if.the VWSpFTIIE WATCHMAN. a dollars in odvanaaaJ two dollars and filiy cents subscription received for a less time than one year, subscription discontinued (but at the option si nintil all arrearages are paiJ.v -L foliar per strife for th3 firet insertion and ttfemy nts for each continuance. -' . i" trt notiaeg and CourtVders will be charged &, per ligher than the above rates. " , J I . eduction of 33 1-3 per cent will be made to those dvertise by the ypir j f ... f ... , advertisements iH continued ung forbid and ;d for accordingly, unless ordered for artain nam r.ffrrfailJrcsie o ensure attention a to the Editprs must come post iTpl OPiiTRAVEt NO. II. ? ,!. BV a souTimox. .-.. . lciirst feature vfhichreets thti straa? plrf hiS ?arr(vdl In New Yot is the llf nterfrize ?; 'steam rules every rland it would require but tittle stretch gimanat0A to fancy that the ladiesJ i$q Dy jsteamana me aanaies arcssea, )eiami'ex)andiriff power. ' Speaking tdics. reminds me ! 01 mentioning, lor benefit of my lair countrywomen, that liin KewiYoricvihe ladies walls better lapy piace m me woria, ana ucnve aistlnction 1 rpm the foct that they llAiipBiifjThd , Chinese, or even Gin iawpu!d find but little opposition in IMuejlwtUiiea loco vep ate-' very! much on the order of ars'im.Wrcl blessewith a. fine WilatidingM'As pur shij neared the erk we soon dispovered that its leafy jMhfchfOneei bristled Ayith cannon )reseiiteid quie1a diflererit scene;nd jiv of the grim soldiers of the 1 olden ad thj sterfi pGmmand of officers greet4 by gay straihsrojf ?ong ifii ehauering tongues of thousands,' n came over ine smooiu- waiers, oi arlbUr on the crentle. wings of the BRimER . & JAMES 1 Editors. Proprietors;' r 1 - Ill J .1 "V. safe.-- -firr r,'t' :;:j; it XXpV ;m .J t :; GrtVIIarrUon. ,rJ -; (N.UMEI;,lpOF. pLU peau'ty.'andits lofty ceiling and mysterious! ing white'on the roctsof the Vache1 Island, but (EXPERIMENT WITH ' CAPT.VAIl Goihks tracery transports us on viewing it, stillthough they were broad uridulations,' not a NElVSEXPIXSiVE DESTRUCTIVE back1 tb'the diitf ages of- WWand dc: amgle b.llow was curhngon the wa er. In the .r . experiment i.wiih -Captaui votionJ ll might mention in this list the Yan t.me the sun wentdown, not n onejred w difvTSSS'nlSSfS y0btt k to tire the reader w?th their r . . .. m . . ; - ..--f - fhir, fld f. tK An immense concourse of persons repair- SS9UF-RB ppnarca.. ana sixy juuiuw.-, sip brilliant effulgence as intensely bright ds parts rouno; i5nghton ;;sdthat 4he strand, Ps&refl&nasome th bUfnished silver lustre of the sun itself All'the pier, the clifis,:tlie bui Wings, the sea : w e; cro waeoAvun spectators; to tne, num- UMi iuuMivij-T v ii . h 71 1 I evni mure was no oreauui any vuunu jciiilk-m. j. yaW Is to bi the most splendid Church in'rwished for the corning ot ihe usual niglit wind." American IUt mu lUlCIlUUU ui i4iug mc iur sura set auu iusr, uuu iuc.iiiiu uurtieiieu. Sitnejijreai; YYesiernvvas in porrwjtn i rjr rr.':- -."TTVi-. ;r ite ytehiibns of thegentlemanly andgathered tJtemscsintcuaurabpve; .ffii mmrU?,; TVk making literally correct the metephor of Young rTi.ro- "--- . , , , .,- 4 the poet, When he described the darkness as fTvLlnV,?"1" I The first sound of. the stirring elements that ;ber; of thirtyb jbrtv tKousamLvAfter va- rjlous inevitably delays, the John Gaunt, a barquei of three hundred tons burden in measurement, was towed bv;theSir Wil- Wallace steamcrtA Jts station, aboutJ ie uu sx nan, irpm tne snore, ppposuo j iue uauery.! .iwo men remained on board the bartjue itiU the Jastjltov regulate iitsj "and thewatterVJ ;l! sawm : ithis part ot tne l heard andelt it said their " mcsertco dbqkkwariautiful little sailor's -chapelr went to sleep again. Half an hoar after, a se- uoating onine waters, auu 4 annum mere couueame-h uiu noi pass awajr so suenuy , is regular rvice in it. f It is a? popular but with it'rose a gust of wind; shneking - and cfialpel SvithTthe mariners, add is