'J A 'ft r i- 31 Y: 'iinfaio-fe f7 m a nut-shell.'-- j ThVlIoni -William L. Go-gin, member f 'Congress' from Virginia, has addressed hfs constituents through the National Intellf- gerkef, j&clining a re-eIcctioi7-in whicji . he ireferstto his,. political opinions on all j ; the? great questions of thecUyasuncharig-J f ca. in reierence to Annexation, uc ,' i- ' ? . . M . r the. following language : it! it In regard to the annexation of lexau i vhfchj femce my. election, has been rau disgussei in some portions of , the distrfc) 1 I, feel i p be but due to candor.to declare, that, as! four 4iepreseni.au ve, iiconsioer p indutj to " oppose it. :' Thougfi electeji ; without;! reference at all to) this "question,1 i it if m Viiuusmess to consider and to meet it Jirlyjj When first presented itQ,meJ jl ieltpnclecl, without examination, tfl IfjaH orfitilisequent reflection hastefidejl tsa fbc injj opinion against it The anne atioji otp. foreign territory to our bwh vasj I think, ' never contemplated byjtbe framers jjf the Constitution If the pow er, owcer: was -beyond doubt, I deem the IprojfSpti if carried out, as likely to en danger jtfie. Union itselfas unwise abd imppliticiri the eiistmg state of our own, as :;iveIIJM the relations Texas wjjlh those; of liMexicb; "A-'f-W-'-Vr' aiWe fiaire, too, in Virginia alone, more 1 . " v? s "'"cien-tio'Tnainiain intrty .millions l;f inhabitants We atT possess ed, lso,besides the lands of all the oth-1 cc ivcjH-ii,ve oiaies.; 01 a ncn ana Dounu le&omiin in the West, that must remain uuujjiu, i portions 401 f ages f o come. uv, men, it may pe asKeu, snail j that which is ou r neighbor's cf-iwe acquire : mare, (and that. we covef toq,$iyi paying many millions bf dollars for i) whfcii we bave afready an abundance, I ;andiQ. slareV even tt the foreigner at one aoijari aa a quarter per acre I ' Why, in I value ofthlit which we already possess? for this; niist be 'the effect ; ring into rnarfeet ithbiit our own the lands of this forejgn-Ipuntry i tempt the Virginia slave owrier itb the prospecttf immense pro fits in tbp Texas cotton-fields, and his Vir ginialadswill soon be oftlBred fbr salS ; he Vill s indueed to selbat a low priie, because: he Jean; buy more where bis slaive labofwiljs he supposes, be better ferriii nerajedj iBut th main with a small farm1 anaimedinea1is, whxaho perform ajl his Idbol himself, wishes to remove to 'the. Wes prlNorthiwcst, to some free State, 1 and he, jop, j oilers his' land for sale but j he f3pdsiis more opulent neighbor 01; 2 petiilgAith 'him,iinalIy underselu'ngniiii, j andhujreijucing- the yaliie of his fsifni f unti it; is made almost: worthless. TheE man of veatth wilj not buy out the smjall larmer because he is goitig I the Irriafl farmer does not to Texas, and purchase the j land of his opulent neigbbdr because; he hasiQt:e' meatns tp-d so, jind has alreal dy j)erhips,ideiermined to jgo in another diretioj; The lands of each and every clasj our pitizens '"will thus be, lessened jiu yalu whether , they wish to remove and-to pallor to remain in the Old Domirjt ion:ITMt it kvnnM in nil nKnKnttv- nrlit !'a few c&)Iat$ to the value of each slave in w irgiuxanur jU, nine, i inmK may De concfl ucuj uii mis ituvumage 13 small in-Com pari$onjvitb? the evils to which I have bqt ' r4 jntjiesd views I may bp mistaken,; yet ram o IfcandLdate fbr office, I shall not be suspbetf d of a want of sincerity. I earn estly dpire to see this Union preserved f to pponwte itki blessings, and to aid iuesli 1 tabtshin on a firm' basis the Jnstttutions i ur ovvn tree ana lavorea iana. The1 governor of Massachusetts, has eu by message, to th!e Legislature submit; V 01 t&aU States the case of Mr. Hoar, thei j late; minister j io "South Carolina, withoul I anys recommendation. .Mr. Hoar has made j a (ljiaHep statement of his reception, trea I nwM&i wnilH at Charleston. 1-1 TXcSniitAontan. Institutwri. The bill t(estaulish!the Smithsonian Institution,? &c KviU yesterday reported back toJJthel wp ivom sxno ijiDraiy vomrauiee w.uu amenefmcnts which; leave the mam tea turi!6f National Library in the plan of lPPtppr?ating $20,000 iannually to- t warasjinat ODiecti-naa me senate sat fto-ay instead of adjourning; over to Mohr dalte bill Iwoqld have been taken fiiii aridmably passed that lodythis idayi . 1 tutirc earinjr to be a creneral dlsoosS. J pass Jt as it no w stands.