?! 1 r ir. I-1 1 LIVING -AD FORGIVING. y . 'Q&llovingani forgiving . , ' ' ' !Ye ongel-vtarcM ok earth, . J ' -Voire were it worth the livipg .'. . : ' If ye too liM not birth ! - ' pu foying- an forbearing y . JTlipjw BWeettyouir mission here f triil'grief thM (are sharing -"; V f yflath blesiifcgsln its tear.- i'jQfcf fetem aiftljnn&rgiVin'g 'f if V ietil -WoHsf life, ; vft inock.We n&aris of living K ir:k ni.ijt.i on.lmo rtrife.. Itthfhkrsh i4 unpepenting- il li'ttoir woa J ye bieet the - llf il"ven. 4s unrelenting. i .4 1 fbrboire not nor torgave : .-V ;fcfeovint a( forgiving .sistrp of, the soul, J . t Jrj yhose: celestial living kittle passibtis find control I -! fiiiif Hrenthe Wur influence o'i erns Ah$. Angel-jike, restore os ' ;Tln nnrasiioff vn lost. ! MCL1Y1S SPEECH, Delivered in the, CiW of Raleigh? April 'ii 3 I If 13& Ladie$ and Gentlemen friinda ''4na$$kvo-Cit I i A jorigiebrishedj object of my. Heart is Tl T " ; " - ------ - . - ' -' - ; - ;-- , 1 ti- " - .. ' " . L-, .:( t''. , f ' ' h i p .-"v"A- , -.( j. , j. . . i - a-AV7s:A:. J( - ?r u i W! . c ay-;; 3 4 , KCIXRS. ' ,V6 THIS, AJTD XHBSSTT i I: ' t S s net f-f-f vt."? 'rmxrimir VvNUHBERi 10, OF VbLUMB V 5 SHI trWorbeibrq the ribmiati i!of jrticeit lit ii iJertKq district sysfemP The jelecidrcani; Vashingion;to take thei seats, bore with' Kas!befiapVblispVaTciifin hot jsssjiej same xrtik aprcisb'andrvvWeiineU object to tloHeiystem:undervt greaf seal xof; their. State,' demonstrating lie f ujjsuecl a!6:aut?Qf taught an4 jaiy cbnuhgjacqnainted ocenpyhthem They had grent;aJapted6;Usattam thepaci.iand'BdeH beenrelarjy declared ;j and l. returned 1 ! Without bresumifi nfescribe to' ahv for; his suffrageVri Anlelector1, residingriri' elected members of the House of . Reprei botly-ele- toe 'course .which he ; ought, .to bne eictremelof the State, cannot .be ; pref sentati ves,?by the Teglilar authorities and pituue in forming Kfe jjdgrietippn pV sumd tolmbivacndidWeli according to the ! lawbf the State of. New liJirtal njirrih' iliInieasuresand the- listahce fromlhimperl JerseyAgreeablylid the uhiform usage.1 pfinciDles which ought to guide us; I.wili state mv own.r-: In respect M political par- $; of which ii have. seen- many; in this tiqs country duhng.a lita wluchns now con- siddrably rojtracted, JheUejxein th$ main; . ana omer viewsfo iue? 'suu-1 uuu accuruing io lae usage wnicn prevails beeff 'long apairioiieVwishnf iti 6Verv'reprei5(5ntative iiodvthev had a lit l m iccprnpir4led I ahoi t your Capitol and n te mtuftioi aou n nave looKeu ior- fnid tohjs?my fii-si Visit to North Caro- ina. wiin anxious fvyisnes, unu wnu uiru pipctatifpi bf lat! gratification r and I am.napp)o say piat my lonaesc aniici-T pations nVkWi, been yhicreyjlmavj. ibur cit Vitwhereye ore than, realize on my way to have stopped, at the in the country, town receive ifiojitarmeltldemonstrationsof re- )oti' 'scieii mid from every ageV but "ho hre hajfj met,ip wheje had I expec-i ea sucn a ;oisnnguisneu recepuonr ana jch entliiastic grpetings as those with rlitch myl affival Were! has been attended.; iiJ' l4Ja: i.Jr ' -1.. Iv: I 1 1 ricl surroiinded bVl Vou in the shade of hd magriificltnt Capitol, ; a n'obl6 toonui iepi oj .Tvoug puoucj liueraiuy g-nu lasie ; n4 Avhifef 5y gftitelul heart' has been ,varmcd, J)ji; the thrilling grasp of each utitretchod hand, faad mv eve cheered hv e, smiles bind bcaufy of. the fair dauffh- d his -occlon by! t ieirfpyesenpe Ican $otj but rejoice, and . 