A rr My 1 1- ;n. t-riur- - -, r . M J . I Irs ' 1 1 - 1 1 A!7V - , . ii -n ';- I I . i - I l . I i - I I i l I f ii v r I I i ; ' i i . - J 4 - Mi 1 II' 1 I 4 ' I 1 11-11 ;1 1 t I 1 ' 1 1 1 I I I ' I I 1. I T' J ' , It W W T. . I f I I ii II J ' i - Mi" 117 1 1 A II It M , T 4tT U V I I 1' l.Ji rtr annum i . IliM MM IT" i t k 4 I I I i --r and Review. WJTi4 niii FnbwEU. rur Jort.a VV )Kfn, back Bgai , bid . it. .1 . v V ' " Lf a southern ftrfst, there TO1" i.'TZ.A the sweetest Hower, .n firJt time uululJing to tho aii.l revealing as they did iolet and vl lonely Tegl""- ,1 wltef for BRUNER &. JAMES,, t i , . i Editors Proprietors. t J. OL-XJ JLiLi V.-Uill iLi.: 0 ' T r r r- 1 : r-1 1 . ' . I . r . Ke5? a check rpox Vli. totjr 5, f F-1 u'4 i t n ! , (: NEW SERIES, : c?,riEtcr ' number Wop volume hi! Si&lSBTFRY 12, 1846. i 1 KI Mrrmnin!! of ' T 1 . I .. n Mil - - r -i I ""r: (rr like p much -hidden M' iri Jitliia its liosom. Is odor iiC.A:-sh,wvlxM,l.,4,!c,in i ' Lk,tcuMH'noaritn'r r t! ;.. I : n,.i..liiinn itivnt cauij. . T j 1 inalW alone. ; . j , i I ir. . : . . - i WitAV'i '!tj"c to U aloni always. iV: in It. morninj' mMaV, a goldi'n ,i,lierhv-a:rovcr:u.n;inS the llowcrl an an-.. it fohhet of their sweets. l.ayN he pi.en j, flflhl thiiou-lut the torest, nowEnercnow, Renortin auo.iu in anon 01 vrriuiiu. Icidushess. It was not loiig befi.ro fco mnaieu he (Hi)f,-if was;notlon? hef.rc hd saw Uio y Icavcsttnd looked dotv), wth a yearn. ,i I . ' I. r.r riiVrvU find unon mo rn:n iin - "..g,.,". nr-r-- 7--r l-Tf,fetkvhicUlncatcdf;iii.th'c hosorii ofltho istte bed fl'iwer, i ' ':i ' ail. Bnitler to iom hd web. and to frame his nest irr thej thick bushls that hung arcjurid it ; and rria- ; ny Were the wnon hutterfliesj, after ilhis, who, coijning to preyuon the inrtocent aftecttpnsc: rniP onfnnTloil. sviid iustlv nerlshed becaose of lh(K cuardian net-Work thus raised up for its pro.; lection. i I ' .! Y" j 1 MR. RONTON ON OREGON jThc reporter of 4he. N. Y. Herald gi ves following account of Mr. Benton's :1 J o pecch on Friday T Arid yet our people hail been so inflamed as to be ready to go ouand establish that line by theStvordr marching all the vlay and sighing as they wient4k ' ;. il-i W ! Wulce it decorum est pU rxdiia frorifi j. It is sweet and graceful to die for our country. And yet; sir aftfr marching aU the way torvthis line ot &sl 4U, wnen iney would get there, they Vould find there was no sunh nlace.' The whole thing is tttiagihary, intangible ankj is dispellejtlan i. '.ii -V ii.Tk:- 'kit fo inin air. su mis c.ciiciypi m batriotisnwall this vastN of words! lime. sir. has been about nothing; or something too ridiculous to excite the bra-j JFlrom 7ic Richmond Whig. , COURSE OF TIl WHIG3. PARTY AND THE V -'It is creditable to the Ampri as patriots, that the feeliir'j S merged in auxiety for the su: arms, and the vindication of honor in the contest with -Me:. j shews that there is a livt-ly attachment to the count r v. v, whelms every other conoid t rat Sucb'isMic "mania for rariv party meansnhd party triumj ' friends of tr. Polk even 1hh A Terent snirit rnisht prevail in : part y,'and afford political c: ; ": 4 ,11 . fTt - Thjj ungenerous assault so frequently made upon he iWhigs in connection with ItheiMexi can War,! by Journals devoted to the, 'Adminis tratis, which seem "to regard every unfriendly criticism upon tjif conduct of the President is synonymous with a want of attachment to the" cou)itry-n the brosperijy of which, by the way, H mityj safely bd assumed, therVhigr, as a par- ; V i i . .At rnt . . j . i . i iui vicciioncenng. mis . . ration of war ; and the reception of the intcllk from the action ot democratic : : gence in Downing strtct would at once leajto Congress." , . i preparations ; for resistance and Retaliation. The j : But the result has placed tl. armjeaNand navies ofj Great Britain would be 4 a position wh;ch ivUlcommar. I nwmntlr....,:l t'.A Z7.', i ration of all who read "'our h ivVr H'J'U , r --J- v . Mvorv nf t he noonle to the nOint of war. r ;f i ! I ! V' 7 t ! " t , No such thing ever existed, sir. Ypu cant iiponMcssM. Folk, Bucianan, Grcen-Vtifa it. There is no such