- i - I S 1 M t r I 1 ' ' " I " ' , ! ' i , '1.4 I', I".: r, . mTT--""""r"--" . : i 1 , - 1 1 : i i f! : " ' -' ' 4" .:.. . 1 : M ' , . ; j . J.j , or nrwmare Car the firat. . .1 el. L.u -,.,nii.nt insertion. Court ur- . j3ciiort o m per cet. mil be. made to those l or the Watchiiun Jr. II 'lv it I .-.II 11 1 .' ' I'r-iM I 1 4 . ; I If. 1 ; I I- . TV I I ; I I : I I ' I I ' i I A I V 7 1 .""l r 1 1 1 1 I fill'. 1 V 'II V. :l I " I V t I - I 11 I I I I I V M . I. 1 .J i v I - - - k IKES , Jfn jn ViSimmcr (If Qi$ a yrdrprcri. ,!toMjilmA.':... j.J j ... j:-.".' Mr hI is yty lonely now, i '! AnJ.V enttei 'roria, seal 1 . . -4. ) i. O'er ti.yie, cheek, ijid sadly soothe The wi tney cannot neai. t list (n ijain tby rapiit ate p. Th hW Inspiring Voice. "jW Half h '.thought of former, joys J i. EdUors $ Proprietors. j V , , is safe ' tVvs i ' I ' Wlta I ) NUMBER 44. OF VOLUME II. !.- '- i-- -. ' " -'; ' 1 1 TnTWi -, t j , - . m .! - I i :.y ;SALISBURYv:N..C;t RIDA FEBRUARY 27, 1846. -.!! 1 1 I 'l In-iWihut pe,itlf socMiiri? voice, The'Viiii gjajtce olj ihinr eyr , The ilia ni ear thaljevrr heeds M tale of misery, .1 OiTt hast ihou rft the 115 and gay :AiiilJ i hrir joyous jJee , .Tol oasa 1 1 tearful ho lir away, . in'aoli ade with n . I. , ' '.j ! y- ' ' ''"!"" ' ' Vawelco oe ia.the h j in g voire Tat iells of.deat rtJ . Thift warns th TsyU'""! dr-oniing one, f .That ni! i-Vw flow ; ' iBatiMrittf ' a'o-l Kappfjis thou art hnd ii.li 01 jfy anr giee, j Th tini-eat drend inay o'er thee pass, S ; ji AnlJcave thee ref ca me. ibil.4if lay of woehha!t come; , ' ! nl h in-r it hKgllt to thee,' 'm' 1 ( ' ' ''I ' . jTh1 ,niq y'bt thoy len 'on. one true fri-nJ '.. i uch i thou'sr beerii to me. in av Mi'iiitpprM' l"-il'hr-quii4l Nrnilt. I husband' I me.mt to innnire tPiidancp n hf. pmnlani on lhe ftin.iwi,? possesion it was at present V mftrjnintf ntiian unusual rarlv Ikuiit; and. tni j iiiJfj'r.; nil- inprs wore Mrepirtjr, . vk:i(Mijj(i;IfirtU to enjoy tin inviiroraliBg (Vf n' s oliihf jpurlv lrVZH. Thrv rrLt hit? in by Hfpd.t at ibi propitious wtjll. j tne the happy rr tuns theU.Mft!ant, who is usually pot- j it nw to giv MTR in II UlP rr assii i Hip iu-u ic lri.,-, I- j; f ,. I . ----- mi mhj,', ajitiit I"" I:rn lTs ,HtM- tn Mr liy ' My face is my fortune, kind sir said only m lajyprnossof pr, forming tlit she laying her ht-ad ujion his sfeoujder. possession it was at present It is all in your own possession said the lady.' .. -J - . t . ; Do not trifle.S with me, isaid he gentle man. patting her cheek, vou have made master of your person, and give me the disposal of your ; A; BEALyriFUL incident. On a fine summer's day. a clergyman was called to preach in a town in Indiana. At hi en me had! .I ' m .'., 1 - . J i ,,UT; 1 rpieiMshi.ii:. tlie xhustf.clf To be plain with vou madam.' said the i e.vse . unjii inin lar V tiMil miu ..i ,u n.ll : .m.,..w....,l . l i. LL ' i -t- , ' i I - " imii i, iiiijiawiuiiru hi lueriMJiii, i iia.ve. neeti oi to a ytiung Episcopal congregation. the close of hi$ discourse, he adtlressec young; hearers in some such word as Learp that thent lift? is a ; preparation fo, and has a ternlency to.ieterniiy. The : prt-aent ia linked to TIIE NEXT LEGISLATURE. ! 1 he L4!Uci party nre making very confi dent caL-.tilatinns on electing a majority in lth HiHtses f the next General Assembly. Theo . j r:i!tiliiiuis are liasetl u wvi they did in IS. 42, wheii they carried lioth' liranrhe$ by ci dd majorities. We ran sjwnk of this neclion of I he State nlveu ft'r a il? actiin will eflvct the character f the Legislature, can assure our friends abroad that all U riljt.; In the dia. ers to our party; in 1342, we lt a tnem!rr STEMiISH1JCMiE FROM TlTt BALTIVORt SCX EITS1, OF p ; ; - . . Great Change in the Comma ei ' i of Great Britain Sir Robert Jr favor of .it total Ilepcul of t',: i LatcsGrcat ejvituncitt in 11 Meeting ff Parliament Pac if evinced loicartls the United V' ception of the tear speeches in C Mr. Gttizot's "reply to the Pi charge of an interference in th of Texas Difficulty bclicccn Mr. tfie American Minister and Mi, ( State of the Marl et, $-c. We received litis mbrnitii? brtu i ; in 'he SMlu- noiM beverage; but when the other conVevanCf.' p in lint ii e- reader is i mirtied ihat the qud scribed to H Vli licatei female v;- .-tries frm plied the happy bride, 1 have Artj iri j J. it flii'l ihy;inchr sure ,( j-jij un'j irnii A'm never be as wh! As I 4a, have beta b.:-f- .:. -i ar oni,! 'rei.e. fy tossed, ' etirth is vain, Reihe'inljer deaf A' iifrrnv-rtu-or teiiiw, Kli thrjf Hot id! jm the sands V , l)f t.u nan hojes and fears, -; I)ir ua, could ijU fervent prayer lot, thee, E.ith ,' la'y-I rtifike J Ofcfc wj irU one borrow spare. llovv it ou!d,l-ot ip'urt tne ! (Vi4 nviwnpt tlioorte U.iir IoNm-Iuw, ifn iiijcit-y j;ri(f: is Uiven, 'Ke wrtn oUr benrt- bud trniriures Jere, fVe'd (fftin that inb was Heaven. v'-v1-''!'' . 