i t- i El S v wiL' I' 't )ii;i' :--: :'"- -i,"" .c. . . . jy - j n- ' !:- ( , Ter&i of the Carolina Watchman. rWtfoRara ia adVaace.and two dollars and 1W cent the e4o( the year. ; No gabacrtpttoa mcetved for a less time than one rear. idem paid Cr in adrunce. , :; r; -7 ' y No sbacr)lion dfoontinued (but at the option of the IgJiioral uotS all arrearages are paid I I 1 I ) TU OP' ADTERTISIXO. ' ; Oae loUaf pr square for the first insertion and twenty fire eenpfbr each continuance. . , . Court nbticea and. Court orders will be charged 25 per cent higher than the above rates. : A Jeluctwn of 33 1-3 per cent will be madeo those m'ao aderti4 by the Jrear.-v t . " ; -p ? i ;-. -AU ajvertaementa; will be continued until forbid . and charged,, for aordiagljr, unless ordered for a certain num- btrol tmeait U ' -f ' - i UT Letter addressed to the Editors must xome post ftid to VnauM attention. DISCIPLINE, ry Mrs, rto. in one of her charming let ters from ptfeWlYork, gives the following ffect$g anecdotes in regard to the refor matory 'effects pf kindness : " 1 Tos far, the ameliorations at Sing Sing een'productive of the most ben fficiae1Icts. Limited and imperfect as the erpentjhas hitherto been, it has proved.higHily conducive to order and cheer fill Qbediice. I jlihe nature of these chang es in the admimstration, perhaps could notbefmoW concisely inditednhan By. m Til v&f CQOle 51 vvo ministers in the Setofjlf fiends travelled together nd one: was muchmore successful in his Uborsutharthcf other. HoW dost thou manage take ISO much mrW knlrlnf f h fcearti l!1!8 Pple than I do ! said the icasi qucwnt preacner. can tell thee in a few words replied the other. I tell iKa peopld thitlif thev do riirht tKiv WWPP ' WpuT tell them that if theV Jon t do riirht thev shall bW it SinTCr.Sini? is1 to nnnkh n rir:nir a cordial praise and in 'Knteges for?.every:indjcation: of illroyemenf. The wisdom of 'such a uPcivis45aeTffested to my mind several years agolbyian: intelligent; well-educateol voman; who had. bv .intern in lGmafeof the almshouse at South more ncourasremenL and less dri. viriiT- Pf ifaPy would grant increased prS Tilfgesfofi doing well; instead of thraiaiL ening pun jshin,eft t for doing wrong.' I could perform njv tasV with a cheerful.heart, if w.TTfU1n, W t( me Vo your task (juicklW ahd; behave well, -nnd you shall hear must pnertevening nthe: week or you may nav f&tertairntig books. ?' But, instead of that, it alwifys Isi Ifyourask is not done well, you will MJpunished; O, nobodv. that has never-fried it, knows how hard4hi mnU workgbciffill;;.,;- --:; - A: L j -1 thought of this woman wheniT rarl BarrCornwalrs lines, called The Voor- house:?; IfK Ij . '. . . ' " lo?H ? In ihe-Wgh-walW- yards . 1 . F 'frcejtnpn a rj pacing the barren ground ; -'' Dte th long bire chambers ! girls ' ' Afi Nen "r ewin.g,' without a sound - ' ' Sewg.oii-.tUt the dismal eve? ! - Nopwtnuntpito kind 'uought" 5 " DjI1V the pauper's breast of care ; , i . . . . I .Nothjeng Jba-pqii in thergrierous past j , lif higto coine but the black despair y Of r.iadi4priBcn; bereft of friends, vr " Orjiulgry, oul in the open air V- . Actinupdrj the principle to which I 7xMa W' W1 Edmonds, President of ocinsrctors bf Sing Sing, last fourth of set Jeach of the ;se venty-three wo acn prioiers jaj beautiful bouquet, with a rta- askitf jthem to receive the flowersas stirri)oj4l pfthis approbation for their' codiict.: bWhen the matrons passed woughljelgalreries, every woman came ? H cel1 Avith the flowers in MrhaniiJ and Earnest, thanks, and the thispered H Gdcf bless you,w met Ihem fTCfy sifP- Being alter ward assembled j inrh 1" urougnt tneir,nowers, T matron talked with them habits Of seIf-irovernrnenf nnA nf th ct oiftteir present conduct on their fu- T TO fepts In life, the tears flowed GlDIe- iQflcloii IhA miitrnnc writ' K f-ia.. 1 s k . a f-r- wfc aa.w. r- Th0 felTect bf this little exnerirrient fitma hiovc afestlio the more quiet aha gen- Qents of the Drisoners. in their wftenedMhtl sbNued tones of voice, and f lheirf ready jand cheerful obedience. It MSdeepfcned My convrctiori that howev f aegraed byjin , or hardened by out !e.aMronf while reason 'Jnaintaiqaj w empir;ovrjjthe mind, there isjno heart cilldu or Obdurate that th vnl nf WhfiTO .S indnws may not reach iC 50 dtltWi.s to gi ve no response to the fcaes 6f iriitiin love.w i J Poultanji lately, beheaded in Paris fcr robbcj-jl and murder, when his head as UntMjhxe, saidr ffi 7Scieiy arudge, because it pori ame( rh4 1 the galleys when I was on- I f?' After the expiration pf the Mich I was sentenced, there was a toouihls off left-iri 4ne to make an wncst iah lut I was always pointed wanexuiu wirn rnis snnierr. 