sailed a- yelling, aslf a warning spirit had suddenly rush sn tnese ''universal critters are steal iisitornb storieiby calling the magnifi- lulRif er f j ; 1 It':-. -1 ', ' tlie Ielharie Dutchman cpuldbe set tttie QpoMHouse MS trq jtjnifei 'laro of iBroadwajr, rain1iyotid ' d1(e,bf iurpfise, Man suii" - sAv3iftC; 'dolcraft..is a name, in :ah$a)c.!iv.liicti signifies; fTTlie peo f hewb4rlpo61(tromlllell Uate llrrj to;;riaacea4ers- bythe'-vivid iHpupjyqtcwp g)ve&iil)r two Burgomasters, five f pensiihd a Scnbut; Now, his . IIon l4ydHterJ jmls! .cnoug.tb'; enga riieenf AWerhijin, 17 Assistant Aldp i Assessors ami 17 Collcctors,whilsi pustoH6useijas about five hundred vrt$,jo;ittdjt Uncle Sanis matters malthangei wnhfbreign nations, and touHMtt-bf'elcity is estimated at 1 4005 j : Ibaulifui lati ire of Ne w Yorlc is the slaiil! .tVJiitaiiis ' and they fbrra ahe s ofhcroyded metropolis. ;50n; iay thbf parks arc crowded by th grijig ; populatiop1of -the city -where I nihate" ja''atr' made cool by the rfceMrfg gets of Uhe" magic Crbtdn. v bodVi had liear!d of the Croton 1 It el grtindestj jwdrjc of. the kind in Jhe M and! cost l8tevO0O,00OjClt; is cori- rujin sione acqueaucis a) mnes-was uuipnceu in y unp,;io, ana was coin so fr aaTjariilly to supply the cify r ;wate-lor j3on$ticpurposes itis bt hi"s;eyn ami hps itajsjand has converted a p jiUhyf city j into jthe, most cleanly in filKrId,a4 stre'ets are IaIy flooded Ui ft. .; It is a permanent and ready pro- ;on aalntiires, pnd New;York;needj w 'dred!sei" $ calamity as befei herl rjtiipomm4nih8 Such ns Mip 1 se whicli contribate jle itufesfiue and beautiful, makes! e.vx orkers very jealous of the lame Ifieir fear iCrolottand they Jbccome. onended; if anyone tells them there F bodt las; itUs'freduiredrl The stranger iuN. I Yok;iiiystruck at the irnmbnse num- bettiof establishments for the presetvation an eauti! bf the hain and I must sav for iewLiejLiOriv,iinat 11 uer citizens woma ae- ed from the heavens to visit the earth f with ari awakening exclamation of dread and dismay.' This was at about halCpast two o'clock. From that moment the heavens and the ocean seemed stirring and full of strife.' The shrieks of the till oil y011.?1?11 to the inside of the wag turned into one wild sh and rmoi)t hea.d as thy bestow on the outside, they nothingwas any more to be heard but a sound cotiga soon jiayj ciaim 10 me pann 01 aiub- as ,j an creation was the roaring! (blast pr, a nialnshiplnlt America, ami Boston Would hnifirhtv' furnace. As for the aea. itkvak literaliv claim to that! distinction, t In stirred- into foarru and the air into (al'rrusliinff my! neiti I shall tell you Something of the mist, which those who were familiar I with1 the Huidson, aitd the Albany stock farms. miss ' ! " - i " Ai - U)Vii! !5ih 1 i A. Kjr. O, it Frpin tmpablished .Notes made during iTh disaa nmC' t.'.ik pati" walks. rineri ass!: 41- mi 11 STl INDIA HURRICANE; 1S OTREICANE OF AUGUST 13 1831, 1W. ? ? ' ' 3 4 Itwo years travels i 1 r.,.H ' , ose who) remember Auk Cayes before the rous namcane 01 ine 10m August wasiea !nth8 d the city; and Uft two-thirds art r- .14.1 111 S f t- .1 -. ' ' - : - retrievuhle tiiin, speak with rapture of the yer dur and MreeableVariety. which the lanes and vyajp presented for morning and evening Hjr rom tno sea u was greeiea oy me ma- as the city of palms. .. Nothing could sur- inei iresn ?asp( phenomenon ot a, steam-engine could compare to nothing but the velocity and noise ot the dis charged vapor when tho valve is fWned, ! and the white and hissing steam shoots; upward like a rocket. It was so intensely dark, and the air withal so7 palpable, that nothing was to be seen except when the, lightning shot or flashed ath wart and through the 'dense blackness. r There was nothing heard but the furnacej-roar of the elements no thunder, not even when; the elec tric fluid struck an object, for of the! numerous palms that perished standing, most of them were Stricken by