li "4-: 4 i j..T am ik. . 1 i - Term"? It tV'rffe inept! Two DotXA inserted t r annum in aaYante r ,, I I Df r iqatre for the first I I . L A. L. rtiitnt In4rtiofl. lOUfl UN 25 eat tor eac p rr - -, f, .: ,VUrWj 25 percent b.ghfr. - j -I 1 .':. . 4. Tn.L ifnllowirut txauti vl Wh iKrton dt trie. 'r'"H J, the lightning ipe'td H- h wrrf t-trsta wette received b; an . i trans . : , ) .Wid beauty; it was a nii ntiiiuiiu , uu - i : ..i'" ' milium of transmitting Jfrfikl invf ntion,iof whicfo uVf Baltimore Patriot. L ... In-nrai. ai v - - i rAtf nf TELEGRAPH. l -T- T K. L. SCJlTntWtOWt. ;Ohi'ri'r dove.Bptfajl not thy w ng. Thou- beauteous' mrtepnger of ar : ' Tofwaitini eye and hearts to briijig V I be tiJingv4oa vttn wont to bear. Vrin not the flying colurarr'a apeeJ, r Cive not hii neck the loosened reia, !. Nor bid hU pantiniaidfa to bleed 1 1 1 H A he thuiiderk o'er the plain. TAich but the Diagjc Wire ;! and lo ! I :- T, iKnihii ia fcoiine ori ilamin track. happi r ; ' 11 I . f y It'll A -I I --TN X's X;r: 1 1 -H l lllV--'. I. i-tAl'd'vAX .'r'f;. "A' - f 11 1 U 11' T V A I 'A ' r - r ivv Li - - 1 -f I1 11111 II I I. r:,! v.l: .A !-- 7 i- !,t AV AV i iM- Sv At J UJ' Ai- I, 11 j I , 1:11 " 1 1 I 1 II i Al u l I V M 1 JLJLiliJ miWU U i N .fa.. : -V V i-JLiyJJJ.iVil.l.Xio ; . BRUNiR:f james,!:' .iJ4tsr- ;;Vr4 U-' r ' new series,'- i - i i. J . i . - "Km a check ctox 4ix Tom v ! RCLtxi s Do Tins, kXD Libextt . ;VTTMI.pv. nTy T mp ... J5ittor 4 Proprietor. J V is safe." ' J 1' '. rv " -U j-.4?ejHinTiii. ( . iUM15bU 2, U VULUML 111. 1 , 7 ' 1 : . ' r- : 1 - 7. i . . i, i 1 t ' T, H'll :.ALSBURY,-N.ilC., FRIDAYMA8, 1846. , v ; j i .i r -i - - ow, ; .-''.And"wif(.er;'far jhno Windsxan bl j , I. js'sped the rapid answerback. V , TlieaRe ythek woo'd jhe lightning'a blazt, ! Till, atocipirtg from hhe atimmer cloud, f plyf d aouni with harrnless rnys, Fame is trumpeted aloud ' And urehe h.ta k k Uy kneed ' fji hin) who tlKilughi, with seraph rjrach, rTo language gives thf Jiihtning i speed, llAnd wings 'elect c, lends: to spifech jKerved by lu power, our spreading land A n"(?nty gintt hroudly 'lies ;. . V Touch bnt one. nerve with. ikilfullband:( I V' j 1,r0Ufih h'11 unbroken flies m ' ; The dwfKer o'n .ihpj Atlantic shoe, Under these; circumstances the commit tt'e,.vvhile!a majority jf thtjm are in every way favorallej to what they helreve. the only conslituiional mode of collectinsde posit inp:, and dishursiitgr wiiaVlhey believe to he I he only currency known to the. Con st it tit ton. re most attx ious l hat this change hal) he efTe'cted ia a manner to produce A !orJ rnrty brrotlip, arid, swift as light, 5 Wh'-re for Pacific waters roar, f l . J : . I' . l That wordipeeiJi bn with mnigic fligl t Thouj!ts frcslily kin Ming in thd mind, ,1 Andj words lh . ecVjocs! of the 8oil, Iorne on its wiry pinions, bind i - : IlVarti sundefr J fur oa pole fiom pole as liitle pressure as possible on the com Vnercial communityj To prepare for this resuianu to a) void any consequences Irom the too sudden introduction of the Suh. treasury, We have, after full delihfration, xtaiu pinre uimmmtly. determined that the specie clauses shall in no event be report ed lo go imo f fleet sooneitlian the first of January nextj ('' j t :j So far as this cbursev0ni the part of rhe committee, is calculated Uo allav appre- hppy tn'hejng able to fur- 1 i -V r ... papers, and has no knowledge, then his imputations are purely wanton and slan derous. II he has seen the papers, or has any knowledge, then he would be sure to state what he knows, if he k'npws any thins to sustain him in his charge. Si lence, under such circumstances, is con clusive that he knows nothing; because he is under no obligation of secrecy, and, in absence of all other proof, he would of course tell all he! knew, if he. knew any thing which could, in the slightest degree, cious, and is. in fjct. imperiously demand ed by the interests ol this Government. Such course should be pursued forthwith. The .Government i would be remiss and Mr. MANGUM said he most heartily concurred in the sentiments expressed by the. Senator from Florida. He lioped the vote-would be taken, and, when taken. bear