4 'I I I - 'k j, it - - 4 . ' VI i.' 1 i -1 r - . . .... '- , ; . . , - . . . " r - t t f i jl t S " T . .-I. ;'.JJtl at Si I nerRmiarJ 'WniiS cent for en l 'From the .iii in advance. at $ 1 per ?quar for the first, qjent insertion iifflirr. nal Intcll geiiceri Court Or- bcria. i if ilily Important from I i : ' .. .j. ' .I..-., o. it r J.:..- ' JirritiitlUC VU isaviutn ir.iu ri if it; nun- t .1 .:!' i. .IV. 1.1 4 ".-.... - if '. I I drat fifties .Off ilKl UiJ IILIIII lUll.y.UIIU lilt! (milling of seem hundred audi fi fly-six ff them at Monrovia. .W.unlsGTdN. March 12 1810. tJENTLEMpV J J Mfil' ati-Afrnmlhe nresslof llie ri- ? '1,1 . iion in.iiiiMfria,.iK,afinci:uf receijved nj circu Methqiist mis . .. - I '. - .. IT 1.:. t f (I wais aioon oi lvar i m I i ri . . . ' t .. i f.' : t "- - r . . . ' -i t . .: . v . , i - - ' . t ; i . n -a t i f r i i - . - - : . . -w 1 - -t r ;uiiUllilt. 4V JiiMflS, 7 , t2?4lI?, 1m- t . -C'. NK Vi SERIES ' ,-'.. ui - Keef a check cwx all Tor. J TSMlV RriJ, Do to.s. axb Libeatt i . l"i;f1M:,?,,.: '-I, , ..u.,,. . ;) . (. . ssint,. . , ; A- . .; Gen'l. Harrison. I NUMBER 48, OF' VOLUME JL iV : ; l v - - : - - - ' . , M - ij ' - ; S i ! ; i ; . ; - , ; - , j- j i- - ! j' ;! 'i - j ! ' . , ' 1 l . , ' ' ! t 3 - ' i . I i I i51 iefh VI 1 - . I. f i I . . mi'U ncneaFn ihe fcK-i i tne.siavo vps- ithis wn nwlKL h e nvl'lriDii,n scl : hutjf is mo to vyaDtain ii'N ir orU i n.. - i- i J i . I stn December 'cimaihin an atconnt of "r 01 lcm' ,:VU JUt 01 ine cai! aw. momma: aflT ihe cant L. nmrhv Ckn ain lUfc nf Hh. iTnU h.ch we apcon mply msert brlow. J: pre. j an ey witness can form iiv,v,-r.r..-v - r "-'IT' rm ; sents iH-mM srioclnsr cas of our.ratr..,! ut Li .1.- . i- 1 . - 1 """""'o.iiiri EXTRACTS hope and. hi islicd lhal u!l lluilo uliici. I i. . not driic us intu conCh t, I ? prefer the present omdiii"fi c f i vico uf th? iMiator,fri)in w.i h Calhoun.) ihp rpinum vhi h i. wiielr . cxpiTsst'd cxnrcf ; .wisdom-tb:t,t our idUcv sh- inactivity, is the trut policy f cxni'rralinVw'o whiL1, in r cessarily havp inadtjihc teni:- miterly.iiiat;ivijy lias ccast J becailsP of tb wistfsjrrbf ac' 'u ers. Bat am.ure vilhut Uiu.--. ally whatthoIopiai.Mi vflUrh:. t whom I have all. tied now i-. with me that the'd-ij fr mnu . ! . as heen yet further strenzth. J S'- And KM rue fy;tua; wo an cnar2 01 imiciionoi lawnn ;u j u T I ' : Aat irom vaurnuaj wuii tniio -j!ncs on board, nirjptrrn ' f whom w h; day of captujo, hnd ihe nnmhor of (hojm UUTihjj 'ft'touitrrn 'daA s vm;fts to . fonroviaj was n dtifccd to si atid filiy-six. which cfived at . that rw-rt, ofDr. J.:V;LnJ;pi.h 1 , 1 : tinder ' ntcnt for rtca nfuru 1A 1 1 i (aits. 1 1 1 rfal facts of'tTiP ,ca4 hp fofoig !)Nt'f h l.t in 1 ure. rlSone hut j Me WSkiWe, Wednesday, I h.fthj5 Senator lrc,rn North Carolina wa? i fponiiiity wuo ino civ..,2to ut a COnCPiniOlI PI i T-h 11 iqi mi itti?u,i, nuu iiiimi"h u cri 11.1s j- r? , - . ' t' i l'H.-.iii. - Vil.l. Ul UUi' ilL'l' nri'rt: T hn.,i m.r.K .r.... I ...l. -. ,crl 01 ,h,,i humanity Which has ever appeared in our 1 dnr. in th.ir .k.I. i ' ?1Mf- Reverdv JonxsoN, heinSenliled tothe the- anxious Uliritiide of hoth - those Senator?. I -'iide townrd$:iis; with the ! iani'uo i oft.t, of 1 hjladclph a, th ee. (las colurmK The vessel emploved in this hiundi-d -xecnil Iransaction- AV-ur, it appears, is produced bv ,m died ; tfinSn-,W"n - Philadelphia; Accor-r furnish the nif 1 rprrrpt to s:iv tht mLf f thi mlsot-v i H r, M " psspU i he Senate nearlras fidlows : t ,n , , . . ! 1 It I ll'lfli liii'i fTj f ml unili.l iiiifimaiif I via ! Oil iflfll V: ' i i J . . ' t 1 ' ' . f ' 1 - ! Kiin rr! ; u iiuurt'si the annate. t tin1! suttipct now i ar 1 1 neii nunureit , iKiec unit re- ie pJofeclion Unit! (1 Slates he lren. n nt rn v vri mn in cnitp ! oing vio inq; uniteu states liazette she . f .xitin" Enactment.' aiidi 1 although : "1 consideration ; hut its great importance rsi 'annn cons; roc I was sphl atlRio de Jani'rioasa trader, hv th r,r ' ' andthe 'moinenti.qs issues invoked in its tinal message hv fu -nator Irom hup riim't-ixjiai! nm .. . :.. 1. . .1 t . . . i catt - . - . ..nnm hi m-r on me ; u,.rrv, the maslprof Ihe "1W sufficient " ...-."..ua, ... L . r .l part of citizens ol PliihidMidii.wtn F'. wl...v . :.'r .. ... i... ... i i ', , ' 1112 mv distrust of mv own ability to he useful i wr. Hannfgan. I refer the i. ebajU. o LiLU.. CoSdul .: Vh.: Yn : ! wS, Tm W'X " ' .T,,10 make ,he p. We have ci.in f , , poverent p,r, i !... ifr,,l ,.;,.. ,.., . , L V, .. f . ' .' ,er nor; all li&llial,al.,ne,linm at ),.aSl, (1 trust thai I Mr. .r.ox. Vcr well. I n i i v - Ku' iii.'t riniiHiv ri v f.iii iih ih;i r ri-f i r t" nur nros. eir evident desirei to' set" the puhlic rijiht ! maniiy, the projrrc of Clm,;: t feul.j4cf',iwe have, from that day to this ; Christian tiiitnph resting on w!. from neither .4"tlie gentlemen the slight- of ,he t'nitedr States may le .. tioniven tothe cr) ir oconsiimuonaj rr North Carolina ! er "e mu' lound, Jo-'Us with i to in juameni anu f ecisum li'hictent lirrM' to vvril ;i Ih.f wl tte tolhe r;capt(iri'(I shiv cmmnn'(i in my care ny u 6mmnd olthe slaVe-slnri injlur prisiners Portuffuese. who Itlillirrh were Idnnfl on hoard at-the time of the icaptuni It is devouily all. oflivhalever Senator to the ! ".nlliv" if PHrT? l!?""IV:i:r: , wiatiy, mmiiijen, inj vurisu in - 1 spirit which prcailiai the Lil .: am clad to ; ,.. k t n M .1 , , , i ..... . : . : : :.. i ; i r 1 ' .t ' iT . 