1 wnuin nrgnty ejatreat all who will listen . j8 fcJfvjerV cautious how they treat . ; b fa4 it teaUngKprbperty valued at a Altera' JiLL j--: .l.u.r . '7"s "pauywiiu . prosiuuies anu i!!4?16! continual sense "of atiprf, , theirffuiure eourse likely ahatk aldowbward onelTo WtV6 vbc take such harsh measures ttn.We8ffi instead bfj friendly tand Christian interest Vin: the 4erwl!i -f?lf slre werer thyown daughter fHtl kindness-and Ur. vl?rnkers.-is it thus you would fcftreat herl 2 ft shelobcehad a ad flfc ml r f tchcd r cradle! tenderly -ft ft W for that mother's sake; ;IC come 1 RnsionG rive ul 7 c voice of Idve.tbea trea(J foot and a: very sraall quantity of bustleV bond SL-ct as usual for inspectors. ; M? ilBRUNER &; JAMES, 1 I li JWitofi 4. Proprietors, lit 1 J-"' her more igentlyfor.that very reason rand rbmemberf the jsjaying,-? Inasmuch as ye KaTfi donejit .uno one of the, least iof jny brethren, ye baVe done it unto me ? - ;Iyoul!likdvyise entreat those who happen to jknowof some delinquency in a fellow:beingjtoJkeep the secret faithfully, so long asjhijs life gives assurance of sin cere I amendment.-. -Ajvcry young ( man, whbf fiot jjjn Slng Sing,: when tried for jhisjsjqjoileiicfc at the bar jQaiji substance as follows; . If if ijBjtiiiaffece - was' committed' more In toughteMnes than with deliberate wickedness. But I felt thatl was to blame. Hi ana was wiuins: to Dear the penalty like man.. In orison. 1 formed the strongest ripfotioniid atone for imv fault hv lift of bobest tiseiulrfess;,: When mv term was fqtjsjK good deal of dif- ncuity, in;orjjtaiting employment. I did mjesttiffia the confidence of my em ploye r, ana ibecfeeded Every dar I felt my manboM grow stronger. J But at last ajrrson cra, iptp the store who eyed me lfyt aned pale;under his gaze, lie tjpld my jfjmployer that he had seen me Woigji cnycts at Sing Sing ; and I was .sternly dismissed from his? service. I wen.i to Pf ilade phia, to seek for any hon p4 pbnierit I could find; but a man whojjsaw Ine there told me if IaMd riot quit JL$e Jjiinjtweny-fbur hours be would ex posLme!:lJ came back disheartened to ypi. j I ljadspent my last dollar. qhrisUansl would not give mei aiome ; gamblers hrid thieves would ; and here I ainganori m$ way to Sing Sing ; , llf aidev1what if this young man were PPfll0 jon t PI give you such a heart as had ;jth kindjold woman, who, running to the assistance of a strancrer i jtfie streetj was asked, Is he your son.!' son. rr ' t-rr u a Mother Responsible Al mother is usually also a wiff nnl Uc the anaement ot a lamily and a direct nnu encel over subordination to her head, at of authoritv and wields th has lhe!s VW$ W iffovernment. 'y From a position f entire :dtnendenr she hnc ricon fv nnr T Mdrk,f and though her throne may hi? ih a ypttage, and her dominion the lit. tljejyorkf 4f household, affairs, yet is she PPitW l1 ba,)y responsible, than is that ypuhfulfflieen vho now sways a sceptre ove thefour quarters of the earth. But for; Thai is $he responsible?; , j She is responsible for the nursing and f?4W?&!MI her progeny ; for their physi ?! NriiBtjon and growth; their exer cise! aridj prober sustenance in earlv life. 4- c lild Jeft to row updeformed, bloated, or nieare, is an object of maternal negli- HSie isj fpsponsible for a child's habits ; inci Jdiug cleanliness, order, conversation, emipg bieepmg, manners, and general flefieJenf untaught in these particulars, will Drove lirinpr monument of narental disren-artl ecausei generally speaking, a mother canT l she wilhrgreatly control children in these mattersH ; -, . . . . . j Sie i Responsible for theirdeportment. She car make t lem fearful and cringing, si cannjalie,th,em modest or impertinent, itigeniobspr; deceitful ; mean or manly ; clownish ijrr polite, The germ of all these' things is ip childhood,' and a mother can repress or bring them forth. ihe i s rdspoasible for the principles wHich ljetj children entertain in early life, fojr