the lightning.. Those jwho' looked up to heaven from their roofless dwellings for mercy say mey Deneia me iigni as ;n 11 issuea from the clouds in a ball of fire, from which dart ed the quick effulgence in all direction. ' The transitions irom iigut 10 uarnness jwqre so in tense that nothing in either case could be seen. In one moment the shining whiteness I" blinded el tkefinal pperaiioni iiCaptain.iWarV ner was pn bpard the Sir.AYilliam Wal lace, and whett ihe ; was, about to; use ; his ucowMuvivts iue crew; Pi.ine steamer .were an sent peiow? The problem to be; solv ed by4he eprimeiu wa whether those on board a ship in chase could use the ex plosive ppwerio destroy the pursuing ship. ; vlc5tiuJ'a. ."urcaseu ine . aouDis, .wnicn many entertained, ! At length i the. union jack was hauled down- announcing- that t the blow was to be struck. , The steamer was now. about a qtiarter of a mile from the; ship (which she had in tow.) Every eye was xediiponthej barque. Captain Warner lowered something into the sea, ana ootn tne vessels made .onwards ; the ship, came over the spot where its destruc tion lay ;' a bui'st of smoke, like Vapor r water sent upwards from the sea, higher than the; masts-r-enveloped the ship ; the mist cleared1 off", and the! vessel was seen to have been struck amid-ships, the water showing through its timbers, its mizen gone Dyinejppara, its mainmast shot a- wayt")ike a rocket f lit keeled over, its head. Went down, aind in two minutes and a half jfrorai the explosion it sank, leaving nothing butfthe still standing fore-mast head above the water j and all was over. The multitude were wonder-stricken at the utter destruction caused by the some thing Vhicn Capt Warner, in the - deep bpsombfthe Ocean buried, ; . , -: This; experiment (the Liverpool Times says) lias been alluded to in the House of Commons, where a certificate was read by Lord Ingestre, and signed by him and Captains Dickenson and Henderson, to the effect that the iexplosion was not the result of any combustible matter on board or alongside! the vessel, and that it was done by the j hoisting of a fsignal from the well- L. ;t : i 1: . l t J 1 1. mo eyes vvitu excessive ii"in ; in auumer 11 hi lu i' e , . , was a blackness in which every thing seemed r ,"'f."w;i?wAr ' . " V4" -r. . tml UK HIIIIWII 11V IMP. i PTTWrimpnTn IIGT VII. amass, it was so pamtui mat those iwno could , r""" 1 . 1 i l i s: 1 rnfirfiiiss natri nppn' th nr, .. tn ha means by which the result was produced: the most pypbable is, that the instruments tM ART. HA 8 WINE Y'A RD: "-' Corresponde&w of the Boston Courier. " 'EiioAjiTowrrl'AWcsT 14. '1814. - ; 1 This island; with the Vlhers in the group, was' discovered by Gosnold, in 1602." The Vinerard 'was granted to Thomas Mavhe w irf ir41i ahhn M.vf vpcueUf ino nrsi rngiisn v.uw. -vu uo - &uu. - experience mayncw saysin his f Iodkn Converts." that a few K"A.T glish familieafirstlsettled at Great Harbor, now Edgarloiia:;16'Th; Thomas 3Iayhew,.the son and only child of the governor, by w born hn was sent, being then a younc scholar about twentv one VPara tt a nrr with some others,! to form a settlement at Ted. ganovn.s , 4 ; ".r. -; -.t - " : 'From these items, Ihe; "early settlement oftho. Vineyard is madfrkriown.lWhile NewHafnD. shire and Vermbrlt, and a large pari! of Alass-. chusetts slejpl in thesolitudeof primeval nature, th'tj island of the ea' was beginnirtgto emefire from barbarismVahd soon became a pomt of in- leresu. a gentleman irom the north of Ireland told me he well recollected readihir: wkn n KAv a book containing letters from; one of the first settlers of this island,! describing its valuable agricultural properties, and giving an animated sxeicn ot the humming-bird, which was then a great curiosity in European eyes, u i ; lc How long the island had been inhabited by Indians previous to the discovery by Gosnold jve, know not. Perhaps, when the Romans were extending their conquests to the Britanic tsles, or even while the Egyptians, renowned in arts. were building their pyramids, the aborigines of Kjuiiiia. s iui.