r .- ' lit; - i : j i: d - ' -v. . J - ' - . - ' I k r 4 - ' ' ' ' .a ITEiujslpjF. TJIE .iVATCIDLlN: Two d&iars in thranM,and two dollars and fifty cent j Kt .subscription received for a lea time than one". No subscription discontinued (bat at the option -V Editors) tuul au arrearagea are paid. , " -fiTe lenta ff each continuance. j- , ft ' f CHrt itticel indiGoart Pfd chrSed 25 P?r. cenl higher1 thin the abe rteV ? .. , -deduclion of 33 1-3 pet cent will be made to those i TUdKti'wilJ.be continued until forbiJiand Charged fluRaccorumjjir .. lrofuines.v: ;l f f . . ' - . j3" Lettfrs addressed to the Editors must come pott jow8iatiition. : i " r P'-""d - r -'4"fcKKrVHECKCK)5 Ali TOU - ' - ' RnijlS. Do THIS. KD LlBMTT " ' ' V."' . '..T rpifc ana, me ijeaaers or luvaeriijse TREASURY. Not tlfe ySt of trying experimentsQur parlyv fth'j;- "Qrpat.Rjected in the treasun'y This was then held forth as the sovcrcign-i remedy for all the diseases of the iooq j; pontic. , iuou i'oik lonnwitn re trfted: all he iaijd ;in; favor of the deposite system! ind bbcam& the advocate of the saltreilar"llere is a somerset w6rth BotfigJlllJrno jtaetoic philosophy of tKejfetfcwi herj H js A114l byed bflspringv to chr-; ish lheoptecl&h jldLof the Idtepiagitian If the Country lis not prepared to approve; of Mr B6Ik's cbnduct in creating the mis-; erajble pet banlc system, they .will sure ly: giv hip!eredit fot the sacrifice he'made; in goin lytbreVi jsecondl l somerset but -earhis1 ;;r If ir:inl vaS jthe first person whbpropos4 ed the uK4r0asuryscheme ihTCongress. This was in thfer session of -1834 5, and he locpfcca ipitrt' then-went en masse, igihstItyAtid who "was their! leader, in! thaVchargel'agalnst Gen- Gordon's siib treaSt J 5Pfo ;pthjpr tbajahefthen Chair? 'ikB'bfthbMmitebfWaj's and Meajis,1 thejvarlil$ -$0$ & Not onljia he votei i!ainstliis prppQsitipn, v but he! made p speech! aginst i U: (ri 1 which be Contrasted, it ,with hist favorit' deTOsiter.system,; and helfl, tift thvsHuntried experiment? as more ! unsafe ;andj expensive than any other svs tenil hoj gentlemen on theolherde; j wppt cHo 0jUl ;vill . learn i them "still oj;o:ileir4&tidateff as they :arcrsa-j Ay njf ttie iirlal id bisclaims oif the grat itude bfte American! people ;"andl will now; admijiist er j tofthem a dose of Colonel Polks Spe cb against the sub-treasury td be feund txCxoU ?lp: 1278-0 i!of Con greipjrtalDebatei ; 4V& ;;lr:;ilad(n reador him,1wjio declihedf ast hecould : hottead jcpettouhU v. $A 'kMritM felnersolllvoluhteered to read ifQTfgH.: mor?di, "J peglto bpqxcused for your kind-J nes$ as 1 ;d6 not lite to get a man to read ior me, wnose countenance i, ana no one eise can. ver unaerstand, (A laugn oc-t curred3n!vliion MrI heartilv ioined.V Mri qHcnk!then read for Afr: Hardin the tprtf)Wmg;xtra0ts;: hT:t'-v4 n r' j TOlsf I -ajii !un, it may-bV well to no4 tice iomd! otherpropositions of am endmenti waicu ine ifiouse nave .Deen nounea vnt 4 either biarjl, itby; keeping jt! locked upin t among 3Vhior Locos."t He then sets out T yould. be a! yer', short time to do so, much' a istronej box.1 or lie it atitheir own risk in j bur.treatv stipulations with Great Britain, j less the few minutes I Jiave to bestow on bdvate iltion oi;jtradejor they must,, which still exist,-, the 'same nowlas.then, it. r But I intend to talk! to jrbu . locos about !br their of3a security; and on their own by'which the country, was to be! occupied thisnew, issue, as twesay. in. the West, jointly by the citizens ot Doth; powers, unr jusi tiKe Drotner. tH rAt the recent lial il one year's-Yiotice was given of, an i in timpre. Convention you have "consigned .'to tention to abrogate the convenupn,; :that political miainy your oldf leader, Martm ithen rvan tsurenAs,youlhad lalsely alledged resjxmsuaih.ty place it a last-ion deposite inlfonk