1 v r.fTt: neiatioit. of Texas, an i least objectiunal jib iii'juj uoin i ; .1 p .1 r what ' .'e hum. by conceive ought uot to be done at this tiraa : JOINT RESOLUTION declaring the 'term o.a wfiich? Congress will admit ;Texaa;iut the tlfwon as a State. -!' . i 1! " ' ' " U '.; ' -r " ''" Resolved ly the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congresk aisemlled That Congreis'doth corw .sent thai the tPrritorjr propcrl included within, and righ fully belonging to. the republic of Tex; as, may beferectea into a- new. State, to be called hi State of! Texas, with a: republican form of gorerntnenti to be adopted by the pep- pio jj sSkjiu repuunc, uj urjjuu in convention . assembjejd, vith " the consent ;"of the . existing govewinf ntjjin'ordeHhat the samonjisfy be ad anitted Usi one of the! States of this, Union, -i' Scc&X-find:bfit tfurtherTtBedThit the foregoing cbnsept of Congress U given upon, the following conditions, and with the following .guaraniics, to wit ; j '. ; : ' V l : rprs. - Satd State is to be formed, subject to the adjns ment by this 'governraenMfall ques tions of boundary, that, may arise T ; with other governments $ and the' constitution thereof, with IUB I or before jthe Srst day of January, one thousand eight hqntlred and forty.six.'.'; jrK? l iyecontir &aid btate, when admitted into the i Union,ajterceding to the; United 'Slates all f niines, .minerals, salt lakes arid springs, and t also alii pjublic edifices, fortifications; barracks, ports apd j harbors, Ina? and navy yajtfc, docks,' maga2ihej3,i arms,f armaments, nndfalll ithor Iprppertjr land mea;ns'pertaihing tl the 1 public! ff! tOvSaid ; re oubl fe f of IV vac shall rctaV all th public fijnds debtstltaiei.i iAnd dus Mevery kind which may tmlcWj or oe lie janl pwieg said republic ' and shall also rctairji all the J vacant and unappropriated lands Jing whhinjts limits, to beupplied t the payment of. the debts and liabilities of saij .rep?!blio qf TexM; and to residoeiof said i?and5, after ;dischakgingaid debts and liabilii ;ties, to po jdisposedi of as said State mayBirect I nut in no event are said dftht and liahiliff tal the consent of laid State. b (brmed ntit W -iKU terrjtorV thjerof, which shall be entitled to ad. pission jttnyei thdirovisipns cC the federal coai stitutionV Arid fiUChi Slates km& h i v.. y. fm mou-wi ; saiu lerruorv iivinsr south territorv lvintr enn vi uir-sw qegreea; thirty minutes! north lati tud, comraonlv known as thn :Mi I :'-Vv?lblifa jshalljbe admitteVl into! the Unidn I v,l orifbout slaVejry, as the people of each l State asking admission may desireU I I ipouglass; asked:i thergentlemanx from Tennessee ifojccept the following as a modi6 : cation oi his amendment, to como fh after the I : last clause k i ' I , H-;- j: s I i . - - ; , f.'-- -1 :: ; 1 . - ' i- I ; Ana ;in such .Stite or. States as shall bei j formed put pf the said. territory jorth of Missou- J ? n corapromisei line, slaveryor involuntary seiv yiiuue, except tor crime.hall be prohibited. rown. : accepted; the modification. j ; he. ;Hbtls ;0f Representati veslbf Rhode t-lsland. pf(46:toild, nxwhich two , i'PcfJwcjre;? msade by. Messrs. Browh L andTourtelbtte . arn l n th ft fril In uri n or wrt j : : ; r- j : Augusta (Ga.) ' Sentinel. betweert tlie several States; of these,Unj I ted Stages was enjered ihtoy tte people thereof uiHhmr respective States, in order to fbrmianfeerfectj ipnrf establish ; justice,! pfifiite idbtnestic- tranqmlity prfcr motethej eribrdlelfaWand Secure thie blessings pr liberty to themselves and their posteril : Jahdtn : government; by 4hem wuiuipp -is; a jgdvernment with ccrtaih 1 iimitecL po wets, clearly specified and . di nned iti jhexpiistii ution ;all other powers not therptrj espccijilly relinquished being reserved to theSiites, respectively, or to "thbpcpIeNfl : ; : j. J l -T Ilesofecd, That the limited governmedt : of these'Uhited S ates possesses no powqr to exte ti their jurisdiction over any Tof e;gn natiori, and no foreign nations comi j -try, or pcoplej cati be admitted in thisUn uon, but By thVwiUand act of all andeadh 4 of.thc Mm cd St aes7 and therefore, m th1 option of hijj Geheral Assembly, the Arj- nexatidri o Texa4 to this Unionj either by -M24ted by thePresident of th& 7ldjdtci?or by6int resdlutions 4f yne ivq igrdss ot thd U nitcd 'States, would be a violation of the Constitution, mau estroy tfte power aiM ountrv. nnrl rfFnt W tf eeli j th4 Union. KlZ " :" ' T -4 Rcsmed That the ' Statft ' aINPWtL land, fiithful to the constitution, cannot ; c?n!W jtoJ bilt dofs mostsolcmhly protect K.iuat, iu lnnexaiion 01 rfltas nrnrtir ,f other fbfein