- . .'. I.'. an. 'rtiWntlinrtei it $1 peiiquwe for the first; j S cents for fac!i8ufqi?ft inrtioa. .Court Or rgf 25 per celt j bet. , ,; " , -;J-; ; : f. jJj,ui!oni of 33 1 'per tent.- i'ill le' rnasle .to those jvcrri: vj vy 7 iDEBA.TE IN tolE. SENATE, B45f cn the Resolutions 1 If jikUanncga A of Indiana .declaring ? to the, ichcle cf Oregon Tcrri- ' i . Editors & Provrfciors. i.Ar,:....-..i. . : r ' ; 1 f . -rwt- - -' r . . - 1 , . W-.f rrlr ... - Q MTT1TUT?1 qq nT?sTmi.TTrT IT . s , - n t n n n : . - ; -t- i "n . i . . 1 - , . . f. liie followinj; resolutions, oflfered es- by Mr. U4V.tx, coming up; iJ.'JJ&?iTflv.Tlat;ijiccou tilht paraUcU pf forij-.lvvo .degrcri'iaiul Cfty- fKJerf c i'njr nnuiiics uunn i.nuuue, ana k s of1Orccon,,hhre nw exits'" abd have Ion existed, conflioiing claims to the possession o thi same between them and Great Rrlfain. th afyiistment pf which hive been freque14 thel t 8ii jeci oi nf gouauon ueiwcen trie respective G(VvernmentsJ V' I "'-i I iJesoZcfc therefore j, That the President of thd United Bt4tes has rightfully the power, ur der the Constitution, and wi(h the adricet disputed boundary ! But if it were with feeble Mexico that we were about to come in collision, we would then! hear noisuch cautions. .There was a question ofklispti- iea nounaary neiween. in is country ana rieihtUo Mexico, and t hose who ha; ve know something of the history of that boundary told us jthat our rjghjts extended ..J ii. .-i i I -fi . (; . ..-I i : ' ' : vevinlrla pnecies of oraisewhtcH' he was not prepared Jo adminiiteriitclthe Presi- and consent of the -Seijiate provided that twoi" n,3 to the river Nueces, j How did We thirds ol the inembers Present concur, to ad ust 11UU lue wenus oi lexas moving on mat by treaty 'claims f the two countries tcj j occasion ? Iid heyhalt fpr a monientlat th said territory, hvt fixinsr a boundary be i the Nueces? No, sir, at a single bound tVccn theif rspective possession. Ret(Uved, that the ?reident of the United possessions, o they cross the Nueces, and their war-hor ses prance upon the banks of the Rio del States, in renpwing the ofler, in the spirit of i Norte. . There Was no negotiation then-- I 1 1 ' ! ' i .tt . a 1 . ' . . Ji 'i .' peace aim compromises 10 esianusn ine 4y aei ' "''a Lift.. i ' . 3 grcc oi nortn I latitude ias a line between tbd the two countries ; to the said we tooK tne whole ; but when Oregon is concerned, it is all proper and right, to give away ah empire, if England asks it. any treaty yieldins: an inch- of ground below 54 degrees and 40 minutes north. f , ; , . j: T' Mr.'CAliHGlN said he! merely jrpse'tp allude to a single, remark which applied to himself personally. The Senator from iiiJini from the i ltotky Mountains to.the Pa- Jjc Ocean, knqwn as the Territory of Oregon, property, and pirt and parcel of the tefri - ift f the United fetatcs. J'' 2. Ilesotcecti That ihe re exists no powpr in jjlfr Gii vein rnenpotrapier its soil and tboallp- pare of ki. citizens, to the dominion, autlwyity, ..cSwU iw'id tuhjeftior w any t foreign Power, Pf,nadbUto, r Soverumnty. v. licsolvw, I hatvtl) abandonment or . sor : - e i: rv r: jIJ lc an abannniient of the honor! char. urter, and lAo'bcsf intrsts ,bf the American rj'hn resolutions having bfen read i il IT k VHftVn Ut'I . k ur jiAiir.uAt rose and said that, Js thc benate visxl hot at present full, he .Vduld aSk'tllat' llle W'Snllltinn ir MhieciaV order fti somnf,.tnrl1nv.nn! ! U,P Constitution to majkc treaties. wuuiu inline next luoncay wetK as : V- t u"3C,'vm ujai inn t'ilav. r'i ;'!f! -; II i two first propositions of the Senator: from JIr. MICIIEU stlggested to the, 'Sena- SolltD Carolina heupposedvould not tofjfrom Indiana thktsumcieBttihi ought cbntestedibV any o. AUthat was sta rf ."oWrbcloVn'thcresolutioaverc ! W W peri,eCuy correct - wej j lndtana haU i endeavored td drawa con troughtp lor Una action before the Se- V-n pcouptweno sou oi oo, . trast between his (Mr. C.'s) course lupbh i,, Uiat tbeyimiht bo printed and re- JUon tojajiy thingjthat they contained, the Texas question, and his coursiupbn aeeieutunon, not oniv nv oenitors: but hv ojcommdnity. . le thought it wo tiki be W'jler to prolong sotnwhat the time nam-'cljbivrM-'cnatolliind to order that the solution be prinfrd. ! ) Mr. IlANNKo;X tb hat the resolutions bo printed, and made ,hi?