iffirt safe-keeping; until theyare c0d oiMy I the Government far it. ! r 1 msnemnorarv use oi; ineniouevuu ue- sue in aiDanic. consinuies me ni v com- nsatiJriH krhich" the blnkrecei ves : tori to I weeping it, ai the service itH periprnij 1 1 j-ureceiverst ueempioyea, mey cjanbrijrin bbfotherIsefficefthan to keep t.np nionpji ;anu must ue paia a compensa tipn fro&ithreasuryVhf i II 14 g th&. seenis tp1e: aivery;ianwelcome i srJeejch Jotilgentlemen, nd-makes. their contenanbeis; look asv. glbomyltas nf J they were alMt to'Io"seewmufe -viu mpcmBpger comment ii pon jt. out snan le m? the'sub f ; f-f- views it taslObKlp?pfocojo arguments of fCoLIPolk. when ke theirneit'spcechj in favot of TATEBANKS.? 1S.H teresting to, know.what , are the i old jDoi; Pplk on the! subjectdf the .c-jjfijottisfie oij(viiGTON,anQ; .inosewnqrmatfejhe Cinstttutnas expressp rllOi nfCbfMadis Ja5ty0f 31w ; nor;of the Supreme Courts m. i nj ii a. ' T r '"a IK I. ia oi .pne onueu states, trie tnpunai oi Jinai relprtifprfthi tdeVeraina1tibiiches-' tipns ; tolfolk has declared t himself irist; a m ational bank; on constitutional iind l! lieaS iusnected. ojr'jbf tpi0 Exclusive haH ihbney curren but Mhen hewas canvassiriff for e-ov- jeKjbrJ hifcejp fayjoi" ate LBanks. As 1 have' rust that circn- lyviUIVand yet am confident of the fact5 err, ami us many. 01- tne locos are lor 1 exKve specie currehcyv Ivpsh, to 01 la Yi n r C the Hlterition of the Democratic! mem- bcjrjs fromejnnesseeto the stateiherit;that Cpli PplI shas avowed himself the friend pfj Btajwpahk (Several ofjihe Demon xic iiifiruiyers iruiu x eanessee were 11s- ng,iHH none responaea. i Congress had;ddne, asj'yoii tboasthilly "al ledged you; wopld do at th commences, mentor this session'! Sin thev-'all' sleep 1 in'qniet Vepose kin thWtable Pf this House? .,viiLiug iuu acuonoi xne iocoioco maior- Iiy. v remaps inis retort may galvamze .some pfthem Into re-existence.Sirs the coffllucto y1F 'pailaders .pnthisV as oh " vafibus bthelrbccasiorisr-'nrbvesthat rl n fp.w thai he ouffht no siichliiotice had heen iriven i!and argues! against the legality and propriety that he was unfairly defeated in 1840, ahd sentences, ihat erehtlemen maif iseei the J;)Nre- were anxious vou! should aftbrd purport of the speech. 'Jf imkUk "f11 PPrtumty btgivinghim ampUj&s-- ?i TKeseare::th'e 8tipulatioo'ihe :f&k tbygivhigihim and! hisf party another: ing treaties between this Govertinieht and spiitadpolhical4drul)bi that of Great Britain.- Whilst theyjeonti- sir, ypu have prevented os from bestowing hue. in force,- they i ar declaredtby f the uPon Aim thls labor of Jqve y pu haye Constitution tb be thefsupreme Javpfth . se?rtj' yourbands, inybiir landLf Now .we Jiayenot gi vh; jthe notice own campj In; the cpmplimenta.resp bf t welveimonthstoranhul or j I abrogate hjtion which yptf passeo overjiis political them land-uhless we do, or receive" such wanc,you sayjhe iplja martyrto his prik- nouce irom jnem iney are in iun iorce. oy,-amu ousuouiajusiiy. naye and areligatory Upon u&Nf Htll f added, he Was fpully r&miurdered in 1 844, y -' oucn oi cour adventurous : citizens as uy "i uwu,irieuus on account oi tne un are. diposed to penetrate into the uhexplo- popularity of ; his principles. ! red' wilds west of the Rocky mbuhtains, j You are endeavoring toproduce the im have the 'right to do' sol treat -Britain pression npwthat! MrJ Jan Buren wJls has not, as yet; Established ah vmllitarf ffcried oh;aqoun!b posts, and has avowed ? her intention4 hot ions.