him out. The charge, therefore, was I It seemed to him that the President thought. either made in utter ignorance of - anv facts to support it, or else with the. know hensjon, 1 am nish Hie honorable mat ion he asks; ledge that the (acts which do exist would, if made known, entirely disprove, ir. As to tht source of ibis miserable vitupera tion, 1 have nothing to say. 1 am afraid neiiliffent if thev did not adont such ptdicv. Uhfit the resolution would be rejected by the unanimous vote ol the Senate. I le thought the President, in his message, had done, all that was incumbent upon htmfin the performance of his duty. It afforded him pleasure always to approve of the course of the Chiel Slagistrafe of his ciniin try. He took it fr granted that the Pre sident would always act, in reference to the small amount of money devoted dse- cret service, in a manner consistent jvrith Great Britain and other Governments are active in this way. Why should not we use the same weapons? I Mr. W. said he. was highly gratified with the message'of the President in an swer to the resolutions of the House of Representatives, except in one particular. i i -II ' . i. l i . . i. .i ly ine manner in avijicii ne reif rreu to ine fact that none of the secret-service fund had been expended since his inauguration, i honor and integrity. He would not for a ' . i ....... : I that it was creditable to the Administra- moment admit asupposifion ot the reverse; LOOK TO THE LEGISLATI U: It is a matter of paramount imrt rf that the Whigs should have a m;ij:ri the nexV Legislature. And it woal-J' to be superfluous, in the good Whig v of North Carolina, that it was tt :i cesary to make an appeal to i!,;it which is by .so large a majority, i ascendant in the State. Yet, th ! taught us by the supinenes3 and let!, of the Whigs in 1842, bv which v. e I the Loco Focos in possession of a c erable majority in the Legtslature t s year, admonishes"u3 that it will t t . rely upon our strength of numtif . ;, r out bringing that power. to leer, i day of trial. No truo Whig can i the chagrin and mortification frk ! all, when we found the rm-my in ; sion of the Capitol of "our bclov Commonwealth. Or can the and shameful acts of the party t! overlooked or disregnt We have, but to notice our horrit !c, j gled. and misshapen Congression:.i j tricts. to cause the blush of sl.i.rr. j indignation to rise toour checks; o! ' j.that we who possessed the p.o r t ; vent it, had permitted suchastat j toexist and indignation, at t nd tyranical course pursued l)v?ti. t? ....... , ..itr, 4 . a I hi u i ui. i mm i ir. iti li ill. in i.i- r tion. : Mr. W. did not regard thiTfpt in i and no prurient or wanton curiosity should i r. ' o " ------ - - w ...... .... i hit ait J a atia tivuiui-iiiui hki wun State Legislature. TheAYhigs be intlulged in looking into this mritter. ; gentleman the infor- He hoped that the vote of the body yould I most'seriSusly and disastrouslv.i ic SECRET SERVICE FUND. it. r As flashes o'er the siimnier skies ) . Thr hghtningr's blaze from engt to wast, Ver earth the burning fluid lliea, y Vingrd; by a mortal's proud behest. - . . . ' I . : . ' , 1 l noogn tlftiinna ctiefubai tjar the cate. .1 Sine trt an hv (nfttint ttivw too wise. . . ... - j ' lie' tennis ngnin to tempt ihe fate Ttint drove linn lirSt fti Pujradise ! The following resolution, offered by Mr Jatnagaii some i cjays ago, was taken up; nexoivea, J hat the Tresident of the U that light by any means. His humble 1 shall be thought U have naid too much Hcovnmendation would be more cheerfnllv attention to it already. Sir, I leave the given for the judicious and beneficial ex. j h unanimous for the rejection of the tes- ! Qp at Gerrymandering Session, v author of these slanders where he is I '. pndituie of the whole of it. as he (Mr. olution.on the ground that the inquiry Was , . instead Df bavini least Sir K leave him in the worst cotniianv J know vv ; uonnreo nor cuiu ne done, it would i 1,1 IIM 11 "jroper. - w . t , a mar asrv how vigilance. iMr. V. said h of in the world I leave him with himself. Mr. J A UN AG AN said a somewhat si milar resolution, adopted by the House, of Uepresentatives, having been responded nited States be requested to cause to h!p to by the President, refusing, on public ! every foreign Government employs means turniaH(d to the Senate ah account ot a I ! grounds, to givernie iniormation asneu lor, ...i " -r. i' '-r . . ' . ' .A : I u .1:.. t 1 1.. show viffi ance. iir. v. sriul h 1 m nt ------- -- - - - - - - --.ww f believe the American people would find fault with such expenditure. Why, sir, (said Mr. W.) do not we all know that ! sentatives in Congress, selected) 1 JIq.1. J. Calhoun's speech- ; I rX . J ' f ! 