jstattj of territory; to this wfli unless tne sam each ofiihcseiUnited States: sifcpcrfJvThat- bur Senators and RrL i -iiiiLives in congress oe requested to .. "-"''M cAcruvussio prevent me r.iiinca- wonofanybktyJ&rthe'a Joint rcsbluf Ion bv ten tn fnn liU 1 terrjtor of Texas te'this - Union. W-HH : - . t v : j- ; - prr 1 k f h . r 1 Uhicj : Legts ature - is composed of I ne nunded ijand twelve mernberto Of ; nurabef there: kre two Irishm w onfe ! N;elchdatJ aticj. brielGermanf Eightiire iWforie en2aed:rahdlh'rprnflirir -.me omest is, o ana me Jngest 20jars of age.:; :.iT K " 1 'I i-1 " : " " -1 "L'' ' - ' ; ' " ' " - ; f ' , Q l)i Alptamo: jLcgislature; a cbmmi apnointedltoiAvestigate the subjec reported a bill and recommended its i-ssage; abolishing the, imprisonment of m the penitentiary; I iuo piuer evidence oi us aaopuon uj ine eo. pie ol said republif of TexasrshaUbeltrans f milted to jthe President of the United States; to be laid! before Conrrress for its' final !riW'fln' I . ivccuinp; a cnarge upon tne government of thie ; United Butted j : ' yv ' having fiufneierit DODulatioV.'rnav herfnfipr. lilv1 it:..- x i-. r- .1 t this v;M r;ertion.vhbh Mr. lY!!. o'ianiioasly jkjsires to 1 1 sottL-J a'tlbis session, ififfi: WAys "ioTmxo to expect rom ' AiV J c. wttf4rwn.-Thbsc Northern Democrats, who Uyall themselves of this critical contest Vitb 'our rdat Trans-iVtlantic rival, to indulge fth'efrfai. Watjical fiaireci of the Souths will find t hemselves rpistaifent in Jtheir caJkCJations-riiarked by a great national sentiment in their turnand we dare ! to sayithat if they V)uWecartwe shall bav'aat least "the consolation of knowing tnat they. will be hercatfer deteatcd m their own aspirauons. v ;v; s-i: W ypvtevJbVZ ; v No 6ngr,no ;Yoa vmustrgo Texas, or you get no inpper, Offices from Polk L ;Tbey 'didn't talk so before ua Ji ecuon .1 THE , OREGON DEBATE. ;C : ; A Debate.has begm in'the House of Repre- entatfvei upon a'billreported in that body, for .establishing Territorial Government in OaV. pfu- tiuving passea a oui 10 esiaoiisn a uo. vernmcnt in the territory of Texas, which the Iloyso ; pas oo more', right to legislate about than the Iterritory of Ireland,' or Scotland, not to pk ofjCanadaJor Mifbrnia the S proposition ' Si f ,r !"fmu,'m- a ierruory ino u tilejto thei possession of which is at this moment thej Isuhjeto&negoU a; foreign Pow- ;er, must jbe considered comparatively unexcep tionable, however, positively wronff it mav be: if filh regard to the debate "upon it, however,. Yug ijeeafloiigea io aevnie so many columns jejf latft iojthe brolonged discussion of the Texas Mudstion,' upofi-which there yet remain to be Pu?!ls,,:; Kumoer or speecnes, we shall not aff W l11 power to find room for the peecnes; at e upon the Oregon question. Borne lifeV oi em we may be able to select for hcatijnv at a future day 'k ButJ at present, Ireaders will expect something more of. va. ;tiefy inpjur columns ; and we shall feel bound to cuiiauii sneir jneunauons. iMai. Intel lieencer. f . - - n ft Uplaqaemirie Frauds We reioiee in uuumai -wie suoieci oi mo monstrous anrf c. : i I - . " . - . . ... . " Bounaingj irautis committed - by the Locos of l40UISiana in the Parish nf Plnhnominac t l, . j , i ,1 f' X.O uc vv(.uv ctiivu, ujr wnicn iiir. f ulay was ciaxcaout otjtne vote of Louisiana, is about to nWYt J .legislature ot that otate, &n id-spssion.-. The subject was brought be pre thie IoUs a few dags since by Mr. Perk ijnsji rh4mbe from iEast Feliciana, by the in jrojucfop of k." resolution authorizing the ap qujtmerit of committee to inquire into the fanner n which the election was conducted in n:tM It r sn A"11 clothing the committee with tojsenal persons and papers, with a view to Ulteridr actfon. - The Bee says : vThe presentation ofthisresoliit ion anncarA fj "ofhe Locofoco party dumb for a mo- meat. ; tTherc was an expressive pause, and III el members lookpri at pfh nthoK ;r k. 1 il - a i . - J)d jttol kiow what to do. Finally one of the pany rose anq moved that it should be laid upon f nm8 findetJnitelyv-On this-rnttiOTthe-year Djnd nays! were" called for, when it appeared that svejry Whig inj the House voted against it and dvdhr iLocofocjo in favor, save two Mpsr. eijida; pf Rabides, and Taylor, of Natchitoch. s. ; iSuth these ffentlemen had thp mnnlmo ,!5i ! , - i. o purn jthe dictates of party and sustain the solution5. It! is evident enough that if the Iectiojh tn Plaquemirie' was, as is alleged by HO XOCdtOCOSi Conducted fairlv and nrnnprlv othin? deed he ft We are at some loss to account for the almost nahirtious Opposition of the Locofocos to the projposed