f-r.li'ri'i! 1 until forb'nl and tw, a crrtain iiuiu- ,ii-t colli.- post :MiM'i.' i' ti -.it -T r. s tell nitrous. h H s in 'run1 1. r uii'i in" i-i iK-iioiy in an i i i . n rv that mkiii 'Si. l:iy sh-ftchmg Al nrv's loch ; ii' oi rfiiirions nerspftu- i riiivfa ife'vi coftJiKc stood unten- I lido . and in the hollow: ;lrlt! tlifi iire-rtnd ))eon coneuni- nriV :jj)linM oaiuls hrtd torn oit the fiirll rvol-1 oj,tlH jdTcf'U shf;rtlmg ot thev Inttli'l Ivi'lv and deep silence . pyi tli mountains, it scem- (1 ';k.-Tf lliniiri lilr wi re Ttf-arlv extinct. V .-;t';liiisiii(llfcl'i'fs. in wlmdi tho fbx had 11 -C H'-1itt'yl i.Ui i-flr'li How the shelter '.; M -i -i 1 tr-;:J i.-4. ! 15 ... I ... 1 . .. .. 1 I - - 1 " lit sri;irtHw ; simu immi a loneiv nirure . ( relit 1 it iiht&)v Ipoiii tme hidinff-nlace'tb .':tnojh(:r. dwryisij of love' 'to some hunted hrofihvr iri f aSlili. fi f lie -crows wnnlil hover ovef hh ij ;tfp 1 1 i ' h a wk ' shriek at human j VV: - . i I In tn r'1 t!r f was worn,! there - might Wi lir it; or t ho minister, an-- lli' mm I iM'rhips poured the sa- ' r i-'.i inl u al e I i 1 1 ou its face, from some. vjwHi hiji w:.if.n,j nosc.rocKS guaraea ine per-u t!l jf in i Ij frora' the oppressor. :l,ri'ii1.sjii':ei(j inrlrcquent, and in the (le(ifsfeis clove. Iahy died be-": lrvitiiiiiffir, jj4 minds sunken, andL of We.jijhay!. jVJ:hite. hair was. .on heads J""' I ); (oji i (lip y j were old ; .and. the silver" iocks ti(.;nt enywefo often ruefully Mili(l lnjfi;(jusahd; etainetkwitb their ina i-l vrjd filial.' f: - v:'-;n- y.-v '2 Hut ; fWlark.side or the picture; lir vwifili these people ;'hajjy..-' iilJT- ;bildrcn were with them, .:r.v;i iHkt( yilL flowers that blossomed all 4hoivthj Henlfances of their dcn&r Andl Aiin! fe Ipice ofpsalms rose up j.' ftoin tl? rLri silence ' of the solitary yhir'-oV: fpjpfl ear-of God was open, -vUkI j t'hf if jcyj-lhai their 'prayers and , raiesjwj;riedil in heaven.- If a child -jvaiUJl4g.9d unto the faithful ; .-'if ;ap ;:-o(,Wdi'l--it was in the religion i ' hs :fiMpa!j The hidden powers of tlieih; sgiflw iiftril f brought forth into the IS lighU ami they knew the- strength that M aslin jt 'fljpr hese da s of trial. The ihoihilj(peap sedate the wild were" i:mhl ftWiunfepjing made"compassion nt? l 'Mi:irtiiwoTc softened, and the. ;i('b-(ltfiv:tiic: error of their wavs. All dfp fjakibn-purilies and streneth- ym heMukMnftso . was it ' nbwv Now :w;MiqnaM -put to the proof; the stem, HMi;iii9p.(-iiiirao.ie sirengin oi men, Pa.rlvllfl(t:l.l1l'Hrtr i hand ' nnv hrinl- ihn 'crrciinTitio matrons, hi Will i : me L-S -r n nVl 1 1 1 1 hi o h H iie(?Us,jif;ti cowl of the murderer, C 'fii-lemi Iaut4;J)f maidens ' who with lailes it elvd tlieir death, and the mys- ri(u:s i-pf children, who in the ; ijiswr;utiin3locent and spotless nature, , ii....ii.is Sv--': rr ! -.i-.- , , rK-ua iu(pvi..!mong tne clew drops on !e gidivtii(p and died fearlessly by ;c'ipiffi's-';.s:Sl$: : Arrested were, thev? - E - ft -te, ..J- 'i '.i ! their play ; and , with ge over the ir eye.s, but if)iy sopiK! CrlU I tring ringlet of their sun anv a sweet creature nf ii rive telulei f,Jtsk just; to be allowed Wti' IJraVCl'S and then srn. imnn.. "Tv fllM lr$ cattage door to the Tt liii illiedrcmer. . ' , , 1 $ Lid old Samuel Grieve ui.ltis Mi&k Sri j sulfe red sorely for their itli.- lfi tK llV not their own house; "'lilliii -.Si lore, or to be slaughtered, I'veriCUSd huld so appoint. They-. nqpss; out a little grand luir-htiMMMvit i!Mtiv'-ai3i ih :,B-- S? ill K'l jH.tJjn years old, Uved with was an orphan. The '4li-)Urhtft: ffllnMiivns. sfim;i; . v. lilit; alitjglt llomctioies it gave a slight qilaviirfiirb il) jior heart in its srleevet - 'It aY(tJ f?0(1 ,llC! natural. joyiut- of jiier jgiV)iw)od : and often, uncon- gravest jor the saddest t;; WJiKei tlj)arents. would she glide jvit3 1 a 1 igh ne step,' . a blithe face, la ,lile ririihinmir.sweeilv sninn nhppr. Ml lUf tlHlV. 1- as!. I "t. :-vi - - J. .?-v. - people looked; often mess, till their dim t VN m. jf'd w! mm. :5Mle h gran If! fhlvi tlPt WnrA tft K A j -'I'fi wiijimt i lasjiiand our i heads in the 4 "T 'u w'f youurieea mis young nira in i-p lr-nlf i'inrr 1 1 : ft'a1l!lrjeva of .a fdl lit ilk, 4mpjig the green pasturage at tiifnrtii?;o.!i-.. t 'i i -mi-. oven into some Ot the neurh- letimes she. sat m that ."e:luti chyard, With" her slieep ly- 'ijcatttred intl her iirion 't.hp. nninr I ,-c- v, 4 i T 7 1 : - i.j aroi f.i.... -. . 