1 T W . t!TV:tir I YTH M PO I? V S fi .ii Ti - "T FIRST 'SESSION, 'f m ST I iWED NK.S1M V, AlRlL 22, ! 18 id - ' IN SENATE. .- I r ' t : . ' ; Mr WEBStElt rose aut said: Mr. letters IVesident,' I Qui ly receive so ijnany t mliliihg inrjuines totichiug fjhe jr ;'pnVgij'-sfs of bnf of the nieasures no Ofsfttw Setiatfi'. tliat! J drsire! to Usil babh rwiw be- I repeptlwlly a question or two of the com . ''PV w nav cruti ge ot it.! 1 rJ-ler. sir. I 'M? Wl- O.f the, Independent Treasnrv l il l, Mldie 1 1 mcs'ca lied the Subtrca . Jjipi ho pinlc tn.ikrk 1 tli sire to panics, to alp iMUf 'hsions. The h'. 6;Unvne'ay i;srjperous, aml j d payment? made on President's certificates. ln)mjtrfe,fu)p appropriated by law for the contmgpnjteipenses of foreign intercourse. since ttietn March, 1825. to this time.; w nii copies i an entries, receipts, letters. voutitiers. memorandums, or other evi dence of Such navments : to whom oh id. and Torvhal ; including the sum of thirjv thousand dollar's lor contingent expenses oi anrnissions anroad, now proposed to lie prdvided lor by the bill before the Senate entitled " An act to supplv defi eieticiesrin the- appronriatnsns for certain otjec!s made for ihe , services of the fiscal year ending ury bill. prevent coun- lesirtj ; JVr(as I HlrrablH to prevent nLitation .smd dfSliii hatiee, in iu tiManciial al airs. 1 7 til thereJoif itddre)s triysrlll to inKmw-i. I iitnart (f the Commitieei; on finance, and 4VgJip 'm'osl resjiec' fqlly (!nipind that he ' win not laid tu ansvve to be inconsistent wit)i Jus publioUttit y) ti say lu)W soon it nt- W expected that the coinmit ee will f repiirtinpou thnt itoporlant meakire w w neuif r tne comuiiiiee; nas so lar advanc 1 ed fof'jie coiisith iatioti t) ihU bill that he I il itovvf ahle foj sav whether hev will re- n ,,:. i :it ! s . . ... :.t '..J. . iy'- "v ""I Mii or wii iioui larneiiumeni, II 4 . i . ------- II . I f I i I .1.1,, ,1 l,l, ,,,V1...l,l-...aVL. A 1 . . . i . oiikimiiiii.iii.-9, ii iir can now 'indicate wnai ttiose amendments are i 'it.j- i ;i J:k.v ... ! :iJ. . i 'ii.'i iiiiiiuitiiiuit iiiuh: ucccKSH r v ie ex . ct-eilingly useful to the public; And 1 will ' ..Jlf l V 1... : 1 1 I.-. ' '.. l1i:.! L . j bjalf at mt ptaiodj the subject will come uti lor iconsiilerationl?- 'This last Atirstion j not iniinportiint i 1 itself, but tf me. it vll epcially; imiior ant, beqause I shall hhortlVf have occasion io be w days. i 1 Mr. ILEWIS sait absent for a haply,' Mr. 3d June, 185 but no loc ument or matter is requested by this res olution tp he furinshed which, in the opin ion of the President, woujld improperly in volve the citizens or subjects of any for eign 'Power! . The rsoljition having! been read I Mr. WEBSTER, rose and said : 1-have a ti-w, ahd but a few, retjnarks td make on the President's message in answer to the r-solut.ipn of the House of. Representatives calling, firr an account! of the 'disburse ments during the period in which I had the honor to be Secretary of State, out of the fund for the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. I In the first place, sir, I am happy to say that I entirely approve the course of pro, ceeding which the President has adopted. In my judgment, he could not have acted otherwise tfian he has done, without the "n"'!1''51 his own duty. Sir, as I know that not a dollar wks duhnrl Irom that lund without tl. sanction of the President, and as I am consctouc ut ov t ry disbursement was made fijr a proper and n ceSsary public purpose, it might be thought that 1 should desire the publica tion of the papers, in order that every bo dy might se what they a-re, or what, they show. Rut. (his is a matter of so little con cernment to me (and I presume it is of as little to the; late President) that Fcertain ly wouldinot wish to see an important principle, and an important law. violated and broken for any personal convenience in that respect. 