1 . ! 1 " 3 j - - -i' ! ML - " 13''" v-; 1 i. ( - L s i " 1 . 'A-'-- " .. ; i -I if 'i - ... .... . t - ; - v i u I r- , - .... . ' ... - t - - - . . - v I. t. - .. .p. -..n. To Dollars per annunv in-advancir. jfcirtjT tn.sertat 8 j'PT Vjuare for the first, ii k .... r... inch n)iniient insertion.' .- Court Or- II 'i fritactidri of .13 per cent. ! i aJvertw Iy ihe .year1. will be made to those . 't ' the Philadelphia Ledger. i t- -U , . A ". " ! I neronipatiyiiig the IreI Oregon . lYcgoti- 1 ' oeiH"V." i dc'r sasc the inlioii. - .' . Thcf VnshJ ngton Union publishes the j;afjt?jipndcncc wijh the Sta c depart pnt. Avith ihc British minister, upon the rtfcffrt question. fThe first letter is from . i. .r-.i. ji !:...:-.,- oi..- , .- j .. i ... . j - . . r t : " . 1 t 1 " .i '. 1 I ' .. 1 n ; ' '' 1 t i i BRUNER & JAMES,'. , jzaitors y rroprteiors. , 4 . ljr. ... Keep a check rpos all vora is sirEj , RcURS. i Do THIS, "AJfJ) LlBEKTT ' n.i Gtn'l, Harrison. NUMBE new; series, ij t - ; 37, OF- VOLUME-" IL ' n(" m'LitJ whs f n fnrrr a" i-AiVnlm. Lt. J 1 Ff to Mp. WehstcrMedo 15tV!,establfs)mehts on the Columbia river Ld 12f fsncjuding an J extract of ai dispatch j the contiguous coasts of the Pacific, Hor tom Iw Aberdeen, in' Which the" wishes ; commercial purpbses. Earjy in the spn ng of'th government of Great Britain, in re- of 18Ufth(y made their Jfirst establfsh ict to aineotiation, are fulld set)forh. ! .N outLside of the fiver, a jew Jf; Webster? kner is dateS Nov. 25, " edlv!!'-0 M - T,.rii- QL t' V. J . untea;irl July, following by-JMr.Thomp- SALISBURY, N. G. MUARV1846. 1 taken by her aujhority,? along the north- the? greater; degree! of interest which the western! coast or North- AHiericai That 1 U.States possess by reason of; contiguity iucy. uiscuyereu ana expiorpa noi oniy ine entire coast of what is now! (called the Or- egon Territory, but still further north, is a fact toojAvell established tppc controvert ed at th s day. The voyages which they I i- ii t J i ...v,M ... ..j ivjiun uiii u iAi.r i iiutiju- icriuriiiu win accorciinsiv De nasseu over lnclihe ktes he ;is (brec ed; to say son., a sirvevor land astrdnomer bf L at nreJnt wi.ht h.i,? CPnnuL :l. iiiat the' VHknt concurred jntirely in Northvyek Company, and his party.-Tey j luded toj with the exceplioil of the Hece tkexplcnc)j j)f making the questioU.rr-i had beeb se.nt put by tht compamtito j ta. Hisijdiscovery of the: mouth of the do- sptctirig, the Oregon; territory, of itnmedi- forest a!, tjie American company in ojcu- lumbia jiiver has been already referred to. e aUeiition bind negotiation between the ! vPnZ M m,outhiof lhe Hveri-but foind It was made on the 15th of( August, 1775 tlo eovcriimeiits;- ' I ,''' ! ! u f tnemselyfes defeated in their object. The many years anterior to the voyages of 1l 1 Tt ' I' "! American rnmnahv frrmrlitrr ntKnr ac. Mu'iros turl Vn ll .':' rc. pe.U lTttcrs,aro from Mr.P.ken. tahlisl.rhints J.iglier up the riyer-onl at Cook's, vho did not reach the northwes MlL fwwrainafy. P Mr- Upshur, ; the confluence of) the Ok'eiifgan with lhe tern coast until 1778. The claims it cave t:fn icir ! v1 piaie, iniormmg him orui urancn;oi ine uoiumDia, about (six ! to dpain ot priority of discovery were mh$ was ready to confer with him with- uunureu. mues aqove ns mouin ; and sthe ! transierred to us, with all Others 1 . X i.. . I' - : I w fit Imr nn th SnnL-nn r ctr-o-imi r. 1 1 ; . in jaequiring territory in Uhat , direction, than affecting in any way' the question of rightlw I r : ' I He acknowledges that Spain conveyed. claim on discovery, t xp! . tlemeht,; print to the Fl : out admitting the princ'a ; ka convdntioiVand tlie cc : t' of the parallel claims of founded. on like acts. lie r he has shown that the No !. has continued ;in force until time; and .also, that if t! ' had- never 'existed, "-the cl .r IJritain are at least as good United States, vile &ta! cs j!: coveries 6zc the amount of v to be that British navigator- lor' f)!cii'iriiil Tn nti "r I 1 ... I.V.W UIO....,.V& .l.i4i ly, Rs jpccupajtijls in common with Great j Fraser s Kiver r and Anu r! Britain j Nor can he, while thus regard- River.:, Ho maiutains. hovc uiu nit-ir nsnis. nresent a counier Drono- isn ciaim 10 iu wnoie, ni sdl bHsed on the supposition of a joint oc cuparicy merely, until the question of ti tie to the territory! is! fully discussed. It e treaty of 1819, all the rights she ! is in his opinion, only alter a discussion of 42 which shall present the titles .