p.1 ! . ' l . f 1 ' - If " ' eiu.Lu.., i t;-i i - . ..- i :. V!.;.', '":-; . r --k i'i ' '; i: r r- j f:j -: A. I -' ; v T hi l . M. 1 , ,'l li - I . i " M ! -i i il l' 1 1 ss. , If 1 i- 1 ! ' Hi 3 I! 1 if 1 LI" t . and, at we firmly believe our just: rig the cession if the Vacant soil mifht its. iliuuiayic! piwilU lOul JJIIttlt- rigUIS, Bl ' l o n g acqui red jand! enjoyed by Critipli tub , Mere duly resjiecicd ; and I her must, be hall question, bo protected byhu ultima ,1 . fill rt Rut e oolitic and endurable, provided that private rfghis, al. jecu yonu an question, hit protected uyp turn of England, j : J ,u: -:t, H .'4 between .these two proposals' lies ipe ques tion pf peace or ,var ;. ijarrowed, as these con lruversiet always are,' tij a 8mallii.ue" but, ne. ye ilheJcssV broad encnghj to swallow up the peace. pftHa world. j , . J.;; 1 1'he moderate members of the Senate make .OiQjiOtk parallel thuir f lighting litie'j Presi dent Polk ii evident y more disposed to lean to the Vido of resistant!; than concession j and, on 'pujriOa, wc,jcan . rcjiliy,dicover no motive or argument lo'justify lis in any-farther, departure' trom tub 'position assumed long age by the lint Ish Jovernrnent, and 'culifirtued by thejernpha. tic declarations of ths Ministers anrthejCxown. i'J'h3 following let era from Lord Ahje-deen, ..close the correspond .'nee between his lordship and ,Mr. Pakenbam, astiQ the subject of t he Or cgoti territory, as published in England by or 0 der, of the two House j of Parliament. ! :" 'h':: ." fx' '. - ... j' 1 i ! ; i'i. t. Founicx Office, March 3d, 1846. ; i ' li!!- -';'' ' j 4 ' " ' r ' j ;r rrj-n-I hare much satisfaction in conveying id you the entire upnrovjal by Her iMajjesty of tine steps which, as reported in your despatch of tho 20th of January, you took ; and of the IcJLer which you addressed to the American Secretary of State, for the purpose of ascertain- ting,' 'clearly, ancj authoritatively, whether the Jiiited States (torcrnment would be disposed tojadniit the application of the principle!: of an arljitratioh in the Lrjgoti question, on atiyoth. er terms than those which they had already re- assassin was inimediateW arres is Laconate be is an rJd general tho trest. ot r ontatobleau, , f bounce that Narvaei, m consequence of his iquarrel tvith Ceriftlnaihir beta driven Hut of Jhe4 country. , He had 'fled into ihie-south of France, and at Hayonne was met' by hls wife ted: Us nariiP 1 dento-morrbwn :reference tolour'Mrcn r sfrictry.-Vlitch'was accordingly doncn- i t , coardian " f 'atfairsJ and probably recommcndinff a Declafa.-1 A vessel, with- a cargo of floor, having i VX-SS y v r-vi 4 jon of j War; e'l h 'Kzecutive nd tits ad risers f bceri waiting some time lor a lair wmu v,j - ,.,7 j t ie lilierty of the press hat been restore jothet outrages upon freedom are being softened or in som wavi atonca tor. Maekets..; iie diminished receipt of cot. ,A ln . . ! 1 t 1 ToO.OOl) volunteers. urn iuu (Hjiusimit-u uii auiuucc vi iw " nearly all kinds of American, j , . . ,.. Indian corn was sellink:.in London at 38 a 4 is per 480 lbs., an advance of 1 a 2sr Wheat! brought 2;!, advance per 70 lbs., and Canadian flour bad advanced fd. V. S. sweet "fldur in bond brought 32 a 33s GJ. j I London, April 18.'. M05ET MAnkET. Not any very ..material change in the money market. Since the sai!- ol iho Great Western, bill brokers maintain mdval bfitKef ArmyiroralCbrpii -.Gfanstaiid thus provomng me nosiuuy woicu nave iouoweu and which were sure to fbllovi'.r 'Allt$usagrep beirtily tbj fight the battljesf ihd "cbufitry, but thjslrespuisibility or war willresiritb! thj Pre- sidentimV.