jscrutiny, except upon the ground that teiiTeta litle apprehensive of light being wn upon me suweci. :! j ' 6 Sub-Treasurer McNullv a practical il. lustration, of vihat is Sub-Treasuryism. Mc tuty,j;vr$om te house has dismissed for being p aeianner, givps as a reason, we see, tor not JeaWnaf ilie public, money in the Patriotic Bank. mf.: uc iquugu u saier in nis own nanas, or loanttl put oii good security." He removed ie! deposits, therefore, from the Bank, and put nthemj into his own- pocket, came to New rotk tibfenioy ithem. An honorable member lspf'saytHhat las the Patriotic Bank,- was no legal Bank, having no renewed charter from Cnnrrrttma- fJnlfir t !m 1.., make thes removal. In making the removal. howevefllir is unfortunate that he has dienncorl of about $40,0(50, of which he can give no sat. isiacxory account. . JIcNul3ty.hak illustrated the Sub.Treasury system ; -what it is. and what it must be. It Metis- updpf the system that Banks are unsafe places j of deposit, and that Sub Treasuries f with leg?) are! safe places. If Van Buren's act is jretived, Ihe McNulties will again over. run, and irun out ot,; all parts of the Union. !McNutyf will et oft in all, probability from funishnent, as all other Sub.Treasurers have t onp-New i ork Express. : fihe T rouble t and the faces of " Democra-ci.i"4-UtrV)i shew our readers some of the trou- HPles. !of ! idemocracv." we have ouoted to.dav j retty. freely from the Charleston Mercury and omi the Evening Post. , : , i The; Evening Post party have - got a quasi Victory; in this State in the election of Dix to the Stnatei. j; The Post is e'nt The Post is "naturally haoov over it. nro i,( 5 " Mpset Dicltinsort next. The reason, in fact, of his happ jness s, that Dix agrees with Wright J s to the annexation of TTexas. " I f-lCparfesfen MeTCurvarty admit that the nnexitidn1 of Texas is going' to have an inju- gious euect on wnded property in the old South annexation, we are told, will ;proaucfoc"iri ar establishment of slave insti- Ibtoh'ti So to Itato the negroes, the pQrsonak ercui gives upme lanas, the reality ! ;,Tliej 5ljercurj and the Post, the first the r j$aji of jthe liglrchy of. theNullifiers, and the edond of the ; Northern;. Barn-borne i rsf dot not jagjee jat) pll on slavery, Northern democracy natjurally jdoes npt comprehend Southern slavoc jracy i fTfie alienee is indeed unnatural and postu.THis, however, should have been thought of before the Presidential election. i:ii:tMsl;Texa; business, rdemocracy ihas jrunjfon td asnagi;;' We jsee, according, to the ne ws from ; Ne Orleans - last j night,- .Texas come in as she- s, and as she pleases -all one ajrifa of freedom ''enlarged. JTie Northern "Democracy cannot; will, tioi, dare. not ' take ; in Teitna Wni ' THfrtri "democracy" is done with J thisj T) 1? r Texas : Presidential, gahic, ,it. will j have enough "of it, or we much mistake-iWic, i York Express.' . '-i , t-v7 4nd advises its friends, Mhe Barn-burners toTlexasaQdgn questions, thprosperi- crc ,t. ith c :r- !- success. .i.r. Lcaiit, "who went cut with t!. : Commlssicnars, returned with lha Cambria, arJ reports, that they Were met therp in the most frank .and honorable manner-by ihe stockholdi ers, w'jio exhibited throughout Jhe-whole ari rangenient the utmost liberality." The wholq of the Istocki" amounting to" $1,600,000, vai subscrOjexl for," snbject to certajnltriflrnff condii tions, -vVhich will require the action of the Illli hois JLfgislatur: butwo I understand? that thei Commissioners express the most perfect confii rience on thls'account, and that 'the conditions will;be unanrmously asseniteo U jjy. the Illinois' Legislature. The work on thejlljinois and Mi-j chigan Canal will be immediately resumed, ano camftolfojrwajrd withall wssibte esjmtch. Wei heart il -congratulate all concerned in this ImJ portantarrangement,A?The Commissioners arcl certainly. entitled to the erreaf est credit for the! ability and prudence they have "displayed, and if uwcss wmcu uas qrowneaineir enons. . i; JVinter in EuropeThe last English papera represent ?th4 winter as very severe in Great Britain! Franjce ; and other- pars jof Europe- The cold was so intense in France that a train of .cars? on the Rouen rail road, which stoppecj at Meulen to jdischarge freight, was obliged to! remain there kll night, the oil n! the boxes of the wheels having frozen, together with the wa4 ter in the pipe which communicates, from thei tender 1 to the locomotive. Af piedmont, the snow was four feet deep. A. number of persons are said to have , perished in various parts oft r ranee;; and i some. idea may,be formed of the ousirucuons