1 4 I i i Y - i - ,i I 1 1 - i f PS I -)!, ! i 1 larViit 'jdwncij an two 8nJ cent irip?w.neivei for a leas' time than one year, forinaJvanc-i' -.-- ' ;ripLVon ja'wconiuiued (but at the option ol V itU tt arrearages are gail. V - for the tost insertion be charged 25 per 11 ' 1 - ' - i i i ii ii r ' 1 11 i j " ' ' : i ' i . . i ' j ...1.1. ; n i ii lar fter'B&uare br tach ibontintiance ctlcfa anil Court orders r than thei abovt rates I -J I DEATH OF THE MORMON rilOPIIET succcci!:J r' .J IT Si be continued tintU forbid and L&ordcred for a certain nam- tern iddrfed to the Editors must cpme pott ure-attenwn j , , . -1 - 25 ; , s ... . . . ' ENR tWIIIG TICKET : if BRUNER AMES, i ' EdUcft 'Proprietors; . Keep a jctieck .tox f - rW Z--' w r "vvvik series, r.'.vV.-.'.jrv.-jJii.! VSJ.-r. u- ",-;-'''- i -.-H ''.Vj-t f ! .".--.-1 '. CHARLOTTE CLAY CLUB. r. 'I IT TrTfrSTA"TATCT.P.fyririNj?.( ': Progress, of Nullification! JJoctnnes '''Al.r.l'. theDisunionisL We haye at "We hadpn Tuesday Tiight I last, veryani. . - JUS ; VKTTTED STATES,' ; .- t tici TaEStDEjnf'OF THE TmiTEn STATES, )P0RE FRELINGIIUYSEN, ;j Di; 1-1 - t v' dOVEBJIt OTtNOKTH CABOUNA, 'j ; iSkifettl"AND MECHANICS ! Iaprtaies that44,000 (6S00,v yfeh iltiscalby Subscription in that Iferf iue 1 of circulating FREE Wg?fkep& In-the . United States.; t-ar prijited in.lhel City of New 4 enl out iiijto Ibe geyeralStatesVtiDo ailentaipousands were, printed at tfio "Om eiNEWlYORKEVE POST, and distributed among the Peo- bonecti$t-iLL PAID FOR BY Sit-GOLD ! We would not be sur-H F TO lit HIS iUIO yjilCunS JL ruVIC, Of UlUU - - f - . t . .i , I I mitM mPtlnrr vFhA I f 'harlnttA I :la v I :Iilh r X&Oriians'a'mig City -The result of I length the fulfilment of hepromj&e .inade. CoL Barridger guTe us k yery fine 'addresV tbfi election on fondav is one'uDonAvhich 1 bv Senator IcDuffie, of South .Carolina, touching nearly all of the leading questions of wi iflrrl instlv demand the. rnnfrratnlations 1 fUtliP rnti1drrsirnr his seat find take a I Whiff policy. V He klso f spoke- Aiir friends throughout the. union. VieV 'tJ t icVtn " tir th'n'r-1 and relerred . to the disorganizbg h id we may. it iZ mosm? meeting rioua ; a tmuriphf achieved at Varhomerit r -wWri ourfrlendi:at home!ana abroad, laying a di hnri man ft ran tneir imuus wr -uwcau disdrirninatmsr tax uponJNortneni manufactures in . favor i of foreign give den was next called ering from a severe s about Tex-ass sentiments approving dis- yp i lexas; ; lr.; ioy- He Was just recov of sickness and was more members ot the 'oldYanltarn Flrerins.liim'knd isnCouncil td ap tv in thb city, f have openly proclaimed I with and einUm their conducUr Ait theirDUTDOse not toTvote tor .the wEree lav thevurrendcred themselves on ersome de-'r .1 the eveninr 1 r ,4 Tmdft nnndidaf psl IThev co for Clav. Fre-. Y of the 24th ultimo, and were all -arrested DIaartythroughout the f? tnf ?3th, ana two ip . . f t !! . fT 1 Inct ihir li thn Titfrt HavJ as will lie seen bv? t . elected to: we bal ' this plates, between this and the election flooded! witn them as Has been done hefathreoj 6i four weeks with Amos fi infamoW : traetsV defamatory of Mr.' cnniqfe: ThV- ostensible object of uipiol lAkfiJimericari' proceeding is I lipRCiL AY, our best liriend, aiid JO THE TARIFF,: and reduce our dnMAD'0dHANiC&pi'k level tylhis matteri let them eschew jjhe iejrtcd wid upheld ypEmsH anl! stand I W Detnd liupport-those who AZIE1UCAN INTAKES i sjor shall hear! nb more don.Mon ana (CiearaiJir vuav luwawvwg ouwcmvu rv' r - Vi a- ll; " er woras me- oafiown wasuncomiona thc Ic 5 A- The Locofocos abandon whoknows anythinS of the extreme com- inaadled if there wis any in the meet. kj-!Mtntattt nlarsance of the law-makerem that eniy- 1; uui.