1 . . . " " ...... . "Y.p.iM-vr eir 111 luiu.mrm uaiirr near, ir.im ne wno lias a ngni 10 Knnw unai ; ,)Jare partu -nfi U-hI will to i. . ..... ..........i i i..:,j,..t . r ii:.l r .u-, r : i... ,t. ' rp .win .ut iiiniiiTTiii. mv. i i .-7iuci.il hi a ii u.r; i r (t i iuiis oi iuk i resiuriu .ire, ui.ii uitr ;i l'J nnniiiinnhil :-,"T M .v.t all, otuvha ever countrv ter Irorii Dr. Luen- convicjed ol having hei J M , directly r indirect ly, in j-Mr. KbiTon : Iri tlic riiidJt f nU uwl,,. ! 'Hr. ni)k ho made to su n-hil rpsiwnvilil..' H..I...L J'l r.uL n.-i ' tpena If V of I he law lied ttccoutif I is oliicer in l'otis. now vijVbt. anchor in our haHioit ; huk l will ve ,yhii a lew of I hr pa rl ici lars. tna ins t-iiiiw t-rs can ie reacnea oy our pres- ! tint Iriwv Itu ii-iil ii.i loiil.f i....... (j.. ui in utii.ni uiiiir ii iin- . u.. . i . : . . r f ' nnnir.iH im. i ii. tiut in. .ii an i nr i riiti ttii m mv: l i c?iuru air, ui.ii iiir . . i near mar tne r '.ms w;k ipvihk hwomi. .. . i . .... . .i i i. ...j i ' .. u l . . ',W flu'S uw " , t i .i i , , . . ' ' .'"f v'.. i luHi o!:iit- ifHiifu ii r i trni anu iiecoui- paper ne ai uoesiois tne government paper ; i -. . ;r.. r,;.i . v. . . to he hoped that ! trol when the slaves wero hrou-hti on IaI the iirst s.e of hi, official dm v. to an. heL, n, llrd tvW-iin ,h, .mvir, m, ., u,hr '?c V,f oure.tl i ... . , who hall he i hoard. -Yet. from th tfimr.nv ,- i ... u ...v. 1 u-Li. ..r L " " i .... ' OI "i'Misppirgs; it w nr. i ; - ' ...... i, j wt ..i....... ... i nn iiiu i ii. i. mil nut in vri '4t p" i iu uiyu no i r in p, u arc 1 1 is n ii u- as t n- 1 1 tr ;(Jless of trie obli it 'II n engaged, whefh- 1 wlie came over from Rio m hmssimio-hi-s ; dear And iinrt!iptiii!iahl. down to the iwrinilnf n ihe cum at! mmn thstilthe S!ntiinr fiiiiii nrth T,. '. r . - . " '. Hie inhuman at- j there is no dotiht .the whole affair was rw ' his .ihtssaire to Cli!?res ill Decemhcr last. ' Ca'rolina wai rirht.'.tnd the S!entir frnni Indi. ' . . .. ' ' il ,, , , ,;; . , i . . : - " .. i r ' . ' ; oi peace, in wiiicn a,iiepuua: can IIM HKi extreme ranfit at iin..iiptu'ipn ItMrrtt ,in,l (I ..II.. . when lie, reiterated the ileelai atinn. I ruiilfl nnt ' sind finH fllnri were wrrintr. It wn not mv nur. ' i s- .. ' . .i . , - ........ x..., ....v. .,...- r ; i ... ' . .' . r . : . , t-" vi-" i repeat, so tar irom uavmriue ii.c kahln that within the. same repe; world upon usj we wl g down t Week ihliee v.-ssels should have arrived in ' na 'he fore the shin sailed. These mpn i,(-' ,uv was' possihle that war should he . pose to havehnade use of extracts from that pa ' S . .' I rn . i i . i I ' . . 1 , ' . - " "l"'u w-r state that the.-Iirst place they anchored "" 1 -i apprenensioii was rendered - per. as the oran ot the i.oTernment by name ; blWiUWi of ai .roJ.d. And It1 was at Oi.in. near the river Lagos, in the ,n'! f re intense Irom the character of the ; hut now we have it admitted fron very high au- ,iul; Ut A ilt Lat g4ld uhu Ut. ti.TiKttp, in h in mi .,i..iiuwri, .iin nsfunf, us uioriiy uiui uiai afr is iim or;;tii oi iu vim. . adore and invoke Lis in-icn t 7- r- Waves' on h0ail slip arrived '.it this ph if; fourteen' ;d:Vvs the Inftvr'ti hniidrttl mid Ji 1 ha ve this i day; sutctt ded in lamling. low in a .4 i- The Poos' was d.iotiin il , -i , , - . i i JI II. of he tiiifod!a.ires hi ,ii;l.'ilitude ahouf thre (Ij-h oAL-frorn Caleii( whs tul''n thrre wen 0a hy (paptnin ii in iit L k- 4 i Vu, .p ...vpi mi'mij Mie nmencans(,uaO- fcji:ht of Benin; here they disdiargeda ro.rlor,hav,hg been engaged In the Islav,-! mrfion cf lhe1r cargo, and received on fradez, the 7oi.v, ahove, mentioned, ; baanl numb, of hotheads orpines filled wiljt ; capture-! by ihe 1 ofMoim ; the Panther, water. These were stowed .. the crrm.ri',1 y )t out. Si'Ver.il of thm are t ilijion; ;lut t)( tnajori u)Vni loys,ifi:onr a "yjnrsof age. There 4s iiVthe company. fit was truly delig tlitiiontrntionk orjpl f 1 L i I) i f r d , h)" t he'se h 'SL' u e( h pnzertl the. same vessel, which arrived ) Yo ktown. ' V"ff-rs!oi on Monday; and the liobt. M wo, t prize to the slooji-ohwar James toten, Wliicli l eached Charleston on Thurs- dav itulate the officers of our Xa . I ! ... I .1 uemres souiii. tnre ! At the, time sin ahdiit iine hum! erf ;ihej firir ,.u- Vifier 1 - i l. ' iVeiiui (iig a passage . it i i umber Was r -dilced h-sh: all oft whom 'i .ire )nf y the ten flul to W ltii asufe Iwhiel e:C(ign tier, and a tier of casks containing spirits were placed oyer them. They were then informed that the vessel was iruw; to Ka- binda for a load of slaves.. (lent i nohtieal friends within this chamher. 