line. It is rir ijoss, Jiannegan, jaamsr tidiculous it is ridiculous sir ; a," ! tv have at least as deep an interest as their as " . tnilrthf-Ufnllv hisiifv the followin?' severe re. ortwrwhicn we nua.in ine-iasi iicw iutk iux- Si - 1 i ,'t: ... : J. T " I 1 J and we should atticked at rverv tQre t,mcs. NYhilo the parr . it:' .,1. L "r" ' folic, in sustaining the war n uc wnniu unuui, ut tutu a iii'miicui, , l - i point. the duty of every good, citizen to meet and repel .1 ' it . ... i 1 I .: .. ... ; me enemy. JJutw.u any patriot will any man who regards the.ConstUuiion as the sheet anchor of our liberties, and tvfeo the day, arc lollowmg the la.; party, and some of thpm, perl. to the reward that follows o!. : i Whigs are acting solely for th ioic, Allen, 1 ! .... l -.l . GiddmgSid Co. Io such-line as 54. ing ot it hereatter, let it? ever De ; sam An '!'? :1 i - N . !" Oh ! mountain that; was delivered! of a J U . Co. l3entorl rose and there was a general movement in the i .- V " The Union,1 as the orrr'an of the Goverrt. m.m4? ro.rtiI. In mazv. but still contractinj: Lirtlch he ie'd Upon the lovelitvdssM the flow- iT'-aiftl crew more- and more enamored ai eacn V T-5 nn.l." li. . tliiiiitrht. . .J I ",i c, i ' 4 I moue, hereafter thy! name shall! be 54 to address the Senate ; 4Q (Generai laughter.)! No such bound- nprnl mnvompnt. in thn I ,.x . . . . i i .i ' i , :r ' TT 7. " r"-,:..r-' . nary line was ever estaDtisnea, as me con- llnii'vrt . y hi -r nrvll cTk h n o l I'll m h' ; J - : ' - i4piiiciico ku 9vt; uitii a9 vvuu (t tu ucai iiuiu lie said that! the bill before the Senate was a proposition to extehu our laws over . 4 ( k i , . . tinuous line of 51 40 uDon. it was. th bht as far as agreetl men), isimakinir itself conlemntihle in the im Dutallonsjit throws out against the patriotism of the Whigs, anu the Whig Press, in this Mexi. canjwar. j j ;' 1 t Who is Gen. Taylor, now leading our arms to victory and to elorvi in Mexico H A warm sees, inthii usurpation with no inducements but tlio i by the Executive of the war-making ower, a 1 from the promptings of patric . i danrous infractioo of that charter will any 1 .Such is the dilferencc, at . I man, who professes io be governed by the max. 11 is ,)clwecn those who profc im, that while, as a nation, wC ought to submit I that lbe measures that brou.-. to no wronf. so on the nthor !nn,t i ...... 1 ' - il T ".fck, k 1 O.iVU.U demand nothing of other nations right--hesitate, cvcri ui tho act of contributing J - ! who think that thev were ur.v, Which is not 1 41nt nnrl rbl Althou!?h the Whirrs are of . . 4 a ct" . his money or of shouldering his musket, to con. the Mexican War could and c been avoided, they , will not : under the sacred banner of t:. furled to thebreeze of battle ;c thought, territory a Howe i' hv it.clMove's Jwn llowpr tlUl?-Sa. Iiinnnwnfir i.ll in it in 1 4 f only VisiiT - V.Jon with the thouirhi, camo! the quick reso iiil;and another rtVomcnt found him lying tying close, and-pressing tondiy upon tne uosom .fiiii flower, i There was, at first, a slight ef fort lb c sea no from the embraces of the intru- .W -1-1 hn flower. tnrirmurecJ ii dissent ; inn uio niinjiur died awiy into a sign, and inc sign was iuhaicdas o tnvich delicious dew f Eden, by ttie .firesstng Vips'ol tho hutteilly. lie sung to the Tower of hi i love he, the acknowledged rovcK-tho utihceiisod diniUer ot sweets me miilii.upnl winner if allections. Willi which he did not share hi$ ovn,--he sting tc tho flower ij stdry f ' love ; and, oh ! saddtst of all, the VyuM lWwcr bejiovpd tho dishonest story which ' ' ., !.r: : ! ; Lh ilnv-nfiri- d.iv. ho came to t idsolen em- trade ;-aiwl.div after la more fndly than !l cvei, the? 'hivi-lyllloxyer looked lrtfo to receive I hi Ustii. ' She; furrei.idcrr.1 lu-r vdryj soul to hi Lcrimur. niul Imr tuirp wluto leavOH "TeW; llllired with tho. prcssiirn of his golden ringlets, while his kisses htainM -with yellow the otherwise .vest of the Rocky Mountains, ! What Whir. ! Mr. dav has inot a warmer friend in . - ihejvorIu, one.;more devoted to mm, one wno e northern boundary ot uu mrtlrt 9nn, fr ku -Wtinn tti ihePresi. Great Brftain. Col. Benton continued his a', i Norway there a' man in the countr nr lirriifs. r eyes,!atfd denied to all beside. Mt tie UicJ not think that this was the way to Z,xl fortdoejo havo Aiuu it, 1 will j iproceeu emipr in .ine settlement oi uie h: l.,i.'irt lla will riiiov iti charms as t (iuestion. drii'n the occtrDation of! the terri- cnjoyeil those of a ihoiam others. tjpry. jlle lhpught it the business of , it vviUltter 'd'oiervc inyemuraces."