4 rejoice, thatjj ani Iii jnieian : ptiziii ; and feel that, though arl iiydfrpmf n iy immediate home ina frie yjetiT te; id here.thel soil ott my pwii. couit am in 1 1 midstbf my friends lm cbuirjrtpenvnll''can exclaim in7 the ijito extreme." By the general: ticket, the mi 1 wnich naa prevailed in; that House t from norityl in a" Stat is completely smothered, j the f commendemept'lbf J tW f Government, r romxnese, jectjatlias: rignt to demand to ' be admitted to their occupy inenv.unm gut exist against ntly investigated; : States already no juifist necessarilyf urgetheni: to hjo, Avhen pubUc opinionappearejtd b tibedit was i)!ni)o1latif tp t i tertalned that there 'should- be 'some u mote itswelfaret illheV are; it Is true, almost unanimous upon this subject.:; Well, J tb&'dbmmani bartyViti brderto swell their passions antiprejumcesj ana sun more by I ,cui,utu:auu5C8, auuriuivyijouv wvfjlu cuimixjio tjuc1 5caws,-aimuugu ierestea aemagoguesj wno : hibealtthe sinister aeMgris paHie abdbngto: myumble IloaK 1 ana ' ijuauiy arising out oi . iuo ut f ao ? xiiuucs j pc;tci uuuirarji w iawi m iue iK e w j cr- bliticat bf?electing members of the'House oj Kepf j My csedtytmp :bpihion 1 tesentatives; passed an act requiring! jthat party to enable itjto etm: its majority: to 1 Oil ineirfiegitimate spnere pi action, ougnt -wuiu. upuuuuuiuu uiomvw. f rf;vt,iC7, -r ; "b oiMiuugun to Se'ftgarted aiothihg actwasfirf conformity withian express turned ac sjfement If means, sut'oroUnatlrbutim." gitofpbweydntained irijthi tant!ipstSmints brieansv in effeijting ti6n'bif,theiilt3Bt of party interiest,-ih ttter contempt, both thlgrett rposestfofla1 thatthe.t times.'placesj vand 3iHahneirf pfneonstitution and laW$ and it isj worthy tiion of ovrnment: hilviusemllwhett holdirig election's. foV; Senatond;Hepre . Of observatibathat, in the decision against MhtrfanrifikanH nritmllfifl bv ttt4ndLpafricismtrbii countryds" State by the;iegislaturq thcreo;j)& f lost siguijpij ana me interests oi.ine party the .Whig Tnihbers of Nev- Jersey, mem bers, who .boast ;pf being emphatically the beebmefpartimount to the interests of the cotryjir ivhfn h goyelrmplEnt 1 is seized bMfearv o! "is hlot'adWmsiered for the ueueiic oi tne people ana tne wnoie peo- pte;buttb ildvance the purposes, and self; isn aims oij iiseii, or ratner.oi its leaaers, tnen is sucn Consrress mew at emu thneM lawJmake or ii patrons and defenders of State rights, con-' offer sucn reguiaitons, except as w me peaces curreu in :trampiing inuer, ioot me taws of choosing Senators V, WitH that reason-; and authorities of that State; ' -' f able; equal,, and just act of Congress evrl j flnlconneo!5!fwi eryAymgfetatewboselgislatuem ii a janguaIof ih r.-lJ it-iJ-Jf.i 1L'-"i--jL'-i-L :.i..- l''J 41-'-: pvvu tiiiji ;iayeueen iruiy aiiugreauy, but asrecblv surprised.! i I had expected I o find srlmftundre a lew thou- lands assembled herd to meet and greet le. j i xjimpt expectxo witness sucn an utpourinMlIt did not expect to see the tvho - together ; but1 iere--ii i8f I sTpm;,tne poiintains anairom h4:';pi-frto the extremities and rom the centre, I sed around me the sons md'ithe,; old North! )iiet,':i jj iqiate iwixicn nas; earnea mis (imable title by thfe purityr simplicity: antl eflicilncy ? of ft ts J irisiituon&-rby its kniforni patrjotism and inflexible virtue uyi its quiet; unootrusve, ana unamDiuous pefneanbl; and by its Steady arid "firm'at- Ji-ii''iii'Si'ir- tLi.:t' --. i i:i ii i-i i? 'Ji ;iacnraenvio me; union, oi wnicn ltis one popular name it may 'assume, highly det- states, with, Democratic rirnental anl dangerous.; , 1 am a Whig, Georgia, Mississippi, iiissouri, vvarmly att4ched to the party, which bears Ilampshire refused to conform tnat respecwa name, 11 A lift 1 !4li; -a : : ?- tisioa i mac its pnncii stcalculated to secure osneritv of our common f I ibelietediotherwise, if I were convinc- ejihaf it i sought party! or individual ag-J gindiizemcnt,' arid 1 not the' public1 good j I ra "-it iMi t .'f!-.i - -"-'i i - v. ouiaimsiaptiy . ana -iorcver apanaon it, hatejlht be the consequences to jltttbr Mnatever the regrets which I iht1T(l liin vsenarfitinfi' from veteran n4si:i i0 and lea-.