r i , r 1 - ' r m H.rrt, mid cxeiting ntroversy arose be Lech pnihc Orcd iwtic.e. Air. Hanm- in rosri to address M Senate: He pronv jA nOt Jo detaint i -Senaft j rfPlv td some- paf( of w :irl not JO -u hviu i ifkjr.u,..i- .v-.j p-o- ,i.n1vo. sbtriif: pH'rW oiVwhaf lift cbnsi(J J.A.t!ie''inost-extfhofUirt:iry snrecli tip vLJ-VP r heard n hisflilV, hri begged lo up" ". . . i i . .. - i ,)xvood) ono ques ncturacy, he. bad Ve did not pet a c hut it -'wasi In sUhxtah v,,vthc authority off the Ph'sidf nt of th "' . . ; Jl . -t. .1-. .; I ftl Wiiirs, tureci or irunrecr, ior ue- 1 ' ", J 1-'; r 'U TIM !'... - r : : 1 ; 1 ' ilill tho Ilouse Ciunmiitoe i f T ." 4 - ' o . - 1 i . I! "BRUNER'fc"'' JAMES; v..Xt f tor ... 4iPjoprief ors. , 1-- 4 fcKEEP A CHECK' CTOX' ALL TOCR ' " IS SAFE." M I- i i- 1 4 K Pd TH3S, AJTO! LlBEXTT t -1H Got I i - SAE TQTTT,T V LuL t X. y "as l"for, tho;natin-as .a'candidate i.twin'measures.'aiid thev dwelt tdgelher in irine . it w innT'' f H? M-hbW occupies. ,, " : , every AtnrrieM.hi.rt. " With all who had my of the quest ion; ihft lithH ilkl'r.- H. said it was !n T,.va,itf ih-SLi j l 1 f I. Jarrwdrt. 1 R1 t ..mi - I v . -., i ... - . f NUMBEU 47, OF tYOLU-ME in- destined (to1 stands through mil time; wa treason. He did not sneak'for other part 1 Vnil f here"" tlikt it nte ih.it ekiitliig nrirain by comj)ron!sin on 'the parallel tn (i('gier$n was Misv wisli to ter lcontroversy with 'G. 1 ' Mr. .Havwood rrplird that he b'ul rtadv stii(J that: whUh. lor fear of mistake ,ie had nrVviduMvi Nlyiltenj and which he April, J8i4r LUfi oik expressed the ' ther;on all the Democratic banners And opiinpnthU he Uim)n oughrheyer tphave! now. when " Texas" was admitted when they had stretched fort hi. ijheir hands! and seized on one of the twp and secured the prize, did they-mean td turn -about' and aratioti? Mr. H -would leave J say we meant by 't Oregon" just so much Jd'-t.s,ky. I , j! ofit as wfe should' afterwards choose tp be'tir4 disffheriKl? by the separation of Texas. Pd the-ispeech of "the Senator from Nor jh jparolitia sustain the 'principle of tnis eciaranot i it to the h . He fuhher quWd thp letter' where it 1 give yoti rT TheV little Jchew the neoDle decided. e.pugbt to assert and. hold our; I of the-4Vesr, if they even dreamed that riirui. 01 oiiminio ii over tne whn a fprntnpv thv wn tr no- trv . cmktJ ., ;u shtmUlpnnh For thWVes lent toautW . ! ' ' j 1 i a ueciaiar of Oregon T Did not the President himself? f - Let 2f Of the Union Jto for his own he could , neVeriesi... Mt. Wajk'er Himself told spakf and this was its sentiment; Free .nl-;wqf;r P,Ln?inm,u rst nr5l jjr any Senator. to-maUe sue gentlemen look ait their own recor- f 1 as tUaMtatedi by fie oenaior iro n , lr. 11. hem quofeil:the following pass deid votes in favor ot takiog iut,theiOri-' fiilin if nrtt rt fexnected. undwould - Mir (mm tU Pdnnt'c mori htu win j:; .u- Li . i-ii : ; T- 1 V " , n ..flv,.,w... Ty ivuiu ui a mcMnsc ,y A 1JU ! liUU LUIt ill lilt; ClOSf? fir inP'.IAKT pmn ! i .1. 1 . - I ' i it.1. '''.!- If oUt ofcharficmr; Mr. A Hen said h reply of tlicUScnatoj1 fflf a negative, utv Senator himself to Mr. Haywood. should construe the from ATortliCarolina ess forbidden by the I i h : i v c a I r e a ' 1 y '" c n d ie a - .ired to prove ny (fiend from Ohio a had laogli.J adopt the oth er his answer.: lion, the hnd at-cotHtrnetioft. fA tMr. AlWu Xhft I shal ff const ruef ion, arul Commc i&mMhe allirmaliyf; and a$ a public Tighthat bct shall ansvver the, interrogatory put to hilrn. flf he doe? nManswer. I dm hore to d ei pressed tJjo VieWfjlof th(; Mr Haywopd si answer -tUlly heard, ut! as unc Lht his conslitucnts had Aexe to answer qiiditions .it ahyman ; buti in regard t of the' Senator frorr Ohio, opctipied the posit iol which did, a nd 'was , 'il r'xtfv n ' t o the ace.irom tne ,j I j i , O p " "M extraordinary, and wholly inadmissible demands pf i tHe British Government, and the rejection of the proposition made1 in defercne jajpne to what bad been doh by my predecessors, andthc implied oblijrai lion whiH thMr acts Seemed to irnposet anojil saTismctory evidence that no com promise Mijch the United States-ought to iccej)t can te etiected. With this convic- 1, demand it- j ha'l been rniide-smd rot rtA wn l.v mr r .. . -I . ... nyjhalj he has 're.sidpt. i i was but Har- directwiL j s(ib.sequently withdrawn, and orstoodHo say -not sent him ptjt to huh by o the inquiries our lift! asserted re frag alii did this ol 40 de I , What com promise.! could he. make sjhvrt of the Russion line of 54- 40 minutes? Did he noti assert j our little tp be clear and indisputable to that Senator necessity of ftfkbig ucsriphs belie abowt the. opinion rti. ir'Aw.:;i.r-.