5 i I1 ii 4-r ii: i - 1 3 ll H - 5 t . i . I. 3 -r -hi A 9 f 1 4 ' JJ- - V i, , . V klislmrjf, Anjust 17, 1344. - ., RfetijjBLlCA WHIG TICKET 1 r i'' 'rs BEENRY CLAY,- 111 OF :ri U 1 D tlCK WlSliWT OF THX WITH) STATES, . 1 ' TfibkBEiFBELINGHUYSEN,: J$f (ft "rj'; - - " 4 ' "'4l jE7fpW m !FwrtA Jay o iVotsJW&err , - or xew nun. i r I il THE RESULT. Wjs tfr&still in doubt as to the . precoma; oritur Mri GsAifju Whig for Goverjipr over; ificnXsi.Hokjs, Loco. The returns arc all rith the, inception of Gates and Hyde, and are onsultedmore for; curiosity, than interest.--! Tie toC0s majr eijpjlain away their snal Ic sat'M JmicTaslhey please, and it won't do; fi.-.: ' oapltythistate. viV:Jt- eard from, to determine the; precise state oil rte rthelgtektureV Ve rather . ore tated our majority f on Friday, from the fa bat w! oniy stitnated the Locofbco majority of tie last; legislature x, wnereas u suouiu are tiejpn 30 J It is truey 24 was tho majority t thelmnlenicnt of the se'ssion,but Shaukj.j nj' itedeif 4n .itrcainV of Washington, soon rent rtol the! enemy and Skuiner Loco , a ejected in place of Paine Whig. So that ' Uboug& cwe nave imosi proDauij maae a ciear ;'t--t:f.i:- i.-'f-f.- It i, - ; " i am of 99 merabeN. having to overcome 30 ma- ntytWhig majority now on Joint " ballot rill bp ii:or26i according to the result in Canit .-.'Unit 'l.L! " r v r en and Currituck. j LOCOFOCOISM. tM; iaeiWhigs take the Locofocos 'to task ni question them pretty close as to their print jjesai.wbat treasures they.as a party pro wie rilieljettering of the condition4 of the uatuiey will ;ati once give an evasive an. j a:- . i 1 fs: f -? -j? i . - . - , v t 4 vember wjfli range; from 8 to 12.000 proba " yVhig lcyA gainst the rBank? againsH yy hJffheri' ' " i : s ' ' if f' no 4 ariii oi; ftgaiasi me tiisinouiion oi lie irroceeos o; te jruoitc jjtmas among me 3iite tUii ! In S'ctj'' against every;; thlnsr the VVhigsjre ;lb, lett be good or bad. It seems ojkihfcifhey.4y.i, anyprinciples or neasiirtJibr ! whithj they thonght the country vouia do, oeneniea, iney wouia noi nesiiaie ior j.pirtnent j to;jbiaUe them known to the pco le.T TMy wVwlq parade them from one end of. be nion u ine uiucr. ,uui mo iruui is, iucv tayejn'o'pnnciplet-pUiey are destitute of everjr hing likf principle except a love of the ipoU ;0cejand kt)iij language ofiHr. Calhoun hey are Ijeld together by nothing else than the cohesive power of publicplunder." Who, we wuh'tos know, desires to be attached to such a' Dartyja arty whose' sole aim is self-gain. lie -publtc good-nevipr enters info their minds.' rm'f. . ; - , -j 0-Wv hav'nt;; seen a- Locofoco since the election: that has forgone moment entertained the feasl (idea of ioiog any thingl all in the wtjrf flying thf votejof the State ' fbraheir tie J;M. jterribl bad, that we some time c?u':feci I sorry for, them. . But then; again, when we think of the many abominable voiutcaisins iney nave commuiea againsii me ; peace a,na happiness of the country, we cannot; refrain frqjtn bur$ting':righi . out in loud ' fits of lajaghteri at i the - down-cast and woe-begone 5 cuunj.ena.nce oi me poor creatures, no woumi relieve them if we; couldV hut the Psoplx have put tbeirseal of condemnation upon their men l u wir aesiruciive measures, ana u is noi our proacejt$ think of alleiatmg the punishment vbiich tHeV have i sol iustlv received for their ennjes-tr their pae and demagogical attempt v prostrlte the lianks ot the state, and shake tie tonfjece wMcb ihe People had then,- and stiUtiiavet their lolvency. Poor feliows,their; "wuiii ucjoiiq iUouui irremeyuuijr jueu, anu iw Ui must certainly go. :e.6fthctrulu toryiVill be th& dismissal of that reckless dem SSt)7Ue'An Jf.' Wlirltr 1mm Ki1 nf thf TreiLsviry of our State, and tne placing of somo ; eomhjperson (and we may say! with great Wuyrivvftk oae. wno wiu i reuecii nonor on llie .Suinjhiistea r. t rjt GEORGIA: MOVING ! :; i ! t he nhigs otueorgia held one of the largest Mass Cnve the 31st ulJ unrtirat Mdisoriiihat ever assembledtogether! m itiat ;tate ; before.' Not less f than twenJ tousllid good arid true ?Wh!gV were present BiJqcasionj I ijoiu Jonit j;McPnERsoj otxsiK ne among the purest men living pre Ji -cu,na uenverea a :souisurnng aaaress onn ifo.cnair. .it x ne uonrcouua was also Mqressea :bv a host of other plnntiftnt sneakers t n2 taeto wei noUce Hon: W. C ; PaisTok ? pj$gkions P field the bobbed of disunionism; I J n,Ttf U thousand! pounds of meat were bar- .