-' Lijjt-Jti CM UUUCr U1D VOOHJjO" addressed the -Meet. course of his remarks Pallas party gave because they were uvi i uw - f 7 r - :. I w . . . ... '. . -. : . i-l -r-. , -k -. . - J . i have beeIMull beateni- Iiiispite of twitch they chose to ptt that it twas uJiL,A 'iWfWW1 rnfcoA l f i thftiritelliffence- we - receive evtervf day: r thei remark of a suritfy-yeomarv with whom he i tU w m..,u- p 'fWm Smith f nrnl ma civa abundant eviwas cpnversmff uiai ine iparxy rausi ue jiear Killing & 11za.ru teirArid iirlinff their tail OaLKsil.oWHio.CiTid andwe-nowll and Tlas'lMr. H.'CJ Jones was next call nledke im hundreo majority for Henry sonaDie scneme wnicu muy ; iu- but - said wa, well acquainted with CtM in Member next Jamek KiPolki havins been a classmateof his -i The mountains are in the nicest state MVe ;hayreyolutibnizedthe city; and ble.planorSermtor Mc fortbiee years,'and he would; much ratherfbl. Gf political excitefcenL : We had dh im- Hul lor thi putragescbmmittedT)y the Lo-, termg wedgeTheMhfiers lH hjm in speech thatt either; of the. gentle- mense eatJierine fci Rutherford on 4he 4th! 'lnJa !n lnsWthi never lorgivenf anit wiu i meh who i had oreceded him he expressed his mU ws iWaet nori ?wr , Ti . ? P - .- .: a'.- mA.4fioii. ilisit nftAmnt nt. treasnn njraJnstl tdaf hv narfv chnnM rati iin m)i a man for the . i . f - -iv. i . 1 nuieieen years Ol ago n .owniwuj wfa"4, nees of jthkBaltitnore Convention," or not, we Are not awareJU-ZtmcA.-; V itr. v ! . T . . , ' 'i - -...: . ' The events which led to and destruction, on the 10th ultimo, of the nevst" i per press and printing oSco ot the ! Nauvoo Expositor," -by order of Joo Smith , and his Council, together with the declaration of mar tial law and adoption of other, arbitrary mdas. ures by the Prophet in connexion with that un. lawful act, so incensed a portion of the people of Illinois acainst the, Mormons,' and the Mor- mons effainst tKem, that affairs ia that quarter hare ever since presented an aspect more than; usually threatening igf the public peace. The ; ' latest point of contest appears to have been con- , cernin s the arrest of the persons who, by Smith Vl order, had destroyed the pressthe oflicers who were sent irom Warsaw lor mat purpose uav V-4 nn, wit ; V L-Z. WS either been resisted, or Smith insisting r m .1 - ' t i- i K vosoners taRen Deioro ins uwn v-uuii. San, says ne i w ion inoune, nem au 6f habeas corpusV and there discharged lime xuinum wpre had been before dono hi other cases. Such! iJeardsley.iormer- proceedings we're "not calculated to restore tmi- ly a Van Jiureri Senator; of , this, btate. I et j the excitement increased. threats- of vio- The jvay he expdsed the fswindlinef' pre-1 lence by both parties followed, and each of them v tences of some Northern Loco Focos, that I prepared for defence the faithful .Mormons as j flocking to, iNauvoo, Jhcir, 'cniet city, and theu .1 r i I: M