-jani were constructing meir wig wams and launching their canoes in the beau. tiful waters of their bays. Banks bf clam-shells, four and five feet; deep,' are found by diffin Hear tue snore, snowing me popuiousness 01 tne place ir olden timesTthe : abundance of shell fish, and the favorite food of the inhabitants. -Arrow-heads are jfrenuently discovered, and oc. casionally humaalbonesl The whole number of Indian desendants may be reckoned at about three hundred, vii : About 150 at Gay. Head,; 4U or on at Christian town, at Chappaquiddic. The African race' is so intermingled that very few, even of half-blooded Indians, are to be found. As a people they are orderly, temper ate, intelligent, nd religious ; have places .of worship, and live comfortably in their habita tions. Many of them are employed in the whale fishery, and are of high repute In that service. - The burial grounds of Edgartowri are 'three one on the land of Grafton Norton, Esq., in the village, where are only three grave stones, sig nifying the place of .sepulchre of. some of the Mayhew family. Tradition gives Thomas May hew, the first Gqf ernor, a burial place here, but no stone or hillock marks the- spot. . ; Mathew Mayhew is marked on me stone, " Gen.,: died too light for a person of my grave pretentions -and 1 will Io.ive to younger and unr: :rripd x:inn' to cr.Lirge upon what I could not wl.i Ilj-crcr- , ' look in a description cf lidgartown. 1 : The taste for trees is increasing iq his to :: ; ' -and if they will only goto ;work this fall, aisJi.i - ; out severalundrotd shade trees on the bonbjs of streets, and ornament the bumng-gruund, as' " before suggqstedwe shall have a place whoj loveliness will draw many strangers to our bor ders.j ' ' 1 J c;;r i;; .v H . ; ' Tho townfhas already ten ships in the wl.il-. -ing business and with a little exertion the num ber might bef doubled jn a short tinif. The h- -cal situation jof Edgartown for carrying 0:1 tho ;i : vhal? fishcrj in tho country is unsurpassed in I the country, indrery far exceeds the advantages :t of Nantiickel and Nev Bedford ' and rich men i i I engaged iqt1iatliustnes,volild consult their f ! interest by coming here for the facilitirs affimll 4' ! j Mmey: should do so, tho place, now t "K" boat of theirfown to jly daily between this port and New Bedford, to go and return th K.imii day, and caifyJhe mails ; - but whether the pro- jeet p nt succeeu or not j uo not Know. , 1 " j If MarthaV JYinbyard furhishes New -Bedford i ! .with many df. the bracers "fur 1 hot whale ships, 1 1 and the"f ard anVmg the best of her comtnund- ;f ere.:ITheviyesVncanwhilcCapc Horn wid- owa yiey are caiieo wnue away as, mcy can the long anqdrcair nbsences'of their, husbandi, ami, u tempiea 10 leave me isiana, migfu say, . in uie sweety verses ol iursxxemans . , ; j OE ! tel me not the .woods gre dir. , . : - ; ' -4' Now spring Hoa h?r ueay ; -t I .,-'',. I WelU welt I know . how brightly theiy .v r . A v ? j' t In joy (the young leaves play " 1 1 -'. ' ! - ! HoVsreet on tvtnds of mora or cvee ' ' i j ft The Hlolet'a breath may be : ' ' j . " " I Vet ast -fneVsroo ' tne not to leave ; ! ' Mylrirockly the1 sea. '-. - j The wd wave's thunder on the shoee; s j The jcoriew's retleas cries, i , Unto njy watchins heart are more r - a J i" Thaijt all earth's melodies,- -; . Come tack,my ocean rover ! come I -j. 1 There's but one place for me, -1 .. I Tifl I Can greet thy awift sail home-- I- lfW IaM. MAt klf .llA AAA " " r ' " 1 It" 1 1 Ii !' ft 1 My 4 !4 one rock by the sea. . s 'I ' i ! MASON AND DIXON'S LINE, f ?cf f ? - If Ml t ! To answer inquiries whicb hjivc , been, -f j spect of houses and gardens have k iea up to heaven in hobelwere com- ty.uuB;iu bucu u. cniua(.ir. neuea io KeeD meir eves on too eann in ues- Sper Vater f'ri the world thanaffbrds.; iBMapiAjrTb I Sprimr,yvverei tejdli khei midst" by magic, theyl jnjd sipXroj)n in preference, and really! 