-i.;Jw.t 11 rw . l iiio i i 'VV'V'IH piiumu 'nil. - i iU iii; ii degrees held th State td 'ttuih.ter. Mr. 'AVcstiebtt Heilf called Mr- lUvwodd order, if heivyaabout to stat (i arty'llitig 4lrotn tlie Pfekidjiiti '( ; ' 1 ; j Mr. HiyNvo0d.j! Thc Snator nVed not IKt nlarnuli";Incijeased merriment in m Piirfs I of (I hji bha' mw r.) No Sena tor had a right to rialin oVnlundof -him ofi the lloor of; I he enafe, and he; should nhinit to no tel ''hleiniind'. Xinerthe- !ss, tie mi-la Icon.M lit. it properly renues tjd, to rep.lyto a'n rens.oi;il imiiry. v i)r in nM- inji so. on put oi ar. lie ii.id of grees here re; an au's Mr. B. opinion the bes tory. fur the! dent so And ej it proposition of compromise which and then let them look atthelanguageof that, bill, and see if it did; not propose fo Uikv possession of Oregon up to 54 deg. 40 min. after giving unqualified notice to Great Britain that the Convention must cease. At that time we: still held Texas trade with thej Surrender of Vancouver's Island audi the Harbor of Nootka (and be : 'i ' ii-j ":. i.. L...ii LL..... Jrri. .t it i tjiiKiuuereu xruiiu uu peyer, ouexeu, to make it;a freJ? port she Understood its valiie too w ell) what did it amount to ? Whj did 'not know that the opening of her ports was forced from the Brijish Gdvern ment by the fraptic cries of starving "'mil- lions f - And that the haughty anstoicracy and called bW attention to the organ V'dcnial cf its truth. That gentleman "replied : It is ir$i tne. . ' r 'i RoaJi, where 1 u rj in iDe jasj nUkiiuiT u tut; a Wit 200 ?pr Qioic h 3 'of go. ..'.! ? i f iifiTcttifewiOi1 like-good cf . Air.": t inn, and prices attift lied to rac!. convince members t-f Cu'nnreaa t j ought to Jt tnu k d Avri. - ; L -".I don't kuoxT wln I ever enj lime mort? heaftiij . Mr. Homer i manly-looking person, w ho fefen ! the Wants of the KflglUh manufa ' . ably well. 'dndeyd iie tuU th ; he 1ad reided ia .anJieter; Un: years, engaged in Ending lri:i:h c country, and that hc left '.Ktiglan i t the United 3tas in 1S12. He !. larre frtMne and eeras to co:ne : . gress tn. behalf of $ir Robert W oiner. Hebrtns a. letter of i!i'; that he gave 'Mr. Pakenham the first printed copy had of his report, which was Hing on ' rerommendation fromlr. Aloxn his tahie in his room when Mr. Pakenhrlm visi- ffreat capitalisVlrt !lanchcter, v, ! ' ted him. And not only so, but Mr. Palienham Jua' :t1? Kd,wf 1 , ... , ,. , Meamer Hdnenua. A part cf th.' has told me the same thing. ; . j - Homer exhibit to those who wi,h t , Such was the declaration of my informant. , The British nriterfof it, in He is1 acquainted Wh with Mr. Walljer and Polk'a anti-tarjiTmesfagV to Cor,-r -Mr. Pakenham and is fir from being i Whig.! 'A second ijanielrome lo juJm. t ;.. ' iq.j i toiuyi rT ' -i i ; ... ... UlliU cir IHllliUU Vi.Un.tcii. m i-i. .1 . a i - .it' Til'. I u i . k 1 1 1 1 v v. ii iin int. ki 1 1 iimi'i iiiiiicmii were compelled to submit Ud it. lo! save " -l r.. v r: 1 J their lives fromihe avenging knife of the 11 was upon his authority, u ho said he jiadjnst assassin and thejr palaces from the torch ? had an interview with Mri Walker, thatj I mde Butjhe Was told I we must ErttttOreiron and the statement which, by I the! wav, I probably the Tariff together t that 1 bo West was to shnn noi tiar made, if f had nnt in hr Congress into the lelicf that it w have a market, a vast market, for! their general summary of the foreign newsj by the I breJk wn Mtl.c.n ' breadstufls andjpork ancf beef. Washe ? CamllrW the announcement that Mr. Walker's ! XhatuW e v True it is (said Ir. HA we in the jWest report was communicated to tfe BrUisJ minis- are Jorn in the .Woods, but there are:some ... . , . . i . i . . , . 'taken it in hn ! ; a tn An flr: lit? Il'hn liimr n liltln n i-il ft mnn nfif 111 1 J . message veryl much ! hereby s!.