- Ration, antlfnot of legislation, to: setl ! . i boundaries pf the territory ; and thi '' i ..... Hip. rrnsni1 mt hnrl wnit.l nnrt UCQ IHS j j-l.' Vnr vena itinrp a'mnn in the r.OlintrV cky Mountains, i a s r oflicial papers of the State ; mftft Jnnspd 'tn thft Tftxas annexation, or to t. " T r :: r uiepartmenr, mciuaing uie eorrespouueneu. , T,tt V.U' it was donk. his was a wrong proceeding. ' ,. otlKi.f (i,irini; tb ndrhinietrA-1 u wilu m: i:Uli t;r t, ;et l - . " ,11 IIUll 1111.3 CUl' VVl uui in. w H 1IW I? i'UU. ItlllUIU. U1U"U IIIU uuo luc demnVte act of the Xd ministration, bv whirls the country would be involved tlic Executive r,.j m. 1, L fi.;,i 1 ...j i.:c ,U,Lirtj c;..rki.. and st ri pes remind them of vie . . ,P '! i. hi . ges forjreedom, and pure a: not. To argue otherwise, would be to give a rL,. ;l ,u I , r1 : votion tn thn rifrJifo nf mnn. i carie blanche to the President to break down I not to thft J-.; tn! ,.on i neero- .- : - ( not io uie array in ine nope i all the checks and limitations which were de. ! reward, or to pacify the spirit signed by the frame rs of the Constitution as ! but thev assume an attitude . ! uarriers against me encroachments ot taat olti- cer, and as safe-guards to the interests, rights, td settle the Hiuiun, uuUjUOL ui ir:gisiaiion, iu a.eiu boundaries bf the territory ; and this,wav men was not so rapid t0 forget the e .. I' T IJ' Vl'AfL." HT. L I If t - . I . C.l 1 1 . 4 .i tion oi jeiiexson ana iur. mourue, euu- ieen ouereu up in me uauie-ueiu i noiuer , cer, and as saie-guarus to ine interests, rights, ing that our government had uniformly Whig, ;dnd a Henry Clay Whig I who was an(1' liberties of the? people. In truth, itnis contended lor 49, as pqr northern bound-! thbtoughlpaosedno lexas annexation, and ; j- is lQ lhc Prcsidcnt u Mcintosh and-the. others, who have fallen, but a King, and is invested with unhmitcd from their gallant bearing, in the discharge of i authority. In Great Britain even, whero the ary. Ureat isritain couiu noi lorgei; tnese facts. No, sir, the growth of her states- the reason die had waited and declined i . . t- , n ; 'a anv expression of his views at length up- .... r. -Ake f i the same school. I , ,. If . , ,,i " i i ei, &H, UUfL UUCUUZ llll live urfeiVi-3 v.. on the suhmet. Hnt now. while necotia- : i ... .. i Li.j i ... tI , , i " I laiiiuue as er- owu gver iiimiuvci,, vc lions are penoing, inai we are auoui iu are to squeeze her out of it entirely egisiate a lUnsdictton over an unueuncu u .r inm r ;in i vid their duty, we have no doubt they were men of prises their Tichts as lrcemc duty as patriots. . ' Whatever may be the fceli the incidents of a; single cr.;; banish "prejudices of every ic; and democrats, natives a:. I will soorf forget that there cv. Commodore Conner, who has rushed to tho scene of the war Off the Brazos, as soon a3 he i it. entirely. ; .. , -r ;aawJ tt.l unnthr Whir bxteni of IcFritoT V , g- Jam 10 - :, ' ' Vr 1 Scott, who is to lead our foreea in Mexico, extent ot teritor a proceeUip , nicn and Ilussia 1S to come am down on the ; ha bcen a eadin Whig candidate Ur the Pre- ivould at onbe, forestalLall negotiation-M othe,. and We are read t0 g0 to war for " t altered thstateof the case, j Asevents , such .g lhe positionf tlie advocates of bi country. ; fvere going bn, we propose to. establish a j. r. 4ft Wft; mnst ,1; nn and saueeze 1 iTU Wh; flrl, not spohte jurisdiction over a territory 3000 miles off. G Britain entirely. We must not a power, the extent ots whjch we cannot , . 