'oirte Oie ijeari'iir, liastf 6 me, Bal "thoughts iny Im mi fill, , bo:e, ij-ritly"wii )cr to iny ,s,,ul ' fTljere's tne-who lo Is ine Mill. ' i L r 'I' 1 '4 urcrmiier tjj "I ; V A VI LI ftur to eight gl;ts s. according to the tia j ture of heri coiiiplainf and that a lady c;ln i iioi deeoroLisly $p iiin lhan one tnoujh i ful virhonfdaU in breath, it will bpjejrm i'lhaj auipbjitime was afl'oitb'd on this oc- easion jforjjM tktc a-trfe. ' The ! ice beisng ' thus hrokt'i) and the waiter dulyVqiialTj-f?, I'lhe genileitiHtt proposed a prtmenade ; t which thejjadvi after some little: hpsitattoti aceedi (l ; jVv lieu jhe great bell siimmot d (ii a rich broker t' thepi to hakllist, they repain t! tolhepa- 4 Nft I. indeed bleiwjth eeellf-nt app-tites, and checks' glowing vbh liallhl'ul hues, produceiljhy thel exen-iKe of iihe morning:. A? ten o'clock the lady issue .from Iter chamliet aJoni d with new charms hy the recent! j.tlmr ol the toilet, and strolling p nsivelyj booH in hand, to the fir-lil st th filllir thrnnnhnnt Tntiiin in ihf TTfah!. in tlw animal.nd in a mpral world. As is the seed, sojis the i 0"om d(H'li(;ri) coUnty.-fVom. Uyde. orje r . . -1 . . j i r i k .u u i!oni astnn"lo. one triim L-nrteret.mie trom " j i fruit j os is the egg, so isj the fowl ; as as the boy.' so is . . t.- i L and five O ClOCK, tl special lOCOlV.'i' press, me news ny ine sieatner l measure piescrtnett t,y the medical die :tf money,- immediately the'5 hired 1 gig in ' the mart and as ii the rational being jn this world.so 1 r' ,;,"-",."w,T,7 sa7.i ' ,,,,H,ri . tor of this tie contmunity. l am not allle which we came to this plce, returned. I will he bi in the next ; Dives estranged from GodW. Hjom.ng cou.ti,?. Iti 1914. we got all right t v.v I,. L.ft..i. tl. ... : t I i u -a i i i iave, i iciuiuru, ,Tj , , 1 . aatn elected, in p aee ot lhe$e sis Lcoft.coJ! IO s itoul lOlteu tto'y iileiliriMl eaeh iither , aiiii I t . ..: ...... 1 . . i i? .. .. . . i : ' 1 c - - '..- ,... ..i.-j iwwt UUUI l tlll- . !l - - i T- T A r 1 1 1. rr V Vi j 9 n.l M.i ch.ill .1.14... 1 : the -wot Id but what voii see.' Have you no re.tl estate?' Major, slatting on his feet. Xot an acre . No bank s'ock V None ' Ao securities, no jewels, no money V . -X' . I .-ill. . I iotinng oi i ue Krnd ' At e you not ;the daughter and heiress Who the devil are you1, thejn?r i The locomotive left Philadelphia : 19 Lira fauauueu iviu utrir , uimi i:rovu u irx in - . ftTL' k 1 t 1 1 I i I 1 with GodWis Enoch walkin? with God in a calm and S,X S,P"? U h,e And shall d. the amei; cify M right o'clock last CVeni 4l- , ..-,...i...i ..rv . r 'he command of the energetic a: prising Captain Wolfe, who !n. . w i : ae'; Tn lie enujillv eanrlirl mmiIi c ! better world. I beseech voitUen. live for a blessed eter- u " . i it loot equair, taucnti ii n you, sir. re- , , , ! gain a benaJor in Craven, and prohahlv a Com- tmiViinrr l,t ; "''J4 10 the worm that you tread upon, and learn a IM'lllIll III 1 , . i . . i lesson of1 wisdom 1 i 1 iiiiintr 111 tiriM'tir m. -it' .1 1 r " : " " l ie very caterpi uar seeKs tne ioou .i, ,1 . . .l' ' . r.i ivi . .1 - IT ill III it U !. .1 1 mi. 1.. I Krt t. t . I f It j. V I. .... I n a I I l.M a n n - .ininii- . im i'om ui wr. m in" j , tmmi sluiiii tjiiiiic rii:uii 4 . 1 y . - . . . . 1 1 fc 10 carry otn branches l the L.Hl.itnre, i.or. , llWtHeb. -in,! in r- i m it i that fosters it for another and similar state : and! more asked the . , U . ... . . c !, . wisely loan man.bmlus its own sepulocre, tronr whence in timejby a kind of resurrection, it conies forth i riew i j creaturil in almost an angelic frm. f. And now, ihat 1 which iaj hjdeous is beautiful, and that which crawled ganization and elTrt. The election is an ini-' Vwiot -i .it o c .' 1 u i 1 city at lour o clock this morning, portant one a I,;, b. Jena'ir is to be chosen ; ( , as Jiulirfl MnTiitnd term u lltt'tniin on ihe itb : Pediment to thn track from the as Judge! Mangutn term wilU-sniie on the 4ti peUiment to thn track from th ..ffo..k itaiT nml .. tiui . 1 i.:u.nn... n.i i...t.L 1 1 t t.:.., . 