1 s -ft ? "si ' 1 I MS OF THE WATCHMAN. 'oitblhw in advance jand two dollars and fifty cents x end of th? year, - -4 v- ,"" " ' : - ybasf-iptioh received for a less time, than one year,' S3 pi'ii for d advance. ' - - , ' . it aA3cnptio9 discontinued (but at the option &rl uSiil-fl.il arrearasres are oalj. ' ' '.'.'" f'li'.h "', f Ejtxii r!i iuofrsxTistxo. j4 " rf t,ttisrqaatt fe tha first insertion and twenty ;urftecesand Coartrde wfll 6e charge J 2 a per IhileK'thanl the aW rate. dcanctlon oC 33 13 per cent will be made to those iadlfrbib?mr-l ' ' . r ...V l m&tisemetita will be continued aaul forbid and li&laecordlnsly!. unless ordered for a certain num ttre .d4?ar3ed.to:the Editors roast come ytt rMKG VISITS ABRO Atxa V- es; ?4 nce.oi ihe N. Y. Express. U ik3T.pBTjEa'8ClJRCII,' &(? August, 1843. Passports. 4&.si&kJ! eUlflt ihe Tascfih lor thoapai jdo p&piir paspbrts first passing through fcHvaS something to be seen of town" but 'all along to Kpmb it LprRe inpst part a picture bf: pover an( jeriess" Aye J (entered f Roma irf !5baqty qfithp morning, espying St t afar ofto tqdl-us where wts were luftirbbked little morelikccivil-'' tjbrt a we approached the city. The )M:v.sbmp sfens of a? better! cxist jin4 tfeild tooked fairerjand more )iqtryethan kn4 we had seen thislside; Mscn:bbers. tas Jve entpretl the gates of Rome, $Me fduly epduring lh yirtueroT )btklpaticnfce. lour passports, as f ihe cfcilirtgfplfiguof aktraveller in Italy; rcfixciiangeiuor pnntea pcrmutea per s?ioiism;thePolice to resident Rome. 4f inrijj( wheij vleft AVere to be angd tor' oiir passports and thus ev r erttbrs aiid leaves all ithecitiesr pf lfdjfained':hen..v he arHves; atone! lb eicKangq his passport for permisj i Id Mst r a! time twheHhei isr arftt &i jied Jwhen Je departs at another tof !l.t lns jpiass 'lf ipms4liat every petty gbvernment & Mite maV' tre$cribe,U It impossi ;npt ttt be la littlo savage at times over ;aj$Ayancp at ismot enough ithat ar iruuK a.nu oyeriuni au y ou, nave, nor SnjnyppareivS M 'fifer!bfjice;;.- offieers,whbiiareas' ei ruu.e. as genuemaniy, uui t your per iii fkjitmore a youtown: disposal than itukC pEery; treller is marked inilmbereQ like a mixed flock of sheep, a thousand hogs or oxen driven to a mar tlplacelfoFa geneiarsaley ? 'the police !fmii sea Who you are and ;what yoiir rf falandiaIdier of any character or eharabten must bbeyTail-"'their?cbrii- 6tlete badge f authority--and ff5e thar j ttieAmerjcari : Consul de i3irigf time imorefthanatiy other rapli;.r-ShsVirgnat port .bpfbreyou can make a safe exitl MYi 'trivvn.-i if liir rnn pnMiiwt. n r ? imnnsi. ij plmij Jbreier with bejter: 'grace ala epuhjman,:and" witH no pa ii:t?iUvKn know that the 'de-; iftci vi ja f stretchlbf authofity.:Sb"iar eaVepf niy asspbrtahd many leaves : tblanl boofe into which it was neces-4 rMd, i ae ; black,; blue ; arid re3 iv ial;ahd signatures and this, tpo, ithsHntfing ihfall my travels in Riis-I ila,;and8 partjof Wussia?Iadl MlJdhipasjiort; to give me fa safe de rf railcq nrpug njtne GpthV .anid, Vandals! ? Jj&eTOtfiit t Jjl'hc axpense the .iejaLS i6yif;f passports,! though; amaht ji nbti ;irb 'tp throw away Jiis;morieyi wiciv po better compensation iga thc antogni)h bf a. fellow who gets' ifiTftNy;;Wign"ing his bame lor l!ei AnJ American feelflhese'ani f.bre'lian!ra lUse !n home wn have no such nuisances: pl(bVpmetti at Washington, there4 ifoweslit! to! itself to mend its share bf 'l.ftvugK lmpo: ea upon f Americans a- pc Pabat Chte mmmt St; Peter's, Ac.- f I had ben bill an hour at Rome before! ftb;Swithin 1 We waHs f St. Pete?si ihtseeinff at times becomes a ; Twisibnt 1U vfiti- iu ijuituauguea me, it was inj isiljle: tjtfj resist jhe, temptation to begin I lbor 'and j3l4sure of seeing Rome at j:eJhg(Roine ?iTIiat is I no: easy I: uyv.i! oecin"- uome ! 