- hrig roeaisilrfeb of pubM policy have be- Cbijie !se;ttiejd!c a Whig party seeks the establishment sures. - Ins determining with two great parties of the coun- to be connected, I have been 'ith the subject on which '""'fit . V bled m time afterits passagej stnctlyom i l. 7 " , Jrtr ' i ill. j wormy oi notice. :Accoramg to me usage into districts accordingly. But the ! four ha uforfnM prevailed; prior to legislatures, ot the admissiW: of the States of Michigan ana ifewi r and Arkansas, a previous" act of Congress r?" frw was passed; aumorizmg tbef sense of the octIpMj nnn I ' i ' 1 - iV : J '. . ; - -l t "- " seewhat readily, cb: ItneV will mprehen do with! itri'Ydui can d Und fee what rwpuld turer wqilld hare toothing do but td col lectMrpuad himaJ mosaic.majonty; black auu vvuhc, uuciis nu ciuzens, youngjana old,malevahdfTetriale,- ovBrrunrexistine IVliCCUi ris,. ;;!ri was a new sriecie's of nullification: not less reprenensiple , man , mat ; wnicn ,was at tempted formerly in another State, though aamitting oi a more easy ; ana r peaceiu remedy., ;i nat remedy wasj to reiuse ; to n: se be ill a.1 iiir' JiJt. pi. Miose mi whlfehoftll tWil oerneoicm a juii consideration, ana iair f r the surest - props and .pillars--a, noble e, of yhich. although it is not in itsna- ure to bf prpud, its sister States may well f nyy and; emulate her.; i For these,bearty. manifestations bfvour resnect andesteem. 1 thank fib''thank. my iair country vonien fr I gracing tpis meeting by their fH)eriapceJ arid; pre$ence ; I thank! your lv'irthyjdh, Iagi for the generous pinner h Jvvhicli he tas represented your liospUat i I thalnkjthe various Commit- ZLZ Hi: 'Jill. Liij' .i.! -n-..i l's- ca(iuir piiurmness tana attention wnicn aave reciyea ai ineir, nanas, and pat icukarlvllhfr i Committee J who did mft tho onor tpfmeetlne but the borders of ' vour ptate, ancbrl lineh I ' I antre i foUowjcitizens, ? in t complin rtaea4rivitati6te to visit this State and . Ff i W llont dp.sijre -.to see it, to Xorm p0 laccidpliiarice an& to share - the hospif fvauies oiips ciuzens, nave Drougnt me in, p oar ptieserice. Hi JtiaiVe come with objects; iexclusiviivi social arid 'friendly. I have itoe-'.iipyiB have' of: coincji a IprbpagahdistJ' I seekTfa jiiiiuu,v 10 : shuko no his party.' " Satisfied J the' opinions, whicb'! ; public affairs; : after on and full delibera- in theterritory Michi gari,' ' without the sanction5 of a, previous act ; of Congress, undertook, upbd her sole authority, to form a Constitution, and Ideiriarided admission into t.hfi TTriionl-" vTn'rtnriniritinfr rnnrnbp.rs alio w the members, returned; from the fouit to that cohveritionV a great number of ali States, to take their seats in te House pfs enSj well ag tatizens of lllriited States, Representatives, which they had no consti- were allowed to Hrotei against the earnest tutional or legal right to occupy. ;That reriioristrarices brniariV resident citizens auestiori the nresent House ofrRbDresen- Tr;vrAi. Ai,irsnAL :-5,v.' ani;A4 a tatives had to decide; .But it! waslpreU nnriss tn hkhfidrriiftftd into ih tTtiinn UetedVl No one questioned or! doubted that she d,en?y Predicted, that the, members-frpn was entiUed td be received, whenever she ' ir 'y . r" :t - J r-r' " "v " ; . presentea nersen, regujany ana accoramg d to, take their seats, the constiiu and toawr' But iif was objected against her governments andiset.up new ones; at his pleasure" jor1 caprice TVliat ' earthly se-' confusion disbrdqr:J arid ihbordination,' were tolerated 'ariisanctiphed ( ' v Then tiere- isj pepudiation--that dark and foul sjbbC unv the Americant name andl,characteraipw came lit there IIThe stain has been rMt there by the Democra tic majority of ih legislature bTlMSssis- sippl. 