---vu, hu tuu va vie neany a mue lonff. 5'bTi'lJrniajdHtjr than she; gave; Gent Itr 1 - c 81 cnanco ot their carryi i 11ikeU6 know; whcther!4h4 M CMrtl t!nii ikW weiu r .v i : I fl p tHvivsuu i mc election nas O khoWn. ft lKr snrvrnrf (n k.' ; Ur t. 't their candevaa first known oh s IfPParanees, jt would seem they are not HJ, iiJsk got themiconsiderably ;on the hip, vj 1 feive them a greater immjV? in f?ber, than he did on the 1st. iJ sccrvteloWthat we Jiavo ben sl-a Lip,' thisi week,; to publish full- returns .of the. lab lecUo from all iho Couaties ".save two Gates and IIde.: The result js mostcheering. Ye have overcome the majority, of twenty-six in; jivhich the oys! of the -Legislature of 42 rejoiced, andi elected & inajority of , twenty-six' si&unn, i souna ana euiciem irus. i ivwm tbjus be perceived that we have almost precise ly turned the tables upon , lhey boys we raean as to inumbix--we.peak not of talents, Hea ven save thia tnarklf ' Our' candidate for G6r-' ernor has beeni elected by a 'majoritT "which cannot vary much from '3,800. " This is very ;near the estimate previously "made , The i re sult in this articular ii', more- favorable to- the tocoi thanj that ' exhibited' "by 'the Election of f42, by ahont'orie in fifty. And this ; Jean moF sel which isj thur opportunely throwii' thenw tbeir leaders snatch, with eager haste,: smack their lips with art ill-assumed expression' of sat isfaction, and would fain have tur believe 'that their famished stomachs are essentially : reliev. ieid ! But toe mass of the "party, are" decidedly jdbwn in the mouth; All of the m : whose "coun tenances jgiW any indication of what Is passing witbin, 1K extremely blue.1 J From these, we iexcept thp editor of the Standard, who holds up Ihis brazen face as 4isuaL Hear1 him s'HSteo ibvlstepv enf bob! by charge,' we; are ) beating ido wn ; thej enemy.' v If the editor; has marched with his jpaj-ty and kept time withal, he haf ta. jklep vjust jprpeisely' twor$? steps " forward, ;and iireiv-nlJ5terps,! backward. -As to the char- ges-f-an re myst conie to the concIusioni' b this jl!me4haj the) editorj does1 eXarewe pre sum Ithey have been similar in mode and effect a! trLL" Jfi.il iJ-ii'1:" t iq lapse qi Bisjiuusmcws proioiype oi wina-mui ;niemry.ltH t: iSeiiouly, Jtvelsire tnore (an'satisfiedwith oiirj success. f -That ihe" efforts of Mr. Hoke; v,ha ceTtaily excells, in - an offhand ' popular nairanguenjany men wpo are lnunueiy nis siperibr jin xaoe imntparticulafs4hat his efTorta, ivje say, 'during the past spring and summer. Ih -dtih nearlv the whole extent of the State) shMd have told to the amount of a few hundreds when1 compared with ' the inactivity aim inuiiiereicer wua wmca ia-campaign was conducted jbr - His predecessor ini '42. is "what 'we htnosdeHainly exbeed. Mr.'Hoke has far out-run !hls party, but still falls' short of be ing elected by 3 to 4,000 votes. It needs no sax gacity tofseMthat Mr. ClayV majority in' No- 1 Anson;; I 998 373 372 527 1074 v 64 5 875 I 565 98 270 ' ,24 394 506 496 206 Henderspnl I ' BeHie; fl 1450 462 393 1 301 283 750 1514, 610 473 433 J309 593 Bladen; I 50 V Brunswick, Beaufort Burke, ' i ) ! Caldwell,- H Cabarrus.1 1 39911613 302 759 309 477 360 274 Cleavelandf Columbus, 4 - 129 351 197 283' .242 454 . . 73 443 137 Carteret, - j - Currituck, 1 1 332 r485 993 k ' 707 1153; 794 Chowan,!.! . Cumberland -Camden, -1 -Ciaswell,'1 ! v 243, ; 221 1333 210 ; 558 886 r! 603 1070 453 J 761 517 277 680 94 - -244 f 1190 549 656 - 1221 ' 484 178?744 : 74 1185" 1088 Craven, 1 - 622 Davidson, j I 911 658 251 878 Edgecombe, 118 1410 Frankfin,v Ga:tesil -362 ' 646 313 "427 320 jranville, 901 : 851 r;"tr 274 198250 1615 418 1920 567 i 419569 '465 216' ' 365 . ; 292 . 