, ' .... - : -U " Ti ' : : . ) i - ' . f -" . :.. . - - i - ....'. -fc ' - , : '-... . ; - . -1 ' 1 1- f- , ,n - - ; j , . t p ; , , - - f - ' - . j , - "-;.'. j " x - - " - - ' ' - ' ! iriiE crows. 7 ii '- 'stralio? a Supper. The Rocky Mountaina.-A Horse i killed for ! Food. Cold' and Hungsr. -pressing the i Mountains.-A Sp!cndi3 Sunset. A Passage Found. -The Anjoaturns. A j Party of Mexicans. Indian i Scalp-Dance,-GuiJes cnt Back.--A scene of Feast ing, -Thoughts of Starvation. Shepherd's Dogs.- Croats anJ their Uses. ' - v " - f On the! 10th of September, the 'clay Tol 1 lowing that jon whjch our .whilom guide L" had been,' ejn. we bund what appeared to bean old cart road, and also'a deserte'd Mexican jcamp. Te road iwe followed until it vas ost upon sandy prairie des titute of vegetation. This day, three moun tains were discovered in a southwest di rection, iindj jsome j fifteen miles distant, bichoptiie strongest resemblance to the description Carjos had often given us of Vie Crows. It seemed, too. as though we could j discover a passage through?thel chain oi smaiier nms norm m mem an opening resembling the Angosturas I have often before jmentiijncd -bu we had been so often deceived that lew of us could now anticipate a iy sued good fortune. In the mealn time, our me tj were driven nearjy to desperation by bungervj Little or no prdqpuld lb preserved by. the of. I Few deer or nnteldpe were saeri, ahdlhey ; were so jshf that it was impossible to . snoot iem;i(put in place ot them every tortpise nnd snakej every living and creep ing tningyas seiied upon and swallowed by our tarnishing men with arapacity that -nujiiiiJi; iiuik jiiie , uiresnunger; couiu in duce. Occasionally a skunk or -polecat would reward some one more! fortunate than the rest-; but seven out of every ten of us irere compelled to journey on -with out a morsel of anything to appease our One! am(ising little anecdote I will here relate, tosh6w, iji the first place," the dire ful sfraif pljwhich;ouri hien! were driven,' arid in theseconoj to give my readers an .insight inW he trickery of old campaign ers. Ve Jir d reached a camping-ground late one eWingj: where a sufficiency of wood -WftB fAlirtfl hft hinAla " tial fires.! yhil(p a knot of jus were red cuning aroiiaa one-ot the tires, specula--ting - as jto jour prospects, youngster brought in1 a spotted-backed land tortoise, alive ancj j kicking which he had been for tunate enough to find upon the prairie. Throwing if; upon the ground, and placing the end df tifs rifle upon the back of the animal -.tp pre vehtits crawling off", he next asked anjplU hunter how to cook his prize. The ahswerwas; that he must open the coals and thrpwj the tortoise in, cover, it oyer, and n (low it to remain for at Teast half an Mr in the fire a longer .time would only scrvhlo make the repast more savoury. J ' . .v.: v,..... '. Np sljqto said than done ; for in less tHan a mjnijte thp unfortunate tortoise was Hasting alive beneath a bushel of coals. The cotiritenance of the young man was Uit wiih Win anticipationf a jneal, which, although at any other time it would have, beeij j-e vohing, he now coveted with tbat.loiifhrur. which starvation only can ; V r,V ? r M T 11 r s a mea' "e was not H .destined tbjenjoy. The; old campaigner, uuKr leiun nun inree or lour. .times that his supper Was hot cooked, final lyr found means to, wijhdiaw. theyoungster's atten tion fronij tfid coals, and then to whip the nuiiimi ouirvynn nis iron ramrod Was but ; the workj of a mjoment. Another moment, $nd 4he welltroftsted terrapin Hvas safe be- muiu me fjacfv ot me more elderly ranger, and where theVoungster could not see it. ; I "Vont you think he'sneariy uone ?"in quireatnej latter, now turning his head ana ioolung wistfully at the fast-expirin ucu oi coais; , - i ;i : ."rrettV well cooked by this time vou cin lake him out." retorted .the old borber- er, whiles fjuitly watched the first spea lnI rniXeimehts of the youngster, as he ursi commenced opening the coals, were skv and decided: by-and-by, as he near a c hottomof the mouldering heap, his I uu ucwcxcuea ana uurncd. The ex pressioiVorhis Countenance! ma v be easi er magindjth4n described; as. after hav- faug a the hard ground itself, he turn ed to the Kuhor of his misfortune, and, in i :ttter igranci of the trick, exclaimed, "lie's Me . . t r n i l v ..rcpeniea. me veteran w I IIIU 1 O I m mm .. m "urueTen ; he alive vvhen you threw hi ipejjire ,vt i mini why r - 117 y 4 VJI I - ?SJ " 'Ii V?1 1 ca 4 OntinUetT the ranker, " von e thought the terrapin mightily with the simples 4f you supposed troubled 'uiuisiiiv in inn nr nnn rio Mactmi 4 wPf n jhelcould easily crawl outand ; S10?!' X !M youngster draed him- V;? M,!f IaPketIsuPPerIess,vhile the trickster quietly wended hi way to a l.?gHbofife fireto pick .the. seantviPrtt "om Ihs i prize, and ehuckie ,at his. 7:3 m - uoing ' the green-horn out of 3 sunnnit m AheTpid we had -found' and followed -.oujn ine morning ve uuncea 'r;!?!fp'ltbeiaftefndon Qeel.rra;rkk Had losf themsel ves in a ba: grarelH praifie That we must imd passage thrdush or over the rnountairts or-ns (was considered , certain, but ''ji''llteW0 was. npbne;couldim of r VWT Tar 'fron beingfaware onJ!1 F? time,,but they , proved to be beui Jifei s tbe sun gradually : sank .flfty nd ra-ged summits. -a 'J;1 iprjeeze sprattsr un jV6m their SQDoffiood ; It wasMrst cbld weal iVreai-l9 pierce directly through us. ! ed tK f"1? ed bur marchuhtil we react thehanVs pi wnicn, we encamped for iiocK oi wua iureysL had iiCPrsjnvomniPepi scaiienngk aoout in every direetMn. huhting for plums, grapes. and ram asimigrhl fall in Ihcir wnv. n k;...) n 4 taken shelter! under the banks, running ou as wc apruauneu meir roost. Altho contrary to ftrict orders, nothing could re strain our man from banging and-blazing away, at ino xurKeys as tney sped across the prairie-fjifty rifles and muskets being discharged atithem before they were out ofsightTyo or tjiree only were killed by theolleand running fire Iwhich. en sued, and tley were but half grown, and so extremelylpoor that they did not furnish a meal for half a dozen men. ,j To go far ther without boneAiiiP' to ratt. WAaihnw deemed cimpbssible-the , wild! and hag gard expression; the sunken eyes, and sal low, fleshlefs laces of the men too plainly snovvra, inat some means ot sustenance must be spee!dily provided. - At horse for merly belonging to Howland which in the earjy part of the-campaign had been one of the best animals in thefepmmand, was now foqnd .to be so poor and badly broken down' that it was resolved to shoot him and divide his flesh among the differ ent messes!: As they; led the once -proud and gallanf animal to exscution, the words of an old iiursery sbhg came fresh to my mind one; that ! had. neither! heard nor thought off for many, many, years. The burden of the ballad. was, - . - c ; t t Poor old horte ! he must die !" - and I have only mentioned the circunv stance to Illustrate the velI-known eccen trichies of4njemory.' A man is often plac ed in situations and becomes a vitne5s of scenes which suddenly ajtvaken and brings back the lori-forgotten associations of his childhood.! II But to return to the actual. The horse was killed, and in less time than it takes me to tell thishide was off and his flesh distributed.! I have before said that , the flesh of a jypung mustang is excellent but that of jin oll, broken-down horse is quite another affair. It was tough as India-rubber, and the more a pieee of it was masticated llhe larger it became in the mouth. Iqor as it was, however,- and hard to swallow, I am coujident that ma ny a mart In the party ate four or five amanf n the party ate four or fiv. irras of It, half cooked and without sal pourras ot ir, halt cooked and without salt I know itjat I devoured my share. That I lost some of the good opinion I entertain- . " "'J1'!4 uuc ruling lUt IUOU 1 Will Hot pretendj to deny, and even a buzzard, that sat perched upon a dry limb of a cotton-wood overhead, appeared to look down upon us r rjroachfullyas he saw us ap propriating food ihat legitimately belong ed to hinl. Tlftre was something, too, like honesjj indignation expressed in the countenance of a wolC which sat quietly NvatchinffibuT Derations from thft nrt min ing prairie; but at the time wewere hun gry enough to make a meal even ofs him had he fallen into ourjiands. A man ne ver knows, what he will eat until driven by a weeks starvation. Our toUjh and most unsavoury meal oyer; we Spread our blankets in the ra vine, where we could be partially protec ted from the biting northeast wind ; but the cutting blasts found their way through our scantyf eoyering, chilling our weaken ed frames o such a degree as almost en tirely to pp vent sleep. .With the ordina ry stock of flesh and blood we should have been far better able to withstand the bit ter wind ; jpst wasrwe could only