onerea ny the snow; when we state that the? mail from Air to Dragufgnan, which generally is taken in ten hours 'by Ithree horses, was jnours in passing over the same distance -FRIDAY MORNING. TheiCourt of Common Pleas! for Rowan has been irj session, this week. A good deal ofj business, of a civil nature has been done; and nothing has occurred! to disturbe good fipelin among gentlemen! of the bar, the Court, attendants, &c, &c except cold weather ; which, a part of the time, was intense Can it be Possible 1 Can it e possible, we ask, that Gen McKay made the re marks jattrihuted to him in thei following extract from the N. Y. Express ? In conclusion, we cite the language used the other day, in Washington, by a lo cofoco member of Congress, (himself more honest j than his party,) in allusion to this very case. " How is it," said he (we quote Mr. McKay of N. C.) - how is it. that if a 3VLig Jje-turked out oXofficehajmrnedi ately settles j his accounts, and we hear nothing more of him and the Democrat, who would Hold on to office, is turned out for hisj dishonesty; and never settles his accounts f We sot rid of Curtis, and he squared evervthinsr with the! tiWsnrv while by Hoyt and others, we have lost, I know njot how many millions I don't un derstand all this. f DCT'pnlhfe 31st ult., the liegislature of Virginia, elected, Mr. Daniel, Whig, Coun cillor ot State, vice Mr. Rutherford, whose term of (service expires on the 31st March next. The Locofocos strove1 hard to re tain Mr. R., and made all kind jof threats to terrify the Whigs, but all would not do. DC3 The Bostonians have made six in etlectual attempts to elect a Mayor, and fill the poarcj of Aldermen, lit to the nearlv eaual strength bf is owing Ithree par- tjes, in tjhe city, to wit : the American Re publicaii, the Whig and Democratic. . . . o DC?3 The , Legislature of Pennsylvania has pasled a bilf to pay the interest due on her bonds- a measure, it seems, which was strenuously opposed by some of her people, j Thei bill passed unanimously. An election was held in thisjTown, on last Saturday, for a Police Magistrate and two Commissioners, for the Corporation ; which resulted in the choice (by the cast ing votejof the Sheriff) of Wm. Chambers, Esq., for Magistrate ; H. H. Beard and Jeremiau M.i Brown receiving large ma jorities oyer their opponents, Wm H. Smith and B. Fbalev, for Commissioners. Business in New York. ThejN. York Correspondent of the National Intellieren r i uul Ior ia g Hon OI ine 1 .1 ! U.i il .1 iy oi an iiiuus oi uusiness wouia go on in creasing! Capitalists are afraid, in the present uncertain state of affairs, to make adventures, and prefer their strong boxes to securities-f which might prcive to be tn-secunties. i Report of hishop Onderdohks Trial- We know of no book -we will npt except even tne very worst oi raui ae rvock s novels that lis calculated to exercise a more pernicious influence, than the report of BishojjOnderdonk's Trials .wjiich has just been published in a cheap form, and which is nowiin the course of rapid circu iation in (the United' States.1 Pet. Lit: : ' ; Recall of the Mexican Ministerjr-A gen tleman whose means of information in re gard to .Mexican affairs are j better than our. ovn,assures,uStthatthenew govern ment of Mexico, under date sof , Pec." 30th; 1 issuea inEiruciions uj. vjeu. rviuionte, ine Iexican; Minister tothe United States, to demand his passportsiA F; JCom. ; 4 I It . V?fr. S!nno:i, the- Araerlcan Minister, "lias been more at eass since the Minister, of For eign Relations, Rejoa, has lied from the toun try. He - meets "now" more rood Willi &rA franker ; intercourse with the new government, as does thft FrAn(h MinictA nA it- J. sed that the ditSculties with foreign powers will be settled to the sathfartinn nf.n!! . - - U.:r?k "pi Sal ibu r y Itlarkc t. ' Qats, i& a20;.TaUowi6 a ; rWheat, 50 ;.BraDdr! fpeacl) a45 ; do. (appli.) 30 35 Whiskev,25 40j Mcot the Sre-Bapgingri6 to 22J Bale-roBel 7 i 9 : Coflee: 7 a 9 Tmn 91 A nTnln. 40 a 50 ; Nails, teat, perltegr) 05 75 ; PoWder, (keg 84 f5 '850 ; do. (blasting, per keg) 3 75 a $4 ; Salt, (sack) m 50 a $2 75l Sagar. (brown) 7 a 10 cts do. (1?fli5lTin cn9) 812 501 Oysters, (fresh) per gaIS2 50 ; do. (pickUd) 81 50; Salmon; per lb. 25 cts. Mullens, (per doz.) $125. i. - .... r . .ISheeting,4-4, (Salisbury mannfactnre)J a 8 ; Cotton Yami (Nos. 5 to 12) 15 cts. per lb.