- Nat, Ink J-i I. 9 . rj The citizens of Detroit, Michigan, I hate si sf tied a petition, and intend prescnt- mT mm itlto i Gonirress for-the annexation of wiiiujiu hip, u invii. mcii, vwugi coa uoa &S inn iy Urrlit nnrl nnr rln?m tv rnnnrls ' r JUSI n?T ffrtnd iis it 15? to I ptaS. -t . . . S! i aM Wmd Potc. in Salisbury. was taken do ! in FitdrftadWeVeninir Ust."br those who raised It. best to take it down, lest it should fall by j windsome day, and damage person or p 1 i . H 1 eier on ilr. Cay Refuted. lr. iraball ot lasthampton, ilass- a "w.riv rartv man. and teacheri at , a; se ' lirjj y that place) made the assert! W i -,ai;e etech inai;inr.iay nau ift ioree-racen the Sabbath, "and T tcacher-Mr, Wrifit. a Whiff i defN! b s, quarrelled with Mn vkimbalL Mr.,Ivimball . r ail ! T T'X feuppattnake up the ni nn Ihft msiftpr. inrnith- tsWii following statemcntj refuting tbe t-Pnd-malicious slander uhcin i-rf1? publicly to express my deep rei- view of thgreat injuticcdone ta 1 the: lion. Henry Clay by the nsciuW, j a tc-ara cf hones, came 'along.'and inVrnVeit. ', 11 Tt T ..jw.... v. iuu ui jjuhuw" 4ioi" woica acciaent was, no Gouut,,tnof race on Sunday, and employ this method of counteracting, as far as. 1 am able, the injustice done, to him and the AVhig cause 1 j I, - . - D.; M: KIMBALLL v' j Easthampton, Dec. 31, 1844. ;--i It is! late in' the day'for this ".'Kimball ta swallov hisserle jibel but better ! late! taah never?Ni Y. Tribune.?, ?: ' ft'. JMARYLAND. The; subjoined Resolution; with its Pre-: lamblej was moved in the Ilouse of Dele gjites jof Maryland 'on Saturday last by iMttjVfiljiam Cost Johnson. ; The-, case is sd clearly stated - in the Preamble, as to Tnake he conclusion, contained in the Res olution, jf not inevitable, difficult obe re sisted bV any one who has at heart the icharactr or the interest either of the sev- jeraliSitaies, or of the States united' The .npsoiuupn was raaae me order ot the day fqrOTesday of this week -Nati Int. W I fViipREAsVby the adoption" of the Cbn istltuiionlof the United States, the respec tive Spes surrendered to the General Go vernment the power to lay; import duties a ijftdregulate' commerce ; (and whereas tl 4; j$tpt;s, surrendered to the General Go viirnnjent the public lands as a trust pro P1 f$M be disposed of for the benefit of all-jthfl Slates ; and whereas in 1790 the Vnemliljovernment assumed the debts m lefSJates, and pledged all the proceeds of thejsales of the public lands for the pay- fMcWi c"f wuicu ueoc nas lonsr since beenidisfcharfired : and whereas (he reve ill' pf the General Governmentlare mor eessar)rto a wjse and economical system ofnational expenditure: and where as the! States have incurred hfiarv in!Kf edness for works of internal improvement. (itijisoijnq cases by the advice and encour agement of the General Government,) wiiifehjslrve to bind together tl e whole, affo jnake the Union enduring; and hereiaj the great indebtedness of many Jfjwfj. States renders a resort ;o ; direct pfatipnl to pay the interest at once oner fPlfHFPpressive to the. people, and it urdensome in the extreme to dis cMfgp pe principal thereof when the same, shall be due : ' ' .. JstL Therefore, resolved. As Lh& the iMneral Assembly of Maryland, that ine; if nerai Government should pledge its iium an and extend its credit for thei rlir rip tie, States by issuing 8200,000,060 of Go- J?- " i OLUttv lu ue apportionea among jites upon an equitable basis ; and tnijttye pntire public domain ye( unsold, cpmpuiea to De i,04a,73l,765acrfes, ought W Sjpjpicjdged specifically for the payment piuie same, and the interest t( accrue t Jli Li. on. lltksolved. That our Spnntnrdnnrl 11 n. preleWtaf ives in Congress be and the v are litlW farnestly requested to ttdvocate UCfij h neasure, and to do all in their pow- n lu acuure its aa !s.ecpre its adoption at the, earliest i-MUaole period. m. ; ' ' 94J jdaV last week the rain descending in ojtjphjti -a couple of wagons passed o-ur office, hp teppas to which were driven by negroes. It Orjo of these drivers we are about fo speak : was 4 stout, broad-faced fellow, k sort of Myleh looking chap ; and as he wended 11 knml...l ...I!