1 nar is.no easv krader.jLbeguti atrStPer w eaaeqiac me X arpeian Kock, and saw Mq,UM 4eryf uouynui me ropp, lilvetlmlthe Mofkitigilays of a'weet UtiSridavs theVwereeb-ihninohr- )fm Wing iatcl vAs at Florence; I shall pressiorr wliich .bther times and events ofuunpa Tor n. sp.1 cnn. n rtPS(nnft is-16 describe " a'greotwbrldtht wonuanax is.: , j.ne iwp jT x ciurs cnurcn,,i)eiir man I have seen, tells" ihe bf megrani Jear and power bf the Panal Statfs- nV chtias-iheV are sbme. i". rvVT'r ineiimcs uoman states, pm pbman; la the Usurpation of (t'Utle Pterit(d.he Mmsito seafrom tlie Adriatic P(?fllhcally;itcem rTYKnt;and!moralJy, a wicked one lrJ y ."IlB OI lohness?ria and each Mfetitle ?r fllh Eminence :Thb tfr? no JMimsters of State of the one Ro It: PtiiiiiilfiH '1 -w-;-- t 111 3 -'9' r- The Church bf StlPeter; where I spentmbre inan ve, nqurs toee somejoi its wonaers, an?yaltjlafsl ari id Ib tljes magnificence)f sthe Papal autiibt; ty off ;Rpme.iJ Sixty millioiisofdol Jar-wsoul this cbst6-' the "edifice; dnd to saimCfstalt't shall bfatispmleT ful -alli Went-from the pavement to the; xjrossfof ithej cupola,-a distaric6;of 448 feet after jstttin in! the i ball) where' a'party of fthirtcenlhate taken breakfast, descended ; aain jtb the flporia vwalk its length inVa jdiJebftp3ftfeet'iherbradth'is"pu ( uu, icbicsis uian me lcnsin. ana an, auar t timeli4llfsee it with a fcelihsr bf dis appbibtn!tsrandehr,l tilul ptec ojEfrchitb jthe jmbrej; jmau"seemsaj)igmy child seen Irbmlbnb tend to tlie lother, arid StI PaulChufch, at Nejv j yckjnight haye a quiet Testing placb beneith the dbmef bf St.'Peterskat .Rome.ilt istbe largest of all the churches ;of Europe land a marble upon he pave- Lmeht gifes Ihe comparative size of each in an tnp cnurch there is nothing mean or Commpn. '.f With but? one painting there aro innumerapie designs in mosaic which not one paif of eylbs in - ai' thousand would 1 pstirtgui$hlrom paint rich figures! emblems:as memorials of the tthe.lonbred dead, remembrances "for.- re- Xou may? vitot Peters a? am and again. and yet jagaiii some riew .wonder burst upi f on ypuii-Marts at V enice, may inter-K esj you more lor us associations, and; per- i, 1ul'fbauLi- s t 1 1!5 - Vi.-- haps,! in, I the .peculiar architecture of the churcHlaifafawbrkbflmo for St Peterfs though completed nearly two centuries aijd; a quarter, is at Rome a, mod- ernfrk-ttthe dntenorf of St. s Peter's lcyv'?mWcai .l worldN IJNext to the buldiner. I studied the reHobtcembhiesf of the place.- ;f Here if t v v ' k ' v i' -r"vY-r i i behjejmthfj gorgeous attar of tejChurch -tHera!hundreTd lights are1 ev iriniT mpd li an bufning-rest!: the remains of P jrjiJer. -1 .fp. priest ;. conuueteu us 2x0 xne Churehi tiellw, and innocently I was lead- irnr a Russian ladv. wholhhH heen'a trav- vvhefblir feuide71n"hismmteial3bes and with look; bf hbrrori' waived 1 his hand, for,the lady to turn backw - The sign yfai sboh interpreted in an inscription in .Lacm 3f ow, aeciaring14 inativomen coma be admitted but oneday in the year,and that iibbn. that davmen conld Jibtt ienter ! Ope dayurii the three hundred and sixty- e ! j j ilVnat : :a disproportion is ; this, di what an opportunity; for ' those who rail a Itb thferm great vibj( bf ths left:bbthas"receaVe1i ten icgion pit Kisses, ana me wnoie ngnt 100c ': ' 1 ' f 1 : . 1.1 t t ' 1'. ? isijwqrpiSaslfemooth as glass, --and the half off it is wofti awav from.'the : kisses it has received;. , l ne priests Dena meir :neaas uponj tneiiaoc, ana aner a, pause? kiss it iwith iholy leverehce.; Others r kiss :it as aevomiy, apa nine cniiaren-ironi xne sca- tuejioil infancy' until they " are bid lenough ivj uttn :ims, uuxiurcu ; ipaiiit, are ticu up by parents! "arid guardians; to obey bothin a command deemed as sacred t as any in hol; iwrii. H One bf the : elegant' doors of ed wherever it could be reachetVuntitthe. bronzri figures uponlthavelbsf alFtheT rougfrjslrfUcea lohk agelhatfgivenhem PI J, 1 JT ., . -r Drcsent of jthjipopisone bf s ththree;Basilicas bf the holts citv.T' Once in a sreneration it r ; ii ! a is bpehed by the Popeinv the presence of tnqusaraasvno congregate to see it as, a miracIebthecharchThedc peirs w jta! all the magic of an "Open Se- same,T l f tne multitude amazed are taught toil reverehce4?! asonebf the holylbffnffieitWn the Ch aref rMc wi the imeMtJbf Romejteil you- be truefJe timlpyin'&i nirumAi t i,;!.;-' tributMI rinpsriibbrally though not most willihtrtviHr tr rnmniti rtf iko a marxyrs,' and holy places and even bf the SavibuhimsclfV to the spiritual building uJ;of ifhlitniaytherb seem tb'rcgard as th ik itk Wi v tbr iv-w: Timif a! Ix ' ? , i i . . , ! I