-;. Sir, this j is nbt so butif iwere, to do so until yb-dT'Herhuiiti. fcon; ; te l only causef regret jfbf hisfatepuld panies may have private defences and be, that he. was consigned to obllyibn by his party, friends, for, the most honorable ahd statesmanlike ! act' pf his life? : The contained misfortune mav be his the dissrrace . is 1 bur "tables, his friends. ,rut; sirii ybu and I well know, .who can doubt, if we send a military force that it was publicly proclaimed in this city xnere, uunng ineconti nuance i in iorce ox wvmu aBu, mov u uu jw. uj . yuuw- mese treaties, out, mat oreat nma wiu u" , "6" ftuuus, wu,. wuuiu send one also? and if so, collisions; be h1 Mr.,yan Buren and run some tween the, armed forces of the; two coun- other .candidate. lAlter the result of, the panies may have private temporary fortifications. ! Vith these; facts before us in the official documents on tries might, and probably n would, ; bei the consequence, and we might thus be com pelled -to decide by arms that which would be much better settled by negotiation. 1 p takes it, thenr as an admitted 1 act that C!. IblJis ifbr,State34)ahks.;According toppl. JfolkjS plan, we are always to have ' We piight, he said, to pause! before we passea tms bin ; not tnat -. iie wouia ior. a moment think ojTabandohmgbutitie;(fbf he- belie ved it to be the better bnel).br of . - ... . . . 1 I . 1 T' i : 1 i permittitig any foreign power to become the owner of the country." We'shoiild hot i i 'i-ji i u.i -. -.9 l act now ; - our, as tne question: oi tine is ieit 10 iuiure aajusimeni oy negouauon, etb this! bill, especiallyias I may ave; another onDortunit v to address iu? Mousey i a gepueman irom i.v lrgima Mjr Gcin j ;lias signified hisj intentioii to nioy th!! amentoentto thisbill which he.ireintd ahtl- iad printed Sy order of tfefif Jlbte Prh4 daysago. ' Thatamehdl mefnt pgjyis!that tbe collectbrs ; of the ppbHcreiiuej when the amounts cblieci ted! are 'Small, i shall be the agents of the Tr'asui'cr,lo kcep'and disburse the same; .anathalthlyishalf receive ah annual com pejiSatibn.1 It 1 provides, ; further, . that, at Pjfcfe8jrc itheiamount collected shall ta-pe fgents jof the Treasurer, to, keep and; disjbureltlib public itioneys,''- and that thet shiUbtMdahnual compensation tor !fJ1ig-Ali:Wwvvt-: 1 A cprnoration mav be safer than anv bwiTiduallagent, bowever responsible he jf j up, uycuuso 11 CUI1S1SIS oi.uu ussocia-j ticijpf ind vidua1 who have thrown to- gether; ihelr? aggregated wealth, aiid, who bohndlin! their corporate character,.td the cxteni of thewhole capital stock, for the deposfie j,- Ih!additibn to this the '. Sew cretaryof tho Treasury may require as He vyf collateral :!se;uritv; in' addition "to their cdpial paid; ii,;lrbm such a corporal nwuu, oa iic vuum iruui an inaiviauai col lector m ceiycr, ;Which makes the Govt nieutiepds safer in the !hands of a Mm than itrcbtild be with an individual J lvf1TbeTO uuiw.ix-ccivur unu uaiiK; corporations, i.M banki3o exlstahd are Irfcelv; Miiri Tifr Stale authbrity; the latter; upon the he' public; are to be no a paper eurrencv. . JNow it is ior the People to'H!and thiaiissup, is presented to jthnVi iffv;'aye to have a; currency reg ua!tfed ipbanks, which4 'dpesj expenenbe, adthe Rvisjlpni of the jpast pbinbutas th saeficjr!the: people ;ahd tEeGbvern tnbt properly uardenatibhal bank, 'nnifiredi -quantities of S!tatb banks, Svjueh afb bhaftered and "regulated at the vvmni: anu caprice oi twenty-sixanoepen-dent States! -r -1. " T . : - Ilshal OREGON. read nowi another ofi'the resolu tions bnhis! Polfc Convention : ; " - V tRemvcd, That our title tothe whole of the teMibry of Oregon is clearu and un quesupnaote ; - tnat no portion ot the same oighttjtd bl ceded to Erikrlandior ahv bth- iwep; ana tnatiine re-pccupation ot guii mim tue re-ancexawon oi r l exas cr pc ieltS ejeliriifest practicable period are great ;nqpui measures,, wiicninis uonven feaBmmends ! tb 7 the cordial "suppbrf la sqpt sterns: uregon, is i to oe- press- to the service, and , its re-occupation isid betlmade a party hobby .for locofoco- n to ridbThe United States is not big biff hit arid has sot rather tod hot to hold 'inigte j eaerf .