it.-- . ., : .... , . I '':- . ' . . .s -f" : - i - - i - ,'t a ' 4 rF.-., , !! . r n ..; -... , . . : .. ' -k . -; , .i i " ' ' j ! " ' '" ' ' - i . ' ' '" " ' 1 1 " 1 ' " - - ' : - - T ' Jr-rrr- it -'hi - m Mi . i i t.) i . - i - i ' , - ' ii - , - ' ) , t i i I i ' i , , i I i i - , ' V . 'f ' ' 1. jj ,. ' 11-.-. V ' - r-l -.-Vv .S'-rKEEp,i'ckEc:CTOS,xLx.,Tor' ; rT-. V r-u Rrixus. Pp this A.yn tiTBERiY, IT1 rnnA J- -t Jf'."nr:'' r i ; v! - iftf . 'if'. " ::- i !- : - Tor the CtroUna Watchman. . 1-LM&sm. fcltfoaif:; Thdronbwing. efiusioft troia the t irly Wn of 6nl of pur most estimable citizens, has, from he 're-dtjrCii auiW, hitherto rewall in Manigeri Moa think fy partiality does pot decern; jotfWl rt JUin your Vhi.W jorfal. Tbameniarience3 ok iece show that it should jate ircttv 4& bacfc in tU present century. he Preceding .day aboard bf risi The-mn4 UJ ing hght and bafflin;:, we were until 9 ocelot to-y reay ng our anchorage here. .'J health dqnng the nonth.- Perhaps more mea.', gre binicle hst,", was never .exhibited in a . ship containing nearly 500 people stowed k it were,' alrnost in bulk." , p - iy ' at -Trori tAe Philadelphia Forum, r I HI Is But kaeard &f ra'me to the flat-swamp spring. I -FuIl-pSsartt M .us eye, ! ' VrYrin'jlcroW';Mha;d been travelling :AnJ-4oi cloucl .ihhe Bky. ' -:. ' - ' 4 1 le draojejf tjie tvhterjjso cool an J so,c!ear, i For rairl'y and Hot tvast he ; iThYn wit tm$elf (ownl onl the spring's green bank 1 In lbl elwide of a bedchen tree. I . - - . "...", j i - , iA rnn caifee down jfroin si neighboring hill, l-TaH;Ank. nd of lowhne -: kle'dplfls HrfHmt ifia.e h bow, ; , ?- Sayifisl'itransier hc wjdo you do ? t; i Nowjlrt tbu a ach lot, friend, quoth he, . ,fOr.1tthou'at.Hoine a.Hrlfe ? , :' V . : . ' i ' J If go, ttfoiuHi-isi qiififledihfi happiest draught, vri'Thoii J'iIm- tasted fcj ill thy life. " . finu tile fciir imrtd wiimnii if iflv vrtn Via 4 ' i'J'n wte: of kWin ver betn I - : , -s. - ventie y woidshelhas oftn heard ; Oftne spring ofold BtiKean.' ; . ' v r i ' " - f' I haf awife, bt ri nfer was here," Th4 stranger rntfe nasiry repfy ; s '.' Birt Ml m blessed id the draught I have drank, j Prnrte tne th1! tfajod why ' " S tiiail..qnbtthel countryman, " years ago. DrariX oft of this crystal welj, ; j:,r-urt-iw waters a Tnigic speii. . i'-Forwhe.vt-JhsbiiBl drinks of this spring;. f ?r';sljem'frtQ'nit ife; ; -f .jt)h.4Ml.nlist.h9ppylnian''i8h,' t'.-'- s . f. ! rwtenau oe masier iojr iiie,- v. .4 ? But whoever the brijle as the start'tof the groom, 1 Wrjp rne tl)e husbihd then-T ' ' The jtnKer'Moojfed tp the -spring of.St. Krtn'A'. i i Aiididrl'nkvof the water again., J 7, - 1 I warrant you drank of jrhe water betimes' - . --r The,rvel)?r ring ialjj ; ' f Xtpi;. V Vat n tcountrymiin 4rnilcd as tn strangerpalte, ; 'AAdihlVplBhry lani dbwnijh-iead. p i hastinil$ soon as the wedding was o'er, i t i And0 my yoinjt wif' in the porch ; - t f FprheoaJhii Mf t church." - ' S. BROpIiffe LETTERS from EUROPE. e3aliceot the' Kremlin; originated in the:sfrWest admiral ion of the splen J doit of t b Ifiastqi vTO cityJof ;onstarfH- rioriie wM! the eityj bft the religiotvOf the f countfyif ;tteiSi Mtil abblished'by Czar l'e!er iher ' njates?Were dravyn. I rpm ihfjiVc, ownie their calendar of saints, A thousand ears since.' savin cr Jess than a qtiak;o rtur,ththafl received; anjal)hftbetc1th a Jan- usages raorai ana religious, ana lvan in order tOj ga ber, strenffi h unto hi msel fV did lU)t6biet that wilh his natinnn I t,ffnf!nn forjtie East arid fit s : tmncriarcif'f that a vrcabrf-.rjiHHiss suouiu; snare who nimine tbionf .' ;oiHuicoyy;; Sophiai'tKelastHof the; pronfiees ofVlhe ilmperialifamily of jrrcce. was inc cnoice or tne AnTonraf.. ,i A? f f!th CzRvvasjsanct ioned byf -thef tfo-tpWded eaglH then the tvpeof a- power suri,iiid pversirice the inipe ;rialjd ihe!i3tiionb jyan'WjJl-pWa'ffun'al th it leMfof !arid Ijuurie?