1 TO Wm m? sitting close to the .AialK ousc of God. She had Walbi1thtli:liousc of God. i" pile e to; $pi& to. but her Bihlc in rpnVlV ni,laSfteri!y,the rising, sun beheld tun lbcauty, and innocence f cUj(rnqt ate happy and.silent as a !v.X TPIi'f5 . rflV c" wua inp ome hea- 11' lead, i and; the blue .lake fleet. .- - ' llteg amehe bore by. - tyu. l'SWpre tlie olclpcople were ! M m fyc and turned away rS1! -Mip sweet Lilias well-; for if S I ,. i , 1 3 - J . - . ill. -fi ' ft ... .i. ,;, . r I: t.Mr)rLr"'l-l'" 'V- ' ! ! j. 1 1 . " '.-' . r. ! ' ; Hi f ll II - i V i;. n 1 H I HIHT -.- ri i I . . .;"- f i'- i jiV- - k j--;-. I 'il. - t !: , -i I :.-f' - ' 3"' 1 !!: : I'I .:'rv;ih4Tp;:i-j j 4 OcS'jWtl I Fi h.rit w iiKihfr. in I .:' -M-iii I'- 'ltJii'l vd;U . '" it!. m i. -k : j v.fi ... - - fr-.-V-- -r .y m J sheijjwa tlothpd in a ?garb of greeny and i ofkeiair ller JojyVthe greetirgracefal plants that ;grorw amng: thml were vreatn ed rluwilKeif hair.-4 So - was she 'dressed bheBabbathMay, "watching" herock at a, coiiiaeflQ: instance- trom- nonwj. ana siriiiiig i t Jberjjelf a psalm in' the solitary modr!; . en; fin" a" moment;: a party, of solotjpra Ppon a "moimt onTthe oppen siteliBidafora injarrowitdclLklias.wa in-- Uufifeet.irbjcQ had betrayed her, and tlien! one- pf ihp soldiers: caught ihe wild gle4)rn of brrjeyes; fngittepjei t Iher. feethe callcputA roe i a :b !'jfe:liov the f)entilf ajit e;VuB:ik!ainUle hilltjwitt j hik" musket; half inf ferocity LiliiaS kit?x t aj) iearing, while fehe flew, as onmngsifecro ss a piece of black heathe- H nbss j Ifill 1 bfj pits, and: hollows ; " and still tne old kfpjt his musket atf Its aim.- hanlli andhhot:a jor ilittle mriocent child it.'!tiul he-iit length fired, and the bul- 1 lei was hiarcl ft) whipast her ifemrowh ea eaa,! anartp sinitc; a oanK .wnicn-sne wa? Jabuj toj ascehdnieend paused fejiilmpnlent, land looked backhand then t baripded 451 over the smooth turf y till, lea:-cqsaf'she; drqppejd into a little ibir !Hek glenj atid disappeared. 1 J Nota sound of lijer feewasilieard -; she seemed tb have" sunk intol tlfe ground ;f and the sbldicr stbbd without any effort to follow her gdzing : through the smoke, towards the spotl where shej had vanished. C ;U H'M sudden superstition assailed'1 fthe S hearts of ihqj warty,"as they sat down ,to- gpiiicr ujwua iieuge 01 stone.; ouw you hei!ace, liddie, as my ball went rwhiz ziri past er ear ? ? If she be not one of tliotJ hUl airis, she hadl)benjdead as a liernijigfl utl!belieye the bullet glanced off liqr yeow pair as against a buckler. u Jtfpras tlfpadt xf a gallows-rogue to fire upon ithe creat ire, fairy" of not fairy ; and you ldeserf e th j weight of this hand the hanjd of 1 all E lglishman- you brute for yoUcruejhj, And up rose the speaker to pih t his thre: it into execution, when the" qthcjx retrate4 some dista4ce, and began to load his mu$ket ; but the Englishman ran boon ihimi and, with a Cumberland 1 3jardtrip; laid him: upon the hard ltd with a force that drove the breath out oi; his bocjy, and leit mm stunned, and ahriost inspnsi jle. ' S The faljen rufhian how jose somewhat humbled, arM jsullenly sat down among the;-stf .-i1 jVmy quothAllan Sleighj ' I ver yoi jareeks pay, you don't ven ture jfifty yds,' without : your: musket down yonder phingle, where the fairy) dis appeared f hfd, the wager being accept ed, tle Ijiaf-runken , fellow rushed on to warjlk I tlkei(f od of the glenrandas hearci crashing tpvpf l through the shrubs. ;: In a few minjupsjio, returned, declaring, with an oatjli, tl a ?he had seen Ker at the mouth bfa jjaye lere no J human footcpuld reac ti, jstadig with her .hair, all ron fire and an angr countenanee ; andHhat he had ;umbl; backwards into the burriand beer nearly 1 1 owned. " Drowned I" cried Allat Sleighl M Av, drown": whv hot ? A huhdf e yjrds down ;that bit glen the ipoolil are p itiack as pitchand the water roarrjliket tlluhder : drowned k whyinot, iyou jEnglihjon of av deer-stealef W 4Why riot ?i bebaisyj who Was w ever drowned. that Was lorH to be hanged And that jest aus6 urti versal laughter, as it is al ways suroJto lo, often as it may be repea tfedjifn: a hgjany Of ruffians ; siich' is felt to b0 its perfflct truth and unanswerable : simp Icity 1 1 , : '-r :lHH: ' ' ' j