xvm i is as .muca .ot a ? l anu man as i nociang io, iaaToo, .jnciij caiei cut, ana weinf ? l f Claytt;taoTOtKfc adyersaries eongregatmg atCartbagendWaT.p r',n'.'M';''' -i'U K'h - i ,- i saw. in uw racaa umo iioe uorereor-w uw ,r ruy rrore paineewarK gUte'deemeddtCiieccssaryrt interpose. Hei O.MverUser:fleam an authentic source this ' morning that 15 iKa currpndnr nf thn State arms at Nauvoo.' and - ' pear forth- i Ml ' Ul irl' - li-ri 1:1,:: . I'll n -. -js ! PmW I: ! - V ! V : r 'i'i ;1' reningv.Vr4t:U!rH.V jdrtheit'-Hiitlilr; inAiv I torandSmith also on a watrantTor treason a ests. Brafed hlhster is the fea . . .- , R T - . . - L . 1 . V OftU hut Smith anrl ttvn rf hi fnllnWAffl ': Polk and -country. I ness. t t is the purest symptom of week WHIG- pRROSSECTS. . I ... ... , . . i The, following is an 1 4ha llrtnrinr f fnrximit I mm ATI TTrfl. fil QB WUUI4 SI ; fv; jcy Herald of ihef28th,:K-;i' c Q ti ; R iari umt'Joe and from a frind zjparlotte Journa2f 'trv' ? -? number or other Mormon leaders, were in jau u extract of a letter J ktCarthaffe confined on certoinoflencesagamst "iT the laWa of the StateV.TheCartha2Q .tGraysi a volunteer company, were- placed as ; a" guard 1' mj h ;n t a u,( : VW.k on the eve-?'R J ning of the 2tth, an 'attempt was made by 'tlio , , ' Mormons on ine ouisiae w rescuo iuo pnuucr j-i. j.i. j ! places, and hand in liis- ghting the 0nemy hand V;to own- quarters,, we . have e- of the ten i membersi on the world-4-iari office that was ge fori patriotic services rendered )lly has: goaded f the country,, and what, service has . folk ren- 4t,-, aim he f A t Wi I n a Tt.' h as hftftTi a aered, and there was not a single act 01 nis iue CU1 axiwov w ..v. , 1 it.i l:. f.J l-.u Tu 'AA galled sore which has winced ihteyery 'Uli nel at the door, wounv: -Simulta. touch'and it lis not to country, while every page of the history of our contained tne end six of the eleven Delegates they would let sup any opportunity ai ic services of Henry f Clay. And it was VkV rnnrs triWn "nnfl Vkfs thk ? mfiftlters.- that j L. 4. -,uut I fiftftrivfiars has rankled in their, hearts, j ...Mt. r.mA2 tt xik- nnm CU jWUr 1 OUIUIV , Mail y iue vruuic V lYi J .tt .- . -. I. m ? suyu iucu aa oium iu via w v atriurauhant:maiwtvP6Ik trmmpn 01 tneir iaciipn ai;inerecerii MJ-DaUas could be electedcto the; highest offi anriii l Teas arfi flfti Unfit l x-rl lift Dlfir Cun nas :uimiuviu vvF.w..w.r r;TXVr m uus cournrr, h wmim ue a sau-cuueuw i 3 fT .- "Ti! i T f - - - . ; I :u.'...iU nmnACiaJ mo(ihldcs t.AfljJ .riL. ..J V-i 2 'a I. Ill A .Ir flocKorl n Mho nnn vanrf- hp'n'PRfnrth Wp. I ouiwiwmg.iuo duuiawvu mui,uuiua v.vv- , U1 me cuu w our uoveramenu! an mo sirean. . ... . . . . - A ... . & j v wr . . ' a rvnn . . . . n nr v m a a a l a mm - . . a 1 nirn AJ Graham in Au- Henry Clay and The addressed them m fa mnerjwhich gam-1 &ffnY by shooting the senti ed him the admiration of friends and en- "diner him severely in" the shoulder.1 emies. ;i necrf: ivnucaocn ixjiinci kkmua- i neousir wun xnis auempuiuty mwnivm vu.juoj CailOU III IW1Y CUUffc auu ua v c lie v ci ecu 1 uiSlue Ol ine Ju, mciuuiug iud uuiiuiu, ivoww 1. auu uuvi a v y . woundingU mnw nnivp.rsai saiisiacuon. Mine ma or i f.n nisiois mruuiru uio wuiuuws tHr fftT. Jtnrt Wbirri lm the rrioUritains will 1 iaiL and firedupon the card