-of the East in wl'iUt was dramethatthe royal lJyould 1?econif a'reaterthan' Byzan tinhifanXa rtjt hespirit of true mvalship up venifa)k es,)ad lesseslol Kremlin. Onei of lhes piMcs rtf mairjs alrricst as it was vii bin lherftUn Jvansl and inariv bf thb shririari4chuj-che all their" :wrsune;;iii'4niteic arid: extravagancei? Jry 6eauy tp designs; and ihe sfreng ht hel 'bwd! dieirbrigirr lb the en5 lgrats fron Germany and Italy, who had ueeniinvuea toere as 1 he ?then master sni iw w genius ana aiiZ "With thei r coml ing, ..came . -many iota - the reiinements of high ivijibtt,fail improved rarchite turmlin jbundrte a coinage bf gold and filif r hdj the first dawning ofctbai day 'hicb hlrnade fUussia what shelsl hystc"liye'l polit ically one vi ititcj fiiwst povenui. nations unon itne Globed I Aslthel Kremllri j advanced the of Russia Increased, thouch nerhans tberd i& rid Imore reBsibus e mh risi n i t? a?l i'W lHtissi.Cnow;:'a there was mheaH:&uchl ' ! -.t . I !.- S-w . ! 1 ;H ' B r .... -.vavr ; WgirtjorteJ ajhCroTaqaiiceJU was : mvestedifvlui mbrd curiosity! than - ' t tf? r ""f c "u urtiouern. capi 111 As l:vrite-I have seen all it wnnJ aers butwamipg asil am m all the spirit of those freligious pilgrims who seem- tb nie ner;eias me luanometans go to Mec cancan trivet but a plain unvarnished tale f whatll Have l3een7f have hot sepir ;OT:.reiuttp imooiuignt lUisj true; tor 'litM-fairlfifrfflesis iu scurvy c i nixing ner iair,proj portion peMndfsbmB sombre clouds all Mm 1 Ml vieTbeM here! not deiffmmr onceito jftKougn. itwas hertime" to tcrl coursejm ! ail ine beauty ot her Ht-brb s)fcjilor.' I jTheomes atid niiri- t 1 --f.rsnijini inereiore, nave not m$ UPimelirithelni '-6 tliJ t ; :i I " . : flow' i ? "l'1V..v tu.vvvitkiuir uuor "eerSSOl.etied into ii iifrbf wnirt KVi:i; "Villi liu.i rrinv I I ill. : niinn. I i...m t.i.w r 'af"v,tm. si puxce i nave nelore deni 6inar eaiiriedaiie: goldeheove ?MtccHrigl4flthe n to shed hisliirht unon aihpr nor-1 on.ioiPj;w h.remlinrtfesented a gorgeous array ?jKi2htrrffr.A of St. Kean. :f Tke':Krimm(s(' Churches j and .V-- ! .;i '.arlrW v ' ' " : I.::.rlHt'f-!L':! ii 'Mo8cow.M843; -1' ot oUr bwri or other snhereshftiYnrnpThem be-: uW$e! "d lowers. V Nearer, around L'? W nd'l'the 'gates I have looked' aiscelie almost as bas been de- .'aij'itat; .1 ' t .--! r omet. t, pilgrims, from near; and cominjj'Test iheirAveary linibsand obtain ft spiritual consolation inor near the most Iiohr place dF thVif .most, hoK''. sanctuary. The Kremlin of coursers but the faintest stiadowjof- ifce gorgeous structure atiec ca,1" and .there is no'Kaaba or house of Prophet nerip in jhKcentre of jlfce'templf. as therij.dt the 'capital of Arabia.vThere, is'no ca va' ipbn a nejpbboring-Kill either. vlire a'higp Priest or BisTiop bf the Greek" Cburch! IikeMan6rnet ; jnelircs; )o perforin hi$ deyb? ionp or receive: Koran from", a Gabrieli bull rirT;lfep of' these ,'attrac;iorii th ere arej ot hers blended vith' all i that "is most' holy atid inviting' in"the rcligion?of inq.couiurA gaterof ingressjind vegress, butt one of inemisiuceniea so..'.noiy:inai.utis e Known only as toe fipaskoi 'or Holy. Gate Do' b of these! gatfs afeii part bf the . bigh em battled ,wal that surrbundsthe enclosure and "before the most holy-"of the two you mayJeewhufidreds ;of heads llaid bare; to tlc sun or tfte; storm and all lowing most ireyereifly- tb tbe shrine, bf 4ber idolatry, f The "gates re surrounded twilb towers bearing (he immense uoubie-headed eagle, which makes the: insignia of be country,-. Wis hini the Holy Gate no man. o' matter iwhat his faiih or country, "tian" enter with ! lhs: riieahestfof his serfs,jevery one passes oniwitn nis neaa uncoverea, ana an igno rance of a religious cus!om, wbich;is here rpbre veiglf y than , a' la w. jjf r theMand, w.ould excue.Vio olTenderJ even from the most distant nal ion. - There .is a - sentinel at! the gate Jwhose "Vigilant eye. ; observes, ai .wnpipassBes.n - ana our,ana wnue-iit would cost a Rrs ian the . loss of his that aiid a severe reprimand toinfririge upon the established order of things, a foreign erlWouUt hot escape- sbbftof the Police who.' should att emptl the experiment jof acting ldtlerently from those; around him. The experience of bne.