AHiaii Jour's quarrelling, and gibing, . an(lnutiylthis'',- disorderly' band . of sol diet$proleett3d On -their -way downi into thc!hpad f t jarrow, and there saw? mthe' iblitude; fhei liouse of C Samuel GrieVe- Thitpierlleyj proceeded to get some- re fVeshtnen jaAa ripe r for any outrage! that 4ny oc(paicn ; might suggest. -Z The old lhalp ;and hi wife, hearing" a tumul of maitrjf' vbie4if nd many feet, came out,; and iyef e, imrnediv itely sal uted with many bp probriousepithets.: ' The hut "was soon ri- fled; bf 'anysnall articles of w;earihg : ap-: Earcjl karW pamuel, Arith:but emotion; set efpjre thtoiwhatever ; provisions he bad -butter, fcifeese; hread andnulk-and hobd jthdy Mould hotbe too hrdupbh bldliSeobli Jvho were ulesirbus of "dviney aseyjliidjlived. in peace.: Tliankful werfe thrl odih. in their narentak hearts: I ; , f. n i- ' ' ' ' . . that theiriitii-Lilias was among the hills: and the I Old man trusted- that i f ssltfi r-1 ifc j . t - i 1 .turned .bcpbet fsoldiers"vere gonei she wb4ld sbU frri some distaricetheirmusi V.n ,,rn.n kets onij the! een before the door," and ,The soldiers de'vbured their renast with mariv oaths; and much hldnnns . n n rl rK- iiIUirKk wUiU -a. i oucup v n wits sure against 1 the bid irrtarifsl soul to hear hi .his: own hut: jbiit he sail pthirig, forthat Cwoiild have ibei wjQfplyitoisa At last iiorie of th4lp4ppi4hirii toj return Ithahkllrfypasl impious and fulfof bias ipheniy tJufihSiamukcalri 0, besejeeiing them at the same;tihie; for Jtheiak f ibeir owni squlsl not so tofbf ferid' theif great and bburitifulPreseryeri Confound the bldntihg'j Covenanter ; I will prick him witbimybttybri won't sayigrabe .-aridithe blood Itrickled J 1 1.1 m. i. i-'U.- - l;rrk-l , wound on hs forehead 3rr i&s$&& ".The sightof it seemed itblawakehl'the pormant Moidthirstiriesntbetir;h vv 4 V-T'',v- " Keep a checx rpqst jlu .Tora .r - ' - IS SAFE." eV'J"- of the soldier, "who now swore; uf ;the. old man did hotihstantly Crepeat Hhe J words after him; he' would shoot hi m' de ad.' ;And as i f cruelty? were contagious, amiost the whole party; agreed that the demand.waal hut reasonable, and that the oia n-pocriL-ical knave must preach or perish, f Here is a great musty Bible,1?, cried one Of them.. ? If he.won't speakf I yill gagi him; with a yehge'ancel i Heret bid" Mr. ; jPedan 4he grbphet, let : me: cram - few 'chapters of L Luke down your Jmaw. StlXukewas a physician, Xibelieye.f5AVelli erejis ' a dose - bhiiiu ? Open yojxrl jay And; with these, words,": he ; tore . a" handful of leaves out of the Bible, and advanced, tb- wards the old man; frqmwhbse fce-hk terrified wife -was b now' wiping off the bloody, 'Htfl - Samuel . Grieve jwas hearlyl fbirspbre ; but his sinews werenbt yet 4 relaxed;, hd in his younger days, he ha been, a man of great strength. When,; thefeythe soldier! grasped him by the neck, thejsehse of ; receiving an indignity from such a slave made his i blood boil,: and" asTif his youth had been renewed, the gray-headed man, with one blow, felled the Tufliian to Tha,t blbw sealed'his; dopm; here was a fiemnult!"ahd: yihigh oi Wrathful voices, and Samuel Grieve was led out to die. " He had .witnessed such biitchery.of others, and felt that the lour of. his mar tyrdom was come. As thou didst re prove" Simoh Peter in the garden!, wheri he smote the high priest's servant; and saidst, The cup which my; father hath X given me; shall I hot drink it V so how O my Kedeemer, do thou pardon; me, thy: fraikand erring follower arid enable me to drink his cup Ti With these wbrds the old man knelt down unbidden, - and,1 after one solemn look to heaven, closed: his eyes and folded his hands across his breast. .. His rio atild knelt down beside the old man. " Lei fus die together; Samuel ; but, 1 oh ! What will be come: of our dear Lilias V ; God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,M said her hus band, opening not his byes,' but talang her. hand into his : " Sarah, be not afraid "O Samuel, I remember, at this rrioment, these words of Jesus, yvhich you this mor ning read ' Forgive them, Father! ; they, know hot what they do?" " We are all sinners together,' said Samuel j iyith a loud voice ; " we two old gray-headed people, on our knees, land: about to die; both forgive you all, as we hope ourselves to be forgiven. We are ready; be mer ciful, and do not mangle