1 am not at all apprehen sive that the country will suspect either President Tyler, or me, acting under his authority, of any thing improper in the disbursement of a few hundred or a few he was disposed to withdraw the resolu tion. The PRESIDING OFFICER observed that the Senator from Tennessee could withdraw the resolution only by the unan imous consent of the Senate. Mr. J A RN AG AN. I presume no Sen ator will object. ! Mr. WENTCOTT. I object. Mr. JAR-NAG AN. Very well ; the Sen- ate can decide upon it then. Mr. WESrCOiT. I object to the with drawal of this resolution, because I desire the vote of the Senate upon it by ayes anil noes, as a precedent, i regard the princi-1 pie involved in it as highly important. 1 am opposed to its adoption, and hope the Senate will reject it by a decisive vole. What is the case? Congress, in mak-! ing the annual appropriations for the con tingent expensesbf our foreign intercourse allows a fund of five thousand dollars, commonlj', designated as the secret ser vice fund," to be yearly, expended by the Executive officers; and by the general act of May, 18J0. the only voucher for he disbursement of this fund, where the l ..sident, in his j judgment, is of opinion that the particulars of the expenditure should not be. made public, is (as is provi- ded by the act) the certificate of the Pre sident of such disbursement, without sta ting for what specific purpose it is made or lo whom made. " r of procuring information find it necessa ry to do so f Shall we. deny ourselves such important advantage in our transac tions and intercourse, with them? They trust their officers to employ spcret agents. Why should we refuse to trust ours ? Are MrJARNAGAN hoped he might be i u '..;.. L-Lt induged ,n a single remark. 1 his resold- a m:jorily of ,heir constitucncV. v hon although he had had the honor oi?ub- oursPVPrpdaced to a mere C r m.tting ,t was not so much a favpnte 1 j and ,hrce members, anj t! with him that he should be dissatiphed tricts so arranged.asto makeit nln. with a refusal on the part of the Senate . possihle lhat we couldf with lls,. to adopt it. It had lor some time past ; jive exerlionSf be successful in t i.t:c.i uguiiuii tue tao.e ai nis own tn- i mon, han fivp Reprcsentativei fr f (illll KJ I I lHoUl lo 0-l iJ V I VJI lit 111 III self. and. he had no doubt, perfectly obvi ous to ihe Senate. Since he bad seen the President's message in answer to a!reso- . a' t V V staunch and thorough Y lug ate thevdess patriotic or trustworthy? Can i j . i a a? ' i it be that republican officers, elected by j unon oi me. other House, he was pepect the oeoole tor their abilities and natriot- I ly satisfied with the reasons therein as -- - -3.- I : I am in my of the distinguished mwe r Uy re I.t L Presitlenfrto'jhave i i ply to te questions :natir Irom-AlasschUsetts, so blr as the Commijtee on rinai ce havelhad khesub- 1 jfer under consideration. I pann6f, how-. ( .!.., o.j lu jiu.ii, iim; ine louotreasury nil vill c -rwrtedj hack t'ol the Senate. Y iCmmitlehay determined to give jbceddnce, in: the ufctiVn of tljie Senate, to .;'bill ffpofted by the honorable Senator Tftom New York (Mr. Dix) lor establish- " ' rtrr t'-,rr.ti,ilivkiifr Jrtlni tI'I.J. I s J. " "fO M"Mii0 aioiuii, j Dill IiaS i f en urged on trie committee hvdomrner- af men 5 as a rem tHltal measure, in its ndciipy Stdrijlily t alculated to' relieve pressure Svhich niight oihervvise re- pit irom a pn'ciptt ute or suefden mtro- ictioirdf therirircie clauses! of tL So'b. y iMfjsltrl .! In idditi(n to the varehousing , ?! I Y T c"lI,,nuee nrppostv t) precede ac- i muii v;;n4ouoireasury iv oius io estao .TislclVitach minis nt Chariest on and New orKmeasurivhicU havh alio been 'rgeu, irom resoectrib e comriiercia sour. as n their tpndincy calculabd tola- l'Vyi rl ' ?!""uupipn oij specie pay- jwrn W ihf o t bej 1 rer sury. S(! far