- - ' ' NEW ESTABLISHMENT. THE1 SUBSCRIBER x RESPECTFULLY informs, the citi zens of Salisbury and the surround ing country; that he has opened a ' Jeweler y & Watchmaker's in th lower room of Thomas L. Cowan's brick row op posite to G. W. Crown's store, where he solicits a share j -ic P?tronage- He has lately received from Phil adelphia a general assortment of " batches nutr Setofleva, T ; -jl ;- ALSO Materials, such as Main springs, Watch Glasses, tyc, tyc. Al kinds of Watches will be reDaired, chronomitera, duplex, horizontal, patent-lever, musical, j icjKOfmg autt piam. aiso, ciocKs, musical boxes, and all kinds of Jewelery will be put in order on reasonable termi . Having obtained a very steady and skilful work man from a celebrated Watch making Establishment in Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in saying that he will be ab e to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with their work. All he asks is a trial. Lepine and plain watches will be altered to natent le vers, and waiTanted to perform well. . Oia cold and silver taken in -xnh a Tier A tiT urlr Ann JOHN E. BOfiP.R Salisbury. Feb 8. 1845 tf41 1 MlBSIHIArri'g., FAUST & W1NEBRENER, No. TO, North Third street above Arch, PHILADELPHIA, r Hi AVING just received their Spring supply of For- eigii and Domestic if HARDWARE, CUTLERY, c., c., ; i ; Among which will be found Cotton and Wool Cards. A Traces, Steel, Griffin's Grain and Grass Scythes, Shovels Spades, superior quality) German Scythes, j-c. We are disposed to sell -at moderate prices, and respect fully ask. the favor of a call. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise punctually and personally attended to DAVID FAUST, j . D. S. WINEBRENER Feb 8. 1845 6w41 VALUABLE personal ftvopmn fov jsnir. if ' . . WILL be sold at the late residence of E. M. Kelly, deceased, on Tuesday the 4th day of March next, the following property, to wit 12 or fourteen valuable I NEGROES, OF DIFFERENT AGES AND SEXES. A quantity of HORSES, CA TTLE4 HOGS, SHEEP 4- CO TTON, FARMING U TEN. S1LS, HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, a quanttity of VALUABLE BOOKS. Also! at the same and place, will be hired until Christ mas about six NEGROES. Terms of both Bale and hiring to be a liberal credit ; particulars made known on the day; of sale, and the sale to continue from day to day until closed. JOHN CLEMENT, Adm'r. 1 with the Will annexed of E xr iru.. j j I Davie county, Feb 8, 1845 4w41 P. Si Those indebted to said estate are requested to close the same. Those having claims against said es tate are requested to present them within the time pre scribediby law, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar jof recovery. JOHN CLEMENT, Adm'r STRAYED or stolen from the sub scriber, living 1J miles south of Con cord, on Tuesday the 2lst January, a black mare, 14 hands high and 8 or 9 years old. She is a well built animal, and was in fine order ; has some white hairs n her, and a blemish in her eft eye Said mare had on saddle, bridle and martingales when she left. I suspect (hat she is stolen, and will give a liberal reward to any person that will give me such information as shall enable ine to recover ber. Wm. WHITE. Concord, Cabarrus county, Feb 8, 1845 4w41 HAVING obtained Letters of Administration on the estate of Wm. Hen ly, dee'd, this is to notify all persons: indebted to said estate, to come forward and make settlement, either by cash or note ; and all per sons haying claims against it to present them duly au thenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. I JOSEPH HENLY, Adm'r. Feq $,1645 3w41 T OST by the subscriber on the 31st January, 1845, L4 between Salisbury and Locke's Bridge, a Pocket Book containing $18 50 cts. ; two $4 bills ; one $1 bill ; one $2 bill ; one $5 gold piece ; one 2 J gold piece, j ine subscriber will give a liberal reward tor the same,, or information concerning it. JAS. H. HEATHER. Salisbury, feb 8, 1845 3w41 Ulilliner and MauUm iTIaker. rI'l HE subscriber informs the public that she, is now JL prepared to execute work in the above line of busi ness, in the neatest and most fashionable style.' Orders from a distance will be strictly attended to. . Straw and Leghorn bonnets bleached and trimmed in the latest fash ion. ' :u - MARY W; RATLEDGE. , Mocksville, Feb 1,1845. ' 5w40 . .-.' LISTIOF LETTERS remaininff in'tbePott Office at Lawrenceville, oh the 1st January, Leonard Fry,' John Bird, John L Christian, 5 ; amuel H. Christian, T. E. Pende Mary $immon,j.CoItnf - Cameron, William McLeod,' James AllenThomas Pemberton,' M. Tv Wad.' dell. ; : THOS. .WILLIAMS, P;M. r1 0 RENT A large arid comfortable dwelling house, JL simated on a 4 acre lot: v All necessary out-houses attached, f Also, to hire, for the present year.a Very likely negro boy-Enquire at this office.' 