us, Sarah, be not afraid. ; - ! : 4 ! k It seemed that an angel was sent down j from heaven to save the lives of these two old gray-headed folk. "; With hair floating in sunny light, and seemingly' wreathed with flowers of heavenly- azuife with White arms extended in their beauty, and motion gentle rand gliding as the sunshine- when a cloud is rolled away-came on over the meadow ' before the hut, the same greeh-robed'ereature, that had star tled the soldiers c with her ; singirigjin the minor ; arid,' crying loudly, but still sweet ly, " God sent irie hither;, to ; save ; their lives, she fell down beside them as they knelt together and tjien, liftiriv up: her " head from the. turf, fixed her! beautiful face, instinct with fear? love;f ndpe, and I the spirit of prayer, upon the . eyes Of the men about . to shed that innocent blood. ; . They all stood heart-stricken ; -i arid the executioners flung down i their i muskets upon the green sward "God bless you, kind, good . soldiers,- for this Pr exclaimed the child now1 weeping and sobbing with joy; Ay, ay, you will be happy tonight, when you lie down to sleep. If yoti have any little daughters or Sisters like; ine; God will love them for youi mercy j to lujs; and nothing, till 3rou return home; ifvillihurt a hair of their heads.: Oh ! I see how that soldiers are not so cruel as wesayii! :;Lk -vL V.:1--Lr .' - ' i .-' . ' 1 lias, your granuiiuner; speaits untq you ; his last words are-Leave us, leave us ; for they, are going to put us to death! Sol-. diers,. kill not this, little child, or j the wa ters of the loch will rise hp ani droivn the sons of perditiori. -Lipas, givej; usfeach:a kiss, and then go into jthe hous:i;r;r.r; : ; The: soldiers converged together J for a feyyi minutes, arid seeitied now likje mien themselves condemned to die.? k hajme, arid remorse, for their cruelty, smote them to the core ; arid fethef bade them that -were, still kneeling; to rise up and go their ways r then, forming themselves: irtto reg- uiar order one gave the wora oi command f - t !.-. m ' r1" 'Vliin rr VkfT tHir in 1is.irrwnrf1 rriii 11- 1 Piifj iiiit-1 1 ne 01a man, ms wiie, auu , mut? ums, continued for some tinic on their Knees in Draver." and then all three -went into hut; the child between jthera and at with4 ered hand of each laid upon his JbautifuV and its fearless head.-T Wixsojr, ; ,-? ' - ' M.t-5---'-: '--r-i?;--r Red Beet Pic: The et'generally ap-' pears on bur tahleVin an acid and cold form, as a pickle. tnly, whereas4 if otif femalfe friehds WUU1U (ililO lilt UliWCl XUUAUU, v, UUUUl uui tuat it riiay M prepa'rcd.in aariety "of way supej rior to any garden production which wic possess --as it Is ahtradaridy'and easfly rakiyatfdan( IcerSt in a. ptate of perifect! freshness during: the whole yearTr By a recent trial it has been found that piea'may be made of it ; vhich' aro equal" if bt surperior toTrhiibrbi or-rrij ,o't)od,' ; Bylrrirttmg-inio rgar,'and other! pices if liked, can bo added to uit ahypalate. while it possesses tnek adfantage; oi lurniSB ing u wim iieucaio , aiiu upauiuui pie and which can gracefbur tables at aiiy isea r Bon.oifiie yeari-ann. irfsec..j. ; ; One class'ofi (geologists suppose the earth' ; Was orice. a liquid mass, that it was a VIrbp from the sun or some - other pretty warm body, and that it has become," hard' on the surfde6 by moving in. cold pace "until a crust has been formed: sufficiently hard to tear qpeam. -,rJ I. They; suppose that Jhe central part still I consists onsists ot ; real.hot lava, and that it will ; be-many years before :the whole turns cold ;and soid. . In prookoi this they adduce jrriuehi eviden!eeto showthatlthe heat of bur. globe increases " as"- we approach the !centre1-----'f1--" ---:- :".t-'- ' r !?Pr0m a : lat En"gii$h paper we cut the follbWihfrbri thn v ;':" HhT7a(nejss ipf jtke Crust of the JEartkm-rj The nrjst m vjctigation of ; importance that presents vitself, is :thel thickness of the ernst on which wedtclLi-iV have seen by. the,;theory that this ought to be., con tinually increasing, thbughvith increase Ing "slowness;" and that' there was a time Syhen it was so thin hs tb bel almost in a ate of fusion. - We- haye stated that the increase of: temperature observed is about one degree Fihr, fo every 'fifteen yards lof desderit; In alk probability, however, Ithe mcreasepirill yetj.be found to be in ge ;jotne'trial : progression, as ; investigation is extended ; in which case the present crust Will jbe rnuch thinner than we have calcu- lated it to be ; arid should this be found to be correct, the. ingenious; theory yill be come a subject of more .importance, in a geological pont of; -view, than we are at present disposed to consider it. Taking, then, as correct the present observed rate Of increase, the. temperature would be as lOUOWSi-r ' ( er will! boil at the depth of 2,430 !