1 v u. i;r.b w .tn. N his blood freely for 1 1 "m r 1 1 .1 - i j 1 1 ' monarcn nas me exclusive power 10 ueciaro war a thinir Dolit,cal animoslt v, 1 . . . L in ( . uiiu til iiiukc Ckiut-, uiu vuiimiuiia iitajr uuiu uiiii in check, ifEe attempt toi exercise it capricious ly and unjustly, by Withholding from him the "supplies" necessaVy to its prosecution. .If, then, in the United States, the President, by his own act, may plunge us Jnto war, and if, when 0 g - . er country save the one of tl. their adoption: And althcu American character will eve r in the milder glories and lira j ; of peace, it will not be tai; .: countering the fatigues and 1 tjelicate lovclinesi V her Jips. Ilm jshe heed- a I . t 1 1 ' 1 ! . . a Ml lie tfie ot.lshe kneiv not of the change ii her puiri Avlule yet. thV embrace was still fervent tlill v:ihn 'nnoii his 1 iworauippcr iUl certuMi to lie VK f i thp return of Lit Hut uhrn Avas hivo ever certaiA ? Where the lover: is ii butteiflv ! 1 here came, in time, it eliaugo ner the fortunes f the flower, Kr thenrcanvc a change over mo haihitd of the . wawlerer'l ' .' .Hj gradually fejl olf iitjhis atteni ftms. U piViuiiigrevv cool, add the ease of , J.ia tQ.iwiesi ie mm io unuervuuo us uiui-i i ViU4n.r i-'ach Uy broughtiiim at abater hourj 5.'.-.--- '.i.J i, . i? ' ' ' I - ..J Iim flay Willi ; lie Mower grow more anu iiikriv sinjiieHot at, every visit. Her feelings .tierfieived the eiUangernent long ueiqre ner rua- '' : f. ' k II .if ... . I''- D 1 J 1 . -1 k.i.. 1 1, .k ,i irki.oit ii.mi,iA i nn r iiiuiti nr iiniw'r.kiHim iti4She, ultts ! t'elt M of her okvri changes ; lCioiiiy nau consciousness oi i ins. At lengtlr shej inijnnnred her re roches ; and priciy, jiouey, or expeuiency, in a review ot this question ot the bmmdary. lie pro- The ori!rinal idea was that Oregon should posed to do it upon the princ.p e ot ask- . . , ... three oarts Russia have ing nothing .but what is right, and submit-1 the Northf Great Britain the middle, and tm to notniri?r that is wronf. ; In under-: .. t .. , c. . .1 0....1 ---i..! . . 0- ihn imrnii r!irpi! rni rNrininRrii iifiriiim. taking this Ungracious task, his attention I would first be directed to the exposure of several great errors in existence errors at home errors greatly pernicious, and the origin ohall our late difficulties. At the head of these errors! was the assump- ars. not often, the United St.ates the Southern portion Russia has received her portion ours was still in dispute. The first great error then was that our title was good up to J 54 4Gj He had, corrected, this error, and from this time henceforth there will be no such line tion by the treaty withltussia of the line Noplhern boundary bf Great Britain. The of 5140, estAbhshing, so far, the territory ncxt error upon lhis oreg0n question was as ours up td that line on the one side, and almost ay-pernicious with the first. iiiy iruiijviy u lvuS1uuY. tu u.a .... t. nernlcious because it was an error. on the otheb. lhis wasthe great error. . u x ... nnnKQT-ritlflt-li dnfrmn r ; f j i There was no such line established in the world. There was no surh tint. stnhlish- ed between t,be United States and Russia. ! It was the unsubstantiated dogma that our title was clear to the whole oruregon from the undi visibility ana unity 01 "The Whi?$ arc not spouters, froth-makers, declaimers, rampant orators, such as the 54 40 men are. and all that clan and school of mock patriots ; but ; when any hard fighting is to be done for their country, when men or money are wanted in the battle-field, they are there, not spouting, nor making speeches, but acting, as Gin. Tavlor dtoes. If there are any cowards in the day of trial, any distinguished for their words, and recreant in their acts, they will be found among the frothy 4 democracy. When AVhigs make pledges they mean what they say, which is much more than can be said of the Dorr democracy men." I We do not concur in so much of the forego- in" article as seems to insinuate that our politi cal opponents are destitute either of patriotism dr courage. Those qualities, wo respectfully suggest, are monopolized by neither party ; and, .1. ,. ....actwtn iknt thft "rank and file" of WU Vi U ii w 4 vj..4vk. own act, may plunge us into war, ana ii, wnen w . r w . . , j ,.i ,,V . . nor unsuccessfully compete v. i he demands "supp les. of