piaitlitbithvNe relicVbut painfuras ifwas i eUHWua5;haVe!Iabbred'with the zeal of ioMWconvek'to' their faith; as manyi itrptesianis, wouia iauor w convert therh. $ TSb .runs the 'world-- - We deem all that; they possess Jt. t i - The-Nuilcios or ambassadors of the Popd I hacseebriEl in some 'splendor, but nothing icfJthe; true Papahldigniry untit"I had beeii atRomR fni - snmi Hav?J gainst the ineouahtv of the sex-1 rail; bre'ahdmbrei;' m ter is another curiosity; . and one of smess ot this y ristinnrilnnni nf ihn PhtirKXTUA F an. aged and L I vvm t H Mr vuvy vv i wmuu i uiuu- i on;ttad ifope bad it transierred toms great .vJr. -v'Y.v? prx " bstlChJufcSj abd here ir stands wonder ' hour th Synoi hung UponithtUips of the of Ithe Ibafit And Wnsfmt W: ' Another speaker. Such an exposition of abolition- heretics but burselvcs,-and-" amidst so the youthfuLmihdV 1 A' triflingvord may lflx! -i ii ( -. . - ..V-' " v -" -1.- w'il - v :v;,4rrt,. craw-nsb, which, is just as blind, though, not as many contending;, creeds .who shall pre- make;an. impression on Lit; but. a fevv teaulifuL!;Wo nexJtcoroe to:the Echo .river,' scribe thpi true faithr-Happy are they years ilia;inostpcrwe;ppc-;ina3r, sln hy'uj. the Entrance' to purgatory, whoseiiving virtues prive them the hope , cease, to influence, it: . lninKi-ot tnisj ; ye; r' eux.- niml i injri, Wmd irit5r uernaVJ, or claim, an absolute - i ;VwycTf!,V7.-" ' be safe for. it to carry amid the .JPPoraJ aytWity. ::Thcrc'arp$ightsaRomcJioweycr,wbicV temptations of the world, .Jll; '1WEEP.A CHECK vror- tUi iUub - . , i 5 l;-::- vill "ever shock the, :minds of i aU yprotes tant Chrisdansrv5 Ipeak not bf thbse;per sohal: obliquities; of w character! which; are openly! charged upon the. priests of, every grade; for I have seen none of theni, They may not be true-rat least. they areexagr geratedjbythe tongue of calumny. j Where men are educated, to, be priests Jand car naTsiicbildrjen; taught a mechapi 'Itradeiitj.isjmssiWtHat jnre should rT6t be many cloven feet.beneath, a whitq or black gowh.U But what shocks one aU most as much as a- scandalous priesthood, is the blind confidence reposed'in some, of the fbrmsipf ifaith:; At StPetersjGhurch liounted twenty-five public cbhfessionals, andkiheyi. appear in, aUwthpichtirchesi of itome wnera i nave Deen ' -uvereaenwas in 3n In LmcuV - - - :UDoh threeSGermaniaiUUn aupon-twb,Gallica!s ITpon the remaining appeared JPjandricay lllyria, Poliohica Anglica1; iiiisitani, His-i pania and Graeca, and thus ib each con- fessional thes languages) of ll. civilized nations ivere -SDokeh.nd heard. 1 Priests at t stated times may be fouiid in each, beautifuf. women and bad meh. it mavbe. seated side by side, shut but 'from the world, with a tree communication of the ear faces, mutually visible; and only sepa-i rated by the thin wall ot the Single stool of confession.! Here confessiobs are' made witttstreaming eyes and-pejajfeiit ! hearts Here iontributions are levied for the coh-i' fessibn of sins, and hence, r beyond fall thisj ? -ui . .v n; A SCENE IN A SYNOD. v jt inth'e 'Autumn .of ? id3Jtfthat the . vLwkIq'i' Ze- -srtllDJ Zia'- venerable oynod ot JNew Jersev held its 1 r . . . . v V: fV -i Borough ot Elizabeth. But jtelargerr more leaf ned ecclesiastical bodies meet in this country. - Embracing yithin its limits this cou two colleges; and tbeVnrincibaHTheolrMrL .p ... -f -m -h .i i imiiiui 1 1. v ill i.iii. m.vaauajaaaa.cii.a aw i-; a v at large" territory, where Presbyterianism- has been long established, it numbers "a-: mong its members some of the ablest scho-; lars, professors, theologians, and civilians in-America. i On the occasion ) to which we now. allude it presented ,;p,n imposing in theolbgy whose gray hairs wbre at once to them a crown of glory and the orna ment of . the Assembly -therbwere 1 the president and professors of Princeton and Xatayette uoiieges, wim npc; merely an American but a European reputation ; t here were the venerated pastors ot a hun dred churches and .elders, . from the elo quent Senator through the 'various grades of civil and social life, down o the plain tip iif-ri but pious farmer. . r kj 1 .jK ,1.;. in the bu- omcntary pause enerable and learned body tighly- respected clergyman