&pccia! 'order Tdt the' third Monday in .atwary.. --ir ." j . jNJr CALilOUNiUtd he did not rise to ipjwso this motion hut to request that the Senate woujd permit him to make a few wratory irirtarksjbfore Submitting-the numcnisie lmrnuetl: to move to lie etious nov; bef)ro the Senate.' MtvPrcsident,;(4id he.) though I ca;n- yjisv'v "j "j-n'r'f iw iur.au. resolutions, irti very. mUch-jjrMrficd that they have ?eb moved by thefeenatoV Ifrom I nil in tin Whatever objectionp therejmay be to them tlu j have at least the merit' of being di ecH open, ami matily; Thhj dcnvVin di KxtJtcim the nut(iority ofl'this Govern- tn nt to make n, trenty in reference to the rron: territory, dent. I When hereafter, he whichj would. of England: he badjyet to ' - . - i' sunsiantiai argument cr nrui i- England's title bcyorJ t!:e ri .i -ant. No man couM produ : proof. No man couU do rnc. r ; Pakenhamhaddonetoestabli !. . title, and he had, ajtr all, si:; il': 'Thebenator fromjbouth L.ut. told them that he was as warm ;of Oregon as any man thatcoui I ! : .i . r-w t.i .1 1 in me country, uouuness c so ' jbut, if he were a tree mother, ' inot be willing to cut jhc child in t j give away one halC j Loo!; at t!. Oregon; the whole fcontrol c; t Pacific lies above tlsc ferty-nintl: ator dec vt tire session, while negotiations were goin onis lie trusted theJ Senator' Would either J the whole maritimt; control, c make the motion which he had proposed j bor worth possessittgj And or ci?e snomu a proposition to remove tnc j give u-away, sunject trom the Legislafive to the Jxec utivcj rpcordsl lie. would riot object tot he discussion of itj there, for that was the appropriate place ; but he1 regretted eve ry effort, every attempt that was made to disciiss the question at this crisis before the country, especially if it were the ob- iheiquestion should come up intended to make a motion if ijt prevailed, preclude all furthenbroceedincs unon the subiect. He intended to move 'that the whole subject be laidl iipon f!he able. ! ( i; ;! Mri OALHpUN disclaimed any inten tion of jjaudinp; the. President in or did he accuse tthe gentleman fromlhdjana of any -H . ' 1 t.' 1 ' iLl ' .1' SI . .. mieniiqn to censpre mm. lCj was very jecioi any person on uiai iioor to pre c'ertainl ' however, that the sense of the j parcjthe hearts, of the people for warJ" Senatjp when taken upon the original res- j In his opinion the resoliitions- necessarily '.: . i ' I I I all the Senate to assume it. It was the duty of ine penaie wnen negotiations were open ed, or expected to be opened, to wait un til the President informed them whether res (contir.: has always ' on. lie very cTearly'thc views entertained with utivei was entitled to the initiative id reference to the settlement of the Oregon thesri matter?, and it did not become ' difficulty. . Those; who ; agreed with the honorable 5 mover of the original resolu tions Mbuld reject jall further negotiations; those 'on1 the opposite side would be dis- The Senator Haxxegas) that he devoted friend of Oi lates himself upon tl fact, ur. 1 I ry to see that a, poriibn of the j r: country nas itcnuea janu reiicrau lation to his views, iat beautiful ( ion embodying the Ifabain policy, I believe, by Lord Ciatham, M A v masterly; inactivily.f1 I must mv regret to see this policy so highly in connexion with this question. I . the talents as we Ijiis the high which that distinguLed Senator i among the mcmberslofthe hum but I have, I confess little adniir;;: the course which the Senator pit.. - .. Tl- 1-11- on mis Question, linu tno m i to 1 the Senator nlludcd passed throu posedltol continue the negotiations. That ; he had made a treatyJ and, if so, until he was tjjie whole amount of the matter ; : had presented the treaty to them. If thev nnil Vii ir1 ren ?nn fnr mnvinir flip nmpnd. Wero to pxnrnss nn nnininn in fn vrtr f lli ii M-r. Iinnin w - ments'was that tne sense oi .jnc senate i resolutions or oi tnci amendments they ; have been ours; twenty thou: mieht be fullv taken. ! would stand .committed committed hvl wnnl.l h.ivo i.