1 when the Seii.itur from Indiana would hae ve. i . . i l.i -. : . it . . . -,,. . ... ! , tf. . . " . , . i.. ; nac iM'cn lurea-tt'nc.ii anu preset ei; coukfsnot fmt listen with alarm and dismay to ry promptly disclaimed the authority of that or. ,i ..intl i- what fell from the very distinguished and expe- gait. - (foMJse( ,!., ialconcludinV'. t nenced Senator Irom Michigan, (Alr Cass) at , lr tl.vv.r.iv I fi ntli en,h t.evnn.l the .. ... I L !,; ... . . ........ v. .... . s . . -.. v. . .. . w a .ii- iiitim in , n iui. itr'M'i" an early period ol this dehate ; and then to what I heard" from the Senator from Indiana, (.Mr. V'y, engaged on t he coast in t he perilous war IgainsljejneiTpies of ihe human race, that. Hannegan :) and, ahtive all. lo what was said hv On their arrival-at the latter place, the the Stjoatur from Ohio, ( Mr. Allen.) the chair- spirit was kept on hoard until a lew (lavs : man or the committee on l oreign Ke!ations before Berry gave up the command, cov- 1 uh(,iji my simplicity, I supposed must ne.cessa. ; .i : i i. ...i :.. . i. .- , t. ituuioiii wiiin i oiiu in uiu jium-i n sen. came irom xnj House oi uepn m Mr. JonxspN. That is quite sufilcient. I i d's suhject, and as a ttih.-.tituJe' f.r t! . . their yigijlant elforfs have been rewarded wit h( kriucl -success. They wi OVII lf (.(in. m are hue lo - twenty Letter frbr. iin thiknWsoli the whole country, receive -AT. Int. ering up tho water casks in order to elude ihe suspicions of any cruiser. For twen ty days 'did Berry Wait, in 1 he. rode-stead of Kabinda, protected by tii? flag of his "country, yet clsey watched by a foreign am content with the iSenatpr s judgment as he- Hon, tlie preat-iil aifl resoluu-.n- i mff mine rnrrt-r.i. lint to resume. "n hrni.iv me oeuaior iroiu rv-iuuj. i.ur. i night, after ihe scene to which I have, alluded, with this difference providing, u!u and which "apVareiitlv threw so much- dismay ! instead of defoi-ring iIkj notice, a i! I . I., h "i . . t -1 c . i r") o nppnZPUoi liie views ol me Uovernmeni ..,k. ' amendment nrnnosed. ti. he eiveii fi . r. i inci llir n. l nil. lliai. lu.niini iui, i' - 1--- - in rega.ru to the foreign concerns o the country. r i r. u 1 c inr th i..rf.i;..M;..M..i th nr..ii..,t v & l i J f' or mni.v Vi nnnenr herentiei 1 who ftt t.ir er Hie lerntlUailon'OJ llie prel ill - .") ! 40' or a war, and afier the attention of the Congress, it may Le 'given from a:! lorrv tuns uaui Ve C(lUBt l V- it nil i-.. r If Td by these h'Spued y irk iiCinmaiih' tnitho whl'n fhey a ..I W... j..;i !...: L. J. I -oiiie Bin i ui irnjir naeive i Allien ipr a Ffijrti ttiafilliey m nlhe'lair of I bemnli. "Till .k f . I -. . ' L, Ii H v-fance wore borifc' noon the t - I . .!' !.. W ' It. : I nliriWe,: Win e t he y s 1 1 n ill i i u e 1 1 iiijr nanus ioF joy.;v nnave til 'd 1 iieiii lv three Hundred kioiwhle. jiersons in Cqpt. lid I to thz Secretary of. the man-of-war, wjio was certain of his seven ss the were Ol the press- Ujs'trrpn States .Ship Yorktovn Citxij., (Africa.) Dec. 10, 1815. Sir:; I shave the honor lo inform von that I a(drescd a letter to you'ou the. 3;)th ring an account of ihe. capture n i I pla i i DeniiaMi reath- r SOHlLTS lit issinir ly clipped beady bs- ofihpm to 4.1 ok'.! Ibo Key. J. . u-u.'enf ol the- iiMelhod .to bn edik'afed ft bi-iin u'll natiyi land. 1'J.?. S. Agc'nr for iJ-Ve rated M)r.cf.iJiir.u If., IS 15 llr. Curley -rt he colony,' ihehid th r I Mr. Uuriey jrointnu f r jLtrr-.e! lVo(i 'lie c'r Yoik-nltugS ot'hllii Tch We ahi obliged 1 .! -: l i . . nt ol room.': t lie tin We have tio rdoubt t Ccates nl.ir. t in hiti i eihndi i en in Sut opal usefU V.VA Al.rc a ni is Mi o omit to d; n pi-oeei-ds : . . . in iai v.r.yernor ito- the United States . ami llie hu maui- II (lo f ood. imd the ngelif of iicaptured A riean pif the citizens of tne coIoiy, w enh lie (lotie' to hflbrd lidief. inJjsfieltrr to tliislilfgc number of I si) 'siiddeulv cast upon ibeir Mffi presume, the (blvi -rumeint will im 'it('l'y; in acrordane with its Uniform .; 1 ! dM since thV, act ol b.ngreis of 1819. Jfl ie erin- M is- Iness UtMlflo. gis I I T 1 ol l lie Aiperjcan. harque Pons, of Phi delphia. iih --eight hundred and nin MX on r(a (I. si duplicate ol which 1 now e niv lose. waS so anxious lo dispatch ihe vessel in he shortest time lor Liberia iui onler! to land the slaves, and relieve them Ironi that it wiil iiit a more pa in tention; but the instant that, cruiser is compelled .to withdraw for a few hours, he springs at tile opportunity of enriching himself and owners, and disgracing the flag which had; protected him. As we are short-handed. 