shrug and shakeand pass a sleepless night. V Weak aibd unrefreshed, we arose in the morning-breakfastless and desponding, we mpu nted our horses, and once more resumed oil r gloomy march. Our course was southwest, and in the direction of what appeared to be. a passage through ne moun&iasVbut after travellingr some six or eight , miles we found; our farther progress cut oft by high precipitous as cents. To return was our only alterna tive, and at noon we again found ourselves near the point whence we had started in the morning.. ' ; ' ; A consultation .was no w held! as to oar future course. Running directly north was a high chain of mountains, extending as far al thceye could reach, and many con tended that pur best course would be to travel alofcg the base of this, chain until we either found a passage through or met With the trail of the St. Louis traders. Others, again, thought, our wisest and saf est plan Would be to attempt crossing di rectly over the mpuntains where Sve then were, laborious as was the prospect. The Jatterparty. prevailed, and the attempt to upuso viis pixiiiicuiciie j v maue. . . .- . . After incredible fatigue to both horses and men, for we were obliged to dismount and carry our arms and baggage in our hands thp ascent was oinally achieved. Arrived at the summit, a beautiful pros pect was efp re usCBelow, a peaceful and lovely valley; vas spread out, through the" centre: of which the large stream we had left ,the,rprevious day wound alonlrl Innumerable brooks, taking .their rise in the mountains aroundancaudered throush this valley, and finally found their way. to ine jarserioirccun. ders were bushes banks of the river werejskirted with a nar row belt of timber of larger and niore lux uriant grovvth. : The valley was hemmed n on all sides by mountains, whose frown ing and precipitous fronts appeared ;to7of fer impassable barriers fagaihs proach to he tranquil aind beautiful scene lying far elow us At another time these ragged and dangerous steeps" might have stayed our further advance but now,af? Editors ; :.....,.,; L S ALISBlJ-R'Ni; ter allowing our. poor and foot-sore ani mals a short rest; we d rove them1 down, and in less than an hour foii hd ourselves safe in the valley. -i-It was ribwi discover ed that two of our men were missing, un able, probably frpm their oWni Weakness and jaded condition of their hordes, to keep ujj wmi me mam Doay. ye couia only hope that they might be able td follow our trail and overtake us at our'encampment it was impossible, s6 weak! anil lame were all our horses, to go back in search of them. " ' ' - - On; reaching the jibber; of the river banks we . immediately ericahipej, "and turned bur animals loose to graze and rest themselves after their fatiguing mountain march, The river was foundjto' abound with catfish, and as we had several hooks and lines with us, a sufficient number were caught to give us all a meal. l jshould per haps call it a feast : for even wfithout salt or seasoning of any kind, many of our men ate pound after pound of the coarse fish with a relish which a gouty alderman might covet, but could never enjoy over the best bowl of turtle soup the ingenuity of man ever compounded; j J,, Sunset in this secluded valley present ed a scene of almost unrivallekl magnifi cence, as wejl as of mild and heavenly beauty. The tops of the surrounding moun tains, upon which the blue vault of hea ven seemed to rest, were gilded by the msi uiost oriuiant raysi while the deep-black shadows, as some beam of sun light would dance around andjkiss for the last time a more towering summit, would course hurriedly down jhe frowning moun tain sides, as if to findltheir hpraes in; the depths below ere darkness assumed her sway. A soothing, an ethereal b,uiet reign ed throughout the valley, broken only by the evening hymn of some turtle-dove, vowing anew her constancy to her mate, or by the last bark of the squirrel, as, with light and buoyant leaps, he .wended his way from the river to his nestj among the mountain cliffs.'; " By-and-by a brood of wild turkeys which had been8 hunting for iiieirsupperaiine Dase ot the rocky steeps, flew over our heads and sought their roost in a Jarge cotton-wood which overhung the river. The sharp crack of a rifle soon announced the doom of oue of the flock, while the report, taken up bv a thousand echoes, reverberated from grot and glen, from steep hill-side and quiet dell, until lost to the ear