(.nrr, it? hm t, least. with pim, for tjliey directly conflicted with the'j principles which he had laid down. , His pnl)' intehtion at present, howf As tor the residue, however, they presets tn5 tk viv wKi.K La jAA matter I for serious consideration, a at t.ni iiLv.di s ii i .. i imiiiii ii ii iiiimx i v 1 1 irrxirvn j iii u m so upon this, pursued in reference! to Texas what I conceived to be the best onnrcn T C. T ,ntAA J i ' .if. . - :f !. f that occasion, it was becaViSR hntflnpssnnfl . 1 T "!T. i jjiuuipiupa .wrru uucessary 10 success. ; lit Was thd golden opportunity: ahd one year's delay would have lost Texas to us forever. If I am for more deliberate mea sures on this occasion, it is not because I am not a friend to Oregon. On the con trary, Oregon has no, better friend than myself: there isino one who would ven ture more to save it. But it is asked why T rl r tint nurcno tKo c?o m d Atin n 'lm- v v ; r ! vj .r kiwi. r dui 1111, i-i i i ii , i i .1 11 n i -1 irr tention. He had merely said that. bv im 1 t ir.i .iu ...:n 'Mri .ARCHER ?aid it seemed lohimto the1 legislative vote, in the face of! the ho act; you held blick. when y e a matter of n great importance what whole country. It must- be manifest to ; despite every hazard, have eccurt isposlllthe Senate might! finely make of j everyone that, whether they decided for;; right. ri i V to What harl fallRn from thp ronntn from South? Carolina, who had stated that the j resolutions .introduced by hirhMri II aritiegah.) by implication at any rate, conveyed ;a censure upon the Presidentof the United ptates. j Sir, (said Mr. IL hfid no intention of casting a censure dpi o l the President. 1 ' ' i ! Mi CALHOUN observed that he hk6 not charged the Senator with any such in! be disn tlr. t : .r-vc..i.c nit- Hrfm 4hum I III; 1 Ul I II 1 11 1 II I KITH 1 1 fir IMF I R UnfllP fll i nrti U . Jiujwiirana ..v imim. - - - r- Ane masses were? waitinjr in c He, considered it chiefly.of consequence as regmi, it ouiu pe prejudging ot , the 1 lion of movcmiint; xhfTv u..1(.j,.i, lUv, ,v.o..ui.iuiiitu . , tt . , , iinginine expectation uiat tnc v. viduaL Senators; and he merely rose at resolutions before (he Executive had act- j menl wouW back tlem; but thrv this time tor the purpose of expressing his V? co""TDu. c,on 10 nem:i in vain, and this is ti result of voir profound satisfaction at the course taken 11 vv9uM be assuming the initiative, which.; and masleriy innctif ilv.w -.This - v. by the distinguished Senator 'from South I did not belong to them under the Consti-jj masteriy inactivityl has ruined Or Carolina- ne uao naa occasion 10 express i ..iii.v.u a j assure yOU j ay thj3 jn no -. r- v 1111 ' nis views upon tne sunjecinereioiore. tic .wu.m, uu,.u , j sa jj sorrowlullr fori nnn came here imbued wi'th apprehension, but the amendments submitted, (it could not sul- ir I was sout'to-v i- he hailed the attitude taken by the Sena- b by a veryJarge Vote, by the way.) what j not know whethcr it bc . ou '0 tor as'lan undoubted omen of peace. And wou d be their position? A majority lu-s time, that the precipitancy of 1 fromlty nlace there he! nroc'laimed the would have said or; recommended a settle-j nf rtt. in i,,; tU. ...o... 1 .tl ..: ' "II p ication, the resolutions conveyed a cern sure upon the President, on the ground (of boirjg williilig tasurrender a portion of the; territory of Oregon " v Mr. HAIVNEGAN resumed. The Se n tof would certainly not deny that the whole-aspect of things had changed sincd denounce. n I nn. M,e time when, m consequence of theipeH ttytftnid them, by iinprijcatjion, t)ie proro- i nnptory nijd almost insolent refusal by t (ins that tiave Ke-n .already made ,v Mp Wnush pegotialor ot the propostiori . ....... . t .11 1 . liar n fitfi&.'ini fer to my remarks in 4813, he will find that the views which governed rqe then are the same with those which govern rne now. I believe that precipitancy Will lose you Oregon forever no, not forever ; but it will lose you Oregon in the first strug gle, and then it will require another strug gle hereatter when we become stronger to regain it. I will not go into this question bow;; r 1..; . - -V 7 . -r" , ...v. xuuuuuij 1 , . . : -t . , , f ! am prepared, wnen it co