1 "ha veil shin- Supposing the coiwlition of the country to he what ir was represe nted to he hy the three Seu atirs f-: cotild not imagine how it could he pos sihh thin that most lireful of all human calami, ties, war, was to he avoided ; and I was accord inglyjwepard to say, on the hypothesis of the Se nator friom Michigan, that if the efforts at ne gntiation should fail, war was I will not say, in the language, of llie honorahle Senator. ' in- evitahle, " hecause. lhat phrase seems on some . , j . r. i -1 , honeyed wo arcoum- not oi oe in lavor wun uiai geniieinan Preaiilenl miut have heen r :ilUd to what had first dav of Julie fneiU U Ith tin passed in this, chamber, we are told, in relation 1 hall move tin! adoption c iIiom? i t( the conduct which the President is likely to and cease to tiiuhle tbo Senate f:'t!. ti i rno In thia pnnlrArnril- lint I'l.ii ritnto ' suhieft. "I course must lie judged hy his past conduct ;" that is, whether hie will accept the offer of 4l)3 Galla may he decided hv the tact lhat he formerly of. feied 49. Nr is ihjs all. In cautious and mt htxploit'af ' General L It is pei haps not generally kr. rds, (of which the editor of that print ; the celebrated Lanijir. owed Hi : ; .- k . . . . 1 ' m - i : ped those men. much to their gratification P lut UAW use his own paraphrase on his own s a' e 1 r ' T wu- a i 1 succss ,n Uie! military and poll! who came out as passengers in the Pons j expression, and say I thought lhat " war must rnnMir u ilh lhpm ih- . (lfllli,,mll(ir i to a single gallant exploit peri. ; -from Uio to Ivabinda. in order that their i c""l?;'..1, , , . ! After savin" of the Senators on this side of the him at the battle of S.m Jacinto, testimony may be taken, should Berry be ' "' ey represent to he the condition ; ch' who worP evidently enioyinir the cor- 1 all m-eat menlhave In-en indeh'e.I m potnrn A OI 1 11 1; "Hi i i ? i uNi k now i y nan km i 'v ; . i u 4 i i ; 4i . i : i - i- M llMUrn ,'Ull , 1 I- J 1 rocn'itiiaiff irhieh Inolr tdi r on I ho i.thpr cwl.i nt i . - . , , . . f i'l 1; f , . c ( t I t 1 1 iiv.ii( i"ii? nr i Imbert g the SIO;, for their miseral'de confinement t in my power lo give you hejular account of ihis vessel, endeavor to do so, and also fijr;:s whivli na e since come I. the. 1 - Sni. Hinder the command of James Berrv, wjis atj anehor at Knhinda for a- - 1 hout tweatv (llays before she iook oTi hoard I '14 1 Will OO W taife soul. lo 111 v knfv The 'INS, in the United Slates on our committed for trial. 1 have landed the balance of the. prize crew Here, with the exception of one who died of coast lever a lew days after -he came on bord ihis ship. I have the honor to be, with much re spect, your obedient servant, ClIAItLRS M. BELL. Commander. j "To ihe --Hon. "George Bancroft. Secretary of ihe Navy. h took place on ihe n.ther sid.o.f ; casla, cirCumstancj to suggest of the last two Senators, from Indiana and Ohio. 'IM . ;il 1... I I I,1IIU I liV tolfl Ihiit ii iMrnt i:i1 l. ill vvf :t -in wl Ili-it ..... ... v.. .... .I J'. A . ," . . ... me emror goes on io sav : i.ne generous sptr- i . . : we were now thrown hack on v our original r .i . -h ' . .u ! hnc ir In..,, with T ,Vtip . . . .. , , . " it of the Senators wi prevent their repetition. Uus u neen x iin, J ifnar. i igms : inai our inse. 10 ine wnoie country was c . . r i j-) i -t ' t ..-. ; m-i r . 1 i ' r " i . .. . , , , . our Ii lenus irom iiiuiuna anu mv. nu long- i 1 lie ion Uliai C ailU glOTIOUS CUa w ' it, anrl chuckling over, what ihe storm foreboded. The generous spir. the course of their future life ; a:. ! i , or voiiii in i ion ; iiiiuiu;ii int- intiioii.ti mm. , . .. . . . . , i . i i -i ..I i er seen catechising ne Senator irom .North h-d to Lamar s attauiment nf the or must he forfeited if that tide, should not he ; r, ,. 44 rr, " ' r. , c , 1,U IU un.u h.u-uih m oi Uii . - i i ? c i c i i . Larojina. " I hey are all Ihe friends of the iiarv rank! h s miintrvmnn n maintained hy face of arm-. I felt-that he n ., . . I , c ,. ( ""''- rauK, ins cpunirjmrn cc; . i ' i i .-.i i President." As much. as to sav to the Senator tnvv noon Ii m id il'ii-nvn,1, must ihnn-e heen a csireless ami a nrotilless read- r , ,. t . . I , x. i siow upon mm anu aiirruaii.i . A . . . . . I . t...-ivi I i-wi i i r i ' 1 1 t j ii lit c a n ptvin.cppiit . . r. - y .... . . .- ... . . ...... I . ......... ...... .. ... 7.1 1 . 1 - . . -. -v .. - -------- ... . . r I i . - ..l.'.n .... r-. ... . . . ' a. r c .. . ! " i m t.!i"iiii niMorv wun coiiai-uiiiuiiie llie . . ... . . r , . ; ii.ni-i v iuihm. i3 ivi I hope lt. if such .was to he llie course and con. ' ,. . , ., . - . -. 