231 80 r;382 161- "? -1479 252 J527 r 9 204 463 378 327 Green,i Guilford, - Halifax,' Haywood, Hertford,! .Hyde,4-r Iredell, W. '379 583 "153 Johnston,- - 557 580 129 377 1579 639 193 - 213 Lehblr, "216 150 "'862' 316 nf 523 Lincoln, - 679 Martin, Macnti, 22QS 577 4 ,( 369; 284 Cherokee, i iiu . ... ouu . .......... Mecklen 764 1184 808 ' 1242 m m ioi staniv. m ft J w I- Montgome Af obrc. I i- 522 504 -M 684 T 5 12 Mcpowelli ; a T:642-i152 NasbJ 80 765 67 885 - '283 790 1101 553 1555 177 334 201 Hhrra ton, 1532 430: fl87581; 154 488 Onslow, Orange, 4576 ;1472 1761 1 otanlLj 631 144 j ,093 rerson, '4 i l 309 545 uunons, 353 " 94 572 379 149 . 590 , ; 419 764 1 . , Pitt, r i i :iill54 309 2 RowanV S809 73ri 354 113 1363 Davie; Richmond, 655 92.678 Roberson, 534 X 557; lS 566 ;597 Rockin 383.; , 954..;. ..Ut .532 1366 f 3 173 1402 ,-,:435-' Bampsoni , 376w603.W 458 732 1105 1165 .Jr;.lv..983 950 1032 . 1023 Tyreil 288, ,106 311. 137 1185 1073. 1271 Wake.1 953 Warden, 113.73014127, ,,716 -364, . 58 :232 216 680 ;2i6 :. 846 1833 i 109 q 164 1 299 493 1310 ,1615 39586. 34994 J35431.31694 :' .. muni ' lv v-3737 Wf iAuq Jpuuor ui 4uc,iv;ign .ivegisier m t paper has requested the Stanard man. to iena nun ineoeaqtiuu cut jhtuicji-.appearea - m the Standard of the 8th. we believe, headed for to preface the announcement of ine ; greai vicioiy acme vea oj uie f nigs w inis Sfaieovtrf Ae; jjoccos4o.thlnk;&.;re ouest a reasonable one, and which the Standard man ougns 10 conipiy wun, smce imngs nave turned ;ott trt the way they have-ind as -Mr," HoHeii cannot niike use cf it tirnsslf. r Come, It w ill b yayne,i.. Lilly, fj:!; brerf V.MOXOPOLIES. J ; -The New York Courier reads a pretty severe lecture tci ce rtain partisans ' who' clamor loudly nate Kioopp?Mf and shows the, benetst wkich children, me markets they afford for produce of aU kinds,' nnd the means they ? afford" of prose- are iheowners of such" estabbsbments,-the fol- lowing statement in regard' tb the Merrimack iManutactunng Company is.publisheoThe i 52 individuals retired from ! 1 siness i- -."..-r-T'''" t; "'2'r507' f;t. 80 executors, administrators and guardian trustees 268; 23 lawyers . 93 - 45 manufacturers, mechanics! ; machinists, dccl V V 150 -18 physicians s -: l'-'! 'ij-90 - t 3 literary and other institutions 30 15lannerM ts:""' 158 u ' 44. - occ inciuaing tnose wnos occupations are unknown ; 1 103 390 proprietors ,i. 2,000 shares 4 :1 ITnrr. l,rU. 4 ? For Harrj Clay and FrelinghiysenJ ' vTcn thousand Freemen assembled in- a TMMfeU,1jm 1i1iamsoil cpunty,Tenn;on tie-26thult. Them Tennessee boys are npiand doing. Theynirgive tpblk uerfthe ibs that will make Kim writhelik a scortci- ed sarpent- : u , . ; - -v.j.j u.s ir:n U viAA ?Z.l"."r result of the election ? Before it took place. i , wetore it took, place, iry large, that we thought 'e some faith in what he he was bragging so very j .. . . he probably, might have put forth in his paper, viz ; that the Locofocos would ckrrv the State. Biit it 'ftntUars nil hi oredlctions have been lrifiedJ; Th Whi nf North Carolina have elected their; Governor by a ma oritv lame enough for all useful numn: a n - . arid literally swept the Legislalurei Try again, Billy, and see if you can make your readers be lieve thai grinning Jimmy Polk,, will get the electoral vote of North Carolina. Pi7' twr ti i' , I Dnenntimnv Lva nonllaiti.Min.Jfiii. I when our friend John F. Poindexter was beat en for Solicitor, by .the Loco, Focb Legislaturej that they would hear from him again. He has yenned our prediction, and spoken in tones or thunder to those who proscribed him for opin- oprln ion's sakb. He has been elected! to the Le- gislature, and carried another whig with him. "G. A. Miller, Esqi , of Davie, who was also' proscribed as an Engrossing Clerk, has been also returned to the Legislature fronithatcounty ; Y'- - : - - ' Lgwtgr. - : A GOOD ONE i ' I A correspondent of the Raleigh Register A c T--?.. . t. gw "ry -vi- a xur. vacKwa, a t cofoco candidate for the State House of Com-' mons in one ot the counties, during a recent political discussion. Ho says : i - ' i I cannot close this communication without telling how Mr. Jackson was caught, the other day upon the tariff. , ; You recollect a certain let ter,, of rather, an . uncommon character . for a Southern Locofoco, which Col. Polk wrote re riv rt nfr r pkji.ai, wif cenJ this letter, hy some means, found its way into Mr. Haughton's hands before it reached Uie eyes of the Locos. Mr. H. copied the letter off, and read it to Mr. J i asking him if he subscrib- ca xo tne aoctrmes containea in u i iir. j. re- plied he would not.