without, i i i,n J onir rrti.rri,oi vi.ocirri .1 it is suDDosed mortallr. fbur'bf the mu Ai.ru An ' ilotoffninod I of Hancock. It isvunnecessary to s to respond to thef ettorts ot th,e democrat ic party which haye been particularly di rected towards them." ' . . J V; 'Z-- tP. S jSinceHtihg the abovea learn that, theref was a fctill larger assemblage at Asheville on the 4th. Six thousand peo ple at least were1, present, arid on the 5th another ppweriui nort wTasimaae uy i.ur J ll' l' ' Ii:. - j old citizens ay that this" blood-thirsty attempt on the part of the Mormons j Was the signal for certain and sure Vengeance, '4; The lives of Joe Smith and his bother Hiram, f j and Richards; Joe Smith's "secretary,:, wire- nmricir ta.Ken. ana we iieiieTo uu umcn.. .vr--. Sa2e was filled with Mormons previous 'to the, Mr H V-4- V. rf, r t..r-:-. ;L -fa W. i ninroMA . tato uf '-ixca i laci - nih if vn,, ae Qusana4 ijJuagmg irom;ine results m iTF0-. f .'it ! i.-i. , v " . . " '- tnis c btnoifbrthlin your might, and with a gen- yvJfa sh, iiyWofocolsrn flat give the Whig fa Aft latWfyur Undivided support. Let no ap- rnajarity rnenry viayana Aae-t - ,.i - l lijs -'-' L,i .i f I .v " r " ' . x . i n n w-n t u r . ni iiiniirH 1111 rn it-" riiiu n.s t-- , u a. i nr a i i i trnnnn - nnno iihi uhiiv -t; t' in tHeir Scutum aUie ing around the jail for the purTJosejdfAUernptingrfi, U t thn maftiiii of their leader." 7-0:i'-".' :r9i',ivl. I'M'-t 4; t, ?4o Uvrif nf could be overcome prevent them from attend- trom, the Mk Thibedaux" (Whig) in f wnen tney nave seen ine uegrapug r- adiou-ed tbeoccisthes BRITISH , V j . rhf i ;'--: :t St . "" K ' I CI AtOTlTafl TnD -'ri ,VA ' ' V II 1 71 iM III I I W. 1 1 1 1 II " I 21. A . V I u- " . r i ; f TTTVirirr iiiTr iriiiiiiiiUiiiiriMVfr nvrtiA Ar -!ii. r:v.innhii fiarptte antiv TcmarKs. t , . "ir Tfr -r"r"" -, rrj -;?'v?wiT i - ' t:. . to doubt! the election ot Judse liordeion mmWe--t km haidsoWie and decided majority, j canrbeose ofndignation and ponte atibfll whidh while she is striving to in- iinito tteirbrother Whigs elsewhere, s t &$pt Mystein .which she, utterly re-1 ari(bidithe go . t- t :;. i ' i '., 1 1 V 1 "t. i !11 Ai 14 js oerse,ii -won saewm uw . flourlhid nrwis under 83fn bush- j-fc.f-.n't xmjvv," : ' . i.-i i--r . OO iCents : nor a oarre oi-vr rheaf HQ ARE THE WHIGS ? phase of democracy offered as the Shibboleth their adhesion; to imme- TuaxennexatioTrras murtest or aemocrat ic principle, and that too in the ery teeth of their heretofore acknowledged leaders, L?t i nnt to he-wondered at" that their have revived, and they see nov the -.v ! i . , , ; " j a v golden -moment .wnicn nas long uauucu v iulLas it was, many; persons aingwauea lo aiteiiu, - auo mccuug ?d about 11 o'clock, in the highest spirit. Charlotte Journal. man's District willbe at least! 5000 votes! of the death of the Prtjphet pnyesjerday Goy Ford left Carthage with aDout.ixu soiqierstiur the purpose of taking possession of the Nau 5 ? LATE FROM E UROPE. ;1 , . vooLegionandtbeirtanns-eyarovedat 1 Pwc8 or Iffif ;fi'fitc : ' 1VIORE -cgIes.; 1 I " The Cry is sTiili; they Come F . A WHOLE BATTALION COMING. We have a' recent instance in the coun- bf Berks in Palhithertb ; the, strong At The steamer York on the 7th insta'nt, bringing Haira latpr frhm Kim 't hA irUljr"" tracts are trpm