kdivisiort along thf Iprty,ninlh parallel of I p.oppsitioiifwas thdrawn by the Goyi CUssion, to show, ir ar-ui Urih tatitdde, Iflibq Senate should sup- j e nent otj the United States; but if it that thp prtflcipie nvoye brdthese re:solutioh., it is clear that the were notoVif at any .time and upon an1 lutions, so far from jraini mriuon can oiny imj ,seiiicd liiereatter by HMl;i5,,u" iwuuu ; uuucn umcuug uum pur government to settle the boundary bv i 'V .. n paraiiei,tnM am nPftnnr,fi vvhP u , rU rnent con hpy. olved in these reso- ng Oregon, will urinnri r;in i iii.i v i w ikim i imrnn t tn. , mm!iuu iju iuuiiu iiiiiioci i uiuci hi:, u win .un i HArVit, rr nri.i'u. n i, J L .1 ,. I it .. . A t h i K x hc f3 1 1 Vf. hf wns n. frfp man. nhrl anaAVar b commenced between this j r1,!ll,d !P I'10 ee exercise of his own o coinitry nhd (n-at jlJritaiii, no peace can jevrt takcphitie betwcen'the t wo countries but hv our dictation at the eannnn'snmnili I iMf. President, th j vote, upon these res- wuifiHia win umiw iy uroMu line-,' wiiicn cannqt bn misunlci stoodbctween those ',U are in favor of settlinir. the ouostion by an apjileal to arns, and those in favor , of a! more1 pacific t urse. 1 myself am in ; y for the present lose every inch of that ter ritory ; and it is hot on that account, as crlaoV news. And why i The v of that side of thd llouse found on thei otjier side mem bers though to sustain them in the ground which they were; going to take. Sir (said Mr. Archer!) when I speak of peaces I disdain' to say! that the word means no other than an honorable peace. If there are any in this Senate who are markable contrast to his wise ar. 1 ly inactivity w in relation to Or. charge no improper-motives npen r ator, and least of all upon the ciibii: Senator from Soutlj.Corolina ; 1 ; nears to me that wtien a ouriti' . . ... i . ment of the question by the parallel of for ty-nine. And suppose that the President; could obtain better term3 ; or suppose, in i I me exercise oi nis aiscretion in conduct ing the neg-qtiatiohs, he should determine to accept twenty-eight degrees twenty miuuies as jne opunaary, taning nan o , torial acquisilion riscs upoa t wiugun, wuuiu u iiou uu nivoiMUi; uie in.u- .V4f tPr, i tint tfc Knmn rrr r willing to make !xiny sacrifices of national r "nuu. u c.i.umnu . , n j the part of Souther;i gentlemen M honorfthey will! not, after such a delin- i NV?uld t hesitate to meet the question j te. precipitanc; the Sanatcr quency dare to exhibit1 themselves in the V? and properly, but ; relation tp Texas, -n-as Wie, but v. face of the popular indignation which will ! let it not be forcej uponthem ; let it come lhe Case of Oregon. Hearcnknov. meetllthem on jail sides. Sir, the good I om, President ; for on him devolved , has bcen t,me enbtth for maturit: and had men here, if there, hv anv of the, " . X. 1 . ! T V . " " - V",v : it is now time lor action. Vine t. latter! description, will equally be found ! not ta.Vm m a lwr!," tlie1reT ! tries stand front to front ; and. t: to concur in this. Hut who over hoard-U"."" i t" . i"."rV i",w"!" . ! It. it it were a Question Willi r,:e: unfit ' fiv orrn thf flKnJ tKQ "", Miner. nc rc rcmru wnll Ke V.t otrt until a few days ago that the honor of the plnion, and though he was the political friend of the President, and exnected all ways so to continue, yet if the President! on any occasion, should assume a ground which be! could not; endorse, he claimed for hnnsnlf the same right, and he woulot I exercise il. to express his opinions, as thei ! rresidentmatt to communicate bis own to qngressJ without intending, wishingor "Mr of rt' pitcific bourse of an adjust- i d -siring to cast any censure upon himJ-U wi' av, ii posMoie, uyi negotiation ; and un- i ' y i ' . . . , " 1 rkhesc Views hn4 itnnressiotw. Mi-- Pro- the people lof this Union, and, as such re ! 4t,I havct prep4red a series of resolu- Ph'sentathv, he had a right to expressing nlahtftffonSstieallto those of the Sena. v ews ln relation to all matters pertaining iir(ronvIndiana,'ant asserting the oppo- x9 th? Government; but he would repeatj :tetnrincintcs: wh ch I nrobose to move ! ,l?atiie mPHnt 10 convey no censure upon! J.. e ' i '-. . I .1 i i .'