-or two ' English men, Vho deemed that they compromised - xneir ' aignity vty - comorming' xa sueua .usagehastlready proved this, - buthhe exjjrienbejlof old travellers , has ftaught the new .vislloni of ihe' maxim of Moing among the lRomans as the Romans do." LTe1 origin 'of ihe custom of uncovering uc;auis utiiore luiy nxr renuwneti vaie ; of jjt be s Iirerijlin was . more thanf could learhand f kjereare so many and so vague tr4diionl;bits beginnings that ' the ttuih wiil-profyf e ver-ba- mysterious Vas tnact 'speEQ super3;itious.0nb tradiiiqnalibtites it s origin as r a memo rial to the dlliverance of ;Jbeciy) from; a. peidenebther from', lli Jwrlt psUlence of a r Tartar invasion wheh;th qajnt Ivan Vtfliki, or Johnnhe Oa'Iep! his lis; ne vers. i J.nere. . are oinr.r. iraaiiions as pfbableah$ all f apart in ;their Lion el usions;! bbt liere ignorance is bliss, and thrb islucSfa cbarrir attached to ivUbat thdj truth Wcfdld perhaps dispel a most in- riocentj jSut! tmost enth usiastic uelusion.4 thet.Holy, GateJVithin sre Js 'most v at tracttbul iTbe jjut en Sat1!1! baltlerihts were theJsame asfthev twere mihbtjtllefbrt paace-0i Mnicir more anon, presentea everv sign.oliiis.ancient grandeur. . Jtiign aoove an arquna is ine io wer oi j uan i v e- lfirirjpl5(' 'feet in the air, and then surnouritedjbj' a gilded dome, supporting, asfis alrribsll 6r quite universal with ithe Greek ; chufches, the cross displayed a- cresceri Js indeed the distinguishing 45ign bf jal itnjij'ek ; shrines andchurcbes. FrpJJuan ejikithereri : ,yiwi btjl MCtyV where the4 citizens Jorid stiarigperapmblfrto see the country a-; tbhridj HiThe bell bTthe tower, but !' for t bfOargest n " Ch loiyf wouia pe ine tamer oi aitoeiis. mJ most of i the I (j reek churches, ; there I arei front" t hree tof a score' bf these ' musical in wruments jj r&pd tuemore .pens tnere are, d the more .bells and, the tgrdajter t he noise t here . is ithe greater seems 10 oe me aitracnon ,10 me faiUifutf i! Il ere tt here was a: inammoi h pejli whch nr humari, forced could M welt ririg 4p itJrry-p trirj pin.,Bias'. many: stringstbm thei same clipper! could "only toll ; and the fa ther of this sort of music was surrounded f bnlasitribrited fy bole fairiilybn noisV children: i - You mav stand unon'thfr j viijpcr vi ine uig- ueu, ana not De'aDie 10 reach piBblvrth-ybur:butstrbcbed bairids5. W:WoBbnVyfihis'mi it puujis, -onLine;snarpesi.jana snnuest noifes tolthra h 4idtftheSdeJidruritiiybuhariu morp imi vvo score i io an ; .ana vwuen thBalliringJifybuare here; be sure and kbert at fa saife dis'ance;ior close well your ear?r' i aero is ueu resting on.tne grouna Ibeneathlbf At mariiinoth size. vari J iustlv ISf;K!TH iati nfmri n imnitn twtoeVnl lt,.. viu WiVih m uk '4.viuii,(vi. iiiuiiuittl, i tians are visi j ; n h in . - i-m ininrnaajiii nhnnt a colossal of 'ibe "HusV siari EriiriressiArine.1 bv whose' Jconimarid ib1bpill wri last , nnori anorlion .of the neia!h. and tlieEmbres3 "appears" in her. I flawing robes of state. - So cdrribrous-an instrument rimst ever" have -been useless for ariv, nurbdse bevond, an exhibition bf 1 ., " - 1 !i 1 .11 r .1 I' -Li A tli3 poVcr -acll skill of the machinist, arid public i building enclosed3 within," high wall of the walled citte'There iare'four the authority 'of, her who : commanded its j execution, l ne tower wnere n was uung it is said; was. buTntahd;tW:beir;fell from its heightMeep into $ he-earth', where it was Duriea iorArears guarueui-uy try "therervisitedl)y vtlieVtraVllertndrjp)i4 ly riscped Xrom its subferraneaii! position, bv order -of the Emperor, In 1 837.i-;i 4 Li Not far. off, most carefully; watched by 4 u. sBr.iinri,- are asjporiiuii'.v' j VJrVr; taken fromtKe French;amy retfeai from the" city. Ih'ey had f just bf fore Tgnteredjih fall the tHuinph of .invincible conquerors. " Th"ere re yho I rows of spicuous position 'for,, the behblderfTand near at hand 'are' like trpphiesof iSpahish i ana oweaisn.uussian ana rrussiania ur Lkish -ahAlistrianould-Thes Tarethe external brnanienti bf ah'arsenal that has ;nothiiigiwith5a.butmiUtar m n1'iv: ntl nf.xrhih 4n Irtnrid 'ftf nnn. and'ne wvll ofwhichiihthe -pride of con: auestP It is said, are to be erected into, ai hugepyTariiidias weUtbl awe? tle;hpiltt4 tude inlllie: present; as to tell thefwbridbf I the militarjfrbvessbf Russia in thbjpastJJ Vain- bbastingpobr ambitibti if. -JTjtxe -earj ly hrstofybf a govermrienV like tjiis,! should ar least teaeht ber rulers a lesson) of bu-! mility. The Sena'e House is ariO:her ed4' ifice of the Jremliri, and the sanie builds ing? contain all t he departments' of ser-J vicelbf this' part of the iraperial govern ment.;- hefinbdern palace othbnipe- ror is another.i-a simnle.