-.'. lit- highly it is apprecialcd.by tLs llriti?!. lureis. ,v - . . . ..; . lit regard td Mr. Homer'i mission other things, know that, long before our mittee of the American Congress. I otiject of those 'at! Washington i r i- : l : ... . t ri l w - ' C3 W . 1. 1.1. IT ; 91 111 111 I UliLJIIllAllUlI 1U1U tiiiiii: m ' - in our hands; and this Was a test ues- supplies could reach the British market: 11 ,s amusing 10 see wnai paraae me , -union, , jn ro''jalteralion3lf tion; andeveryiman inj the Senate oted the granaries ofjthe Baltic apd the Black : and other free-trade, anti-taritT newspapers, ' 1.,e in(!rrnali00;wbkh yoti can lav ! iui it save me cjenaTor vvno sat there, tun- ' oea and the Mediterranean iwould ! have make oi two tetters wnich nave recently ap. derstood to; refer to MrJ McDuffie,) and i the peerless Jrluger. And that most, ex excellent Senator (Huger) had afterwards told him, that he hxttl voted in the nega tive because it was suggested to him Uiat ! unless he did soithe civil and diplomatic been poured into it to overflowing. will le hi"hlv' valuable. pearecf in reply to the masterly letters of Abbot '. There wvre present in the ro; i if be (Mr. ll) i the coutjtry between 41) degrees and 54- i ast tl (lorie thitiffS III that. W.-V nnt of ',nnv nt in considered lather limmiliatin'j. for :.c sake of. peace Uhd good Mel hw sb i p ; 'lit he. . recpgiiised ih no in; n a riirht f o de- aiand nnswcfferjIiH' him in his plfaee i I i 1 . .eenati Mr. Allen said hd'had ndt. domaitidod an tnswer as i privatdior nerona right, but ih a niioiie niriir. u ini a eiia or as- Mjm'ed to speafc for the pi esideaif public '.right -'pos'srtpf'd b.r even jpi?.nator 40 minutes ? Besides. MrJ H. Jahguage of tlie Secretary of bb Virtually the lansuaee of the President ;nd had not Mr. Buchanan claime t4 Hiole territory up to 54 de- 0? minutes f Ue bad. Mr. H. om the closing part of Buch letter to Mr. Pacbenham. iej-e declared that it was still the of i be. President that our title was in the world to the whole terri )id ffot the Secretary here1 speak .Resident ? And did not the Presi- (his document before it was sent? 1 hot I he President adopt the lan- goa'go-iasjhis own, and plantjbimsejf upon 54 degrees 40 minutes f It 1 was bis own (locinneXhis own position ; he planted himself oil 54 degrees 40 minutes, and no thing short (if that line. Mr. IIJ well remembered that Mr. Polk had beil'n'his own first choice, nor that ol the Seifiajor j from North Carolina. Nei ther of jUi ml had preferred him for the of fice of jtbe GJuief Magistrate. They both preferred! another ; but he was happy to ll was , stP! tliMt I Mir. Polk hnd vvnn bis wav so feelings and purposes of Jaines K. Polk, he had uttered words of falsehood and spoken with the tongue of afserpeni. Mr. Allen rose to speak ; but On motion of Mr. Evans the Senate adjourned; I THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. ; i ; i 1 i : MR. WALKER'S FREE TRADE REPORT! Ip the whole Oregon terrrfory ies!is believed, maintained bv ir. ti facts and arguments'! What language mean? The offer of bill would fail wbieb wa t ll p n ni n rt i t rr bdt on further conversation and consider tibn he wished to move a re-consideratibn of the vote, but his friends would not con sent that it should be done. In the House of Representatives but four out ofi fifty southern-Democrats had Voted" against the bill. Thesekvere the reasons given tp him why be should not distrust the South on the question of Oregon ; the re suits were now! manifesting themselves; and let the speech just concluded by the Senator from North Carolina show whe therjor not he was justified in his distrust. The Senator put language in the Presi dentfs mouth which Mr, H. would here undertake to deny : not that he appeared here as the. champion of the President he claimed no such position. He only de Mendcd t lie right: and, personally, he would pfefer doing it in behalf of the humblest man in the country than of the greatest. But he would here deny for the President What the Senator Irom North Carolina im puted to him. If the statement of the Se nator was true, and the President meiant what the Senator understood him to mean, then he was an infamous man. The gen-' -tlerrmn from