-.. :L' 1JI- 1 - J ol -FcoojT iccini" in ma sauuie, no maue helair irirffir witha sonff DerhaDS ofl his own maeH-i-apart of which, only, we could gather. WQJii as we could make it out, it was some- ipejthe fallowing : jjem down south in the deep sahd hills M"yS tbe rog3 aD(l whip-poor-wills, t6 folks down dere got a heap ntgers, $f shine about and cut big figeri. I sell um rum. I sell 'um flouii J sell 'umfbacon, corn and backer. - Gwine home, gwine home, j pwine to old Virgma. t i iiiUi vva.3 suii 10 an air as new 10 us as ioe tn.tj l ? a. i. .i . words! were novel, but which seemed peculiar mtfsTsay iyjvJeli adapted to each other; and we there ivTastmusic in it, for it was sung with the spirt land made one almost forget the damp. eniJti-the unfavorably circumstances under which the " Virginal" minstrel poured forth. uiiawf, iqougni, we, nas james jv. rpiK more hapftinesslin the contemplation of the honors wii jiwlit him; as President elect, than that ne'gro enjoys m his numbie station, and in the thought of! "gwine to old Virgina," where, in all probability, he has a wife and children, who. knows J are i not nermllted to sufTer for the waiijt ibf this comfort of life. Nay, is th ere one abofiticjn; fanatic in a hundred, half as earl arid trouble ! v ree from fir ' A STREET FIGHT. CI shall take the liberty to say a word or 7. 1 ivtto io j relation to k fight which took place in onie pt uie reet3 ot our Town on last Saturday, ' II Jfe . A - -r yri;touh we may, by so doing, gain the isp esurq of the parties. We disapprore of gMirirtrflr wheretibut when it is done m so pu a.plice as the one in question, hindering tbsj!jci(jiet stnd busy from their occupations and ilarni g tjie peaceable, it deserves to be jcen su red i lthje most positire manner, and if there U any la by which tho belligerents in this ca saca n U reached we hope they will be made to fee .hejforce of that law; - ? - R The inarhes of the Individuals alluded to, are Redi arid ?rey. :The figbt commenced near! tesmi J,l& AV. JIurphy's store, ; and was suf. m progress until the parties - were barely able to btaod upon their feet. ; They were then pat anJ all present believed it was to their present Deueveu it was to their miit at lattlfactiod. Imagine our surprise, when, in thN dourte ot a halt hour anerwaras, we wiu tt0sa k continuation of tho fight. Unobserr. iiepJ the pnrpced parties came wgeiaer ibb se. cbiiia tjrne i and in, the language, of Col Jones u i!i )A 7 nKftnt'on fiKrn first nft. nnt thn anil jhci other. AC last prey got the decidejd advantncf his antagonists : He had him down buried in mud and watcrrC Just then Ho Joe albn t j Red Rooster. 11 .1 THE MASSACHUSETTS AGENTAll UVj:':?JNBW Orleans; '"lint 1 1 'l ' " 5 1'' 4 nThe Mobile Advertiser says i v We statJ : ed (yesterday ijpon theauthofity of a' gen-l iiernaa aireci irom iew ureans, tnat iNlrJ Htjbbard Had hastily left that city, for ;Bosi torj. v We, however, learn frojii the Je fife r sqnian Republican of -Monday; that be is stip n.the;cityt:iie.haspo.adds.th pe: publican,-placed himself incnimunicatior wib anyof the authorities; '6$ given form al jndtificatioii of his ' presehe,-or of the object of bis mission.. Ii js; known, hovv eve r, that he is here, anil nere as an ac credited functionary of the State of fas sachusettslfor the purpose of contrpvrt ingj Jtheatidityv orf of obstruitmg.the ex ecStion of a law of this Statej enacted jfor thej ' preservation of private property and the- public press. The at of jdeputirigjan agent to come among us with $uch objects is n insult tb-Couisianaa yicjlation of.ithe! comity due from one.member jf the ITmoU to another, an impeachnierit tf our sover eignty within the limits ofsthp State; and an pneroachment so glaring and perniciusi that no main can predict fwhajt! new uur-l pations may be attempted, o what 'evils may follow, if we tolerate! it for, a moment. Such an outrage was never contemplated, and, therefore, there is no statute beArino- uirecuy on tnis case.; it lis a casus onus- J: i, il I -I - sus The provisions of the Black Code do not apply in the present instance, as we are advised, though it niay; faintly be in ferred that the presence of such an agent, clo bed with powers conferred oh Mr. Hubbard, and backed by Massachusetts, wobld have a tendency to excite discon tent and insubordination in1 our servile- population. i i , ' her Republican continues i 'Fortunate-! ly, bur Legislatureconvenes!' to-davL and: trust it iwill dispense, as far as mav hit. imtU 4U 1 r . ;,J 1 . i?. . i usual luruis, ana taice immediate action in the premises, has; a precedent in tbe late proceedings of South Carolina, whfch have been approved,! we believe, without a dissent, in all the slaveholding States. The Governor should be prompt ly invested! with power tp eipl Mr. Hub bard, or any other agent jsent here oii such a mission, from the territory of Louisiana, andj it should be distinctly Injiade known tha the people of this Stated will submit to no interference with its jurisdiction or domestic institutions, frbm any quarter ; and that those who attempt, in person, thus to idterfere hereafter, will beivisited iWith the most terrible penalties known to the law.; It is high