V I. v, t: 4 l; k ! : i!- it t-; it HI i . 5.1 -, i, li if; it - i .5 0 IU! V: I: : ' i. : I. r:. n r .ONE WEEK LATER f Tio steamer AeV York on Tu , later hccountls lrdm llib 11th .instant. , !-v I ne news a no n had by advanced an cighj h o !U i pciu t fund it i t)C .quarter, over In c jHome.uiiprovvrnt'rit. r . i : i ' n ;!(' (treat Ndnv FROM klJuOlE; Westerh reached wun oneiweeji tbcinff! of politicaly important a i nz rnmerciai atlUirs generally there was chesof uIr. npoe I j oU ti, wai' co h si d e! ter thd'eorn one shill 1 1 last rp ported prices. We have noticed on more than one or HEPOLtCTUrV" igh ; estimation n 'i ,-Tho latest ne wis reieived Jh 'EiiglancI j ro rii ,i njs count r y in connexion wun ine lay wood and Mr. dal- rrd fiilorablefto the con- rl J I "Wrliarnlrnt hail adjourned forthi E llUI-UilA ?, 111(5 Its ; 1. f i ihc il7ll and ihe 521st Sir ltoherl1 me insn coercion ncahi oh tin? 17t ;Tte debates in as. f 1f ! - ! J House oi upmrnonji to Ho(jsm of. Lords to" jihe lVeljgave notice jtha bill will be takertjup and on the Monday casion recentlvi the uiu tl ; J..i-- I'-J... -w ) t J- -i wuicu uiuian corn, as an arucie oi 1000, has nsen;on thysidt of the Atlantic; Sir Robert PeH ori Wcdriesdave Veningr cor-! roborated ouistatement.j In Ireland it Is; falsi siiperseding the watery pof a!o, and t he rremier expressed ai praiseworthy feeling of pride at finding the people of that coun try preferring what he justly styles a better and more generous description of food." , 1 1 N . i.- - j.';- The Cotton rparket has improved since the sailing of th Caledonia. On Wednes day there was a good jleal of business do ing, ihe isales exceeding 10,000 bales. On Thursday lie sales amounted to up- j r r,vers ro" wards o Ks;; but yesterday, be-J JUS iolliAvihg thej corii importation! billi 'arliamfiitseem tbhave jl j hrcn confined to Irish jind railway (Fairs. j i u- iM!!e tdpics jalso engross the attention of . the" journals. . . j T ': ! 1 j . : Siir Ibnry Ha dingei and Sir Hugh H Cough, wITb have qistirtuishedthemjselves i ; liy military kervites in India, have been ; r t levnted to the Perra i, rairri jjj. Thc.PrijrCp de Joiiiville has hejtn ap i 'ji; jioln cd comrnandrr-inchief of the iMedi I i; i tcraiienn llefjt. lie hits been making a Taujon and oil hers, and, the papers speak excellent iliects prou'uceU bj lib rigid ' examinational vlt- j i ' ' Ter"ha ncen anoi her Ministerial jcri- Vis in Spain, Gen. Nairraez bavins: I quar- .11 1 !' i i. he follow. t Wi tad in tie'AWxahdrtliakette ing Just anq pdintpq p$errtioiii4 ;fe iVe diprt in the Administriiion papers appeals to thej j5?(jp!e .ti isupport tjei ;pilicyjr M r, Pol ks !aJ trii ni st ration! ! Th i s rn jht all very tveH, if tfiese -guides iviould sliyr us jwhat the " policy of)the jAdnMniiitfation jUallj: ijs or as we seejfeicipi sed, byfajlcotenipo. rary, " tell us tfe altfeof i ho Admiiiip(ration Vf The friends of those in potver should themselves agrae in opiniriconcemi ig" their bijrn policy, be(re: they intokej the! country! to support. They should 'njstl'jyi "Hher 04 .Oor 49 U the orthodox liiieof rwundarv-if appropriations for rivers and harbors are proper if .the Sub. e House, is to be be supported north ing uoom ifnuay, mere whs u uuMui- , nf fan.a an nitnn' iih- ifeE. A-c done. ( Upon the whole, the tone of the j A these .nt -fct to l0 seed, M.yoml dis. market is tirrrter, anu prices nave; lm- , Mtre tney ,uik at(mi tbe pbliey of the proved nearly roijeighih 'a gratifying fact in the present state; of the commercial world, tie steadiness of the demand is encouraging as regards ihe future. ? Emigration.--The tide of emigration to America fron Ireland has set in this year earlier than usual. The. quays at Cork are crowded to ihconvience with passengers and; their luggage. Already one vessel has failed with a full comple ment of passengers; and twenty-three others, with nearly lour thousand emi Administration We have as vet keen no re cognized principle of policy adopted by the Ad. ministration, and united in generally hy the par ty, except llhat; of turning Whigs out of office, and putting friends of the dominant party into their places, and even this last principle ere. ates, occasionally, some little grumbling in the parts of the country where they arejnot used to the process. No! no! Mr. HaywOod ami Mr. Allen must unite in the Senate and the Wes. tern and Southern leaders embrace in the House of Representatives, or appeals : to support the policy of the Administration, will lie cons id. 4M ) rrijllctl jwilh two of his colleagues. The latest intejligencrt from Madrid states if ! 