40tf . ,? -v . pULKIL XOTES OF IIAD Neatly printed and for sale at this Office." Product from IPaon. Bacon," none; Beeswax; 25 ctH3(atter, a 8 ; Cotton, S aJ'r Corn; 30" r Floar, 3 3i Feathern. SO a 22 . Flaro 75 . l.A 1 - c . j:3 27 a 23 ;On,L;::.ceJ, 73 . j a S3 aSJ 12 a 15 -Trails, cut, -7 a 10 7i a 10 Ilas. r?r. lb. Suar, brown, 0 a9 U ao. Lump, ; - 14 ".do. Loaf, . 14 a 16 4i a 5 Cot Bagmg,,:i6a20 Corn, ; ;trt40a50: Flour,-, 83iJaS Feaihers, ;23a30 Salt, (bush.) 45 a 50 do- iSack.$2 'a82 25 Tallow ;-:n a 7 Flaxseed, Bl :i5aH Tobacco, rf;;l$; a. 2j niaes, greeny 4 5 a o fa -dry,. 8 a JO Iron V.t4 .a 5 "neav.aO taS3 Whiskey., 4 v 00 a 3Q . . .''CHER AW-. MARKET, Feb. Kaconl-V -i ifilV7 Leather, sole,' 20 a 25 Beeswax, - 22 a 25 Coffee,' U -9; alO Cotton,. - v3$a 5 Corn,.- r. 40; a 50 Flour, . . 83a$4i Feathers, 25 , a 30 Iron, , u-. - 15: .a .63 Lard, - 'V9 alO Molasses, 35 a 40 , Xails, cut, iV 6i V a74 Rice, i.':4 a 5 Sugar, br.:? 8 a 10 do. Loaf, 15 "al9 : ialtysack, 8l87ia,2 Head Quarters, 4th Division N.: Carolina militia, i h "' z-, i4 i' Rlfordton,Jan: JiL 1845. i i cmBAL OBDERS, IfO. "l; THE undersigned, having been duly elected and coin. missioned Major General of tbe 4th Division of North Carolina MUitia," haa assamed the s command, and re quires the proper returns and duties to be rendered to him.' 2. The following gentlemen compose the Staff, to whom all are required to render the proper obedience and respect. William H. Miller, Division Inspector. Chief of the Staff", with the rank -of Lieut. Colonel . Charles . Emerson, Quartermaster, with the rank of Lieuten ant Colonel. WilUam Myers,.and John M. Jones, Aids with the rank bf Major. f? Signed, - I ..-v.s-.i JOHN G. BYNUM, ' I'f: S Major General, 4th Division; N:C. Militlar .-.- .-.-. rT " 1 ' - I- & : Head Quarters, 4th DiTision N. Carolina Mlitia, ) uumerToraton. Jan. I, 1 845. , i SPECIAL OItIEll, Io.;i: : THE Officers of the 11th Brigade; North Carolina Militia, will meet at their usual place of regimen tal muster on the 22d of February next, to vote for Briga dier Gendral, in place of Brigadier General? Means, re signed. By order of the Major General. CHARLES NHMERSON; f -'i Feb 1-13 wiQ , . Lieut. Colonel. ' States of JX. Carolina Ia vie County. Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1844 -f-Dorcas A. Jone3 e. George JC-' Jones. , ' Petition for Divorce. . ' tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State I It is ordered by the court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for said defendant -to" appear at the next term of this court, to be held on the 4th monday after the 4th monday in February next, and plead answer or demur to plaintiffs petition, or judgment proconfesso will be entered and the petition set for hear ing exparte. Witness, L. R. Rose, clerk of our Superior Court, the 4th monday after the 4th monday in August, 1844- L. R. ROSE, esc, ; 6w4Q : Printers fee $5 50 j ' Stiitr of jior tn roltnai DAVIE COIXNTY. -IN EQUITY. ' Maximilian Cuihrell v. Jos. M. Roberts and nah, and George W. Johnson, Adm'r, of Elizabeth Kirby. Bill for Injunction. f It appearing that Joseph M. Roberts and wife Susan nah.two of the defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this Sate : Notice is hereby given to the said defend ants, to appear at the next Court of Equity, tc be held for the county of Davie, at the court-house in Mocksville, on the 4th nionday after the 4th monday in February next, and plea, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same wifTbe taken pro joonfesso, and the cause heard exl- parte as to them. Witness, Lemuel Bingham, clerk and master of said court at bffice, the 20:h of January, A X 1R4S - , T OWPtiAt .... 1845 1 6w40 Printers fee $5 50 State of jiortn earoilna. DAVIE COUNTY. i Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1844. 4 Elizabeth Phillips, t. Daniel Phillips. Petition for Divorce. ." ; -' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered by the court that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman for said defend ant to appear at the next term of this court, to be held n the 4th monday after 4th monday in February, and plead, answer or demur to plaintifEs petition, or judgment pro comesso wm oe entered, and the petition set for hearing exparte. Witness, L. R. Rose, clerk of our superior court, me 4tn monday alter the 4th monday in August, 1844. Ll R.ROSE, c sc. 6w40 PrintersTee $5 500 IIS store and for sale low, J pipe best article, French Brandy, ' , 1 bbl fine old Madeira, 1 do Port Wine, (superior) 1 do Malaga Wine, 1 do Holland Gin, , - !. Salisbury, Feb 1 1 tf40 J. H. ENNISS. STATIONARY. ON hand a superior article of letter paper