time we should speak out on this subject. We have submitted long enough. Ye have no compromise to make. We ask nothing more than the constitution and the rights hat were bought with the blood of our fathers.; We can make no compromis but byconcesswwnd wejhave no concession to make. I j i Wf. Hubbard, the emissary of Massa chusetts, is fully aware of his position. He knows that his mission is: revolting to pur rjride as citizens of a sovereign jtate, and dangerous to the peace of the commu nity.! He has been respectfully informed of al this by a number of our most influ ential citizens. Yet. we -n'nrlprstfi nrl hp TTefueS to leave. It is. therefore, nrone.r. tnat ne snouid be expelled lorthwith -by ? 8 ITT J .. i We trust, for the credit of all. and Lfor the sake of bumanitr, that no person- ai iiiMiuity win ue ouerea lo inis lnuivui ual. He should be regarded only in his capacity of public agent, and as such, should be expelled from our territory! only by the authorities of thei State.. j ! The Decision of the People.- Some of those who are strenuous for the annexa tion of Texas are constantly asserting that the people have decided! in favor of an nexaion. This assertion has been repeat edly made in Congress, and is made by cer tain partisan, editors with a singular air of confidence.- We know not how any one can take such a view of thei late elections as to feel justified in making; such a dec laration. It is quite doubtful whether a majority of the voters of the United States gave their voles for Mr. Polk ; and of those who voted jfbr him it is well known jthat large numbers are strongly opposed tp an nexation. Indeed, we entertain a j firm belie' that in the free States eleven-twelfths of tho voters disapprove of the annexation proposed by Mr. Ingersoll. j We speak now pf their personal views, and not of the degree of their submission to party dictation. , , i . , j i- It .Is astonishing that more account is not taken of the popular) feeling on Ithis impoi-tant subject. Even if those oppos ed to annexation were an evident minori ty; so strong and sincere is their opposi tion, and such are the grounds of that op position, that it would seem Unwise to ride over it. When a large, patriotic, and high ly intelligent portion of the ; people j feel that a proposed measure will involve the nauon m wrong-aoing, ana are mereiore anxious that it should pot be adop to avoid it. ted, surely the safe course! is And when it is more than possible that a majority of the people heartily disapprove of thei proposed measure, bow can trufe re publicans Consent to have janyl part. in forcing it upon them ? North American. ' " . f-4r . j .; I ; I ' ." . A j unnt Alteration. TA few year$ ago this sign j was upon one of our mprcaiitile houses : i v,-. -. ;. .- r v jl : -f ' S ; AAj,Bull4m Cpffntyfil r,f' 1 If 1 " A wickea wag one night took paint! and brush' and In one sminute made it ead thusL--i -r--y ! i;:,-! .-i':Ar' Ttull & Cow Tmhor'tedA 1 Numbers' of people called he pext, totale a look at the Imported Cattle J, day Regalias " Irlnciie, ' and Canones. W HAVE now oa hand a large And superior assortment Ji. of SEGARS of th bsl qnalitrV TSISS December SI. 184 I :a;,:;eriday morning. :: Annexation.-Tho last Richmond Enquirer a vs We. understand, that' a Caucus of he Rejpubbcan members Vasi held at , Washington on jSatarfay night A linp spirit, prevailed. The j f have adopted with : great: nn'aninty the proposition fbrinnging Texas in as a State -1 -''."'-. -7 -.-5. .:- .11 r rv71lV soereuunipg bertIands, and paying her own debts, dec, The scheme j selected was pretty much she same with Mr. Foster's, of . the Sen. ateoa the same general principles with Tib batts, promgoole's and Jules' rwilh some lit; tie variation perhaps from all of- them. Wo understand, the prospect tat Washington is, that some bill will pass the House of Repre sentatives )n a few days, af er the whole 'sub jechad been re-committet by the Committee, towards the close of the wet ik. Who can doubt the; jSenate 1 , Surely, they cannot, will not re. sist the will of the people, and cotmteract' the great1 interests of the'' whole Union V The Fayetteville j Observer says : 44 A fire wafe discovered, about 5 o'clock on Friday mor. ping last, in a wooden, bujlding on Hay street, in thi3 town, and was not arrested until that and three other building?