(pllbpbfocism ; and so y .must add- Uregon and Texas, to give m breathing' and dodcrine: space, and fif riPs " grandiloquent pow-. ej$.p Bsirr if gentlenierr will only hold stain' I Mend to" tap them1 for Ihis Orcsrbri elections in Maifyland ahiCdhhecticutnd the ; special elections in Pennsylvania were Knuwn, you, oecame viy restless, ana, pe gan to loot'around for hey!issues. . Be lieving that Mr; Van Bufeh Would go with you for t the annexation of Texas, those members of your Iparty who resided in doubtful States, especially in the South began to come out for it.1 The returns: of the Virginia election; brought the hews of your aisastrous aeieat in mat time-nonor- eu vyommonweaim, at ine same time mat Mr. Van Buren's letter against annexation until Wft asoprtainPfl that thtrrd is nn fimw Was published - This 'was addinff disap- of reculatinc it bv the KTecUtive. let uS pwnuincni, iu ucxeau ii was ioo mucn ior postpone any measure on the subject In yur philosphyahd j like the little boy tne meantime, nevouia not permit iprreat V4 Wo ywuuun uuuj uuo Britain or anv other nower to take exclu- because it woiild not jump a branch With ! n a . Ji-iJ1 A him nnrl SirrtAl m I riitit nriillicri AttrvAii UaI down and .broke it to; pieces so your par ty yexedVdisaippointed, and maddened; at your multiplied defeats, caused not by the acts of Mr. Vain Buren, but by the unpop ularity of your arid his principles, vented opivu ujmu juui Acauci, aiiu unci cu himi up a ltolocaiistto the chagrin and dis sensions of those leaders of your party, sive possession of it. By delay, we can lose nothing. By acting now, we t may hazard much. : If the question of title was settled, and we. were the undisputed own- ers oi the country many would, evencthen doubt whether it would be our pplicy tp extend our population to this! distant re gion. We had vet on this side S of the Rocky mountains, ; d " vast extent bf wild tap 1 inilitiblllahd will relieve theirn of some of jtlpjplpl wind,;beJ tralii trpublesomen their stbiuachsl !rmitl3 rstW ask, if this is so impor? 1 tint "nti lr6ricairquestien, why is if that tne Oii ana resolution on mis suojcci nave beeh permitted to sleep in quiet on the ta- me 101 mis iiouse iorsixmontns past, wnen p! .baksJejbHty'iere ? rl will ess ims question 1 urther presentiv, uut unsettled territory whichi wHl- probably wo were tnn-stmgmr.theretreatingsppu; remain sn fnr lialf a ppntnrv tn'rnmft. Rnt Ol Pmce. ; ; f;" t ' 1' ii j' P i , it was ribt-ribw nScessarv to deeirte that I now; understand your party are for the qu'c;stibn:;-;At all events, heconsidered it annexation of Texas, and that this is dP premature now to do so, when we must do sgea 10 oe maae an issue m tne ensuing it at a vast cbst and at the haiardbfbe- canvass. - Pray tell me, sir, when this be ing involved in war. Let bur citizens who jame so important an American question! choose, at least for the present so there iS now anynmg more -oi-an Ameri arid hunt,fish,; or jtraffib atitheir IbpUon.' VLet the country, at least for the present, re main a waste ; it will be time enough to settle it, if. we should ever deem it our po licy to do so, when the present difficulties are removed, when the dispute as: to title shall be settled, and when "we! shall have acquired more accurate information in re lation to it vs. . y:.",i:y, U-A M Subsequently,1 during thersame sbssion Mr.- Polk offered a-resolutiohf haying for his object, the-extension of the United StaUt territory.of Oregon,: (which of j course did. groui!u oiane revomuous ixo, sir, , no . i i. i- i .: i- . : r i i. l. I man imagined -sneh a thins', unless it was can questioh'tlthan it was in-1838, when its re-annexation was promptly rejected I ' T ?JJ i tr - . ! 