'th.-ulhis resignation bad. been accepted liyjthe; Queenj. I A r. Isiuritz isiPresident . of tho. CoutiCjil ar d Minister of foreign Aftajrs'; M. Arme -o, Minister of Marine ; M Egana renainii as Minister of Juistice ; ii AI!1Moii is : i nt Ilia r l nances. . 'f- j 1.. ilil j Tlie recall of G 'riefut O'Doijine'jij from ' tpp Coverument0 ' Cqba is annoririced. j" .(5enc ral Honcall is apjiointed to sBcceed ' .;-r ;. f ; ' ;': - - ;l ,1 The Pob'iih Insurrection is.entireicrush- m IThe leaders jvcre! being imprisoned j . lnti quarters. I'DtocK. one ot theilead :U ;tfi, la bcerr (pondtninell todeath.and ex- ! cbutqd at Siedice. -;. n ..' s j ' j In Persia tie ciolera is raging with ; devastating efH-ct. f j j ' tl The Cnpo f Go6tl llope papers, which corn down lo the middle of February, '. 'A titate that Ihe Kafirs mec; upon Graham's lown. grants, are preparing at that port lor sea, ! ered ,y intelligent men as vain words! cohvey. ARRIVAL OF rOULTRy FROM America. ing no other meaning than the old one, t Keep On Sunday, the Agerma, 500 tons, ar rived in St. Catharine's docks, from Bos ton, with twenty-five cases of turkeys, geese, and capons ; also, six boxes of red Ti indeer, of superior qualify. They were packed in ice tq preserve them. We be lieve this to be the first importation of the kind. 1 M oeatllori impetuosiiy of the other branch rof Congress, in this as well as in other important measures. ; So far as jihe recommendation of that Committeo may have ny I influence the pressure " which, by this Very act of postpone rftcnt, it is. confessed, must naturally result fr6n the measurej.l whenever it shall go into opera tion, -vfill bei iati least; delayed long enough to permit: those interested to prepare for the arl) tLiy, It may pertinently be asked, however, why a measure should be. persisted in, the con sequences of: which must le so' confessedly in jurious ? Y Why, when we are 'sailing on a smooth sea, shitll we voluntarily, run .our bark upon rocks and breakers ? Why incur the haz ards of shipwreck, jwhen before us lies a "safe channel ? . But , we did not intend to discuss the wisdom of their policy, so much as to direct public attention to the dissensions in the-ranks of our opponents, perplexing their maturest counsels." J Yet so well disciplined are they, that, even tacit confessions like these, extorted from one portion of the party in regard to the probable mischievous effects of the measures proposed by another, will exert no. disturbing influence upon their action when the bugles of their leaders summon Ihem to the fight ! i 1 ' - irong hopo prelirainary legislation to avert j . thai :body x& be .exerted to counteract the I it mischiefs ? p Onq might tvith as much.rea. jt wj buu iac uuic vi arKiuti uaim "" - precaution of swalloAvingan antidote by which t. . t cr ..,. r i its poisonous enecis migni oe io larucunautcu as lo prevent the extinction of life ! ' ' We bavej remarked above that the specie clause of. the .Sub-Treasury bill Is its vital fea. ture, divested of which it would be a piece of cumbrous machinery, chiefly objectionable on the scoredf ihe increase of federal patronage, and of the facilities it -would furnish lo embez. zlement and defalcation. It is that clause of the bill from which a pressure is apprehended, anoffrom which, if it be enforced, a pressure must necessarily arise. . NVe need not attempt to argue a ! proposition so plain that even the best friends of the proposed change are con. strained to dmit it.. But we cannot refrain from callinglpublic atlentionjn this connection,' to the strongand emphatic condemnation passed by SenatirMcDuflie, upon this measure in 1833, the year after Mr. Van Buren had, by his official imprimatur; 'given the M democratic " impress to this " federal conception," as the Globe characterize t in 1833,' when Gen. Gordon, introduced it into theJHouse of Representatives as the antagonist of Gen Jackson's and Amos Kendall's Pet Bank ;Learue. -Mr.iMcUufhe, OF THE From the t'jetersburg