- Mr. H. then asked him if r ..... . . . T, . . . - . . - , . . , - y- T, man nannnnr.p.n sn nprisivpiv. i mr. jhksoil. fipdinglhimself fairly trapped, toed hy , every v ... . .... . . means to creep out of the dilemma, but discov- ering that there was ho way of i escape, he ai dopled the same" course ' he- pursued-' when .hf mn1 thA fammia unnllratlAn hf JiiHa 5?tnr ication of Judge . Story's f Judge . Story opinion in the Dartmouth Collegi case; (viz.) Coll beggi ue lessea me corn, ana oeggea on, ; - False Pr.r weeki tne! ' Standard' has been proclaiming with the " air' of a confi- dent victor, that the. Locos would signally tri - umnh in North Carolina.' The "result shows what reliance is to be placed either on the judg. statements in that papers And, yet, probably, they wiU allow themselves to feived again t . r ' '. 1 'l-'-ii-l; '-i'JLT-'r' wnen me rresiaenuai election comes on. j Wt ---- i r ; . i i " The Payetteyille '.Carolinian,! (Democrat says " "Although we have not elected our can- :?ZZZ2Zr foV the nrobable loss of tho Lefflslature. the democraU deserved the loss of power there, for it in 1842 ?m tin- And we are so well pleased with our candi date and the manlv fiffht Jie has Civen his ori- t tKat wa hArAhv nnminate Col. Hoke aa the democratic candidate for j 1848. yVMVMM svmwwx v v J r T-. " , , What you democrats 1" . " : - K .Mt TThe PubUc,Treasury: v- - . a m . ffwiniinaiinn wnansa nw vna Treasurt Department, in pursuance Of the sal- V "rr. H u L L -tj..i- '1 il , ..... 1 - 1lL - .i.'.1i - utary provision coninea the acts passed it the late session t gres aL . 1 1. m I hiai tMinf arM neys in the several banks and the mints holding not Jncluding moner in hand not Jreported to the Treasurvyon ':tne20ffi Wthno was eight millions capital of this ;corporatioh Js two jmillions of l"e 0f fbe State continue as favorable, xlollanividedintoOOO shaiso8i;000 each ! S!PTr"i0 'b?lc? b Stated , . which is held as jollowg : Va "S" j - f ' H AlabaxI. Our advices from this State are By 146 merchants and traders j 273 "shares, i J?t very meagre. i The Wetumnka Whiff gives 68 females '-V-P'- V- tt 228" a'J he would believe the btandarofand recemng foreign ; Voters m that City and State, and kft that office, has for the last two years devoted hb thie pancdealew, h an affirmative answer, he produced the Stan i will have considerable effect, it is said, on to the prosecution of claims before that office 5ndjhe 4n??;.5i5 dard and read therefrom CoL PolkV letter, con! titles of real estate. 1 other public offices of the Government Beingll ac- f taining the very identical word4vhich Mr. Hi , Xhe, NewilYork Egress says; The 1rovnc had read to Mr. J. and which the latter eentle, :aJ.Juu JI-jjX.:- j::L sources from wbennpnotd fTT??7:?!!!?' amine arid hear nrices. before Uvmeoudyonr cash else i tnree nunarea anu ijwuiuu. 1 . 1jomvl1metUarv.k.ns i. x, rvenm rost 1 p-.-i-- "t " . . ;n.niona. i and dars; iays or iheConreWon-thkt .norninated Polk ror oy giv,0, by Including unreported moneys in hand, to at . - . - , iT.-j'i.wl:,a 4 TOHIDO "Sa - - . i- lestiliixioW and Dalh,that .TJ1!11? -I??! 1 for Vhig Policy, Whig Legislation, and a Whig the nominalioa itself "party juggle rrpc. QJ EaWm6re msimfacttre, at . J11 TTiZNd;&.-: - ?.M:.J'V-:-:''J rrWted by avVet of Arable hacks,-;j 7 . ra.7 87,1844, . .H - - f; C 4F HID A Y II 0 E N I N G. ff-TT116 'elfcUoa :m 11113 'IounJ ?Hf ,uTn iM. for jGrst day i well for the Whiff cause, and promise a larVe fnt - o So.fai.ibcertained, Judge Ows- rJ' ? ' nuiuaio wr. vovemor, nai re., n IroiAXjLRetaraa fronj ten counties show ,le leon ,Pf fifteenVhig members to the Le- Bl5i;ana nveijccotocos. ,.lt the returns -W the resnlt in that place, which shows a vote ior naxrous, Whig candidate, for Congress, of 217, to 189 for Yancey, Loco Focb. ; The Whig addf We have also informal returns from some! three' or four precincts in Lowndes county, at whicJi Watrbus is said to be about44y,votes Coosa and Autauga show the same chances in favor of the whigs that the; i.i ballot box : at this place exhibited, the election of TFatrous is cer- toin." .4' Mobils Cbu2!TO.