1 .Miraoeau li. lyahiar. .! I) oi.iiiii uiai ?rni'Hiio -i ijiiniiiiiiii i i r-i'iiti :im slaves. tdofrscly' xl-a brig Cygn about nini JTlh Xov-rr r and stood to sea. Immediately B t ry gave up the sljjipj lo Gallano, w ho commenced getting on board the water, provisions, and slaves ; an during which time she was chil d by her Britaiiie Ma jesty's tJ C unm in ler Lavfou. At io'elock oa tlie morning of the fiber the Cygnet got under way c thr s'Mrricv. a nil,.' eomforjt of itecesary ap t Ihe'-most cruel of till I - a . . is, now oil th . I i i ... 'reso und from. I he sgrasp o ironriaflioji M,r the tlujse v icMms w reck. ?Tbey continued in this situation Pensacola on the 2d inst.. lor Vera Cruz briifficsi. coast of Africa to " whik-'b. lo credit. of Uie coutitiw and that of the tnt oUlcefs'who in ibis case haie vin M. I I I lieso ioor 'ed Ihe honor of oiir flag Pp,f'l rapidly perish! i& fr lh . r ' . . i '.-il'ie most Cotnmon ahd most' ife, air, ed ty the ai laws. ; l-bfssingJt)f -this ilh't. have be tin tesei i Ind ctnnmand of bur his iretiilarj stylos. la ('(Ticcrof an . Knlisfc brig, t Liter fron M xieo. By the mail of yesterday we 'received private advices Irom Pensacola, announcing, the arrival there, on the evening of ihe 1st inst. of he U. S. brig Lawrence from Vera Cruz in 11 days. Unl'oriunately we received no papers by this arrival, but our corres pondence informs us that lliere had been so exnodj.ious. were they in no change in aliairs in Mexico. A letter ibejr movements, 'hat at eight rclock that "f"om Vera Cruz dated ihe 18th ult., from evening thi Vesse l was under w-iri hav- a most responsible source, induces us to embarked: liine hundred and three slaves, believe confidently, that nothing like a standing directly to sea. she .revolul ion has occurred in Mexico since i I he -coast duriivthe ni-rhi i the 1st of Feb., up to which day we have they were otf Kacoii"-o, al)ou! ' -ad advices by way 'of Havana. The Lawrence, brought despatches to the Go vernment from our Minister. Mr. Slidell. This gentleman .was still at Jalapa await ing instructions from Washington. j r''irt of this country, war was not inevitable. i ; i lieu, tii a mnion eo my own opinion, i neaiu il . . i . i l jI . ij n .L e.l- i i i ,, i . , ,. , .1 c. . r ie i. 1 termmed to do his dlify, aruid all Ihe difficu'. i admilled hv the honorable Senator from .Mn'fu- . . . , ... f., , V, " , .. ''ties that beset his nath. whether they nroeeed gan, wiiji mat pertect candor which a ways ins-1 . r .... , '., .. r. , ' , ; mivli with the r.nV.m .ov.ln- . , . .. . 1 ' ' trnm tw.l it io-.i I otntC rr lilc IrionH I. nnr. II1IMI 1 1 11 I 11 1! V. Ill III aCaiil I tingiihes hun on thisttoor, that, in hisopmion, . c ., r, , . .. , r . . j n ,nt.,;,, tho h-.tft, f t,rt t.., c r , j n , ." i or from the Lablnetsx'l foreign nations. Pn C( "ing Uie it)atll the horse A . i hiigiawi would never reetnle, and hat war . .. i . ...;i.i i :mLv.;....3... - , i . iiiiu tt i, nn m iinrf niari pnuAi u ihuii no. ca ! " -- iiifi iuvio iiiiiuiutt vtwi ative ; State of Georgia, and; an ado?,:. I of Texas, enfr-rrid tile battle vi S r lo as a private drajgoon Durin:; ; would ! thi necessary result. I uov rejoice in hoping and believing, from nator from Ind.. (Mr. Hannegan) or Ihe Siena, i equally imtietuoiis rider at full tor from Ohu(Mr. Allen) we, are told that the ; way Irom iiisi own companions i; lntead of lit man j keiit in vt' pit re ; At idavlight ( ' .5 Hi. t ii-.. tit i: h i'ii i 1 1 1 - 1 1. i they (liscpvj imm fli-d t . i j i ' a i . i . i . ; ior irom wnioi ir. . eui we, are of the Sfena.e. as well as. my own apprehen. i s0,nc fh may : very centre of;a troOp of, Mexican sions. wfrea ihink, unfi.unded. Since then the ! V'-lhB ro'!rscii i" j 1 lie young dnigoonjwas immediat miles north of Ivabinda, when red the Cygnet in the 'offing, iliately Turlert ;,1 their sails, so near the shore he ne. groes liuHl the beach in hope of V. ship 1 I I'lM: a " I " a I . ' I .... - i i .1 f uiiih:uiih-j. liiiih: lit-? in'iu ; nai -mhih.it lur, . ro.IIIllll.fi. Mill I tllMII'vli furlitiMrr .t..c. siaiesm-iriaixe view iaien oy i ue oenaior irom ,r . . . i 1 a c a "f fj'f 9 "-. v , v f i u r . j i i ii v may. If that is given by authority Irom the. Vvi midi nribi.i.i. 4i.l ,,.. ;, , New link, who first addressed us. (Mr. Dix) n ' -a . .u i 1 i a . .u o . r s maae prisoner ana placed m I i i i o f . r. I resident, then I concede lhat the senator from ....it- r r..v;...L i i and by t.e Senator from .Missouri, (Mr. Benlon) t a i j c i i r i tody ot t U o .Mexicans, also drag'c , , . . vr ... 7 Indiana is the leader ol a forlorn hope. A i ,i ;, n t ' i , lo whom Uus whole question is as familiar as a . aurr.l- r ) i tins position, I,a mar remained i household term and the si)irit of peace breath. I a" Vi. b . . ... I tifnearj unwilltng spectator ol tl, pint ot pe ed in every sentence and word uttered by both these gekitlemeu have fully satisfied me. lhat, Mr. II ivrr.x, I lead to v.co snerf nti . I . ., . I. - -, --, -.