heif it is! to say whether those who go forth, (mm her 1 ireside, shall be imbued (Yt snamenti of virtue, truth, honor, honesty, tempen nee, industry .benevolence and 'morality, or! those of a contrary cha-jtpllr-l-vlce, fraud, drunkenness, idleness, ciptpijsress.. jThese last will be found 0 ;lbji I of te most natural growth ; but on !jrjis ifevjolved the daily, hourly task of weeding her little garden of eradicating thse; odious productions, and planting the utnwth the? lily, the rose and the amv arnaihj that fadeless flower, emblem ,of t Sr?fs 1 a Vry considerable extent re-' sponsible jfor the temper and disposition of hfJdfen Constitutionally they may be Violent,: irritable, or revengeful ; but fprthereplatin;or correction of these rjassions baothei-is responsible; r I Responsible. for the intellectual aicuirlmpnt of fier children, that is, she is bqupdooj what she canpr. this object. Schools, Academies. -and colleerfts onn jrpFM. thrpughout our land ; jand ey-. airy thriis under heavy responsibilities tp! see fhat her pons and daughters have all j beie,fib which these afford and which; circumstances will permit them to enjoy,: 1 1 Sh eliS reSDOnsible for I h pa r rl i o-intis iaiibyThe beginning of all wisdomTis; Uodj ; and. this every, mother Reverence for Godacquaint- must teach. ance vrith His word, respect for the duties vym 41.1s wuru, respect bnd bruinance of;religibn are within the KiiyliffpiJir60 tojmplaidtlanbif. cmiaren grow- pp ignorant or regaraiess. bfj Bible arid the Saviour, what moth er, yhtri Ihxjbrisiders i the: wickeness;bf lam fiu raan.nearH can e pevv ujwu.w nav up and call hen blessed (Juoiiers jout. berlbh lis arid beautiful of all creation's work, is ft p rettv vburi jr fwoman with a neat little , JVEfT A CTTECX CTOX.JLLL TOtnt ' .IS SATE.' I- . ' 1 . OF THE r ' r- I v f . ." - - - ; - r - Acts and Resolutions; j Passed by the Legislature of North Caro rl'Una, 184t45.; , j : ; ' PUBLIC ACTS.! 44. To amend an act to provide (or tbe col. . . '1. y -:. I . T - ' , A , - i ' - i I : -2.- lection and management of , a revenue for this State. . Provides that the Comptroller shall al. low for insolvents in settling with sheriffs ; and repeals so much as requires the Comptroller to njroishcertain:blanks.-;-;. i ,, ; 45. For the reorganization of the Portsmouth nnd Roanoke Rail Road Company, j Provides that the. Governor shall appoint a commissioner to act with commissioners from Virginia jo sell the road, franchise, &c. to purchasers,! but rights of creditors shall not be affected, by the sale. ' 46. To repeal a part of an act ot the Revised Statutes, chap. 8$, sec 1,'as to time and manner of electing-wardens of the poor, so far as re. lates to the counties of Hertford, Tyrrell and Yancey. . Provides that the jcounty courts of each of these counties shall, at tbe first term af ter Jan. next, and every three years thereafter, electseven freeholders as wardens of the) poor. 47. To revive and continue in.' force an 'act to authorise the laying off and establishing a turn, pike road from Laxton Lynch's, in Burke, to the widow Sale's, in Buncombe. Revives the said act, except 'so much as authorises a! sub scription on tbe part of the State, i 48. To amend the 103d ch. Rvised Statutes concerning the improvement of. rivers and creeks, and to prevent obstruction to their navi. gat ion. Provides that county courts, where streams have been or may hereafter he improv ed under tbe provisions ot the above recited act, shall appoint overseers and assign hands' to keep them clear, but slopes to be - kept in repair bv tbe owner. ; . ' - 'j ' I j' j 49. To revive and continue in force tbe act of 1831 32, to re-enact and extend the provi. sions of an act of 1829, to incorporate the; Lake Drummond and Orapeake Canal Company, eni' titled an act to amend an act of last session to incorporate said company, &c. Revives act of 1831 '32, and appoints Jesse; Wiggins and others commissioners to open books of subscript tionv ill-' i ' i M I- 50. Supplemental to the act of last session to establish the county of McDowell,, j Provides for a Superior court for said county, to be held at Union, on the 3d Monday after tbe 4th in Sept, 1845, and on the 6th Monday after 4th in March and Sept. thereafter. T ; j ! 