-- :f ' S P. S. ' Thommitte n MuUtamiAnairs will recommend 810,000,000 . ia money and er i tr 'I 1 "!?! : -Hi ; : ' "fc- t I. in tq thus acting, you have, in the most judi. citftis and salisfactory manner, anticipated the I if- . - v, th& rates-of discount at 3j a 4 per cent, foreign funds, noniaterial change. In By Friday Morning's Mail, LETTER FROM A FRIEND. instructions which I Was preparing to forward you on this subject. : 4' , L ; Ve have nothing to dd but to await MrJ Buc . banan'a reply to your appeal to him, although I I ( Cweci 110m your laespaicn inai your proposal w.ill certainly bo mused. Should thai reply, A5m;r, be of such t nature a t to give any ground jif hope thai i he matter indisput may he brought to an amice lie issue by means of reel '. negotiation I sha l -gktdly avail myseff of such an opening. If not, it will then be for her Majesty Uovernraer t to consider yhat I jnea. ipyrcj it may bo expedient to adopt, in order to ; : 1 Tl j i' i nject any emergency which may arise, j j; !i-'H:HHr I i ;r 1 am, &c. i 1: .J j 'Jjj;SjghedJ - I J AUEKUEEN. ji! : Foreign Officc, Marph 3, 0 p. ii 1846. t I f Sir Since my preceding despatch of this ) day V date was written, 1 havel received! our despatch of tho 5th ojf February, with its en ffclosBVc, 1 by which yoli nut me in possession of p, fjhcjTinal rejection by the United States Gov. V icrnnientV'of our proposal of a reference of the i iOrfgon question to arbitration. ; jj ii her is, of course, no time, before the Ide-j part u re of the mail of this evening, fb the con-; ide ration of so serioi s a question as that which fs jnvelved in the President's decisioii, as now! Ahnounced. " l am, Xtc, , : ! Signed ABERDEEN ' i" ' l IRELAND. ' . 1 - . ' f 1 1 . . j. e . , - t Wd have still to record, the receipt of alarm.; jiij uutNiifjriice ironi ine siier couniry, giving ltho jdejtuil of the apprachjng famine, which bUs already made its appearance in several parts of the . country, bringing With it a train of dfs casjcs, the; results of which it is very painful arioiis parts to devise uieaus to arrest the pr ; f W grejis lof tho evil, and procure work and food as I- pi l ' i ! V ) ! r ' 'I' ' t f 1 . j PniLApELPriiA, May 11, 1846, 5 P. M. Messrs. Bruxeu & James, Dear Sim Supposing that you arc anxious to know the news from Washington in relation to Mexico, I avail myself of this opportunity, (by Telegraph) to inform you that the Committee on Military Affairs of the House of Representa tives held a meeting yesterday morning at half past seven o'clock, and determined to urge this morning the immediate passage of a bill author izing the President to receive into the public service 50,000 volunteers and appropriating 810,000,000 to carry on the war against Mexi co. I will here close by saying that tne city is in great excitement and eager for war. I feavp thisopen till we hear from' Washington. P. S., 5 o'clock: The cars have just got in from Washington but not the firstparticle of newk, but will certainly receive some further information in the morning, wlien I will send you all that is 0 importance in the shape of extra papers of this city. frnrn this measure, and was cornDelleu 1o leave the- market, where flour is worth $40 per bbl -4f if i T From the?J. O. tropic ExtraMprtf 29 j LATE FROM TEA4 : i The steamship Nevv.YorH;Capt. ! Phi- ' ; - i : sis- i'i . ' ! 1 . " lips, lias just arrived, bringing Galveston j papers of the 27th, and dates from the Ar my! to the 22d., The following persons carhe passengers : i ; j: U. S. Army. Gen. Worth,1 Co). Coffin, Coli Fisher, Col. Wiite, Major Van Nps?, Major March, Cipt. Duncan; Capt. Mc Leibtnd. Cant .Whitehead and Cant. Co- Imi'b, Lieut. Root, Dr. Robinson, Ur. Kain, ! and: seventeen discharged U. S. soldiers. ! The iron propeller Hunter, which sail ed from Brazos St. Jago in company, with the steamer Col. Harney for'this port, ar rived off Galveston Bar on the 27th, 1L days out, with loss of smpke-piiki and shor of fuel. Sheihad encountered Very heavy weather, hating once; (been wiihm 70 mils of the Pass and obliged to put backs on account of head wirids. j We take the subjoined article from the, Galveston News of the 24th : j Later From the Army ff Occupation. LATER FROM THE ARMY." :-. . - . " i r iThis morning's mail brought us the fol lowing intelligence from the army which we hasten to lay before our readers From tht Neve Orleans Picayune Extra, Maf 2, ; ' 7J o'clock, A. M, ' WAR !! TO