i 1 TWt.it ner annum jn nuvunce? . iurtiJ at! fit ber8bure for the first, f... VulWdtienl Insehwti. Court. Or- rrnby,hycat. j , .. u jtf ' For ihfe Watchman. fa BOOTS-LOVE AND HOPE ' i f rfrfJ hy pretty poHiv talej' '! That'iore anj ' walk side by side ;' ( f i0 ekW, that dt'atli tihugh truel never j- Shall e'er the fal (wain divide.' I '4h f ii it to 1 mo! iloDe rriny be 1 Siill faitbTul tajhi$ loving h art ; ,,. i guH wbifper cooifortj ;o jiis! acul, . j; I'ntil her last awe ji breath depart ; jjat - Hop with eyds so fair" way die, 11 hiper sweet itehrtri no more Whi'e lveyhiny liv 'and lonely sigh TUtt ilppc on earM, ttlaa U p'er. ! , Petiol.J that fair but irtnitten flower, Wlia meekty bowier beauteous head ; -lit loes no more, I4f mourner,-why Uort Lore still- UvfL when Hope ia dead V The lover too ; .doce hred.'be ;rayed, And Tourning yet klbpiw of pride ; Dora he not lote her. i ill J ah ws, - For lave mnv livl W: ! hiw? ha died. Hast never ieen a MirjirrU v. .Waehing;.o,erWf j'p'' remain ILL iiMllllililim -BRUNER , & JAMES,: 'Editors Proprietors.' Hi -AaVUECX XTOX ALL 1YOCB Ne -i- .J . r ; J , I 1 1 . Do this, A!ti Liberty ' Ceri'. Uartiton. . , . - v '-'I.--. 1 ? t (k, rfru NEWj SERIES, Mr ru 5 )! NUMBijh 45;6p voaiMii h 1 : , i ; - FXNNiG'S MEN ; OIVTHE MASSaI J.. : H CRE at GOUAb. rN!;;! T.BtacJswootr is publishing a series of extracts fiom a work-" A CambaiWrt in Tpxaii'M-which appeared last year in Leip sic, frtW the pen of Von H. Ehren1)ergr, a laculated the cortimand to kneel down from a dif- . just then Y' hat-Love if iherf, Knap her aoul, I ffMntthat in a brW ifup oUert,'rear,he,anl head ; rr hedrt, her brain. y f ?er Jhrre D lit, amid nvoi-a, and Iove often liven, w ianj-B here, Jen Ujpe ia dead. Watrman, Dec, l.)t Receipt of lm)orlan.l Mexico. 'V:c Arit'l pesjafrftes from Tex j'i Writing: froni AVusb An extraordinary courier arrived here last flight from Corpus Chrfsiti, wptlf .destpatclies fr ouH'govejorufcw irni "iTf arfpv ti ; observation tLerp.. It i!.umo?ecJ by thofo onveisiiht vi:th oui reUtions with Alffiriihthit the govtnunent of that country Are -about to itivkn a hostile Ie- noristranon against il ,uo; i-He o. It wan 'In viey of t king Irkelj to 4fccur that thf Sern -try of the Sivy, a luriiight since lmv orders 'to the sev. e til navy nuU to get ajLuiif vn.s'!. in readi forthwith and to ct IfofM ex ico i. This r fit lie an? English Despatches en rate ihem m tlic iiifoirmed yuu of at the untikual ltutle. to-da .ii wi.ni i. 1 1 in. i.ift tl. ' i r. - d v" ' r- t m i "' .rtejHiou of tfvse despatches, and CiVii. Sco.t. nt seeiiH h.1i(l ro l.ci ii chhVI pun ion. I a :, ;,!...:.L... 1 iiiiiir rtiij i'ijimi: i-iiii-iiij 01 nor nrtiiV ll liun, was sknt hi hti- i,aryof,Waj; There was . I : ' ... I i- t . - in ;t life War DepartiruMit, lie va v rill it hi ji ofued until a jit it IVC8 The sound of a second vol ley. ierenrdirectton with the: firsi reathed our ears; and ,was followed by a confused cryv as if those at yvjhom it had been aimed, had not all hen immediately killed. Uur comradp, the one who under stood, onanist, started from li s momenta ry lerharcy. and boldly addressed us. Comrades," cried hefijt you hear that report, that cry. Thi-re i;s no hope for us ivtir last hour is come ! iThreiofe, com rades " I ELLA. younsr German, who served through X her hriel hut terrific struWl in iRr.:hpt Texas ahd Mexico, and who took park in nol the most fearful scenes of that cirnmign. being likewise one ot th three or tour vlio; escaped from the treacher ous massacre at Goliad, wfrere Farinihg's ty;n n-Ve murdered in coKI blood by or der f Santa Anna. Ehrenberg gives the std)jdined account of the scene, which! we think will he; read with interest, though i he? 'incidents are in some sort already la minar. ! ; r 1 4i 4fter the names' had be;n calh'd over, m c .u,r o ma.cn was given, and; we srnpke. hVd along the side ;ofl the hedge Hi mm, ,mh uirougn i no gate ot the lortress, ! , he. direct io, of the riverUhe noise of the uit- v?