arose, stating that he wished to present a few resolutions to the consideration of. the Synod. His age and well earned charac- teroptainea ior nun a Kinuijyiearing., nis. resolutions were on the subject of Aboli tionism arid in its favor, and j in opposition to Colonization. A fevv well directed re marks fell from their mover, after which The Synod looked ns JMakn by t sur prise, and hone seemed disposed 'to touch the ' excitiiigl subject. , The Moderator was aDoui ?risin.,io P"t ine inuuon, , wnicu would have resulted in thei rejection by VOl i???! ne: wasarresd. .py wpM em- j v.;ll,r nmnnnnrd In i iiinmAnt nil i phatically pronounced. In p. jmpment all ism, and 01 tup Diessmgs 01 voiomzauon, .. i " a.: r thb Jagcd jbnes never heard before ) nor the more youthful ; bhes since j It was a torrentof eloquence irrsistibie( in argu ment and most affectionate andf winning in its: spirit and; manner, hehesat down enough was said.; Theflbwing tears ot many ot tne gray neaaeu: traps suoweu gijc.opportamtjrto .Ptherstp jspeak, but not. a word was uttered; The jnptipn was Pion femwthreions, and the mover onv voted for tbcm ; .whilst the rolc vJ";81 rC---- And wet have; never had an Abphtion res-. olutipnentepVtp.the Syrionce.r iThetmover of the .resolutmnsj was the C..n.1.kA;j( rrtf-arlnTfrS!t- thorn opposer; wasTheodore Frehnghuysen of i 1- .TItcYouthfuIMind.Astraxetflmt&h ran' impression on 1 the virgin snow let it remain out a saorj, uiiic..auu., uvi ac s uwi can. scarcely penetrate it.' r So it . is ..with who have the training of - theinfant mind; ' i t . . . :' :n ana leave sucn impressions xnereuu m lollies and " r . i .7 J KOOU. 4 JUO THIS, AKB UBEEIT r-v - 1.7 v- ' mr.vf j.MC nrrf 1 1-: - V'--;-. AMuvrt vi ine iKumiue journal i : . ; Here X i am -at the jvery last end of the great Mammoth Care; of Ky., ten miles underground. I say the last end because a few, years ago. tho farthest extremity 'was believed to be not more than two or three miles'jfrpnvthe.'entnuiceJ'- Since then, uowpvwV the enterpnsihgguide, Ste pnen, too jV'QlurnbiM these j subterranean re, gions, has revealed ta the ze of the admiring; tlsar3;ainew; world of wonders such as the eye of man had ne ver before witnessed." Tliat these 'discoveries will be farther extended, and a more distant termination made known, I have ho aouotas mere are some twenty large branches which still remain in primeval darkness unex For; seven long hours, (they appeared short to me,) have; I been toiling with rapid step to reach this, place, aQd:oov. hiving properly dispoaed. of my share pf venison, hickens, biscuit, ; pies,. $trawberesan crcanc in company vith an ttgrccauio punjr, mm diving quencnea my inirsi at the delicious spring; hard by, I feel ast ifi.it would. bo i pleasure to i commune forja;, while with' a kindred .spirit t above ground, and (yith your permission) to actjthe part ot & cicerone in reviewing me scenes torougn wmcn l nave late ly passed, : -.; . ;:;H ';! -,i follow mothen frorq the Cave House, lamp in nd, down the: deep borrow valley leading to the t mouth' jThelenffthened shadows of the early dawn thicken across our path, embower ed by vine encumbered, trees ; and ; :,v.s Along those blashing'borders, bright with dew, .And in yn mingled wilderness of flowers ; '). . :.' Fair-handed Spring embosoms every grace. Through the vista which opens before us. mark how the craggy cl ills of Green Rivertower steep and i high i from the very.' brink ; their wood- crowned .summit, and jvyTmantled brow. bathed uy me rising sun in itqum goia ; . ana observe lar down.in the quiet vale,. the" placid green-tinged watersj encircling' in their . embrace ; a i lovely island. . ; ) - ; Jl: ;! :; :. ' f rW ; 1 But &ine rent scdnes await us. Wo feel the cool air of the cave bio wjog upon us, and de scend by winding steps, ;nto the. dark opening whence it issues. . We pass' the, waterfall till now invisible, the door, the narrow , way, . and now we. pause in wonder.!! Our! feeble lights fail to dispel the gloom ; above, below, around, the distant walls concedl their, shadowy outlines all js darkness. . 1 his .is the vestibule of the Mammoth Cave. On bur right is Audubon's Avenue, so -named on account of the numberless pats which hyhernate within its remote recess es ; in front is the main cave, in which our path way hcs. t -l.'