in distance. "Night had thrown her sable mantle, alike over the valley and the recently-gilded mountain tops, before I could turn from the contem plation of the lovely scene, f ; . Early the next morning, Mr. Hunt, our guide, set off; in company with Captain Sutton, in search of a passage through the mountains, which would lead Usalons the river banks. They returned; in , two or three hours with the joyful intelligence that they had discovered an excellent route in a western direction, one which would extricate us from our present dilemma without much labor. To saddle and mount our horses was a work of but. few mo ments, and then,. with hearts much light ened, we resumed the journey. ) After crossing the river, and emerging Irom the timber which lined its banks, we entered a narrow but open valley that had been concealed from view by H projecting point ot oneoi the mountains.! Two hour's ride brought us into a road which had ev idently been used for carts, as we found yoke-keys, standards, and other trappings Ut I A.. TUT- ! I iircjuugiug io a luexican venice, scauered along its sides. On either hand, the frown ing and rocky sides of mountains rose hiarh above us, and we now knew and felt that we were in the Angosturas, or where the stream has lorced its passage through the eastern spur of the Rocky Mountains. Well do these mountains deserve their name, for they are nothing but immense heaps of stones, irregularly piled up, while but little vegetation is to be found upon their sides save a lew stunted pmes and cedars. 4 -For three or four miles, after first enterinsr the Angosturas, our road was along a solid ledge of rocks, the river on bur right, and running nearly east and west. The greatest width of the pass through which the stream runs, until the traveller leaves the rocky road, cannot he more than half a mile, while the towering fronts of the mountains on , either side are so steep inai even a goat would nnd much difliculty in climbing them. On leaving the ledge of rocks tnej pass grows gradually wider, and the road becomes sandy." We had no sooner struck the latjer than the tracks of mules arid asses were plainly visible. A little 'farther on, the foot prints of men were also seen, and every ap. pearance they had been made but feW hours. Not a sign of i human habitation had we dis covered, either in - the .beautiful valley where we had; spent the previous night or along the road vve were no w travelling, but that we had at length reached an open highway and were close upon a party of Mexicans was evident enough; With jeelings the most joyful wie now spurred Pur animals briskly: forward. The : sagacious lingly responded to our call upon them for a faster pace. Gradually; the Narrow! became wider, the road grew-smootber, and just as the suit was losing itself behind the tvestera moun tains we came up with the Mexicans,1 encamp.' ed at the mouth of theorge at fhich the river enters the Angosturas.-1 As.Carfos had always told usr thp river atjb is point turns immediately north, watering a narrow and fertile valley. , .Those of my readers who have ever made a long sea vo3'ace mav remember h'owVagerly, at' H '-v. !C;, rMAY 13,-1845: " - ' I ' ..... ... . . . rrr rr be approach of its termination when the pilot first placed ,his ; foot upon deck, they: crowded around anj pressed him with idle questions in numerable : so with us, in coming up with these istrangers. j f Every one among us, who could peak a word of Spanish, earnestly showered jupon the ragged, swarthy, and half.frightencd Mexicans volumes of interrogations, without giving them time to answer one of them; even bad thy been able or willing. The fellows ,were just returning, with a small droveof bro ken.down mules and donkeys, from a trading Jrip of some two months duration among the Cayguas and Camancbes. They frankly told U, as sbon as we gave them time to breathe and collectthe liitlej scattering sense they had, that fbey hwien iis easly in the morning, and that sucn f tbeir companion's as were better moun ted bad instantly fled, in fear that we might fob them. j L I answering to the question as to the state of feeling in New Mexidb regarding our approach. r; ..u,U!glip us uu miormaiion upon this point they knew nothing. The had. been ab: sent months from the settlements, and were tra ,ding with the Cayguas when the unfortunate Hull and his.partv were killed,, although they bad no part or lot in that massacre. They