51. To provide for making a survey from Ra leigh and Fayetteville, west, to the Georgia line; Directs the Governor, before the 3d Monday in Nov. 1846, to Cause a survey to be made: with a view of making a turnpike road. . j j 52. To amend ihe Revised Statute entitled religious societies. Provides that the Confer encc. Synod, Convention or other religious body representing any church, 'shall bavej power, to appoint trustees to hold property for sucb church. 53s For a canal from Cape Fear to' Lumber river. Provides that a company may be form ed, with a capital of $300,000 for said purpose. 54. To alter, the time of holding tne Superi or Courts of Law and Equity for the counties of Rockingham and Guilford. Gives the se cond week of Guilford court to Rockingham for both terms of 1845, and the same to Orange for 1846, and then to return back to Guilford as heretofore. , j 1 ': ! ! 55. Concerning Sheriffs and Constables.- l.onenns and constables not using due diligence in the collection of claims placed in their hands, shall be liable for the amount. j ! 56. Authorising tbe making a turnpike road in Wilkes county, and to incorporate a company for that purpose. t I I 57. To consolidate and amend the acts here tofore passed oh the subject of common schools. Provides, among the principal amendments and alterations, that superintendents shall be ap pointed by the court next preceding the first Monday of October in every year, and take of fice on tbe first Monday of October : i that com mittees shall be elected on the last Saturday of September in every year, and take office on the first Monday of October ; and present superin tendents apd committees shall continue in office until others are chosen as required by the act ; that the chairman of superintendents shajl be allowed to retain 2 per cent, of all mones that may pdtss through his bands as a compensation for his services ; that this act shall bei distribu ted among the counties ; that all persons over tbe age of four years, shall be allowed to1 go to the schools ; and that county tax, when levied, shall not be less than one half of the estimated amount to be raised from tbe State. ! 58. Providing for the appointment of Engros sing clerks. Provides that only one shall be appointed at the commencement of the session, by the Legislature ; and that others may be ap pointed, not Exceeding two, by ; the principal clerks ; and snail not receive more than j $3 a day each. jj,'. ' " ' j " j'- ': 59. To repeal an act passed in the year 1825, entitled an act to repeal m part an act passed in the year 1920; entitled an act to authorise and empower he commissioners; of ihe several towns, of Fayette villef Newberh, AVilratngto and Tarhorbugh, to organize and keep up Fire Engine Companies. ' ' I ) I 60. .Supplemental to an act passed at the General Assembly of 1842-3, "entitled an act to lay off and establish a county, by' the name of McDoweliJand to fix the time at which ib Superior, Couiis of Law and.CqartsJofjqQit and two terms' of tbe non-jury courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions shall be held in tbe coun- lie Composing me seveuiu uui.iai viiuii. 61. Repealin; the tttn sec iter. Statf cori- j cerning crimes ana punisomems, 62. To amend the 7th section of the Revised Stafutes, entitled "Guardian and Ward.w Provides tha whereany guardian shall e "re moved under iaid section and the person ap. pointed in his jblace refuses to accent, Attorney General shall! bring Tuil against him arid his sureties. -, . . . -- . f '- r 63. Concerning the inspectors ofiflour Au thorises the county court of. New J janorer to ippoint an inspector of flour for .Wilmington, wno snau noia nis ouice lor uo 2 r fril I jik vlln t 1. . RcLfcM. ji Do THIS, AX LtBXKTT il , L .JCcriUnarrUa. r.:: V3 j64. To amend an act passed in 1843, entitled an act to incorporate tne Nantahajah Turnpike Company, s Extends time for opening books to 1st March, 1845 ; and reduces stock to 3,000 dollars. "- r ' t . - : . , . . . j 65." To provide for the education and 'main tenance of the poor and destitute deaf mutes and bljind persons in this State.! Appropriates an nually $5,000 from the Literary Fund to the ed tupation and maintenance of these classes, un der the selection and direction of the Literary Board, either by opening schools in this State or sending them to institutions in other States : arid county ; courts mayj levy, taxes to the amount of 75 dollars for the support of every such per son selected from theif counties. : 66. To prevent free! negroes and mulattoes from trafficking in ardent spi rits. Provides that they shall not sell, directly or indirectly, any spirits except such as they make themselves, under a penalty of ten; dollars for the first of fence ; and for the second offence shall be sub ject to indictment, and! fine lor imprisonment at uiscrcnon 01 me ouperior ourt. 67. Supplemental to an act of the present session, to attach that part , of Carteret, known a Ocracoke to Hyde county. 