Intelligencer. GENERAL SOliniEItN CONFERENCE FIRST SESSION. The Conference! M. E. CHURCH. Friday, May 1, 184G. met at 9 o'clock, and was rntlpfl tn nrAfr Kv iliA I?v". fir W'nnna vtir nominatedj Rev. Mr. Early a-President pro. cohesive power f public plunder tern; ot the Conference. Bishop Soijle wais present, but as he does not itated an httack The Governor had taken the; requisite precautions' tci re Jel the attack, and the colonists, alarmed ty tlje rumors of impending hostilities, hind put themselves in nil attitude of de jWca But tlje pnl)abiliify was thatjthe nfai would- end without blows. I II Tb,! folloving cmnprhtl of the remjiin., der of the intjelligence is mtde up; from tho liivcrpoollTitnes of the 1 lib instant: geographically belq as Bishop Andrew appointed Presiden A portion of the by the Rev. Mr. W hg to the Church South, and was absent, Mr. Early was pro?. tern. Holy Scriptures was read inans. A hymn was then sung, and the Throne of Grace addressed by the Rev. gentleman in an eloquent and appro priate prayer. Certificates of depegates'to the Conference, ing the party together, in order that those who are its head may continue ito enjoy the spoils, or divide, them amongst their parasites and fa voiites." i':;i'; ! M The tenacity) withjwhich the Administration party adhere together at the polls, In the face of ihe contrariety of opiniim exhiljited by them in the councils qf the country, not only upon the application of gNat principles, but ; upon those very principles tjiemselves upon which they pro. j fess to he united, is one of the most remark a l.ble phenomena 6f the times; or at least it would be so, were' not the mystery solved by that em jihaiic declaration of one of their ovn leaders, ! who said that they are bound togpther f by the That de. claration is confirmed by the present position of the party, who, as our friend of the Alexan dria Gazette well remarks seem td have con centrated on no V principle,"' since the Jnllugu. ration of Mr. Polk, except that of pruseribing4 Whig office-holders, arid putting Locofocos in their place ! 1 ; On the question of Internal Improvement by the General Government, for example, we have We need but refer to the Oregon controversy j in a letter to Col. Towns, of Georgia, used this aS another striking illustration of the discord- ' strong language to the truth and force of which ant opinions of the Administration party one J we as heartily subscribe now as we did at the section of which, headed by Cass and Allen, j time it was written.: insist upon the assertion, even at the hazard of j M T regard(id th Kheme of exicting cie war, of the American tiIe to the extreme hm- payments fpr;Governmnt due, to the exclusion of the its of the territory in dispute, to which they ai- ; " bills of specie-paying Bants, as a measure fraught with lege the party is bound not less by the resolu- ! K such deleterious consequences, that I do not believe it tions of the Baltimore Convention, than by the ! " wou,f endrt; our eairy it. to - , r r ii I ., , , ,l . " merely a ttandard-fo which we refer, by means of the voluntary pledges of Mr. Polk ; whilst Calhoun j exchange9 to ascertain iwhen the currency is redund and Benton ominous conjunction ! as boldly j ant. Paper credit if our actual currency : and to de- amrm thaMt is the duty ot the Administration to compromise the question, if it can, by a sur render of more than six degress of latitude to " siroy that would be to produce one of the most unjust " and ruinous revolution which ever desolated the earth." The letter; from which this paragiaph is la- Great Britain. And both sections of the bar- ! ken. was wr tten after Mr. Calhoun had iriven ty; with equal boldness, although occupying in his adhesion to Van Buren on this question ; such antagonist positions, claim to speak the and we hope to see Mr. McDuffie reiterating sentiments of the President; and both, perhaps, this opinion on the fWr of the Senate, and ex would to-morrow, were he a candidate for re. eilin" his stronff powers to aveit the catastro. ' Commercial matters wear an improved nSpecY. ' Affairs ar still sufficiently' bad ; 1)U, qotnparatvely speaking, not so much so as they were a week ao. Th decis iori oriirllarnent respectjing the pending railway .bills yill peedily bring intojeir- . cufat; on; largd quantities'of cnm'tal that have been withdra .Vn Irob thc Wdinary channqls of trade. , i ' lThb'tnriir, I ke. IN ahomet's cofBn, is Sus p(t)did in mi l-air, between the higher : and the Iowe pow ers ; bitit, pending its fate, mor ndVabtnnrc is beitis taken of , 'A'cnsuiy "u"r ior noeraung goods I from ibond on Ipaytrlent of t'he reduced du ties : Mi i': During ceipts at the fa list of which will be published at another t 5een' ai ,nis sess 00 ol Vongress' nV a mo" time,) were then refcd. 