1 ! ; " '"-"i "im un , imiiiiii" RUU4IIC III IIU illlU AIUMI! CUI II lie I ll'U illl.l I I fhesa that which fed on comparatively grass fodd.s.ps ,,u. Whigs of North Carolina will it he to sntTer don ,he locomotive 'when wit! "I the deu and-revels in the rich pasturfs. an euib em of .,. (0 ,)e w?rnU ,,y lW( fofi,, J ' UO" ,OC0Otll C 11 hen. VI tl, ,l that paradise where flows the river of ljt, and grows the We would earnestly call on oiir Whig brethren j mi,CS r,he Clt anU lf ",llSfh,'d :! tree of; lite. CoulU the caterpilldf have been diverted throughout the ijtateto attewl to thirmatter. t on foot, arriving ns above stated, from improper eieauuujmd mode of Hfe.if Ji had never ''he L..fcofcns - will make; a hard struggle t. The I1CWS is of tll tllOSt imporj-. v....., 1 1... nun, ...j, CF,C.U..U .mr,,. iiu . carry utfr-juegistattire ana apatiiy -on out j;it j rrratifyin" kind.- t Lons 1 rr nen wa vs anil iw wisp. ... iinn,n..in.i iim.r. L- ...... .1 u.. i...i J . ..lit ltlll, 1 llt."Ultl"l. im III l ? I I U II " H IIIU 1I.4I4J I ihed a) worthless worm. 1 am your Wife, sir, and the daughter Let it aot be said ihat ye are more negligent than Worms, er. They must he met with our hesl and strong. Parliament shad "assembled, 1 1 i.i . 1 1 - . - - .-p.:. . Ol.ler lIOtieM OlaCKsmitu. f; , i and your reason is less available than their instinct. As est riienl Uueeil s speech, US Well asthe to 4 Bless me r e claimed the lajor, siart- often '.aaj the butterkly flits across your pjatb remember that j The jWhigs in this 81I1 Congressional dis- i press, with regard to the United i-: ing back -with astonishment jthen cover- il whispei-s in its flight' Live for the Future " j j trict will d.. their duty in ihe approaehing rata. ot-, jlc most pacific character. ' I ing his, 1 ace wiur nis nanus, hps remained j 'y " preacuer-cioseu msiuiscourse ;oui 10 pain. j 1 o.iugu i.y me aiiouiiuutiip irerryman. lor i ll.loilieiit absorbed in thought. lie- ! deepen iihe impression, a butterfly directed by the hand ; der, vx 1 . c- overpowered ill! sin election fir . 1 . 1 . . . be rnslilo: nhle U'atorins IMnrw. eorio i' 4.1, h- great piazza. eotnuieufed her studie lu happenetl at tli- moment, i tone, I congratulate you. matjarn, on inai . tre Aiajoiyjiesli Irom Jus valet s bad.s. ; ing the wile of a beggar like yourself 1 hied Idinseji to ilie same cool retreat.! to am a ruined man, and knovy ijiot whence breiirtTehuh tljie melancholy musinusl of; to supply my inwnediate wants.' his soul, Mjjon Ijis dnte. S i in the :ij,!y. -Cm you'not draw upon the Earl, our In- lietta:j l. b.gt tl pardon .for his ititjrn- biu:her I' said the lad v. 1 I sion a nil Was aliott! to i'i' irev but the lady 1 have not the honor of bejng allied to 5 f the; 17,h u!., has ihe following account of a asMiiei! Imii it was "no iiih uion at ajll"- the nobility.' p find laid ajsjide her book. The y:eni letrtan j ' Perhaps yoti can have recourse to the was soon pealed beside her. He beiruetl to ! nav-master of' vou r remmentf - ; l , - J " O ' t It; . . . r pacific ch Exprssitin of regret art; tn. I hands that the difficulties ht tut I. . , . . . i , . 1 I I'll.- 1 ... i rm t A I V . ! SUIUIU: his serenity, he said, ill si'meelinn 1 wncn .guwes aiiKe tne un and an ntoin in its course Hut- . tonress, and eight out ot the ten counties leru inrou;n ine"nurcn as n commivioneu Dy ueaven i j to repeat the exhortation. There was,ncither sjwcb nor j hnsrurtge. hut its voice was heard saying to the J gazing ; " - . i . . - , i t if i i c l . r. n- ! " L j Iis to redoubled eiiort. Green. Craven, Pitt, ! rrom v miner ami nuuis taropeaa it:..-. 11 DISTRESSING EVENT. I ' Beaufojt, Hyde, Washington', and Tvrr?l, wi,ll 1 The stenmship Cambria, con : 1 ThR:ieii.efWieiniiiT..ri-itrv diUente "U " 4 "" -1 ul lT to I 111- IH'Vl ru-..r u .11. n-j.ir mm H . si . "' . . i ' I , Get i.' t;..-i!iir thi- district depilvtd of a voicein the country and tliJ United Suites a! hu;,, Legislature, still, the recollection of! arVyt.t uSetl!cd. t ? 1 - wronjr and outrage stnuulales and nerves j . . 1(H) A.n i!E.L' li Mhspiuiprr ;ippjiirMl at Sara'bira in an -elegant- suit of saole!. She wji.s to be in hwturning for her jh:h r. an opulent bro- f !pi jBaljliirttfre, lecenily decease di OurjUrd wasted lier jlieajlh. and j weep if?tatl.ivujbetl 'nil In r roses. ;t m I he w.is'Wifrie ftp feehyi-i lir ai petiie. and re- jiiiitnale hiir l.nisints. i AJts 4s-! know thelfeubjrci of her -researches; 4nd I 4 1 do not happen to belonjr to any resi oeimfpeo iMiij me taste Uisplayetl in tni'lit. the choicei of ISn r author: she e.-irne.4:lv ! And Iimvc in nn ind ;n Not .-in acre Mnd 4 pray then, sir, may I take ited I of asking who you are V ) Mierul Asseinhty ami hi their name we call tain Judkins, takes out to-day tlu I iiiMnthe Wliiirs in the othercounties of tlfe State. . nortant and irratil vin'ir intelli"i mosqdrsiressing occurrence which happened in to second them in their efll.rts to return la ma- ! ever left the shoreof Great Biv than;village on that day : jority ol W higs. grod and true, to Loth Houses, , Robert Peel England's powei One of the mo.t heart-renditi- and afflictive nnx RV L-otocotsm such a ileleat ihat it j brilliant Minister has .develop-. 