ARMS!! TO ARMS!!! The steamship Galveston arrived this morning, bringing the certain intelligence that the United Stares army under Gerii Taylor, is completely surroundeuVand his communication with Point Isabel cut ofT. Despatches have been sent totheGevernor of Texasforan immediate reinforcement of 2400 men, and a special messenger, Col. Doane, is now in this city with requisi tions upon Governor Johnson for four reg iments. The emergency is imminent, and immediate steps should be taken to send the necessary force to the relief of the army. At Galveston, within an hour after the receipt of Capt Catlett's letter, there was a public meeting, and it was determined to despatch 200 men that evening in the Monmouth. Gen. Taylor has fortified his position so strongly that he can stand a seige, but his communication with Point -Isabel be ing cut off he is in danger of being com pelled to take the field with an inade- 1 pHE .CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Salisbury, IT. ? FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1846. 1 FOR GOVERNOR, i William A. Graham, i OF ORANGE COUNTY. Respectfully yours, &c, C. S. B. ' 1. ii 1 r - . a of the citizens of Wajjeiford was held oh thp 7l Instant, "the mayor in the. chair, o adot meai r tireA tii - Oiiglui A. local relief omjnittee was appointed.! I)uringhn proceediup, the following phservai jions yre madtj by (he ' tie v. Mr.Shehan :-4 iThcre ,Was was nevkr such destitution in the . city. i tjioro is at present. Show me a ma onL carpenter or any other Iradesman.employed jun hidmiis iravo po einpioyment, ana conse : que &t!y they are in a stale of destitution, took thd trouble, of examining the reports of the ijirmjnt Institution, ind t found tht in march 1813, potatoes of the besf qualitv were sold at Uld a stone ; in 1841, at 44d : in 1845 atiai-l: audoy,this year, they jare as high as 7d"to 8id sbr retail, and it is bv retail. 1h.1t ihA buy ftheim. As there isfno employment, andll f'ii j L.L.. i- 1 Jr ' . . i puces : are o very mien, ineremust he extreme ! dcstUution.' Committees have been formed at ! he bill referred to in the above letter, wie learn from the National Intelligencerof the 12th inst., passed the House by the. following 0te4 Yeas, 174 Nays, 14. There would not, pro bably, have been a dissenting voice, had it not been that tne preamble to the bill declares a falsehood : It is n the following words, viz : Whereas, by the act of the Republic of Mex icoTastate of war exists between that TJovern ment and the United States : Therefore "Be it enacled$-c." It is held by a large portion of either branch, that if war exists between the Government of Mexico and the United States, it is not by the act of that government, but by the President of the United State,, who ordered Gen. Taylor to take a position onhhe soil of Mexico. These members would not withhold the necessary re lief to our army now in distres, and therefore voted for the bill, protesting, at the same lime, against the falsehood set forth in the preamble to it. The news of Gen. Taylor's unfortunate situ; at ion, and of the lei naturally excited public mind in thi The schooner L. M.-Hitchcock, Capt. Jbrce, on account of the shortness vngni, arriveu yeicruay iiioriiiii uav- Qr jjis provisions. ing left Brazos bt. Jago last bunuay. ! We are indebted for the following Infor mation to Cot. March, who came on board the ' Hitchcock, having left the Camp of Gen. Taylor on the 15th' instant : Our former intelligencje by the Hitch cock, in regard to the movement of the army to a position three or four miles be low Matamoras, wasmateriallyincorrect. On the'morningpf the 10th ult. When Gen. Taylor found himself exposed to the ene my's fire, with his right and left unpro tected in consequence of the- peculiar bend$ of the rver, he ordered one division of his army to take position m the bend abov and the bend beloiv to town, while with; the main army be maintained his first position, where he still remains.; Gen. Taylor (has used all diligence to strengthen his position