-rrhe Mobile Advertiser : !t Pe PK41' is that the en Lo" cofbcotiket is ie!ected;by a small majority. ire shall give the official , returns in our next. For. the present, we have' only to say that we howeverwhich give no cause for discourage. mentto the whiff oartv.'X ! - MoxrobxEav-has gone for the whiss bv a small majority. The following is the state of the poll : ' j I ! f - , wnios. j; j locofocos. Bunting j r 910 MitcheU 841 (Williams; V" f008 4 Harris 801 f A, wU1 seen froai th t, abo (savs the Montgomery AdveMis the whigs have elected for the first ime ini three years a full Representative ticket.4 . ' ' . ' i ' ! Tknnksske. The Indomitable Whigs of this noble State, are carrying On the canvass with ".''S ttUU eurs,a8U1 1'uaS1,iaoie- j We see a irited call in the Whis papers of onljr the Tennessee! Bojrsv jbut for the Whigs of the Union to assemble at Nashville, on the 21st instant, which it is supposed, will far outstrip the PAAMiitiAn nf lli& HaahU LU ! to An v vvuwuctu mere ill loWi ' ftndwmch ererted uck faithful influence m jwgnofthatjjylr If the prospect of hearing Jfae speaking and good and true ment wm tend to draw tho'People together, this Con Usn xkiAj - ... . ventibn will be oneof the, largest . ever held ,in - 7 H T S, . . coJ to understand those expected are the following : Hon. J. J. Crittenden, Wm. C. Rives, Wm. C. reston, B. Watkins Leigh, s. S. Prentiss, John M. Clayton, Thomas Cor- Wi, Ben. aiardiri, J. McPherson Berrien, Thbs; Metcalf, Arthur F. Hopkins, Waddy ijrf0-Mfp:.B?ie" tyton, J. J. Hardin. Randall Hunt. Thomas Ewinir. and A. , i , ' 7 1 it H. Stephens. 4'fc' J-K- If- !lMPWTArT JXJDI&AL DECISION. . A decision ; was givek in the Supreme Court Of New York, an few days Since, virtually declaring that the Marine Court of that city is not one of record. . This is very important toi naturalized citizens, as fnanv foreigners iwho have gone through FJ5. the purpose of ac- Huirins iuc nguis oi citizens, nave awam- ea meir ngaia mrpugn jme marine vourx. now; appears mat an tnat nas Deen done in. iius rca-pcuu iioji uccuiiiietai. me ue- cision dislmnchUes a. great part of the I : i J juuges who uavc luauq, ujis ucuisiuii ill u i . , 1 -t . ;s- i . itti i i iwii iiiiriiKNr. ijiinriH Mm nni vw f 1 1 r iinirpv w -iir tuam a r T ;s T t t T , . 1 i. i : - i .1 X?r" f f" ""J, ipnuuiuioo pa- f" pent ayail nOWing Wnen prOCUrea WUU- out authority of law and; the properxourts v1f aw ucwiuma w pcoii uwc, the jeiTect will.be to undo what has been aieSy done ifor more , than thirty years I P35 " 'i2iill!fi j ; H PENNSYLVANIA. One oC the, largest publicj meetings ever held u, , ... . i . from aU Ae neighboring country, and the pro- Jinn.. V...ir.kv.. ..ranA rJ4 vL-Arl 1m lVa warm- vB";"r51fWUkr- " j is rr- i,r.f-- ltd T The followmg letter j frpm Gov. Jones, of Tennesseet addressed to Charles Gibbons, Esq. j ij give a pretty good idea of the unfairness m "ght dishonesty which the Locofocos in attempting to palm off Mr. Polk upon the people as a friend to protec- NASHvnxi, Jct-t 25, 1544. 'u Dxai Srki By the mail I enclose yoa two publica- tions'of Col. Polk's during the last summer's canvass on d subject of the Taring dec. From these publications you will perceive the Colonel js dead against Protection, are, 4 It soniids strangely tons wl hare been accu ed tohesr Col-Polk, to hear it stated that he is a Tarin '- wk - wa . wawk m fi a. .1. v ti m m n- man, or in favor of Protection. ; . I have met him on more a(Ka b.a nnvinnsan ann tiitw tub in at ann iwYrr nnru mm i Tfcj .uuli .M.nwfli V m ilut ti 1ift tint mki speck in my i eanvasa with him that he did deno&nce the tninciDlesof ProtectSon. Indeed, thisi niUB H BUCCUl UK IU T MU11BOB. WW .M. " " & 7 on'which he and hU mends-relied. to sv Ior i "TtaA aw taA av fi aiTa-aaa ir I Si n HWalSssSsS f rfl nftlT W 111 TllA 1 4 The contest is fierce in 1 ennesee--eacn pany in ine C&utxxs Gibboxs, Esq. I'll .. . ;.") . . ..