1 " calamities that ever befe our.icommnni. v. oc. V" .n'? irwuH,u us aS ,n orin l(le ture commercial policy. It is at ( Ai :v UurrrJ in .'his tillage before 'dakviY this (Tues- ' , : j pie and comprehensive ; and, t Arkansas . . j day)morning. , The dwelling .if the Hon. Mar- ' ! operation, tho exchange of cc: ; : shalt M. Strong, now absent at Iahson,;as one 1 IMPORTANT IF TRUE ' ! between this country-(England). : the liberty i United States will be carried to a ot I tin Councillors in Ihe L,emslature Jrom this ty, w i i. . r .r m-i . . - - ' 1 he. M ;ishiiiTim eorrcsnoiiilint ol the I'hii. Countv. was consumed by lire awrM r.s Stronr. i ...... . . 1 . ' will l4n mtitiv.llvnrrvlnotlvi. wIihMr n,wl .bt.tcrbter ri(.ri b..,l in ih. adelpltia ?sorl!i American writes, under date of . " j with; her son and daughter, perched in the; ' , i taire?. creater. to quote not. lire i P 1 ' the. words of the filtered volume. " Dtneoi '.he s;'dl9M' :t(licsll .1 -" no soiin oJiciied jdisptay of his musical talents.. and was iirap6in eil with every note ; sjnd Vt lien thefame;imjerUnent bell sount a ineir tyr. itiey were surprised n lnd ; 1 am your husband, madam, at your now su ii.jy time had 1, own. and chagtfm- service, and only son of a famikis gambler, ' flames ! Our whole commuiiityjs horroristrick- ' I r r i 1 tl... ituni m . . . . . I . . ' ?. ! . I ... . .1:. . I 'tfV l '11 ll.-l .11 VI- .1 ... .t. ........... .... . wiiiuiwii-mitcr ii i i on ii : wnn fir inn nr ii hi nrinr.ni. ..c on , en ni Jin nwiu 1'iovKience. i ne o:iu oi ocain i ii:ive now i no mi:tm ni ctAtoifr woh in u 1 i .1 1 1 . 'i ,, , 1 . .w uiiu piw- j ; - -- .- -v 1 - - . 1 - " , . , ... : , , . , . eye nam ci seen or ine nean h if so oitt-n iiliiiucd i nit ..-, .a, j luwowm ' i- I Mpii In h:iVe lieiMi .ciiresifl overeverv hniisi1 111 tiiiln. Winch I hoitefl nrettv ril.iinlv 111 mv- lci 1 . . .... ( . the, feast of reason and the How of witl ' ! Mv r.W ' 1 1 ' our iliiv wrief and mournincr're deoieled in two letters lb.it Vr. Palrnhnm .11 .1 nnt L ! ! . . . " r . r. e 1 . .1 . . " lull von vi ni Itiftr imnitrl.'inrp ' everviicounteiiance, and sorrowjand alarm at- full and comprehensive instructions as to the vl- ' . , ,. .. , 1 . late mir entire community: 0 ',itttfum of UrWih Miniktrv l.v ii.o tt.l.or. 1 ciplesot free trade repudiates,:. to4... viua.., .uuv rP i .:,k. l.A2i:,,iA i. " J ' t lion lor eomnierft. mnnnfarMr, . 41 nT I (It.. 11 l 1, . III! IIIC llllir: lull, HI'IC ! Illlli " ...... , .......... ..... . , sleeping up sta,irs in the hack part of the. build- ! I have authority for statin" ihat a Message ' "culture; admits com .duty fn mg.and Mrs. fining, with the httle pirl, were wtll be communicated by ihe President, foerhaos I pnd of three yean?, with a fcale. filling v now i wir, ! . m r.Ki,.. . ..i .i ,. ;! , , , . ... f ii a j;uou cuucuuun, At. touri i clock the military stranger ; said the lady. I . . -4 ,M . . :l T. . r. ... J. . . .... ii bo did mine, said the gentleman, but course, r n a M .an heiress, attd attriieted print til ! en fio n.lv rl;be f gentlemen j called ! banded Mijss simper into air eleutmt gig. her a hK'tUtV. aTid, t) lk ,-d a meat ibal of , !"d drovej to the neighboring villasfiU Iier indite. Imiih sti cki nnd securities. - where rurpor soon proclaiim-d that thisiin- i. ... i . . . . ; . . ; . ' ... . i . i is. Ought her i omplexiou n'resung pnir were nuiim in ilie n y ohi. eted to ihe sih- nanus oi matrimony, v or once Ihe many it has not prevented me frdm trumpinj the; wrong trick this time-i rfheidjesHi Mrs. If ilillyer. said she ijad j 'nngues nf:inadam spoke I inly and when not tlu'LtirUf '; woijiair of lahiou. while : 'he hiippyyAl a returned with his blush- J! I I . ' i..r I.....I.. U.ll , I ...h .1... .....I.L. or i hour the mail stage would p;jss for New ed i York V . About midnight.' was the reply. ing bride, all could see that the embhr- C' , r:.l 'In i j i" ou mi niu, m.iioi r incouiieai oouuceu . i...j -n ln f.ii f,... 1 ....,1 ...1...1.1.. ... ' :.x . ... ' x' . ' . .i.:i. :n 1' 1 1.. . , , 1 4 . 1 1 ""-u-j..".,! ... .... . w.... j ... ............ . aim .i n ii"iiaiii, Hi.iiiiiiriivi 1 raiin'r in wtifl ! nm-iuu. i iii;ij win iimijainv o out ol tno chamber, hastened to the bar. ; a..,i .... :....i........if r.a...:.. r ,i. 1 1.,... ,;... ; ' , ' , ... . ... ...I 4 - t .11 irrj; 7 1 i"" ; " -.i.