-of; the par- it : . 1 i i . naq ine oowerio uisnose qi norm oi 4a wnicn snau present me titles ot tne nar. degrji.es : " butjshe coiild not, by that trans- tiejs respectively to the territory, ihat their aciun,inyauuaie tue riuis w iiicusim uau, j tiaiuis iu ii t::in ue uny anu iranKiy nu by preyioius transaction, acknowledged ju$ted, I The Uuited; States desire only to belong to another bower," and the trea-! what they deem themselves iustlyf enti ty of -175)0, t acknowledged in Great Brit-' tied to; land are Unwilling to take less. ain;certain rights, i i With their present opinion ot their title. ! mi malae !i.,r ,i .,! With respect to the claims urged for j the lint ish Plenipotentiary must; see that ! ment in reply to Mr. P., re: t Heejeta and Gray to the discovery of the the proposal which he made at the second i cibly the American title, a; !, voiumoia, ootn vesting in me u. orates, i couierence, anu wnicn ne mores mny sets f Q ie whole of Oreon and offer made by Mr. Buchanan, contemptuously, by the way.) - Mr. DuekaKOH to Mr. Pj '. WAsiiixcTOK.lVng. yol IS 15. ceedsto reply; At great leng:!:. kenbam's statement, and qui : ration of) Messrs. Huskisou ; ton, on the . lC;h Decrrnb r, Great Britain 'claims .no i'.c eignty over anr portion -vi' t' other on he Spokan, a st re a m fa 1 1 i n gin t o branch some titty miles abok'e ,lvw to plterlor nesotiation, nnjl Mr. EllS r"1'1 ' ' ' ! Thes iosts tell into the! possssior of ! P!ac "Wright to-the discovery , of the IJllI T ... . ' . f" 1 I mnillh nnt . Ii 1 ! : .:LnMr ; T..,li T.,i.. U:i UL I Great Briaih during the wardeclaredkhe ! u ' IIU.lT imei anu ii i Li r-,'?T',r uivu rfmj fup-'i, 'ili. L . ii i J vcl "conu an controversy f fr m rvPakdnham to Mr; Calhoun, in-1 next but wec restored by the treaty It has been obieeted timt ',.(1 .iojnjg:' inyl the'' steps taken in the ne- of GhehU which placed our possession j der various and conflicting . i firtiauon, wmcn me; sudden death of Mr. where it Was beJoreUt passed 'into Ithe L.'ll'Uihur, had' interfered -wiih. and Repeat ihir hands of British 'nhiVr.ts-: l I '.. ' . . - 1 . . - - . i ' -- r t - , . j . j m .uesirfvto proceed to llie consideration mg to her, by thereat vol Florida arldfift In the- A' ....vy u iu tva ui jV'o.f Kiti.1 jiuji ;j'"v'f yivu uiiiuui ..u? u jvun viuini i v...vm vt ,iu.n.i t wi nn j 1 1& 1 10 . iact in a i ne nas rejected llll Ol, ithe treaty ot U90. i ot me territory, Mr. U, btates ip general ' submitting it to-' his Governia- i j lie then proceeds to a consideration of i terms that they are derived from Spaing Such is a very brief abtr;u t . the British claipi, siiys the United States by. the Florida treaty, and gives us a rightpespondence respecting the t ). i , -t - - i i . t r i r j r . .m. n riifi . . . . . t of the hurstionl: to which Mr. r.alhnnn i uvT v..u.f u. auupu tuu cia ns pnt i for.thc.cpnft'refice, which was accepted, i Thq former wp obtained by the treaty 'the ..Cppfere'ncadjourncd to meet Mon- ! of :Loisijna, ratified in 1803; and Ithe Jajvthe.SCthJtb hear proposals 'from the , latter by the treaty of Florida, ratified in rfsncetivc L'OVeirnmaiits.t At the third con- i 1819. iBvl the former, we ricauired all ithe .'-.-.' "i. . it ! ! 1 e ' 1 .--3- -7...v... V V M k ilUllli frreneetle American plenitentlary, Mr. rights hibh France had to; Louisiana Ho i He next refers to what has occurred we claim un titles, ; which hadjno claims when they became a na- j to the extent to which they can be estab- torv diirinrr hh :nenti-iiir.n' tion and that those Of France are worth ! hshed, uhless abetter can be proposed. I been terminated. The stain:.