our Commons to car, eontend for thciron crown cf ry it on, neither theirepresentatives of the peo pie nor the people themselves may scrutinize his official acts, and, if they believe that he has done wrong, so say, and condemn him while they defend the Country ,-Uif this be so, our Con stitution is indeed, what it has been more than once styled, a hose of wax" and our Presi dent, instead of being a Republican Chief Ma- . i ? . ij l 4 4 : . gisiraie, wun iimiieu powers, may ui any wuro .5 "11. cr . play tne Monarch on ai grand a scale as the vidence. and the aflection Kmoeror ot alltue Uussias. Commencing now w..w... ... contend for therjron crown cf Go bravo volunteers go t formance of your duty. And : ' cannot quench the indignati in our bosom against the pre . E resent crisis we cannot V.1 y whatever partyNname ycu i ed, or in whatever clime ycu without expressing the hop : t' enjoy the protection and bk with the dnnia.1 of the ri?ht to criticise and con demn, how long will t be, before, in the abused name of Democracy, punishment will be inflict, ed upon those who dare to impugn the motives or to censure the acts of its Autocrat t ) THE ADMINISTRATION AND GfcN. SCOTT. the grievance lAu&t be grea ?so fondly xh to; copiputm ;iitl, 4 ' OhJ Uherefore hast thou ulpJi Iiiv'i wilt ere Whcrkore," she! i i , lonis ? Why dost ihqii not! now ! vlh , llirt ciinllrlit ! 5 II iVlV mlv'tlli rnJ ?- I! have ! 1 footed Cir ihei in vainL Tho vellow beetle has ,M.U-k- n .1. ...Uk...-:ui I. Troy-ncd upon hial .. approaches. The jgrceii lassliopjic.r hi.d ajsong under iny Ishade, and ' t.jlti me ti dull!storv of the lovo kvhlch he? had jfir jiuo in his Uoiom ;! and, more th;tn once. iht? glittering liuinjning.hii-d has sought my embra' ccal buv i shut! tnv i leaves iigliinst Ijirn. ; Thon only hast been blow to seek mq ihou whonji ouly I havo: 1'onijd ito tee. Ah wherefore, -M'hfn I so much need thee, is it thus ? i:inn'! TI11-' . P - ; , iiayly the Ijutlefny .repueti to uo rcproacit ; es,'nor neeuea mo; iuchnismi : ft .1 'ii v. . -vicjinr oi ms snap's. : r a 'ti, have-lcen itv i niri each as be; r fmk!tiiousandi lloweri I've bccii tending, none "Tes lovclv tothd sjiihtthauthou. ! llow oould'k thtHiidreum that, M ftb a golden Ltes and ILussm. i- ... . - .i.t.t n Kronl' tvt . t, t ,. ; , title up io ok iiiiii.iuci? ttoii 4,.v None. sir. r.bo lar as that line was estah- . .. 1 -, . .1 .i e .,:Kr iv,llr.v - 1 . 1 1 1 r a rr- n 1 t v 1 1 1 ur i:l 111 uiiiii lished, it was made as the Northern line- . - 'Uni.v thsit Q sTp titfe is clear to the ! 1 not tor the Umted States, but for Great r wb0le of Oregon. Now, sir, if iwe i come fa Britain. ; lib repeated the decimation, tQ examine ir wc s!ha!i that jih part ypi that,so fariiis such a boundary was pro- 1 our Utle is d and in part bad ; and ! cat 1 ... lpth will always be found promptly rallying un- Tfee irnprcgg-IOR,i9 abroad that Mr. Polk is dr their country's hag whenever ine emergen- 1q Gen gc0(t Jn coramand of lhe vol cy may demand their services. Is it not, how. unteer forces nQW for the United States, ever, most ungenerous and most unjust, that the . af ?J to have his own littleness con- Whigs, as a party, should be so constantly as- trastcd with Gen g.; wholcsouled gallant $iiledi and held up to public reprobation, as de- anJ patriotism, particularly as the General void of national feelings and sympathies, be- . . k ! . 1 . L. .1 !MckknM 1-kAl . O n1 !!J.M..A,kn r.nf aC 1 i .k I kkkl nrkTkA t" 1 lk I tl fl 41 1 1 n 6 C 1 m fl 1 1 m. k f X " .1 4 " . posed, it wa done to make it the lINorth- that the dogma and th'e cbollary must go portion whose affinities are known to be with ; Thestatements!made by our able Washing ern boundary of Great Britain, and not ot ; down togelhcr. 