-, all occupied as Gro cery Stores, had been destroyed.' The house in which it originated belonged to D. Baker, Est!., and was occtmied bv Mr. Thos. '.J. An. derson. Two adjoining iamo houses, on the Eait, were owned by D. Carver, Sen. and D. Carver, Jun. The loss off these three sufferers is very. severe, as they sated nothing and were not insurea. Late and Direct from Vera Cruz. Ji . ; I The Charlestdn Courier of Saturday say$: We arc indebted to the courtesy of Mr 1 npler, a passenger in the schr. Jp A. Brawn, arrived yester4ay from Havana, for fhe information which follows : Mr. T. lefj Vera Crqzvfor Havana on the J2d inst., in the Br. bail steamer Dee, which vessel reached Havana on the 7th instant. At the last accounts Santa Anna was: at San Martin de (Sesmuluca, about four leagues from Puella, with a force of 6,000 men, mostly motinted on horses ta ken from the inhabitants. Gen. Paredes bejrig in close pursuit! with an army of 9,000 raen, but manoeuvring and avoiding a conflict, as a matter Df policy, as Santa Anna's forces were daily decreasing, on account of desertions from his ranks, while Geri. P. was rapidly acquiring strength. A decree had been issued by the Slexi can j Congress, declaring Santa Anna a traitor and an outlaw, and authorizing any who may meet with him to take his life. Measures had also been adopted to pre vent! his escape, by guarding the different seaports and other outlets, and it is believ ed that he must eventually be captured. A person named Arellano, an individual in the interest of Sana Anna, with addi tional confidential correspondence, had been! taken, and it was supposed he would be executed. 4- - - I Mr. Tripler states that the whole coun- try is in-a state of the utmost confusion- robberies of travellers were committed daily, lnd he himself ivas twice stripped of whatever was valuable about him, in his iroigress through Mexicobut without any Indignity being offered td his person. It islthte opinion of Mr. T. from what he could learn, that the new government would be as much if not more virulently opposed to the annexation of Texas as the former and states thatf Americans are held in great abhorrence, and receive frequent insults at the hands ot the Mexicans. i Salisbury Market. We have no alterations in! prices o mark this week. Owing to the extreme unpleafsantriess of the weather, for the last; eight days, business 1(3 not so brisk as during the week before. j j j ' I Produce from WagoAs. paeon, none ; Beeswax, 25 cts.; Batter, 7 a:8 ; Cotton, 3$ a 4$ ; Corn, 30 ; Floor, 3 a 3ii Feathers, 20 a-22-Oats, 13. a 20 ; Tallow, 6 Flaxseed, 75 ; Lard, 5 a 6 ; ; Wheat, 50 ; Brandy, 30 a 35 ; Whiskey, 25 a 40. (peach,) 40 a 45 ; do. (apple,)) Groceries, fal, at the Stores. Bagging, 16 to 22 ; Bale-rope, 7 a 9 ; Coffee 7 a 9 ; Iron, 2 j a 4 ; Molasses, 45 a 50 j Nails, (cut, per keg) $5 75 ; Powder, (keg) $4 25 a $6 50 ; do (blasting, per keg) .$3 75 a $4 ; Sah, (sack) $2 50 a $2 75 ; Sugar, (brown) 7 a 10 cts ; do. (loaf) 15 ; Tin, (J cross) $12 50 ; Oysters, (fresh) -per gal. 2 50 ; do. (pickled) $1 50 ; Salmon, per lb: 25 cts. Mullets (per doT?.) $1 25. j Sheeting, 4-4,' (Salisbury knannfacture) 7 a 8 ; Cotton Yarn, (Nos. 5 to 12) 15 ctsi per lb. !;' - Sfctr In this County, on the ldth Dec. last, Mrs. HONOR HALL, wife of Soloman Hair, Esq., in her sixty-first year. ; Her death has left a jiracancy that will long be re membered. She was an examplary member of society, an affectionate wife, a kiind neighbor, and a kind and in dulgent mistress to her tervints. It can truly be said of her "those that knewlher best loved her most," 1 Small, font Valuable, Farm for sale. THE Stibscriber offers for sale the Plan tation; upon which he now lives, known by the namf of (the "White-House, six miles Ea st of Salisbury, lying on the Yadkin river, near the Trading Fordj containing 175 Acres, the greater part of which i3 nnler fence. There is on it a I FINE DWELLING HOUSE large, weft arranged, cornfortable, and well finished to gether vrtth all the necessary out-houses for a farm. It will be sold privately, if application be male soon ; or at public auction at; the: Courthouse in Salisbury, on the Tuesday of February Cktrt, on a credit of 12 months. January"4th, 1845 37tfl J. M. LOVE. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE, THE subscriber will sell at public sale on Monnay of February Court, the house and lot, ooe square south east of the Court hoofie. There. is on the premises a GOdD DWELLING HOUSE, Blacksmith shop with three forges ; a Carriage shop, !and all neces$aryjFout.buildiogs. At the same time will be sold, two sets of - - j j I J BACKSMITTII TOOLS. v -j The bove property ri3 b soli on a credit of mx and twelve' months, bond and approved" security required -of (the purchaser. " " . I Jan 1U1845 J . JOHN L SHAVER. 