-uA. -.rtiH! u-- .. Pass we on. ' .Tbe lofty ceiling nowappears lamuy visioie as tne eye jOocomes more accus tomed to the darkness. Wp pass the mountain. the Kentucky pliffi, the Cmrch with its? rock built pulpit, its natural galleries, . and . 'tlong drawn ailes,''. , the clOuds which appear to float away; above jour 'heads ; the . haunted avenue, leading to . Annata's Dome ; the Spring and Well ; the rocky, Cafe ; Figured Ceiling: the Grand Turn; and now the ; cave appears open at top, ana wb see- the. bright stars, twinkling on a dark ground, far up In the dephs of ether. -1 , . Were we o proceed . farther we might see many other places of interest--tho Black Cham, bers, in which the level ceiling, 170 feet wide, is supported by cnormnus stone pillars ; the Ca- 'tact'pxurng a'cbfit.'sam, sometimes so copious aa : to, shake the wails! ';! the solitary Cave, with its fairy grotto and coral grove ; the Tern-, pie, with its? magnificent dome ,120 feet high and covering area of two; acres ; the beautiful Blue Slipper Springi lined with crystals; a per-. , feet gem ; but ? we will retrace . our steps for a short distance; and enter through an opening on our left into the Deserted Chambers. We take that branch discorery. Sid-saddle which will conduct us to the; new We pass Richardson's spring, the Pit, and r now 'the ; bottomless Pit yawns before us, the ; ultima) thtde of the Indian inhabitants ot the cave, ot, the saltpetremakers, and of all later adventurers up to the timo of 'Stephen tbe Illustrious' ithe same who now cheers these nether solitudes with his same echo- ing song, or ever-during smile a guide of thou-'4 sands and a iteacheri of the great men of earth in matters pertaining to his vocation; . -X-: ':'' xrc we truss me iiuy i luui-unuu ueiure us, we inays welldecend this ladder on Wright into the Covered Vav. and take a Deen at Go. into, the Covered Way, and Jtake a peep at Go rin's Dome. J i! j We M place ourselves at an open window leaning against a parapet three or four feet high. The ; guide goes to-another, place and sets off a Bengal light. ' ;The dazzling glare reyeals in front a perpendicular wall, extemhug as far up as the eye can reach as far down as the eye can penetrate ; the rest is ami disclosing no limit. D u i ; We may now resjume our ; journey, but lime would fad; wjee ,we .to notice more than a few of the hundredj branches ; I I if davernsln cates, in deeps a lower deep." 1 the hallsrnwrns arfa innumerable scattered over a distance of seven or eight miles. Wp pass the bridge, ph. which the; timid might fear to trea'd could they see the depth .oi the a-' byss which jit'spans ; therPersico. Avenue, foil of formations and remarkable , for its exhilara ting hirf;SiUiman; Avenue the Relief Hall ; the narrow Winding Way, the corpulent might feelingly say of this place &jet i there's the no7J3 the i IJicoh Rooms' in which the', pendent canvassed JigakeaTgreater rdisplayj than any'-iartificial imitation even" in : the renowned Porkopolis ;fthe Hply Sepulchre; a recess con taining a natural sarcophagusveiled by stalac tic drapery : the river Styx; which' is now "so low that we shall need no Charon : the' Dead oea, wnose oeep moiioniess waters reiura oui a hqlloW sound when a rock fs thrown in. r The riven Ijctheover which welaresoon'fcTried in a light canoe." J Here the celebrated white' eye less fish are usually; caught. If jrou are desir- passage which niust be threaded wheneverhe river is so uign as 10 uu me area anove lis pres ent surface, -" . ' " ' " ' ? I- Vhile our guide is preparing for Ihe long roy- .1 . .!. .. .. A A.J Tl T ., --' ' 5 .,,.. p. mbeu- 17, of, volume i.