- nothing ; urges the commercial intercourse contents of the! three last i' f lalhoutvpn'setlted a written statement of ej exfe t now litis U80Sj in the hinds Jill vk'.I bl the claims of the l. States, ! J ppnin, and thattt had icfien France pos pcimca io;accept the JJritih minis- scssed u, and such as it should pe ajtcrlthe proposal. This letter and the an-1 Irealhefsuhsequehihj entered iiila by SMn - 1 .. I I 1 . . i . I . . mutually destroy each other, buch might noimng; urges llie commercial intercourse ; . . 3r. rakenham to Jr. Calhoun mueeu De me tact while thejt were held by pi ureat uqtain witti tue iNorttiwest coast, IWashlngton, 15th January, 1815. i however, compressed in a verys , uui oiuvc vciittciigui- i f-" "j v vw, ihil uww.uto oiaics mat ne nas sent an mat nas pass- ana naruiy uocs jusuce io me fully acquired both those of Spain and j Meanes, and survey of the coast and ish ; ed heretofore to her Majesty's government but the length to which this ab 1- ranee, and concentrated the whole! in Jnds by Vancouver, and says that by these ; and that they have it under consideration : ha ve-Wn extended, had anv our nanus, mey mutually blend with each Vreat Britain nas as strong a claim Dy but, in the mean timp'he is instructed to made to give it other, and form one strong And connected ! iscpvery and exploration as could be im-, propose arbitration, leaving the choice ' the idea, chain of title against the opposing claims 1 ginied. ' ! of the arbiter to be' subseouentlv-deter-! . of all others, including Great Britain. ii Het sets the accuracy and authenticity i mined upon. I Of Gciok's and Vancouver's survey of the ! Jr ,. i more in detail Calhduh. declines the proposal of the Brit i.sh minister, on the cround that it We the efTect of restricting the posses ifghiof jthe;Uiiitril i-Sfiitps to limits Air . f.id r ifii'i HUIHU ul(t t6t(lilOJ, ll the count rV lying west of the Rocky Mobn tains, and north of a line drawn on the An. i i.itii .ii.;-;.. i t . . sij parauei .oi latu.uue, irom a -point ion. i ae south UanK-oB the Arkansas, in that more circumscribed i than their claims para lief, to the Squth Sea ;i that is. to ho clearly lentittc hm to. t It "proposed to j whole region claimed by Spain, i west! of man iu?.ir. joriiiern- boundary ty a line "ipse, mountains, and north ot that li net arawn irom.it q kockv mountains along I i ne cession ot Louisiana gave us tin me luui .para l el ot latitude to the north- sputer title west ot the Mississippi, ex drawn from the Rocky, jnountains' along the IDtti paral el of latitude to the. north- astern most brbich of the Columbia river, I tendingfto (he summit of thq Rocky Mohn- anathenee doiii the middle of that river tains, aiid stretching south) between (he to the ser4-givjng to 'Great Britain all river and those mountains o the possles ibc country norjh. and to th6 U. States all f sions of, Spp in, the line between whpch south, of 'that )iiei except a detached ter- j and ours was afterwards determined by titory (jrending on thei Pacific knd the , the treaty qf Florijda.' .11 j itraits of FucaL.fioni Bu If incliV harbor to 1 tWiU ivPJ8 trt .,rl ;aLi.Kftiu i 4Iood sianal. u lo,wluch'it is proposed, Lrrr,,m, 1 ,i t .