--a...... penowever, mat v, m ( which was now 1, gPntr.. j. i ! . It was an irksome!. position to : si far a depends upon them, a lair and liberal 1 .Mr. Johnsox. 1 hen it will lie a victory ; sessin'Mhc feelin-'S oif the voun" (". comnrotVise of our difficulties would not be in j v,r .v"'r President. , laugh. J . ; anj j4(J fCv0v,.J 0 frCe. himrelf i's Want of 7.ealous advocates. j 1 .ay. therefore, lhat though my mind, at the guard or perish ii tlie 'attempt. 1 A ud this hope has been yet more strengthen, commencement of this session, and ever binrc : tiii Mhnn linrKp. .Li. I ,. t.,,.. r . Tlie U. S. brig Somers was to sail from -d by the recent speech of the Senator from the inaugural address was delivered, had under- j j..rr Mexican on eacl side ofhitn- whidh our until inerid an. when hnding they had not. ' I rout L- tiers received in this city, bth been discovered, fhey set their lower smIs ' ' '-- our own, it would seem. that Mr. in order Ho; -clear the shore, and. as the .Slidell left uie ch v of Mexico on t he 17th Cygnet dreW off from the land, they nlier- ; Jal1-' as NVe hay., previously stated. One wards set ti eir more lofty one. Two days ; ,''-Jr mar tie ,.;ts at jai;ip., qU,. a. t i i oteu n n rr 1 j w t t i - i inl of zili5ns anu some irom oilier .countries ; " ; . .. , - - alterwarus we captured her. Her crew '-- availing uesiaicues r0m our Gov- coUsisted, of Sjianiards. Poi tuguese.jBra. ernment at Washington, whert- hi o!th doolioa, (Mr. Haywood.) not now in his gone the most intensQ.anu agonizing alarm, it jiStce. nowiug, as 1 thought 1 did, the mti. ; is now coniarativeIy jeasy, pd it is so trom Ihe uiaie .re4atiotis,. both personal arid political, settled and abiding coriviction'tliat llie President which that Senator bears lo the Chief Magis, ; esteems himself in lninor hoiind to seitle this Irate knowing, '.too, thai, as chairman of the controversy hereafter as he fHlered to settle it Commiltee on Commerce, it was his special in July last. Befirei I sit down it will be my duty to l.ecome inmrmed in regard to all mat, object to prove lhat the honor of the country is " . . . -i r .. l-.r i I VI . ..U. I a. lers lavinr a oeai IUr on Uie loreign rnaiiun ; inmnu iiiuiiii M-uiniiPii. had been deprived off his sword v, ! lured, and wan now jtljogcthcr tin Each of ihe dragoon wore a lari at his belt, and on one of these 1! of Lamar became fixed. Grap" Ix'lt with a fierce eagerncs--, t! i Texan succeeded in "securing v. ' w; necn-ssarv foot I. and tltori- qadron lias, since 1 ii i. 1 '"''.' M . u.! vessels concel UopO t Ihihi h p pa lb i ft Via ve trade will in the Authority 'of that nigljt. April last, c led lit lb. facts in llbtjoducW more and th and. alt hough continuing under ihe Amer ican llag w ih probably American jjapers, noti one American was on board. 1 As I could not dispatch her the evening of tier c.tfpt are. they kept company with us e wou d r . c a. . ....... i .i:a a. ...l.t I rl.. not now .-. ii . , i m ill1- i ejiini, i ui u'" u....... remain until such documents were rtiv- , aT. ..... .u-... i. .-..i ...;li. rnt ii.it, rS j UOIIOl. IIKU I'U'lt illio-i ui" sum i" n.,.i. ' v ea as imgnt. oeiermme tns course, une. :'.-. ..r Pw,.!,ini t ann.i if .f- ii f i i ii'iiiiiit a i ion t.i i u v .wv... .v--. .. of our Pensacola letters states that he was fered ..-j the British Government, the same much disgusted with the treatment he had terms wjhieW he had himself proposed in July received at the: hands of the Mexican Go- last, was perfectly we 1 1 founded, and that such How t the negntraiion to be again resumed ? i and scabbard, and then drawin" What are the steps most likely to bring about t incr, he put Spurs'toliis horse an:! this result ? Are they (n remain as they are, ; ed olf to ward 4 ids pun conua or is the advice of the President to us to he. a- I were, from their 'posllion witnr dopted? 1 confess that on.th.js subject my mind . i jrat. But Lamar- ivas not de-:. has heen solicitously ,an.tou?, and has under-, t n.acj, XIC Tex.-in'linfw' without li The next morning I regretted aaofferiif made, would be accepted. I do not ! gone recently a change, and; that change has soon as the t loons st'it'u t ,..... !..,. .... r. in. 'i n lit cm v- I wr- I il i.l i ,f c. nnli'rclind ipimi n w i n ir ti i l-i rf In tilm'h I I. rn o I i-n l v I . .'. ft! .11 CS I I 1 a L I UC I C . v., ... -a..-. .-. . U... ..WW C-w ...v.a . ar.. ..... . -v ... . . UIH ,'.l HI .1 a. 'a (if that be universal Iberia, pnung Pilllr)- a deeper at ' 'J of its enormity K- ;home free -and (airistian. '-tCnhound, we had nig pcilnted,;,yictims hi this ra flit to a fi i. . . ' ' ' ' .... I I I aniLfitgher lile. Ewill. lu'come more inlerrkt, and far liufh, Iroth ilization r.ci iTif. .. -.ti j "."it- in esievi u a 4toier lort Ji be put! ci 'ttuation nivd the ci Willi1 the. greatest respect. !