-n m im- . oi'ilvo i uwffH m uuupi a jmm nesoiuiion, 1 iwocii lour ana six t-nuuiigs pei ami U.lliru Ilie lailUIUIU. ; II rSkJUie resting c,.rviinl mil ivlnie :it:ill..n niirl rlilr.K-tt.in if . nr -, ,ihr I. ,11 nr. lr,;l,.i:.. . it..,.. l - l. ..:u. I I I . .....1 ... t I ....... i ! . ,( ,. , - ....... --r- - --- i ..-.i... . . y may umih. i-iii4. nuiieii jiiiu ni once ami. j. mind prevent lr trom recollecting any thing . proper dejiurig the bovkdary line betirccn the corn and buckwheat frep ofnll ci t .: very distiii. tlv that occurred at that awful m i- tiro Governments, and asserting irhaf is the clear ; ever. To the details'of ibis "i( rassin-Mit of I he lover was exchanged Tor the trinm bant sjnile ot ihe delighted i York V . 4 About midnight.' was the repU hndegiooip. It is hardly needful to Say j Please secure, me a seat,' sliiid the Major, ihat such Rvas the salutarx effect of Ibis -anti let me be waked at the nroner hour.' britje followed on tip-loV andjilistened uh observed. The Major inquired at what Captain Jiuiar(l;proiiouiH:i d her a siispi- cintis s.i 'd. ami declared hi? belief she Was "apri nteer tn dis-ti se. The fair stratl pr, lov eVijr, ivalkil daily to the Ibun Jam tpOtlstil V cast tipwu heV ey 'si iVhrMi pt!" Iti; atjfl sei inel Ua'biiseiotis of all hut '..hH. ivi;h .horroj-js: ; About this time', M5,jor,irilzcpiiiie appeared upoti.llo' bu y sctntOj ; fie. was p tall ha ulonie man. of rilsy? lidtlre.s tii'id fxdisl ed, manners, who ietrieditoreganl nil ar'o1 md him with an air rif 'every ptilife unconcern. He was anmuinceu as Jin otiicer in. ills uriianuc oi n in iiu m imvi, iays : said a shop- iocko hi me im m sieej), uui me ia.ner it voted woman ! She and her darling ofl- ()f course, some allowances will he mad.- hv ; side ol the watf-r Iiope- II ! . Il I t .' i 1 ' t i I . . Jl T-4 I 1. ... . I.. .1.. .IT ii, - i i II 1 . I. . .1 .1 I L j U IT. 1 . ! . : c . . . . . ... . . . J . . I . . , . meni it appears that when Mrs. strong and ! and unquestionable title of the Lnited Stales in vri. ,.r....tlf'nfr..Xi tl... , .. I 1' . 1 J mii. ..nil. .iim.iimIIIII llll UH the servant girl were lirst awakened Jrom their , Oregon. j I i i V i 1 r i ui i .u i ., ... r .i -n - . ' . . our commercial readers. Gn at slumbers hy the smoke or the cracking ; of the J he purpose of this movement is to relieve ! nt the undent moment il In 1 ! flames, they both involuntarily rushed j out of the President from the resmmsibility to which j . ' H moment ihm.iU pleasing (jkent. thftt the young people" j' One seat only was the replji The land- I donrsln their night clothes. , heiands eommi'.ted.by his inaugural and annual ; . . h ,V. " found iheuWlves restored jnstantaneolis- j lord remarked that it was customary for! Mfrf ?,rol,i;'.;1! iUt iIn!i,a.n' ?he ,Urnu ,and and the negotiations which have trans, j u . ' , J ' fi , t, ,.' ly to perhct heal.h ; and on i,e follow tlg gentlemen, who set off ia ihe. light to pay ; "V r uanger arom a ner, p.reaunner ins u.rec .on ana auspices, i : ge.iemfion oV the country which morning they bade adieu to ' Sara., U th.;,. fore in .,! vnneM nnn! ,vl,i,h th,. ' a mothers albpenading allecUon fiir Ihe President will communicate with his ! g' "il.on o th county xh.ch P ' "i'i "v her i.fTHr ntr ami C. ,.tv n.r the h.lv rnm c ..f mo.o r , f. u ..... .. niter lias i.'titl. oeiore nar lameii : ; .. ...v .j .. ll. ...'lir . u ltl ll. llll I .1 lllll ll llUIIHIS ll I . . . . . J ..... . . . ' -. . . " I 1 'I . I . I I i . I morning they hade in. : . i springs, j - This'H a very ungenteel affair !' Mrs. High liver. tr w i Alapn pani lor the seat. , 'woman's nature h..n.ip:ilk- mh-prl i'nii. the miiUt i . ..it M . i it .. rr a..cZ.. i ;..i. i desire to curtail the ncriod fixe! The Alajor and his bride retired to sep- f th snil,ke a;u, nneswith the frantic hono- hend will not he considered until fuither ntel! i total extinction of ihe corn lav. said I ihe .Major and his Dnde retired to sep- ilf nil,i. ami n m.rvith tb. frantie. I,,,., h,.mt will I... ,.;...c;.ili i ;i c,..,l ',:.i ! total extinction of ihe mm l .v . i . a ( " . . .... - . - . ....... v , .iw..a..-aS"wv.. jiauliia,r, . f i V'MI.IU'j l O Ulll 1U III' IUIVI I ' ""T" v . 