-ir-jj iuiMu iiih ,ao. uutsuie: the -..gatejwe were A terribhi explosion interruped him and then all was still. A thick cloud of smoke'was wreathing and cujling towards the Sail Antonio. The blood of our lieu tenant WaSs.O!l mv clothed niid ;Vrnnnd me: lav mv friends. Jconvulsl-ivlih mv in Mi trance therert might be closed lor the sea atronv. - 1 saw nothing rn,..! TTnT.n'rt m-j ! Having carried in the vegetables, . i ; ' I 1 !l. . Ill' -! Ii ! A THANKSGIVING TALE. ' i ! i I i ' ' In one iof the small interior towns of of NeV England, where the-superstitions of our ancestors 3ti I possess strong hold on the minds of the people, the fucts occurred a fe.w years ince 0b which the following talef is founded. . i i : An honest farmer and his family pre paring to celebrat Thanksgiving at, his u ifes fatners in an: atljacent town weie hurriell and confused extremely on tie day preceding that fesjival, by the. multiplici ty l things which j must he done .before the- could leave home with palely j The. house ;Was to bejban'ked up, and the glean ings of the harvest, cabbages, turnips. &c. put into (tie celjitn. lhat the external en lihg to see a comedy, he kept his thoughts to himself, a (id pretended to sympalhisV with others irt their fears. He nqw thought it time to interfere, and snatching a pitch pine"khot blazing from the fire expressed his determination Jo rescue the priest or, perish in the attempt. A lovely young darn srl laid hold of the skirts of his coat and the cry of ddti don't, proceeded Irom ev ery part of thflt room. Unheeding this kind concern for his safety, he . rushed into the cellar seizedjthe ram by fne of hi horns and draggc(J the struggling animal up stairs, calling to the .astonished parson, 44 follow me.!" The honored devil was led in .triumph, followed by the vanquished ecclesiastic, into the midst of the company. A momentary silence nndj hanging down of . heads ensued. OPENING OF PA It Li A Parliamcnt'mef on tin; and was opened ly the Qul t; Her Mujesty Speech w hich ' low, is not at all belligerent. lows: ; : ? .w ' ' Mr Lords ;'and Gextlxmcx : It gives 'me great" scaii.vjacJif you iu Parliament, aud to have ; tunity of recurring to yourasi : .. and advice. 1 continue to n o ! , other. Foreign Powers, tho itn : surancc of the desiretocultiva; i friendly relations with this co ;: i: joice that in concert with the IV, llussia, and through llie icv joint rneditation. 1 have been adjust the ilitlerences which h i 1 vaih-d Leiwet-ti ihe Oitotn.tn 1'. . the King of Persia, 'and had st-rit dangeied the trantuiility of tin- I', several years a desolating and warfare lias afflicted 'the S .t! Uio d la .'Plata.-.. The cbtnin i. nations has 'been interrupted, nt'J barbarity have been committed.!.: to the. practice of! a civilized pi ; conjunction with 'the'Kiug of tin- i I am endeavoring to etfect a p te: of those States. f1' Th1 Cohvn!ii n ded with France, in the course i year, lor the more, ellectual sun: ;: self', I sprang tip concealed jby the t Hiclq thq boy .... ..j if.llu. uuim,,r ,ne Water for my guide. 8ud. ' r.'ltl Wt .Wtrn NDuin.i1 1... ...... J l. I i J e ! " J". ' ;y oe,acn- ,oin a heavy sabre f f rnents ol Mexican infantry, who marched anU out oflifft smoke t alon on e.ther s,de o s, in the same or-i Sl litlle Mexicandieute der ds ourselves. .We were, about fb'ir seeond ,)low at me w New York Her- Anticipated JtostiltuTonrmcnls oh She pari i hundred in number, and the enemv about t 1 : I " l . . . . . . . J severj hundred, not including the cavalry, of which numerous small groups were scattered about the prairie. We march ed oti in silence not, however, in the di rection we had anticipated, but afonthe road to ictoriar i his surprised ns; but x A t 0 nyton, under Uii'e ff t tii.fl y by the iSei with Ititn in 'oiin!ia tl Ce r a I rdy reported lb denatciiej from the I WVgliitigton, p'n'ssexl tliriiih ii'me, for-lort)aful,!hMP he woulil fthr . I "'...! .1 -t rT"' :. '; ! 