'e,y f the party voting for the appropriation of Thiee Delegates jbeing absent, Dr. Winans ; millions of dollars to this object, without sciu moved that the pqnference adjourn until to. ; pIe, and even denouncitlg the contractekl policy morrow morning ai 9 o'clock. This motion ! a(- ,l .i, .J, j ; r ... r , ur ,U . j . a- , l"Pir political associates, who, more faithful was withheld for I ha present, in order to a fiord i , . . V , the Delegates from (he Indian mission an op, to lhc,r l),,ifcss,onf' PPose he stem, both as portunity to furnish evidence of their election. . . Lunwa,ranted by the Constitution, and asjeorrupt- Mr. Drake eontenided that the motion to adi ! ing in its tendencies one section invoking and journ having been withheld, it: was to all in, j predicting a Presidential veto, in the event of tents anu purposes wnnaiawn, and he moved tne , nun iiim vuiiivicuti; inuicru iu cicci a ovurtr. ; ige of theie billi, and the other depre. tary. i eating and defying . I A. I . . i ne prcsseni ween tne re Custbm-houfcc have hp.pn iartre ii tolerable ibroof that the . , k ; j . I ml. . . i . , . q ;cial yorjd thijik thfc tariff jw ill ultimately inu lis way io uie siaiuie-nooit. 'hp American provision trade has nar- ttal;en of the facilities whith the Treasu ry orfler a ffofds. Considerable supplies of berf and provisions have been released licm bond under tbe low duties, and4 are Cnuiug their. Way jntogerieral consump ticn.'E ! ' !! " X7 - 'I ' j Tl o revenue retiirns to the 5th of April exhibit some curiojis results. This is the Dr. Winans thereuuon renewed his motion to adjourn, and the 4te being taken, the mo tion to adjourn was lAst. Mr. Drake then renewed his motion to go in- to ine election ot a peeretary, which motion having been carried, Ihe Rev! Mr. T. N. Ral ston, of the Kentucky! Conference, was unani moosly elected Secretary, and the Rev. Mr. T. O. Summers Assistant Secretary of the Confer, ence.' . The Rev, Samuel Bryant, of the N. C. Con ferencc was the assistant Secretary pro. tern. The Delegate's from' the Indian Mission hav ing produced, satisfactory testimony of their election, were admitted to seats in the Confer ence, j Rev. Mr. Crowder offered the following res olution : it! Now, we would ask, of which of these opposing sections vf the party, ' of which Mr. Polk is the common head, is he the true representative ? ; And yet,: were Mr. Polk a candidate for reejlecfion. (an event by no means improbable,) with one vpice these " strict constructionists " 'woiild unit i---! and zealously in his support, as it there were in truth no seemingly impassable gulf between them ! . j So, too, on the Tarifi rupon which however, we admit there is a nearer approach to unan imity in action, though w0 doubt whether there be not as wide a diversity of sentiment among them in relation to the principle involved in the I controversy between the itwo great; parties. election, strain every nerve to promote his triT umph ! We have thus hastily grouped together some of the important questions upon which the Ad ministration party differ among themselves as widely as they do from the Whigs. Is it not pertinent and proper, therefore, when complaints are made bv them, of the hostility evinced by the Wh igs to their policy, that we should require them to tell us definitely and precisely irhal that pdlicy is ? We confess that to us it seems to he a 'Messelated pavement," as well in the di versity of its colors, as in the compactness of its various and dissimilar parts. phe which hie so eloquently depicts. X Erom the Richmond Whig.of April 27. SIGNS OF FEAR. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. 1 Salisbury, IV. C. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1846. FOR GOVERNOR, William A, Graham, OK OR A N G E COUNTY. O We are authorised to announce Ilczekiall Turner, us a candidate for she riff at the ensuing Au gust election. O We are authorised to announce John L.. Gl'illiaill, as a candidate for sheriff at the ensuing August election. WHIGS ATTEND! Resolved, That the Editors of the Southern ' From ihe fact, so often proclaimed by Ihe Wash end Of the flnancia,! year. ail rj;ycrme, ow ing to ol trncle, sliows a lomsjpf hnlf a mil M" mom than a r . i lie yenr sf J and Southwestern Advocates be a Committee for publication, whose ; business it shall be to supervise all publications of reports of proceed ings, with authority to employ a Reporter. Re-v Mrj Lee moved to Jimend the Resolu. lion by striking out thej clause authorizing the Committee to employ a Reporter he prefer ring that the Conference should make the se lection. Pending a discussion of this subiect. . n j Senator Levyis, in responding to the intei rog. atoriesi addressed to him, as Chairman of the 'Finance Committee, a few days ago, in refer- ; ehce to the time at which the Sub-Treasury Bill would probably be repoited to the Senate for its action, and to the amendments which might be ! suggested, observed that the Committee hadde tcrminjd in give precedence to the bill establish ing the; Warehousing System, and likewise to I ibills establishing Branch Mints at New York j tnid Charleston. We would enouire w'hv il is 1 tat the Senate, more cautious and prudent than ! TT3 A meetiner of the Whigs of Rowan .1 . Il t r ft .. I ine popmar orancn oi congress, weejini neces- : Polintv vrfls l1Pbl on Thnrsrlav. 7th Afav. sary to precede the introduction of the contem- , " ... , . , , . . . plated Financial System by other measures. 18 lC' 1,1 1'sbury, which being organized having iio immediate connection with it, though by appointing Captain John McCuIlocb, one of them, we admit, will be wholly unneces. Chairman, and Levi Trexler, Esq., Secre sary, except as a cumbrous and costly append- f a lh ft,lovvins resolution was adopted l nu) In (hat cittnn r . ml urlnr t .a n .Mu.nnn.i given, too, that.! if Ihe bill should ultimatelv nass. ; 011 motlOJl ol J- Lord, hsn. : iu nilnl provision, divested of which it is a bod v ' " Whereas, the ir..per sec?on is approach without a soul, requiring all government dues to ' in" for the; nomination of uiiubl candidafra to be paid tn epecjie. instead of going into effect in represent th cu'y "C Kowan in the nest Gen- the month of June, as L rH;m'rd r frMrj L-.--'rniblv. and a general expression of Bill, shall not be enforced earlier than January public sentiment being desired next ? If the measure be a .wise one, why de- j Be il Resolved, That a Convention of ihe ler the period at which its auspicious influence ; Whig Party be. hrld in the town of Salisbury, on Saturday the 23d of May, (inst.,) and that delegate be chosen by the respective Captain's Companies, to represent them iu the Convention. i.igton Union, during the preceding summer and autumn, that Mr. Walker was-incessantly and laboriously employed in the preparation of i . i. - , r gixL. 1 : a pia.ii ior iiiu atiHu ui . vufigrL'ss, u was rea- sonable to suppose that this subject would be promptly taken up and disposed of. j ;Bulvnear: ly five months have elapsed since Congress as sembled ; yet, alter the most remarkable delay 1 ill be :r c : er part of thi the House cf I all probability, suit the vicy. s sion, but adjcr.r i the issue of the meet again in 0 Monday in Dec : majority of tic : tien9 we suppci . prived of the :;r vantages of the i this stab attl i" : the abominable itvith all pobl ! despicable meat, sorted to by any ; tant question : the -United Ihought any j ar: have ventured u ty of the country been doing on ti meeting of the ; one, we presume, lie mind has be . held so long in i mis iheir only :u i thcr. pressure, ,'sl;. . Administration c;' all hope has vt i! despair seems to i every lover of !.i happiness. IIo v ! is to continue r will submit to hu alyzed by such ur, hascharacterizt (1 I the length and b;. land, we .knoiv ;:. a brighter dav W on our beloved e be lon. before' Iu ; ; able resources wi I Nation take her r the greatest and pires of the vc ti . not far distant -w! liberal system oi " I the whole. land, ti adopted wherever : has been permit tc I One word rhort. this topic. What !. gress accomplW;- : they have hern in Is a plain one.j A' manner, towanls i lie or individual otherhand,thc7 plunged us into a ' v.hy ? Not bee ; tu ed to encroaclj r.; cause Locofocoi-i; popularity -to i the afTectia i1' gained by ihc :u ' i- lion anu ueccpiio DC?3 Mr. Leak the people of thi The quarter's Rev. Dr. Capers movelan adjournment, which ) in bringing the Admijnistrattpn projet; before ihe motion was; carried i and af:er prayer by the the gendral stagnation dehcieny in the cus ion, and; in. the excise uarterof a million. ncy in the! customs a- -.:inou its to nearly two millions and a half jnjid iipwardsjo 300,000 i i the excise.