ruled, and glazed foolscap, account and note paper ; also, quills, steel pens, super Wack ink, red do, letter stamps, wafers, sealing wax, &c., tf4Q J. H. ENNISS. A Small, but Valuable, Farm for sale. THE Subscriber oflers for sale the Plan-, tation upon which he now lives, known by the name of the White-House, six miles East of Salisbury, lying on the Yadkin river, near the 1 rading k ord, containing 175 Acres, the greater part of which is under fence. , There is on it. a FINE DWELLING HOUSE large, well arranged, comfortable, and well finished to gether with all the necessary out-houses for a farm. It will be sold privately, if application be maie soon or at public auction at the Courthouse in Salisbury, on the Tuesday of February Court, on a credit of 12 months. January 4th. 1845 37tf J. M. LOVE, i DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, HAVING removed to the office lately occupied by Judge Caldwell, the next door below J. H. Enniss' Drug store, will always be found there unless profession ally engaged. Jan II. 1845 ly37 ; Executor's . Sale. : I WILL offer forale, in Lincolnton, on Monday the 3rd of March next, being Monday of the Superior court, the following property, to wit : Eli Hoyl's inte rest in the High Shoal Manufacturing Company,, being one tenth part. There are belonging to said Company upwards of seventeen thousand acres of Landj, twenty valuable negro men, the most of whom are first-rate me chanics ; six waggons and teems, a Furnace Forge; Ro ling Mill and Nail Factory, all in good repair. Also, two Saw mills, and two Grist mills. .Also, said Hoyl's interest in two Lots purchased of Dr. Simpson, on which are all the shops. One negro woman and children ; one corner cup-board, and otaer articles not necessary; to mention. Lme attention and reasonable credit will be given byme. " . I ! r i ANDREW HOYL; i - Jan- 10th, 1845-33:5t .1 7 .r 'njr Executor. :d. ISSOL,UTIOX-The Firm of JOHN D. BROWN tt CO., heretofore existing.has been dis solved by mutual j consent, p All those indebted Jo said firm, by Note or Book account, aterequested to come for ward, without delay and make payment v - . .Salisbury. Feb 1. 1S15 -r,4w40. : An excellent Piano for Sale? - FpniTnndersrgnedJntending to return to the Kortb, v JL- offers for sale one of Bosserts and Shomsker' s new Improved grand aetion Piano-Fortes. ; Tn instrument. which icn U a supenor one, has been in use ien jonuv i 1 be seen at Richard B. Airy'T.roiles east of States- can viile, Iredell county.," - C. RAYS OR. f40 Lacou, Beeswax,, Cutter, " Dale Hope, Coffee, CoTTOX. II! t. : 1 1" ! ; C" lw, T-,T - - r that ba ever Leen b rou; o:it will be found the fuliowin A? fA PI?ce Clo'J;3,ca5s:mjrts anJ ca-:let9 ' J fS pieces pkid and f!ain Kentucky jan ; Tweed cloth. Sb per cent cheaper than any otV- .. 50 pieces black and dncy col'd alpacca,' . US cents and uowar.!." - ' pieeesblue.brack jnJ fincj prBilm ; - - 33 J pc'r cr, cheaper th3n any other Lo . i "50 pieces red, white and green tlaaneU, i ' ? ;10. i genuine HecanchorboItiagcIofN -J " 500 blanteu assorted qualities and rlzes, ' Bleacbdl and brown' shirtiogs, bed .ticks, tprco'cVc!. Jaconeti, eambricks, and swisa muslin, Jar :t' ment of iTailorS trimming: ptnshams, plaid cloak handkeitlilefi, tlppeis.and shawls, flannel ; drawvr .5 t : 1 birta, Testings, diapers, dimities, table cloths, fancy v-!-' jets for ladies dresses, fancy silks for do. rich fancy c -meresfordo. t . . ' . - - - Uf45 dozen straw Leghorn, bombazine anJ velvet I -1. i'-:' nets, , , T . . t ' (ur-bair; ttaxed and velvetcaps. .1500 pair shoes assorted, t v-j 4 , jTO cases men's and boys boots, ' 1 r !, 'i 15 Urates crockery ware, contaimnw inn.'i . Tups and saacersv300 dozen plates, and a ere at v-.r. of other ware, large stock of Hardware and cuderf, s -taoiig which may be founif,carpenters tools d" all kin ' superior stock ofRodgers superfine, pocket knives, u good assortment of carriage trimmings, sadcL'ery anj sad dlers truiimings, ? -'; , laOOOlbsoafctaninJemlocV ; 100 kegs Dupont'i FFF and blasting pow Jer, ! ki 130 bags shot assorted sizes CO; - v . . 20 casks primct cheese j. CSO bags prime Cew crop Rio cofiee.. j: ' 'U ; ! 33hhds Ne4r Orleans and Porto Rico sngsr; ' 1 , vt 75 1 Kegs nails and brads assorted sizes,1. , , 410 Kegs whit leadt best quality, j , 25iboxes tin plate.,. , i . 1 12 bis tanner's oil. f prime . ; r. I . t" ' : J " '" The above ods m all hnnafif n Phna.f,.1,,;. i Kew; Nok-wth and for casji, since the late fall in price fwhicl i-it from 25 to 33FTper ctl lower.T and manv of them: are now'bfl&red at lowerpriees than any cf cur merchants paid for them in September last. I'.; V . 