'Hie're are! breaks i Jn the jie Abolitionists, hale thought proper, since the ton correspondent; in1 relation to the course pur the United States. Colonel Lenton then m To the Columbia it is complete. mmcnccment of hostilities'- on the Mexican 1 d by the Administration towards (Sen. Scott, commenced Jus researches into the records N rth 0f,v,at it deberuJs ? upon the Span-! !j , . ' . . A ,. ... ! cannot fail to excite apprehension and indigna- tn InhlkH his noinr. fie went back to ; r?TX"ly frontier, to express unpatriotic and anti-nalional , . Thc sclcctionof Gen. the time of Peter the Great, referred to j breaks u,'the ' uniy lof the title!! There Fetitneuts and opinions ? U it not equally un. Scolt to command the fbrces raised under thc ik. J.lrki.ron ,kfl?nic;n n nd tn thp. i v .' L; i : c h, ; r n nd nmnni(i-ftiii. tn const rue everv unfriend- ' rprnt net of Congress was announced in the u. (.iwu.mpil-w.. v. v,. a.kkk... r r- flrfi tvvo hrea(S n : ne ursi; uivision.uuu ii i ?" --r--i - n . J Ik- 11 1 ionlonsv of tfnaland and the I Hi ted States ! ...-:. .. i. .!...:. i tiJi .u- L nrh nnon the. rnmlnrt of tlie Administra. Union," and nanea in an mwiicrs jv j o 1 . ' i we ro iuriner wc, win mm mere ai c iw , j -t j x . . !., ,i ovtons nniftf VXc nnU'P.f Oil . i s I n '& ?- : .1 ,T UA rv;nnn -Anlmwr. ' nirilt'S, MIU Ciuiwuuii oi.u ArrOIXTMENTS BY THC I . I Ij tad teitk the mdcice nd eunt .: Knotted, Thtt the Snate aJvii (Allowing appointnirnts io th array - f t . in th rrgiment of mounted rifl-m-r , : of dragoon, ttthorixeJ by lhe Kit,, 184C: , . ' Pr?ifor F. Smith, of Iaislana, t . ! John C. Fremont, of the army, to - ' onct. i . j ' George S. BurbriJge, of Ke ntncly, . William II. Loring, of FloriJa. l. 1 Winslow F. Sandemn, of UUio, t .Samuel II. Walker, of Texai, to U Henry C. I'ope.of Krntuckf, to I t George B. Crittenden, of Kcntuc-v. Stephens T. Maaon, of Virginia, , John S. Simomion, of Indiana, t 1 John B. BackenntuM, of IUnoi, ' Bela M. IIoghe.of Missouri, to I ' ( ?teplen S.Tacker.of Arkan.-i-, : Benjamin 8. Roberta, of Iow a, t lliomas Ewell, ot Tenive, to ? Andrew Torter, of renn)'lvania, ant. i tigered so before, yiej ! affaihst ! the extension !of such power on mn . frcn., irtrra lnr th unitv of title l'iion. in the Drosrress of the Mexican controver the North-wpst coast. He next cited the j was expiodedour title was good to part, 1 yv, as in itself evidence of a lack of patriotism, eltbrts of Grfeat Britain and the U. States, i , . ntuftP nrtPfS and it is the place IL, A itiamfuiv.ft those who ouestion the infal- B ,t i ivii v - - w - j ; r, ttvs 4k-i .mm - 1 ill ii: in ire cii i Liiiiiciiiwiii dcumxxii n" r :ki.. 4. nomino: o tho nnrfSk selves and tfe Lmperor Alexander, in re- j in lheir relations to ach other. spect to a joint occupation ot the ternto- . . k i1C!for;0i rt tb lg upon u.a principle, iiak.i-bnori wu.u-; t.PakenhamIookeiloniii.a845aditbing. ! n.oivfu rnrU-r. nnc (rif-nilS. . rftfllsed the CO- i"' aacuuu'wu l" f i IllV'li IIIIVM fmy mm ..y . partnership, land desired only to have own; Col. Benton then read from parties, with exultation and delight. What has 1 . ; 4 Slicliael El Van Baren, f Mic! ant. '', . Llewellea Jooen, of New 1 oik, I Noah Newton, of Ohio, to t f. ' Thmaa'Duncan.of Illino'is, to 1-. ! occurred to excuse the capricious inconsistency William W. Taylor, of Indiana.? -of the AdminUt ration 1 Is not the hero of ant ' . . Chinncwaas worthy now as then ? If there be I Andrew J;- ' a reason for a step which thus outrages thc na- , John G Waiker.of Miri. to l-s Spear 8. Tipton, ol Indian-, .u - -ni.kn.. riaik4.rrv'. ir. of Itit fin.Sl.t v hf MrJJames K. Polk, as has been done 'r . .k. Jm .. . ! It IT 1 ! . n I .A A C A . iby oho Locofoco Editor, a5 guilty ot "modijied turn .ana ner uiavest uuniui-r, u mM.0..y i ' ..... i.i r.-.r.r.ol ntift nnlili.il rPnftOIl. I 10 inUUl oi ?" Has it come to this, that aiinougn, j " .Vrj ' S'ZC . u mtPr. ' Lieutenant. ,- f !when waf exists, the Whig are as ready as ; a. ' Thomas G. Rbect,u ouui . co. j Mr. Pakenham looked onpnd said not ling. j y t0 pourW their treasure and iand r has no parallel in our ; L Pcnman.of New Yc, ,: his ! Col. Benton next adyerte3 to te treaty tlieiriljfood h; defence oftheir country, they are , history, and is rendered the more obvious by tepam . j the of Utrecht, as ; est be! denied the right to express an opinion in ! the magnanimous example set by Gen. Scott V' 1 ' ' ?ct laurels wnicn "x.Mnom n,v; ftf.n;nu. t. of MarybnJ, tf I! Wo P OUI11W III lliip w- dary. at the fine of 51 -10 in the sea, and up thcToTtland (Jann!,;an arm ot the sea, across to the! .Mount Stj. Elias, or the coast iliicss of thrJ m'mr'ii Vkf m r fi ti t n i n s: tlTiinp.f -filmi"' snid line - "-""o ir j. j ---p "ov vj. iiiuwuk........ ...j.-v- o !"Uver a thousand foresti Northw.aril toward Behring's1 Straits and a ht illi I as tin: lit; v CX'J uuiiu :nwiu - r honk, nnrl he did it because the endorse- !?U wldi as to- be fleeced and slain? meat of a Senator had entitled it to con- sideration. He said he would rcfei m- the records of the Department t which he did. citing the correspohdt ,C gagged, a anJ lo inrire dfstnHl in lhc people. I ; Jlurrajr Morrm, of the Distrirt c .f t To what is a'blow, a heavy one, at the service in j Cuelof Ol,;. ,,1 J onseauenccl might not this slavish dogma lead? , rat. The posit ion to which Genera J j FrantisS. K. UueIl,of MicUjr.. P again IU i -! ;, thn cal ed, not only ;by tbc f resident, vij tenant. 1 o R if o 'eintrt At . wn p i tn slille enauirv into inc ' j j r l.ur vir. t . .. .u r:.. . .ff )f State, if i t , " . , . ! voice of ihCwho e nation, was aav - , juuan - 'i 1 f: i . ...L' . 41.-. .....itUn Krtnrt iiu-n von ! . . I.u unit o. . r : . ncelmea?s:u wn,c ,lllf CHU,"7 "ttB T ; tucs, genius, and experience , i'?" , j wlHur,wr;, .'.. ctotm i'i te ;,Un,l in 'eWone. all discussion on the sub- ... ' b ' .i a.: r,.t nigh rank and ! MILITARY STOi.lw... pt. i'4i4 11, 4k. . . , gum) UIIIV TII13 4IIk.4 .IIJ I . .1 . I Khkd Iceland ifmr, expfession ofopinion adverse ttoce. Thi c.,,ry ; "ft - ! f'Sll " ' vand (Vcej and eauiiild like tniii c,' f Tj 'i.V t.'.tt . I .ll.l If! Li J- .. , lllli . 411111 41llfkll.fi II.IPr. ill ...IT 44' vkrwiU'inr m.irl.t 1 Nrti nri ? minr j, !rP;n,t ;fuT-a4hotlsattd free atle v : rdj would si thou hlivejine, like a striving still to girtUeU'i myself '.i, Liv I! . .N . k if .iiwfii,uuii lui .. : t it.was a rtiirinring, and a sid reply oi inc , to decide up0n treaty f nojtVi 'desolated IIowtt, and sdie lived not loig fining boiindaries w Rafter ihohaji matlo it: "Ah , now I knoKy j opftlintornationaldii u,Jrauc ' . r v.T,:,;i.A. slartlc-d into iea- ? Richard U. Butler, removed course ot tlic rresioeni y - - , our I and I rill ! 1 as Thc APOSTROPIIBTO DI - BV JCLUX CEA I - i rA..i-inri ifoi innnirn vpsieii . i tin pnnnin r- - , ! wasia map liy Greenlaw, in which it was of Utrecht. Col.. B. next feMtoa ; . pxcluslvely in lhe rcprcse-:; war -XSS to tra and degrade ' i co-ectly Spied.. In copying, he had done W ivps of the people, in Congress assembled, tl teVl harder to subVc itwell,butwhen iMr.Greenhow-unaeriooK : --" - V m,.Ut nv moment! be exercised with impunity rthv noli tical purposes, mu.t meet w.tn ntv rt nul.itions as de- iner support oi inc line oi lonj -uir. ;f , u "i 1 i . : 1 aiJisnpuiaiiou& cia u t tf - ft si... p,ii.!M 'finm .whom, for the frravest universal reprobation. Ken he' undertook to strong ieu une was urnwu an wo . j.vvu.., ...... ---.- r . . 4V4. lining ooiiiiuarici) yen uo uu-ti iw.. , . - . . f. . . . .t i- " , i i i . ...:t, now I know (;nfn,;nn,i ,i;drmtPliiaiiihoritv ; through Upon this map in thc forty-ninth reasons, that power has been expressly witb ;rnjne cror-Jhy sjtd error ;--hlyig no wi.igs wafiuitfj anbther thihg. In copying this parallel.: Col. Bent;on" said, that gentle- held.j At thjs very I mo tn-nam wings r n t,ni tb ne men were thus peculiarly, uuioriuimte m , ,jnr,t m tfrit nlnno-e us tnt-.nlf a r.''iVir4 tvltfl'lho h'fiVPr Xi)iV tinfli . ...II 4J4 4jl, ' llflk.kU k.k. - k 441 44k4Jk,l4 44p knli A Ha I Hint' I illVfi lOVUd, n C.Hr' niul foolLihlv : for1 While thou hast gbnta over a, thou KQlll lurCSIS, SCCIIfLT U IIIOU34ii 44ycru, 4 uave 1 1 i i EL. . . - . w .. : . I i i 1 f 1 .. In.'ii rkrt - in 1 - J . . - -l - i . k- :w, ctjihiho-tb4fYilves nnon a line which does OI O US IV UUglH IV Ul , I U44 444 440 4 " 4' - - V , Si . S .. ; , , , from the seajalong the Portland canal- not exist, and gainst a line which does I moment, indeed, the Pr' DAD TASTE. I kar ihce not oh ! Tliou stealest near'me with i-; That I scarce fee! thy pren , Around iSc with soft t' Tlut thoa niayrt crosilj ne And I ear hee not fur I .' ! Hare tuet before, and I have j Till every feature w familiar? i I greet thee with fiend u I (car thre nft - s 4i..u : AflvMnt fifiP.iiin thenne in a exist. Ahis third error, men, ta wc ony known, only Wked and ned tor a? single ; icnce o ;. jpw ""7 I " 7 Mreatv of Utrecht save no! ahtnbrity Tor . : ' btitti?rfly. ; Vtootiti beneata. net own ahrouU. nonneriyuiutiuu V-.y' ifnA d0':m, rrrt witWthP rest The - id. udil -.t:J..dt:uA u r,Lri rpnrmrhAl Pvi !LRintnn then produced another, and the line ot 49, must go with the restv xne Uk4il4.