-.i i-u in addition, to iLl;e free-to the U.iState f. lhe(Utlc continuity Mit whieh lhe United'Sfates govern-J ves.:a!!d f"nSs forward the contest be- muii uugni iiesjre, eimer on me mainland p" v,L -ai aim x.iauu:, vuicu or VaneUivj r' Jbland, sluth of latitude was terminated by the treaty of 17G3. as dcrdes.,,Thii parallel assigns to Great 1 having sirisen on the side of ain on th since the Treaty of Ghent between the U. States and G. Britain in reference to the.erritorv. During the negotiation of the trea'of Ghent in 1818, the United States were admitted by Lord Castlereagh as entitled to be considered as the party in possession; and thetoonvention which stipulated that the territory should be free and open, lor the term often! years from the date of its signature, to the vessels, citizens, and subjects ofthe tivo countries, without prejudice to any claim which ei ther party may have to any; part f the same, preserved and perpetuated all our claims to the territory.' including the ae- W ' I j , j Si knowledged right to be considered the Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Rush, he puts ey mouth of the Columbia by Gray. Oh? exploration, he saysthat Mackenzie, a British subject, crossed the Rocky moun tains to the Pacific in 1793, and discover ed thjb upper waters of Frazier's river, Which, in process of time, was traced to the sea near latitude 49, and this he puts as ajcounterpoise to Lewis' and Clarke's discovery of the upper waters of the Co lumbia: j Priority of settlement,; heLsa)-s, amounts to ajtrading post in 181 1, which has not been; occu pied by the Americans since its surrender alter the war. ln;;COunterpoise to the declaration of river. party in possession, as perfectly during the period of its continuance as. they were the day the convention was signed. After an abortive attempt to adjust the claims of the two-parties to the territory, in 1824, another negotiation was com menced in 182G which terminated in re newing, on the 6th of August, 1827, the that jhobleman's despatch to the British nim$ter at Washington at the time of giv ing up Astoriaiclaiming the whole terri tory j; ! He says that the state of the question is. that the parties are in joint occupancy,! SUSPENSION BKIDtll Washington. January 21; 1815. States of an examination made by Fr. C! that he has laid his proposal before the ' a Philadelphia Ensinccr.'t.f ih President, and is instructed to inform him j Niagara Falls, where it 'u jro;v he cannot accede to the offer. Vraivins: 1 suspension bridge over the rive all Other reasons for declining it, it is suf- ! l,a constructed several hriics hcient to state that he continues to enter- I c,P,e ,n Europe, ana one ai l auu; tain the hope that the question may be I estimatP3 are thaughU therefore, t settled byt he negotiation now pending be- j to crI,d1,t- The American aj : tween the two countries; and that he is . ! Thekrc ls V01"1 aV'ut a ofthe opinion it would be unadvisable to l,eow e catarict, and near t; . f . , , where lhe distanco from one liij!. entertain Ja proposal o resort to any oth- olher doe3 not c j 7u() fect; er mode, so long as there-is a hope of ar- : a han?5ng brid;e; ,iiat )yiljti , riving at a satisfactory settlement by ne- strenoth t, sustain the wei-ht i f a r gotiation; and especially to one which or any other burthen which mnv be might rather retard than expedite its fi nal adjustment. Mr. Buchanan to Mf. rakenham. Washington, July 13, 18l5. The Sec- lotcilir l " I" Jtof a lulim.,c. 1.A hnnnlinliAn I . 1 " J j 1 Af i T C majnj i cent worh. t s iuuii"iu i and proce:eds, in reply to Mr. Pakenham s ; , r . i .f-,i , .i. c o . u . . . ly important m connection wiib note of September 11, to answer his re- t m ' i e- r .. i This, if ever it bo constnictei. and Great Britain can only be divested of ! lor a proposition from the United her right to that joint occupancy by an equivalent partition of the whole between Lrdain ialmost the entire- region fon its north sideS drained by the Columb a rivet.) I Jyinzotiiils iiortliern bank. Mr. then btings forward ouV claim to tlie rwjri on of territory drained, by the Co lumbia f iter.