4w37 RUNAWAY NEGROES. , V 1 4 A.1 ttwdi A KEN up and committed to the Jail of Rowan county, on the 7th day of January, I Al 'twoneero men. Prince and Jane. - Prince i a- t a,nt SO yean of agel 5 feet 5 inches high. June is about 35 yea ra old, 5 feet highland eay they belonj to John D-A.Murphy, of iLexington Districr,3outh Caro lina. .Tha owner is requested to;. come forward, prove property, par charges and take them away. ... Jan 11,1843 US7 . . RUGS;" MEDICIpPES,:- FAIRI 1 , " ' . nTT Ci Tim fimTmnn s ' f ililTi QQscnter voold respectful! inform the citkons r.j. opemns oroct Urnyw Medicines, Oils, wtectrdby bWlf in Nw YorT3 ;is dclarrJ4io b (br thew capable cf .judging tbe largt test aortmem ever offered in th? !aLW "t-J. r v . i - 4 important than fresh Add fine raeJicine j he therefore solicits uUoaof hi stock and nncea tH A-.:- f.ii, i Y..i: ; ci..;i.:i zr.. "a examta ( UA UM MU W .UUUIj Celow will be found Aloes, Soc r ; Magnesia, J Calomel, EngliaJi, , . .' ,J Preclp: Carb.- Iron; American, Gold. 8. Antimonyj Sulpa.s Qainine, pore, h 5 Gam Myrrh; v : ? Epsom Salu, . Glauber . , Rocbille-l ,. Gnacom,' . " y Kino; : - 'J, " "r Catechu, . .; .) Arabic,- , . " , Awafcetidav , . Black Drop,. Su!phste Morphine,. Rhubarb, Ipecac. - J.tap,- Cream Tartar, . Salisbury, Dec. 21;.1844 ' 3a-34 MARKETS; FAYETTEVILLE MARKET Jan. 22, Brandy,pe'ch,5iQa60 -Lard, - . 7a8 uo. apple, 4i a ou piolasses," S3 a 40 Uacon, oaoj ,uats, ; .; 23 a 35 27 a 28 .Oil, Linseed, 75 a 80 Beeswax, Butter, 12 a 15 7 a 10 Th a 10 Ji a4 16 a 20 Nails, cut, 5-l.a5j Rags, per. lb. . 2 Sugar, brown, C a0& do. Lump, 14 do. Loaf, 14 a 16 Salt, (bush.) 45 , a 50 do. Sack, $2 a 82 25 Tallow, 6 a 7 Tobacco, VI, 1 a 2$ Wheat, 70 a 85 Whiskey, 35 a 40 Wool, '. 12 a 15 Bale Rope, Coffee, Cotton, Cot. Baginsr. Corn, 40 a 50 Flour, 83ia$4 Feathers, 9 a 30 Flaxseed, 81 15a8U Hides, green, 4 a 5 do. dry, '8 a 10 Iron, iia 5 CIIERAW MARKET, Jan. 2L Bacon, fri 5 a8 Leather, sole, 20 a 25 Beeswax, Coffee, COTTOX, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Iron, Lard, 9 a 10 40 a 45 Ci a7i 4 a 5 8 a 10 15 a 18 9; a 10 ' 4J a 5 40 a 50 83a$4 25! a 30 5 a 65 Molasses, Xails, cut, "lice, Sugar, br. do. Loaf, Salt, sack, 82 a 2 J Executor's Sale. IWILL ofier for sal?Lin LincoTnton, Monday the 3rd of March next, being Monday or the Superior court, the following property, to wit : Eli Hoyl's jne, rest in the High Sjbdal Manufacturing Company, being one tenth part. There are belonging (o said Company upwards of seventeen thousand acres of Land ; twenty valuable negro meri, the most of whom are first-rate me chaaics ; six waggfms and teems, a Furnace Forge, Ro ling Mill and Naij Factory, all in good repair. Also, two Saw mills, anil two Grist mills. Also, said Hoyl's interest in two Lots purchased of .Dr. Simpson, on which are all the shops One negro woman and children ; one and other articles not necessary to corner cup-board, mention, -ue attention and a reasonable credit will be given by me. ANDREW HOYL, Jan. 10th, 1815 33:5t Executor, ... "SWEETS FOR THE SWEET V? PERFUMERY, &C. ! JUSX RECEIVED A MOST SPLENDID As sortment of Cologne, Flori Aur Water, with Roses; Turkish, Perfume, Rose Water, Orange Flower, do.. Jessamine, Otter Rose, Musk, Bear's Oil, 3uffaloe do.. Macassar do., Ox Mamn Pomatum, ROSE SOAP, ALMOND DO, Transparent do., Yjictoria do., besides many in thia line too numerous to mention. For sale at J. H. ENNISS. Dru2 Store. Salisbury, Januajy 4, 1845 .. tf36 DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, HAVING removed to the office lately occupied by Judge Caldwell, the next door below J. H. Enniss Drug store, will always be found there unleiTprofession ally engaged. Jan 11, 1845 ly37 A gooil Suiue.- Tauurry for Sale. INTENDING tojehange my residence, I offer for saje . my TANNER m Cheraw, containing forty-five Tanning and four Lime Vats, two Baits and a large Pool, supplied by a never failing spring, a small branch running through the yard. There are on the premises, all neces sary and convenient buildings for a large operation in tan ning and shoe making. The vats are now filled A good supply of raw hides oa hand, and a large supply of bark, fully equal to two y&ars consumption! Terms -will be made accommodating. If not disposreFof at private sale, I will appoint an early period to sell to the highest bidder. Also, for sale, a small tract of land, adjacent to the town, with good shed, &.C., necessary for Brick making. Alsoa Carriage &ut little used and a pair of safe fa- mily horses. ! JOSHUA LAZ AltUS. Dec 31 3k37 MISS SARAH