4 JUhder spebiai plea-and ' colora blepretektldK any riyatemartpf uuuui auu pi vuii wjutum scorn io erppioy; thev have refused to nav the dehts of "that State-ebte'coniracted by the receipt!of an equivalent'epfended within the! State! The t Whiss fbf thht' State fwhVaref the principal Tax-paing portion of the pop- uiauuu, y mi remarKaoie unammiiy,; are in iavor oi preserving its nonor.ana gooa faith, by h reimbusement Vr thd Mebt'j buf the : lj)embcraticj rnajorlty "persists3n refusing to provide for it, Ml am for from charging jhe whole of the Democratic par tv With this4 shameful nublie frriiid. ner- petrated by their brethren.' in .the State of Mississippi. ' Without the State' to iheir i honor be it said,! most jof therh disapprove. it ; auu wimin me otate. mere are many honorable exceptions, among ':, the' Demo- trati' ' V':' - i-v S t!'t v " l iSi -..H'-? Other examples might be cited to prove the.destnkctive arfel disorgahizingtenden- cy fof the; character; tendency arid princi- pies oi me ueiiioratic party, duc tuese will suffice for t occasion.'" -If thesys terns andlmeasur of public policy of .Uie parties ae contracted, arid; compared, the result will be not less favorable to! the Whig patty; : With the Whig party there prevails entire concurrence as to the nrin- ciples and measiirts of public policy which in - jnca were snrih-.n,i vn-.: ii WS-W hardships our un-r cjadjaud unod soldiers bore, what enter- ! y M.Werej rctaraed or paralyzed. Even; dunn- the jast war, all of uwho are bid en?uS if? ifgrnember it, lmow what duTi culties, and! at what creaVcbst?tlift- sary!clbthinnd i mearisbf defoncbrel uuwuuqu..Auu wno noes not leel conscious fcride aifitriptie-satisfactioii mattheso? Bufferings, ih any future warwill be pre-. wntiedy or greatly; alleviated, by the pro- gress whicl bur infant manufactures have ' already made-' If the policy of encourag ing them wisely, moderately; and certain- 1 V luk naiwak'AM1 in- M.t'J!' : J m!'' w 4 1 . r J v-J when.- restincr. uoon 'our own iritmil i sources, wej may bet perfectly sure of; an it i: aDunaant supply pf all our necessary wants ii'1 andi in this respect, put Foreign Powers 1 iand ?R)reigji : wars at efiaric'Ikiiowfe wmi iivui uAUbtQ ouuenng anu'iue, .ne? ; icessityof,the emmulactures in thai f long run, iouId arise: arid ' sustliv t h ml ! : selveyitqqut' any; encouragement from Gbvernmerit)ustas : an lunaided infant childwould learn" td lriseV to.stand, and tor walk rbutj iir boihUristanbes,great dis tress. rnay be 'avoided, arid essential assist- r ; ' j . j j-' 'i I'll- ii i ; i . . ii-' j... t ance ueriyea. irom me ivinanessottnepa4 rental nandoi vr. n j iThe Advantages arisjng romi the diyii !f ' sion! of the! lalOircpf' the ipopulatioripf S i K w - r n only be "produced by diversified rir- !l itscreating subjeefs of exchanges,! at! 2 borne as well as abroad; lf one.nortion s of the population of a cburitrv be .enag-SE?: ::t. ed in;- the" busiriess ofmaiiulaeturingtit! juust, uciivq iwiiivraiisui suusisiancu, lmni-v ' the agricultural products of the couritrv ii jn "exchange for their fabrics. V The effect of these iuitual jexcharigesi is 5 bcrieficial fc f to boibrpariies'and the whole Country. 2 i:v '". Tbe''-grekt law-;vhichre-gulates( xiie prices of cbmmbd itic is that of iuppTyahdl derharid.-l4 the supply exceed the demands iuo pi ict? xaiis , n huu ueinanu eceea ine t V' supply the price risetThe law will: bcif t' r mentation consurrier tureS in the United States,, an addrtionai il -i tJ .,.- a r i i .1 . ; . . -!': suppiy -is createu.n vgain, anomer pnni k ciai to consumptiori is, the'i principlb of f S competitionlf 'If Europe alpnesupply the 10' American consumptioiubf manumctuie! Eurppe'wil enjoy a monopoly in that sum t E plyijThat ijnbnbpoly, if is true; will be subilEJ.: jectjtb'the jcompetition wmhriiayvfeUistli I TJ 1 i a. tA., i.t i i .n. . I . i C 'a iu xiuropc uut n wouia De sua resiricieq; e 4inoiMc.kiiFAr ;ilU.. r toti. i.a the law notwithstanding. I At.ivAfli.nlA: m Aei W 'or.ndiK.ir. nnA I so predicted 1 3;Was it not because it was iTlij !1Lj t hrLJi ; i "J i. .'