-Which we nOs.sess in htir nvvn Great B it- ..X . . . ' '.I i .. f T - - - " " , ----- Fr njti ; nm those ;we derived from ciple, particularly: against us .r.v; ....., .u . Mup,aia ora v, a cm- Thn treat' of Ti7f3. hntwPPn third article of the convention in 1818. prior to its expiration, i It provided for the I the two powers' indefinite extension of all the provisions of j j He,; says Great Britain, in adhering to j tne mira article ot that convention ; and tne une oi tne oiumnia, " is not innuenc also that either party might terminate it j ed by motives of ambition with respect to lis very right of continuity from at an' tl U.migh! think fi, -by giving ; boundary, but by considerations . i r. TT .J. t . one years notice, after the 20th of Octo- i of utility, not to say necessity which can nief now the Ln.ted States, fex- j ber. 1828. It took, however. t.h nree.i- i not be lost tight of." &c. " tending westward to the Pacific!. ' The re- i tinri of nrnvidinry ovnretflkr tht nrkiViitirr i ! ltd concludes hv rpmiestinf a nrnnosi- v a.a X . - I V- J IlltV liVblilllg , j : J . """O g - tipn Jrom theAmencan plenipotentiary, and, also, a statement of the claims which October, 1818. hereby continued in force. I me United States may have to other por- x ,1,1 shall be construed" to impair or in any I tionsjof the territory, as alluded to in Mr. Hinjnand ; - r . . . i i i i m f'pkii,0c(,.mnnt iiiauutT auect me ciaims vvnicn euner oi i vnuuu o oiatciuciu. . her colonic sult: ot thisj contest, he sa;ys,; jforeclofees contained in this conventiori, or in the Great Britain 4 against contesting the prin-; third article ot the convention; ot the 20th ; -. . . i 1 D I 1 1 . I '....J..I !'...'! i Falls, the distance being 60 mil mated expense 81,000,000. j As the nature and efficiency X bridges are not generally known in try, the following extract of a letter e to any Irn of d.l- tT..tti..t tALJt it.;, i IhcCojumbW river- land anchored' ten'! and.Fra!?ce afterthe' war:j fixfA irreF- j the contracting parties may day nijlisalwveits;mouth,ohtlie 1 1th bf May, ; caUl' tnP -lUississippi riVor asj the per- .j pn of the country westward pf the Stony ' hunirejoins to this counter statement by 19;', ailil tin ve .its nresent namel "This I manent boundarvibetween tlie noessions I or Rockv mountains." ! Thatl convention ! Mr. iakenham' U'iirri f)f ill viorni-i" mui onfrnnon ia nnnnc. . nf r, ,1 1. .J.J ..' 1 ;,.llJ 5 nnw in fnrf r inl l-n onnt ! r nrl ir lio , , ;!? of jearcs ; in .favor of Franc whatever claim Great j !? ce. l.hc expiration of that of 1818.-- iuiiuui ait. i nn nrmrr. iivn vpnrs . .. . a. . . ii !. . i i nv i ir ) h o iprni mnnr inprwn. nnrr Tir. UU'1.!.-u rj" ."' "XX"- "m inauuaveibful. o the rsion ly ng iimLi . - -' : datipn. Mri Buchanan proceeds to e:.- 1 dhi.:hi ...... i .. i ' i'-- i i f ' '..J' '....ii . ' v . if i ii ... i ...ui .- ... j : -j i ) - j . . - . at crreat lenirth. '? I V V" ,0sfs:!loa' ! c?astf O' i?" l-tory, or the ft... esl.,bIish;t, .W nasition.s. he CZ7 . - M ers Ir. On the 20th September, 1844, Mr. Cal- jThe statement of Mr. P. has not wcak eried his confidence in the American claim. otates Government and also lor a state merit of tjitl0 He commences with the titM first, antl rests it upon the cession from Spain, contending that at the date of this cession Spain had a ood title as1 rope, in the Newark Adveiiiser, against Great B ritain to the whole Oregon i those at Berne, vill not be wii!iv;t i territory, and if this be estab .abed lhe I The SuspcnsionIiriJgcs of lcn; question is then established in favor ofthe ed amon Jhe wjinders of the m-..i : United Stites,' remarkable length and height. ():: t j I r . , .u ed in 1834. which was 005 feet ! r , He proceeds first to ascertain the mean- hi h and 2S f J and co-1 & , ing of the Nootkaound convention, and Aseriou3 douUtJ cxi5tPd.as to it, ,. mMlhtninS! tllJlf it oon Iprrcd 11 n rirrhlu nnnn I .. . .i .' .. . "o"'-j "i'"" strengtri, notwniistanuing the vat: Great Britain but to trade with the In- suprniits, extrardinary means were . dians, was transient in its nature, and did J its powers. First,' fifteen pieces not interfere with the sovereignty ofSn drawn by fifty hbrscs, with 300 i u over; the territory, and abov all. ..: accompanying them. Were m;iu!.