North Carolina had told tho Sedate that, in the message, there wrrr, '"here and there, in various! part of it, stick- ings in parenthetically, jto gratify the; ul traisms of the country," but which he) ne ver meant to carry out. J The meaning of this could only be that; the President, in the attacks of men who never made any. ; these "stickings in," employed false and But !Mj II. would here say that if the hollow words to hide his real motives and President bad betrayed the standard of ; purposes. What was this but deliberate-the-BaltihiorcConvention.toitsenemi.es- ly arid wilfully deceiving the country If he would not do as the Senator from 1. this was true it must soon come to light; Carolina had threatened to do turn his and then what must be; his. fate imt dis back ujioh him the President would care 3 grace ? The storj- of his infamy would but littlelif it hey both turned their backs be circulated from one end of the land to noon liim-but. b would dnnnnon bijn . tlie other, and bis nnrfidioos pnnria wnnlH i tnr?s rrmm. Il rlmit ilinf hp liar! mi arlv ed iM r. A 1 1 e n to ?oi'(ter. n s rn t in I.;.. nu. nr;nA;ni..o i t!nir i.im nn ;nr..m., c. i i . . i : . r i . i .. . - w.. ..... . w mo w ... w . vi inv.i'i o j T. Him iii mi iiiiuuij pu Jll KlvfUUU, III U. : COJiy, IJUV SilJ S I1C SCII.l IOT UIIU OOWIIUCU ll HI Iierei, W'hat t rceiVPnnl tit lh i-i!rrtitf tnitt -nn f 1 1 1 1 i ilMmnntinn ien ?... 11 tlio- Wt. Kr4 P 1 . i rr r- . i .n ...v ...t.., .. ..jfc. wijiiu. v......fcLiv.. vjv v.vv, uiui. iin ijvitjvi v v- iine? omce 01 me. union. in rniirln;irknri fr h -rnl-l imt 1 1 n rrr r , t ' r r. . M r T : i rv:. I hri. M 4rii. nitzi ri. l.oJiatnc r ;. r ; i detain the Senate, he could only say of; Rinia;;oll the subject of the advantakes and of the Hous and Mr. AYethere,! . f 1 thewhole tone and meaniiT'bf the sneech 1 Ti . . . 'rr . ! Also two or three aitt-tantt urmiiI i i I, ii i an n pi ine -pit m nesslntf3 nf the existing tantT! One of these . v . n .1 of the Senator from North Chrol na, that, ' , . f nM n ,r ,. ,ort- ou may.wetJ imagi: e zi f if ennrn f ho Unrrnnrrn .notri.I thn "T 7 "PVH tt A UttU UatlfVU, wum , man connected wiih a large ingiisii manutac- j fiances, put some Searching qu -turing establishment, who has lived fr many j Homer, corning there. far such a ; years in England, has imbibed English senti- i so recontmended! j'Aitd I asfuro . J ; B. ' . .... i did put them!; Mri Homer an?wor ments and notions, and is eminently English in j a?-any fr.lradv;V Cou! 1- all his feelings. ' .This is well know!t6 all who : iiave scen a Inan'f0 completely c are acquainted with Mr. Bradford. Who more , lie exhibited lw pieces of caii said wtre manuUciureu by cna; r of Rhode Island, vj ho sold them, :. per yard and the other for 14 or l ered thought there fmjst be some inl and went up to thc Senate an If' j .Simmon? to come own to the C who readily assented to the re i the nieces in ouestion were none i . . ..... fit than surh a man to write against Mr. Law ! rence's A merican TaritT doctrines! Who more fit to expiate upon the beauties of the doctrine in regard to the American Tariflf entertained I with mutual relish by Sir Robert Peel, Sir Ro ! bent Walker and Sir Richard Pukenham ! The other free-trade letters is the production of Mr. Sidney Homer, and is addressed to Mr. Edmund Burke, of the Patent Oflice. ill is per. sonally disrespectfully toward Mr. Lawrence abounds in suppression of fact and gross mis- j him. I in We invite the attention of the public to the following interesting. articles from the able Correspondent of the Baltimore Pa triot, under the signature of Potomac. It is a humiliating fact forus to know that i representations : and the way it lays down pre our: dearest interests the prosperity af- miscs and diaxys conclusions is very scattering forded by the act of 1842, is to be sacri- and ridiculous, to say the least of it. ficed by those now in power for the sake In speaking of the operatives in the Lowell of a barren tract of land. As much as ! factories who work by the piece, Mr. Homer we desire to see the Oregon Territory un- j sas triumphantly that he has a letter fVom Low der the jurisdiction of the United States, j e11 statinS atthe girls now only receive eleven ve