- neat.t beautitul buildingwith every conceivable rcbrnfort and few of the luxuriesof lifeJ! It is Jul palace5 fit; for jjan mperorand j hejinbref. so that it is the -least - adorned bf any bf the palaces 1 have seen iE.fB.4 A COURT SCENE IN GEQRGIA; . BX" JUDGE CARLTOX, OF SAVANNAH. ! A friend of mine has recently returned from an 4 excursion . in the 77 "circuit bf this tate. Xjie 1 telfe me that while in the county of Tt he strayed into the .court bbuariolws'presetit at the' arraignl ment of a j man js by the ' name pf r Henry! Day, who was charged with); attemp!ing to kill hiswile. Day was ?a. pale l little man,; and the iwife . yas a : pertectf behoj "moth, i The indictment leing read, the 'prisoner: was asked to say wheiher he, was guilty :or r hot guilty." -He nswered t " There's a mighty chance of la, Wye r lies in the papers but some part is tru6 did strike the bid Iady;.but she fit me pbvv-j erfully at firstj'. She can swear efjuaV; to! a lit: le of anything, and her kicks' are aw ful. I -reckon wbat you say about the devil moving Js pretty tolerable cbrrec,tseeirig as how she moved me. I have old you all I ! know about 'the circumstanceV MisteK 1 gin. Squire Jones IhereA fiveSdollarbilli and llovy he'jll talk iyut for nje.J SqUire Jones thereupbrirbse, and sai d:he naa a! law point to raise in "this case, which he thought conclusive. It was an establisb- ed rule in ' lawf that7 man : and infe j wef butoneand. he should like to kribwif a. man could be punished for whipping him-) self: he should be glad to hear "what the solicitor general could "say as tb tnat. The: splicitor general answeredthai he thought his brother Jones had carried Ithe; maxim' a little toofar; men had oferi been puu-f lshed lor. beating their, wives. jit a man shou Id kill his . wife, it would A not i: be ut cide. Here Squire Jones inteirpbsedj and defied the , solicitor general to produce: any aumoniy 10 mat eueci. j, ne solicitor; general looked at. '?Ureen and Lumpkin s ;Ge"orgia 'Justice' for some rninutes, -and then ; observed that tie cohld j riot find the authority 1 just thenV butt he was sure he had seen the principle somewhere ; and he called brtjthe judge to sustain Ihimc Iri the enihusiasm of the counsel cn ii$ point, they forgot tbbfier any evidence asjtbthe guilt or innocence of Day in the premises The judge likewise-being oblivious! to this fact, proceeded to charge the jury. ;v ti e tod themthat manaridiwife ljerep brie and were two. ;If therwife ran 'in debt, or abused a neighbor," or knocked down! and dragged but a4ellow citizen; the man! and vife vvere one. :. If ahe . husband did I any 01 mese imngs, menrraanr ana vvne were twoi j?He remarked; thdt in either bverit, the man Avas", legally bound tb suf fer : arid therpfore, come ati itf as tbeyif wouia,xiay Avas unaoupteaiy guiny.; i:ie said he would ';hbtf decide trie luestibri,' whether if mn 'tillliisjyvl Is jmiir- der bf suicide. lHe "vas not prepared; to exoress an opinion on that, point ; it was a" very delicate one, and he had nb idea of committing himself.- (Sbme on'eherejobsr yea tnat ne.was migniy iona oi cornmiiung, .thers.)"'!! thencalied up ''bailiuli a tremendous lookimr cracker,1 te wearihe l a broad brim wbite hat.with crapeJ(I never; saw. a man soum 01-; lainuue inirty-inree; wno aia not wear arid proceeded juryswere very mg in drunk if it happened in f charge; the prisoner, ment upon nun. 1 ne,Dauin giving a sig; miicant glance at the judge, replied, tnat; other people, beside, the jury came, into oiher Vonle "drunk; when sime . Beoolei todma fBi ! ready to exedutg allj-tKldetetAlsiewi. ?7? -4 7 &en al PT?- mucn in ine napir. oi on hand a choice supply of ijvajes ; ton tor about six months. J . . .. withtueir-TOUicts,;andt .M V:-..J Orithe 18 hriheFriffate'aarichors were hove i this case, he would di JP l f??. upTabd she was cot uuder way, standing to thV "and putthe Jpunish-J luos:tlis antl .lYormsi Urass and; southward arid easiwardt under easy sail. On TX-t1ii:-iThXUT-S.';lBOX- IRON-WIRE. retired, nnd o did mv friend. The , next day he re quo, except " made up, the merits beer, and "now; and then interchanging and then mterchangingr turned and lound matters in statu. , ed to e. or reta n a. .fr0rdT; that 'Day .and bis wife had v ; DrBRO WN Co.