- age which we are about to take, let us observe from this ejevation how distinctly theimagesj of all things around us are reflected from the dark' waters. z We see two boats mitedat the keel ; a Stephen above and a Stephen below; both smii ling so exquisitely natural that itwould be difficult td.j&teroui'e!'iljej)t Irbrn the position; which is , teifeit'ButAljfStra now gfec tlhe npphired .neair ; and now moje loud, more" clear, Ithe notes swell out and gradu ally dissolve V;echo upon echo, repeats the dying sound3,till the whole arch is eloquent with voicps as if ten thousand spirits in one choir were sing?: tag me i r song 01 praise Deiore me mrone 01 iitm who maketh all things beautifuir NearerVaaTd nearer the sounds approach and now far off In the distance appears he form of ." a boat as if '&o&wg'6A'Air ; ffr );! f Jfour flames blazq hpwardfrom uie;bow,f and four descend unquenched ; the glare reveals tjie lovely features of Ja ladyVwho sits Unconscious jof the presence of admirers. , , It is a party return-, ihgfrpra Cleveiaid's Cabinet. ;.hot us hasten on, andt as wo" passi weT too must try td raise a' song "Here every body sings, it requires . so Ift- effort to produce a. very respectable; efleict..r In about torty mmutes we reach the farther shore, and now. stop your ears for aV moment while fire on this light fowling-piece, f Crash ! thuh der I growl ! ;r '; ; i;''-:;,5 f" fojiows tne loosenea aggravated roar, v . .2 Enlargingl depending, mingling ; peal on peal J Crashed horrible, convulsing Heaycn;and Earth.? Not all the. lionsin Cassar's menagerie, nor the great mammoth, (which is believed by many to have inhabited this cavel) nor the peacehla." ker, nor all together in foil concert, could so well imitate the thunders of the upper world. ! Wo now. pass IMary's Stalactic Bower, Mar tha's; Vineyard, filled with grapes,' which we tal voluntarily tast eBandit's r Hall with , ts rough scenery, the Sulphur; Spring, furnishing an abundance of excellent water, and soon we reach Cleveland's Avenue, in which is the no ted Cabinets The' first part which attracts at tention is the! Snowball Room, snowballs above r sticking to the ceiling and snowballs under foot. Beyond for- more than a mile thp ceiling and walls are literally covered with brilliant encrus tations, white rosets ; -leaves like thosVof the. Corinthian capit61 involutes more perfect than any carved work ; fibrous gypsum, like bundles of spun glassj regularly formed crystals, dec, in endless variety. Visitors generally stop at this placei'and return after haying dined on the " Round Table ' in a hall'mofo gorgeously de corated than that of the knight of old. " . . But we. will extend our walk a few miles farther.- We pass the Rocky Mountains, the Dis mal Hollow, examine Serena's Arbor a truly romantic grotto, containing a spring on a stalag mite, stand surrounded by beautiful translucent columns ; and, taking another branch arrive! at last at the e nd of our journey in Croghan's Hall, fully repaid for a little extra labor. On our right the murmuring sound of a distant waterfall comes up from a dark "abyiss ; on 'our.' left 'the glass waveless waters of a spring rest in their quiet basin ; - in front a. mass of stalactite"pre- vents ourjarthcrf progress, and nowafter hav ing rested awhile and taken some refreshment, we may, in five: hours' fast j walking; reach1 the Cave-House whence we started. - ' This brief sketch may; appear to you some thing liIfiexaggerationrbutirt no particular dpea it paint in too glowing; colors; the, astonishing reality, j; A. ,genUcraanf now present 1 who Ihas seen thp celebrated Grotto of Antiparos speaks of it as bauble in comparisonVJ A partjr lately, from Wier's Cave in Virginia s speaks of that truly interesting place in similar terms, , Aen tlemaii rom New York, who is justly proud , of his own' NiagaraL considers I this by far the great-, er wonder. 'X..;;:vf ;;.'.- .1.. Come then ana see for yourself come wheth er yoa still doubt or whether, you believe.! A ride through' the barrens, blossoming all rpvcr as a garden of flowers, is alone worth a trip to the cave. Here you will find a pleasant house, an obliging . landlord, a table well supplied, a pure air" untaintecTby miasmatie exhalatious, and (not least of mforts,) rest at, night undis turbed by musquitoes.