( , was annulled by the war betwet Cre'it then ihey were ciwded as comjtnc t'. Britain anjd Spain in 1798, and has ncer , hie on various portions of it. The since been renewed, and consequently. centre sustained the enormous pic- that the cla m of Great Britain to anv an' important chinge.-ihongh a i.v;, portion of the territory is destitue of foun- It; of course could not affect the rig of Spain. the only other! nation which (Tcct lhe rights i while in possession, are preserved in as i cdast of the Orei-on Territory, or the rc . ,.. . , A nation Wh ch full vigor as they were at the date, of its ; clain of iHeeita and Gray to the dis-, U4&glwhiih , J west pf that ri. ; restoration in 1818. without b'eing affect-! ccjveA- of! the Columbia. On the other I Ts' nro3 o.ur rWM ghtoTcomi u- ed or impaired by the t,lernet ,inee , ,,id(he Understands him as admitting I foof .err horv drained rt oldrr I n't H iourilartl at lie did not discover, the V'.r, nndfjiih cotisenucncc of the Sfailure. had anv Pretence bf claim ttHcd the' pfomdnotorv hincr north ofthe ! vert butiit Prevented the ri Infi't m here, he llvx fleeted to iliseover it. ! itv nrevionslv c-A'rript hv! Great. Tlritftin made bv the subients of Great Hritain. i fKiucoUlnlrvi Kiit tlmt ftnoin'Jvovtud htr. ft L- 14 J . - J I i J 7 J " - T . T ; t 1 1 . - !C I ( i 1 1 1 1 Of Ul. tliUb I . LA UAV.v. .v . llisappomtment, and the inlet itself from extending beyond it, hfid transferred Time, indeed, so far from impairing our ' self ol' her exclusive rights resulting from Iweptttitilay Vancouver, in April 1792, ; it to France iTh treaty of Louisiana te- I claims, has greatly streneth'ened them, i them hy the treaty of 1700. But hav- the claims ot fepain by counterstatement op the United States bv stconclusUjcjcvideiice;- He was sub-j visions of that treaty, to thje icouhtry wtest whole territory, las has; been I stated. In ! thbsetfbunded on the voyage of Cook, and 4Wn.tly jii)l()rmed ,.ot Gray s discovery, of the Mississippi and, ambpg others, (he consequence of this, our claim!sto the por- Miearps, &c. red the river on 'the 20th i f the priority of pur dis L-olum- ?hd.efv.JlcH.c!iB ?ry of. the heiid branches of the ' ( . t -V" ii . j i 1 t 1 -.- ;:i ! ) f of Oc- i one in.qqestton. Certain it is that France tion drained by the Columbia! river the ! R will not be expected that he will un curreu in one case of .394 inches ia t Within aver? hort tiihe anoiJi' r 1 been built, not sol long as the lir.-t, higher, bein 70a ftet in length ci I above the ground, , The impossi!,!!; structing any other species (( arc!, snan lhe river Aar.'whost loft v L! to the both sides, has caused the erection ( ;' territory drained by the Co- which is at once an object of curi lumbia, and maintains that the treaties ornament to the jetty. The eye 1 of joi nt occupancy specialy exempt this v stream and rocksjthe houses and j title irom being impaired by them or any and while the brain grows dizzy u subsequent action ot Great Britain. Our tance, fear are excited on obi-ii: own ; title is older than that- acquired whole stupendous! mass li fUsK-n ' . ; 5 . . . ... . i .! Li i . r :. . by the Florida treaty; and admitting the pparemiv irau cuic oi nun n as now sought to be enlorced.by Great , as a fiver ancj its exploration is equa S'T'? lwislatul Clrike, in thi cxpe- llycon-" by the treaty of 1703, to the i whole coun w watcrspf the Columbiaand descen-' wnicn .ngiapa i i to thciniotith. of. the 'rlver, and winter- ward of theAU it Gabo DiUppointment. Mr. Cal- ffainst France Jn-.siitvit I: i - P . i Spain had ndthii vatcrspf the Cplumlxia, and tlesc 1 fen it. : : if1 Ha this . important xpeditiori whicli .UUSW to the knowledge of the world '''fTirreiir fiTiJ tl.n rri-AnlalC K., T tester a side j, of this" continent with numpToas .brandies, and the vast re through Kv licbT it flows, "nbbv'o the ph fo Ai hich QrayVd Vancouver had -endetj. ; hdook place many :-vears be- ...x.11-. viiiitM and explored by any "ifft nrpu...u..-!i f ...r.-" .:i ... i.