M. LINSXEK, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Mocks ville and the surrounding country, that she has com me need the ' . lillinary and Mantna making Business, in this place, at the residence of Wm. B. March, Esq., two doors below the Methodist Church, where she will be glad to receive orders for work in her line She trusts from long experience, to be able to give sat isfaction. Charges will be moderate. Hats and bonnets bleached and trimmed to order. Mocksville, January, 11,1845 3m37 JOHN U. VOGLER, Watch and Clockmaker. "PULD respectfully inform the cit izens of Rowan and the adjoining counties, that he has opened his shop en main street, in the office formerly occupied by Wm. J. Piuramer, as saddler,' jthree doors below J. H. EnnisH" Apothecary store, wheie he is prepared to execute all work in hisJine of business. His work will recommeud itself ; to the aged he can say that come and you can hare good spectacles, also glasses fitted to suit any age. Jew elery made to order, rings, breast pins, Sec Old gold and silver,Jaken in exchange for work. Jan 11, 1345 j ' 137 PEAS' 1I0APH0UND OANDY, Jii JTnbe Paste, TTOR the curs of coughs, colds, etc. for sale by JC ! i J. H. ENNISS, Drugist. Salxsburr. Jannary 4.1 1845 tf35 State or Jlortn avolinaP . DAVIE COUNTY. - . Court cf Pleasant Quarter &ssion Nov. Term, IS44 Mildred Renshaw, wtdofw of James Renshaw, c. Arther Renshaw, Wm Hendrei and wife Mary, Denton Hendrex and wife Sarah Ann, Rebecca Renshaw, Elizabeth Ren shaw and John Renshaw. v t'i.'7 V'r - - Petition for Dowers ; TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort, fhat'Ar JLlher Renshaw, is notan inhabitant of this State : It is ordered, that pablicatkin be made, six successive weeks in the Csrolina Watchmanthat the said defendant Jn this casebe and appear at the next term of this court, to be held at the coort-boase in MocksviHe, on the 4th raonday of February next, and plead, or judgment will we taken pro confesso. Witness. John Clement, clerk of oor said court, at office, the 4th tnenday of November, 1844, and . r6w37 Printers fee g5. 50.'-' - ; r - 2- " ; - Hero Shlpjaate try thiil,;.'';, :TrjUST Te 15 bo9 Wing " Tobacco, a 3 mokanperior article. Tbe choiceE of the Army and Navy, for sale at J H. Enniss Drajtors, ti f m , wtwitASMius , juxuug cwuuueoj,inB can oiieruiJuct 2 -rtW( - cf galiaburTsna Phraicians in C' ' . now which a few menta dxat w pt tbe .leading articles to wit; .Tartar Euietic, -1 : jiatnes Powdera ft'" I Covers' ' do . ; j ; 'Acltric' Morphine, Salicino,! i , , - Plperine, 'y 0 Veratria, - ..Iodine, ' - ' V v ejeamonr, - (tamboge"; ' Colocynth, .. A . " Hyo Pota9s. Iodule Iron, vpium, j.- 4';i: .Camphor, V . ' 3:s.sodar Goulard,a,Exp."vit , Hoffman's Anodyne, Tovlex' Solution,'' J. H. fUntggisU j FRESH-; GOODS,' ) 5 40 TO $50,000 ;v Cheap Goods; 1-; , ( y ta amount; ' fTI fJE iindereigned are Bow reeeng and opening ia fJL,thehrnewbrick8tcrK(bein2oneofhe larlamrM in theState containing two large tooths, each 40 by 50 : feeO Uie largest, Jf: 4. ' ; ; V - !v iniapcsVilaiidsorafst, and btst selected Stock' ot that his ever been broucht to this nlace. 'Aoionv rh stock will be found the followin' : v , i i I pieces Cloths, eassimerea and cassinets, X 41 68 pieces plaid and plain Kentackr Janes anJ -: Tweeis cloih,25 per cent cheaper than any otherhoose. i , , . j 150 pieces black and fancy coTd . alpaccas. cheaa I - I - 5 cents and upwards P ' t , , j '-4 " 1000 pieceablue, black and ftney'printi.af least ! T . A z &3f per et; cleaper thari any other houae, I . j 50 pieces red, white and greea tlannelU ; IQ.l " genuine Het anchor bolting cloths j 500 blankets-assorted qnaliries and sues, . 1 Bleached and brown shirtings, bed ticks, apron checks. Jaconets, cambricks, and Swiss muslins, a large assort ment f Tailora trimmings, ginghams, plaid cloakings, handkerchiefs, tippets and shawl, flannel drawers and shirts, jvestings, diapers, dimities, table cloihs.'fancy rel meres for do. ' . '" - . . : v 45 dozen straw Leghoro, bombazine and velvet bon " nets, . lOOjdo for, hair, glased and velvet caps,, ; " 1 rt rJ 1500 pair shoes assorted, . . , .f J 10 cases men's and boys' boots,' " - -'--.j:1 ' I 15 crates crockery wareponuinlng 1000 dozetl- -cups abd saucers, 300 dozen plates, and a great variety ofiothrr warejarge stock of Hardware and "cutlery, a -, morigjwhich may be found, carpenters lools of all kinds, f a superior stock of Rodgers superfine pocket knives, a i good assortment of carriage trimmings, saddlery and sad- I3lera'tpmmtngs,...:;ty'v4.i7-r.?. ' 12000 lbs oak tan and hemlock leather;' . . 