by throwing up breasUvorks, mtrenchmerits, fortifications, fec.t and the Mexican General Ampudia, has been equally industrious in fortifying the town defensively, keeping his soldiers employed night and day. Gen. Taylor's heavy ordinance 01 eighteen founders, are said to be .situated within point blank shot of Gen. Ampudia's house in: the mid dle of the citj, at a ditance of 300 yards. Ihus, the two- armies have been situated for upwards of two weeks up to our pres ent dates, neither having committed any positive act o! hostility upon the other. On the 10th inst.. Col. Cross, commissary General of thp army, rod out by himself about 10 o clock in the morning, to the JMatamoras is almost oeserteu. ine Americnn army could take the town at once, but under the circumstances of bis position Gen. Taylor cannot divide his command or weaken his camp by send off any considerable number of men from it. A reconnoitering company of Ameri can cavalry, under Capts. Hardee and rTtrornton, was attacked on Friday, the 24th ult., between the camp and Point Is abel. Lieut. Cain'and 13 men were kill ed Capt. Thornton missing, and Capt. Hardee and 46 men were taken prisoners. The war has begun in earnest ! The enemy is upon our soil ! ! Louisiana Vol unteers the time has arrived ! ! !- From the N. O. Picayune Extra of May 2d. (10 o'clock A. M.) The Legislature has just passed, by ac clamation, a bill appropriating ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, to equip and forward volunteers from this place to" Point Isabel, or at whatever point they may be required. i The city is in great excitement. Guns are being fired from the Public Squares, and drums and flags are paraded through the streets. Louisiana will do her duty in this crisis. I : ' ET We are iathorised to announce Hczekiah TlirilCr, 'as a candidate for sheriff! the ensuing Ao gost election; , ' , ID We -ate authorised to annoance John L Clraliam, as candidate for hriff C tb ensuing August election , j , - I WHIGS ! -ATTEND I j; I M OCf A jneeting of the Whigs of Rowan County was held on Thursday, 7th May, 1840, in Salisbury, which being organized by appointing Captain John McCulIoch, Chairman, and Levi Trexler, Esq., Secre tary, the following resolution was adopted oh motion of J. B. Lord, Esq. : 44 Whereas, the proper season is approach, ing for the nominatidil "of suitable candidates to represent th county of Rowan in the next Gen erat Assembly, and a general expression of public sentiment being desired Be il ResolvedThKt a Convention of the Whig Party be held in the town of Salisbury, on Saturday the 23d of May, (inst.,) and that delegate be chosen by the respective Captain's Companies, to represent them in the Conven-lion. ' 1 v the action of . tL to adjourn, th- U: to take bhek nr.. I that the jsenpi:. authorized by 1!. of the Editor.: The Poor or T to:. ropean corrctj telligencer, says t "peasantry of Hur emigrate totbt IY Such is the 'ten'.: that multitudes sc. - ' to Algerians co!c to expect dvery .1 fering on their r.r; who imagine, y.-i:h ican republicaiii ... monarchy is prac. ca overlook tlic igration,and oi tL it is necessarily c . tially . democratic, ways subject to a 1! ! ideas, spirit, h a I '. versally. republic:.: not understand ho all the materials ar j. the independence, easy immediate ti. when we separate t! ; try.wi ' ss of a' part of his army, haj very great interest in the country ; and will, no doubt, ANNEXATION IN INDIA. The European-correspondent of the Na tional Intelligencer sends to that paper several interesting extracts from English house of a German, about two miles from ' hciX policy of the British government the army, where, (as was afterwards as- ; .i,;' , ' ,1 r i i- r certained h? was taken prisoner;, by a I essly UMmaskod. It has hflen prt,ten(led party of Mexican Rancheros. Assoonas jby British apologists and dpfHnJpr in Vrl hp. was missin?r. Gen. rlavior sent a Ue be the means of calling; tohis aid thousands of. his countrymen. rrh,e,jequlsirion he has made upon the Governors of Texas, Louisiana