1 ' i i i ' - ifiiHie or ine (sieanirs!vr)iiMi pi Mween lhiJi c tv and jlie Kenm i ir tlii eveiiin". Bo)i!fin Vdverli. following para- tlial .a mesener ritish Mitiiater at this eitv a day or in soinmer 'beck. T IIS (ifmier would -mc f'ir Halifax, the Tt.y boat o at NVih. Jr. Uotner, from New York. e.ive !rt.latir wlir'iiee! the f the CU i ird ! C '. . r I i . . . iiitttctiedi immediately! U Jritilann. p-yl he jeorrect, these Idesp: reaV.1i L England noie d the". packet' p)n Pat i irk H I on .Monday even- teani'M Alaiirarel. li in1, would le de- If this re- Mcliest will proba- in advance of nry and the pilut ml yet aiother K.tprv Time of AVedio'sday favs s NVedea'rn bOni a verv rkdialde souree that hoohe'r mailed from fr Liverpool. owners liv MY. fM 'sailing clipper hilill s Pi'ttUml, on .'rjie,sday eVeniihg. Ni w as cliKriered rro'tii tl' ruknham, tin? Poitish ,Mjni h'l carried out def pakdi dal. M :- f nirer!,. who pem on rrnwv ev'inn .f Iinwrtanl, if Truc rumor abroad that :M'r Wrginia, has it for niVlgatihg the air Vr.KvUIMUICaiUHI Jl Upon reflection! we concluded that, they verej conducting us to some eastern port, thenc v to be shinned to New- Orleans. whicl , upon the w hol. was pi i haps the best i:d jshortesr plan. .'Jlie re was some thing, however, in the profound silence of the jVexican soldiers, w ho are ustjally tin ceasltjtg.chatterers, that inspired fne.fwilh a feebng of uneasiness and anxiety. Il was ljke a funeral march, and t rtijv might ii mi ne eainMi. rieenny 1 lurued mv lie.nl jto see it' Millers people'haii joined, and j ere. marching with us. But. to my extrt;ne aslouishment, neither they nor Fa lining's men. nor l lie Georgia battalion, were, to be seen. They had separated us without our observing it.nnd-flnv detach ment jwilh whieh 1 w as mai chiug consist ed only of tin- Greys and" a few! Texian colohjsts. - Glancing at the escorr. their full tlress uniform and absence, ot'allba iragej now for the lirst time struck me. I thought of the bloody scene, that! h d oc curred at Tampico. I San Patricio; -and the Alamo, of the false and cruel character of i hose lit i -'whose power we were, and I was seiz't) iw' ill, a pro-sentiment of evil,: For a moment 1 was about to conithunicate my apprehensions ;o my ecmuatb s : hut hopej which never, dies, again eau4d me to talvf a more clieet in view of our silu ation! Neverthtdess, in order to be pre- paredj for the worst, and, in case, of need. ss. The Boston from a heavy sabre fell, upon my head, emerged rhe form of enant. lie aimed a hich I parried with my left arm. I had nothing to risk, but everything to gain. It was! life or death. i Behind me' a thousand balonets, before I me the almost powerless' svford of a cow- j ard. 1 rushed upon hirri, and with 'true Mexican valor, he fled from an unarmed tnani On I went, the riyer rolled at; my feet, the. shouting and yelling behind. " Texas forever Pr cried 1. and. without a moment's hesitation, I plunged into the water. The. bullets wist led round me as 1 swam slowly and wearily to the other side, but none wounded rhe. Our ' poor dog. who .had been with Us all through the campaign, and hadyumped into the river w ith trie, fell a last sacrifice to Mex ican cruelty. He had reacjhed the middle of the stream, when a ball struck him; and he disappeared.' I i wniisr tnese norrtnie scenes were oc- j curring in the prairies. C( lonel Fanning J and his wounded companions were shot, i aud bayoneted at Golnu , only Doctor Thackleford and a few hospital aids hav ing their lives spared, in rder that-flbey might attend on the. woinled IIexicans. Besides Mr. Ehrenberg. bi it three of the prisoners at Goliad ultimately escaped the slaughter. Having crossed the Sr. Antonio Mr. Ehrenberg struck into thelhigh grass and -thickets, which concealed! him from the pursuit of the Mexican rnl xvantlered through the prairie guiding himself, as best he might, by sun apiil stars, and striv ing to reach the river Brazos. Hp lost his way, and went through a variety of I striking adveniures, which, with: some I c h a r a c t e r i st i c s k t c h e s of Texian life and habits of General Sarfi Houston and Sail- The n:ist seeiie hfiw. '' m I. ' m till, wl'.t'n fr.fu IC f.lmlll f tiA r- ever, was too lot icrnus to julmit nt so trr .... , .fUU . w .w. tys were despatched to the barn.for ri.nl.finn M.l?t ,un np.,bof ftirr'Mtr l.iirt ' immediate execution by the acii straw; to fill the passage-way, while the -rom every side, durin" which the ram j rH,'on ol St he. UyoJ Powers on t la good man himself was busied on the on- i Africa. It is mv desire that r '..W.IIUWJWH'IIJ- U VVl 1111. if.liOWII 