.i, . l 1 I Irnrixxm tpnm tViA nanoml. Vis.i jLnere is one prominent ana cna raeieristic difference between the two par- tieijwhibll Eminently, distinguishes thenv and which; u there were no other, would belufficientlto decide my judgment. And was it known, from the general character - arid conuuet oi me aominam party, in me House, that it would not hesitate to trani pie under foot .both law and constitution - i! admission, that she "had assumed to act dgairist all usage witKiut the authority of Congress, and thai contrary to the Consti tution arid laws of the United States, she had permitted aliens tp partake of the elec tive franchise, p I he danger was pointed it necessary to the accomplishment ot a out, of allowing aliens unnaturalized, and Z is, the'respect and deference uniform- VX ODJect C i; According lyjthe question without renouncing' their ' allegiance to ftisplayedlby theonejand the disregard recently came up in the House, and the foreign sovereigns arid potentates, to share privilege, ilirig; the f strengthr ening their interests, in spite of all irreg- t cuuiraviuiun ui xaw, au- an as a tate, into the Union, -corinectibn' with this case port thepublic authority ; because they piaccs auu maimer ui uoiuiug i tne subject or uoinsm' may oe noticed. areiritt constitution fits laws, ana me puo- i v - ic.jwlmuys,v4 w;i jt. tmoae lsiana naa an existing government lilnthbritv: bmanatfik from Mai wilL, those which might have been previously bf long duratibn: urideiit which her noptf rtrlL. ' i- i i JiJ LAif I mhd Thiv tnA SfatA T.Afy5elftnrA. -iTliPir I l-'.- 1 J 1. U J uLj.:t.i.-..1 . : -..-1 jiaying concurred, oy me exercise oi nis v "v v.c.v .v.tol.v,. lauou uau uveu uappiiy auupiusperuusiy. t,r!ilptrpfe?in thft adoionof the eonstitn- is nothing in the grant of the power, which It had carried her triumnhantlv throusrh 2f i-.i 1 r-i. 'ill! S ii --t L L I pnininsiirAn Pnii(meet A rviiiric! tV MrTinl I S :'. i ii.i.aJ J 1 ; anq mime passage oi me laws, any ""Jip: "r.Y : " Y: , v 7 v " . w " T lIie wr 01 me, revojuiiuii auu uwuc ucr nfTA iAlotin tfmn(oH nf oithr- Ol it; or none, considerations OI OOVIOUS intn thA I Fninn. ns hnft -orthA. oninnal thir- chances lib t-man's' aan s allegiance td rid coriferited with jia:e fbifpid; ppc n lukoughfiurdstig it tibn, rarn willihg to leave even'1 other inari1 1 in: t In a:- t.l .a.ii hK''JI Jl JT- T . i , Lm T . - -, i Uf iuu uifurtim'wa 1 ujsscssion v oi ms opin ions, Jis!onc off our teat privileges, 'in ft ree . Intrytpl fblrnrbur own opinions1 URoriaatteiW be tKb xereispJof it '.rri vsaI f i I .; n m. Fdy tp accord J tjo pthers equal freedonv : i he Uvo'par 13 rf bJy?WButt fullyborid lucn jis tne manner in vpicn wp,may I.ereisJtv'irti aPpcriainingj to us, s 0y :ettrt, !icbip6cdllv,an inffuence' upon E f.-f.. h 'n . .ii--..---- vava oiner,;; ior g 3ci or ror evil, we owe fce.m fairlyiJiilt Jy and.dintrestc dly, all measures of publ 1 PlyjHj &y De proposed for adop. outrage or Violation attempted of either oujnt to oe regaraea as an onepce against this majesty or the people. . In an arbitra ry and absolute government, thei t subject may , uuvij uiue. excuse ior eyading vme rcllrts rrinrl ilkases of tVift rnnrinrATi'. KAnainsA IheV are nbt' only prbmulgated,withbut injuriously attectmg. other btates. But it oiisuiarighis will, bult sometins against Is differentAvitK the manner, of holding hdwishesand the interests of the people! election, that is whether.it be by general n! ihai speiies of government, the pbwbr ticket or by the district system. If some oijme. fbayc net eniorces a reluctant ooe lierice to ti e. law. ' with 1 a. free , people, Hq fact that the laws are their laws, ought a,fiupply,in a .prompt and voluntary .ral I :'r.AHhflir; fclloSvcitizehsV I have truly I aid thatillhavo Inol: come to A-oii'r State I ilfrlj'Iitical aim's or purposes rlam fff gcjJcral expectation, entcf- nedhere; that 1 should embrace thci bc- Jyrto the siipport of the public ' authority, a fit subject, and the.only fit subject con a force mbrp peacefulj more powerful, arid1 tainW in the gran of power, for