and Alabama, have TO THE WHIGS OF ROWAN. The time has arrived when those who intend to be candidates to represent the County in the next General Assembly, will begin to urge their claims, or to use a more common expression, will begin to election' eer. There are already in the field three candidates, all of the Democratic stripe, who will, doubtless let no opportunity pass by without canvassing every voter with whom they may meet. The Whig party, by unavoidable circumstances, have been prevented from bringing out their candid ates, and none have offered themselves. But it is hoped that this backwardness may not result injurious to their prospects. In deed, they feel confident that such cannot be the c flect. But there is a practice n mong some few voters to pledge their votes, against which'it were well to he guarded. This is particularly the case when there is but one set of candidates in the field. We have known good meh, before now, to pledge their votes to u candidate when they afterwards were sorry for it. It is a bad plan lor any man to embarrass himself in this way. We all wish to do what is right, and, to do this, should make no pledges to candidates who solicit our vots until we know who all are to be can didates, and until we lully satisfy ourselves who, and what a man is. Ww would therefore, urg" upon our fallow-citizens ! not'to pledge their votes to any candidate The Caxai) v 'Pi . Commercial, fwbic! 1 i dian affairs and r press there differ u ; land especially L mate of the notice 1 the joint occupation tory, -Probably," "because they, are have a better VniJ whys and wh e re fu r c has generallyj :' 11 ' sure cause for var,i, quiring immediate ! Canadian prcts t it!, passage of the. ret u! u : ; or remarks briefly t!. sure, from whlclt gt pected. I The M Briti paper of that ston. Canada, 'saj s ti. lice w be passed, !;is i; ! ain will undoubtedly which. the editor ibii.' changing the right. ( . Lawrence forjthht c : At Wi. nahie by liritish apologists and defenders in Par hament and elsewhere and thry tirtvr heen to some extent successful in obtain-! until there is a full ticket out on each side. ing for their deceptive statements rxtrrK tachment of !tin. who scoured the coun "ivX::Z"Zl-fK,;T,-,. iS ' rceP lve rM'nlTMl, when it U known from hat matr v. hiivv ..,- v. vKr... SIV npliRl lhat thp. rnnt. It nnrlv in. ... ....... nf tho o.r DrHnons took a runawav ne- ! . u . .1 c-i t 1 rial we have to maUe. tlie selection, it 01 me i urn, ions, tuii.a junrtj no gagements between the Sikhs and the I , , .... . . , . I gro in the neighborhooaof the same place British forces were forced unon the latter ! mjl' be done with justice, and without Ibe 1 swered, and we think it very probable, that he ', where .Col. Cross was' i captured ; and ! .IS a measure nf sel f-d efnfi bv thp rc danger of embarrassment from the circum- and his army are how in safety, if not in tho eiP- i from this negro the above information of j .)eated aggressions and threatening as- imcnt of a triumph. ! Jne taking ot .joi- tross was oDatnea. pect Gf the former ; and they go farther, ,j immeaiaieiy ai er ocn. ; 1 av lot; sent a , nd claitn grcat credit 1V)r forbearance and messenger to tne iuexican uepeiat re- i rrnf!Pr..tinn hn, niir ua ...ww.w. uvbiiu , uiivt IUIJ IIUU OUW Southern literary view, for the. prec:.: on our table, j Jcdj: contents and f"rri '' we have given if. hi ! higli charactej- v!.i ! Below. vv 1 i : Tha Civil Warfire n t '. ring.ihe RrvoIuti'Hi ; 'i. . Skfich of the Life "and C! M. D. ; Th? Wl.ae .io-. the Statrs; The )lyi.j f Portugal; Mrtncitltsj Mountains ; The -.Sr.il .c Spirit's Yk it; Ahb l; . BaUydufo -KUlcnkercL and ! Balleborbugji, Coun-f ' ty Can-an. Accoun s pejur In upon u daily of t ,,' ''vreasing uisiress. i i . 1 t V'.: I Irt niny places there are no potatoes left , i ; ; In ibnai will the fast perishing root be found .;:. 'J-j''ftft'Mw' A Caatlebar paper ha the follow. ing, j healed Famine in Mayo:' This gaunt Correspoiidencc of the Baltimore American. 