- nnr iiihi si i tail',-yf:-'t"K !' rhn. g i ; 'r:,!--Jd fn CiAP;ilUBKl)HiLAV . I i . I 111 t atfheBrfr ' .M'arn "hat eighteen liad died and one L ...J pimped overboard. So many dying in so iptur-- 1 .. . .." , . ' . ! slnn t a tunc was accounted lor by the eap- s f tain in the necessity he had of thrusting b low all ho were on deck, and closing regartjl ulu; hatcheisi, when he first fell in with its in order to escape detection. The vessid has no' slave-deck, and up-' wanls o' eght hundred and fifty Were piled, almost iirbulk. on the. water-casks behiw. jTJjese were males. A bout.-forty or bfty femples were confined in one half of the rouiuj-house cabin. on deck ; the oth er half of the cabin remaining for the use of the officers. A the ship appeared to than three hundred and "fifty tjons vernmcnt. Anoiher letter states that there was mean hi say oecause i uiu noi so unuersianu oeeu owm-r n lacis u men i nave an eauy ai- , i i i i i - - - i . i .. .. . . . . ,. . . . .. i - i iitinii iii-i i-.ri r-ii iii.-i iim n.-iri r "' great reason tobelieve that Mr. Slidell's the Senntor, that in addressing this body with hided, impressing mf- with the conviction, in : ' , , .ri.,-(.r..i Lllvi, !". . sure. I cannot he misled, lhat the . . " f;--" f -- olives are peaceful. In what con, , 11 Y H auuver u norsciio . ,-e nowfl The title to Oregon. IMMUet;n mm auumiC approii gie.li ir.i-;oii i t ut nrv ; iiiat iui. uiiuni s . ..... ... ---r. j - - i - treatment had been such as must lead to r,1"ard 4' ,h( --R"-ins or purposes of the Presi- : which I am su hard blows with Mexico. The writer he tspoke by any express and delegated an- Pres,denl-s mo says that the course of the leading men of 1 b V Ut FX 1 " t! H L iwelc h said the no inc. i. u.v aj . v. .v v. , . .j Mexico had been of a nature most outra geous in the matter of the reception of a jMinister from this country so outrageous, that no other recourse than a resort to war was left us. Tin writer thinks that it must be declared immediately. We have all along thought it the pro Texan lines. :' ami ni trbm ins Knowieuic oi me genera views uregon. a or nonemav no mane, not in trie " t ofthe President, taken in connexion with cer. hands of Senators ofthe United States, for they j Lamar, brave; as a lion,' was i tain omissions (in the part of the Executive, that : are incapable of tiiriiihg it lo' such a purpseV ; gaged with several 'Jlexicans at i when h announced to us that the President i it may be made, l say, a party watchword ; it i having resolved to die rather tba:. would filjel himself in honor bound to accept his I may made to fill the ..whole land, and la-h it in- ken ti second tinie. he' soon cut 1. own ofTr, ifinow reciprocated ly Great Britain, to a state of feverish jcxeitemeut. Kniigrants through; tire. eneipy'-ifJiiies and an,'; he spoke that which he knew to be true. And -to that territory, lajkijng ihe excitement with 1 wliistling of bullets and the. !n;z:.. ihis oniaioii was vet more strengthened and con- them ; members of the Senate, in th? exercise, i comrades, tnanv 'of U'honi h-ul b - er cour.se for bur Government; to bring firmed by what I fmnd to be the effect of his ; of their admilled authority, prclaiining lo those.; ne.ses of the exploit he Was can. the matters at issue with Mexico to an ( speech on Uie tw benainrs 1 have nameo tne j emigrants mai iney $tana on .jjjican sou un.s to his friends. ,J .. - immediate setl lenient ; and llie reports re- hadersf they will permit me to call them so, ought to be protected jexcliisirely by American ; Thii ,lani! action -was prfc ceived yesterday, should they prove true, f'f ubrais.sn .his , sul,iect-I meanhe Sy, , hws, and that every Englishman uaire.pai hft (!:iv prt,Ceding Oiat of the I, i i . i.,, 1,1. a nf- wtilP mV-n-e ifnnei-M. naior rinn inn ana t, .nr. iiauut-gau, i anu iu ti , a unm.:u jiinyyuiuii ,.iic -(mciii ui.i.ui- r, , .- ,- ... - would make tne. duty still moie impeia- . . ,, u . 1 . r -, , ! i , San Jacinto. IJirfn:tr was t u n, Ik? ..-.. 4 .... I 1 1 ... I I 1 l.irt 1 11a m ,- In i- m- . n v t o o. ' i ii i r 1 1 - nr. tai-l nur a n iiCnr i.inr ln.iia.nhn .1 " f si li.. Li.-. tiLtSti t bri.ii l j i rwl m iui I i 1 1 tnnc a i iti ir--iiriiiiiiii iiiiii-tti.-tnit.)!-. ii-.iii.-. . . - . . . t--. Mii-iun tii inn i mill i - urn. i i r niii-ki ni i e l Atfii-itii n - in wk i i io' ai in in i i nii iiou-i iiiou. . ' " :. it :J .i.'r ...... iluir .,ni live. II the Mexicans will not settle wun ' .A..'.' , ; n..A .....T.l.. i.L; - n:... . have be I ore mentionedonly a tri I - 1 l t Ilirii 1 1 1 1 1 li i 1 1 1 1 - .1 nai' "in -iiii vvuiu . . i !7 tj , t-t- ,m Ulill I M.t'1 II I ll tiiiiirsj in iiir strut; mm uiiwuu i J-n 'ii V"i .unit-i , a i niiiin i 1.1 , t - . Ot Alrica. i, .. .... 