Corigre more reasonable than any derivable from sionaHegislaUon, r If .Congress hatllegis- conVenience concur in leaving td the sev- teen independent sovereign States.' Un eral States themselves, the fixation bf the rW tho hnerafinn of it:' thn riebnle of no timek and places of holding those elections. State in the Union, in 1 prbportion to jbef Tt-i 4Hof oanli fitota -mfttr VA 'ntmnnnj V-tr . -1 J 1 li 1 1 lL J . - ' ' 1 ''llii.i va.., ti-ia Kii, . -vy 6V mcu- ujf, population; naa aispiayea more vaior, pat its sbnse of its own convenierice; without riotisrn and eriternrize. I Dorr did riot find his ambitious 'aspirations sufficiently grat ified under this Venerable government, land f he undertook to subvert it. Assert iriff the Principle thatreverV pebble have States elect by general; ticket, it gives to a rifi'httb'alter, rrioflifv? and chaniVA their uiciii au uuuup au autag" " w luysc uiaico governmeni wnenever tnev inmK nroner wnicn eiect Dy me oistrict system-; lue manner, mereiore, ot noiding elections was n mr r a mcrccriary soldiery.! HF'1' -: 1 tatea 5Pf ? 1 fit is far from my ibteMbn orMesire WneWsbtyf ;u fi.iAoUii'A;.;; w ,rUi,;i, ' the case.vBut the dommantparty.in the prcscui iiyuso ui ivcptuaui,Uiiyc uavuj strarigely assumed, that Uortgress could not hm-opposwd ; but I jiir mercuaracierisiio h ink that in assert difference between, ics whiclili havc done, I am,1 fultjornfej but by factstb some of ,whidh buiyon, atmB :occasion,, can! I -t refers andl these shall! all be of a recent nature. f l" t"P fiU!fp tPjccurrea auung .me n present, session-pf Idongressfi The? variety in the mode; bfleletinff members . e - . . s i .... at-,. .f .. ..." .: it espouses, m me otner pany we oenpid jnanuiactures, in tne united states; aniadf nothing biit divisibn and distraction their ditibnal cbriipetitidn is created, r arid hif t v t principled varyn at difleVent timespind rie jebmpetitor enters the AmericattMarj'tVC in different ' latitudes. Iritresoecr to the ket,! conteridiner for it withthe 'nreviousto? J..., -,k..Ir-r,... lJi:ia'VSlT"TI - . . . j 1 If F'virP6?1'!1110"- "-And yet I must SF P M truth, that I have not and nevw had dpy iaste for .these public JsBcfi bave alwavs fotind them irk-. "fP" Tl riotrdislik ! j Public Kpealdi "-. Jiut it has been-nrihliV execute s part of the granted power; with out jthe whole. ,' According to,, their logic the jnajor does not iricludeejiunor.! their view Government .cannot execute a parti of a power'witb whieh it is.- entrust? ed without it executes the whble'bf a pow- .-t-i -.--...-.-...---.. to .i -i;ii.Li'li---L- i'S L er vested in lr. ii tms prmcipie oe true, when applied to a part of the Constitu- tibnf it would beequally tfuel in itsbpllM catipn to the vhole constitution but therJ others -livlepaVate! districts1 was long, a are bany' parts of the constitution -that Eubject of ideep and gorier al.cbmplairit.;it h never have. been and'probablj never will taveio'tbe States. uriequal power ia the be executed.. And, ii me uocinne;oi me 4Vvf thP.nnfmn.). aiiiea rni n A ow r UOIUIIIUUI oai'lV, ill luo House of Repre- ttnncl.riliifnrATfimT.lALbvA crnoi t;V.t-.l seritatives be sound, all the laws enacted i .1 1, i0i.tirt f ita ris,-f I bv Confrress since the: commencement ol ihe im$& bf :Represeritativcs. allof one the Government arnuiianavoio, oecause i ' - Li. r.,:A ' . f rnrrrncQ Vine nnt ATpriitrd all the Powers P- ... ' . i ii .2 'J 1 ' r i- icn it is entrusiea. the4njoTnent of -an abstract principle which, with cau tious limitations, may jbe ; true Without consulting thei established government and the public authorities, he undertook to beat up for recruits, to hold irregular elections atf wnicn persons quaiiuea ana unquali fied, 'dead arid li vhis.f wef e pretended to have; voted, arid thus;; securing a heterb genebus majoHty, he proceeded to form a new Constitution and; to set up a new go yernment. In the mean time,' the