-,!! V: V- r - - . . Lead melts at the depth of 8,480 yards. There is red heat at the depth of seven miles-:'. ;4r " k '! j Gold melts iat 21 miles, j Castlirbn ait 74 miles. j ! Soft iron at 97 miles. ' 1 And at the depth of 1100 miles: there is a temperature; equal to the greatest artifi eial heat, yet observed-; a temperature capable of fusing platina, porcelain, and indeed every refractory substance we are acquaihted jwith. , These temperatures are calculated from Gyton ' 3SIoverris cor rected scale of Wedge wood's pyrometer, and jif We adopted them, we 'find that the earth: is fluid j at the depth i of 100 miles, and little moj-e than the soil on which we tread is fit for the habitation of organized beings. Po y technic Review. , ; ; j. - n ; i ; A- TALE. ; I Not many years agVa Polish lady of Ple biari birth, but of exceeding beauty and Accomplishments, wpn the affections of a young nobleman," who, having her con sent, solicited her from her father and was. refused, i We ntay easily imagine the asiomsnment oi ine nooieman. j " Ani l notf' said lie, of sufficient rank to aspire to your daughters hand ? . ; -1 "You are undoubtedly of the best blood ot Roland." j " And my fortune v; and reputation; arc tnev nbtsufHcient. 1 t SYour estate is magnificent and vour conduct is irreproachable.7 ! " -Then hviting yoiir' daughter's consent lioW could I expect a refusal V v j " This," replied thej father, "is my only child, and her happihes is ithe chief con cern j of ray ife. Ail the possessions of fortue 4r precarious!; wh.t fortune gives at her eapriqe she takes awajv I sec.no security forhe independence v and com fortable living of a wife, but one ; in a word, II am resolved that no one shall be the husband of my daughter, who is not at the saihe time master of a trade" H . - The !nobi eman f bowed ;and retired si- lentlW I A year or two after, the -father was sittirig at the door, arid he saw ar proaching his houseyhvagons laden with baskets, and rat the head of a . cavalcade j a person in the dress of a basket , maker. . -jt..J:jJ.. ' .s'JJ 1 mi - aiiii j wuo uoj you supports 1 1 .was- j i lie former suitor of his daughter ; .the noble man tarried basket rnaker. He was" now master of a trade, and brought the wares made by his hands for inspection, arid a : m?n i f - ll 1 certificate from ms employer m .tesiimo of his skill. . J The condition being fulfilled, no further obsthcle iWaS opposed to u the ' marriage. cue me me sxory u not tola. - i ne revo . ..t i.; ml -i a ' lution came!: fortunes Hvere plundered. tnnrl tnrrta wp'w ttrtrr! n x- nVi a fT hofni-o . . . . 1 . j. . m w w J"-. ' . i. . a , . "I rf - l '- ft Jei-ijj. ? Tr.--.-i the four Winds bf heaven; Kings became beggars, sorne of them teachers ; and the noble Pole supports his wife, arid father tllbiiiQmiitiQ ofV'iiggt i. by his basket? making industry. r ; rtiA P6tatoc4.A well informed and experienced farmer says; in the. Gardener and pKfctifcaJ Florist, that he is well sat iscdthatthe!productive power of seed po tatoes is much diminished by suffering them tp bebbrhe bvler ripe, and he gives good rea sons for his belielf." He digs his potatoes be fore the'vinesj are'dead, and places those in tended fot seed Un J)its:i'dugiri shady airy situation, not more:!than"sixbushel3 in a pit j covers theni with straw, and then with earth' two 01. three feet.: In greater1 puiK theyj ttiay terment. jj .tte sa)-s that the great erJ-pr :M late plaritmgarid late har vestihgall hinds should be planted very: early, aridall should :be.dug as " sooii. as me.growtn is; compteteq. - t: 5: f NEW4- SERIES,-.