al so told us that they were in the main camp of the Indians when the murdering party .returned, bringing the dead bodies of eleven ot their war. jnors, among whom was a principal chief. The ceremonies and perlormanceson the occasion the yild dances ol the warriors around the scalps of their victimswith the painful penance of the women in token of their irrief for the ln r the warriors of the tribewere described bv our hew acquaintances with graphic effect. The women smote and cut their breasts, and ;ran naked jib rough thorns and prickly pear-bush- iu nuw ihb iniensuy oi meir uUection. ; Vye next asked the Mexicans the distance to the Palo Duro, or rather to the spot where our maib body wkh the wagons were encamped. They said that a good mule could travel the dis tance easily in four days. Upon our telling them the route we had taken, and that we had been thirteen days on the road, they expressed ?he greatest astonishment 3aid it was wonder ful that we had been able to cross the immune. chasms arid mountains at all. They said that jf wo had taken a course directly west, on start ing, we snouid have avoided the deep canons altogether, and had a good, smooth road the whole distance. In addition, thev i that Carlos land his companions had passed them in the' morning, completely worn down by hunger and fatigue. By ihU it would seem that the runaway guide had taken a course too much to the north, and fallen into the same errors which bad caused us so much trouble. j As regards provisions, the Mexicans wre Imost as badly off as ourseU es, their stock be ing nearly exhausted. They gave the mess to which I; was attached, however a small quanti- y oi oaney ment ; just enough for a taste, and that was all. They said that San Miguel was still some seventy or eighty miles distant, but before reaching it we should fall in with large herds of Iieep, and also the little village of Anton Chico. At the latter place we could pro cure tortillas and atole ; the former a species of thin cakejin universal use throughout Mexico, and the latter a tbin mush, made of meal and water or cow's or coat's milk, and also a send ing dish of the country. Anything, but more especially any preparation of meal or flour, would haye been as welcome to us as manna was to the suffering Israelites in the wilder ness. - The next morning. C 1 H T ' were hired to go back to our companions, one of our Mexican servants, Matias. disguised com pletely, so that he might not be suspected by any Indians they should meeToi the route, ac companying them. They were a provided with the best and least jaded mules we had, and took with them a package of letters to General McLeod. The purport of those letters was, that we had arrived within two or three days' ride of the settlements, and that the best course the command could pursue would be to march immediately, under direction of the guides, to wards S4ti Miguel. The Mexicans, after re ceiving full instructions from Colonel Cooke nd Doctor Brenham, set out on their journey across the immense prairie, and, as we after ward learried, were leas than four days in going a distance which had occupied us thirteen ! 'Shortly after Matias and his three companions had left -usi: we resumed our march jtowards San Miguel Not a morsel of food did we have du ring the day, and at night we encamped, supper less, on the banks of a small creek emptying in to the Rto Mora. On this stream the Mexicans, who had thus far accompanied us, had their pla ces of residence. After giving us instructions tor our route towards ban Miguel, they Jeft us P.i the ensuing morning for their homes in the mountains. j Beforxve set out, our commander despatch. edfbur of our best-mounted men in advance to make arrangements for provisions, while the rest of us followed as fast as our weary animals could travel. ,As we neared the point where we knew that food could be procured in abund. ance, not only our hunger, but our impatience in creased." During the day, I was fortunate enough, in company with the madcap Fitzgerald, to find half a kat-ful of wild parsley, and this we swal lowed raw with the greatest avidity. . ;;About the middle of the" afternoon, one of the four who had been sent forward returned 'with the joyful i intelligence that they had fallen in with a Herd of no less than seventeen thousand sheep,, and ,had succeeded purchasing a .suf ficiency for f the whole r command. ? Again we put spurs to our horses, and a ride of half an hour brought us up wiih the sbeDherds and their charge, and to a fino camping-ground on the Rio Gallinas. - Here; a scene of easting ensued which beg gars description. We had been, thirteen days I upon the road, vith really not provisions enough J for three, and now that there was an abundance our starving men atonce abandonedjbemselves to eating--perhaps I, should; rather call it gof. mandizing or. stuffing.