-. and -were dlSCUSSin tOgetnert j Salisbury may 231844 . ; - ... tf$ - .. bf a cold fowl "and a"; quart of . .N..B. The hi-host Drices' allowed kisses; despite ' the frowns? and, .beets of j me oiucers.1 iv i ne juage cieriana sneria had been Up all night arid' looked wolfishV and the bailiff -was Waled bh- his whitef ' hat ?it the j unrooraV 4rid bis countenance maicatea mat ne naa wanowea jne eon- cehtrated venom of j althoiisand wild; cats. 1 ne most awlul'curses, oaths ana sounds proceeded from the jury-ropm j-oine were: trbaring' like 1 tons; someicryiii t likeV chili ? lrii'iTiitr"iTif I Utof.Afite' nrinrViirr 'irk' horees.' &cjpAtllast, ;a short consultation :yas held at the door of 'ihe juiy room be tween the foreman and thebailiffrwhere- i"tipbn, tHe latter, putting his hat one sided on nis neaa came into ine court room, ana addressed the Judge thus:-f .Misierl Tonr Jakes says the jorycan t agree-about this t here man'and Ift you i keep him (that " is Trn Jak 'DGaled tO .lljni j axes; wunoui grog-rr any jnore, you oh- sfcrhtl? 4-" The . Judsre an- pealed tb ?thei Bar if !this wasribt a cbn lempi oii court ; $ana treeneKanaa juump kin's; Georgia Justice having been consult ed itwas;firiiliy1 oideb a threats addressed tbj thy udge"as? aS prp yate iridividualjland Svas to fwhip him on psight,arid nojt bri thebenchitwashbt under the free, and: enlightened,' and dem-; bcraticnrinciples of Georgia "legislation; a .contempt oi . -courr r 4. nis .peing seiuea, he;J,ugeilic'ted.:b rTom; Jakes, the; foreman, the jury owW acrree. if thev staved there thromrh bterni- ty ifThb bailiff retired bnd sb;,did I my iViendtbut h;e;giveia?biscnion, from the Jrame..ot mind m which ihe Jeit all par tiesjithat the , jurors and - bailitfs Are still thereAfci . :'ls''-Vi'jM4i'iti4.i4 'k-. v Wivesu -Women i should be acquainted 1.1 - ., ' - L . . -I-.' -...-! . .inaf..rto neaiiTV na n anviftharms tint iri inward jpfj the riiirid ; and that a grace-; iulness in; their manners is much more en Raging than.', that ibf their jl person : that modesty aridfnbel and iastins: ornaments ife for she that has these is qualified as she ought, to be for. the man agement of ja ! family, for the education of cxuiurenf, auecuon 10 ner.nusbana and submitting to a prudent way of living. These, only, are the charm& that .render Nvives amiable, and givb them the. best ti- tmtoour,respecM4t;:.:!' i---" fv- A gentleman calling, on a witty British Consul bri :afin;b that his shbeswbich Were ji bin, had ad- jmitted the wateivf I tam surprised, sir, atu uie reureseniaiive .oi majesiy, mat your.shbes should bejeakv when you had p. k ' A -Michigan' edit on cbriiplains grievous y of .brie"bf hist' subscribersl . The fellow willtibt pay his subscriptiori, and threatens hard customer t hat! . M Scwneni - BeholdALss Flora. how g rious Nature liwksiaaU her bloom I J .The trees are filled with rossoms, the wood is dressed in its green livery, and the plain is carpeted with grass "and flowers lw i - . " t h Yes Charles, I was thinking of the same thing ; These flo wers are! dandelions, and when they are gathered arid. put. in a pot with apiece of good fat pork, they uudfe the best greens in :-the , world r'-IHJ M;:- . , ; :, J)iierima.'Pik,1i ik'T'demma a tame ani ai.r?;;7fT'-r:'4 u Why, Bob! a dilemma is not a beast, but a peculiar kind 'of a jift 'i that people get into sometimes." " ' 'i??h.if r ' '. Well, pa, the paper! says here'' you can take eitlier horn 6f the dilemma.' " - - ! ., Sarah, take'tbat child to its;rnother e; v Some one. has said that the: letter W. enters into the cornpbsition of Woman in alDhe rela- ought tbbe whorse whipped for his insolence. : If a man balls you a liar,-a thief and a scoun- drel, T telf him you haye riot suMcient confidence in him to believe it. J. i - , . .. f ' ; Far.Weigh not' So much what mgn say as' what they prbyeV remembering that truth is simple and niked,f and needs not inveciive 10 apparei 11 er- comeliness. ReadinSrM is mapifest .that all goy- r ernment of action is to be gotten by knowl- euge ana, itno wieagej pesi, 4 oy gatnenng ." . i. - i 'l''- '.