. ' 1 ho Fremont v oi amcnumcnt to trie resolutions fllic Senator, and ai'; also that they he much from the far of losing Orcjgon! as During the eight years okhis administra ronnne uesire oi avoiding war that l ; tion it was thought no dishonor that the have, proposed amendments to the Sena tor's resolutions. Sir, if my advice had been pursued we should never have! been involved irrthis controversy at alii I now act under circumstances not produced; by u' it -ii i .i t ' . t s . ; i mysen, ana i win uotne Dest l can to save country !was involved? Was not Presi- iar according tp lhe;letteraswelt as the dent Jackson sedulous enough for the pres- Jpi1 - lH C.onptitution. the Senate, had . .t In.. I. ...... - (Mmr I hp initlnlii'n nnl if ttiA nnf lmrrmm. ervationot the .honor ot the countrv f , r . . . "r". en moment ; if them to express an opinion; they should leave the matter where the Constitution i i i 1 1.. . i Government should allow ai question of ?r' n A Vvr?!iv ' this nature to be arbitrated. What has f Mr. HANNEGAiN said that he entcr produced so great a change now t Are talnfd the nios ;profound respect for the vvpmftnPnvihp rl nn h ohnnnrt mn onn H ..v.vw. .. - ui. L. ! ? " ! . Uelawc ureuueessors in, ine uovcrnmpni oi iinti would be the gold for the acquisition of Cuba, or 1 amid the bur: t would be .r sessions further sti gions of Panama, moment, oir. i lodc a matcntv Senate will not re ject these re They assert only i hat the Preiit asserted, and no m rc. , Mr. CALHOUN said he was i are, but it certainly seemed to him j er advocate for ihrfacquisjtion of f o- ji-iz strange to near irom a gentleman oi his "'r-TT1""." 1 ".. x 'iiiirv iii. iiifiMiN iiiii iMiniiin 111 i'mii ' the President. The Senator from South Carolina had, the territory oft Oregon, which I hold as ducti of pacffic' negotiations. Nay, in fa'n!"g l; valuable as the Senator from Indiana him- mvmvimhn ihP will self can do. If you institute a cbmpari- 1 learning and experience the declaration ! oraD.le Senator wa perfectly a son between Oregon and Texts. I would say that the former is as valuable to us as 1 .1 1 . 1 . it- c.c, sentiments nnon inis snmecr. 11U 1 lLlL LU (lasuiiic iy state of facts. It i v . . . - , ; . . . Kcnmpn to mm I ihn Konrnsinin i runt rri? them hr hastv and -adv sed con- ! . fl... - J .-,o T J 1. . . . . - . . 11 . 1 1 . 1 1 iiii-t-ii;ii ii;ii 1 1 1 riiini ( :i vm i i n i myopjnipn there will be more honor in ; " r ;-f J , -J : - j was a member of Mr. 3I6nroe continuii g the negotiation than in inter- L ' L , . i ' . . TVC vt '"V",.. " ho had nhwvs hor4i Avorso fn ,!; vi'ij in P'l t 1 ri 1 m 1 1 n r inn ic o pne o nt n t 1 i'pc 1 - - - - - possession of Spain in Cuba; Le now; he would bathe last man Pflnk-d. Vj ihlnt it- i ri inronpf nrnnslnn ! hat the resolutions wereplain and? talvoving thh set timents which I enter- ! tISrect. coining: at once to the point, andj It.pon this sul)j ct.; 1 am for peace,if ! lfat th V of them, it he had : un- tipract5 can be honorably nreserved: 1 am uprsioyu ine onaoi, uuiuuccc5tiuy mfiiVoV of adiustinir the dillicultv. if it can 6eadistcd,. by negotiation ; if it cannot fie adjusted by. negotiation, I am in favor "Hflai course to ue. pursucu ny mis uov mrtient which Niall throw the onus of a W. front jour'jp wit shoulders upon Great 5main; I ahprOvc of the course taken bv ijiispovernment in allol, tinker all the ofTering the! 49th par circumstances of the .ttsfcas the bbunda'rv. 1 believe that the neucefor; anll honorable peace; but honorable -ptkacc' cannot be presry- v 1 if we are to haW w.vr, I will still stand : involve this country in a war. Sir,, said Mr. II., If the adoption of resolutions which! j contain the immutable principles of truth! ill'. i!r , . ' . 1 - nri.J.1 mnng war upon us, let war come. , 1111; American is there who, through fear of war,! would hesitate to declare the truth in this Chamber ? I am also for peace s r. I shrink back from the thoug war as much as the Senator from South say ing the President ; I simply said that, :by implication, a censure woiild be convey ed. I do not suppose that the Senator in tends to reflect upon the President ; but there can be no difference, as far 'as this question is concerned, between the; time when the proposition for division! at the such a movement, should arrive, and : i'. 