are not prepared to surrender the Ta- cen,s piece for weaving, the same cloth for ...i I at! T t which they were paid fifteen cents in 142. ic facture, and from the quality t! not worth over 12 j cents, ar.J t' over. 40 J per yard .Thoseper i. Mr. Homer had obtained jlhcm, !. lor doing so. by tlte1 Senator that he iwas the '0 (lematid ins autfioi ity the' .nvoWalihere Itiade ffotil North CUrolinla Was, jxponent'of tle views of the Presihjent of tie United Sfates-Jofi a ; great J national West i on i Tiipygentletnaii had Vas$umed this ; and 'Mr.; A. njnv again asked wheth er he was in posej;si(Hi ot any ajiihority irorn tint 4'rcstdculi for siMiig what In ;ul ' - ; t fj ; ' Mr. West cot t ca l was. not in ordiT weni'thc President urposes. I , ., "; Mr. Allen1 sh id t ivhrit the-ooirdoris Mr. Haywood sa ill . . 1 ..' ! un exinei . rile fast in the regard of the Senator astoin- duce. b'irri to! volunteer his defence against. riff under any circumstances. No. Let ftll who love tljeir country begin to move on this subjectjand signify to those wbo presume to sacrifice the interests of this confederacy atithe shrine of British rapa city, that it wijl not be submitted to : ;' Correspondence of the Baltimore Patriot. "Wasiungtox1, March 1, 184G. ! The official organ again denies that Mr. Pa- j kenham received a copy of the annual Report j of the Secretary of the Treasury through the courtesy of Mr. Walker himself and at the lat- i Mr. Homer said the manuU. i . species of goods tuade.a profit rf I per centum. !Mr. lubbard a:.kc i : more persons! did ot invest their profitabli business ? He asked ' why he did not embark in the L i ; latter replied,1 that pic would invc. it, if he did not fear that so many v. to the same enterprise as to Vri ti ! fits by competition, so low as to ; siness. Mr.j Stewart asked tint not the American.doctrine, that c duced not only tb4 profits, but t!.4 ('ollamci. asked xn but the gr- they were pa And he brings this up against the denial of Mr. Lawrence that wgp, have fallen since 1S42. iui iir. nomer cnooses to suppress an impor- , , , . i. c . , ... ii" t' ii rtul" ivi'v-v . .... .... tant fact in this connection, winch is, that such among nucin Capita!i, ' has been tne improvement in machinery work- j hard wanted Mr- Jtomer to fc.iy, n ed by those girls, since 1642, one girl can now j why he did not.inycst his capital i: weave two pieces at eleven cents each, as quick business was bectuso competition , . . . .'' ! i down the prices of the cods inn. . as she could one piece at fifteen cents at the , Mf Uor - his rpplv .;! former period. ; were several Reasons why he w. .; iMr. Homer says 'the chief causes of our na- ; in manufactures. One, was, t!i it tional prosperity and advancement is the free- i would he fluctuating. , dom 6f trade between distant and extensive! Mr. Wethered, feeing the vj.o , - ,. , ji ii exercising his co&iiiassion, Svtil i' sections of this country. ery good! lie t n r J " for so manv to bd ovamst one. i i i i.i .u:. . 4 u. : - . men 'goes on id eu, couiu una u.iy m imc cave to observe, th IiitiL' 1'K'fl 'fri ti-rbi Ie had not askntiu , f the I'resith'ivU Mr. Allen. Then lack his whole We , Mr. H;ixvood! he speech ttif.ry. . M o inquire '1 ... ! t . perso iai opmums or ; tt) hjs, handis recreant to the generous i i i i 1 conliddnee of the. A bad not asked ! H. wAlld not on that aeeonnt ahnndnn ! lfresiiHiit- were. A.v nrfhciailds. flOr fiKfif n if -t tittle ' he wasjnot at j of the Jehiaind be set up to the whole of' however, take Oregm . j He would speak of those who af be f the d that vould, it be td spe . : L ii. i i . bunecuon couiu never reacn mm a trai- , do not wish .0 be captioi)S at all about lhis tor to his country so superlatively base1 L. , , , , . . .. . i . r i ii r t A J & ; matter, nut not bemg in the habit of making nffl nnni lfr noilhep lnptni'pnnve trnm . . . "3 1 . " 1 : .lnldminf nilknjil null..tlii Cm k.M A . Air H rMrififl ' ?,ac,,,t,,l niiwui auniuiiijr iui mvii nuiirci- id notjsee any jm in the rub s of order ik by authority Senator! Mr, Allen (tnuc iritis !' ! the ecb. l'.a.ni tLMueb laujrhtehl excited:) With takes did, in tress.. ' The f the. resolution of the Baltimore cr 1 r 1 1 in con t(on on the subject of Oregon. ! der. tht erst dod. him as professing to read stood : if that was what he pro- what he did was unworthy of a Much 'excitement! and conversation here (is,1 indoed, ttU'roughout this enHre icche) preyenfed tttfj; Reporter, from htbr- -t-l.