viumer omun s European Times of the 22d ultfrno. .. . : i ;. ; j - The Dublic events! f since - the j - v-:. .',1 Great Western arrived at New Nauvoo .about noon, arid called for the assem-LM ; , immeuiaieiy-i wswhi"- w . iub . v"., ton: of Brown county, who accompanied Gov. Tl .Ford toNaafe---'."::' . "The Governor, hndins all quiet, leu jau- m voo aboiit 5 o'clock P, M., with company of j 60 meiiiior the purpose of encamping; about ,7,1 jk miles trom the city, ut is learea mat me won '..ikSiu nderiV 8 n6r"a hundred weight of pork nhder;? ! istel to ferow: open our :tibn of Ivery Ahlng she has to dispose talk of as quietly as ' they; ifUukdofWin i mlmW pthe Senate . and)ft . . . scilool;idis&iCte,,andl the Mc- ui; iuu uvr vvm,.. A cicnirnH if whft rrtTF.n Fftffi THOSE ELECTORS, t. . - . i aI. .,rJ.i.li'm"TUli- and JficKenses leaving luwar uigu u v .""r-r: lRliBTrtLUWmiyOr. ana-yOieuU&AAixi-j Ui 1AlaVA tiimrsna fnr im t jse a t 'f-s - - i v HI.IIHI7I lii r.ii i.A' a aa. live luAiA-VA w w . ou .SIri fi ftdrtJ and will.-if r alive, vote: tor --r"r-. - v-v .-c , ... j v, . ovusmi dww .. . i . I 4kA nnmncn nt onnnTinff H. IMW WHICH Will iT m tAj&fc insolent. position she ClkafdjF Wn3 show that regard a solemiilprovisiou frteirMe, ind Locofocoism yes, those ateaWfc of the Union as but idle parchment which 4 ZfeifrcW X ' sustain , Je fVPortJi, Af Pjf1 tha chivalryr of South Carolinkmay M EfillSit' li? Which, W ask the ilf:'-SKSs at defiance at pleasure. There arc tppr- I t.f ntous sierns, in au -mese imugs - wui" 3 cause shrGoid , and the tU jofTAriim of Lnr.otocoism I I tlOn t VirLvkno tic duapt T7 i V Hfere. the'Ytiiave ' slanderedsome ZiE All A. A LliAiitMAVA lliu . , . ' I i i: l , : coVrtMndlht of the New York Trib- mrtita life sferh ought to bo read at the; next hieettng ot .EL yfcla! Ciub in the country. We second the UAAMkm ik wiuaiibUr! heaHV and wd also sug licibul lltttlderk' j ine jreaxiinir 01 ine owecuu .v:uuii i: Biiffgests TheX6cQ riS1IARTY-4-who the detenders ot jor- fi Wheelhiff Times says : j,'!." ;,' tiwm frari vfT . , , j---.: v.u are not to oe imsiaKen uruiwcgaiucu.- - esis in PKrjsu5v;jff;w v 'jt i'o5os are determined io4ue uiana , - : r ;f mHii in mv iTism ts to te aided Svith' TTllev are everywhere circula- ; ' We have not en th?? m any our - . T- n a A a. A. 4. . ja & - iJ. ir hold ol L,ocolocoism m mai oiaie. vi. a so capriciuu.iv cr B ' ,6 meeting of - disaffected democracy'? THUS- we see ooum ." -7?t ' 7 V. iif t which they talk ot oi xiemicuuig wwuuip, ne cuyiKui,jiuuiiiu.i v iowivw renounce Liocoiocoism ,m;foto,auu ciuis, under the Whig flag.-T-Ther resolutions which follow were adopted unanimously. Resolved, As unwavering v Democrats we are bound to support true democratic principles, ; and that in pur opinion true ! " ;1J m. .'mm! Mnllltainiul KtT democratic principle , i . . im . 'TT lfA 1 - the Whig party ol the ju mtea oiaies aione. Resolved, That we henceforth repudi ate, the false 'Democracy of Loco Foco- ism.ki .: j) !" 1 Resolved, That wq are. m: iavor ot; a TARIFF and the nartvi which supports a Tariff helievinar thai is right our work men! .and laborers should be protected against the cheap labor of Europe ! Resolved, That the nomination ot Glay tentous sitrns in au, tnese are hot to be mistaken or disre ?i; , - i..m i k..