68. To repeal an act to repeal the third sec tion of the act of 1825, to direct the manner in which licenses; shall hereafter be issued to' re tailers of spirituous liquors,: so far as regards the counties of Richmond and New Hanover. j 69. To prevent frauds in levying executions issued by a single justice, and to encourage and facilitate the practice of taking security for the forthcoming of property seized under execution. Provides that lwnd given for forthcoming of personal chattels under execution, shall contain statement of such chattels, and list also be giv en to securities. 70. To incorporate tbe North Carolina Mi ning, Manufacturing and Land Association. Capital not to exceed 100,000, in shares of 100 dollars each, and stockholders to be liable in their individual capacity, in proportion to their stock. I fi 71. Relative to Notaries! Limits theirfees for each notice to 50 cents, except as to vessels. 172. In relation to the State Library. Li brarian to keep open 'Library between the hours of nine and twelve, and two and five o' clock. . h j: ' j ' 73. For the more speedy administration of justice. Gives the Judges the power to ap point and hold extra jTerms of tbe Superior Courts, to be paid for tljeir services by the coun ty in which any such term may be held. ! 74. In addition to the Revised Statutes enti tied Wills and Testaments, tfi amend the same abd to repeal part of the t5th section of the Rev. Statutes, entitled lands of deceased debt ojrs. Provides that administration may he had in this State. It authorises a testator to bequeath every interest he has, though not in possession ; and provides for free construction of Wills. I 75. To amend the 59th chapter of the Rev. Statutes and 49th section of said act. Pro vides that inspectors, under a penalty of 100 dollars, shall make a difference as to hard and soft turpentine, &c, except in Beaufort, Carter et, Martin, Greene, Pitt, Craven, Onslow and Wayne. . j j '. .j j 76. Concerning the agents of Cherokee Lands. To furnish the Comptroller duplicate statements of moneys collected. j 77. To amend the 10th section of the 45th chapter Revised Statutes. Authorises Courts of Equity to appoint time. and place of 6ale. j 78. To provide for removal of obstructions to navigation of Roanoke, j occasioned by erection of Petersburg Rail Road j Bridge. Provides that tbe company shall construct a draw to ad mit the passage of vessels and boats, and pay the State 25 cents for every person passiug over said bridge. L j j 79. To prevent fraudulent voting. Makes fraudulent voting indictable and punishable by fine and imprisonment. ! 80. Amending act concerning coroners. Giving 3 justices power to appoint one, where there is no coroner. j 81. Declaratory to the act to aid Internal Im provements. ; i 82. To amend the Rev. Statutes concerning guardian and j ward. PRIVATE ACTS. 1. To amend the act incorporating the Trus tees of Edenton Academy. J 2. To amend the act for the betterregulation of the town of Mocksville. i 3. To incorporate the jtown of Marion, in the county of McDowell, and to appoint commis sioners for the same. 4. To authorise the county court of Lincoln to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the pub lic road which is the dividing line between the counties of Lincoln and Cleveland. i 5. To amend an act to change tbe location of I tbe court bouse of the county of Montgomery, and for other; purposes, passed 1842-'3. Au thorises former commissioners io establish the town of TroV, at West's Old Field, arid to lo cate therein the court house and jail ; and the county court, at April Term, shall lay tax to pay for said buildings. i 6. To authorise Samuel Chunn to establish a toll bridge over French 'Broad River, in the county of Buncombe. ! . j 7. To incorporate Crosi Creek Lodge, No. 4, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in the town of Fayetteville. j 8. To prevent the obstructing of fish passing up Six Rons jCreek, in Sampson county. Pre scribes a penalty of fifty dollars for the offence, if a white person, and whipping, if a slave. I 9. Making compensation! to the jurors of Hyde. Allows them 75 cents a day. - ; ! 