1 T . T Dy jrresiaent t v an tuuren j anu J onn r or syth ; which act lypur- whole party sus tained .without a. dissenting voice 1a- Was it made -a question in the velection of any man here ?ji 'Was it agitated at all before t he j people 4when t the , mem b ers ot this House were electpd i HiWas it ever; men tioned as as great question during the first four months of this session ti.:Was itWver fj.. .1 . If - J 'La.'-. " -1 :-...',L.., trusted wjthjww uoyemment again tinder your controii and Texas Jmav remain independent tb' aii nexedjto1 thetutedtates,; or br-ah-hexed j to Mexico) as'maiy seem most advi sable; to enablejyou to hold on to the spoils of office. The j history of your legislation still; exhibits the) verification of the remark of that great Sbuthern chief of your par ty, that "you arie held ;tbgether;by the ;co hesive power p the public plundeKAnd now, you are willing to plunder Mexico or Texas,' if you'ean therebyregain the Ibng-r ed"for'i7:pj But your respfution ! says iyouare i for ahr nexation at the Earliest practicable period J1 Was that intendled tfrhave ohe meaiiirig for the North and another for the South FTbe gentleman" from1 Alabama is very partlcu- lar.upon tnis matter oi iwo laces ipr two sections of - the "country.' - I call his atten- tion to' this- pojnt.v jjoes this ' resolution mean, that your! party and your candidate arc in favor ot uhe present treaty 7 t hat is the question of annexation which is pre sented tp the t imerican -people, , , 1 4 want no equivocating or shuffling on ihis point, but a direct aijswerj fromhe! gentleman who has laid sq mucb stress .upon this sub ject of annexation in his remarks, ,vl ap- peat to, tne gentleman irom Aiaoama to say wnemer me uemocratic panyoriim self, or Mr. Polk,! are for the ratification of this treaty? ' "Mr.- Payhb : explained his meaning when he had spoken' of the gentleman's resenting two -faces. Mr: Clay had pub ished a letter, and, writh apparent. skill and design,' had avoided to answer the question. From a cursory glance of it, any one might suppose, he was in favor of annexation:w? 4 L ; Mr. Hardin. I Iask that gentleman if himself or the Pemocratic party, or James K. Polk; were for this treaty ; and not with reference ' to Mr." Clavs views. These were clearly expressed in his letter. f Mr. i Payne! said, he (Mr. Clay) had ne ver come up to , the question he stated nowhere whether he. was ; in favor of an nexation. Mr, P. here took his seat" Mr. Hardin resumed. ? Now is not this beautiful t Islit.not exactly after the mo del of the Van; Buren school t 1 asked a gentleman who has just made a Polk and Texas speech, if he, or his (party, or his candidate, mean, by the resolution passed at Baltimore, that they are for the Texas treaty. He twice 1 evades an answer to my question, and says he is opposed to Mn Clay, and thai he don't understand his views bn the subject of Texas."- The gen tleman Could not have given a better epi- a t t- "... i A 1 . . 1 tome,' oi - tne principles oi nis party, man hayeoyerhiled the majority of your pirty at the north, and compelled them to aJrt I a southern candidate, and to pack what you term a southern question; - The north ern Democracy will scarcely make a stru cr- gle.: The jbattle is expected to be fought , upon Texas at the Southi upon Oregon in r the West, and upon Dallas in Pennsylva- 4, hiaJ :Youl misjudge the gullibility of the II American ipeople, ifyou suppose they arc ; to be'misled or deceived by these "tubs thrown out to catch whales" kI have already!, tapped your Oregon tub? and let water ! enough into it to sink it'The people of Pcnn- sylvama have too much practical sense - uc uiaucea to support jluuus, wiuu no is playing second fiddle, to the free trade anti-tatiff tunes of Col Polk, i Arid 1 much mistake the intelligence and devotion to 'j; the fundamental principles of our Govern v mentAvhich characterize southern Vhigi f you arie.abld tojdeceiverthem into your' i U support by tHeTis7ii! Yau glare of thiiX Texas issuToolong havc they contend- A ed - for honest principles against the J wily; 4 S ari5.pi . iocoiocpism until incynave Dciqn. purified as by fire.; They have woh the lau rels thef hohbrablyvearf ih;'mariy,Harv'.. tought fields, to permit i them, to.be torn from their brows by a stratagem of .their enemibsi... 