- ' I i '- ' ' " ! ' many.kriowledges which- is reading COPPER, uTmP LATE frisHEhlT ironware; manufactory. THE 1 SUBSCRIBERS- .i- ' espectfully annoance to the public that they continue TINrBEATEi SHEET. COPPER, SHEET. IRON, ROD I Besides a ranety of other articles which we fur old copper and pewter.-; f ;r . . j i-fl- v h .v. v. . M m. ti c- -. . I i . i r urar iicmu. owwj wa i.wj,ou : -Ithe 19th. we fell, in.triut the U. H.'MoodoI The Potomac returned tath a Port 'thilmrtrJ ning, alter u month cruize iiL the Gulf, nostly bntliQ coasts iof IiauUanaf and Texas '.idvinir if. ... :,... x.-:-;. iir r - -ri- ,.? cominunicated, J.agj- xell outM-aitt lirtjnd as turrtiug, with steamers ploso idyith the No 9 re rth East I 'ass below Now Orleansfhy which Scorii- munications for thp rnml were snt ashore. . V .Oa the aliernooh tfihe.0:hr the Frigate eame eomtnunicatiunlroni Commodore CokxEifo the Ui Charge "des! Anft'in exasV' a wjell as orueis iur iiie cominunains omcex oi ue iir 8chrFiirff suppo$edto be lying within the har-t bor Oa the morjiing of the lj2.h the Ftiff ap peared in sjght, anfd, bn'uearing the ..'Frigate ja imea me iroaa penani ai our.inain.- tiaving learned ly signal Jthat Chlfge,; '.Gen. jJla S. Murphyi had .bonie! out in itbe'Schr., aj boat was depatehed forh af, and fie' repaired aboard . ,iiKj rag vf'r L. .4Wf,"e?tne reiaiuea, a&auesi : fof thV Comrn:doret ' a potion of two days.l OtT I .u ti cjti i J 1. . .. . A ' j - - tomac's ofiKersaccombanied fcjenV Murolh v aT shore in the JVirf, in Wciprocatioiibf hut vsitta the fFlaig Ship---ji hding honored on leaving the shiprwitb; a saiutcj pfli7ns4ff?;'v-'..",; - ry- ye" were receireoj' with great cordiahty and hospitably entertantd,hy thecitirens ofGalves.: tbn.7 ..'Ha.viug tak&fthQ Poioihac's Band ashore yith us; the ladicsbfhe cityre nightly, jtegal. ed with serenading parties ;.-.a,nd the , command, er of the jPiri gave.aj partyoabbard his neat lit-, tie erad;JtichaQuiM4 ,ua iorapjyi.8amt: have contrasted favorably 'with the most intel lectual jferakle circles in anjf of the hewly: set Ued towns pf the f States." Wnii--T . President 7otitoa'beinjr on a flying visit to Galveston, jOurcuioSity.wasi g rati lied, with the doings, of a political 2eting,a whichthefTex., ian President adircSed his 4caunt!ymeja and fellow-citizens," In explanation and defence of his Administration, Which bits been, and. conti nues to be, assaileJwith great bitterness ,by his political and personal enemies, who ' are both numerous and influential, especially in&iabout GalVestori 'Gen. Houston' is an cfiective ftump tpeaKcr ; ana, on inis. occasion aiinougn ne named no one; he w isso bitingly sarcastic)1 and so 'chajiingty jsevere that itas soon disclerned at whom his satire was 'levelled. hir the ir innurn of certain leader8,jaiidj ultimately, by theii loud ly vociferating ppproprious ejsUhets against him; which bein retcjrted ;by4 his jfriends, tlije ele ments of this polijicI cauldron were soon in a stale of most violent effervescence, bubMing ne, nau aozens aoors was Jield. In atew minutes, "brivrcvef, thi3. highly excited mas was (reduced to "a quiesccntstatef and we were agrdeably 5 snrrized to "find, -that every one engage! ithis Teiian- rowVcams oiS without the loss:or;any iriemher of hisbody, or even ot a single drop of blood I .1 he FresM dent then finhedihis harangue ; he was, bow. ever a little iriore phasterieriri his styleJand a little less pointed sin nis sarcasms, than before the outbreak,' f- j r " j " '; . ; " The anti-administration speakers occupied the balance (of the day. Oen.? McLeod, Gen, Baker. &ci baranguc?J suchof the crowd! ai re mained hahjrid, al go xl. many having ;"gnne off with the President.- These ! speakers abused' Houston without .stintl uttering the most violent, denunciatioris against him, and charging ' him with the treasonable design of attempting tp ne. goliate Texas back, al a dependency of Mexico," Scc..kc. They also!charse! him. with 1 secret" I . 