- No "Jess than 1 twenty largei fatrsheep had been purchased and dress ed, and every ramrod, as well as every slick that could: be found, was graced with'sraoking ribs and shoulders, livers and hearts. Many ( . number i;op you -V. UOP "VOLUME 'II. made themselves sick by overeating j hot an at. tempt to restrain the appetites of half-starved men, except by main forcewould be the very extreme ot folly. Had the food been anything Dut mutton, and nad we not procured an ample supply of salt from the Mexicans to season it; our lueu migni nave died of the surfeit. " ; 1 have never yet seen a treatise or disscrta. lion upon starving to death I ran .nenk M. ingly of nearly every stage except the lasU, For Ilia Krel livn rli-e. k.....L. ! . ' . " " "; iiu;a wnicn a siron and healthy man is loomed ui suueniigs are pernaps, more acute than in the remaining stages he feels an inordinate, unappeasable Cravings at the stomach, night and day. The mind runs upon beef, bread, and oth. er substantials buttili; id a areat measure, the body retains its strength. " Oa4he third and fourth days, but especially on the fourth, this incessant craving ires place to a sinking and weakness. of the stomach,-accompanied bv nau sea. ; The unfortunate sufferer still desires food, but wiih loss , of strength ho loses that eaer craving which is felt in the earlier' fifn nna Should he chance to obtain a morsel or two of tood, as was occasionally the case with" us, he swallows it with at wolfish avidity ; but five mi nutes afterward his sufferings are more intense than ercr. lit feels as if he bad swallowed a living lobster, which is clawing and feeding up on the very foundation of his existence. On the fifth day bis cheeks suddenly appear hollow and sunken, his body attenuated, his colour an ashy paleuind his eye wild, glassy, cannibal ish. The different parts of the system now war with each ether. The stomach calls upon the legs to go with it in quest of food : the legs, from the very weakness, refuse. The sixth day brings with it increased suffering, although the pangs of hunger are lost in an overpowering languor and sickness. The hparflfrnm ta. dy the ghosts of well-remembered dinners pass in hideous procession through the mind, The seventh day comes, bringing increased las situde and farther prostration of strength. The arm3 hang listlessly, the legs drag heavily. The desire for food is still left, to a degree, but it must be brought, not sought. The mis erable remnant of life which still hangs to the sufferer is a burden almost too grievous to be borne; yet his inherent love ot existence in duces a desire still to preserve it, if it can be saved without a tax upou bodily exertion. The mind wanders. At one1 moment he thinks bis weary limbs cannot sustain him a mile the next, he is endowed With unnatural strength,! uu ii nu-iu uc acenainiy or renei oeiore him, dashes bravely and strongly .onward, wonder ing whence proceeds this new and sudden im pulse. - Farther than this my experience runneth not. The reader may think I have drawn a fancy sketchthat I have coloured the picture too highly: now, while I sincerely trust he may never be in a situation to test its truth from ac tual experience, I would in all sober serious ness say to him, that many of the sensations I have just described I have myself experienced, and so did the ninely-and-eigbt persons who were with me from the time we first cnteled the grand prairie until we reached the flock of sheep, to which more pleasing subject I will now return. 