'Ahdtif -1 "may judgeof thetr constituents,by; the noble band of. firm arid talented repreentatives-whicli ! tne soutlir ern Whjgs haVe on this floor, ther are nei ther to ."e; bbqht1bes;dccdvcd by . hypocritical pretences, nor driveti by bra vadb;tbreats,ifrbm the'defericb ciMhbe principles the-hayelbh cherished ; hpr! from the support bC that man; who has l shown himself the: true advocate .of. ali.v, sections of out; country; and vho; in eVeryji; dangerous emergency, has risen with re-V v newea energy aopye an party trammels i anu iowerin.puov.au,.euHipeuiurjiJ grappled and! mastered every;iiiiffi and exhibited before ah? admiring world the 'enlightened principles'bf a true Amfa$ ;!k ii -4 1 , -a- f ican statesman; :FUUM JMKSJUO 4! .1 1 - r j : Ther ship Vistula arrived "at? New" Oir-: Jeans 'on the 16thvJuly, ih nine dam At la dates from ithecity the measures tor the recovery ofthe re-y-yolted province dfTexas were still them topics ol conversation and leffislation The New Orleans Bulletin says; the first act of the extra' session of Congress was f Ihe passage of a law raising $4,000,000 to prosecute the(war. TbePibayunensayst; that the law had not passedit had bben reported bjra committee," which also sent in one or two minority reports : but it was T Very doubtful - whether, congress would yote the monejyvf fr tll j The1! Mexican press; asjwell as thelmlitI ister for foreign affairs; were using every 4 . effort to inflame the public mind against the Anglo Saxony and Itp nrojthbMeXi-S 6ans with enthusiasm in the'ehterprize pfl' the reebnquestof TeiasC ; f l.There.hadjbeen anoift&rUt'aarms ber tween Mr; Bbcanegra and bur charge, Mr. .1 !., Green.' The former renfe wed withincreas ed severity his clMorbadfaiUiyi olation of treaties," usurpation" MatrociJ; iyll &e.s; against brgbvcrhmehi4 'iJVf rA oreew conunueaj; to remonstrate- against the employment of such unsa vory and iin!r gentieterms,And declared that heaclbixV press orders from his Government not litPH hold aby - communication owith the! kMexijf can GpvernmentUnocpnductedih' thejl terms of ceurtesy and respect ' due to the honoriianbl dignity off ther? United States.& "t-L .4 r .-i tsion. of tne. jurisdic- dreamed of, as a great political rwerM tie-citizens til the noise pf defeat began to issue un- reverber- the fluctuation of the gfoahd: of safety to : J ' U xraliappen jn Wioatxt of revenue nd expendituresthat re wili beai some times a considerable r Wirlthf Ireasury f whichHhbugh it yeipprarylifit be withdrawn from Soh, :an'(l placed in the 1 strong box of a receiver;5 jthje amount 6f circulation Will be injuriously disturbed, by hoarding ueppsiie,vDy .which the ..value J! every ;cpf fnefchandiseahd propertywould be affected. So that; inasmuch as we cahi Mnticfpaterlat estimate"what:the exacl !B0U?fif rvenue or exditure rnay bel SPiyeaf tbyear; there may becut an ex vl revenue. rn rne tmaeiiMf mnj jf -A 1 , "i7 "f- "v"' -''? T, uwv inline- atelycaUebytor tof:bb aisKhrlShW U NvduTd be Verv inpnnvAnmnftA Lu.