as an v jr all of these' meas ires are salcu ated to V1? PPhrinsion: lr ,hft publii mind, ry will receive the ' cordial support of It Js Certain; sir. that, from ihe vlv otf vy o ha ve-ppt now a Su ht rcKsury i j n peratldti, lrtrce;amQunts of -public monA- lavHacbumulated iri!deDo.sitd n the banUk l ueir mont not less than eleven or j iiitiiuii -m? mvwuiiiu. aim mists j VI . niuch jarger paper circulation, while the ;cptioh of paper money in I the dues of Pa a w m , i tm J i i iiieGQVeKnmen hasl in addition to other pauses, considr-raniy expanded the aggre k;at Circulation ofr this fcbuntirw so o as i to fcreale 'an ndyerse state of foreign changes, and at )tm too, wHen thk f onjftiry ebnditipn of England is far from i ' L .4 ... 1 ' I ! I I Mr. W. said he believed all our Presi dents have caused to be used more or less of the secret service fund nJfMr.-wt said he would not suffer himself to doubt or suspect that every one. of them had not don$so properly, judiciously, and espe cially with the most patriotic motives. Mr. W. said ne should feel ashamed ol himself if he could be induced to imagine that any American President had been guilty of the slightest impropriety in the disbursement of this fund. He trusted he never should have so degraded a rule by which to judge his countrymen, especially one eleyated to the Presidency pthe first station in the world. He hoped j the rule by which he judged even those most op posed to him in political opinion voultl al ways be more elevated. Every body knows lhat President Madison paid the notorious John Henrv fifty thousand dob thousand dollars, in a case in which the lars iust before the last war with Great I . I 1 I L . .... law reposes continence in the President, ) Britain for secret iniormation; respecting the attempts ol ihe Uritish Government to corrupt poi lion's) of New England to Brit ish interests. Mjr. Madison its true, paiil rather an exorbitant price forfthe budgeit of trash he got from Ilciiry, but he did right in buying it, and the country approv ed of his conduct in that respect. Mr. W. said for Ins part he was of opinion that iff this secret service fund was increased to double the amount now allowed, every cent of it j was annually spent by the President, it Would be money vyell laid out for the country. To counteract the intrigues of foreign courts to procure knowledge of those intrigues, which might affect our interests and regulate jthe ac tion of our -Government, the; President should employ secret agents, either citi zens or foreigners, as qircumstance,s should ism, tested as they always are bytears ot service for their country, are. not as wor- I thy of confidence as the officers of a mon- i arehy ? I . ; , I Now. (said Mr. W.) what is the reso- 1 lutio'n under consideration ? The Senate, it is proposed, shali ask the President to inform it as to how the secret service fund for a certain period has been spent. The Senator who offered this resolution, I am satisfied, has no idea that any impropriety has occurred as to its disbursement. I am convinced he believes as I do not hesitate to declare that 1 do ; nay, as I deem it my duty to say. that;lhe imputations made a gainst the late President and the distin guished Senatori from Massachusetts in reference to the Use of this fund improper ly, whilst the latter wasSecretary of State, are slanders of the silliest and most pitiful character. Sir, said Mr. W., 1 will not as Senator, by any vote of mine, permit any such fugacious spandal against any high Executive officer of my country, of any political party,and especially Against a citizen who stands high before the world as does the Senator assailed, and of whose signed ; and he would say further, that he heart My approved ot the arguments and principles therein laid down: and no one would vote more heartily in favor of; those ; principles than he would do by voting a gainst his'own.resolution, as leave to with draw it had been refused. i Mr. BREESE said he did notknow what object could be attained by taking a direct vote upon this resolution1. He would, therefore, move that it be laid on the table. j Mr. ALLEN said he should without hesitation