--. .TOLUME I. 1 4 THE SABBATH "' "Itis obvious that thd Sabbath exerts its salufarv influence by making.the top ulatibn acouaintfcd with the being, pe j-fee-: tionsOahd laws of Gbd ; with our tf eiiltions to him as his creatures,, and burobhga-. nonsMO Aim as rauqiiait acqouuiame..jiuo--i jects, and-with our' character as, sinners,.; for whom His mercy has provided d Sa- viour : underwliosef : e trnvcrumcTit we live to" be Restrained 8 from sin and reconciled : to God; and fitted! -by) His Svord, and spirit" ' 4Vw 4tvn 4n1iottniiiii'tlin1n V -A"; ... '.''i ."4? ' for the inheritauce above. iw Itis by the reiterated instruction and impression vhicli tliie Sabbath imparjts to the population' of fnatibnbvtheirioral principle which it forms by" the on,J science which it maintains by thc habits 4 creates"; .by-the rcstfandTonbVated igoir it i)'eslows on exhausted animals ; by the lengthencdjlife (lad! r higher.; health ijt af fords ; .by Jhe holiness it inspires arid cheering hopes-of heaven; and the protect tion and favor ot God which its '.opscr vance ensures ;: that the Sabbath isjrcn dered the moral conservator of nations. T; The omniprelerii-infiuencc the;; Sab-; bath exerts howyei) :-Ky rio secret harrri or - compendious tactibnpdaiss of mithiiutirig riiiridtbu stredrn'of wbrldl ;6uHtihterend afiections ; stopping tthe "din of bus! riess j unlading the. mind of its cares and rcf?poi sibilities arid; 'ilj-tbbUy or7. i t'nrens," while God speaks to then, and they attend arid hear, fear, and learn to do His v ill. v 1 You might a Vjell put out tbe t sun, and think to enlighten the world witli ta pers ; destroy the,s attraction of gravity, and think to wield the universe by human powers, as to extinguish the moral illumi nation of the Sabbath, arid break this; glo rious mainspring i of; 'the ' moral Govern ment of God."v . - -" -1 ' r -: TRUE pOtrTENESS "H : He who has a heart ! glowing with kindness arid good will toward his fellow men, and who is guided in the exercise of these feelings hy good common sense, is the truly polite man. Politeness does not -jonisist in wearing a yhite silk glove, and in gracefully lifting your hat as you meet an acquaijtitance ; it docs not consist in artificial smiles and flattering speech, hut in silent and honest desirps to promote the happi ness of those arbuntl yotl ;. in the readiness to sacrifice your own qase and comfort, to idd to the enjoyment of others. . The poor negro wo man who fotnid 5(ungol Park perishing j under the palm trees , of Africa and who led , ljiim to their hut, and supplied Mm with fbod, anclulled him to sleep with theirjsimple songs; were gen erally poliie. They addressed in language of kindness and sympathy ; i they led him tenderly to their home, and dd all in their power to.re vive his drooping "jgprit- 4--. ; ... , - A poor drover, wats driving his heeves tp mar ket on a Winter's day. ' The cattle met a lady in the path, and apparently unconscious of the imooliteness. comoelled the ladv to turn one side into the. snow. 1 f Madam, said tlie dro- verV"apblogising&B..tEbli,cncss of hi4 herd, "if the cattle knew is mach asXdr you fehould not walk m:the:Visnmv.?,.; .Thatariver . iras, in the host sense tpf thd terma gentleman,! while many a young, mabj in Washington sirpct or Broadway, with gloypund cane and gtaceful step, is a hrute.:- 1 , i . . ;.'j:.-... " - -The man, 'who - lays aside all selfishn;ssrin resrard to the habninbss of others, who is ever ready to confer favoifewlip speaks in language oi Kinuuess auu fxnciiuuioii, anu wuu iuuit?s to manifest those littlej attentions which jgratify the heart, is a polito ian, though he may wear a homespun coat and make a very ungraceful how. "And4irianyv":a:iks!donahle;yh'o dresses genteelly, arid enters the most crowded! apart ments, with ass'ura'ho ,' arid case, is a terfect cdmpbund of rudenels and incivility. True po liteness is a virtue otl the understanding o hearty It is not like the; whjted sepulchre; or 13te So dom Vfar-farried fruif j There . aro no . rule s for ; the exercise ot this iiiiue,:more correct &nd dc-, finito'than those laid'dowh in the; pew fjCesta-', 1 here is rtQbook ot politeness compar- ahle with the i Bihle.HI2cij. X CZJibboft :T ;.' : ' l.'H' , l ; The Importance pf Xafibur.