1 ' .i 1.1 I up lor uiscussion, uc niougnt uc w 1 i - 1 I; t 1 t . wereboundtoconccalortobtdelhemselves I aoie.io snow, oeyona ail uoul:. : until the strirs-bould bo pulled and they reasons which go jrerncd him r; 'When the prr his subject Le continuing luH""o iui iii ui iii umiurnuM3cin.uu- - . : c. r.i.:TT: I say mat trie lormer is as valuable to us; as ! duct upon t his floor. What iii the aspect i U1 "u," Ul 'u.18 u ,,,uu the latter, and I would as manfully defend ! whicti we should present to Hbe -country ! a n?ht to. a,je. !he uPon .anJ ir. u the senator and myself disagree, supposing the case reversed, and the qucs , ?u"Ilon "gui .10 American we disagree on ly as the means of secur- tion boifght up in the British Parliament ! tTrl7' U Seed, -IT ing Oregon, and not as to its importance. r,A iJno f inu nA ntn.nnK- i coulJ be no Pver behind which they Sir, I intend to say nothing about censur- .ll.tA 7 Wnni.l nn nnp ,m,lr rh irratation be disposed to listen to concili atory It ei ma of pcaco ? Wc ought not, then, to do that which, if done by others, we should be disposed to resent, as the highest indignity. Let us apply the ar- 1 (jenj gument to ourselves. ji we seize every I if "i-;t sii 11 1, ml 1 nr. 1-1 11 1 1 1 1 11: 1 1 iiciiiitiil t lu i .1 . . t 1 1 -. . m 1 ri;o in tii upantn v f tin r 1 . , -i - - ,he; progress of the. controversy. ,o . ffiSTS'S! i rfThe War .1 " c'""e ,nen as 11 woul(? De 10 heap Hcvery sort of contumely upon our ! " "Jk ' .T:.i.. .TT. ' f , ! I eJ tbo Senator thai he -j " ' . . n i iiiu in i ii ii i.iiu h xv ii inn i v i inn i 1 .'m.Ar i.-ht nl'o IfP tllPYnPPt fit tllPIP . - : J repeat the offer now. Allowed to proceed to action. The Senator from Delaware sard it would be interfering with negotiations.- Had not the Presi in Texas question, trotemed !iim this question; andlhat if there difference betwccnlthc Senator self, it was only as So the means t n ldsmcssagc informed them that ' plyed n efiecting the same to , was no proposition now pending ; j desired I more particularly to. rn t! adversaries, what are we toexriect at their Carolina himself can. I love peace, but: MjcM the Executive is, like my own, when ncacc becomes degrading and jdis-j lOf (?actifnr iin' bnnnrab o nnoe i but : "pnqrauiea a war nci. ui Atciumia lyu. if an hooornl.lp hAAm ounnnf bonrrv. I vN ould be preferable lr iirT I nn rrncwinnr mill itinm iimr iho r r . iu . Lin. i KJK.fr suiu ne rnsr ttippp v i 1,) i7 1. .n.-chn inn .1 : - 1 - ...... t .-!.....v.t IltlllUSiS II 11V. lllut llic.l oiiuuiu iiiuk un 1 i.!.1 . . . ior ' to suomu a motion tnai tne suoiect should 1 ; of ni!..imn , p. .f" . hi otr;-K mlr thA npr'ilnlAr fnr rriW 1 . 1 T 4- . - . were at an end f negotiations could now i !..!- J i ;? i- i r,il repeat, it IS not lor the purpose . nnl,.-lw, restimod hvanntrnr from Iho Rrit- i i"S ner l' vei u. irreat ue ii u rj - was as t verse to forcing a discussion a-? himself could be: but he tl.( Senator was entirety mistaken in that this was not a case in v. . : of entering into an exposition of any opin- uh'Governraent, for he felt assured, from ! SJ"ate was cal,cld in to fcrci t : elheSp -ns of my own that 1 now address you. ; the high and manly ground assumed by . f discussion and o action. Wit ! Let the proceeding of this morning go a- ti. p.-i.ipnt in b; m,.nrrp ihit hr nt t deference for; the opinions pf the .l The Senator says that War, when once 7 my country in every emergency. I.; cpmmenced, can only be terminateqat! 'wll never be found antagonist to her J the cannon's mouth. Sir, I for one pro-i! tion to the subject, he hadjarriv conviction that it did not Become mue to inieriere in ine imuier ai present. , broadlasjlhey pf course mustdo, and they ne imu t icnsuuijiuc v;uiiimttiij; s 111 111c c a" . the President in his message, that he at opinions least would not renew them. The Presi- I hc thought there ought to be no t! ?t 11 It ib hnilurl oc an n m oil r I ripn vn on1 i t I .1 n .ill' rvnn I n is rmi riT Aillif 11 rn riT 1 rkn4tit,r 1 "u"iu " "vf. i- uent i now canea upon the cenaie -to aia i i , ,"T' inn: i.:m ; if " " -r aim jn ine seiiiemeiu 01 ine question, anu j ; - . z . , : r iUii; ui 111 ; ioc hv sntrif pcrrAcriniic nf fn IK . i lft i .J .1 1 11 . .i i vp.'i or nnv in food Tailh before t. v0.vn. .w.VT jjuuusueu 10 ine fvoriu uie enure uipio-; i j " j D . rlittnrn tli rlfinns; .'if rrpsMit AVitinr. ! i it .1 WorltL 1 i 1U1PCI. I President, and inasmuch ai the tion of the country had conferred' the Dower of conducting the negotiations. . , a w m m w Vf 1 I I 1 I - f, r r rl . I 1 S y , t , . . "... 