- Hero their everlasting hum is Vcyer hcard-rtheir welbsharpencd pro boscesare;neyef felt. Are youfondtof ilicld sports ? you may kill yourown venison turkeys pheasants-rcatch your own fish, and have tjhem cooked ;in any ,waytto suit jyovir taste. Occa sionally a game! at nine-pins will furnish appro priate recreation, or, if you prefer adrive through the shady forestj or an excursion oa the rivprj you'ean be?accommodatech ' L ' v., ; ; Wnentwiligiit dews are ailing ""fast," " f'' you may listen the songjof some.fair lady ac- companied by notes evolved . by j fairy fingers ffhtv void rom tne trembling strings of a piano ; or, stroll , ing wherever' fancy 'leads1, 'enjoy the1 evening promenade. ' Here "summer diseases 'arb un known, and all the vicissimdes of weather may be avoided. 'ibis crowning advantage you may be'sooti be able to appreciate, and, if not Lore, bo forced to exclaim ; J -.i- "; i ? 'J - 1 ti v .1 ' In vain I sigh, ' ' i. ; And restless turn, and look around for night ' Night is far oft", and hotter! hours approach, , .lance happy-he !.wno on me sun less siae -Orromaa ' Beneath the, whole collected jahade reclines ; I5 Z XOr;in the' Mammoth cuvinely wrought . ' "And fresh bedewed witVeyer spouting streams,' uf' : Walks coollv Sealm f while all the' world without. . Ypuivj hful friend, z ; FE. Li A few davis , . since, the .Rev. MrJ Mc- Clusk'v; Camblic", Bishop ofr New i York, was on a yisii'to ohe .of ithe clergymen of ms uenominauon ia. inis city, ana . wmie here7wainntediLto4eall .on Governor BbucETAccOrdingly" he visiledthe man- sion oi4 nis ixeeiiency ana alter. Deiug tredrthel Gpyem his everv'daV salutatioriiinauired, Hows is i your .wife and children 1" The astonish ea Disnop was . a , nine surpnw. b butyery good- naturedly turned it off by asking the .Gpyernor to take ; a1 pinch vof snuff at the same timO remarking that"bis friehds were "all .. wclhl ; Is jt possible' that the people fof Schohairei.are ;noti aware that Roman bfehops t never ye 1Albany Knick. ' - , J -. ' ', ;Cj : A. ' , A POLAR' ADVENTUilK. : TTbe fallowing thrilling description of. an c.cl. (i vpnture Of a boat's crew, among fields of Pclzrf ! ice, is extracted from Captain Beechy's Narra- f tire i , 1 " I.- v TT ''"'. " . !' i: V On the 18th an officer of the Doreatheaob- i taihed permission to proceed with a lew s earnca overdue Icet6jlhe shore; whichwis distant a; boot threo. or fdurmiles-from the sliips a jour-'! ':Ht "H neylwhih; whilst thelday was fine and the j . breeze light, seemed to be of easyrlaccompliih-i' f ; me'ntT ' Karljr in the afternoon he,sctcut witi :- i' his"party and commenced his eicursioa fleas-; U I ' -antly enougi, travelling at a'good jiteana.sar-j ifi dent partof his companions to return to the ships, and shortly altcrward j i'jjpbltged The remainder to desist fnjm5!proceedinrfurther.fP aov proached qujieker than Avas expected and sooai obscured evbiy distant olyect that the parij r ..uatiiiii.iauFu i cvcr vncr moaQ oi DreserT ing the dirccdoa of the shipsttempted asfa t snow ; Uit tins wis found. to bb eqtiallyJmDrac i ticahlei inipnsequenca of the piece's of Ice oyer which t b?y passed having changed tljcir position ; Tu3 circbmstMcedV thev fclf , the full extent. "1"'' 1 Li. : - i ' F isea tncmselrea i-iidanwcr ot i no iruun'T very circbitous course;' whidh was rendrred still more indireit than ithiight otherwis have beein; by" the dtfficlilty of getting from one piece bf iceTji to the -other,' and tfiecessitiri!- wjatirigibr;!!;-. the most codvTnient 'places for that: purpose. ; einc magnitude, as it threatened to- lavofve the lives of die r remaining partyrVStill endpavoring t'H f' reeryetho?direction in which th ;ihips ,hal.'j; ? ast beeie sceii.Hhpvandered aboi," making To traypl ovjer ragged pieces of ice upon whicV.. ' ; -; there wejre fjwo feet of snow, often more, spring- f 4 ; ing from? one slippery . pieco' to the . other, or, ' when th channels betvycen theni were too wido for this piirppse, ferrying themselves acros upoal . detached fragments, was a worlc which it requir-2 the getting TrornolTe TV thrpughdut;by no means;; thetleastbazardousjff 'fT?; 1; part ot tleir journey i the difficulties too; werek;4 through thajthPrry and -antietytp; overcom?l4.,:-fxi them speedily, which . ocdasibned thrneglec ;of! -fi : many precautions that leisure had beforotena.fi -'ti -w safety jSotne 'fell rfnto't the ?water7 ''and!werjh with diffaiytaaved JfrOm drbwnihg -by; theirjlj uieu luein ip uuservtJ in -orucr -iu - insurjMcir -t: . 4 companins; while otner,airauno raaKO any4Tf -:i . hazardous ' ittempts whatever; we ie left; upW-.). j..' biesf,ljaind;dritt Jhojv winda afid :fides;'.