1P0 kegs DuponVs FFF. and blasting powder,' ri ,. 13 J bags shot assorted sizes, ; u t' v j 0 casks prime cheese,".- " - , 0. ' I i G50 bags prime new crop Rio coffee, t ' : . ' s : ' 33 hhds New Orleans and Porto Rico sugari 1 j i; 75 Kegs nails and brads assorted shes, v V 10 Kegs white lead, best-quality; y ,; " : ;! 80 pair Eliptic spring, ' .'r " - i' 25 boxes tin plate,, - . I "j T- J- " VIs - I ! !12 bis tanner's oil, (prime) r " 300 lbs Quicksflver, (pure) : ' - Th aboye goods were all bought in Philadelphia and; Ne w Nork with and for cash, since the late fall in pricet (whiclws from 25 to 33Kicr. ct. lower.) and manv of I them fare now offered at lower, prices than any of our merchants paid tor them in September last. ' - TMejrchants, pedlars, and other, wholesale dealers can ' now libit our store with the Expectation of finding at all 7 , seasoiis of the year, a large and cheap stock of every : kind 4f goods, as we have now one of the best-buyers " always in New. York with task in hit hands to buy any oargatn tnat may otter, v-vive-us a cau,anct we Will show you a bouse, dera, larger and cheaper nock, of goods than any other rarticular auenUonwill be paid to vholsale or - Respectfully, &e. Sid.', - i ;i. St. V. MURPHY. . Salisbury. Jan 7. 1845 :'; 1 -- 13(37 N. B. 500 bales ofCottofTWMted. J ' " - ' . NEW. GROCERIES, I ' r- and . . k-: &PLENDID ASSORTMENT, OF. .l.ai PRESS OYSTERS I - ! i (In the Shell I) whicjh persons may prepare for themselves-, K' on Cpiafingdishes, at my Shop, in a vcry . saort iime, 10 suit xneir own tastes. i ffoda Biscuit, and Water Crackers f . Ralsliu, AlBiondv Pninei; -;. ! 1 Segars and Snufi, (Scotch and Mac a boy l) - "t1 I A GREAT TaarrrT or CANPIE3, ' '. j - And T6rt.i : - ' ' . 1 ALSO.' ... , - -"-rvi ! Flsa Sardines, Salmon Herring, and JIallcU t ; ! ' OLIVE OIL, ' ! Shoa-Blacking, fiddle Strings,sperm and tallow Candles, i i , rMSIi BRANDY, 7 . 7' AND VARIOUS OTHER LIQUORS. St WINS? - ; such ai French brandy, Ilolland gin, Jamaica rum ; Ma deira, f ortenerifici Claret, Champaigne, Muscat Mal-' , aga and domestic wines, 41so, some splendid " Forter, Scotch Ale and Albany Ale. . 1 , '! ' ' . ,j : r . Sk: BESIDES;7 7K: l'' "if a great variety of flier articles ih my line of business ' loo tedious to mention J and which I will sell as low as -they ca(n be sold for cash, or on credit to punctual dealers. " . ; 1 All thej above fine articles will be found at the Salislurf f i l Confeciionary aud Bakery, opposite J. &W. Murphy'a:, r l store, ir at the Salisbury Grocery and Confectionary. J: s " SalMuty, Dec. 21, 1JM4 .l ;i tfG&2( ' ' , TO BUIBDERS. lit. ' ' .. ":----7"- i? : - . rflfrjE bndereigned will 'attend at Stl John's Church, : Xi sik miles and a half east of Concord, Cabarrus ca.,- ( on the second Saturday of January next, and every suo-r. I ceeding Saturday,, for the purpose of receiving proposalr ! and making contracts, (until the contract is closed, for ! boildinjg a Chorch.75 by 50 feet W the clear, the wall io be of bpek with a rock foondation, one story high, with; ji an ettdj gallery. We believe the, brick' can .be made at . Hf ihe plaleer; The making of the brick and putting cp th . iwall Will be in one contract, or th whole toother as may - iwiCS Term cash 1 UOHN1 11. COST, 'z. f i ' ' . . , ... C, MELCHOR. . f D. D. RIDENOUR. r i-U W5 JOHN -FISHER, . v irl:i : ; GEORGE CLIN L - - Botldiag Committee of the Lutheran Church of St. Jc'.jn's . n I Cabarrus eoanry, N. C. Dec. 22, 1844 f25 . J T Hotter. Trylsuihority of a Deed conrejing title, executed by tl) Frederick Mowery, bearinj; dale of lie ciftration : the first day jot February, 18 13, the undersized Trustee, ! T will oCfrr at public sala at the Courthouse in FaLtlury, cm Mopday the third day of February next, beins; thd 4 first day of the County 'Court,a TRACT OF LAND,lyrH ; in goo Crane creek.adjoining lbs town lands of Salisbury, . jWm-IL Horah, ELFralefind others, containing 225" J Acres, more or lcs, for the purpose of fulfi!lir j tho y 1 , Tro.i - Terms of sale declared at the tiinej. ' The Trus. f, j tee will execute and delivct a title to the lan 3 with such, t warranty as the Trust will enable hlrn to c'ive P0 N " payment of the purchase money. - -1 : . SAM'L. SILLm.VN.Truatea. . i - DecrmberSOsh 11 34:6t . ,,,tj .1 WANTED .-"OIIOM 10tol l500 fect of Walnut or Cherry Plant -; JL? for which a Lbcral cash r-rico will be paid. ' I, JaD 14. IS4S, . - D. WATSON, l i. 4 "t 1'- i 1 ' L - t .-r 4 --T - j - ' if ' 771- '1 .

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