legiti mate! rind regular government, proceeded in operation and prepared to sustain itself arid fjut dbTi the irisurrectibnarj'.prpcee ding.y Dorr Jftew-to asand collected a military force, as irregular and hejerbge- neous as nis civu majority jiaa peen. rut on the . first approach; if military; force,' on the part 'of the; legitimate and regular. go4 mment, Dorr took to his ? heels and ig iiominiously ifled, leaving his motly confed erates to fare as they might. ,Nov , fellow citizens what lhas beeri the conduct of the. tariff, hils tin polne places, they are pro claiming that frel trade is the true Dem ocratic doctrine, find the 'encouragement J a? 'J ' i i; i i 'ii.L "i.'itLii'.i -:: 1 oi uoinestic lnqustry ieoerai neresy, in other paris Of ttiditnionthey insist that the Dempcrats are alone tb be relied upon to protect! the industry of the country, and that the Whiirs are opposed to it f r That is- a great practical and adminis trative question', in respect to which there is ""happilV: iriowj prevailing among the nn.;xai.i' .-. Jf.l . 1 ' ? TT t -y y uigs, iiirougaout me wnoie umon, a ae- ' a til ' ' 1. i a ' . . i gree oi uiiauimity as unprecedented; as u is gratifyipgi . lfrpm Newj Orleans to this place, 1 have cqnyersed with hundreds bf them, andj I have not met with! a solitary one, who oiesnbt assent to the justice and expediency of th principle of a tariff for revenue; vilh discriminations for protec tion. On this interesting question, fellow citizens, it is my purpose to address1 you,. with the .utmost sfreedpm and sincerity, and with as little reserve ?as if I were be-' fore ah audience in the State of Kentucky. I have longi given! to this subject the1 most impartial arid deliberate consideration, bf wnicu my iiunufi capauie. i oenevpmai. no great (Nation ever has existed, or can exist, which doe not derive within 'itself. essential Supplies jof food and raiment and the means of defence. I recollect no ex ample to the coritrary in ancient or' mod i ern times. Although Italy Mid not itself afford allj those Supplies to Ancient liomc; the deficiency was drawn from her subju gated provinces. Great Britain, although her comfnerce encompasses ' the s "-jvorld,' supplies neelf n ainly from the little is land Under 'her nil mediate dominion!. '- mited and ebntraiited as it is, it furbishes her With blreadl apd other- provisions for me. wnoie year,pviin tne exception omy of a few daw ; and her mahufactures, riot only supply an aburidance of raiment and means ot defencei; but afford a vaft sur plus for exportation to foreign countries. In corisjderiri; tpe policy of introducing and estabJsmngiitanufactures in our cou'n try, it has jahyas appeared to me that wc should- take a broad and extensivejvicw, lbpking to seasons bf war, as well as peace, arfd regarding the future, as well as the j ,-f I:' vIK: m .!fii N t f(... t . hi U'- ;r-'' ,' : Hi bv dLsfriotir might t -i- lzj -mAmKAMrJ from usmr anv part of his property, unless bth the parties; According to the gchv fe ed the whole of it-ujN-.-., V;. r:f t; i lie ease oi me iew jersey cicuuuiiis familiarAvith every body. There ihe Whig European cnmnAtitnrfsi .Th a iAsnlt ?1: n.nl' -fc increase ini the aggregate of supplyJahd atf ? consequent reduction in price., 'But ltihalEc i beep argued, that the labrics manufactur-i -5 ed n America take the placeiWy:bjr;sSf i" inany "which had been before : mariipacl turedinrEurope; that there is nb greateif consumptibn in consequence of the bme!4;c L iuauuiaciure man wouia exisi; wunout i . nd that it! is immaterial tot the ebrisiimer! whether tjie theatre of rrianufacturfibel Europe or the United States; " -But I think5 this is an ebctremely contracted and tHUaflr cious view; oi mesuoject..ionsumpuon ;iii ' is greater u vuiiscuucucc Ui me ejustence ' oi. inaiiuiajciures at nome.rf,iney..create;- a demand for labor, which.Svould not, ex-1- f ist withou them, land the emplbymerit