111'" I Ji i .i. . i i . . i . uuiuu, ami me gtM)u uuuerbianu.i so happily exists between us may be enjoyed to 'promote the interim manity. and to'securc the p -;u world. I regret! that thc cotiUictii of Great Britain and the United : nlv a blow j polite-side of the house. Ah old ram, the SHnllH himself without the ceremony, and uurueuxpainareu irge uocivui sueeji , the sports of the evening were resumed P on ,arm. naung got a msie oi , vvilli better spirits than before. : some of the scattered leaves of cabbages, unobserved entered-the. cellar and silently continued tils feast. The avenue through which he had .entered was immediately closed up. and all the necessary works U A, W. LAW. Shini' W'l ; 'A t TCmi r: rt Ac -t nrvt filtnnro. thersingularinlhehistorvofcountvcourts, I aspect of the lerntory on the Nc:: eedinirs of thisiour Fe. ! lvT" st oi Amp nca.allbough n been tuatle the subject OI repeat t tiation, still remain unsettled. Y be assured that.no effort coni' national honor "shall 1W wantit; : part to bring this huestion to an . ; have been thi nrneeedinirs of thisiour Pe ci.iu u.iau-e,m;,n ueuig cuiupieieu, .ur , muary term lor UuiUorcI. After the an lager boys and girls set off on foot in high ; nual county business was despatchf d, the glee, the dog running and barking before .docket of civil causes occupied tiie ct.urt them, apparently : as well; pleased with ! un?i Thursday evening. Some four or gtvngf to Grannana's as any of the happy : iv riti.mtml vl.i,.i, nnnrAA n.r. group;, , 'i y all the time specified, resulted Jn recov- ! P ncelul termination H SSoon after the parent pair and their lit- i amnontin.r in ih HCT(ricT.,ti m one . UintltMcn of the House of L tl ones, having put out the fire and las- ! (i0nar thirty-seven and a half cents, more : Thv estimates; forlhc year will b tended the doors and windows, by means ;)r cssi So" they say" and MrJ Thev is ort' ou.Ht tn early period. A!: an ucrjjij M-uiuie u, : uic unptj: ; enforcing economy in all brancla expenditure, yet have been c. by a due regard to the. exigenci public service, and to the state l '. ol th many curious contrivances to keep out as oou authority we suppose, in! matters iieves, started on the same destination. ! 0r ii,v ahf noli ties ! 'lOiii the 'afternoon, of the day following the festival, which had been kept under tlie parental roof with many devout and : i .t -i it i jovial exercises, the iamity returned home accompanied bysorjie ot their young cous ins. ! Some of their youthful neighbors of both; sexes were invited, and a merry To giver a more accurate idea of the lit igation oLlhe week, some particulars, de rived from diveis gentlemen of the legal and otherf professions, are annexed. Not haying been in the courtroom ourselves. we cannot vouch for complete accuracy ; butwe can say that all whom we heard thanksgiving carousal was in the lull tide i to r,,port U)0ti the subject seemed hotiest of successful operation, when one of the j y desirous to develope. w grand idea of boys who had been sent into the. cellar, ! the matter ! with a little totc-wicked candle, which gave just light enough to make darkness visi ble, to draw cider, ran back into the room with eyes glaring w ildly, uttering a half suffocated exclamation the decil is in the to ne unencumbered in my movements. 1 ta Anna, and a snirited account of the watched myopportunity.and threwaway f)attie of Sr Jacinto, at yhich, however, amongst tne gtass oi me pratne.a bundle he himself was not present, fill up the re containing the few things that the thiev- mainder of his book. H j ter at Washington, j loin him by a spe. I ashington with ish Mexicans had allowed me toretain. A rjuarier of sin hour had elapsed since I our departure from the fort, when sudden- command was given iu Spanish to to. tin; left, leaving the loatl; and 'did not understand the order, the ofTicef hims If .went in front to! show us . i iv i tit whee I Sis W tluv ' One case, perhaps the first in rder, was a suit for the entrails of si fat hng ; dam ages charged to the : mount of seventy- live cents, sind a verdict obtained for six- i tv-t wo siud a half cents. ; cellar ! Poll ! said the the father, you ! o. Alsuit