1,,-Ll i0 iM..w ,lie Allnntie: About- ,nUI llM U,-"A, v' x. C ! Whieh i Li'c nh.ee ... thr r. ham her imthedh.feW ' mv id,rment in su.h k case would be inevilta. i . IIon. U,l OJ?mr natll : rrent emeu, luM hundred fill-d up the spar-deck aone tnJunc 5i inst' M' 1 nf.er thj sjH-ecb of the Senator r..m North Cari ble.i Thestate of ih ngs provided for by ihe ; Captain Lamar, bv ihe order a;; 1 '; when thVv were permitted to coW up I T i olina (Mr. Haywood) who must not have seen : treaty of 1S1S, and 6-ntin.H by that of ifto?; ; ment or General lloufeton.Lotnrir; rtr xr i f.J," I.eh'ivV -ind vet ihe eaotaiil i as- At a meeting of the -Board of Managers pf the Ainer- ,n:ll lhti ,VVo Scuators had consulted togelher cannot last, nor wBI ij Usf. How, then.'is a' Chief, led the Teian cavalry a ' JbL A. ,,,,,n -V"r . t- li.lw. BU,le Sociy, tiety.t York, the Hon John h . . of ascertaining how far the Sem conflict Ur be avoided f Clearly by bringing . of about HO mounted met! into 1 Stired III? tfiat It Was HIS intention IO U.le m 0f Ohio, one- ot the Justices ,of the bupreme , j ,a .. - e,l , . a . . ra L j l." i- j- t i t . ' ' b v Sl'llP '. tallen folr hundrcd viore on .hoard if he Coun SThe United Su.es, was anally diosen " or fr,.m Noh Carolina spoke by authorityi this state of thingslo ki, end. by dividing the . Lamar sinm roe, n he.estimM li -sstiii. iiii..-.!v . t the time f - , President of the' AnWiHca'n Bible Society, ijo fi;t the! va- . ian I th,at-;the resul. of their consultation was a disputed territory, by eieciuig each jUirtion ih-o adopted fi'lIowjciUzejiS and - h lire-n trend v laid beforle out read ti - . 5 . i li . .1 . I . 1 harroyying necount. ot Uie M JHsiniVHn , Liber: Whic A- n rridav'i daner. furnish and em the of t he wife fches too nd 8 Ol tlie, capture cancy occasioned by' The Philadelphia could have; spaied the time. Maie stench from bejow was so great slave- - that, it Waslimpossible io stand more than ' . ZtJu pn b PA;.. ...ii..-i -..J. i... Lf .rl 1 iVir... r...., .-..kmi.i.is iwnr the hatehwa vs. Our r .u: '.. : . . M - 'il 1, r I I ,1 l-ll toil I I HJfl unpi, UI .IllH" ii iiiimi " .' I IUI It UI IS COUI1I IV. 1 1 L I '' tk.i ..t lf 11- I"!.. .. t .-. , l.L ,i IiuIimi' IVrim iiriina.it ' lnPf' ,, .u; A,mtk- p-l MP0p-0l'vW .IT If tfflllUUfflt VapiUlll I linj-ll Vt lip) Vt-llt riu. in,ni.vu...m..j,. w. ... .iv.w... ui uuo ..uu.'-.j !;1;Tlio hitter of 1rt lJugenbeol. and' forced up sick in a lew minutes ; then all in Al?erif ;' 1 tracts Inilheyretilar df the Metb- i the btitdies were off. What must have i V- 4 N ti death of Govetriot Smith.; determination to catechise that Squalor; anL, a separate, sovereignty, in be placed! .under the., as is Weil knovyn, beCtme Pre;; ! - . ., ' r. i ithe better to avoid all ini?take. that thev reduced armed jurisdiction of! its own Coverumeni. . I.mu. Si-ir Hnrintdie "L o. L-azetie says inai ut. uyon- - .,- , .. . . . - . , ! . . . i , ' T lw engaged since his arrival in Pans their Inje. rogatory lo writing, ip order that it I his can onlyibe do,e hy abrogating ihe trea- . Latnar did ttotl "make a bad t; He preparation of philosophical might! be pronoijnded to hitn by the Senator from lv. England d es njot give ihe notice, and. un- , . . . . ' , ', ,to'be entitled t'ftxr Years' , lfiana ifM r. Hannegan :) and if it wasnotaiii less we do, all the dangers to which I have re- . , i . . nr. ' America in tne rancteenm , j . ... a... t- .... r tui f- tit., ' fa,r..l tl r.. iw, iia.io n . ., , , ; werei.n uie ocuamr iroin vuiu, i.uia .-iiicu.i n...n wo mser- h'el tlie par- dread- S .1 t .,in i' .1 : neeil 1118 SLlIenngS Ol Ulr nmr .xvir-u- esl when the hatches closed ? I am in- 'formed thai very often in these casethe ...,. 1 I .1- t . .nrl iWhat tlw result of die denouement vas, I do not I think A I-'ai .-Jl;..:i Ol CftK tn rnv tHftTcian vnlun- 1 ..-..i .. ..a i. L-r. tlml ihiJ I v!tl -pntiiei- In en. fore I I n uut auuiuunaiiiii: 3 . v-v. w, j. -i-ir r r r;i"t n ji" ! . ! ...... ..... - . ..... ........ ttee"rs Cr6ih New Orleans has passed the ,1 lower HQ,-s a that in the keen encounter ofi wits lb "which Somew irp tnothr wtth a 'resointton ' . , , r -!- I .1,,.. a...I'I of the Louisiana Legislature, link the noiice ought lo he given, and be. j " v' ountry. he !; sit-down I shall propose a form of notice, , t t Mr. 1 enle, win 'c'epoMtcd i what-diirerenb Hit subsiantialll the same l Philadelphia Museiini.' vherc it i cram-! stronger will strangle the weaker ; and ney at once paid 1 back, to the State. , . . : .-. . . .1 . .1 1 . . ii. o .... . ...:,u i.- i l .. . ..t I., a,..i..n,ti...i i vi'frn r.rrifiTiir ine ii.niivti(i .-iiii i instroctiog theirjme-iiibttfs.of Congress.tolhaTe" the tno- i ; 1 . .tl... a!L r ,i.i M J ih- M...irlt.ru.:.. .S .ho Sennte. It" I w:. 9t. r ioilies i.f the idacf-' Pa Snf ( t ! ea it got raiaer tut: - " ' .t i i u -I i --1 -. - x t - 1 r V

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