-.-li .1'. xii .ill' h -I fK au uiat iurti i ten sutta. i i -ur.ti.innegiii wistieo uir oenaiej lot no ice that tiion&h' i tile Senator fromlNbrth Carolina, hml i vvritton bic LiippcIk bi. bn.l tot prinjted it, so that other fee n atoms' might L-...i.!::1 L ':; i.J t. ...l .! -'I ... u fu leiui iio in rf.pij 11 as,nui 10 din ai)y Of jibe- papers. U desire I that.! for fear be Mr. I Jay wood. II desi ft mistakes ; and U seemi J was right ; lor on nf t h I nfinr ii itb lii-if.f;-iiiiiMi- I - .-"a.w. iii III ll'l lit, pmy remarl this morning, has said of ) spceCM Uial.it yas a si.eecli in favor J nrlutration. ; he language of truth andfoarless- 1 Senator from TCorth Carolina had undertaken to jrive to the Senate the lan guage Convei W V lie uik it as it fessed, Senatori ! Mr he wo i Mr. B e passag Mr. was a great difference between explainers' by the Senator, and the lion as. adopted at uattimore. read the resolution as it was. here read as follows : i r . :i viou nor mercy irom man. r not if the Senator from North Carolina was charged with missives from the Pre sident ; or whether (as he should suspect from the dogmatical style Mr. H. some times displayed here) he nade these as seions "on':his own responsibility." j IMr. iMo-np-mn bpre e:llpH ifr. IT. to nr. ; Jr. Ilannegan in.mediately apologized, saying that, if be bad used language that was disrespectful lo the Senate.it had not beeu his intention. He would not know. lay wood said that, in reply to this, itigly forget for a moment the respect duo Id read to the Senator a part of ; to the body and what be owed to himself, eese's speech: and he quoted a ' He would endeavor to reply in the spirit ii!from that speech;- I , 1 .which the Senator from North Carolina ;- i ness, I am not willing to have those statements contradicted with impunity ! Mr. Walker's propensity to oiiginate great measures and have the credit of them, is well known. His Texas letter, and the manner in which he ascertained (orthcught he had,) and informed Capt. Tyler how many Senators would vote! for a Texas annexation treaty, cannot easi ly be. forgotten. ; The fact that he was, in Oc tober and November last, making extraordinary freedom of trade be enlarged s as to embrace the whole world, could all nations le brought to believe that their wisest course was to freely in- j terchange their various productions, then would follow a rapid advance of wealth and greatness,' &c. Yes, indeed! Who doubts it If the sky were to fall, -Mr. Homer might catch larks ! If all nations could be made to believe, Vc., then there would be no difficulty.. But they will not believe. They prefer Jegi.-lating for themselves and we in self-defence must do likewise, Mr. Homer's fruisms to the reverse notwithstanding.; A friend of mine from Ioston says Mr. Ho mer's letter reminds, him of the loquacious tariff folks in Congress would al- IlltlVV- ll.'IIJ, 119 WVII US lli'v . ' turers, wjih specimens for vwu comparison, and ipat ihcy wot;!.! sensible gentlemen to superintt u the maUer Single-handed with "'I; Whereupon tjie gentlemen in i ' and took their( Jeaje. I ft-ar Ir. find his mission ton hot fr hiiri. can people don't I !eha!f of BritUh ke these kin 1 r f inantinictiiro-, v. destruction of the; American t -i r plausible and righ eves ol -lr. 1'OIH or .ir. ai r. 1 o the ihin in iv 1 1 TO AZiliTEilCi: VAUTAULl? SCHOOL 1 preparations to frime a free trade system of rev- preacher in the stage coach who proved every- ', A LUAIjJjL ioLHUUli envid, to supplant the present Tariff, was well thing by the Bible, quoted dijo"mted aud.dis- VVBlASllEl llYm (IRKKI Philadelphia. Lnn.. ax arv ViArt v in (TnprHl. andto-Mr. Pa. ' .Miin-rtfd sentences all alon?r from Cicnesis to tuvnii ivi vv.lj ... .. " T , w - o ' j I kenham in nnin.V.r. The British minister is Revelations. At length one of the iKiiicnzers. . &yWiTJZ'l iv shrewd man. At the time I refer to, his neo- fretting tired, observed to the preacher that he Tnon.t iht- U-wrikM Kead n- ( Hannegan, resuming, said! there j so repeatedly prOlessedi declaring that he tiatj wi,0 Mr. puchanan was at an end. But had hot proved justifiable suicide. No, sai l he, f . . i i.i his. as: meant nothing personal wnne ne useu me Mr. Pakenham Njas hy n0 means at the end of resolu- :; plainest language. . 