sibout a lot of corn, in w hich , have only been frigtend by your Own i something lik ? a dollar and a half was in- 1 shadow -give the light. On which he volved. ! ' . ! seized the candle, leaving the candlestick j 3,1. An ox, an old blind bridle and some c rn0e,l lrtt ... th cellar Stairs, but ere he. 0f olir ri.nrters s:v n hMme-strincr were in -controversy. The plaintiff reco- i my pt'0l'., . The disease. Ly ' vejed a verdict tor seventy-five cents, , plant has been effected has j ; which, after final process, w ill probafily : 'he utmost extent in Ireland, i be ;paid over in actual cashr j ' dopfed all ?uci 'precautions as f 4th. A suit where both parties were ad- ; my power to adopt: for the pur ; mitted to be insolvent. There being, there- Aviating inel sufferings whici. fore, no;-possibiIity of either party recov- caused by this calamity, and 1 enn' or osinir anv thinir. we 1 k not in- ; tlentJV re IV Oil VOUP CO-Operat K r- a n -r -" mi 1 vat sind tmiilarv estatdistitnent. pose some increase tti lhe est ttn;t provide for their 'efficiency. My Jjtirds audi Guttle nu 11 I ! served, Vvith deep regret, the very instances in which the crime of c assassination has been of late in Ireland. It will iMyour duty der whether any'; measures can 1 calculated to givJe increased ps ' life and to bring to justice the tors of so dreadful a crime. 1 1 ment that, in consequence of 1! of the poiatoe crop in soveraj . United Kingdom, there will be ;. supplv of an article of ftxid wi had descended half the steps, the large saucer: eyes and enormous horns of the !east caused him to retreat, as much ter rified as hi& son. ; " Sure frtougft the devil is ill the cellar !" The utmost confusion and -Ufiroar now prevailed in the house. The good man seized the great Bible and attempted to read, but the candle sput- the. chief sub-istence of gn at such other j means for tin rent 1 same benevolent purpose ; as rn in" tr Thtire is a fltiiv .I'll ft on, of Peters -1 1. . . ;entMi a macntne I alfer years of in- indsiudv It is :i ba- Swn.a'ndcan tnove! 50 or p( mi Pes ad hour. onnectrd wijh it is sbatfery, from ..which e can discharge from one to ten thousand un'cc .balls a! minulej', lie has -likewise roaght-to perfection n submarine batte- t). to go 10 o 13 miles 4n hour and wit h tliic1illyineans of a torjijcdo. he can .blow p a hostile-fleet jn thirty minutes. He fan carry des .yches o sftnd from Oregott nty hours.-. Oi 1 W:iy, and mv companions ' followed.: witluwt taking anv particular inoTice of life cftange of direction. To our left ran j ! a tniisket hedge, live or sk fee.t. in height. sit rtiJn angels u iili the river St. Antouio, wjiith flowed sit about ;i thousand Jpstces frotii lis, between 30 or 40 feet high, and of w h'ich batiks t he one on the nearer side of thu river tdse neatly perpendicularly out ot the water. .Wt? were marched a long the side of the hedge towards the stream, and suddenly the thought flashed I across us, "Why are they taking! us in this! 1 lrection V' The appearance of a number of lancers, cantering about in the fields on our right, also ststriled us ; and just then the loot soldiers, who -hadi.beeh inarched between us and the hedge, qhang- h ed tli4r places, and joined those of their nj buiidrf-d liud twe ( Would not Lur elitfrprising postmaster comrades w ho guarded us on jthfl other NcrAl do im to Mpldy this flmim ma- 'anu. De.ore we cou.u uwu, u.e ,ueau uri. 1 r! ' I ' 1 . t in? ofithis manrrnvre. the word was given chine, instead of somH of) his present Jcr- p'-wagon expresses itSavannah Hep. 1 ! v v I"- t otlh am 5 as is generally (IMVt hi rirr tin personal friends for years pisr. The oth- as seen venera- to halt. It 'cstme like a sentence, of death; for at the same moment it was uttered, echoed our A Humorous DnscRii'TroS of a Carousal. -The following piece of pleasant exaggeration is trom uey wooci s " li.iigliH l rayeiier, in Lamb's Selections of the Bri ish Draniatists : This gentlemiii and I Passed but just now by your ne.t neigtibor'a house. Where, as they say, dwells one K-ounc; Lionel, Aa unihrift youth : his father ncjw at sea. There this night Was a great feast. ..In the height of th"ir carousing, Warin'd