1 never heard the btrat ! araie cnamners; ine lormen? was soon r sfl:n,T tu.r children. lienel. from KnhTi.d nrriveL friends of oeace. and nro-reic ( )f ffiiir i;MmM ti11jii9irk ulll I ,n ffiil. Kl- ' tV flit :tfr liririi rf i'v I - j Majesty srvicW and brother to Earl keepvr s lady. How tunny!' cried "one j repelled Ihe drowsy god from per eyelid. ; spring met a common fate ! Ladders were pn- the public tor the verbid inaccuracies ! which . cerely hope ihat ihe new policv'r byitVjlMdy. hi hng!and.!; It was reported young lady. Now shocking ! J excht trr led j Y hen she heart! the stage drive up. to the cured, windows. burt in', and eyeiv efF.rt was may occur in my statetrient of ihe term of the , America to us by the ties of imiii" pected message, and if I turn out a prophet j erhood, and intereVt. "and lh.it t!. the substance, which is all I aspire to do, I he squabbling about a barren w . ....... i -1 . . . . i . Imi1'v. ip Engh that hei hail larire .1 . if '. . ' ' ii a inr .iitfir, . lie tl . '. r.S .. gland.i; It was reported young lady. now siiocKiny; fi ex.chttrrjed j Y hen she heart! the stage tinve up. to tne cured, windows. Itirt in. and eyei v ell rt was may re laiuli (I possessions in nnothen . Eratl. that's a keen!, smart .girl !' door of the inn, she hastily rofe, and hav- i used by those first on the ground, to penetrate expe i(j hot nppear lo seehf so-! said one eirlemati. JShe's; a tickler;, 1 ing previously made up her Ifundle with- the inass of lire and smoke, with the hope of in th V well bred o repel any want her j' tid. a second. 4 She's a pir:re, 1 out which a lady never sleajs a march, i saving ihe victims from so'awful a fate. Rut hope cifty, hut' whs too CIV gentle good . and tl tad Ciiali ii M;ljor FTticonnell and Miss Simper met so on. .and we can readily imagine. 4 Mm ty accitjeht at the fountain. -The officer, happily the days of Thalaha past by' lot who p;nl ins t fillet! jiis glas at her ai- this occasion. UninJerruoted. by. eerenio roach, (presHited it : jo. the lady, who. i in - nioiis' visft's. unrestrained by tjie jueseijct fping tlir! transparent .element, dropped of third loaNies. surrounded by all fin Thatrkercjiiel. T)he genjleman, very 'blandishments which givi? eiiehantmifnt S-tllafttly pidked up I lift; cambric, and re- to the rural scene, it is not surmising that. to he f'igtven for the minor mistake, and itkMhith werji offered to him. The by thunder! roared Captain Milliard. hastened down stairs, Upon the way she o'rtam ueaiu awaiteu rum wtiopignt uave the . mis nigniy im,ortanijnewp is communicated nlMi veiH.' will pleasid iwilh bis Ii the meanwhile the new married pliir ! r,U1' landlotd, who inquired it herhus- di,rmif !i,romPl 1 . i ., ; "-'m,,,,,,, ; i l i j..i ,i Ac ,i j . .i i . i-. . . . L , hann was awj ' ine remains or .irs. oirong aim ner iworiio- unmiia, Minn ok us iiiucn surprised, as I wouju. sebe, his knowledge Of the world, Were nursutitg their toiiniey. bv easy sta J L),,M " a)ke. i-.. : , . j j . , . . . ;. ..c ,t t:';hi;.. i. i.,t t J. tt i li . ' y . . f. . . . .. . -ir . ' ' I1 IS liilt 'K-tlA tl. l.l.l.. i '' ..... , .1 , Uren Were OUg f)ll Ol Hie IUIU 'l .lt- .'Mi.., n. nair urwi nan im- Limilllll MMHI trrsis CtMllltlM' lejstmfiiyn his mannWs. but iWy ff-s. toward the city of AewiYork. We no!; ' d "'e lady, 4 and need , .r ... ... we l col. eH anv r,.nce to the 'JhiiraiiL nr.ition. Itlle opporUinity ol estimating his :, 'know'!? how the best charms of nature ; nor "p otsturueu , i I cllHw .it ? ,.o..rltf i.m'iossiblc to recognize which I announced on the eirei.inr ..r iu .-eief. Iti. -'f- "Mi; im.ir.tVH vilien Ue See them r.ifleele.l ' Jlid J ll Stat Was taketl bir-Volu then Mni- ! .1 ...u,.u' .l,d Vrii.M ml eh.itrM hone ii.... l.v- .lw. f '...l.:.,..i i ' a . I ' r ' I lllltn ' - w . - m m m - . , . - m , he blushing attentions of ored ic to the owiier but , Iirnsel. abajihed by fhe eay n t-Ieg.-fnt. sk ranger, n hef confusion lost ; wr rijbculeJ which the soldier gracefully r Matted ..oil her wrist, with a i table bmvV '. ;; ii ' A cotirf esV on one Mile, ajid another bow ' "... i 4 r i i o-ir lovers should often dirrress from ilie iger at a to elt llerinin.ited ihe; civilities of t i MtrriVtttitrg. Thi- geiUlemail nnrsuil his . . .. 1 . .. Ms i I I . i ' nU. ttiHl lKie lady returned to. her cham kr. T .it Miss Simper .'felt Inly sensibh f tbelhtinor td' ha vingle licit etl lhiei' grace of the Eg nor can we, ihat gentle- mMt;.ste. ihat be iiw will indifference pm;utili"ng bbishe!! which those alien- ; certain it is how laratedpn opposite I hein wa,s seen ! to gering look lehuid.H beaten roal. and as often lingi inanlio spot, or a secbnled cottage. Severjilitlays had now elaped.jtnd nei ther narivi had made any (lis:lu-iue.s 3o i I ' j a the other Shpoh the important subject fof tinance.j they were drawing near the end of their j uirtiey. ihe Major ihoughtjit advisable Jo broach this delicate uialtpr to his bride. It wjis upon a rint summer give way to: more liberal, chili. comprehensive views. The immediate rfleefs of I he r. on the most prominent articles ol can exporls wo have noticed 1 1 Allogelhcf, the subject, in its var; ses, is ihe most important that e and remains if human beings.. How agoniz. The President may .possibly delay communi. ed