1 There were very few men with the immense herd, but in their stead jwere a large number of noble dogs, which appeared to be peculiarly gifted with the faculty of keeping them togeth er. . There was no running about, no barliiii'' or biting in their system of. tactics ; on the con! trary, they were continually walking up and down, like faithful sentinels, on tho outer side of the flock, and should any sheep chance to stray from his fellows, the dfg on duty at that particular post would walk gently up. take him carefully by the ear, and lead him back to theJ told. Not the least fear did the sheep manifest at the approach of these dogs; and there was no occasion for h They appeared to me to be of mongrel breed, somewhat resembling, per haps, a cross of the Newfoundland or St. Ber nard species with the larger mastiff. They possessed mild, frank, arid open countenances, were indefatigable in protecting their charge from wolves, and Tronrwhatl could learn were extremely sagacious. The shepherdhad crooks in their hands, in struments I had often read of in poets' lays. The uses to which they were put took away much of the romanCfe I had associated with crooks and gentle shepherds. One of the lat. ter, whenever a sheep has been pointed out in the flock, cither io be killed or for sale, thrusts the long, hooked stick immediately under the throat ofthe victim, and holds it fast until its fellows have been driven past on either side. The sheep is then secured by grappling its wool with the hancf an operation, from first to last, partaking more of the practical than ofthe poetic. ; . . Now that we had found provisions in plenty, we considered the dangers, the fatigues, the de lays, and tho vexatious of the marchas over, andbright were the anticipations of the future. Every face was animated with joy, every heart was tilled with gladness. How diffetent wpuld have been our feelings had we known the suf ferings and privations, the indignities, and the cruel maltreatment we were yet to endure the terrible fate that Svas awaiting us I Kendall's Sketches of the Texian Santa Fe Expedition. f JOHfc U. VOGLER. Watch and, Clockinakcr, XmTOTJLD respectfully inform the eit- T f i - f izras oi iiowan ana lae aajoinins counties, that lie has opened bis shop on main street, in the office, formerly, occupied by -Wm. J. Llummer, aaf saddjer, three doors below J. H. Enniss Apothecary store, wiere he is prepared to execute all work in his line of business, r His work will recommeud itself ; to the aged he can say that come and yon can have good spectacles, also glasses fined to suit any age. Jew- elery made to order, rings, breast pins, etc: ;01l goW and silver, taken in exchange for work, Jn 11. 1S45 - fy'--3: ':s:: ly37v' ". rilJEA 3 "half chests superior Hyson Tea, i JL will sell at cost to close sales , J," H. ENJ which I ENNISS. Feb 1, 1845 tfiO -, ; -; STATIONARY. :J s ON hand a superior article of letter paper ruled, and glazed foolscap, account nd note paper ; also, quills, steel pens, super black ink, red do, letter stamps, wafers, sealing wax, tc:, &c. H. ENNISS. V. - V 7 L: Aimary Execution In Spain. In the Autumn "of 1837 ".,' i i ' . . i - 0, tt mutiny broke out n the town of .Vill-,.- .T . talions revolted, took posse - . " Jn liiscav... Titto . liiscay,. Tw L , - - ssion of. the rTaCe. mj mm, mm mM and imDrisoneH m - Th imrtn :r xh offers .w- i.uairjr io winch I belonwo at that time itt.nrt - .w- J? s . Delonged, was A "' wiTision ot Genixi1 I Castarieda, who marched against- VilUrca and took'it afir .. rcayOf belious battalions expressed their nenitenr J : Iwere allowed to return toheir duty, with the ex: ' vcpuun oMue. nngieaaers, whovere tried by court martial, and eight of the condemn n KT SDOti . ..... . - . r 1 ? was au very easy condemning them, but thV difficulty was to carry the sentence into execui lion without exciting fresh disturb - Tl' Spanisharmy wm just then laiVerV: bad stato4 nrieftnt;nA TV... .. - . K 1 " -i " xunng ine summer of that year there; had Wen mutinies iin tvarious garrison: t? especially at Miranda; PaSipeluna.jVittJi na, and Heroani, in alhf which officers of rank had lost theirlives. ; EsparteriWom; sures, and some sercre examplesUhat he Imade werp certainly beginning to get things Into beu ter order j but still jt '. was critical "lime; and Castaneda wa s obliged to andarcon cuid.nl. . the Spaniards.say, which mcansi being transla. ted to " mind-his (eye.,io would not entrust the execution of tho mutineers to the battalions to which they belonged, because he feared an. other outbreak ; and on i the other 1 hahd it wouW according to Spanish militarvideas and custom. f be a mortal affront to those batt alio " if:tnen! out of their ranks were shot by any o.Mer corps i of the army. ' .