with the best of wine c Ot stiips and storms at sea : whtn suddenly. Oat of his giddy wildness, one; ebneeives : The room wherein they quatT'd Moving and floating, and the cofnfus'd noiise To be the murmuring wind?, gufets, mariners ; ;That their unsteadl'ast footing did proceed : From rocking of the vessel : thin conceiv'd, Each one begins to apprehend ti e datigor w ;;And to look out for safety. Fly, saith one, t Up to the main-top and diseoyer. He : Climbs up the bedpost !o the tester there. Reports a turbulent sea, and ten pest toward ; And wills them, if they'll save tiieir ship and lives, To cast their lading overboard At this All fall to work, and hoist into,: the street, As to the sea, what next cameitb their hand, Stools, tables, tresse'.s, trenchers-bcdsteads, cups, Pots, plate and glasses. Here fellow whistle; all their brains iscourse was ofler'd (to be a Pinnace tired, burnt blue; and threw so feeble a ' qujre which way "it wenf. j light on the. sacred page, and the book I 5:h. SU on contract for certi trembled so much in th hand of the rest- , rnn, wW for want of soil, 'or plbow. ' the sanction of tut LeizLl ilut der. that he could not distinguish one w ord ; grease, for rain most probably, a third ol a 1 had great Satisfaction in giving' : from another. The little children cried crop was not made ! ;md consequently not ' to the measures! which you ha and clung to their mother the lasses nes- recovered. ! ed to me. calculated to extend tied close to their favorite swains and the. j v have no room for the declarations, ; and" to stiihulatej domestic in It; .whole house shook with the agitation of I examination of witnesses, arguments of repeal of prohibitorv. and the 1 I.-..U .1 I l . I.;. a. r ... I.. . . . H ' . i.'.i? i rrl u. u.tu uniiiiiiucuiiiiiiiuimms. vim ungm ; counsels, charges to t he jury, etc., occ, 011 01 proiecnve uuiier. 1 ne pro ; thought however occurred a messenger tjirSH important cases. ' " ! 1 of the Revenue the increased ! j Some men will go to law, in spite of labor, and 1 he general improven. ' good counsel from lawyers, friends, and has taken place; itji the. internal ievery body else. But it is si duty w hich , of the country,' Kre strong lest;: the legal Profession owe to their own el- favor of the course you have j. evated stiiruling, sind it would always be recommend yoU to take into an sictof good grsicc to the cornniuniVy, to consideration J whether the pn: keep such picayune business ;i.S much as which you havejneted may in I possible out of Court. Grccnsitoro" Pat. . vantage be yet more extendi v I I - ; whether It may i not be in Nbur ! THIS ICE TKAJIE. ter a careful review of the" exi i . . . ' j 1 Ii . , , . ' the sound of a volley of musketry echoe Anmcidcocctirxed.iii the House, of lhe prairie We thought of 01 presentattves si few ilavs ago, ve hie 1 tt t . Jin' r.Mdl.a x ,.., ..1 t f i ti comnides and of our own probable fate. Indj Mt. Johb Q. 'Adam Itiown, have beeri any wsts despatched for the minister to lay the devil r . i . I The parson, a man morp celebrated for good nature, piety and credulity, th.an lor tsvlents or heroism, slipped the small foible into his pocket, put on the, band and siurplice, that he might appesir as form id -rihlrt to his ffresit adversil.v sis possible. and hastened to I ha relief of hisdistressed j parishioners. ; ' j I On coming to the house, the reverned .' man wsis hajled as a deliverer, and im plored by atheist a dozen voices at once, -to drive the devil away." But a few j moments" were lost in 'asking questions, ; which, no one "could answer, before the , parson! was pushed forward as, si leader,; lighted by the same penurious candle into ! the cellar, the most courageous of the corn- ; pany keeping close I behind him. When hie reached the foot of the stairs, the eyes of fire and the shadowy outline of enor- They take him for the boatswaiiL one Ues struggling ; mllS horns, magnified tenfold at least " r . 1 i i . r . .1.1111.1 The Allowing article from the Boston Daily uon many "articles, the produ'j Adverti-r of the 5ih tilt., will give our readers tacture. of other j countries, to ! some idea of tho iinportanre of the, b e trade, further reductions! and remiss? The crop this season is said to he large : tcml lo irisUre H pontinuatic e IcE.