-The Weal th of the world its ligh cjyUizatiori aind all its magnificent improvements, have been created. and fashioned, by the labor and 1 lnuusiry oi man ; - ine poorest sou anu most t uitfavorablecliirite are ' scarce irjlpedi- menis 10 an mausrfipus ana energeiic peo ple. Look at I oljarid, reclaimed frtimihe ocean, fenced in her l'mbankmenjts and mud wallsV- litefilly miUngw ganlcri where once - therewas fnbthingi bujt bogs 4 uitu uctjan waves.f iJuaoK at. owuzenanu, wnere an muuscriousana narav peasanin. contending against the avalanchesof snow f aridlicef and .the embbulme'nt of niountairi masses of rock nlling aud crtishiag ; for. rriiles tlieni, hav ing cut the hills arid mountains in tetmces and planted them with vines. Iinds, Which wbrebefbr worsethanjiothipg, by this, 'improvement! sell for ten; thousand francs per aqre' . jj ; - : . - 1 j : - -. 'w; .r ;! .n"'- ' 'J , Grea!nirjss.l am iasked who is the greatest man t h I answer the! ; and if I amrequired to say who is the'betI reply he that has dew" served most of hii fellow-creatures. . Whether he deserves better of xnankind by the cultivation if -"iv'- ' -XI 3 . i - - - ... m-:T of letters, byobscoreiind inglorious attainments, by intellectual pursuits calculated rather to a muse than inform than by strenuous .exertions In SDeakinor and acting. let:thoKe consideir, who bury themselves in studies unproductive of any benefit - to. their countrr or I fello w-citizcjis. - -1 4- ?iTimeis the most uridefinable yet paradoxical of things ; The past ts gone; the future- i : not come and ,we atterioptf to defito itCoitortS '"7 EFFECTS OF WHIG POLICY. The receipts qf customs nt th port of N, York alone for the first five months of 1844 (just ciosl) nomewhat exceed 900.000, a?ain;t tonif 1,000.000 in each of the two precetlins years. The total colkclion at New kYoik 'alone, during lt4l will pretty cert;unly exceed S20,ODO,000,-be;inc ronsidorablv nion- than the entire 1 tevenoe of Ihe Ciovcmment for either of the last four years.NThe ensire revenue ot this vear will almost cer tainij' exceed $4dj000,fJ0U,of winch over $l.r .000,000 '(rf-we teejj ontlof troable. with foreign nations) mav be aevoieu to ine sreuueuoa oi, me paoue tteot. which a mounted fo.2j000,0Q0 oti he first day of January la?f-' Lethe tariff Msufltaine'and Mexico ai4 Texas ft to themselves, -fitid ifief Governnie,ut my fw entirely oiii of debt nguin bi th! 1st of January," ItMtJj Kat.'IaU : - -1 ...4 - -. . - ;; .The Katlonaj tntelligfencipoi the GtVin3tant jSnr : .Thei;wa9B-jrumorafloatJuuheJIaUai of tlCjTapUt . ryesterday'tUat tfie Secretary of State was in the M-ay of " ari angry coficespohdenca vltli - the;. Brit jsli Mijysier on.; some pubjeclt' other suiJposedMobe connected xyitli'v Mexico wTeXH., We trust that th -rels no founds tioki4 for tills report, 4 We douht'vcrylituch.vrhother thefe bc1 But, should tliene be any fonndatton, Tor the :' Twniiirt.-i j hopedi for the charactcxl ofonirT diplouiaey,' whlrti ba' gained jiothm l(td say thtkasO-y- tpctmt cxpositUiia, raise aj imqllier u new issue P iourof such a, corrcspon denct. for the tDScrbre1 )ttri)oae f . converting it; to mere party ends and purposes i'"'-;-'wf's'?.,-.i."--vr .tf mJ. i iTha careful reader of lTie rcporta of ine. proceedings fa Congress will !lia'e diSvere.!t that Mr. C. J. IntjvraoU, CHairnian of" the Committee oii Foreijn: Relations, hal disclosed on Tuesday the purpose-of Jhe EjtecuUvei td.. tlirow this Texap question into the IIou!- of ReprCsontn ; 4 tiveani some Ibrm or other, Wforctlw lertnlnatuinof thT! Sepsioni It is esimcstfy 'to be hoped that we. ntayniit , find, as a cliinajf to-the qtiestion.'imlie form In whlcii it ' is already befor the Public, aa angry .corrrspondcntx got up for the oocarion, such as thej-nuiors at ,the Caphojt anil alort tlio' Pennsylvania avenue vrovrjd indicate: p.' it TheColumbuS (Georgia) Entjaireror.fiwf S9th oflasix mOhth myn i; "tlie, petaocrats opghf n&i tohave.Jf x?;i ted that thi Whigs Would be drawn from tKeir '.candidattfi' I or itamjed from irKijinctp!e, to giijv eeareli ofn f i Ai.. thfctly -understood tliat Uicy wifl nol "jeopardise t!e eW cess of IIesev CfJiV i 10 auvance ine pecuniary, inieresw . ors; eitlier in tins country. ox else' of any et of Fficu'ators where. ' Miff iftxi S : . iThei National Intelligencer hvAt A, Sabbath Cbii vention, composed of hpwards of "five hmidrelf delegitea T from variouspatts of PennMvania, now in ftssioiuat jflarrisburg: Tlus boJy,iikc the one which met in Bulti- moresbme'limei since, has been convened far -the" pTrrpai9oi of plonioting a due observanceof the SubboUtdaj'ilf; h :- . -I,--! ' - : - . .'- - .j..