1 Washington,. May 9. The. Mexican news published this; (Saturday) questing- information whether Col. Cross ; 'hled the nalives, lhey did not at once pro was prisoner I with him; of. not. ; 5 he next jr j t0 annex ,he ivhole of the conquered stapce of a premature decision or pledge. IV-.:'i. upon r f 1 it ril and the conque territory to their already extensive pos sessions in that quarter of the globe, con- andilonb dreaded sdourge has at last broken forth. !; We have been written to from several .partlj ' this extens vo Country, by gentlemen Whoso veracitVwe place the most imnlic. arice, civins the . ihosl awful arconm. r th .tufleringj of the neoWe at this'earlv wrinfl Vilt thro yiear. Even t Turlough, i;n the imme. iliald ; neighborhood bf this town, many familie are at ikhis momeni, we learn, without food : day Geh. Ampudia sent several oflicers morning from ihe Army of Occupation in Texas ! to the American camp.' with the answer has created a profound impression in the city. I that they knew nothinirbf Col. Cross; but tumi.0i.,L 1 u I l . F I trf ii. . c llln l lioilloi O lilt I I I Willi lXIMi; lb hear but one opinion as to the removal of the they had made Lieut. Deas a prisoner. Under thpir nr,ifrrrinn nnrl rio-,nrr Armv from Corn, Christ! in the 'frontier, ami TU!- UA 'l PnaRr l"e,r protection, and desigtia.ing that a condemnation of the change of position. 1 he recent events upon the frontier are regard ed as a quasi warjat least, and information of a The m EARjucrv.: graphic cornmunier t! , to the ' Baltimore' P;.' 1 h .i was reported auake st vie '' f... ii A... ! ...Ml I ! .urt, sas: uur rcauns iui imcsceu .1 , fi j- 1 CONGRESS. The National Intelligencer of the 9th of This officer, jit appears, Jhad previously ! uie individual who is to be henceforth its o rnccoil tlio r 1 -o r (hut H'lfhmit !irnirtl in I i m . - , collision betweeii the two armies is exrwrtpn liv ! t . . Ji ovorv.oti I-i 1 nands ot the jiMexicans. crbss (t, without lorders) in j fuler The Wo7l Examiner sneers search of Co Cross ) who was: his par-j (hls - modati which it M w nonkr tpionn I anil nun llu an; intn tho '. .. . .. . . ' ticular friend.) and had fallen Unto the Much uncertain at ill as; i was it r i 1 u it, l, in me iiuuss 01 it.jjrcseinaii es, on ; that Stvli! 1 1 nursuay rasi, a mouon was matie- uy j since hjs cncRtc.r leading member ol the Uemocratic part j e to suspend the rules to allow htm to make , a mot ion to bring the present Session of j Congress to a close on Monday, the 13th j now. ndver wretched sdfferers are in ; vain endeav. j oring tp get provisions la time, that their cbil-l drcn rhiy not die! At the market of Castle. !j . bar oa Saturday, list, provisions; which were hitjicrtd considered reasbnble, rose toah alarm ' Ing heighl-ipolatoejs from 2dlo 5d per stone,! ,: and loaljoieal from13s to lOp er cwt , j j. " ') 'A' feffat riot has take h place at" Clonmed, in1 ' 1- Svluch.an attack wis mkde on some mills and V.--'! i-V-.:rl;jr. ihoiis ih that town andneishhorhood, and sevi 'lral of them plundered by the mob. A meet. Inyj Uai held in the court-house at Clonmel-H ; Capt. i 0borne, J. P., in the chair. A sub eriptior list was entered into and over 500Z, f suu-tetioed, lor Ihd purpose of giving . employ inent id thMnhabifiants in its vicinity alpine. .iTh iropeal association had its usual week. 1 jy meeting on' Monday, April 13 Mr O'ConJ H liell! vls prescat, and spoke very forcibly aJ - k'l,,',V ,a'v vuviv.1 ;ii uiii. , mo icuv was up I' waids; of 00 pounds. i '' '."':'! ! i 1 i 1 Li:. Frqjw ruANCE therp is no news, except u cpsnatnru in ine iouowinK paragrann 01 JuurnaNi's Debalk of the 7ih ultimo : . ' ' I !';iji to kill tie Kfar (flheFrcnchThd v ', folloitig ' intelligence ''hais I been! received from! i Fotkesime. bv ine.ins of the1 Electric Tele!ranhi ; , About! (jalf past five o'cloclt on Thursday, as the ; : King pas returning froni his drive in the forest! j Vjjf foiituinbleau, man pat ed upon thi wallj . ; tiruri n't lit j lit KiflilV. Ehe Queen, Princes. Adelaide, ,, Duhss of Nenjcurs, aiul (the Prince ' and the Prints of Salerno, wee lit the carriage with i lho ilvlnir. Threii balls cut the j frinnes of the g A ' tv ff 1 ty and manyisurmisespreyail in regard to the fat( of Col. Cross. But the; more pro bable Opinion Hppearjl toJbe thki his cap- ! ture was unauthorised by, and Unknown both of war and an extraordi- 'o Ampudia and it is to be leared that of power on the part of those ! he has; been murdered by the party, by The House of Representatives refused to make inquiries u!s to the events which have re cently transpired! and, as a branch of Congress, appear to be singularly-indiflerent to the ino menlous results, nary assumption create a smile on its lips of all those ac- ! daifof July next, and that the vote upon I UeV' Yn' C in authority. It is said, however, that Congress will not act upon; so delicate a question as this unlit brought belore ihe two Houses by the Ex ecutive, and it isjfurther said that there will be an Executive Message upon tho subject early next week, which may be a recommendation that may-be lead! to a formal declaration of war. Mr. Slide!!, the Minister to Mexico was in the i House to-day, atkd.Gen. Worth still remains in ! the city. 1 whom he was taken, and his horse; money and clothing; divided among them. On the 14h. Gen. Ampudia sent,,a -formal notice tb Gen. Taylpr,.prde:ringpim to leave his; present position Within 24 hours, and tr) evacuate the whole territo ry West of the Nueces, pf that his refusal would be cohsidered a! declaration of War. '.4 ft i-r m 'v the ! I; Wi'JL'ing uas y r Gen. Ti imrrtediately returned for answer, The Ingersoll Committee have held Ibur ses- inal ni! .raers wefe l? maintam-his posi- sions this weekl and thi m..minfr eiamined ,lon or the east bank ot the river, and Mr. Trist. Chief Clerk quainted with our gradual and covert mode of absorbing Indian princes and empires-allying with them one day, protect ing them the. next, merely for the purpose pf swallowing them with more facility the Ihird." It very candidly admits that the English have, been the most clorious and successful robbers that the. East ever saw," Juiu that n appointing that ".poor little fellow" Daleep Singh, to rule over the subjugated Princes, they merely "allow the pageant of-an Indian Sovereign tore main on the throne, where the presence pf a British force must forever overshad ow it.w The London Spectator holds sim ilar language: "The whole history of the Untish power in India (it says) shows that 11 1 n: 1: I 1., . . . : i ! 1 rn una. nnu nr this preliminary question sioou as louows : , , I 1 mi at nn see. were electee tens niip u-;. 1 1 We expect the Editor of the govern-1 dist Episcopa Chui c meht paper now to acknowledge that he. j eral Conference on t; ' , 1. i session, ai i cic i; ji,: I was stumbiing in the dark when, on this day week, he denied the fact then stated by us, that there was a rumor of a dispo sition in that quarter of the House to pro pose such a measure. The disposition must have been very strong, when, in the very face and teeth of the vehement in dignation of the government editor at the ; bare su second ballot! -4- mil I rirntptft Statpe haim Kon fl-.. iln(.n C ofih. SiounoHmom that he should do so. cspeciallv as the t L,: ' :r-.; .u-i.i u.. n-.- in part. ; His teitunonv will ch.e on Mnndav. ' roads Were tnuddv, and it Was Uhpleas weti the Committee meet again. Mr. T. was ant for retreating at this season.? Shortly acting Secretary of State when the private pa-j after the reception of ; this an$ver, the pers of the Department so regarded bv Mr. uuvuuuun; wt-re given or taKen possession ot by Mr. ingersolli lie is, therefore, responsi ble for a( least a part of the impropriety which . . . , has been commit ed. 1! icked up by tleQueetu The Corrcspondcnde of the Baltimore American. ; Wtash :ngton, i May 10, 51 P. M.. j The last newslfrom Mexico and Texas, has Created a dvep feleling in the city, and, in view of its importance and toe necessity of doing something to relieve the i Army in lexas, the Committee on Military