10. To alter the mode of appointing consta- hies in Tyrrell county. ; Gives ihe election to tbe county court. . . - - . 4 v - , . . -!; ' . , (! I 11.; To regulate the 70tb and 71st regiments, if the militias f Militia in Lincoln formerly at tached to 70th to be attached to 71st regiment: I and that portion in Catawba formerly of the 71st Jo be of the70th: h" '1 T"1 . 15L ReDealinff an act ofl 1B28, directing the f ' 13. IricorporaUnglhe trustees of Milton Fe male Institute, inthe county of Caswell. ;'. li: Incorporating the town of Monroe, in the VVUa w . - - 5 i- ' . ' ' . -T "- t tNTOIBER 3D, OP VOLUME L C t i '15,vTo altachV portion of the roilitia of the 69th regiment to the 68th, ;, ; . 'I . 16. Incorporating the Franklinsville Guards in the county of Randolph: ; , ft ; 17.' Incorporating a company of cavalrin the town of Wilmington. " ' : , . - au?10riscthe county court of Beaufort fo appoint special justice? of the peace, and ma king comj)en?ation jo such justices for. certain services. Court, a t first te rm after lsf January may appoint a s many 'special justices as -it may think proper for ibej county, to recetVe fees for their services; but jnot more than two tobeapV pointed for the town bfj. Washington. : 19. To authorise the Portsmouth and Roan oke Rail Road Company to charge tolls on their bridge over Roanoke iye near WreIdon. 20. Incorporating a' milling company in the county of Anson. Constituies Wm. G. Smith, Ebcn JVelms, Jos. p. Nelms, a body corporate, to be styled the Pee Dee Milling Company. rJZV Incorporating the Phoenix Fire Companv, in the town of Elizabeth City. 1 " 22. To prevent the felling of timber in the water courses of t he county of Guilford. Im poses a penalty of jen dollars for every offence. 23. Incorporating the Newbern Mechanics Association, j v j i ' 24. To jimend an act to incorporate the Fay etteville Riflemen, j 25. To change the place nf holding the coun ty and Superior courts of.McDowcll. 26. ' To revive an act for the better regulation of Ihe town of Wafrenton. 27. Incorporating the town of Rockingham, in tbe county of Richmond. 28. To ledse a silver mine to George South -erlin, the discoverer, and for other purposes. 29. To prevent; the felling of limber in the creeks and rivers within the county of Cabar--rus. j . 30. To incorporate the Fayetteville Library Institute. j . 31. To amend tne act of 1836-7, to incor porate the town offGreensborough. 32 To alter the mode of annointinsr consta. 1 bles in Reaufort county. Vests their election in tne county court ot said county. 33. Incorporating Washington Lodge, No. 3, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Murfreesborough. 34 SuDDlemental to the art nf sion,to amend an act to incorporate the Presi- f dent and Directors; and Company of the Yadkin loll Bridge. Authorises a toll on a loaded wagon, of 25 cents. I 35. To loan to the North Carolina Military Academy at Raleigh, for the use of the cadets thereof, the necessary military arms and equip ments, i . ; 36 To appoint commissioners for the town of Asbeboro', and to jncorponite the same. 37 To provide for the opening and clearing out of Muddy Creek and its branches, in Stokes county. Makes it the duty of the first county court after 1st JanJ nest, to order the clearing out of these streams ; to lay them off .into dis. tricts, appoint an overseer for each,, and appoint hands to each, from those liable to work on pub lic roads. 38 To appoint commissioners to lay off a road in the county of Ashe! Appoints Thomas S. Calloway and others to lay off a road -from Fred. Soverts to DpnierBardctsV " 39 Incorporating a corps of cavalry, in the county of Chowan, 40 Incorporating DunnjFaison Academy, in Duplin. 1 I 41 Dividing the militia of Anson into two regiments. vz 10 improve; the navigation of Cypress Authorises James Cromar- creek, in Bladen. tie to clear out said creek for five miles. 