-1 Jpnv tpde and . circulation Whilst the JcposiU Is in a bahkUh'e banWmav us it: Jjeepnig Itself at- the same, time ready to ; Pay when '' demanded, and it is not with vrawri frpm.the general circulation, as so .uca money hoarded and withdrawn front ??:.0f the communitv. - irihe .hands of receivers, they must t, hi ch ti you ebdorse this treaty with the corres- wp.Mg nW pohdeiicvmah'brought it into bing.say Meiicin thergulfotCaUforma so:" If vou ar asrainstit, and forlimme- cmly hberaUng a British rbarktalan ;on isse -now. sine! f he Kaltimore Lon- vfeWjtioh pave Jadded these neiwl articles to not include British subjects Who might be I"15"1 imagjneu 8uqn a ming, unie uv ' T4a ' This scheme of betrcinsr Texas to berc There is no nerson of anv nartv iwhbwould annexed tp' the United States immediatc- objecC to this proposition of CpjiPofciBut, Jy, jvas the deVicp; and iriyehtioh pf Capt. sirrgbarther than he doeklhl hht also Tylen There is no jdoubt but he consid- ior giving ine requisiie.noiice io vrrea on- tain : and as soon as we , can I do so with- out uuyureacu.wi-.xauu, ij.m ur "TrrryT5 r" IvTT. "T ; t Vi ! V.l:: ,V7' rrvvirlk,! ?rov emerfrenev that maV oC egon taken possession fof , by bur. Govern- jam. lisms pecuuarf inunuer. vuu iuexico to optain it i jei tne country "Jp- '177 v . :.TO"". 6 ;?tX"rj J ties, and condense the whole catalogue of their principles in that one sentence, "we are opposed to Henry Clay r f ' ': 7 The 'attempt is vain to' get ah answer from any of. these gentlemen to those in quiries. " As tcj IMr. Clajs bpinidri bh ah-" nexation; it is needless for me to explain. Theyare writleii so boldly; and plainly, and frankly in; his letter on tharsubject; this single 'circumstance; They have' no definite practical principles for the public the NpWorkConimercial says itisapity!? eye; but deal ip double-meaning gencrali- we baxinbll have"r a representative ' ati tb3 ; -At niri Ann nnllM ll'hA Bill! lirKifd :n InAinf note, i T'- -.; f 'k::&??&? ff fiKllf I ine-uuexican journals, are uneu toj re- pietioa ; wnn. tne '.translations oi ine cor--K , ; ;. ; rcsponilence which took place some mphtlis since between ?Mrv PackenhamVn Calhoun in regard to 4Mwdxatfqn$j K Goniala Ullpacbmmandant general! bfr ftp marines atVera Cruz, has receivedl the thaf'a man caiiiot mlsapprehei; though appointment of commodore: of 'theeixWff he4 may misrepresent them. b cansbuadfon. '&jSitJt:f The loeofboo nartv are seekinc- to make According to letters Irom Mazatlm, dat- a new issue, ahd now we have a right to ejlst pTJe, it appears that the capteiir. know the exadt terms of that issue. 11 oll-.JA- s con eil xsuumyiou, w accu the chanre oi smusririinEr.i a, jnv?Afh r . - . . ( Juan de Ulloa, at 1 first-irate, dyed in-the-wool Oregon men. pouu: candidate an uregon man f Ana i he! always been' sp IDbht: lpokasr tomshed. centlemeni although vou should 1 xilready know.more about your i our- dajis 6m bandidater than you do yourselves. Oal lybulipt5 Imbw that In December, 188, te a bill jbieforerthi? House extehd- the rlurisHietirvn nf th'e lawrs of f he TTrii- over all 1M "nconlii iri?Or6!bn !Tem!5TW i Go ejrttojtake pdasessibii.pf theT mouth of! the Columbia river! and establish a fort there, being just such a bill as is now be- fpimg lloiiset 1 Ahd do you jaot lenpw; thW orilthe 2 xpfaift 'Jjtmes K.Polkelivered a lengthy -sijeech: l&ghtnstthdt 'bill Vr I have-not the time ttf detain the committeebv refresh- ing ther e he w Oregon converts .with the rclihgtbf that speech ; but I.will advise !. any member who desires to make 'aspeechi c gainst tne uregon um now, penamg ; in tliis hoiise-to'take'up this speech and read it," and "twill suit his base precisely. "rIt v. ill ho found in vol. 5,pa;res 129 ahd 132, Congrc ional Debates. . Mr. Polk states that he considers our title to Oregon better than th it of Great icre- diate annexation in anv other way,orup- the charge ousmug( nnflnV nrii-Hi''nrlfl'mNhem ;His- Theicastte of SaU tion:-If thenan body is entitled to the tihctly. Afeyfou determined to have Tex- Cru, has been put in alwmpleteitatof benefirbf'ty !sugge$tioniitv is theCap. as; even iFyou havb to go to war!,wlth ? -,ftnc-(soy