-r-Ofi some forther occasions we have benefits to which J have ad vet : I pcrrp made friends Jvomn Tributievitl Utl Iprms vP at a'b ... ... a 1 . - ), Ivheer down : now burst in masn sic- cents rom the lips of the Mexicanfcom mandt r. - No ne stirred. Few of us understood tfie or ler, sind those w ho did would not obey.' , The Mexicstn soldiers, who stood Upon the floor, as if he swam fp-life ; A third takes the bnss-viol for tie cock-boat. Sits in the belly on't, labors, and! rows ; His oar, the siek w ith which the fiddler play'd A fourth bestrides his fellow, thi "iking to 'scape (As did Arion) pn the Do!phinsjback, r Still fumblins on a cittern Tlie rude multitude, Watching without, and gaping fr the spoil by the terrors of those lhat beheld them, removed all doubt, if any had previously exisfed in his mind, as to the infernal na- j ttire of the being w'ith' whom he had to ! contend. The divine instantly fell on bis noticed the ingenious labor-saving: machinery of our friend and fellow. townsman, N ttha-uel J. Wyejh, 'employed in cutting Ice and packing ,it in the! house prepared for its reception and preservation. To the machinery f rnerly ued be has Kdded material improvein uiS, by which hejjas facilitaTed the huines, thi winter, be. yond all precedetit. During the week ending January 31, (last week) there wai stored al M1'. Wyeth's ice-!)oiJ3es,.yixPi.!ir!4( b!o:ki enlarging our commercial in: ; strengthen tho j bonds of unity eign Powers. An' measure s. v may' adopt for i; fleeting these jectswilLI ami convinced. l nied by such precautious sis s'. permanent los to the revenue, ous results lo any jf the great i tlie country.' 1 have full reliar.- .in. 1 iispassionaie con-; . nrif!eis mi ileeply allecting lhe 1 6f ice, each three feet three inc!ie jjuare. and J"s Ivvi.lve hi thirteen ii.fhe thir-k. mi - 1 1 v, fVl'l - ..- . ..... . ..... ... ...... ... .. . m l ing ori(j thousand ix h.mdred an j Mvty pound lare. If Is my: earnest prayer - making an aggregate of thhteciiUiiifian I ttro the blessing of.tiivine Provider. Hundred and eigh'y tonr. This wai all trans- councils, vou may be enabled t Cast from the windows, went by th ears about it fr: however. ;.Njrj Itmersoll wa 4t Mr. Adam'i desk.' and lhe t wo v 4! gpntlemen were fon ye rsi ng t ogether 'nthcm6st coulrteiit and riendlv manner. ;Anfr:Mr.'Inersoll had repaired to his .muskets at our bre.asis. l,ven;then we j of eminent shipwreck, enters the use. and finds them I ni;t,ht at his sdooosed adversary ; buttle The constable is call'd to atone the broil ; three paces fromns. levelled their ! yvuich done and hearing such a ! fcnees. and with uplifted hands began to ! pray in his most fervent manner. vTl,e ported an average distance of aquartj-rof amile, friendly feeling(be ween diiiVr' inoise within i i i v. ram not understanding tne. goou man motives, but supposing, by the motion of his hands, that he was daring him to a butting contest, made a pass with all his seat,Hniemberteeked to Mr. Ad- jiardjy believe- that , they meant to pys iiihi ne tifiu neen pleased in w itness- n,,"lf' 'f .-.. Hi k the meeting between Pilate and Her- edlVj have rushed rward in our despern Mi Arr; Adniiw thonkeil ih.. ,rnileni:in lion ! sind, weaponless though ve were, Fr fhe remark, niid HheiY observed tlnit: sohip M' pur murderers would have met . n before the dovnCill df Mark Antony, .their death at our hands. On?y dne of our ; with several of the nuni''etr w as wen acqustiuiiMj won 911:111-? whirni he had beenrish oyvn tm;.:?e',npti :as if be Could Mis ,,ot cotnpreheiKf the order. thsl had been In this confusion : they adore hi Staff, And think it Neptune's Trident and that he Comes with his Triton (so theyidall'd his watch) To cairn the tempest and appeas; the waves: And at this point we left them.; ! -!.:. .,1 K.t tlKn cu'Alllnrr rltmeniiin of his ; dtfapery. missed the slender body of the priest, and drawing back to renew the as- and elevated to an average heig'it of 'thirty. six feet, t was all ribbed, by whieh: process it was relieved of about an inch and a quarter of snnic ice tho