A flairs of the House of Representatives nave been in session to-day, and will probably, report a bill to-morrow for raising y oluntee s ;and for paying them during fheir tervl of sen ieeAvhich ihe Government has been slow lr do heretofore." "The committee of .Ways and I Means,! it is also said, have been consulted as Mexican army partially! withdj'ew from I the town, and a portion of the troops dis appeared from the West bank of the riv er. Thus closes the last act of' the dra ma as far as reported that has yet been performed. ' : ; j i J. This movement of the enemy is quite as inexplfcable to Gen. Taylor ais to every body else. Col. March a report has been pnt in the threatened hostilities! ded till the 1 sit of June, then to be renew informs us that circulation, that are only suspen- hiisgovernment upheld by British power !As the end must be the annexation of the jSikh territories, this miserable interreg- hum might well be omitted. As it is in evitable, regard toot more to our own than 3o the interests ot our future subjects re quires that it should be effected without unmeaning coquetry and delays." j These remarks satisfy us of the correct ness of our first impression, that the Brit ish provoked the aggressions which they Jiave since so fearfully punished, and with an eye from the beginning to the incor poration of the conquered territory with' j their East Indian empire, ns soon as a de cent regard to the opinions of the world Departure of j It of Yoluntcert, mnn dred left here e rr Fashion, ft r New ( will proceed wjth ; to the American! A r:. irrfrrctinn nt it. a lar?re maiorilV OI " his own party voted to entertain it, though lc.Tt 'esba; Capt . 5 . , . , , Adrian LieutenarJ. theimotion to suspend ine ruies aia noi prevail, the votes of two-thirds of the Members present being necessary for that purpose." i jVVe mentioned the above rumor in our last issue, and then gave it as our deliber ate opinion that the party intended to skulk on the TarifT : that they would not it 1 dare to alter it till the Fall elections were diately took har; departed wilh it 1 i gentleman o great bravery and ha " ter man could not 1 take commatSd cf t- . For aa hour be ft. evening, lhel v h r. : Were lined with boat! shoved j oft l! finte nrtr r,ri'! 1 over, and we think the vote upon the mo- ,"c ?uouls an T I . 1 . 1 .u i p J . . , of the asserDbfu t: Hon to suspend the rules for the introdac- e gallant iiid -p.'it: ed, we suppose with redoubled etjergy and Will permit them to consummate its - an. f ri provisions for carrying but the views of the Committee on Military Affairs. also expected frcm the : Prssi- 1. still more slaughter. Gen. Taylor is nroseciittng tW fortifica tions at Point Isabel, with steady perse verance.. ; Before ; he returned Sthe above answer to Ampudia, he ordet-el the W4cade of Matamoras, of the Flirt nexation Richmond Tin trng. J Barrow, a Cherokee, who has been for ?ilIong time engaged with the notorious banditti about the nation and in Arkansas, Vas; convicted a short time since pr-rob and directed ithe. coin pander ery and murder,' and hung at Tahlequah ind Lawrence; fo enforce it ;ori,the 9th ultimo, ' ; ; i: i. v.4..ii' .- I 5u; '. r rJI ' -if i J -H : ' , i- ' . - ' - . t ... , t -v t t , I, 4 L ... . t - ii tion of the Resolution to adjourn, abund antly prove our assertion. They have succeeded in getting the votes of the op prcssed people of the South to elect Mr, Polk, now they may go so far as the democracy is concerned. The Govern- ImentOrgan took especial pains to deny that such was the intention of the major ity when it was first spoken of." They wcire too pure, too honest to skulk from their promises on this subject ! "But since so nobly and pro nv country s cay. t protect them ! r ' - )-;.'' - 1 ..: An act to dbo'i the State oH Mic!.: Houses of it Ls'; hies.; -hi - s-; 'l . ; 1 A company ia! e: Ga.', with a c4pu-l of esubliibin a r:v.. r -v 1 1 1 ' ' 4 - -1- is v r. v, i 4 1 f. t . , 4 ' 1 !t f- 1- ''-.- . i -f

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