vote against the pasjageiof the resolution, and he would do so on the ground that an inquiry of this kind could never be justified except upon the fillega- tion ot ine existence ot anuses or ;unpro- accornpisiied. Let eCertj Cqur.f. per conduct on the part of public men, ()Ul thrjr slrongPSt and most pop-..", and with a view to base an impeachment , didates let preference of m.n 1 upon those allegations or charges. lie- ; (nvp(1 u inrt1Pd.sire fortriuniph sides, the Senate ol the United Stafes was ciplevl go to Uork witll v:: not ine Dody wnose duty it was to origin- nir,n, and a most glorious victor-, lie niijt..njiioit -ins , ii w a.- i in: 1 "-fl,. 'i'- was .appointed by the Constitution to un charges when made, but not to make I hem. And even if there were, therefore allega Carolina. , , .. . Upon the next General Assc:ril ! devolve, the3 high nnd responsible : electing a United States Scnitt-r. I phice of our gifted and patriotic M;-. ; whose term" of service expires? on ' , of March next. It depends upon i ' cision made at our August! E! 1 whether he. or some other true; ; flinching Whig, shall represent i ; august body, or whether the Mill stigma and disgrace should I j- .,!: ' to us. of being wi-re presented ly , stead of one. Loco Foco Senrij .r. should avert so sail a calamity, t!. , Whigs should go to work with a good will determined to be sa'i-t!. ! nQthing short of decidl'majorjii! -s I : branches of the next' 'Legislature ' have only to restive that it Vmll , and by a proper exercise of t'.e t ! cial strength we possess, the wor!; and gives him a discretion as to making the expenditure puhhe. I; Sir, a President of thelUnifed States, or the head. of p Depart'meiiit acting by Ibis authority, must think but poorly of his pwri reputation and standing with the country if he j is afraid of being suspected of having jviolatcd his duty and his oath in a matter of so little taioment. I will add,' that ; a, person who entertains sucji a suspicionr vihout reason'' of any -public maii, may himself be; well suspected; of haying held a no very complimentary dia logue with himself j ;; j Sir, we all: know that the head of a De partment cannot touch a dollar of this fundtexcent with the President's sanction. The whdlej power, and the whole respon sibility, is Hvith the President. The Pre sident's message states this so fullv and f dictate to be most advisable : and the ortlv clearly that need not dwell dppn it. I rule, to regulate such employment should will say, in the first. place, lhat no expen- be his opimon.lmi it might probably be diture, improper in itself or improper in ; beneficial to our country. i I I us. In every Uounty, however success may eem to promir. 1 and effloient men be in the filed Counties and Districts be thorou vmi1 wnd tiv a vifornus anil tr. : which it was intended to base an impeach- , f(.nce of our principles, thri Ol ! ment, he would still, upon these grounds, gtatp NVlj be 'redeemed from )he vote against the resolution. ! taint or suspicion of-Loco Fc The motion to lay the resolution upon . . comnrisinir with the table was negatived; and the question nrnlsno log-rolling no suaj : being upon its adoption, the yeas and nays ! candidatf.. T.t us strike for i)ur ( were ordered and being taken, resulted ftnj our Country's cause, in Aug'. . . . . i.ii . . - iiS lOHOWS : YEA Mr. Turney. NAYS Messrs. Allen, Archer, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Barrow, Ben I ton, Berrien, Calhotm. Cass. Thos. Clayton, John M. Clayton. Colquitt, Corwin. Da j vis, Dickenson. Dix, Evans, Fairfield, I Greene, Haywood. Houston, Huntington, Jarnagin, Jenness, Johnsor, of Louisi- . . . I ana, Lewis, McDuffie, Mangurr. Miller, & lrts " nessary (Sny, a pr . Mi ai f 'l -rai 'st J wmv. rt''- hcia right 1J1 l.i v iu theirs wLofwo .1 . . . I II. iL ' i en ine country, or vmecmc iuc afi.i i . its energies, by representing it bef r I try as in the wrong 1 I" a case i f ( 8V with another world, il is importer . J . . . . ..i.:.. i J . i triliutive to onr nreiigin,oi oniy, t;.,t the right, ,nat more among o-He! . either make representation of us i n t :. or etxJ'''vor to place us in that cod