-:.int.iit lure as wneuouce uciujc jmuvu pectacfc-ctohng ifc, heaL, ,But it is) important that hir thpv nan nficome rouuics. t . : . . . i-i A W:pv I public attention should oe Kept anve - io s - i v j t i the movements oi luese cuiismu supnwasvxne iac anu tuiiie iui;to k ivr at " . ri i . i- i r.- sailing of the Britannia on Wednesday, have been more than usually barren of ihterestivPerbaps the most interesting, Iriot les tn Xdramatjathkn apoliti- ral ndint of vie w.fwas the : appearance of the i exterminate . -rx rn. .i .i. :Li. . .i. r - jit cuizens were ui l.ord Mayorm ..xjupp anu .au r,.- the'rin2in of belli and Corporation, in theiriropes o omce-prsi ne- independent companiesare diy in 'ore the Queen, seated on her.throne in Buck- j tnarchinif order. Major Flood has ordered out and Frplinprhuvsen! meets bur cordial ap probation, believing as e do Jthat they Win sustain swuuutucjuyvtiMv .w.-w-. sat the -mri , vy : r m H.-.-r!' . - . j . -'v - - - to . i "trf a -tk iv ochirifrrnTi rNTiRrriJiuir. i AiMinrwr nnn in tms f'.iiiiiii.v uiav iuv encaAbicer t. on such ayor eve '0 j Ir. nysjSpch and;lm i?if iyou 'nave a go Teaderi then on the i.n.exf je0tr If: . 11. IUUUW i the best liar meeting Mr. Clayton's speech ; ,f. . i "i : . ii i - - i I', . - ! est elementary exposition of the Ta- vAiestiorS l then Texas', and so 6vUU ByaT llhis course, andinifsuinir it faithfully ma-. Vio Whigs wlo have! little, taste ; for reading at et at lennjWUl.VOnreuucicu laiumai niui vu gaiBSi tiuuut jpui uiih.wiw, v? . . - test -to demand Ol ineill wuqiuci i-ixxo a .j, . mlrintorf fni- TrpsLsnrer ntl&tepffibdecidediUcsiind. iAft'!- therernSiTe they ihtend W present: avidBronoinu vrtate'to'm Ae abolkhment of tne Tariffand the an- S-ff ' S ' , ,f - vtvra ma VliWiliitinri of CDmeS out ana saya . : - l c rneftrngs, U e they wouW ;shunor,ber y - Sfc of whicfi about M -It was at the soUciiatiW the .Dem- Aofdifiercnt character: 'Ji.4;!iLiliJJJi- tinV.fIWn of the Locbfb the Union.Thatsuch is tneir groraap, hartv that I4became a candidate, bsashryir i . !J I TH.rJKmT 1 1J tJ iwrt Ot 'XN ew x one, uie. retc and are preparing DPOrt to Clay and Fre- liferc JyT$TTt7 5 I T L:5 J.: , .V:-. f- r.-i. a.. ovoMiAria will her H i rin.1 inenxr a tvnfatiiia jpv PTPr itiif.rM 1 luoi lb n uuiu i ciirrnTPvi 1 1 irJM.uiii a. AX.fHii vcVa hAWMM - -w i ? . f- uui- j4axi.Aai - ctlBhirnerco by the Jroots, and beggar tno t made i to induce all the Southerni egisia- jcentlyu renounced i.ociocimu, JLT i u:. atafhA lnt 7 - Jit tne l-t-Jt n' oimil-j. rnrRf . IS It TIOL I ho moofinir Willfn aaiOUrtlCU WUU ixiuo uvT uu. . j turca(wjf iiuup ;vy" , ar. I ""-" v . y , tutu ipt iortne ; dutw "then, strongly incumbent upon cheers for Henry Giay. i do roiis ine w5 seelhf denouncede: Whig Tanff portance of the crisis, i 'L " U.aaCk;. mtin nTr 1 Lii'nn T n a' oiirsft about to be! pursued tn trive an united SUPP ife it beiugH prohibitory and merexore i byooutn oaroima, i .Aurc ffv-f-T -i I xinsuwy5" tt"u , T:1- V t lOrb- tXACl UUM: 1 1 . K VA1 -AJlIIUaU-J- Vkv-7 " iiiiitiiLiia. iuol Liuacut i vi i uv vivv-.rj T virtirvc TnrnniriiniiL inn. Liuuiu h lUiiitfc uw i mtii :i ' mm m.t.nffiii a fSSSS Polk, mons at Nauvoo will be -so exasperated as ; to s the Governor and his forcei ri'"; - Our cUizens were aroused thi imornirig byj: a can to arms, wuur mi-. strong