43 To incorpora te the Trustees of the Beth ania Literary Society and Academy in Stokes county. j 44 To incorporate a volunteer infantry com pany in Washington, Beaufort county. 45 Making compensation to Tales Jurors in the county of Perspnl - 46 To incorporate a corps of Cavalry in tbe county of Perquimbns. 47 To incorporate Trustees of the Morgan ton Academy:in Burke county. 48 To incorporate the Carthage male and female Academies jin the county of Moore. 49 For the relief of Samuel Sowers. 50 To establish a new regimeot out of the militia in tbe county of Union. 51 To incorporate the town of Pittsborough, in the county of Chatham. 52 Giving the county courts of Stanly two jury terms. 53 To prevent obstructions in Hitchcock's creek, in the county of Richmond. v 54 To divide the militia of Anson into two regiments. j ... 55 To amend ah act to incorporate the town of Shelby, and for other purposes. 56 Repealing part of the act Rev. Statutes, chapter 89, section 1, as to the time and man. ner of electing wardens of tbe poor, so far as relates to Northampton. County Court to elect twelve wardens every three years. . 57 To authorise the county court of Pitt to appoint special justices of tbe peace and making compensation to such justices for certain purpo ses. 53 To repeal anact of 1825, concerning fire companies in Fayetteville. 59 To authorise the holding two additional terms of the couutyj courts of Catawba, at which there shall be no jury trials. 60 To incorporate "Washington Academy, in the county of Duplin,'-' ' 61 To locate the -court house. in the county of Catawba, at the town of Newton. ; , 62 To appoint commissioners fcr the town of KocKtord, in the county of burry. -" ? ; ; v 63 To repeal ah act of 1842 to repeal an act of 1835 entitled an act to abolish the office of abolish the office cf county trustee in the county of Moore.' - I r , - - ; '' - "64 .To confirm la "sale by 'Jaraes rW Guinn, agent Confirms his sale to Scroop Entoe. " 65 Tb'authorise the removal of countylseat ec coDlJ Te u' 4 ; 66 To amend the act to authorise' a Turnpike from Blockhouse fo Cain ;Creek Bridge. 'i , '. f 67 To establish and regulate a turnpike road 1 e in Macon, tobe called the Tenr i urnpike company. :nesseo Itivcr Vt,..'; 1 RESOLUTIONS. ' 1 Resolution in favor of Wm. J, Lewis for ' 024 for carrying a writ of Election to Pittcoun!, ri 2. Authoring the Governor to erect Grave jMff.H of deceased members, of the Assembly. ; 7 3.1a far6r of Israel Barnett. . Directs the " Secretary of Slate to issue a grant for 59 acres of Land in Cherokee county.; fj " 7 .4 In . fUvc. of .Leonard ZigUrpSherifT . 0f Stokes county. " Returns $40, Jor Insolvent Polls. f f - vH y. y r . . f - 5 In fatior.of; Henrr AddinMon. : ; fbiri. the Public Treasurer to return him four Bonds executed by him. for the sum 00115 39. J ' ; 6 In favor of James. C. Turrehline, Sheriff- ' JiT1 Ueturns him 300 paid ry htm upon value of land, in cons ' amount; of an error fn the general estimate of tbo lahd . -iyeara842.a-U;.;. ' 7 In favor of Wml Utr'mr mnA r.ron' Tim ronsentirnri . s AJIoprs five, days compensation for assisting in , we organization ot tbe senate.! r--r,- j.. v O in tavor ot Arthur s.; Aloorios. , SherifT nf 7 Martin conly; Returns him$55 50 being one r 1 half of a penalty collected by him from GeoW'1 Stapls,fortinhwfulpeddling.l ';!--V.Tv: , n lavor oi v in. ums .ot Macon rountv. -, v. I Authorizes tbe isuin of a grant to said Dills. 1 , -lOjln ffvjpnsf John L. Christian, Sheriff of v . " Montgomery cpunty. f Returns $200 to him, ! -collected for failing to till the ClerkV:Certifi- 1 " . cate, relative to blank licenses; 'i ; 1. "1 111 Relating to Smithville in Brunswick co. C'.. . I Authorises the U. S. Officer in rommnnH nt : 5 v Fort J phnston, to close up 1 Ellis Street in .said 1 , 124 In favor of Wm. T. Bain fof$16, as an v- - express to Col. James Watt, one of the Council r - u of State, jtb attend a meeting of the Council. ' ' ' ' 1 .Wjn:r.ofJusUceoOhePeace:bfHavi ' wooccourityj" Grants a 'reduction of $1462 . ' f on tHe bondijof John Dillard and others fori;; '. Chcrke4;ili)inds. ' Un j jafpr of Samuel .Walters, of Btacoo. county.vllli !:,, :;t . S " . - 151 In Javior of Thomas J. Roane, of Macon s' county. T r" -j r , 1 16;: In favor of John Hill and others: vr 17In;farbf of Morriss 1 R. Tayloe "and C. Kephart of Cherokee coiintr. . rGninl.them 7 J000 acres pf land to erect Iron .Works on. -f"w ' Wi ' - . .. ... ... .... .. . 