Ji'.i . timorc Sun. A i i reputation and lame abroad (opposed as j ,ios concerning any public officer upon 1 tun to him n rWditical opinion on almost j every sunject ol 'party, contest) J as an A merican feel proiidI say I will not con sent that such gpssip shall be the fbunda tion of a call upon the President, or any action whateverof this chamber. I will not dignify such unworthy accu sations by any nolice of them whatever. But his is not the chief reason for my de sire that this resolution may be voted down by the Senate, to stand as a prece dent lie said he especially desired that President Polk, and all future Presidents, may be assured that, as to the disburse ment of this fund, the Executive acts up on, his own responsibility, and is not to be called to an account : otherwise, the act ol .Congress would be a dirty trap. Sir. it is ; Morehead, Niles. Pearce. Penn;yhacket, , he . an(J Uu a pretty business if we cannot repose suf- i Phelps, Sevier, Simmons. Speighr, Upham, ; Bul thevri-ht it hcient commence in our Uhiei Magistrate one who is elevated to the highest sta tion in the gift of the peopl of these States by their free suffrages to entrust him with! i he. expenditure of the paltry sum of fifty thdusand dollars a year for his coun try in this mode. Mr. W. said he felt humbled that hej was impelled by what our banner will wave victoririoly, inscribed on its glorious ioh!. . Governor I a Whig Senate!! . W 1 1 IG HOUSE OF COM M ON S ' our watch-word be- Remember t: mtmdcr Session of IS 12. ll'l tcr. in-', WebsTer. WVstcott, Woodbridge 11. So the resolution was rejected. Public. Debt of Texas. The House of Representatives of Texas have appointed a committee to inquire into the expedien cy of ceding to the-Governmentiof the U. he conceived lo be his duty' to make these I States the public funds of Texas for a observations. He regarded the fair fame j insteomvalent.forthennrnns nf'nrnvirlinp- 1 As a freeman, a lover of truth cn 1 .. . ' I I "'Il - e r j- i... i ... . . of our distinguished puhlic men as the pro- j means to liquidate the public debt of the nMftf of. thf pmililrv Wf had rpcfivpn m i . . . . I and if i l - r "l :L i ii i otate ; and to take into consideration nie .1 OP its amountl was made to my knowledge, judgment, tor j belief. And I wilj say, in the next, pface. that the jate President of the United! States, in al ihings'respecfing the expenditure of the public moneys, was remarkably cautious, exact, andfparticu- rich heritage from those who preceded us. and any man who unjustly and causeless ly as$ajls the. reputation of such American is no true friend to the peopleor their in stitutiohs. j Mrl W. said that he held it to be impor tant that the Executive branch of the Go vernrnent should! be satisfied that full con fidence is and wjll be reposed in it .as to the fidelity with jwhich this fund may be disbursed as tajthe discretion which will be exercised ; and that it will be protected by Congress and by ihe people frotn scan- I dajous imputations so easily made in re propriety of classifying and defining the public debt, and of appointing a board to ascertain and allot the same. A bill has also been introuced into the Senate - for the liquida'o:i and adjust ment of public debt." The bijl proposes the. appointment bj the Governor and Senate of three rommisioners to act upon the claims, at Austin, commencing on the cr of dissimulation and wrongwec r.' sentiments. According to these d the men at ihe head of our Govern::.' territory that evidently lc!ongs t a: lion, we mut sustain them or be tilt -i incur the imminent risk of a Ion a: war, by refusing ia their negodatic ns y eign Power to consent to.term v' i been retieatedly proposed by lh?ir j'-: - r ter redecesors, we must sustain Jlcr, lent ; and if, when negotiation h, t naciously refuse, fur the most alstrJ ulous f-fall conceivable reaions, ) f . figment. The right of appeal is also lar. r, i And I here say, sir, thaf all declarations, avermentsl statements !or insinuations, J made any where, or by any brdy, ' 'c impute Ipervjersibn, inisnpplication, or wAste of the public, funds, committed or niade by 'me while Secretary of Statey