- ' f i i . .. . - ' - !i"T. Tlie reeultof Uie recent vote jn'ihe-ititoryjof IoA;? ,on the (question pf fbrtntn a' Stale GbvernBnftttitl niandiag admission as such -into the Uniott,' was as jKl45 lowsi Yot a Stte Government 6)76, against iV4,ll j majorityin favo of the change 2,795. . 1l The iVeaj , Ywk EveniugVTost, of tFlstJ ' ' -' i I ;:; . xZnlfZ closes - an article in reference to the recent' " Deihocratlc? " Con vention thus : . have no test for the 'uniening .; these mysteries but e believe that if the secret historyi of the Convention Tor the adoption of the two-third t'ulif; through its various proceedings could bewritten,o lrd number of the Relegates would stand disgraced mi llicf . eyes of their eobstitjaehts. r " r ' - -'4 H'M i.Thd Porthani Advertiser of ilie 27th ultimo' says; "viTwq hundredand fifty-seven vessel; 'were-, seen injthejrf offing (yesterday mornin from the Observatory; bouilut"; out east and wet, liavuui been detained in our harbor for several days .by head winds and -f --"f -filth -' The. types niff'- us &ny yesterday that certain inforjni tion was transmitted . from--Washj'ngion toBaldmbnljri 40 minutes. . It sltould have been 40 seconds of course; -True Sun. 1.' -Z ; The types, m ght well be incredulous. r'Tlicy 'never;: dreamed in the! philosophy thai news could be coiivet at the Irate pf a raile-R-seconcl f . ,.Tie;actualirne hoy?p evcr, occupied b j the electric news carrier iri passing fjjnv Baltimore to V Washington i3 less than one &c?ixn0 fi travels witlrthe rapidity of light, ', ' Put-k up.dotidijr-, thought that he Was promising great things when liesajl: to Oberon : i " 111 pat a girdle round about the earth ; All limy juiiiuies. . Magnetic Telegraph cart dp.; They could give " Puk", half aji hour's sfart and beat him easy"at'that, ILH'h ; ; Albany Evening Jifurriat. i Mr DittASithough not an'earlyr.rist'.r, found a jiiorlii-. nation before, harwas,Bpoa: Friday mornings But; Ijjlfio: tliie purse of gob) whic the early riser found jn the' futile,,, some one had 4rotned it,-who was vp before him ! ' " IX- -i .J-fcV 'j.1ff:-: 'The ''Boston Post ' gives the following as a chmni, occurring in a speech made at an antislavery convention . in that city; bia zealous bui shnp'e-minded African ), K '; ' - - t --i" '--i-.!-. ' -- -i i( 4-1 .' " My grandfather: was- a king, in ' Africa a . king: t You see befor yoo some b( tbe royal blooj l But;" tj Americans con and stole away dc son of a ktnp make a slave of binv l Wliat d'ye think of lat I Perhaps you ,. don'tlthink uiuh of it ; but what' would de Amerioaris say if ile Algertnes were t come - and cany Off jyouri i ASIINCONCAIg ClIKT. , 'ij TheVashingtori corresponderit of tbe Now v j York" Herald gives the: following list of the nr Hicles contained in rVasIiingtphs : :camt chest; latelv. presented to Congrpss r .-'5 y; - - - .-, ' - :-- . . VI-'A-"" r-',rii i' One do cflec. (tin.)1"?'- --- "MInf " One candlpsiick and linderJiOXianitecL - ; -ii-Threeplated shcetiron sido dishes; roiulh M Stido. p1rtcs. - -' 5,-,fK-K-,..-tv lThreesaui;epansyith moveahlc handlcfojiio 4V' gjiUias; tod.thio;othcr' s.mallcr. 1 -i-T)nlf4'imtifariffeei!-ioti' "- V - sXiAidirz. One small gtidirori; with meahle handle -and J One drv with ri;Huie Wadena wine in it. ' POne glass jchesfsTJgarjar, fwo quart sfix, hal- full ot cnisheaAVDiie kuh. gill of molasses in it. " f . ' One glass Jpppcr box, with a little pepper m . . . f-. -. m- -7." - f - l - ; - . r . -.. . m e . One do. salt box. do. (Three smillCur ounce bottles; trith soava substances therein unknown, whether mediciiip - . -. ; . . .... . -f J'i ; ru ;nir!;: .;,,t- inches long and 10 wide, covered with leather, brass nailf, and lined, t rtti o-won baize tverv coarse) inside. lt ,v r m i .. u i.vl- an : nauinn ' keyhole, hantfie at earl, nd weigns - V jnOiesihioiiofamffdicinechestJ fetenings- ?k description of this trunk haso-T-.fi, he?n published. It is to be sent to armnr innr runiniix. -. . - the State Dojiarlment. fcOne earthen three half pints tea-pot H On& small glass tumbkn; '-.?'": iB xOnesquarglasfchcsthottle, quail8i,witU;- One three pint glass (apparently) snuii jar-r-(all the glass1 is white.)- ; . ' One flat glass molasses jarpint size, with a ; f T-' T'.fi r - t T -' HAH - u . v , -, m . - K. V ::.(--'"'''- 1'V . 1 -. ': -it' - a .TO v: H. t i )l .-i"'i'pli i- - S: tit i . t :'-rP - ii!

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