bf J-5 ' labor creates'an ability to consume, which ! ' would not jexist fwthout "it 5'HoW could f - j the American labor, employed in mariu V lactures, ax upme, suppiy its consumption . y i of European commbdities, if it jwerej d;i 5 prived pf tjiat employment ,?fhatriiearis:!v i T ofipurchasq ?would:it pess?Itis!fciri:. j vain to pont to Agriculture ; for e very de p ?1.al. t ? : J '4 v'!j per-abundantly. it cannptpe quesupned that the rcliief cause of the reduced price f?, ' of Cotton is the excess of nroductibnTh ! l4 iieve to amanjhave disapproved and con demned. the movement "of"Dorr. It has been far bmerwise wilb our opponents.- iWithbuVmeahirig fo'sisert that thewhole lof therh cburiterianced'drid 'supported Dorr; every by "knows - that all the'sytnpathy arid" encouragement wliich he has'receiv: ed, have'been ambnglthem. ! Arid they nave mirouuccu iiie suujcui., iuiu- iuu pre' of nations arid ofl individuals, thatj when it is necessary, we iriust stdbmit tb' tempo rary arid presenl privations;, for the sake bf iliture and pemannt benefits. l Eyen if it were true, as I thlnkll shall be able to show it'is pot4 that the encouragehent of domestic9' fmahujTactures would ; produce5 some sacrificeslhey would bp icompesa-i; ted,, arid more thari counterbalaricedby i.. - a - i ' 'i - t- ' 'l':ii ' Tl--JiriTLS"-! aires, securea, conxoiuiiig xa peace rind of war. Mf 'the jpplicV of protectibri enhanced hheSf rtei oeonimouiiUeit would be found that their cheapness, pre vailing in tiriii of tpeaee Iwhen ejbrt eign snpplKmight jbe open, to us, wpald be 1 a! t. . a. i a. a. i. MnrtM hln thof lli f rai tlCKUW isysitrill, lb is .imiiuaoiuiViyu 1 JT.:.. nnliioa Atll -!- r"V r rts An With-. ! lwesaffecUrigthewelfareofmvcoun.i the same dHcretion and1 judgment as un-i members ,wno presentea j wcmseiea absent huum; ,w:wyicc . ,f"-! nr Annivnlnnt for tha dearness in a of war, whenthatbupply would be cut off from us. I arrinbtlbld enough to recollect the sufferings orttlis soldiery and pppula- tion of the Uhitd! States, during the war price of it! would rise, if less were-prodrif 11 "J 1'... " 1 ' I'a .11 t " J ceq, oy adverting a ponion oi tne laoprf. employed in its cultivation toisbme bthif! branch!' of ! industry. J . This. newjpiirul wbuld furnish new; subjects bf1exchringe and those who might eriibarkin it; asjweli as mose wnq wpuia continue in tne growiq of jCotton j would be both benefited by inri; tub) exchanges. ,Thp daiUbiriej ai4l is riot distlmt, Avhen the Sbutbwill feel ant imerativ necessity vblantarilva'knakl j sucn a diTcrsionoi a -portion 01 its lapun; j ;Corisideriigahe;vastiwaterN?po other facilitiesV of ipanucturirigJnpw T: and its pqssessibii; at Ihbmef of thecnjolcpJ of the ra, material; I believe rtbe dajf vil come when the Cotton rcgibrivWill!!; bp the tne, greatest manuiaciunng region; ot iott ; : w f j ton in ihworU, 'ifji I - Thcipowcrbf consuriiingrnanufociured r C Fi articles being . increased," in consequence i . Jl - a I J Jal- , P SiJ oi ineiuaniesLiu-cstauiisuiiicin. fuitiut-Tj - laoori-wnicu'r ealth which, they create, there ' ls an increase also in the use arid , consiimptibn' of Cottonj and nthtArkvir mntAri.a!. X To the extent of that inicrease, the Cotton grower isdirecti i i- ,1 : )wnpfitAd hv the location - jofinAiifcliires at home msteadofabpadj k Buiiuppose it were true thatthe ihift ling td4aertairi extent; bf metheatipf rrianulacturcs, from foreifcbuntria our; own; dd not increase consumption atj ' ftiU and did notgmentthe deriiarid fom . complaint with trie Cotton planter and the SmosViMVne thatiWould be a mattbr of indilUprence toliim4f rworild happen to riwould f be gt tutibri bf certain number "rieariflSbstomers.ri tfuroughtit to;W cato itbeiafmatterof indifierence to nimm Ii j liA-Srn f his fellow citizens iaf 1 . ' rti tion of the UnitedlStatcs, aunng me war tucx "7. Fourth Pagem bfandependenc4:N 1 i i-" Z it; -J. -: ft . 1