18 19 In favpr of L. II. IMarsteller. In favor of Wm. Thompson of Ralehrh. for $03 5bJ 20 J Relating to the Committee Rooms, in the -Capitol.!LM : , . . ; ':,t?-'. 21iInJifor of Thomas Wilsdn Sheriff of V Yancey uhty, for $51-36. "e -v. ,1 22 Infavor of William Davidson of Meek.":- 1 ( lenhurg county, for $839 93, being-the . fourth '' -part of a Judgment obtained bVhira arainsttbo ; " Catatxbr (Kavigatioh' Company) in which the -Slate is a! Stockholder, t-, ; ' li I 23l I.n ffr of Thomas WrRooker. Directs the Adjutanjt General not to proceed against him, v for failing; to make return to the Brigadier Gen-' h eral.J f ji '"- J , -; 24 In favbr of Michael FranclsiEsq. .-i,'.VL 25j Relating to the Siatue of Washington.' Ui rents the; Oovernor to cause the fragmeuts of the Statue of Washington," to be removed to the room bf the State Library. , ';l 26 In favor of the Commissioners of Raleigh Jvi C Authorises them to get building stonefrom the " C, ' State's1 Quarry. . -'V .' ;27 fn favor of the Doorkeepers of both IIous- , ? es; for $25 extra :pay. " P--- "V 5 28 Relating to the interchange of Documents ' Approves of the proposition ot the Legislature f of South Carolina, and recommends its univer- sal adoption. 29 Authorising the Governor to employ coun. ; all ...t L'. . ' . i . . r. . . set it an wuere me inieresi 01 me otaie .: requites it. 30 Authorising the purchase of a .National Flag for the State,; T--VI i I. I 31 In favor of Thomas M. Cash.' of Alabama M l 32 In favor of John II. Treasurer. ueeier, i'uduc . Appropriating $1000, for purchase of furV -t , - , niture for the Governor's House. 34 Relati've to rebuilding of the Branch 3Iint at Charlotfeg Memorializes Congress for an apprcipriatiqh to rebuild the Mint, '-;' 35j In favor of Adman . Van Bokkelinfor $500, for the storage and package of Arras ; 36 Aumvrising iv. t. Asnton 10 enclose a lot in the city of Raleigh. s r .1 ' In favor of Justin Martendale, for $4 55 State 37 38 In favor of the Commissioners of the town of Wilmington and others; for $327 28. 39 In favor of John A. Averett. Sheriff of Onslow county, $200, being the amount recov. . ered jagaiost him. . " 'f- 40 In fuTor of Reeder & Lougee, for $9 '50.' li ;41j In favor of Wm. Ennett,'for $25, forcar- ' rying1 a writ of Election to Onslow county. ) , 42 Authorising the Governor to foreclose the Mortgages executed by the Clubfoot and Har- low yreek Canal Company. u : j 43i Lelfltinnrfn the Cnnrniree Tnrliiin4 rtniiVmrr in i North Carolina. . Request a our, Senators and Representatives In Congress to use their influence to obtain a -speedr settlement , of the just claims of the Cherokee Indians residing in this State;! -' , ., ! ; 44 Concerning tbe printing of the Inaugural t Addresses of the Gorernor'sof this Stater" -1 !45l In favor of the' students of the Raleigh Acariemyi Loans 50 muskets. - t ' h - v 46; Relating to the estimates of allowances. " 47j Resolution directing.-the Secretary of V Statej to receive proposals for enclosing the cap- ? itol square with a stone Wall, and an Iron RiiiL1 ing ff nee, and submit the same to the next Le." gislaure.1 H i - , 41 ; j H 48 Resolution-relating to the History of the Stat el Directs the Governor to collect infor- iiMuyu tuts Buujecuj ; ITtiE Chaft Looking Upw The newly elect-jv ed. Vice President of Texas K. LAnderson . J .. 1 , . J. . ' -r. . erveu nit time-as an apjixuuce iu iuc suoe ma- king business. By his industry and persever- encel he mow occupies a. seat, uocsccorsa .1 ft fV- 1, . conspicuous in tbe young Republic"1 : fTe present constitution of NewJIIampshire forbids Catholics from holding any office in the ' S State. At ithe. recent election it was submitted , to thi people whether that provision should be' U expunged or remain, and they decidedby a large i majctitjrtoj retain it! , New Hampshire is a -"Democratic Stale !. r '-' V 1 "rlttCiIt is said word hurt nobody ;;neverthe."' less jSanipsonyatred a thousand Philistines to deatC;;l WeIirSampson is the .onIv"nian thai s- ever killed any person hrjaicwg! A mow 4 l j .r. - L.:. tr .1 t - "1 1- 1 - f t -

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