1 i . He knew that Sir Robert Peel de- He would! The Senator had told them that the jMr. II. country had been agitated from one end tp the other for the sake of putting small lr. Ilannegan said it was quite imma if. M. t the ehator ins we r 'Vritd whethr Ji'ia gave alirerjt Jl't i ry or n ot . ThejSenafoi .nere was no ii)ening iti ?ra m : tiiati; if the president had any Inhere commit teil Ibimself HAAIrrJ Thai ni- title tn tbri vcbnlf. f men into larcre ofiices." Mr. H. had seen of Oregon is clear and unquestionable : r such things before to-day. "Small men that nd porjion of the same ought to be fin large offices V Antf the country agi ceded d England or any other Power ; tated lor an end like this! Mr. H. had and thiltlthe' re-occupation of Oregon and seen small men. in large offices. There the re-annexation of Texas, at the earli- Twas an old proverb which said thatmen est practicable period, are great (Ameri- l who lived in glass houses should not throw; can measures, which this (Convention re- s stones: it was true to the letter. Mr; H. hi l tl,.it commends to the, cordial support of the " might turn on the Senator ana repiy, inai " lu '.V'il n..iv,U.. ire .k tt.;. .ik yA lr ruihpr he a small man seekiner JVeiiiuv;i iiu v uj inc uuiuu. . "uu p ThU mmin thA hprnn,; nrt a high OHICP, m.in OO a suppw buuiw- from Nl Caro- to Mr, IPs in language, no signed reducing he British Tariff, as well as 'Sir Robert Walker' that of the United States. It is well known ihat he then paid his respects to ft lie latter functionary visited hinv at the Treasury Department. What the distinguish ed functional ies talked about or speculated up on, I f course make no conjecture. Whether it entered the head of either that the Oregon qo iti .n could be sell led amicably enough if the American Tariff were broken down, I profess not io know. What documents, statistics and facts, if any were then presented to Mr. Taken- Presidency. The heart-burnings, the! jealous- ies, the rivalships, and the current oi crirnina- .. . .i f . i V..r M - W.jllror I v-1 1 1 not undertake to sur m - -. . . i . . ..m. r i T onrtTnn I j-t (INI Ul .ll. LIJ.(lt I . I ..a. a ..w- ilm linn nf to the whole of Oresron every foot of it. ?eru l001' "enui 11 . - . , t . j- ,. 'Vf- PaLpnKam nA rp-rri mi nation are vehement. No . ., " v. . w. . . - i- . - .. - I nnntiMonnnr u nnnnrpnn ?n in iiiic. 41 is uui mmnii - . . - : ! . ... to I he line ol ' 'nH wnoin oi Oregon every, ioot. oi li. ' ... . . . Mr I would It any Ma. or rise in his place, iind .ell m and cons.denng ,t honorenough to n,. ur. ij. wuuiu it... j. - .. it r ., - .,.1 fmm thp hnek stairs of the Dalace, on had a derriw..tn w.Aintnv r T If i,-ii d let anv Senator rise in his n ace. ana te MfHVv1 y... - .., . p; . . ' .. . . ! i.l. i....v. 1.1,,.; ffrnhfir cnrp r;f ...;: V'.i""- . "Yr,Kt: . . s .. . . 'i . i "J.. r-m tkn Hn t rs nf the na aee. on hd an ear v conv ot -ir. ainer s ireeriraue- iwoonanu hwiuc - .., -, ui,nv.-, Jl' m n,... (.... .' J I iiv vvh.-it nnnrtur nt tho I n inn t hp na itipc l u ll iv i.v...- , . r . ; - . . - . , ... n j . I . rtiunf aw.icn .'r'- . " VI . mui, UMS aiieiiuer nirnu- " ;i. p" 1 , , ..- f trrat man. .k- rt whirh th Ttr tish House of n each other. 1 his IS nere wen unucniwu. i r . , . ' S f tr . . 1 -i . I' ' . ' M 1 1 . II : - i UrrH III IN 111 Will L lllv A t W W w w w I r IltM L V tl - IV.UOI - - - - - -- - . . . lit I I :.. ... nun N nooi'.fver .iiitru hi o..- n( u,(Kj0 cpif hfln.so!J in tl.i Among umny otbcrlt0rSof recoi:, in? L .s jrbft-n recalled from cfo u" :1. . Pt-riiitylvania. I - - . LaA okt, DrrU co , .'. 3frAr: C.ri$Z hi TJUot t tl. nt;. -: think" for lUe frie cf tltea Jf r you ": ser.J hit by my Iriend lr. Oarrah, !:. ' c;ty. 1 co9iUr thcuirciJpd-y ' I Live uift with. I have introucJ i : at ihi pin r and find lUnii fut'y lo at..- a Hon-, I tnve also introiucfd Grin:' .iv. s L'nitcJ .tsiu-s, another Lfyonr valu .l. i ' tions. 