-?-:4-i3 irl 1 Fbrealeeipg the hrohability ' of :at separation, rt " I they took thW first opportunity of dividing, In l CljUUl BltcltV?, Ut3 BIltO.ll VUlVllllljr -.J y V UlVIMy,,-): which' they ,had rcmainingi as also tiieir stock "of powder and ammunition. : .They also took if in l:: turns to jfire muskets in the hope pfj being heard Ft fromrthej ships ; which thev knew wbuld roturn'"; the fire, kn4 that' they would thus alt leasf lcarri . in what! direction to proceed, even inouguj ii; roigm f to wnpracucaoio io; aertvey ' assisi&nco j- from thvrn,j?hese dischltrgesiwe heard oft hoard v but it is a remarfehlo fact! ali f? though the were answered by volleys of muslc- etry, and even by cannon, ot onpj report 4 was! heard bf the party.- who" cbnsequentlyi.conclu-i: ded themselves at a. much greater djstancq from; the ship! that they really were. Oiir adventur4' ers continued to travel in .theiupposeddiroctioa bf the sHiD?, keeping ".within view of each 'bthef. ' and rendering one another all the assistance t pieces of ice in rapid motion. Unahletbcbii4'fcS ijuaaiwur. unlit u urepw ouiuii uii. uuu juoi iena wtm mis new uiuicuiiv, ana uvcrtuiuo wuu oencc, h - ii is uinisuu 10 imaaiao . nioru ruisiressin: t. tin- ; i. . s : .1?. '- down'injk state of despondency; upon a piece 1 f jS ? icc,'detcbnlned to submit theiriLfafe ,to lrpvi-jf -T 1 : . . situatiohj than that of Ihe party;aUisbment ffi' ; I J almost perifhing with cold aitcwith libT t-J bare sadw.for. their bnly"reslfngplathpiif; supply b povisibns . exhausted, anb theraselyp! v J drifting bouVin a mi ;wliitherr!iperhapa far 'away.frpiti thepr ships, and i )Xf:L with thi prbspect of being . carricdl butjto. sea; ;iyhereTdlsati;would avp'bcen ineyjtablevTTie H U course, dnaqc -uV extremely anxious jto afford re-'v-v- iiei io our siuncring comuamous ; , out ior iuuijv . it , hours nc pcrsbns'darcd venture over the ice bn y ..;V-'Jt ! account iof ffie fogand the Idifiicuit jr of gcttirigr;5 1 i I uact musk the part to rescue tbVm was so great that the Greenland hiaster andlrhate of the Tient ventured put with pble?and lfieand had tho good frtuno t tot fall in with he party, 'who by this tiras iwcrc dnttca , nearl v. wttbin siff htbf the vessels; t -tiXy t;l I" 5 iu mej snip J uui wuuauv pjwn , T ? etslbccoming tabit:'atinbwwrfou f were drifting ' tb wards usJthe anxietir; lneynoqna mem seaiea upon jt ie vi; : if as alrealy e scribed, cold, wet, and so overcome that in a ew,hours morb the grtjatcr part;$fl them mkiaveertshcd,!f heir iby aViinefe: j ! pecieaiy neuoiaing ,ineir -compauipn vwuo.vvif ; their, rejief and still more at finding tnwdvea 'rj and inslired them with fresh i vigoh which criav"; bled thcpi, Ivlth the assistance of ther shipmates,' to effeci thrcmainder oftheir job jcy.rr After f eighteef hAuii; absence; thejall gp ba'.; ; board, fllydeteTmiued in flitnre7lojrest satisfied ;l i wiih thl view'of the shbrp which waf ;bfredf; , a Nobtc Dog.-Txo small boys; werot amusiflg themselves .by wading, from a sahd4)antrintd a Frig" Pond yrday af- :?: ternbop, whehbnebf;thcm,Jpsfngh holdfellinio the water beyond hisdepth nriA 4n ; . TKft attention of a large and v hwllilrrt Nw Founland dbg Ayas calU, them from ihc shlp; and without thej si ighst d i,! 4 sire tot attempt to approach it again by" mean V. ; ; -r, 5 Ha..-i,:t-4-u.-i. ,1 I :f j ed to (helboyvwhen ne. piungea ify svyati- ,a to the&bttom, seizeu iue.w u and brouht;hinvsafe to. the shorc-poi- . ton :JoUrmi.ii jx - - vr?- 1 n tvf lfniefe$ting .to Girls qn0Vmotcsm conjurers! hayb: been casting uresin rc ; t ""' cnPAttt i"nrl " nrVTlinctionS4 Oi- : 3iars anq v cnus,anu ineir rcuf t;;h i dent afid brilliant appearance.! rTheresmi isithaitley prcdibt a, feuS titwinterjilak sters. ,t :. i i'. -, -- , :-. 'OS V. SVMMERELU ) I -1 . o-t'.a.... A,! till "T- -p - TZrtrr II mar be found t John adjoining country.. ; "v , . r.. . , Sbaver. Hotel. ,! 1 . - i,r-nl tofrMof c ICT Cans 7ViA i v - 4 r. .. .ii - ,J-'i.; ii-"-!?'.' '-'.' i -1 - - !. VI- . ' ' ' .'. ; ;.- i 4; I 4... ;Ni ) 1-1 fit.' I A- V i:; ' f i'f: i1 ?! 'i -V - t - r 4 t is ; ' - b ? t 'ft - v

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