-, ljut the sfjtmps have increased 400,000, ,thn host oflitje 00,000. The total ordi-! imryj, ren nuej leaves, a decrease of some jhing mpre tlpan fvo millions. The most cratSfying featnre in the penny postage j '".! has J worked.'' admirably. Nevertneless, jtiianUs to the (nccrrie tax, there is a clear fbrnlus of two millions and a half; above lie expenditure. M r jlTtie falling off on the ysar's! income is to Imd attributed tc the reii ission of! taxa. libra during the previous year. Sihce the i i ; Inst budget kaxes to the extent of three in il lions and aj qtkarter he vc bemitaken jiffhrlicles which entered largely iutothe eonlumptiori of the manufactures add the ILpsjness classes. .' : ! . n;;4;;'';. ji Ji be Krithh corn trade continues nnd prices i re :8a. lower i han at th ; gin nng of the year. A variety of causes )fil accourt for ,thc stagnation,! The! tmccrtainty vvhic t exists about the future is a main elemem, ana nd wonder, when it H reflected that the passing (of theicorn lall before Parliament will at once reduce the duty fro n 18i to 4.' Again, the mild ncss of the weather has chedkeif-the de t ! !in?hd for brad-stfiuVj A liw temperature "W 3l,crr a sesine consumption oi iooa. And, finalN, the growth of vegetables, Iron ihe sii me dause, has been "prolific, nnu superseded to a very!fcoo$idrable ex tent me use ot wheatcn bread. These 1 1 coiianneu causes nave Kentdown the nnen - '.. I L. L I . L I i I continue to depress the uncertainty about the fu Rev. Mr. Lane, the Conference adjourned "un til 'to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Methodist Southern Conference. This body commenced its first sejssion in this Town on yesterday. There are a gbod many distinguish ed Clergymen present, and the proceedings will be watched with interest by the public. Owing, it is supposed, td a failureof the con nection between Wilmington and Charleston, a number of the Southern Delegates have not vet arrived.- Pet. Intelligencer. House, it is still permitted to slumber uhon the table, while other measures of inferior; impor tance are day after day elaborately debated. -r Whythis extraordinary hesitUtion in (nakingthe long threatened assault upon the existing rev enue system, which has been so bitterly assail ed as the incarnation of all. that is Heretical in principle, with all; that is. odious andoppressive. in practice, and vyht,ch, ; i I? ti be so, should not be permitted to remain oil the statute book one hour 1 Why, too, do theyj stamp upon the very face of their own bill a confession of their own want of confidence in its adaptation1 to the very purpose for which' it Is designed ? And why is it, above all, thtkt, ;with a anajority of about SEVENTY; in the Houses ;bf Representatives, the fate of this bill is confessedly doubtful, and shall be exerted for the benefit of the country? If it is the "constitutional" treasury, which, for the first, time since the adoption of the Con stitution, now more than half a century ago, we are about to establish, why postpone for a day a uu,j wa.,U ....e .umer. o u,,- y nnuuon C(tndidates fQT Roican. Mr. John W. finri all Ihnir fnnpfiaors nnti AI r V in Huron a Jtime, most strangely overlooked, or most c. imi- ! E11,s has declared h.mself a cand.date nally neglected to perform ? Why this delay i fr re-election to the Commons in the next Legi. why the ; tremlding hesitation with which ihe I slature. Mr. C. F. F'isher, is also understood jStibject is approached the shrinking back from t be a candidate for the Commons, and Mr. the consequences ot the meditated deed, which ; John fraley, alia (elf-atjled) -old bald," for they are pledged, but which nevertheless they . . . , , fear to di? Mr. Lewis is himself candid