4i j iue fountains ;ine rarK, uowting' mn, tiprtlac-v find St. John's Parfi ffie; themv lido notj know that their dfe utl .lsmisplaced. j;.;. ; :.ty; tvt5s;i; , amongst th most Celebrated edifices bf l$m mniipn"the Exchange: add; fcuiu-xiuu&u, tup iew x one u mversiiy itlhfe llnlf df ilustilce, which hasapnrbi eenldalle the TorribsV The Ex is bujlj; entirely ofSiehite or Quln lite', and isfa uniform'pile bf solid lnrocQurirg as U o!oes;one entire iyaiiHtrpep ttis -roiampostngj, Wrad appearance VTiirontis a, If Isedipoxiicol with 18 Ionic columns; arejaa -eetfuigu, .eer, fk incnesjn leterana iach! weighs about -33 .tbnsl MlCditoJJ ; the largest moholithi I? vorld excepting only, the columns tfcehur Wa is oteri arrie tqr,' and 70yeet if Cormthjar columns, each over 40 ft m JvUia SflTectlln 1 itho-beholder of I this' .' .n .i :. i. His 1 ,. .S la LiiwMtl ;twn nnlliitArl Viv tVift filsuitrKtAr nf I Oair. i - i Li., h h i n ,1 i ! D t-w . 11 .1 .1 ' : 11 I nfitoefhintifm urAM)n)Aj 1 11 hefrevolutibn but the fire had never carried de- . U?S a'ms ume we swen oinp sea Kepi rT" auCu, i r i if . hi , i i' mcreasinff, tin it rose nve teei over ine sunace icimcipu uuuvaia.My.corK, wmcn, aurac vp-a ion Dcmas eisewnere.1 reop e wno saw q Tfae water8 of the siream which teilby the iron of the ship, would possess in 1720, aged fbrjty-five years." A son of his is recorded as dymg in'April, 1714, and his wife Anna as departing this life April 16 ; the stone having sunk in the earth;' Jhe year.is not to be seen. This ground ought to be purchased by tho town, bo enclosed, and have a inonumcnt erected. The next oldest burial place, if it is not in fact the mast ancient, is nearlr.a quarter -1 :i L. ' , i . ui u iiiuc buumwcsi oi law one spoKen oi anu is save the trbuble of enquiry to others, con- rV cerqing tbje origin and; precise ; (mpbrt . of " this term, o oflten used in public discus-4 V sions to dejsignate the" line of division1' be- ; ,t twelih'thefStates in which slaves tire still- ''u neldj and those, in which they, are "riot, wo. j; insert the ifollowincr. vrhicb we sunpose to l! give a corl-ect account of the matter :i" i I u $Iasor and Dixon's Line. This boun- "ti ! darissoltermedpfttethdniimcfe ofChas' ; Mason add Jeremiat Dixonrtlie gentle t' men appointed to .run unfinished lines iti t1 17UI, Detween xcnnsyivania ana iuary land, on the territbries sabject tq the jicirs of ,f erin and Iord Baltimore jA tcmpo. rary line had been run in 1 739, but had not Sgivenjsatisfactionio the dispjiting par ties! although it resulted from ari agree ment, in73Q. .between -thcmsfcl vcs. A decree had been j made, in- 1618, by King James, deliueatmg r the boundaries ; be tweien the lands given bv chartervtbj the .first Lord Baltimore,V and thoscj adjudged J i IO nis. iuaesiy,: ancrwarusi iw nuuui :n Penn,) vhcli divided the tract ofiand bc-;4 tween Delaware, Bay . and ' thd ' Eastern y Seal ori pn( jside, aM tho Chesapeake Bay; i on theother by tt 'J'no equaUyuntersect- . ing lit, drawn from? Cape Henlopen to the " 1. 14 4 . i t-- itf bebrel; hi Ufl calamity, 'saw an unchanged passes through the town, and whose simiosities sufficient force and friction toexnlodRthe )ckd)ichi colony ; andif the wild green give W pretty a variety to the detonating materials-j- The debate in the were driven back, and what the ocan did not Commons, elicited from Sir Robert Peel, overwhelm the river inundated. ; Nothing yield- Sir Howard Douglas, Sir Charles Napier, J. L ? ! e-1 ' " ' ' ll; - . 1 ' " --' " i ot tne plains coma oniy nave neen lma- rin,ed to;be tho1 bright carpet of its former indus trvJ there IwasSnothing either in the orderly man- ner in which the streets were kept, or in, the thefsiatef and! entertainment of the houses, or in tne ; social mtercourse 01 iuo lunauuanis, meir appearance, na , courteous,! anaouuy, wnica ;one times oi me The new houses creatlv surpass the best ot the doinestic architecture here ; but Jthe general as s. ' ki iiii IJiJ. i A : .. .. Ancl nwyir.., . n mil i Mi jQegree joi nortu iauinoe. uKcrco in. at J ' V-UUtV., .1 V4J tt VUlUlUUU ) - 1 . ' . T , ' , " l-hv.