thc-papcrs) ndnmply.it CUHr j j f State Prison at Rhode Island, wherein t for na-'l trial next November before thb grand in- creasing! the ihfluence of the slave' States, J grant iand manifold treason be" has, been1 eh- aubst of the nation. I could convict vbu of and Vet in theNorth the friends bf annex- tenced o abide for life; in the painting of in.?l petty larceny in stealing 'away the Cap-r ationi stating; as did the gentleman from It is wll known that he refuses to signa peii- M tain's hobby-horse. i i f f " -5 PehnsylvaniaJ (Mri C. J. Ingersbll,)uin his tion fori his release, or tP take the oath of allegi. . Uwd on m his mace. ' iMri it 1 had vou belorC an !?outn: that voti are For annexation lor the Lftfr-afn th A-nu.nnatinirf lour Citizens.' t impartial jury; (and we .will have you on purpose of exteflding the limits and inr In these views I have difieredflrom many ,... '-- t 1 .! LVJLLtiliti-. ' pi my political menus, wno uuaut wie pre sent pplicyof, the proposed measure i.and recently, since I have examined CpL Polk's speejshesjI:fihd himvoccupyibg jmbyery same, grounds ahdfurgmg the ybr same reasons wnicn iircL occupieu auu.uiu , thbWfrieha Lnd now. after this" exposition of the ..views of your caiididate; which he hasjneyer With dravlkoii.lbcos;iioti dd not, feel ashamed ot.-vour uretron inunuer u 11 re ally commiserate your unenyjablejcondi tron'and itypii .only feel j.haf Cas bad as From the. N. Journallpfommercc. (. ' ; THOMAS W; DORR.' - f ) - v- earn that this person is employed in the We 'i If h1.Srre1s by Ms fatber-a gentleman whose; pnwa-4 he free states. Here ts riif;-.! - :jl,!fn-.f wrf :4 bqubcajibdshuf, irabl. leaders on this -new Uijeme pf praise iVotn brie ; encL of thejlepuhlic3! lowing hot tO the SOUth, 4fj .l have cnnriliated the would be defeated ; ajwith the hope of evidence of further ininiiTatintf ithe South with thi Texas, and 1 flins: by your party thA8 Wst! with "the nrefrofewrJithai vou I issue." ' You arbb nope again to craze me uram 01 ine peu- i . '"y..""1 ;" wr, . I tui sjmpainj oi evcrjr uuucsnuuuo Miauutir i , . r- j r t.iiJr4f lht 'Ar"r.T 'rl nn'thicsnhfe'f' 'VIiti V?1nerif vnnriin.1 .rLt "rr---l-wTtduitrlt?a tnnnrl a Ann' irsM - you lookryou must be sufferinglhe ; last agonies ol despauv w?- l "; W " !f- ';texas; ;i tr;:: t:' ; tV:v ;W re for the rc-annexation. have the pepple to believe ypu would eyen m ma:ever gwinemajoroy.uyr-I bfrTexas. Thjs,:! suppose includes, ;ac- iButfsir, ypu also say lnyqur ,roiK reso-j kUllLaUtUULl I eludes, ac- carry, but ahnexatiohifivou had the pbw cording toexWlaW anda Vy, the rcnnexation of large pPrtipns ol put oi- view.ine oiu uruxuxacaui your par- three Mexican provinces, anu some twenty or thirtyMcxican towns,mciuumgoau vat c. .Vour "new ideas of re-annexation lire doubt- pnifro-in-Avith vour : ne wj issues. 1 tyJwhat have "you done withlyoui: bver whelming maiority here; about thU Ore-1 gbn Bill tj. How, have, you kept your pro mises to repeal that biacKtarui oi imx i . . 1 ' u m tin 2t.: it. ""'".'""'"r... ,T "' I which reluse i-'firrr eWnViolM. hi cinictate the term, jupon VVhigs. i I admit that In some portions of the Un- proffered which it shall be accepted. 1 I hare, a shell,' says Cecil,. iri my study fori li'r !TljfA ;"T LW Int oKnnf rlo ft rle;iVn pntcrih into the QlSCUSSlon Ana wnere is you uy- i caouxy um, miitu iuu j uu iiueuu ,w nafto ywwiuc I trica aumors, oiroiu uijuuku u4 u ilu piwww ; IJntain, a point about j go ii design enicnu0 miy ' at m i,;VK:rt Tt,.:,:Ah, f .Vat,; n. tK .rtrrttr?Ai fri.. ; ., . - , i ; , ... - - - . - 1 a 1 m 'avr .avi mm ry- r m t nnTi -j rf in vp r. in 1 rrr: it lu ui .iiij liiu - m sj.aL 1 a nr. iiiuiiuibi va. wua uca 1 v uu' lu l uvwim . 21 : in una au. us f v w , . t , . : .1 4- ;r- ;1. i m

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