1 . r t I . , f- . -, IV jjiisiuiij j i lie jmycvmji ituupAauuu iu aiic ,u in ted States, asserting that ho prefers cultivating amicable relatious . with England, by which Texas - might enjyi siome peculiar" benefits of English coromerc, and British Proiectwn dec. It is manifest, to a dispassionate observer, that Texas possesses neitheii the, political nor physical elepisntsjreqdisitejto constitute an in dependent Nation J at the'present juncture i and it is equally manifest that should she not soon hecome an tnteirral part of the United istales, dire necessity will! drive heriinto a humiliating aepenticncy ten some powertal'luuropea.n uov ernmeni., President Houston -was toj have departed for the up-country the da we sailed, accompanied oy4oen. iuurpny,,our Avnarge, la tioio a coun cil with the 'Chiefs of siindry tribes of ridians on the Texjan frdntif .was to have comrjienced a. Washington the seat of Government," 4n the 20lh' irist., Before a court-martial:' of' militia oflicers, investjed with the -requisite powers yy a-special act of Con gressr therebeingjnonavyi:officer3 of suitable grade tolcohstitute ia' court. i .jfc- -1 - v Tra ie of 'GalvestonrSotiiQ doze ri vessels of all classes, weri? waiting at -Galveston' for bar-goes.- Cettn r was coming f n - slowlyVifor the want of rnens ofjgetling it from the interior! severely 5 Iclt on tins account. .f . JbxportS; trom Galveston, br . the -Quarter 1 ending tst May 8227,695 5u: of wjiicrj, 8223 720.(6492 liales) to.Texas.. Onthei234,.we were wunip a.iew r V. "(iai::n'ni ! a rwt n SfamVr that rame I 4 alongside, tossed. al New. Orlearis newperof v. IHW iilissisaii'ui. -to rm . -- ilonrsid; tossed a New Orleans newspaper of tb.anchur.otfthe bar. bf the jharoprof 'Galreston. NeVt jnrningV Lieu:, Palmer Was eTpfchVd ashore in lone"otithe6hiui la3r. beartnff ""it 4 ?.e JOTTO fu,S charter bf the Birik of the every where met jwuh a warnith of feclingand a 'graceful IpoUtenessr and 'entertained: wth an intellieent knd refined conversation, that would over, ana seesing veni at-1 ot the large store-house .where the meet nsr the 19th. we fell.'in.kith the U..S. Sloop War Vinrennpjt. Comrhanrler Riihhanari! 9 davs,; from Perisacola fte;f remaining in cbmpdny; , SSame djt'j. pBankili ordered to tbirtfreaa- , , ; several hoSrs, she toil away for Galveston. ingj 25 to 2 J ? Mr Dallar wW " J - i ; 2? V'' Keeping on rirircfese tb4ie eastward: n . daythclIBrigE Corririiandeif Gerry; ta 20 ?iIvoUg for tt. ' noveiri comnanV'witbrus darinVtwri dayshe Bibb,Browrf, Dickerson, 4 took Her departt?re!onkhe 22d, and shaped he'r Grundy,; Kat,e, ;lIyo course to.the westward, presumed to be Wind Marcy, kUleff-MOorTazeweU,,l roup, 1, err pHI)NQIaYOTUOUT. COMMENT.'- 4 ; JuySOrjSi'Eesoy QobtenUbri which nominated Polk and -Dallas s 1 ' H Ueaolmd, frbal Congress has no power to charter c ,t National Bank j tharwe believe such an ittstituiion one Ct deadly hostility! 'to the best interests of the country ; dan gerous4mr epablicali laatimtiona anj the liberties of the Peopltf.aniadated-io'place the-business of th -hi cuumry wpm-uie control ot concentrated money pow r,nithotejbeJaws.atKl wilt of the people." v i K. DALLAS AyDf4L BANKor,lHE "r, STATES. ' 'fv-.ljiii Sesateof Tai UsrrEo States. -U.- -i't tuuy,.uwo iDiW. .ur, LI ALL XI s - i!,? presented the mennrial of the Bank of the Unu I Uj ted blale - rfaying for a? He-charter, and sai4; - f he eould ndt birt feerstronsly impressed by the . , 4 recgllectibri that the lgislatureof Pennsylvania ,reeniiTjauawreueci. unanimously , naa recora mended the ,re.cbarter;of the Banker. He! bei atoe, then iwitLixa fas hi? wis virtuilly aa V Iy timed itVintroduction'miiiht seeni, teas 1 in iu -VV 4 set fil iucu do every corisiacrai ion ana javor (See Ilegister of Debates . ' Vol 8 Part l.n 'JaniMt 183Mrf:j)moV.aske(I leave t:. rritniduce'a Resolution1 hi declare the Branch . ' drafts of the Bank of thclj; Slates illegal. Mt. I 'J ;DALLAs"replicd in (avor of the Bank,' and said i ! I" Toi m 3 the f B ink of ; the U .iiteJ - States U no- V T llltl A IMmI M M.m'K.hI. A u .1 , i Lthe influence of the purest motives forhdmirabla-' purposes, wn granong jcave ine ayes were j ( ieay2o2 Dallas voting, against crantins : . V Feb, 8. 13 2. Mr, D A Lt is raid another ;''' . Jlfirei 13, 1832.Mr.:DALLAs from the So-' f! v " Committee, reported a-. ImU to renew the .'