-r r j : ! . ii ., I nliannuru iHrrf 1 Atrfl tho K inor ' rlrfrr Mm- s, ana contains some sn?y or seventy tomb. j r" V . "v , -"VI ss. The moss has grown over the inscrip- Prative. JBuUhe situation of ) Jtlenlopetv ; but I scrapecUt off in some instances and became loijjg a. subject of serious; protrac- the record. I , ted and .e-ipensiVe. tgationj-UcQlarly. beet k this yiace. before its destruction, was su- not a ship was saved ; in the inundation scarce members who spoke, was decidedly op- -i.L .ii-:. il t- :. 1 i;m..v a r.hild pssr-jinfid. Those who could stand be- no thunder. The earth still quakexl, and, tho' the houses were crushing on all side's, nothing was heard of their fall even by ' those within them. ; The mass of the building,! jafisoon as one piece of the timber parted from the other, seldom fell down at once, but we wj whirled in to theair, and spread about descending: like showers of arrows. In this , havoci bf course, vorabte.to the practicability of the inven tion, j The Premier, in a lonsr srjeech. in whicb he went over the whole of the ne gotiations 2 and correspondence between fence, and contains some silt? or seventy tomb, chancery renuerea inc. lung s qecrea im-, stones- The mosj has trmwn vAr tKo inc.. in. perauve. mm me suuauou oi ; tions read As a specimen of the piety and the poetry of after the deatb. of;Pennih;171$Jwd ot 1780, 1 transcribe from one of the stones the LorMi Baltimore,: in 171 .Itill Iohn;ahd memorial of Mrsi Elizabeth Jenkins, who died Richard and Thomas Penv(vlio had be July 27, 1776, aged twenty-one years. Squire conic the sble proprietors of the American Pi! Cook, a lawyer of that peiod, was the man to whom mourning Relatives ; resorted to for epi taphs. When Mr. Kettell publishes a second edition of his soecimens of American Poets. I I the inventor and the Government since hope he will remember Mr. Cook, who thus 1841, threw, cold water" on the project, speaks of ; Elizabeth : c lhe leeling ! ot the naval and military yond . the five feet of water lived 6ut the two .hours of horrid endurance. ' There were pauses in the storrn in which all "was sbT silent that beyond the frothy settling of I spoke tne sea, as tne uuDoung wnue 10am suosiues in posed to the! project, and, with the excep- i T j i. Ai v . e i lion or xora ingestre, xne inventors inena who brought forward the subject, there was not an individual in the House who (encouragingly of it. hing was to In the death. every where or toi it.n Its air is , uetter-pits climate a chilly sringl time, compared to the warm suffo cating jftastsj ot - tne rresiuentiai onyi ana; its police arid military government an example of u.CMf uy mo lps piccpjr iicgtigiiiup uiai pi c vans elsewhere.! 1 In atmosnherc it has no advantage oyel the Can&i tt did norjaj all Approach Ithe the wake of a fast sailing ship, no iNophern uapuox in spienaor, qui one-nan ot us i ,ca,u v inhkhitanfs d d not roost, like bats in walls and like pause the lamentation uttered nii;i IThktlnijrht of the 12th. and morhlriir of came like "a still small voice " after the deaf- ihelijSthflAugiist, whichv in a previous part of ehing rbar bf the termination of t tempest. iyourTOliha6frc as a timethat I pass. The yell of the storm then rose again, and then Ail ii aired titrtiH stnrms n thd savanna nt Intilln. 1 tne lurmou resumea us sur anu irue, auiiu hrb ;ihQ jiieard what seemed to ine the hav- lightning and earthquake f The inisfy 1 rush of I pickedj jup on fjoard the Steamboat pSt. Louis, in oc jpiia nurricane - dp yona ; ine luounianis, was guuus Could blooding years and modesty, ABd all that pleasing to the eye. Against grim death ben a defence, Elizabeth bad not gone hence. " The God that gave her called her home ;" When powe divine ehali burst the tomb, Then, Pheonlx like, from Parent dust. She'll soar on high to God most just."