-vireaiiiriiain, or oi any. onicr i trv west of the Rriokv: Mountains, and lv- ttnt it is not In thi.s nartienlni'nnlv that it has tl,i Qicumntlnn' On thi in ir West of lLouisiiana. as lacainst Snain nhp'rat.ed in our favor. Oiir vvell-founded ' niintpr sfntpmnr rests i B.-vi-v J.- 1 .i ' I . . - . . - i .f ; l jl Ji. .1 l r l . .1 . ... . . ..!. i l - . !l. 1; .11 I .. I . n- ; wnicn ngiapu nau to tne country wsi- : claim, groupueu on conunuity,;nas greaiiy well tjounaeu American Britain, it cannot atfect our title to thisj The Business of a Christian X' territory. jThe grounds are maintained rinr One Hundred andtircnttsr )y any rea-, and enforced with great ability and at rnnt TV-it; Jr,?,. KMn( fi. , . nr In his opinion, there is nothing in -npth i , n . . t.i' i i ... f rrik r v. .;a.u Tiontn ' .lL ...u c ' j n-.,: . !"?". . . ; anu in peace. - ouc oorru.L . i ui uiuuui ui in. oci uj iiu'-viu.- : me. ioouvcv ouuuu vun r n i luu iu wanuiH i lie then savs that the 1 resident, enter , nau me spmf ro' 01 coninuiiyin vique j point now me suDject 01 consiaerauon ; dertaie to repel what he regards 01 ner possession foi Louisiana, ana me have been much strengthened, ny giving 1 merelassumption, unsustajned t t AiiiiiiuiiJiiif lit ut i uc MKiuiui iiiiiauu, -us me iiiuoiie&uioit; ciaim iu tue uisuc- : son. peace. t 1.1 .ui nAAiiriAl ilia t . k t is assumption the , tainin!? these views of our title, would not t .i.i ' .:m , ". . . . 1 . .1 : --- --- - . UIIO.UUU. Ill IIIV alllli; lllill., r:tit. i statement rests its objection to the ; have eonnted toyield any portion of the 1 tQ.i iftqnfJ)00O thus forr : lias greatly ; well founded American claims. Without Oregon 'IVrritorv had he not been embar- . , ' -...' L o nc.i io,w. vvard of thellehany Mountains, as a- strengthened, during the samej period, by ; it.'ithexe wouldnot be left a plausible ob- j rnSsed. ;f nUt committed. bV the action of i 1 II. ti;;J l'Vl';, vHith this difference, -(hat the rapid advance of our, population to- jectiop to them. ! his prtnlecc ssors in office, and with a view lhV taut drained sinew' ' ig to oppose the; claimtof 1 wards the territory its great increase.es- i asU McKenzie'sdiscovervof Frazier's !tn manifesi to the world that he is actua- 1 1.1 u 1 r.n. i n : . .i 1 . . . . i i . ... . . 1 11 n . ; r- - ji t J . T . . . . uuiu uutu Luiniiuwui 11 in i n i hnfin.n fir inn i m mir 1 r. . . . r .lie ; n . 1 1 iha no hit - t Trio ill ecicui f i i i i --. . . . 1 .. . .1 i i. 1 . 1 11 .1 . 1 l IIIIIV.I. IIV I uuv llll I I Jll I, UI I, rv-rr' & ni ft vri t !-; t Pniirland lino eJi denied ; while France had opposed to tl right of hngland, in her case, that bf covery, expldratian, and settlement. therefore! no t at all surprising that France should claim the" country West of the 410- in; cm 1 ij' ,iuc cwi ...i. , nver in is an interior stream, ana cannot i tea by a spirit oi mouerauon ne oners me APnniMi ti, iftiM.: ollnwin v1' La U; ...nil U rroflv inAPri!! Ali tV nf , .Ll A t.i ill- 1 li I .1 . .. rtTOUUU lilt , IOUI , , UI 1U I II ,, - ; a ,o Kb.vtH.j ...v.v. ; . . aitecqtne uiscovery oi me oiumuia. : 4'Jtn parallel to me ocean, wiuiuut any me 10 raisq another suci le i passing to the territory by j more access,., , j 1 ; . , j t on Vancouver's Island South -at , rpnlli;fl ft tnx Join r-verv L dis- ; ble routes, hnd the far stronger and rapid- . "A "Z I narallel. i ' -I lT t, imerr It is, ly swelling! tide of population hat hasre--, JUk Penmm o itr. Buchanan.- VZJZu Wn ,lr centlv commence!! flowing into it. ; . ViT : . ? A ! WAsh'infrtnhi Ju v 29. 1815. In this com- j ...tL- tt'. i ..J .I.l.:i.. : r ;tl ll Y aSUinffton, JUI -su, law. in nna win- j th whnp nmnuil . xt4. rii...-"f- Dni-nnlinm'e ronlir tn : i i-i . t .1- ' m uni f a t inn, wh ie.h is of considerable le net h . i rt--ri.:Z-...rtt C- t i i r . . , : :!