1 arn vrry rauvljr.ca(rd br. I woik om Anatomy andj liotany, wl... !i ni. Th' Y apprar to tt to be ju-t t;.' brin t!l fcntj-ct of Natural History . the compound fpicetion of the Oregon land tlie wmr t0i,nke aneffv-rtTointxi-dit'-t- w hool htf ,; find hr thilpurpo". 1 U j ' dir wlio!? writ-it of isB ma'if'Hia vo.i:. requ-ted Lir. Darmb tairocare (! i.i. fully. " ' ij H.C. J ' . ; rriocipal, I'- I that can't be done. Why, replied the passen ger does not the Bible fay in one place that 'Judas went away and hanged himself,' and in another, 4 CJo thou and do likew ise.' Yes, iad the preach- r ' there is no connection be tween the two passages ! Its as much, drily answered the other, as there has been anything you ha proving ! I have much to write in a future letter about the rnanner in which the President and his Cabi net, Messrs Dallas, Cass, Calhoun and Allen are all at six and sevens, heads and tails, on 1. -. - "Ilif . m I M " "IICl I ill I HIV""- il -r; , in .language iidr truth irk man if he had of Texa and Oregon had not flown, side , erranus yfo so committed liimselCandihai in Ian- hV sif Pf lhe mtt i. i - ne :iuuil "Me jofOr Democratic banners.-S Mr. H. would be the last to show to Lords ordered lo be reprinted ! How did he Who .ill come ou. ahead page strbn- as ti.Ht of the holy'bbolc it- J Wherever II. had beeu, it was sa- f Europe such a spectacle as the relinquish 4 obtan the copy? ; The official organ says, in s- BMbrcthe Ualtimdre Convention f Texas add Oregori Oregon and Texas ; ment ot all uregon norm oi v "eg reply, that Mr. Fakenham never at any time re V ... ' t i I - -I -. 1 POTOMAC. mK aire tlv con miflH. io the ; always. Went together. 1 and the acceptance oi a one commerce ii'i.i-.iii t; r, i ,iii,rUvi An':.. j' rn;.i "JkL .L1 rMm. ATtk P.,i;n treat vAvith the bonus of free trade. ;ree Uore a(l the woi ld. Mr..H. j would s flai ter himself thai he could win the ap- trade, Mr. H. said, he dearly loved, but it i tm i . i . . ij ..... ! .. ( . . , a . i r - . . i. .,u u KniicTht. nv n i in witii the - "iuiu.ui,! i iii' j ivi. i I? 'ack to the y(xr 1611 "aorV reply : couiu win i lie nil- i ; ' ... i . i i- .i ' atic party, and blind never should be bought by him with, the rriior' oi ni cuuuii tickled tbeir ears, whi e he withhd d from ti It was outrageous in an aim m ' ' II . I .. ' A , (Sir lo l l, and call the . nlsinsn or the IJemocr tft.a, corrimi:ten lofitbe the evias! he selemed to think be had tterritory of his country ceived a copy of the report from Mr. Walker. This certainly is explicit, and not wishing to re. main one moment in erroi, or to delay making the Amende lionorable, if I had been led into an Trade party in this country and their D. Turner. tl liooks-Vti ia Fay. t -,.' Brown and'w'her tuerchinitt in Sal.--Li y. era invite all leachcm, Wbi hare I?: in'.i r . :i . . I,.,rl in varnjn Thir YlljiLl' ' piia ii in - - - j bar. V. before jntroTorin any others Kcb. 13. lf4C A TARIFF AND ANTI-TARIFF SCENE. W.snixcTox, March 2, 1816. TK. iv!.v nnd doings of the British Free- rFVIK HCVcritr onVrs f-r s-.. f' .- no-Work- "";f t--'. - J tmrv or niovencer bi n. nanu;io:i izensof Cihcinnifi.! Tbr ir innnirics re;! Fir... I . ''' .t . II I 'l-'.k .' sf i t . , J . . . i ' j i wit J- t ! ..,11 ha lio'icnn l1 anuqXatiQn oi l eXa; hut, themi t be stibstance ot what they wei western uemocnu itui v,i. manner in which Mr. fPWiMrj.tvoIbii jecrMojiintonsi CcintenL? If he did, be wai great- imoral treason of the deepest dye To sur- publ shed ,n regard to the f tottrtS-i. ... JXuil.1--. L.i ' i '! i... -.Jj,?. I m 2 J. i:;iLb.-i.. .AU.rthkni of an emoire Pakenham obtained his first copy of the report, piaa lu tii'iriiii iiiMi : iimi i iiin vvfii!t : iv hiisi:i inn' irvn nnri l irptrnn wprp t lriiuci aiiv uai i ui -uw ; x - t , error in the matter, I went to see ihe gentleman to-diy who ave me the information that J have ers and co-adiutors, the lordly manufacturer? ot g;ary. . , ' tr CIIARLCS L empire j England, are rapidly developing themselves ! The proceedings of Congress being dull to- day, I accepted an invitation to visit the room o, February 3d,' ) &,6 tl'4 1 . , ALL!KlNJ)S,()F.IUir: Neatlyprinted and Hr sale at ' - vi'i'..Ji 4 O if r- f w VI my T - 'v.fcaB'wH M. V VS IIV "W V q W WV j" ' J T - i i 1 1 i j : . . ' i . i , - j j . " I - - 1