the Atlantic Jbince the irittoh; ing, iind how avt)al!ing. to then the manly feel- eating the message 'referred . ImjI that will not ocean navigktion; nnd :ill hat mgs of ihe honored husband and father!! alter the state of the facts. The one which be wanting is for the Government A gentleman Uarted fr Madison at 4 o'clock sent in on Sanirday, was to hiive been transmit, ph; of the Cidteti States fo tn( t t ; this mjorning, to Carry the afllictbe intelligence ted on Thursday, and then again! to have been kindred spirit, and. in the true s ed inj according- to Mr Strong, j ; ostpoiied until the M.may following, but cir- commerce and' friendship, forget t way to N. York. : - h . ; eumsiances arose which u harjged the complex, and run a generous race o I mutt. ' piness and prosperjjly for the futt;r Mr. PEEL'S FINANCIAL SCIIi quired the inmkeeper. Certatnlv. J 4 Oh, very well we'jl not jdisturb the t gentleman tlie stage is feadjy: madam ' ; jump in. ' Mrs. Fitzconnell jump I V. and was soon on her l...it-i... ,li r...M .n M.iinp tit npfit'it.. .- II 4lll '111 .4114. ..Ill IUI; 1. I....IV... ...- i other conveyance and a new wife at his j The! Cincinmuti Advertiser tells a story of leisure ; j ; 'tin eccentric clergyman, who being not a very - j ! I animated and- interesting . preacher was1 often Recognition. How d'ye do, Mr. Jones . deserted bv his flock, at least by parts of them hv d'ye do ! stud a young; swell yesterdays I on the, babbaih. I he old treuiem oi nnaiiy ECCENTKICITV! ion of things. They may occur again. INDEPENDENT. From a Letter itj the tjipres. Our columns lo-day furnish ev From ston es of imporiance w.uihy qf ere. the great revolution wliicbbas Jak I . ( I dene . ... i'ui conges liom the; tiro! her I'lMi Ltrl. Ciinaot be doubted I - -t- :i' 1 . Ml t'l 1 plw"e wiuioui in ustice to had driVvit forjl fr.ih;lttni;thev f'Morlsf lUitlnVof 1 with' more heardlhan brains, to an old g4ossy- j adopt eVl a rathcrnovel method of keeping the 4liceil gentleman, who stood behind a pair of j delinquents up to'-the point of duly : "oidanounlcd-sptr.cs, and whoe loCmnotioti was j When any funiiy was absent two or three assisted by a gold-hith'd barnbooj cane. : Saldmjhs, in succession, Mr. S. would pub. Excuse me, my goml sir-r-ex:tise me," said lickly jstale to the congregation that as Mr. ..v.Miiii.ri ns ihev st bv ji wiadnvv at an ..Id man in aifalselto voiee hut you have -i-s tamilyihad been tor some lime an. - v -v- ... .r ... . i - . .. ' i i ; i .i .. in oiner nanus, a an advantage of me, ' 1 put.uc irorsnip, ne presumeu e? . ; " My name isKidd,.sir KiddH saidubislt-, sickness: or in.til.Ie in their iiousenmu, ana . - vidd lom-i1 would ta pool nt a prayer meeting Hi tneir pouse . I v, , , mre the opu ion, ihe conv ctioti, in fj. puhiic iihipd relative to t!. !ur tact, thai it is now (ibis juuth Hi v ol ,wa- .. ,r ,lu - fi,,,..,,,,,, , i i - I'unt i iii v,uuiiii i. w iiiiii' min .. .l .;. : ... .1 ... .1 . i i... ...... i r inn, enjbving the beauties of an extensive l.-ndseMiiei thai this memorable eoo versa- T ' - w ' j , . . a . - ' V I f I t km! ilo,-. o.rk,l Thee l.nd been m.ui.U 1 erflnd.- ' vou retiiemlier 1 homas Kidd l um. would fappomt a pray I 8 I . II .J ...'ft ...V.ii V" i A W k I 11 VI I ' I 1 ' .4ll.tPlli4llll ', ! thetiiMdvek with that kind of mall talk n.y, you used to can me u . . . t ""'1" tt,4'Vl t ' bread-sturfs . . . . i ill . . i .-..j .mi : n.4 sain ine rim i tii, i.io rrtnuim:in 1411 our; iitiasinn, nu . which heiv marred Ibks it id so vast v i "iwsv!T.r ,u ' ' I'etiru.irv. 1840 ) an agreed Mint, that the Ore il ri q iestioti shall be seiijed (Hi the 19 with :. i fn livalent to us of nd practical value, and v. if!i a sacrifice of iinst iinable value; in the which, Itiich inan and Paentiam are die! IimiIs in other hands. A treaty! is now lieing conclu r ' 11 ' f ihe; 4y3, the ratifications exchanged, montln! after Great. Britain shali hav reduced her duties on ii.ii ..f- 1 notorious, in an highly civilized c are always conservative alwa rear of the. pojdeV requireint ni certainly so in England ; it isincr so in the other counlries, making mice for ihe difference: '"of moral ir sica I causes. jThe Minister u'iU ourDenl hain't axiom of ihe great iritis I in A I ljud nt)f the privilege intruding T? VW ( fi their ch imbersl I cannot say M ; i . t i:..i '! it V.AA 1 i I- 1 .1 1 .. ' mm l reiuemuer 1 c iimmn p easant ; as how much they love one an- ; rt , V a ;,.' r: i v n . - . . i ..l.i. . ...a ti..,' ilii vim nn now. il r. Lri li,. eiiouu , ...... j r- . r Jtviau lii'Oi-iv fi lie dinl v i! tin 1 1 nndteil rbiVVtii I ' o.ue.,.t iujiiow uapp .uey .iiu uu .u -. , J7. , , .. vuA ,,f fltat." and ii what a line thing it is lor two fond , , ' ' .1 i .. . . . . . i . 