protest against die recent proceedings in Ireland. i I f - . ' ': ; : V. The' events arising out of the sugar debate, with the majority forj and against the Govern. ment, continue to hirnish the newspapers wuna fruitful toDie for declamation. Ine debate has . . i . . i . . . . . undeniably Ishakenjhe moral power vernmenu wnicn, oacseu uv ttiMaiun IV 1U. IS AH UW ;V MiVlUVIW much health. The lugar bill has since gone into committee, whe Je rtjwdl jptobablyremam a night or two longe. , j ... , , The cotton matketis active and buoyant. The recent large imports, paradoxical as it may seem, so far from depressing the demand, has increas ed uV The trade fisf now coming torward and buying liberally, which is met by holders in a our knowing kir will end IMany have expressed fears that.j-; ..ri k r city is hr danger, because most of tho.War-: i sawiamuies nave laicen reiuge ucrc, uui.wrwii,!,.;:;; ioo lar irom ue accuo ui cuumi...:! .rw;r 'J 74 Messengers nave jusi len tor, iianniuu ;uu f . ti 1 of theLGo. 1 . jTT ti. f ,i;iil?nl-4b H1 3 I tyot near- M- - ...k-i---rii s -t - : 1 1 mw w mrm m . -- ... .- . . -. . A . .. r .. J : . j - -i ; . .1 U i! j healthy and legitimate, and one which an all probabiliiyWill extepd iUelf. The sales this week ampunt io 51,150 bags, ' and the market closed firm yesterday, but with less appearance ofactivi..f;";,;. :. r- Money continues tpjbe abundant, and may be had at low Wes to any amount -In short, the prospects of the country both at home and a- broad, arc? very nattering, ana inese prpspecu - ;--... f- - -. . - m. .-. - - . Tora ananisfnien am.very greau, -i p5 i! ? -It is, alsd i feared f that5 both Carthagej and- Warsaw havfbeert burned by the Mormons, is threats of that kind have been teado;The ,wpi;r inen and children of thei latter placeTjiaye; been ; taken to Dladea of safety. : A portion ot. came down liere, on the tBoreas .this morning. :' The ! German Guards and Rifle .-Compnyi are now assemmmgras wcu aa a. wniuiiw .w?-,,, ma renin g 10 me ccao , . Other accluntssay that the news of SmitVs noi rcacneu iiuutuum w6u.y),,ur. hence it is inferred that pov. I ord, .who was encamped a fo w mues back of the cuy had intercepicdjthe messengers from Carthage. At Warsaw al I WsexciternentTlw;Women and children were all removed, arid an immedi- " 1 i- 4 4 " p Aii Tnfi vnnuiL. on board the Canal packet boat Repcallr, frtmT&j:Xo Vhite all, wa so frichtcneq ia consequenco of the ..violent corii cussion of thb boat with the locki at the June- W.To.3ostdn--C says : irjSslratilnp' itsjillustnousjpredecess eteveronetwherl he goes to bed as her puts' hltllcbf was about 2 oiOlions prrthefir Ucsd urAnhislVafe fflf H il nt deplorable that the vving that he has done something lnng the day . to 'promote the election of Clay 'i -Vi4:ffi-' The steamer Lasalle brought to, Su" Louis on a w 1 ministration-1 by us, -niusinous . preueceur. - i - T "Tr success might be reasonamy inierrea iroin nrument arci tBus perpetually. falsified and. reruted uy f oWs a1Srwm,-The Editor of the Jones- rbPiTenirti 1 Whiff savs the Locos 'jnust'jiot iU&f 14q iP&fe&iseryices. on thefield of battle, or and as I do hot feel disposed under exist. on hV 10th pf October next, onwhich day the tO,K?p?i r5 1 rf " ilL:uw r; V.. ii iU"nHltionaUy of affe Munoz, ot the f'emocrauop.