1 - ; 1 Merchants, pedlars, and other, wholesale' dealer ;c 1 1 now vcit our store v-ith the expectation of finding at t .l seasons f the year a large and cheap' stock-of every kind of goods, as we have now.; one o the Lest tuyen always itt New York, w4th coA fa Hi Hands to buy any bargain dint may oHbivf , Give us a cap, and we will sliou yot a larger and cheaper stock of s goods than any. otlit r house. Particular attention will be paid to wholsale or deis.' - ' !' - -' ; ,r,-' Re9DectfuIlv."&.c. &c..' ; ; , r 7l.it. W. MURPHY, SaEsbary, Jan' 7, 1S45 1 , . 13t37 " rNB. 500 bales of Cotton wanted.,'.. ' " ' ' 'NEW-. Mf'(' GROCERIES, A SPLENDID7A,SSORTJtENTiOF 1 -1- WSTBRSI; (In the Shell)- i , '; Which; persons may prepare for themselves on Chjafingdishes,1 at "my Shop, in a very . , Biiprt nine, to suit wiein.own lasies. , ' .'' f ' . ... - , A; ' ' m i -' ' --" Sa BiscuilfUnd Water Crackers'; -' , fi-kt? ' Raising AlmondsPrDncs?;.:;-- - -3 ' Segars and Snuff, (Scotch and Macaboy ; . j A GREAT tariett or CANDIES, r r. ' Ana Toys. 3 c m ! " , , ALSO7- f, - f1-, I '' w FisfitSaTOUjes, Salmon Herring and JTXulIct( ' I ' OLIVC OIL. Sltoe-Blacking, fiddle Strings, spgfurand tallow Candle;- s 'NASH BRANDY, v j AND VARIOUS OTHER ; LIQUORS & WINES, spch as French brandy, Holland gin, Jamaica runv Ma deira, Port, Teneriffe, Claret; ChampaigoeA Muscat M al ajga and domestic, wmes Jlso, some splendid 4I Porter; Scotch Ale and JXbany AIc -: rest variety of other articles in my line'of busineM to tedioasto mention and which I wilj sell as low as they can pe sold for cash, or xiit credit to punctual dealers' All the above fine articles will be found at the Salisbury Conftctianary aud Bakery ; opposite J. 6i W Murphy's siore,qr it the Safahiry Grocery and Confectionary. ! ! : ":""f:ii:j20uechi2.). , j SalitHry, Pec. 21, 1844 . f - tft&26 - Court of Tleat a Quart'ttSctiitntXov.Terin, 1 844 Mildred Renshaw, widow of James Renhaw, . Arther RenshawWm Hendrex and wife Mary, Denton HendrrX and wife Sarah Ann, Rebecca 4tenshaw, Elizabeth Red shaw and; John Renshaw, tPctitionforiDower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of. the Court, that Ar ther Rvnsbaw, is not an inhabitant of this State: It hi ordered, that publication be made six successive weeks in the Carolina Watchman, that the said defendant in ihia esse, be and appear at the next term of this court, to be held at th court-houseia jVIocksville, on the 4th monday o Februsjry next, and plead, or judgment will we taken pro confesso. ' Witness, John Ckmenf. clerk of bur said court, at eiffice, the 4th monday of November,184 1, and 6th of American Independence;?- - r , . iJ,;.-. .J .-,.JOHN CLE5IENT,Clk.j 6w3t-4Printers fee $5'50 J " -"1 ' RUNAWAY NEGROES. rTlAKEN op and committed . to , the :Jall r,f , JL. Rowan county, on the 7th day. of January, iwp negro menrtrpnee ana june. ; rnnce is a botit 30 Tears of ace: 5 feet 5 inches hisrh. - Juno" isiabout 3S years old, 5 feet high, afid say they teloflg to J4hn p. .-Murphy, of Lexington Dirtrict, South Caro lina. 1 j The owneris requested tocome forward prove property, bay charges and take them away.'-- ' -- .:.; Jaa 11 j 1S45 iirn?: . tf37vc-,1 MIgS SARAtt M; LLNSTEIi; RESPpCTFULtY informs the citizens of Mocks-, viile and the surrounding country tlut she has com- 'need the ' -'. T-,"-?- '- - ' inj this plajce, at the" residence of Vm ' B.7 Ma rch. Esq . o doorsi below the Methodist Church, where she will b glad tojreceiye orders fojr work in her line.'. -f-f . . ; : I Shej trusts frcm )ong experience, to be aWe to give sa t -isfaction. j Charges will be moderate. Hau and bonjjet-j bteached and trimmed to order W . " 1 . ilocXi,flsaryrll,l&45 A: 3m37 , r , JOHN U. VOGLER, Watch, nod fCIocki: cr, XlOULD respectfully US rm thecit-. F T izens oi Kowan and tne adjoinm eoonties, that he haa opened his shcy cu main street, in the olBce formerlyoccupied by V. i,s. J. FJummerj as addleri three; doors below J.'II. En ' pothecafy storewhere he .is prepared to execute : t;l Work in hts fine of business His work will recomtncu.l itself; to the aged he can say that come &nd you an l.ne good spectacles, also glasBes fitted to suit any age. Jev.--elery made to order;-rings, breast p'ms, &c. 4 . Old gold and stiver, taken in exchange for;work.' ' Jan 1111345 3 . . ly37:. - :-"-!. WANTED ; iTRQM 10to 15,003 feet'of Walnut or Chefxy f iarA, ; far which a liberal cash' price will be t-;U. - Jan. 14,1815.,.' , D. WATCQ!. rTl"A 3 half chests sapericr Upca Tm, whlcli I 'tjL will sell at cost to close sale J, IL 1 Feb 1,133 ; ; f. - - " ! I i ; 1 rf , t-fL.-