are utterly groundless and untrue. And I Will conclude with one remark, the bearing of which 1 shalllleave to the Senate and to the-country, .'if t ",.p , Whoever charges me with haying eith er mfsappjipd orvasted he public funds, while in Jhej Department of State, jfijas either seen the pa pets,1 or has, In some other way, obtained kiiQwledgei onjthe subject, brihej has not (If he hasseeniio Doubtless, very often such agents will :- gard to it ; and it may not be deterred from render hut little, service, and sometimes ! itx tiitlirinus nnrVmn imp. hit nun tin- jut - , J ... J J , .t I .. none, butthisis no answer to the argument prehensions of popular suspicion impioper- ' t De allowed trom their desciston. in favor of employing themf whenever the ly excited or popular clamor gotten up for j f resident has reason to nelieve they may other than patriotic objects. j t-1p u Harmoviocs "-The !New pe oenencial. uar amnassadors aDroaa are. the last persons who can acquire such i n for mation, u n less Aey ha ve secret agentsj. Mr. PresidentJ fsaid Mr. V.. I' said in the a a ft 'k j -V ' t t remarks 1 made last week on the Uregon question that if our Government had years ago employed an agent to procure copies of the correspondence in 1790 and "91, Ue jween the British and Spanish Ministers who negotiated the Nootka Sound con vention, it would, I did not doubt, When published, shed tight on the British claim to Oregon, and, indeed, thatl s jspected it would of itself effectually crush hat clairhj. Eyeryjjone who knows any thing about it must know. that the employment M.sedret first of evO' alternate month, with the powers of a court of law and equity, and ; decision of a question involving i rWUinn utn'U-K t hn iflWt ! nf n to arbitration the established rft k.V ' 1 1 r w w ... - - - - - - fairest and best mode of settling ca;i ; cuhies we must sustain tbera or j Ltf ? Such principles of action may do ;well. C . .Lr., I,,, i u ! ! 1 cro r ri 1 L f : Our country, right or wrong," i, v--' nerlv understood, a good maiirn iutir;.- .1 r, I If ....i.., ..Ln T rrtrl i I ! . . L .1 I C. I,!, y. ml ! me vynariesion iuercuiy ; 'xis" -r-'-""'1-" Roiaier snonw ugui 'w..... agents in Mexico, in Cuba, and elsewhere to justify the call proposed. He hoped at this very time; would be highly, jddil l the resolution wppld btt rejecledat once. Or- rrt i. a , .1 i . M .... - i ne distinction wntcn tne. resotunon , nr i . ai-i cr ,,m leans Courier (LocOfoco) thus speaKS ot e": names and the names of citizens em ployed as agentsMr. V. said he regarded untenable. All should be protected from j exposure, or else we maynot procure the in iormation they disclose, or obtain-the ser vices they render; But he was opposed to the' resolution m the general grounds he had stated. It was scarcely necessary, he said, for him to remark that he could safely youch that, no knowledge was had by the distinguished and worthy function ary at the head of the State Department. tr by! the faithful officer next to him, of anV d sclosure ol documents in tneircare, K . I II L I "The Charleston Mercury is at length undisguisedly W biggish, openly expresses a wish that the Democratic party in New York may be defeated and on the Ore gon question goes farther in .support of the British pretensions than any blue-light paper in the Union. The Mercury fre quently recurs with'great self-fcomplacen-cy to a long article which it! sent forth sometime ago on the same Ofegon ques tion. That article in.lhp Mercury was a. mere plagiarism-from the;Edmhar Re view, considerably-weakened Ity ihetrans- tcr, .:J I ' out stopping to investigate the cau tf ' ' rel. But, most crrtainly, when w ar" with the world, it is the duty of even r all in his p-.wer towards keeping U t ihe right, and to denounce andppj'e r fyrt of her rulers to place br in ?h.; r Louisville - : T War Fever in New Yorh.Tu Telegraph says : It has beep p: that a public meeting be held ia t! someday next week, by citizrr. parties, calling upon Congressto r war loan of 25 millions, to orar l militia, and increase the army anJ -.; : 1 'Ii - i it i if 1 i, 1 . 'I v

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