1 neevishiv. ! ier quarier, and afierihis Go- piness of ihe greatel number 1 ' . ' i- .l 1 -i . rt Uli into one;', ike Mauv .lW;t dreiiineitliOf coronets,' co tttti tAt'.n!i.J l . y 'vnrwiui omnium cuais oi anus. "M ''rdrjthT.! it r) t) e rjai ilett s J er iv..j 1 1 , . t . ; .. . .... .. ..! . . - . lIrl lliari. Tiilnmv 4 mi t-riio vim Avirrc v iviu ...v.., i .4 1 1 v. ..v. . . . : . ifcc." Many examples of love at d --i. ' hM t,Pntleman, 44 hutl I perceive by the ! take care some person should come from Bos- t M , murder vjre related ihe lady told of se quanilv Gf hair on your chin, that you since j ton anJ supply his desk the next Sabbath. Un . ..t .llc'ri.d we;.ine win. linl fnemiti. . i . 'i i ih neti S;. hb.it h I morning, the meeiing house j wii... I t . f I ! i i1 i --if i 1 , uioinj.;." j ....... ..... ...... ..v..... nave ttecoui" a iiiw. ; i . i . t- i iM i, i J-rTO fKm1in,SV havellitledftiouud n'tW iLi themsHves for llieirimis-' -ri c.r..ict.i hi Ward Kvlln his fingers, ? was tilled. The whole town turned out tu.hear . Z'T- "r XVhm'r ,rir tresses, iuul the gentleman as! alien ks and went off without bidding Mr. jJones "good f the Bton minister. They waited awhile ,a . ! i .i i ;.i . ! -4.i . aairar 4.r urii i..n ni nis eiuniuic. nnoii . . . . . :. . i . r w i ii g?A m m ww m- wmm i mm w At i re i i &a ' ' i . m - t i lift obtecf !o his imssioh. ; '- - feVv nfrAi bieh hit felt for h s i Ft U A ihat a ffirl in Pittsfieldl was struck ii.. .:...- A n,.Ai rt..mk lsv tUa Hrimr of a canrton.1 ibince then. J-i' . l .i ' - u:.. ...:r.Ji r ,.r mnrrW mrn.it is said, nave invi OWlUg UlS nnil UM'I HIS IIO3 j iiuuwt.i .4 . p , ! , . in '.: vernment. iv law, (to ciinnue lor nueen yearsi serve ine interest nuiuJiwo, .n. 1 caughtj.im wanderers ny me " j in , shall levy no duties above jf- 20 ,er cent, on his own high .11 in V. But where maa- i " ?'ul!L SnhtLib afiernoon. hi told his pen. ! Br'1! manufactures, excej.t iron and coab presentnlive principles is at wml- I pie that he should take a j,H,n,ey Ihe next' b,,chpfcA treaty w, , v ratil.eu ny .he lbe public mind possesses sulhcu:: , lc MV- ' V . rff . . rnfn I.wlu Vnl fit !tM III IMU. liT:i4 seltlltl'. th If . ,1..." rvr.. o I Iri.lL J l4!.eA..t'C. i. short line: hut he would "V " C' " . II2PUCB to b'"" " - ' 'Ml sires their tmibodiment in action- the Slate pilot has to do is to be of: In short I fo inform the reiader, vvheth- f1? Tnuirihifexlileniit-iiifficiiltv ofimairi rtn!rinV.'.tL :AiJ.v.t.A li j1....:. i- : . i rvi, noun iiiiuueni prrMHis in con 'T'lticrmUl to Udnk the adventure . -m nave enoen oere. ruin nm "ih!inoii u 0,t dftjides the late of might jr mon- Yk ucciuea 4 n-i-'i ''" Li lovi rs jidorii'il he with ha(f; otc. sieeet At last, jhrbw chair he. s maun gem IIWIIIll HtJ 44.(44 HiC MM j .. . r ,. , , Aidi 'cTireiessly. 4 Who has ! ted ijie jjrtillery Qotnpanies to jie and d.s ht of yoWpmiiertyj my dj arfc charge tiieir pieces on their prennje. , ,jt ;.;fou naye A ban? drinker 'wh Is so crazessitasee r I Shall ha'Je, ivy hen I t it Said $Iie trees talking " fi to have jhe lixiujn tre, 'i ' . '-i i ' ' j' -J' . -j -vV "I . es - '.C- rl: , ' '' ... 1 1 . eairer eioectatln marcned ine uev. tir. au " ur brad iisle as hejhad lie'eh accustomed to do for many years gone hy. JOn aceuding his :rnen.as trefvuns ! pulpiti be, smiled graciously upon his larger au diencejand sa'ul, j-1 am glad, my dea hearers, thai t lave got you (mH you're all here as you .u,.rbt t(iie and! I horn? vour minds arelpre- H naretf to receite ihstrucuoh--l came (.bm.Bosf ton yesteraay myseu x i, . CORN FOR SISJLiU I strument of re.ilizing an cnlighte: L.u..k.. r'lA rii; - .u' i icy on the safest principles, ai.d JL bushel. f Crn. Apply toj thpubscriber in. Sah most tender regard for the intert bury or his overseer at his plantation, eight mil- t ingS, and sympathies of all c!:t" Salisbury; ; CHARLltsLi TORRENCE. . those who fiavt-l thriven as well ; Febroary3d.86-,f41 i , J vho havr sumWd liy ihe previous Docts. Snminercll A; 'liileliead, t Thiicourse'of action descrihes, i: HAVE associated themlvejs in the practjcf o$ their Word jhe secret and ihe succt profewion. and orTer.tlieinprafeional rxtce to f y the publje. Dr. Sumrnerell ean bjfcuna at nm wii, n.r rr,a , , .t.-.m. v...., - .. 14 dene next door to Michael Bron'; store January 2 1845. h been allegetl against him that -I . ' ... i - i.,.i:: r. Whitehead may le fewad ha off sionIIote7ot.ttheDrus.tore;of Jill Eaaiaa. - i . M- 36tf r4i I opinion. It ia true. lags" behind He is esse:.: i r. 1:' i i I- . t. . i ii'-. r i . -. ' t . 4. : 11 K 's. M h i -1- 4 :;