! United Stated. ? ' . ' Dallas made his sneeh V i in uuur;H iue u in as consinuupnaj ana expo. .dicnt. - Mr Webster followed on. the same -side, and on the26th JMay.Mr. Bbxtok replied--to" Messrs. Webster and Dallas r vjj rt - Jitf 2'J, 1832. . M r. v Web ?t e r moved an a. i mendment to nuke .the payriunt, of the'Brinus -x, mare ffraduil arid easier to the Bank r Mr.BET- - ton! opposed !it. ;lt ; was earried 32 to 10,r Mr. . T DliiAs vbtirtg for hv ;,.?v-,.v v ; j rr..nn. i ot.- - 1. " -J - - :". ."2 r 7i , ,May f 00. . ah amenaiDcni was auopico, f to strike ou the pending amendment, which re ft" quired the assent of the States to the establish-: ment of brabches ; zyea4 29, nays. 18 Mr. DAL-'?,vs C;-: :J: U . June, lt832.. An msndmsat was pending s -to tax the branches, a proposition Was made by iur. ofiiA.uuKio airiiiP u oui ana auiriouio mo Same day.v. Mr. Bibb offered ah amendment" iu iiinu lue-uiuH raic 01 inieresito u per cent lionus among tne.states j agreed to, ii3 - to 4. i I Mr.: Dallas voting tor it ; MrrBEXTox against; ? I ! iiiiiu iuc jijauiv jaic oi iiuerefiito u per uui , r , u eeted, '20 to 25. VrFeBEjrfo2f, GRtjxDrfs 1 : ATrfw Dalias, Websteb, Fssinro I rejected. &c. hcysex, dtc. i Also. ; An amendment to allish' proxy vo. - ! i ting, rejected, 10 to 15 ; Vcati.BEXTox, Bibb,7 Ellis, Haypes, Hill, JCane, Marcy, Aloore," arid i .White.; AaiCLAY, Dallas FRELiNGnyr fr j sex, &c.-.K r- 4 L June 2, 1 p32 - Mr Bextox amendment to' - ..... .ll : ; !..!f ' .L T. ' sm iivc iu 114c vxv;iusvw , privilege ui uiejuariK, Mri uall as vol in? azainsi ts. - . - r- -;'" BExrox'samendmentforhidding; the issue of any currency: by the hank not re. -1 deemahlelri specie Mr. . Bcntoojaid he;pfler 5 ed this to test whether it was intended to makd' the bank, d specie-payingjank or not. Reject ED4 ..o. At ,,;ur,.vAiiis rotm against i. 1 ' 1 ii-'''J-J. r! "-J: Tj! "1.7. m. -j u . -J r .t. l"t. ik.' -2 , e -i r i r la3 earnestljy oppposed Jt," saying, . That ! the h .bank heretofore" had done no mischief, and could ' . notherjf after," aridHrtiatLJn hisopinion i moth; trig wasi.sQweak j c .weak, as a,;' !m meytti corporation."i;:J Messrs. -. Clay ; .and .1 Webster sustained Mr. Dallas. . It was reject j, jedfj20to i27u Mr. Dallas voting against if i , ; June 5 1832. AmVndraent to strike out the: . Bonus and jiimit the rate. .of interest to (5' per . beriC " fllr.Dallas and Mr." Frelinghuyscn op-; posed iu Itrwas rejected 18 to 20. Mr. Dal.T las votng against it. x . , j -Junk nt R32:vrriio Thank honu in MrDal- Ms bill being $i50,00a, Mr Marcy moved to' increase it Slrr Dallas I ' Mr Knig "Rejected, 2 $525,000. Rejected' ID' to 3(J. tins against il. ' l k. -t' 1 bt moved to increase it to $3od,000.v to 27.' . r Mr Dallas vo'ing agauist il.h' j Mr Seymour moved tp increase itto $300,000; Rejected. 2y to 27.-Mr Dallas voting against it. ) -Mr DickeTrsori, oCN;1Jm moved to increase it to -to S25000(j. -: RejectedV20 o 27, Mr Dallas voting agaiust 'to'&hZ?r.??z - j r -J,jh"riywfeP?iW aS to Mr Dallas, j.4CvrMr.'-rcjr,J amendment reserr" Ingjthe rigbittdtheJStatea to tax, rejected 22 to. 25 ptot1 Dallas arid hi friends voting against its P '''$aMdylkt Foi?ylhs amendment to limit lbailk.-tritereWtfo:5. rejected, 21 ? iri ikfJiiirr Dallas tzwt. . f $awdatsxr Vhite' amendment to require f the bank topay3 per cenCinterest bn surplus, ;Vf rejected, 23j& 24 xtDallas t&ing against & , .Same faj; i Mr Benton's motion to refer the . Bill to the Sf cretary oftheTreasury(Gen. Jackt son') to report on it j -rejected. ,Mir Dallas to ling against il.' . , I i. June 0, 1.S32. iwc Grundy moved the indefi-.t ' Mr Dallas xUirig against it.-' ' V niif imisi iKiiii-Mit-iiL in inn ijiii; luau u . i - -r-, iTlrnxtWflftlthe l , . . , -i m r and nuwjt .andwiy rejected if 1 cat 13 -Benton; Grundy, Acc;t Nays 23, DiALLlsTpter Clay, Frctinghuyz . ST jmp day.- i Bextox's amendment to: forbid,; iPAirrrtPf a lir1f1Jnrr cf jlr in ilia lm iitlrAiA.f Ait - : . ... ing inengni oi, repeal oi mo,anK.cnaner to v; Cohlrress ; rejected,, 15 to 29, Mr.Dallas volins , i Same ddnL Tazewell s amendment to short. r t - -.h - I t i -.r 1 1 J : ! "4-' ; r ( .v.. "41 firJei '-I::,!, " : - ' -i '. V.', :- I U "W - W - t 9 - - ... .-. '; f -

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