- possession of their father William,) aild Cerjilius Lord BaUimore, grandsoii of has.T andi igreat-randson oT Ceciliusjtbfe origiv nail patentee, entered into an Tsgreemcnt on he lOth ol may, 1722Tp tpisagrKi meat a chart was appended wliichscerp! tailed the site of Cape H enlop cii and i.ll! jsibn by an east ifana vcstSUH THE steamboat; ST. LOUIS. 'A Western Jeu & Esprit. Undated a division bv lin Tunni ng westwanl 1 rbm thift Cape t q t thel exact middle of the pemnsuja h Lord,! Baltimore became dissatisfied Vtflth this a-!"-:' i . .It i .1 :t-...i:JL.j .Ht- greemenuanune ..enucayoreu. to .111vuu1iiw.tr j the monument of the 1C- iymP dead is the stond marks WiswalFs grave, one proprietary arrangemenis loiiovreu, .win.civ- nr run nnpionr naernra f tnn unrrrorrnrinnq i i v w& t'V. -.w , ..w , ... - J ..' ' I Ariim!so!nhAM T-nri tVlA tPTTITihMrVlri Conspicuous tmong FROM THE CHICAGO DAllV JOUKXAi. . i i -- - ' i The following letter directed to the Prince I T . t OI I. de JoinyilIe,'care of Capt. r in conunueu, men - suuucmjr; jiusiicu, auu 1 ine vacant state room ot a rrencn gentleman, nly gathered again and again,! till about who left the Iroat at Mackinaw on his way to four in the morning, when! it subsided, j Sault St. Mane't'-' i -. ; : ' ! v j;' thea-hrvi temnest wfiich made the city . of Las Cayes, in lalrnbst an hour, the place of ruins that half past it was when I visited itUN . Those wrho; w'Hhessed'the dreadful visitation teltne jtjn-ij iQ.appeanince friherweathejrjdul no idiffir jTithat of the days in which the pre ' dediriff drbiiirbts had "torevailedl; It had been iqeisiienj! mi during all the daytof thellth. The haie which iu these climates arenmnanies sieaxiy aryyeauier.naa. enveloped every mm : ; ii : : .1 . '. 1.1 CSS 1IKC4 hortzonu lii4ilUiilFiL- - tr. iri: ' f It was not possible to bury them with the usual And TOn TirWDoeraDhical erand Enirmeer: : jll ii"i;-i .tjri ceremonies of the church, or in the usual places FYid desong andde danci deoxJ'shall resound, ivu uii iiuo uunzon secmeu asi mev carae -t . . p . - . i ? . t-- . . ' . nr:n. this life Dec. 23, A. D. 1746, aged 67 year r ... - j - . - - Some of'the oldest graves have sfones with out any ipscri which 1 saw rw . . ' . . . i i si i ii When therday broke tne hurricane was ran- j j jiy;ie1EXI) : t' - j ,iv ea into xmc.uS vi-utr, T -As I've made ver mnch de progrea" so, with siignt intermissions, nil inejaiiernoon, In -vs-ma WhMe: htdat fohmie I Rhal! sav when the sky cleared, and the heavens smiled, How wis rapture and pleasure my heart he did dance, and the waters sparkled, and the. eann seemed i i o rmq us ooat namea rrom tie ratron ae r ranee ; to rejoice as usual, and the fields looked fresji and Oui, mon ami, de fact Iiureydaquhe true is, t ' "it Wi'lL: Ln"I tf'iio..ot 1A" Dis bateau magmfique is called de-St.Xouis. green, aS if Nature had neve njgnity;;.v".v T ; t j :;n i - 1 Wix dat Frenchman distingue le. Captain Jean Shook : t here icere seven nunarea ana twenty sows How to nun a sunn box most superoe you present, not boweVerv agree; and the question rcl;- he odest graves havestones with- by 3; :Mason '-and -DKffM nption. -Thbseomg furthest bsuSKr 1 . - - . y Aif , haying names and date, were Ann I t i-,---!-' t'V' Z-i'" t ttt'.t 'tit Worth, 1724,agpd 53 years, John Worth; Esq? U'K.tecf"a io, 1"j "'o . - - . ---1 1 A,7tri. J-Tvlp-rhnA-in Yt lonaddresS-f r- ine intra or newest ;. ourying-grounu . is inai 1 luriiiunv " ""f: surrbundih!! the old dilanidated Con?rre-raiional J date for the JfresidcncV. V e 8UaU4totlOC meeting-house, comprtsing'about two acres, and J cupy.our aceVby jrepublishihg thsJ adpif navin'r ujanv uaiiusoms wuiie maroitj inouu- 1 orcss , ilOvi 1 ments and, grave-stones, and capable of being iudge-sourl made 'quite a" romantic and lovely spot, by the 1 QO carc .J planting of shrubs and trees, and the removaof lAviihdm-ing.astue dldnbtcarcallgwhci; ft. J? buildifig, is very astonishin custom-House is a correct imitation Uelin thenithe presage of that calamity which S l nearly as 5 large ""ailw.thatelV kura wplcr It is; built of .white Jrna ,13 tireprqof, and all the architect fkjioverj-vhwli.not a vapor had beien a fl ornaments : are Hnxshed i-rexquisite :WM;begUWto gather cioudyvnddull and;tast.: IThcTombs'isAbuiit I uan style; and its massive capi- V1 - TO P-"81 OVf -"us 111 v " . . rr t f . , V, . 