enough ; the ?fnal lh,s ,,ckel lhe Part reSard a a to inform us. The Warehousing System, he. ver)' strong one; and, as lhe Whigs seem tells the country, is intended as " a remedial backward in bringing out their men, it is easy measure, in its tendency strongly calculated to discover in democratic faces a self-compla-U to relieve any pressure that may result cenc j in their manners an archness, which from a sudden or precipitate introduction of; i rijj U ,i -It r l o i t -ii seems to say to us tee hare you note ! Deluded 'the specie clauses of the Sub-Treasury hi : ' . . i , ... . . ..... . while ihe Branch Mints, tolallv useless and un- mor,als ! Uo u,e' "eeve mere is a wing in ' jm ' k . m m m l. I necessary tor any other purpose, sinca-we have the county who will saenhee his political faith T ! seern the burtli' ! already in operation a numbcrjof Institutions of who will renounce it and embrace locofocoisra 1 j' i r) s!mi,ar 'aracter, more than adequate to. the ; Vain hope ! How then can they be elected ? ! House, on yestcrd t didate for Govt i a and a quarter, la for nothing new out the whole, it i nality the seati:; of every1 other L' their great leat'.f : me small iry pMi ed briefly upoii t! racterized, as a der, '.without rid ble argument in j assertion. Jlciv distribution pclij . rupt Law, and It the Slate, reitn ai; .worn-out and full lhe Vatican. The immense pile of building is beyond all imagination. I was told its extreme length through the apart ments, and not duplicating -a single room, i if it passj at all,: will; receive; lhe sanction of a was 79,000 feet, or nearly 14 English l'are majority ? On this subject, tljerefore. as miles. It has 4.000 rooms, and 2,000 ! w'dl as upon Internal Improvement, the Loco flights of stairs. This immense pile con- ' rco Par,y divided) by rj-econcilabtn diver, tains most of the aittiauitiesof Rom as sil5es of sehtiment-r-yet when the summons dull; ojf ijlour, and wil ; )n; rket. utitil all fi-tpr ceases. well as most of the celebrated statuary and paintings ot the early as well as the modern artists, lqe sculpture is great ; tie inimitaoic ipoto, lietyidere, and the ruly great Uying Qladiator, with 10,000 legitimate purposes for which they were origi nally designed, will be requisite to facilitate we I yue not bld how, "ihe introduction of specie payments into the Treasury. ! , these are candid admissions, for which we are indebted to the Chairman! of the Finance Committee himself an advocate of a measure, the adoption of which requires; this preliminary legislation, in order to mitigate the severity of its effects ! The simple annunciation of the fact that the adoption of lhe Warehousing Sys. tern is! essential as a remedial measure," td the polls," is heard, thse marked diheren ces are all forgotten,! and jthev move forward in unbroken phalanx at the word of command ! There is, perhaps, les!s difference of senti- ment among our opponenjsjon the Sub Treasu pe ! How then can they It is true tMr. Ellis was elected two years ago, but lhat is no reason he should te re-elected, much less that Mr. Fisher and Fraley shall al so enjoy the same success. Mr. Ellis had aids then, which he has not noir advantages that no longer exbt. He and all tbe rest of them are good tWsalt river. !; OUR COUNTY COURT has been in session this week, in the perform ance of; its ordinary business. Nothing lur. L.caK never n t 1 luryiuuiur jium . entirely whilii !, . Locofocos wei r ! that this abomin ;! to commerce tin ! : try, just passed t! tives, contained : dues of the Govt ver. We sunt o oi r, ior nim to no:icf not have t alii ft! lion.) than it can possibly be under that by which jit is supposed to be substituted, lhe currency is sound, and the country is in a prosperous condi- lion? Why, above alf, replace it by a plan, . finm thft nnprntinn rf vhirh itt advocator t Kpm . - residents and Senators, as well as j tion, they ipproachj it rm0st reluctantly, and selves so confidently anticpate a "pressure," the orators and poets, and a host of gods ! shrink appalled from th jappre headed conse- ; lhatr in order to guard against it, ihey deem it ot sea, land, Jln(l5);4,f4 whole is a quences of ts passage, The House of Repre- p necessary to! precede its introduction by a con- woriu oi ine line arts, on a much greater Sentative-s. it is