blocks reduced to a uniform thick nes? find two raised ribs or ridges, eft on each block,; which serve to prevent them freezing to. getherjin the ice-houses. On Friday IhM. up vaird.s' of fifty-seven hundred tons 4 excellent icev'a stored da the two housei .f Mr. Wvetli. machinHry. .More XLti Xtalw i FORWARDI.NG AXD C0M13SI0N HOUSE. ! sault, booked, his horns into the belt of his ,y mean s of this ingenious surplice, and pulled the parson with him ihanhtihdred men and if i into the cellar I While thus in the power were jcmployed in ihe,jeru i of his victorirrus foe, lost to hope as it re- Ufe understand bat ther of mv subjects; .provide additii : ty for the coniiiiuance of peac tain contriitmeut atd happin. -by increasing (lift - comforts i boly of iny jMMipIe. ' On lhe next flny in the Ho ; mons. Mr. lining introIurt d 1! of Great Britaiji .aud the Unitei lie said he hoped the Irime .Mi !ii .... MKIife I ViilttliJ . ivfi -. . .4. t M M m B M charged him ivitl incon-isTency ! Riven, si area at ine commanci.agoi: , TTTnm n;" (, nt i , int . j that t . . J ntrthrtn lalipr'arp of vourselces. n wtemalns qo doubt that a large Mirphu $i"-k .1 Queen's recoininendaiio J wreupb'ti Ciccrorepliet). I desire that ficitr, f it awaiting its repeli.tion, and we ! they naTeinconnectiQn with tie 'general j j hfIS ol me r This exhortation j lft 8t"re,,, aa l,r,,vUi"n ln? ttH' w''a,L" crease of jhe naial atl.l tnib:; "Jtnmtlirmv ip Prrtnornrv me trit-ntl. Siared M mm, ream . ni 1 UK nrsi worn lit; oarj?? IS32133a3aSSaaaaeatotiiaioiror- 1 , . r V j .1. "jyfnwi'ic.fmay "I" eternal. 11 " H r LA 1 i' in thr Westfabtiiies a professional t shouldiutter, to spring upon the soldiers. But ;he seemed to be, as most of us were impressed wi'h the belief that the demon- Swlemah i a fi'hnJAJ' ' . The f stration was merely a menace, used to iq- t; urnaUaUs his extemporary to task and ; ,l,ce uf to- fter the Mexican seryice. Ioni.hci hirii never to abusc'a man without', With jtlireateiing T gesture, and . drawn ' i r' ': . . I ij ; t hi f t il ; r I swoird.tthe chief of the assassins again e- 2&a?2y Cs3El33L3aS35B (added wardintr and haviiur large and coinmodioas Ware O ; LL .Mit eveiny horses, ' be stb lo preserve lhe good t: oion. 1 S inr - which existed between tl I of Ids victorious foe, lost to hope as it re- Vyjunderstand that there is now 'secured as ; tions. UAVas jn the-power. 1 ; garded. himself, the natural benevolence largeja stock of ice as ever existed in the More. England and France, to preserve 1 of his disposition burst forth in the excla- houJe previous to the present wintej-. and there 0f the world. lle approved ? our possession.' j FayettevilUtMay 24, 1844 ' i . - - i If tf6 ,4- w rv lb - . ... jj .1 t. l.rt er, unfa 10, able to lhe crop next winter, ,i. ,fr.. ,irb I. . s rV13: ;. y . ! . ..... 1 it is hard v necessary to add that the opera- 1 . . . . , houses on the bank of the River, arfe prepared to revive ever delivered from the pulpit ; tllS irieilUS v, 1. LU.A ..U , Vh . " iippriw .inou ; 01 and forward Goods upon such term as will defy all horn- lii aA nn,l UfV him to. lllS fate. i n: J t r t Y. ii the. tiatlOtU,, lie expressed tl. rtition.oureharaesaVdex-nsesMingone-thtrd lesson ; T 1 " V5"""'! ... 1 0 Vst" VD" L . j t itication I with this - when be thefreight bills than any other house in the place. ' I lAmong me COmpai-y,aa x , lor tr,, cnatlieai invention-J anri are -p ,e asea ... ,- ' . , au r.Ac k; ,j r. w rtriv is of Wilminsrtoin. for - :..,. rmor whn had sunnose.d the fiend Uvifnpi the re,ih ..C.mi-hncn frenitis ,n lh i viei niaisiraie 01 a r .1. 1- iWa InOtrme nA nlkorUMQA Arfn1(A . Will lontlH 111 '. 1 J- ' L ilv A m A A rV AC't 1 rt . t J JL KC . 1-1 ..i 1 .A I. t.v'kl . BT t I ftil A fcllV f CUlll UUl UbllV " ma T- to be nothing more than: some domestic 1 saving of human laUr, may be high y gratified I whom he expectetl better thu I amrna!. but being a lover of fun and wil-Thy k ti.it ko' the! Pond, -if 1 ' ho set at naught all those ru.c ,H' t(- a 1 4 ;f 4 1 ' 't: i .. '. - ---v . ! r S. V: '- it, t -' ''''i X i,-! i - ,- 1 "M i L i ' -- ! -!. A i J 4 -i-t . i . - f 1 l . - x

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