--. i- . -r . , -.;. , 1 The Evening Post, in the course of ah aftirla ca the Texas affair, proposes a new "available" cand:datef"thu3 :- v jr..r 4 U it to bo supposed that these gentlemen Messrs; Van Bured, Benton, Wright, dcc-l are all to come to the riffht-about-faee. hecama a f5w men in Baltimore see fit to pass a- resolu- noa in regaro u wmca iney, received no man date from the people 1( t4f the Democratic par ly has such ability to jump about and turn a bout' as the v .would imolv. . not Mr- Pnllr , JmxCrow should, have been our candidate" -; j At this early stage ,of the business we . wish oi .iir.i,t.row upon. .the.tariMj and does- he think, with another distinguished Deraocrat, that the .' duties imposed by, the existing laws on importions are unjust and ought to be reduc- r me same iime avowing ii as nis opin ion mat; "wool is not' sufficiently protected 7" Let us ' start fair ' with Mr.' Crow; so that we may know where to findhimt4everytime he turns aDouu . x. lYtbune. -- i New York Given up. The correspondent of tne. lUharieston Mercury, writing from the Hot bpnngs..Ya., says r : ?It is openly said here that the Democrats of Ne w York are npt doing theirduty.Though,14rgely in the ascendant, they cannot or Wulnbt be roused to action. The defeat of "their favbrite son, and that effect ed tbb aslhey (errbnelously) believe, by Southl era'1 influence, has evidently pafalized the efforts of the party,' many-Of Whom will not go to the Polls..1 For this reason j and the thorough! organ ization of the Whigs there is some 'ground for the belief that that great State will belost to us.' . It deserves to be remarked that Henry. Hub bard, Esq of New Hampshire, one of the com mittee appointed by the Baltimore Convention to announce to Mr. Polk his nomination to the Presidency, is a' Federalist ' of the 'Hartford Convention School. We do hot wonder at his affinity to Modern Democracy for, as Mr; Clay well remarked at Raleigh, the worst part of the old federal party, on the reorganization of pa ties, enlisted under the Locofoco flag. ! -- : In this Town on Satordajr the 10th inat., Mrs. RutH Botdkh, wife of Nathaniel Borden, Esq., aged 43 ream. Obituary notice handed in too late for this week paper.) In Mocksville on Friday the 9th instant, fcauuxs Hezekiah Cowak, son of Abel and Mana Cowan, aged about 17 years. f i : .'"'- . In Davidson county on the llthinst., at the- residence of Barrel Wood, Chasles Brvmkell, Esq. (The de ceased a few days before his death, had been elected a member of the Legislature of this State. " j ' J V : At his residence in this county, on the 12th iftst., Ax dkkw Haktxan, aged 61 fears, 9 months and 14 days. We had lived in humble retirement where he had the best opportunity of cultivating all the moral virtues, and had been a regular communicant in the Lutheran church from early youth. ' ' Jrfl. AJ APOTHCARY BUSINESS! . .ii. - pennand ayres FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, A Li50 SSrpaanafLffllii. cs&33iws3e for sale JLM. at the People Drug Store, by HENDERSON $ WHEELER. SS, P. Hcndenon's Ague and Fever Remedy, A SAFE and cerf ain cure, may be had at the Pee pie's Drugstore, from '"' ' HENDERSON St WHEELER. 4 ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTURE. RAY'S Ointment, Jayne's Vermifuge, He V""1 McLane'syermimge,Dr.RowandsandJ tnlin's and Jaynes family medicines, Lee's, Dean's, Dyott's HooperK Spen cers Hulrs, Peter's, Phelps and Beckwith's puis: also, Dr. P. Henderson's Stomacbick Elixer, may be had at the! People s Drug store. -g rkfin'109 of good Tallow and Sperm candles for AWvf sale at the PeopWt drug store, by I HEJfDERSON tc WHEELEE. DR. P, Henderson's invaluable Anti-bilious pills for sale at the People's Drug store, by j HENDERSON & WHEELER. Salisbury, Aug. 17,, 1844 tfl$ . fYlHE subscriber having been for several years engag- ed Office, exclusively in aami. I nattnn of Claima for Revalntionarv services : and having i j -uj i au ucw u uuo wt. i H will transact business of any kind committed to his charg :harge for a reasonable compensation. All letters on business must te post paw. Reference is respectfully made to Hon R. M. Swx- Tkvva Tfnn.