-UV. r !'rO,'l',,Ok 4- IIV44144. I4X4,' a.MIWUU. 1 : . . ( . f ihg leaves, tho vtirii had ho nkore reproaches. Col4 Benton t then produced another, and vli h J H i! I ! i I later map, Withithe line of 54 40 running v'il;! IrFjfr-! ," 'I s ' J I straight acrossito the Rocky Mountain, f jj l he false 6ne was soon awryr, jafter this, lo , dividinfr sprihss from their branches, and another forcit ; . for hi c.-ir lovjed Jnot ; the Ian jjiagij pf comptaot,rand he hHd Jsensev if apt 41 IVlt lltfA Mt toojustly iiTlje jflower - nnikd is departure, Jung hud wh ich ' re w into blom) besioe it.pt . fho wootl.nirit heard the sigh uhd the warnirit; ti)d when th bud junshiitc; he. ieiran toXDand1 in the plea- persuaded the ilacK'blroWed 1 21 ll . iL.:. i.:k 'Vori ttirtiT- uruuencs irom nieir ,opi luga. -sand copies of this erroneous map had beep distributed bl' order of the Senate, through the country and from various source hundreds of thousands of them had been distributed. . The line bad been drawn full, and; strong Irom the sea to thc iiocwy T '! '.?.' JL.l. -I"-, il. X 'i L n..l. 1.4-irk i jkt.if . i i i icar live wn - ' - 1 ' Wc are sorry that Geix'l. Taylor has soiled Ua6l no power oVr i a ! i i , i i u co n-iUantly won by call- j Do with it a uV wui t r. , the laurels wh,ch he f PJJ pM,kJ Wai , And onlo d.t retnrnmj. ,k , -i ing the fort at Point Label ort ... And b. ro aowo .eep .n. Mountaitis, i'hcn there was no such UhCiW subjectVr;'K Puddle Lane rebellion which has been ex cited alljbver thejequntriy, djyvhich has reached! thisj chamber, holding here, in bi chamber!! divided empire, must how die and die, sir,j thie death! of the riaicu-1 . 1 -,T4.-; ili'J 'I 1 .,V 1 .Vknt- iOUS..'.L'Oi..xeinoii; sum, in ciait;iu3vt h had ihuslcbrfsumed His! timo Ifbr Ihi day ' in removing! the rubbish out ;of bli way. When'the question was ; resumed, he proposed to go Kunt rnlirht nlnn'orA u into a war with real , kjv k.v ....0...., O I . I , Britain, by a. course! not dissimilar to that wnicn j he has pursued towards Mexico. - ing e emorationof 4Mr. Polk's And u.y , ipos4tbatrethexpiralionof he dueled back. of joint occupation by which Orego n ,s held by . exploit sin xn dwJg0 , UpwuJ ( h . Ji. J . . n:in in common, i wariT , r.. .t-irt to fiaht their coun- ih I nitwt states ana ureai - .k- h raits mauc wi , - . kclPresident should order an armed force to ' , battles! , roU, I novcrnor Jones, of T march tothe extreme limits of lhe territory,our Why i JCer con,- - ..U- oronounced, atithoritative. in commemoratin g hos ! tl, .he reside .vi:. 1 jiiuo -.-'. 1 ltnt soldier I vr inci, . cuuiiij, ' - w HJL -lisLn.. t la "clear and unquestiona. , . lp:i.iiied to our elonous vie- ji . ' rt the present Gc .- Ktr whh a view to Uke exclusive poe1"uJWnrrt. Either of these nam (Aba! bow Iran 5 ' . But ibea I conqurr ; from i ..at - ud to war oi nr , ( And . I ir,'c r ' -k.-i ,!-, mainlr Coninouicu w. 6, - slusive possession F:lhef cf these hanes would have sour-j poarteen compr W to exercise'eiclusivo jurisdiction over; it, likc a trumpeV. blaitto fTerjW upwards of a thousand r ana to exercise !t L , ,.M . . :. nAnr1i to make & rnan sick t , . fnf tpniro ; jlhe presem naiu v,y"C, vhir it mr ' tnernsei " at the stomach;! J from .Nashville, iirl i..,! Psirrtbttre InleUtgencer. bletj with iej ; i s ,,i , itint this woukJ lEyery noaajwiw u -r. . r ' . ' .i.:U r.i-ot Hn -!: uestion was j resumed, J umii -fr(rA ' , ' ' wli, Great Britain at the stomach. V ,f-7 - i i -!4; . ! . , : . -,;y --s .. . . , -i IP 7 ! i r ' t I '.- k k i J - 1 nt -i t

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