trueJ burned the Sub-J reasurv.'ifessedlv remedial measure 7 Is it not wiser to fought to be sufiicient to condemn the policy, the evils oti which that vstem s confessed v ne. il "'""-v ' ireneral interest transpired in its proceed under which, while the public monev is infinite- ings. A majority of the Magistrates being f L. concluded t bv jly safer (ve. say so without fear of contradic- in attendance yesterday, they proceeded to the transaction of County business : Robert E. t Vt n n t nrri o n Al Kk 1 mtocl Inn kf Arm art i r ' . V f 3 V r f. V rZ comraon 5 s policy. Yet it is! perfectly obvious" ft hat, while nil me ouisars, anu an ine lioman Emne. nravlnJi. oniiimtitaUihitMt ihpi::tn-:5iJ .m. 3 V? A 11 !".-'!.'! i , scale thn any olherity "caa boast of: 1 bill throuh!alrriost svlthoutjdiscussioh, and gaVe'l adhere" to, the existing mode of disbursing and . and School, and three to the boxes for Governor I.- C. . . 1. II . I I J?.;-.. i e it . l ' (. . . 'i-l A' J'L :t.:iL- !! n.... !.jl I : .- ' LI" i I - 1 . I- 1 nnil mifV1 .rc tr ttii T nnlclilnr. 'PV.. Iot Ml. Love was elected County Solicitor, Thomas T. Maxwel was re-elected Trustee, and A. J. Fleming was elected County Surveyor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the decease of James D.. Crosby. The Court also appointed Inspec tors of elections three to the boxes fbr Sheriff in fact, than all the cities of Christendom together. .An unsexed Wbjna4.4--A Vounsr woman was recently taken to the H, Y. City Hospital from Anthonytreet,;with a broken leg, who goes bv the name of M Johnnyi'; tltls said that she has acted in the capacity iof stage driver nearly three years on ne.of he omnibus routes in tbe city. Dossed in tnal apparel, she chewed to. bacco, smoked cigars, drank hrandy, and swore as valiantly as any of ser confederates; and her sex was never discovered. It was juring this lime that; she agopted jthis name, which' is now the. only one by difllculty exiitinj ty as to whether'! be the candi(!.it( , tention to' abide, clinut? at Ral- speech was a pe possilile.;; But hsll keeping the public funds, so long as it works ' and members to the Legislature. The tax rates ? which! she is known. A it the most stringent shai advocates in that body 'will knew it had to pass another ordeal before it pecame aj Ja of the; land, or, wej doubt not, they would have linger-! jed much longer nvr Iti besides giving to its features a milder arid lejss repulsive aspect. ' (And Wftnovr look to th;3bsate thanlc thee, Jew, r;ieaching !us that w&rd,''j confii dently, if not for thej rejection of tueirrieaslirej at least fbr isuc a fcnang)i pf if s provisions as !will soften he igor of rations, and miui gate its pernicious effects,- The language of produce? Whv, we ask, in th namr-of com lhe Chairman of thej EtnahceComrhittee of the mon sense, atlopt k system "which requires us to jSenatei Mr Lewisj in re!y to Mr Webster resort to! i4 a remedial measure " in; advance, enquiries, on "Wednesday Ust, iinsblrei with when ve have already in operation a plaa which The clectin : i .t well, rather than to substitute it by another, for the! present yar were also laid, It was ,dlur"t cai which, from its very nature, we know will ope- Raised 8 cts. on the poll and 4 cts. on real estate.! ultimo, and has rate with so; much severity, that even its friends j Therei Was aUo an appropriation raadp to defray LocofbcOhm "".7 -r- .-; : the expanses of sending t0 the Deaf and-DW gainea ninr cautionary measures to guard against ,its inju-1 v sn' ' " u KUV Aycil "u b, . lious eflects 1 Is not that very measure con demned 'upon its very face, which Us friends School, at Raleigh, a young woman by the name f- Delegate of Margaret Gales, who is a deaf mutel- The; ate. 15V thr; r admit canno be safely adopted without giv-! appropriation was made without a dissenting f; Senator, the tcs : ing precedence " tololbcrs calculated to ' re J licve tlie pressure " which it mtist necessarily voice, afact that speaks well for Rowan. on the 4th M uc - CT The U. S . rr OCT? Our candidates for SherifH impressed 1 i m mm with the demoralizing effects of the practice ot via sanreji.-; it frcatihave agreed lo refrain trora it. . ;' -i I light be . s. 1 ; iirr: a8 i I ! V. 4 ? r M ... 1 4 :

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