-M Dawtet.. andlJndm Rames. of Nb. Ca. ' n'QVI vpOTpn Washin,n ciiyJunc, 1844.-7fpdl0 ' State Of HLOXtll CsltOiittl Tvr r t v e a f nr tt jitt V rr iiiAio j ivcyiv a . t . IN EQUITY SPRING TERM, 1844 John Finley and others, i TT appearing to vs. j Xthe Court that the Abial C. Parks and W.Tarks. defendant, AbUl C. Parks is not a citizen of this Stale: It is ordered that defend' Parks, county on the 7th monday after the 4th monday in August, oth erwise, judgment pro confesso, will be token against him; ! SAM L CALLOWAY, cMi.E. '; August 17, 1814 Printer's fee $5 00 j HEAD QUARTER, I wSafw&itry, Aug. 17, 1844. J nf th nfth " lM MW- v.n, OFFICERS ATTENTION! ! . . -. . 1 i t VOUsrt hereby commsnded Mpar.de in Salwburv. on Saturday4 the 31st ' A . Ti. fh. ramM nf lwtinfr a Ma Wfineral!fthe4th Division of North! . a... . i n mar Carolina Jwliuna, m place ot uer. d. i.; fney.restgwd. By order of Brig. Gen. CookJ , " I 11 KKI 11V ii. v . -t. .t riBGROBS; WAMTBD I i . , - i x a- u -: - I ; 1 - - lr ' ' . . I- . V- I w H W TTC . 1 . 1. H L. .A WB. Ml. f 1 r. v WfTTTTI CT I W SeaTb; " 5 ? i , rT - . : 1 tVAM IMAl IhtAZi. 5lrcIu. "f1 W"W"..T -'"i HT- " wm oe. given.- A- Wi CONNER. IRii i . tf 16; nf tAfrnAtf-NOTIC. r: " HE Presbytery of Concord w!3 meet at ew Hope rhtirrh. in TJncolri countv.on Thursoay,uie wi October ai,lejfeoc STlirtllii. IKUfliw,"- 7-!-" .w m W u kr K iih. Presbrtenan, ana UA rMM. ic is enaDiea to renaer essennai aia w sucn -mm nwj require i - r - !MTTiitiannrpn d iv BEFORE YOU BUY!, . t- i XL "believe the CHEAPEST stocl,. "". of hew style, and fashionable Goods,. ! i i . ,Tever brousbt to ths western part of Wurm Carolina, may now be seen at our establiihnacnt. con- v sisting in part of J . i" . , ' baperhne sad low price, blue, wool dyed black, invLa-1 . - i hie greeai cadet mixed, and silver drab cloths ; 1 ? ' - . ' 1 black and fancy, English and French cassimeres ; ' ' i " " . plaid and fancy striped do. very handsome and cheap j f fancy striped, and plain linen Drills and Gambroons ; i: ; plaid and plain Tweede Cosaimers, 3-4 & 6-4 ; , , j . merin6 casaimeres, cashmaretts and drab.de Ete ; , ' Kentucky jeans, satt'inets and cotalirjes, (new articlOi ' Marseilles, lancy silk and satin vestings, (gre ai variety) I , black &aJ r&iM si Ik mm mnA twk: ' . ; 'j.v bUck. and eoTd alpacca' lustres, and bombaiinesj 1 p ' i-,. faacTStriDed anil firl slnnrrsa and fvn)ini r .-'-tiKv; . t , - a r -s t : .. s t, gingham lawn, org&ndees, and muslin de syria, (new ! articles,)"1 y, , j - 1 . - . t- ; ' ' ' wool and cotton haWies, (new paiiernsj ?"- ' r French, English and American prints; at 6 1-4 & Cncr. "F uuiguwa ana printea lawns ; f ' ' nmnsooK, dwws, oisnop lawns and jaconet muslins ; 'laee striped and plaid muslins ' ; - gimp, Paris trinxtaing, blk filet and chamietta ei!a ? Pit Ashburtoa cape8,eollars,Vtctoria bandssdeings ilace; barage scad, ladies crsTats and muslin caps ; , : j , 1 - ; ji grass cloth; linen and silk hiatfh'flsjjlU; V , 'figured poid de Soie and foulard silk; -;".''''. i nnder handlnsL French Sowers, bonnet & cap ribband i. r T!ailors t trinlmangs of every Variety, (est quality) ; - i plaid linen coat gingham and pantaloon stuhs ; j . i 4able and towel diaper and linen sheetings; . j Nankeen, chalucket drills, bed tick and apron check: t Aho-4-a verv larsre assortment of A. SAliDLEnY, c SADDLERStRLMAIINGS, : bmah and carpenters tool, carriage trunmings' of every 4$ dozen iFlorence braid, willow, cypress, and lawa r bonneufi 1 1 dopanama and leghorn hats t ' "i jllO dpa plain and fancy palm leaf i .ut; do 4 ; 43 black and white tur..t4rtJ, do, i " 6 do square and round crown sporting do lfl AA hlld and rhif wrvnl '- ' I do 26 d men's and boy's cloth, velvet and glazed caps i BOOTS AND SHOES. pr jRobinson's fine kid and calf shoes and slip-. s-. peis : 60 do men's Eat and calf do ; . t , ( . i 8 cases fine and low price call and morocc . .tvi.. C-.;Ts iDoots,ta550i . .f . v 600pr en's lined and boandshoes, (cheap) t , I ij 40' women's pegged and sewed do 75 and 84 1-2 " : ' r 50O- negro shoes, (good) ' - " " ' ? J ' 500 lbs ioak and hemlock sole leather,(best article.); K M ba8 rio coffee 7 1-2 to 9 ; rery best n t JUJ 22 hhds Orleans andPortd Rico sugar 1-4?;: " ' pui iLlr i Jt itr l t..nr .'"