- Cet. hast bVa royal decree; been i i i 'Zml no i ins-" 1 1 1 1 1 lrii ialci if on i m.v-'' 1 TPPI II. 1 1 1 V UuL w uuvav - r . ' I - . 1 reacting, irauffS"6'; w tion," that she died in a lew noursv,5 v?.; hi t W.feSfeT23 which the UuisvillurnalWcooUy P" me luui oi iioAi iiMii"t """!": vT- -r riii';v'-f;rru t li; V t. fi-vJ vT- M.lrBVpdiiite uem to.theday on wmch the val. tionofPolkiand theiruccessiui. cuu -mam in iorcihg Polk .down tlie hroats of : the tamespBted ajorte.aBalhmore : a Whr. wa. wotild run Gor. Jones.' If that an-' swer is not perfectly satisfapry, the Locofoco must be hard tolease.' . r. T ; Y r 1 i " There wwagathenng, lately of 4000 Whigs rank of Grandee of Spain, witn in wiisonepuniy, wnwaawprv rjri t)uke d Rianzares.' The proud CaihejrsVoT.-Ji-aoa lvr?i.?:FJj i i.jiL-i:-.u-iv:--TirrfTwi. Arcnunts! from . liavaBa,Buiw mat uio yi" f -t -n T i k: - -; .-j tain i uenerai ox . vu. M -wwiwuivu r Rare fa Ut7ed.4-A murderer named Dias press. gambhng at hazards. A.numoer ox, to have ibeen executed ;at xeiTe iiau r -v . j . v r : j-. 1 i i, a , hm an sn'i' i TiiTi tri viirii! kr s t - 5 1 . s r i ! RalTte Repealers ot -Si e w x ork held rrilfting o& liesdcyeven1ng,c24th ultimo, and tated; raised 81000 tor U'Uonneii,ine ira ntagfor growing wool are equally favor i t Sp.ia .nisourlJ.!aijLdil the present rato.of,duv S lurmgn . wvui bhu lureign wooiens . oe miainedi it is probable that the wool trade 4iAl..:ti;lj.fii!tii --mi i-j----. .- -pwui.u Auiroi 9' w 111 increase-every H I Biost ramrWfltftl .ST: Tenuis Ketp. PrJ :'ii-':"!-fciVli J t l.-'-.-, c.'---e.i.'$iA,-T.:HiS' Wm toiirthro! J: fM tTI I "'.I T-i .' m ' ''ii 5 . 1 ' -m i-'- f MT ' If 1.. I iU.i II. i I 91 prviouVo!ay t;:.i midst. JY. r.'fcprm,; .. 7 : i 'r-The negotW1009 between the agents of the t riAmt und the Trustees of the Bank of Betttn" m Elections.--Judge 'Petetop i the District Court'Pf PhaadclphiavdelivM i R ttrPiirecnt;; Whig gathering c3 theinterior Ne distance were respite from the the, execution a sad disap- f.mfpiWm da.sind(iHnat mbneybetrand stakeaMfl JASS2 an elccUdn cannot be recovered byorfroni r-a mcsKso n - : . - . i p K.if hornmo. as soon rr i ... i. . a . .iAri i riLUKr ui'-iuc ua uc uut. mv hvi tttt Government and the Trutees the. iBank oi ble 0f ,Wght countyv ame heaos ly remarked, as irls stakei property ofthe guai the'United Btaies; forlthehasc of the bank 1 1. A T foco Electoral Ticket laVirgiriia, other people aixioerfion , . Un nf th TKor. and may.be sucdltor Mdinsa weeK. ine cost ww r: v. :- Mil son. ol ionoitt. xui vu, i ius.ui. -. a -;a(A. w-Url . rtrrn f l j if i n mmrw rnn a rii i 1 ... - j -. '.j.wviirL.ikA.il .a . - - iini l a i rir in lu i-i.i. " . -i . i nnn n-n-r Men iizz.i.uuui a.u4 - i . .: - . . i 4L..jcrii ii.aififlnnpv.- ; i r f utiiii uattui.iu w j . . . n n nrori in iiai l lit. . w t . - - i . f W1 in tiluuT. fUfirwith. the nomi-IV. Wife..- r m i w :, n. 1 1 11.11 1 a it , iaw a - . ... . . , a .r ... - i -.,.. ... . jmx a v a jrra , 1 j tm a .. i in u u LAAJk.'iMr- - ' . " . . . . - .- e' ; -4 I' T H.i' t Secoad-strcet at a valuation oi r r;y. n:, ferPHY-- - --:;y; 1;. L - . - .y: - ! r! V.- "V.r 1. 1 -Pi'-- - , . - f; . Y- - - . s: - i - N ' ' v '4 . i i. . . J. . .. - - . --,.! c . - i 1:1 4"' i' i A- " t i - i- : . -i '."! 1 xl ' -!! - 'jiS . 'J i .f ' :-l:'1'-1-w ! I: