m 1 li jyMiMiiiMMmiin II iiu . i .I ii " - , j T i ' t . . . . . . . . . i ? . . . - - i . - - Is ' i I .From the American Review. Jly First Day xvitli tho. Rangers f juv a kextuckiax. The scene of the following sketch, which, may bejone of aseries.is laid not only in. one of the most remarkable 'countries in the world for its singular and unexplored ' sccnery-butjn a" wild and solitary part of i it, where' till the forms of life are found in a condition much nearer to the savage than i the civilized. The reader must remember that heps not to be taken to the extreme frontier; of Texas, nearest- to Mexico and the Indians -amid a mongrel population of -Whites, .Mexicans and savages, living : in a state, of perpetual feuds, in whichlhe knife ahd rifle are theole arbitrators-in short, where all the stable elements and or ganization of society which; afford protec tion; in ihc decorous observances and staid proprieties of' civilized life, are totally w'antinjj. jf Strong men! and unregulated passionjS exhibit their yorstj and best cx-C . tremes in! this atmosphere of license His tory 'scarjeeyJaffords::ari.an JierenssoClthe; Guerilla warfare con-! stanlly iraging between the three races yet fragments of them all, tinder one pre- of thernjrefugees from the other side of the Ilio Grande, for political or criminal offen ces. Tfie Indians were wretched frag ments, of 6np powerful tribes, which had been ct f to pieces in thejr contests with the other ,U4'f parties and now, cOwered , be tween; them begging protection pf both, and patiently biding their time for secret revenge upon Cither. : The Whites werje hardv arid reckless men inf virv Ktnmni tn whom the excitement of j adventure of vuuipuiitu uiiu incessant peril, nau joe- come m necessary1 moral aliment. This : morbid passion certainly founcT abundant fgratrficajion here, Ibr-with the constant I J iabi lit Of fittack from wi thout th ey we re forever urirpondedAvithiri 4Sie;a.town : by . natural ifpcs, ther most faithless and malir t nant. vyhen it . is remembered, f besides, ' that they, only numbered fifteen in allrand attempted t domineer? with a high hand oyer as many hundreds of the other two .S races at honpe, and, in addition, to defend r a linef several hundred biles of fron tier' against Hheo invasion f ofpredatery hands frpm beyond tfaeii Rio Grande, or from tN mountains of the Indian country; and fu fib ermore, were compe 1 led to guard i against, laivdj bailie "the treachery of spies . l(irkjng around their very doors--it may well bponjectured they had their hands full. . Qcbqrsei to jflect all this a very thorbugjH organization was necessary, and a tfpopM gangers, numbering generally about ten men. irrew out of this npfpssitv. It is the period -of my note book of daily V't,ut' ff A 'evv woras, in general ex planation of the circumstances of my ar ; nval an SanAntonia; i ' Deterfnified to make myself familiar with; all the phases of life in this curious country, I had traversed the greatest por tion of it' alone. But at that time (the lat ter part of February, -'39) the journey to San Antonio, u-as too perilous to be under taken single; so that happening to meet with anj old acquaintance from my native btatc who, was, like myself, anxious to 'make, the trip, I joined him, and -we un- uenooK. ir.iogettier. tie was a lirassos Planter and owned, of course, a. number ofslavcfsh One of these, in the effort to make hjjs; escape to Mexico, had succeed ed in reaching the neighborhood of hSan (Antonid, jwhen he wasjarrested by'the vi gilant Rangers, thrown into chains,! and jUsowriejrdvertised ofthe fact by a spe j cial mechger. , The particular object of ' ray friend Taney, was to recover this boy. nn iu iut-iico i i javonte scneme of the slaves of Texas, and numbers of them annually attempt, and some few effect it They have the impression that their . ; cunmupn is very greatly Dettered hy the ,L changej. I Indeed, the more spirited of them J j; acquire, ny contact with the whites, hab - its ot bought and action, whch elevate 'them t (decided superiority over tliefjaver i age Jilexiban population & and if theyjean ! generijlljr more than a match for the im irecilejhitiyes. Several notorious instan e.es ot jthese junaways acquiring in a short time plosition and rank, added to the "fact N .t the Mexican population of Texas had always exhibited a warm sympathy for I them, Jaodl never failed to assist them in getting off ty every means in their power, I contributed of late to greatly increase the frequqney of these attempts, and, in the Same jrajiothb vigilance! of the planters j and Rangers to counteract them. The K San Ajutpnio routwas tlie only practica ble one across the desert plains to the Rio j t?randp,so that such rejliigees were all compejied to pass through it. In a word, 1 ,s wi gate of that trbntier. "After a ! i journfey full of fatigue,;and danger, we 'P. Jlere f pproaching it on. the night of the 2oth news that the Indians were down and ravaging the country had compelled us to;travel after dark, With a view of lessening ttie nrobahiKtincf r; .:.u them; .1 . It ivas a ery clear niehf: brilliant c only l exan moonliKt u . i t ongWimpressedby the majestic breadth ounfe plain upon which ve had. tiv - fr?S T ' lhei brokenfand wooded Y; v grouhrUand which lay sheeted in thvast circumference of a becalmed and silvery ftr?n s. These primeval soli-' fTb all the grandeur on, and so - rSl WnC tha,t tbey wdre when first Light r and that reS PeS?T bur!Pon; 01d Chaosr rev eahng all -forms , in its annihilatioh :'' -, ;KJl!;fd the high t- 5 Wve : me, ,its "glittering : fret-work VMiith. -golden candlesticks! ;e?lnSiUP9n this broad levetJasef which flecked their bold radiance in misty soft- i8 felt asif vve crept with our slov Pace along the plumb-line of thW xmvor if ii fuH gaze of the infinite. Host of BRTJNER & JAMES,- Editors y, Proprietors. Heaven, vith their' cold keen eves search- ingly npon us. The aw one feels upon these sky-bounded prairies is positively op pressive. Of you do not? realize' eternity and God's. being andomnipresence in such a scene, then were you born without a soul, or else it has died within you, . After a ride of several hours, during which neither of us snoke.,J we observed khe monotonous nroSle of the horizon, be fore us, broken by several objects. As we approached, they gradually crept up from the darkness and te could distinguish the square outline of Mexican houses very soon weVerenrhongst them-dustered irregularly along the bank Of the San An tonio River, the gleam and ripple of which now struck upon our senses. - These hous es were square stone, pens, thatched with bulrushes, and, as we passed them, looked desolate and dark enough, for it was very late. To some distance, above and below the ford; Jhey were dotted along without a"y appf arance of regularity, while on the opposite side, the confusion of black angular inasses defined -against the sky, indicated the location of the main town. The river, which leans forth with a snd- J den birtn from a cave a few miles above, rushes roan ng clamorously over the wide rocky bed which constitutes jhe ford. It seemed, as it really is, a hazardous expe riment to cross it during the night ; but, howeverour venturesome impatience was more fortunate than skilful in effecting a passaged The bank is by no means steep, and we .found ourselves in a few-paces from thel water, amidst the low stone and thatched houses, in a narrow street of the suburbs ; thi after a while, led us into a broader fone. in whieh th h niKpC fin nttli - eKside grew gradually from mere huts to the dignity of one, two, and' three stories of massi ve stone. ' ; One of these, standing somewhat singu lar and taller than the rest, my friend paus ed before, and announced that according to the topographical description of our where-abouts, with which he had been furnishep, this must be the house of the mercharit, who had cashed the reward of- ierea toft the apprehension of the boy and I. -1.1 1 f? i w ie.,d him in charge. There was a light glimmering through the door-chinks and key-hole,: we dismounted and thumped lustily and long for admittance ; at last a man in his shirt-sleeves thrust his head cautiously through the half-opened door, ant demanded who we were. The night was very cold, and Taney had some diffi culty, for the chattering of his teeth, in making:himself understood. He succeed ed final jy in satisfying the Cautious mer chant, and the door was, thrown open. When Our eyes had recovered from the dazzle of a large fire, we saw that there were a number of merTsleeping on cots and buffalo robes, along the whole length of an extended and narrow room; near the head of each man lay a Mexican sad dle, glekming with silver mounting, and a gaudy colored " serape," or Mexican blanket thrown either over it or the per son of the sleeper. -But the object which at qncej arrested my gaze, was the figure of the Pjegro Boy curled up upon the hearth, and as he rose to a sitting posture from his slejep, the clank and glitter of heavy manacles upon his arms and legs struck me most unpleasantly. He was a young, stout, athletic-looking fellow, and after rubbing his eyes in astonishment, receiv ed the quiet and scornful greeting of his mastertwith that stolid, heavy look of in sensibility, which always had enraged and made me forget any sympathy for negroes. In a moment afterwards, I was listening and inquiring of the merchant, with full as much interest as even Taney exhibited, concerning all the details of his capture and th present circumstances which in sured His safe durance till my friend should call for him in the morning. The arrange ments for his close keeping seemed, at a glance so perfectly secure, that there was no-, probability of his escaping. Hischains were Of ihe heaviest cast, and he had worn them for months under the eye of the mer chant I he was sleeping in the same room with a half dozen men the room lit by the blaze of a large fireits two doors massive nnd well secured by bolt and bar. What jpecasion was there to doubt of his safe keeping ? We could see no possibil ity of dny ; and inquiring for the locality of the jArnerican Tavern, which we had understood w'as kept in the town, we took our leave. -Thil street led us into a largo square. Precisely in its centre, towered a massive cathe4ral,iiri the usual eentury-deiying style 0fr Jesuit, architecture'-all j over,., the worldly Lights in the windows of a long, low,stbne building which faced the square, designated to ns the place wc were in search: of. -We dismounted and entered a well, lighted apartment, furnished . very much as, American bar-roonrsusuaIly are, and, Ute as it was, fully tenanted. My first irnpression was, that we had entered amongst: a crowdofMexicans, but I quick ly sawjj that their complexions were not at all consistent with theircosturnes. Eight or ten Jveryydung looking persons, evi dently Americans or Europeans, yere pro-" menading the room back and fbrth pufl ing ayay, every man of them, hiost earn estly at a . Mexican f ciffaritta," and all dressed in a costume singularly blended) vi iueiiqan ana American lasies. iuost of them wore the Msombrerotw or Mexican hat, and the many-hued serape," tl care,?s,y ove" the "national suit of. thrown ciom. KfX A CHECK TTPOX ALL TOUX t , W safe.", - ..5 N.1. G The. sombrero is a high sugar-loaf crown ed, and broad-brimmed hat. generally dec orated with a wide band of j part-colored; beads, while the serape is a ihick blanket curiously interwoven with lingular zig zag figures, having a hole in the centre! through which the head is thrust. This falling down to the waist, over the'ordina- ry American - dress, and exhibiting the gleam of pistols and knife in dcrneath, made up a very pic tume. the: belt un- uresque cos- Our arrival was notj noticed by the ill bred and hard staring manner common in American villages ; but we were greeted with a manly and straight-forward court-i esy, that t once placed us at ease with ourselves and with them. Indeed, I was forthwith irresistibly impressed by the per fect bonhomme. yet man-of-tlie world ex pression which characterized the bearinz of these persons. There Was nothing of tamilianty, but rather a degree of touchi me-not-ism, which it would be difficult to give an idea of in words, tempering the! almost boyish and boisterous frankness with which' we were questioned and ban tered upon the incidents of lour journey, precisely as though we had teen old fa miliar friends since time began. This pleasant cordiality. I have noticed is very apt to be a trait of our frontiersmen of any grade, but it was specially agreeable com ing from these men, with a certain touch of polish and good taste in it, , which re minded one strongly of the wild blades and eccentricities of college lite. Indeed, if by any magic one could have dropped suddenly into the circle without the at tendant and explanatory circumstances, it would have been the first impression that it was a party of merry-makng Collegi ates. These are the sort of men who are never taken by surprise at any thing. Though young; their experience embra ces the whole round of the passions. Thev are prepared for all that come. TheirJ personal familiarity with " imminent pe rils" of every stamp, and with all the exi gencies and excesses to which the life of humanity is liable, gives to their port and regard of all circumstances alike, an air of coolness and indifference, as if .how ever startling they might be-j-they came as matters of course, which were to be. expected, and certainly not wondered atf This same familiarity with danger gives to their appreciation of the social, or ra ther the convivial virtues, a high tone though the habit of self-reliance, engen dered in scenes of solitary daring, infuses a tinge of individual reserve! which cha racterises their open good fellowship. I was particularly struck with the youth ful appearance of the whole party : my impression on glancing arouhdTwas, that there was not a man in the room over twenty-two. -There was not k single com monplace among them all (were decid edly expressive, one way or another ; but I.was greatly amused afterwards, in re collecting how incongruous my first hasty conceptions were with what: I afterwards ascertained to be the true character of each; my faith in my own Sagacity was no little-diminished ! The personage who earliest arrested my notice, was the most boyish looking of them all. j His person, though Scarce the average height, was stout and moulded with remarkable sym metry his hands and feet ivere woman ishly delicate, while the Grecian features were almost severely beautiful in their classic chisseling. The rich, brunette com- ptexion, and sharp, black eie, indicative n r. f ii i . ... of Italian blood, would have made the fortune ol a city belle. The softness of his voice, and his caressing manner, in creased the attraction of his appearance ; and, out lor a certain cold flash from those brilliant eyes, I should have been entirely in love with him at once. I thought him some wild and petted scapegrace from a southern family, who had run away from his friends, and fallen upon; such a locali ty, n.nd such society by accident. Yet as I afterwards learned, this man, of all oth ers in the room, was reputed most dan gerous. The quick, unscrupulous vindic tiveness of his passions had become pro verbial; and the soubriquet of the Bravo" had been universally applied to him.; The man on whom he seemed to lavish the most attention, and who, indeed, appear ed to be regarded with particular defer ence by all, was a slight, raw-boned figure, with a, lean but bold Roman face, and an expression of modest simplicity that struck me at once as peculiar; there was some thing absolutely shrinking -and hoydenish in his bearing, and I remember feeling some surprise, that so unsophiscated, easy, good-natured looking a personage should be treated with so much njspect by men necessarily of so "Hardy" caist as those a round ; yet this individual j was the cele brated aptainv-g$w. Colonel Hays, the leader and foremost spirit of the Rangers -a mere youth yet more distinguished for tempered skill and gallantry in the Mexican and Indian wars,? than, any j man who had yetfigured in the history of that frontier. There was yet another: man who specially deceived , my preconceptions of his character: :This was ja tall.lheavy boned, heavy-featured, ; gawky . Irishman, who was lolling about vith rather an ex cessive expression of abandon and jollity. I took him at firet for decided M fiat"! but I soonTobserved ja deep, rich current of thel qaaintest and most spicy humor cohceiv- able9 ,uhder the " surface, of- this careless mannerism, inaeea, r nzgeraia, ino Dro- O-' i 'at " r SERlES : ;-V;' h ITVT 5 ' " "GMBmrismu' ' ) ' NUMBER 51, OF VOLTOIE 1. , APRIL 19, 1845. ther of the unfortunate Santa Fe prisoner, was the finest i mpersonation of the best and niost racy traits of Irish wit and Irish gallantry that I have met with. The" re mainder of the party looked like men of severe, or at least decided tempers. But such as they were,' these were the Ran gers, nnd this was my first impression of them. I announced my wish to Captain Hays to become one of them, and share I thej rough and tumble as well as their iol- r'in inera, ana nsKS as well as plea sure! was welcomed with frank en thusiasm into the ranks, and called for' a number of bottles of' noyau," at the bar to commemorate and seal our.fellowship. These were drank merrily enough Fitz gerald giving an especially rich and ban tering toast before we separated " Here's to Old Kentucky ! may he get the green out of his eyes, and eat his sallad as soon as possible, in preparation for the close shOoting and tough chawing, wc the free Brotherhood of Rangers indulge in." The last phrase I did not fully understand un til my after experience in dried or "jerk ed" beef, as it is called, enlightened me. It was past two o'clock before we parted for bed ; and with brain dizzied by the ex citement of the day, the novelty and orig inality of the scenes and characters I had fallen upon, it was some time before I got to sleep. It seemed to me that it had last ed only a few moments, when aloud f humpiug at the door of the hostelry awa kened me. It was a messenger from the merchant, post haste, announcing to Tan ey that the body had made his escape I We; rose hastility, and found thafthe day was just breaking. The messenger said that the negro was off, and had taken with him a quantity of valuable property; that his chains were left upon the hearth,! the back door was open, a splendid horse the very; finest in the town, was gone, and a fine silver-mounted saddle with it ; that the picket fence of the back yard, which was set with very heavy posts, and they very deep in the ground, had been torn up to afford him a passage ; that he had taken, in addition to the horse and saddle, several costly " se rapes," a brace of pistols, and a rifle, and was gone, evidently and beyond a doubt, for the Rio Grande. This news created no little confusioff, and the Rangers were forthwith astir. Trfney and myself hurried to the house of the merchant, to ascertain for ourselves, if these statements could possibly be true. Whatever had been the causeless and pet ulent prejudices I had indulged in toward this boy on the night before for his stupid looks, they gave way now to almost the opposite extreme of admiration for the cunning and resolute skill he had display ed in the manner of his escape ! It ap peared that he must have had his chains filed for some ime before, in effecting which we ascertained he had been assist-, ed by a Mexican blacksmith, whose shop bordered upon the back yard, the liberty of which he had enjoyed. But the prudent daring of his measures had been so consumate as to elicit ex pressions of astonishment from every body. He had managed to conceal the fact of his chains being filed from the vigilance of the merchant, and had patiently waited his time tjll the arrival of his master, who would take him in charge the next morn ing, rendered it necessary that decisive steps should be taken. He had then af ter, we left him, and a sufficient time had elapsed for the inmates of the room to get to sleep again quietly divested his limbs !rthe chains which he left upon the hearth; then noiselessly possessing himself of the holsters, rifle and saddle, (which last ar ticle was plated with 8100 wqrth of sil ver,) belonging to one of the sleepers, he unfastened the back door and passed out to the stable. This was insidehe yard, and enclosed by a high picket fence. By a wonderful exertion of strength, he had torn up a number of the posts, sufficient to afford a passage for himself and the splendid horse he Jiad selected from a mbng a number of others, and reached the street by the back yard. In addition, he had provided himself with a valise of clothing and provision for several days. A.11 of tese items belonging to the same person -aich trader who had lately ar rived from the Rio Grande. The rage ahd astonishment of this individual on wa king in the morning and finding himself minus to such an extent, may be better conceived than told. After ascertaining these details for ourselves, by personal observation, in company, with the restless ajnd excited merchant,( we. returned to the fonl door, where, greatly to my astonish ment, we found Hays and several of his gangers already collected V two' of them mounted on swift horses, and armed for the pursuit, waiting for us in the street. We were too inexperinced of course to have thought, in our hurry and confusion, of this prompt preparation, and as there was no time to be lost, could not accom pany them. One of them, I observed, was the .Bravo,w the other was a swarthy complected, handsome looking young fel low, named Littell. He was mounted on ibe horse of Hays, the most fleet and best trained. animal. in the company. All the Speed that could be brought to bear, was bviouslyi! necessary for overt aki ng the oyso well mounted as bo was; and with such a start as he had gained.': The horse pf the Bravo was alsb,a.;veryfme ahi malA4 Fifty dollars for the boyf shouted Taney to them, and just as Jhey were bending forward to apply the Squirt " and jspur, the hoarse voice of jthe'enraged tra der rung out from over our shoulders- " And fifty dollars more for the horse and saddle." - Thley were off at full Jweecl, clattering over the stone pavement, while sparks flew from the iron hoofs of their receding animals. It would be a severe chase, every one was aware, and the possibility of recapturing the Boy seemed most prob lematical. I could not help, in my own heart, wishing that yhat seemed so un likely, might not by any accident1 be brought about ; for, apart from all ab stractions, the coolness and daring the fellow exhibited, showed him worthy to be a freeman. 1 The day opened bright! and pleasently. About ten o'clock that morn ing we were all collected,1 grouped in the sunshine, in front of Johnson's," on the square, when pistol shooting became the accidental jopic, growing out of the in spection of my beautiful rifle-barrels. Hays was said to be a Wonderful shot, and gave us proof that the report idid jus tice to his skill. He held one of my pis tols in his hand, when observed a chicken-cock some thirty paces offin the square, which .wasjust straightening its neck to crow. "Boj-s, I'll cut that saucy fellow short," he observed as he levelled ahd fired quickly at. it ; and, sure enough, the half e nounced clarion-note of Chanticleer was lost in the explosion, and fluttered over dead with a ball through its head. Our exclamations of astonishment and admi ration were interrupted by the voice of one of the party, "Hays! yonder comes your horse and Littell full tilt up the street." " Yes," observed another, he rides very stiff. He looks like j a dead man." At that moment the panting animal, dashed up among us, and stopped by the side of his master. Never, in my life did I look upon a more terrible object than this rider. With both hands elapsed convulsively a round the high pummel of the Mexican saddle, his eyes closed, his face ashy and rigid, a clotted tide of gore issuing from his side and streaming down the yellow skirt of his buckskin hunting-shirt, his reins on the neck of the horse, his gun missing, his whole figure stiffened and e- rect he looked, indeed, a spectre horse man ! a riding corpse ! He's dead !" ex claimed several, in awed, low voices, as we were recovering from the shock of this singular apparition. "He's warm yet," says Hays, as he placed his hand upon his chalk'1 fingers, ' let's take him down. He may not be dead for all." We sprang to his assistance, and the body-at the first effort fell over heavily into our arms. I shuddered atlthe cold, earthly weight, and that horrid Smell of fresh blood, which once experienced can never be forgotten. We bore him into the bar-rOom and laid, him upon a bench. I observed that his pulse was still faintly beating, and on the the application of strong restoratives, after a harrowing: interval of suspenseit began to rise. We; now stripped him and ascer tained that he had received a large mus ket ball just above the ribs, and tracing the blue line fits track had left, half round the body to the Opposite side, we were in duced to hope that it had glanced under the flesh and not penetrated the chest. Gradually his pulse heightened, and the color began to return to his pallid face. " Boys ! to horse ! The Bravo must iae shot. This is the work of these cursed Mexicans ," exclaimed Hays, as soon as our suspense had been relieved somewhat by these favorable symptoms. " Yes, d n them !" muttered Fitzgerald, as we sepa rated to get pur horses, leaving Littell in charge ot Johnson. "That's a Mexican ball, or it would'nt have been placed so bunglingly. j Let's show 'em the Clean thing with our rifles." In ashortjtime we wore mounted and collected before the door of the tavern ready to stdirt, when Johnson came out bareheaded,1 and told us that the wounded man had so far recovered as to be able to speak. He'could only understand of what he feebly uttered : " The Bravo was before me when I got it from a thicket P' This gave us some cue-as to how this had hap pened, and we set off instantly at full speed. It was evident enough, that either the negro orj his Mexican friends had made this murderous attempt fronr ambuscade to arrest pursuit, andAvhcther the Bravo had not fallen a positive victim was left in painful Uncertainty. It seemed proba ble that the Mexicans had a hand in it, from the fact that the ball was tod large for the rifle jhe Boy had taken with him, and - apparently had been sent from the wide muzzle of a clumsy Mexican musket. I observed jthafgroups of Mexicans, with their " serapes " folded around-' them, were stand ingate very corner of the streets as vve-passed through the town. They were grinning and looking unpleasently cheerful at us as we went by. - ; ' We soon) reached the widejejel Of the extended plain on which the town stands, and for several hous gal loped along its vast; monotonous Expanse with hoih ing ahead tarelie ve- tne'eye. After we' were thorbughlyffatigued byhhis" samenessv a dimVdark line loomed on the horizon be fore usV which: as- weroac.t.pj. pened up into bfbkeu. i rregular masses of stretching for miles j othere low. busy, an4 ense-ranged like black shaded : islands ot ragged ana uugut wuiui" w...w. sidc'of the old trail "we followed. Just where it led edo-e ofnn ti V ma leu" Paccs of the euge oi one these " rnftto khot from the orWoj was an unusually close one 6Y stiff .crub- ' by brushy AVe separated to ride around it and look for the trail of the, , assassin. On coming together, Hays announced that -he;had foundjt both:the ;trarapled spot where, a horse had evidently stocxl ' for some time, and the single trace of its flight leading offin the direction of the Ilio Gran de. After following this for "a quarter of a mile, another trail of a single horse lead- ing from the "main" ytraclT was observed running parallel with it. This was tliat' of a shod horse, and Hays exclaimed as soon as he saw it, Ha I the Bravo is after him I He'll get hjm I He wai ahead and saw thescoundrel running : , ' - ?T The sharp, experienced eyes of these men at once recognized the trail,ot their comrade and the main features of the occurrence. Wo fbl. lowed these two trails until nearly sundown at the same headlong, rapid pace we had held since starting. ; .Thousb they continued on the same' general course with the old beaten. road, yet L miu iu iiuu ii umu, uui, uivergcu i In an i rregular 1 ine, dodging around amongst the 44 motts," with ail the efforts of a desperate flight and chase. I was greatly astonished at the skill with which they une rringly traced this deiJ . . ;i .L-:.i . . f iuu irau, luougo we ivere going ai.a lasi gai-l lop. This hard running had very greatly fagg. prevent us from following up the chase to any satisfactory termination ; , andwide jind ""seen ingly interminable pla in, too,' was . opening be fore us, whose bare nVululatinglsiirface otlercd little of either pleasure or encouragement to our perspective. Suddenly, however, and most un expectedly, one of the men in frpnt jshouted, while he pointed with his gun over to the right, Loolt4 that mus le the Bravo.' file's got him." We looked, and the figures of two horse, men were just rising ihto ,yiwoveriUieridg6 of an undulation fur away across the plain. . . m The figure of a ,mau heaving in sight amiJit these wide solitudes, always causes a startle and thrill of expectation and doubt, similar to the feeling produced by the announcement of a strange sail ahead n on shipboard, during a long voyage. The eyeglaiices wiHh careless indif. ferencq over ce at herds of deer, buualo.'or mus. tangs, dotted on the distance;; but glimpse of any sliatet even remotely resembling a brother Lman, makes the pulse. leap'sharp.: and fast, and the blood rush back to the heart ; for in this lawless region it is impossible to conjecture, whether, what should naturally be an auspicious event, may not result in a mortal struggle. and death to one party or the otheri, iThis distorted condition of things causesjstrange emotions, for it does seem most oiitrc and unnatural, that the outlines, which of! all others ought to be "most agreeable, should fce"prbductiVa brihe most unf pleasant excitement, while we can look upon', thousands and multiplied; thousands; of ;brulesl with a , negative feeling, if not oneof plcasantrH companionship. I ihave been particularly strticlc! with this while travelling alone, when any thing' the imagination cduld conjecturo intoa resem blance of tho human form would produco 'the, most uncomfortable sensations, v There isjnoth ing to fear froai the animals, but ictm. thai like.;, ncss to yourself everything of hate and treach ery is to be dreaded. VOt' We instantly headed'our horde's towards thesn distant riders, who seamed lb bo jbggirig on ve ry sociably at a leisurely gait in tho direction of San Antonio. As we neared themevery4mo-l ment made it more piobable-that the' man's. firsts conicciuro was rignu, 4 ney soon ouserveu us jand stopped with some flurry and hesitation of manner, but afterm long and deliberate survey they started to meet us. I thought at fiisf that they intended to wheeTand make off, ba( the as I sured recognition was simultaneous, ajnd with a! loud cheer we increased our speed i be Bra- vo waved his sombrero in the. air and answered us. In a little while more we Crowded around him and his prisoner, eageflyasking a multitude t ru 1: ' J'...?.u fi wi ljuusiiuiis. - x uc man wus iicu wiiu u juriai about his feet, which was passed under the behT ly of his horse. His hands were also tied be hind him, and their appearance of sociability at tho distance, was fully explained when, we ;aw that the Bravo was leading his horse by anoth er lariat. Re was a Mexican of spare figure, with a lean Roman face, sharp hlaclt cyes,and a vivid expression of bold knaveryj'not'aFall cowed bv offr number and wrathful looks. His whole appearance was altogether unlikelbe us ual downward-eyed, sneaking, wollish look,' common to Mexicans in circumstances of such perij as those surrounding him. fhe audacity., of the fellow's bearincr at "once attracted ' com "'-i . r - 0 . -u" -, . I.,'. r ' ,.:w i i u ll'l T ji tt ! I t7T. 1.1 i u ...t.- .t. J f v deuce are you doing with ;that saucy-looking fellow alive? Ybtiare the last"min5rhoailJ ; ; have Riisnpr.tftdof hivim lhe vlca of meretf in" you.'" Ha, ha I" laughed he, the best of ' . " the joke is, that I kept him alive, simply because ,-- he gave me so much trouble in .catching him. . lie's a regular curiosity ; and I wahtcdtoshbvy I ; , r . a I!a UnriAin nrnm rrrwwt f!iirttr l'f a Mf nit liinA I hit nn I tr m nAAf m A - l I. Ml , 1 that I. conjecture any xfyou ever saw.V,JI JT6o scoundrelV said Haysr;! don't see that it re-1 qtiiredanycreat bravery toabbot a man from ths bush. We'll take him off your hands'. I'll ! havb ' him disposed of."'" That's just what I wanted, Jack," (so Hays :was jwreu mo rascal oner' occauso no wiw-ji fTauzh by his bold ironuJence. iust asI .wasan the act of pulling trigger on him frlhe second time, and 1 don't feel disposed to kill hirri hov3p though I want jouail todo it, fbrbe deserves' & it a hundred times. Don't you remember him!'; f I think I tave seen him before said llajr, y !but where or when' I can't recollect. Jtb . ;doesn't matter tbougb-wo'JlHrelieve youMf,j j hin.'V "You have not frgotten Gonzalez, tho: dexterous ihjef, who toler your sorrel horae last ; : summer, and run hTm off across the Rio Grande?',' - IH I this Is the" same felloy. Well, well pay him ofTall scores flilstime.w 1! " lie under ! stands' perfectly whatj youtsay. By the way, ; 7 have you seen or heard any thtng.of Littell ? ; -Jle went ff in very singular style.JIay ex ; plained to him tho circumstances the reader, is already la possession of; and while, we rodo slowly toward a distant line of timber, ind.ca-. ; ; ting a stream on which we weant cm5 theight, the Bravo related his story of theday . i events to . os. ' , j---, t-. ... m)Mi. . " After leading yoo in the street this morning, .ITLx. trace for tbough we saw notb:T ing oftneBoy's trail on it at first.1 felt conned See Fourth Page.): Vi '4 V 9 1U -'5 I1 1