-V; At last the general hit upon a way to get out of this difficulty. One night orders were civen to the whole division to be on tho move at daybreak the next morning. Oaly the tf oop cf English cavalry was excepted. The Spaniards marched accordingly, and an hour or two afteirwards1 via were formed uajust outside the to wnj the pnsont ers were brought cut, and we were given td vai ? dcrstand that the Inglcscs were expected to find the bring party. Toihis we of cpurso had veryiw; great objection, which we respectfully stated to' the staff officer who had been left in command of iho garrison, representing to him Ibatour dutyk ; was not that of executioners, and that by forcin"" such a service on us he was exposing us to be come objects of contempt .m..slike7to:thpj whole Spanish army. - Tho officer,4 probably. had orders not to press the mailer SfXwe' object.'' ed, and he then said that the national guards of Villarcayo, who were drawn up on the groundj must do it. . ; c-ir"': h These nationals, who had been put under arms ; . to act as-a garrison in the.absence of the regu-1 lars, were the most unsoldierly looking fellows I ever set eyes on, dressed in every sort of way,' some in plaidTclothesrwith cross bcltaand shal.! tos, others in uniform coats with a round haf.wL Their arms werb as various as their grbi cori4 sisting of old mulkets, witb and J without bayOj . nets,arbines, rifles, and fowlinglpiecesmost:' of them of a beautiful brown color from rusti and likely to be quite as' dangerous jtothVprsons who fired them as to those they ,wero fired . at. From these militia-men, however, a firing party were selected. The unfortunate prisoners wero made to kneel down in front ofi a wall, and 'a fired ai ifhem. scattering, irregular volley was Some of the muskets would not go off, and those which did had been so badly aimed,7 that only one of tho men was killed, Uiough alk wera wounded. It Mas the most hornhle scene I ev. cr beheld. The poor wretches! some of; them stretched oft the grounu, o.C7; 5111 on Uhelr J t ..... . . - - hV'-.t-v-t.--. iuees, were wruxHag in agony ot pain and tcr rorr-and imploring a speedy death! rf h - t or jjios, maiur nos i or Uod i sake kill us ! Put us out of misery V The nationals had! to load again, and somo of them had no second; cartridge; the muskets of others had missed j: fire, and they had nothing whsrewtth J(Xavr, the charge or pick out the touch.hofe.UBy somo extraordinary negligence, no reserve firing par. i ty had been tolled off. At lastj a second volley wasflred, but even this was not quite sufficient, and one poor fellow was finished with -a pistol. f It was perfect butchery, and made me feel quite' sick, and as to the men of thej troop, although; all fellows accustomed to wounds and bloodshed,' their faces, as I glanced along the Hne were aV white as their belts.' - -,;. - r'-'-'T-.tF?l :f;'' At another execution that! witnessed, a char.' actcristic incident occurred. It was in Navar. re, at a period of the war when tho system of reprisals was carried to great lejigth by both! parties. The Carlists had been - committing some atrocities, murdering prisoners, or some thing of that kind, and by way of retaliation, twenty out of a number of prisoners whom tho queen's troops had recently made, were ; to bo shot. The victims had to be chosen by lot, and for this purpose they-' were brought out of their place of confinement. A wretched-looking set they certainlyjtvcre. Although Jthey hacl jiot beenvery long prisoners, the state of squalid, misery into which they had sunk was really piti- ?i able. They were of all ages; from lads of six- ; leento 'raen of sixty, or whojat least, leaked as old as that; being perhaps prematurely- aged by the life of privations they had fed and by the 'wC ferings of their captivityT ' There" was no lack ry however, of fine-Stalwart fellows, with bronzed, ; ; faces, muscular forms, bushy;teardst;and hanging in long curls over their necks j; models of Spanish mountaineerswhose frortframe-r;;c enabled them to bear up' against all jardshipsJ The varieties of dress were strange and striking1 j enough. Thejpoor devils bad none of them too much0 clothing, and whateyjiad wal, for tha most part, wornand tatte rcd. Z 11 ero ipigh t bo ; p seen a man with a fullj'tJress coatr thel facings , soiled and greasy, a strand or two of aa old tJ' nisbed epaulette?dangUngn-pJis . hempensandalsTnd a Tai'j,t S fbrmeriy white, - : was an officer, Iwt raanywerf no ofluas that. Jackets ll;..tK'n"nin I" numerous, and t-uoei Ty rr . , , .ii! 1 'If - i 4 "Si. V. t-

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