-. i,t ie.u miiuns .ui. loiwimui- xt'j " swers iMr. r. most lorcioiv on mis point, '' 7 iuc vuoie uri5iiu Uocky .Mountains, (as may be inferred h. n. , 1 ;th SpW.mher. 18 tt. ! iYj&l!: Z'TZ ?JL ra,.. nd Hp. i Mr. Pakenham combats most strenuously the posnel tQ A heathen fur th, ifnmhomrtenSI loeomu nrinh n I IMC uuuni -r.r. , , T, I aa rtic v . ., ...1 r rl i o 1 t J ft as clehrli' entitles! us to the claim Tp'y; r dikcotery, i as to its head Jwnd'jluj exploration of the river tL "'Vni.troughlwhich it passes, as to X Hr1 yjmiam uray ana tne pan- 'rt. ..t'7'or. iiieceiai emit ed us to nn. ..ff'rrence to! itsTmouth, and the . :ttwce;intq ts;channel., lly cer Great Britain had claimed and dispossess- edv her efthej regions west of the j Allegha ny ; lor that the U. States, as soon as trie y After briefly stating the grounds on j mplishes the super which Mr. Calhoun declines his otter. T tliot ho ti nrt'hpn nWp snpws had acquired the frights of France, should 1 discover any evidence that Louisiana ex t 1119 saiue ciaini, anu taue measures to explore it, wit asse irom r rancc, aim uc- ------ v"j . r u cf.fnro .A rtiKPfl I the positidn of Mr. Buchanan, particu- ' M " i on! Mfe Jefferson's letter, explodes what he j lrlytbt cla.mmslbe Amencan t. le to j' ,o sat About coNtmi-. and :c0Hu.7y, and the Valley of the Columbja to be older ht! i Shiwi that ihelright of continuity west- than ne treaty of WW. masmuch as m sand years 1 nf cttln'mAnf Scaring ,W:n 1 V"' ::.-.!. r . ' t-1 . n 1 t i ; i.i .i i. . j. f citueas 1 ,v.18ln N of On the Columbia as early as immediately view to becunation dnd '-settlement'. since theri We hae Strengthened our tijle, j and quotes President Jefferson!, as having i hv adding to our bVn proper claims alnd i entertained that belief. If, hoiveveri'Lou-; those of France the claims also 6f Spain, ! by the treaty! of Florida, as Jia!s Veen sla- Tbe claimvehich we hilv iacquii ed from heif t bkween : the Kocky. Moikn- A Whig Judgq ejected by a Da gislature. The Tallahassee papers Carmick, a Legislature in tne latter yean acorn- in .New rk,j at the asJohn Jacob Astor,1 a crchant bf that city, the object TIT . - r . i niains ; ; jVaiMuui ..uuru., u vy..-, EnroDian nation ; and if this! were Judge ine superior wun ior. i. hiving clusidn astothestate ol the question statea ; . - .co, ;ng Ampr-ans rnilifi nkt ahouird ; Circuit of that State. The Ju . - a- . . . V; .it!I: i tu t.jv. . . . ii- .. in thacounter statement, ne qiaiuis ami t,itJ tnftt tft whipn iKa Snankh til ; Wrtmon KevelS U 6oken cf a a tie was perfect ; - while if the Spanish tii Uihs andthej Paificv rest oti het riorit of dscpvcry.i : Niimerous: voyages of fis- covery. commencmg' with that oif: Malfto-i nado in lp2 iana ending with tharun(er Galiano Knd fValleiin 1792 ciaim to o nam in uottuuit uctaimjauu i ihiuikuiiiiuu ... , ...... - jectto the provisions of theitreaty fof ;lT9a rtehtjpf -beingjrejnstatea and considered between Great Britain ari4S in pbessionhile-treating of of Snaih to ekclusiVe 1 the tille in which character he must m- dominion over the uhoccupiedlparts of thjetisit pponbein considered in conformity. cannot,' tnereiore conseui. juai "vr regarded daring tho negoliation mere- American continent. . tt' L2 . 1 iYiMWiipit -xio NiS, ,as io jcouiiiiuit j ; j,-(i v. J '; w j Anarlr' -AnncUnrorl ST fTpninniitrntinEf 1 were tihdleri ! pt-bperly bo considered asT uemonstratinl be tie, were not periect, ana tne uiriai title by discovery is good against;tbat title, then he claims that there were earlier British discoveries. forward the American dfTer to divide the territory previous to the treaty! with Spain in 1819, and he main tains that !the UnUed States, can found no Charleston News,) is spc M n4 m m ct A ri miv infflrrrd V wv- h isikkjb. nLEimaai.' 11111 i ti i . ; - "5 "o o" ly such rrieri'whOj adornand digruh This is one among the very raro in curring, id which the majesty of trt ciple triumphs oyer lparty intolera: Legislature' of Florida have e v i n -dora and patrSotijm.in having ke t of justice unpolluted by its baneul i ,i IV fl r i I . A I-';,- d' .1 ' U 1 I: ft-- 4 - -i .' 1 . I j r f i 4 ,