-r." 4-- ih .: j ilbSrrels crashed :-; 4JdoHy;'; i 27 hhds sugar house and West India molasses j J 42 tees rifle powder. 84 50 to 86 50 : WA ! 280 lbs best indigo ; ' ! . ' .. . : v. ,r M 53 boxes 8 X 10 and 10 X 12 ... uu ips oesi wmie ieaa, warrnici . . i 6 barrels tanners oil, (besttjualsty) V$ ;i i 1225 lbs quicksilver, castor oil, salts; and quinine i 3 tons; jsngusn ana oweae xyre .iron y v f i IJ.fi i9 nails : Sftr elintie snrins i- i.vfej'ki 't.ft"I' 200 pr trace chains i JA bellows.; 18 anvils & vicetj 1 ! 900 lbs rhanilla rope, suited to muung . ? 395 dozen cups shd sancers j -TT ! :1''i The ahove! goods i were bought exclusively for cash af- - ter a dec fine f from 10 to 15 percent! from Spitag prl-' ces; andreinow offered for cash at wholesale or retail unusuaUy lov. The citizens and public generally are re.r ; ; spectfullyf mvited to call examine aqd; hearwpricekf Countrv merchants Snd pedlars will find ft to their inter n. est to examine the bove etock before putchasing,' aswf; , ,r ! areideterlainidlo give the best of bargains, - 4 - ' T ii JENKINS & BILES. t! SalispirryJ June 15, 1844 . ' 3m7 3 -v , . - . . r 4'- ...,1 ;.r-r THE jfirm of Cress St, Boger wasthis day dissolved lft ; mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are earneetlyrequested tocall and settle 4artlculariy those : ' who have, open accounts, as we are desirous to have the concern tlosed without delay." ( Those , having .claims -against the said firm will blease present them for settle Lmeht." DJ H. Cress, or M. Boger will at all times bs found . in their Cbuniing-roojn, ready to Makii setuemehts.7 ii tfcf i Salisbury, March 16, 1844. NE W SPRING AND I - M. BOGER bees leave to inform his friends ana the publici that he has purchased the entire stock ot Crest ;w Boger's Q&ODSdUDSSS and in addition he has re . ceivedfrom New York and Philadelphia, a handsome " stock of1 - ' -jr-.-Ip-i. VV 1 ' SEASONABLE jGGOI)S'Si!K which he will oflef very cheap for cash pr short; credit to wnere1. - t marcb IH. 1B44. ' 1 ""rt ,l; l:tf:-- ;'. ...'J :Miht-;:r BY Isaac Biles, living 6 miles eafc of Albemarle,! f and entered on the stray book of Btanly county on , -, the 27th of July, a hrown horse Mule 4 feet 2 inchea high, sad supposed to be 10 or 12 years old, with a limp in the riht fore leg ; valuation g(L The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property!, pay charges and take him! away. ?; ; HENRY: DAVIS,-Emmgertp'i: Angast 10, 1844-Jwl5 . J . - J j THEj heirs next of -kin of Hannah Roberson arar" hereby notified that the legacy which I hold in my . Kan1 aatliM Erector of Patience Lewis, is ready tobepsid to them jwhenever Gwy come forward for the same, as V- I nnitt nwan to tv accountable for intefest'-V " if ,. iib; W. THOMASON. Exr.!f ? of Patience Lewisllt . Auguft 10, 1844- 5wl5 TWENTY DOLLARS REWARDS 13 ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 11th JtV instant, a negro boy named UATHlITt v 7rt good gun-smith, about 30 years jof age, not very . H!art ahontve feet seven inches hish, his two NOTICE fwt apper teethout, and hMSsmaMscaronhisforelKSdUr He liadSi an old white hat. and eanie.1 with Bim aflsf fl cloth coat, two pair of nankeen and,a pkir of black cloth pantaloons, and a red velvet vest. 'ie soove I wai v iwn for Kia armwbenaian and confinement in any I "fr , yALEX.MEBAN Hillsboroagh; July 17 .! 3wl4 l Uu! TVRftnnFS FOR SALE I I .. : J a - f Af 'r i TJKELY NEGROES tot saie on gwu icrma. ,fr" lOplyto ' r- : ,.jvkaiui5.-.5 I- ! . T . I lilC nr .UH.1 L OllATJUM . ort 1 Qji 4 i tri a a v t 1 H,.CCmirl iyn SELECT CtASSlCAL AND MATflEMATlCt, I nvt TiwkrA, K.mnv rMHfmed tu chSTee Of V H I I I J MIUvW Mv. . . ' - - v " j . I fori XlUiaUUIWUii" lWiUWUl I - vy. l vrrr Xrnmr: twlv ndles south-west of IHWV i -jrtr .rr! ",v.j:rzi ftj-chao afiJ th name distance west nearly, houv vaap-. el Hilt i-His leading motive sUedueatk J3 a eon? ; nd his selection has been made 2J referencwsto ihis subject; .Tv: & V V Iiaish.tnay-ea. - " ; y' " ri WHITE LEAD :: - !; al?Say nil for sale ar 1 ENNISS- w' Jans 'r" . " -'r-'i - 4- 1- I -v - I-