1 1 :.k r-' . t; i: .1 . ...m 'ir - ... v ... - m;iiic corrc )U uai nee unon uie si . lyunirri nfnr.nini t' i inva . .-i-v t n o . r p :iiiii prH. iiiiii ii vn r iin nri'ML rirn.s inprp nrp 1111111 iim vmv nmnpr in r-.-iii in . m. ..... 1 1 . . - . i. .. H VJLU11.M wj. miwov x v to v rr- . r i "-i . w i " '" I ne controversy can De terminated, ana ci.n.vmr. Annninciv.i.r j ndrr sac i a declaration as i: tcView frominy own; But should la n upon th Oregon quest.011 sh9uIdoc- the aid of the benate, cr until the fcenale wilh yr to tiie coun(rv, in txe pr0gress . 1, .i I I W w l h i taincd in the resolutions submit: c ! Ic M? "ot going to be an'i-cr, 1 shoa.Avisti it never to be termina-1 thought it incumbent on them to jadvise Gf further negotiations. J believe as firm- i thou.bt ofanv Government which would ! Senator from Indianji, acted on lny hfnrf hn Silnif a fnr H insinti vva the calmest manner, and rounds arc clearly seen ahd O' sppoort. I Vill hold those resnonsibln I selves Vo rashly precipitate the country into a The Senator 1 Sir,. on a deiibcratc view of the i the cburseUri cstion. I hope that whenever it comes lilrli. I '.e 1 It 1 r-'l f . ' i . S' 'iore.tue oe Nrtcuss' jtnth V 1 ifitrue groun I j0rsto9l, we shall comelo the conclu i Wavert tv war if possible ; but if not, tjUe shall ,be u'uitcd as one man in rt or the countrv. I f,Vf-'C.' resolutions were then read as Wrrci,frhatih4PresidenJ of tho United . T b fpwer, '-ih and with th' advice or 'CRl' tho natc,' to make treaties in'ij'I'htU.llic power of making treaties r 't thit of seittlli)-? and lixin's boundaries v; territories lil at; the cannon's mouth we'e-ur-j him to surrender all negotiations, and the , as i?(jt jay fhin which eiists that such shall dietate the terms of peacej.- sutyect should be transferred to the Sen- j -jj jts termination. 1 ' ; t intimates that, if we pursue4 ate legitimately, arid the Executive should firirl : nnP Jlrtna AiS ihn i "-I, "r i " rl rJtal?l hnd ,th4o Mother- Powers, . in rJ . inflicting rilaims between them int -o tne aamci yWf l'hat, however, clear their claims Jp 'a if opinion, to Hhe country included Vii t,ar5l!-l of 42 and 54 40'; north 'li'pCx.lpnd,-S from the Rocky Mountains I rcific Ocean, known as the Territory indicated bv these resolutions. we are to be plunged rashly into a vlar. If if be rashness so to bringbn Jar, and the supporters of these, resolutions are to bc held -responsible, I for ope fear not the responsibility. Sir, there ;has Ibeeh a j si igular course pursued upon Oregon mat ; ters, and I jnUst detain the Senate one fno ment in 'relation to it; it contrasts' so ! strongly' n$(V so widely with thei course pursued upon a precisely similar question, 1 the annexation of Texas. Texas and Oregon were born at the same instant, and cradled in the same cradle -the Bal timore Convention. They were adopted atfthe very same instant throughout; the land, and pot a moment was allowed to" b lost whtje Texas was hurriedly brought info the Upton, while the peculiar :.frieri.ds of Texas did all they could to strangle Diegon.- fjj Y ."'" ...'