3 10 inaKOiAux Agaves 1 , ine 4jocc4ococii.vuuuiivi.&ciu ,suu- ft : cityof; wpi lamentation anddeathrm; t sylvania, have issued an address calling toge- f iaz cether the' Delesates "who- melfonj lhe :4th jot ;Aa they were loutfd dekd, and .J. i ..- , tSo moshi satre pleu you get some sleep nevare. 1 the sufierersi unknell- j jii t f -L-w riL r.i . -i1 unknowjirip-, :- tvalejt-i'ii rtmM -;i;Cii-- i fiM:i-'rU6haU a man ea so mosb as be nave to eat here : ;JlFonr tlmes everydaybde table serve np, breakfast to dinner.no tea and to sup ; our times every day you shall eaf, four times more' ever you eat in tour day on de shore oating March, hod another Uonvent ; 4 c , - .1 v :r-VrUi:; . ,; When compare. wade table on board de SuLquia; and SO- of .September for the purpose of .hpminatUlg.a, w fowLdere is fleshTaiid mamifiaae becasse r ! g -clouds jcaudidate ihplace of MrMuhlenb eat shaU bewrit down an aes . ahdiid lt tr- jLliri -CS'iAil'Aiiu bDem is fish dat wUl fill de soul full f -delighCMfW . ' A AitsanK laieiy mameu a?-f uiu, .,.,.,, w.: -u:- j-: Ji ;n n A nn t - mount ngTheban Ohi WedouUif the Iislaturw 11 ices with wingcdOglobe ornament iCTI tdpnTddwa Uiat Bank: Kr4c by serpents, makes 'one think fH f-S tUU, i, truly, therendezvous'and ffi?!!1: foundation cannot faU fsoilong as It holds on: tf.1"? C kle 6f tho1,, ; i -jV i " iT atS ai?.-a. as buafrlobk ngout? whaiat JeasOeemed f, , wiitlT ve!1C5cd'' At th New-York, krlhgei fefchintng ; ! . ersity may be. seena rich Stained ivfrireUhePto1 n.nltenkss was scen sudi !'''P'madeitaapraTancat"ewrighton pnTaes Introduce yQurself straight to 1 Captsioa;.loyd. . v window, of Gothic stvle fwhloh : .I-P Hf0.1 f n -"vka, ' diyiindonUrmcs W wjoylgood.liealtfcan spirit .YowiHbe,asJean :BoQ say, toohappybe gar. , 5.ect Wil-rS W C.?tIC:,)hS?J1S y.heaTng and swel ing, but svi hout arip. J -AJ Chan l ' u- 'u 1; WK,L' x nm "gw ph on its surtace v aJU looking out tor tne caujer t Piybich is- rich iu architectural of this occurrence, tho waves were seen break. ? the unsightly ruin of the-old church. 1 hope lh(ir played out the farce by. runaing Uforeloogthhopl will ajvie tothe 'fOPthc lsidepcy.or:not.! importance of beautifying this groundandthas f u J . . J - charming, picturei son o and taste point him out to efiect - this" improve- .wis arrested in iew Uricaps; ment in the butial placed and I hope the town; day nigliliweck, for attempting nn mvi!f"iv mm ani rri u premise. io kilUa' H ty bf the place, if I .were to omit "mention' of the women'of Edgartowh,,who will Vnot suffer' iri comparison with even tne iair.neiics.oi. iew- portlAs aproot that i speaK -,ny tne . oook, a "will refer b thd" marriage records; where it will be seen thaijthgehtlementlof IhiiR placend mean iadgei of i personal Attraction?)- haTal rooSt invariably! selected fbrjbeir; partners the fair and bloomipg damsels of the island; having no occasion to tak6 a boat and go elsewhere r and I cannot: help thinking thtclernachus himself, had he visited here, instead of Calyp- so a isie, wou ddnot have lefi it again ;v aenu y rr--s vi lii-t i W ;!-'2VW ApplicaioiitfEt&trt leaVn froni burlfbreign nics,;tfiat cakuli -neiv applifcatioh'bf etectyTl-, -iT -r..' died in th s .city..ouu"c t rJiu.h.: Sou aieu in ---i i rrhesidii Ows head and neck milar to a" rhinoceros,. lphom pro- Md becasw he.wmtt cn. - r'-.w. , . , Rlf t 'ani trespassing On a theme? U may be, l.ted tO bC . Hlf It. m if 'r r s - ii . i .it'