.' Ji;' Sir,1 the fcpuntry is 'not blind ; thelep pl see. ah4eomprehend.r It is a most sinr gi lar state, of things ; and here we are tol d that We must he careful, arid not come; have washed bis hands ot it, he thought until this took place the Senate would be acting improperly to interfere in the mat ter. But when once legitimately; trans ferred to the Senate, he Would then be, ready, in the1 love of country arid the fear, of God. to take part in the settlement of the question. But until their he should i public " diplomatic : correspondence"! ted by the Senate, tie inference e the negotiations were at an end ?! that if you make ajtrcaty in rc! I 9mrrrrt fh.it trriiv Vnn hivn ni 1 make betore the negotiations Tn rpfpppnpo tAlliP rcmnfls nf f!i Sn- i ntor from North .Carolina, he had but a ! O' force, because, ydu declare t! ,i it 1.,1 t.o,i,. a;' exists no power in Ibis Gover: ' ' via I tm vtonc!AW nn Sir, I arh indifferent whether the reso lutions! be inowaid upon the table or dis AiKtsAflfat laro-Ai A nt 1 nnt it to Senators -i ; ' O - KVIU U t. AiV. UUU UHk UV. , ,"-' !, on bot& sides ot the Uhamber, now can u dmed an ihtentibn to cast any imputa- i tr,u ws-l7 an Pa" U1 V' ' possiblyb'e.of ajny impoiiancej j Suppose ; tion upon thc presjdent; and it wasjun- AVW what is the ciihracter of my : the resolutions should belaid upon the ta' neccss rv to'reneat it. as. in all the ordi- nient? Arc they adyisatory I A ble, in febnfbrmitv with the mot on of thc nary transactions of life, af one explana- are simply a denial V the poMtioa n i irl i. - "xt . i nL U1 ,i . J . .i . . ,. ' i An rv tKn rAcn'uf inns, of the oennti . .t eni imanr ha Ann il rrr nn mr. I ...w j; IIU11 II. " llt JUIlltlllli lit. vuuiu ,u How could it be an attack on the Senator from North Carolina,, does he ... i , , i suppose that wi l-interrupt-the progress ,ner j .... . "r;r: "AT "iTu":i'of the 46ns deration ol the subject I Vtf ' presipnt. with this lancuace of his own ?! iaX"ZZ.?Lci Wwt ame.M I hype it will : before thcm J .ML A,A1I here read me tin1uCrpu.u.Mp.- ..vBr.uT.,.!j Unmp. fAr nm Vrat fied to find that it Wtl ! i: r J IP;,I0.-. m..cCnr,oh r m ... - . i iiui tiuu u i -iiiu. I iivsmi ui iiiievUnii i more than re-assert j 1 . mi. i . i Carolina himself mdant in reference tothe 1 ta CUTM! 1 , " ; i wnai.neuaa nimseii assenea i ine mm to urr-gon must ne susiaineu, as it nau been already noblyj sustained by the Sen ator from South Carolina and by the pres ent Secretary of State. And he would ask, iii what Quarter of this country would they find an-assembly of American citi zens who would got for the relinquishment of a single foot1 of it 7 Wuh the irrefrag able testimony of jur titlewhich existed there would be as much propriety in .the ! making this remark he did.M -an d aSree rfarm in yZf M!, .h ' ouWf to that which a dehate a fcw j t'he MbiSl original resolutionS-namely. that a. cen- J f: PrT' " 5,.' ! : sure, rrti-ht be understood to be conveyed , Mr. J. M..C EA TON the n rose and ob- . I. i ' -11 L : . ' I . una had sau no wouia move io-my uiu by implication ; tht the passage of a res olution declaring it a violation bf hdndr to surrender an part bf Oregon was an irii plied censure upon the President who had authorized a proposition for such surren- der...v Z 2'' v "!1 " : j T ;c ;! I ! -: f He;was, on this ground, adverse jto ine original resolutions.' and he f was quite as much wholfi lubiect unon the!1 table- He as sured toat honorable Senator that when ever hejd-disoi his motion should receive at leastldne other vote besides his own. He fully concurred with him that it ought WhA sddisnosed of.arid that if! was high- . . : ! V ' .i: CI . iJl-. T'lrT'L"". " VF .E " iira ,;. ',.1 Qotnnrl a Ka nrrpnMr nf Florida: Or Of 31ame. OflVlftSS oppcea-to'ue'amenamenw;;De-jymipi nfTer oftho fort v-m- tii' ... . . . . ; ;!-. i . m j 0.,0fi n tr ihismaitpr Trpmin f.TPrn. npnnscns. uc inimu laiauwuviuv jiki i .n'0 . in colhsiortiwith Great "Kritam aDoot a icause uiey misni ne consiaereu 3 jjum uiu.w. w -rT.. t i . t . . , " -l .1 hv thn. rAn!utionsfof the Scnr.ff hnoii tKnnrrK lam'kiversc to iii- Mft-vy v ry " ' upon these matters generally, ytt this is the proper c-ccasion Tor d; onrt rlrrirlini? the DoinL o there rr... UIIU ww --- j 1 ' - - hesitancy or doubt in the mind of t ecutivr, or of those yith wheni w have to treat upon this question, views entertained by the Senat e l tion to it. And I think it thc more sarv. because there tas bcen a r- j tendency to deny the? authority of : vernmcnt to settle bt , treaty que .u twecn us and other Powers rclatir: ritory. . :: ' . - j : Sir, mv last resolution, to which ' ' i ! i l- .i nator.has alluded, as lauuing u. flAnt cimnli ne-ntivek lhe imnlic:.! m w mr m j " T Q I . v ii : . . . ! . i - -ir --f vF l . . . ! ! l t. f : -